Beantown Podcast - Year Six Kickoff, Political Corruption, and First Phorm (01132023 Beantown)

Episode Date: January 14, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to kickoff Year Six of the Beantown Podcast with a new Right on Q, a deep dive into political corruption, and an update on the First Phorm Athlete Search...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show, Quinn David Furnace presents the bean town podcast for a very non-actober spooky Friday January 13th 2023. What's going on? How are you? Welcome to year six of the bean town podcast, Uno Dose, Trace, Quattro, Cinco, Sace, Agno, Sace of L podcast bean town. What is happening? We are coming to you live on a Friday. Everyone's working for the weekend. It's after
Starting point is 00:00:45 5 p.m. let the good times roll like the cars would sing. It's winter. It's January, but I gotta tell you we're getting lucky with these temperatures here in Chicago. There is no snow on the ground. There are some flurries today, but nothing that stuck. Today was kind of the low point temperature wise and it's of where we've been and it's still only 30. It's going to be 35 tomorrow, 41 Sunday, 46 Monday and Tuesday, a rainy 46 on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And you know I'm going to be out there on the lake front path, not only running, but I'm also going to take an opportunity to go clean up a park.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I haven't decided if I wanna just go straight out to the lake yet and pick up a litter, if I wanna go out to the river and do it. Not sure yet what the plan is, but I encourage you, especially if you're off, on Monday to take the opportunity to go, do some volunteering and some capacity, help out your community in some way.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And speaking of helping out your community, you have the bean town podcast, your sixth pledge drive telephone fundraiser to look forward to. Date is still TBA, but it's typically late, late February. That's right when we try to do it. And I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:04 I mentioned this a couple of shows ago, but we're considering doing stickers. So I gotta look into that because we're a month and change away from that happening. So I have to get those ordered and stuff. And then sign pictures, topaz, elite membership, all that good stuff. So maybe when I'm traveling next week
Starting point is 00:02:22 into the bowels of the deep south, we'll have some time to do some research on it. But we're gonna, you know, we're gonna have the live stream going on YouTube. There's gonna be so much, well, you know, probably have music. You can probably donate $5 to request a song. That could be fun. So there's a lot planned. It's gonna be a good time. Speaking of a lot of plans, stay tuned later today in the show. We're going to be previewing an all new brand new right on cue episode where we tackle the top stories of today. So you're really going to, there's a lot packed in here on the Bington podcast. You know, it's the start of year six. It's, you know, it's January. That's
Starting point is 00:03:05 when our seasons kind of roll over. And so it's dry January for me. I only show, the only year we've, we've done this show where it wasn't dry January was in the year 2021, which would have been the start of year four. The reason for that is because I took all of 20, the year 2020 off from drinking. So when I got to January of 2021, I was like, well, I'm not gonna add a 13th month. That's bad luck, right? But every other year we've been on the show, it's been dry January for us.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And we're gonna, we're keeping that going this year. This is our third episode of dry January, but just because it's dry January, doesn't mean we can't party a little bit. So I've got this straight from Michigan, and I just have the pill in front of me. I don't have the, yeah, we're popping pills on the bean-tongued podcast today. So get your friends in here. It's a family episode.
Starting point is 00:03:56 When Rachel and I went to Michigan about a month ago, we stopped at a dispensary because it's legal in Michigan and prices are significantly lower as you would probably expect than here in Chicago. So we picked up some stuff. This one is supposedly a love theme. I don't know if they just, you know, it's a placebo effect or if it actually really gets you going in the bedroom, not sure, but the Pills has 1906 on it. I don't know if that's what your heart rate's going to be after this.
Starting point is 00:04:30 This one I think in the past gave me the munchies. So we'll see what happens, but thankfully we're cooking up a nice mushroom and wildery soup right after this. So I got my handy carbonated water with me and I bought lime juice today from the Julasco. So now we're going lemon and lime, a double double feature. And so we're going to and lime, a double, double feature. And so we're going to, we're going to pop this pill. Here's the fuel and good all the time. Pop one with me, if you will. Research suggests that if you are drunk high or both listening to the bean tonne podcast is exponentially more tolerable. I would say enjoyable. I said tolerable, T-O-L-E-R-A-B-L-E.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Speaking of toler, you know, there's that city in Ohio, Toledo, which is right near the Michigan border on the western edge of Lake Erie there. Where do you think, because Toledo is a Spanish word, a Spanish town, right? So how do you, you know, who were they honoring when those German settlers or whatever got to the end of Lake Erie and they were like, you know what we'd like to do? We'd like to remember our good friends from Toledo. So we'll name this town Toledo. Let's look it up. And while we're doing that, I told you you're gonna learn so much today in the bean town podcast, you're gonna have fun and it's gonna be tolerable.
Starting point is 00:05:48 While we're doing that, I want to say hello and thank you to our friends in Packie standout. I don't know if you guys are using the Julian calendar, but whatever year it is for you, this is the sixth year of the bean town podcast. So you can, you can adjust that translate that however you'd like. But hello to my friends in Karachi, hello to my friends in Hyderabad, hello to my friends in the Kiber Pass, wherever you are listening from, whether it's player FM
Starting point is 00:06:16 Casbaks, your podcast app on your cellular device, or maybe you got one of those. I got this, I have a friend who's like mega mega if you will like alter Republican, down in the cornfields of Illinois, and her and her dad are always using these, I don't know, some type of radio, I can't remember what it's called right this second, but just some, you know, some sort of, I think it's something so the government can't listen to you. And so maybe that's, maybe that's what they have down there. I'm not sure. But however you're listening to the Bean Town podcast, we would absolutely love to welcome me on the show. Say hello. So back to Toledo. So just so you're aware, it's a city.
Starting point is 00:07:07 In the county seat of Lucas County, Ohio, a major midwestern United States port city. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so we know this. So it's on the western tip of Lake Erie right at the Ohio, Michigan border. Okay, what I'm interested in is sort of the etymology. The historical etymology, the historical etymology, E-T-Y-M-O-L-O-G-Y etymology. Okay, so there's all sorts of like a lot of Midwestern towns.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It was a fort, fur trade established near Fort Detroit, 60 miles to the north, yada, yada, yada, anyone who knows anything about Ohio would know that. So Native Americans signed a treaty in 1807, War of 1812, okay, but let's get to Toledo. Oh, we skipped over it somehow. That's the worst. I just wanna, a section that just tells me how did Toledo get its name.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Maybe we just Google that instead. Toledo name. Let's see what happens. This is always, it's always tougher because I take a lot of pride in my typing abilities, but when you're one fingered, it gets a little bit tricky. Okay, here, how did Toledo get its name?
Starting point is 00:08:25 This is from Toledo, Ohio, it was named after Toledo, Spain. It is a large industrial, okay, I know, but why did they name it? Why did they name it back or after Toledo, Ohio? Let's go to the city of Toledo, Spain. You were dig and deep on the show here. This is history of Toledo. Oh, that's Toledo, Ohio. Let's go to the city of Toledo, Spain. You were digging deep on the show here. This is history of Toledo. Oh, that's Toledo, Oregon. Well, tell you what, let's, because we were getting all
Starting point is 00:08:51 sorts of crap from the internet trying to learn about Toledo, Ohio. That's your homework. Okay, Bean Tom Podcast,, this Bean Tom Podcast. First person who figures out why they named it after Toledo Spain gets a free prize to be named later, cash considerations to be named later. This is city of, which apparently belongs to Toledo Oregon, and you know Toledo Ohio has got to be kicking themselves for not claiming this web domain. So this is Toledo Oregon, the history of Toledo early settlement, got these websites sucked.
Starting point is 00:09:28 We need historical websites designed specifically for live on air podcasters, so they can get the names that they need. There's any Toledo after the OG in Spain, it's probably just gonna be named after that one, but did they name Toledo Oregon after Toledo Ohio, which was named after Toledo Spain? These are the hard-hitting journalism that you come here for, and I'm happy to say we have absolutely zero answers for you here on the show. So, we just spent three to four solid minutes trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:10:07 Why they named Toledo Ohio after the city in Spain and what you what you came away with is Absolutely nothing. You know this is bugging me so much and I respect your time so much We're gonna do a quick pause and I'm gonna I'm doing a brief deep dive off there. We'll be right back. I'm pissed. Well, it's been about five, six minutes. I found the city of Toledo's Ohio's website, which is or work or something like that. So we got competing sites. And all I found was in the early 19th century,
Starting point is 00:10:42 these white settlers, after the Treaty of Gent, G-H-E-N-T, basically just chose it out of a hat, if you will. There's no good story, there's no great, you know, the mirror had a Spanish honey on the side and he promised it to her kind of story. It just happened. So we're going to move off this because I got frustrated. But what we're talking about today has to be addressed because there's been a lot going on in the news. And we're not usually a political show, but when I see things that are wrong, when I see corruption, I stand up for it. So we're going to talk a little bit of that.
Starting point is 00:11:28 We're going to check out that right on Q segment. We'll hear from our sponsors, and then we'll just wrap it up with just whatever is on your mind. We can check the email for questions. We could, you know, play a tune. We got a lot of options. So maybe we'll do that. Maybe it'd be fun to play a song.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So we got some scandals out here in the news that have to be addressed. And I've done little to no research on them. But I think I should comment. Number one, Joe Biden's papers, the classified documents. So if I'm understanding correctly, basically in his garage in Wilmington as well as in his home in Herhobe with Beach, there are documents that he had from when he was vice president that are either were or are now considered classified top secret, something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And his attorneys or something like that were going through his stuff and made this discovery of these classified documents. So they immediately alerted the authorities, the White House oversight committee, something like that, Department of Justice, the DOJ. You know you're cool if you're in an air in Sorkin TV show, you're doing a walk and talk and you say, DOJ's all over it. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So, and now he's complying 100%, he's not, you know, burning shredding documents, he's not having his whole, his Mar-a-Lago estate rated. So I think that from what I understand and that is very little That's what I understand to be the the big difference between the the Trump classified documents and the Joe Biden classified documents and I think to that Joe Biden They were like 10 classified documents where his Trump had like a million and I think Joe Biden's classified documents Might have been like a White House lasagna recipe
Starting point is 00:13:27 or something and Trump's were like the nuclear codes. But I don't mention lasagna just in passing. I was on the bike about an hour ago, two hours ago, listening to my podcast and on the TV, I was watching diners driving and drives Which is not what it's called and they made this gigantic La Zanya it was four layers. Oh, man. It looked so good and they they followed it up with a minestrone That pot I and I know pots. I know pot. I know pots
Starting point is 00:14:03 Um, I don't really know pot. I know like addables and like THC, Sittiva, I think that's a word, S-A-T-I-V-A. I don't really know what it is. Is that a strand? I really know what that means either. But I've got a four-gallon pot in the kitchen, which I use occasionally for my chili,
Starting point is 00:14:24 and other soups of that nature. four-gallon pot in the kitchen, which I use occasionally for my chili, and other soups of that nature. And this pot had to have been, I'm not lying, eyeballing it, probably 25 to 30 gallons. I mean, this thing was just gigantic. The guy who was, the chef was stirring it with this gigantic wooden paddle. Like you would, if you're going out on a robot, a robot, robot, ROW,
Starting point is 00:14:53 B-O-A-T. For a nice Sunday, not in football season, of course, but a nice kind of Sunday row around Lake Shepo, you wanted a or that's not going to break on you. That's what you would do to stir that minestrone. That thing was gigantic. Anyways, back to the point here. So that's the Joe Biden papers. As far as I can tell,
Starting point is 00:15:16 it's just kinda like maybe some slight irresponsible, irresponsibility, irresponsible use, irregardless of anything else But it doesn't really seem like a like a big scandal and I'll think our lasagne recipes are gonna fall into bad hands Although I'll say this Wilmington's a little bit of a rough Rough kind of town. It's weird growing up. I you know never really knew anything about Wilmington I always just thought oh Delaware because my aunt lives there and I know it's like a bunch of farms and East Coast. And I was just like, oh, that's just Wilmington, probably a quaint little town.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Not really. It's kind of just like Bank of America and other banks and a lot of like shipping and sex trafficking and rundown areas. So basically like the wire season two. Another thing we got to talk about this and I got to I got to give a shout out because she was very much on top of this. We just mentioned Delaware and to the podcast and Ogunake was all over this George Santos story from the beginning. So literally like three weeks ago, she was saying, he got to talk about it, he got to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I'm looking into it, I'm like, I never heard of, you know, never heard of her, George Santos. Like, who is this? And so if you don't know, George Santos is basically this Republican Latino bisexual male, I think, from Long Island, who was recently elected to represent a district out there, because large portions of Long Island are super-right, white, which, white, which, white, rich, and Republican. So essentially, he got elected. And it turns out that he lied about some things.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Let's Google George Santos. And we're not talking politicians. I lowered the debt by 2%, and it was actually 1.5% or, you know, I've never lost the lasagne recipe in my life. We're talking like real life big issues from not only just like an ethical standpoint but I think like a legal standpoint as well. I was about to do the Google search and then I stuck my foot back into my slipper and I could feel a hair go between my toes which is not a good sensation. It's one of those things you really got to fix, you got to adjust, you got to take care
Starting point is 00:17:53 of before you can feel comfortable. There we go. Okay, so here we go. The headlines, George Santos said accused Ponzi scheme. He worked out was 100% legitimate. USA Today, George Santos faces mounting pressure to step down by GOP leaders. CBS News. George Santos backers include a migrant smuggler, a big Trump donor, and then it cuts off. Another watchdog files a complaint.
Starting point is 00:18:20 George Santos secret resume. Wall Street star at the 3.9 GPA. George Santos says he'll resign if 142,000 constituents ask him to. Let's click on that, see if it mentions sort of all the issues. I remember some of them, but I'm trying to like basically give you a better understanding of what he's not only fudged but completely just straight up lied about regarding. So he's admitted to lying about parts of his resume, but he's been defined. He's basically saying like, yeah, I got elected. So like, who cares? Oh, I should mention listener discretion is advised 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the meantime podcast, some are on location, some language, some of this podcast is objectively terrible. So it seems like a lot of Republicans are just like, yeah, obviously he lied. And that's not good, but he also got elected. So who cares? Let's see. What did, maybe we need a clearer, not doing well on the Google searches today. What did George Santos do? He's wanted by Brazilian police, I think.
Starting point is 00:19:39 So this is from Remember time they run a magazine. This is the straight shot journalism we need on the show everything We know so far about congressman George Santos lying about his resume. Let's see So first week a new congress. He's 34 Queens and Long Island. Okay used to be left leaning now. It's more right leaning George has since admitted he lied about much of his personal history and resume. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Let's see. His fraudulent story. He begged about a robust career. He claimed to be in when he earned a degree from Baruch, a UCH college, and also studied at New York University. After school, he claimed to have had a finance career working at City Group and Goldman Sachs. And in December, the Times first reported none of these institutions had records of Santos enrollment or
Starting point is 00:20:28 employment in Santos. Soon confessed he had lied on his resume and I never graduated from any college and didn't work for either company. Okay. Says he says he founded Friends of Pets United, an animal rescue organization that saved thousands of cats and dogs as well as on 13 rental properties that he manages a landlord. He criticized the eviction moratorium saying it felt like landlords are being punished. Times investigation did not find his nonprofit was a registered taxi network organization. We should do that for being how it gives back. Remind me in one year. It reported the rescue group had at least one fundraiser in 2017, but the events beneficiary said they never received any of the proceeds.
Starting point is 00:21:05 It sounds like some Gen Shaw shit. Speaking of which, quick, quick, very brief pause, a real house, it was Salt Lake City Season 3 wrapped up this past Wednesday. And if it felt short to you, it was, because it was 14 episodes total. And the episode was just a train wreck. Half of it was like a classic grand finale,
Starting point is 00:21:26 like a party. It was Meredith's, excuse me, Heather's book release party, but it was really a boring party. And then the other half, they filmed on July 11th when Jen pled guilty, and it was just like not interesting at all. Apparently he owes, he himself was, had a fiction notices, owing more than 12,000 total and unpaid rent. We're back to George Santos, not Meredith or Heather. Let's see, apparently he shared a lot about us upbringing throughout his campaign, highlighting his mother was Jewish, his maternal grandmother fled to Brazil during World War II,
Starting point is 00:22:00 and he practiced Catholicism. Although he practiced Catholicism, he's an non-observant Jew. This is just like Tim Wattley in Seinfeld. He's trying to cover everything. Apparently that is false as well. Let's see. He claimed his mother survived September 11th terrorist attacks, but died later from cancer. Apparently she died in 2016. Okay, so 15 years after 9-11. Okay. He says he supports LGBTQ rights. He's openly gay and he also didn't disclose
Starting point is 00:22:38 that he was married to a woman for five years. Maybe Jen Shah, who knows? There's a lot of other things, a lot of financial discrepancies with campaign donations and all the sort of, all the like. So this guy is just kind of, basically seems like a total scumbag. That would be, here's a comparison.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So I know not all of our listeners are super into the politics. So here's a comparison really. That would be like me telling, I don't know, Squarespace, one of those classic podcast advertisers or Dollar Shave Club, if you will, or Harry's, or the state of Rhode Island, that I was the number one podcast by downloads on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Play.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Number one, all podcasts, not just one 12, and Packie's, Sam, we're talking number one of all podcasts up there, above the Joe Rogans, and the, I don't know, there's got to be other podcasts out there. The one where they serial, which was not about Honeycomb. And then Squarespace gives me, or Dollar Shave Club, or Rhode Island gives me a million dollars to run and add a 30-second ad every episode. They give me a million dollars every episode. And I just start cash and checks well
Starting point is 00:24:07 I'm not the number one podcast. I you know we're close, but we're not the number of podcasts. Well, I is still a lie George So that's you know to help kind of help you guys understand better what it what it means really The other thing that we should think about with George Santos is the George Soros connection. So, one other political scandal we got to talk about is, and then we're going to jump in here. Uh-oh, DPU Alert. Student-centric Lincoln Park, this is not exciting. I got interrupted for this to close at 8 p.m. today due to unexpected maintenance issue. Maybe someone ran into the revolving door or something. But Lori Lightfoot are embittered and battled, behoved mayor of
Starting point is 00:25:00 Chicago is just the mayorial election is about a month away and boy things are just falling off the tracks badly for Lloyd Lightfoot. She's at like fourth in the polls right now. Really doesn't have any friends because she seems to really enjoy pissing everyone off. She seems to really enjoy pissing everyone off. And in the latest news, she sent an email, her campaign sent an email to all CPS teachers this past week asking for their students to come out and volunteer for her campaign. And go door to door and knock on people's doors and pass out flyers and stuff and
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's one of those things where it's like I don't know if that's illegal or not But it certainly feels really scummy and it might be illegal. I don't know so just man I Think like a lot of people I was somewhat excited felt like it was cool to have an openly gay black woman be mayor, but boy, she's just been terrible. I really can't stand her. And she doesn't really seem to care. So I think she's going to be done in a couple months here
Starting point is 00:26:27 and good riddance. It's not an easy job, but you got to at least look like you're trying and she doesn't seem to care about that at all. Okay, I mentioned at the top of the show that we had a new little right on cue episode that I wanted to preview. So we're gonna go ahead and pull up that audio file,
Starting point is 00:26:45 insert it, and we'll be right back with thank you to our sponsors and then a look ahead to the season and the future of Beentown Podcast. Here's right on cue. Next time on right on cue, more documents found in Joe Biden's garage. What this means for your children. Remembering Lisa Marie Presley, the voice, the heart, the woman. And our experts give their review of Yellowstone Season 5 Part 1. Their one word preview, Yuck. Still to come on right on cue. All right, well that sounds awfully exciting.
Starting point is 00:27:27 You probably didn't think we could take a deeper dive from the Joe Biden stuff than we just did, but check out our website, slash write-on-q to see all the latest, right on Q, deep dives. I want to take this opportunity to think our sponsors or good friends at Home Pride Oregon. We did some full read last week I believe. So Home Pride Oregon just know if you want someone who's safe, certified, if your
Starting point is 00:27:55 furnace goes out, call a furnace at 541-410-0316, more specifically asked for Steve and well frankly he's not a technician but it's more of a just if you're selling your home and your furnace kind of is crappy you're gonna want the proper disclosure so you don't get in trouble with you know the real estate police and the law and you know So go to for a low-risk consultation. And your money back, doubling, insured, or they'll buy your home if he does a bad job. HomePrideOrgan inspection perfection.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Of course, our good friends with us in year six of the show, the Samson Q2U series. If you're sitting there, you're thinking, hmm, this podcast sure sounds clear. It sure sounds crisp. Quinn said it was the number one downloaded podcast on Google Play Spotify and Apple Podcasts. There's gotta be a reason why.
Starting point is 00:28:56 A show of this kind of low caliber, low quality humor, just gotta have something going for it. And that's the audio quality. And that comes from the Samson Q2U series. We couldn't do it without them. They couldn't do it without us. Mutual symbiosis Which reminds me just that one word reminds me of something I'll share with you. That can be our our final segment today on the show. It involves an old friend of the show who's not actually a friend of the show, but he's been involved in the show and way he's not aware of. I will get to that in a second, but cuts are good friends at cuts by Q just did a nice little neck trim
Starting point is 00:29:47 keeping the beard You know kind of trimming the X X temperanious hairs The follicles and such if you will right now, but but keeping the beard for a hot second I do have an event. I do have to work next Saturday, which is a total bummer Downtown on campus and stuff in the cold. So I think we'll probably ditch the beard for that so I can look clean and fresh. But guys and girls, because I don't judge whether you want a nice thick beard, something you can tug on,
Starting point is 00:30:21 or whether you're trying to look slim, trim and shaved. You know who to call. Well, we don't really have a phone number. I guess 815287200 or go to slash cuts-by-q or email be cuts by q at Again, that's cuts. be cuts by Q at Again, that's cuts. Q-U-T-Z by Q at When you need a fresh juice on the snappier new, call the experts at cuts by Q. Excuse me. All right, I just teased it, so before I forget about it. We haven't mentioned a scot Farrell on the show much. If you've forgotten who Scott is, essentially a guy that I knew for a very brief time when I was in high school, who is probably, well, he's in his 40s, so he's probably about 15 to 20 years older than I am. I was recruited by the Grashman cutout I am. I was recruited.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Grashman cut out on me. I'm back. So what I was going to say about Scott is the reason I ever got connected with him in the first place was my piano teacher in high school kept getting bugged by the sky and she knew he was a crazy and so she was like, hey, Quinn can do it. So I'm wondering if she like secretly hated me and set me up with this guy. I'm not really sure. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she just didn't know the
Starting point is 00:31:49 level of crazy. But basically I played for his opera. He didn't pay me much $35 maybe for 10 weeks of rehearsal and then an event. It was just a disaster. Anyways, I have since, and I did not for a very long time in college and grad school. It was really not until maybe three, four years ago that I kind of, he's always in the back of my mind somewhere, but I really kind of started to keep up with him from the schedule realm. And of course, we did the Scot Farrell AudioBook.
Starting point is 00:32:23 He wrote a autobiography of himself. If you're curious, it's not publicly listed because he's the type that would just go nuts with copyright stuff. So if you ever want the link, just email me and we'll make it happen, be in time podcast. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:40 But I've been keeping up with him. He's got a Twitter and he just started an Instagram, like two or three months ago. And the reason I thought of him when I mentioned symbiosis is he's doing this some sort of what's called a first form with a pH, first form, athlete search. So first form athlete search. So first form is like some sort of, protein powder supplement company, something like that. And Scott actually worked at the vitamin shop before he got fired.
Starting point is 00:33:14 If you're curious and go to his YouTube video, you can watch the video, he threatens to, potentially let's just say eliminate the customer who got him fired, so it's riveting stuff. And Scott might be a murderer. I don't really know. But there's a first-form athlete search. Oh, the other thing that's worth noting is Scott has really, and we talked about this in the book all the time, but he's really tried to become an adult film star. Mind you, this is a mid-40s Super pasty Irish guy with frankly
Starting point is 00:33:47 And I don't like looking at it, but sometimes it pops up on Twitter a very just a just shockingly small penis if you will and I'm not here to body shame anyone. I don't think that's appropriate But I also recognize that if you want to work in adult films and you want to like make that your your thing in life, I mean there are certain certain things just don't match up, right? If I was born without hands and I wanted to be a pianist, you say, well, you can still be a musician, you could sing, you could play the foot organ, but playing piano might be tougher. You could even drum with your stumps, you could sing, you could play the foot organ, but playing piano might
Starting point is 00:34:25 be tougher. You could even drum with your stumps, but playing piano, you need the nimbleness, the dexterity. So that's kind of how I, that's the analogy I use for Scott. So he's doing this first form athlete search. Apparently, you can win $150,000 of a Scassman, do an all sorts of YouTube videos. You can go check out on his YouTube channel. There's nothing explicit on YouTube, so you're good to go there. It's safe.
Starting point is 00:34:50 But I will caution you. If you go check out his Twitter page, it is much more porn themed, porn centric. And his Instagram is all just gym shots with zero to two likes on each photo, which is just sad feels harsh, but it does feel a little bit harsh. So there's this, he's trying to be a first form athlete. If you win as the next athlete, you'll learn $25,000, well, they just set $150,000. So they got to make up their mind.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Signed Athlete Contract, which I don't really know what that means. What do you signed Athlet contract? Which I don't really know what that means. What do you sign to athlete contract with this supplement company? Scott's not an athlete, okay? You have to be an athlete to be an athlete. Be the face of the brand. That can't...
Starting point is 00:35:39 His face cannot be the face of any brand except for... Let's just stop there. It's gonna be bad, the further we dive into it. So we can talk about Scott Moore throughout your six of the show if it necessitates itself. Okay. So that's where we're at with Bean Town Podcast, your six, it's gonna be fun. We went through it last week because we're all the favorites that we're at with Bean Town Podcast year six. It's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:36:05 We went through it last week because there are all the favorites that we're going to be debuting and coming up. But I'd remind you and encourage you to check out Bean Town Podcast dot com. We just reupped for 2023, paid the WordPress bill last week. You've got our cuts by Q page. You can book an appointment. You've got our right on Q where we have all of our great segments there.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I was thinking of adding, I did a wedding video recently, so I was thinking of adding videography there, being to unpodcast video. And of course, our bean town blog, which I've been thinking, just as I've, I'm a busy person, but I've been able to get pretty efficient with what I'm doing for the most part. So things kind of flow quickly and naturally.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I love writing. So I'm thinking trying to spend some more time on the bean time blog this year. I think we, you know, we posted maybe two or three times last year. We definitely should do a yellow stone review. Maybe once we get caught up, we're in the middle of season four. And there right now the show is on hiatus
Starting point is 00:37:08 between part one of season five and part two of season five. So maybe once we get caught up, we'll do a review. So we did that for Euphoria. And the fans really liked it. Endgame with Throne. So we kind of tackled the, we have a tendency to tackle sort of the big show as if you will. But what I'm gonna do now is move over to the piano and I had not planned anything,
Starting point is 00:37:32 but we're gonna just play some live music for you all because that's fun to do. So let's get set up here. We're getting set up live on air. I didn't even set up the mic stand or anything like that, but we're gonna do that and we're gonna set up live on air. I didn't even set up the mic stand or anything like that. But we're gonna do that. And we're gonna play some music. You know what, I think we could do.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I've been playing mostly regtimes lately, so we could do that. And then we could close out with a live rendition of our outro music, which I haven't planned or practiced at all. I'm not gonna be able to do this mic stand one-handed, we're going to pause real quick and be right back with the live music. So we'll see you in a second to play us out, or I at least style. All right, this one's a cake walk and for better for worse we didn't do any sound checks
Starting point is 00:38:22 For better for worse, we didn't do any Sound checks the mic and stuff before jumping in so we'll see how this goes but Yeah, thanks for listening and we'll do a little cakewalk and then we'll do a little Our outro music live on air to kick off your six and if you need to turn it up to here or it just doesn't come through well Well, that'll happen sometimes. But that's all I had to say anyways. So if you want to hear me play two more tunes, great, not everyone, stay safe, stay sane, and I'll check in on you next time.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Bye. 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:39:38 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:40:14 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:40:30 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:40:46 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:41:02 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕
Starting point is 00:41:38 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% 설탕 1.5% Alright, there you go. And then thanks again for listening. Here's our outro music, which we haven't played in months, so it should be fun. Take care. See you next time. 1.5% 1.5%
Starting point is 00:42:48 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% Bye.

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