Beantown Podcast - Which Great Lake is Best? (10202019 Beantown)

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

Quinn comes to you LIVE from Tallahassee to discuss capitol architecture, Florida State fans, and which great lake is best #Beantown #FriendofthePodcast...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernandez. Welcome to my show. Quinn David Fernandez presents the Beentown podcast. For Sunday, October 20th, 2019, hey, quick shout out. Happy birthday to brother of the podcast and hashtake friend of the podcast, Walter Fernandez turning the big three oh, this day in history. October 20th, 1989.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Walter Fernis is born in New Celebrity 30th birthday today. The first Furnite child, the 30. Wow, it's a heck of a ride. Lots of fun memories from childhood. There are so many you could choose from. The one that for better, for worse than I don't really know why. And I wasn't even, you know, the primary person or the secondary person in this story, but,
Starting point is 00:00:55 ha ha ha ha. God of love. We used to, I said, quick story that I'll move on, I apologize. Used to set our recyclables, we call them recyclables, like, Bionicles recycling is now, you, what I would typically say, where's your recycling, not where you're recyclables?
Starting point is 00:01:17 I guess it's a word, it's just, it's one of those words where you say it, you know, 10 times and you're like, God, that's a, that's a strange word recyclables. It does. It sounds like bionicles. Same cadence, pronunciation cadence, but we would set them on the kitchen countertop at kind of the entryway to the kitchen close to where our stairs out to the garage would be. Cause you know, it's a, you'd make some trips after accumulating a certain amount of recyclables. And so one time, I don't know what it was probably like,
Starting point is 00:01:55 soup, not not soup cans, but you know, cans of like, I don't know, whatever we were making beans or whatever, any, of can we'll do and I think Walt had set them up in a you know a 321 fashion like you're playing stack cup or something I don't really understand why in this Walt Walt was probably in this story something like, you know, 13 14 15 at the late of something in that range. So my brother Jack, who's the other important person in the story is probably, you know, 12, 13, something like that. You know, before before like fully becoming fully fledged teenagers were driving stuff, but
Starting point is 00:02:44 you're not like little kids anymore, like early high school, late middle school that that range. And this was not that characteristic, you know, it's a goofy guy, but we didn't usually do anything in the house that was like making a ton of noise or what when you what would be considered rough housing other than the occasional quick sidebar other than the occasional game and the basement, the family room which when you're growing up seemed like this huge space looking back now it's not that big but we used to play if you can tell I'm indulging myself and live it in nostalgia here stuff that I haven't thought about in a long time we used to play
Starting point is 00:03:31 baseball in the family room which is just not a stupid idea but just like boy is that really all we could come up with? Which normally is not a, you know, not a big thing. Like if you wanted to come into my living room and play baseball and there I'd be like, yeah, whatever. There's nothing in there you're going to mess up. We had this one ship, the, the Nina, the Pinter, the Santa Maria. I don't know something like that. And it was like, you know, some sort of model replica or something made out of wood. I don't know what the story
Starting point is 00:04:09 was behind it. I don't know if we still have it. I don't know if it was like someone of those things that I've never asked my parents about. I don't know if it was like worth any money. Why we had it where it came from. But it was always, you know, every family's got one or two of those objects, they're just like, ooh, don't touch it, like, oh, it could break. That sort of thing, that was, that was our, whatever you want to call that. And we used to keep it in the corner, right where the
Starting point is 00:04:39 right field, you know, foul line would go on, right where the, the foul pull would be more more lost. I guess more right center. But so, you know, it's always prime time for you know, you get you get a hold of one. Maybe you sit back on the pitch, you opposite way a little bit because we were right handed batters. At least my brother Jack and I were. And you know, it was always we never broke that ship. Or even really damaged it in any way. I don't think which is remarkable considering the amount of, here's exactly how this went out.
Starting point is 00:05:13 We would have somebody stand in the middle of the family room with a little ball, not always a hacky sack, but they're, you know, usually have this little like, you know, size of tennis balls, but they'd be like plastic. That sort of thing. And we would just straight up smack them with our hands. You know, we're not talking. There's nothing, you know, this was just how far-slash-hard can you hit a ball with your hand? Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:05:45 scary as heck looking back on it but used to do that in the basement all the time which was crazy but one one of these days Walt sets up the recyclables in that three two one like your playing stack of fashion and then just I don't remember why but he was just having a fun time to
Starting point is 00:06:06 sides to do some sort of, I don't know if it was a karate chopper or karate kick, but right into the can every cycle is, you know, there's no like, it could go this way or that way. You're going to knock over all these cans, which are empty and, you know, it doesn't really matter, but they're going to, you know, spill all over or, you know, be spilled all over the place. There's nothing inside of the cans to spill, but they're just gonna, you know, get knocked on the floor over the countertop, whatever. In hindsight, again, not a big deal, but when you're kids, and you got parents who are worn out, it's, uh, it's high risk situation, high risk low reward. And so, while karate chops the the cans and from the other room,
Starting point is 00:06:45 mom yells, Jack, and I don't recall there ever being any, you know, I don't think there was like a, I don't know one got in trouble. There was no big punishment or anything, but it was just, and again, that's, you know, one of the many, Walter memories from from growing up in childhood and for whatever reason that one and it wasn't a big thing at the time it just kind of For whatever reason, I don't know how memories work our minds are but it just kind of has blossomed in my mind into like a premier childhood memory which is interesting considering it wasn't a premier childhood memory, which is interesting considering it wasn't that big of a thing at the time. Well, happy birthday. Long-winded, happy birthday message to Brother of the Podcast, Walter Fernandez.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Well, we are one of the better podcasts on the North side of Chicago, although you are lucky enough to be listening to us live. From a state, here's an interesting thing for you. A state where we've never done the Beentown podcast. How do you like that? I have been here twice actually in the last year, two years, something like that, both times tour and land, don't either time anything that exciting. But yes, I'm in Florida, and I'm in a city I have
Starting point is 00:08:06 never been to before. Tallahassee, the state capital. I mean, a hotel about two blocks actually from the state capital which is fascinating. You got to, you know, do a quick Google image search of the Florida state capital. Most images you'll see are going to be able to show you in the forefront of the picture, the old building, which is a very traditional capital building architecture. And exactly what the type of thing you expect to see, but what you're actually going to learn, if you read more about the Florida State Capital,
Starting point is 00:08:38 is this big tall white cement building you see behind it, is like the actual state capital now. I remember coming in and seeing it for the first time and realizing that that was in fact the current state capital. It's just like, you know, this looks like Utah or like the Mormon temple or something like, this is your state capital is so fascinating. I don't know if there are other states there ought to be that have non-traditional state capitals. I can't imagine many of them, but there got to be some. They don't all have the white dome.
Starting point is 00:09:20 They're not all like the US capital. I know Madison is probably a state capital visited most frequently by myself In my lifetime that that's a very traditional looking capital But even you look at Illinois. That's a little bit different Florida is completely different. I know, you know, like in Lanna's traditional. Anyways, yada yada yada Do a little Google image searching later, but I'm in in Tallahassee here for a couple of days working at FSU tomorrow, which by the way, joke of a football program that I'll, well, I guess I'll tell you right now,
Starting point is 00:09:54 but before I say anything because this story does include some language. Let's see, listen to discretion is advised when you're listening to the beans on podcast number one we'll occasionally get into some Telehassy and ask language here in their telehassy and ask you want to spell that? I'll show I'd love to T a L L a H
Starting point is 00:10:22 a S S E E a and hyphen H-A-S-S-E-E-A-N-H-E-S-Q-U-E. Love, I love a good hyphen. Wow. If you couldn't have tolerated it, let's see. I had three beers, which is not even much, but I haven't been drinking much especially this fall And I haven't actually like gotten drunk drunk in months as far as I can remember but that's the thing about being drunk
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yeah, so the I mean I had three beers one with dinner and then two after I was watching the end of the late Football games which here in Florida These are times on the end at like 9.30 p.m. before the the the Sunday night football game ends which is just the worst brings me back to my days living in being town ball more there are things that I like about Eastern time but there were things that I really hated one of them being Sunday football since I started to one. So those late games don't end till you know 730 which is just seems kind of ridiculous. You know by the time the first quarter Sunday night football ends it's already after 9 and you're just like what did I do with my day. Number two the podcast is objectively terrible.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So I'm sitting speaking of FSU where I'm working tomorrow. I'm sitting on a plane. So I was in Minneapolis Friday and Saturday, which I wish we could have done a podcast from up there because I'm one of my favorite cities in the US. But I fly down to Charlotte, easy flight, two enough hours on a probs. Jump ahead an hour. My next flight from Charlotte to Tallahassee. By the way, I was in the Charlotte airport,
Starting point is 00:12:11 which is just an absolute zoo, holy cow. I've been there before. I didn't remember it being this busy, but I guess you look at... Well, I guess my thought on this was, you know, my first instinct was, oh yeah, I guess it's, it makes sense. It's busy, you know, it's Charlotte. One, it's a big city, and it serves a, pretty much all of the most of South Carolina, all of North Carolina, it's like the only major airport
Starting point is 00:12:49 in North Carolina. Ooh, interception. Or no, touchdown, nevermind. Watching a football game, there's a lot going on here. And I was like, oh yeah, you know, you think of all the little tiny Florida towns like Tallahassee, like Gainesville, like, you know, Orlando, Lake City, Jacksonville is not a tiny town, but I don't think it's got a huge airport.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And so you think, okay, so you got an airport, the services, a bunch of these, you know, smaller reach airports, I get it. But also like, I thought on that, my next thought was, well, that's what it lay in us for. It's closer to these places. It's the busy airport in the world, I believe. So I'm not sure why Charlotte is crazy busy. But I mean, it's a big airport. There were a lot of people in there. Man, it was just crazy. But I get on that plane and I'm sitting next to this older gentleman who just, if you're trying to get a picture in your head, just think of Joe Gibbs wearing like four-to-state
Starting point is 00:13:55 gear head to toe, the hat, the pullover, and the sweatpants. And he was talking on the phone before we took off and I'm not even going to try to do the accent because you know real damn southern And he was talking about you know wake forest floor state game And I think wake force was up early and he wasn't worried about the embassards Then bastards being Florida state because, you know, we were the nobles and I can lose to wake. And, um, I didn't do a good impression even at that because one, my accent's trash, but two, he was, he was spaking real loud kind of up here. One of those voices that just seems to carry over and over the sound waves and
Starting point is 00:14:47 into different sections and dimensions of the plane like if you were a stow away in the luggage section you would be able to hear this guy's conversation loud and clear. It was he just man every time he opened his mouth I was just like why is he so loud? There's some people like that in life where it's just Whether they mean to be or not. They are just crazy loud. I'm not one of those people. I wasn't raised in that type of family So it's always kind of a shock to me when I hear it, but You know, he was real cocky
Starting point is 00:15:25 when I hear it, but he was real cocky. Eventually, I didn't get the satisfaction of this sitting next to him because when we de-plained in where my Tallahassee, it wasn't, the game was still in the third quarter. Eventually, Florida State would lose to a wake by two points, I think, which is just great considering him in Thassy. So that was fun, but what was I going to say? There's something else I want.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Where how did I even get here? I don't know. How did I even get in telehassy? Well, Quinn, you flew from Chicago to Minneapolis and then from Minneapolis to Charlotte to telehassy. Here's a silly thing for you. and then from Minneapolis to Charlotte to Tallahassee. Here's a kind of a silly thing for you. I'm going to Gainesville, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:10 because when I go to Florida, I like to go to the hot spots, so not I'm not setting up Miami, Tampa, Orlando. I go to Tallahassee and Gainesville. Wow, what a time to be alive. I have to fly back to Charlotte to get the gains, which I get. You're probably wondering, hey, Quinn, why don't you just drive, because it's like three hours.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Well, I would have loved to. There was something up with the rental cars when I was booking this trip where they were going to be just like crazy expensive day. Usually rental cars are a similar type of price somewhere in the $40 range day, something like that. These ones were crazy expensive though. I don't know what the deal was. know it was just it wasn't going to make sense to pay all the money to just rent the car although I would have loved to have them because you know staying in downtown Tallahasseen it's like you know we can walk
Starting point is 00:17:14 to some stuff but it is definitely the type of downtown situation such area where I just feel trapped like you know there are a couple bars around here and I'm close enough to, you know, FSU where you have all the access to the college stuff which you don't really want. But you know, I just, when you're in a smaller town, like there is in a grocery store within a couple miles of me. And that's just like, you know, I like having that freedom to go out and get something if I want. Anyways, same thing with Gainesville, I imagine. Tell us he's not purely a college town.
Starting point is 00:17:53 It is the state capital. Gainesville is purely a college town. So we'll see with that. But I'm on Gator Watch. No pun intended for Gainesville. But I've been looking for Watch, no pun intended for Gainesville, but been looking for some Alligators down here. And haven't found any yet, I would really have the Eatsom Alligator. I think that's the type of situation where I actually got to research it on the front end
Starting point is 00:18:17 to kind of see where I can go, what restaurants I can go or I can eat Gator. But I for one would like that. I think it would be tasty. I've heard it's kind of chewy. I've heard it tastes like chicken. Touchdown Dallas Cowboys. Who is that? Jarwin?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Number what? 89, 88, 88. It's Des. Number. Rest in peace. Des. Bryant. One of those like clutch-wide receivers from the 2010 decade, and slightly before that, along with, you know, I'm thinking in his era, I'm thinking like Calvin Johnson, Andre
Starting point is 00:18:58 Johnson, Greg Jennings, who really just kind of, the career just all of a sudden ended. Did not last as long in the NFL as I thought he could have. But even by the time he got like halfway through his NFL career, it seemed like all he was ever doing was just like fade routes into the corner of the end zone. And that was it. Really interesting player. It was, does, does Bryant good? I don't know. He was tall. He was it. Really interesting player. It was, does Bryant good? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:27 He was tall. He was big. He was fast. Seemed like he should be good. I don't know if he actually was. Getting off topic here. We were going to talk last week about which great lake is best. And now that I'm in Florida where there's like a million lakes I think it'd be apropos to return
Starting point is 00:19:45 to that conversation briefly. It's going to be a quick podcast if you can tolerate. I'm coming in here with zero script. I'm sitting in bed reading. Although not, I'm not, I'm not read with anything. I just have been in bed pretty much all day. I left this morning to get some breakfast. I came back. I watched a lot of football. I took a nap, which is completely unnecessary. And then I
Starting point is 00:20:12 left. I had some dinner and now I'm back. And I'm in bed recording the Bean Tom podcast. How do you like that? I like FDR, you know, in the wheelchair bed ridden. Oh, the year was 1943. Our boys were on the barch. I radioed to Churchill. Bring our boys home. And you know, we fought them Germans in rain and sleet and snow for the boys on the bulge. We're bringing old Johnny home, singing bombs, bombs away, O'er from Munich, Meet those comi bastards, Eliminate fascism forever, O'er bombs, Bums away, O'er from Munich,
Starting point is 00:21:18 For the war will be won, And I'll be coming home to mom and dad on the plains of west London. I imagine that's the type of song that used to sing in the battle lines in World War II, but I'm bedridden here, you know, like JFK, JFK, FDR. Did I say JFK earlier? That would be funny. Not really though, JFK assassination, too soon. Too soon. 56 years. I still, oh man, I started watching the 112263 series,
Starting point is 00:21:58 which is Sostein and King wrote that novel, and then he and JJ Abrams developed it into a TV mini series with James Franco and Chris Cooper and I watched I think the first three episodes and then I just maybe I'll turn on an episode tonight I'm thinking about going to get some dessert or something, but that's the other thing with Talahassee You're not like I'm not close to anything even though I'm in the heart of downtown I'm a couple of blocks from the college campus like it's still gonna be like a mile for me to walk and go get dessert Seems ridiculous I'll keep you posted there, but which great lake is best well
Starting point is 00:22:37 Jumping into that conversation briefly. I also decided that I'm not gonna do full ads today We're just you know, we're gonna kind of consider this, you know, remember those illustrated classic, they like novel, not novel, but the book series or the publisher, I don't know how you describe it. From growing up where they take, you know, big adult works of literature like Moby Dick,
Starting point is 00:23:04 or I don't know Robinson Caruso and they would turn it into shorter you know adapted stories with pictures I think on every other page to make it sort of fun for the young reader right illustrated classics. This is not going to be the illustrated classics version of, boy that was an awful slide. Carson Wentz just fell right onto his elbow. There wasn't any sort of graceful sight. He just went from standing position to like dropping on his ass and he fumbled it, although he was down because he gave himself up. So okay, what's great Lake is best. So to be clear, we're talking about five great lakes here. We got Lake
Starting point is 00:23:50 Superior, we got Lake Michigan, you got Lake Huron, you got Lake Ontario, you got Lake Erie. So right off the bat, to me, this seems like a two horse race between Michigan and Superior and I'll tell you why you got Michigan seems to be the most popular of lakes so again we're not we're not determining which great lake is most popular we're determining which is best you know I'm the only one who can determine that value system but you know know, Michigan, you got Chicago, right? You got Milwaukee, you got Green Bay, you got the other side, you got Kalamazoo, you got Hope, uh, Hope is that a town? I don't know. It's in Holland. I hope the name of the college. You got a lot of stuff, you know, right,
Starting point is 00:24:40 concentrated on there. You got great lakes brewing, you got goose islands, you got just a lot going on, right? So great lake. It's a great lake. But then you got superior, right? One of the largest lakes in the world, beautiful up there. You got the Apostle Islands National Sea Shore up in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You got Superior, you got Duluth. You go to the other side, you got Thunder Bay, right? It's just, it's huge. You look at an MAP, you're like holy cow. So I think off the bat we got two front runners there. And I'm gonna kind of take you briefly to the other three. So I think an honorable mention for third is gonna be Lake Erie. You got Detroit, you got Toronto, right? You got Toronto's unlike you. Let's go to the map. Let's check it out. You certainly have Cleveland, which I think takes points away from Lake Erie.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I was just there. In fact, you can, this would be a perfect time to plug a new video I put on on YouTube. It was there are Cleveland sort of documentary series they did it for extra credit and it's on our YouTube channel Quinferness I think you're really gonna like it no trinos lake like Ontario it's close to Lake Erie you got Buffalo on Lake Erie though yeah they're all right next to each other now. Refalls all that sort of stuff. Mr. Saga Hamilton. Mr. Saga. How do you say it? Saga Saga.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Remember that PBS show with those Chinese cats right there? Manekin Niko, whatever it's called. Saga S.A.G.W.A. Somebody helping brother out with that reference. Gonna have to do a hang on. Type it in my YouTube search for later. So I think we put Lakey area at a, in honorable third, you know, Ontario,
Starting point is 00:26:36 don't sleep on it. And I think, you know, I'm not gonna say Ontario is fourth, but it's in that fourth kind of range. But, you know, other than Ontario, you other than Ontario, what do we got going on? Is anybody ever spent much time in the New York region of Lake Ontario? I'm sure it's beautiful. You got the finger lakes up there. You got the cat skills.
Starting point is 00:27:01 No, that's in the lower part of New York kind of like Pennsylvania I think. But I've never actually been to, I've never been to Lake Ontario. I'm sure it's a fine lake. But the last one here that we haven't mentioned is Lake Huron and it's really just kind of, you know, nobody really ever goes there. And the reason is because you're either in Canada, you know, very sparsely populated part of Canada, or you're in Michigan, the Eastern Shore, North and Eastern Shore of Michigan, again, very unpopulated area. And it's just like, you know, is there anything going on there? I'm sure it's a nice lake.
Starting point is 00:27:48 But why would you ever go to Lake Huron? And what does Huron even mean? Right? The other four Michigan superior, Irianteria, you know, they're all names, were you like, okay, this is a cool name. Huron, I'm just like, what are we even doing here? What does this mean? So no offense to lay here on I just don't get it So let's do let's let's do this. I'm gonna rank them one through five drum will please
Starting point is 00:28:21 Come in at number one We you've been waiting for a week for our great lakes big board power rankings number one lake Michigan? Number two lakes appear your number three lake area number four lake Ontario and Number five lake here on they got notice respect to lake here on just never been there Don't know what you have to offer so if someone wants to pay for my all expenses paid vacation up to, I don't know. Can you name a city on Lake Huron? I'm racking my brain.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I'm thinking of where it is. Detroit is close. Detroit is actually on a river between Huron and Erie I don't Can I flint I don't think that's on a lake. I think that's inland. I've never been to flint before Okay pulling up a map. Quinn. Can you say gana maybe? Saginaw Okay, pulling up a map. Quinn, can you say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say, say Saginaw is, you know, 30 miles away from the lake. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:46 What river is that? Saginaw River. Any other cities? You even go to the other side. You are a Canada, you're a singer in Ontario, London, that's 20 miles, 30 miles in the lake. There's no cities there. You got, yeah mantelin, mandatilin island looks like there might be some action there. Not a lot of population though. Yes, Sudbury, that's not on the lake. Susaint Marie, is that even considered on the lake though? It looks like it's closer to superior than Huron. And even then it's on a river or a lake. What do they consider that? You know, I don't see Mary's river.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Nope, no cities on Huron. Exactly zero cities. I'm looking at the map, there's not a single city. That's crazy. Say, you wonder why people sleep on Lake Huron, it's because there's nothing going on. There are no lakes, or there are no cities, nor are there lakes on Lake Huron, it's because there's nothing going on. There are no lakes or there are no cities. Nor are there lakes on Lake Huron. So apologies to any lake Huron, a, a, a, a
Starting point is 00:30:52 apologists, no pun intended, but I just, I don't see the appeal, right? I don't get it. If you have questions, comments or concerns where if or if you live only here and you want a really gladisabeth, you can always email us at and it's beantown, be an tier and podcast at, or you can tweet at us where you're at beantowncast, you can also tweet at us at white buns we would love to hear from you. Having gotten many listeners lately, and the Bean Tum podcast is starting to dwindle into the abyss, which is fun. Special thanks to Cuts by QGave us a fresh new haircut
Starting point is 00:31:33 last weekend, and we look real good. Getting all the ladies downloaded, bumble just for this trip, and I'm killing it. Actually, I am. Getting a ton of matches have not had any productive conversations. So that's the shame. Also thank you to the TV guide. And for don't forget the Conner's is back on ABC on Tuesdays at 8.7 Central or something like that. You know in that range one of those surrounding days you'll
Starting point is 00:31:58 find it. You can also head to Remember if you need a safe certified home inspector that you can trust you can Remember, if you need a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, you can always contact Steve at 540-410-0316, something like that. Or you just, you know, it's easier for all of us if you just go to to get your home inspected today, inspection, perfection. Well, my last and quick final shout out is to Audacity.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So you'll remember a couple of times in Bintown year one and maybe once or twice in Bintown year two, this current year, we would record off of our work computer my previous job when I lived in Bintown. I got lucky because I didn't have administrator privileges on that computer and so getting a copy downloaded onto my computer was actually kind of tricky. This new job I do have administrator privileges so I was able this afternoon before recording to download a cheap copy not not cheap, it's just a regular copy of Audacity onto my computer.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And that's what we're recording with now. Hopefully the audio quality has turned out, or else I spent the last 33 minutes of my life doing nothing. And I tell you what, I don't have the energy. I tell you what, I've been bed ridden all day. Could not do this again if I tried. I'm like JFK here, right?
Starting point is 00:33:25 One shot pony. Okay, all over the place. If you're thinking, wow, Quinn, you definitely have more than three beers. And I hope that's just how low my tolerance is right now. Okay, that's what we got for you. From all of us here at the Bean Tom podcast, watch out for FSU fans,
Starting point is 00:33:43 stay on the lookout for Gators. And if you ever go to Lake Huron, let us know. We would love to hear about your experience. Okay, have a good week. We'll check in in ya. Yeah, next time.

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