Beantown Podcast - Tom Cruise Movies Power Rankings (06102022 Beantown)

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Smurf n Turf, the new Beantown NFT, and all (aka some) of the Tom Cruise films. Ok, it wasn't a true power rankings. Get off my back!!!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday June 10th 430 in the afternoon. is Ova, like when Hawk Harylson would say it after the end of a wait socks win, this game is Ova. Hawk Harylson, I always hated growing up because we were just kind of like taught to not taught, but just my dad being a twins fan, I was always like, Oh, God, the wait socks, I hate the socks. And I still kind of feel they're a little like chippy at times, but Hawk Harrelson, I mean, in the grand scheme of broadcasters and just total kind of terrible homers,
Starting point is 00:00:52 I mean, he's pretty high up there. I feel like most people I know who are even die-hard white sucks fans are kind of like, oh yeah, Hawk's, you know, classic, but it's kind of like, yeah, it can only take so much of them. You don't feel that way about, you know, like Pat Hughes or something like. I could listen to Pat Hughes narrate the Scott Farrow audiobook and I think that
Starting point is 00:01:11 maybe we would get a Pulitzer. Anyways, my name is Quinn Furnace. This is my show. Thanks for tuning in. We are coming to you live. It's a Friday afternoon, works over, busy, busy time at work, this time of year, but we're pulling through and glad it's the weekend. Hello to my friends in Karachi, in Hyderabad, in the Kiberpass, Packy Stan, good to see you, what's going on. I was reading about Kuwait this morning, just kind of randomly, because I was working on
Starting point is 00:01:41 a file from Kuwait. Kuwait's not that close to Pakistan, but you know what, when you live in Chicago, everything else is kind of, you know, you look over there on the globe, you know, it's just, you know, half a finger away. So it's really not so bad. This is one of the top 500 podcasts in Chicago,
Starting point is 00:02:01 and we are the 112th ranked comedy podcast in Pakistan and we got a lot going on today There's there's a lot on the lineup in fact I had something that I wanted to do that I decided to just push off until you know next week week after something like that What next week will be Father's Day, which is pretty exciting? You're probably out there wondering gosh Quinn really dropped the ball on the Father's Day song last year. What's you gonna do this year? I'm glad you reminded me because I is the first time I thought about it. I don't know, maybe that will become a relic of the past. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:02:32 We'll see. I literally dug the piano out two days ago, you know, I moved. And the apartment is pretty much like, I haven't really done much with the apartment in the last week or so, because I'm kind of in that in-between stage where Rachel's gonna be moving in a month and change. And I just don't want to take up the whole space. So there's some stuff in boxes for now. We'll get it figured out. I probably got, let's see, I got one, two, three boxes here in the living room that still have a couple random things in them.
Starting point is 00:03:06 One box in the, in the, in my bedroom, which is a lot of like coats and sweaters and stuff. And then one more box in the kitchen to maybe, but I think it's mostly just like coats and stuff. Anyways, it's not that interesting. We'll get it figured out. But I did, so I unpacked the piano, So I've been playing that last couple of days. Nice to have it back after about two weeks off. And just I was, you know, I had looked forward on a couple different occasions. I felt like I was going crazy trying to figure out where it was because I had gotten some whiskey from my brother and Nicole, Jack and Nicole, for my birthday, three months ago.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And it took me a long time to get to it because I was first working on some scotch from Christmas, I think. And then I was working on some whiskey that I was randomly gifted by my partner's boss who I've never met. But hey, whiskey is whiskey, you know? And so by the time I got my birthday present from Jack and a coal
Starting point is 00:04:07 It was like third in the lineup or in the pecking order But it's delicious. I think dovetail is what it is. It's really good and we're gonna, you know, it's a new Three-second segment here in the bean-tum podcasts. You know how in weddings they do the first look Which I didn't really know was a thing until recently. I don't, okay. We got everything's got to have a fun name, a fun label, everything's got to be a thing at a wedding. Anyways, this is not the first look, this is the first sip, because it's the first sip of whiskey I've had in like two weeks. So first sip here on the bean-town podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It's delicious. I tell you what, man, there's nothing better than a little sip of whiskey on a summer day. I gotta, we got, so we don't, I don't have much of a, you know, like back deck porch space here, cause it's kind of just like a stairwell. But there is enough space where we could pull out, I mean, I could get like a couple lawn chairs
Starting point is 00:05:10 or I could just pull out some chairs from here in the apartment because I got a couple random ones. Excuse me. You back in Riders Park, I had a decent amount of room. I didn't never used it a ton, but I would use it here and there, just the back space for like haircut, sip and whiskey, and then didn't have any sort of backspace whatsoever down on diversity there. I literally had my, that's my first, no,
Starting point is 00:05:36 that's not true. And I lived in Baltimore. I was that way too. But I had just one door in, one door out. There's no back door. Excuse Excuse me none of that. And I apologize for coughing. I don't know how this is going to go honestly. I don't know if it's COVID, I don't know what's going on, but really bad coughing. I've just like not a person who has issues with coughing or when I get sick has coughing be a symptom coughing K-O-F-F-I-N-G. It's a poison bokeh man from Gen 1 Evolves into wheezing Which I don't think I've ever used where you even get a coughing in Gen 1
Starting point is 00:06:18 I feel like I was just not on the podcast, but I think I was thinking about this or talking about this the other day like I've definitely never I mean who uses poison Pokemon in general? I mean, you're either doing, you get bug Pokemon early on, which in my mind, it always felt weird that bug and poison were different Pokemon, even though they are very different in terms of like their looks and when you encounter them in the game. I guess I just lumped them together in my mind because I feel like, hey, you fight a weedle early on, he uses poise and sting, you get poise and you know, that's the first five minutes of the game. And so in my mind, he's always like, okay, weedle is a bug and a poison Pokemon. What she probably is a dual type.
Starting point is 00:06:59 But they're both just completely worthless in Gen 1. I can't speak for Gen 4 and onwards, but no one's showing up for their Pokemon league run with a bunch of Poison Pokemon. I mean, what's even, you basically got coughing, wheezing, then you have grimer and muck. And I mean, are there any other good Poison Pokemon is Venomoth Poison? I don't know. poison Pokemon? Is Venomoth poison? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I don't think Venomoth's actually that good, because you can get like, sidekick, and that's about it, maybe sleep powder. We're digressing a little bit here. Yes, I've had a cough for the last five or six days or so. It usually is lately like the last three days. It's been not that bad during the day unless I have to talk a lot yesterday
Starting point is 00:07:44 with a struggle a lot of talking yesterday. Big event, a lot of socialization, kickball after or till talk about in a second. And so yeah, last night was miserable. I didn't end up falling asleep after two because I just couldn't. I couldn't. It was just coughing so much. I eventually woke up, not woke up. I got up in the middle of the night and took a spoonful of honey because I was just, that's what it came down to. And eventually I was able to fall asleep, slept for like five, five-ish hours, looking forward to a bigger sleep tonight for sure. I'm not, you know, back in grad school I was getting like three
Starting point is 00:08:22 to five hours a night and that was normal. But man, since working full time, I am a seven, usually eight hours a night person and that's just my norm. That's my standard. So when I don't get that, not that I turn into a crab cake or anything, I'm just not used to it. So I'm still feeling good right now, but I think I'm going to crash eventually. I wanted to mention big kickball debut last night, oh, and the other thing, so coughing a lot. And also, and my voice, I think, sounds pretty good now, but boy, last night, after our game and then after, you know, just like talking at a bar, it was the worst, worst of all worlds, a super loud bar.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I was, you know, anytime I try to speak, I'll just start coughing. The worst of all worlds, a super loud bar. I was, you know, anytime I try to speak, I'll just start coughing. So you're trying to like, project and be loud over the, it's at a table with, you know, 12 people, our kickball team. So my voice was just shot last night. I should have recorded a Louis Armstrong jazz cover.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But I survived. And our kickball team, honestly, our competition wasn't like terribly fierce. And it was probably just as many females as guys, which not to put down females, but they don't tend to kick it as far. That's just sort of just sort of how it goes, typically. But what I wanted to say here before I get into all sorts of sexist trouble is we had a really solid, really clean game. We won 5-1-7-8-ings, which is a full game. And I realized you kind of, I never played organized kickball before in like a social league.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But you kind of figure it out sort of the dynamics of the game pretty quickly. There's 10 people in the field. And these are just, kickballs just don't go very far to be honest. I think probably these ones were a little bit less inflated than what the professionals use. But, man, when you got 10 in the field, so you're literally playing a normal infield and then four outfielders, there is just nowhere to put that ball. And you really have to rely on either the perfect strike and trying to launch it over someone's head or just kind of playing, trying to play small ball and like kick it on the infield, hoping you get a bad throw, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:10:55 So we kind of had a combination of all that stuff and ended up winning 5-1, I think was the final score, maybe 5-2 I think. But I was really proud of the team, Really solid defense, no stupid, just terrible decisions. Everyone was calm, cool, collected. And yeah, that offense, I mean, for the most part, really smart on the base paths. That's what a lot of this comes down to, because for the most part from what I can tell
Starting point is 00:11:22 to score a decent amount of runs because it wasn't as if Five felt like nothing five felt like a pretty good accomplishment, honestly And so it's a lot of small ball. You're gonna have to be smart on the base pass You're gonna have to know the rules You're gonna have to know when to be aggressive basically Which ended up happening we we had a R MVP last night hit a two-run bomb in the first inning. And it should have been a triple. The ball was basically on the
Starting point is 00:11:52 infield. Excuse me, by the time he hit third base, but he just said, F it, let's keep going. I don't, did we do our list of discretion to advise? I don't think so. Let's say our discretion is advised, we're listening to being top pockets, somewhere on the pockets objective, objectively terrible, ejectively terrible. I think is what I said. Number two, okay, I'm using some language. So you said, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I'm going home and he did and it worked. So, um, yeah, it's, I mean, not that different from, you know, real baseball, like if there's two outs, yeah, you probably go for it. If there's nobody out and you, you're at third thinking. If there's nobody out, and you're at third thinking, should I test the arm and go home? No one out, it's pretty easy to get a manufacturer run. You know, these base paths are like 50 feet apart. So, gotta be smart.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And we were last night as part of the team. Took a fun picture, one in no, baby. So yeah, that was fun. I hadn't played organized kickball a long time. I hadn't played an organized team sport in a long time, man. I played in your murals all the time in college. Probably, I don't remember if we ever had kickball in college. Definitely soccer, flag football, basketball, and softball.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I played a lot of softball in college. And then I played two summers, I think basketball and softball played a lot of softball in college and then i played uh... two summers i think of softball in baltimore maybe just one i don't it was one or two and then one year basketball as well when i live in baltimore which is just a total nightmare i tell you what man the one person i actually am still connected to a couple of the basketball people like
Starting point is 00:13:24 instagram and stuff, but we don't talk, whatever. But there is one person who I actually, a lady who I hung out with at DecentMount outside of the basketball games, never anything romantic or anything like that, just platonic, which I was all over because it's hard to make friends in a new city. But she turned out to be, I don't even, it's a very unique kind of, very unique kind of like weirdo, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm not sure how to describe it. She's not a mega person. She's, I don't know. Her big thing, I think of Facebook friends with her is how I see all this stuff I don't think I'm connected with her anywhere else, but she is all over Being eating red meat for like every meal So yeah, that I mean that's probably a new one for you So it definitely a new one for me all her Facebook stuff are like, you know, the shared post. And it's like, the nine hidden benefits
Starting point is 00:14:28 of eating meat at every meal. That's one I've never seen before. You know, the woke thing is to be like gluten free, you know, vegan, or like, you know, pack on these chia seeds or something. It's really strange to see posts that are like, here's why you should be eating half a steak with every meal.
Starting point is 00:14:50 That's just, that's a new one. And I haven't seen that anywhere else. I don't know what that comes from. It's its own little weird kind of section of the world. So yeah, I don't engage with any of her stuff because it's like, what am I gonna say but anyways? Oh, and there was this other guy who was on on a softball teams Nate and
Starting point is 00:15:15 I actually like I never really hung out with him much outside of the softball game, but we would like chat He was he seemed like a nice kid. We did actually go, no, he was a basketball guy also. We actually went to a game at Camdenaarts in like the seventh inning. He bought us both tickets after a game we went. There were literally like three innings left in this game and we just went and hung out. It was kind of strange, but he gave me a ride home.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So it was, actually, we got in the car. He was giving me a ride home. He was like, hey, do you want to go to Cano and yards? And I was like, I mean, the game is almost over, right? He was like, yeah, but we could just go on the way home. And I was like, okay. And we did. And the reason I mentioned him is he, it's like a year ago,
Starting point is 00:16:01 maybe he sent me some sort of really bizarre message. I don't know if he was asking for money or like a crypto bro or what it was, but it was really bizarre. And I think that was on Snapchat. And then he got really offended or something like that. He started sending me, I don't know if this guy was like mentally ill or unwell or something, but he started sending me all this just really nasty stuff on Snapchat. And I was just like, okay, it was a fun surface level friendship
Starting point is 00:16:30 for the two months that we had it. Anyways, rest in peace, Nate. I hope you found something cool to do with your life. Speaking of crypto bros, I had a great idea. And I think you guys are going to like it. I'm going to have to figure out exactly what it means in NFT here, but I love it. I think it's a great opportunity. Bean Town NFT.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Non-fungible token. Yeah, you're saying, I've heard of NFTs that kind of seems stupid and silly and like very fake and not necessary. And I hear you saying that and I'm thinking, aren't you just kind of describing the bean town podcast? I mean, this is episode what, 231? And we've had maybe five minutes,
Starting point is 00:17:34 words of worth of substance. And gosh, we're probably around 200 hours of content. So it seems like a perfect match or perfect fit. Anyways, just throwing it out there, it's an idea we're gonna circle back to. But in NFT is just like a digital image that someone owns, right? Even though it's silly,
Starting point is 00:17:58 because like couldn't you just screenshot it and put it on Google images? Again, I don't understand it. I don't get it. It's it makes zero I see zero appeal in it But I'm all you know here the bean-town podcasts were all about just riding the wave, you know coasting off of other people's Pioneerism
Starting point is 00:18:21 P I O and E E R I S M Pioneerism P-I-O-N-E-E-R-I-S-M. Speaking of spelling, if you haven't done the wordle yet for Friday, June, 10th, and you're listening to this, don't listen to this, but, or you can just pause it, play the wordle. It might take you five minutes like it took me,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but you can just do it and come back to the show. I don't even remember what it was though. Oh, piety. Which is, I think, I think like a word I've never actually seen in my life. And I had to look it up after I finally got it, which was on guest six. I had it to where I had the P.I.E. blank Y. And I was like, what on earth is this word? And when I just started to like sound it out after I got it, I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:19:04 I'm guessing this is what that means and it was. But man, it's whoever, you know, Pius is a great word. But and I don't, like we'd have to get mom of the podcast here, you know, on the show to kind of break down the parts of speech and all that stuff and how you would actually use Piety in day-to-day life. But I'll use Pious here and there once a month, PIOUS. But when what, I don't even know how to make a sentence where you get that variation of
Starting point is 00:19:35 Pious that's Piety, Piety, Piety, P&E, Cognary in the coal mine. Yeah, bean town NFT. Maybe it'll be maybe something to do with piousness. Is piousness the same as piety? Is piousness not a word in piety? Pety, pety, petry from land before time? Petry, which one was that, right? Because there's petry and ducky. One of them was like a green little thing.
Starting point is 00:20:06 The other one was a tarot actor, was that right? Is Petry's the tarot actor? Ducky's the little green guy. Ducky's the one who was voiced by the child actor. He got murdered by her dad, which is really sad. So that kind of sucks. That's the piece, Ducky. One other thing I wanted to get to here, another big idea.
Starting point is 00:20:28 This isn't a big idea of show, but a lot of creativity kind of struck like a lightning bolt this week, and I just wanted to share it with you. There's a lot. This is a dense, spenton podcast. There's a lot going on. We haven't even gotten to Tom Cruise yet, and that's the focal point of the show. One other big idea I had. You all know the Smurfs. You love them.
Starting point is 00:20:48 They're blue. They're little Katy Perry voiced. Sissy Smurf or Mama Smurf or Milk Smurf in one of those movies. I don't know. But what about a spin-off or just a sequel or something fun called Smurf and Turf. And here's what I love about this. You could take that so many different ways. So Smurf and Turf,
Starting point is 00:21:12 it could be a football picture, a movie, you know, you got the turf aspect. It could be a kid like a ratatouille sort of thing where the little smurf sit underneath the chef's hat. Chef's hat and they're out there making, well, certainly smurf and turf, but surf and turf also. Those were the two options, the two ways that I could see it going that I thought of. And I can't think of anything else for right now. But Smurf and Turf, the movie, could be a musical too. I don't know. It seems exciting.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Smurf and Turf. Per her request, I want to give a shout out to Hashtag Girlfriend and lover of the podcast Rachel Ray-Mose, who explicitly texted me at Trader Joe saying, give me a shout out and let everyone know how much you love me. And then also, did you get a dessert? I'm kind of buying these Tangerine bars and a picture of Tangerine bars. I, the words out, or the verdict is out
Starting point is 00:22:17 on the Tangerine bars, no idea if that's happening or not. I also got a butt cake from Julesco. And those Julesco bakery prices are ridiculous, man. I mean, I know inflation is hitting us all hard, but it's kind of ridiculous how expensive that bakery is. Things that should be like $34 or like $67, and it's like, you know what, I'm just going to find something better. or a box, you're like six, seven bucks, and it's like, you know what, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna find something better.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Okay, I wanna give a quick shout out to our sponsors, then we're gonna hear from about a new exciting right on Q-Sagman, and then we're gonna jump into our Tom Cruise films. So thank you to all who have supported the show, our listeners of course, but then certainly our corporate sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. Guys, don't forget, F's Day coming up soon here.
Starting point is 00:23:09 What better way to gift your data gift than gift to my gift? I'm a word Smith, folks. Then with a home inspection from my good friend and father of the show, Steve Fernos, Home Pride organ, it's quality over quantity, but there's quantity too. You really have best of both worlds, Hannah Montana sort of situation. 541-410-0316 for a, a, a, easy, a free consultation. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I don't know. I'm not at liberty to say that. I was not authorized. Really, to, I was never authorized to really do ad reads for Homepart Organ in general. I've just been sort of doing free advertising until we get a cease and desist letter. You know who, the white socks, pitcher Dylan Seese, he got rocked by the Yankees last night.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Or not the Yankees, the Dodgers, Yankees of the West Coast. He needs a podcast called Season Desist. I'm full of ideas here today on the Bean Tom Podcast. And only half a whiskey in. That's the thing. Imagine when I get into that bottle of the Rickets Family Shard in AI Bot, it's not Rickets Family. It's the Copolas, Copolas, Frances Ford, Shelley Ann, Delilah, Coppola.
Starting point is 00:24:28 What's the, what's the daughter's name? Susan Sarandon, Sophia. Sophie, S-Train. Okay, but in all seriousness, home prior to organ, central organ is hottest new home inspector and provider. Go to to home prior to organ dot com and check it out today Also our good friends at the Samson Q2U series man this whole show 25 minutes in one thing you're saying boy that audio sure Sounds crisp and clear well that's think that's thanks to our new friends at Samson Who are not new but but still, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:06 you want to say it to keep things fresh. When God speaks, He uses a Samson. And of course, our good friends, the cuts by Q, just cuts by Q, not the cuts by Q. When you need to fresh do something snappy and you have to call the experts at cuts by Q. Okay, let's dig into the archives here. It's not an archive. It's a new one. I recorded it 30 minutes ago. Let's find our newest ad for an exciting
Starting point is 00:25:32 new segment that we've got going on here at the Bean Town Podcast across Bean Town Networks. Let's check it out. Next time on right on Q. Obi-Wan Kenobi squares off against Darth Vader 15 years later. Stranger Things Season 4 takes Netflix by storm. And Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers comes to Disney Plus. Is the best picture race already over? Next time on right on Q. All right, that's going to be pretty exciting. And it's worth noting that Chippenville Rescue
Starting point is 00:26:10 Angels been on Disney Plus for like a month now. So a little behind there. I haven't even considered checking out Stranger Things season four. I think eventually it will, or eventually it'll just become one of the things where it's like, oh yeah, I forgot that that happened. In fact, I forgot that it happened so much that I recently, I just finished the, we owned the city, the spiritual sequel to the wire.
Starting point is 00:26:40 HBO show six part, many series about the Baltimore PD police corruption scandal from five years ago, three years ago, four years ago, five years ago. And I literally started a new show right after, you know, two, three days ago, and I never even stranger things season four and every even crossed my mind. I think I'm just over it at this point. I think it's the novelty is kind of worn off. I'm not that interested in it. It's not that, it's just not that thrilling
Starting point is 00:27:11 or compelling to me. I don't feel like anything's really at stake. And the characters are just kind of like, as they're getting older, I just don't care that much. I don't know. I've heard season four is good, but I don't know, TBD. So I started watching Deadwood, which is considered by many to be one of the greatest shows of all time.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Three seasons on HBO Max. I'm not a big like historical Western kind of person, but I mean, the cast is loaded. It's one of the greatest cast of all time. And I could watch Timothy Ollifont act to do whatever he wants for hours on screen. I love justified. Even though, again, it's not my exact type of show. It was great. I loved it. In McShane, who I never really see, and I think he does a lot like theater stuff but he's spectacular and John Hawks of course there's so much going on and so many actors that are like you know people
Starting point is 00:28:14 who I don't know their names but they've been in so many great shows like the guy from pushing daisies who is also unjustified he He's probably in the shield at some point. He's in it. And then the guy who plays Wild Bill Hickock was a very accomplished actor. I can't recall his name, but I recalled him from Fargo. Season one, he plays the cop guy who, the retired cop, owns the diner, Solverson, I think, Lou Lou, Solverson.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Anyways, he plays Bill Hickock, he's great. So yeah, it's what, 36 episodes, something like that. So I'm one down, 35 to go. But people say it's one of the greatest shows of all time. And then of course they made the Deadwood movie like three years ago with the original cast coming back. So that's exciting. We're gonna wrap things up today.
Starting point is 00:29:09 We could take this for a full hour. We're not going to because I honestly, my voice is starting to give out. I'm starting to cough more. It's just not enjoyable for me. But there's been an action packed show. Oh, and one thing I wanted to say, we definitely need a bean town podcast merch drop for 2022 because so far it's been
Starting point is 00:29:32 the even years. Excuse me, that's incorrect. The odd years, even calendar years, but odd years of the show. So 2018 year one, we did our Fall Tour shirts. 2020 year three we had those great blue kind of Chicago themed podcast shirts year five what are we gonna have? I don't know but I just the reason I thought of it is I just pulled a DePaul scarf as I was looking for my whiskey earlier out of a box it's hanging
Starting point is 00:30:00 up right now. And the way it's positioned it says demons but it kind of looked like bean town, because I'm reading it sideways. So maybe you think maybe a bean town podcast scarf? I don't know, it could be good. Something to go along with that bean town NFT, which I think is harder to physically distribute. Okay, so I was thinking about this, how we wanted to do this, power ranking Tom Cruise Films.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And as I was going through his filmography, F I L M O G R A P H Y P H Vactor. I realize there's no way I can do a full power ranking on Tom Cruise movies. I can't do like a legit power ranking when he's got so many of them, but two, despite being, you know, his majority of his movies are pretty well like establishing known in pop culture. There's so many I haven't seen. And plenty from his, you know, probably from his first 15, 20 movies he made,
Starting point is 00:30:57 maybe 10, 15, that I just never even heard of. And they could be good movies. They might not be good movies, I'm not sure. But they're, you know, I can't sit here and power rank things that I've never even heard of. Which brings me to my next point. There's plenty of other movies in here. We're going to jump into sort of the list that I've created,
Starting point is 00:31:14 which is still, gosh, 30 movies, 40 movies, there's a lot. He's a prolific actor. You start to, when you think of Tom Cruise, you're like, oh, yeah, Tom Cruise, like mission impossible. A couple of the things. E-Rails, you look at the list and the amount of like very famous, very good and impactful movies he's been in is just kind of insane. It's a shame he's such a little Scientology POS. But man, I could I could watch and jump on I don't push couch all day that was I was one of the craziest for gods and pop culture moments in history and I loved it
Starting point is 00:31:53 So they're but but what I was saying here is there's a handful of more than a handful of You know of Tom Cruise movies that are considered great and I'm sure they are that I've never even seen and It's kind of just like I You know, I don't really know how to How to rank that And they're you know, there's definitely movies that I on there that I want to see But it's it's kind of just like So what I what I'm really trying to say here
Starting point is 00:32:26 is trying to undertake this and do a top, we can't really in good faith call this at Tom Cruise Power Rankings. I'm just gonna be going through its collection really and kind of sharing some of my thoughts and sharing with you. I haven't even, that's as far as I planned out. I wrote down a list of the ones I actually like
Starting point is 00:32:45 could say something about, which is still very extensive. But I didn't think like, okay, here's actually my top 10, and let's rank them in order. I'll give you some favorites as we're going through. How about that? And Rachel's gonna love this, because she hates Tom Cruise, so she probably turned it off right about now.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Well, at least she heard our right on Q segment. That's got to be what our fourth segment, fifth segment, something like that. It's the show's taking off folks. You're going to want to get in on the ground floor. Thankfully when it comes to the bean-town podcast, this is only floor we have. Much like my old apartment. Oh, I also wanted to mention we did a bean town poll on Instagram about 23 hours ago. Thank you all to who chimed in for that. It's a shockingly low amount of Instagram
Starting point is 00:33:33 views. I would say majority of my Instagram stories top out at like 110, 120. This one's at 52, which is kind of bizarre. I say if feel like posting something on a Thursday night into a Friday for 24 hours is like prime time for getting social media views and stuff, but I mean, I don't care about the number. I was just kind of surprised so that we would have had more engagement. But we did have four. So first Rachel said, spooked,
Starting point is 00:33:58 which was not on the list of the poll question was what's your favorite time cruise movie? So, hey, but maybe she can see into the future. Maybe we got a Halloween themed Tom Cruise movie coming out soon, spooked. We had another, I'll keep everyone else anonymous, but I wanted to point out that Rachel said that because she does indeed hate Tom Cruise. But I love her anyways. I kind of hate him too.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I just like his movies. We've got Jerry McGuire hands down, which we'll talk about in a second here. It is a classic. I mostly like it for just one scene though. War of the worlds. I feel like that's a deep cut because it was a big movie at the time,
Starting point is 00:34:38 Spielberg, people still know what it is. I feel like most people my age have seen it, but no one's out there like talking about where the world sees days. It's just not really a thing. And then Tropic Thunder, that's a classic. It's a smaller part, but it's really weird. I don't even remember his name in the film. He dances at the end. It's kind of strange, but it's very crass. It is classic Tom. Anyways, okay, so let's jump in. Let me refresh this Instagram. Make sure we didn't get anything else. No, that's what it's going to be. Thank you to those who did chime in with our Instagram poll. Really appreciate it. Love the engagement. You know
Starting point is 00:35:23 these emails, bean-towncast,, again, that's beaton, B-E-A-N, two WN podcast,, or visit, including our brand new cuts by, not cuts, I gotta update that. I haven't touched that in two years. Our brand new right on Q segment.
Starting point is 00:35:40 There's a lot of Qs on the website. It gets confusing. Okay, so I think these are ordered top down from all the sinuous. And let me just walk you through these movies. So Risky Business. And this is not the first time cruise movie. There's a lot of time cruise movies back in the 80s that I've never heard of. I can't say anything about.
Starting point is 00:36:02 It's not interesting, you know, air time. I've seen Risky Business once. I watched it with my mom. I think I was probably like 20. It was on Netflix or something. It was one of those things where it's like, it popped up. I don't know anything about Risky Business. I just know the scene.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And I don't know if my mom knew what she was getting into either. I think she had seen it. So I don't know really why we watched it. If you don't know risky business outside of the Bob Seeger scene, basically Tom Cruise is home by himself for the weekend, rich kid, and he higher years, bunch of like prostitutes, things go awry,
Starting point is 00:36:41 and there's just, it's just, but it's kind of like half thriller, half comedy. So the whole time, it's tonally, it's kind of like, am I supposed to be laughing? Am I supposed to be scared? I don't think it's a very good movie, if I'm being completely honest with you, but it is quintessential 80s,
Starting point is 00:36:57 and it's, you know, the scene is classic. Top Gun, I actually don't like this movie. Oh, and if you're wondering why are we even talking about top-grilled movies, it's because we saw Top Gun 2 Maverick, or just Top Gun Ma I actually don't like this movie. Oh, and if you're wondering why are we even talking about Top Gun movies, it's because we saw Top Gun 2 Maverick or just Top Gun Maverick. No Sarah Palin appearances, which is disappointing. We're Dirk Niewitski for that matter. But that's why, you know, we're giving a little tip of the cap to Tom with his own Being Town podcast episode. Not a a big top gun fan, but I do recognize that it's quintessential 80s,
Starting point is 00:37:28 Kenny Lodgins, Vell Kilmer, I had a roommate in college who was obsessed with this movie. I think he wanted to be part of that volleyball scene. Anyways, cocktail, this is probably one I should have left off the list because I don't know anything about it, but Tom Cruise was in cocktail. Rainman, I don't think I've ever sat down and just straight up watch Rainman. It's a great movie though. It's
Starting point is 00:37:52 an all-time classic. Tom Cruise, that other guy from Midnight Cowboy, Dustin Hoffman. That's his name. Pick up sticks, all that good stuff. I don't know why it's called Rainman. Probably should have watched the movie before trying to talk about it. It's a classic. Okay, now we're getting into a couple others that I've never seen here.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So that's, it's gonna be great. Born on the 4th of July, all I know is he's a Vietnam vet, a real guy, who I think is passed away now. And he ends up in a wheelchair. There's a great, it's always sunny parody of it. I don't know if that guy, what's his name is like Dennis, something I don't, I don't remember. Was he actually born on the Fourth of July? Is it, uh, is it metaphorical? Because he was a vet. Who knows? So no, I mean, I would, if I had watched Rainman,
Starting point is 00:38:49 I would probably tell you to highlight it as a favorite, but I haven't watched it, which is embarrassing. Days of Thunder, that's another one like cocktail. I can't really tell you much about it, but I think it's got a big cast. As days of Thunder, the one with the cold Kidman, well, to go check that out. We did not do a lot of research going into this one. Okay, a few good men. That's one that I've seen most of, but it was on a treadmill, and so I was reading the subtitles.
Starting point is 00:39:14 The classic final climactic scene, you can't handle the truth. And then I think this one's from a few good men too, right? You're writing checks your body can't cash That's not Nicholson though, right? That's it's like someone else in the military says that Anyways great line. I got to use that line more or is it your ego? There ego's right and check your body can't cash I don't even know the actual line. Anyways, I think that's a classic.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That's an all-time classic. Pencil that in is one of my favorites. Add that to the list. The firm. I have not read many books in my life, but I actually read the firm and then watched the film. I did that with both the firm and Pelican brief. The firm is great.
Starting point is 00:40:09 The book, I think, is better than the film. The book, Mitch McDeer, or something like that. He's from, he's like an Ivy League kid. He goes down to Memphis, joins the firm. I hate in that book, there's the one kind of wrinkle where he like cheats on his wife With a prostitute that The firm like sends to try to get dirt on him to like you know have leverage
Starting point is 00:40:39 But it always just felt really out of character in the film when he actually like goes through with that and sleeps with the lady It's just I don't know. It doesn't really work for me Anyway, the film films a classic. I don't even remember who else is in that is John Voight in the firm I don't know there's definitely one or two other famous old white guys who's in the who are in that movie I have to go back and look at it Stanley Tucci maybe Who now I got to look this up because I watch the firm once probably in VHS The firm did they make a TV show out of that too? I don't know this up because I watched the firm once, probably in VHS. The firm, did they make a TV show out of that too? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Who is Gene Hackman? Ed Harris. Ed Harris is who I thought maybe it was Stanley Tucci's. Ed Harris. How old was Stanley Tucci B in 1993? Stanley Tucci age and then we subtract 29 years. He's 61. Oh, yeah, that could have worked.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Stanley, Tucci, it would have been 32. That would have been perfect. But it was, in fact, adherits who portrays the guy who's like trying to help him, the FBI agent. And then Holly Hunter, she keeps showing up in succession, which we're watching. Okay, yeah, so Gary Bucy, that's, I thought maybe it was John Voiebitt's Gary Bucy. Yeah, Eddie Lomax.
Starting point is 00:41:53 That's right. Mitch McDier, that's actually his name. I'm really proud of myself. When I said it, I knew it was Mitch, but I couldn't remember what his last name was. And when I said Mitch McDier, I was like, that can't be right. But it was. Okay, another one I haven't seen. This we're almost to the end of films I haven't seen. Interview with a vampire.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I'm just not into the whole vampire thing, totally team Jacob, so I haven't seen that one. Although it was a correct response in jeopardy yesterday. Okay, then now we're getting into it. Mission Impossible, the OG John Voight. It's a classic. It's so different than the rest of the Mission Impossible films. I love it for that reason. Man, if you watch like any of Mission Impossible starting with three
Starting point is 00:42:43 onward and then watch the original film, you would be like, what the fuck? It's such a different movie. It's a spy thriller, whereas the majority of the rest of the mission impossible film franchise is pretty, not in a bad way, because it's one of my favorite franchise, but pretty like Cardboard-y, one big sequence, one big set piece to the next. And I love these movies. They're fantastic. But Mission Impossible, the one is not that way at all.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Of course, the final train scene, man, what a classic. OK. Let's check our texts here. Gotta give it a little thumbs up. Okay, next we have Jerry McGuire. So this was picked as, oh, put me down for mission impossible. OGB in one of my favorites. Man, this list is long.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'm dying here. We're like a quarter the way through. Jerry McGuire, it's kinda cheesy and I really don't like the Rene Zellweger, but hey, man, it's got Jay Moore. It's got Jonathan Lipnicki. It's classic 90s. I think Jeremy Guire 90s 1990 something. That feels right. If it's Jonathan Lipnicki, it's gotta be right. Show me the money. Rod Tidwell, Jr. Show me the money. Rod Tidwell Jr. Oscar winning performance from Cuba.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Good evening, Jr. Is it Rod Tidwell Jr. or just Rod Tidwell? I don't remember. It doesn't matter. Who cares? Show me the money. All-time classic scene. Gotta pull that up later.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Okay, eyes wide shut. Haven't seen it. Heard is pretty sexy. I don't even really know the premise of that movie But I know it's it like sex is it like a sex party something like that So I got a lot to look up here that I should have done before the show and You know what? I don't have to be the expert on everything. Sometimes I got to give myself the a okay to not know everything and
Starting point is 00:44:43 Just let let's have this inspire further discussions here in the Beentown metaverse. Okay, then there's Magnolia. Another one, never seen before. What's it about? I don't know. Is there a big twist? Beats me.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I don't even know what genre that movie is, but everyone talks about it. I feel like it got it from the library once and they never watched it. I got a lot, I got it like an hour's worth of Wikipedia reading to do here just to understand like what the premise of each of one of these films is that I haven't actually seen but know the name of. Okay, then perhaps the darkest of all dark spots on this list, Mission of Possible 2, that movie sucks. I never, it's one of my favorite franchises and I never find myself saying like,
Starting point is 00:45:31 oh, you know what I wanna, you know what I wanna watch, Mission of Possible 2? It's like an MTV movie. It's like this hot girl, she gets injected with something at the end, they have to save her and they're in a helicopter. Who was that girl? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And movie blows, man. Okay, put this in the Magnolia and I'd write shut category, Vanilla Sky. I don't know what that's about. I know the song, Vanilla Twilight, by Owl City. You know, who's in that music video? She killed a Neil. And that's all I know about vanilla sky
Starting point is 00:46:06 Okay, I have seen Everything else on the list. Let's see. No, that's not right It's gonna be Four or five more haven't seen We're getting into like early 2000s now One of my favorite short stories and love the Fill, Minority Report, Philip K. Dick, Rest His Soul. Great movie, great premise. Yeah, I read the short story once.
Starting point is 00:46:36 It's super short. It's like 10 minutes. I love in the movie Neil McDonough, great actor, great villain from Justified. And I don't remember who's the main bad guy in Minority Report, a some old white guy, like Ian McCallan or something, I can't really recall. Great movie, we'd love to watch it again. That's a Spielberg, right? Spielberg did Minority Report, I think that's right.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Okay, this one, the ultimate white savior movie. It's like they saw dances with wolves and said, you know what, let's try that again. The last samurai. Is that based on a real story? I don't know. That would take some of the sting out of it if it was based on a true story but that movie is just like the most predictable can of corn yada yada yada and then Matt Damon did it again with that great wall movie what the hell last samurai is not worth watching okay one of my favorite movies of all time this is a top five top 10 movie for me in my lifetime. Collateral. Michael Mann, Jamie Foxx, Tom Cruise, Jada Pinkett Smith, right? Or is it someone a carry-washing to it? No, I think it's Jada Pinkett. I think that was before she was Jada Pinkett Smith. Just Jada Pinkett. And then Mark Ruffalo. I mean, it's a killer cast, great story, cinematography, spot on, music spectacular,
Starting point is 00:48:11 great blend of like, let's talk some philosophy, while throwing in some action, just a fantastic film. One of my all-time favorites, I haven't seen that one in two or three years, but just I Have no complaints easily my favorite Tom Cruise movie for sure So that's right smack dab in the middle of the list highlight that one is number one for me Okay, War of the Worlds. This was another and we got this on Instagram
Starting point is 00:48:42 Classic scene Tom Cruise throws the peanut butter and jelly Sano. She was making for Dakota fanning And maybe it's just peanut butter. She's allergic to peanuts. He doesn't know that. He's an absentee father Throw it against the window and then the classic scene with Tim Robbins It kind of turns into a crazy guy in the basement and Then the movie kind of descends. So all-time classic, War of the Worlds. Mission Impossible Three, a very unique film, definitely the start, kind of the start of the current status or state of the Mission Impossible franchise.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Philip Seymour Hoffman, man, rest in peace. What a great performance, very unnerving, very unsettling, great villain. Really, really fun film. Pretty, pretty unique. Like one, two, and three, I feel like they're all kind of unique, pretty different in how they're treated. But three really sets stage for four, five, six,
Starting point is 00:49:41 and gosh, what do we just do? We just did six, was that right? And now we our game ready for seven and eight? I think that's right Anyways, we'll get to those in a second here. Okay another one Tropic thunder another Instagram pull the response It's a great film. I think the first time I watched Tropic thunder I wasn't like watching it closely and And so it just kind of happened. And I really, you know, know what happened. But upon rewatches, yeah, it's an all-timer.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I mean, Robert Downey Jr. Ben Stiller, Jack Black, just the three of those guys. And then there's so many other people in the movie, like Tom Cruise. He dances at the end. Really weird film, but very, the ultimate like meta film, right? They're making a movie within a movie in my favorite
Starting point is 00:50:27 All I still watch this from time to time maybe once a year the opening credits to traffic thunder with their fake films The ones I I don't remember I think there's I actually might remember all of them because Jack Black does like a It's Tyler Perry Kind of parody sort of thing right where he plays all the characters and then Ben Stiller believes like the you know key for Southern land action hero kind of guy It's like firestorm or something like that. That's not what it is. That's a sign felt Name but you know, it's like health-reased over fireball six or something. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And then Robert Downey Jr. and Toby McGuire. They actually got Toby McGuire to do this for their fake opening credits. They're playing like monks who are homosexual. It's pretty good. The fire's flickering. Okay. Another one, a movie that I think doesn't get a lot of love retrospectively,
Starting point is 00:51:31 but I liked it. Valkyrie, true story, real story, sad ending, worth watching for sure. Okay, this is maybe the third to last one on on here I haven't seen. Night and day, that's Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, right? Saw a preview, came out, went to the dollar theater, went to DVD, went to Blu-ray, never saw it, never cared, never talked to anyone who saw it. I don't know. It happened. Mission Impossible 4.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I saw this in the theaters with my family. This is really, I would say Mission Impossible 3 kind of lead the groundwork for the current state of the franchise. Mission Impossible 4 is the first one in the franchise that is like, this is how we're going to do it now. I just watched that maybe two months ago. Of course, Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner is in that one. Paul Patton, who was married
Starting point is 00:52:29 to Robin Thick, you remember from Blurred Lines. You can still, I still can't believe this. You can still go on YouTube, watch the Uncensored Blurred Lines music video with three models including Emily Radikowski, was pretty well known, just walking around topless. Man, if they had that, you know, right when YouTube was invented when 10-year-old Quinn was getting into the internet, it would be no stopping me. I don't really know how we got there, but that's mission impossible for Ghost Protocol.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I like that one. This one where he climbs a burst califa. It's pretty solid. Okay, one or two more here. I haven't seen rock of ages. That was the rock musical thing. Never seen it, no interest in it. I'm sure it's got a loaded cast, but it just, one of the things that kind of happened
Starting point is 00:53:21 and I didn't really care. And now it's over. Okay, a couple here that are kind of divisive, divisive. Jack Reacher, and in fact, you know, this is further down to the list, but let's go Jack Reacher 2 in there as well. Now, a lot of people are watching the TV show they're making right now. Is that a prime thing, I think? I haven't seen the TV show.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I've heard the TV show is good. Jack Reacher must be based off of a novel character. I'm not sure. I saw the first Tom Cruise movie. Definitely did not see the second one. I think it's Jack Reacher. Never go back, maybe. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Kind of, you know, bond-esque. Not life-changing. I don't remember anything about it, but I think I enjoyed the two hours I spent watching it. And I can't speak for Jack, Rachel, too. Oblivion. This one came out right around the time as another movie after Earth, I think,
Starting point is 00:54:12 they came out like the same time and they were both apocalyptic films, post-apocalyptic films. And I don't remember anything about Oblivion. I don't recall it being anything that special. I don't think it was a terrible movie. I think it was just kind of okay. Edge of Tomorrow, give me a favorite star next to this one.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I loved it. There's a sequel happening at some point, I think. You know, the same kind of Groundhog Day source code, kind of nonsense, but really fun. Emily Blunt was great and that's when I would I would rewatch on this list here for sure because I don't recall like sitting down and watching it from start to finish I've seen it multiple times but I don't know if I've ever actually like sat down and been like okay two
Starting point is 00:54:59 hours of watching Egypt tomorrow. Mission Impossible 5. Rogue Nation. Different than Kid Nation. Although I'd love to see Tom Cruise be the host of a new season of Kid Nation. I liked Rogue Nation. I don't remember that much about it except the opera scene. And then I mean I did like gosh what's his name Rognation cast the British guy who plays the villain Sean something Rognation Sean I was gonna say Sean Hayes. That's not right Sean Harris Loved his loved his role as a villain. That was a good one. That one felt pretty bond-esque.
Starting point is 00:55:47 I didn't like Rogue Nation as much as four, and six is my all-time favorite. But for me, Rogue Nation is right up there with one and three. In terms of how much I liked it. The mummy, never saw it, couldn't do it after the just bizarre trailer sound effect fiasco. No interest. Don't want to see it, don't need to see it. I've never even seen the original mummy with Brennan Frazier or the mummy II, the memory returns, which may or may not be what it's called. I have no idea. But yeah, I never saw it. Didn't look interesting to me. Another one I never saw,
Starting point is 00:56:20 but I would watch. American made, this is where he plays, I think this is the true story as well. He plays the pilot in the 80s, trafficking drugs for what's his name? Pablo Escobar. Is that right? Pancho Vía. You know, one of those, one of those South American folks. Never saw, but I do recall seeing the trailer
Starting point is 00:56:43 and thinking, I think I'd enjoy this. But alas, it has not happened. We are almost at the end of the list, folks. MI6, Mission Impossible 6. Put this as 1B to my favorite collateral. I think I've talked about it on the show here before. What more can you say? Mission Impossible, Fallout.
Starting point is 00:57:05 The greatest action movie I personally have ever seen. Just, I mean, it's so good. Henry Cavill, Spectacular. There's so many memorable parts of that movie. The fight scene in the bathroom and the nightclub. The, when they legitimately jump out of a plane and film it, and then, you know, they do all the CGI stuff with Henry Cavill getting knocked out and stuff and then, you know, him landing without a parachute or ever, it's, you know, it's absurd, but it happened.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Tom Cruise breaking his ankle and then using that shot in the final cut of the movie. And then the fucking helicopter chase, Tom Cruise learned to fly a helicopter just so he could do a crazy bet. It's done in this movie. Like, are you kidding? This movie is whatever's higher than gold standard, platinum standard. I, if you've never seen it, I'm telling you right now, carve out two hours out of your weekend. It's, there's nothing more to say. I mean, you got. And then, you then the classic cast too, Ving Rames. Benji, what's his name? You know, the guy from Sean of the Dead, Simon Pegg. You got Rebecca Ferguson comes back for this one. You've got that blonde lady Kirby, Vanessa Kirby, who's going to be here for for installment number seven. The the black ladies like the head of the FBI, she's,
Starting point is 00:58:49 she's she's very famous. Am I fall out cast Baldwin? Is he in this one too? Maybe not. I can't remember which which one is is last one. And then Sean Harris comes back for sure. Angela Bassett, yeah. It's just, it's Wolf Blitzer. I mean, what more could you ask for? This one is Fee Nama No. Isn't that the, that's the Frank Caleando Jim Row impression. Fna, no, no. I just realized we hit the hour mark
Starting point is 00:59:25 and I told you half an hour ago we weren't going to and we did. So it happened. Okay, Top Gun 2 we talked about last week. I thought it was good. It's what you would expect, but it was well done. Great action.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It was fun. You know what? Not every movie you got to break down and say I like this. This kind of didn't work for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Eddie, which I did last week. But it was fun, okay? And then they have released the teaser trailer.
Starting point is 00:59:53 It's not coming out for another 12 months. Now, it's not Avatar 2 way of water. It's mission impossible seven, which is called something, something, something, dire consequences or something, part one. So there's gonna be a dire consequences, part two. It's not called dire consequences. What is it called?
Starting point is 01:00:14 Am I fateful consequences? Something like that. Kid nation, mission about dead reckoning. That was close. So yeah, dead reckoningoning part one, part two. And I don't know what they're gonna, it's gonna be really hard to top fallout because fallout was just so special. Back to you was really,
Starting point is 01:00:37 great, and then the stunt pieces, the set pieces were just top tier, topest of tiers. Okay, so I mean, my favorites here, collateral, the set pieces were just top tier, topist of tiers. Okay, so I mean, my favorites here, collateral. All of the mission impossible is except for two, but certainly mission impossible fall out. And then there's, I mean, there's plenty here that I really need to see. Finola Sky, Magnolia, eyes wide shut
Starting point is 01:01:04 when I'm looking for a sexy time days of thunder rain Man, of course cocktail There's ones in here. Don't ever want to see again risky business There's ones on here that oh last samurai ones on here that I probably never will see and that's okay Like the mummy rock of ages But overall, I mean, this guy is crazy, but he makes some damn good movies. And so, this is just our tribute to Tom Cruise,
Starting point is 01:01:39 still going strong. I like Top Gun 2, and you better believe I will be Front Row for Mission Impossible 7, Dead Racketing Part 2 coming out summer 2023. Guys, I went longer than I wanted to. I apologize. I started talking about Tom and I just got carried away. That's all I got to say for you. I'm exhausted. Back to go into a coughing fit. That should be fun, but I'll spare you that. That's what I have for it. Thanks everyone for tuning in. What's your favorite Tom Cruise movie? If you didn't get in on the Instagram poll, we'll have
Starting point is 01:02:13 more in the future. I'm at q.qnd. Follow me on Twitter at white buns with the Z, the show is at bean-town cast. You can find our podcast on player FM, not cast box yet, I have to do that manually, about four years behind., Apple Podcast, Google Play Store, Spotify, Stitcher, all that good stuff. The occasional YouTube. That's what I got for you. Let's queue up our outro music. Thanks for listening. Thanks for supporting. our outro music. Thanks for listening. Thanks for supporting. Happy summer everyone.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Hope you're having a good time wherever you're at. Enjoying this cold whiskey. Because my name's Quinn, and I will check in any next time. Bye everyone. I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just going to say, I'm just nd nd you

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