Beantown Podcast - The Great 2023 Oktoberfest Ramble (09092023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: September 10, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE at the tail end of Oktoberfest and yeah, you really just have to apologize sometimes. Sometimes you just gotta talk to the fans and connect - Not every show is gonna win a

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. My name is Quinn David Furnace and this is my show Quinn David Furnace presents. Three times in already. It's being done podcast for Saturday September 9th, 2023 9 9 2399 Speaking of 999 October Fest, what's going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn and we are coming to you live from the north side of the Chicago area Really starting to notice the difference in the Sun levels now. It's about 6.30 6.40 pm Central time here and it really feels like the sun is peaking behind the trees here for the last time. That's a tough thing about Chicago, you know, it's like when you get, I feel like for me when you get towards the end of summer August in particular, it can get so hot and so muggy. Excuse me to the point where you're just like I can't do this anymore
Starting point is 00:01:07 I think this weighed too much and I fully recognize that Chicago summers as far as intensity goes Nothing compared to a large swath SWATH of the country But then it feels like it happens so fast. I think it's a one-two punch between the temperature getting a little bit cooler But then the days gets somewhat shorter. All of a sudden, you go from late August, you're having drinks on the patio at 7 p.m. to early October and it's like, if you're on the patio at 7 p.m.,
Starting point is 00:01:36 it's gonna be dark, you better button up in your flannel. Which I think is just a big difference, right? I wore a flannel and khakis last night into a bar. Um, this is some friends. And you know, it was like 60 degrees early October, but still once the sun goes down, you want that stuff on. So it is that time of year. Um, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:02:00 I will let you know, listen to discretion, is advice when you listen to this program. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two. What's going on? I will let you know, listener discretion is advised when you listen to this program. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two is podcast is objectively terrible. And this is very much like, we're just fitting this podcast in where we can get it in type of weekend. Not that I particularly busy, but just I look, I've always been forthright and forthcoming
Starting point is 00:02:24 with you all the beanheads thank you for listening hashtag being toned podcast if I don't have an ace in the hole if I don't have just a great show to come out and hit you with I'm not gonna keep you for too long right I feel like I personally personally speaking in terms of how much I enjoy the show, not only listening but producing it. I've been on a really strong run lately, something I've really enjoyed. Obviously we got fantasy football last week. There was the medical procedures I've always wanted to try part two week before we've had shows about quicksand we've had shows about the woolly mammoth the history of that the point I'm trying to make here is
Starting point is 00:03:11 I'm not coming into this show with like a old this is a dynamite topic. We got to hit this this and this I'm doing this because The bean town podcast has been around for six and a half years this because the Beentown podcast has been around for six and a half years creeping up on 300 episodes. I think it's October when we hit the 300 milestone, 300 episode milestone. But the number one philosophy core value mission statement of this show has always been that it no matter what's going on in life, right? From week to week, from day to day, from month to month, doesn't matter whether you are, you know, you, you had a bad swim practice, right? Or the spirit of the Lord is enacting vengeance upon you. Or
Starting point is 00:04:02 you got catfished by this, you know this random person, probably some white dude from Hoffman Estates or something. The original picture that was used was some ladies, like 14-year-old daughter, and I'm not personally trying to say, oh, I knew she was 14 when I swiped right, I'm just saying in hindsight, after the research, I learned that she was 14. And then you start chatting with this young lady and the young lady is like, oh, you know, we're in Chicago for the weekend, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:37 for a funeral and you were like, oh, like, what's going on? I am sorry to hear that. And the young lady is like, oh, I'm doing okay, but my mom is like really struggling. So she's like turned to working out at the hotel and stuff to make sure she can process the grief. So like, here's some pictures of my mom. And there's some really nice gym photos, frankly.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And in the pool, it's on a lift in a way. It's like getting big, you know, it's on, you know, lift in waves like getting big, getting bulky but like still looking tight. And you're sitting there on your phone being like, well, this is kind of weird. Like I match with some random girl on a dating app. And now it's sort of like, why am I getting pictures of this mom, but like, you know, you're kind of lonely.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And so like, okay, you'll go with it. And then eventually, it's kind of a, it's the weekend. So you're like, let's make it happen, all right? You only live once. So like, yolo, let's make it work. And so the mom is like, okay, we're seeing, just north of downtown, like Gold Coast, River North, Shoot of Hill area.
Starting point is 00:05:43 So like if we could find a wine bar down there, it'd be really great. And so you're like, okay, River North, Shooterville area. So like if we could like find a like a wine bar down there It'd be really great. And so you're like, okay, like I know a good spot I frankly I've never been there because I'm not really you know Affluent enough to be able to go you know to any sort of bar south of diversity parkway But I like okay for just this one because like you don't know what could happen Sort of thing like okay, like let's do it. let's go with it, let's see what happens. So you go down there and it's like a Sunday. And so be believe it or not,
Starting point is 00:06:08 they have some sort of like happy hour special. And it's like, I think it's like three or four dollar pours of wines or something, whatever it could be. And you get there before that person who, let's clarify again, this is not a real person, but you're gonna catfish big time. And so you're like, okay, I have one wine and you're watching the Conners on ABC with John Goodman, but not Roseanne Barr. And then you have a second one, and the waitress comes back, just like, bro,
Starting point is 00:06:35 I don't think your date is coming. And like, just wait, I know she'll be here. Like, she's the stone cold fox. And you get a third wine, because you're really feeling yourself and it's you know mid September-ish and eventually like no show, stop texting, you call nothing like the number is disconnected and eventually you do a reverse image search and you learn that this like total hottie is some Portuguese like legitimate Portuguese like voice actress like television host. I don't really know what she does, but you know, you realize like this lady is not in Chicago for a funeral, but I give props to the person who catfished me because like they actually
Starting point is 00:07:16 went on this lady's Instagram page and found pictures of the daughter and that apparently it's so much time on their hands to like make a profile for the daughter, and then get a conversation going in this widget to the like mom who was like, they had the main Instagram page, and you're like, that seemed like a lot of work for very little payoff just to get me to go to this wine bar where I had like $3 wine specials,
Starting point is 00:07:40 and I got pretty much trashed for like, let's be honest, after tax taxing tip like 13, 25 maybe and so you do all of that and that's why listener discretion is advice when you listen to the Beentom podcast because you don't know who's listening. It's good to sip of our laganitas here. It's good to sip of our lagnitas here. I would also like where, as long as we are talking about, listen to your discretion, I would like to say thank you and support our sponsors
Starting point is 00:08:17 at Home Pride Oregon. When you need your home-inspector and central organ guys, don't just blow it off, right? Like your home is a big investment. This is a big deal, right? This could lead to generational wealth like I'm building $10 at a time with my software test. Don't just say, oh, whatever, we'll get around to it someday. No call and expert. You're going to want to call someone who's certified, safe, trusted, protected. That man is Steve, 541-410-0316, or visit
Starting point is 00:08:51 That's right, they have their own website folks. This is a legit operation. It is going to solve pretty much all of your home ownership quandaries, Q-U-A-N-D-R-I-E-S-I-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S QUANDRIES, I assume. Frankly, I don't know nor am I confident. It will solve all your quantities. Again, HomePride, we're going to add or or 510. Nope, that's not right. Scratch the phone up. We got it to you right earlier.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It ends in 0316. 5404100316. Now I'm, this is where, so I was gonna lead the show with this, but I didn't wanna turn off any of the religious fanatics. I took an edible. Okay, so it's almost seven, five, four, one, four, one, oh, three, one, six, there you go, that's a number.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Okay, so we got through Home Part Organ. I took an edible like one o'clock. So Rachel is out and about this afternoon, this weekend with family and the suburbs. Happy bridal shower, this weekend with family and the suburbs. Happy, bridal shower, shout out to Cousin in Law of the Podcast, Mickey. Hope it was a great day in Zach, all that fun stuff, whatever. Not to be flippin', but just, let's keep it, move in, okay? But what that means is that Quincester was left all alone
Starting point is 00:10:33 Today to do whatever he desired and so I started off I did a little seven mile run this morning Game home had some eggs and sausage My little English breakfast egg sausage and coffee and Then I did a classic Quinn move where you like there's a Cubs day game this afternoon and spoiler alert they lost again that's three straight at home for the diamond backs like WTF. I have no explanation for it. But ploughing ahead here, I was like on Stubbub, I literally set up a Google Chrome extension to
Starting point is 00:11:02 refresh the page every 60 seconds so that I could just like monitor the price. And I'll say this, typically when that happens, like, I'm just kind of seeing how it fluctuates and it's the vision in my head of like, oh, I might go to this game is kind of cool. But I don't know if there's a real estate number where I'm like, oh, yeah, if it hits this number then I will pull the trigger on StubHub and like buy the ticket and go to the game. Now with that in mind, I did see the tickets. I add them on auto refresh, go down once to 28 with all of these included.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Now a very quick aside is we're in the middle of our ad read break here. To just give a big middle finger to StubHub. Here's the thing, you go on stub hub, you select your event, whatever. You can view the tickets, select your quantity, it's all great. It's a good user experience. But then there's an option on stub hub to click and toggle on so that the price changes from the face value of the price, whatever, to all included, right? Taxes, fees, local things, whatever, like, yes, I want to see at the end of the day, I go experience this event program, whatever it is, how much are you actually going to charge my credit card? Like, that's what I want, stub hub.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So I turn that on. And I do see this is super random. Most so to give you context, most of the tickets are in like the high 40s low 50s range. And for me on a day where I'm not doing anything, it's like, I don't want it personally based off my income and my lifestyle. I don't want to pay that much to just like to just get your foot in the door right to just go sit at rigley because then it's like honestly after taxing tip like 15 bucks now for a beer and I mean it's just kind of it's kind of ridiculous at this
Starting point is 00:12:56 point so if you just didn't let's say you're super prudish and did one beer and just one ticket if you're you know talking like mid 40s you're talking 60 bucks just to catch a ball of game and have one beer for If you're, you know, talking like mid 40s, you're talking 60 bucks just to catch a bullet game and have one beer for being there three hours, whatever not worth it, right? I now, I did see one time, about an hour before game time, I had a ticket pop up on my refresh to 28.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And so I was all over that. And I, maybe you're, you know, I mentioned at the beginning like Oh, I don't know if there was a price that would show up that would make me think I want to jump on this But I guess knowing what I know now like if you show me a two at the start of that figure then I'll be like okay Y'all I'll do it So I select the 28 stop-up does this thing where it's like you can select it But you only get $10 to complete your checkout purchase You know finish your transaction ten ten dollars ten minutes It's like you can select it, but you only get $10 to complete your checkout purchase,
Starting point is 00:13:45 finish your transaction $10.10. 10 minutes is all you get, right? And then we're going to release it back to the rest of the public, which makes sense. That's, I'm not, you know, whatever. But I'm aware of that policy, right? And so I select the ticket. I wait maybe three or four minutes to get some more refreshes in. See if anyone's going to follow suit, but I know the 28 is secure. Like I've selected
Starting point is 00:14:11 it as in my car, whatever. Next step, I'm like, this is probably 12, 30 p.m. Game starts at 120. I'm like, okay, like, GAL, do it. I mean, I have the whole day to myself. I can do anything I want, drink, whatever I want to do. The only thing I know I want to do is go up to Lincoln Square to go see October Fest. So I'm like, you know what, it's a 120 game. Even if it lasts like three hours, 420, I can pop up to October Fest after, so have a full day, like whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So I'm like, okay, cool, let's do it. Like, I'm down. I go down to check out and their listen, discretion, advice, bullshit, all included fees that show 28 on the previous page. Now it's 33, okay? So all of our included fees were 28, but then the ones that weren't included
Starting point is 00:15:03 were an extra five so You might say well, it's five dollars like what's the big difference? It's the principle of it people You can't let me select a toggle on a functionality that says show me what the bottom dollar prices The son will come out Tomorrow Prices. The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dother that tomorrow. to have you to have you only a day away. To finish this story however, right in the middle of our Ed Break very rude, they are saying, no, no, it's $33 pseudo to this game.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So honestly, without getting too much deeper into this, just my thesis summary. Dude, StubHub like get totally rocked. Not fun. I say, oh no, I will go out of my way to toggle on this feature. So you show me where you're actually charging me. Because this whole ticket master, Stub hub, bullshit fees thing is like, it reached the end of the rope with the American public myself included.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And so for them to be like, oh no, it's actually gonna be 33. Okay, but to move past all of this stuff, I'm like, you know what, F-stub hub, that sucks. But I'm already like mentally committed to doing this. So I'm like, okay, you know, it's an extra five that they're milking from the teeth. Fuck them, but let's do it anyways. I click on it. This ticket is supposed to be held for me. Right. I put it in my queue,
Starting point is 00:16:56 my cart, whatever. I check out. I put in my CVV code and I get an error message saying, sorry, someone else claimed this ticket. So on top of stuff hub's bullshit fees they say oh this ticket is reserved for you for the next 10 minutes. That's not really true. So I then continue to refresh all the way up to game time 120 and just never found anything anywhere close. I was hovering around like a 35, 36er, but I was just sort of like, you know what? I wanted to go to October of past. So what happened?
Starting point is 00:17:31 I turned on the radio, put in my headphones, and I went up to Lincoln Square to watch the parade. And before we get to the parade, all of this is to say, when you need to fresh do something snap You're new call the experts at cuts by a queue and of course our good friends the samson q2 u-series for crisp clear audio quality from Genesis to Exodus litvidicus Numbers due to around the entire penitook and you can get into some of those gospels right Matthew mark Luke John the epistles
Starting point is 00:18:07 Ephesians, Philippians, my mummy, yada, yada, yada, when God speaks, He uses a sampson. But yeah, then, and I do apologize if you've made it this far, 19 minutes and we're going to wrap it up soon because I honestly came into the show thinking like brainstorming about this episode all day I think like what do I want to do with this We could do like October fest food beer power rankings and frankly, I was just like, you know, I don't I don't feel funny today. I just feel like I don't feel funny today. I just feel like lone wolf pack, not in like a sad lonely way, but I'm just like doing my thing today,
Starting point is 00:18:51 drinking my beer, having a fun Saturday, like doing all stuff myself, like texting a bunch of people, got like no responses to go hang out or like October of festival. I'm just personally like, just doing my thing, which is fine. It's one of those things where like once you have a kid,
Starting point is 00:19:10 the idea of just like, oh, just me and my thing will be absolutely glorious. And so maybe I'm just gonna get warmed up for that. Anyways, went up to, I forgot what my thought was, oh, there's nothing else crazy happening on this show. Although, let's save this before we get any further into this mock MUCK, and we will wrap it up shortly. Let's let you know that today's palindrome of the day is Bibba.
Starting point is 00:19:41 B-I-B. Now, if you're a fan of the actress Leslie Bibba the blonde actress from you know her from Talitagan Knights or a number of other productions Leslie Bibb she's married to Adam McKay I think is that right that's who she's married to I don't recall but that would not be a paladron B.I.B.B. B.I.B. and on the other hand if you're a baby or an infant that is a paladron. And today's trivia question of the week so I spent the last couple of hours up in Lincoln Square which we're just now getting to. At October Fest, it's German-American weekend slash October Fest up in Lincoln Square. I went last time with Rachel, just two of us. And I think I've probably been other times.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I don't recall, though, personally. But I went up there today. Yeah, the Cubs game in my ears and went up and knew there was a parade that goes from like Lincoln and Montreux, Lincoln and Western essentially, so like 0.7 miles, more or less. Excuse me. And last year when we went up there, we got there just at the tail end of it. I was like, can't let that happen again. So I took the brown line up there myself and got there early, got a good spot, kind
Starting point is 00:21:06 of got squeezed out by some kids, hungry for candy, but I held my ground, I kind of shoved them out of the way. I was eating grass basically, but I had a good spot. We saw, we, it was just me, who am I kidding? Multiple personality disorder over here. You know, some junior high marching bands, this cool guy on Stilts, this Stein of Beer that had legs and he was walking, it was pretty cool. So the Lincoln Square October Fest, it's the 101st October Fest this year is the 37th annual Spongebob, Spongebobin,
Starting point is 00:21:50 Spongebobin, V-O-N Space, ST-E-U-B-E-N, Spongebobin Parade, 37th, I think this year. But my question, in this week's Beentown Pike has trivia question of the week,
Starting point is 00:22:04 is two-parter. So number one, My question in this week's bean town pike has trivia question of the week is Two-parter so number one tell me where the first ever October fest occurred like where in the world Get as specific as you can. I'm looking for city and country. So that's number one part two is as close as wins our big October fest prize in 2023. Can't tell me the year that the first October fest took place. So again, two part of number one, tell me where it took place, the first ever one. And again, I'm looking for city and state. And number two, whoever is closest,
Starting point is 00:22:41 I don't care if you're above under this is not prizes, right? To get physically numerically closest, I don't care if you're above under this is not prices right to get physically numerically closest whoever is closest when's a big prize what year? The end of the first ever October Fest take place you can email your responses to bean town podcast at you can ex at us tweet at us bean town cast or I'm at white, bonds with Izzy. I will say this about Twitter slash X. I knew when Ethan, not Ethan, Elon, Elon is his name. I'm thinking like Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible,
Starting point is 00:23:20 Ethan Hunt. Oh, I knew when Elon like, fucked up that it was gonna mess up Twitter in some way and I think you can make arguments both ways for like layout and functionality whatever but I personally just just me I Did not anticipate Twitter like becoming as much of a ghost town as it has for and just that's just me and the accounts that I follow
Starting point is 00:23:47 and the accounts that follow me. I feel like Twitter for a long time was number two after Facebook in terms of actual written communication and Instagram has been around for a while, but it's good for pictures and images and videos and there are other things it does. But for me, it was like Facebook was really grateful like staying connected and then Twitter was number two and I just had like a big not a big following or community or anything
Starting point is 00:24:12 on that but just like I trusted that I could because it had happened every time in the past like I could tweet something and get engagement I could tweet at someone and like they would respond back Twitter I'm always speaking for Twitter slash X it feels like a total ghost town I will literally just like scroll down my news feed and it will take me like 10 seconds of scrolling before I like Catch up to four hours ago tweet. I don't know personally if this is just I only follow like dormant accounts or if it's with like Twitter is saying like or X Elon Musk is saying like oh no we're gonna we're
Starting point is 00:24:52 gonna mess up your algorithm so much that it only shows you XYZ whatever but man I knew I mean it's been what like a year plus now around a year a little more than a year since like the whole Elon like Twitter deal went through and I really thought like the honestly this is kind of how I felt about Donald Trump when he like became president in 2016 where it's like okay we talked all this bad stuff like this could happen that could happen this could get really bad but for me and I'm just naive I guess but I always thought like,
Starting point is 00:25:25 oh, it's not gonna be that bad. Like, they might have their own like personal flair or like, you know, way to do things, but it's not gonna change the entire like platform. Like Elon's not gonna change the entire user base or Trump's not going to like fuck up the entire country. And here we stand I guess seven years and one year later two years later like nope I was
Starting point is 00:25:52 wrong. So there you go. If you want the answer, low and behold long after we actually introduced it to this week's tribute question. The first ever October Fest was held in, if you need more time to guess, go ahead and pause now. The first ever October Fest was held in Munich, Germany. And apparently some of our friends are going to Munich in like two weeks. Like multiple friends, oh not just like one couple, but like lots of people said, oh we're gonna go to Europe this time. And I don't know what happened if we just like didn couple but like lots of people said, oh we're gonna go to Europe this time and I don't know what happened. If we just like didn't get the invite or not standing here to complain,
Starting point is 00:26:31 but I don't know. Like I guess personally I would need to know like how expensive this trip to Munich was. I got a good view into the neighbors window here. I'm not gonna give you the full geometry breakdown of this courtyard, but we have new neighbors as maybe three to two to three months ago. They have been watching shameless every single night since they moved in, and it makes me curious
Starting point is 00:26:59 about how many episodes of shameless are there versus how much do they watch a night? We're doing like half an episode a night. I know shameless was around for a long time a great Chicago show I watch the first season personally but I mean I Guess I I get it to a certain extent right I feel like Rachel and I've been watching the shield It's her first time my second time, but we've been been watching that for maybe two to three months now, right?
Starting point is 00:27:28 So I guess Shane wants to probably even longer than that from a sheer watchability perspective. So I think the thing with that is like, if you have to watch a show with one or more, with two or more people where it's like, you're dependent on someone else's schedule to actually like commit to watching, I get it, right? You can have your like routine nights like Rachel and I have where like we get home from work. We work out with shower to we need to do like, but you have dinner around like seven and then it's like okay from eight to ten more or less is like let's watch our shows and you can get two episodes of an hour long show.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Whereas if it's just me, it's like I'll pop on that bad boy of work, right? Not every single day is slow or by any means, but like, if you have like a casual Thursday skin towards the end of the week No one's really like bothering you. You're just kind of like in your office. I'm there if anyone is anything I promise you But like I might watch Two or three episodes of whatever just because I got time and it's on my second monitor I did watch the first couple episodes of South Side, which is a originally comedy central season one, and then picked up a HBO for season two and three.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And I've seen the first part of season one, still waiting for them to kind of come into their own, but I appreciate the Chicago references. Pretty solid if you're just looking for like standard basic laughs of the best kind. If you're curious to finish off this week's trivia question in a podcast that has just been literally all over the place, the not only was the first ever October fest in Munich, but part two of this question the year it took place in the year 1810. 1810 was the year. That's classic like Beethoven kind of country, right? 1810 Germany. It's got Beethoven written all over it. I wonder if he was at the first ever October fest.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's about 7.097 10 pm. Here in Chicago, the lights are about to come on inside for the rest of the night. I'm gonna find something to watch. Take me a, give you a brief summary of today's Saturday. October fest, Chicago Lincoln Square. I took an edible about 130 I'm coming off of it now, but I had you know beer at October fest I walked down a burning bush brewery had beer there. I'm drinking a log in the dis right now I've got some more ready and
Starting point is 00:30:19 Fired up to go for tomorrow Sunday first Sunday of the NFL season, Thursday night we had the chiefs fall to the Lions. Give credit to the Lions for sure, for like hanging around and ending up on top. But the chiefs just like found literally a gazillion ways to lose and check it off all the boxes. That's not to take anything away from the Lions. That's just to say, hey you're thinking like oh the chiefs might be like Like done this year They didn't have Kelsey they didn't have Chris Jones and if literally any of their wider receivers had caught a pass and let's five minutes of the game
Starting point is 00:30:55 They would have won so There's the chiefs are still very much a force But we're gonna be watching Vikings and bucksucks, Vikings and Buccaneers 1pm. Here at first time in a long time, I don't know the history of broadcasting rights and stuff, but it's an NFC game, the first NFC and noon. Now TV networks have access to whatever they want to do. This game's on CBS tomorrow, which just feels wrong, right? I think of the sequential NFC game. Let's put it on CBS. Usually NFC NF as Fox CBS, AFC, Sunday night NBC Monday night ESPN, ABC Thursday night prime. You used to be NFL that work. Yada y yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I'm gonna be watching that tomorrow, go bikes, and then Bears Packers, right after that, here in Chicago, I might pull up StubHub just casually after we finish recording, just to see what the price is. Not going like, I all the way down to Soldier Field, if you're curious, Okay, so hey Quinn What would we talk to earlier about this like what would the Cubs ticket have to come down? I literally live a block and a half away and I was like 28 bucks bears packers
Starting point is 00:32:14 What would the ticket have to come down to I would I will hold myself to this To a certain extent although I want to want to duck out of the Vikings game early. I think if it comes down under 70, that's when I might consider it. But even then, it's like, okay, if you get a ticket for a 69 bucks, you still gotta take the train down there, that's you're not getting back till eight o'clock at night.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And it's a work night. So anyways, to summarize, to work night. So anyways, to summarize, fun day, all hanging out alone, October, FAS Cubs game, gonna make some supper here, watch some TV and then Viking, start the year tomorrow, wish us luck. Okay, from all of us at Bento Networks, wish us luck that we can win a Super Bowl for the first time ever this year. I'm going to stop rambling here. 34 minutes. I don't have no idea what we talked
Starting point is 00:33:12 about the last half hour. I'm off the edible now. It's been five and a half, six hours, but, you know, just need to eat something. I'm not going to keep your honor no longer. We got a trivia or a palindrome. My name is Quinn. We did owner no longer. We got a trivia or palindrome. My name is Quinn. We did our ad reads. Thank you for supporting our show. If you can give us a five-star rating on Spotify, Apple, Stitcher Rift, Rest in Peace. Stitcher is done.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Wherever you listen to us, if you can give us a five-star rating and write to us, let us know. Be in Tom Bogas at What youogus at, what you appreciated about this show. We'll be back next week. Next week is Riot Fest, Death Cab and Postal Service,
Starting point is 00:33:53 20th year anniversary for Give Up and Trans-Atlanticism. And then we can, after that, going up to Minneapolis, my first ever Minnesota Vikings home game. So, dude, I am severely pumped for the next two weekends like fun stuff is happening. Thank God. My name is Quinn. This was my show. Quinn Dave furnace presents the bean town podcast everyone October Fest is here September is here. Happy fall. We made it football season. I'm pumped. Cue up our outing music. Stay in touch with us. I will check in on you next time. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here.
Starting point is 00:35:02 I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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