Beantown Podcast - Trump's Music Hour, Chicken Big Mac, and the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (101524 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 18, 2024

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss the effects of 50 McChicken's on your colon, Maple's zoomies, and Por Ti Volare...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furness. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Furness presents the Bean Town podcast for Tuesday, if you can believe it. October 15th, 2024. What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn and this is my program. I am the creator, chief scheduler, and caterer. Got a nice nice vat of chili in the other room for a supper. VAT. Cooked it up last night. Nothing too crazy in it. Just kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans. It's a three bean base. I love the garbanzo beans in chili. It's so underrated. It's not traditional, but I mean I'm just a big chickpea nut in general. Got a red pepper, an orange pepper, some mini peppers that
Starting point is 00:00:57 were gonna go to waste. We got a little bit of orzo in there, very untraditional chili, but just wanted to spice it up, you know? O-R-Z-O, known for its spice. We got two cans of tomato sauce. We got crushed tomatoes, meant to get diced tomatoes, but that's my B. And then chicken sausage, ground turkey, spices, and corn. And I think that about rounds it up topped with Mexican style light cheese from Trader Joe's and Trader Joe's elote dippers. Which sounds like a minor league baseball team that plays in the same division as the
Starting point is 00:01:41 Savannah Bananas, the Charleston-y Lotte Dippers. I guess that would be something more like south of the border like Galveston or Brownsville. The Galveston-y Lotte Dippers would work well. I mean you got the Corpus Christi hooks play at Waterburger Field. TBT to uh the one time I went to Whataburger Field, which is the Corpus Christi, which we just mentioned. My grandparents used to be snowbirds there. And it's apt timing because I'm going to see my grandparents this Saturday in a couple of days here, which is why we're recording right now, because we're going to be up in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Albert Lee. This weekend for Vikings game, a of the show Aaron Burns getting married
Starting point is 00:02:27 this Friday. Congratulations Aaron. Go to Albert Lee on Saturday, scout out the party room, all that fun stuff. Anyways, Whataburger Field where the Hooks play and Corpus Christi went on a tour there. So I went and saw, I think all my brothers and I did this, and probably my sister too, you know, you spend like three days just kind of a special trip, just going to see grandma and grandpa. And they used to go be snowbirds out in San Diego, they switched to Texas, now they don't do it at all anymore. But so I went to Corpus Christi, which if you don't know is like a kind of like a it's a like 300,000 people so it's not like a beach resort town but it's kind of got that vibe.
Starting point is 00:03:12 A lot of like oil rigs and stuff near South Padre Island I think it's like the home base for South Padre Island when people go there for spring break. So I went there I was like 13. One of the activities we did, actually today's kind of giving me those vibes here in Chicago. Literally low 40s feels like is in the 30s and just rain non-stop all day. Windy, extremely unpleasant. We had a hail storm earlier. By the way before we finish the Corpus Christi thought, drinking Lagunitas Beast of Both Worlds, a bi-coastal, bi-curious, bisexual IPA. Never had it before before I got this six-pack and we're working on it. Drinking on Tuesday, not something I usually do, but I figured something to take the edge off, taking care of my co-host here, Miss Maple, which we'll mention in a second. Been pretty
Starting point is 00:04:04 good overall while mom is in Minnesota. You might be thinking, Quinn, you were just saying you're going to Minnesota this week and mom is in Minnesota right now. Yes, she'll be back for a day, a day and a half, and then going right back. So can't take Rachy, baby, out of the Twin Cities. She loves it so much.
Starting point is 00:04:24 But yeah, it's just me and my co-host here today. Any thoughts as we kick things off? No, but she did do a touch and sniff, which is one of the things she's been learning in her training class. But yeah, just drinking. You know, it's just the two of us. Might as well crack open a cold one.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So got a little bit of Trader Joe's, not a Trader Joe's sponsored show, although that would be fantastic because that's where I do 90% of my grocery shopping. Trader Joe's whiskey and Laganita's beast of both worlds from a local competitor chain who shall not be named. Whose prices are egregious. But yeah, not be named. These prices are egregious. But yeah, one of the activities, I remember the worst day, and these might have been the same day, I can't remember, but the worst day there's, you know, an old decommissioned aircraft carrier in Corpus Christi Harbor Bay, whatever it's called. And we went up there and, you know, you're standing on the deck and this is Texas in March.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You would think, I don't know, if someone tells me, oh, Texas in March, I'd think, okay, it's not gonna be blazing hot, but probably pretty nice, 70, 75, sunny. Nope, this was a day like today. It was probably 40, 45 degrees, wind and rain in every which direction. And I remember just standing up on top
Starting point is 00:05:40 of that aircraft carrier thinking like, what am I doing here? What my life has led me to this 13 years but we also did a tour and I'm putting tour in heavy quotation marks of Whataburger Field. Shout out to Grandma Sal, Grandpa Dave for setting it up for me so that we could go to the field. I knew I was a big baseball fan, I still am. But I've never really had a tour like that where we, you know, it's off season. You drive up to the gate, probably some intern, I don't remember who it was, work in the box office
Starting point is 00:06:16 or something like that. And I don't remember, I don't know how this all went down, literally 16, 17 years ago, more than half my life ago. But I think my grandma said something along, you know, hey, we're here for the tour. And we literally walked to behind home plate, but on like the upper, not the upper deck, but you know, you're not like down field level. You're, you know, it's a full row of stands and then you're standing looking out onto the field and it's a gray overcast rainy day. And it was just like, yeah, so this is our field. The hooks play here, double A team for the Astros, I assume.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I don't actually know for sure. I don't even know if the hooks are still in commission. Not sure. Maybe they've been decommissioned like that aircraft carrier. But yeah, I think we were in there for about five minutes. And I remember my grandma just being so disappointed. We might have even gone to Whataburger after. Actually, no, we went to Whataburger when I got picked up from the airport.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And probably the next night for supper, I had some of Grandpa Dave's famous cheese roll-ups. Which if you're curious, it's like the type of not to disparage it, because it was absolutely delicious. Well, pickles too. I was going to say, this is like something you would get at a Taco Bell, 99-cent menu, a cheese roll-up. Grandpa Dave would beg to differ, because not only did his cheese roll-up have fresh cheese, probably not the broke- ass, light Mexican version like
Starting point is 00:07:45 I'm putting on my chili tonight. This is real authentic Wisconsin cheddar, presumably, or Minnesota cheddar. Wisconsin steals the whole dairy spotlight, but Minnesota is big on dairy too. But he would put sliced pickles in there as well. It's a type of thing, kind of like a Midwestern sushi. It's generically known as, my mother-in-law or future mother-in-law, Betty, makes a great version of this, ham roll-ups essentially. You take a tortilla, you layer it with thinly sliced deli ham and cream cheese and pickles, and then you roll it up and then you cut it into pinwheels.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Much like Grandpa Dave's cheese roll-ups, I mean, they're almost the same thing. You can, that's the type of thing I could legitimately pop and you gotta pop. You can't munch, you can't crunch, you can't chew. Well, you should chew a little bit, but you've got to pop them. They're extremely poppable. I could have like, I don't know exactly what the calorie count is here, so I'm estimating. I think I could have like, I don't know exactly what the calorie count is here so I'm estimating. I think I could legitimately have like 2000 calories worth of those things without getting full. That's the danger of Taco Bell. That's why it's a good thing we moved away from the Wrigleyville Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Not only were the prices skyrocketing, driving us out of our home, But now we are devoid of almost all fast food. There's pretty much no traditional fast food within close-ish, like half a mile walking distance of us. So we pretty much are health warriors here. That goes for my co-host, Maple, too, which I'll mention after we say listener discretion is advised when you're listening to this program number one will occasionally some language. Number two is podcast is objectively terrible we're going to be all over the place today I just briefly do want to mention that my co host has been very good we I was nervous with mom leaving for more or less 48 hours. She's on a work trip meeting some of her new co-workers for the first time which is very exciting. Maple very attached to Rachel but she's on we went
Starting point is 00:09:51 to the vet I mentioned this last week she went to the vet for the first time and so she is on trazodone now in addition to her gabapentin and actually I want to give myself a minor shout out here and then we'll wrap on Maple who is sitting next to me curled up in a little ball on the couch here. Probably probably kind of pissed because we went for a walk and it wasn't really raining but at the end it was. Now she's giving me the side eye and I can't control the weather bro I'm not the Democrats. Don't get me started on this week on the campaign trail we'll get there in a second. the Democrats. Don't get me started on this week on the campaign trail. We'll get there in a second. Too many tangents, losing my train of thought. Oh, but yeah, she's been
Starting point is 00:10:30 good. A little bit anxious, a little bit on edge last night, hoping mom would come back, but slept pretty well. And today has been very chill. Until, and it's not even a bad thing really, but went for a long walk, two miles, two and a quarter actually, after work, after the rain finally cleared up. And she got, I wouldn't say it was her first ever zoomies, but it was the biggest zoomies I've ever seen in the, what, four and a half weeks that we've had her. And it was after two, two and a quarter mile walk, we were out there for like 45 minutes, excuse me, gets to the top of the stairs and just freaks out. And then I'm trying to wipe off her paws and her booty and her head and stuff and just not having a good time. Comes in here, jumps up on the couch, jumps back
Starting point is 00:11:13 down. I don't know where she got that burst of energy from, but I made sure to give her some trazodone stat, which reminds me, I gave myself a shout out and I didn't tell you why. Made my own pill pockets this morning and they're a smashing success. Wouldn't you say, Maple? Yeah, she could speak English. She'd be all over this. Quinn's pill pocket recipe, definitely not stolen from the internet. Stolen is such a harsh word.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Definitely not, I definitely didn't get the ingredients or the recipe from the website or from the online. I certainly came up with it myself. One part milk, maple had I think 1% is what we have in the fridge. You can use water too I'm sure, chicken stock, that would be a crazy blend of flavors. One part peanut butter and two parts flour. Mix it all up, basically like you're making a Christmas cookie. Roll it into a ball. Roll it out into a long turd looking shape. Chop
Starting point is 00:12:12 them up into sections. Stick a, whatever you got, a toothpick or a straw is what I used. Refrigerate them for 20 minutes and then they're good to go. And I keep them in the fridge. But she's had two today, little peanut butter balls, basically. And she's getting both her gabapentin pill and her quarter tablet of trazodone down no problem. So Quinn's secret recipe. Feel free to share. Maybe we need a new section on specifically dedicated to La Cocina now that
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm bilingual. And yes, my Duolingo streak lives on. We're getting close to 300 days here. I mean, what is 365 in a year? Is this year the leap year? So 366. Duolingo's making me work hard to meet my New Year's resolution to get the extra day. I think this year was the leap year. Let's see. What does the calendar say? Do we see a February 29th, 2024? Yes, we do. So with that in mind, we got to only be about 10 days away or so from hitting day 300 of
Starting point is 00:13:26 Duolingo. Right now I'm learning about traditions. Noche Viaje, Noche Viaje, New Year's Eve. Noche Buena, Christmas Eve. Navidad, Christmas. I knew that one from the song. Speaking of songs, I'm going to just random thought that popped in my head. We'll get one from the song. Speaking of songs, I'm gonna just random thought that popped in my head. We'll get there in a second. I do also want to mention that Rachel, or not
Starting point is 00:13:51 Rachel, Maple, finally ate a little bit of supper. She doesn't eat very well when she's nervous or when mom's gone. But I made the mistake of having her food bowl close-ish to her water bowl. And as she's bending down to eat supper, she's about halfway through, which is a big victory for us here. Her dog tag, this was just an hour ago, her tag that has her phone number and her name on it, my phone number, but we share a line, clinks against the water bowl and she freaks out and steps in the water bowl slides it across the room spilling water everywhere because it's so full she barely
Starting point is 00:14:30 drinks any water despite two peanut butter balls maple you're two today i've seen you drink like a tablespoon come on bro and then her other paw steps in her food bowl flips it sideways her kibble spills everywhere and ever since I put my grubby hands, apparently, on the kibble to put it back in the food bowl, including the little chicken bits, she has decided that she's done with supper. So I guess we had half a bowl, which is a small victory. It was like a quarter of a cup of kibble. And then she did her daily affirmations after that, which Rachel usually does with her, but she's taken the mantle upon herself, M-A-N-T-L-E, lying on her dog bed looking directly in the mirror, growling for about two minutes. And then I had to cut
Starting point is 00:15:18 her off. She started scratching and pawing at the mirror, and I didn't want our $2,000 mirror, moved a couple of decimal points over to get scratched up. So she's on the couch recuperating after zoomies and rain and scary food bowls getting flipped and strangers that look exactly like her in the mirror. Long day. Not to mention the ghouls outside. Our neighborhood, I love it. I mean I'm a huge fan of all the Halloween decorations because I didn't get to divulge in any of that. As a kid it was not only like,
Starting point is 00:15:58 oh yeah, we just don't do it. It was like satanic. So it was actively avoided. Halloween decorations and insights. So I'm pumped for you know we probably get a little bit of Thanksgiving stuff right you probably get the occasional pilgrim or turkey and I feel like the pumpkins pumpkins are obviously very clearly a Halloween thing but I feel like you can keep pumpkins and maybe more ceremonial gourds around I've seen some gourds there There's some gourds around here and some steps here on Hoyne Avenue. And then you get to Christmas, obviously. I'm pumped for that, our first Christmas in this neighborhood. We could probably get, we've got a mini tree.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I don't want to get like a legit tree, but I also don't want to get a fake full-size tree because we just are so lacking in storage. I don't know, we might have to settle for some lights or something of that sort. So that's what my coworker is up to. I swear there was something else. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't explain it. And if you couldn't already, this podcast, this episode in particular,
Starting point is 00:17:02 just can be all over the place. I was preparing for this week's episode, doing a little bit of writing, and then I was also playing my favorite online card game, deck building game, Tug of War, which I've been playing for like three years at this point, and I still play multiple times a day. It's just, it's addicting, what can I say? And this popped into my mind, I don't know why. Originally, I was listening to the original Bobby McFerrin version. And then I thought, oh wait, this is one of the two songs that whatever large mouth Billy Bass, the iconic home goods toy,
Starting point is 00:17:41 sings, you know, it's, it's, Take Me to the River Al Green, and then Don't Worry, Be Happy. And again, I don't know why this popped in my head, but it's just this, this is such a funny thing to me, at least that I just wanted to share it live on the air. So this is what happens, and this isn't new. This, I mean, this thing's like 20 years old at this point. This is what happens when your big mouth Billy Bass runs low on batteries.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And I've seen this before, and I listened to it once before it went live, but I just wanted to share with you. So it's just a 34 second clip. Here we go. Obviously, that was Al Green. Here's, there's, this is another clip too, but this is the, I don't know, that's the same thing. Did we just listen to that? No. Okay. Skip ahead to the bottom of the fairing. Okay. So that's Al Green talking its time, right? imagination, not my imagination, but just my twisted habits and sense of humor. But that's so ahead of its time, right? Billy Big Mouth Bass running out of batteries, going low. That's literally something that you would find in a modern day, like, horror trailer.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I don't know, The Purge 7 or wherever we're at. Apparently, um, apparently Saw 10 came out recently, Saw X. Actually, this might have been last year. I can't remember. Tobin Bell, who close friends of the show might know as Bleaker Bob in Seinfeld. And Bleaker Bob is a real person, which brings me to this point. For some rea, not for some reason. So Bleecker Bob, the record store owner, I don't know his actual name, Bob something, in New York City in Manhattan passed away, I think, a year or two ago. For some reason, I was under the impression
Starting point is 00:20:36 that Tobin Bell had passed away. But Tobin Bell is apparently still alive and well and still making Saw films. I don't know if he's been in all of them or not. I imagine he's been in all of them or not. I imagine he has been, but he is Jigsaw slash John Carter, something like that. No, that's the terrible video game movie they made. I don't know. I've only seen the original Saw with Cary Elwes from Mission Impossible. Not Mission. Well, he was in thees from Mission Impossible, not Mission, well he was in
Starting point is 00:21:06 the most recent Mission Impossible for 30 seconds. Princess Bride is what we were going for. Before we go any further here I wanted to also because I forgot shout out our good friends in Pakistan. Hello Hyderabad, hello Karachi Pass, hello Islamabad. Thank you. Hello Indus River Valley. Indus Delta. Thank you for making us the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the great Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I also want to shout out our good friends at Home Pride Oregon when you need your home inspected in central Oregon, go with a safe certified expert. That's probably going to be my dad Steve, 541-410-0316 or email Home Pride Oregon inspection perfection. Our good friends at the Samson Q2U series, double
Starting point is 00:21:56 duty interview with the dog, co-host. Any thoughts, co-host? No, just a side eye. Samson unfortunately can't capture that, can't capture smell of vision, but it can capture the voice of God. Whether it's Morgan Freeman or whoever voiced God in Ten Commandments, what do we think? The director Cecil B. DeMille? Maybe. I'm not sure. I'm a huge Ten Commandments buff. Eul Brynner and Charlton Heston. And that's one I don't know, so we'll look into it after the show wraps here. When God speaks, he uses a Samson. And of course, our good friends at Cuts by Q, I'm in a desperate need of a neckbeard shave by Q, but knowing I've got a wedding on Friday,
Starting point is 00:22:44 just trying to push it off as long as possible so that it looks presentable on Friday. So I think either tonight or tomorrow, we're gonna indulge and go for the neck shave. Need to do both sides, frankly. That's a great thing about cuts by Q, we'll do your neck, front, back, both sides, $10 flat rate. I'll give you a hot towel I'll stick it in
Starting point is 00:23:08 the oven it'll be great got a serious sore throat situation going on here not sure if we're dealing with allergies dust pollen mites strepatitis B, or I don't know, tonsillitis, appendicitis, adenoiditis. That's a tough one to say. And even tougher to spell so we're not going to even try. When you need a fresh dew, something snappy or new, call the experts at Cuts by Q. That's Cuts by Q on low batteries. Big Mouth Billy Bass isn't the only one. I wanted to mention here, before I forget, just briefly, Mufasa.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Only in theaters December 20th. We are just over two months away from the smash hit Barry Jenkins, Follow Up to Moonlight. Could be a sequel. He's keeping it under wraps, but this is going to be more of a Lion King prequel, a Moonlight sequel. Ashton Sanders reportedly will play young Mufasa, DePaul legend, so looking forward to that.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And I actually hammered out a cover of Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John on the piano earlier today. After Beethoven's Waldstein Sonata, we went Beethoven to Elton John, sort of the only two artists you kind of need in modern music. And I thought about playing it on the show tonight, but now I'm on the couch and the piano is all the way over there. A solid, I would say solid, what do you think that is? 15 feet from the couch so it's not gonna happen. Maybe next time, we'll see. For our Halloween spooktacular, nothing says happy Halloween like can you feel the love tonight and lions having sexual intercourse. I'm gonna see some lions on
Starting point is 00:25:02 Sunday hopefully no sexual intercourse. Not that I'm against gay stuff, I'm going to see some lions on Sunday, hopefully no sexual intercourse. Not that I'm against gay stuff, I'm certainly not. But on the football field, I just feel like save it for the locker room. For the flight back to Detroit. The long, grueling 45 minute flight from Minneapolis to Detroit. So that's Mufasa. A couple other things here. I mean, this is just a WTF.
Starting point is 00:25:31 This week on the campaign trail, obviously we're like, what, three weeks? Oh, today's a Tuesday. So what are we, four weeks from election day? Three weeks. It is November 5th. Holy shiester monkeys. Three weeks from election day.
Starting point is 00:25:44 There's a lot going on clearly. But guys, we gotta talk briefly about this Trump town hall last night in Pennsylvania. If you're not caught up, I don't even know where to start. I want to do my best to describe what happened and I just learned about it this morning. But I want to do my best to describe what happened and I just learned about it this morning but I want to do my best to describe what happened without providing misinformation or overly biased opinions because this was just truly a like WTF
Starting point is 00:26:14 what the hell is going on I don't even want it to be like oh Trump is in clear mental decline I think he is but I don't even know if that's an explanation for this. This was just like a, he's sometimes, I mean, obviously he's super arrogant and cocky. He's also sometimes just the most, he has no idea what to do between like hugging the flag. And there's some, I mean, there's some great Vic Burger clips on YouTube, which are obviously edited, but if you go watch the original source, it's just like what he doesn't, he, he doesn't always know what to do. This was on perfect display or full display last night. So he's at a town hall. It's the label of town hall, which means you're supposed to just answer questions basically for 30 to 45 minutes. If you want to give some opening remarks, great.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Then you answer some questions. I once went to a town hall of Elizabeth Warren, downtown Chicago, back in 2020 or 29, no, it was 2019 when she was campaigning for president. And she didn't do a great job from a town hall perspective. She spoke for like an hour and then answered questions for about 15 minutes. I was a little bit disappointed, but it is what it is. My understanding of this, Trump comes into this town hall, which by the way, moderated by Kristi Noem, who has been out of the spotlight for a handful of months here,
Starting point is 00:27:39 but you remember her from the summer when she was talking about shooting dogs. Republicans governor of South Dakota, senator, I can't remember one of those two. I think she's governor. Which is like, okay, what is she doing out in Pennsylvania? I don't know, just these politicians kind of have jobs, kind of don't, you know, election season. That's the thing, like who's running the state? You're all the way over here in Pennsylvania. SMH. That's what the cool kids say these days.
Starting point is 00:28:09 They just say SMH. So to get to the meat and potatoes, what happened? Trump speaks for a little bit, answers questions for like half an hour. It's a town hall, I remind you. And then my understanding of what happened, again, just trying to fair and balanced, someone faints in the crowd. This is like an indoor theater kind of situation, but not huge.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It looks like there's probably like 500 people there, 1,000 maybe. Don't get me started on crowd sizes. So someone faints. And Trump does what seems to me, and I'm not gonna dissent against this, the right thing. He pauses, like, let's get medical attention. Great. That's what you do. Then, unfortunately for Trump, five minutes later he's continuing to talk.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Someone else faints. Which, like, I don't know what the hell is going on, but someone else faints. At that point Trump is getting visibly irritated. He's like, if anyone else wants to faint raise your hand. I think he's trying to make a joke It kind of comes off a little bit odd but then He decides okay. Someone else is fainted. We're just gonna stop with the questions. Maybe they're so overpowered by my
Starting point is 00:29:23 Genius responses that they can't handle it. So here's the kicker. Weird stuff leading up to it. Trump says, let's just listen, and I don't have the direct quote in front of me. If you haven't followed this story at all, you are severely missing out. Trump says, let's just listen to some music. Which is just like, I'm not even going gonna say like, oh, genius or stupid. Like, that's not a thing.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You don't hold a campaign event and they just stand there listening to some music. Look, I would love it. I have fond memories of being in grad school living with some other DePaul musicians. Shout out to Ryan Sanger, just got married last month in Wisconsin, is Sean Young, my other roommate. We would just sit there, and I'm sure there are many records we would listen to, but I recall we had these blue lights, we'd turn everything off, just had the blue lights in the living room. This is up in Rogers Park, Farwell Ave.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And I distinctly remember listening to Headhunter, it's a great Herbie Hancock album. And not even getting high, they probably were, I think I was just having like this, like a glass of whiskey or something. Because I didn't ever really get high until I was probably my mid to late 20s when I could buy edibles. And even then, it's very infrequent. I haven't gotten high at all this year. Because sometimes it's good, and then sometimes it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And I can't control it. But just sitting there, to come back to the story, just sitting there listening to music, sitting on the couch, maybe playing some GTA V, dark, just blue lights, listen to a record player, Headhunters. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom boom boom boom boom. If you don't know, Headhunter's Herbie Hancock album,
Starting point is 00:31:12 Chameleon, brilliant, as well as that edition of Watermelon Man. Fantastic. Especially if you're high. Or just had a couple of whiskies and you're just like sunken into this couch playing GTA 5. All the stress from grad school, stupid relationship stuff that was happening back then. Shout out Hannah Johnson too. Not even a shout out but just I think she got married this fall so congratulations. I'm not giving you a shout out. I'm saying
Starting point is 00:31:46 congratulations And just say it all melts away. It's like 11 p.m. On a Tuesday drinking on a Tuesday much like today So Trump is just like let's listen to music and proceeds to play song after song. The original clip I saw on Twitter this morning was Portivo Lare. I'm not gonna go any further because I don't know Italian. Great ending scene, the Catalina wine mixer from Step Brothers.
Starting point is 00:32:46 But I heard Portivo, R.A. Ave Maria was the original song. Trump wanted to be played while this person is getting medical attention. By the way, I think everyone is fine. It wasn't like, oh, someone died at a Trump rally. It's just like, OK. People fainted for whatever reason, because half of his base is 80 plus and white and eats a lot of red meat
Starting point is 00:33:09 He YMCA I heard I think there's some Celine Dion Basically all the people like village people and other people who have told Trump don't play our songs anymore You know what you got to do? He Trump's got to play an Eagles song Cuz those guys are litigious as fuck you want to play anymore. You know what you gotta do? Trump's gotta play an Eagles song. Cuz those guys are litigious as fuck. You wanna play In the City. In the city. Or New York Minute. In the New York Minute. Trump's gonna get assassinated by Don Henley's drumstick if he tries to play that crap. So legitimately, this is the exact number. 39 minutes. It's not just, oh, let's play music. You got to go see Trump is just, I can't explain this. It's almost like a Baptist church service. It's the most, I've seen a lot of bizarre Trump shit.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I truly have in the last, what are we at, like 10 years basically since it came down the escalator. I've seen a lot of stuff going on. But this was 39 minutes of various songs being played, Trump kind of standing there and swaying, Kristi Noam just next to him, people behind him kind of clapping. And so over the course of 39 minutes people start to filter out because it's like is the event over? No
Starting point is 00:34:38 one said oh yeah that was the event thanks for coming. It's just like oh let's Trump said let's listen to some music. I watched some of this. I couldn't sit through the whole thing. I literally have a job. So Trump occasionally intersperses and says some things, but it's just kind of random and nonsensical.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And it's not like, oh, yeah, OK, we're going to wrap this up. Thanks for coming, everyone. Go out and vote. He keeps telling people to vote on January 5th or before. And now, including Stephen Miller, everyone on Mega World is all in on mail-in ballots. I think they finally realize that that's like a regular thing now, and they can't just ignore it. So 39 minutes of music, Trump swaying, doing his little fists he likes to do when he dances, occasionally interspersing.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I mean we've done a lot of this week on the campaign trails, all of the seasons, season seven, and this is, I don't have an explanation for this one. People just kind of leave. Trump even, his team is communicating with him via teleprompter, says, hey cut the music, take two more questions and then end. And he's just like, meh, just going to listen to some music. So in a sense, this is the most relatable Donald Trump has ever been. He was just like, let's listen to some music. I wish he would have listened to Headhunters by Herbie Hancock, because that's 15 minutes. That's a great tune, smashing record. But he didn't. It
Starting point is 00:36:07 was like YMCA and Portivo, Lara and 10 other songs. Excuse me. So that was, I mean, I can't even explain it. I spent the last five minutes trying to lay out what happened. But if you are unfamiliar with this occurrence up until this point, I encourage you to go check it out. I got nothing. I have no explanation for this. That is this week on the campaign trail. We will have our official state by state picks in two episodes.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Only two more episodes of the Beantown podcast and then we have a freaking presidential election. Last year's 2020, 2020, I was about to say 2020, what year is it? 2020. I remember distinctly it was the depth of the depths of COVID living by myself at the time, yeah, up in Rogers Park. I remember on election day walking around in my mask, thinking what's advocacy is a toss up and trying to peer into people's windows and watch CNN as I would walk past. And then we got the news, they officially called it on a Saturday midday.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I was on a bus going to see my lover, Rachie Maramos. It was probably like, probably what, like 12pm, 1pm, something like that, coming down from Rogers Park down to Lakeview to hang for the day. And that's what it was called. So it sounds, based off of what I've read and researched, like this year is going to be somewhat similar where it's going to take days. But how awesome would it be if on election day Kamala just kicks ass?
Starting point is 00:38:01 And I don't even know. I'm not caught up on polling and research and what are the key swing states because I know off the top of my head like I could tell you but I don't know what's actually up for grabs and what's not. I mean Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia. Is North Carolina up for grabs? I'm not sure. That might be firmly red.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I don't know. What else? Who am I missing? There's got to be Michigan for sure. Got to come back to my Midwest roots. Michigan. I don't know. But we'll go into it in two episodes here.
Starting point is 00:38:46 We will talk about toss ups and states and all that fun stuff. Virginia is that a swing state or is that firmly blue now? I don't know. I don't think there's anything north of Virginia that would be up for grabs, but you never know. Ohio, that's a classic one. They got JD Vans, but do people in Ohio like JD Vans or hate him?
Starting point is 00:39:08 I'm not sure. We need an on-the-ground report for brother of the show, Walter Furness, who lives in Dayton, Ohio. And a premature shout out, just to let's cement the legacy here on the Bean Town podcast, premature shout out to my brother Walt and my sister-in-law Kelly who are within days, hours, seconds, it could be happening right now, we don't know, about to become new parents. It will be the first entry, first installment into the next generation of ferni. The first ferni, furnace child born, if you don't count my sister's adoption, first child born, even if you do, adoption in what 1997, 1998, and then birth, bloodline birth since me, 1995.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So we pushed almost 30 full years since a new furnace was born. But congratulations, still holding out hope that we get a Quinn Jr. Now it would take away from my own naming conventions, but I'm willing to take that bullet just to confirm that we got it in the chamber. So congratulations to brother of the show has been on many times Walt and Kelly who I don't
Starting point is 00:40:31 think we've gotten on but uh if this whole co-host with maple thing doesn't work out because she's just sleeping the trazodone is hitting hard at this point. as it owns Hidden Heart at this point. Then we'll see if Kelly wants to be a paid co-host. A dime a week. What does that come out to? $5.20 a year? It's a leap year. Now, you missed it this cycle, but in four years.
Starting point is 00:40:56 There you go. OK, we've got to wrap this up. Two more things. I just wanted to mention this briefly, and then our trivia question. I saw, and I want to put saw in a very tread lightly kind of term, because I know my fantastic lover Rachel M. Ramos is listening to this. I saw at 5 p.m. today on YouTube the event live stream starting at 5 530 p.m.
Starting point is 00:41:25 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is happening today. In fact, it's two hours later. So I imagine it's over. I don't know how long these fashion shows go. There's only so much runway you can walk. My question is, well, first question is for myself and for my YouTube feed. Why did I, why was I made aware that the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was happening?
Starting point is 00:41:52 Because it usually, YouTube will show, if something is live and upcoming, YouTube will show that to you. If it's a channel you already subscribe to. But if you don't subscribe, I feel like I never see anything. Otherwise, you would see stuff all the time. I mean, there's live premieres and stuff happening all the time. So why wouldn't I see that, like live and upcoming? So why did I see the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
Starting point is 00:42:19 starting in 25 minutes? I don't know. And I was going to say, oh, I'll investigate that. But I don't know. And I was gonna say, oh, I'll investigate that. But I don't even, I don't care. But my bigger question is, are there really new, trendy updates in the world of lingerie? Because I feel like it's either like basic sexy baby lingerie or the hot thing is always like, oh, we got wings. I'm a Victoria's Secret angel. My question is that was frisky and new in 2010. It's like, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:42:56 And I haven't seen it. I don't know. I don't plan to see it. I don't really, the whole runway experience is not for me. I don't care about, scantily clad girls in lingerie. I'm not saying they're like oh hubba hubba look at that broad She's like no. This is pretty boring to me What what is the uh, I know they got to do it every year because it's just what they do But what is the whole victoria secret fashion show what am I watching here?
Starting point is 00:43:26 Not to mention when the whole thing with the wings comes out and there's always a lot of wings, it's like Paul McCartney in here, what am I supposed to do with that? Am I supposed to go to an online shop and say, OK, I saw it on YouTube. I got to have these wings. That's not functional at all.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You can't go out in any capacity, bedroom, public, coffee shop, otherwise, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, you can't wear wings and a bra and underwear and be like, oh don't criticize me this is fashion. Which brings me to my final point before we close with our trivia question. This new Real Housewife of Salt Lake City, we're what, three, four episodes in now, Bronwyn. Yes, her name is Bronwyn. I don't even know how to spell it. B-R-O-N-W-I-N, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:16 She's a quote, heavy quote fashionista. And on this most recent episode, she wore a hot dog costume. Now I know what you're thinking there's a great the Is it the first ever sketch of I think you should leave with Tim Robinson minor side note Detroiters For all accounts and purposes Tim Robinson Sam Richardson so show was from Comedy Central a couple years ago was supposed to hit Netflix today Literally clock strikes midnight Netflix bleetes all its tweets about it, and it doesn't show up. It's like, what the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:44:51 So yes, I'm upset about that, because I have not seen Detroiters, just clips. And I'm a huge Tim, Sam, Connor O'Malley fan, all that jazz. So now I am committed to sticking it to the man and pirating it. And I'm just going to do it, literally in 20 minutes here, when I get my chili heated up and we hop off. But I think the first sketch of I
Starting point is 00:45:14 think you should leave is the hot dog costume, where he drives his car into the store. And he's like, we've got to find the guy who did this. And it's the Wienermobile, and he's wearing a hot dog costume. And that's Bronwyn. She literally, in this last episode, wears a hot dog costume.
Starting point is 00:45:30 But she's like, oh, no, this isn't a costume. I saw this on a rack in Paris, and this is really fancy now. And you can't criticize me. This is a $3,000 hot dog costume. I'm paraphrasing. And so this is fashion now and One on one hand. I'm all for like art is whatever we want it to be and we create art The other hand it's like you can't just fucking wear a hot dog costume and say don't criticize me. This is not a costume
Starting point is 00:45:57 This is fashion. I draw the line at hot dogs corn dogs. Maybe hot dogs. No, no, no And I'm not talking like oh she wore tan on the outside and brown and red in the middle and maybe a little splash of yellow. It's like, oh, this is my hot dog. It's literally a hot dog costume. Like, I can go down the street because there literally is one three blocks from me here at Western and Irving Park. I can go to the Spirit Halloween store and buy a hot dog costume for $20 and Bronwyn's over there in Versace Paris wherever Gucci Leo Boutard I think is a name I've heard before I don't know and spend thousands, millions, millions of francs on, which I think is like 75 bucks, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:46:47 on a hot dog costume, and it's fashion, it's art, because why? This brown lady pisses me off. Also, she's the auntie or reverse housewife because she's like 37 and she looks with all of her makeup and work done that I would be like, oh yeah, she's probably like pushing 50. So that's the curse of fame, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Here's my last thing, guys. I just learned about this last night. I guess I'm pretty unplugged from Twitter. Social media will show me the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, but it won't tell me about the Chicken Big Mac. I had to learn about it on Monday Night Football. So here's our trivia question of the week. And if you are just learning about this, yes, McDonald's now has a Chicken Big Mac out,
Starting point is 00:47:40 which is kind of surprising. It took this long for it to happen, but it is what it is. I don't live close to McDonald's right now. Close, well, kind of. I'm a mile away from McDonald's. There's one across the street from Lane Tech. It's just far enough away, like, you know, it's a solid 20 minute walk. If I don't have the dog with me, if I don't have the co-host with me, 25 plus if I do.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Well, I just walked past it today. We didn't stop for McChicken did we? We'd have to go through the drive-through. Or a chicken Big Mac. Look at this little chicken leg. Yeah, you're more relaxed now with your trazado and that's good. So here's my actual question for you.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Per the McDonald's website, maybe this was also spurred on. Last night I got the Big Mac commercial and then I also got a final Jeopardy question about Grimace. Never thought my Grimace knowledge would come into play but it mentioned this character being a taste bud and I was like oh that's got Grimace written all over it. And it was. Okay, here's my actual question so we can wrap this. 742, I gotta have chili. Per the McDonald's website, how many calories are in the new chicken Big Mac? So I'm looking for an exact number and before you even guess, I'm going to tell you that the answer is pretty shocking. I'm not going to tell you why, which way.
Starting point is 00:49:13 If you want more time, go ahead and pause because I got stuff to do. The answer, how many calories are in the new Chicken Big Mac from McDonald's? Per their website, I didn't get this to the lab to test, I don't know. Per their website, 530 calories only. It feels like in this day and age of inflation and Joe Biden's economy, everything is more, more, more. I would have guessed it's closer to like 800 calories, 900 maybe. Apparently, maybe they're doing some heavy PR lifting. Apparently only 530 calories. Here's my bonus question for you. If you are a McDonald's aficionado, you could probably get this, but I don't know if I would have been able to nail this before today. My bonus question
Starting point is 00:50:00 is name the ingredients of a chicken Big Mac. I'm not talking micro level, you know, granulated flour and stuff, just like the different things that go into it. And I had this thought, I have had a Big Mac. It was in high school. It was once. And I don't think it was part of this promotional offer, although I can't remember. But I do remember in high school, at least once there is an offer where you buy one Big Mac at a regular price, you get a second one for the amount of Fahrenheit degrees it was the previous day. Excuse me. And so it's a winter activity. And I remember at least once or twice there being days where it was like close to zero. I don't know if there was
Starting point is 00:50:53 ever a negative situation. I'm not sure how the McDonald's at Perryville and State would have handled that. But there were definitely days where you could get a Big Mac for like five cents. So I have had a Big Mac I don't recall eating it I don't know if it was at my home location Perryville and state or if it was on the road somewhere But I've definitely had one at least once but no more than once or twice So if you're curious, what are this our bonus question? What are the ingredients in a chicken Big Mac? Two chicken patties because it's guy is iconic, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:26 it's like two burgers or two chicken patties. With that in mind, it's one and a half buns. You got the top, the bottom, and the middle. So one and a half. One slice of cheese. That's the thing, that's how they keep these calories so low. They're using the McDonald,
Starting point is 00:51:40 or the Trader Joe's Mexican shredded light cheese in patty form. So that's how they keep the calories low. Only one slice of cheese. Pickles, just broadly speaking, pickles. Lettuce also broadly speaking and Big Mac sauce. So it's really very simple. I imagine you could add onions if you want. I would want an onion.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Frankly, I'd want a tomato too, but I don't know how generous McDonald's is with the add-ons. I haven't tried to change McDonald's order since probably in high school, and even then I don't know if I did. Last note here, fond memories. Once went to a Rockford Fire, which was our homeschool basketball team.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Faith integrity, respect and excellence. Rockford fire. Post game party at a local McDonald's year downtown Rockford. Close to the community center where we played. Shout out to brothers Dan and, oh man, Tim was the youngest one. Dan and something else, Slaybaugh, S-L-A-B-A-U-G-H, Dan and Josh Slaybaugh. I am not kidding. This sounds like a John Henry, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett tall tale, like no, this never happened. This isn't real. I'm not shitting you. These guys, and this is back when the dollar menu was in full force, these things were a dollar apiece plus sales tax. I'm not kidding. These two brothers ordered after a home school high school basketball game, we're not talking two a day college football practice
Starting point is 00:53:26 under Nick Saban at the University of Alabama in the Tuscaloosa heat. We're talking like playing on the basketball court for an hour against MaryAntha Baptist. And that's a name I pulled out of my ass, but I'm pretty sure MaryAntha Baptist is a real place. I'm gonna Google it when we hop off. These guys ordered 50, five zero McChickens. And to tie this all back to the beginning of the episode when we're talking about ham roll ups and
Starting point is 00:53:56 Grandpa Dave's, you know, cheese and pickles. Yeah, if I was really hungry, if I hadn't eaten that day and I just played a basketball game and lost 17 to 14 to Mary Ann the Baptist. I could probably in my heyday, not now, I don't have that type of appetite anymore. When I was 16 or however old I was, I think you could hand me 10 McChickens and I think I could polish them off. That was really moving quick. Now it would be a significant price to pay. I wouldn't feel good during or after, but I think I could get through 10.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So if you want to bump that up to 15, multiply by two, we got two brothers, which 15 McChickens is a lot of McChickens. That's 30 out of 50. And they did take some, they did take them home. It's not like, you know, oh, they ate all 50. What happened there? No, they took plenty home. Who the hell wants to take a McChicken home? You stick it in the microwave the next day, it's just, it's just a blob. It's like a Krabby Patty knockoff, whatever the plankton guy makes. It's like gray poopon. P-O-U-P-O-N.
Starting point is 00:55:10 It's disgusting. I don't know whatever happened to Josh and Dan or Timothy Slaybaugh, but I have a general sense of what happened to your heart and liver and probably the pancreas too. I don't really know what the pancreas does but I imagine it was negatively affected. So shout out to those guys. I just can't imagine spending what after tax probably what 60 bucks on McChickens. I don't know guys that's all I got for you though. We're gonna end on that note. My name is QueenDavidFernes everyone, stay safe, stay sane.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Check in on you next time. Bye everyone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. so so so
Starting point is 00:56:54 so Thank you.

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