Beantown Podcast - Year One Special

Episode Date: January 5, 2019

Quinn edits an entire year's worth of weekly episodes and specials to bring you the Year One Special. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe! #FriendsofthePodcast Twitter @whitebunz 0:00 Intro 4:35 First ever podcast 5:30 Purpose of the podcast 9:08 Lightning round question and answer “It’s too thick” 11:56 Quinn tries Russian food 14:56 Quinn sings intro music for the first time 17:10 Quinn loses mom as a subscriber (for the first time) 18:06 Quinn hosts the first ever pledge drive telethon fundraiser 19:14 Quinn does his taxes with Matthew 21:56 Quinn and Ryan make Best Picture picks 25:17 - Birthday podcast 28:39 Quinn debates the 19th Amendment 33:16 God and Passover 36:12 Jack and Quinn sing Wonderwall 40:34 Quinn chats with Grandma Sal about stamping 42:27 Quinn offers advice for dating a weirdo 47:06 Quinn eats donuts by the river and complains about multi-day packing 50:55 Quinn talks about spending 8 hours at a ball game 59:04 Quinn presents his favorite things 1:11:43 Goat yoga 1:13:53 Maggie J discusses what you should know before starting graduate school 1:18:40 Parking girl story 1:26:42 Top 10 horse names 1:34:13 Happy Fathers Day song 1:37:15 Quinn rants against losing Democrats 1:41:28 Moving to Baltimore 1:51:43 Crack princess 2:00:25 Quinn sings Bette Midler 2:01:30 PBR & Chips / Alaska Facts / Travis Webb / Ptarmagin Parade 2:14:03 Dad roasts the crap out of Quinn 2:16:57 Quinn sings Death Cab for Cutie 2:19:22 Quinn, Ryan, and Kristen discuss Rockford food 2:27:23 Quinn and Uncle Andy preview the upcoming football season 2:41:54 Opening a wine bottle without a corkscrew 2:53:00 Quinn and Matthew can’t sing 2:57:16 Matthew tells the rug story 3:00:22 Matthew takes over the podcast 3:05:32 $16 breakfast in South Dakota? 3:09:13 Quinn and Haley discuss indie bands and long Uber drives 3:15:13 Quinn sings Celine Dion in Nashville 3:20:02 Awkwafina 3:22:59 Phone call breakup 3:28:48 Home Pride Oregon 3:30:09 Auntie Anna talks Guyana 3:38:00 Jack offers tips for the fantasy football playoffs 3:41:09 Baltimore Bratwurst Eating Competition 3:53:16 A man a plan a canal PALINDROME 3:57:33 Quinn and Walt discuss “Brothers” starring Tobey 4:03:20 Abbie’s all over the animal kingdom 4:11:49 Ma leads in a moment of silence 4:20:04 Giving your Aunt salami for Christmas 4:26:07 Parting thoughts

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quindavid furnace, host, creator, writer of producer, electrician, best boy, etc., etc., of Quindavid furnace presents the Bean Town podcast, the People's Podcast, one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. Well, folks, friends, fans, we made it. The year one, best in show, special review. If you're here. Thank you. If you're whether you're a new listener or you're with us from day one this podcast officially launched on January 13th, 2018 and we're very excited to be able to bring you this Best of year one special This was a lot of work
Starting point is 00:01:10 Not only editing, you know, close to 40 hours of material down into one special But also just the technological aspects of it and you guys remember from the Christmas Day stream the computer going through some surgery and it's fine, it's in recovery still, but a lot of the technical aspects of it were frustrating at times. I laughed, I cried, I bled, I had a freak screwdriver accident trying to boost my RAM if you will do a little Sean McVay action there,
Starting point is 00:01:48 but everything is hopefully up to speed here. So what are you gonna be listening to in the next four and a half, five hours? Well, we took just about every episode and special is represented here. There are a couple, maybe five or six episodes and maybe one or two specials that didn't make the cut but I promise you I listened to everything and decided what do I really want to include in this year one special and what is okay to leave out
Starting point is 00:02:20 and be left to the bowels of year one history. But we've got guests, we've got friends, there are songs. For the first time ever on the Beentom podcast, there are special sound effects. Anytime we transition between clips, you're going to hear a sound effect later on in the show. We get more into jingles transitioning between our clips here. So it was a lot of fun, pretty goofy, spent a ton of time on this. So hopefully you can appreciate some of that work. But we start right from the beginning and we move towards the end of the year. We start with our first ever introduction to our first ever episode, and we end with West Virginia and Salami.
Starting point is 00:03:14 So that's what's gonna be taking place in the next four and a half, five hours. Anytime you hear one of those sound effects or jingles, it means we're moving to a new clip. Most of the time it's one clip per episode. There are a couple episodes though where we have two different clips from one episode that we include. Those will still be separated by jingles. So you're probably about to hear about, I don't know, 50 to 60 distinct clips, varying lengths, you know, short as under
Starting point is 00:03:47 one minute as long as 15 minutes. So we're going to try to get some time stamps below in the comments here so you can jump around easily, make it a little bit more user friendly. But I hope everyone enjoys. I will come back to you at the end, sing a little end of the year song, and next week we'll begin year 2. So without further ado, I hope everyone enjoys the year 1 in review Hello, this is Quinn. Welcome to the Bean Town Podcast. Coming to you live from 817 St. Paul Street here in beautiful Baltimore, Maryland where it is a casual and cool 35 degrees outside.
Starting point is 00:04:59 What's going on? How are you? Welcome one, welcome all to the inaugural Being Town podcast. Gotta tag this with listener discretion. Portions of the podcast will contain inappropriate language. Other portions are just objectively terrible to listen to. So there is your tag. Purpose of this podcast is not to be entertaining, not pretending to be a comedian. So I apologize for that. Honestly, what I'm doing here is just sort of more of a eyes for that. Honestly, what I'm doing here is just sort of more of a journaling experience for my life, for things that are happening around me. So hopefully, I can look back at
Starting point is 00:05:54 some point in the future and give it a listen, see what's been happening. I know myself, and I was raised, siblings were the same way to write in your journal every day, come up with things that are happening kind of a time capsule sort of thing. And I think my oldest brother, still journals, here and there as far as I'm aware, but I know myself and I know that I don't take time to write things down or really remember stuff that's been going on, but there have been a couple occasions in my life, one that comes to mind is when I was an orientation leader in my undergrad experience a couple years back and they had us write a letter to ourselves
Starting point is 00:06:47 like the beginning of our training period in the spring. And then basically you can see where this is going. We seal the letters, we open them back up, like I don't know if it was like six months or a year later. It just kind of gives you a sense of what was on your mind, what's going on, what's important to you at that point in your life, what you're passionate about. And I don't know, it's a very interesting emotion
Starting point is 00:07:15 that you get from reading letters to yourself. And that's something that I would love to take advantage of more. So consider this me, consider this my, my letters to myself and for anyone else out there who is listening. Thanks for listening. I won't keep you too long. This isn't going to be an hour long spiel. going to be an hour long, spiel, probably rarely will it even hit, you know, half an hour. But just here to talk, it's pretty loose. Not much of a script or an outline or just kind of hanging out, just talking, seeing what's been going on in the past week. So got a couple things I want to touch on here today.
Starting point is 00:08:06 First and foremost, I want to think, one of my best friend, Matthew Feeder, didn't necessarily come up with a project, but talk to me about it and encourage me to go forward and bought a microphone here. We got a Samsung, what is this? The 250 Samsung Samsung not Samsung. It's a knockoff friend. It's like that episode of Seinfeld or in there in Florida're doing the tip calculators and they and Kramer gets them the the knockoff tip calculators from Oh, man. Is it Bob sacamano's father or something like that? It's good stuff and clompus is pissed and It's a good episode. I will watch that later today, and I'll report back to you, but is a good episode. I will watch that later today and I'll report back to you. But this is already using a student of SOS for this work. This is Renee from Renee. Isn't that
Starting point is 00:09:24 Ren? That's the girl from even Stevens. What a show. A few quick questions for it. So this is going to be like a lightning round sort of thing if I'm reading this correctly. I'll look at these questions. OK, here we go. You're going to get your money's worth. If a guy sets up a pyramid of empty soda cans, he knocks them over with a karate chop, but only his brother is visible at the time who gets in trouble
Starting point is 00:09:44 and have first hand experience with that. It's the guy who didn't knock them over. If you were 4-11 and 75 pounds, I know someone like that. What would it take to convince you to agree to your unlimited backyard football with a couple of six plus footers? We were not six plus feet at the time, but that is a timely question because I wrote, it's part of my 2017 has been like
Starting point is 00:10:08 series of Facebook statuses from back in December. If you didn't check it out, encourage you to go look at it. There's some good tidbits in there. All truthful. It's on my personal Facebook page, Quinferness. Probably a ring pop. There's this kid in my class who dresses up like a different animated character each day. Can't help but stare. What do I do? Take pictures, post them on Facebooks, and get a season to cis letter from her father who is a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Next question. My eight-year-old nephew was obsessed with his Metallica beanie. He wants to wear it all the time. Should I encourage his good taste or cut him off? He is eight after all. Answer. Make him of the 500 fly. Last question, my roommate keeps trying to burn notebooks
Starting point is 00:10:51 in our backyard wearing nothing, but slippers, yellow shorts and a helmet. How do I tell him it's just not working? My yellow shorts are legendary and looking at them right now. They're sitting over the back of my chair. This is a real question. If you go to my YouTube page, which is, I believe, Quinn Furnace, you can see those yellow shorts that helmet
Starting point is 00:11:16 in action. I won't tell that whole story of the burning the notebook, but essentially it paid 80 bucks for this collection of loose leaf or like PDF printed pages. You could have accessed online in two clicks if you would have given you access to it. That was my lovely professor from grad school who I'm not a fan of. Let's keep it to that. But to answer your question, how do I tell him it's just not working?
Starting point is 00:11:49 I would say it's too thick. That's probably what I would say. Tuesday night, I had Russian food at a Russian restaurant for the first time in my life. Never been to a Russian restaurant before. I had a friend from grad school who was in town. That was fun. And I think the default thing here on the podcast
Starting point is 00:12:18 would be to just tell a bunch of lame Russian jokes. So I don't want to do that. I don't want to just resort to a bunch of stereotypes. If I just told those jokes, I would just be stalling the whole time. So I did while I was at the restaurant, you know, there are some people at the bar talking and I try to avoid spoilers, you know, for major movies, TV shows, that sort of thing. I did, unfortunately, have my favorite, like, competition game show
Starting point is 00:12:50 spoiled for me. You know, I've been pulling for Ivan this entire season on Dancing with the Zars, but I heard that he had a terrible performance. And he got kicked off. So they lopbed his head right off, just like in the old days, hashtag, ostelavista, counselor, am I right? But it came time to turn the food. I, what the hell do I know about Russian food? I know you got the potatoes and lot keys. Is that a Russian thing?
Starting point is 00:13:22 I don't know. It sounds like it might be. Couldn't decide, honestly, if I wanted something sweet, something savory. This is your classic stuck between a rock band and off in a hard place type of situation. So eventually, I, with the help of my friend, made up my mind, got them on Machenka, M-A-C-H-A-N-K-A. It is kind of like this, there was chicken and
Starting point is 00:13:51 kielbasa, served with like these crepes and it was all kind of in this, not really a sauce, but it was the consistency is tough to explain. I think there are some mashed potatoes as part of it. I don't really know what it was. It was pretty good. Honestly, in regards to my expectations, it kind of missed the marks a little bit, but it was fine. So, dry month for me, I ended up having just some tea
Starting point is 00:14:24 to go with my machonka, but got it, Talia, those Moscow mules looked pretty appetizing over at the bar, so next time. Go back there next weekend and get an alcoholic beverage. We were getting ready to leave, tried to pay the check, but tell you what, at this restaurant, the Czechs pay you. It was nuts. Anyways, it was really nice to be able to catch up that old friend from graduate school, Hashtag, Putin, the commune back in communism, alright. you be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so, I'm so and then I'll say I'll stop. Su-be-zu-be-zu. Su-be-zu-be-zu.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Su-be-zu-be-zu. Su-be-zu-be-zu. Want to kiss on to. Su-be-zu-be-zu. Su-be-zu-be-zu. Su-be-zu-be-zu. Su-be-zu-be-zu. So be so be so So be so be so Oh, I'm in the room So be so be so
Starting point is 00:16:14 So be so be so So be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be so be, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, so, so be so, so be so, so be so, so, do, do, do, do. Mother Jane Dennison Furnace has decided no more. She's not listening to the podcast. After we were talking about some dating tips last week, she wasn't a fan of that. So apparently my own mother has has never been on a date before. But yeah, mom's off the podcast, so that's a bummer. But we're gonna, we're gonna plot on anyways. You know, we lost about half of our subscribers after that we're down from two to one. But, but I shall persist. Wasn't that, that was a big, like Hillary Clinton thing or something, she persisted. Hasht, a couple years back, TBT.
Starting point is 00:18:07 This is the first annual Bean Town podcast, Pledge Drive, Telethon. If you're looking to donate, the phone lines are open, 815-298-7200. If you call and you get a call waiting message, just keep trying. We will get to your phone calls. We'd love to have it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Donate to Venmo, Quinn-Fernis. That's QuinnQIN-Fernis. F-U-R-N-E-S-S. If you just have questions, comments, or concerns, or you want to air your grievances, you can email us at beantownpodcasts. At, that's beantown. B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N, podcast at
Starting point is 00:18:46 We'd love to get in touch with you. We're also on Twitter. We are on Facebook. You know where to find us. There are a million ways to get in touch with us. You know how to find us. Anyways, let's read this week's advice questions, relationship advice.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You know you can always send your questions to us. Love to read them on air. We always keep you anonymous. Oh, last one we have is an interesting one that just kind of Snuck up on me the other day. A form 5498. 5498. Yep. Hey, we didn't talk about this in rehearsal, did we? It sure is IRA contribution information. Now, you only, so tell me this, I've heard that you only have to do IRA tax stuff if you withdrew from that account in that year and that you really don't need to do anything if you're just
Starting point is 00:19:57 depositing. Is that correct? I would say it kind of depends on my experience with IRAs is fairly limited. I will tell you a short story of a man who withdrew from his IRA. I actually did his personal taxes and this was two years ago when I was in my prime. And he bought us $60,000 because he withdrew early. That he was slapped with at $60,000 because he withdrew early that he was slapped with a $60,000 fine Don't withdraw from your IRAs early kids. That'd be a lesson to you
Starting point is 00:20:31 but It depends there's quite a few different IRAs out there and Honestly, the IRS wants to report everything all the way down to any cash that you receive that doesn't flow through, you know, actual tax forms. How many of us actually do that? But the thing about like IRAs, they're going to be submitting information to the IRS separately. And basically what they do is they'll take all compared to like an employer first.
Starting point is 00:21:10 So let's say your employer, they keep track of your wages and all taxes and they send you W2. Well, your employer sends the W3 to the IRS and you send your W2 to the IRS and basically the IRS just matches it to make sure that it agrees because if you weren't to file your taxis they'd know that there was someone that didn't. Basically there's a loose end up there. So I would suggest the same thing with the form was it 5498, 5498. Yeah, 5498. By 498.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, it's better just to do it than to not. That's my guess. OK, last thing we have to do here is make our best picture picks. And I am being completely honest right now and that I have thought about this for weeks and weeks and up until this moment I still don't have a pick that I feel confident in. I in my opinion it's coming down to three films so I see and I kind of parallel this to last year. So last year I felt like Lalla Land and Manchester by the sea
Starting point is 00:22:28 were both really strong contenders. And then Moonlight was also a contender but more of the Dark Horse candidate. For me this year, I view that as shape of water and three billboards kind of being the two front runners and get out being that Dark Horse candidate. For as much as I love Dunkirk, I just don't think the academy is going to go for it. And I also really loved calling by your name and it might
Starting point is 00:22:51 be my favorite movie of the year along with Ladybird, but they don't seem to be legitimate contenders for it. So on the spot now, having to make a pick for best picture, I am going to go with get out. And that's my, maybe my boldest pick of the night here, but Ryan, what do you think is for best picture? Yeah, you just went completely dark horse in there. I like it.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I like it. You know, my thought process behind it is, like I said before, the post, you know, that's like their political statement, that's what they want to make. But I don't think they're going to make it this year. And I think it's either, you know, the favorites is either, like you said, the shape of water or three billboards. And the real dark courses, you know, political statement is get out and ladybird.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There's just such young, raw talent in those two films. Man, I got to give you three billboards though. That is, it's hard not to pick that one. Yeah, yeah. So my, the one thing that just kept sticking in the back of my head is I was going through these films is that in my opinion the last two years dark horses won so two years ago it was spotlight The Mark Ruffalo film and then last year of course moonlight one Neither of those films came into the award ceremony like the clear frontrunner
Starting point is 00:24:21 Not that there is necessarily a clear front runner, although I would argue Lalla Land was a pretty clear front runner last year. So I am just gonna try to keep riding that train of dark horse and we'll see what happens. I don't know, the only you alluded to, the only film gonna be upset if it wins is darkest hour, but I can't imagine a world where that happens. Yeah, these were all films that I enjoyed, had no reservations with them, except
Starting point is 00:24:53 for darkest hour being a little bit of Oscar bait, but yeah, I mean, we'll see what happens. I did like it out, thought it was a really important film and just spectacular that that was Jordan Peele's kind of first shot at and that's what he came up with was really cool to see. We are coming to you live with a beautiful fine wine from the company black house. It is a vented 20 over 15, which, you know, if you reduce the fraction correctly, that's your classic 4 over 3 situation. Let's see what else can we find out about this. It's a Merlot, California.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Welcome to the hotel Merlot, California. Welcome to the Hotel Merlot, California. That's what I say. Now, if you don't know Merlot is a red wine, which is darker than your average white wine. It's tasty. It's heavier. It gets you pretty buzzed. Let me take a sip, and I'll get the flavor profile going here.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It's tangy like a peach. Let's see situated next to the Grand Willow tree and natural pond. The old backhouse was once home to ventnersner's. Isn't that a monopoly square? Vintner Avenue, Vintner, something like that, is a light blue. Writers, artists, and those who create the solitude and enjoyment of nature sounds like some call me by your name stuff. Through our wines, we strive to bring these memories back to life for a new generation Star Trek next generation. Hell of a show. Backhouse Merlot is Garnet in color, Kevin Garnet.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Anything's possible. That was classic. Flavors of black cherry on the palette. Play that fucking music, boy. Soft and compliant, like a title 9 school, this more low can be enjoyed with rich red pasta dishes. Now I'm gonna stop you right there, wine bottle. What are we doing if we're on a low carb diet? You know, some of us can't handle the rich grainy nature that pasta has to offer. Look, I'm not anti-pasta.
Starting point is 00:27:29 All I'm saying is there's a lot of carbs, there's a lot of calories in pasta. Maybe next time shoot for some zucchini noodles or eggplant parmesan even. Well let's let's finish this off here. You know, you enjoyed with Rich Radpasta dishes and is a fine accompaniment, it was my job in college, to chocolate. Well, I don't have any chocolate in the house, but I do have one of those peppered farms cakes that you get in the freezer. You should have seen it for dinner. It's not what we had for dinner.
Starting point is 00:28:06 We had some fajitas, but had that for dessert, birthday cake, love some birthday cake, don't have any candles. So I took a stick of incense, lit it on one end and stuck it on the top of the cake, the other end, and saying happy birthday to myself in my apartment and how to slice a cake. So that's how my birthday's been going. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- Let's move into our last segment. It's actually a new segment that we are pretty excited about here. It's called, what are your guys thoughts on dot dot dot?
Starting point is 00:28:51 And Eclipse is what they they call it when you have the three dots Eclipse sees, I think the three dots in a row. So yeah, we're starting a new segment basically. We're just gonna we're gonna talk about some issues and each week we'll get it going on the Facebook chats, on the Insta chat, if we get a profile on there. And we'll just kind of get your thoughts and we'll kind of take those into consideration as we're talking about the following week on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:29:24 you know, we might hit the streets a little bit We might be taking it to the streets just like Mike McDonald used to sing see it's coming full circle to what we were doing Last week two weeks ago with her Michael McDonald impression But yeah, we just want to we want to ask some some important questions and you know a lot of times this podcast is me rambling and kind of the heart hitting scripted comedy, the bits that you see stand up. So we're trying to balance it out here and there. We want this podcast to be for everyone. So last thing we're going to talk about tonight, what are your guys thoughts on the 19th Amendment? That is our topic.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Let me read out what the 19th Amendment is all about here. If you don't know, um, it was passed adopted on August 18th, 1920. Here's the text. We'll read it straight forward. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or bridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. So that's the bill. If we're kind of doing a little spark notes action here, basically what it's saying is you can't be denied your right to vote whether you're or depending on you know whether you're a man or a woman that Your gender has or your sex has no impact on whether you can vote or not
Starting point is 00:30:55 It's just the age thing so the to give let's let's do some historical context before this men was passed in a lot of states You can only vote if you were a man and after the amendment passed, you could vote whether you're a man or a woman. So I just want to put that out there. What are your guys thoughts on that? I see, I come back and forth on these sorts of things, but the thing that I always try to think of is, you don't want to be on the wrong side of history. You know, your kids or your grandkids might ask you, you know, I'm in 20 to 50 years, say, Grandpa Q, Grandpa Q Dave, you know, you came out in full force in 2018 and supported the 90th
Starting point is 00:31:36 Amendment. Do you stand by your decision? And I want to say, yeah, I think, yeah, I support the right of women to vote. I think people are people, and I don't see color, and I don't see gender. They should be able to vote, no matter what's political party or gender or sex or color they are. I don't want it to be 2050 and my grandkids are saying,
Starting point is 00:32:06 hey, old fart, why aren't you back in your assinus, islam, and also why did you say you disagreed with the 19th Amendment? People are people. They should be able to vote. We're colorblind. And I'll say, you're right. Grandkids, I botched that one.
Starting point is 00:32:26 When I think back on it, now I think women should have been able to vote. And so we just want to avoid that situation. So what are your guys thoughts on that? Where do you fall on that? Do you think people are people? Are you genderblind? Do you think men and women should be able to vote equally?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Or do you think that there is, do you think there's something to this gender hierarchy? Do they actually have it going, you know, they have they've been right all along. So let's just get that discussion going, you know, we'll open it up on Facebook to kind of get your reactions. But yeah, I just wanted to introduce that new segment. What are your thoughts on? And this week we're talking all about the 19th Amendment. So that should get some robust discussion going and hopefully we'll get some good contributions. Go back to this problem I have with God.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Not here to offend anybody, not here to attack anybody. Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty against organized religion. not here to offend anybody, not here to attack anybody. Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty against organized religion and kind of in that vein, I'm against a lot of scripture and that sort of thing, but here's my issue and it's directly about the Passover story. Now, if you haven't seen the Ten Commandments in a while or your copy of Exodus is collecting dust on the shelf
Starting point is 00:33:51 as mine is, basically what we're dealing with here is the Ten Plagues. And the Tenth Plague is God says that he's going to smite all the first born Egyptian sons in all of Egypt. And you know what he does? It wasn't even an empty threat. He, the angel of death, which I think is like our secretary of state or something, if you're trying to like figure out where where he falls in the hierarchy, you know, maybe like third in line if if God ever got, you know, took taken down
Starting point is 00:34:32 a couple notches. Angel of death sweeps through the whole nation. This is after they turned the portable drinking water red or into blood by the way the way, kind of your wedding at Cana situation there. And he smites down all the first born babies except for the Israelites who supposedly are the good guys because they're chosen people, yada, yada, yada, who are, you know, they're smearing the blood across the top of their doorposts. But the Egyptians, God didn't give them the memo. And he just went in there and killed presumably hundreds of thousands of people that night. So that's my issue with Passover. Apologies for the language here, kind of a dick move there, God.
Starting point is 00:35:27 So that's what I wanted to say about that. I'm not gonna attack anyone's religion anymore after that. But Passover, I think a lot of people are doing their Passover dinners tonight. I tell you what, I do a Passover dinner every night. I pass an over at the vegetables and I'm going straight for the carbs. That's how I live my life. Oh boy, I've been waiting like two and a half hours to tell that joke since I thought of it at the grocery store this morning. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you.
Starting point is 00:36:42 By now you should have somehow realized what you got to do. I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now. Backbeat, the word is on the street, but the fire in your heart is out. I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had it down. I don't believe it anybody, the use the way I do about you now. And all the roads we have to walk winding And all the lights and lead us there, reminding There are many things that I like to say to you
Starting point is 00:37:39 But I don't know how, because maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me. And after all, you're my wonder, won't you? Today was gonna be the day, but we'll never throw it back to you. By now you should have somehow realized what you're not to do I don't believe it anybody He's the way I do About you now And all the bros And each of you there ever winding
Starting point is 00:38:40 And all the lights And lights away're blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how It said maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me And after all, you're my wonder wand I said maybe, say maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me, that saves me. And after all, you're my wonder wall. I said maybe, say maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me.
Starting point is 00:39:50 That saves me, you're gonna be the one that saves me. That saves me, you're gonna be the one that saves me. That saves me, that saves me. So I'm pretty jealous of your skills and abilities, but the first question is just how did you first become interested or how long have you been stamping and making cards? Well, I first became interested in 1994 when Grandpa retired and we started going to San Diego. And I will say at this point San Diego California, because your listeners might even know that. We are very close to the purpose of 50 tests, it has a population of 5,000. When you are talking to San Diego along here, you have to be sure to say San Diego California.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Sure. We started going in 1994 and while in the winter, just for four months to get out of the Minnesota cold, and while we were there, I discovered that their community at was totally free, and they had an entire book of classes in Kitech, and one of them was reading card making. So I went to the first class, which was held in a church. It was once a week on Wednesdays for two hours. And I continued to go to that class for the whole 10 years that we went to San Diego, California.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Wow. And that's where I learned everything that I knew about stamping. It was just starting to get big. Did you, so you became a regular at this class? You would probably walk in and they'd be like, hey, Sal, we got your order already, yeah. Exactly. Oh, 15 of us that went every week.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And of course, I miss them. Same way, you're wrong. And I only got to go four months off of the year. Sure. There was always so much fun to come back and see them all. Yeah. There's always so much fun to come back and see the ball again. Oh, baby. Here we go. So, this is from Ashley B in Blair, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Hi, Ashley. Thanks for calling in. So I'm with my boyfriend right now as I'm writing this and honestly I'm so bored I had to write this Oh, that's a tough crowd I heard the best relationships are boring because zero drama. I don't know who told you that but the drama thing is zero drama good boring bad right keep those bees together The drama thing is zero drama good, boring, bad, right?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Keep those bees together. Like you're an apierist, that's what I would say. But to me that's BS. I'm not saying cook up drama like a bunch of kids, but if you've been with a guy for just two months and are already this bored, then what's left? I bring up things that interest me, but no response. He always wants to talk about some serious stuff,
Starting point is 00:43:29 things that are important, but not compulsory to talk on every day. Not the best phrasing there. Maybe you run this by your English teacher first. He is content, just sitting down silently and counting down the days. Jesus Christ, that is grim as hell. Counting down the days to what?
Starting point is 00:43:48 You know, I thought if Jesus was gonna make return, it was gonna be during that 2012 mind calendar stuff. And six years later, all we got was a crappy John Qsack movie. Moving on, me, I want someone I can be myself with. Well, it sounds like it kind of are. He asked once why I don't call him when I want to have fun, laugh or open up.
Starting point is 00:44:10 And the answer is because you don't respond. Boom. Don't know what to do to be honest. Well, she writes TBH for any of you older listeners. I know we've been trying to tap into the 80 to 89 demographic after last week's podcast. And let's do a little siden right there. Thank you so much. we've been trying to tap into the 80 to 89 demographic after last week's podcast. And let's do a little side-in-right there.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Thank you so much. This should not have had to have waited 42 minutes to get in, but thank you to my grandma Sally for coming on the podcast. Live last week to talk about stamping, to talk about cruises, to talk about China. You should have seen my hands. It did the motion so good, better than the produce himself. We had a great time.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It was our most highly reviewed podcast yet. One of our highest listen to one. So, I do apologize for this one because let's see. We're coming off of Jack two weeks ago, my brother, and then my grandmother sell last week. Those are both really strong podcasts, great reviews, kept it brief enough. This one has been kind of all over the place, a little bit of a crash and burn type of deal, so do apologize.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But thank you to my grandmother last week for coming on. That was fantastic. We are going to be coming to live We're going on the road again later this summer for one maybe two podcasts probably two But we're gonna be coming you live out from Alaska slash Canada and We might be able to get my grandma's cell back on the podcast at a time since she got such great reviews the first time. We would like to get her back on again before too long. So look out for that. That would be in late July, really August.
Starting point is 00:45:55 But back to this advice question. Well, Ashley, here's what I got to tell you. If you're not happy, then you're not happy, you know? And if you feel like he's this weirdo who's counting down the days until what, which you did not really specify, but it might be time that you get a new boo, you know? This guy doesn't sound like he's got a lot going on. So yeah, give him
Starting point is 00:46:28 another chance. You might just want to show him what you wrote here. And you know, you can have him listen to the podcast, show him this advice. He kind of sounds like a loser, you know, like my favorite beck song. And as great as that song was, you know, Soyoon, Pear to Door, you don't want to date Un Pear to Door. You want to date Un Champion, you know, so. The Grant number two is is going to get a little personal and if you're listening to this you probably There's the potential that you've given me this excuse in the past so so first and foremost I want to Preferences by saying this is not a personal attack because I've known so many people who do this. And it's not attacking a person, I'm attacking this excuse because I don't think it's a valid excuse and I'm calling
Starting point is 00:47:35 bullshit on it. Again, happy to have people reach out and explain what they mean when they use this excuse, but on its surface level, it's total crap. So here it is. People who kind of either cancel plans or just say that they can't do something because they have to pack, that's it. How, okay, I know that I'm a man and I am not like a neat freak.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I'm not super well dressed. I'm pretty low maintenance. But come on. I was doing this weekend trip to Memphis and I recognized some of you have longer trips and you're going to different climates. That's fine. If I was coming to Memphis for a week, seven days, even two weeks,
Starting point is 00:48:30 this would not change my process drastically. We're talking plus five minutes, perhaps. I woke up yesterday morning before coming in to work at 8.30 a.m. I wake up in extra 15 minutes early, 15.15 to pack. Why? Because here's what that process looks like for me. And please reach out and tell me what your process looks like for you because I just don't get it. I pull out my suitcase, I pack any work shoes or gym shoes that I might need depending on what I'm wearing before my flight.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I pack one or two pairs of pants, depending on how long I'm going for. I pack one or two shirts, depending on how long I'm going for. And underwear and socks and a belt and ties. And in terms of like what I need while I'm actually traveling, I have a book, I make sure I have my music, I have all my chargers and my toiletries. What else are you guys packing that is taking your whole effing night? I don't understand. Like are people
Starting point is 00:49:46 night. I don't I don't understand. Like are people, am I just weird and then I'm not standing in front of my closet for half an hour to stand either like, hmm, maybe I'll wear this this day or, ooh, I don't know if that matches. Get your pants, get your shirt. As long as you don't look like a German tourist, I guarantee you're going to be fine. I just, I don't get it. If you can shed light on that, please go for it. I know 15 minutes is on the short end of quote unquote packing. But who's not doing something fun, social, or whatever, the night before they're traveling because they have to pack?
Starting point is 00:50:22 I just don't get it. The way I see it, it's just an excuse or not wanting to do something and that's, okay, if you don't want to do something that's fine. Just say, I don't want to do it. I think people try to be a little bit too nice sometimes and dance around the bush say, hey, I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. But I have to pack, you can't lead with that, right? So that's what I wanted to say about that. We're going to move on. So, I yesterday was toolin' around in the morning, didn't really have much to do, had a day off, and decided I would check in knowing the Orioles were in town
Starting point is 00:51:09 to see how much tickets were for a game, usually pretty cheap, but it was a weekend, so in a divisional game. So they go, well, let's check it out. So two things here. One, learned that they were playing a double header game starting at 3.05 pm, second game scheduled to start half an hour after the first one ends. And also, it was single price admission for both games, which I guess probably has happened before,
Starting point is 00:51:39 but that's not the way the Cubs usually do at Rigly Field. It's almost always play game clear clear everybody out, gate closes, gate reopens, new tickets, that sort of thing. Cammy Yars, it was just a big long party yesterday. Once you're in, you're in for eight hours of baseball. So I go there, well, first things first, I buy a ticket online, $9. It's like $11 with all the fees and stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Not bad for two baseball games. I go to the grocery store, so Camny Yards, if you don't know, if you've never been there, has an extremely liberal food and beverage policy. So liberal, it's like if Cory Booker was the mayor of Chicago or something. And so I go to the eddies on eager, get a pack of brats, get a pack of buns and a gatorade, you know, one of those not like the giant ass, you
Starting point is 00:52:42 know, 40 ounce things, but like the not in the standard size, I don't know what it is, it's probably like 25 ounces or something. And boy, off track. Get those things, cook them my broth, seal them in a bag, and take them out. And then you can just go to the store and do the dishes. And then you can just go to the store and do the dishes. five ounces or something. Uh, and boy, off track. Get those things, cook them my broth, seal them in a bag, and take them into the ballpark. And it was so hot, it was like 90-ish degrees that, you know, it sure, the, the, the, the broths weren't great.
Starting point is 00:53:18 You know, five hours after they were cooked, but it was better than paying 10 bucks for, you know, if I bought five even hot dogs at a game that probably would have cost me, oh, what the dog can yours for like six bucks. So about $30, the dogs or the, the, the brats and the buns I bought all together cost like $7. So we're saving like 80% right there. And yeah, I'm okay with that. Some people are like, oh my god, gross. You cooked those brats and you didn't eat them for like another five hours. Well, listen here, sister.
Starting point is 00:53:52 You got to do what you got to do to save money. So $10 tickets, paid like $10 total for food. I guess I bought a summer shanty. There's another eight bucks. So that's $28 for eight hours of baseball and a full day of eating. So I'll take that, that's not so bad. We went, Game 1 was quick, painless, O's 1, Game 2 everything started fine. It was just a slower game in general than the rain started. If you saw my Snapchat story last night, it was hailing, crazy thunder and lightning. Got a really cool video.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Over M&T Bank Stadium of the lightning, which was kind of a cool visual to see. Game 2, Rangela last but an hour. Finally, picks back up. The last, what was it, fornings of that game, just absolutely painful. Relief pitchers so slow. The only people's the only team scoring was the raise. Oh, it's got their nuts smashed. It was bad. There was more nutcracking in that one than the dance of the shirt.
Starting point is 00:55:02 This is a seasonal joke. I'm not sure if I can get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to
Starting point is 00:55:17 get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a chance to get a I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can do it. Their World Series year, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:55:45 It was either two or three years ago, game into the 13th inning. It was probably about four and a half, five hour game. Javier Baez, he had a walkoff home run in the bottom of the 13th. It was awesome. It was, they were wearing a pink helmet, I think,
Starting point is 00:56:01 and he would hit into the left field bleachers where all the moms were their pink t-shirts were. It was awesome. And I was, you know, I think, and he hit into the left field bleachers where all the moms were. They're pink t-shirts where it was awesome. And I was, you know, I was sitting there enjoying it and thinking, damn, mom, you, you made a great son. He looks good and he goes to games by himself. And that was the other fun thing about, about that game. I was there, you know, it's a Sunday afternoon, really nice weather, Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:56:22 It's a, it's a popular time to go to the ballpark. There are all the moms and they're getting all their love. And there I am, like a 20-year-old kid sitting there by myself. So that's pretty typical of the way I operate here. But that was fun. But that was the longest game I think I'd ever been to. Thankfully, neither of these games yesterday went to extra innings.
Starting point is 00:56:48 If that second one would have gone at extra innings and it was like, you know, midnight. And I was on my 10th hour baseball. I don't think I would have stayed till the end. I think I would have just walked. But I did. I can say I stayed for an entire double header baseball with a rain delay. Proud of that who who's Camden Yards. Little PSA for people going to Camden Yards,
Starting point is 00:57:10 the usher's there, mostly older, nice, retired people. I say nice, loosely. I was at a game, so I didn't witness this yesterday because I was sitting way up. But I was at a game on I didn't witness this yesterday because I was sitting way up. But I was at a game on Wednesday night, Camden. And it's one thing if you got your Usher station, like at the top of a section, top of the stairs going into a section, to like, ask to see someone's ticket. Like, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:57:37 You know, if whatever, I don't care. You got the right to do that. What they were doing at the ballpark on Wednesday night, they were like, not like, they were doing random seat checks. You have an usher, I witnessed this, I had a great view of this, you just like, go into the sections, and this isn't behind home play, this isn't the outfield. And just asked to see people's tickets who were sitting
Starting point is 00:58:01 there, not because there was like other people who had their, those seats, these us tickets who were sitting there, not because there was other people who had those seats. These usherers were just doing it randomly. There's your PSA. If you're going to candy yards and you want to try to get better seats, be careful because some of them are pretty judicious. I don't mind if you're doing the, can I see your ticket to make sure you're in the right spot thing. I do kind of mind that if it's after like the sixth inning, because what's the deal, you know, especially, so these are outfield seats.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Wouldn't you want those seats to be filled on TV, like, because those are the ones that get shown if there's a home run or something? I don't know. I don't quite understand the logic behind it especially the random spot checking but anyways moving on that was my Saturday spent eight hours at Kenyarts I don't see what else has happened. Cross. Where are their games yesterday? It's the quarter finals, right?
Starting point is 00:59:11 So there was... Boy. ESPN app. You're kind of letting me down today, guys. Not too pleased with that. They're letting me go back, but they won't let me go forward. Quinn's getting upset. This week on the podcast, listen, this Quinn tried to navigate his phone application. It's a thrilling and riveting podcast for all you across the country listening. Let's go ahead
Starting point is 00:59:42 before we get too long here. Let's jump into my favorite things and then we'll circle back to LaCrosse. So this is a list of like, I don't know, there's probably 12 things, 10 things that I sort of just came up with off the top of my head. Quinn's favorite things. Number one, this is pertinent or this pertains to my Snapchat story last night. People who don't post hour-long Snapchat or Instagram videos of the concert that they're attending. We've talked about this before on the podcast, but I'm very passionate about this. When you go to a concert, you have every right to be pumped, to be excited, to share,
Starting point is 01:00:24 want to share that experience with your friends great. But I don't want to be clicking through your, you know, concert for like five minutes of just click, click, click, click, click. That's like 20 minutes of actual watch time. Take a video of like two or three songs maybe four if it's really good like Jason Miraz or Justin Guarini and that's that's what you get you know that's your limit nobody wants to see a billion videos take an actual video of it and
Starting point is 01:00:59 then post it to Facebook or something but don't don't do it on the snap chat or the instant chat or the Instagrams just we don't do it on the Snapchat or the Insta chat or the Instagrams. We don't want to see that. I'll use myself an example. I went last night for Telly's posted a video of Flathead, posted a video of the course one time, and that was like an 18 second video. That's it.
Starting point is 01:01:19 That's all you got. People understood that I was there. I got to share my experience, shared one of their most famous songs, and everyone's happy. You're not clicking through my Snapchat story for 20 minutes of your life. So, starting on a positive note, I favor everything, people who don't post those videos. Next, everything going to the movies alone. I love it. I like to be able to chill, especially if it's almost or completely empty theater. Put your feet up, bring your flask, and just have a day.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Similarly, going to baseball games alone or with people who understand the game, but considering I don't have any friends, it's usually just be going alone. So I do like going to those things alone, not that I don't like going with other people. In fact, when I used to live in Chicago, for as many times as I would go to games alone,
Starting point is 01:02:18 I would buy a ticket for a friend and take them. But yeah, I don't know. I don't like, you know, my least favorite feelings when I'm at a game with someone and you can tell that they're just not into it and they don't want to be there. But like, baseball is your favorite thing and you really want to be there. So trying to find that balance is never fun. It's always a little uncomfortable. So I don't mind going alone. Something else, one of my favorite things, my 10 year olds iPod. It is an iPod nano, is that what we're calling it?
Starting point is 01:02:52 It's green, it's got a screen, and then a little wheel under it. I bought it after a piano lesson in like seventh grade, which is when you're at what, like 12. So this iPod is at least 10 years old, probably older than that, between 10 and 12 years old. Occasionally, I'll put some new music on there. The most recent stuff I put on there was some Portugal, the man, I think, and Arcade Fire. But those are really the only two bands that have put on there in the last year
Starting point is 01:03:29 It's got everything you know it's got some OG Kanye It's got some Kelly Clarkson. I got Sinatra on there. I have Beethoven on there Yeah, I got the B-52s this iPod is everything you could ever want none of that modern Cardi B or Bruno Mars shit, although I do have one Bruno Mars song What was his original one? You're amazing. Just the way you are.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is style. Look at that night shining. But I was her eyes for perfect clean. I'm her. I'm trying. She's so beautiful. Not telling her and 3 day.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I got that sign on there, but not the not the new stuff. Not the super bowl Bruno Mars, you know, Hashtag, not my Bruno Mars. So, big fan of my 10-year-old iPod, it has been through multiple marathons, it's been through a lot of other races, it has moved across the country, it has flown across the country, it has been to Africa. Yeah, love my iPod. And, I don't know, It's had its ups and downs in terms of usability and functionality the battery life is not great right now, but I can probably still get solid
Starting point is 01:04:55 for five hours out of it less if I'm shuffling all the time But yeah big fan fan. Next, Southern Gospel music. Now, for as much as time as I've dedicated on this podcast to just railing on scripture and the concept of organized religion, I tell you what, those Southern Gospels, they know how to make some music. If you don't know, go check out the Gay Through Vocal Band and then some of their solo stuff whether it's David Phelps who is one of the best voices I've ever heard listen to David Phelps sing O'Holy Night that's a very famous YouTube clip you
Starting point is 01:05:33 gotta check that out I don't care if it's May it's like one of the greatest things of all time yeah check them out David Phelps Guy Penrod Michael English Mark Lowry Those guys are all fantastic singers love Southern gospel music Next thing that I really like one of my favorite things eating a sandwich when buzzed I Famous around these parts for getting the like 15 inch 7 11 sandwich for five bucks, win buzzed, and you take it home and you eat it up, and it's actually not half bad.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I like to get the Italian, it's got lettuce, and salami, and provolone, and that's just good stuff. And it's even better when you're three beers in. Big fan of a 7-11 sandwich. Best, you know, if we're talking sandwiches, best value out there on the market, even makes subway way better, or look like shit, apart in the language here. Next thing on my list of favorite things, trivia. So I got to put in a little glute, a little plug here,
Starting point is 01:06:47 been playing trivia down south, about two miles south of my apartment. Been playing there for, oh, I don't know, the better part of 2018. And one couple, maybe once or twice as And one couple, maybe once or twice as part of a team, but it's been well documented on this podcast that my team members have just kind of given up, dropped off the face of the earth, stopped playing. I don't know why they don't text me back, which is just standard protocol these days. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Boy Cue has now played trivia by himself three straight weeks. Not even me and one other person just straight up by myself against teams of the best teams have. There's two other teams that I compete with quite often. One has seven players, one has eight. And two weeks ago, I came in second. And then the night after that, I went back down there to play Star Wars trivia by himself, got third. And you know, it was third out of like 11 teams or something.
Starting point is 01:07:57 The week after that last week in trivia, I came in third, which was tough, but you know, still getting some playoff points, still respectable. Hobby bias is just launched and caught on the track, leaping catch. Wow. Yeah, we're still watching that baseball game, in case you forgot. This past week, three days ago, Thursday night, QDF rolls into the bar and wins first prize in trivia. And I think we'll try to make this a thing now. I'll give everybody either a question I remember or the final question.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I assume you remember that from trivia the week before. And I was super proud of this one. This was the one that I won on. The category is languages. And the question is, this South American country's official language is Dutch. Your boy nailed it. Team that got second action knew it as well. And they're beating me by three points, going into it.
Starting point is 01:08:57 But they didn't do a full bid. And I did. And past them. And those guys are nice, nice, nice team. They're kicking ass in the standings overall, but it feels good to win one, you know. I'm still in the hunt for a playoff spot. Yeah, we're looking to do that. We got two weeks left. I don't know if anybody's going to be joining me for those last two weeks of trivia. I tell you what, if I could get a playoff spot playing by myself, that would be one of my greatest accomplishments
Starting point is 01:09:28 in life, TBH. Let's see, what else is on my list of favorite things? The discount section of the bakery section at the grocery store. There's a little kind of food inception for you, but Big fan walking in, you know, whether it's an Eagle or a Highlander or a Giant, whatever big fan walking in, you know, whether it's an eagle or a highlander or a giant whatever, you walk in, you go straight for that bakery section because you know what you're there for.
Starting point is 01:09:51 You're not here to mess around. And then inside of that bakery section, there's like a separate table. It's just for discounted items. We're talking brownies, danishes, the cookies with detachable frosting. You can sometimes pick those things up for like $1.50. Oh man, you don't need to even have dinner that day because you got it there for $1.50. That's what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:10:15 We're talking flour, we're talking sugar, we're talking eggs, and we're talking milk, and we're talking butter. Five things you need to be happy in life right there. That yeah, that's like, nirvana for me, the discount section of the bakery section at the grocery store. A couple of the things on my list of favorite things for today, waking up without your alarm.
Starting point is 01:10:40 I think that's something that we can all attest to whether it's a weekend and you're just sleeping until you wake up Or if you actually got a decent amount of sleep and you wake up, you know at 6.30 before your alarm goes off and you're ready to go That's a good feeling doesn't happen very often the smell of wood burning Also one of my favorite things. I hope that doesn't make me like a Potential arsonist suspect. I just really like the smell of wood burning. A lot of nostalgia there. Last thing on the list for today before we move
Starting point is 01:11:09 into our next segment, my Tiger Blanket, which is, it's pretty famous worldwide and particularly in my apartment. People come from all over the country to see the Tiger mic it and yeah, it's hanging majestically above my bed. Everybody says that they like it. I'm just a very likable guy. Goat yoga has consumed the nation.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Got a paper the other day USA Today and goat yoga was leading front page online. So what do we know about it? I did a little research and it turns out you go do yoga. You got your different poses, the flying lotus, the downward dog, the jack links, red cup. All things that your yoga lover is out there. Hello to the yoga community. Thanks for tuning in this week. Stuff you guys know and love.
Starting point is 01:12:16 But here's where it gets interesting. If you've ever gone to a pig roast or a barbecue or a goat roast, yoga can work up an appetite. So you go to go to yoga. Here's a great thing. You spend 45 minutes to an hour doing the poses, the Rodney ye stuff, having a good time, you're drinking some brews, it's all fun and games. But you know, your average yoga workout, you finish, and everyone goes their separate ways, and you say, wow, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Guess I'll have to stop home for some fast food. Not anymore. With goat yoga, they get the goat hanging by four limbs from the spit. You rotate it over the fire. It's beautiful. It's a golden brown consistency. It tastes just like chicken. If you never tried go at your yoga
Starting point is 01:13:07 I'm telling you this is the best way to experience it It's an underrated meat. It's flying a little under the radar But I think you're gonna like the way it tastes throw some salt pepper Maybe some cumin on there some red chili flakes red red pepper flakes It's it's gonna be lit. I tell you what, so goat yoga, if you haven't tried it, really good opportunity, you're gonna leave feeling satisfied, that hunger is gonna be gone, perfect blend of spices, 23 flavors, it's all good stuff,
Starting point is 01:13:37 it's all on how you season it. That's your preview on goat yoga. Last my last question for a here is kind of the the big question here and hopefully it'll be helpful to anybody who's listening. In your opinion, what are the biggest things a person should ask themselves or do research on before they time it would generally take to do work and ask yourself if you have that time to kind of, you know, hunker down and really get that work done because it's a really big, crucial thing that you can like find the time. So do you have any outstanding obligations? I might get in the way of that, because if so,
Starting point is 01:14:49 then it might take a little longer to get your degree done and everything, but there's definitely nothing wrong with that. And I guess you're just asking yourself, do you really need to go to grad school like for the career track guess, career trek that you're that you're gunning for. So if you're doing something in your field, do you feel that it's relevant for you or if it's beneficial for you to have a graduate degree under your belt? Because more often than not, especially in today's job market and everything, it's very much...
Starting point is 01:15:28 I would say it's very... it's not as important as it used to be where if you want to go into a specific sect of your potential career field that you might need like a higher educational degree and whatnot but at the same time like there's so many opportunities now in the job market where you can kind of make it with a bachelor's degree or you can apply your knowledge and skills and abilities that you've picked up with your bachelor's degree and to a completely different fieldal, that might be perfect for you and that you really don't want to budge out of because you feel like you can grow in wherever you are.
Starting point is 01:16:10 So it's like a really big option if you feel that graduate school is an intermediate step between you and your career goals or you feel like graduate school is like that necessary step to get to where you need to get to. schools like that necessary step to get to where you need to get to. That, and I feel like, do you feel like your mental state allows for you to pursue graduate school? Because it's such a taxing process to do graduate work, I would say that if you, I don't know, if you have like some kind of
Starting point is 01:16:45 disposition to not focus on work as much or you have that kind of disposition where you get easily distracted or easily frustrated, then you might want to take those extra precautions to make sure that when you are faced with those like more tumulus times and those more like stressful nights of having to cram all these different papers or cram all this information for an exam that you're going to be you're going to have about those things and in terms of graduate programs it might be good to just research the school in general and see. I don't know if there's different resources online where you can just see what people are saying, what people are saying about the programs that they've been in or if there's any kind of anecdotal evidence of a person who's been part of that program,
Starting point is 01:17:45 or it's easy to just kind of ask around with friends and family and even faculty. If you can be connected with someone who's currently in that program, I find that's really helpful too. I've spoken to a lot of people that are interested in my program outside of school, and I've like basically given the rundown and like listen. It's
Starting point is 01:18:07 really difficult. It's nothing like undergrad. So it's really good to get that insider's perspective, especially like it's way more helpful to unbiased because sometimes you will feel like, no, I'm not graduate school. Graduate school is like my whole world, which is nothing wrong with that, but I feel like it just doesn't really capture that other side of it where it's like, there is that stress, there is that potential for burning out, and yeah, that's what I would say
Starting point is 01:18:36 on the matter. I don't know. I don't know. So go on a, go on an online date last night and we're meeting up right around my apartment, scheduled for 7 o'clock. So I get there 7 o'clock on time because I'm an on time type of guy and I get an outdoor table. It's a beautiful night, order my beer.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I get there first. So the girl texts me and says that she's running like 10 minutes behind. I'm like, okay, this is fine. She's driving from the next town over. So I understand. That's okay. So it gets to be about 715 and waiting there 15 and Wait in there and Not here in much eventually she pulls up Beside the she's on the she's on the street, and I'm sitting on the sidewalk in the table And but there's there isn't parking right there. So she yells hey, hey Quinn's this is our first time meeting actually and I say yeah, hey just you just go find a parking spot. Here I am.
Starting point is 01:19:47 And she's like, well, where am I supposed to park? I'm like, first thought is I've figured out yourself. But I'm like, I'm a nice person. People say I'm nice. So I think if you go two bucks south down the street, easy street parking, it's paid to park, but you don't have to pay after eight o'clock, and it's already close to 7.30. You're gonna be perfectly fine just sitting there
Starting point is 01:20:16 the whole night, you don't have to pay at all. Even if you wanted to pay to be better safe, and sorry, it's gonna cost you, I think, a dollar, maybe. So, hey, I just go down there, go park, I'll be here, Better safe and sorry it's gonna cost you I think a dollar maybe so Hey, I just go down there go park. I'll be here, you know five minutes when you when you when you come back So sit there and sit there and we're like texting and she's like I can't find a spot Which is ridiculous because I had just walked by there and I was like I knew that they were spots Keep going keep going. It's like 7 30 now I knew that they were spots. Keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 01:20:43 It's like 7.30 now, 7.35. And I'm like, are you OK? Are you alive? Do you want me to send up a smoke signal or a semaphore signal or something like, what can I do? What can brown do for you? And she's like, man, I still can't find a spot, which it's been over half an hour at this point.
Starting point is 01:21:04 It's frustrating. But anyways, I give her explicit directions to three different areas within like two blocks of where I know that there's parking. One is at a monument. One is in the parking lot of a coffee shop. Like all these places have open parking all the time because every time I need to park around my apartment, I go to these places. And nothing, nothing.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Thing that pissed me off, she kept saying, the GPS is taking me in a crazy direction. What are you using your, what did you put in your GPS? Like what are you looking for? Here's how you park in your GPS? Like, what are you looking for? Here's how you park in any situation. You show up to the place.
Starting point is 01:21:50 If there's parking there, you park. If not, you make concentric circles. It's the George Costanza technique. It's very intuitive. It's very straightforward. You drive in circles around, expanding as you need to until you find a spot. What are you using your GPS for?
Starting point is 01:22:07 Where is your GPS taking you? And what are you searching for? I don't understand. So I give her directions to, you know, this Dunkin' Donuts parking lot. And 10 minutes later, she text me and says, oh, it took me to a different Dunkin' Donuts. I told you the cross streets that the Dunkin' Donuts was at.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Says like, when Michael Scott drives into the lake because he listens to the GPS, just like, but this is real life. So, we hit the PowerPoint and still not here. And I just, at this point, I'm just completely confounded, befuddled, bamboozled even, a fuscated, and I just say, listen, I'm gonna be here for another hour,
Starting point is 01:22:59 which was true, if you decide at some point, you want to park, you can at some point you want to park, you can do it and come join me. But after that hour is up, I'm going home, which was true and that's what I did. She says, let's reschedule. So we did. And this all took place over like hour 15,
Starting point is 01:23:24 hour 20ish until the family decided to reschedule. I just, I have no words that was baffling. Look, here's the thing. Parking in a large city, close to downtown, is never fun for anyone. No one shows up and is like, oh man, I can't wait to find parking here. It's gonna be awesome. But it's really not that tough to park in Baltimore. It's pretty easy compared to other cities with a similar size population uh and where I live in proximity to downtown, Washington DC and Nightmare. Boston is a nightmare. Washington DC and Nightmare. Boston is a nightmare. Even Atlanta can be tough to find parking at times in the downtown region.
Starting point is 01:24:11 It's not hard here in Beentown. I'm not a good parker, not a great parallel parker. I get it sometimes it takes you know five minutes, ten minutes to drive around the block a couple times and look for a spot that you feel comfortable getting into. I understand. But this was over an hour, and for those of you who are listening now saying like, oh dude, she's playing you, she's ghosting you. No, she wasn't, because she lives 20 minutes away, drove down here. I saw her. She, you know, right, she drove past the bar and said hi. So this is just a man. I might be a nice person, but that's a turnoff for me, you know, incompetence. Don't have a ton
Starting point is 01:24:58 of patients for it. I have about half an hour is worth of patients for it, and after that half hour is up, when you take another 45 minutes, I start to lose the patience. So that's the Tinder story that happened to me last night. Thank you for your kind words and your support. I do appreciate it. If you have a terrible Tinder date or anything in the like story of your own that you want to share, please feel free to email me
Starting point is 01:25:30 that is beantown B-E-A-N-T-O-W-N podcast at We would love to hear from you. Always fun hearing from the fans seeing what stories they have I know you guys got stories. I know you're listening to this and you got a fun one to share. It's always anonymous on the podcast. Send me your story. I love to read it on the air. We'll show everybody that. I'm not alone. Really what this boils down to, and this is a phrase I used before, and I'll continue to use it. She's a low Q woman low Q low quality woman She's a low Q woman
Starting point is 01:26:14 Give me give me the low Q man Right low Q woman alert Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, In honor of of justify going for the the triple crown and in honor of horses everywhere I thought it would be fun and I've actually been talking about doing this for a while and I'm thinking about this for a while we are going to do our our top 10 list of horse names created by yours truly. Some of them are just off the top of my head. Some of them are taken from other things. None of them are horse names. They're all given this kind of new angle to them by me, the host creator and best boy of the bean town podcast. So here we go, number one.
Starting point is 01:27:26 And this is the one I share all the time. I tell people, one day I'm gonna own a horse, he's gonna win the Kentucky Derby. And this will be his name Episcopalian. That's number one, it's got that edgy, multi-syllabic, one word thing going for it. It's got the religious aspect. you all know it's a very religious podcast and the people the fans who listen to it follow it religiously and
Starting point is 01:27:53 I thank you my fans For liking and supporting and subscribing to this podcast if you're listening on YouTube Go ahead hit subscribe right there on the right underneath the screen. If you're on iTunes, we'd love to have your support. You can like the tracks on SoundCloud. You can follow our page on Facebook. We are on Twitter. We are at Beentowncast, at B-E-A-N-T-W-N-CAST. Short for podcast. It's Lingo, I used to save time. We would love to have your support there. We're always tweeting.
Starting point is 01:28:32 We're always interacting with the fans. That's what this experience is all about. Share it with friends and family if you actually, and I'm serious about this, if you actually like what you're listening to and you think it's a fun thing to do once a week for, you know, half an hour, 40 minutes, uh, share it with other people because that's how we're going to get those sponsorship dollars in. Are you listening to me, Jack links?
Starting point is 01:28:57 Thank you very much. I got the cup on my coffee table right now. But Episcopilling is number one on our list of Top 10 horse names. Number two, I just thought of this yesterday and I was really proud of it. And Hazard Bitch. That's number two and Hazard Bitch. Number three is a classic. It's an oldie but a goodie. It's slumdog. That's also the name of the team I played as at trivia. This past week usually play under the name.
Starting point is 01:29:33 We drink, we know things, but you know, it's the off season. There are no playoff points at stake. And it's playing by myself. So I went for Slumdog. Got second prize, you know, it was a good night. Number four, this is a throwback that only a few of my listeners will understand, but I'm going to put it out there.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Leanne Thompson, that's number four, it is Leanne Thompson. Number five, going back to the one word idea, Taikonda Roga. That seems like just a gimmie. They got to have that as a horse name at some point. I wouldn't be surprised if it already existed, but Taikonda Roga is number five. Number six is a little throwback to my roots as a music major, Una Corta.
Starting point is 01:30:22 It is the furthest left pedalal on a piano, makes everything mute the sound a little bit, is Unacorta, and is Italian for the Pope. Actually, because the Pope, in older days when the piano was invented, the Pope's were much more quiet. They weren't screaming down at you from the pulpit, and so that's how Unicorta kind of came around and they threw it on the pianos and it stuck. Number seven is Stamford Raffles. Founded Singapore some 300 years ago.
Starting point is 01:30:59 And now he's got his own horse, Stamford Raffles. Look at that, the sun's out, the thunderstorm lasted about 10 minutes. That was crazy. Number eight, here's a relevant one for all the young progressives out there. Darth Vader Ginsburg. Okay, hang on, it's straight sun outside
Starting point is 01:31:20 and there's crazy thunder going on. I don't know what to make of this. What a day. Maybe the acropolis, the apocalypse is happening outside. I'm not sure. Number eight was Darth Vader Ginsburg. Might have to get the rights from Disney before I can do that. I'm not sure. But Disney, you know where to find me, I'm at the bean town cast or excuse me, at bean town cast, we are bean town podcast Of course, RBG, New Duck just came out on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I haven't seen it, but I've heard good things. Number nine is a mud dober. Mud dober. That's an insect that I just
Starting point is 01:32:08 actually learned about the other day. It's like a wasp, but it's different. And it's a mud dober. You don't want to get bit by one of those guys and you don't want to lose to mud dober in the Kentucky Derby or the Belmont Stakes or the Preakness. Number 10, the final on the list of top 10 horse names is Richard Hidalgo. That's a beautiful name that I thought of yesterday. It's a blend between the, of course, the movie with Erragorn and Vigo Mortensen and then actually the man Richard Hidalgo, who is a baseball player for about 10 years
Starting point is 01:32:47 Metz and Astros and he played for a few other teams, but those Astros are kind of his big one He had one season where he had something like 45 home runs but I think he might have had some injury issues never Never quite stayed at the top. So again, let's run down issues. Never, never quite stayed at the top. So again, let's rundown the list of top 10 horse names. Number one, Episcopalian, number two, Anisor Bitch, number three, Slumdog, number four, Leanne Thompson, number five, Tycon, D'Roga, number six,
Starting point is 01:33:15 Unicorn, number seven, Stanford, Raffles, number eight, Darth Vader, Ginsburg, nine is Muddober, and we finished it off number 10 with the man, the myth, the legend, Richard, Hidalgo. So I tell you what, in 20 years when you're sitting at home in a late May day, watching the Kentucky Derby with friends and family, and you see Stanford raffles out in front family and you see Stanford raffles out in front being ridden by, well not me because I'm six two and 200 plus pounds but a nice Mexican man who is jockeying for my horse. You know who owns it. It's the man himself, Quinn David Furnace, tell him Quinn sent you. Dad, oh what a dad, so glad you're not dead, so glad you're my life dad, dad.
Starting point is 01:34:31 If you were dead, you'd be like a mummy, that'd be really weird. So happy Father's Day to my dad, happy Father's Day. Love your pops. Happy Father's Day to my dad, happy Father's Day. Love your pops. Dad, you took me to Orlando, and then you got food poisoning. That really sucked. Dad, that's the last time we went to any Bob Evans south of the Mason Dixon line.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Happy Father's Day to my dad. Happy Father's Day to my dad. Happy Father's Day, love your pops. Happy Father's Day to my dad. Happy Father's Day, love your pops. Here's something you're really going to like. Little scat solo. Here we go. B-b-b-b-b-b-du. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, my podcast. Hey happy Father's Day. To my dad happy Father's Day. Love your pops.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Happy Father's Day. To my dad happy Father's Day. Love your pops. Love you Jason Razz I love you Bob Evans And I don't actually hate mommies I think mommies are kinda cool I think mommies are kinda cool Oh mommies I love you too Oh Oh Alright Oh, all right. We are going to get right into it with our lead story left.
Starting point is 01:37:21 Crazy leftists calling for violence against the right earlier this week. Left wing nut job, Maxine Waters, urge supporters to surround members of the Trump cabinet at restaurants, gas stations, department stores. We're talking like Chick-fil-A's people, home depots, camearts. Where does it stop with Maxine Waters? Urging them to incite widespread violence and bloodshed against members of the Trump administration. Then I don't know you guys I'm not a fan of failing Comedy Central. Trevor Noah I don't think is very funny. Don't listen to him but Comedy Central writer Curtis
Starting point is 01:37:58 Cook this week tweets I wish this Kennedy had been shot instead of the other one. So let's jump right into this. Now, this isn't anything new. Left wing Democrats, supposedly the party of tolerance and of acceptance, have been in a gigantic uproar for a year and a half now. Ever since Trump took office in the failing Obama administration, left the White House in shame, scandal, and humiliation. Now, the announcement that in shame, scandal, and humiliation. Now the announcement that Justice Kennedy will retire, a man who is 81 years old, I might
Starting point is 01:38:30 add, he doesn't get your retire because he's 81 years old. This announcement has sent the extremist, alt-left media full of lib tards and snowflakes into an absolute frenzy. From mass shootings to false claims of collusion, the alt-left has been crying for days upon end, and now it seems like they've completely lost their cool. On Good Morning America this week, Terry Moore and Bitch, that Kennedy's retirement guarantees
Starting point is 01:38:58 that this court and this country is going to change profoundly. Others have referred to the news as an absolute earthquake, whining about the democratic process of nominating a new Supreme Court justice. Even CNN has gone so failing fake news CNN I will add has gone so far and I don't really watch them, but I heard people say this to say that the constitution of our own country is under attack.
Starting point is 01:39:23 Seriously liberals? Seriously? So when did we decide that conservatives aren't allowed to have democratic principles? Ever since 2008 when America and the Dems launched a full-out onslaught of our republic, we've continued to see a double standard. Invite whichever speakers you want your campus to engage in discourse, in discussion with your students, as long as they're left wing, or black, or gay. Value all life, and advocating crusade for human rights. But not if they're unborn children. What's up with that?
Starting point is 01:39:54 Investigate our country's general election over the meddling of foreign powers, wasting valuable time, energy, and resource on a judicial witch hunt in order to smear our president, ignore the own tainted elections in the DNC that allowed crooked Hillary to win the Democratic nomination. And whose fault is it? Of course, it's President Trump. And of course, it's Republicans ever since losing so badly in 2016. Dems can't seem to stop whining, complaining, and
Starting point is 01:40:26 flat out bitching excuse my language about how hard their lives are. So what's the easiest thing to do? Blame the politicians who work long and hard in order to get elected by you, the people. Not only do crazy left wingers want to take our human rights away, but another after another mass shooting by a crazy MS-13 member, they want to take all of your firearms away, away from upstanding, hard-working Americans, and why? Because we're white. Because we won. Because we're winners.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Look at 2016. Because we have this so-called white privilege, apparently, I don't know. Because suddenly, it's a crime to love the country you're from. Wind and Uncle Sam and God become enemy of dents once they started losing. Let me tell this story otherwise we're going to be here for an hour. Because the story is pretty extensive and I know I told all you guys right after it happened and I told my friends in the moment but one year later I realized that's the type of thing that you'll forget the finer details before too long if you don't actually write it down or record it somewhere. So that's really the purpose of what I'm doing here, but I think it's an entertaining story.
Starting point is 01:41:51 So flashback to July 6th, I work in the morning, my job in Edmondston is my last shift ever there. there and I go pick up the budget truck and first sign of trouble I had requested like the smallest truck that they can give you because I really didn't have very much. I had like a bookcase, a dresser, a twin bed mattress and like a couple boxes and that's really what I had. I didn't have much a desk that I'd stolen from DePaul. What's the statue of limitations on that stuff? I know, we're gonna find out. I don't think anyone important from Nepal. I think if you've had it from one of the viewers.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Famous last few hours. Okay, that's good, because I have it for three, actually, almost now. So I bring the, well, first sign of trouble, as I mentioned, they gave me like the the medium like one away from the larger size truck Remember how big my truck was last year and like how little stuff I had Which might seem like a good problem to have but it's not when you like I don't have like all the straps and stuff to like keep that stuff in place So now I'm trying to drive from Chicago to the East Coast, like stuff sloshing around. And yeah, that was the first, first indication that things could go south.
Starting point is 01:43:10 So bring it down to Rodgers Park, dear friend Sean, who is a absolute trooper, saved my ass twice with moving. I really do appreciate that, Sean. Help me load up the truck. I think it got some JBL burdos or Giordano's actually. Good one Sean. Okay so let's recreate that in seriplay. Yeah crickets. I should clarify that like Quinn finishes his last shift at Northwestern and then he gets home and I basically have like gotten out of bed for like 15 minutes and so going looks at me and I look at it over the weeks go we just start loading stuff up. It was a hot day as a tends to be in early July in Chicago and I had to park the movie truck wasn't like ridiculously far away but it was down there on the other side of
Starting point is 01:44:04 the street and we had to like walk through that ridiculously far away, but it was down there on the other side of the street. And we had to like walk through that sprinkler every time. So it was, it was more of a hassle than like what it should be, but I was like, okay, this is fine. We'll do it. We do that. We have some pizza. I think that took the rest of the pizza.
Starting point is 01:44:20 And I had to drive to Muncie that night. So staying with a girl out there. And that trip was fine. It took me like four or five hours because it was just Chicago, Northwest Indiana traffic. That was the end of day one, that was fine. So day two is where shit hits the fan of apologies for my language.
Starting point is 01:44:43 It's about a 12 hour drive from the Indianapolis area out to Baltimore. And the drive itself really is not a problem. I mean, that's a long ways to go by yourself in one day, but I knew what I had to do. I was up to the task. And you have this nervous energy the whole time too because you're going to new place, the new city have never been to like starting a new job. This is all very exciting,
Starting point is 01:45:10 all very fresh. So I had a pretty, I was tired, I was hot, but I had a positive attitude. I show up to the now famous home of the podcast 817 Paul Street on Friday night July 7th at about 7 p.m. and second sign of trouble. The person, like not my landlord, but the management lady who is like helping me with detail said, yeah, we'll have space out for your truck to like, so that you're not blocking traffic. Well, there's no space like for my truck to be parked. So I'm blocking traffic. And it's crazy hot.
Starting point is 01:45:52 If you ever been to Baltimore, in July, you know how hot it is. And I just, like, a little frustrated at this point. But I'm like, OK, we'll get my moobers here. It's really fine. Third sign of trouble. Right as I pull in, the first thing I do, I've got my truck
Starting point is 01:46:05 parked out in front. This is a two lane street, so I'm only blocking half of traffic. But I get my keys real quick, and I go into my room, or go into my apartment, just because my first ever apartment I've ever lived in by myself. This is exciting. I want to see what it actually looks like with my own eyes. As I'm walking up, I get a text, I hired some movers online to help me unload my truck. That's all I needed. It's going to be a basic job. They text me and say, hey, my guys are out in
Starting point is 01:46:35 Frederick right now, which is an hour west of Baltimore. We're not going to be able to be there right now, but we can get there at, like, I think they said nine. It's OK. This is not a deal. But I'm going to be patient, I'm going to let it happen. So I take my truck and I pull it off to a side seat, so I'm not blocking traffic anymore. And I wait, and I wait, and my phone was not doing super well on battery, because I had just driven from Muncie that day. And it gets to be like 915 and nothing
Starting point is 01:47:05 from this moving guy. And I call him and he's like, yeah, our guys are still in Frederick. We're not going to come out tonight. And I was like, oh, cool. Thanks for the heads up like an hour ago, and you obviously still knew that. So at that point, I'm having like a major freak out.
Starting point is 01:47:24 I'm like, OK, well, when can you guys come out? He says, we can get there at 6 a.m. the next morning. I'm like, that sucks, because I sell all myself in the truck and nothing in my apartment. But that's fine. At this point, this was my biggest mistake of the whole process. I was on a street where it was paid to park.
Starting point is 01:47:42 But if I had read the signs, the actual places where you go get your ticket closely, I would have seen that I could have left my truck there overnight, but I was like, had never been in this city before, never really lived downtown anywhere in my life, and I was a little just kind of freaking out. So I improvised, I took my truck, it's like three miles away to the actual truck return place, where I was going to leave it when I wasise, I took my truck, it's like three miles away to the actual truck return place
Starting point is 01:48:06 where I was going to leave it when I was done and I took it there at like 11 p.m. and left it there with all my stuff in it, locked up, took an Uber back to my apartment with just things that I could carry. I think I had a pillow and a suitcase or a sleeping bag and probably like my phone charger and my backpack. And it was really sad. I went and got a pizza. I was like, it had been such a long day because I driven 12 hours and this had this whole fiasco. But I was like, okay, I made it. I'm here. I wake up the next morning. I have to wake up at like 4.30 a.m. because I have to go get the truck before this place opens or else they're going to be like, why is this truck here with all
Starting point is 01:48:47 this stuff in it? Take it back to my apartment and meet the guys there who are going to help me unload. So I go grab my truck, 5 a.m. drive it back to my apartment and I get there and I'm like, okay, I have all this stuff in the back of the truck. I can unload some of this by myself because I had plenty of boxes that were one-man jobs. So I start to do that, and I keep going, and I keep going, and it's probably like six at this point when this guy's supposed to arrive. And all I have left are, it's my bookcase, my dresser, my desk, and maybe one other thing.
Starting point is 01:49:19 I don't remember exactly what it was. But things that, you know, Sean, from you and I, having to move those things twice, you know, Sean from UNI having to move those things twice, you know, those are pretty heavy duty objects. Yeah, definitely not one person jobs. Definitely, yeah. That's straight up, not one person jobs. And I get to the point where I'm like, so I hadn't paid this moving guy yet because I had his cash for him. And I was like, I'm about to float this guy, whatever, is like 200 bucks for him and his crew.
Starting point is 01:49:45 However many people that is, to move like these four pieces, it's gonna take them five minutes, and I'm gonna pay 200 bucks for this. And at that point, I was so tired and so pissed. I was like, I'm taking a moral, antifysical stand and knock and let this happen. So I like do what no man should ever do, and I like exercise my muscles man should ever do and I like
Starting point is 01:50:06 Exercise my muscles my back my legs in ways that you shouldn't have to do you have to go up two sets of steps To get like to the elevator in my apartment and I managed to do that with the dresser the bookshelf all that stuff and My back and my arms and my hamstrings were pretty, not only sore, but they had tweaked themselves quite a bit, that it was not in good shape for about a week after that, but I was like, I did it. So I get in the truck, as I'm driving away, this guy calls me and he's like, you know, we're just pulling up, where are you? And I was just like, sorry dude, like, basically fuck you, that's not what I said, but that's what I wanted to say. I drive the truck, I return it back to the place, I take one final uber back to my apartment,
Starting point is 01:50:55 and then from there it was, I had two days, 48 hours before I was starting work, unloaded a bunch of stuff, was super sweaty, I hadn had showered in like three days, and the rest is sort of history. But that was the long-winded version of my moving experience last year. I did not have to move this year, which I'm infinitely thankful for, because moving is a pain in the butt, as these guys here at Farwell are about to experience again. But that was my moving story. I've lived in Baltimore for
Starting point is 01:51:30 exactly one year now. It's been full of ups and downs, but I'm happy to be back here in Chicago this weekend to celebrate. to celebrate. I won't disclose her name just because she's crazy and you'll see it. Not that she would ever discover. This podcast I don't think, but she's just crazy enough that it could happen. Anyway, so there's this girl. I was a, it was my senior year of college, which was actually my junior year. It was my third year, but it ended up being my senior year.
Starting point is 01:52:09 And I had basically maxed out the music theory, music history, musicology classes in the undergraduate curriculum where I went to school. And so being that that was what I was interested in, I requested it take some graduate courses. And of course they didn't care. I was approved, I was accepted. So I was taking this music, classical music post-World War II class, so in 1945 to basically 21st century,
Starting point is 01:52:41 which is some pretty trippy shit. And I was the only undergraduate student in this class, I was in it with all grad students. And there's this one grad student, a vocalist at my school, who had a pretty bad reputation at school. For a bunch of different reasons, two things though. Number one, she was a pretty sure addicted to crack. I think was her drug of choice. I never actually saw her do it. But for the people I knew,
Starting point is 01:53:12 I pretty sure it was either Coke or heroin. It wasn't math. It was Coke or heroin. I don't remember which one, but I think it was Coke. And so she kind of had that reputation, because that wasn't a common thing. I mean, everybody at school smokes pot. But to do Coke was a pretty uncommon thing to be able to do that and be a master student studying vocal performance. That's just like, that's tough to pull off, frankly. Number two, her side gig, I guess
Starting point is 01:53:43 is her primary gig, because I don't know how she would make money. She owned her own dress up as a princess type company, go to kids like birthday parties and stuff, very simple concept, she did that. And I think that's fine, whatever. That's what you want to do, like make kids happy. But when you combine that's fine, whatever. That's what you want to do, like, make kids happy. But when you combine that with the, the, like, constantly high on cocaine angle,
Starting point is 01:54:13 and she wrote this scooter all around campus that kind of just added to the lore, and here's the kicker. She would come into class almost always late, wearing her princess outfit still. How many classes did you guys get to take in college where you got to sit behind Snow White in every class? So anyways, so pretty frequently, she'd come into class.
Starting point is 01:54:49 I had my same spot I would set in, I ended up being right behind her. You know, I would take pictures, and I remember I had one really good caption that I posted to Facebook back when Instagram wasn't a big deal. She was dressed as Cinderella. Hannah said, um, when, when the ball starts at nine, or, but you got night class, it was something like that. It was hilarious. I really racked up the likes. That was like the peak of my social media popularity. Although I am a social media influencer, as you all know, so thank you very much. Um, okay. So that happens. I had posted probably like,
Starting point is 01:55:24 I don't know, three, maybe four times, just like pictures of her. I'm sitting behind her. So this is just her back in like her, you know, Pocahontas and like her Jasmine and like Ariel costumes, all that stuff. Anyways, this is on my personal Facebook. I'm not like taking her anything or anything. We're not friends. or anything we're not friends. It's just, right? It's freaking hilarious. Anyways, a little bit later, after I had posted a picture,
Starting point is 01:55:53 I don't remember any sort of particular incident of any kind, but I get, oh god, I'm trying to remember how this one, okay. I get a Facebook message from her. We were not Facebook friends, but to get a message from her being, and she's freaking out. I'm pretty sure she's fairly high at this point.
Starting point is 01:56:10 And she all caps, oh my god, you have to take it down. And I just think this is hilarious. So I'm playing with her a little bit. I'm pretty good at that sort of online trolling thing. Anyone who knows me. So I'm having some fun with it next Next thing and no I'm getting a like a Facebook or like an email from her dad
Starting point is 01:56:32 Who is like some sort of up-be-de-up rich somebody Which actually after the fact made a lot of sense because I'm pretty sure she was like Not actually a good singer and probably failing most of those classes because she was high on drugs. I think that her dad was like a huge donor to the School of Music and so the connection kind of makes sense. She was basically getting her master's degree for free because of her social status.
Starting point is 01:57:01 Anyways, when I get that letter from her dad and she's like, okay, this isn't worth it, like, whatever. I got my likes. Okay, let's take it down. So I take it down and, right, I'm thinking, okay, that's like the end of it, whatever. This was fun. Cool. Next thing up. Well, that wasn't the end of it. I got three separate emails next. I got one from our professor, which was just like the most embarrassing thing because he was the head of the musicianship department and like one of my close one of the Fact to members that's closer with on campus like a very chill dude. It was like super nice. It always been good to me and This this I'm gonna come on say this bitch had emailed him Bitching about my Facebook post which was a no way insidious, right? Like, I think you're entitled to take a picture of somebody when they come into your class
Starting point is 01:57:52 at 10 a.m. in the morning dressed like a princess. But anyways, that's just my personal belief. So now he was wrapped up in this. She also emailed my boss when I was in RA, which was just like like Stupid and she emailed the dean of students like what what's even your complaint at this point not to mention the pictures are down anyway, so I didn't have to do anything with my professor. He just emailed me was like can you take me down? I was like yeah, like I did like yesterday and then but then I get an email from my boss in Reslife and I had to go meet with her and I walk in and she's just like, okay, so tell me what's going on.
Starting point is 01:58:33 I tell her the story which takes 30 seconds way faster than the story I'm telling now because I'm just terrible at telling succinct stories now apparently. And she just laughs and she's like, but you like took the photos down, right? And I was like, yeah. And she's like, okay, everything's good. And I was like, I know. So I walked out of that. But then I had to go meet with the dean of students.
Starting point is 01:58:54 And I walk in there and I do the exact same thing. She's like, so tell me what's going on. She tells me that you've been cyberbullying here. And I tell her, I posted this on on Facebook like here's what the picture was Not taking her anything not messaging her. There's no cyberbullying of any kind the Dean as soon as just laughs and I'm like Yeah, I Don't like what else am I supposed to do and the Dean seems like all right. You're a good man. I like thank you. So That was that was the Princess story.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Ended up being way too much of a hassle, head of multiple meetings about it. But it was probably the peak of my social media fame. So if you guys want, if you think I should reupload a photo, I can go ahead and go find it. Because I still have it on my Facebook I just changed the viewing settings that only I can see it So that one day I can make that glorious return Because here's the thing she found out I think because friends of a friend or something like that
Starting point is 01:59:58 I wasn't Facebook friends with her and I'm pretty sure that I'm even Further removed that I'm really not friends with I don't know we could go on Facebook we might have like one or two mutual friends but they're not people who I think I talk to and I'm sure she doesn't talk to them anyway so if you guys liked it I'll re-upload I think the Cinderella photos when I have I'll put that back up there that would be fun stuff like that there that's a classic song. If you don't know Beth Middler doing stuff like that there
Starting point is 02:00:30 from For the Boys, I want some hugging answers. And Bidim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and Midim, and M And then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 02:00:48 and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 02:00:56 and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then,
Starting point is 02:01:04 and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and Well as was that rendition, watch this podcast, not gonna get taken down for the killers apparently, it's gonna be for Beth Midler now, although that's a saint. I know she's not doing it, it's probably Obamacronis or something, all this Russian, you know, wiretapping and stuff, they're probably just going for the Bean Town podcast, so mercy. Did not expect to be seeing in Betmiddler on this podcast But I'll go ahead and get us started here. So the state of Alaska, you know Everyone knows it's big it's a big place
Starting point is 02:01:37 You know about half the size of Canada all that good stuff Did you know that the state of Alaska is actually larger than the rest of the 49 states combined? And here's the thing, so if you're looking at a map all of a sudden you're thinking hold up, that doesn't sound right. It's because in school you probably learn about maps. In the way they're drawn you can look at a map and depending on the longitudinal effect you might see Greenland. And it looks like it's the size of about Vermont. But in real life, Greenland is a big place.
Starting point is 02:02:10 So it kind of works the same thing with Alaska. When you get up here, it's pretty large, pretty tough to navigate. There's only, I think, 12 highways. So there's your first fun fact of the day. Another go to one we learned, we were spending some time at Denali National Park. This week, Denali is the tallest mountain in North America, about 20,000 feet high in that range. You can actually see three continents from Denali,
Starting point is 02:02:38 which is really exciting. North America, of course, Asia, because you just look across the way and there's Russia and then actually a lot of people don't know this, but if you're up there and the earth curves long enough, you can actually see Europe, I think it's down to Iceland or something, it's good stuff. We weren't able to get up to Denali, it's usually takes from what we read about three weeks to do it and we were only there for about two days. So it would have been a trek, it would have had to hire some sled dogs, but maybe next time. I don't know, you guys got any fun facts you want to throw out there for the listeners?
Starting point is 02:03:16 Walt is a PhD student in geography, so he should know some of this stuff. What do you guys think? One thing that I think you might want to mention since you're talking about how long it takes to climb Denali is the great story We learned about the expedition that was actually the first to climb Bartos part of Denali Yeah, not the highest the highest point is the South peak. That's about 20,300 feet 320 something like that. But there's a North Peak that's about 900 feet lower, still very impressive, just under 20,000.
Starting point is 02:03:53 And there was an expedition, Queen, I don't know, do you want to lay into this or should I go ahead? So I was just reading about this afternoon. So in 1925, there was an outbreak of diaspora on top of Denali. And if you've ever seen the movie Balto, you kind of know the story. He takes the serum from around the Fairbanks area, I think it was called, it's not Nirvana, but it's similar to that.
Starting point is 02:04:21 And takes it to the top of Zanali, I think. Is that what you were talking about, Walt? No, I was actually referring to the expedition. Yeah, I can't remember the name now. It started with an S, but... Shackleton. No, no, no. That's a different one.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Wait, no, I think it's Shackleton versus Brawl Dull, race to the South Pole. So no, you're thinking of the South Pole. Yeah, I know. I'm actually thinking of the this Denali expedition. It was like 1910 or 1913 something like this. Something like that. And these guys were ballers. It was like a couple of miners. I think it was only like three guys and then they decided that they this one's a true story They're carrying this giant spruce tree flagpole and they
Starting point is 02:05:13 Just decide they're gonna climb the mountain. So they started at like 11,000 feet. That's their base camp. They Grab thermos some coffee bag of donuts. It was hot chocolate. Who knows, you know, legends. But anyway, they do this return trip, 8,000 vertical feet in 18 hours, which is just mind-blowing. Up and down. Yeah, yeah. So, to me, that was maybe the funnest, if you will, fact from the couple days in Denali, I think. That's a pretty fun fact.
Starting point is 02:05:50 I was trying to think of another one. So in the movie, The Grey, Liam Neeson stars with a whole bunch of wolves. A lot of people think that that was filmed in Alaska, but it wasn't. That was another fun fact that I learned on this trip. Here's one that I think the listeners might enjoy doing a sort of trivia question. So there's this thing, it's called baked Alaska.
Starting point is 02:06:18 Now a lot of people don't know what this is. So here your choice is A, B, and C. A baked Alaska is a fish, commonly halbut, but sometimes cod or maybe salmon. You know, kind of in a casserole style, a lot of like crumbly golden stuff on top, really delicious. That's A, okay. B, baked Alaska is a show about stoners and fair banks and tell you drive some of these some of these stays in Alaska never know where you're going to find as long as an adventure I think we'll be more on that shortly
Starting point is 02:06:53 so that's B baked Alaska and C for baked Alaska is it's a dessert kind of like a crème brûlée sort of thing a lot of coconut if you get in a really nice place, they'll be dusted with some like alpine moss. So there you have it, A, B, and C. Maybe we should reveal the answer later in the podcast. Well, I wanted to mention that coconut, a lot of people think, okay coconut, tropical,
Starting point is 02:07:22 tomhanks, castaway, coconut, actually originally from Alaska, which is pretty cool. If you get down by the glaciers because of the, I think it's El Nino current. You'll actually see some, some ball mirror weather. Saw a lot of seagulls. We didn't see any palm trees, but I don't think it's in season in late July.
Starting point is 02:07:46 But that is a good fact. This is a little bit kind of like trivia time or quiz time, whatever they call it on the Car ride Convro's podcast, so Ryan and Kristen, when you, if you make it this far, a little homage to you guys, you're inspiring podcasts all across the world. We will reveal the answer in a little bit here. I think Walt was hinting at a little bit of an adventure that we had last night. So we're leaving Denali around, and then seven o'clock or so. And we're not super hungry yet, but at some point, it's closer to a four-hour drive to Anchorage.
Starting point is 02:08:27 We're gonna be looking for some sort of food along the way. So you get going and you're driving down and a lot of people don't realize this, but there aren't as many towns or people in Alaska. You might think, oh, it's Alaska, it's kinda out there. It might be more like the suburbs. No, it's a little bit more retro. It's not the word I'm looking for.
Starting point is 02:08:52 Rural. It's a little retro too. We've seen so cool VW vans. But anyway, so we're driving along. And we've got the iPad, which goes in and out of 4G LTE service. So we're looking for potential places to go. And the first problem we encounter is that even though it's a Friday night, there aren't that many places in the state
Starting point is 02:09:16 of Alaska that are open past 9 o'clock. Sometimes you get lucky, you see one that's open till 10 o'clock. So this is kind of what we're up against here. And we find a couple of different places, dealing with a lot of closures. Eventually, we identify the Willow Trading Post, which is kind of like a dive bar with food that has no website, no menu or anything, but
Starting point is 02:09:47 really good reviews on Facebook mostly. So we're saying okay we'll do this. It's about three hours, two and a half, three hours from Denali. So we hop on down there and everything's good. We find it fine, we get out, we're walking in. It's like, what is this? About 9.30, 10 at this point. Because I think our problem was that the kitchen ended up being closed at 9. So we walk in super excited to get some food. And immediately, before we even get to the door,
Starting point is 02:10:20 it's lady opens the door. And my first thought was that she was just leaving. But no, she says, I don't even remember what her opening line was, but something about this guy named Travis Webb and there were a lot of exploitives thrown in. Something like Travis Webb, you effing something better, you better not come into my bar and we were all taking a little back. I think there was a little bit of nervous energy already going into this dive bar in very rural Alaska, not quite feeling like we fit in. I had been wearing my Baltimore Ravens
Starting point is 02:10:58 shirt, which had caused a lot of trouble among the local browns. A lot of consternations, fans. Fun fact, another fun fact about Alaska, people do not like the Baltimore Ravens. Been wearing my central Oregon community college Bobcat sweater without any issue, but people do not like the Baltimore Ravens. But anyways, thankfully, I am not Travis Webb, I'm Quinn David Furnace, host of the Bean Town podcast,
Starting point is 02:11:22 which I told her, and so she said, all right, that's okay. You guys, come on in. I thought you were Travis Webb. So we get in there. And she's the bartender and I think owner. And the town drunk. Yeah, everything of this bar. And so we grab a table and I've never seen the movie,
Starting point is 02:11:43 but according to my brother brother Walt, it's similar to the Patrick Swaisy Film Roadhouse. Yeah, we're going to have to watch that next week. And so we sit down and of course we're really excited for food and our lady comes back over and we ask her about the food, says no, the kitchen's closed at nine, but we have chips. Which, my first thought was like maybe this is a British bar and maybe we're actually getting some french fries.
Starting point is 02:12:13 Turns out they were fun-sized bag of Doritos, which we were not expecting at this bar. So we all get some bottles of PBR and we've got a bag of Doritos and it was a pretty, ended up not being our full dinner, thankfully, but it was a pretty sad first dinner. This bar was crazy. There was an old guy playing pool with this middle-aged hottie, let's say, and this other younger guy who's kind of zoning in on it like a polar bear watching a
Starting point is 02:12:45 tarming in parade which we'll get to a little bit here. You can put that in the good idea, a list of tarming in parade. And I'm trying to think if there's anything else really good from this story. Oh, we asked her about Travis Webb, who this guy was, and I was doing my best to not pay attention and listen to the Alton John that kept playing from the jukebox surprisingly. There were some big Alton John fans at this bar. And apparently he was just this guy who had slept around quite a bit and made a few enemies.
Starting point is 02:13:20 So I mean a similar profile to myself, but I'm an East Coast guy Travis Web is an Alaska guy So we'll try to hook up with him next week maybe get him on the podcast. I think that would be fun for a phone interview, but We we had our PBR in chips, which it's got to be a good name for something PBR in chips and paid our bill and got out of there and that was our experience at the Willow Trading Post. So if you ever find yourself in Willow, Alaska, you know where you should go. Get some PBR, get some chips, ask about Travis Webb because they'll have some stories for you. But when it's too bad you didn't choose the tuba, you could have won some musician instrument
Starting point is 02:14:08 look-alike contests. All right, moving forward, our next broaster is Steve Fernos. All right, thanks everybody. It's great to be here today. The roast is great American. Who are we, who are we honoring? No, really, Quinn, it's great to have all 11 of your listeners together in the same room. You know, you mentioned Jack Links earlier and Jack Links and the Bean Town and podcast
Starting point is 02:14:42 have a lot in common. They both give me indigestion. I see you guys were playing banana grams earlier today, you know. Last night, Quinn accidentally ate a couple of those banana gram tiles. I think that next trip to the bathroom is going to spell disaster. Just kidding Quinn, you know. I know you're a great guy because you tell me all the time. As you can see Quinn's a big guy. He's always been a big guy. Remember when Quinn was born, the nurse went to way him and put him on the scale in a piece of paper popped out that said, one at a time, please. You know, people don't know this, but Quinn's first onesie said, does this onesie make my thighs look big?
Starting point is 02:15:34 When Quinn was little, I used to pay the ice cream driver to keep on going. Jane once told me she thought Quinn was spoiled, but I told her I think a lot of kids smell like that. You know we always used to let Quinn take the family picture when he was a kid, that way he wouldn't be in the shot. But now, Quinn's all grown up, and I hear he started dating. I guess that last date didn't go so well.
Starting point is 02:16:14 The girl showed up with pig tails under her arms. Quinn's got a good job now, but it hasn't always been that way. You know, Quinn was fired from his first job as a proofreader for the M&M company. His next job was working at a fire hydrant factory, but he had to quit because you couldn't park anywhere near that place. All kidding aside, Quinn. Quinn's grown into a fine young man and we're very proud of him and glad to spend this week together. So keep up the good work. A hundred degrees as was said beneath No willow tree, who's tears stayed in care The latest hung in the air and refused to fall to fall
Starting point is 02:17:15 And I knew I'd made a horrible call And now the state line felt like the Berlin Wall And there was no doubt about what side I was on Because I built you a home in my heart with rotten world And I decayed from the start Because you can't find nothing Oh, look there was nothing there all alone No, you can't find nothing
Starting point is 02:17:53 Oh, look there was nothing there all alone And I bring the treacherous streets and kids strung out on homemade speed and we shared a bed in which I could not sleep. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, there was nothing there alone No, you can't find nothing, oh, there was nothing there alone There were churches, things, fucking malls But there was nothing there alone Oh, man. Oh, man. You guys have any good food on your way down, like, sparrow pizza or Chipotle or something unique to that
Starting point is 02:19:30 northeastern experience? That was a sad story because I feel like one thing that we've also said many a time, because at one point when I was traveling from Syracuse, or I had a travel summit in Syracuse, New York, and I was driving back to Boston almost every weekend, which is like a four and a half hour drive. And we were just mentioning how there's not very many like, the Midwest, I feel like,
Starting point is 02:19:50 is just cramful of pauses and oasis or whatever you want to call it, depending on what part of the country you're in. And there's a part of Massachusetts for sure, where you have like one, and then there's not one for another like two or three hours. Upstate New York is pretty dead. I don't know what is it if it's 90 or which highway it is that goes like by Syracuse, but I remember I drove from Chicago to Boston one time and there's just like nothing there in upstate New York and like no highway exits for like
Starting point is 02:20:17 20 miles. Exactly. It's not what you expect. And the one that we decided to stop at because I was starving was when that had a Roy Rogers which is a dumpster fire of like all food trash food in St. diarrhea yeah um Cinebun which not terrible but not good road food. I mean and then a Nathan's which is hot dogs which was like advertising all these like chili cheese bacon ranch
Starting point is 02:20:46 Some perfect for the car. I mean, that's what we were saying is that all this food like this is just a disaster waiting to happen Like why do they not have food that's actually travel worthy? But yeah, so we decided to stop there kind of found a little marketplace that had like just like safe like sandwiches and like safe like safe sandwiches and like safe sandwiches. Safe sandwiches. And I got just like hummus and pretzels or something. But then the very next stop Ryan was devastated because pretty much stopped after stop they had a pizza hut express,
Starting point is 02:21:12 which is like a favorite thing because personal pain pizzas is like his jam and he was just torn up about it the rest of the world. God himself curates the pizza hut expresses around the United States and blesses them with his eternal blessings, okay? And I had to settle for a Turkey cheddar Dijonet sandwich which you know on paper sounds great
Starting point is 02:21:39 But when it comes served on the first recipe of bread created by mankind, that's stale as King Tut himself. And the Dijonese is literally 99 parts whole grain mustard and 100 parts mannays. Is it even Dijonese or is it just mustard? Okay, and then I mean, it was dry. It was, let's just say it was dry. Well, walk me through a little bit more
Starting point is 02:22:12 this fascination with pizza hut express. Where did that come from? You know, there's something super nostalgic about, I mean, you can take me to any pizza place the best in the world, you know, and it's great. I love really good pizza. It's really great. But nothing is more beautiful than a stuff crust pizza hut pizza.
Starting point is 02:22:36 And second to that is a pizza hut personal pan. Either you either got to go supreme or pepperoni. You either got to go everything on it or classic. If you can beg them to put the pepperonis on the Supreme, you're a legend. It's never happened for me before. But I've heard rumors. There are multiple threads on forechand that I've seen where it's happened. Mine the styles are comes from Book It.
Starting point is 02:23:01 Yes. Yes. Going to Pizza Hut. And I know a lot of people, you know, they always have these niche places like, Oh, the specific pizza place. And it's like local to that area is like the best pizza ever. And to some degree, I still am like a garbage human and really, really enjoy Pizza Hut pizza. And specifically we're really attached to stuff cruts pizza because it is really good. But their pan pizza is also good. Those personal pan pizza because they seem to be a rare find nowadays, it's like a diamond in the rough.
Starting point is 02:23:29 Yeah. And passing them one after another after we had been at that one plaza that was just garbage food. That caramelized oily crust. I mean, there's fewer things, okay? Sure. Cocaine. Sex. Personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut Express. There is no more list. That is. That is the pinnacle of humanity, the triangle of.
Starting point is 02:23:57 A utopia. It is, that is what utopia is our built on. Cocaine, sex, and personal pan pizzas from pizza hot express. As someone who's only experienced one of those things, I can't really attest to how good pizza hot or sex is. Anyways, did you guys have any restaurants in Rockford growing up, like not pizza, but like actual Rockford restaurants that you were like, favorite places to go to or go to's or I don't know, did you have anything like that? Well I mean this is still on the
Starting point is 02:24:28 same thing as pizza in Roscoe they have Pietros did you ever has Pietros? I never had Pietros now. Pietros was a gold mine and the thing is like once we we haven't lived in a rockford for like five and a half years now but I feel like right when we were leaving it started to pick up people's started to kind of find this, like, you know, how great that place was, because it really was so inexpensive too. It kind of had, they had,
Starting point is 02:24:51 their, my favorite thing to get was like, their pan pizza, which was really like, just like super, super deep dish, like deliciousness, pepperoni, black olive pizza. And it was like, what, like, I don't know, $12 or something, like it. And it was like, what, like, I don't know, $12 or something. And it was huge.
Starting point is 02:25:06 So that definitely was a staple for me. Yeah, a staple for me would be across the street from Temple Baptist and State Street Station, which was the local strip club, was this place called Ground Round. Yes. It was so good. Had the best kids menu in all of Rockford. And so you top off the night.
Starting point is 02:25:30 So you just, anything off that glorious kids menu, you know you're going to be killing it. I think it burned down, didn't it? It did. It eventually did. Rest in peace, you know. The world will never be the same. But for dessert, you got a free kids, gummy worm, Oreo, Sunday.
Starting point is 02:25:47 I think they're called like mudpies or something. Yeah. And they were served, or maybe it was the ice cream. Maybe there's two different things I'm talking about. But one of them was served in a plastic MLB baseball helmet bowl that you could keep for yourself. In Rockford? In Rockford. And they only had two teams, and it was either the Cleveland Indians or the Baltimore
Starting point is 02:26:08 Orioles. What? There's the only one. Bullshit. You would never get a Cubs one even if you try. And those the only two teams. Yeah, so rockford. There's so rockford, but it was so great and then it burned down and then my life would never be the same. My mom, my mom literally, we pulled into Halstrom one, Tuesday morning. She's like, I don't want to be here. Do you want to leave?
Starting point is 02:26:29 And I was like, OK, and we went to have lunch in the ground round and then just went home. It was probably one of the greatest days in my life. Any day at the ground round is a great day. Yeah, I know. We used to go to Linos every. So we weren't allowed to trick or treat growing up. So Halloween, we would always go to Linos
Starting point is 02:26:50 and then go to Toys or Us, Rest in Peace and to get a Game Boy game or something. But yeah, I remember growing up just because of the way, like the infrequency that we went there, like once a year, it was a tradition. I always thought Linos was like the greatest Italian place on Earth and it's like $12 for Spaghetti or something, like once a year, it was a tradition. I always thought Lino's was like the greatest Italian place on earth. And it's like $12 for like spaghetti or something,
Starting point is 02:27:09 which is like cheaper than Olive Garden now. So I mean, it was still a solid place, but after having gone to some other Italian places, I think Lino's probably isn't as great as I thought it once was. We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time. The NFL sees it starts in three weeks. and for those of you who don't know, we have a family league made up of Furnite, Denison, Rue and I guess Johnson's now. The great white north is going into season 13 unbelievably and what promises to be the most spooktacular season yet.
Starting point is 02:27:49 I'm pretty confident that the Gary Bucy Halloween Kia commercial is going to pop up in at least one or two notes a week. But we're very, we're, we're very blessed to be joined by the commissioner himself. It's kind of like being the queen of England. You know, it's more of a title, and you don't really have any power, but we respect you anyways. So Uncle Andy, if you could,
Starting point is 02:28:16 tell us a little bit about what it's like to be a fantasy football commissioner for those of us listeners who've never had that experience before. It's it's an almost unbelievably weighty and stressful position. I mean, every year it takes months of preparation. You know, a lot of flag from every side. No one's ever happy. You know, but you do it because you love the game.
Starting point is 02:28:44 You do it because of the family. You do it because of tradition. You do it because you just are the only one that really can do it. Because nobody else is good enough. I guess it's a way to put it. But I'll tell you what, thinking back in 13 years, we've had a lot of fun. And you think back 13 years ago, you and Jack and Waltz,
Starting point is 02:29:04 I mean, you and Jack and Waltz, I mean you guys were kids and you know when, and I remember when I used to do the recaps, you know, try to do the recaps with the pre-prem, you know, prognostications and, you know, the games when they were done and that this was, we did everything online, but there's a lot more things out there now that will, populate with a lot of pseudo like you know newspaper Recaps, but we've had a lot of fun. I'm going to create a job of taking it you and Walt especially Once in a while Jack will get in there
Starting point is 02:29:40 Usually he's not as verbose, but when he does jump in you know know, it's high quality, you know, it's great. I think I recall, yeah, it's been an awesome Awesome time. I honestly look forward to it. I can't imagine actually not having it now. That's something we're gonna have to make sure we do, you know, from here to eternity that about Jack. I think I recall one note maybe six or seven years ago, or he did a little rappers delight Sugar Hill gang something going on thanks for Bollyarx, but yeah Doesn't post a ton, but but when he does you can tell it's quality content Speaking of of good memories or great moments what have been some of your Excuse me as I belch into the microphones what have been some of your, excuse me, as I belch into the microphones? What have been some of your favorite memories or moments from 12
Starting point is 02:30:30 years of the Great White North? Any specific as you want or as broad as you want? You mentioned some things already but what have you really liked about it? I'll tell you what, the year that Grand The Steam won, I think it was 2009, won the Super Bowl. That was pretty fun because you know grandpa you can never have enough tight ends and not fully understanding how things football worked You can grab to like four or five of them you know like oh this could get a little a little day You see but you're the D1 that was that was a lot of fun Oh the games where you would have something like
Starting point is 02:31:02 176 to 161 or something in wall would be able to rattle off You know probably the year and week of whatever season it was But some of those games where you're like everything was just hit not every cylinder for each team Some of those incredible high-scoring games were a lot of fun to watch the ties which once again Walter always seems to fall into King of ties. Yeah, it's trap, you know, he just can't help but walk into some of the controversy as it's too strong for work. We've been in the playoffs. We've had time, we have to go to the rule book and then we're going to go in.
Starting point is 02:31:38 Yeah, the rule book is a little bit ambiguous even on this one. Those have always been fun in the fact that we've always been, you know, we're really very competitive, but good sports throughout it has been great. I think the comments, like we were talking about, you go back sometimes, you read some of them. I mean, you just laugh, and I have to tell you this, Quint, you're anti-wendy who is not a football fan.
Starting point is 02:32:01 I mean, she's like, okay, great to backers one, but who really cares? Excuse me, as I've read, those sometimes to her, she's always been very impressed. And she said, Quinn really should become a sports writer. He's so good at this, that's what he should be doing. So I'm just telling you, if you ever fail miserably at all these ventures in your life, just remember anti-wendy things. You'd be a great sports writer, you know, kind of a deep berry for the NFL or something like that. So, so, hey,
Starting point is 02:32:29 we're all we're all rooting for you. And especially your auntie there. So she, she's always appreciated your your wits and insight. But those are some of the things that come to mind from a 30,000-foot level over the years. Well, I appreciate hearing that and speaking of, you know, handsome and industrious, I will mention that I opened of, you know, handsome and industrious. I will mention that I opened up my first ever, this is a true story. Today, I opened up my first ever CD online, you know, because I've been, you know, wasting my life with savings and checking accounts for, I don't know, almost 10 years now.
Starting point is 02:33:04 And now here come the big bucks. and checking accounts for, I don't know, almost 10 years now. And now here come the big bucks. It's gonna be huge. So when you come out to bean town and you see my mansion and my big screen TV and a winning fantasy football team, you're gonna know where that came from. Go check it out. CDs, that's the way the future. That floppy discs. So that's what I check it out. CDs, that's the way of the future. That in
Starting point is 02:33:25 floppy discs. So that's what I'm investing in. I have a kind of a specific pointed question for you. Who do you think you're most handsome nephew to have never won it all is? For comparing me versus Jake, where do you think it falls? You're waiting, you're your question is who's the most handsome? That's correct. To have never won at all. Oh, who's the most handsome that has never won at all? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Of my nephews. Well, let's see, that kind of narrows it down just a tad. By default, I have to sadly admit it's you. That's the answer we were looking for. Next question. Tips or advice for any up and coming commissioners out there? I'll tell you what, if you don't have a group that is willing to engage with each other, have a little bit of fun, you need to crack with each other, have a little bit of fun.
Starting point is 02:34:25 You gotta crack a few ribs, but not so much that the blood's important. Now, seed that commentary you've got to have, because that makes it all the fun. I know some people who say, oh, if there's no money involved, how can it be fun? And I completely disagree, because our league obviously has been as you know exchanges no money it's all on pride but I can't imagine having a more fun league so I would say definitely make sure you get that going be willing to be creative with the points some people are real sticklers not you know you know you know PPR leaks and things like that I would say don't be afraid to put a little bit more splash into your scoring. For instance, our field goals, they get up to us at five points. If you get about 50 yards or something like that.
Starting point is 02:35:14 Yeah, something like that. Quite robust and scoring. Yep. And what I like about that is that even things out because it's not just all sense or just you know make sure you get your running back And then if you don't get a good running back or or fall lucky with picking up or free agents and you know you're kind of out of luck There have definitely been some sleeper teams through the years Because we're a little bit more equitable as far as how we have some of the scoring could put a couple bonus points out there
Starting point is 02:35:41 If you get above, let's say what is it like 175 years of rushing or 150 years, something like that. And I think that makes it fun. I'd be willing to let people in the league have input. We've had sometimes where we've talked about something and said, yeah, you know what, I think that's a good rule change, that's fine. Be flexible, make it fun.
Starting point is 02:36:01 Don't be a stickler. I think everybody understanding that, you know, the more that you are able to make it fun, oh, and also another thing also, hey, is with a 10 team league, and going to the playoffs is the top four. So, as far as like the wild card is something, we are all for the wild cards, and even as we go into our playoffs We have just about every week every team is still involved with it some teams don't give a damn And the key to improve it and you put in their roster whatever but we have you know the toilet bowl the first flush Second flesh and what is it? Won't flesh. Yeah
Starting point is 02:36:40 So we keep things going even if it's just for silly fun, but I like having it at the end of the season. You could be, you know, five in eight or something like that, but hey, if your team did his walk into the playoffs and clean up. That happened this past year. Walt's had a team that was just unflappable and had no major contiverse or no major issues except I think he did tie new Steve in the opening round and we had a little bit of a a controversy with the rules. But then after that he just, or no, that's not right, that might have been two years ago.
Starting point is 02:37:28 Last year, I, okay, now it's all coming back to me. Last year Walt finished way ahead of everybody else and standings and point scored all that stuff. I was second in point scored, but somehow that in the entire league, but that came out to fourth in the division magically. And so I had the pleasure of playing the Juggernaut himself in the first round, and that was quickly the end of that. So yeah, it,
Starting point is 02:37:58 I'll say what I think if you have a good philosophy to win, like we talked about grandpa drafting, four, five, six tight ends, and it doesn't always work for you. My attitude is, hey, you draft, you immediately find out they're all losers, they get injured, they were, you know, you were reading from a 2006 draft, you have a lot, you know, whoops, I'm off my decade, my mistake. But then, you know, thank goodness that we don't have these stringent rules on pickups and free agency.
Starting point is 02:38:28 It's wide open. It's like the dark web, man. Anything goes. You know, there's no cost. You can do it any time. There's no, hey, it opens at Thursday at 8 o'clock in the night. You know, 3am on a Tuesday. Time to pick up a new player.
Starting point is 02:38:44 With all those things, my philosophy has got me two super balls, which is drafting who needs it, you know, he just might know who's scoring, you know, some points around the second week. And Mike, it lucky him when a super ball. There you go. This is from the man who once drafted Andrew Luck and Tony Roma on the first four rounds and ended up winning a super ball with Blake Bordel. So anything is possible. I got one last question about fantasy football before we move on here to a couple other topics. Let's pick the brain of a 12-year veteran commissioner and a two-time Super Bowl champion. Who do you like in the draft this year?
Starting point is 02:39:25 Who's standing out to you? I know you do a mock draft once every day or so. So you got to have some good ideas at this point. I know you're a big mock drafter. Well, I'll tell you what, one of my things has always been to pick a quarterback or something like that in the first round, which usually doesn't work at well, because like you said, many of these quarterbacks tend
Starting point is 02:39:48 to fade away by the third week. I'll tell you what, last year, I really should have done more analysis on some of the upcoming running backs. You know, looking like it, come on, and stuff like that. Like a Cadillac Williams type. Yeah, I'll look you like it. Come on, stuff like that. Like a Cadillac Glorium type. Yeah, I feel you. I'm going to hope that I can get at least one decent running back
Starting point is 02:40:12 that doesn't fall off the face of the earth. I've never really subscribed to that. There was one year I think that you went after someone guiding a modified receivers. Am I remembering that right? And it sounds like every year, yeah. Yeah, and you're thinking that you're going to stock up on them. And people are going to come to you like, you know, you've got, you know, all the
Starting point is 02:40:34 lollipops that the kids want. I don't really pay no for you, but, you know, sometimes I think maybe that might be another philosophy, you know, try to, try to get like all the top running backs and the first up around, oh wait a minute,, I already begun, I guess that won't work. But yeah, no, my thought this year is try to get at least one decent running back. I am really bad at picking out a running back that will be tried and true throughout the years when I very first started way back when I was in Wasa. There's a work leak and I had lived in in Tom once and just as he was coming on and I wrote that guy to two consecutive super bowls and I haven't
Starting point is 02:41:14 learned from him doing that so you know if there's another you know LVO there that I can find before he becomes an you know a great star that's that's probably my going to be my key victory, but I would say, yeah, don't play smart. The first couple rounds don't get too crazy. Go go for a sure, you know, like Antonio Brown, if maybe he's, you know, Vailboard, was it Hopkins last year?
Starting point is 02:41:38 I think was our number one library. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I would go for some of that stuff and then, hey, you know, in our league, a defense in the fourth round Maybe not such a stretch of it's gonna be like Jackson the last year I mean those guys ran the table with points. It was not true. Yeah
Starting point is 02:41:55 But I also figure hey, it's a Saturday night Why can't I have a good time? You know even though I'm gonna be by myself None of my friends that I reached out to were available so I was just kind of doing me in more ways than one, but I so I go to Benny's beverage depot Chicago institution, the place to get your liquor and your libel and your beer and your libations, all that stuff. And I'm thinking, you know, wine is what I'm looking for because I had been drinking a lot of beer. I hadn't had a bottle of wine in a while. So I say, let's do some wine. Let's do a nice, oaky, gravely red,
Starting point is 02:42:46 and to pair with my pizza. And I say gravely and you might think that I'm just being foolish. No, this wine that I ended up getting last night, you can read the flavor profile from the producer on the little next to the price before you buy anything. This wine, I swear to God, the secondary tastes, I don't remember exactly what all of them were, but one of them was gravely.
Starting point is 02:43:13 So if any of my listeners out there are winists, or brewers, or apires, let me know, and you can explain gravely to me. How do you even make a wine gravely? What's that process like? Anyways, I digest. The wine situation is that I don't have a corkscrew that I travel with.
Starting point is 02:43:41 I don't know if you can fly TSA with a corkscrew and I've actually looked that up. I would guess not, although really who knows, long story short, I don't have one. So it's a simple situation, right? You just make sure you get a bottle of wine with a cap. You don't get one with a cork. Well, here's where the mix up happened. So I walk into binnies and boom, first thing, right, when you get in the door, there's a nice lady stand in there. And she's got vodka samples. Well, you know, in many cultures, they'll cut your hand off if you don't try the vodka.
Starting point is 02:44:28 And me not having really been to Naperville before I say, I look, if they're saying try it, you better believe I'm going to try it. It's just vodka. There are a bunch of other things that I would do before my limits would hit. Anyways, so there's this peach infused vodka and I do some of it and it's fine. I wasn't there for vodka though. And so I, sorry, as I lose my train of thought here,
Starting point is 02:45:03 I was watching the TV and they were showing the Eagles do the electric side less here against the Bears and I had forgotten about that and how much I absolutely loved it and so I had to pull it up on YouTube so I can watch it after this. I get my vodka shot and this was a healthy poor, a very, very healthy poor. And not that, you know, I'm not buzzed off of that, but it gives you kind of an internal kick. And I started thinking about something else and spacing out a little bit.
Starting point is 02:45:36 And of course, I'm just kind of perusing the halls of Benny's me knowing literally nothing about wine. All I can tell you is there's white, there's red, and then if you mix them, you get a pink. Well, I'm thinking, okay, no, I want a red because white's too sweet, it gives me a headache. If I'm pairing it with pizza, I really want a red. So I had completely forgotten
Starting point is 02:46:03 about the entire cork, verse, cap situation. You all know where this story is going. I find a wine that looks pretty cool. It's lion brand. I want to feel like the king of the jungle when I'm drinking my wine. And of course, I get back to my hotel.
Starting point is 02:46:21 And actually, it wasn't like, pull it out, like time to drink. It was, I actually got in my car where actually it wasn't like pull it out like time to drink it was I actually got in my car Right after I'd purchased it and I realized what I had done Of course I got a bottle of wine with a cork in it. So Watch a couple YouTube videos just getting some different ideas for how to get the cork out of a wine bottle when you don't have a corkscrew. And there are some options that are relatively straightforward.
Starting point is 02:46:54 Like if you have, one of them was physically like a hook that you might have in your wall that you can take on. And it's like a screw. Other ones are like hammer and nail. Well, turns out in most Midwestern hotels, they don't provide a hammer and nail. I don't want to talk about it. Anyways, the next kind of viable option here was,
Starting point is 02:47:14 they say put your car key, insert a car key into the cork at a 45 degree angle, which is a lot tougher than that might sound on paper. So I do that and the problem is I got this cork at a 45 degree angle, which is a lot tougher than that might sound on paper. So I do that, and the problem is I got this cork that's 100% all natural West African ivory, and so this thing just crumbles right away when I start to do that. And basically what I'm doing is just digging a hole into the center of this cork and the card key's not staying and the cork's not moving at all. Not that it's supposed to at the stage, but there's just I'm not going to be
Starting point is 02:47:58 able to get any grip on that. So that idea is out the window. The next option is to kind of put a hole in it as I was doing. And then there's something you can do with a shoe string where you tie a knot. Basically what you try to do is stick it in there as far as possible. But now that I think about it, I don't remember exactly how it works. Long story short, I didn't have any shoe strings that are thin enough to be able to pull anything off like that. So that option was a bust. The next thing they say is to wrap a towel around
Starting point is 02:48:41 your wine bottle on the sides and the bottom and bang it up against the wall. Well, here's my issue there. I'm in a hotel that has about six floors full of people. And I just and I know not really feeling that option because I did it a couple times and I tried out a couple different surfaces doors Floors tables no matter what I do. It's crazy loud Even with the towel and I'm really not seeing any change
Starting point is 02:49:17 the next option as Layed out by the internet as laid out by the internet is the hold the wine bottle upside down same thing with the towel, wrap it around the sides wrap it around the bottom, smack it with your shoe and well you know I haven't been lifting lately so I'm feeling a little weak and after about probably two minutes of smacking, we had seen zero millimeter movement with the wine bottle.
Starting point is 02:49:51 So that option is off the table. And at this point, I'm really getting desperate because what I wanted to do was get the wine bottle out, not get it further in. So we're kind of left with one option here, right? And that is get the wine bottle into the bottle of wine. It was kind of my last resort. It was not what I wanted to do. But alas, that's where we were. So next thing, and this didn't seem like it was going to be the tough part about it, but it turned out to be
Starting point is 02:50:34 the tough part, was well, it's really tight in there. It's really wedged in there. How am I supposed to push this all the way down? I sound like you just got to give it one firm below. It is a series of repeated blows because you got to get all the way out of that neck. So I tried out a couple different things. I was using some podcasting materials. I tried to use the handle on the door eventually I got lucky. I Went into the closet when Quinn came out of the closet, as he's known to do. And I get the coat hanger out.
Starting point is 02:51:15 And these coat hangers were wood with a couple of wires to help, not even wires like steel, I don't know what you'd call it, to kind of help with the framework. Anyways, there was one hanger in there that was already kind of busted, and part of the wood and a rod at the bottom that you would hang it on, the dowel,
Starting point is 02:51:37 whatever you want to call it, was already like out of the wire. And so I was able to use that, and it kind of looked like I was you know on the old revolutionary war days when you're you shoot your gun and then you got to put the gun powder back in there that's what it felt like and that's what it looked like. So I did that and it took a really really long time and I had to do some different things
Starting point is 02:52:05 of the towel to make it more padded for my hand that was pushing because it wasn't a very comfortable situation and it was making progress, it was very slow progress, it wasn't just like stick it in there and push, it was like a series of repeated jobs. And the whole time I'm just like mashing up this cork, mashing it all together, and also trying to get it down in there and eventually, finally, thank God. After probably an entire process that was close to an hour, I got it. And I drank about half of it,
Starting point is 02:52:49 and then I fell asleep. So I've got the other half waiting for me this afternoon, looking forward to that in the fridge. Are you, how do you feel about the lyrics on this song? I have it up here and I have it up here. Double time, excellent. I can't like it both of this song. All right. This is song number two of four. We will keep it for unless we get divine inspiration. Maybe we could play a hem or something.
Starting point is 02:53:18 Hems and hers. Okay. That's good. Take number two. Thank you. You ready? Oh yeah yeah. But okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on. You see what I have to deal with. No. Okay. So I was probably ready. Hold on.
Starting point is 02:53:35 You know, this is live air. I know it is. All right. Go ahead. Fans are clamoring. Yeah, I know. But I'm not going to start if you're not ready. Go ahead. I'm not going to start if you're not ready. I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand
Starting point is 02:54:20 I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand I hope you understand I'm coming, anybody, anybody You're with love, you feel so much lies on that shoe. I'm here to hold, I could never go without you. I thought it felt true Oh, my child I can't be easy I'm so full I'm so full I want you to find me
Starting point is 02:55:48 You know, you're trying to marry me Just be out of my mind I feel so much love that you I knew you should know I could never go without you Nice, nice, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, That's better isn't it? No. He sounded amazing. I get a performance anxiety. Yeah, this is the biggest stage you've had. Biggest stage I've had. In days.
Starting point is 02:57:13 Water. Let's see. Matthew, you were telling a story about a certain rug. I don't know how detailed I should really get. The fans crave details. It's not really my story to tell. OK, I'll tell some of it. Yeah, I don't think that it affects people that I know now.
Starting point is 02:57:36 Of course, to be fair, I think. There's hidey's tuning in. I don't think so. Well, maybe it was even there. Bean Town podcast is international now. We're in Winnipeg and Cooper. Anywhere there's anything. Elsewhere.
Starting point is 02:57:48 Yeah, exactly. OK, so I think it was a birthday party. So it was Darlene, my older sister, for those of you who do not know who are international. And my birthday, they're very close. So like six days apart. August 4th. Yeah, that's what my birthday is, yeah. And so she invited quite a bit of her friends over
Starting point is 02:58:14 and I didn't invite, actually I don't really think it was a birthday party, but I'm thinking about it. I think it just happened to be a party around when my birthday was. So it's for her, you weren't there, right? Yeah, you were there. You were there. This was like 30 years ago. Yeah. So, I quit and his brothers and his sister. I don't know if Abby was there. I've been there. I probably didn't invite her.
Starting point is 02:58:40 I think she was invited. She probably just didn't really like that message. That makes sense. And so Darling had a lot of her then friends. Oh, it sounds like there's another story there, but keep going. So I think my parents were very keen on keeping the party outside. I say party, there's more like a bonfire. We had food out there. But for some reason, a few of them slipped inside
Starting point is 02:59:08 and then snuck into our basement. And my dad, I think it was dead, stumbled across him. He came out and said, there's a flip the light on. And they were engaged in to keep it light. Some form of yoga pose on our rock, it just got awkward. There was one person watching and two people engaging in yoga. And that's as far as I'll probably go.
Starting point is 02:59:32 And ever since then, the baby-making rug has been, we don't have it anymore. This is a different rug, by the way. I remember correctly. Donated it to charity, I hope. And they were never invited. Or the children's hospital just to complete the circle of life. But yeah, so there's a story. I...
Starting point is 02:59:52 You ever are super exciting, but they haven't. Do you know the song, the party's over in parentheses, hopelessly in love by journey. Because I imagine that's what your dad was singing after that. The party's over, I've gone away. It's kind of a deeper journey cut, but if anyone's listening out there for all five of you, go ahead and listen to Journey, hopelessly in love. It's actually a really underrated song. Matthew, you want to vamp for a little bit? You're leaving me to. Yeah, well, 30 seconds and I'll be back. While you're a quick peer, I'm not going to wash my hands.
Starting point is 03:00:33 Well, if you please just I'll try. I'm okay with sitting here in silence for an extra few. No, dead air. No dead air. Well, I guess this is our seventh inning stretch. Not for me, of course, but for Quinn. For those of you that are still listening, thanks for still listening. Yeah, I really ran out of things to talk about pretty quickly. If you guys have not checked out the bean town unplugged segment, it was shot earlier.
Starting point is 03:01:05 We're doing this subsequent to that, but it probably hit the internet a little bit quicker. So that should be up. And I think that's up on the bean town podcast, Facebook page, and I'll have to double check on Quinn's posting strategy, if that's also put out there on Twitter as well. But if you if you want to see some old classics get slightly butchered then
Starting point is 03:01:35 go ahead and check that out. The butchering wasn't so much on Quinn's part but there was some higher falsetto backing vocals that were pretty rough as well as just overall guitar playing. But be sure to check that out. Also, you can email the bean town podcast at beantown at And I verify with Quinn why he's using yahoo but apparently that's the up and coming platform is that correct. I think it's came in as well but I think we need to hook you up with Gmail.
Starting point is 03:02:07 You might get more mail. You might be getting mail, it's just being sent to spam. I really don't know. Here's the thing. The Bean Tom podcast is an all-American. You ask your hands. Absolutely. Okay, good.
Starting point is 03:02:21 It's an all-American podcast. And we like to look to the past to guide our future. And I think Yahoo's both the past and the future. Yeah, with a Y-mail. Is that what they call it? Yeah, so it's been up in Gmail, but I don't quite ring quite as well. But you can always email us being dumb. I don't know if you already do this I slightly did I didn't spot that for you Well you got so in case people can understand
Starting point is 03:02:51 Bean Tomp podcast it's Bean Town BEA to be a podcast How do you spell town? This is my job in town We're gonna spell the way I want to spell. Maybe that's why you're not getting, did you check the email? Yeah, well, yeah, there's nothing in it. Okay, maybe that's why. I sign up for a lot of people aren't getting the time. Free cruises and stuff and a trip to Las Vegas through that email though. And again, a lot of spam. Maybe that's worth then having a spam email.
Starting point is 03:03:25 You got all these great offers. Crews for two. That could be us. Well, I don't know Matthew. How many throw away emails do you have? None of them are throw away. You know, unfortunately, there's another Matthew Feeblat there who took it.
Starting point is 03:03:40 And this is a big question that I have. I'm going to go on a mini rant here. I won't take up too much airtime, but So once we have children and they have children and they have children, what happens? Do they like phase out emails like You know what I mean? I think we're going to run out of so be a process if there isn't already one for identifying people who have passed and removing their yeah cuz like what that'll have it probably it I'm sure there's at some level somewhere something like that exists it hasn't had to have been a thing yet because considering the internet has only been around for 30
Starting point is 03:04:22 years and it's infancy but, in the next 50 years, I will definitely become a major. I don't think necessarily a problem because I think it's an easy problem to identify. Maybe not a super easy one to solve, but I think there are some smart people out there that'll figure out how to do those things. So yeah, I have background checks and stuff.
Starting point is 03:04:43 Maybe three personal emails, and there are variations of my name and then just like a number of them. But what are you using? Oh, the Gmail. Yeah, so what are the other two? What are their pros? Oh, they're all Gmail. They're just different emails.
Starting point is 03:04:57 But like, why? Why do you have three different Gmail ones? Because one, I never check. One, I never check them and one I use So what's the purpose of having the other two? Like stuff if you have to sign up for something just do that. Okay, that's what we call a throwaway Yeah, and that's why I said that okay, so I asked how many throwways you have you said none? I've no no, I said I mean
Starting point is 03:05:21 We got to listen back to the tape on this one. Hotel breakfast. Okay. So I get it. You get to the fancier chains. It's not a holiday anymore. You're not going to have the free breakfast. Great.
Starting point is 03:05:44 Whatever. I get it it but you go down and these when I say fancy hotels I'm not talking like the Palmer House in Chicago I'm talking Sheraton Sioux Falls is it probably one of the nicest options in town yes but there's nothing about it that's like free mani-peddies hot tub in the room, escorts, waiting in the bathroom for you, all that stuff that you get at the fancier places. You go down to these breakfasts, these free buffet, continental, whatever's,
Starting point is 03:06:20 and you know what they're charging you, even out here in Sioux Falls, and I didn't do it, even though I wouldn't be paying for it but just out of pure Just not ethical, but I'm just taking a personal stance against it because I'm not willing to do this $16 for the breakfast in the Sheraton Sioux Falls. I tell you what you come to South Dakota with $16, you can practically buy a 2000 acre swine farm for $16, and they are trying to charge you $16
Starting point is 03:06:58 for two slices of bacon over here at the hotel, continental, all you can eat buffet. I'm taking a stand, and if I run for political office, this is going to be one of my big selling points. If you're in Manhattan, and you got to pay $16, that's good, because $16 is like how much a cup of coffee costs at the 7-Eleven. But if you're out in South Dakota,
Starting point is 03:07:24 and they're charging you $16, I got news for your sister. I could walk down the street to the Denny's $16. I walk out of there all of a sudden. I own that franchise with $16. So that's just, that's a major pet peeve of mine. It shouldn't be $16 to get a hotel breakfast. And the quality based on my past experiences sneaking into a hotel breakfast is fine, but it's $16, are you kidding? $16 and then yo, don't get me started on tipping. Oh boy.
Starting point is 03:08:08 Although here is one pet peeve of mine. When you get a free airport shuttle and you don't tip. So now we kind of swung the other way. So I get into Sioux Falls at about 1115 last night. There's no Uber in South Dakota, believe it or not. Who would have thought. And thankfully, there's a free airport shuttle. So I call it, it's like 10 minutes,
Starting point is 03:08:29 and they come pick me up. Enterprise will pick you up. And so we get back to the hotel, and I tip the guy, and he's like, tipping isn't required. Well, no shit, tipping's never going to be required. But as I drop an exploit, if I haven't even given our listener
Starting point is 03:08:45 discretion is advised take let me get to that after this. But I'm like I look man it's 11 o'clock a night I feel bad. You drove to come get me here's literally as a two dollar tip for a two mile drive. I think that's fine. So if you have cash on hand, if you're getting a free ride somewhere, tip the man. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Haley been texting me all week, like, when can I be on a podcast? When can I do it?
Starting point is 03:09:19 Like, patients, I'll be there on Saturday. I can't tell you enough how excited Haley is to be doing on cast day. Yeah, it's my dream come true, really. Been waiting all week. Tell us about this artist we're going to see tonight. I think I'll see Milo Green, yeah. So what's their deal?
Starting point is 03:09:40 They're like a contemporary rock, like Indy Rock band. I've seen them a couple of, like Indy Rock band. I've seen them a couple of times before they were at fest. Did you go to fest? I never went to a fest in my time as a Nepal student. Well, that is a mistake, but yeah, they were there probably 2015. So yeah, they're good, I don't know. I haven't seen them in a while, so we'll see how they,
Starting point is 03:10:03 I think they're like number of band members changed or something. Like now there's fewer people than they were before. So maybe it'll be a little bit different. All right. Lincoln Hall, you ever go to a DMACC concert? Oh, yeah. Big DMACC concert attendee over here. Love DMACC.
Starting point is 03:10:18 By roommate Sam and I, I used to go to DMACC concert because we had a mutual friend, Sam's roommate, and our freshman year in your Corcoran Hall was in DMACC. Total bro, you went to Stevenson, classic to Paul King. And we used to go and get overly enthusiastic at the concert, so we'd take a bunch of shots beforehand. And so it's not heckling. You're not like boo, your terrible.
Starting point is 03:10:43 It's like, oh yeah, on the solo start, you clap like crazy and a lot of whistling and cheering. Those were, those were fun days. But we never went to Lincoln Hall. It was always in like, sad. Mm-hmm, the pit. Yeah. And the pit, yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 03:10:58 Good times. Well, Haley, you have a very, I feel like niche music tastes a lot of bands that I don't know, but I'm sure they're great. So give us just a couple of names. Who are some of your favorite bands? Kind of, I don't know, Indies the best way to put it are alternative is better, but some bands that some of them well known, some of them lesser than all, but who are some of your faves? Yeah, it's tough to really categorize. I don't know what the specific genre would be, but most of the time it's like Indy Rock
Starting point is 03:11:31 or Indy Folk or, yeah, I guess that covers it. Joseph is one of my favorites. There are three sisters in a band. They're from Oregon as well. And they're really great. Their harmonies are really good together. It's both chill and fun. Let's see. Well, local natives is another one that's
Starting point is 03:11:53 probably a little bit lesser known, but they also played fast actually, different year, though. And they're like an Indy Rock band, too. Family and friends. They're from Georgia. I'm glad you mentioned that. I knew you were waiting for that one. I actually just popped into my head about 30 seconds ago.
Starting point is 03:12:12 You recently took a trip to Georgia, did you? Angie let one of your roommates handle the travel planning. What was that like? Well, you know, I was really overconfident. It was because she sent me a Google, like a Google Excel sheet, I guess, with a full-eye tinerary. And I was like, wow, she's really thought this one through, really feeling good about it. So the plan was, the concert was in Athens, Georgia, home of UGA. And where the plan was to fly into Atlanta, Georgia, home of UGA. And the plan was to fly into Atlanta, Georgia, which is roughly two hours away drive from Athens, Georgia.
Starting point is 03:12:51 So the plan was to take the flight to Atlanta and then take a bus from Atlanta to Athens. And then, like, just Uber run from there because she don't want to run a car. Also, it doesn't have a license. So it would have been me driving either way. So, we fly into Atlanta, we get there, quick trip. The bus is gonna be like three hours' weight until the next bus is there.
Starting point is 03:13:16 And it was gonna be like $40 a person. So, the only alternative at this point is to Uber from Atlanta to Athens. And it wasn't actually bad. It was like $80, which was roughly the same cost as the bus and it was going to leave right away. So we really couldn't turn it down. But we did sit in the Uber for two hours and the driver did not say a word to us. So yeah, that's how those plans are.
Starting point is 03:13:41 Did you feel any remorse for your driver taking them all the way out to Athens? Well, when we got in, we were like, we're going to go a far distance. Like, we're sorry. And he was like, oh no, I like this drive. Which so we were like, okay, cool. But then, like, at first, he was like, what do you guys want to listen to? We're like, cool, we're on a road trip now. We're like, ready for it.
Starting point is 03:14:02 But yeah, like halfway through, I think he realized it was a mistake because he started driving like a little bit more aggressive to get over with it. And we were kind of wishing that he had been a little bit more exciting about it. I mean, that's a big acid. Did you give him a nice tip at least? We did give him a tip, yeah. A tip?
Starting point is 03:14:19 You typically not tip your Uber drivers? No, not really. Unless they're like really great or something bad happens. I always tip my Uber drivers. Maybe I'm in the minority here. I'm sure they love you. What's your rating? Oh, I don't know. Let's check. Oh, I'm gonna kick your butt. People like me. I get in, I check in on them, I say. I'm good windows up, windows slow jams hot jams whatever you need 4.93 wow I'm a man of the people I don't think you realize but I feel like I Take ubers more and I have probably made more mistakes with my uber rides
Starting point is 03:14:58 So I know I'm just saying that said 4.89. I'm very thrilled with that. That's great. Yeah, I don't know By myself just like the Celine Dion song What's that you're gonna sing Celine Dion to close out the podcast don't mind if I do. I'm glad you asked. Thanks for listening. We'll come to you live next week. When I was young, I never needed anyone. Maybe I could do a Celine Dion impression. Breaking a little over just for fun.
Starting point is 03:15:42 This is going to be like Those days are done. If Eddie Vetter and Celine Dion had a baby. Lever than a load. I think of all the frayings I've known. Apologies. When I dial the telephone. Nobody's home. You know, who else is Canadian, Celine Dion.
Starting point is 03:16:08 It's been a very Canadian podcast. I also have been listening to a lot of arcade fire. But here we go. Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Pipes are bad today. Gotta use falsetto so fairly more. One more. Hard to be sure. Sometimes I'm fair so insecure. It'll also distant and obscure.
Starting point is 03:17:01 Remains the cure. Is there a key change in this? Oh, man, this is some great stuff. You know, this melody is from Rock, Mining, Offs, piano concerter number two in C minor. Is that the key it's in? Go check it out. Second. Second. Second. Second. Second. Second. Second. from Rock, Mon, and Off's piano concerter number two in C minor, is that the key
Starting point is 03:17:27 it's in? Go check it out. Second movement is absolutely beautiful. Oh, by myself, Freddie Moore. Oh, by myself, yeah. And on me, oh, by myself, Freddie Moore. It's a really good piano concerto. A C minor I think it's either C or F, but I think it's C minor. And it's got three movements. The first one is very dark, romantic, moody. The second one is this melody, but it's really pretty, really good piano and orchestra do it. The third one is an absolute banger. One of the most romantic pieces of music of all time. Back wound it off.
Starting point is 03:18:28 Piano concert number two. Listen to it when you're feeling sexy. Maybe you have sex to that song. But for now you can have sex to this one. Oh, we're back in. I never need you to anyone. Don't have sex to the Bean Tom podcast. That'd be weird.
Starting point is 03:18:45 And making love is just for fun. What if I had sex with the Bean Tom Podcast? That'd be weird. Thursdays are done. Wow, wow, wow. Well, what's gonna happen? Oh, key change? Hello.
Starting point is 03:19:01 Oh, by my share, you. Not yet, but I think it's coming. Don't wanna be. Oh, by my share, you. Oh, for any more. Just be glad I'm not singing power of love. Oh, by my share, you. Don't wanna be.
Starting point is 03:19:22 Oh, by my share, you. Don't be by myself anymore Oh, that's a powder. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I talked about this in a fantasy football note earlier this week, which I know everyone read because, you know, obviously, aquafina. Now here's where we're getting into the murky waters here. I, this popped up on like my YouTube or something and I realized I didn't know much about her, so I was like, okay, clearly super popular. Let's investigate a little bit more. So I went in and watched a bunch of her music videos, listened to a bunch of her music, like dedicated time, which for me tends to be limited to actually like listening to
Starting point is 03:20:40 her stuff, viewing her stuff, et cetera. Watch some some some crazy rachations to check out the acting aspect and I rewatched a lot of the SNL stuff because she co-hosted or not co-hosted, she hosted the second episode of SNL 44 this year which is mind-boggling to me, but it is what it is. I just don't get it. I am glad that she is serving as a role model and empowering figure for other young Asian women and Asian-American people in general and empowerment,
Starting point is 03:21:21 all that stuff. Great. There is nothing negative there. I'm happy. But couldn't couldn't we as a society have chosen somebody? I don't know better more talented more Likeable, I mean what what happened to sigh the guy who did gong style, right? That guy was cool He he wore sunglasses. He had cool clothes That guy was cool. He wore sunglasses, he had cool clothes. What happened? Why can't we do him? Or Asian gym, right?
Starting point is 03:21:49 He guy is in fresh off the boat now. If that shows still on, I never saw it. I just heard about it. But I'm just, you know, big fan of the empowerment, big fan of the representation. Just let's get somebody better in there. You know, that's all I'm saying. So aquafina, you're kind of spooking me out. And the name, I just, right, I thought like flow ride it was stupid. Now we're doing aquafina. I bottled water is, is, and S.O. going to come out next. I don't, it's frustrated. So my first, my, the very first thing that went into my head, which I think just shows where my mind is operating 75% of the time, is that you can't, and this isn't like me being super sad.
Starting point is 03:23:15 This is just me basically curbing your enthusiasm. You can't date somebody for three months and break up with them on the phone. Okay, break up etiquette. There have been documented sign-feld episodes on this, but allow me to add to the anthology. You can't go through with the phone breakup. You gotta at least give somebody a lunch date or the afternoon in the park, the walking date at least, I could handle the walking date.
Starting point is 03:23:48 But you can't go three months where everything is, and this was a, from my perspective, a very good, very solid relationship, and that had been acknowledged by both parties. Communication was great.. Communication was great. Physical stuff was great. Just really enjoyed each other's company. And then just boom, face hits the wall. And you can't, I don't know. Not that I don't think I'd feel any better
Starting point is 03:24:22 about the situation if I had been broken up with in person, but just PSA for anybody out there. So let's talk about this a little bit. How long before you can't do the phone breakup anymore? I think everyone who's listening here can agree that you can't do three months and then have the phone call break up. Unless it's always been long distance
Starting point is 03:24:49 and like I'm in bean town and she's into buy or something then I get the phone call break up because those plane tickets especially around the holidays are gonna run you a thousand, 1200 bucks. But, but when you live two miles away from each other the phone call for the breakup just seems a little I don't even know what the right word is because I'm not like but hurt over the fact that I got dumped on the phone it's just like that's not a thing like you can't do that so I think I don't know because what's the hierarchy here? Are we thinking
Starting point is 03:25:28 ghosting, then text message, then phone message, then in person, I think that's a pretty fair hierarchy. So I think for me, ghosting is never on my radar if you're in a committed relationship. So look, we've all had Tinder dates where you might go out once and you just weren't feeling it. So either just nothing happens after that or you send a message saying I had a really good time and that's it. And I don't think anyone feels upset about that. Now if you get ghosted when you're in like an actual relationship so that's not cool
Starting point is 03:26:07 and I don't think that should be ever on the table so let's move it to the tax message. I think if you've gone on you know anywhere from like one to three dates I think a tax message is okay because I think three dates for me at least is plenty long enough to get a feel for somebody to see if like this is actually something or if you need to pursue greener passers. The phone call I think, I don't know, for me and maybe I'm old faster but the statute of limitations on the phone call doesn't extend much further. I think one to like maybe five dates is okay because look if you've gone on a sixth date with somebody We're already talking about a period of probably three weeks on average
Starting point is 03:26:51 That's almost a month. Have you guys going out? That's pretty significant. That's a lot of FaceTime They're gonna there's gonna have spent some emotional bonds that have been forged so I don don't think, I think five dates, and this is pretty arbitrary, because I'm just doing this off the top of my head, is I think phone call. But after five dates, or let's say one month, of you guys going out like, come on, the phone call is not on the table anymore.
Starting point is 03:27:21 And it's not like, this is probably a thing that bugged me the most. There wasn't anything leading up to this, you know, I did my research afterwards because I haven't I haven't been broken up with in a very long time. So I just these aren't emotions that I've experienced in a while. So I research, you know, what are the telltale science that your partner is going to break up with you? And none of them were matching. Yeah, I just don't have any sort of that's that's the toughest thing for me. So there's this nothing that was going to say, hey warning sign here. So I apologize to Everyone listening. I was really excited for this episode because we were gonna be you know in a in a new state from which we had never
Starting point is 03:28:15 Podcasted before and we're gonna potentially get The lovely lady on the podcast for the first time which would have been a fun dynamic because we always have fun It's funny to say no always had fun when we were together and I think that would have really come through on the podcast. But alas, we are sitting alone. First though, we are going to be doing an ad from one of our new sponsors. So check this out. Here we go. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well Oregon listeners, there's good news.
Starting point is 03:29:10 Home Pride Inspection Services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing and so much more. Home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust, call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit That's 541-207-1101 or visit
Starting point is 03:29:55 Home Pride Oregon, inspection perfection. Welcome to the Bean Town Podcast. Thanks, giving addition. How is everyone doing? This is Quinn Davis-Fernes. This is my podcast also known as the People's Podcast. One of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. We are pretty lucky this morning to be joined by one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts. We are pretty lucky this morning to be joined by one of my much older aunts. Antiana, what's going on? How are you doing?
Starting point is 03:30:32 I'm doing well. We just had a great Thanksgiving, right? With 17 people around the table? I'd say it was good. Yeah. It was a good thing. No, no, it was great, Quinn. It was great. Yeah. Okay. Well, Antiana, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It's always a pleasure when we can get family on, before people get too old, we want them to be able to experience everything that Beentown podcast has to offer. So, Antiana, I think you mentioned you were going to get us
Starting point is 03:31:04 started with a song. No, Antia, I think you mentioned you were going to get us started with a song. No, I did not mention that, but I was singing this morning because I have a two-year-old grandson. So we were singing, um, Cucumberisits on the old gumtree. Do you know that one? That's a classic song. I think that was brought Dylan. Are you ready? Yeah. Alright, give us a pitch. Mmm, okay. Cooke Bear says something all come to you. Merry, merry, king of the bushes. You're not singing.
Starting point is 03:31:31 Love, cook a bear, love. Cook a bear, a gay, your life must be. Quinn, you just mumbled through about gay cookebearance. You could have bought more. That means something completely different. I will leave that to your friends in Baltimore. It was an innocent childhood song. Classic anti. Classic anti. Antiana, you have mentioned before that you're going to be spending some time in the country of how are we going to pronounce it?
Starting point is 03:32:02 Guiana. Guiana. Guyana in the next couple of months here. So why don't you give us a quick little country profile. Most people don't know that Guyana exists in the world. So what's it like down there in South Africa where Guyana is? South America. Similar. South America. Yes, I was recently there with my first visit to South America. And Guyana is the only English-speaking country on the continent.
Starting point is 03:32:30 And it's one of three Guyana's. We have what was formerly British Guyana, which is the Guyana I visited. And then directly East of Guyana is Suriname, which is considered Dutch Guyana, right? And the language there is Dutch, right? And then further East is French Guyana, which is actually Dutch Guyana, right? And the language there is Dutch, right? And then further east is French Guyana, which is actually part of France, and where French is spoken. So it's linguistically, it's a really interesting area,
Starting point is 03:32:55 and there's a fabulous guillotine, it's Creole, which I do not understand a word of. The people were warm as was the temperature. It's a developing nation that has recently discovered oil and they're preparing for an oil boom. And there is one large federal university that's invited my husband to come and help them start a chemical engineering program. So we spend a couple of days in the capital Georgetown,
Starting point is 03:33:21 which is a lovely little colonial town. Like most developing nations, it has some growing pains. Nameed after King George? That's what I was told. That is what I was told. Tina, which one? No, and my question, I did pose that question to my guide and I asked if it was the same King George that the colonies, the American colonies fought against and they kind of demurred. So I have yet to do my research to affirm my supposition.
Starting point is 03:33:49 Sounds like corporate greed or something like that. Colonial greed. Colonial greed definitely. But they have a really still intact Amerindian population and fairly pristine rainforest. So it's an ecotourism haven destination. So the next time I turn to the country I'm looking forward to exploring the non-urban, the rural side of the country. And is there anything interesting or unique about the cuisine and Guyana that you noticed when you were there? Yeah, well it was a really short stay, but I'm told they're famous for their pepper pot, which is, you know, stewed meat. There's a ethnically, it's very interesting country because there's still this large
Starting point is 03:34:30 Amer Indian population descendants of slaves brought from Africa, a huge Indian population. So the food reminded me a little bit of South Africa, so there was this Indian influence. Lots of curries. Not really many colonial folks left, although now they'll be in influx with the interest in oil. And with you coming, that's going to double the population.
Starting point is 03:34:56 Pretty much. You mentioned South Africa where Guyana is located. How is your South African accent? My South, I don't think I have one. I think that's something worth practicing because when you're in Guiana, you'll want to be able to Converse have conversations with people who live there. But when you come from a geographically literate family Why do you keep mistaken South America for South Africa? Well, they're they're pretty close Staking South America for South Africa. Well, they're pretty close.
Starting point is 03:35:25 I really, yeah. They're only on a map usually, you know, maybe like half a foot apart. Is that it? So really not too bad. That works for you. This is our Thanksgiving episode. And Auntie, you were growing up in kind of depression era.
Starting point is 03:35:40 I'm wondering if you could talk a little bit more about what Thanksgiving's were like. For you growing up, you know, Hoover administration, Coolidge administration, sort of back then. That was my mother and my father, no, growing up in the 60s in Northern Wisconsin, which was not Hoover Coolidge. It was more Nixon and Watergate. So I grew up in a hunting family in the woods of northern Wisconsin. So Thanksgiving meant you hoped the hunters returned in time
Starting point is 03:36:11 to enjoy the Thanksgiving feast. And we often had to keep that turkey warm until they finally showed up, often with a towing a buck or a dough, right? And you'd have to quickly eat because then you'd have to dress the deer, right? That's that really dominated our Thanksgiving's. This whole hunting, we're recording a podcast. Oh, it's fine. We're with the ambient noise. Yeah, we have, so we're having lots of fun because my two-year-old grandson is here.
Starting point is 03:36:38 Yeah. Very good. And he's got a couple different names. So I was under the impression that tsunami is what we were calling him. But when I showed up here, a new name emerged, something like chunky salsa, it means caterpillar in South African, I think. And I've heard Jabriol get tossed around. I've heard Nugget get tossed around there since swear words I wasn't able to use on the podcast.
Starting point is 03:37:04 I've heard tossed around later at night night and attempt to get him to sleep. So lots of different names. Officially, his Yoruba name is Shanumi, which Quinn has transliterated into tsunami, which we think is quite adorable. His de Belli nickname, because mom's from Zimbabwe, is Trongololo, which means millipede, that he does have another name to Brill. And yeah, he's just adorable. He's over there playing his islephone, isn't that sweet? He ever plays baseball. They're going to have to give him a couple different jerseys to
Starting point is 03:37:36 put his full name on. I think so. That'd be good. Yeah. Some soccer players just have one name like, when all they're around on Dino, likeungo ever plays soccer, he's going to be the opposite. He's going to have 10 different names. I agree. Well, he merits them all. He's adorable.
Starting point is 03:37:51 Yeah, very good. There you go. How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer?
Starting point is 03:37:59 How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? How do you like soccer? And the kind of one last thing while we have a multi-time fancy football champion live on airwaters some of your tips and tricks for coaches as we move into the fantasy playoff season provided that you're in the playoffs. So if you're
Starting point is 03:38:16 happened to be Abby Furnace and you're listening to this right now that's kind of all the information we've got for you the rest will be for more elite level coaches. So what are what are you really focusing your attention on as we move towards the playoffs this year? Yeah, always go with your gut. That's that's my big one. And he doesn't mean put Jerome Betis in your lineup. He's mean trusting your kind of your instinctual gut. bettis in your lineup. He's me trusting your kind of your instinctual gut. That's right. So if you see a guy whose name you recognize, always go with that one, even if some other guy has much better stats, that's one of my personal rules. Something I learned along the way is always checked before you trade for someone to make
Starting point is 03:39:07 sure that they're not on IR because that can come back to bite you. Never underestimate a good smile. So when you look at the guys' pictures, you're trying to choose if you want to pick up someone or drop someone, you can often tell just by looking at them, you know, if they're going to be the right fit for your team. Have you seen Tyree Kills picture this year? No I haven't. Oh I'll pull it up. I think there's a reason why he's leading a wide receivers.
Starting point is 03:39:34 Well yeah I've known to blame but myself then. Because these are things that a lot of coaches don't really look into. But, um, oh boy. Well, I don't know if you would have made it that for me. Anyone has the opportunity to just Google Tyree Kills 2018 team photo. He's a gem. Not the most love that guy. He's like 5 feet nine, but runs a pretty quick 440. Jack, do you ever run a 440 at any time in your life? I know you're used to run track.
Starting point is 03:40:14 Yeah, no, is that 440 yards? No, that's a 40 yards or 40 meters, excuse me, but 440 is like a really good time to get on the 40 meters. A 4 second 40 meters? Yeah. 4 4 seconds and 4.4 seconds. And it's one of those two. We'll do some research on this after. No, I used to, I ran the, what did I, I guess I ran the 400.
Starting point is 03:40:45 I wasn't very good at track, so I doubt I ever did that. Well, you only had one year of experience. You were the rookie, yeah. And coming off an ACL injury, they should have made a 30 for 30 about you. That's right. Or a 40 by 40 apparently. The Big Brot we're seeing contest. The fourth annual Baltimore Christmas market German village
Starting point is 03:41:18 brought we're seeing contest. We participated in it last year, my first year here in Beentown. And so last year, there were probably, I think, six of us at the table. And this is a pretty big event in terms of just like Christmas market down in Baltimore. You know, they have the huge tent with a ton of vendors. And it's just a big space, but then the huge open area was seating where people are eating their dinner, drinking their beer, and watching the brat
Starting point is 03:41:48 we're seeing contest. So there were about five or six of us last year. And it was a lot of fun. It was pretty low key. I got second place, about three and three quarters. I lost a big mic. It was not actually that big, but Mike probably ate just over four. And that was in 10 minutes. And this is Brought and Buns. These things are probably about, I don't know, 9 or 10 inches long, and the buns are really tough to eat.
Starting point is 03:42:16 So I was part of myself, but I was also thinking, you know, I'm coming in hard this year, year two, I'm coming for that title'm trying to snag it away from big mic. Of course, he shows up this year. He's got his trophy. But the event over all this year was pretty challenging. It was pretty frustrating. The first problem was that the event was scheduled to take place at six. Get there at 545, check in. Everything's good to go. Or waiting at 6.10, 6.15, 6.20, you think, okay, what's going on? All these people are here, we're ready to feast. 6.30, you get pulled over by the event organizers, say, hey, we don't have enough bratwurst cook right now. Come back in half an hour.
Starting point is 03:42:59 So I'm thinking, oh, Jesus. Pretty frustrated because I had brought a bunch of friends, a bunch of coworkers from work, to experience the event, cheer me on, et cetera, all that good stuff. But I felt, you know, I feel bad, it's their Friday night. This is what you want to do off Friday night. This is what I want to do off Friday night.
Starting point is 03:43:20 But I digress. So come back seven, about10, 7-15. We finally get some action. But here's the problem. It wasn't the bratwurst action you were looking for. This scrawny white guy from Dundock, Scott, his name is, gets up on stage. He's like one of the event organizers, the host.
Starting point is 03:43:48 I don't know exactly what his specific role or title or salary was, but he gets up on stage. I'm thinking, OK, Scott's going to bring us up. We're going to start the brought-where scene contest. This is great. Here we go. Could not be more mistaken. Scott is like myself and want to be comedian. Scott did his stand-up act for about 15 minutes.
Starting point is 03:44:17 In it, you got to have some bad shows and rough shows at the start of your career if you're gonna be great. But, Scott, I tell you what, if you're listening to this but wasn't great, you need some new material, not just new material, but better material. Here was the biggest problem. You gotta know your audience, you gotta know your context when you're doing a stand-up act. You don't go to Philly and make fun of Rocky or the Liberty Bell or She Stakes.
Starting point is 03:44:53 It's just you're gonna get thrown out of town. Likewise, you don't open for a bratwurst eating competition by doing a five-minute stand-up bit about urination and how men pee and how women pee. I'm not saying that you can't do a fun bit about urination. Gender roles, there's always good stuff in that, just as a large scale concept. But when you're opening for an eating competition in which people will be feeling queasy, in which vomit may be induced, boy, I tell you what, I don't know if it affected the other competitors away affected me, but talking about urination habits
Starting point is 03:45:50 immediately preceding a competition in which I'm trying to get down as many sausages and buns as possible It was not it was not good and just the whole thing Scott It was not good. And just the whole thing, Scott, wasn't great. I appreciate you for going up there and doing your breasts. But, that was tough. That was tough. So, finally, around like 7.30 or so, we get pulled up to the stage. And there were a lot of people, there were like nine.
Starting point is 03:46:26 It was really crowded. We're all guys too. And not like, you know, guys of all different sizes, like probably all around 6 feet tall and taller. There were some really tall guys there. And you know, there were, you know, maybe one or two guys who are skinny were skinny or most of us probably 200 plus pounds easy. The competition was a lot more fierce this year, just like Allie raisins, new book, check it out. Barnes and Noble, wherever you buy your books, you can read Allie raisins fierce.
Starting point is 03:47:02 But there were nine of us. The competition rules changed a little bit. So last year we couldn't dunk because they just had water bottles. So we were allowed to drink, but we weren't allowed to dunk, because physically it wasn't possible. They give us cups. So we could dunk, which I was a little perturbed by, because not because I have anything in it's dunking,
Starting point is 03:47:20 just because they didn't announce that real change going into this year. They need show up in all of a sudden it's like, oh, we can dunk. But nine of us, and the rules changed. Last year was just how many can you eat in 10 minutes? This year, it was first one to seven wins or whoever's eating the most after 15 minutes.
Starting point is 03:47:43 And when they announced that, I knew I was toast. The only chance that I potentially had was winning a sprint, you know, the 10 minute track, the 10 minute circuit, even then I wasn't gonna have a chance. But I knew that if it was just how many can you get down, it wasn't going to go well one. I've been dieting last five weeks or so, and my stomach has shrunk considerably.
Starting point is 03:48:06 My appetite particularly around dinner time much lower than what it usually is, but number two, the whole Scott urine bit just really threw me for a loop. So even before it started, I knew it wasn't going to happen, but we get going, and there are some big guys. There's Gomez who worked for T-Mobile. I was two guys, I was two positions down from him, so I could see him pretty well. After I hit about two, I knew that it wasn't, I wasn't going anywhere that I was just having fun at this point and I felt bad because you want to put on a good show, but I also really
Starting point is 03:48:41 didn't want to puke. It's just, if I was just like doing this at home and puke, you'd be like, oh, okay, I can, whatever. But you're in front of a crowd of probably, you know, 200 people, not exactly what I wanted to do. So I'm looking over at Gomez as, you know, we get to like the 7, 8 minute mark and he's on a bratwurst, like number four or five and I'm thinking, you know, because I was only at like three at this point. Like cheering for Gomez now, the two guys, the guys on either side of me also were like out of it. So now, you know, Gomez is just killing these and we're thinking,
Starting point is 03:49:14 oh, this guy's, this guy's got it. Like here's our new champion. We couldn't, so the defending champion Mike was all the way on the other end. We couldn't see how he was doing. But I knew last year he had just over four and ten minutes. Some thinking, you know, another five minutes. He's not going to be able to eat two in those five minutes, so he's probably maxing out at about five. That's just how our stomachs work.
Starting point is 03:49:39 But, and I'm already seeing Gomez working on number five, so I'm thinking, OK, Gomez, here's our guy. And the competition is getting towards the end. We're at about the 13, 14 minute marks. So about one minute left, one and a half minutes left. And all of a sudden, it's over. And I don't that seven have been eaten. I'm looking over at Gomez. And he's not on his seventh yet.
Starting point is 03:50:01 And so I was pretty shocked. And there's another guy, like two slots down from Gomez who had eaten seven. And this guy just like, he was probably about 6'3, 6'4", probably weighed a solid amount, but he wasn't fat, he's just muscular. I don't remember what his name was, we can check the tape, but he made us all look foolish. I don't remember what his name was. We can check the tape. But he made us all look foolish. I don't know exactly how many Mike ate. I ate about three and a half. I could have pushed myself to four and maybe thrown up, maybe not. But knowing that Gomez was already on, five, six, that was like, there's no, you know, this is silly.
Starting point is 03:50:48 So all in all, I don't have, you know, overall placements, I finished about three and a half. I know I beat the two guys on either side of me because they kind of gave up before I did. But I think out of the nine, probably finished about four or fifth. I know the highest I possibly went was third because I knew the guy who won obviously won and then Gomez was way ahead of me. I couldn't see anything else going on judging by how they were acting though. They probably had more than I did. So I think fourth or fifth is probably pretty accurate. So not the
Starting point is 03:51:22 second place finish we got last year. Definitely a little bit disappointed. But I will say that I didn't expect to do as well this year because of the diet and then Scott stand up bit really took it to a whole new level. But I'm proud of myself and I want to think my friends and my coworkers were coming out to support if you want to see the video. So this is something that I was really happy to have
Starting point is 03:51:47 because last year, all we had was an Instagram live story and that, you know, 24 hours. It wasn't even on my Instagram page because I didn't have an Instagram page. But, was able to get it captured on my phone this year. I haven't gone back and watched the full tape but it is on my Facebook page but it's also on the YouTube page.
Starting point is 03:52:07 So if you're listening to Beentown podcasts on YouTube right now, you can physically just click into my page, you can find it. If you're not just, you know, find me Quinn Furnace on YouTube, and the footage is there. It's the full contest about 15 minutes long. So you can see that I got a chance
Starting point is 03:52:24 to promote the podcast a little bit in the middle of the competition after I knew that I was going to have no chance of winning a Scott Gaming and a little platform to support the podcast. So always good to get that out there. But that was the bratwurst eating contest. All right, we're almost done here. I like the word cook, because well, it's not technically a palindrome. It sounds like it should be one. Megan, what are some of your favorite palindromes this holiday season?
Starting point is 03:53:30 Oh, just thinking long and hard about this one, just like waking up on Christmas morning. Except not in Megan's case as we learned earlier. You know, I don't know that I know any palindromes, especially none that are specific to the Christmas season. Um, kind of put me on the spot here. Not really a literary type. Palindromes aren't literary. What are they? It's English.
Starting point is 03:54:00 English, yeah. Not really my strong suit. About a man, a canal, a plan, a Panama. Are those palindromes? No, the whole thing together is. That's intense. What about Duguise's God? So it doesn't have to be a real, like a real thing. You can just put
Starting point is 03:54:26 together whatever you want and call the palindrome. Do Geese, see God, that's a question. What was the first one? A man, a plan, a canal, Panama. I'm not, I'm not really. I'm not really. You don't, okay, so for those of us who don't know, the Panama Canal completed 1908 under the supervision of our president, Theodore Roosevelt, connecting the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, huge breakthrough in just global trade, I would say, a man, a plan, a canal, Panama.
Starting point is 03:55:10 While we were given that history lesson, did you come up with any good palindromes? No. Oh boy. Are you sure? Um, how about Hannah? You know, I dated a couple of Hannah's in my life, but they spelled their names differently. But the most common way, H-A-N-N-A-H, that's a good
Starting point is 03:55:39 palindrome. All right. I like it. I feel like we're doing the scripts spelling B right now. Yeah, that's good stuff. I'm actually doing some Google searching to find some other cool palindromes. While I'm doing that, Megan, you want to vamp a little bit, maybe tell us, practice him your stand-up or something.
Starting point is 03:56:03 Actually, I did want to bring up, I know you were talking about Jesus and his disciples earlier and saw this really great tweet that I feel like needs a little bit of recognition on that subject. Alright. So, it's Jesus' drunk at the last supper, waving a baguette wildly, saying, you want a piece of me? Now, for those of you who don't know, Jesus has often been described as his body being bread and his blood being wine, which I always thought
Starting point is 03:56:35 kind of harkened back to the whole silence of the Lamb's cannibalistic thing. But, you know, for some of those hardcore Christians out there, they're Jolo Steens and you're Megan Lungrens of the world, it works for them. So I don't know, I wouldn't want to eat my savior if I were you, but you know, that's what they say. I found a really good, a really good palindrum.
Starting point is 03:56:58 Doc, note, I dissent, a fast never prevents a fatness. I die on cod. Just really unimpressed with the whole palindrome thing in general. I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm not getting on board. We got one last question for you, Megan. Do you believe in God? No. Where's holiday correspondent ever? Doesn't even know the reason for the season. For like two hours since I thought of the question. Brothers, the 2009 film starring Toby McWire, Natalie Portman and Jake Gyllenhaal, are you surprised? Toby didn't get an Oscar nomination for this. I'm surprised Toby didn't get an Oscar nomination for Spiderman 1. Now okay, we're gonna go down a rabbit hole here because you're talking to the biggest
Starting point is 03:57:55 Sam Remy fan you've ever met. Spiderman 1, 2, or 3, which one you like? Oh definitely 1. Better than 2. Yeah, I know that I've been called out on this before for not really appreciating the genius of Alfred Molina's Doc Ock. I think maybe upon subsequent watching, I might end up appreciating it more, but I don't know, there's just something magical
Starting point is 03:58:19 about Norman Osborne. Yeah, Willem Defoe came close to getting his Oscar. I'm a big Willem Defoe fan, so. Yeah, there's a lot of good quotes. I would say some of the best memes on Remy, memes on the subreddit come from Willem Defoe quotes. Yeah, that's a good one. So you're not feeling any love for Tofer Grace in Spider-Man 3.
Starting point is 03:58:43 In 3? No, I thought 3 was the worst of the batch. Now, how are you feeling Tofer Grace in Spider-Man 3. In 3? No, I thought 3 was the worst of the batch. Now, how are we going to, how are you feeling, Tofer Grace versus Tom Hardy as a Venom? Where do you stand on that? Is Tom Hardy Venom in one of the newer ones? They made a Venom standalone movie this year. Oh, man, see, I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 03:59:01 Based on what I know about those two actors, I would definitely be in the Tom Hardy as well. Wait till you see the movie. You might change your mind. Oh boy. Didn't think Coford Grace could pull it off. Good, good. Now he looks like he should have won an Oscar for that performance.
Starting point is 03:59:17 Going back to this film, brothers, a lot of our listeners might not have seen the movie. So just briefly describe to us the plot of the 2009 film Brothers. Well, you know, you've got these brothers. And then, well, of course, there's narrowly Portman. And then, you know, there's Philadelphia, often called the city of brotherly love. And I think there's a good liquor store
Starting point is 03:59:50 called Brothers. There's also a crossroads in Oregon. I think it like was a city at one point or a town, I should say, but it's called Brothers. So yeah, brothers. Yeah, it's a very deep, emotionally-tolling film, but one of the better films about the Iraq War. So everyone get the chance to check it out.
Starting point is 04:00:15 I was a little disappointed. Toby didn't get an Oscar nominee. I think he got a Golden Globe nomination, but those Golden Globes, it's, is that if you get a Golden Globe nomination, but you know those Golden Globes, it's, is that, you know, if you get a Golden Globe nomination, does that really carry any weight? Because they got like 25 different categories. I swear there's like, best third build actor in an animated documentary series or something. It's pretty, pretty rough.
Starting point is 04:00:42 Anybody can get nominated for a Golden Globe except for the Bean Town podcast, which I want to maybe do a little call out to the Grammy Awards. The nominations came out last week or the week before. I don't know the specific parameters for spoken word albums, but I'll say this. I'm tired of Jimmy know Jimmy Carter and Obama and Bill Clinton and all those guys getting Grammy nominations because literally
Starting point is 04:01:11 all they have to do is show up. They're not writing the book, they're just famous because they happen to become president and other getting Grammy nominations for it. So yeah we're're a little salty. I would say the Bean Tom podcast, just in general, has been kind of stifled in year one. I know we were talking to Ryan Liggan and Kristen English, host of the Card Con, was podcast a couple months back when the invites went out to pod con, which isn't Seattle next month.
Starting point is 04:01:44 And absolutely no mention of the CardCon was podcast or the bean town podcast. So I actually wrote them a letter using kind of their online feedback form. They never even emailed back. So, I don't know, it's all politics. When it comes time to podcasting, but. There's a thing though, aren't you playing?
Starting point is 04:02:05 I'm doing a like bean town year and review, best of year one, like in January here. Yeah, coming up in a couple weeks. Well, that seems like that's coming out, you know, at prime time for, you know, some of the award seasons, right? And they tend to like those best of type things. So maybe that's the year. I just, I really thought either the roast of Quinn David
Starting point is 04:02:28 Furness or when we brought on our political correspondent Nicol Bono to talk politics, I thought one of those two episodes was really going to fly high, but I don't know. You know, you just got to keep grinding. You know, that's how LeBron James got to the NBA and stuff He didn't let the haters to track from him. So I don't know. Maybe I'll make it to the NBA one day We'll see Rest in peace Ron Baker got cut from the nix this past week. Oh, okay. Is Jeremy Linsd on the NBA by the way?
Starting point is 04:03:02 Maybe I don't know. I can't say I've watched an NBA game yet this year. It's not that much to watch when you're a bulls fan. It's pretty ugly. But now we're fortunate to be joined by a fellow podcaster who has been on the bean town podcast once. It was a bean town unplugged specially you might have listened to by the name of the roast of Quinn David Furnace, one of our more popular entries. From year one, sister, I think you came on, you told one joke. It was almost as short as you are. It was still pretty funny though. Sis, how are you feeling today? What's going on?
Starting point is 04:03:52 Fantastic. It's been my dream to be on the podcast and I finally get to do it. I woke up and he said, hey, you're on the podcast today. today. Can't give me a lot of things to go off of today. Well yesterday we found a get-go to him Gary, chopped cotton underneath the bed and mom made us let him go. with mom made us let him go. We talked to him for a little bit, saw his little BDIs, his ears, his breathing. How's that recall? Walt and I, we have killed you and Jack and I came a 500 yesterday.
Starting point is 04:04:40 I'm not quite sure. Welcome. Walt's another fellow podcastment person, follower, follower like her and he's also our brother first podcast and brother All right Sister Sally so you brought up the concept of geckos and like where you're going with that. Now we've been in need of an animal expert on the Beentom podcast for about a year now. We're not going to be able to get any live animals in here right now unless mom finishes her glass of breakfast bourbon. But sister, why don't you take us through the five different kind of categories of animals
Starting point is 04:05:30 and share with us which one is your favorite? So you got your mammals? What makes them the animal? They don't lay eggs in the warm blooded. They don't lay eggs in their warm blooded. They have fur skin, hair. Hair. Alright, that's nice. You got your reptiles.
Starting point is 04:05:55 They have like scales. What are these things that blow their reptiles? Snake. A lizard. Uh. Oh, cold blow. No. I think a lizard. Oh, cold blow. Now, who would your favorite spider-man villain that doubles as a reptile be?
Starting point is 04:06:18 I've only ever watched Spider-Man 1 with Dolby McWire. Now, in the amazing Spider-Man, Dr. Connors, who does he turn into? I've never seen an amazing Spider-Man, not a huge fan of Andrew Garfield. She just caught one yesterday. Oh, a gecko. No, it's the larger... What is a gecko? A lizard.
Starting point is 04:06:40 A lizard. A lizard. So in the amazing Spider-Man, starting Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, you know what you love it. Dr. Kurt Conner's, who doubles as Peter Parker's, this is all true. Peter Parker's professor, I believe Columbia, I'm not sure, I think that's where he goes to college in the comics. We have to double check on that. We'll get our comics book correspondent on that.
Starting point is 04:07:07 But Dr. Kurt Conner's turned into a lizard and he's crazy because Peter Parker's like chopping his arms off and they keep regurgitating and he's in the subway. And I don't remember how they eventually kill him, but I think they trap him in a glassman asher or something. Okay, so we got mammals, we got reptiles,
Starting point is 04:07:26 where we going next. My favorite, the amphibians. Their frog is in there, and the amphibians family. So they're fun. I also run an amphibian. Salamanders, I thought we'd call it a salamander yesterday, but it wasn't an amphibian. So what means a gecko, a reptile, and a salamander an amphibian? I could be wrong that the geckos are reptile. I could be an amphibian. I could be wrong that the geckos are reptile, it could be an amphibian, but who's to say who knows? Could be both.
Starting point is 04:08:12 Amphibian, what is that term make you think of? Frogs. But in a larger sort of classification sense. Frogs. What about the word amphibious? Got nothing. Alright, thanks for teaching us Latin roots, Mom. Let's go on to number four. So we've done mammals, reptiles, amphibians. We're looking at two other sort of classifications of animal, which one you're feeling next.
Starting point is 04:08:49 Fun guy. Expand on that. Funguses. I grow on the bottom of your feet. What are some of your favorite edible fungi? Mystrums. Sister does like the Shrooms. Sister does like the Shrooms.
Starting point is 04:09:08 Reminds me of a college I went to once. Boy, now we're, this is like, there's a lot of whispering, cross-talking, going on, cross-dressing, mom finished her breakfast bourbon finally. Confusion is to what's going on we got dad going wild on his fantasy football team. Jack's right in something over there. I haven't even had breakfast yet. So we've done reptiles
Starting point is 04:09:37 and phibians mammals fun guy. We got our birds, our fish, our... We're separate, but I'm just listing off now. Well, there's more than five. Okay, what are some of your tastiest birds? Turkey. A duck. Mmm. Gees aren't that good.
Starting point is 04:10:10 They're also scary. Let me tell you, one time at Rock Valley College walking to my class, a geese started chasing me and came at me. And this one also started chasing people too, was not a good day. Um, what other good? I don't that's feeling bird-tight. Chickens. I guess those are birds chicken.
Starting point is 04:10:31 You ever had a Cornish game, huh? Not that I know of. So where did you have a geese? May not have ever actually had one. I feel like Grandpa and Colleen, you may have had one for us to try. This is more of a dutch book by its cover, dutch a geese by its cover, I guess. Well, Sister Salad, you have any other parting words for the podcast before we hear a word from our sponsors. Friends, go like, subscribe, follow, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, subscribe, subscribe. I would like to tell all the listeners that I've only been awake for maybe 15-20 minutes and I'm still drinking my coffee so things seem a little hazy because they are a bit hazy for me right now.
Starting point is 04:11:33 Um, you like to subscribe, listen, share, and have a great day folks. Music My welcome back to the podcast. How are you feeling today? How is the bourbon? It was outstanding. Thanks, Quinn. Thanks for having me back. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 04:12:00 Now, my you mentioned coming on the podcast for the second time, you were really looking to ramp it up a little bit, maybe talk about something you got over there on your iPad. But first, I think you wanted to mention the US education system. So what about education? Yeah, do it. And how do you feel about fish and sea versus growth versus prosciutto? I've always been a big fan of prosciutto, especially like it thinly sliced, sauteed tilts
Starting point is 04:12:38 crispy with semisparagus, or it's really good with shredded Brussels sprouts as well, a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, campy bee. All right, that's pretty good. Now you got something over there and you're screened that you're looking to plug, walk us through that. Well, first I'd like to reiterate, Quinn, that I'm a big fan of having a letter of the podcast, meaning that you would feature a letter with each podcast. And I did float a few letters by you in the last few days. I brought up Jay obviously, for my first name I brought up Q after you and then I also
Starting point is 04:13:12 brought up the often under recognized schwa sound. Now I think there was confusion over schwa or schwa shtaka and it being Festivus and all in the holidays. We didn't want to offend anybody. I think the concern is also getting slapped with a sub-pena from Sesame Street regarding the usage of their copyrighted materials. So we're going to see how this segment goes, but I will say, if we're dealing with Greek letters here, and you get rid of the common ones, the alpha, the beta, the omega's, quick sketch idea that I've mentioned before, we're still working through a Christian fraternity called Alpha Omega, and all of their fun high jinks,
Starting point is 04:14:06 and hazings, and crucifixions, and stuff. But, Ma, what are some of your favorite Greek letters? I've always been a big fan of theta. What does that one look like? Well, it's Greek. It's all Greek to me, you know, that's what they say. Mama, Mia, Opa. I don't know, ma.
Starting point is 04:14:30 Is there anything else that you were really looking to talk about maybe engage in some discourse on while you were here or something? Maybe spoken word? If you want to do a recite a Psalm or something? Well, I was thinking that we could all take a moment and just observe a little moment of silence here in honor of the government shutdown. A little over 24 hours here with our government employees not being paid for the work they're expected to do. Especially the TSA agents who are going to have to be checking us back through for our flight back to the Pacific Northwest.
Starting point is 04:15:06 Pretty upset about that. Yeah, I think that would be appropriate. All right, 24 seconds in honor of 24 hours of although it's like 31 hours at this point. More like 34. So 34 seconds of silence. Okay. I can hardly hold my breath for that long. I felt like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, five rogue nation, probably one of my six favorite Mission Impossible movies. I'm glad you mentioned TSA mom because that brings me back to something
Starting point is 04:16:16 that I actually really wanted to talk about on this episode, maybe some distancing that needs to happen. So a couple of weeks ago, we had our holiday season correspondent Megan on the podcast. And she's great. We had a good time. But something that's not so great about Megan is her disdain for actress celebrity and just overall
Starting point is 04:16:37 hottie, Emily Blunt, now starring in Mary Poppins Returns. Thanks to Disney. Go check it out in theaters everywhere now. So I just wanted to come out publicly and say that the views of Megan are holiday season correspondent do not reflect the views of the Bean Town podcast or its creator or host. Emily, if you're listening to this,
Starting point is 04:17:04 congrats on the movie. Tell John, say hi. Hope the kids are doing all right. You're beautiful, never change. Megan, you need to readjust your priorities here. Mai, you have any thoughts on that? I'm crazy about Emily Blunt, and I think she's amazing. Yeah and if you ever get the chance to see Deniseville news 20 what was that 14 15 film
Starting point is 04:17:31 Sicario you're gonna want to check it out it's got Josh Brolin it's got Del Toro is that his name and it's got Emily Blunt mom did you say it was terrible? All right we need some insights on that. I just didn't care for it. I fell asleep after about the first 10 minutes. We're talking about Sicario, right? Denis Villeneuve. Ma, it's one of the most riveting intense films
Starting point is 04:18:01 all time. In the first 10 minutes, there's a huge game changer. How can you sleep through that? Quinn, I've been known to sleep through some of the most highly acclaimed movies of all time, and some of the worst. You should ask your dad about my private Arizona, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Nicholas Cage won an Oscar for that, so shout out to him. I don't know how you sleep through an Oscar winning performance, but I will say on the topic I'm glad you brought up to Neville Nuffman because I was just on a sub right at last night and we were talking about Prisoners the critically acclaimed what was that 2000 something movie Hugh Jackman Paul Dano Terrence Howard Jake Gyllenhaal in the role of a lifetime
Starting point is 04:18:44 Fantastic if you fell asleep during Sicario, you won't fall asleep during prisoners. That's the bean town guarantee. So, Dinee, if you're listening to this, hope Dune's going well, looking forward to seeing what you do with it next year. All right. My Anya parting thoughts here on the holiday podcast. I think in the future, Quinn, you should have a featured special recurring that talks about undervalued and under-disgust literary devices.
Starting point is 04:19:20 Like what? I'm thinking of mononomy. That would be a good one. Sinecta key is another faith. We were having a family discussion a really hot family discussion yesterday about assinance and consonance and the value of alliteration. I will say most of those just sound like little towns in Wisconsin so I'm not sure if mom actually has real terms or if she's just kind of doing a little Lake Wobagon,
Starting point is 04:19:51 a type of storytelling there. But I also gave a really special gift. So my dad, my dad's side of the family. This is who we go to see. And my aunt lives in Des Moines. But she came down to Texas. My uncle lives in Austin. He came down to Corpus for a couple days. So in terms of gift giving, aunts and uncles, they can always be tricky.
Starting point is 04:20:30 They can always be tricky. That doesn't make any sense. They are tricky. You know, these are people I see probably like once every other year. I don't know them very well. So I never lived in the same town as them. We're Facebook friends, but still that doesn't really do a ton. So we're thinking, okay, what do we get? Well, for my uncle, it's easy. He's a big fan of beer and just anything fermented in general. So we get him, my brother and I go to the liquor store, get him some fancy beers, I don't know, I let my brother pick that stuff out because he knows all about that
Starting point is 04:21:09 and I don't have any knowledge of that stuff. But my aunt is the tricky one, she doesn't drink. And I don't know what else. So my siblings went on and on and on deliberating amongst themselves over what to get Aunt Stacy for Christmas. And you know, honestly, after like five conversations of like, well, we could do this, but she might not like that or we could get that, this group needed a leader. And not the German song type. I'm talking about Quinn David Furnace, host of the Bean Town Podcast.
Starting point is 04:21:49 So I step up and I say, you know what, fam? I got you. I got you. So I go to the grocery store and I'm thinking, okay, what are the Christmas gifts that really leave a lasting impact that you really enjoy years after that Christmas has passed? I'm thinking, you know, it's the type of gift that you were never expecting, but it makes you laugh. It has long-term health benefits, and it's absolutely delicious. So it wasn't Swiss cake rolls, it was salami.
Starting point is 04:22:29 I'll repeat that again if you didn't hear me. Salami. Here's the thing about salami. You don't have it too often. You don't really feel like you need it. But then when you get it, you realize, damn, Salami is delicious. You can pair it with cheese and crackers.
Starting point is 04:22:51 It fills you up. It's protein is perfectly salted. It's a win-win-win-win situation. So, anti-stacy, I hope you're happy with your Salami. Now, I know the next singer thinking, well, Quinn, how is she supposed to get that back from Texas to Des Moines, Iowa, if she's flying? This crossed my mind.
Starting point is 04:23:17 Here is my justification, if you will. Anti-stacy, from the time we gave gifted her the salami to the time she was flying, she had a full week. So I'm thinking, you know, if I'm me, I'm me and a whole roll of salami in one sitting. Anti-stacy, maybe she's a quarter of that pace, she's still got a whole week to do the salami. And turns out she did not have it while she was in Texas. She took the risk and went through TSA with it. Now, here is where my responsibility for the Christmas gifts ends because you had a full week anti-stacy
Starting point is 04:23:56 if you're listening to this, to eat the salami, even had grandma sal and grandpa Dave there to help you out. But I digest. She takes it through TSA, this is according to her Facebook post, and gets buzzed, gets dinged, which I didn't even know TSA was working through the government shutdown. Good for those guys. But she's a long story short, yada, yada, yada. She's able to get it through everything works out okay, everyone's happy.
Starting point is 04:24:25 So that's the story of anti-stacy's 2018 Christmas gift. Hope you're happy, hope it's delicious. ʃələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələlələ�ən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʃən ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ‿ʻ� I'm sorry. Well, if you made it this far, congratulations. Welcome back. This is Quindabage Furnace, and we are actually not really, but actually coming to you live. This is the most recent that you're here and coming out first weekend in January. We are back to real time here 2019. That was the year one special. I spent a lot of time on it, but I also couldn't have done any of it without the friends, the fans, the family. I want to give a shout out to absolutely everybody who participated and engaged with us, whether you tweeted, add us, whether you emailed us, whether you bought tour shirts, whether you came on as an interview
Starting point is 04:27:07 guest, maybe you gave money to support the Pledge Drive fundraiser. Maybe you even hosted us when we are on tour all that and more and more and more. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to everybody for your support. Year one, this was truly a grassroots thing, just a pudgy six-foot tall white guy in his apartment, started in a show and having some fun with it. So thanks again to everyone.
Starting point is 04:27:39 This has been Quinn David DeFernes, Year One Year One Bean Tom Podcast in Review Special. As we often times like to do on the Bean Tom Podcast, we're going to get us closed out here with a little song. And then the rest will be history. And we will see you for Year Two and a lot of great things to come. So everyone enjoy, be safe, and we'll check in on you next week. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful.
Starting point is 04:28:47 I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm going to be a little bit more careful. I'm so happy. you

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