Beantown Podcast - Top Ten Horse Names 2021 (05142021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: May 14, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE to reveal this year's Top 10 Horse Names for 2021! How will the fan favorite fare? It's alliteration galore!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn we are more or less halfway done with May? That's crazy talk. That's like June is coming up hot. We are streaming live. Facebook, YouTube, SoundCloud, it has been a while since we got a little video stream going. If you forgot what I looked like, my arms have gotten thinner,
Starting point is 00:00:46 my belly's gotten bigger, and my hair has gotten longer. You're not missing too much here. This is probably the last time, in my life as a human being, that you are going to get to see this place, Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois. My apartment here, I will review the address.
Starting point is 00:01:10 You know, after I move, I don't want any crazed fans. You know, another 817 St. Paul Street incident, Baltimore, Maryland, 2122. That was a good zip code, 2122. This zip code is good too, 60626. I like that repetition at the end. You know, you had 606 or 626212. It's good stuff. My name is Quinn Ferness and this is my show Quinn David Ferness presents the Bean Tom podcast. Thank you for tuning in wherever you're watching from Facebook, YouTube, listening after the fact. It doesn't matter. It's Friday night. It's about 6 p.m. Kind of a unique time to record, but you know, you got Rachel. She's out of town.
Starting point is 00:01:53 She's in Florida. I got the night to myself, totally bachelor in it up. And I could sell some some only fans toe picks holding them up to the screen here. I feel like Margot Robbie in one Sponent time in Hollywood here. I'm double fisting. I posted this on social media if you didn't believe me. This is a can of old style that has been in my fridge since like, I don't know, November 2019 something like that. And it's not like there was a six pack
Starting point is 00:02:22 and I've been slowly whittling away. I think I bought a six pack when I had a brother in town or something we drank most of them and There was this one left and I haven't gone around to it So I brought it into the shower with me right before we started. I want to make sure I was clean and fresh for the live show It still tastes pretty good And then we also got It still tastes pretty good. And then we also got, this is the last, we're really digging into the archives here.
Starting point is 00:02:48 This is a gin and tonic, although it's just kind of like, it's the bubbly water that I made. So it's not actually tonic water, but I think it's pretty much the same thing with a little bit of lime. That gin, and I actually, I have a two liter of tonic water that I purchased before I had my soda
Starting point is 00:03:07 stream. That's been in my fridge since last year's birthday. And I bought the gin along with the two-liter tonic water for last year's birthday. So that was, you know, bought early March of 2020, right before the pandemic, when I was still having a planning a birthday party for myself, hearing the apartment. That's the sad thing about this apartment. It's a great apartment.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Tons of space. One of the reasons I was so excited about it was that I wanted, you know, to be able to host people in here and not, you know, not like sleep over, but just like host get together has had parties whatever And of course the last 14 months have not really allowed for that type of action It's a shame. I got this this big apartment here I'll do a quick little I can't do it too or because I'm connected with my wired up microphone here my Samsung Q2U series But here Facebook you can see If you're watching the Facebook stream,
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm holding up the computer here. I got this nice big living room here. It's now, you know, got boxes, Hansel in the background. And then behind me there is the dining room. I got the piano, got my dining room table. I got a nice kitchen back there at the huge walk in pantry. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Apologies if you have motion sickness on Facebook. YouTube, I was gonna do the same thing, but I feel like I've done enough piano streaming on YouTube that you know what the dining room looks like. I can't take you into the bedroom that's classified. But yeah, we're really, we're cleaning out the empties here. That was the last time I gin that I bought for my birthday, last year, my 25th birthday. And this kind of old style was purchased well before that. So I think
Starting point is 00:04:50 I'm just about, I still have some whiskey here that I got to drink down. I'll work on that this weekend and one bottle of wine. But otherwise, you know, we're working our way down lots of lots of, you know, boxing up,, next Saturday, eight days, a week from tomorrow is the big move. See you on Facebook, P.J. Schiller, what up? Thanks for being here, I appreciate it. Welcome to the bean town podcast. Yeah, I got the big move tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It hasn't really set in yet. I know we talked about it extensively last week on the podcast. It's just weird, like I don't feel rich enough to move down to Lincoln Park where I'm moving. That's the big thing. We were in my college, I tried to live down there two out of my three years. And so it's just a little, and I remember in college reason I brought that up, I remember being in college and being like, I am not rich enough To be able to live here, you know down on four or ten. I see we have some unstable internet and stuff. I apologize for that
Starting point is 00:05:53 So I think there's gonna be an imposter syndrome is not necessarily the right phrase or term for it because I'm like It's not like I don't feel like I don't belong. It's just like, doesn't quite feel like my neighborhood. But at the same time, it's like, it want to be close to work. I want to be close to friends, you know, on the Neuron North side and stuff. So, I don't know, it's just going to take some getting used to smaller apartment, you know, a little bit more hustling bustle. Although I am thankful that I'm like, even though I'm living on a fairly main street, it's not quite as major as like, you know, a clerk or a whole stedre, a balmont or something.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So it's still got a little bit of that laid back feel. So I got the alley like, it will get used to it. But yeah, that's happening a week from tomorrow. So we're literally, I mean, I got my boxes back here, building them, you know, putting stuff in there. I was back to swear, I should mention a listener discretion is advised. When you're listening to the Bean Tom Podcast number one, we'll occasionally use some language number two.
Starting point is 00:06:52 This podcast is objectively terrible. I want to thank everyone for tuning in. It's a very special episode, and I promise I'm not going to waste, you know, any more of your time. You all are here because you wanted my top 10 horse names of 2021. And just like we do with our power rankings, just like we've done with our horse names the past four years now, we are gonna go ahead and start from number 10. We'll work our way down to number one. We will take a break in the middle to hear from our wonderful ad sponsors.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And yeah, we'll just work our way from 10 to number one. I promise, I think pretty much every single one of these horse names that we're going to go through has some kind of story behind it. You know, I know in years past, you know, you get horse names and it's like they're just kind of funky and they don't really have a, you know, a great story They're just kind of weird to be weird. I've had those absolutely in the last three years But I think this list of top 10 everything in here is like okay, here's this name. Here's why I chose it Etc. If you're new to the show if this is your first horse name special
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'll just give you a brief background every year around the Kentucky Derby. We try to do this. And the Kentucky Derby this year is two weeks ago. It just completely slipped my mind, which is why we didn't do it two weeks ago. But preekness, which is actually in Baltimore, bean town where we started this show from, that is happening tomorrow. And so I figured, you know what, we missed Kentucky, that's okay, we'll just do it for pre-knist. And so these are horse names. If you're not really a horse racing fan and you're not familiar with the culture, horse racing horse names are just like really weird. I mean, you could just literally go look up a list of Kentucky Derby winners and be like,
Starting point is 00:08:49 what were they smoking? I mean, you have, I mean, Secretariat, Super Popular, of course, mind that bird. What was the most recent one who won the Triple Crown and started with an E, right? I want to say Equalizer, but that wasn't it. I'm gonna look this up real quick for you just so you can get a better example of the names that we're going for here. So when I say top 10 horse names, these are not names that are like real horses
Starting point is 00:09:24 that I just picked out from this year and are like, these are really cool ones. These are straight from my head. These are names that I have cultivated myself and there's really not a lot of rhyme or reason. It's just kind of fun to do it. Justify. That was the name of the one in the Triple Crown, right? Let me click on is, yeah, the most recent
Starting point is 00:09:47 under the American Triple Crown. I mean, just in the past five years, you have Medina Spirit, who TBD on that victory got caught using Roy's classic horse problem. Last year was authentic, I had no idea. I would have bet you like $200. If you would have told me five seconds ago that last year's Kentucky Derby winner was authentic,
Starting point is 00:10:08 I would have said no effing way. Like, I don't remember that. I think that race was in what like August, October or something like that. Country house was three years ago. Was that the one where the race, the winner got disqualified? It might have been, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Then justify always dreaming, Nyquist, American Farrow. I think that was another triple crown winner. California Chrome, or I have another, I remember that one, Animal Kingdom, I remember that one, then there's mine, that bird, et cetera. Anyways, I don't even remember most of those, but I always watched a Kentucky Derby.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So we're gonna go through every year on the Bean Top Podcast, four years running now, I have made a list around this time of year of Top 10 horse names, and I'll actually I'll give you a reminder, not of each list because I'm not gonna read you 30 horse names live on air here, but I'll remind you of what my number ones have been the last three years.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So let me get a sip of my old style here and we will dig those up for you. So one of the reasons I started doing this annual special in general three years ago when I started this show was that I had always like through high school, college and grad school. I was always talking about this one name which ended up being my number one for 2018 the first year of the show as like if I ever own a horse, which probably is not going to happen because I work in education. But if I ever own a horse like this is going to be my horse's name because it's just like the greatest horse name I can think of. And so that name, and this was the number one name from our top 10 list year one,
Starting point is 00:11:50 that name was of course a Piscopalian, which is just like, I'm a big religion guy, not in terms of practicing it, but I just think like, I mean, I was a religious studies minor in college, I studied it, I think it's fascinating. And there's so many great terms, like, especially in Western religion, Greek and Latin roots, like it's just, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Episcopalian was number one in 2018. Number 2019, we stuck with a religion theme, Pentatook, which is the first five books of the Old Testament. I also think, you know, just spelling wise, Pentatook, P-E-N-T-A-T-E-U-C-H. I love that T-E-U-C-H and it's took. It's just like, that's awesome. So that was number one in 2019. Last year, number one, we went
Starting point is 00:12:37 to a theme work or a medical approach and it was still one word, irregardless, which I picked because it's not actually a word, but people are always using it, irregardless, which I picked because it's not actually a word, but people are always using it, irregardless. And so, yeah, you might be sensing a trend. All of our number one names have been one word up to this point in time. This year, the only thing I'll say about the list are about number one at this point. It's not one word, We're breaking the trend.
Starting point is 00:13:05 So if you had money on this, you lost money. It's not one word. What do you say we go ahead and kick off our list? We'll do five, we'll do the 10 through six, and then we'll do number one. I gotta tell you, I ordered these as I was walking to the grocery store. and then we'll do number one. I gotta tell ya, I ordered these as I was walking to the grocery store. Yes, thank you for tuning in,
Starting point is 00:13:31 Antiana, horse name, eerie, guardless. I know, crazy, it would be great though. Wait till you hear this list. They're ordered 10 through one, I guess, in a very loose fashion of like 10 is my favorite or 10 is my least favorite or 10 is my least favorite one is my favorite, but I've gone through millions of names to get down to this top 10 list for this year.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So really, if you made the top 10, you're all winners in my book, okay? Number 10, kicking us right off, is my only real pun, okay? I figure I can afford one pun per year. A full and one coming in at number 10. Horse name, a full and one. Got the little golf theme.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I gotta tell you, I don't remember if I told this story on the show about a month ago, I was running up by Warren Park here in Chicago. And half of the park, the Eastern half is a public golf course. The Western half is just a park. It's got an ice rink, a nice sledding hill, all sorts of stuff. Cricket, actually, believe it or not, because it's right next to Little India.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I'm running around Warren Park. And you reach a point where the path is just like, on the opposite side of the fence from the golf course. And I'm running on the pavement with my music in. And so I'm not really, you know, I'm kind of like zoned out of the sardine mile like three to four of my run. So I'm like in the zone, not really thinking about anything other than just running. And right next to me about a yard away, a golf ball hits the the the con not the concrete the pavement and bounces and you know I don't know where it went but that thing was this close from whacking me in the head I don't know
Starting point is 00:15:19 enough about you know your skull and not like it, I wouldn't have a fractured skull, but brain hemorrhages. I'm not a doctor yet, but I assume that would have been problematic. Okay, it probably would have hurt. I don't know, can you get knocked unconscious from that? It wasn't a line drive, it wasn't coming at me horizontally.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Someone had, I didn't know if they chipped or they just had like, you know, the opening shot from hell or whatever, but it was way over the fence, just missed me, scared the crap out of me. And if this is a repeat story, I apologize. But yeah, it was, hmm. It was a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:05 So I tell you what, that person did not shoot a hole in one, but number 10 on our horse list is full in one. Number nine, this is an interesting one. And really the only people who can fully appreciate this would be like three people in my immediate family. Lee Roy Lowry. Our number nine horse family. Lee Roy Lowry. Our number nine horse name is Lee Roy Lowry. I love a iteration, especially when it comes to horse names.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Lee Roy Lowry is a proper name, if you couldn't figure that out already. He was the assistant coach of my youth, flag football team when I was like seven years old. My brother Jack and I played one season of Flag football, the only ferni in this generation to have ever graced a football field. We were on separate teams.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I was on a yellow team, I think, and I had a helmet and everything. I don't really recall having pads, which makes sense because it was flag football. I don't think we wore pads. But my head coach was a guy named Mike, I think, and he had a son on the team. And then the assistant head coach was this guy named
Starting point is 00:17:19 Lee Roy Lowry. Looked like he probably played, I don't know. Juco football is like a third string tight end. Imagine like a Jim Klein saucer. That's a very deep Minnesota reference for Dakota reference as well, for those of you 20 years back. If you're listening to me talk about Leroy Lowry, assistant head coach,
Starting point is 00:17:46 and you want the image, just Google Jim Klein's author, and imagine him just like heavier than that with the long hair, and I don't really remember much about him, other than we just like liked his name, and he was just, just this like short guy with long hair, very overweight, and he was the assistant coach. And I just figured, Leroy Lowry, that's a great horse name, okay? So that's number nine.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Number eight, I gotta tell you, there's a quick story behind this one. I was on the fence. This was probably the last one to make the cut, even though it's number eight, not number 10. I was like, maybe I'm being too harsh here, maybe I shouldn't include it. But then I was in the shower 45 minutes ago. And the ad for this came on and I was just about,
Starting point is 00:18:41 well, I didn't just about lose it. I'm in the shower, I'm chilling out as a Friday night, whatever. But I was just like, well, I didn't just about lose it. I'm in the shower. I'm chilling out. It's a Friday night, whatever. But I was just like, the reason these guys have made the list at number eight is because every time I'm listening to music on YouTube on my phone in the shower, their ad comes on. It's like 60 seconds long. And here's the worst part about it. I'll just, I'll tell you the horse name right now. And it's the only one on here that I'll tell you the horse's name right now. And it's the only one on here that's got some weird spelling. Usually you have one or two that has funky spelling.
Starting point is 00:19:10 This is the only one that I have with weird spelling. The name is long. So I hope that the Churchill Downs doesn't have a character limit. Here's the name. If you've never heard of UPAC, okay? And the, excuse me, the spelling is the name, if you've never heard of UPAC. Okay? And the, excuse me, the spelling is the first U, the contraction, is just a U.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So U, apostrophe, excuse me, keep belching, U, apostrophe, V, E. And then the last U and UPAC, which is normally a U, the letter U is actually the word U. So, why OU, then pack. Here's the thing, and the reason I include it because I hate this company so much, because they advertise so much, and you might say, well, Quinn, all companies are advertising whatever. Here's the second half of this sentence. So the start of the YouTube app goes like this, and you could probably find it on YouTube, if you want to kill yourself, you could go watch it.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Here's how it starts. If you've never heard of UPAC, that's okay. We don't spend our money on whatever it is, expensive advertising campaigns. And that's the opening line of this show, or of this ad. And every time the man's voice comes on, I just about want to go into like Godzilla mode,
Starting point is 00:20:35 rip down my shower curtain, take my phone and just throw it out the window. And maybe do a kill two birds with one stone kind of thing because there are three Basset hounds that live next door and usually they're pretty well behaved but sometimes they start barking and their owner I think you know has gone on a five-week beach vacation to Cabo San Lucas because they just don't stop and It doesn't really matter what time of day. They'll just go and go and go.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So number eight, if you've never heard of UPAC, that's gonna be the horse that gets put down. Number seven, this one's straight forward, straight into the point, fans of what, 1960s television will appreciate it, Mrs. Ed. So you got to Mr. Ed, I've never seen the show, but it's a show about a talking horse, and we're always talking about Mr. Ed,
Starting point is 00:21:33 but no one ever talks about Mrs. Ed, okay? Mrs. Ed, it doesn't even have to be a female, it could be a transgender horse. Mrs. Ed is number seven. How does the theme song go to Mr. Ed? Oh, horse is a horse of course. And then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then,
Starting point is 00:21:57 then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then I've never seen an episode of Mr. Ed. What can you really do? I mean, it's a curious premise. And how long did Mr. Ed run for? I don't know. How much can you do with one talking horse? Are there other talking horses? Is Mr. Ed the only talking horse?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Can Mr. Ed understand humans? Can humans understand Mr. Ed? What if Mr. Ed the only talking horse can Mr. Ed understand humans can humans understand Mr. Ed What if mr. Ed was a talking horse, but he only spoke in like Cantonese Back in the 60s things would have gotten pretty racist We got one more here in our first half and it's our fan vote. Oh boy. Thank you for the submission This year's fan vote coming in at number six. Providence steamroller. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Now I got to tell you what would have been smart is before I started, I should have Googled Providence Steamroller, because we got the suggestion from the fan vote back in January from Brother of the Podcast, Walt Furnace, and the only context I have. This is January 20th, so we are four months ago. Thank you to Walt for the submission. Your horse name made it, okay? Hope you're happy. I've got a new contender for your next installment of Best Horse Names, Providence
Starting point is 00:23:36 Steam Roller, winner of the 1928 NFL season. I got to tell you, it's a pretty good name. And I've been to Providence. I was just in Providence in October. I went for a run around the Roger Williams Zoo and I don't run with my phone. But I actually, no, I did have my phone. I was running around like 5 a.m. I had to get up early because I was driving to Manhattan to make it in time for breakfast. It's like a three hour drive. I ran around the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, New York or Providence, Rhode Island, and I got lost. Got turned around. I fixed it, okay, everything worked out.
Starting point is 00:24:13 But it was pitch black outside. I was running around. If you've ever been to the Roger's Williams, Roger's Williams Zoo, it's pretty large, pretty extensive. There's a lot going on there, it's not just the zoo, but it's also more of a giant city park with a carousel. And a bunch of different, just like, think of millennium park,
Starting point is 00:24:38 you have these different concert spaces and concert shells, band shells, that sort of thing. If anyone is familiar with Detroit, think of like Bel Isle, okay? It's kind of a space like that and it's about that size too. It's pretty big. And I got turned around and it was pitch black. It was kind of like an iconic memory for me. Just kind of having fun, running around on a Sunday morning in a city that I've never
Starting point is 00:25:03 been really to before. Yeah, it was kind of neat. But the Providence steamroller back to the name Providence barely had a football team a professional football team the Providence steamroller and steamroller or steamrollers. I'm not sure. But regardless, irregardless of all of that, congratulations are in order because one of my friends just texted me that he got engaged. That has nothing to do with this show. But thanks for letting me know and congratulations. And thank you to Brother of the Podcast Walt Furnace speaking of getting engaged, big wedding coming up in September. I got to plan a bachelor party. If anyone has any suggestions,
Starting point is 00:25:48 because strippers are apparently after the whole Me Too thing, not on the docket. Okay, so that was, there goes like my first eight ideas. I'll let that room in for a little bit. Thanks again, Facebook and YouTube for being here. We've got some good comments in the Facebook chat going on about Mr. Ed. Maybe I'll watch an episode tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I don't know, I gotta, I gotta full, full, no, nothing plant is what I'm trying to say. Maybe I'll watch Mr. Ed. I've been watching, there's this really funny, pretty drawn, she bit pretty funny show from Stars, S-T-A-R-Z Stars, 2009, 2010, I think, or 10-11, only ran for two seasons. It's called Party Down.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And I'd seen, I learned about it like a year ago and read it and I watched like one or two episodes, but I just watched a couple more episodes from the first season last night. Really funny. And the only reason that it, you know, didn't make it is because Adam Scott got parks and wreck and then Jane Lynch got glee. But it's a really good cast. It's Adam Scott, Jane Lynch, Ken Marino. If you don't know Ken Marino, he's like one of the most underrated comic actors, I think, you know, that we have right now. There's, what's her name? Lizzie Kaplan. She's been on a lot
Starting point is 00:27:18 of stuff. She's the main female lead on that. I think Meg Malale joins season two. Martin Star is in it. If anyone has watched Silicon Valley, Martin Star, he's in that. Ryan, what's his name? Ryan Hansen, who is kind of like a character actor. He's in it as well. Really well done. Like every episode has a new guest spot. It's on Hulu. You can watch it, both seasons.
Starting point is 00:27:46 So pretty funny, I recommend it. Let's do a quick shout out to our ads here, and then we will proceed with five through one in our horse names. And I gotta tell you, I had a little bit of downtime this morning before we read our ads. I was listening to the show from three years ago, which I almost never do. But yeah, in case you're new to the bean town podcast, we have four coming on now, three to four
Starting point is 00:28:19 years worth of shows every week I've made a new show. So we've got like a hundred, almost 180 unique episodes. There's a lot to listen to. I was listening to one from May 13th, whatever, 2018. And I had some good jokes on there. I think I was more punny back in the day. My voice definitely sounds a little bit different. I don't know if that has to do with losing weight or what it was. But I was, I think I had a little bit more energy back then. I was a little bit more punny. Nowadays, I think, you know, partially it's COVID,
Starting point is 00:28:57 partially it's not having experiences to talk about, but I'm a little bit, I'm definitely better at the podcast, just like in general, podcasting. And hopefully you would hope so after three years and four months of doing a show once a week, every week, you would get the hang of it. So I think I have, but it's always kind of fun. When you just have a little bit extra time,
Starting point is 00:29:22 you're like all the YouTube algorithm is just like getting a little sweaty to go back and listen. And not all shows are great. Some of them you listen is a little cringe, but overall, I think it's pretty good. So let's hear from our ads here. Home prior to we're going to, this is a good one. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, organ listeners, they got good news for you. Home pride inspection services in Bando organ
Starting point is 00:29:54 and central organ's hottest. New home inspection provider with an inspection service and including things like heating, cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified. So you know you're getting the good stuff 100% of the time. If you're tired of big real estate, we're angle hold on the home inspection market and you want a safe
Starting point is 00:30:15 certified home inspector that you can trust. Here's the thing, call Steve, he's my dad. His number is 541-410-0316 or you can visit again. That's 541-410-0316, or you can visit again. That's 541-410-0316, or you can visit Homepriodorgan, it's perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series. You can see it live on stream here, if you're on Facebook or YouTube. Excuse me. That old style really hits hard.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Lost my hat. That's how hard I was belching. Look at this hair, like John Voight. Man, if you're missing the live stream, I gotta tell you, I like this Facebook angle a lot better than the YouTube angle. There's something about the YouTube angle. I'm feeling very like wide lens,
Starting point is 00:31:06 whereas Facebook is like slim, trim and thin. I look very summer ready here, white as I am. YouTube is a little bit wider, but wider and hiter. What was I gonna say? Oh yeah, we got a new Samsung Q2U Series microphone. I haven't tested it out yet, so we haven't had a reason to do two guests on at one time.
Starting point is 00:31:29 But in the future, in the new place, I think it'll be fun. Wow, crazy barking outside. I don't know if the microphone's picked that up. But a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series from Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. Last but not least, here, oh, it's our good friend's Cut's Bike You. Bob and weave. We all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many independent Chicago-based barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cut's Bike You. It's a little like Enter Sandman, but different. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That's a long time people. It's probably one of the better barbershop operations serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest Indiana, very important. If you go to poppas, just know you're covered. Poppas was close today. They had a family emergency. God speed poppa. Hope everyone's okay. And the great Chicago land area. From beehives to bangs, full hawks, the flat tops, and everything in between you. You got to call cuts by Q8152987200 or you can email cuts by Qbyq at again, that's cuck!
Starting point is 00:32:56 QTZ by QIT Yeah, that's it, that's good. Here's the song in case you wanted it. Feel free to sing it out loud with us live on the stream. Oh When you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts that cuts by Q Good stuff. Welcome back We are in minute 34. We're doing well on timing. This has been not a lot of fat. We've gone straight ahead here. Very minimal distractions, I think, overall,
Starting point is 00:33:33 and not many tangents, which hopefully you all appreciate. Let's jump right back in to our top 10 horse names of 2021 special. Apologies for getting it to you a little bit late this year, but better late than never. If you just joined us 10 through six, here we go. Number 10 full in one. Number nine, Lee Roy Lowry.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Number eight, if you've never heard of UPAC. Number seven, Mrs. Ed, which generated a lot of conversation on the Facebook chat. And number six, Providence Steamroller, the winner of this year's fan vote. Number five, getting right back into it here on the Bean Tom podcast. This is, I try to have at least one sport term on the list each year.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And I realize that kind of had, number 10 full and one was a pun of a sports term. This one is just a straight up sports term. And I was actually, I was walking back from Aldi this afternoon, thinking of like this one would be ripe, RIP, ripe, for changing it to a Or including a Pokemon pun as part of the sports term and I decided you know what as Crazy as I am for Pokemon
Starting point is 00:35:01 There's probably not a lot of listeners who feel the same so I was thinking of making number five coughing Corner K OFF I and G if you don't know that Pokemon is from Gen 1, he's boys and type. He's this little purple ball. And he's got like skull and crossbones on his forehead. And it's pretty neat. And he's not a very good Pokemon. I don't think I've ever had a coughing before.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Koga, at least in red and blue, I think, has one or two coffings. He evolves into wheezing, coughing and wheezing. Yada, yada, yada. My point being, it's not coughing corner. We stuck with a straightforward sports pun, not pun, sports term, coffin corner. If you don't know, coffin corner is a name
Starting point is 00:35:46 for a drill. And something that translates very, you know, straight forwardly, 13 syllable words into the actual game. Coffin corner specifically refers to punting. When you are a punter, you want to punt the ball, you want to, they call it pin your opponent down inside. You know, their own five yard line, 10 yard line. So when you do a coffin corner, because if it hits the goal line, then they get it at the 20. So when you do coffin corner, you try to kick it out of bounds. And the ball is placed where the ball crosses the out of bounds marker.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So if you can kick it into the corner, they call it the coffin corner because you're burying your opponent in their own end. Get inside the five or so, that's a coffin corner pun. So number five on our 2021 top 10 horse names is coffin corner. on our 2021 top 10 horse names is Coffin Corner. And I like to include the sports ones. I also think Coffin Corner just like, it's a good horse name, right? Just straight up. Like it's a niche like cool sports term.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's also just a great sports name or a horse name, excuse me, Coffin Corner. Can you imagine like you're running the home stretch of the pre-knist stakes? next your name is like Taco Sally and next Dordia you got coffin corner like you are gonna get your ass beat okay. Number four, this one was I was toying with putting this one as number one, because it's the last horse name that is one word here, one through three or two plus. Number four, Sartorialist.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I love the like concept of Sartorial, Sartorialism, Sartorialist. It's just, it's like this crazy fancy word that not many people know. It just refers to like clothing and fashion. So Sartorialist is someone who is big on clothing and fashion, I suppose. I don't actually know. I didn't look it up. But you know Sartorialist, right? It kind of has that like feel of a number one name, which is why I was drawn almost to, you know, make it my number one horse name this year. But I decided we're going to buck the trend a little bit. Sartorialist number four, if you don't know the song Sartorial Elequence by Elton John, great song.
Starting point is 00:38:21 It's from one of his albums right after, you know, his huge like string of 70s albums that were like all number one. It was one of the from one of the couple albums right after that. I don't know, it's not bloom moves. It's like the one after bloom move, something like that. Anyway, Sartorial eloquence, if you're looking for just like a solid Alton John Balla that you've never heard before, go listen to it. It's awesome. Early 80s, it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Number three, boy, we are getting down to it. And actually, I gotta tell you, little insider information here. I got a lower my voice a little bit, just for this one, and here's why. Number three, refers to someone who is literally outside. Number three, the horse name is Maggie George. And here's the reason I'm mowing my voice, because I have a window open. So it's my neighbor, Richard, who I've mentioned on the show before, who
Starting point is 00:39:28 is infamous. And I could literally write like not a book, right? It'd be a really thin book. It's like the curbing enthusiasm. Jason Alexander acting without acting. It's this thing. But he has two dogs. They're like golden doodles, something like that. Their names are Maggie and George. And we're going to do a whole, not a whole, it's not going to be a whole episode. I would hate myself for that. But we're going to do a little tribute to Richard after I move, right? Because I want to be able to throw myself into it fully. But his two dogs dogs he doesn't only choose for them. They're Maggie and George and they just run free They just go wherever they want And I hope animal control comes one of these days, okay
Starting point is 00:40:22 Hopefully you know you can still hear that I didn't want Richard to hear me. I'm only here for eight more days, but I'd prefer no unpleasant surprises. Also, the sheer amount of dog poop that just lives outside our front door. Not ideal. And I was thinking about this the other day. I was walking kind of in the dirt between the sidewalk and the street. And I was just because there were, you know, there's someone in the sidewalk and I didn't have a mask or something. And the amount of dog poop in the dirt where there's like, you know, some trees and stuff planted was just insane. And I thought to myself, my first reaction was like, oh my god. Like Richard, why would you, like, you never pick up your
Starting point is 00:41:12 shit, your dog shit. But then my second thought was like, oh, well, I'm literally the only person in my sixth flat here that doesn't own a dog. So it's like, okay, maybe there's other people. But then I realized like, Richard sits out on the front stoop every day. He lets the dogs run around, roam free wherever they want. I've been here two years. I have never once in my life seen him like picking up after his dogs. And we're talking like dozens of times.
Starting point is 00:41:44 If not almost a hundred times, right? 600, 700 days I've been here, that I've like seen him outside with his dogs, never want seen him with a poop bag, anything like that. So, maybe it's not just him, but it's definitely him as well, okay? That's number three. Apologies for getting quiet.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Number two, we're back. We're getting topical, okay? And also a little plan words. This is kind of a pun, I guess. I don't know if it exactly qualifies as a pun. I think it's pretty fun though. So everyone's talking about cancel culture. Not necessarily this year,
Starting point is 00:42:23 but in many, you know, the last five years or so, cancel culture is a necessarily this year, but in many, the last five years or so, cancel culture is a big thing. I decided let's take that, that'd be a good horse name in and of itself. Let's do cancel couture. Now I know you're thinking, you Houston, Texas fans, Kiki, Coutino, cancel couture, which is a French word that has since kind of become an English word.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And it's close to Sartorial. A lot of clothing on the horse names this year. Couture, I don't actually really know, I had to just look it up right now. The business of designing, making, and selling fashionable, custom-made clothing. That's what in Kutur also as an adjective refers to of relating to or being high-end custom-made fashion. That's what Kutur is. So cancel Kutur. And I hope I'm saying that right or also be kind of embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's not a cancel culture, it's cancel Couture. Okay, so there you go. Folks, we have made it to number one on the list here. It's been a fun journey, we're at minute 44. I think we're doing pretty well, timing wise. Considering it's a top 10 list, we got a lot to talk about. We did a full ad read. We got drinks flowing. I got a pee really bad. We're, you know, it's all the hits here on the Bean Tom Podcast today. If you are ready, I am ready. Okay, I'm gonna give it to you straight up,
Starting point is 00:44:05 then I'll go back 10 through one, read the list one more time. And that's gonna be our show, right? We're all about cutting out the fat here in the Bean Tum podcast. So a little drum roll. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, okay, that was silly. Here is number one, intensive purposes.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Here is number one, intensive purposes. Intensive purposes. Our number one horse name for 2021 thrown into the archives with Episcopalian Pentateuch in Irrigardless, I decided to continue for one more year of the trend of grammatical errors. Last year is Irrigardless. This year it's not grammatical. I don't know if the term for this is, but there's a phrase, all intents and purposes.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Common phrase, set all the time. Everyone, not everyone. So many people believe it to be all intensive purposes, which doesn't make any sense. What the hell is an intensive purpose? intensive purposes, which doesn't make any sense. What the hell is an intensive purpose? Well now you got an answer. It's the top horse name in 2021 for the Bean Tom podcast. Intensive purposes, as opposed to intense and purposes, we got intensive purposes. I got to tell you in terms of like here's the deal. I'm going to be boom, straightforward candid, Rithya. The last three years of doing this program, I've had my number one before anything else
Starting point is 00:45:35 because it was just like, I thought of it and I was like, this is number one, where everything else, we're just gonna put down some names, it'll be great. This year, I didn't have a number one. I came up with 10. I came up with a lot more than 10. And we rolled it down to 10.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And I was like, these are the 10 that work. I didn't decide until number one or until this afternoon before recording, which one I thought was going to be number one. The ones I was considering intensive purposes, cancel couture, sartorialist, we're probably the three I was considering intensive purposes, cancel couture, Sartorialist, we're probably the three I was considering. But that's what I went with with number one. Excuse me, I thought intensive purposes, it's something that everyone can relate to. It's a misspeak that is very common, and so I went with it.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So let me give you a list from 10 to 1. Number 10, we have full in 1. Number 9, Leroy Lowry number 8. If you've never heard of UPAC number 7, Mrs. Add number 6, Providence, Steam Roller number 5, Coffin Corner, number 4 Sartorialist, number 3, Meg George, number 2, Cancel Couture and number 1, intensive purposes. There you have it folks. I wanna thank everyone. It's been fun to get back into the video livestream.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I wanted to do one more from Rogers Park before moving out. I gotta tell you, next time you see me, it's gonna be brick walls, like a prison cell, but better. But no, my apartment is just a lot smaller, down in Lincoln Park, which they're pros and cons, for sure. But yeah, I'm not sure I think next week we'll be a little bit of a Rogers Park Fair. Well, we'll see what else we get to talk about.
Starting point is 00:47:19 But yeah, I'm going to go have some supper and maybe watching episode of Mr. Ed. Who knows? Folks, thank you for tuning in. The prickness stakes are tomorrow from Pimkelko Racehorse in Northwestern Baltimore. I never got to go myself, but I wish I would have. It's kind of a, it's like a very social thing, right? People go to like get wasted and be there all day, whereas I am much more like I want to see the
Starting point is 00:47:45 actual horses race and that's just not as exciting to do for you know six hours by yourself but and it was really expensive honestly that was the most you know prohibitive aspect it's like 80 bucks or something a ticket probably more this year. But yeah everyone thanks for tuning in to our top 10 horses special for 2021 for 2021. This is a really fun show. I hope you appreciated it. I had a lot of fun putting it on. You know, there's some episodes of the Meantime podcast where it's like, I don't know what I'm gonna talk about,
Starting point is 00:48:12 but I gotta put something out. And then there are other episodes where it's like, I am so excited to put this show out for you all today. And that's kind of how I feel about this one. So thanks for listening. Everyone, I hope wherever you are at, you have a fun weekend whenever you're listening to this. And most importantly, I hope you stay safe,
Starting point is 00:48:30 stay sane because I am Quinn David Furnace and I'm going to check in on you next time. So we'll get our music playing and that's about all I got for you. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. I will check you later. Bye! nd nd Thank you.

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