Beantown Podcast - Year Five Taxes Special ft. Matthew Fiedler (04082022 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: April 8, 2022

Quinn is joined by tax and audit specialist and in-house expert Matthew Fiedler to discuss the economy, Easter crafts, and the top Michael Douglas films. You won't wanna miss this annual classic!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show. This is Quinn David furnace presents the bean town podcast for Friday, April 8th, 2022. Year five of the bean town podcast. What is going on? How are you? What's happening? My name is Quinn. This is Mike one. This is Mike two. I am so thankful that you're joining us. I'm jumping between microphones like Dr. Strange and the multiverse of madness back to Mike one because we have a very special guest coming on the show in just a little bit here. And this was actually not only our our live show that I'm about to pause to check, but also our audio check, which those were basically the same things. So I'm physically about to pause, and we're going to come right back in. Actually, you know what, let's, for the ease of the listeners' sake, so we don't really break this space-time continuum.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Let's wait for our Scott Joplin to play us out, And then then we'll do a quick pause and we'll come back. And I hope everyone's doing okay. It is kind of a snow slash sleep thing going on here on a Friday afternoon and early April here in Chicago. And the Cubs game was, you know, snowed out, rained out, all that stuff. And I gotta tell you, I'm getting a little fed up because no one out here is going to claim going to say that, you know, April and Chicago is beautiful in the start of spring because it's just, you know, year after year, that's not really how it goes. But what I'm really getting pissed off at is that, you know, like, we just keep getting these really terrible Fridays. I mean, every Friday, for the last, like, honestly, at least three to four weeks now, has just been absolute garbage. And it's such a shame because Fridays
Starting point is 00:02:03 are the day where it's like I'm not going for a run outside and I mean I want to run outside a nice weather regardless but you know my my little Friday routine in the afternoon is to go for a long walk it's just it's the only like pretty much the only time I'll week when I actually just like go for a walk just to go for a walk like I'm not going anywhere specifically, I'm just clearing my head, trying to enjoy some fresh air, and I got to tell you when it's snowing and blowing in your face,
Starting point is 00:02:32 it's just less exciting. Let's check for our audio check, and I'll be right back to continue this rant. All right, we're working, we're full steam ahead, we're sounding good, both mics are working. They have a little bit of a different character to them. It's going to be a little bit harder to tell when our tax, our in-house tax expert Matthew Fiedler comes on the show. It's always a treat because it's through FaceTime audio or whatever it is. But I'm excited. I think this is the first time in
Starting point is 00:03:02 bean town history that we've gone, I believe, and Mal have to correct me if I'm incorrect, but to the best of my recollection, which isn't great. I don't think we talked about the concussion on last week's episode, which is appropriate because I probably forgot to talk about it. I guess we'll jump in there in a second here, but I don't think, I don't think Matt has been on since last tax season, which is hard to believe. And it's a, it's a damn shame and it's my fault.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Listen to discretion, it's advisory to listen to the bean top podcast number one, we'll occasionally do some language number two podcast subjectly terrible. But it's, it's also exciting because we are getting Matt in the heat of tax season. I mean, guys that tax deadline is literally a week, a week, or less than a week away, right? April 14th is that the day? Next Friday is good Friday. I've got it off. Thank you, Catholic school. But I believe April 14th is that tax day? Did Biden mess that one up too? Who knows? But we're going gonna talk all about it with Matt. So you're not gonna wanna miss the second half
Starting point is 00:04:07 of today's program. We're gonna be talking trends from this year's tax returns. We're gonna be talking what's going on with the stock market. We're gonna be exploring some fun Easter crafts you can do at home this week. So there's a lot that Matt's got some insight into. You're not gonna wanna miss it. And I wanted to, there's kind lot that Matt's got some insight into, you're not going to want to miss it. And I wanted to, there's kind of two things I want to jump in on, uh, well, two and a half things.
Starting point is 00:04:30 The half thing will be that, cause we don't really follow it on this show, but it is worth mentioning that the real housewives of Beverly Hills, new trailer just dropped. So if you, you weren't aware, if you were like, Hey, where has that been, you're going to want to go check that out. I think they got one new cast member. And they, I think Kathy Hilton is coming on as a regular again. So there, it's going to be a lot of action. It's the exact opposite of New York and that they have like eight people now. It's a lot to manage. But yeah, you're going to have to put up with the Erica Jane again. I know everyone is looking forward to that. So anyways, that's happening.
Starting point is 00:05:08 So the two things I wanted to mention, one is my accident, because I don't think we actually talked about it last week. And I recognize that most people don't know about it because I told close friends and family, mostly just family, actually, I told a couple of friends at a party last week, but otherwise, I wasn't on social media or anything about it, because I didn't really know what to say. But let's talk about that. And then second,
Starting point is 00:05:31 we'll do a quick restaurant review. We always do reviews on this show. By always, I mean, whenever I have something to review. But okay, so the, so I, I run, you know, five days a week, most of you know this, it's Monday, it's already almost two weeks ago, it was not this past Monday, April 4th, but the Monday before that, so end of March. And on my Mondays and Wednesdays, I try to run south from my office,
Starting point is 00:05:58 and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I run north up over the flyover, kind of to where Chicago meets the water. That four miles is kind of what I'm steadily doing. So when I go north, there's only really one route you can take. So when I go south, there's kind of two different routes you can take
Starting point is 00:06:19 to hit your four miles. And the two different routes are that you can either follow the lakefront trail, which goes like under the drive that goes out to the planet. First you go around the aquarium under the drive that takes out to the planet'sarium, then you kind of follow along the harbor. You go out to, you know, you run past soldier fields, you're, you know, between soldier field and the lake. And there's a little like a bar and grill, grill I guess although I don't think it's like I don't know if there's like indoor seating it might just be like an outdoor bar that's open during
Starting point is 00:06:50 summertime. I've never actually drank there but you know it's kind of tucked away in this little like harbor it's interesting because there's not really like parking there there's just like a circle drive so it's an interesting spot I don't recall what it's called, but it's at Burnham Harbor there. So that's the one route you can take and that's where you go like if you want to you know go further than that you go down to McCormick Place you you know can keep running all the way down to 31st Street Beach and beyond if you want the other route You can take is a little bit more you know just a a lake route if you will And that's when you go along the cement slab. It's not the lakefront trail anymore,
Starting point is 00:07:31 but you're just like running right on the water. You're not on the lakefront trail. You go around the aquarium. You keep following it down. And then it's a classic photo spot right there. I used to go there all the time in college, just like loud in the grass. It's a great spot. And then you can follow that concrete all the way around the planetarium.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You eventually run out of real estate. You have to like get up to the road to get onto Northern Ireland. Anyways, so I'm running around, following my route. I'm almost to the turnaround point, nearly to two miles. And on the eastern edge of the planetarium, it's just concrete with steps leading up to more or less the planetarium, there were these guys. And I don't, I think they were fishermen, but I don't know exactly what their deal was. And they weren't physically there at the moment that I was approaching what you're about to listen to.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They had fishing lines running from either like the third or the fourth step out all the way across the concrete slab in the water. So it's a total booby trap because you can like, out of the corner of your eye see that there's something on the steps, but it wasn't like a traditional fishing pole. They were tied to like buckets or something, which makes me wonder like, I'm not exactly sure what they were doing, but it's this invisible wire more or less, and it's about three to four feet off the ground,
Starting point is 00:09:06 and I'm six feet tall, so you can see where this is going. It also, to compound matters, it was a day with very choppy waves, and when you get choppy waves around there, it sloshes S-L-O-S-H-E-S, up onto the concrete, and it gets very slippery down there, which I'm well aware of, I run down there all the time when it's icy, when it's slippery, when it's not icy or slippery,
Starting point is 00:09:30 all of the above. And so you know exactly what happened by this point from kind of setting the scene. I, right before I hit the fishing line, or right before I'm about to hit the fishing line, I see it because you got to be right next to it. My eyes aren't perfect either.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And because it's so slippery, it's just like, you know, you try to stop because I'm what am I going to do? You try to stop or you run into fishing line. You don't want to get like a hook in your eye. Yada, yada, yada. So I try to pull up and my legs go right out from under me. I fall backwards. I think it went tailbone elbows both of them and then back in my head I
Starting point is 00:10:16 Didn't as far as I remember which is kind of the key phrase and all of this because who knows? I didn't like lose Consciousness at any point and it black out. I remember everything. I got lucky partially because I was wearing my winter gear because it was so cold as it often is here in Chicago. But it must have been comical to see some of my boss this
Starting point is 00:10:38 later. It must have been like a cartoon because I was wearing my Vikings hat and it literally flew off my head before I hit the ground, which was unfortunate. So I was just bare skull and hair hitting the concrete pavement, which is not fun. So my tailbone was pretty bruised up. My elbows were very bruised up.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Probably would have been a lot bloodier if I wasn't wearing long sleeves. My elbows are still like not in perfect shape. Like if I still try to rest myself on like a table or something, it's not to the point anymore where it's like, oh, I can't do that, but it's like, oh yeah, that's still painful. My tailbone's in pretty good shape now.
Starting point is 00:11:19 My head, I think is okay. I went to the immediate care right after just to get checked out and everything. They said, you know, yeah, you probably got a concussion because it's kind of hard to diagnose. I had a pretty bad headache for like three days after that. Immediately after I hit the pavement,
Starting point is 00:11:37 I heard some guys saying like, well, watch out, which I thought was funny. I'm like lying on my back. They say, watch out after I've crashed. And I was like, I was trying to toe that line between like not wanting to be a dick because that's just not who I am. Like I just don't really have that type of personality.
Starting point is 00:11:58 But also wanting them to know like, hey, you shouldn't do this. Like there's gonna be, there's runners all the time who go around this. This isn't like, oh, I was the only one who's ever done this in the history of Chicago runners. Like this happens all the time where, you know, you run around there. It's a very popular spot in downtown Chicago.
Starting point is 00:12:19 So they were like, their thing was, oh yeah, it's slippery, you gotta watch out. I'm like, I didn't crash because it was slippery. Like, I crashed because you have fishing line, like an Indiana Jones movie going on here. And they were like, oh, well, we always tell people, you know, when they're coming around that we got fishing line there.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And it's like, well, you didn't tell me. And also, like, what's the point of having fishing line that goes all the way from the steps out across the running path to the water? Like, why would you want that? Anyways, it was a very frustrating experience. I couldn't even run the next day. My head was just so off. I'm still having like, it's hard because my memory has never been amazing. But there's definitely been like a couple things. Just that like Rachel has, you know, mentioned like a week or two weeks ago and, you know, I had to ask her again about it because like, I don't, I think we talked it like, I think
Starting point is 00:13:14 I recall talking about this, but I don't really know what the resolution was. So it's kind of hard to know exactly what's concussion and what's just regular Quinn Brain because regular Quinn Brain is not always that great. So anyways, that was Quinn's great, great concussion adventure. As far as I am aware, the first time I've ever been concoaster had a big head injury like that before. So not fun. The worst thing about concussions is just like, you don't know like, it's know like it's not like a scraped
Starting point is 00:13:45 elbow where it's like okay, I want to heal, it's good. It's like you don't know what your head is going to do in the future, how it's going to impact you. So that's kind of like unnerving, but I can't really do anything about it. So that's just the way it is now. The other thing I want to mention and then we we're going to do actually, like, I'm recording this about like 2.30 in the afternoon, and then I'm going to go grab a quick walk outside. It's confusing, it's sunny, and it's also like, sleeting out, S-L-E-E-T-I-N-G, so which
Starting point is 00:14:17 is, I just can't wait to walk into it. But we're going to record this first half hit pause, bring Matthew back on in a little bit here when he's available. Talk taxes, talk money, talk Easter, and then that'll be our show today. The other thing I want to mention, we went to a Chicago Restaurant Week participating restaurant last night in kind of Fulton Market area called Chica, not Chica Rita, not the Pokemon. That's three straight weeks we talked about Pokemon here on the show, but Chikitana, CHI-K-I-T-A-N-A. And I don't know. It wasn't my favorite.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And Rachel picked it and that's not any sort of indictment on Rachel. It looked great on Instagram and people have given it good reviews and stuff. But I didn't tell Rachel this before we went. But I spent some time yesterday afternoon not knowing anything about this restaurant on Yelp, just getting a sense of what have others been saying about it. And the reviews were a little shocking in terms of how negative they were. And this is the type of fancy place
Starting point is 00:15:29 that's gonna go up for the Michelin stars and get in the magazines and oh yeah, it's in West Loop, like Fulton Market, that's the hot spot for restaurants. And it's that type of place, cocktails are like 15, 16 bucks. It's this type of restaurant. So to see it getting reviews like 15, 16 bucks. You know, it's this this type of restaurant. So to see it getting reviews like that is it was a little unnerving. So basically it wasn't it wasn't like we had a terrible experience. It was just I wouldn't go again. I guess it's all I all
Starting point is 00:15:57 I really want to say about it. So basically to give you the quick rundown we go in there are reservations for 6.30. We arrived from Madrid at 6 o'clock sharp, knowing that we're early, and the restaurant is maybe a quarter of the way full. I mean, it looks pretty dead. And so we go to the host stand and it's like, hey, can we, like, we're here at the service and time, they're like, no, we can't see you, because there's a lot of other tables before you. And I'm like, okay, well, your concept makes sense on a surface level, but when you dig down, you realize it's not as if the tables who are being seated at 6, 10, 6, 15, pm are going to, you, we can't
Starting point is 00:16:39 sit at one of those tables because there aren't enough tables available, right? When we sit down at 630, all the people who sat down at 615 presumably are going to be seated. So that didn't really make any sense to me. I don't understand. I feel like you would want to get in people as early as possible assuming it is possible, which it was, because that way that party, possible, which it was, because that way that party, look, Chikitana, if you're listening, I don't usually give out free business advice, but you're getting a little tidbit right now. The earlier we sit down, the earlier we leave, the more tables you have on the back end
Starting point is 00:17:19 for other people who might walk in, okay? Just business 101, the fundamentals of business. So whatever, like, okay, that's weird, because there's literally like just dozens of open tables here. So we go to the bar, we have a drink, again, these cocktails, I didn't have a cocktail I had a beer at the bar and then want it with dinner. I mean, they're, they're taxed. They're very expensive. They're mostly like $15 to $17, which I don't know. I'm just like, I like a good cocktail, but I just not the type of person who will pay that much money for one. So that's what we did. We go back to the host stand at 630. It's like, hey, we're back again. And like, oh, yeah, we got a table right here.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And obviously it's one of the many tables that was open. So we go sit down. We're doing the restaurant week thing, which is what they call a prefix menu, meaning that you're paying a flat price to get certain courses. And you don't usually have a ton of variety. You usually have some choices among what you get. The only choices we had out of the four courses were in the entrees, and there are only three entrees
Starting point is 00:18:28 to choose from. So that was definitely a little disappointing already. So it's been a little weird with the timing, the drinks are expensive. It is a nice ambiance, AMBI, NCE in there. Like a cool vibe and stuff. But service so far has been like fine. Nothing really ill to speak of.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I was like, okay, because that was the one thing that people talked about a lot on Yelp. Was service being really bad and really slow and like dismissive and stuff. So we're doing okay there so far. So we actually end up getting served by the same bartender who was our bartender earlier in the night. So he's like, oh yeah, you're back too. Which I think is another reason why their service has had a lot of issues is because the guy who was our server was also like working the bar and stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So he has to like come around to the tables, which just seems like, I don't know, recipe for slowness, which would end up being the case. So it's a prefix menu, it's $39, you start off with chips and guac, which I thought were good. The guacamole was super creamy, I like a little bit more chunk, but it's just a stylistic choice.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Rachel didn't feel good after the tortilla chips. I don't know if that was a them or us kind of thing, whatever. Then the next thing was easily my least favorite. It's a grilled Caesar salad. What they do is just grab a half butt of lettuce or a half head of lettuce. They stick it on the grill. They put it on a plate.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They drizzle a very small amount of Caesar salad on it, and that's the thing. So they serve it to you. You've got to, first off, it's just my worst nightmare because if the butt of the lettuce is still on there, how do you clean it? You can't clean it. And so you got to chop the butt off. You got to, you know, cut your whole salad. It's just like very lazy. Like this is terrible. Like that's not the way to make a Caesar salad. And if you want to grill it fine, but like that's just not the way to do it. There wasn't very many, there wasn't much Caesar salad or toppings, and they must have just like, honestly, it kind of felt like they grilled the lettuce, they washed it, and
Starting point is 00:20:33 then they put the Caesar salad on because my lettuce was wet. So the salad wasn't sticking to the lettuce at all. It was just like, everything I've seen go wrong and like go to the Gordon Ramsey kitchen nightmares house kitchen Videos was like happening with this Caesar salad. So that was that was really disappointing So then we have our entrees and there's a long wait for entrees. I mean at this point I mean we've been there since six. I don't think we got our entrees until like 730 7, something like that. So it almost felt like an episode of House Kitchen where they're like dinner
Starting point is 00:21:08 serres has been going on for 90 minutes and no diner has been served. That's what it felt like. So there is a nook and oregano. No, what is it? It's a type of Mexican meat, right? Why can't I think of what it is? Nokey and chorizo dish that I got and Rachel got this chicken dish, we'll go one at a time here. And I'll try to be brief so we can get to part two of our episode here today. But then you know, chorizo and Yoke was not my favorite.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I thought flavor wise it was fine, the sauce they had it in just felt like it came straight out of a can. It was very just like not inspired. The chorizo tasted great. Then Yoke was super soft, almost a little bit too soft. I don't know if that's just like my personal preference, or if that's how Yoke is like traditionally served, but this was like really soft. I don't know if that's just like my personal preference or if that's how Nyokki is like traditionally served, but this was like really soft. Like felt like it had
Starting point is 00:22:08 been cooked for about two or three minutes too long. And it was just such a small portion. I mean like there had to have only been like seven or eight Nyokki in that dish. So it's just like really small. It was like, okay, whatever. This is just I thought I could have been so much better. The real travesty was Rachel's dish and I felt terrible that this is what she got. So it's essentially like a stone bowl and there's like chopped and like toasted, roasted whatever vermicelly noodles, these super tiny little thin guys, so they were chopped into segments
Starting point is 00:22:46 that were maybe, I don't know, three to four inches long, and they were just like burnt. Around the side of the bowl, they were like stuck to the bowl because they were burnt, and it's like, whose idea was this? It's, and I'd read other reviews that mentioned this as well,
Starting point is 00:23:03 so it's like clearly an artistic choice or else their chefs just suck. So you had that and they just really didn't have any flavor. It was just kind of like bland burnt noodles and it's like okay, this is kind of weird. And then on top of that, you got like a fried chicken breast, which was fine, but just like weird to put with noodles without any really like sauce or anything.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And then the kicker for me just making zero cents. On one side, you got like a whole bunch of diced jalapenos and like cheese. And it's like, what is this? Chicken, burnt noodles, jalapenos, with the seeds removed. So you're not getting any like, it's not like, oh, it's a hot dish. No, all the seeds taken out. So you're really getting almost no flavor from the jalapenos.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And then weird cheese. And it's just like, I don't, you know, I ate it because we paid a lot of money. I mean, the whole thing with our, okay, if you include our first drinks too, the whole thing was maybe like $170, which is a lot of money when you work in education, so it's like I'm gonna get full at least. But there was just a very bizarre choice. And then, you kick it, the caboose,
Starting point is 00:24:19 you figure, hey, dessert, it's gonna be good, right? It's a very, very small slice, calling it a slice as an injustice of chocolate cake, and just extremely dry, which also felt like a clear, intentional choice. Other people had mentioned this on Yelp as well, but it's just like, what, like, with like four berries on the side. I think a blueberry, a blackberry, half a strawberry, something like that. But it's just like, I don't understand this was a clear culinary decision to serve a super dry, very small slice of cake. And honestly, the they were just trying to scam you out of money with a restaurant week and the super small portions.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Rachel's dish was not small portions, but mine was. So I don't understand, like, is it just a very difference, very big difference in the size of the dishes. And it was just, I don't know, like to pay $170 tax in tip for drinks and dinner, just for like a very bizarre meal was left the bad taste in my mouth. Let's just put it that way.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So that was my restaurant review. Not great, not my favorite, but I'm glad I got to spend the night out with Rachel because she's the love of my life. I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, Home Pride Oregon, and I was just on the other day, and I got an idea, hey, let's get some more head shots of you in there, Pop.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I think that would be good. I think that people wanna see a friendly face. We should put those front-end center on the website. Give it a little inspiring new refreshment. Also, our friends at CutsbyQ, I did a little trim. I think I promised you last week that this was gonna happen. So I trimmed down the back quite a bit and I trimmed down the ears, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I think it's just a little bit more of a fresh new look, a fresh new take on Quinn-David Furnace. And then our good friends, the Samsung Q2U series, for the first time since our telephone, pulling some double duty today. And we're gonna put the microphone number two into action in just a hot second here. With that, we are going to take a pause
Starting point is 00:26:48 and then go for a quick walk. And when we come back, which will be instantaneous for you all to listen or the magic of the podcast, we are gonna be joined by special guest, longtime friend of the podcast, Matthew Feather. So we'll see you in a little bit. And welcome back to the second half of Quinn David Fernies presents the Beentown Podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:09 You know him, you love him from your four of the show, your three of the show, your two of the show, your one of the show, and our infamous Beentown Unplugged Live from the basement. It's our tax money and Easter crafts, extraordinary Matthew Feather. Welcome back to the basement. It's our tax money and Easter crafts, extraordinary Matthew Feeder. Welcome back to the program. How are you doing today? Not too bad. You could always be better. You could always be worse. Right. I'm not going to complain. I will say it's a little presumptuous to say you know I'm your lover. I don't
Starting point is 00:27:40 know how many of your listeners know me and then I think so that segment it a little bit and then the ones that love me are probably even more Because I don't think my mom listens to your podcast Well, that's a tougher one for reasons we won't get into but Maybe I need to figure out like a Maybe there needs to be a bean-town podcast Braille book or not Braille, but like live captions or something, I don't know. You could. I mean, I think those are auto-generated on YouTube, right?
Starting point is 00:28:12 You could, if you lean a little bit heavier on your YouTube content, which I'm a fan of, I was like to watch it. It's like a one-way facetime, right? I can just creepily watch you as I'm eating chips and like message you as you're talking. So. That's true. Yeah, the YouTube stuff is, it's fun when I get it going,
Starting point is 00:28:34 but it's just, it's a whole big production. It takes an extra two to three minutes out of my day and time is money. I was, you know, time is money. I was you know time is money have you ever seen that movie Wall Street with Michael Douglas? You know what I don't think I've actually watched Wall Street and I don't think I've ever watched the full wall street. I've never seen either. Okay, so we're on the same boat there. Yeah, so at the end, we'll ask you for your star rating on those films.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I mean, I really can't. I didn't have to get back to you to give it an honest and attribute. I will say this, though, something that was kind of funny to me, a little bit of backstory for the listeners. Who is a busy guy, as you may know, it's got a lot of projects to meet the dabbles in a lot. But we're trying to figure out a time that we're best to actually record this podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:31 We're going back and forth with schedules and stuff like that and trying to carve out time here and there. And I feel like we're old people now, Quinn, because it's like if we have one thing that's going on at that day, it's like that just throws off the whole day, right? Like if you have a doctor's appointment for an hour, if I can't be up to, you know, it's all done. Meanwhile, we could have probably hit in a podcast episode in like 20, 30 minutes, right?
Starting point is 00:29:59 And that's that's normally how long it takes me to use the restroom and scroll through the Amsterdam. So I'm glad we found the time to do this. Well you're not wrong when we were younger chaps and you know running our old show which at white noise that what it was called you know we'd be 3 a.m. recordings and you know 10 30 meetings and you know hitting the writers room on the way to you know, 10, 30 meetings and, you know, hitting the writer's room on the way to, you know, work in the morning and it's just, you know, all over the place. But nowadays, you're right, it's, uh, life comes at you fast. And we don't even have kids yet.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So we got that coming. Yeah, I don't know. I, okay, so I think my view of kids has evolved a little bit as time has gone on. I think when I was younger, I mean, we come from, you know, fairly large to medium sized families, right? And I look back and I say to my mom, like, how the hell did you ever do this? I don't think I don't know. I don't think I should be trusted to mold young minds, you know what I mean? I'm barely responsible for myself, let alone small little ones, right?
Starting point is 00:31:05 I just don't see that ending well. You you could mold. I think you could mold. Oh, yeah. You got mold. You can mold. My showers got mold. I'm moving out of here in a month and a half.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I can't wait. It's it's been a harrowing experience. But it's a hey, he is it's snowing by you. Sorry to go off topic. Yeah, I can't wait. It's been a harrowing experience, but it's a, hey, is it snowing by you? Sorry to go off topic. Yeah, I love this. I literally just looked out the window and I saw this snow and I, this is kind of, this is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So just before we kind of started recording here, we were talking about like moving in different places. I don't know why I still live in the same place. If I like, I kind of hate this weather. Midwest is not best when it comes to weather. And in my opinion, it's snowing and it's like we're at the end of the first week in April. It's pretty egregious.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Well, I was, I think I mentioned this earlier just on this particular show. Our Fridays, I don't know if you've noticed this, but I noticed this very clearly because Fridays are my work from home day. We're on like three or four straight Fridays that have just been total garbage, either just overwhelmingly windy, at least where I am,
Starting point is 00:32:22 or days like today, where you get precipitation precipitation and it's like 30s and 40s And it's such a bummer because all I want to do is like You know just like go be outside and like you know check the emails to make sure I'm not missing anything But otherwise just like get some fresh air and stuff. But man the last couple Fridays have just been Not good. So not I'm gonna need. I will say that's typical how it works. We're again, cheese or stretches of like, what, six, high 60s, low 70 degree weather
Starting point is 00:32:54 and then the weekend comes and like the time that I can actually emerge from my cave, the outside and it's just crappy outside. It's like what happened. It's as luck would have it. You're absolutely right. Well, speaking of a crappy, I know this tax season's been a little tough on some of us, not for those who got finally a positive refund from the IRS this year.
Starting point is 00:33:20 But for those who work full time in the field or related fields, which is why we're so happy as always to have you on this show And I think that this is the closest to the tax deadline We've ever actually gotten you live on air, which is super exciting and Why don't you for for those who might be new to the show such as our listeners from Pakistan Hyderabad, Islamabad, Kiber Pass, if this is your first tax special ever, Matt, why don't you give us a brief introduction to your background and your score on those CPA exams and what you do professionally now because of those scores?
Starting point is 00:33:59 What I do professionally, well, it is a little bit of a racket. So if I boil down what I do on a daily basis, essentially, I look at numbers that a client gives me. And then I try to say, do these numbers seem right or do they seem wrong? And then I get support for those. And then we're good. That's, I mean, like, boil down as simple as it can get.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Now, there's a lot more involved, but I feel like if I started doing it, you're gonna lose probably those listeners that you had mentioned earlier. I have very limited tax experience, which is every year I'm baffled that I am the best resource that you can come up with for your... You've got a low budget.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah, well, I'll do it on the list, my my heart. Yes, the best offer that you've gotten so far is as free But unless someone starts paying you to come on me. God just feeds that the mainstay every year But yeah, so I have done taxes. I still do my own But I use turbo tax like probably a good chunk of But I used turbo tax, like probably a good chunk of I'm going to do that with a soul. Yeah, sounds fancy. I use, this is an upgrade now from tax later, which I used to use when I was even poorer several years ago. But luckily for me, I'm able to find discount codes every year and get like 20 bucks off or something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So that's pretty exciting. But so I have done some taxes, I've done some smaller corporation taxes when I kind of started out in my career. But mainly what I do now is I will audit in public accounting. So it's as exciting as it sounds. And if you don't think it sounds exciting, then contact me directly. I will try to make it sound as appealing as possible. But it's pretty great.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I could use Excel every day, crunch numbers, as I'm sure most of you would assume. But yeah, so there's a little bit of my background and at least the field of finance. Now, something that is kind of a small passion of mine, I think a lot of people kind of dabbled in this when they were starting to get their stimulus checks in 2020 and a little bit kind of coming through in 2021 was investing.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And I've learned that you could be a really smart investor when the market's going up, it's when it doesn't always just continually go up. That's what separates the good investors from the bandwagon investors, but that's pretty fun as well. Well, I got a couple points here and you actually brought us to number two on my talking points, but first thing I wanted to say, I feel obligated to say that the Binton podcast
Starting point is 00:36:55 does not have any formal relationship with TurboTax. We do not endorse TurboTax, they're not a sponsor of the show, whereas I think you should consider checking out free tax USA Next year, so you're not getting ripped off by turbo tax no big government lobbying Joe Biden I won't have any hands and your tax returns this year Because turbo tax those guys are probably a bunch of commies So you got us to investing and my my next question that I would I'm hoping you can answer in let's say 28 minutes
Starting point is 00:37:26 or less. What's the deal with the economy? Well that's a very good question. I'm glad you brought that up. There's a lot of things that kind of have created the perfect storm. I think there's a lot of uncertainty as we kind of saw in 2020. There's a lot of international crisis or crises that are occurring, obviously with Russia and Ukraine. And just politically, I think our country is a very interesting or pivotal point in time, which I think the next generation will look back and see this as a very interesting few years. You know, obviously we have the whole virus, that pandemic situation, which occurred
Starting point is 00:38:13 and how we responded to that. And I think as long as things are controversial and people are talking about it, that's kind of an important thing, right? I think for a long period of time, whether it was because of a lack of social media or internet, right? Because something can happen anywhere in the world
Starting point is 00:38:35 and we could know probably within an hour, you know? Whereas before you have to wait to get your local paper. And sometimes that stuff would not be documented. But now we know as much as we want to know. It's almost an overflow of intel. And I guess the one thing that I would say is, because of that, I would hope that us as a society or humanity in general is held a little bit more accountable
Starting point is 00:39:03 to the things that we do, the things that we say, the actions that we take. So, in terms of the market in total, and I guess by saying market, I'm thinking more so stock market, but that's kind of I would say there's a good chunk of it that's based on actual concrete numbers, companies performances, but I would say if you're an investor, you're probably not a great investor unless you understand that there's a little bit of a psychological aspect to it as well because perception of the value of something is almost as compelling as the value itself. So I think there's a lot of things that are at play. And I guess in a run about way, I did quite answer your question. But I do think that it can be boiled down to several things.
Starting point is 00:39:58 People kind of trying to get back to the sense of normalcy. And also, the normalcy that we're getting back to is being challenged by things that are happening internationally. And but also here at home too, as we try to, try to wrestle with themes that have been existent for quite a while, I would say, in our country. So. I'm glad you mentioned roundabouts, because my next question
Starting point is 00:40:23 is more about. You always have to go around twice. I think that's the rule right well I was gonna say so some people love them some people hate them and some people drive right through them What are your thoughts on roundabouts and what do you see as the future traffic in the United States? Well, if you asked me And you did I think the only way you can call it around about is if you actually make a complete circle, right? Because circles around. And if you're just kind of doing the whole like I'm driving straight, like if there's a normal intersection, I'd just be going straight. Then you're really not using the roundabout the way that it was created, right? You have to go around and at least once make a loop. I think those are the rules.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I think now our I-DOT would probably say differently. And anybody that's involved with the US government, I don't know, I guess who's in control of the US highways. But I don't think they would probably agree with that. But I will say, but 90% of the time that I go through a roundabout, there's always someone that doesn't know what they're doing. They're just not that common. What was the next part of that question?
Starting point is 00:41:42 I think I really hammered the roundabout question, but I don't remember the last part. Have you seen the movie traffic and regardless of your answer there, what do you think is the future of traffic in the United States? Oh, what's the future of traffic? Okay, well, I have not seen the movie traffic. I assume that it's somewhat boring. I feel like there could be a really satirical movie written called traffic where it just kind of is like camera view from the back seat, filming a driver's stuff for an hour and
Starting point is 00:42:16 a half and just like slowly inching up every, you know, five minutes. That could be maybe exciting or kind of melodramatic type of movie. Future of traffic, I would say, the reason why traffic, we have so much congestion is because we're humans and we're selfish and you always wanna go faster another person and get to, because where you need to go is the most important place to be, right?
Starting point is 00:42:41 So I think as we kind of merge on to, as AI becomes probably a little bit more prevalent, and this really doesn't have to be an electric car thing, but I think that the perception of electric cars are their core-on-quote smarter, right? But as we transition to that direction, I would say traffic should get better, right? Cars can communicate with each other if these are implemented correctly and one hopefully avoid accidents between cars and also figure out the best ways to merge, pass, take exits, things like that. So I'm optimistic, but at the same time, I don't know, working remotely for a long period of time, I'm okay in that drive every day, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:30 So I, considering that, and the current cost of the ass prices, I'm okay if I don't really have to drive as frequently as I used to. Well, I'm glad you mentioned traffic because that's a great Michael Douglas film. We already mentioned Wall Street. Michael Douglas is going a lot of airtime. He gets around. So my next question was going to be, hey, what's your favorite Michael Douglas film? Oh, that's a good question. Um. And have you seen the film falling down? I don't know if I've seen a film falling.
Starting point is 00:44:13 No, that's a great one. Now, I think, uh, Emilio Estevez is his son, right? Or no? No, I don't think so. I don't know if they look in my, like picture of my head, they look somewhat similar. I'll't think so. I'm going to have a look at my life picture of my head, it looks somewhat similar. I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:44:28 OK, Amelia Lastiva is in Charlie Sheen, our half brothers, though, right? Yeah, so Amelia Lastiva is the son of Martin Sheen. OK, that's who it is. And his older brother is Charlie Sheen. OK, yeah, yeah, okay. I get the sheen confused with Douglas. Michael Douglas dad is Kirk Douglas who is very famous from like there's that one world where one movie, some paths of glory I think it's called.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Okay. And he just passed away a couple years ago. He was like 170 or something cheese so I I'm doing a quick I'm be the search on Michael Doros because there is a movie that I have seen from him and I it was actually pretty good I know it wasn't basic instinct oh that movie is great I know he was an amp man but that's also not what I'm thinking of. I think it was a movie where he was He was the president. Oh, you're probably thinking of Ant-Man 2 Maybe it's called the American president. That sounds like it could be a Michael Douglas movie. I've also seen a Sentinel
Starting point is 00:45:40 That was actually a part of the question. Oh with with the key for Sutherland. Yeah, I watched that on a portable DVD player in the back of a car one time. It's got a movie itself. Is that a Avalongoria? Is she in that one? I think she. Yeah, she is. Wow. What a picture. I mean, if she hasn't done much in a while. I don't at least know that I'm aware of. The whole Desperate Housewives cast has been a little quiet lately. Yeah. Well, for the record, my favorite Michael Douglas movie is Basic Instinct. If you've never seen it, just for the listeners, it's a fantastic psychothriller. Sharon Stone's unforgettable. It's, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I laughed. I cried. All the emotions. So I guess this is something that I didn't know about him, but it's noted as I am confused. So I might as well just reference it. So one of the trademarks is having a gravely smoke burnish voice. Smoke burnish, did you say? Yeah, smoke burnish. That's literally what it says. I'm not making this up. I'm not that creative. Oh That's a good word. You could use that in a holster, Messay. Yeah, I feel like I I I aspired to live a life that
Starting point is 00:46:58 At one point they could say things about me, you know such a creative tagline. Sure. Sure. Sure Well, we've we're getting closer to the end here. I've got two more things, two more pieces of business. I want to take care of. First is going to be our, well, actually, no, three more. I'm wondering if I could get your help on this next segment here. It's a classic bean town podcast segment.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's called Interview with a Dog. And you have a dog, and they don't really need to be close to the microphone for this to work. It just has to sort of happen. So why don't you introduce today's interview e and we'll go from there. Okay, yes, I just had to wake up by the interview e. I don't think he's really happy with me, but this is Jordy. Jordy, can you say a few words? Oh, he's just stretching and he just farted. Okay, so we're going to get out of here. Well, thank you to Jordy for coming out here.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Another classic installment of Bean Town podcast, probably longest running segment at this point, interview with a dog. Piece number two is going to be our lightning round. So I hope you're ready. I got four questions for you. You got to answer right away. OK.
Starting point is 00:48:20 All right, and it's going to be very snappy. The segment's going to take like 10 seconds. You ready? OK. All right, one is the first one's very snappy. The second is going to take like 10 seconds. You ready? Okay. All right, one is the first one's referencing something you just mentioned a little bit ago. I dot or iPod. iPod. Apple or Android?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Either. Putin or pudding. Pudding, please. Taxes or faxes? putting please. Taxes or faxes? Um, looks, okay. I guess taxes because they're someone necessary. But faxes, let's make those cool again. Yeah. I just learned the other day, you can send faxes from your computer via an email. So you can literally email a fax to somebody, and it comes out as a fax on the other end.
Starting point is 00:49:06 That's pretty, if that's not cutting out to technology folks, I don't know what it is. What is, what's even the derivation, the word history of the word fax? What does that mean? I'm not beyond this, I really don't know. I'm sure it's probably short hand for something, right? I suppose I have no idea. I learned something. Oh, it's it's sure for a fact, similarly, which is weird because there's no X in that word. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nofax. Yeah, telefax.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Sounds like a Canadian city or something. I learned a word when I was listening to the, it's always sunny podcast this past week. And it's like, maybe you know the term. The shorthand is VIG, V VIG and it's short for vigorous But essentially it's just it's like the same thing as interest But it's it's like the fee charged by a bookie for accepting a gambler's wager So it's kind of like interest, but it's like a bookies fee basically, but now yeah, now that you know
Starting point is 00:50:24 The word vague you'll sound really cool next time you go do all your sports betting Okay, sounds good. I don't Currently have just a bunch of excess cash that will end up throwing in my sports betting pool I'll tell you this March madness. I don't know if you feel the bracket this year. Oh, it was ugly probably do. Oh, yeah. But unfortunately that pick Kentucky and We know we know that what and I I knew very quickly too because it was all it was an office pool and Literally after like first day in the in the March Madness, right? Literally everybody at work messages me saying, ah, contact me, huh?
Starting point is 00:51:07 And that was the quickest 20 bucks I ever spent on a sport-bending pool, but it is what it is. Well, it can go. It can get things I can control. Oh, I mean, you gotta go in for March Madness. Everyone's got a chance. Just, and I won't name names, but the friend who won our pool, not only won the pool the night that Kansas won
Starting point is 00:51:32 the National Championship, because that was her pick. And it was down to two people, the person who picked Kansas and the person who picked, you know, whoever else played North Carolina. But also, in a separate unrelated bet, this friend put down $10 to pick the exact correct final score with the right winning team, and they nailed it, and they won a couple thousand dollars. So we have been promised the front that the text group has been promised a first. It was a stake dinner. It's been downgraded
Starting point is 00:52:03 to a pizza party, but I'm just hoping we don't move any further also it's going to be like those little chick-let-candys you'd get at Halstrom or something. I think it's split to death and just do like steak on pizza right? Any way. Steak is a pizza topping. No have you? Yeah I mean it wasn't great it was it was just okay. Have you ever been in a Capri and Rockford?
Starting point is 00:52:24 It's a pizza place. Yeah, I took my homecoming date there once. Okay, yeah, so they offer steak out of pizza. And my dad just runs it. Personally, I don't get the, I don't get the appeal because it's just ends up, you end up just chewing a lot. Because not like high quality steak. It's just like steak that's probably worth a dollar 50.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Because that's how much they stay cut, that's probably worth $1.50. That's how much they charge for you to add. Pick up at the clearance rack at the locally probably. That's probably true. No, 15 year old Quinn could absolutely not afford getting a stake on his pizza when he was picking up the bill. So I'm pretty sure I did not try that. I do know that 15 year old friend could afford a dollar sleeve
Starting point is 00:53:08 of sandwich cookies though. Well, who couldn't, you know? It's like boy did you do damage to those? They're delicious. They're just OK. I feel like here's the deal. You can have, and as we grow older, this has probably become a little bit more obvious. If you're the brain recognition that you have when you grow up you're
Starting point is 00:53:28 probably more likely to find the brands that your parents did right? You're kind of you've been exposed to them and stuff but when you move out on your own you like geez what's the lowest I can spend to get what I need to get like fish soap or stuff like that? And you realize that most of the stuff's pretty interchangeable. Like you can get a bag of chips that tastes about the same. When it comes to sandwich cookies though, I don't think that that holds up.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Oreos tastes like Oreos. I have yet to find a generic version of Oreos that tastes as good. That's one thing that I don't think you really can trade off. I don't know why. I don't know if there's sprinkling some MSG or some type of enhancer in there, but I would argue that Oreos tastes way better than the generic sandwich cookies. That's fair. I don't buy as many sandwich cookies in the stain age because those babies go straight to my hips But I will absolutely take your word for it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:30 Like I got I got one more kind of questions slash segment here and this was promised in advance of our taping Vitax So I hope you prepared We're gonna kind of go today show style on it like third hour today's show because this is the end of Today's bean town podcast and I'm kind of curious. What's a fun Easter craft that you could make at home this Easter season? I'm gonna I'm gonna dig way back into the days of my youth So when we were younger we used to days of my youth. So when we were younger, we used to, this is not like new or crazy, and I'm sure a lot of households do it. But we used to die eggs. And the idea was to die eggs. Mostly we died everything else, and parts of eggs, pretty much as our ants had died
Starting point is 00:55:23 mostly, but that we would get kind of creative and you know put rubber bands on the eggs, dip them in one color, take them off, dip them in another color. It's a little messy. I'm really not sure about the safety. I feel like the diolus probably through the grids, but I would double check probably before doing that with, with, with, uh, Yeah, at home with your children. Um, so that's something that's got to find. Um, that's pretty much it. That's kind of all that we did as kids.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And now we would like, uh, pack Easter eggs and stuff like that. And then they'll be hidden from us. So I am pretty typical, maybe experience. I guess I don't know what kids are doing for Easter these days. Oh, they're playing Fortnite and you know, they're tiktokking and you know, you got to dress up as the Easter bunny and do the tiktok hop is what I heard is happening this year. No, it's not, but it is now. And I think I'm better
Starting point is 00:56:22 for it. No, I've never had it in my life. And I think I think I'm better for it. No, I've never had it in my life. It's there. So I think the iteration is this. You, there's tick-tie videos. And then those are like screen recorded or exported at low quality and uploading to Instagram. Sure.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And then those on Instagram are screen recorded and uploaded to YouTube shorts. So I do occasionally to YouTube shorts. So I do occasionally watch YouTube shorts, so I'm getting the lowest quality of that iteration of TikTok video I feel like. But I just, I can't make the jump into the TikTok world. It's just too far on for me. Yeah, thanks China.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Remember when Trump was going to ban TikTok, that would have got my vote for reelection. Well, I think TikTok used to be musically, right? It was originally a different app called, yeah, exactly what you're saying. Yeah, I just recognized what you were actually saying. Yeah, that's what it used to be. It was a lip sync type of thing,
Starting point is 00:57:23 and then it just kind of evolved into the quote unquote, because they call them tick-tock dances, but it's really like movement from your hips up, you know? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Not a whole lot of footwork, but we were kids. It was all about footwork. And now, it's not really care. Yep. You know, you have to stay in that vertical format. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You can't move around too much. Hey, maybe you could, maybe your new persona could be the TikTok taxer. Yeah, we could accept that, maybe. I just gave you a golden ticket, walk a style. Gold and ticket. Oh, silver. style. Gold and ticket, oh silver. I mean, it's up there. I don't know if it's the highest, highest value thing
Starting point is 00:58:11 that you could have given me. Hey, I got one final question for you. Who's your favorite Wonka kid? Are we talking like in terms of like the movie? Just the character. I don't know. I think it's so cliche to say just Charlie, right? Oh, yeah, he's boring. What's the name of a larger larger boy?
Starting point is 00:58:35 You fell on the chocolate lake Augustus group. Yeah, well, he scared the hell out of me. I think this is just I'm thinking in some wrong about way. This was the story's attempts to encourage kids to eat healthy and mind your vegetables. And I agree with that message, but I don't know. That was a little aggressive to go down the way that you went down. Well, I'm a big Mike TV fan.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I mean, that kid was a visionary. And he got second prize. That's not so bad. So. That's not bad. Second is not too bad. Yeah. I mean, number two is just, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:19 it's a second place, it's the first place. So. That's true. That's true. Kind of like your March man is bracket. It's like losing the with experience. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Kind of like the cubs this year, although, hey, one in oh, baby. Hey, yeah. I'm posting everywhere. I'm saying, hey, this is the year on the field. If you're a gol, and then I would delete that. And I did it tomorrow. Did you see how the White Sox game ended this afternoon? I did not.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm going to be honest with you. I've seen no baseball yet this season. So the listeners don't have to listen to this because we're hitting the hour mark as we speak. I'll hold on you for five seconds as we hop off the air. Ooh, tap secret stuff. Yeah. Well, yeah, no one, you know, no one's
Starting point is 01:00:05 going to be able to look up how the Tigers versus White Sox, April 8th game ended. So you missed the boat. But Matt Feather, I want to thank you so much for coming on the program. It's a pleasure, as always, anything final that you want to give a plug to. Not really.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Just be good people, be nice to other people life short enjoy it That's like Oh, Aaron Tyler caches by the 18th. I feel like I haven't required to say that so yes, he's legally mandated Well, yeah, thanks. Thanks so much for coming on. I'll hold on to you for one second here So we wrap up and I'll give you the the play-by-play breakdown because it was hilarious But everyone will get our outro music going. Thanks for listening long episode. I appreciate you sticking around so stay safe, stay sane, Easter special next weekend.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to sit here. nd I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more. I'm going to play a little bit more.ご視聴ありがとうございました you

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