Beantown Podcast - Year Four Recap (01072022 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 8, 2022

Quinn comes to you LIVE with his all new on-air sign to interact with the YouTube stream and give you a rundown of everything we accomplished in Year Four of the show (2021). Year Five starts NEXT WEE...K WOOO

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's start off with the song. Looking out the road rushing under my wheels Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields 65 hours, 17 and running up 101 I don't know where I'm running now I was 17 and running up 101. I don't know where I'm running now. I'm just running on. Running on. Running on.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Running on. Running behind. Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast year four summary. What's happening? How are you? My name is Quinn David Furnace. And this is my show. And that's a little Jackson Brown because we are running on empty. It's year four, the recap of the bean town podcast, running on empty, but I still come to you live. Every week, hey, we can't good to see you. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:33 Regardless of what happens, whether there's snowstorm or COVID or minor inconvenience, we're talking hangnails, Iraq war, pollution in the lake, no matter what happens, I come to you live every single week. My name is Quinn David Fernos. Thanks for being here. Listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible, but I'm really thankful that you all are here joining me today for our big year and special, year four of the Beentown podcast. It's, I say it here and there, but it's hard to believe that we've been doing this for four years straight.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Without a break, I've never taken a week off. I've never even done like the pre-recorded episodes and then just dropped one when I'm busier, something like that. Every single week since January, I think 10th or 13th or something like that is the first episode from 2018. You've gotten a little bit of live- live Quinn every single week and that's my dedication to you. And I got to tell you, there have been ups, there have been downs, there have been some more downs and then a lot more downs. But no matter what, I'm coming to you live and that's
Starting point is 00:02:57 my pledge to you. What's happening is Friday, TGIF, right, I got this sign for Christmas. If you're not watching the live stream, you should be. We're on YouTube. This was from my partner's family. It's a little tough to see with the bright lights on the YouTube stream, but in his backwards, which is helpful. But it says live on air, Beentown podcast. Thank you so much to the family for gifting that to me for Christmas. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I tell you what, by like year, year 20, I'm thinking we could have like a full on recording studio. And so that's only, that's 15 years away. That's nothing. 15 years ago, I was, you know, I was about yay high. And speaking of recant, I was 15 years ago, I was probably playing basketball for those guys. Just a killer rockford fire team, faith, integrity, respect, and empathy, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:55 That's good stuff. But yeah, we're coming to you live and I got a little, not an official sponsor of the show, but I went out to Target yesterday and got some of these good and gather unsweetened raspberry, high biscuits, sparkling water made with natural flavors, only zero calories per serving. There's hints of high biscuits, obviously. I'm getting a little bit of a lime twist, perhaps, and perhaps just a little bit of pimento,
Starting point is 00:04:22 but it's delicious nonetheless. And the reason I bought that, I won't typically buy any sort of water, sparkling water, anything like that, but I do like the bubbles and it's dry January. And yes, I do have a soda stream actually, but I decided that I was gonna, I could splurge a little bit on the official stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Thanks again to Jackson Brown for providing our opening song, No Copyright, In Fringement, Intended. But I decided, look, I'm saving all this money on alcohol. It's dry January of which we are, this is the end of the first full week. This is its January 7th, 2022. And so, no, there is no alcohol in here. It's just water, natural flavors, and good stuff. But I was actually thinking I got out of the shower
Starting point is 00:05:14 not less than 10 minutes ago. And I decided that it would have been, maybe been good to like get high or something for this stream. I've never really done that before. And here's a thing, you know, it's something I don't think about very frequently. But it's legal here in Illinois, you know, I can just, I can just go to any dispensary anytime I want and get some good stuff for it at the very least go to a, you know, a store and get some CBD gummies or something.
Starting point is 00:05:43 But I've never, I've never done anything like, but I've never done anything like that. I've never bought anything like that before. And I never think about it. It's not part of my day to day. We got, let's see. Oh, we got live questions coming here in the chat. This is a new thing for the Bean Tom podcast. We don't do this very often.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So let's see. What are your thoughts on legalizing? Oh, okay, we got stuff that the family friendly crowd is not going to appreciate. It has to do with expressing your own body and love comes in all shapes and sizes. And I think there's a lot of nuances to that. But I think people should be, I think in terms of like,
Starting point is 00:06:22 sex laws, let's look to Amsterdam, okay? We should keep it. People should do what they want to do. Should there be tax exemptions for it? Oh, well, that's a good question, and we're going to bring that up on our fifth annual. I got to, you know, really lean into this hand sign. I'm doing the five fingers, but I got to be careful. I don't want Jared from Subway to get to involved.
Starting point is 00:06:46 This year we got 52 episodes and maybe a special here in there where I can really lean into the five finger, the full hand, sort of hand gesture. That would have been good to have as part of our Bingtown podcast year five poster, which I will reveal now live on stream, but what I was going to say was that will be a good question for Year 5 tech special, starring good dear friend of the podcast Matthew Feedler, who is kind enough to join us every year for that
Starting point is 00:07:21 episode. And even though we throw some crazy questions at him, we do that every year. So if you're watching the YouTube stream, gosh, I think this will be backwards too. But here's our bean town podcast, year five poster coming out this week. No, you can't buy it online.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But it's maybe it's an NFT. I don't know. NF, non-fungible token. I don't really know what it means an NFT, I don't know. NF, non-fungible token. I don't really know what it means to fund, fund-gize something, FUNG, G-I-Z-E. But you can't do it with these tokens, because they're NFTs. If it was FTs, that could be free throws,
Starting point is 00:07:58 that could be Frank Thomas. What's his nickname, the big sausage or something like that here in Chicago But yeah, I don't remember where I was going with that But oh yeah, you're five of the Bean Tom podcast and this is our year for recap. I want to say hello a la who Assamalike come it was something like that that said you say hello to a people in Pakistan So I want to you know show you that I made the effort.
Starting point is 00:08:26 We did a little Google translating last week and that's what it came out to. So hello to, if you're watching this live from Pakistan, gosh, it's gotta be about what, 4am, 5am, something like that. I had a call with a kid from Beijing this morning and China happens to be 14 hours ahead of us right now. So if you, you have some track,
Starting point is 00:08:44 a couple of time zones, you go west, you know, about this much or so to Pakki stand. I don't actually know the time differences, but I suppose it's got to be somewhere in the like 11 11 to 11 and a half hour range. So if you are watching this, well, maybe you're waking up with bean town. Okay, it's it's about 5.15 p.m. here on a Friday, TGIF, we have finished work for the week, but that's actually not true, it's have to work tomorrow as well.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So 11 hours, that's 6.20, I don't know, it's the weekend in Pakistan, you figure you got the kids, they're waking up early for some cartoons, Paw Patrol, Islamabad edition, and maybe the parents are making some Pakistani pancakes, something like that could be delicious, could be tasty. What I used to like to do, we would strip the sheets.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Laundry oftentimes would be on a Saturday morning at the furnace household, and so you'd strip the sheets, and you'd have your bunk beds in the upstairs bedroom. And we were so cool that you could actually, because you were still little enough, you could basically jump from the top bunk onto the floor, right?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Crazy, I know, but if you had your comforter, you're down, your goose feathers of which we never had that because I don't we you know I think our blankets were about yeathen, but You know you you could do it without hurting yourself. Which reminds me when we would take our dog rigly resting piece up to the deck in our backyard after a snow storm and just Throw her right off. It's not as crazy as it sounds. You're only throwing her off the deck, I promise. But the snow would be about yay high. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:10:31 When you use the phrase yay high, yay low, Kanye, how do you spell it? Is it Y-E-A-Y? It's kind of an old English, maybe middle English kind of term. I'm thinking bail wolf. You know what I never saw is that kind of, I don't even know how you call it. Live action remake of bail wolf that they may,
Starting point is 00:10:55 that must have been what, 2008. Help me out here guys. Okay, we're going to Google it. It's kind of a wild story if you've never read Bale Wolf before, 2007. I missed it by that much. We got some chats here. Did you experience any frostbite during your walk today? Thanks for the questions in the chat.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Actually, I do appreciate it. And now we got Matt Feeler, who I just, his ears must have been ringing because we just had a tax question that will probably circle back to it or probably not because it's why wildly inappropriate WILDLY, nearly a palindrome. Today, so I went for a walk today, Friday is a day off from running, but I needed to get my legs moving a little bit because otherwise it would be stir crazy, just sitting in here and also get some vitamin D because the sun was out and vitamin C I had a banana when I came back. But yeah, it was pretty damn cold.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I used my AirPods, which are like these wireless headphones you put in your ears I just learned about. I got them as like a return to work gift from my office back in August, and I only used them like once every other month. So I think this time was my third time ever using them. So I use those on my walk, but yeah, it was this sort of thing. And I'll tell you what, so I went to McDonald's
Starting point is 00:12:16 on my way home. This was maybe a two mile walk. And the McDonald's a quarter mile from my house or so. And so by the time I had walked from McDonald's back to my apartment at the end of my walk, I'm just holding my coffee in one hand while I'm walking. And you know, it's hot coffee. And my hand was still like starting to feel
Starting point is 00:12:38 the like my circulation, my dexterity, my fingers were noticeably less dexterous. And so that's how cold it is. You're holding a hot coffee. You're out there for five minutes or so. And it was still really bad. So I have seen some people running in shorts this week, which that to me is a little bit too much.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And you can tell it is, too. In case you haven't been around Chicago It's been you know, maybe I don't know the windshield's been around zero the whole week a couple of my runs earlier this week Today was actually warmer the windshield was up to like five or six But a cold my runs this week were were negative digits Fahrenheit in the windshield but Yeah, it was it was cold, but I survived. And I gotta tell you what,
Starting point is 00:13:26 I was talking about something before, we got the question about today's exercise and being frostbite, and I completely lost what it was. But that's okay, because we're just, we're rolling here in the Bean Tom podcast. It's just one topic to another, boom, boom, boom, and thanks people for responding in the chat.
Starting point is 00:13:47 We don't go live on YouTube too terribly often because I gotta open up another laptop and sometimes put on a tie. And in case you're wondering, yeah, I put on the tie if you're not watching on YouTube, you're gonna wanna go see, I'm looking like Justin Long or something. I kinda feel like a computer hacker or something,
Starting point is 00:14:09 I don't really know, but this is kinda like my, this is a very old school Quinn kinda look in that I used to very frequently dress like this, minus the sweatpants, when I would recruit, basically full-time at high schools. This was kind of my look because I always, there's a lot of different kind of strategies you can take. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Baowulf is what I was going to get to. I'm coming back to that. And actually, there is a chat in our livestream that's exactly what I was going to mention. Okay. Remind, I won't forget about this because I'm wearing it. My thought that I was going to finish was about Bale Wolf and that I was, I was talking about the movie and my only thing I know about it is there's a scene
Starting point is 00:14:57 where I think Angelini Jolie plays Grendel's mom and she's like digitally altered, enhanced, animated, something like that. I don't even know any sort of technical jargon, if you will, from an animation or a effects perspective, visual effects perspective. So I don't really know how it worked. I think that it was a completely like, I assume, you know, you've got the human actors obviously, but I assume they're all wearing like, you know, you see Andy Circus playing King Kong or Gollum,
Starting point is 00:15:30 he's got like the little balls on him. I kind of assume that's sort of what the strategy was with that one, I don't really know, but they are like computer, they look animated, right? And yeah, you get Angelina Jolie coming out of the water, but I lost kind of how many times I watched that YouTube clip when that movie came out, because I definitely wasn't allowed to see it,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but that was what I wanted to say about Beowl. I mentioned this as a family friendly program beforehand, so we'll leave it there. Just checking the comments here. Pizza as a work if that is a great gift, I'm jealous. You know what's crazy? And I think back to 2020, frequently here on the show, you're through the Bean Tom podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That's when I lost all that weight. I didn't drink for the whole year, but I think what was harder for me that year was the fact that I didn't have a pizza or a slice of pizza, not even a cured meat of any kind as far as I can recall until August. We went to a Lumeil Nautis, I actually just right around the corner from where I live now.
Starting point is 00:16:34 August of 2020, that was my first time having pizza that year. And I think that was tougher for me than the alcohol, honestly. Because what's, you know, you work your butt off, it's Friday night, you're like, okay, well, I don't, you know, there's no alcohol, honestly. Because what's, you know, you work your butt off. It's Friday night, you're like, okay, well, I don't, you know, there's no alcohol, and by the time you get to march, you're kind of, you're kind of in tune with that, you're good with that. It's just not really part of your vocabulary
Starting point is 00:16:54 anymore at that point. But I tell you what, the pizza was always just like, man, it's so easy, I don't have to cook. It's just call, call it my buddies, you know, Rosadi or Lou and just be like, hey, get me an extra large, you know, extra sausage, you know, just like me and college. It didn't land, okay, but I was thinking about it. And it's a B for effort at least. Yeah, I didn't have any pizza, but you know, checking up on my comments
Starting point is 00:17:27 here, text it, I don't know, you guys are going to have to connect offline and figure that out. I don't even know. Am I a griffin door? I think I would definitely be like, I know Hufflepuffs are kind of the losers, but here's the thing, griffin doors are just like the white kids and slither in are like evil, not like just like kind of like the bad kids and Slytherin are like evil, not like just like kind of like the bad boys, but they're like actually evil, right? Which I don't really get. It's been a long time since I read Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And then Ravenclaw, I don't really know anything about except they're kind of sneaky. With that in mind, I am a little bit sneaky. So I suppose I could be Ravenclaw. I don't want to be a loser like Hufflepuff. And I apologize if I've oversimplified anything or generalized things. But yeah, I wouldn't want to be Gryffindor.
Starting point is 00:18:12 That's just like the lame stream media, who I would be. I'd be Robert Pattinson. I don't know what is he even at. I think he's from Hogwarts, right? Because it's the tri-wizard cup. And Harry Potter sneaks his name into the goblet of fire or something. And so Hogwarts, because ooh, they're special.
Starting point is 00:18:31 They get two representatives. And then there's the Evander Cain, I think his name is. He's like a quidditch champion from Slovakia. He's one of the other schools' representatives. And then there's this just this absolute bombshell I think she's played by Charlize Theron in the goblet of fire. She's blonde. She's got a liturative name It's like Susie Stone or something like that, and then there's Harry and then there's Robert Pattinson and I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but Robert Pattinson actually dies at the end of this movie
Starting point is 00:19:03 So I think that's who I would be except I'm not dying at the end of the Bean Tom podcast. We got boy, the comments are just rolling in here. It looked like a Patrick Bateman worked at the Apple Genius Bar. Hey, that's, I'll take it. We're going to come back to the look in a second here, Hufflepuff for life, life spelled incorrectly. I won't comment on that. I won't point it out. Slytherin Greer than Hufflepuff, I think incorrectly. I won't comment on that. I won't point it out. Slytherin Greer than Hufflepuff, I think so. Wasn't Jared Fogel Slytherin probably. Oh, Zama bin Laden was a Ravenclaw.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Very sneaky. I could see that. He was sneaking around that compound. If they didn't have night vision, there's no way they would have found him. OK, back to the outfit. And then I promised we're getting into what we're actually talking about here on today's show, which
Starting point is 00:19:43 is a year for recap We're already 20 minutes in man I Feel like I've just been you know like a machine gun here just boom boom boom We got to read some ads too think our loyal sponsors Well, oh, yeah, yeah, this this look is very much like a callback to Sort of like how I would dress when I would recruit at high schools. And the reason, it's not just because it's like a solid look.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Like, you don't have to always wear a blazer, but like you can wear like the more casual kind of a jacket, if you will, but you get a certain tie that work well for you. Some good khakis solid material, that sort of thing. Yeah, I am distracted, absolutely. It's tough when you got, I'm not a Twitch streamer, I'm not really doing anything
Starting point is 00:20:31 and then reading the comments off to the side. No offense, any Twitch streamers. But we got a show here that's 99% audio. And so when you throw in the visuals and the live comments, I'm not used to it. The reason I would dress like this is I felt that it made me slightly more approachable, and here's a thing, I used to work for Johns Hopkins University, which has a reputation as being like very elite.
Starting point is 00:20:55 It's, you know, the number one research university in the country. A little just like, snooty, definitely hyper competitive, that sort of of thing and that's just like not my vibe at all Hopefully no one thinks to me as snooty or hyper competitive because I don't perceive myself that way But you know you'd go to these these these high schools and you get plenty of kids to like Who are into that vibe and that's why they want to come to your school But then you get a bunch of those students too who are like, not as familiar with you and you are their impression of the university, you are their person.
Starting point is 00:21:32 That's personable. And so I tried, I feel like this is a balancing act, but here's going kind of crazy here. This look is kind of a balancing act between, like I still look like semi-presentable, which is an upgrade for me. Typically, there's this little slice off to the side here that I can't seem to fix. If I nudge my head like this, you can't even notice. So I guess I'll just look this way the whole time. But it's like, I still
Starting point is 00:22:04 look good. I still got a tie, but also like, I'm cool. I'm hip. I know what you're going through. Okay, because I'm wearing this cool little jacket too. This is almost like a Hassan Menage look. Although I don't think he really wears ties, and he probably wouldn't wear a jacket from Kmart and not really the sweatpants either. And I don't know if I've ever seen where a blue shirt. So other than that though, and he's got a thicker beard and he's South Asian. But besides that, it's kind of like the Hassan Manage look.
Starting point is 00:22:33 And so in my mind, it always was like, okay, you're a little bit more presentable. You're not this like gatekeeper that's terribly lead us, something like that. So that's what this look reminds me of. Let's see, let's see. About to drive, it's about power, it's the rock. I don't know that quote, but I agree with it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 At work right now, some just asked, I was watching a journalist hostage video. Maybe. I'm held, sometimes I feel held hostage by the show. I'm like, why did I start this show? And why, you know what, would have been better if I committed to like, once a year? You know, if it was like a typo
Starting point is 00:23:11 where I meant to type once a year, but instead I said once a week, then I could retroactively retract it. But, you know, I said once a week and that's sort of what I committed to. So, here we are. But, yeah, okay, so what I wanna do on today's show, it's our year for recap and it's taken us 25 minutes
Starting point is 00:23:31 to get there. But we are indeed just gonna run down some of the highlights, the highs, the lows, the additional lows and I haven't been to a lows in a while, but I did go, I went to a lows, because I know this is why you came to hear about my trip to lows. Around Mother's Day, actually, my own mother was visiting
Starting point is 00:23:57 and, but I didn't get anything for her at lows. I went to lows with my mom. She stayed out in the car, Dr. Jane Dennis and Fernys who's on the show, not two weeks ago, yay, two weeks ago. And I went inside actually to get my partner's mom some flowers hanging basket. I don't know if they were petunias, labilias,
Starting point is 00:24:20 marmalades, or pategonias. But what's the one from South Carolina, Palmetto? Or Mississippi's got their own kind of flower tree thing going on too. What's, what's, not Macedonia? Mississippi. I don't know. I can't remember it. But no, that's the last time I was at Lowe's.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But, but, but, here's what I got my mom for mother's day She stayed at my apartment for two or three nights and got to see this lovely face And it was a better apartment because it was my older address park apartment Rest in peace that place that place can run circles around this apartment I will be moving out in five months here, just like the Billy Joel song. Okay, so we go, we go to the Bean Tom podcast, I got to update the photo for a year five next week. That's a whole hassle. I got to log in to Soundcloud. You have to have a JPEG or a TIFF file. There's another image file too. I don't
Starting point is 00:25:22 remember what it is, but we have to get one of those. And it's just hours later, it's finally done. Okay, so let's click see all episodes. Okay, so we go back to the start of 2021 and let's start from the beginning. Okay, so we had our year three recap, which was an hour 19 minutes long. I, at this point, you're thinking like,
Starting point is 00:25:45 oh, are we gonna hit that? This time, God, I hope not, but maybe. Cause I don't have anything going on. Hey, tell you what, if you're still in the chat, what should I have for supper tonight? I don't know, cause I gotta go out and get something. I'm not afraid to cook. And trade your jose is just not yay, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:00 50 yards from here. Okay, then we started off. I do recall this, and perhaps I could do this again This year maybe make it a tradition. I don't know, but there's 14 of them. We did a NFL Playoff team Homes say these power rankings in fewer words than that That was a lot of fun because I think I got to bash on Cleveland, which was cool Excuse me the only the only bad thing is that St. Louis does not currently have an NFL team.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I would love to make them be a tie for last, be kind of a little, you don't do a lot of ties in our power ranking traditionally. So if it was like, you know, we had Cleveland and St. Louis, we, they could be co-hosts of last place and that would be a lot of fun. But maybe we'll do that next week. I don't know. We will know who our playoff teams are next week, as the NFL concludes.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Right now, there's a game. I just realized that. But they were really stupid. They put Kansas City versus Denver on. And I think it's happening right now. Denver is just bad. I mean, they were one of those teams whose record is like three or four wins better than what they deserve.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That offense is down the tubes, two thumbs down. Okay, then we said January 15th, Carbolloting Meals for the Whole Family. I don't know what that was about, but presumably food. Then we had Pokemon and lasagna recipes. Now I don't know if that's Pokemon, stop. And also lasagna recipes, or if that's like lasagna recipes and also Pokemon recipes, I don't know. I love a Pokemon cake. Here's a question or call the action for this week. Email
Starting point is 00:27:42 again, it's If you had a birthday cake, and it could be any Pokemon you wanted, which Pokemon would it be? I off the bat, okay, so you got your Pikachu's, obviously a fan favorite, squirtle, especially with those sunglasses. I mean, that guy is just precocious. But maybe you could have a dark horse cake,
Starting point is 00:28:06 like a dark Pokemon, Umbrion, Generation 2. These are the connections I want you to make. Keep it under 500 words or less in your recommendation, please. Oh, this was a trippy episode. Speaking of getting high, you should definitely do this for this one. Quinn's Dream from January 30th, 2021. And I don't think I really finished my point
Starting point is 00:28:30 about being high or getting high earlier. Here's the thing, I've never, the only time I've ever done anything remotely relevant to any of that is a couple of gummies, not all at once, but just one at a time, like one per day, not all at once, but just one at a time, like one per day, and not even that, because it was like two or three days total. When I was out of my parents' house,
Starting point is 00:28:52 I don't know, three or four years ago, something like that. But to kind of put the period on the point here, it's completely legal and Illinois. I can go walk into a dispensary, get something anytime I want, do whatever I want to do. But I never think about it. I'm never really drawn to it other than right now because it's dry January and I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:29:10 hey, I still want a kind of party. But no, I just never really thought about it. I've heard it's expensive. And also, I think I'm like intimidated, not intimidated, but just like, I don't want to go through the pain or just like feeling like, oh, I got to learn the lingo or know what this is, know what that means. We got a vote for Jinx in the chat or or jigglypuff for Pokemon cake. That's good. Keep them coming. You can always email us or tweet at us. My personal Twitter is at white buns with a Z or the shows Twitter which I check at least once every
Starting point is 00:29:41 year is at bean town cast. Or you can leave a comment on our website. I think there's a function or a feature for that to happen too. But my dream was really trippy because I literally had this dream and we've all had those dreams that are very lucid and feel like deja vu where it's like, oh wait, this definitely happened. Like even after I woke up for at least 27 seconds, I was thinking to myself, like, wow, that was a crazy dream. I can't believe I dreamed about that memory from childhood. And then as you really dig into that memory, you're like, wait, that didn't actually happen to me. I must have been inseptice. Where's Leo? Where's Killin' Murphy? Joseph Gordon
Starting point is 00:30:17 Levit. Elliot Page. Notice how I correctly said his new name and got the pronouns right. I don't know what the opposite canceled is, but you're looking at it folks. Okay, then something about the music man, I don't know you remember, I think I had another dream where I was directing a school production of the music man perhaps, and a real house as a Salt Lake City finale,
Starting point is 00:30:45 speaking of which, okay, now's a great time to mention real house is a Salt Lake City, had a new episode last week, and Mary Cosby is pretty racist. Basically, we continue to learn that Whitney has like, sunk both her and her husband, Justin's like entire finances into this rebrand. It's not even launching a business.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's literally just like rebranding the business, which seems really stupid. I understand if you're like, your business is going down the tubes and you think rebranding is the only way to save it, but I think they've literally spent like, I think she says it's like 300 grant on a rebranding is the only way to save it, but I think they've literally spent like, I think she says it's like 300 grand on a rebrand, which is just like, that's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So Whitney hosts a party. It's like the launch party of the new brand. And Jenny, our newest housewife who is Vietnamese, actually confronts Mary Along with everyone else about Mary's racism if you don't recall We're gonna do a little race relations 101 here on the bean Tom podcast basically in the previous episode Mary called Jenny little Jen Because they're the two Asian cast members on the show. She said that she likes her yellow tones and that she likes her slanted eyes. And so Jenny confronted Mary about it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Mary was actually pretty chill. Like at first she was just like, oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. And then some other stuff happened. Mary kind of walks out whatever. You should have seen Meredith's outfit. It was awful. All sorts of feathers coming out of all sorts of, you sorts of crannies and it did not work at all.
Starting point is 00:32:29 But basically you're kind of seeing a clean split almost as we set aside the gender of it for the time being because right now she's just sort of in this holding pattern where, you know, she's out on bond, she's waiting trial, whatever the legal terms are. Basically, to simply simplify the summary here, Mary is terrible and probably a cult leader, but Meredith is kind of sticking with Mary because she's mad at everyone else that they didn't really stand up for Meredith's son Brooks when Jen Shah was cyberbullying him online. The whole thing is very twisted and convoluted. So you're kind of getting this weird faction break where Meredith is
Starting point is 00:33:21 is chilling with Mary even though Meredith is like a very sane real person, and then everyone else, I don't even, you know, I don't even know what the argument is, but basically Mary needs to stop being super racist. Everyone else is kind of doing their own thing. There is not a ton of drama, but there is a cast trip coming up. We are kind of hurling, twirling, and burling towards Irving, a Berlin towards the finish line here. I think there's probably gonna be four episodes left, something like that, so they're going on a cast trip. They're going back in a bus, much like they took to Veil without Gen-Shaw, because she got arrested, but now Gen-Shaw is in the bus,
Starting point is 00:33:59 and the little sneak preview showed that she's grumpy. So, it's gonna be lit. I tell you what, I bought a new phone. It's not this one, because it's coming in the mail, but I bought a new phone, a refurbished phone. It's a 10S, I think. I don't know, is like an X-ass or something, if that's what 10S is.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I bought it online this morning, because I woke up, this phone has been on its last legs ever since it could stand. But I woke up and this is having to me a couple of times before but where you go to bed, your phone's at like 80%, 90% something like that. And you wake up and it's just chilling at 1% just having a good time. And it's happened to me before and it's not a big deal. And it's not because like I have
Starting point is 00:34:46 background apps running or Bluetooth or anything, it's just like, because I've done that dance a million times before. I know what I'm doing with my phone. So, but this time, you know, you can go check the battery on your phone, you can see like, what is its max capacity? And it's been 80% for a while. And it said like needs repairing soon or something like that. And then I opened up the battery this morning after I give it a little bit of charge, restarted all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And the max capacity is 79%. So we're going down in flames. And I think the status literally changed from like, check soon to, I don't even know the word, but it was like, basically your phone is F'd. So I bought a new phone, and that should come sometime next week. So I'm looking forward to that.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I think it's gonna be big, and I don't think there's a home button, which I'm a little scared for. This will be my third ever smartphone. So this one has treated me well. It's a seven, I think, and it's been, I've had it for maybe three years, something like that. It's been solid, I've also bought this one used.
Starting point is 00:35:54 So I'm really just looking forward to a better battery life is always good, but the biggest thing for my phone because I do some work on there, some software testing is you periodically have to just shut it down and give it a clean, not a clean, but you're not wiping it or anything, but just shut it off and start it back up five minutes later. Because otherwise, you just can't handle it. And it likes to do the thing where it gets a little overworked that battery just drops.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Like that old bug's bunny cartoon with the ding-batter whatever it's called or that plane is going, knee is straight down. Sorry folks, we ran out of gas. They stop, I won't spoil it for you but they stop this far from the ground and what happens next while I don't know,
Starting point is 00:36:42 you'll have to watch it. I don't know what it's called. It's called like the ding-b bad in the hair or something like that or hairy skies or bugs bunny featuring ding bad, you know. If you Google it, I bet you would find it. Okay, let's continue on here with the year in review and then we'll get to some ads and a little bit here. So we just talked about whatever the music man in real house of Salt Lake City was, I happened to talk about it for 37 minutes. Then we did a salute to love.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It was a Valentine's Day episode. I can't tell you more than that. I don't remember that episode. Okay, then we have, and this will be a good opportunity to preview this year's installment. We had our fourth annual Beentown podcast, PleasDrive fundraiser. And you'll
Starting point is 00:37:25 remember this year was particularly special for the show because here if you haven't gotten a clean look at our fancy new light, there it is on the YouTube stream. I'll just hold it up while I'm talking because it's more interesting than looking at me. We decided starting this year because the show is done really well. We've got a lot of dedicated fans and also just me personally. I've been very fortunate with income the last couple of years. We decided to start matching dollar for dollar our donations that we received via our go fund me to a charity of my choice. I think last year's United Way, we'll see what it's going to be this year.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I haven't looked into it yet, but that was exciting. Say, you know, every year we're raising $200 or $300 something like that. And so what that means, if you're doing the math at home, is that the bean-tongued podcast pledge right fundraiser, and you'll tell a phone, as we're going into its fifth year, I don't pocket any money. And I'm actually losing money on this because you all donate money. It's advertised as covering, you know, Operation Costs and actually I got my automated email from today saying that my show has been, or my domain has been renewed automatically,
Starting point is 00:38:43 which that's, you know's what I wanted to happen. But what I'm trying to say here is, you all donate money to the show. That money turns around and goes directly to charity now. So I'm technically losing, it's not like I take the money off the top for the operating costs and then donate what's left to charity. We turn it around straight to charity.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So I know what you're thinking, Quinn, well, we could just decided not to support your show, cut out the middleman and donate to a charity of our choice. And I say, you could do that. And when we do that, we'll have to stop donating to charity and go back because, you know, that's how I know we'll bring you back to the table that way. But you know, it's exciting. I was happy to be able to do that last year and looking forward to being able to do it again this year.
Starting point is 00:39:30 The fifth annual Bean Tom Podcast, Pledge Drive, Telephone, Fundraiser will be this coming up in just over a month here in February, which is always exciting, towards the beginning of the year. Okay, this was a classic installment, DMV and anniversaries. I had to go to the department of motor vehicles
Starting point is 00:39:49 during COVID, I'm describing like the worst thing on earth. On my anniversary, it was great, it was a Monday morning. I woke up early next to my, in my partner's arms and left to the house at literally like 5.30. Because the DMV, I have to go back and listen to the episode, but it opens at like eight or something. But I work, you know, and I was working from home at the time, which is great,
Starting point is 00:40:14 but it's still like you want to try to get home as early as possible so you can actually do your work. And also I wasn't about to, because if you go out to the DMV at like 10.30, 11, you know, mid-morning, like that's your whole day, more or less. And one of the reasons for that, excuse me, is because the DMV, at the time, I don't know if it's changed, I haven't looked into it. But in Chicago, the closest one, to get to a public transportation is all the way out in Jefferson
Starting point is 00:40:40 Park, which is crazy. Literally take a bus from Lake View up to Edgewater, transfer to another bus to go west, out to basically the blue line, the end of the brown line, 90, 94 right there, get off the bus, walk another half mile, and there you're at the DMV. So as you can imagine doing that in late February, at literally 7 a.m. was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I think I got into the line at 7. It took me over an hour to get there. And it was my anniversary. So I felt really, I was really happy to wake us both up at like 5.30 in the morning and leave. It was probably one of my better anniversaries. But yeah, I went to the DMV. They say if you're a safe driver, you can renew online. You just have to use the code and the letter they send you.
Starting point is 00:41:31 You're looking at a guy who's never had a ticket, never had a citation, a warning, an authorization of any kind. And nope, can't renew online. So you gotta come to our facility, wait and line forever, it's very cold, and I did that. So that was fun. And I'm not looking forward to going back. Okay, moving on here, spring cleaning,
Starting point is 00:41:56 whatever, birthday podcast year for the birthday podcast is always a highlight for me, since my birthday. Breaking down the 2021 March Man is under dogs,, March madness, March madness, underdogs, always, always good when we talk sports. The next one is just titled, God damn you, Christen Davis. After that, we had our Easter special year four featuring my mom, Dr. Jane Dennis and Fernis probably talking about my favorite Easter tradition when the angel of death comes over the Israelites and unless if let's say you forgot or no you no one gave you the
Starting point is 00:42:29 message you didn't smear the lambs blood over the the transome or over the the top post of your door I don't know what a transome is I think it's actually a window then he's gonna come in there and kill your firstborn son so it's it's a Easter tradition like none other. Then we had our taxes special, always a treat with good friend of the show, Matthew Feather. We'll be looking for a year or five of that. Oh, then we had sauce and bread kitchen is on the hit list. I recall this.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I don't recall much about it, but I went to sauce and bread kitchen, which is a local spot upon Clark in Edgewater just South of Pratt there and I got I think it was a large coffee and a scone or something like that and I think it came out to like It was like 12 bucks or something. It was mind blown or maybe 15 I'd have to go back and listen for the exact price, but that I put them on my hit list and maybe they're out of business. I don't know. It's a shame, because it's a nice quaint little shop.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I love supporting the little guys, but not when you're doing that. Then we did our Oscars Preview 2021. You know we've had comments on the live stream from our good friend, Ryan Austin English Liggan, who's been on our Oscars preview many times in the past. We'll see if we want to do it again this year. I think neither of us is very plugged into movies right now. It was a different age, right? Movie past. It was it was the golden age of cinema, at least for yours truly.
Starting point is 00:43:57 But I will we always do an Oscars preview. I don't know when it is this year. You know, ever since I think, ever since they stopped having a host for the Oscars, the magic really fell out of it for me. I don't know about you, but I like having the host. You get a fun opening number, oftentimes there's a song or dance. I don't know, I just like a monologue to kick off the night. Now when they do it, and I recognize people get pissed that the Oscars are too long and they off the night now when they do it and I recognize people get pissed at the Oscars Are too long and they are but now when they do it. It's like welcome to the Oscars
Starting point is 00:44:30 Here's these you know this person are these two people who aren't the host But they're still gonna welcome you to the show and it's just like just have a host Give us somebody to root for someone to hate something like that. I don't know it'd be fun Okay, then we did our NFL draft 2021 live commentary which we've actually done give us somebody to root for someone to hate something like that. I don't know. It would be fun. Okay, then we did our NFL draft 2021 live commentary, which we've actually done once, once before, no, that's the NBA draft. We had, that might have been our top listen to episode with a friend of the show, John Paul Pandowski from like summer 2019, something like that. I had like 2000 hits. People love the NBA I guess,
Starting point is 00:45:07 but I did my NFL draft. Then we had it was called Motherless Mother's Day. We already talked about Mother's Day a little bit on the show here when I went to Lowe's. Then it's one of my all time favorite episodes. Our top 10 horse names special. I always have a really good time doing that. We get writings from the crowd sometimes.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Let's go back and look at our horse names while we're here. Just so you recall what our number ones have been. So from 2018, we had a Piscopalian, still my all-time favorite. From 2019, we had Pentetook. From 2020, we had Irrigardless and from 2021. This past year's top horse name we had intensive purposes, which I think is really fun. Okay, then next we had moving day.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I moved away from Rogers Park, which it's good to be closer to some friends to my partner to the office, but man, that apartment was awesome. Spacious, good natural lighting, great acoustics. Uh, neighbor I had Richard upstairs, who was up, you know, just, I, I really didn't like it, but always a great story to tell about Richard. So, I missed it up there for sure. Uh, we had a Memorial Day podcast. Oh, then we had our war on Lady Gaga, overpriced iced coffee and podcasts without purpose. You know I was coming out firing on that show.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Then we had a great one for the locals, the Northern Illinois High School or YMCA or club or whatever swimming pool rankings. You know the the the Crenicases and the the tribbles out there, you know they they must have enjoyed that one. Then we did our Happy Father's Day slash tips for a fun summer. Didn't do the Father's Day song this year. I'm still working on it. Then we did our island living special, which was a lot of fun because we got to detail the story of Quinn getting food poisoning in the Dominican Republic. Always a great time.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Oh, we got some a chat in Russian here. I gotta tell you, if this was Urdu, I'd be all over that. But Russian, I haven't learned yet. But hello from Russia. Niyat, which means hello in Russian. Okay, then we did our Bean Town podcast, Salute to Nationalism, our July 4th episode, Hura, I love it. I've still never seen such, is it Starship Troopers or Super Troopers?
Starting point is 00:47:30 Starship Troopers, right? That's like a parody, making fun of the military and nationalism, I think. I'm going to check it out one of these days. Oh, then we learned, and we take it with us until five seconds ago that I am the 112th ranked comedy podcast in the country of Pakistan. It opened up a whole new, internationally connected, globally connected world for the Bintam podcast. And so I have officially, unofficially dubbed myself as the King of Pakistan comedy.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And that was an episode when I reviewed Chicago's Lafactory, which is trash, you know, the last couple of times I've gone. Then we played a little bit of music and we used to do a lot of movie reviews on the Bean Tom podcast. We did one that week where we reviewed Zola, which is a really fun movie. If you get the chance to watch it on streaming, I actually encourage you to watch that. It was Riley Kio, however you say your last name, Elvis' granddaughter, and a couple other actors and actresses whose names I cannot recall off the top of my head. But it's really fun. It's based off of a Twitter string. What is that called? A string of tweets, a Twitter feed, no, a tweet storm. It's a hell of a lot of fun. You should definitely go watch it. Okay, then we previewed, we spent two weeks actually
Starting point is 00:48:54 previewing the Tokyo Summer Olympics. Hard to believe. In my mind, that's like a long time ago, but Tokyo happened just what six months ago, something like that. So we went through every single sport and broke it down, you know, looked at the metal counts, all that stuff. Summer Olympics were happening. And the winter Olympics are coming up in just a month here. I doubt we'll do a two week preview of that because I just don't care. Then we had our top 10 medical procedures
Starting point is 00:49:20 that I would like to try. I don't remember all of them, but I guarantee you, I told my story about my screenplay, where a guy is trapped on a desert island. He's got tonsilitis. He's got to take him out or else he's going to die. He doesn't himself. He lives. It's amazing. And also a tracheotomy. Then, oh, Rest in Peace work from home also Friday 13th. That's like, it's like the most depressing title of all time. As it was August 13th, 2021, it was the end of our year and a half plus, no, about year and a half work from home period. It was a lot of fun. You know, I learned a lot along the way. I slept a ton. I ran a lot. There was that period at the beginning where we had to do a Zoom call every morning at 9.30am was not a fan
Starting point is 00:50:07 Once we dropped that I was in much better shape much happier But yeah work from home was I Got to tell you you know back in the office now But I still get to work from home one day a week and before covid like that was just that never would have been a thing So I got something out of it, okay? And that's, yeah, I'll take it. Then I said, let's cancel these people August 20th.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I don't remember who it was, but definitely Aquafina. Next we did our great, oh, this was so much fun. And you know we'll do something like that again this year, because I've got a lot of vacation days. 24 minimum, 29 maximum, plus federal holidays, and a winter break to be exact. Our road trip, where if you weren't a fan of the show back then, we started in Phoenix,
Starting point is 00:50:55 did a little hike in Sedona up to the Grand Canyon. I literally left Flagstaff at what, 3.30 in the morning to get to the Grand Canyon, start my hike at five, went down to Plateau Point, back out, did that all, and like, I don't know what it was. It was like four hours. That can't be right. Maybe like five or six hours, because I think it's like a 12 mile hike, something like
Starting point is 00:51:15 that. So I think it was like four hours or excuse me, like six hours. I know it was faster than I thought I was going to go, but that was, that was a ton of fun. I'd been to the Grand Canyon before, but this was like it's just you Some tourists a big horned sheep that scared the shit out of me But starting that in the dark was really cool. You watch the sunrise Drink a lot of water
Starting point is 00:51:39 Saw some lizards saw a lot of deer. It was a lot of fun And then that same day I was one of the longest days of my life. Drove up to the top of Hoover Dam, bought a postcard, a shot glass, got a really bad bloody nose in both nostrils, finished in Las Vegas. Next day went to Death Valley. I took a video of a couple proposing
Starting point is 00:52:00 because he asked me to, he said, take a picture and then he said, under his breath, no actually he's gonna be a video. So I did that. I was like 7 a.m. at, near the furnace, the furnace visitor center, okay, FUR and ACE. Did some hikes and death valleys, awesome stuff from Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And then I went to the base of Mount Whitney, which you got to drive like straight up just to get there, but that was really cool. And then finished up in Bakersfield, California, the next day, a hike to in Los Angeles, north of the, north of Los Angeles, kind of around the Hollywood sign. I saw a tarantula. Got lost once or twice. Didn't have any cell reception.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It was a little scary, but it's okay. I made it. Went to Santa Monica Pier. Always wanted to go ever since I ran some people over on Grand Theft Auto 5 out there. And finished up in Palm Springs. It was 113 on the thermometer, and then flew out of Phoenix the next morning
Starting point is 00:52:55 after I drove across the desert. I did two software tests. While I had stopped at a gas station, got some gas to the software test. Went to the next gas station, got some gas, did a software test, went to the next gas station, got some more gas, did another software test. I was paying self-sustaining economy as I was driving through the desert, and that's really all you can ask for.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Then we did our fantasy football preview, no comment on the outcome of this year. Then I had my, I usually have at least one episode a year where I'm just completely out of ideas. I did a little 9-11 elaboration, heartfelt, no comedy there. That was live from Beentown actually, missed opportunity to do something with the name. And then we recapped my brother's wedding. Congratulations to Brother of the Podcast, Wal-Tan getting married. We had a great episode. We do a lot of fun with words and spelling and all sorts
Starting point is 00:53:46 of things on this show. So we did words with multiple spellings of which we had multiple. That was fun. Then we did, oh, this was, the power rankings tend to really get the crowd into it. So we power ranked the SNL, Saturday Night Live, season 47 cast power rankings.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And here's the thing, SNL is coming back next week. The two people who are hosting, people have never heard of. And I had to ask Rachel about this yesterday. She's heard of the musical guest, but not the host. The host is Ariana Du Boes, Du Bois, not Grande. I know what you're thinking in a home. You're like, Quinn can't read. Know as D-U-B-o-s-e,
Starting point is 00:54:25 maybe like a French explorer or something, but apparently she's in musical theater, I don't know. And then the host, or excuse me, the musical act is Richie Rich, which is, I was confused too, I was like, hey, that's McCullochon's character from the 90s. No, apparently he's a rapper now. So it's not McCullochon though, from the 90s. No, apparently he's a rapper now. So it's not McCullochon though. This individual is an African-American.
Starting point is 00:54:49 So that will be interesting to see, like, does he explain how he came to wear the mantle? I don't know. But yeah, Richie Rich and Angela Dubose. So that's going to be interesting. Oh, then we did our Chicago Marathon 2021 special, actually sat down with a map. We traced the route, we talked about it, we analyzed it,
Starting point is 00:55:10 and then the actual marathon happened, and I got my ass whooped, and then the next episode of, I'm retired from Marathon. So we did that, then we did an autumn airing of grievances is always fun, when we can complain on this show. We did our year four Halloween spooktacular, we talked about things that spook us.
Starting point is 00:55:29 That's up here on here twice. So hopefully you didn't listen to it twice, get to the end think, hmm, maybe I've heard that before. I don't know why it's on there twice. Then we did our 200th episode live from the big apple. Bap, ba, ba, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. With a special guest appearance from Rachel. And she did a great job.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Then we did, oh, then we did our big Gen Shot Arrested episode recap. That was a whole episode, because it was crazy. Then we did our November Big Ideas podcast, and I know you liked the Big Ideas podcast. I've got a couple more ideas, save them iPhone, for our next next big ideas podcast. We've done that a couple times in the past. We will absolutely be bringing that back early on this year. And we did our bean town Thanksgiving tribute. I did a, I created a little college in
Starting point is 00:56:17 university trivia for you all. I read some questions live on air. You had the opportunity to answer them. You could email BeanThomPodGas. Yeah, with your final score. See how you compare it against the host. So that was a lot of fun. No one emailed. And then we did the worst Christmas songs ever, which is another kind of opportunity to air grievances.
Starting point is 00:56:37 But Chipmunks was definitely on there. And then I recapped my romantic weekend getaway in Michigan with Rachel. We went to SagaTuck. It was absolutely one of my favorite trips of all time. We loved it there. And then just two weeks ago, we had our Christmas Eve special. Thank you to Santa for calling in. Thank you to my mom, Jane Denison Fernis for calling in. And last week, we had our Happy New Year special featuring our critically acclaimed segment interview with the dog and folks you can see where you reached, Harry I reached the top.
Starting point is 00:57:12 That was the Bean Tom Podcast year four. Capped off by the Bean Tom Podcast year four recap and here we are. We've made it. It's another year. Let's do a quick word from our sponsors. And then we'll finish up, because I'm going to go eat some supper or something.
Starting point is 00:57:36 But I couldn't leave before you all know who has had a hand in making this show as special as it is. Okay, oh, Home Pride Organ. I love these guys. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you can't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, I got good news for you.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon. I just knew home inspection provider, the inspection services, including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing is so much more. Home-Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home-Inspector certified. I lost my place. Hmm. Oh, there we are.
Starting point is 00:58:14 So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're trust, call Steve at 541-140316, where you can visit again. 541-140316, or visit Homepriodorgan inspection perfection. I also wanna give a shout out to the Samson Q2, you serious something we did not mention, but absolutely happened. We've got a new Samson this year.
Starting point is 00:58:41 I'm using it right now. One of our old ones died, so we have a replacement. We still have two for in-person interviews of which we've had not many recently, but I'm already ready. I'm always ready, rather. Okay, finally our friend's cuts by Q. Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q, it's like Enter Sandman, but different. Cutsby Q has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and is probably one of the better barbershop operations
Starting point is 00:59:10 serving Chicago, Cook County, Northwest, Indiana, and the great Chicago Land Area. One thing we didn't get any of this year is poppas, and I wanted to go one time, because I was driving back from working in Ohio. I Facebook messaged them, and they never responded. So I don't know if Papa is on a, you know, sabbatical or what the deal is, but Papa, if you're listening, what gives? From BIs to banks, fohots to flat tops and everything in between
Starting point is 00:59:37 called cuts by Q and 8152 and 87200 or you can email again, let's get you TZ. Bycue at Okay, sing it with us one last time in year four. Oh, and you need a fresh do. Something snappy and new. It's called the experts at cuts bycue. You know, if we stick the, the year,
Starting point is 01:00:01 or the live on air, bean tom podcast Tom podcast neon sign right in front of the camera that's basically all you can see and that's fine because this is a kind of a low quality production but folks that's it we made it to the end of year four. Okay, this blue light is kind of distracting. Let's move it out of the way. We did it. Now you can only see my crotch. There.
Starting point is 01:00:38 It's been an hour long stream after a 10 hour workday. Okay, so I'm giving myself a little bit of leeway. I want to thank everyone who's listened to the show and I sincerely mean that. It's a lot of fun on days like today, particularly when we stream on YouTube, we get chats in the comment. That's fun to see.
Starting point is 01:00:58 It's cool, especially in COVID and not getting to, physically interact with friends of the show and fans and followers and all that stuff as much as I used to be able to do. So it's a lot of fun when I get to be able to do that. And I really enjoy it. And yeah, the bean-toned blog is still going. I know you think it's dead. I posted at least once this best year. I had to recap my my food poisoning nightmare. Shout it again to the love of my life Rachel Raymos for getting us back into the country. She's the best. That's what I got. My Mac is dying over here off screen. You can't really see it. And there's not much else to say. It was a hell of a year. It was year four, and we got year five coming in hot.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Stop in the name of love. That's a song, right? I'll have to listen to it after this. Thanks to Jackson Brown, helping me open the show. I do not own that song. So YouTube, you can just cool it. I'm surprised I didn't shut down my stream when I was trying to sing Jackson Brown karaoke.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Geez. Shout out to Pakistan for helping bring this show international. And otherwise, there's nothing more to say. I'm going to go find something for supper. I have to go back outside one more time, unfortunately. Bundle up. And yeah, I'm going to have a chill Friday night.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Got to check in on those NFL games. I forgot those were happening. And the bolstblades tonight. Number one in the East, baby, heading into year five. Okay, year five is kicking off next week. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be hot. We're gonna have all new segments. It's probably gonna be unlike anything anything you ever heard before. So just look out because it's going to come at you fast. Everyone, thanks to the chat for commenting. I appreciate you guys. Thank you to Pakistan for listening.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Thank you to the friends, Hashtag friends, the podcast, the beanheads out there. This is year four. It's in the books. We are starting the fifth year of the Bean Town podcast next week. So that's what I got for you. Let's queue up some music. We'll cut YouTube out first. That's it for me.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I'll see everyone later. Keep it tight. Yeah, that's what I got to say for YouTube. And for our audio stream, you know how it goes. Queue that music up and everyone. I'm gonna tell you one more time in year four. Stay safe, stay sane, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye! I'm a man who's been a mystery nd nd

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