Beantown Podcast - Top 10 Horse Names Special 2022 (05062022 Beantown)

Episode Date: May 6, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE with the Top 10 Horse Names Special of 2022!! Thank you to all who submitted via fan vote -- Who will take home the gold today? Listen to find out...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernos. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Fernos presents the bean town podcast for Friday, May 6th, 2022. What's going on? How are you? It's Kentucky Derby weekend. It's our top 10 horse names special weekend with the fan vote coming in hot. I don't know about you all. I am thrilled to be here. And if you're sitting down, if you're not dancing already, I urge you, I implore you, I prod you to get up, get out of your seat, get your dansion shoes on. And let's do a little royalty-free camp-down races here on a Friday afternoon of your life from Beentown. Woo! Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Woo, little key change.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Now is a good time to dance. Get up and dance. Get the two-step going. Get your spurs. Call your cow-poke friends, place your bets, get a mint julep, wear your big hat, the great thing about the Kentucky Derby, you can go on Saturday, you can wear a big hat, you can fly across the pond the next day, go to a royal wedding, the the same outfit I bet you those royal wedding people absolutely hate the fact that down here in Kentucky we have
Starting point is 00:01:35 taken their cool royal outfits and used them for horse racing how about that let's let's's have this beautiful camp down races play us out. Enjoy it here on Beentown. Wow, that is a real treat. You all are so lucky. My name is Quinn and this is my show. Thank you all for tuning in. It's going to be a big one. So we are talking horses. Today we are talking Kentucky Derby and you can actually go live online if you are listening to this before the Kentucky Derby actually happens, which I think is it's tomorrow, right? It's a Saturday, it's not a Sunday. I had a couple of friends in college
Starting point is 00:02:28 who would go down to Louisville from Chicago and watch the Kentucky Derby, yeah, I think it's tomorrow. And it was just like a big thing they would roadtrip down there and have a lot of fun. I personally never got that invitation. And I've never been to a horse race before. I've been to Louisville multiple times. I'd like it down there. It's a quaint little kind of quirky industrial town there on the Ohio River. And you know, it's fun. If you're new to the Beentown podcast, we do this every year.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I don't really recall why I made it a thing, but I always had a dream before the, I had the dream before this podcast long before this podcast was conceived of just horse names. I always thought it was a cool concept. It was like, how do we decide how we name these horses where these some of these names are crazy I mean you just look at the you know list of winners of the Kentucky Derby you know horses like mine that bird or
Starting point is 00:03:37 other Kentucky Derby winners I I was going to say justified. That's a TV show with Timothy Allafant, Walton Goggins, secretary, of course. Anyways, there's a bunch of great names out there. And so I have started the tradition five years ago of saying, hey, let's go ahead. Let's make our own horse names every year.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And these are unofficial trademark of the bean-ton podcast. But if that, what's his name, Bob Baffert? He's the only horse owner, such trainer. I don't know exactly what he is that you ever have seen or heard of. Because he looks, he's totally like a Bond villain. He's got the white hair, the dark shades, and he's looked exactly the same age for the last 20 years. You know who it is?
Starting point is 00:04:31 He actually got banned from something like last year because his horse got caught using steroids or maybe his horse died or something. I don't remember exactly what it was, but I don't know if he's involved this year. I don't know if he's allowed to be. That, you know, I don't know. And that's really the hard hitting journalism you come to expect here in the bean town podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:51 We dive deep into the issues. I want to mention that listen to discretion and advice. We're going to listen to this show number one. We'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. I was the whole time I was going through kind of that last 10 seconds of copy-paste language. I was trying to think of a good horse pun,
Starting point is 00:05:11 maybe using the, the nay, you know, like nay sares or something with hay or full or cult or bucking bronco stallion, but I couldn't come up with anything here. You know what's crazy? When I was a kid, when my brother, Hashtag, brother of the podcast, Jack Fernison, I played literally baseball together. We had a, I was on a couple of super teams in my day. Teams that just like absolutely dominated, kicked ass, never lost.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And basically, there were two of them. The first one I was on was when we played in TriCon, which was the quintessential small town literally baseball kind of organization in the Rockford area growing up, or at least the Cherry Valley area. TriCon short for Tri County. I assume, but if you had to ask me to name the three counties, I wouldn't really know. I would guess Winnebago, Boone, and Ogle.
Starting point is 00:06:15 But I don't know. You Google Tri-Con, you know, this was, it was really a big thing before the internet was super popular. Tri-Con baseball, Illinois. I don't think you're really going to find anything because the league went defunct relatively shortly after, you know, we were really into it. So yeah, you can't even, you can't even Google anything and find anything related to Tri-Con baseball.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It's old school. I mean, we're this team that I'm about to tell you about ever so briefly must have been probably, I don't know, 2004, 2005, something like that. So it was a pretty young team. We were maybe, I was maybe like 10 years old, something like that. And you know, look, the internet was definitely around
Starting point is 00:07:01 in 2005, but we were probably still just coming out of the dial up age at that point. Anyways, the point of this story and how it relates to horses is we had the opportunity to have our, uh, take, this is kind of cool, actually, but create our own team name, our own, not necessarily like logo but colors. And we somehow and I don't know if this was my idea or whose idea this was. In hindsight, it sounds very silly to have a bunch of boys named this, but we settled upon the stallions, which very much is like a not overtly gay term, but kind of like just very like sexualized, right? Stallion, you think of like big chests,
Starting point is 00:07:52 you think of like sexual energy going out at a, you know, Boyce Town Nightclub at 2am and like five odd casotas and a red bull, you know, just in that, we had a bunch of 10, 11 year olds, 12 year olds. I don't know. Name the stallions. And we were black and gray. And I think pretty badass uniforms actually is like gray tops and pants, black socks, probably black belt, black caps for sure. And we just went in there that year, that was the first of our super team, and we absolutely just kicked ass.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I don't really recall, I mean, hey, that might have been the last year of TriCon, because I'm thinking about this, like that would have, if my brother, Jack and I were on the same team, that means he was at the top of the age group, I was at the bottom of the age group. And the years after that, I did not play in TriCon.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I think the league, that might have been its last year, like 2005 or something like that, because after that, I played in a different league. And eventually, I would go on to join a different super team, or form a different super team. I, no one's joining, I'm not Kevin Durant. I built it from the ground up there in the West Side of Rockford. Anyway, stallions, I always, I thought at the time,
Starting point is 00:09:05 I was like, oh yeah, this is cool, this is badass. And now it's like, that's kind of strange. A bunch of 11 year olds on a baseball team called the stallions. Folks, you're not here to listen to me reminisce about TriCon baseball. You are here to get right into the action, the top 10 horse names, excuse me, of 2022,
Starting point is 00:09:25 and we're going to get to that. Very shortly, I did want to mention, before we get there, first off, thanks to our sponsors at Home Pride Oregon, when you need your home inspection essential, Oregon, call Steve at 541-410-0316, and he'll get you taken care of all sort of good friends that cuts by Q.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Just gave myself a fresh cut by Q this morning. I had done some minor cosmetic work maybe about a month ago on the sides and back, but really nothing too crazy. This was my first kind of major cut since last September, last August, something like that. So nine, nine-ish months, give or take. And I didn't, it wasn't like all the way crazy kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It was just kind of trimming down the sides and the back a little bit. Still got some length on the top, although I did take off about, I don't know, two inches, three inches off the top. It was just kind of getting like, when my hair would be in perfect pristine condition, right? When I, you know, I get out of the shower,
Starting point is 00:10:27 I put a hat on so I can kind of mold it the way I want to mold it. And then for that like half an hour after I take the hat off, it looks great. It kind of stays in place. But then honestly, it just, as you go throughout the day, it just kind of starts to flop around. I was, it was getting bushy on the sides and the back. I was just feeling like, I really hate
Starting point is 00:10:47 when you kind of run your hand through your hair and you take it out and you got a bunch of long hairs going on. I just don't like that sort of feeling or sensation. And so I just decided, you know what, we're going to, I'm going to implore some, some nice summer weather to show up here. It's, it's quite literally low 40s and raining outside. You've had two days of sunshine in the last 47 days here in Chicago. And the word on the street is that it's going to be really nice next week.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So I'm just trying to get the fresh cut going for that. And I think it looks good. A nice homegrown American made cut by Q this morning. So thank you to our good friends there. And then of course the Samson Q2U series, and God speaks, he uses the Samson. And thanks everyone who has been listening to the show the last five years, the last five weeks.
Starting point is 00:11:38 You know, whenever you joined in, we are always welcome to have you here. Email us, beantown podcast and it's beantown, have you here. Email us,, and get us You can follow the show at Beantowncast on Twitter. I'm personally at White Buns with a Z. And on Instagram, you definitely wanna follow me there at atq.qnd and one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:11:59 you wanna follow me on Instagram, is that's the quickest way to get instant live access to our weekly polls such as this week when we pulled the fans for today's very special episode. We started doing this last year when we introduced one of the top 10 horse names slots would go to the fan vote. And so I'm really excited to not only tell you you sort of which fan vote option made the list, but also, you know, we are friends of everyone here
Starting point is 00:12:32 at the show, and I wanted to read all of our fan vote suggestions live on air. So we're gonna get to that in a hot second here. Again, you could have emailed those in, you could have commented on our Instagram poll, you could have tweeted at us, you could have told me in person, snail mail would have been tougher because I didn't really start pulling people till yesterday and we're recording it today, Friday at about 11 a.m. So anyways, that's that's that really. I also want to give a shout out to our friends in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Kiberpast, Islamabad. I don't know if they have any horses in Pakistan.
Starting point is 00:13:09 What's the wild horse population or habitat like in the world? Let's Google this. Let's head to Google. Wild horse habitat. I mean, habitat in the world. I don't't know just habitat map. Yeah, there we go. We want a map I know you know you got the the chinkotein and the Asatig
Starting point is 00:13:35 islands Barrier reef out there in Virginia in Maryland Delmarva Peninsula right I think it's out there. Okay, here's a, we got a world map pulled up. Horse talk, horse talk, horse The Kiwis, okay. So I don't really, oh, current distribution of wild living horses. The dots indicate the 186 populations
Starting point is 00:14:02 of recent wild living horses identified in this study. What is in 186 populations of recent while living horses identified in this study. What is in 186 populations like 186 different breeds? I don't really know. Okay, looking at this map here, we've got a lot of action in the American West. We're talking like that this got to be Wyoming, Nevada, Oregon, California, Utah, and then a little bit up into Canada, probably like Manitoba area. That's interesting. And then South America a little bit on the north end there in Venezuela and Colombia, and then down south and Argentina, that makes sense, the Gouchos. We had east across the world map here. There's a I don't see I don't know how much I trust
Starting point is 00:14:47 These dots. There's so much in England and Spain and in Germany. Are there that many wild horses in Germany? I don't know a Little bit of black c-action going on Africa not much There's three dots in South Africa and then you go to Asia You've got a little bit in India nothing in Pakistan Pakistan so that settles this debate a little bit in China Japan wild horse in Japan how did that happen and then a lot in Australia What I wild horses though, that's an interesting thing we ever you know horses are ubiquitous you be I T big no, let's start over you Bicitous. I can do this. U B I Q U I T O U S. I think you Biquitous. What you know, wild horses in general. Where do they come
Starting point is 00:15:39 from? Where are they in Demick too and where were they brought to? Because you look on this world map and it's a lot of like US and Australia, but it's like hey, did they start here? And did we like or did we bring them there? Let's go to Wikipedia here So there's a European wild horse known as the tarpan when extinct in the late 1800s. Oh, that's interesting I feel we could do a whole different episode here, just on the habitat and curious habits of wild horses. The tarp end became extinct in the 19th century. Okay, yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's used colloquially, yeah, feral horses. That's what we want. A feral horse is a free roaming horse of domesticated stock. Well, I didn't necessarily want to domesticate. Just like, where did horses come from? Let's get really big with it here. Let's Google Where Did Horses originate. That's a top Google search.
Starting point is 00:16:36 North America, okay. Most experts agree that horses, you think you never learn anything in this show. I say nay most There you go there's the pun most X-Hero's agree that horses originated in North America approximately 50 million years ago Whoa, that's crazy Wow, they were small animals no larger than a small dog and live mostly in forests no larger than a small dog Wow, they gradually increased in size over millions of years
Starting point is 00:17:06 and adapted to more and more environments, including grassy plains. So my question is, if they originated in North America 50 million years ago, when we're talking about the ancient Romans, riding around the Mediterranean, see ruling their empire, do they have horses? Because I feel like, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:27 that would be a convenient way to get around. But like if they originally in North America, did they not have horses in the rest of the world until like Columbus, when he started, you know, putting them on ships and stuff? Did they, but like when Cortez went to conquer the Aztecs in the early 16th century, I know because they did a whole 20-page research paper on that where I just paraphrased a Wikipedia article and I got an A. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Did he bring horses or did he rent horses while he was there? Did they come across the pond with him? How did he know how to get from Spain to Mexico? Or wherever he went? Yeah, Mexico. These are the big picture questions that remain unsolved in this day and age. So we're gonna get into our list here,
Starting point is 00:18:23 but before we do that, I wanted to thank everyone who has inquired about our brand new segment that we're getting ready to introduce. Right on cue, you heard our first little teaser for it last week, and I'm proud to announce we got a little more insight into that program this week. So let's go ahead and pun intended, cue that up,
Starting point is 00:18:44 and then we will jump into our top 10 horse name list including the fan vote for 2022. So let's jump over to right on queue for a second here. Roe v Wade, we take a look at the facts and figures behind the landmark Supreme Court case. The stock market continues to go up and it goes down. What does it mean for you or for a one-k-portfolio? And we meet the 17th, 18th, and 19th newest members of Arcade Fire upon the release of their sixth album, Weat, next time on Right On Q. That sounds like quite a treat.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Especially the Arcade Fire stuff, man, they just keep adding, adding, and adding new members. Although the one of the original members a couple of months ago did leave, Northwestern alum Will Butler, brother of Wind Butler, Lead Singer has left the band. So things are getting wild, but they did actually drop a new album today, quite literally, May 6th. I listened to it yesterday. I got the, speaking of New Zealand, I got the New Zealand link. I said that like link because I was going to say leak, but then I changed to link halfway through.
Starting point is 00:19:56 So we had link, LEANK. All right, folks, you waited long enough. We were 20 minutes into the program, and we are going to jump into our top 10 horse name list of 2022 and these are original so if you're wondering what what is it mean like did you just go around and find a different race horses and like choose an easy like no these are from the mind of yours truly quinty before it is with the exception of our fan. And I wanted to also remind everyone,
Starting point is 00:20:26 because I also have this, I'm keeping track of this and my phone of all of our number one names across the year. So this is our fifth year doing this. So this will be our fifth installment into the number one, it's the greatest of all time. So to give you a reminder of what our previous number ones have been, and if you're curious, yeah, every year we get 10 new names. So there's, we're literally, this is going to be our 50th,
Starting point is 00:20:52 we're going to reach 50 total names in Bingtown Podcast history this year, which is a lot. I have to go back through and read all of them. They're saved in my phone somewhere. Or I could just go back and listen to the episodes. But OK, in 2018, this was like, we talked earlier about how I had this dream of naming horses and how I just think it's so cool,
Starting point is 00:21:11 which is why we started doing this annual segment here on the show. This was always my number one in my head. I always thought this would be the greatest name for a horse. And I stand by, this is still my favorite of all time. In 2018, our number one name was Episcopalian. Number two, or in 2019, a close second to my favorite ever. And again, it's hard to go wrong with sort of the religious terms,
Starting point is 00:21:33 although to give you a spoiler, I don't think we have anything related to religion in this year's list. So the church going folk, you might have to bear with us. In 2019, our number one name was Pentetook. In 2022 have to bear with us. At 2019 our number one name was Pente Tuk. In 2022 we started a string so we went from religion to two years of religion to then two years of kind of grammar and grammatical things. 2022 we had eerie guardless in 2021. We had intensive purposes and of course I'm not ready to reveal our number one name for 2022 yet, because we're starting at the top.
Starting point is 00:22:07 We're going 10 to one letterman style. And let's go ahead and jump right in here. So there's usually a story of some sort behind all the names. I try to avoid just picking random shit that no one really connects to, because then it's kind of just like, oh yeah, that's cool and then we move on to the next one. So at number 10, we've got, and here we go folks, we're starting this for real.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Number 10, triple pump. I think it's fun. It plays into that kind of triple crown vibe. And triple pump is a classic, you go to Starbucks, a day like today, it's Friday, you're looking for some energy, it's cold and raining outside, you don't want one pump, you don't want two pump, you want a triple pump.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And it could be a triple pump of espresso, it could be triple pump of vanilla hazelnut, not sweetened sweetener. It could, you know, you could pump whatever you want. pump of vanilla hazelnut, not sweetened sweetener. It could, you know, you could pump whatever you want. But a triple pump is a great way to start the day and it's a great horse name. And sometimes I think Rachel gets a triple pump of something from somewhere to be as specific as I'm able to be because that's all I know.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I'm not a coffee expert, you know? I don't know all the drinks. The worst part is when you go into a Starbucks, whether you're getting a triple pump or not, but you go into a Starbucks and sometimes, they just don't have the menu on the big board. And you're kinda just like, hmm, it would be cool if you guys had a menu up here so I would know how to you know order a drink like I would love to
Starting point is 00:23:58 be able to go into Starbucks and order something off the menu but sometimes they take away the menu because they are too cool so that's just kind of down a rabbit hole a little bit here, which coincidentally, one of Arcade Fire's new songs in this album is called Rabbit Hole. So go check that out as well, but triple pump coming in at number 10. All right, coming in at number nine, and this is interesting because one of the fan vote options
Starting point is 00:24:22 we got is related to this one, number nine, which is actually why the, again, we're gonna read all our fan vote slide on air, but excuse me, big belch, the fan vote option will not be the one that was related to this, because I don't wanna double down on it, if it makes sense, but it'll still get read on air.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And thank you for the suggestion, it's a great one. But number nine, this because I don't want to double down on it if it makes sense, but it'll still get read on air. And thank you for the suggestion. It's a great one. But number nine, this what I came up with before we even saw the fan votes, Chimkin Express. It's a nod to Bailey, the famous family dog. It's a nod to pups everywhere out there who love their chimkin, which is basically like dog treats chicken flavored, but we call it chimkin, not chicken. And chimkin express, well, you know, that baby's gonna be fast.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And if it loses, you could turn it into chimkin. So there's really, there's a lot of layers of meaning there. But yeah, chimkin express, shout out to Bailey, see you later tonight actually. Number eight, this has come up in family conversations in the last two weeks and I just think it's a hell of a name, especially for a race horse, number eight, drive shaft. So there's some issues with a car
Starting point is 00:25:42 in the family related to a driveshaft needing replacement. It reminded me that the fictional band, Dominic Monahan's fictional band in the ABC Television to Lost, is named driveshaft. Their song, You All Everybody, is just a total direct ripoff of Oasis, specifically Racken Roll Star, which was Oasis's first big hit. And so, yeah, but when we were talking, so it was just in my mind, I thought, hey, this would be a great name for a horse. It's a cool car part, Mustang, stallions, feral horses, drive shaft coming in at number eight. You can expect drive shaft to give you a hell of a race.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Coming in at number eight you you can expect drive shaft to give you a hell of a race Number Seven we talk a lot of Pokemon on this show and This is kind of graying or or blurring the lines between what is like copyrighted and what's not? I don't really know, but there's a There's a famous portion of the original generation one Pokemon games, Red, Blue, Yellow, and in Japan green. Namaste all my friends over there in Tokyo listening to this show.
Starting point is 00:26:58 But the big bad boss, Pokemon Giovanni, his big project in this generation one Pokemon game is to take over Silph Co. It's actually Silph Company, but you never actually see a reference as Silph Company in the game. It's always to save on space and terabytes and stuff. It's always Silph, S-I-L-P-H, and then Co, CO with a period. And I never really, I never really thought about it because in my mind is always just like, oh, it's self-co. But it's like, no, this is like a legit, like they're just trying to abbreviate self-company. And it kind of, it's interesting to me. So I always just call it self-co. And I'm like, do, do other people call it self-co? Or like, do they call it self-co. And I'm like, do other people call it self-co? Or do they call it self-company?
Starting point is 00:27:46 I don't know, but I just love it. It's got a nice ring, self-co. And I don't really know what, in the Pokemon game, I don't really know what Giovanni's plan was. When you encounter him, he's holding the president hostage. I don't really know what the plan was there. Unlimited master balls, perhaps? I don't really know what the plan was there. Unlimited master balls, perhaps. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Master balls would be a good porn star name. Pokemon, Pokemon, Pornow, of which I'm sure there have been plenty. You don't have experienced myself, but coming in at number seven, we have SILF Co. All right, coming in at number six here, and the number five is gonna be the fan vote, and we'll also read all of our other submissions
Starting point is 00:28:26 Number six as a shout out to our upcoming trip my 50th state It was supposed to happen two plus years ago at this point But it's definitely happening now. We've got flights. We got lodging. Just got to grab a car and Then I'm gonna. Hey, I'm gonna be at the doll pineapple plantation, Bob Dole himself. Will be there to give me a tour. It's going to be great. But there's a big hike I want to do. There's a famous, they call it the stairway to heaven in Oahu. And it's illegal. And you get fined up to $5,000 if you climb the stairs to get up to this old radar tower that the use in World War II.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I'm not doing that hike because it's illegal. The stairs are looking a little spooky these days, but there's a back way to get there. It's a completely legal hike. It's, you know, through a valley. And then eventually you go up this really cool ridge to go up the back side of it. And it's like, it's a crazy hike in that, the conditions are just different than anything I've ever experienced. Hiking in Hawaii is a little different than the Appalachian Mountains or something.
Starting point is 00:29:33 But it's like 10 miles round trip. I think you can usually do it in like four hours with taking time for pictures. There are some steep inclines, but I think it could be fun. I really want to do it. The name of the trail is Moana, Louis Valley And that's the name of our horse coming at a number six the announcer are gonna have a hell of a time saying it Moana, Louis Valley, although I think once you get the hang of it, it kind of rolls off the tongue Well, you look at it and if you have never set it out loud
Starting point is 00:30:01 You're like, oh God, what is this? But then you say it and say it's not too bad and want to lose a valley. Mo on a Lou Valley seven syllables, not bad. All right, number five is our fan vote. And I do want to thank everyone who who sent in their submissions and I'll say this as well. Because I've Chatted with a couple people who mentioned, basically we're talking about this submission, talking about this upcoming episode today. And we were having different conversations, that sort of thing, but those people have not
Starting point is 00:30:35 actually submitted anything yet. And it's been 23 hours since we did the call to action, we ran the post out there. I've been checking my email, all that good stuff. I haven't seen anything yet. I'm gonna do one final sweep here before I actually read out these names live on the air and yeah, I don't see anything. So we're gonna jump into it.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Let me check the Instagram poll. Yeah, nothing new there. So I do wanna thank everyone who emailed. We got Instagram message, we got Facebook message. So thank you to everyone who's shared. This year, we have, and what I wanted to say is that if you do still have a submission, please send it in after this episode is recorded and broadcasted because I will gladly read it
Starting point is 00:31:23 next year and hate, to be honest, if it's good enough, I will save save it for next year's fan vote. But you know, we're going to take a new fan vote next year too. So you're going to have stiff competition from all these great fans and friends of the show who submitted their names on time this year. Okay. So the fan votes, all the ones that came in and thank you to everyone who's submitted and the last one I read will be the one that actually makes it into the top 10 But to show my gratitude and thanks to everyone
Starting point is 00:31:48 I did want to read them all live on air. So we got Harry Trotter I'm not usually a sucker for the direct plan words like that But hey, you know, there's there's no time like like the top 10 horse names special to try to throw something like that in there Next we have smooth ride. This was this was very kind of pleasant simple laid back and it's a little bit less aggressive than what we usually go for on these names, but in that sense I kind of like it. Now I was pretty close actually to picking smooth ride. It was definitely definitely had some good odds, probably like probably like six to one odds, you know. Then we had her designated driver. This was one in terms of just like the comedic value,
Starting point is 00:32:30 I didn't really get it, but everyone's got their different frames of reference, everyone's got their different experiences. Most people listen out there, probably don't understand all of my names. So thank you for submitting that, I do like it. And then the one that I did not pick, but I love. And it was it was related to chimkin express miss Bailey. It feels very like driving miss Daisy kind of old Southern bell, which definitely fits the vibe of Louisville very well.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And if I had to hand already thought of chimkin express miss Bailey, so did a good chance of being in there. So what actually won the fan vote this year coming in at number five, it's, there's not a lot of absurd humor going on in today's list. So this one is kind of our resident absurdist submission. It's, you're ready at number five, Shrek's epiphany. I don't, I don't know, I don't know what that means. I don't know where it came from. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Just two words you never really thought you would put together and I'll say this, it was a little bit tough to pick because it's not that different from what number two on the list is actually going to the, you know, the, the, the, the newspapers out there about the show, about the list, but we do what we can. So that was number five. And again, thank you to everyone who submitted. If you still want to submit a name, please do so. I will read them, gladly read them live on air next week because we definitely got like half an hour dead air worth filling.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So that'll be a good way to waste some time. Okay, folks are we are down into the nitty-gritty here. We are down to the final four action here. Number four Chicago people will know it. They will love it and they will hate it. Midg Spawn. And I've found it interesting. So I've had to kind of talk to a lot of people about midges this year because they don't really understand what they are. They know that there's a lot of bugs out in Chicago right now that they look like mosquitoes
Starting point is 00:34:30 but they're not biting. They're like, who is this? What are they? Well, they're midges. They are little bugs. They are in a spawning frenzy, although they're, my understanding is they're pretty much gone by now. But gosh, it's been so rainy,
Starting point is 00:34:46 so cloudy lately that they're just kind of holding on for dear life. But yeah, if you have been out by Chicago's lakefront at any point in the last two weeks, you know that there is a big mid spawn happening right now. Yeah, it's really gross. You can't really go for a run without eating a couple. I mean, just yesterday, I didn't have, I didn't like swallow any yesterday, I don't think. But I definitely got one like right up on the bridge of my nose, because I could like see it out of the peripherals
Starting point is 00:35:23 in my eye. And then they were just like constantly getting stuck in my forearm hairs. I was running. Just gross unpleasant. I'm thinking they don't really bite. They're just kind of there. But yeah, mid spawn. It's been awful last two weeks here in Chicago. So wet, so rainy, so perfect for midge breeding. So yeah, that's number four. Number three, a little homage to a very racist children's author. Number three, on our list, stink, stinks, dunk, from how the Grinch stole Christmas. And then the guy who Tony the tiger saying that you your mean one Mr. Grinch what's his name? Carl Rathbone or something
Starting point is 00:36:12 Raven fellow it's something like this. You're a mean one Mr. Grinch and song by Jim Kerry. I don't think so Disnify pentatonics. No Can we get can what does anyone know what Christmas is all about? Okay, Thurl Ravenscroft, there was, I knew I was right on it. What a guy, voice of Tony the Tiger, passed in 2005. Pretty good life, he made it to 89, not bad.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But yeah, stink, stink, stunk. Coming in at number three on the bean-town podcast. Okay, I really had a quandary here trying to pick between these top two for who would, who would, you know, just kind of be number two and it'd be cool and who would be cemented in bean-town lorias or number one pick. And I got to tell you there, one of them was a little bit more traditional. And I loved it and it would be a fantastic addition. And it really does sound like a perfect horse racing name.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And the other one was a little bit more kind of out of left field. But just, I don't know, it's something magical about it. So I picked the traditional one for number two, and one of the reasons was because it sounds similar, somewhat similar to a number one that we already have in the list, and I just didn't want people to think I was a sellout.
Starting point is 00:37:35 So coming in at number two, and this was somewhat similar in sound to our fan vote, which was Shrek's epiphany, but at number two, we have epistrophy. And you might be thinking, oh, yeah, when you're right, you had Episcopalian, you know, not so long ago back in 2018. So that's why partially why epistrophy did not win this year. It came in at number two.
Starting point is 00:38:01 If you're wondering how I spelled it, I did play around with the spelling just ever so slightly. E-P-I-S-T-R-O-P-H-Y, which the spellings of the actual word epistrophy has an E at the end, not a Y, but this little nod, tip of the cap, to the Thelonius monk, jazz standard epistrophy. If you don't know, hey, what does that mean? What is epistrophy? Epistrophy in, we're reading from Wikipedia now, which I just pulled up, is the repetition of the same word or words at the end of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences is also known as epiphora and occasionally antistrophy. It is a figure of speech in the counterpart of anaphora and aphora, let's see, which is repeating a sequence of words
Starting point is 00:38:52 at the beginning of neighboring clauses, like, well, we don't have to get into examples here, but I think you'll understand what it means when I give you an example. It is an extremely infatic device because of the emphasis placed on the last word of a phrase or sentence. So that would be like when Barack Obama is given a speech and then everyone says yes we can.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And then he says, and then we'll go ahead and go to New Hampshire and do this. And everyone says yes we can. And then, you know, we'll take the White House and they say yes we can. So that's what epistrophy means. It's the repetition of something at the end of a phrase, or clause or anything else that you want to put in there. So that's a Pistory, that's number two. And it's time we have reached it. The number one horse name of 2022 going in the record books etched into that trophy, you know, basically the Stanley Cup of
Starting point is 00:39:46 Horse Racing, fictional horse racing on the Bean Tum Podcast. Are you ready a little drum roll action? Number one, Flamingo Flabotomy. Flamingo Flabotomy coming in hot. Number one, this year's Mingo Flabbottyme coming in hot number one this year's 2022 number one horse name is Flamingo Flabbottyme And if you're wondering Yes, they both start with pH and that's actually a change that I'm literally making right now because I had thought of it, but I was like, I don't know. But yeah, that would be pretty fun. Flamingo with a pH that, I mean, that's bad ass. How often do you see two words next to each other that both start with pH? I mean, that is like chemistry lesson right there. Flamingo, phlebotomy, coming in number one, I love
Starting point is 00:40:41 it. I just popped into my head. I was on the train. I Thought gosh, this is really fun and I went with it. So that's your number one horse name to recap our fan votes this year That didn't make it were and thank you everyone for submitting. I do really appreciate it We had Harry Trotter smooth ride her designated driver and Miss Bailey and then from 10 to 1 We went triple pump. Number nine, Chimkin Express number eight, drive shaft number seven, self code number six, Moana, Louis Valley number five, the fan boat winner, Shrex Epiphany number four, Mitch Spawn number three, Stink Stinkstank, Dunk number two, Epistrophy and number one, Flamingo Flubotomy. And I want to thank everyone who submitted names,
Starting point is 00:41:26 everyone who has listened. If this is your fifth time joining us for our Top 10 Horse Name Special, you have seen 50 fantastic new names. And if you haven't listened to any of those previous ones, I'd encourage you to go back and check them out because if you thought, hey, this list was funny, fresh, and, well, thought, hey, this list was funny, fresh,
Starting point is 00:41:46 well, frankly, refreshing, then I've got 40 more names for you to check out. So I'd encourage you to do that every, every weekend. I think one of the years because of COVID, this, the timing of this episode was a little thrown off, but regardless, Irregardless, if you will, one of our last horse name winners. We have had a show with 10 new names. So thank you to everyone who has supported this show. Thank you to everyone who is listening. Listening to, my name is Quinn David Farnas. This was my show.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's one of my favorite shows of the year. Really happy to bring it to you live on a Friday morning. The Kentucky Derby is tomorrow Saturday, May 7th. I think post time is usually like 530-ish, something like that, central time. So be sure to check that out. It is the most exciting two minutes in sports, in my opinion. That's a lot of fun. All right, that's what we got for you today. Another hearty, healthy and happy installment here on the Bean Town Podcast.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Thank you for checking out right now in Q. You're gonna wanna be sure to head to Bean Town to listen to that. And of course, our good friends camped on races. Let's get our outro music to play us out. And I'm gonna tell you to be safe I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still in the sun, I'm still nd I'm going to do a little bit of the same.ご視聴ありがとうございました

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