Beantown Podcast - Top 10 Replacements for Joe Biden (06302024 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: June 30, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE fresh off the heels of the first presidential debate to discuss the top 10 potential replacements for Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential Election. #1 will shock you!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn Davis Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn Davis Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for Sunday, June 30th, 2024. What's happening? What's going on? How are you? My name is Quinn Davis Furness and I am the creator host and principal photographer little alliteration there For this program Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town podcast last day of June. What's happening? I'm gassed just got back from the pride parade a lot of love a lot of joy a lot of celebration here in Chicago and then you're walking back to the Pride Parade. A lot of love, a lot of joy, a lot of celebration here in Chicago, and then you're walking back to the train and there is some sort of twerking contest and someone
Starting point is 00:00:52 climbing a tree and they may have been twerking well in the tree. It was kind of difficult to make out but waded through the crowd and got back wade in the water. Should have more, should have more spirituals on this show. Rachel's singing in the background, can't quite pick up the rich harmonies. Yeah. I wish you could hear, she's got a beautiful singing voice. And she just agreed to do a song at her wedding, which I'm really excited for. So more details to come on that in the coming months less than 10 months till we're getting hitched it's very exciting means there's still a slight chance that Quinn jr. can be at the wedding we'll see knock on wood it's hard to podcast when there's someone right behind you what's happening a
Starting point is 00:01:42 listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program. Number one will occasionally some language number two this podcast is objectively terrible. And if you hate politics, well buckle up because today on the Bean Town podcast, we're going through the top 10 potential replacements for Joe Biden in this November's presidential election. So we're gonna be going through some prominent candidates, some of your old favorites, maybe some dark horses, maybe RFK's brain worm. I don't know. I'm not sure where the worm leans politically. I couldn't even really tell you where RFK leans politically. All I
Starting point is 00:02:20 know is he's certainly has his opinions and he has his follower. Followers plural, just one, I think that's about all he has. I don't know, is RFK like, he's like further right than left, I'm pretty sure, definitely. And I don't know, is he like a libertarian? I feel like you can be a libertarian and you can basically believe anything that doesn't really tell you anything about your morals or principles or your leanings kind of like a Whig party member, W-H-I-G. I'm drinking water today. Big old block of ice. Stuck my Nalgene, the entire 32 ounces, in the freezer while we were at the parade
Starting point is 00:03:09 and now it's dethawing a little bit. But it's good stuff, just drinking a big frozen block. Frozen block sounds like it would be the name of the Siberian prison that David Harbour goes to in Stranger Things. Where are goes to and Stranger Things. Where are we at on Stranger Things? We have four seasons now and they're doing it, they're supposed to do a fifth and final one, is that right? I really lost interest when they killed off Sean Astin. I don't know, I don't even think I, I think I completely abandoned ship on season four, which was already what, probably three years ago, four years ago maybe?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Probably not four years, maybe two or three years ago. I was with it, I was a big strange head. I was called me Dr. Strangelove through season two and then season three was on with the mall, right, with Maya Hawk and stuff and I felt like then I was still kind of interested. I thought it was fine, but season four I didn't even I just gave up on it Just the same thing over and over again not really enjoying it, but I don't know there. I think they're supposed to do one more season and obviously Netflix is Got to be pushing big for it to happen. I assume it's their most popular show they've ever created
Starting point is 00:04:26 But we'll see what happens. Shout out to our good friends in Pakistan. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Karachi. You think they do pride parades anywhere in Pakistan? Probably not. Maybe it's like, maybe the government would lay a trap where it's like, hey, Karachi, city of 7 billion people, you can do a pride parade and then it's just a trap for all the people to out themselves and then they shoot them in the street. I assume that's pretty much what happens
Starting point is 00:05:01 in the streets of Karachi if they were to you know bait the LGBTQAP community lesbian gay trans bi straight Pakistani so if you're listening out there and Pakistan and you're out and proud just watch your back because I feel like I don't know the government's probably not into that sort of thing. Email us, If you're Pakistani and you're gay, lesbian, queer, or otherwise an ally, let us know what's your experience like. Love to get you on the show as a guest. In case you're wondering, yes, I am low energy, just gassed.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Really, one of those weekends where you don't get as much sleep as you want to on Friday or Saturday and you're drinking both Friday, Saturday and a little bit Thursday. Well you had to have a drink for that presidential debate. I actually didn't but you had to. I had my drinks before at kickball and then the debate started after. So I'm just like Jackson Brown running on empty here. Looking across the street, I can't quite see it from here, but there's a great old German tavern, Rezzi's Beer Tube that I really want to hit up one of these days. It's literally down across the street. Apparently it's got a nice patio in back, kind of an old timey German
Starting point is 00:06:22 place, but I bet it'd be lit on Oktoberfest during Oktoberfest it's not just one day apologies for anyone it wasn't last week but the week before with our recording setup where it was quiet I had to reissue an upload which I've probably done once or twice before but I mean we're like 340 350 episodes in something like that, and it's only happened maybe one other time, I think, if I can recall. I don't have any explanation. When I'm recording on this computer, at first, I thought it was an audacity thing where the volume automatically goes down, At first I thought it was an audacity thing where the volume automatically goes down. But then I'm just using the native Microsoft or the native Windows voice recorder app here
Starting point is 00:07:10 and it seemed to happen two weeks ago as well, but it's not every time. I've closed out of any other applications that may be wanting to use the microphone, including my internet browser. So it's just you and me and Windows voice recorder, just shooting the breeze at 5 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon. But let's jump into it here. I told Rachel it would be a short episode. I'm going to hold myself to that because I'm tired. So the first of two presidential debates was this past Thursday night. I think it was the earliest presidential debate ever.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And of course, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Anderson Cooper, Dana Bash, or not Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash moderating CNN, and no live audience. It felt like if Black Mirror decided they wanted to make a debate episode There's like no audience Just felt very like controlled and futuristic. I don't know it was it was pretty much a letdown from the get-go We're we're late on the breaking news now but so I don't this isn't gonna be a shock to anyone or this isn't going to be the first time anyone's hearing it but Trump was kind of his old self and pretty much just said whatever he wanted to. And then, Joe Biden couldn't really say anything so it was kind of a tale of two candidates. If you're curious and you're thinking, hey,
Starting point is 00:08:46 how can I best prepare for the next presidential debate, which is all the way in September, literally three months from right now after the RNC, which is only two weeks away now, and DNC is another month past that here in Chicago. RNC is up in Milwaukee, I think the 15th, 16th, something like that. And then DNC is mid August in Chicago. You can go to bean town slash blog. That's where we posted the odds from being town sports book in advance of Thursday night's debate.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So you could have sent us a wager sent us your social security number and some money and probably got some back. Basically I'm a bookie, it's not official, you know, so keep it on the down low. Don't want the state of Illinois or the federal government to find out about this, but I'll hold your money and if you win I'll pay it out, if not I'll keep it. Beantown bookie, that's me. So it was pretty rough. And one of the things they were talking about, which I think this is going to lose steam, you know, after another week of new cycling, maybe not. That's just my, my hunch, my gut.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But they were talking like, okay, what do we do now? We got to replace Joe Biden. We can't put him back out there on this ticket. We can't lose to Trump. And so they were starting to, you know, I've seen some tweets about it and everyone's starting to think, well, who should we put out there? Should it just be Kamala or should we actually like try to run someone legit not that Kamala is not legit but just like a new fresh face so that got me thinking hey what if we and this is going to double as our this week on the campaign trail what if we and we're gonna finish with some presidential debate trivia who are the
Starting point is 00:10:41 who are the leading candidates to replace Sleepy Joe? Crooked Joe. Joe needs something with alliteration, right? Trump really dropped the ball on that one. Everyone loves alliteration. Another J, what could we do? Jumpin' Joe. He's not really jumpy.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Jive in Joe. I don't know. Jovial Joe. These are all too positive. So who are the top 10 candidates to replace Joe Biden in this fall's general election? And I wrote down the list of names before I started recording when I was at the Pride Parade, but I actually neglected to rank them, which is embarrassing. So I'm just gonna have to do this live like old friend of the show Bill O'Reilly would say. So here we go starting with
Starting point is 00:11:28 number 10 Kamala Harris because it kind of seems like the obvious choice and if Joe kills over and dies that's probably what's gonna happen but I don't know. Let me say this first and foremost all jokes aside, I think Kamala's a badass and even though we don't really see much of her as VP, I think she's you know pretty solid. Now beyond that I find her to her voice to be very challenging for me personally to listen to. It sounds like she's always about to break down and cry. I don't know. I can't imagine listening to Kamala to a State of the Union.
Starting point is 00:12:10 It'd be cool for a little bit, because it's like first woman president. But then I'd also just be like, are you OK? Do you need a tissue? So yeah, Kamala is tough for me to listen to. But I don't know, seems like the safe choice. Rachel wants to come on the podcast. Oh no, she's just grabbing some candy. So Kamala Harris, number 10. Number 9, something I saw floating
Starting point is 00:12:36 around on Twitter here and there, because he's pretty popular around these parts. JB Pritzker, current governor of Illinois. And let's let's throw in it. I didn't have this as you know officially on my list, but let's throw in as an alternate you know especially if he was gonna pick his own VP here. So alternate slash VP pick Blagojevich because he's barred from holding office in the state of Illinois, but nothing federally, right? Trump's a convicted felon. He can be president.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So why can't Rob Blagojevich be president? You know, I was playing George Michael's Freedom 90 on the piano this morning, sort of a gay anthem. And then that got me thinking, hey, that's the song I used for my sweet Rob Blagojevich welcome home slideshow that I made three or four years ago when he got out of prison. I guess more than that now, because Trump released them, so probably like five, six years ago. I think it was fall of 2019. Does that sound right?
Starting point is 00:13:48 You can go check it out on my YouTube channel. It's got some cool photos of Rod. Sometimes Obama's in there. Interspersed our clips of me dancing, and I got some sick moves. I was wearing this cool Hawaiian shirt. So pretty good video. So number eight, or excuse me, number nine, JB Pritzker. And I guess we spent most of the time talking about Rod Blagojevich. shirt. So pretty good video. So number eight, or excuse me, number nine, JB Pritzker. And
Starting point is 00:14:10 I guess we spent most of the time talking about Rod Blagojevich. All right, who else we got on this list? Well, number eight, you know, Trump served one term and he's trying to come back and he's old. So that got me thinking, is there anyone else who only served one term who could come back in their role to kind of fit the mold of Biden or Trump and then it struck me the choice is obvious Jimmy Carter. He's out there. He's a free agent. He's available He would be One of the first presidents in a while who's not currently married right pull an old James Buchanan rest in peace Rosalind But Jimmy's just hanging out in Georgia, and figure if they can throw Biden out there, why can't we throw Jimmy Carter out there? What if Jimmy Carter's like second term stunning achievement was that he built a new White House,
Starting point is 00:15:00 right? Habitat for Humanity. I think that'd be that'd be a good example to set for the future generations. I don't know how much hammering Jimmy is doing these days. I think he's not that mobile from what I've heard. But maybe he can still move his forearm back and forth, or at least his wrist, if nothing else. So Jimmy Carter, he's only a couple years older than Biden. Trump, 99.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Still fresh, still sharp. Sharp as a tack. Great phrase. So a lot of people are thinking we should go younger. Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, I say, country seems to like their old folks. So let's just lean into it and go old Jimmy Carter. Why not? Pull a Grover Cleveland. Two non-consecutive terms. People think
Starting point is 00:15:52 Trump's gonna be the one to do it. We're forgetting about Jimmy Carter. There is no one else who's eligible, right? Obama two terms, Bush two terms, Clinton two terms, and old Herbert Walker there. Rest in peace. Yeah, Jimmy's our last hope for this. So that's number eight, Jimmy Carter. Number seven, coming back to the present day, if we're gonna lean into the female angle here, which is fine, she's not my only female on the list, I have multiple actually, but I figure we already, But I figure we did a package deal with Pritzker and Blagojevich.
Starting point is 00:16:29 They'd have to learn to get along. Well, why don't we take the best traits of Amy Klobuchar and the best traits of Amy Warren and try to, or Amy Warren, Elizabeth Warren, and try to make it happen? Because they both tried to be president before. Elizabeth Warren has tried, I think, twice now, 16 and 20. And then Klobuchar just in 20, I think. If my memory serves me correctly,
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't think she was throwing her hat in the ring at 16 or anything like that. But it seems like they both are good politicians with good heads on their shoulder and represent their states well. Massachusetts and Minnesota, I think, if my memory serves me correctly. But they just don't have enough oomph to get over the finish line. So maybe we just take Elizabeth Warren's mom way of speaking with Amy Klobuchar's cool bangs? I don't know, is that...
Starting point is 00:17:30 We could probably throw in something like Tammy Duckworth's legs or something. That's not even meant to be like a poor taste joke about Tammy Duckworth. It's just for building a machine, you know? Might as well lean into all the parts we can get. Tammy if you're listening I love you. So there we go we got number seven Amy Klobuchar bangs Elizabeth Warren's mom personality and Tammy Duckworth's legs. Number six, last one, and then we're going to say thank you to our sponsors. A lot of people think that he had his sort of 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:12 of presidential election fame. But you know what? Sometimes people get 30 minutes. So Mike Bloomberg, come on down. I don't even know how I remembered that he made a run for president. It was such a short-lived bizarre thing. His campaign lasted for like 20 days back in 2020 if you'll recall, where he throws his hat in the ring. He's like one of the richest men on earth. And I think he
Starting point is 00:18:42 got up on the debate stage once. I don't even remember. But it was just so quick, so fast, and he was so like not popular at all. And so he just dropped out. But when I was working for Johns Hopkins, Mike Bloomberg gave us $1 billion, which is crazy for student financial aid. So I don't know, maybe he doesn't have enough money for a legit run. Maybe that was his problem. But yeah, Mike Bloomberg, come on down. You're number six on our list of potential replacements for jumping jovial Joe Biden. Before we reveal the top half of the list, thank you to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon. It's Pride Month, guys, for seven more hours. And don't forget, it's not just about LGBTQIA.
Starting point is 00:19:29 It's also about Home Pride Oregon. 541-410-0316 is a great number to call if you're feeling prideful or if you just need your home inspected in Central Oregon, or both, frankly. You don't have to cancel each other out. Call Steve or go to Send me an email. Tell him Quinn sent you. Double internacci, in short.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Good stuff. Good stuff. Homepriorityorgan inspection perfection. Don't let those big real estate companies, their stranglehold take over your life. Of course, our good friends at the Samson Q2U series took a well-deserved break last week. And it's been like two and a half weeks almost,
Starting point is 00:20:14 and they're back in the ring here today. Leading the charge for us, if you ever have any audio issues or listening issues to the Beantown podcast, there's one company you can't blame, and that's Samson Q2U series. When God speaks, he uses Samson. And I was, this was in a group chat this morning, a family friend from my hometown
Starting point is 00:20:36 who's teaching a class at my homeschool co-op. And he's a businessman and does MLM stuff. And we were, my brother was asking what class we think he teaches at this homeschool experience. He teaches a class and I don't business technologies they think is what it was but I was thinking it should be something some sort of play on words with profits right because he's he's he's big into MLMs and making money and scheming. And profits is a great biblical word.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So well, I skew towards the minor profits more. I think if I was going to start my own money show, I'd have to call it major profits, right? It'd be about God, money, and family. That's maybe a Beantown podcast spin-off. If anyone out there is could do a good like Jim Baker style persona and podcast for them and they want to join me on the major profits podcast, just let us know. We'll get
Starting point is 00:21:41 together. That would be a kick-ass show. Then of course, our good friends at Cuts by Q. When you need a fresh, do you use something snappier or do you call the experts at Cuts by Q? I woke up this morning. My hair is looking gnarly, man. It was a sweaty day yesterday. The humidity just absolutely took it out of me. We handle humidity. We'll do perms. I don't know. I think perms you need some chemicals, right? I probably have to go see if we had any like rice wine vinegar in the freezer or something. Well you wouldn't put rice wine vinegar in the freezer. Does vinegar freeze? Probably. I don't even
Starting point is 00:22:17 really know what vinegar is though. Let's learn something. You know this is one of those things where... Look, I've been around vinegar for almost 30 years. And I have no idea what it is. What is vinegar? Where does it come from? What do we know about vinegar? What does it mean? Is that Dutch? Okay, vinegar, Wikipedia, it's gonna be good from old French sour wine is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and trace compounds that may include flavorings five to eighteen percent acidic acid by volume so what the heck is acidic acid it's got a specific colorful or color chemical formula not colorful formula so it's just its carbon
Starting point is 00:23:08 hydrogen and oxygen is what we're dealing with here and apparently if you put those all together it makes makes your your acid sour I don't know the acidic acid is produced by a double fermentation converting simple sugars to ethanol using yeast and ethanol to acidic acid. There's too many terminologies here and I need this in plain speak English. You use in the culinary arts that's a great term culinary arts. Malt acid malt vinegar what the heck is malt? Obviously I know what we used to get malt candies when I was a kid and I hated them and not my jam
Starting point is 00:23:52 cuts by Q and you need a fresh cheese and snappy or new or you need some vinegar I don't know rice wine balsamic apple cider vinegar. Probably other kinds too that we haven't even discovered as a human race yet. That's pretty cool to think about. How many more vinegars are we going to discover in my lifetime? I'm excited. Forget colonizing Mars.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I'm more concerned about how many more vinegars we can discover. Okay, so so far we've had 10 through 6 Kamala Harris, Pritzker slash Bogoyevich for 9, Jamie Carter 8, Amy Klobuchar Elizabeth Warren, and Tammy Duckworth super, you know, 6 million dollar man, 7. Michael Bloomberg 5. five okay who do we have left on the list here let's go back Al Gore not just Al Gore number five but Al Gore and his fleet of wind turbines I don't know I'm thinking like any like a Marvel super villain or something where he's got like these little drones there but
Starting point is 00:25:01 they're tiny little wind turbines and they follow him everywhere. Almost like a docock situation with the arms and there's sentient. Sentient. Sentient is what I said. Sentret, that's a Pokemon. Gen three, I think. Or gen two, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But Algor and his fleet, love having a good fleet of wind turbines. I was thinking of going for whales, but then I was like, that's the joke that 30 Rock makes. He's like, I have to go a whale somewhere. A whale needs me. He rushes away. So yeah, I'm imagining like a super villain, Doc Ock kind of Al Gore with a bunch of wind turbines, mini little wind turbines that follow him around everywhere and they can attack or they can attack or they can use their powers for good. It's up to the turbines, their sentient. All right, number four, we're going a little dark horse here. That's not
Starting point is 00:26:01 meant to be a comment on her skin color. She's just a dark horse, but she's been floated before Oprah Winfrey. I feel like Oprah, I don't think she ever really said anything about, but that was like a hot speculation back in 2020 or 2019, whatever it was like, oh man, is Oprah going to run? We've had these other things as well, like Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Kanye. But Oprah I think is the one who could actually rally people together. Now, here's the question I have. Now, I'm almost 30 years old.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Obviously, I know Oprah, but I'm a little bit too young to have been part of the Oprah phenomenon, where I would be a huge fan. I mean, her show was obviously still very popular and still going until I was, you know, what probably early teens, something like that. I don't remember exactly when the Oprah Winfrey show stopped, but I'm not like a super fan. But I think people probably slightly older than me, and then older than them are probably
Starting point is 00:27:00 still super fans of Oprah. I don't know. I feel like she's not, I was going to say, I feel like she's not in the news that much these days, but I mean, she is the news, right? She like has her whole media conglomerate. So I don't know. Maybe Oprah could make a run and she could choose that one guy that she's been like together with, but not married to for like 40 years that could be her running mate I don't know could be exciting number four Oprah number three America's sweetheart Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard was a Democratic senator representative I think representative from Hawaii if I recall correctly and she ran in the primaries in
Starting point is 00:27:49 2016 I think it was and she was really spooky You know who was even spookier though. Who was that one lady like the witch from 2020? Oh, man What was her name? You guys remember who I'm talking about? We got to look this up She was all about healing healing powers and stuff. 2020 Democratic primaries, candidates. Okay, This is from February 12. Her name was like Marion something. Is that is that ringing a bell for anyone? All right. Down the list back in 2020, but these were the candidates Biden, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Warner, I don't even know who that is. Tim Kaine, John Kerry, no. Okay. Cory Booker, I forgot about that guy. Is he still in the Senate? I don't even remember. Who are, there's Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Was this lady Republican? Her name was like Mary, Mary or Marion something. I can't even remember but she was Williamson was that who that was? Marianne Williamson I think that's right a self help self help author. And yeah, what do we think she's up to these days? I mean, everyone's always like, oh, what do you think Sarah Palin's up to these days? But Marianne Williamson, that's a deep cut.
Starting point is 00:29:13 That's not even who we're talking about here, but maybe she and Tulsi Gabbard could be the ticket. What is she? Yeah, she's a spiritual advisor. Oh, and she was launched into prominence by Oprah Winfrey So maybe they they should team up. I don't know Marianne Williamson Was slightly or very briefly in the
Starting point is 00:29:39 Democratic primaries just this year. She terminated her campaign June 11, 2024. Why haven't I heard about this? This was 19 days ago. I'm so out of the loop, man. Tulsi Gabbard is kind of creepy though, and now she's a Republican. So probably wouldn't work well. I feel like the DNC probably not going to go for it, but crazier things have happened. Number two, AI Obama. So Obama can't be president anymore, but I don't know what the Constitution has to say about AI people, right? I don't think they covered that.
Starting point is 00:30:18 The founding fathers didn't have the foresight. So we could just train an AI model to act and think and get bin Laden just like the real Obama, but this is AI. I don't know who says no, not me. I'd be down for that and he can stay the same age forever. He doesn't have to get old. I think, in all honesty, some sort of computer algorithm, AI Obama is a better choice for president than at least Marianne Williamson. Probably Talsey Gabbard, too. And after all the surgeries, probably the Elizabeth Warren Klobuchar Duckworth machine too. Maybe not Jimmy Carter but most of them. That brings us
Starting point is 00:31:12 to number one on our list is Jake from State Farm. You want to know who can unite the country. It's a fictional insurance sales or a spokesperson. The actor is from from Chicago here. You know who I feel bad for? I not actually feel bad but just lost to the dustbin of history. The original Jake from State Farm just that white pudgy white guy in his khakis and then they decided to go in for a major rebrand. Now they I don't know what this actor's name is but the actor is not gonna be president. It's gonna be the character Jake from State Farm.
Starting point is 00:31:47 If we can have an AI Obama be president at number two, then we could have an insurance spokesperson be president too. Now, the question then becomes, well, if we're talking insurance, how does Jake from State Farm stack up against the general or lemu emu and doug right that that'd be a complete ticket there flow of course and uh the uh the aflac duck probably not as good now that uh gilbert godfrey's gone and then uh the gecko from Geico. Who would you want as president? Let us know. Email us at It's Let us know which insurance salesman, and maybe I missed someone, you would like to have as president. If not Jake
Starting point is 00:32:39 from State Farm, who else? Who else could you see? Maybe maybe the Allstate guy Dean Winters Mayhem when I was a kid Allstate had that black actor from 24 and I always thought it was Denzel Washington but it's not he could be good too he's no nonsense kind of guy that black guy not Dean Winters where there is one other that I'm forgetting about right now I I don't remember the company, but that's good content. Let us know if there are any prominent insurance characters that I'm forgetting about. Maybe the Prudential Life Whale?
Starting point is 00:33:18 I don't know. Tail Slaps, that was a great commercial. OK, that's what I got for you. Number 10, Kamala Harris. Number 9, JB Pritzker slash Blagojevich. Number was a great commercial. OK, that's what I got for you. Number 10, Kamala Harris. Number 9, JB Pritzker slash Blagojevich. Number 8, Jimmy Carter. 7, the Klobuchar, Warren Duckworth machine. 6, Mike Bloomberg.
Starting point is 00:33:32 5, Al Gore and his fleet of wind turbines. 4, Oprah Winfrey. 3, Tulsi Gabbard and maybe Marianne Williamson. 2, AI Obama. And number 1, Jake from State Farm. There is your list of potential replacements. Let's finish this off with some trivia here. So we've done this sort of thing before,
Starting point is 00:33:49 where it's just a game or like a link. And rather than one question, this is going to be an article. And we're going to go through these questions together. And I didn't vet them, because I wanted to play along with you at home. So keep track of yourself. These are 12 quotes from US presidential debates, a quiz. So they're going to be multiple choice.
Starting point is 00:34:10 So they have a timer here. I can't stop it. So we got to go. It's 30 seconds on each one. Here we go first. I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Who said it, Reagan or Mondale? And I think they ran against each other, so I'm going to say Reagan. And that's right. OK. We got 500 points. That's pretty good. Number two, I had the chance to pull together a cabinet,
Starting point is 00:34:37 and all the applicants seemed to be men. I went to a number of women's groups and said, can you help us find folks? And they brought us whole binders full of women. I don't even think we need the answer choices there, but that was Obama and Romney and or Obama or Romney. And the answer of course is Mitt Romney and other 500 points were hot. And that was in 2012. Number three, we can no longer afford to be second best. I want people all over the world to look at look to the United States again to feel that we're on the move To feel that our high noon is in the future was that Kennedy or Nixon this this is the one
Starting point is 00:35:12 I actually don't know it seems like something Kennedy would say maybe that's a trick. Maybe it was Nixon So I'm gonna I'm gonna go with my gut which is Kennedy Now there's 500 points. We're right. We're hot. We're three for three Another 500 points, we're right, we're hot, we're 3 for 3. Next up, as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a ceasefire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina. What was that, Hillary or Trump?
Starting point is 00:35:40 And well, I think it has to be Hillary. There you go. I only got 300 points that time, it has to be Hillary. There you go. I only got 300 points that time. It's kind of disappointing. I don't understand why, but oh well. Next up, nobody has more respect for women than I do. Again, the answer choice is Hillary or Trump. And that one is Trump, I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:36:02 There we go, back up to 500 points. Number six, well actually he forgot Poland. Was that George W Bush or John Kerry? This is one I don't recall and I have no idea. Well actually he forgot Poland. I'm gonna say George W Bush seems like Kerry would have taken a dig at you know something with like Bush's intelligence. I'm gonna say that's George W Bush. Got it. 470 points this time okay. So we've gotten 500, we've got 300, we've got 470. We're halfway home, we're still perfect and we have 2770 points. Question seven. It's hard to get any word in with this clown excuse me this person Trump or Biden.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Sounds like something Joe would say let's try Joe. Yes 500 points. That was back in 2020. Next up I served with Jack Kennedy I knew Jack Kennedy Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine Senator you're no Jack Kennedy. That's a famous quote I think so it's either Dan Quayle or Lloyd Benson. I think Quayle said it. No, we messed up. Sorry, the the older generation listening is gonna think I'm stupid for that one. But Lloyd Benson said that of Dan Quayle. Alright, we've drawn first blood here. We got four questions left next up. This one's got four answer choices. When I hear your new ideas, I'm reminded of that ad. Where's the beef? Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson, Gary
Starting point is 00:37:34 Harder, John Glenn, I have no idea. I'm gonna go with Mondale because I don't know. But let's say Mondale. It was okay, and a full 500 points. So double jeopardy. All right. Number 10. There you go again. Reagan or Carter. That sounds like something Reagan would say, but we are he was already the answer once. So I think it's gonna be Carter.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It was Reagan. Why are we doing quotes? Why are we doing two answers? There's only 12 questions here. Could we not come up with 12 different people? You can even give me the undercard, right? It could have been a Marianne Williamson quote. Tricky, tricky. All right, two left. You're likable enough, Hillary. Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Barack Obama, or John Edwards. Sounds like an Obama quote, right right and it was full 500 points and then our final question here I'd like to start by offering you a deal Jack
Starting point is 00:38:32 if you won't use any football stories I won't tell any of my warm and humorous stories about chlorofluorocorbin well chlorofluorocarbon abatement well this is one stupid because it's either Al Gore or Jack Kemp and He calls him Jack in the quote, so I'm pretty sure it's Al Gore It sure was Excuse me I Don't even remember Jack Kemp, but that must have been Bob Dole's running mate
Starting point is 00:39:03 if I recall correctly So there you go. Let us know how you did email us. BeanTownPodcast at I think I was 10 out of 12. Would have been 11 out of 12 but there was a trick question, a second Reagan quote and that's what I got for you. Thanks so much for listening to my program, Quinn David Furnace Presents the BeanTown Podcast. My name is Quinn and this is my show. We'll come to you next week at some point with a special holiday or America's birthday celebration so be on the lookout for that. I think we can go ahead and cue up our outro music here. Happy June, see you in July. My name is Quinn David Fernes. time. Bye! so
Starting point is 00:40:14 uh so yeah So

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