Beantown Podcast - thankful 4 Beantown (11/17/2022 Beantown)

Episode Date: November 27, 2022

I recorded this from my iPhone you are welcome...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey what's going on it's Quinn David Fernis welcome my show Quinn David Ferns presents the bean town podcast for Sunday November 27th I think 2022 what's going on how are you my name is Quinn and we are coming to you live from the guest room out here in the suburbs no fancy technology today in fact we're down to our third string laptop, believe it or not. We got the Mac at home. And typically, I'd be traveling with my work laptop, but it's, and I just was reminded of this as I started recording today.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We're down to the, the same issue we always have with this Delwork computer. Comes around once a year, once every like nine months probably and it's a known issue with these Dels where basically something in the mother board can get some messed up and basically when you move the computer if you just nudge it a squidge then it goes haywire and completely glitches out. So, that's what we're dealing with. That means the laptop is still in the office, and tomorrow morning I'm going to have the joy of bringing it to genius squad.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And that will get me without a work laptop for theoretically multiple days. So, looking forward to that. without a work laptop for theoretically multiple days. So looking forward to that. So we're down to our third and final laptop, but we're not even using it because the battery is low, and I'm not sure where the, I think Rachel brought the charger, but I don't know. I haven't ruffled, trifled, troubled around at all.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So we're now on the phone, and that's a dedication I bring to you all the bean heads. I as owner and producer of this show, we're down to a, you know, a third laptop with very little battery. So I'm whipping out the iPhone. And for the first time ever downloading the SoundCloud app onto my iPhone and trying to, I was trying to, you know, figure it out. Before we started recording today. It's apparently extremely difficult to get a recording, I can record fine on the iPhone, I'm on my voice memo's app, but then trying to get it from there to SoundCloud for you all the fans is apparently very challenging and you know
Starting point is 00:02:25 going into the soundcloud app I've got a test audio file just to play around with it and really struggling to get it like you would think you know just like a computer you record a file it lives on your phone you go upload from soundcloud pulls it right in there not so easy easy on mobile. Basically, I hit upload from the SoundCloud app and it's looking in places I've never explored before on my iPhone and you can't upload something directly from voice memos. So we're gonna if you're hearing this, that means that Quinn got got crafty with it. If you're not hearing this, you'll probably never know when you'll just sing Quinn's
Starting point is 00:03:04 lazy. It's Thanksgiving holiday and he took the time off and he didn't give us a new episode. Well, that's not the case. I'm working 24-7 over here to try to get this uploaded for you. Listen to discretion is advised on this truncated episode of the Bean Town podcast number one, to occasionally some language room to this podcast subjectly terrible it is absolutely going to be a short episode and I know I like to say that and then next thing you know 35 minutes past but it's really not going to be that way this time around because we just we're out of out of our recording sink you know we're not in the studio and there's this other stuff going on, Sunday at 904
Starting point is 00:03:48 in the morning. But I did want to take this opportunity to mention some things I'm thankful for, because Thanksgiving was three days ago. The holiday season has officially kicked off. And so let's run down the list without any sort of preparation of things I'm thankful for. Number one, thankful that I feel like for the most part as a society we've done a good
Starting point is 00:04:12 job at holding off on the Christmas music until after Thanksgiving has passed. There's nothing worse than it being November 2nd and all of a sudden you hear all I want for Christmas is you or Santa baby, probably my least favorite Christmas song. And you know, you're just thinking, hey man, we just got our spooks out and all of a sudden we're doing Christmas. I feel like Christmas music is a really cool thing and if you get to it too early, you really screw the pooch. So I feel like from what I've seen we've done a good job, maybe not so much in the marketing and advertising sector, but
Starting point is 00:04:58 just kind of generally radio stations and holiday pops concerts. We've done a good job at holding it off until after Thanksgiving and now now it feels like we can open things up a little bit because Christmas is what are we at? It's like four weeks from today or something like that something like that so Christmas is coming fast and I think four weeks isn't appropriate sort of countdown if you will. So thankful for that. Thankful for family. Got to go to the Northwestern Illinois football game yesterday and it was an absolute slog fest. We knew Northwestern
Starting point is 00:05:36 was bad. They were one in ten going into the game but you thought hey it's it's senior day. Maybe they'll show a little bit of fight Illinois has actually been not playing too good lightly They blew their chance at a big 10 title game the last couple weeks. They just kept losing and losing and losing and and Boy, what was the final score 41 to 3? I think Northwestern got a field goal Late in the the fourth quarter and so in that happened you could feel the murmur from the crowd people were saying come back come back come back
Starting point is 00:06:09 and that's as close as they got so got to go with some some family though brothers sisters other family it was a good time they had beer beer, we had pizza. One thing that I know some some people in the party were not thankful for, Ryan Field does not serve alcohol, which is a known, no quantity. I was reading some of the news articles it seems like the city of Evanston voted and they're going to be able to start doing that eventually, but not so this season. But, you know, great popcorn, great diet coke, you know, and thankful for the weather. It held up, it wasn't too bad.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So definitely thankful for that as well. Other things I'm thankful for, two extra vacation days that I had miscalculated and now I got to figure out what I'm going to do with those. Although I actually think I put in the request. Last week in my boss's on vacation so I got to go back and check but thankful for the the two weeks of roll over now. We can take a maximum of 10 days into the next calendar year and just keep rolling that over and so your boy Q has Accumulated that this year Well, I had always had five and five used to be the role over now tens the role over they changed it this year
Starting point is 00:07:36 So all of a sudden I'm sitting on two weeks of paid vacation whenever I decide to to leave this joint So definitely thankful for that. I could I could theoretically take a two week paid vacation when I quit or I could keep working like I did last time I switched jobs and I just have an extra paycheck waiting for me. So pretty clutch, pretty clutch. Other things I'm thankful for are fan fabulous unofficial sponsors of this program Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home inspecting such a organ, you've got to call the expert, someone who's safe, certified, and doubly insured. That's my dad's Steve, come at 541-140316, or visit
Starting point is 00:08:20 And that's 541-140316, or can visit Of course, they're friends at Cuts by Q. When you need to fresh juice on the snap, you're new. Call the experts at Cuts by Q. They'll even come out to the suburbs here in the Burbank area. They travel well, baby. And then taking a week off today, but resting up ready to rumble at home, the Samsung Q2U series and
Starting point is 00:08:45 God speaks he uses a Samson and we'll see I don't know you know you might be getting two bean towns in like three days here because we're going to Michigan on Thursday after work and so I might need to record Wednesday night for you all better at our better start doing some preparation and some planning so you don't get another episode like this that really Meanders and wines Like the McKenzie River without any sort of real sense of direction
Starting point is 00:09:18 McKenzie River Yukon River St. Lawrence River those are the only rivers I can name in Canada. I don't know that much about Canadian rivers. Other things I'm thankful for. The Northwest angle, the northernmost part of the lower 48 states. It belongs to Minnesota, but you gotta go through Canada to get there. It's in that lake of the woods region. And it's just this tiny little sliver of land. I don't even, I don't even know if there's a town there. There might be a town there or it might just be Boreal Forests, B-O-R-E-A-L. I don't think that's actually the type of forest they have here.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Maybe it's more of a taiga TAI GA or a petrified forest That'd be pretty badass or Conifer's Jennifer Conn, Connolly Conifer Some good word association happened in here in the bean town podcast. I feel like Jennifer Connelly was a big deal in the early 90s and she's still an active actress but you know she was like the it thing in Hollywood and now it's like she's just kind of you know no one really talks about her.
Starting point is 00:10:39 She was in Top Gun 2 Maverick. Speaking in movies, thankful for Avatar 2, way of Wata coming out December 16th. It's going to be a kickass theme song. It's going to be all sorts of underwater creatures. Are the underwater creatures blue too? Or are they just regular animals? I don't know. We're going to be finding out pretty soon. It's summer 16th midnight, see you there. It's gonna be lit. I know they don't really do those things in 3D anymore, but you know I'm still gonna be wearing my 3D glasses,
Starting point is 00:11:16 which I don't have, I'll have to pick up a pair. At the Alta or a Sheen or something like that. I don't know, wherever 3D glasses are sold near you. I'm also thankful for the fans who keep the lights on here at Beentown Networks. Don't forget you can always find our latest episodes at slash podcast. You can also actually, that's not the best place to go because that's manually updated and I haven't done that in like two years.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So I would recommend slash beantownpodcast or you can search for the Beantown podcast on all of your favorite podcasting apps. And we'll see you there. We'll also take this time to make this our bean town call the action. What are you thankful for? Email
Starting point is 00:12:12 Again, it's bean towning And maybe if it's pretty cool, we'll read it live on air. Another thing I'm thankful for, just got the letter from the circuit court of Hawaii this last week that our parking ticket that we can test it was successfully thrown out Rachel and I are fighting for justice. We could probably be traffic attorneys in Hawaii. I think that'd be pretty cool Basically, if you'll remember the story from when we were in Hawaii,
Starting point is 00:12:45 we parked to go hike up the Lannichai pillboxes. And it was a completely legal street parking spot. We are next to a bunch of other cars. So we go up, we do our hike, take some good picks, it's sunrise, we come back down, we change, because we're just gonna stay in the same spot to go to the beach. And so we do that, and then we come back from the beach two hours later and they have put
Starting point is 00:13:08 up sandwich boards saying no parking to zone and they put those all around the island and all the cars parked at parking tickets. And so I said this is not right. I said this is wrong right. I said this is This is wrong not only is it not right is wrong and So you know they give me they say hey go to this website pay us now. We want your money $50 and I said not so fast who LeJack? So I wrote us a
Starting point is 00:13:49 Level headed but stern letter to the circuit court judge, mailed it in, used my own stamp. You're welcome. And apparently the court hearing, whatever, where you could either attend the court hearing or submit your written, whatever, it happened in September, which was just like two weeks, like three weeks, I guess, after the incident. But we just got the letter back today, so I don't know why it takes them so long to mail it back. But I read the letter back this past week. And they said, thrown out. And there was a little sticky note from the judge that said Quinn you're sternly but love little headed written letter was one of the best I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Apparently they don't have... Apparently they got a lot of free time on their hands out there in Honolulu. No that's not what happened it just was a generic summary of the court case and it's been thrown out and and Justice prevailed so I'm thankful for that my first real brush up with the law So those are some things that I'm thankful for food family friends fun and for food, family, friends, fun, and, you know, world peace, really, the world cup. It's fun to wake up to soccer every day. Just some Morocco, spank the Belgians to NIL. It's going to set up a wild final, final match in Group F. What is it? It's Canada, final match in Group F. What is it? It's Canada, Canada versus Morocco, and then Belgium versus Croatia, I think, Croatia and Canada are playing later today. Canada probably knocked out if they lose that one.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Because Morocco is sitting at four, Belgium's at three, Croatia's at one, Canada's at zero. So you have Croatia wins, they'll be at four in Canada would be out of the world cup. Damn Canadians. They'll join a cutter who's also out. I don't know if anyone else has been knocked out. Argentina could have been knocked out yesterday, but they won first Mexico. So they're still chugging along. I promise you a short episode and I'm a man of my word. The real challenge now, I'm not thankful for sun clouds uploading capabilities on mobile. The real challenge now is figuring how to get this recording from my iPhone to you all the listeners. So we're going to go work on that. My name is Quinn David Fernos and I hope you're having a great week. I hope you're staying safe.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I hope you're staying sane and I'll check in on you real soon before our trip to Michigan here in a couple of days Everyone have a good one and I will talk to you later. My

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