Beantown Podcast - Words w/ Multiple Spelings/Spellings (09242021 Beantown)

Episode Date: September 24, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE on a Friday afternoon to recap the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, before delving into a fascinating discussion of English words that have multiple acceptable spellings. Jud...gment or judgement? Omelet or omelette? It's all on this week's show!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Fernis is Quinn. This is my show. Thank you for tuning in I appreciate the support. It's good to see you. We are live on YouTube, which is very exciting Something that I haven't done too much of lately. Frankly just haven't made the effort and You know live streaming in general. I know we mentioned Twitch and all that good stuff last week It's just you know, it's like, I kind of like the allure of being behind the scenes, living in the shadows. I'm a lurker on Reddit, so I can't be, I be a podcast lurker as well.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You know, I'm not, I don't do this podcast contrary to what you might think. I don't do this show to like get famous or be in you know Big bright lights like I'm kind of here to just be a voice of the people. We are the people's podcasts That's one of our taglines And we don't whip out too frequently, but it is true We are one of the top 500 podcasts on the North Side Chicago. We are the people's podcasts We are your number one source for misinformation. And my name is Quinn David Fernos, the Karachi King.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Hello to all my friends out there. Hydrobat Karachi, Kiber Pass, and other areas where podcasts are found. If you're listening to this, go ahead and give us a big thumbs up on Facebook, like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. There's some other stuff on there as well, including a really bad Brian McKnight cover from two weeks ago. So you're definitely going to want to check that out. And whatever podcast app you're listening to us on, thank you for streaming today,
Starting point is 00:02:00 slash podcast or beantompodcast. Yeah, I'm going to be telling podcast a slash podcast or bean ton podcast. Yeah, who got coming in the speed ton podcast. Yeah, who dot com. You might be out there thinking Quinn, you don't know how to spell being what is that? Okay. This is what? Episode 194. You figure you would know how to spell by now. And I got to tell you that ties very nicely into what we're talking about today on this show. It's not gonna be a terribly long episode because really we're gonna do a Real Housewives check-in season or episode two of season two was last Sunday. And then we're gonna get into kind of what we're talking about today,
Starting point is 00:02:43 which is a smaller topic. Essentially, if you're curious where we're going to get into what we're talking about today, which is a smaller topic. Essentially, if you're curious where we're going, words that have multiple spellings, multiple acceptable spellings. I'm not talking hominemes, you know, him, H-I-M, him, H-Y-M-N, that sort of thing. We're talking like, in the example that got me thinking about this was, and it wasn't because I talked about this on my show like a month ago, but canceled versus canceled. I was spelling it out, and I'll get to the context
Starting point is 00:03:17 in a second, it's not that interesting, but I'll get to the context in a second. I was spelling it out first with two Ls, because I feel like that's just like the natural thing. And then I started looking at it and I was like, is that one too many Ls? And then I went down to the one L, like I'm starting law school.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And I was like, well, that looks a little thin. So I'm caught, you know, touring between these two warring factions, one L, two L, you know, just, I just need a summer externship placement and I've got two-thirds my law school career done, but I so I went and looked it up and I'm like what's the correct way to go about this? Do we want 1L?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Do we want 2Ls? And I learned either is acceptable. So that got me thinking and that's pretty much the context behind the story. I mean, it's not, you don't really need to know, but I had a software test, a live call scheduled for later right after work. And it got canceled, key word. And, oh, I don't even remember, I can look at the site. What word do they, or what spelling do they use? They use one L, the mystery deepens. But basically, I went in, you can go into their submit, a request form, and you're supposed to get compensated if someone cancels, cancels has only one L.
Starting point is 00:04:38 On you, without 24 hours notice, and this was like three hours notice, something like that. So I want to go in there and get my, you know, you don't get fully compensated, but I can make like you know It was supposed to be a 30 minute 30 minute 30 dollar thing So I'm hoping to get at least like 15 out of it Just for sending an email because it's my trouble I Had committed to work at their five on a Friday, which I don't like to do. Anyone who knows me, that's not my deal. So that's where we're going to be spending some time.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I pull up a list of words on the internet. It's a great place to find words where we can look at some alternative spellings and kind of see what fun stories we encounter along the way. So first and foremost, we're going to be doing our real house as a Salt Lake City recap and it won't be that long because I feel like real house as a Salt Lake City season two probably got saved by the whole Gen Chas stuff because the rest of it is just like It's still good like I'm invested in the characters enough to want to like watch them and their families and see what's going on But we really haven't had any amazing interactions yet. Not a lot of drama between ladies.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Because they keep referencing, oh, the last time we were all together the last time we spoke, and then they'll show a flashback to the season one reunion, which if you don't know how they do it in real housewives is like the women Tullo with a bachelor., essentially Andy Cohen sits down. They film it at some point after they finished filming the season, you know, sometimes months later,
Starting point is 00:06:11 but then they'll just show it the week after the season finale. So it all feels like it's all together and then you have this big break between air airing of seasons. And so, you know, I think when they're filming what we're seeing here on season 2 episode 2 is like two months after they filmed the reunion. And they're basically the women are basically saying outside of the obvious ones like Heather and Whitney because they're cousins like they see each other all the time I'm sure, but a lot of them, and they certainly haven't been all in the same room together since the reunion was filmed. One thing I was going to mention, and I apologize to everyone listening, but I really, I have to rely a little bit more on notes and a crutch to get through the recap.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And the reason why is because this year, this season of Real Housewives, they're airing in on Sunday nights. And previously season one, I think, was Wednesday nights, to, you know, middle of the week, something like that, Wednesday or Thursday. And for me, honestly, that was just so much better. Because I have time on Sundays,
Starting point is 00:07:19 like I'm around when it airs typically, but I'm almost always watching football. So it's just like, if I'm watching it when it airs typically, but I'm almost always watching football. So it's just like, if I'm watching it when it airs, I got football and that on screen, so two screens. Or if I watch it later, I'm usually just like, I don't know, I can't really explain it, but I'm less attentive, I don't think I'm less interested or engaged, I'm still really interested,
Starting point is 00:07:43 but it's a little bit tougher to remember. So that's my disclaimer. So we did episode one last week. Here's your brief rundown of all seven ladies now, which is tough. Seven's a lot to just like give air time to in contrast this season that finished of New York a couple weeks ago, like two months, two months ago, something like that, was only five. That's a big difference in terms of like air time. So we've got six OGs from last year and one new addition.
Starting point is 00:08:17 We've got Heather and Whitney, they're blonde, they're cousins. Is that right? Heather? Yeah, yeah. Heather was, is divorce. She has three like teenage daughters. Uses be more or less than any more. Whitney's got three young kids.
Starting point is 00:08:31 She's like Minnie Mouse. She slept with her boss. Then got divorced to her original husband. Is now married to her boss Justin. We like Whitney. She's kind of wild. And then, oh, we like Heather too. But she's, she's got some,
Starting point is 00:08:46 not negative qualities, but just what we're gonna get to at the very end of this episode is one of the reasons why I'm like, and Heather, come on girl. Then you've got Lisa, who's like New York, New Jersey accent, something like that. She's got two boys, kind of twin-ager, teenager, her husband, and she runs some business, I don't really understand what it is. Maybe she's in on the Gen Shaw drama. Who knows. Then there's Meredith went to Loyola Law School. She's got a couple kids.
Starting point is 00:09:14 One of her sons Brooks is like always on the show. He's a key feature of this episode and our husband Seth who I think is now like season one. He was going back and forth between Akron. I thought I heard something about like Mississippi in this episode or something. I don't know if that's accurate. I'll circle back and we'll check in on it. Then we've got Mary Cosby. She's married to her grandmother's widow,
Starting point is 00:09:36 Robert Cosby or something like that. And she doesn't really do anything in the show moving on. We've got Jen Shaw, who we all know about. We all talk about. She's the worst. In this episode, made her look really bad too, for something that we've never talked about before. We'll get to that in a second.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And then we have Jenny, the new one. I don't even know Jenny's last name. So there's Jen and Jenny on the show, which is just like, okay, it's kind of silly at this point. Jenny hasn't really done much lately. She's got three kids, they're kind of percusious, they're young, she's married to a doctor, and she's like a stay-at-home mom.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Apparently she's Lisa's friend, I think. I don't know. She's kind of like, girl boss attitude, like not gonna take anyone's shit which is fine, but outside of that, listener discretion is advised when listening to me in Tompock S1. We'll occasionally use language
Starting point is 00:10:33 when we're talking about house waves. Number two, this show is objectively terrible, but outside of that, and it's only been two episodes, okay. But we really haven't gotten to see much else from Jenny so far. So in this episode, we start off, and they always like to do brief little check-ins with three or four of the housewives
Starting point is 00:10:52 without a lot of substance. And we basically check in with like, I'm looking over my recap, because I can't even remember, oh, we get a little bit of Mary. Mary has a couple of sons who are like, I don't know, like late teens, early 20, something like that, like way older than you think they would be. And she goes
Starting point is 00:11:11 into one of their rooms and he's got a mini fridge and it's just like water and yogurt in there. And there was something else interesting about it, but that's how boring Mary is to me. Like she wasn't supposed to be on the show originally and it still feels like season two, like they didn't plan for her to be on the show. We really don't get anything with her. And in fact, I'll just tell you what happens the rest of the episode with Mary. She's having her house like redesigned redecorator or something like that. We saw some of the interior of her house.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It was like a putting green, but the entire floor was like that. It was all green. I think the couches and walls are green too. It's kind of like something Trump would do to like represent money. That's Mary Cosby. She's definitely got some weird cult shit going on with the church.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And I'm pretty convinced because she's one that has like six houses, right? There's something, maybe not even illegal going on there, but just like taking advantage of the stupid 10% tithing rule of Christians. Hey, you get a couple, you know, Jeff Bezos' in your congregation, 10% of trillion dollars is like 10% of a trillion, so that'd be pretty crazy. That's maybe that's where she gets her houses from.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I don't know. And tax exempt, that's the big thing. So let's see, that's basically all we get from Mary. Okay, that's pretty much all you need to know about Mary, and it's essentially the same thing every. It's always, she's just in her house doing something not interesting. There you go, that's one down, six to go.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Okay, so let's talk about Jen this episode. We can do everything up until the end when we'll finish up with our conversation between her and Heather, which I've alluded to when I talked about Heather earlier. But basically, we open in Jen's house, which is the new Sha Sha LA also being rented, and we get our first stew chains appearance,
Starting point is 00:13:03 which is big because Jen's not the only one being indicted for fraud and wire fraud and whatever. Her assistant, her first assistant, Stewart also indicted, Stewart, aka stoochains. Jen, if you don't know, it has like six assistants or something like that. And so you're like, well, what does she do? Like how does she pay these people? Great question. Now we know, okay? So, and what do they assist her on? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:31 What does Stu Chains do? Apparently, legal wire fraud activity. That explains it. So she's in her shoe closet. And as you would expect, just like an ass and nine amount of shoes. And then, all of a sudden, we're introduced to her nephew, I think it is, his name is like,
Starting point is 00:13:50 do we hear something? Dwayne, that's his name. So we're introduced to Dwayne, a new person. He's like this, you know, chill looking like, I don't know, mid 20s, old black guy. And he's, first he's like, onto you have way too many shoes and it's like, yeah, we're all thinking that. But then we learn the backstory of Dwayne. Apparently he was like with his family living in some really
Starting point is 00:14:13 awful living situation in Los Angeles, like a bad part of town. And he had reached out to Jen, knowing that she was a person of to Jen knowing that she was a person of significant means being like, hey, anti, can you help us get out of here? And she left them on read for like multiple months until she was finally like, you know what? I should text, I should text Dwayne back and now he lives with her apparently. But this is when I mentioned earlier that this episode did not make Jen look good at all.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And we haven't even gotten to the illegal stuff yet. That's gonna be like mid season. She literally is like her nephew contacts her, because obviously he's living in some really dangerous situation or something to seek help. And she's like six months later like, oh yeah, how's that going by the way? Do you wanna come live with me instead of like,
Starting point is 00:15:05 if I had a nephew and I don't have a nephew, but if I had a cousin or a sibling or something that was like, hey, get me out of here, I would be like on Expedia 30 seconds later finding one way ticket. Like, I don't know, and Jen's like, I was going through all this grief and stuff, my end of last season, she was having some sort of breakdown with Cheref or something.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I don't know. But I'm just like, hey, I have bad days too. I'm still checking email, responding to text. I don't know, Jen. I mean, you're pretty awful. So that's pretty much just going on with Jen. Oh, but she's connected. Jen is connected to everything here for a better for worse. So we go to Meredith and really what Meredith is doing this episode, it's Meredith and Brooks and Seth makes a guest appearance too. And I think we talked about this last week. Essentially, Jen is directly
Starting point is 00:16:01 and indirectly cyber bullying Brooks on social media. What I mean by this is like someone will tweet something homophobic. Not just like casual, but like straight up homophobic about Brooks on Twitter. And she will retweet it, for example. It's the Trump method where you can be like, oh, I didn't actually say that. I just retweeted it. Well, potato potato speaking of alternate spellings.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And like Instagram, she'll like add something to her story that someone tagged her on. It's like, because basically what this goes down to and Jen like talks about this in the episode, Jen's upset that Brooks was offended last season when Jen comes over to Meredith's house and she flashed everyone her like actual vagina and Brooks got upset by that and left the house not in like in a not in like a stomping out fashion, but he was with his sister and it's like okay We're just gonna go now. He didn't even comment on it. You know when it happened He was just like okay. We're gonna head out which is which is perfectly normal when a 45 year old lady comes over and starts flesh and her hoo hoo, I wouldn't want to be hanging out there either.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And so Jen somehow is under the impression that Brooks is like, sex shaming her or like anatomy shaming her for something because he chose to leave the house at that point. And so that's her excuse because Seth is like talking to Meredith or, or no, Lee, okay, here's what happens to kind of tie all this together. Lisa and Jenny go over to Gen Chas House. It's first time Jenny and Gen meet. And Sai, no, all Jenny really does a sub-soda as we learn that she's got three kids, Maritra Doctor, and her husband wants more kids, but she does not want to have more kids. Maybe that sets us up for good stuff
Starting point is 00:17:55 in the future. I don't know. That's what we know about Jenny this episode. Lisa, we really don't get anything. So Lisa and Jenny go over to Gen Chos house. And Lisa is like, hey, you gotta cool it with the homophobic cyber bullying of Meredith Sun on social media. That's not cool. And in classic Jen fashion, she flips out, not necessarily at anyone, just flipping out in general.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And she's like, well, if he wasn't making fun of my vagina, which he hasn't done, by the way, then I wouldn't be sharing homophobic things with him on Twitter or about him on Twitter. And it's just like she just doesn't get it. Jen has been living in her little world for way too long, got way too comfortable with the big bucks from her legal wire fraud and has some serious issues. She is going to need some big time counseling when she heads to the clink because I don't even like I'm not a psychologist but I don't even know like how to get started with someone like her.
Starting point is 00:18:58 She is so far gone. It's really wild. So that's basically what Lisa and Jenny talk about while they're over there. Seth and Meredith talk a little bit about the cyber bullying. Seth's trying to like calm it down. Meredith's pretty pissed off, which I am totally in her camp on that. We talked about Mary Cosby. The only other really kind of interesting thing before we kind of get into the final act here of the episode, Whitney talks about how her sex life isn't as crazy as it used to be, how she's sometimes only having sex like three or four times a week, to which to that I say like,
Starting point is 00:19:37 yikes, only three to four times a week, my goodness. But then she's also talking about like, she wants this, she started some sort of business. I don't know what it is, but she wants it to be a billion dollar business. And she's also talking about like, oh my gosh, only having sex three or four times a week. So I feel like there's kind of a disconnect there. She's got to, you know, not necessarily get her priority straight, but just like being realistic with her time management assessment. I don't know. She also has like three kids. So she's going to have to figure something out there.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But the reason I mentioned all this, we get one talking head, you know, usually in housewives, they're like two or three seconds long. And then sometimes you get a slightly extended one if there's like some sort of joke or some physical humor or something like five seconds. This was talking to you that was like 30 seconds. It took up a lot of the show and it's basically Whitney talking about, not talking, and Miming is the best word for it.
Starting point is 00:20:35 What sex was like before some points and now after some point, it's not like a fixed point but just like it used to be really good now, it's like this, et cetera. But she's like going through all the gyrations and the motions, and it was kind of comical, but it was also kind of just like uncomfy. It was like, okay, and also, they let it go for too long.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I mean, that was the joke to let it go for like 20, 25 seconds, but it was just like, all right, like, let's keep him moving. That's essentially what Whitney gets to do this episode. So Whitney and Heather get together and Jen Shaw had FaceTime to Heather before hand on the episode, one of those classic Candid Face Times. And Jen Shaw is basically asking Heather like can we get together and talk because and you won't really remember this but Heather and Jen Shah are like
Starting point is 00:21:31 supposed to be friends. But they Jen Shah really attacked Heather towards the end of last season, got in her face. The reunion was really ugly. Call through a lot of very unflattering names. Like I think she called her like a manatee or something. Heather's a larger woman, not fat, but just like tall and like solidly built if you've ever seen her. And so just like very unkind things. And so apparently Jen and Heather have not spoken since the reunion.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And so Whitney and Heather get together and Heather's like, hey, I'm gonna go meet up with Jen, like wish me luck essentially. And Whitney says what we're all thinking, basically like what the F, like what does she want? Like she's been so awful to you and to us, yada yada yada, representing the voice of reason.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And this is where I mentioned earlier, like this is my issue with Heather. Not any sort of really bad quality, but she just keeps going back This is where I mentioned earlier, this is my issue with Heather. Not any sort of really bad quality, but she just keeps going back and being cool with Jen after Jen says all these things, not only to Heather, but homophobic things about Mary, the sun, and then eventually we'll see what happens with the indictment stuff being arrested. We'll see where Heather stands after that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I don't know. But so the show ends and this scene basically, Jen and Heather go to this like ice palace, it's actually kind of cool. It looks like the final scene from the shining. And they talk it out. And for the first like three minutes, Jen is basically doing all the talking and Heather's like, stone faced as she should be
Starting point is 00:23:03 and like not giving in or in, in sure anything. And then eventually they just kind of like reconciled and apparently they're good again. I don't know. And that's episode two of season two of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I hope that was a thorough enough recap for you. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors
Starting point is 00:23:26 and we'll do a quick read through. I just gotta pull it up here. I promise you the show wouldn't be too long. It'll probably be like 40 minutes, 45 minutes, something like that, because we got some words that I wanna explore, which I think will be fun, but it's not like I have a list of 50
Starting point is 00:23:39 and I'm gonna read through every single one, because it's the only ones that are interesting, I think. Okay, here we go, Home Pride Oregon. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, we're gonna listen, as I got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Home Pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon, is central organs, ha ha ha, new home inspection provider. I felt like I was speaking farcey or something there. With inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're
Starting point is 00:24:10 getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, it's a little bit wranglehold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector that you can trust, call Stevie's. My dad, here's a contact him. 541-410-0316, he also accepts texts. Message and data rates may apply, or visit
Starting point is 00:24:29 And dad did not tell me to tell you all that he accepts texts. I just went out on a wing. Again, that's 541-410-0316, or you can visit HomeBrightOrgan inspection. Perfection. I want to give a shout out to the Samsung Q2U series. I mentioned last week, it had a lot of crud on it. I did not clean it up, so it still has crud on it.
Starting point is 00:24:49 From Genesis to Exodus, Leviticus numbers in Deuteronomy, when God speaks, he uses a Samson. Remember during our Adreads, when the third thing was the TV guide story, and it how fun that was for that brief moment of glorious history. I still have it in my ad read notes as a third thing like talk about the TV guide. That's just that's a heartbreaker. Well I don't think we've talked about that for like a year. New listeners if you're curious when I lived in Baltimore I didn't own a TV. It sounds silly now, because I have two TVs. But in Baltimore, I had zero TVs. And I essentially had some spirit points
Starting point is 00:25:29 that were expiring, but I couldn't cash them in for flights. I only had like 17 or something. So they're like, here, you can get this magazine subscription instead. And all the options they offered were pretty awful. Like I would have taken like sports illustrated or play girl, whatever. like I would have taken like sports illustrated or Playgirl, whatever, but no, it's like here all these awful options TV guide
Starting point is 00:25:51 I thought would be the fun one because it was ironic because I don't have a television So I did it and I got the first I think it was four it was three or four copies that I got and it was supposed to be like a year-long subscription and that's what I got that was it four copies and it was supposed to be like a year-long subscription. And that's what I got. That was it, four copies. That was it. I think I finally recycled those when I left Baltimore, but yeah, for a brief period of time there,
Starting point is 00:26:14 despite not having a TV, I had a very good sense of what was on TV. So, you know, that was, I was really living the high life there. Okay, let me just finish up something here, a work email, make sure I know what's going on, and then we will move on to our final ad read. Okay, Bob and we've all, this is our friend's Cuts by Q. Bob and we've, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it,
Starting point is 00:26:41 but how many Chicago based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter Cuts Q. It's like NRSAM and but different. And oh a quick shout out. This is Wednesday night. Metallica played a pop-up show at Metro and Chicago which is like a cross street from Rigglyfield. And apparently tickets were really cheap. I wasn't doing anything Wednesday and I totally would have gone but I don't really knowica, and I didn't want to go by myself. So, for anyone who was able to go, I'm sure it was a great time. Metro is like a very small intimate venue. I imagine that was a great time.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Okay, here we go. Cuts by Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, a fact I'm very proud of. And it's probably one of the better barbershop operations during Chicago, Cook County, North Los Indiana, and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to banks, full hocks, the flat tops, and everything in between,
Starting point is 00:27:27 you gotta call cuts by queue at 815-298-7200. I'll screen your call, because that's just what I do, or email cuts by queue at And get that's CUP! That's queue-teasy. By queue at Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Oh, and you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts. Buy, cue, cuts, buy, cue. All right, good stuff. So welcome to the second half of today's program. It will be much shorter than the first half, I promise. And essentially we're doing fun with words. Specifically words in the English language that could be spelled
Starting point is 00:28:14 multiple ways and either way is perfectly acceptable. It's a fascinating fascinating feet of language if you ask me. And we mentioned earlier sort of what caused this to come about where I was canceled by a call later after my day job ends. And well, we went through that already. So here I'm getting closer to my computer, here hello to those of you on YouTube. It's good to see you. And yes, I totally went in, if you're not watching, I totally went in with the natural light, the way my new apartment, new I've been living here
Starting point is 00:28:56 for four months. Is setup is, the couch is directly in front of my big, like, I don't think this qualifies as a bay window, but it's a very long window. And so the light streams through there. So when I have a computer facing me on the couch, you're basically just seeing the shadow of me and the light behind me.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It's very, Jesus'accal. J-E-S-U-S-I-C-A-L, which is not a word, and I know it's not a word, but it's the best combination of letters I can use to describe how I feel. Sanctacle, is there a, is sanctimonious? Is that the same thing as being saint-like? I think sanctimonious has certain negative connotations that I don't particularly want to be associated with.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Saint Timonius, making a show of being morally superior to other people, that's not how I feel. I want the holy ring above my head kind of definition without all the moral high ground. My religion is better than yours kind of stuff. Okay, that's what Jesus a skull means to me angelic And Jellic is usually like soft and sweet not so much focus on the lighting But I think we're getting closer. We haven't found the perfect word yet. I should I maybe a new feature of the show We should have a Miriam Webster is dictionary next to us, because we always have fun with words and spelling. And it's a very educational program.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Okay, I haven't vetted this list. The website is from 50 words with alternative spellings. All right. Got a hair on my tongue, that's always fun. And this list is according to Merriam Webster's website, okay, says the former spelling is more common than the latter one, and is the preferred alternative.
Starting point is 00:30:51 However, both are acceptable, such as canceled versus canceled, 1L versus 2Ls, okay, so there's our first example. Okay, here is a good one that I haven't thought of too much, but it makes sense. It's a big word, acknowledgement or acknowledgement.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And the big difference comes towards the end, whether you have an E between the G and the M, so you have to acknowledge, the word acknowledge has an E at the end, because otherwise it would be like some weird German medieval something But when you add the mint to it in order to make it a noun meaning something that has been acknowledged I feel like I feel like love our Burton right now. This is great. I should should get a I should do this on like Chicago Public Television or something WTTW11? Is that what it is? Hey, sign me up. Looked outside, but no one from television industry was around.
Starting point is 00:31:55 That E does it go between the G and the M, or when you add the MENT to acknowledge, do you slice off that e to get more efficient. I don't know. Apparently, according to a Miriam Webster, the lack of e is the preferred method. Very interesting. Miriam Webster, famous Noah,
Starting point is 00:32:15 Noah were a first name basis, famous for being efficient, which is why he got rid of the e. Okay, next one down. Oh, this is a classic that I come across very frequently in emails. Advise-erverse-advisor. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:32:29 The preferred method is with the E according to NOAA and the alternative option has an O-advisor versus advisor. This is a really interesting one. I feel like you know, obviously advise has an E or it be advise O. I probably go with the E in my casual day-to-day life when I'm typing. I think the ADVISOR, I wouldn't naturally go for that, but I also wouldn't think twice if I saw it. I think of the OR is feeling more like British, and the ER feels a little bit more American, like, errr, America.
Starting point is 00:33:12 But I don't know, this is just kind of how I feel. This is an interesting one I haven't really thought about, and now that I'm looking at it, the A definitely doesn't look natural to me. Ambience versus ambience. One has an E between the I and the N, one has an A. A and B, I, E, N, C, E is the preferred option. A, M, B, I, A, N, C, E. And you will hear some people getting really fancy
Starting point is 00:33:38 when they say ambience or ambience. This is America, so I'm ambient. But again, ambient, right, has an E, there's no ambient with an A at the end. But ambience, ambience, maybe it just comes down to how you prefer to say it. Are you like a fancy Frenchman, or are you more good white, God, fear, and American?
Starting point is 00:34:03 I am not gonna be the one who tells you. Okay, there's some on here that I like don't Understand have never seen before so let's include an example of that as well. A Paul versus a Paul. A Paul has two else two P's two L's Close open and close book, okay, so I don't know what Noah's thinking on this one But he has an alternate spelling it appl this one, but he has an alternate spelling it, APPAL. That's a pal, my friend. That's someone you go to road trips with or antiques road show tapings or Arthur's dog, a pal, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:33 Moving on. Oh, this is a classic. This is a good one. Donut or donut? I kind of like the GH, okay. It makes me feel fancy. It makes me feel loved. And even in Chicago, you'll see like business names
Starting point is 00:34:49 that have both D-O-N-U-T-S, doughnuts. And then other ones that are like, oh no, this is actually dough, this isn't doughnuts, this is dough, GH, nuts. It's very interesting. I'm trying to think like Gibson's donuts, that's gotta be a D-O-N-U-T-S, right? Memphis, America, don't need extra letters.
Starting point is 00:35:14 But, Stan's donuts, that's across the street for me. I think that's also a D-O, what am I spelling? D-O-N-U-T-S. Okay, Stan's donuts is D-O-N-U-T-S. Also a D O what am I spelling? D O N U T S. Okay, yes, stands donuts is D O N U T S. Let me check on Gibson's while I'm here. That's down in Memphis for those of you who don't know. I think that's also Gibson's donuts. But then there's like, there's gotta be some other businesses that I just can't think
Starting point is 00:35:41 of that have the classic G H, right? I can't seem to find any of the time I had that I just can't think of that have the classic GH, right? I can't seem to find any of the time I had that I'm thinking of, but they certainly exist, okay? You'll just have to take my word for it. And nor Webster lists the GH as the preferred spelling. I think the the the shorter version is more like new school kind of cool stuff, okay? Another example of one that I've never heard of and would never make sense to me, enroll versus enroll as in you are well enroll in a class. Two Ls, obvious, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:13 One L, that's listed here, doesn't make sense to me. This is a classic one that brings me back to my Scott Farrell days, glamor versus glamor. Okay, so one is like old school, more European, G-L-A-M-O-U-R, and then there's also G-L-A-M-O-R, which either one like sound or looks fine to me, but when I see that extra U in there as in Glamour,
Starting point is 00:36:39 it makes me think of Scott Farrell's book because among many very odd things about this man, and there are many, he likes to do British spelling. So like, here's an example, color, color. Right, this is America. No one spells color, CL-O-U-R. You're going to get laughed out of every establishment in town if you buy a coloring book. Okay, this is color. So what is this COL OUR kind of, you know, French pansy crab? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Get out of here. But if you read Scott Ferell's book, which I encourage you not to do, and it's actually off the market, I don't think we've, I've mentioned this before. I would still check in on it here and there, and I've done the audiobook, all that stuff. But if you, you can't buy it anymore, he's delisted it, which means that, friend of the podcast, Matthew Feather and I, who we bought each other copies as gifts, which is hilarious. We probably, like honestly knowing Scott and I can't judge how many copies is sold by anything other than what I know about him and his lack of a,
Starting point is 00:37:55 perceived lack of a social circle based off of his autobiography, lack of family, et cetera. I can't imagine that that thing sold more than 10 copies. So, hey, I was gonna say maybe we'll be rich someday, we won't, but it's kind of fun to know that you have that much power in your hands. And we really need a sequel. Okay, I don't want to spend too much time, and I'm almost done here, I promise. Talking about Scott Farrell on the Bean Tom podcast for a variety of reasons.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But the show ends, and he's still kind of like bumbling around rock for living at his grandma's house, you know, like doing weird cam shows to strange stuff. And now he's like legitimately like he's gone to the gym, works out a lot. He works for Amazon. he lives in Seattle. He's still single from what I can tell. He, shh, I don't know how much I wanted to disclose here. He does a lot of really weird kinky stuff. Okay, I'm gonna leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:39:01 With all that in mind, yeah, we need a sequel. The Scott Farrell autobiography part two, not dead yet, or I didn't die after the first one, I guess. Okay, oh, here's a classic, Gray versus Gray. I have no idea on this one. I think I use both interchangeably. I don't write that word very often. And I think A feels more natural to me, E feels British, but A is considered the preferred option according to Noah Webster. Okay, oh, this is a classic. We've already kind of done the E being swapped out or niche duty efficiency sake. Judgment versus judgment. And here's real question. Terminator 2, belching a little bit here. Judgment versus judgment. And here's real question, terminator two, belting a
Starting point is 00:39:47 little bit here, judgment day. Take your guesses now. And I will as well, because I haven't started typing it yet. Is there an E in the judgment? Is there a first E in the judgment as in Terminator 2 Judgment Day. So we're talking about JUDG, M-E-N-T, or J-U-D-G-E, M-E-N-T. This is fascinating. You got to rack your brain, you had to remember when you were a kid in the 1980s and you saw Terminator 2 Judgment Day for the first time, is there an E?
Starting point is 00:40:22 I'm gonna give you five more seconds. And I'm gonna guess, no E is my guess. Terminator, this is huge. Terminator two, no E. Well, there's one at the end. But no E in the middle of judgment as in Terminator two, judgment day. And boy, we're learning a lot. We're doing judgment day, we're doing spellings.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Oh, this is another kind of British first English one, but in posture versus in posture with an O or an E at the end. Who knows? This is one that I come across quite often because often I will text friends asking them if I am this or if something's wrong with me or what it is. Likeable versus likable. Another one where we're trying to get more efficient.
Starting point is 00:41:08 But this one is, yeah, we're just kind of like moving some vowels around or getting rid of an E, keeping an E. So likable, is it like and then a bowl or is it like liqable? L-I-K-E-A-B-L-E or L-I-K-A-B-L-E. I think the longer version with the E feels like it should be right to me, but I find myself typing it without the E because I tend like Noah Webster. I tend to like efficiency.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I tend to move things together. I want to be quick. Agile, Deft, DEFT. I don't think there's an alternate spelling of that. Is there what is Deft mean you might be asking? Deft, neatly, skillful and quick and one's movements. Well, you're looking at it folks, right here. If there's one thing I'm frequently described as,
Starting point is 00:42:00 it's skillful. Okay, let's see, we're almost done here. We're finishing up. Another one that I have never seen before, Mollisk with a K, yes, versus Mollisk with a C. What language is that? Clingon or something? Here we go. Oh, this is a classic French one, omlet versus omlet. I think I like the shorter version, omlet. Just seems bloated. This one I've never seenelet. I think I like the shorter version. Omelet just seems bloated. This one I've never seen, because I think they're two separate things, right? A possum versus possum.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Those are two separate animals, aren't they? A possum versus possum, okay? So we're gonna get to the bottom of this oh Bobbilla dot com How we've never been on this site before tried true trustworthy home advice and here's an article about Possums of course. What's the difference? Possum verse a possum? Okay, yeah, here we go. So I'm feeling like this website not not, but was perhaps not well researched because I wouldn't say giraffe first elephant, right?
Starting point is 00:43:11 They're different animals. Let's see, while they have similar names, possums and a possums are distinct animals. Seven key differences between these marsupials, okay, and then he lists seven key animals. If you're curious, and this is probably the easiest one to wrap your head around, possums are native to us,
Starting point is 00:43:28 surely a New Zealand in China. Well, up possums with the O live in America and Southern Canada. So the ones you've seen in your lifetime, more than likely are up possums. Okay, so there's actually, there's a lot of difference going on here, which is really cool.
Starting point is 00:43:45 They're really like cute animals. I don't know, I think they're neat. Okay, let's get to the end of this here. See if there's anything else that I really want to mention. Pompom. I don't even know. Oh, racquet versus racquet, that's a classic. You want to get fancy with your Q-U-E-T,
Starting point is 00:44:05 or stick to the American CK version. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, in terms of their definitions, difference between when you should use theater and when you should use theater with RE or the ER? You can look that up on your own. That'll be your homework for next week. DePaul's theater school, RE. Auditorium theater, I think that's also RE. Is that just more of like an old school? No, yeah, Auditorium Theater, TRE. Is it just more old school? Does it mean something different? What exactly do we have going on there? So that's a good one to think about. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:01 there's some other ones on here. Some of them are kind of interesting, but that's pretty much like what I wanted to go through here. Let's see if there's anything else. Yeah, there's some other ones on there. If you wanna check it out,, slash 50 words with alternative spellings, but you'll have to deal with this nonsense with possums and a possum. So who knows who you can trust.
Starting point is 00:45:30 But I wanted to have some fun with words. I wanted to do some spelling. I wanted to be educational for the kids, so I apologize for those swear words I dropped earlier. But this turned out to be a pretty nice little episode. I tell you what, when I woke up this morning, I knew I had to record today. Tomorrow, I actually have to work, which blows. And Sunday probably don't have anything during the day, except for watching football.
Starting point is 00:45:53 We have my amazing GF Rachel has wanted to try this restaurant for a very long time, very hard to get a reservation. She got one for Sunday at 9pm. So I will be happy to go. It'll be a great date night. It's a very inconvenient time, but I'm still gonna have a great time. And she knows an inconvenient time. I'm glad we got in. I'm glad she planned something nice for us. It's going to be great. Love you, babe. That's what I wanted to share. What we're going to do, we're going gonna get our music queued up. You won't hear it on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:46:27 because I superimpose it afterwards, like a tech genius, and you'll hear it on the live, or on the audio stream. Here's my call to action. What two words are spelled differently that mean the same thing, or sound the same that you're curious about,
Starting point is 00:46:44 that you find yourself typing in your day-to-day life. Let us know bean-tongued podcast at And that's bean-tongued podcast at Maybe we'll read some of those stories live on air. Our marathon specials in two weeks are countdown to 200 is hot and heavy. That's going to be in early November. Everyone, thanks for tuning in.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Thanks for listening. Let's get our music cut up YouTube good to see you I'll check in on you next time bye I'm just going to sit here. nd nd

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