Beantown Podcast - Year Three Recap (01032021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 3, 2021

Quinn comes to you LIVE from 2021 to give a full rundown recap of Year Three of the Beantown Podcast. Join us as we reminisce about the Scott Farrell audiobook, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Tim ...Muther's Easter appearance, Papa's Mini Donuts, the New England Road Trip, tornadoes and flies, and so much more! Thanks to all the fans and friends for supporting our show in its third year!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what is going on? It is Quinn David Furnace and this is the end of year three of my show. I know some of you were probably held their breath for a second. You thought maybe end of the show. You were going to celebrate. You were going to cheer. You're going to say finally to celebrate you're gonna cheer, you're gonna say finally, 156 episodes in, we can get off this wild bonkers ride. I am here to tell you to hit the bricks because I am coming in hot for year four launching next week. But welcome to my show Quinnipferns presents the bean town podcast for Sunday, January 3rd, 2021. What's going on? How are you? This is my show.
Starting point is 00:00:54 This is my voice. This is what I sound like. I am the creator owner, best boy, key grip, and caterer of this show. Although I will say I went grocery shopping yesterday And I neglected to get any good Sunday snacks. I am working on a cold brew right now a local cold brew Kyoto black If you don't know it if you live in Chicago check it out Their store is up here on Devon Ave, but their coffee is served all over the place in the city.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And it is very solid. It is cold brew coffee, two styles. But they just open up their store, what, year ago, I don't know, less winter or something like that. I don't really remember. But I go there occasionally. It's good stuff. I'm not like a cold brew fanatic, but I like to shop local and support local and the
Starting point is 00:01:46 Guy who owns it is a young guy probably about my age. She's got a little kid and Sometimes the kid is in there when I am in there, but you know, even if she isn't got the crib in there and some unicorn stuff It is a real hoot But it's fun, but I should have gone on a Sunday snack, we got the Bears Packers game coming up this afternoon. I'm recording 130 p.m. on Sunday January 3rd, so currently watching the early window of NFL games here in week 17, although Tbh nothing too exciting going on, there nothing too exciting going on. There are... Okay, I am back and you didn't miss much. I got to tell you, I was really concerned last week because my computer, just, I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:39 my Mac in general, I purchased in the spring or was purchased for me. I think my parents bought me my Mac. Thank you, Shada, to Mama Dad. In the spring of 2013, so we are about to hit, you know, eight years old here, which is fairly old for a computer. And the Mac is just slow. And GarageBand, the last, pretty maybe two, three months, has been iffy.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Although I was really worried last week, thanks to my dad Steve for coming on the show. We did a snack cake taste test, blind taste test. If you didn't get the chance to watch it, I guarantee you that that episode is more entertaining than what we're gonna be dealing with here today. That episode was tight, it was snappy. You can watch the YouTube stream on my YouTube channel, Quinn David Furnace, and you know, we tasted
Starting point is 00:03:31 four different snack cakes, and dad had a lot of good trivia, and it was a lot of fun. We got a lot of people to tune in, family, friends, and stuff, and it was just a fun wholesome Sunday activity that we did a week ago. But I was really very worried that GarageBand was going to crap out because it just has been not reliable lately. As you just saw two minutes ago. But we're going to try to keep it going for as long as possible here.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And I got to tell you, this is our third time doing a year-long recap. So if you'll remember two years ago at the end of our first year at the end of 2018, start of 2019, I secluded myself in the basement of the, well the Airbnb was the basement. It was the basement of this, this couple's home. They had a little kid I think. And that was in far Western Virginia, not West Virginia, far Western Virginia, but this place was wild. If you remember, there was cooking the pizza on the pancake skillet, and I blew a fuse like the first hour I was there, and so it was just, there was like one outlet
Starting point is 00:04:47 that worked the whole time I was there because I could not find the fuse box. It was behind a horse painting in the bathroom, very sneakily located. And I basically just sat there and did a bunch of editing, a little bit of hiking and I saw a vice on New Year's Eve by myself. But mostly I was sitting on my Mac doing a ton of editing
Starting point is 00:05:09 to put all my favorite bits and pieces from Year One together. So that was the Year One recap. It was like four hours long. It was a behemoth, but kind of a fun project. After that, I decided just with the tech issues, yada, yada, yada, not necessarily even the issues, just the slow pace of my Mac that was like,
Starting point is 00:05:29 we're not doing this again. So last year, we actually had my brother Wal-Ton for the year two recap, and we ran through some of our favorite moments from year two. I didn't even have to share any notes with him. He could just rattle it off off the top of his head. He's a memorizes all the episodes and stuff. And this is our year three recap.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And it's a sort of thing where I could probably talk for like three hours, but I don't think that that's particularly interesting to you all. So I'm just going to try to hit the highlights. There are a lot of different things that I could talk about and I will do my best to cover everything. And if I did miss one of your favorite moments from the year, it doesn't get mentioned here. Go ahead and send us an email,
Starting point is 00:06:19 again, it's and let us know what I may have missed. But I should mention, as I sip some of my Kyoto black cold brew coffee here, that listener discretion is advised when you're listening to the bean time podcast number one will occasionally use some language number two. Podcast is objectively terrible. Although, you know what, we are still
Starting point is 00:06:46 chugging along, episode 156, the end of year three, that's the crazy thing, you know, to get into your fourth year of a podcast or your fourth season is like, okay, that's cool. I mean, I tell people that and it's like, oh, that's a pretty long time, that's great. But then, the real kicker is that we have recorded in
Starting point is 00:07:05 an episode with at least partial live content. When I say partial live content, like we kicked off not our first episode of year three, but the second one was when I released the ill-fated Memorial Day 2018 episode that I did was my then at the time, girlfriend. That was mainly what the episode was, but I gave you an introduction. If you haven't listened to that one, I think it's from January 20th or something of 2020. Absolute train wreck. That thing was, that was crazy. And I hadn't listened to it until I, after I actually finally released it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 So a lot of you listened to it before. I ended up listened to it until I, after I actually finally released it. So a lot of you listened to it before. I ended up listening to it, but yeah, it was painful, man. It started off kind of cool, kind of fun. And then it just devolved into absolute madness. But I will say lots of good things happen to me. Wow. They're showing, I got NFL Red Zone on TV. And so I just see the scoring place
Starting point is 00:08:07 from the Vikings Lions game. It's already what, 23 to 21. It just started second half. There's no defense in this game. I met Rachel Raimals, colloquially known as Raichy. Or Raich, she doesn't like being called Raichy. This year we went on our first date. I'm gonna do my best to keep this sick quenchial,
Starting point is 00:08:31 if you will, but there will be a little bit of jumping around. This isn't, you see so much podcast related, it's just life-related, maybe we'll get life-related stuff out of the way first. We went on our first date, I think February 22nd. I have it in my calendar. I have our anniversary in our calendar. Yes, February 22nd is our anniversary. We met on a dating app hinge, I think, who my friend actually works for. She's the director of research for a hinge, believe it or not. And we went to a bar on
Starting point is 00:09:07 diversity, not a special bar, nothing while I don't even remember what it's called at this point. I could look it up. But I just picked it that place because it was conveniently located to her. And we went and she looked super cute. She was wearing a very fun skirt, which is a bold choice in the dead of winter, like February, and we had a nice date, and I was very concerned after the date ended because although we had a good time, neither one of us is super extroverted.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So we're just, you know, kind of laid back kind of quiet. Neither one of us is like, I think we're fine at conversation, but we're not like amazing conversationalists. And I was really concerned because I wasn't drinking and we'll get to that in a second. But, and I thought maybe she's going to think I'm a total weirdo. and it was a situation where it was like she is way too pretty for me like way out of my league. So I was like there's no way we were doing a second date. We ended up doing a second date. I think our second date was at Moody's, which is a place up by me and Edgewater. Really good spot, really good beer garden if you've never been. Our third date was maybe a black-hawks game, which is a bold choice to go to a hockey game for a third date, but I really just wanted to, I mean, I really wanted to go to a black-hawks game
Starting point is 00:10:33 because tickets were so cheap, they were like 25 bucks, which if you know anything about the United Center black-hawks games, like that is, you never see that, it's a steal, but the black-hawks are so bad. And that went really well, even though she really had to pee on the way home, classic memories. Yadda, yadda, yadda, COVID hits. And right at my birthday, and we decided to commit to each other. And we are 11 months into our relationship now and super happy.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I think Ray Chi, if you feel differently, email us, beintownpodcast. Yahoo!com, and get us beintownbeintown. Beintownbeintown. Yahoo!com. And let us know if I got any of that incorrect. But thank you to Rachel. She came on the show about a month ago,
Starting point is 00:11:20 made her beintown debut, and she was fantastic. And I know she gave me nervous and she doesn't think she's good on the podcast or doesn't like her voice. Yada yada yada. Everyone feels that way about themselves. She is great. She is a natural. She is a woman of character. So I don't say that. Jane will slap me because that's just how these things go. And yeah, Rachel is the best. And we are coming up on one year, which has been very nice to have. So that was that part. I mentioned I didn't drink on our first date. And most of you who will be listening to this show by now are fully aware of this.
Starting point is 00:12:07 But I took 2020 off from drinking. So I do dry January every year, actually not this year. I've already blown that the first two days of the year. But I done dry January and I probably will do it moving forward. But the last, you know, five years or so, basically ever since I got out of grad school, I might have even done it in grad school, I really can't recall. But I decided that I was going to lose some weight at the start of 2020. And obviously, cutting out alcohol is just about the easiest thing you
Starting point is 00:12:43 can do. And so I did that. And I, that and I got going into February and then March and all of a sudden, COVID hits and I was just like stuck here at home and some people were like, their response or their reaction to that was, well, stuck at home, mind is well drink, there's nothing else to you. I totally get that. I understand that. But I was like hey Let's swing this the other way for me. It's so much easier to lose weight
Starting point is 00:13:11 When I you know feel like I'm in full control of situations So I'm just at home like the whole time. I'm not going out with friends because we can't I'm not going to events or anything You know not even even really going on dates, because Rachel and I got three or four actual dates and then we were stuck at home for a few months. So I was just like, well, I'm in control here. I'm gonna start running a lot. That's something that worked for a home allowed for me
Starting point is 00:13:39 to do is run so much, because I get two hours back in the day just by not commuting. And it's like, well, once you start to see the progress, you know, continue to stop drinking, you'll see how far this can go. All in all, I hit 75 pounds down in the middle to late summer. Probably like July, August is when I hit 75 pounds down, which was awesome. And I have, I won't say ballooned back up because I'm not, but I think I've kind of like reached a healthy weight. I mean, I'm still running a lot at my mileage per week.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I mean, the last two weeks were, we're all messed up because I was traveling. But my glitch per week right now is somewhere in the like third, low to mid 30s, I would say. Which is still pretty solid running five days a week is what I try for. But I'm at a point now where it's like, I'm not starving myself. You know, I'm at a point now where it's like, I'm not starving myself. You know, I'm not doing 1200 calories a day. Like I was, you know, back in like March or something.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Wow, another, oh, Justin Jefferson. Wow, big gain. I hit him on my fantasy team this year. Sorry for the sideline commentary. Where was I going? Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm bounce back up. I'm eating a lot more carbs than I used to. I'm not sticking hardcore to one meal a day.
Starting point is 00:15:10 But I'm just like, you know, you so I'm not like down 75 pounds from where I was on January 1st, 2020. I was back in August and probably closer like 60, 65, something like that, which is still good. But I'm healthy, I'm happy, touched on Alexander Madison. Is that his third of the day? Yeah, so I started drinking again though, had some champagne on New Year's Eve, actually New Year's Day because I waited till midnight, but so that was a big life accomplishment But back to the the podcast here. Let me pull up my notes. Oh, let me mention before we do anything else
Starting point is 00:15:54 significant portion of the last two months of this show has been that we start most episodes with our real Housewives of Salt Lake City recap and And I have to admit, for the first time ever, this was episode eight, I did not get to see the episode. And it was just, I was just S-O-L. We can swear on this show here to give our discretion as advised, shit out of luck. Because I was flying on Wednesday night, from Denver, well, Redmond to Denver,
Starting point is 00:16:24 then Denver to Chicago. Very late night, I got in, I was originally supposed to get into Chicago at about 9 p.m. local time, and then my flight from my parents' regional airport to Denver got delayed by about an hour, which caused me, it meant if I stuck with that second flight, I was going to miss that second flight,
Starting point is 00:16:52 because I had a short layover, it was like an hour. So I got re-booked onto a new second flight, finally got to Denver. Anyways, didn't get to Chicago until 11 p.m. Which was like, everything was on time with that second flight which was good but it was nerve-wracking first because I was like I haven't eaten anything literally all day just snack cakes and coffee still working on the snack cakes from the the taste test with dad they're all gone now
Starting point is 00:17:20 I promise but I just had coffee and my layover and I was like, okay, the only restaurant that I would eat from and I had no food in my house I've been gone for 90s Is the Taco Bell at Loyola and it closes at 1 a.m And I was like I have two hours a little under two hours to get there which frankly I didn't think I was gonna pull off because If you if you just do blue line to red line, that's usually about two hours. But if it's later at night, you know, this is midnight, it usually takes a little bit longer. You got to worry about transferring downtown. And normally I would like to get off at Jefferson Jefferson Park or something take a bus to cut across, but so late at night buses just don't run at that point.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Long story short, I made it to the Taco Bell with 15 minutes to spare. Substituted chicken. And the guy was a total bro, he gave me an extra burrito. I came home and sat in my couch at 1.30 a.m. and watched something on TV. I don't know, I don't know, Jeopardy maybe, before I finally passed down fell asleep. The point of that story is that I miss real house money because it airs at 9 p.m. Central on Wednesday nights. So I do have a recap from Bulture and I'm not going to just read the whole thing. So it would be really long. But basically I'm trying to synthesize this is tough. I'm trying to synthesize the episode for you, the listeners as I read this recap. I did read through it once before I started recording, but to be honest, I was distracted by football. What we really needed is Rachel here to give us a recap
Starting point is 00:19:06 because she'd actually watched it. It's usually the opposite. It's usually I watch it and I give her the rundown. It's the opposite this time. But Rachel is not here. She left a couple hours ago to go get her groceries. So basically, I don't know, who writes this? Olivia, Olivia Crandall of Vulture.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Olivia says this episode was a snooze fest. So we start off with just we're bouncing around town. Heather is looking at the construction of a new beauty lab. Jen is bringing soup and cuddles to a sick son. Whitney and Justin are on a date reminiscing about how they used to do role play. Mary FaceTime's Robert Jr., who is her son, I think, and apparently he bought a product purse with her money,
Starting point is 00:19:47 and those were like the only 20 seconds she was on again. That's like the third episode in a row where Mary has just not been there. So we go back to Park City. So the big thing, the big like T's last week was that Meredith might have been sleeping with some other guy, not Seth, her strange husband. So Meredith is doing something with dress for a key commercial and then Brooks is there. Apparently some of his gear has been
Starting point is 00:20:13 flying off the show. So he has to restock. And then Seth comes in, he comes back from Canton and he's, you know, they're just talking. Seth is like, sorry to Brooks. Brooks was being super, super emo because Seth, his dad didn't come to his fashion show at Sundance. Another touchdown for the bucks. I don't know, there's the Falcons. Gage.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Henry Harry Gage, that is named Russell Gage. That guy has scored so many touchdowns in the last month with Julio out Seth is like sorry for missing it. I don't know. Hopefully it won't happen again then all of a sudden like Meredith and Seth are maybe getting back together Seth is like I did my discovery Although he just wasn't can for like a week. I thought and so they're apparently getting back together It just I don't know it seems kind of weird. And then Lisa and John go on a date and remember John works for Lisa. It's really weird, definitely not healthy. And John is like, you need to be treated better because I'm your husband, not just your employee.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And Lisa's like, maybe, and the, you know, John feels like Lisa doesn't have enough time for her kids. Yadda, yadda, yadda. And then Whitney and Justin, her husband, who used to be your boss, they go, they're like trying to convince her dad. I think his name is Steve to stay in rehab because he's trying to get out.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And apparently he's like, owns us a lawn, I don't know. With that hair, it doesn't really make sense to me. I think they convinced him to stay in rehab. Then a bunch of them, not Mary, a bunch of them go snow, snowmobiling. And coach Shaw is there. We almost never get to see coach Shaw. And I'm just reading this off the Vulture recap. It says coach Shaw tells us the story of how we met Jen in college and fell in love with her sweetness. Everyone does a collective spit take before they head out. I wish I had gotten to see that. And then Whitney dishes the Heather about the rumors
Starting point is 00:22:05 she heard regarding Meredith's side piece and Jenna's basically like, it's not any of our business and reinforce the fact that Heather is by far like the best and most emotionally mature one. And then Meredith, Seth, Lisa and John, I'll go to the Shaw Shelly and they're going in the hot tub. And there's some like weird Mormon like just talks, less discussion happening inside the house with the guys. And then Jenn
Starting point is 00:22:30 and Meredith and is it Lisa? Who was it? Doesn't matter. They go into the hot tub and apparently it was going to be like big secrets revealed, but nothing happens in the hot tub. They just kind of chat and yada, yada, yada, really not interesting. And then that's basically the episode. So it sounds like it was super boring. And we will see what happens next week. Assuming there's another new episode. I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:23:00 But that's what happened. Apologies. The recap was not super exciting, because they didn't see it. And, the recap was not super exciting because I didn't see it and the episode was apparently not super exciting either. So that's the best I can do TBH. But yeah, we have been watching Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I've never really followed a Real Housewives show before. I've seen a couple episodes of other, other Vikings Harrison Smith interception. Nice in the red zone. I've seen some random episodes of like Atlanta, I think,
Starting point is 00:23:31 and Orange County, who just in Jefferson, almost had a touchdown. But I've been sticking with real house, what real housewives of Salt Lake City. And it's okay. I feel like it's not particularly entertaining. I don't know if other real housewives are all like this but it feels like, oops, I just spilled some of my coffee. It feels like all of the housewives kind of do the same thing. Like they all do something with salons or fashion.
Starting point is 00:24:06 No one really knows what Jen Shaw does. She has three assistants, but I don't think anyone knows what she actually does. And I guess Mary Cosby is a preacher, but we really haven't gotten a lot of action on that lately. But so it's like it's okay. I don't know. There was all the drama with Mary Cosby and Gensta at the beginning, but in Lisa had a bunch of drama early, but since then there hasn't really been that much going on. The whole Meredith and Seth thing is not that interesting to me. Seth is just like a chill guy, and he's like a fairly normal person so he's not that great for the camera.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And Whitney's dad storyline is not that, whoa Kirk just like may a man miss. Whitney's dad storyline is not that interesting to me. It's just his hair. I can't look away for better, for worse. So yada yadaada, yada. We will keep it up. I don't know how many episodes are in this first season, but we'll see. We'll see how it goes. So yeah, we got started. We actually had a phone call from our friend
Starting point is 00:25:17 from high school Edward back on our first episode, I think it was of 2020. That was very fun. He called into the show and shared some of his new years, resolutions, I think, I don't really remember. Then I got to see Ben Gibbard in late January. I think that was the last concert I went to. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:36 He played it, Talia Hall. And Ben Gibbard is awesome. If you don't know any of his stuff, him just watching him up there with an acoustic guitar and or an upright piano is just as good as any death cap concert I've ever seen. Like he is that talented to just do that stuff by himself. Then I finally, I took like three and a half trips this year
Starting point is 00:26:00 to for work pretty early on. I got to go to Alabama and I got to go to Minnesota both for work. I hadn't been to Alabama in a long time and It was okay. I had a nice rant afterwards. I did some hiking there in the Tuskegee National Forest saw some spooky Civil War graveyards, but I had a sweet Alabama rant that was on Groundhog Day of 2020. Then we came back and this is interesting. This got me thinking about what I wanna do this year.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We did our Oscars special with Dear Hashtag Friend of the Podcast, Ryan Austin English. And it was the movies from 2019. So it was a normal year. Neither one of us had seen as many movies as we had in the past, but we made our predictions. Ryan made some really out there ones.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And I think I beat him in the picks. I don't remember what the final score was, but we did that. And what's got me thinking about this year is like, I don't think we can just straight up do a normal, you know, fourth Oscar special because 2020 was just so messed up with movies and just I don't even know how to describe it, it was very abnormal, right? So what I'm thinking we might do to keep things fresh, I think rather than going through 2020 movies, because I was actually, I was curious.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So we watched a movie, the devil all the time, a Netflix movie from 2020 on Friday night, Rachel and I did. And I was lying in bed later and I was like, think about this, like, okay, so 2020 is over. And I just Googled like Oscars Predictions. And I was going through all of the Like the best picture predictions. I hadn't heard of any of them and I mean, I know I haven't been super up-to-date With all of the you know Netflix movies the Hulu movies and though, you know Those are the ones that are gonna dominate this year because they continued production
Starting point is 00:28:00 Or at least releasing but it's just like another touchdown for the Margex and Hollywood Brown. They had like 15 names in the best picture, like, realm, and I hadn't heard of a single one of them, which is just like, normally this time of year would be like all the big movies are out in the movie theaters, all the big movies are out in the movie theaters, all the big, heavyweight title contenders. I'd be at the movie theater all the time,
Starting point is 00:28:30 watching the movie passer, no. But man, so I just feel completely disconnected from the Oscars this year. And I just don't see a way where we can, maybe Ryan is, I don't know, but I think what we're gonna do is just like, not necessarily top 10 list, but maybe like top two or three list and each genre or just like pick a favorite movie in a couple different genres.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And we can come and bring them and talk about them. I think that would be fun. The Oscars were so early this past year, because we did our Oscar special. We always do it the week before the Sunday before the next week's ceremony. And that was on February 9th. We did that. So hopefully, there'll be a little bit later this year. It gets a little bit more time, but I don't know. Then, as you all know, February is Pledge Drive month.
Starting point is 00:29:27 The Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser spectacular has gotten bigger and bigger each year. This year, we were able to get a rotary phone for the live stream. It was awesome. It started off really slow. This was like third week in February, and I was really worried, but literally like 45 minutes in, people started calling in the phone lines,
Starting point is 00:29:51 were heating up and it was huge. So I think we'll do that again year four, and I think we're going, we'll have donor tiers, all that stuff. I haven't thought about this at all, but it's year four, I suppose we'll do it. And I think we're going to increase our matching donations to charity, which is very exciting,
Starting point is 00:30:12 for all the little boys and girls out there. But we did our pledge drive fundraiser. We went way over our goal. We donated the access to charity. It was awesome. It was a really good time, really good episode. You can go back and watch that YouTube stream or listen to it on SoundCloud, whatever you would like to do.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Speaking of kind of, the pledge drive and the Oscars special, those are both really kind of hallmark, bean town things. There were two kind of special projects that we had in mind for our New Year's resolutions for year three that we wanted to get into. And I haven't thought about this for a year for it all yet. I'll have this next week to think about it. But the two things we really wanted to do, or maybe two, we'll say three things. One, this is the new one I just thought of. We wanted to intro and outro music, which I really just need to get a new recording of the entertainer going, a cleaned-up version since I actually have a piano now. Because I always... The one I use right now is pretty good, but I missed that note right in the third repetition of the opening motive. And it always... I keep it
Starting point is 00:31:24 in there because it's imperfect and it's emblematic of the fact motive. And it always, I keep it in there because it's imperfect and it's emblematic of the fact that my show is highly imperfect. But it kind of bugs me and I'm sure it bugs people too. But we decided to add intro and outro music both done by yours truly. And then we also, we were gonna increase our video amount of video productions. We don't do a live stream every week on YouTube or Facebook,
Starting point is 00:31:50 obviously, but we try to do it for the special episodes and then occasionally I'll just throw it on when I have time. The original goal was to use the camera that I purchased from Hashtag, Friend of the Podcast, and Tax, a content extraordinaire Matt Fieler. Use the fancy camera that we bought from him. And I just ran into a lot of issues, not with the camera itself, but with transferring the video files to my computer. It was a whole big thing, and I still
Starting point is 00:32:22 have the camera. It works great. But frankly, just dealing with my Mac and going through like the SD card, sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't, which is my max fault, is just a whole, whole big thing. So we still got the camera, but I just use my, you know, another laptop, I have three here, so I have my pick of the litter, I just use the webcam, and it works fine. You know, it's not HD 1080 4k Triple box quality, but I think ooh touchdown or interception for the bills and a touchdown But I tell you what they would have been my starting fantasy defense this week and that is their
Starting point is 00:33:00 Second touchdown. They had a punt return touchdown. Whoof the dolphins are Shitting the bed in a... basically what is already a playoff game for them. Man, the bills, apologies for a little tangent here. The bills look as good as any other team, including the chiefs, including the packers, and I want the bills to do well so badly. Like, I have no connection to them other than Josh Allen's been my fantasy quarterback for the last couple of years. They are so fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And I don't know, just, there aren't that many teams to root for. I feel like in the NFL playoffs this year because we've got like Packers, Saints, Seahawks, Rams, Tom Brady, the NSE East, you'll root for them, but it's like they're so shit that they're not going to go anywhere. And you know, the chiefs, the Steelers, the Ravens, whatever. It's just like blah, but the bills, hmm, give me some of that sweet, sweet Josh Ellen action. Anyways, we do video sometimes.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You can find them all on our YouTube channel. Wow, really bad throw from, I don't know, who's playing quarterback for the Bengals these days? Brandon Allen, that was rough. Yeah, Brandon Allen. Okay, back to the show. Our third resolution, this was a big project
Starting point is 00:34:29 that originally I thought was going to take a very long time. And you might have forgot that this even happened. The Scott Ferrell audio book. So to give you the quick rundown, because it's been many, many months since we even mentioned this, how do I do this as succinctly as possible?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Scott Ferrell is a man, that's a good start, who I once worked with when I was in high school. He's probably about, I don't know, 15 years older than me. He is an extremely complex character, a very bad, just morally bankrupt, awful person, who I think is somewhere on the spectrum. I don't know. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:10 He ran, used to run this opera company, another interception for the bills. They just scored their pick six, two seconds ago, man. Two was trash. Scott Ferrell, I worked for his opera company for like a 10-week period. He paid me $35, which was awesome. He, his opera company sucked.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Anyways, I kept tabs on him after that, just because this, he's just really strange. He talks very strangely, he's just very weird mannerisms. He lived in his grandmother's house in a bad part of town in Rockford and had cat memes in picture frames around the house. I can't as cheeseburger. I don't know. Like this the weirdest crap you have ever seen. So I kept tabs on Scott.
Starting point is 00:36:01 He wrote an audiobook three years ago, something like that, and it was, I met F either and I, bought each other copies for Christmas and, you know, end of 2019, and I decided that I was going to record it on audiobook. As a present to the fans and followers, so I did that and it was, you know, it's a pretty long book. I can't tell you how many pages, one, because I forgot to, because the book stops having page numbers
Starting point is 00:36:33 at like page 148 or something, just inexplicably the page numbers disappear. The book is awful, it's written very poorly, it is literally just Scott's like day to day for the first 35 whatever years of his life Yadayyadayyaday we recorded the whole thing at first It was taking a really long time but then work from home started and I had a lot more time to do it The whole thing is unlisted on YouTube for copyright reasons if you want to listen to it shoot me a message I can send it to you. I think I might listen to it again at some point this year,
Starting point is 00:37:05 just to have on, I don't know. I really want Scott to write a sequel though. And here's why recently, Scott left his job as choir director at Cherry Valley United Methodist Church. Wow, Cam, we cut out again what I was gonna say is Cam went out for a touch-jump, cut, she caught one from,obie Myers, I think whatever Scott left
Starting point is 00:37:28 Cherry Valley. He moved to Seattle Maybe five or six months ago. Maybe a little bit less than that Maybe like three months ago. He at first didn't have a job. He just wanted to move out there because One of the things at the end of Scott Ferrell's audio book that he gets into is amateur pornography. So Scott has like a, like a, only fans just for fans are the same thing, but it's basically, he's basically a cam girl, you know, prostitutes himself online. He's also been shooting some amateur porn.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Anyways, he wanted to go out to Seattle, because you heard the porn was good out there. So he now lives, and this is all just from me ghost stalking his porn Twitter account. He has a personal page and he has a porn account, and he doesn't do anything on his personal page just on his porn account, which you think could be backwards.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Anyways, he lives with Rando's in Seattle that he doesn't know, and apparently hates his roommates. He can't wait to move out. I don't know if it's Estalia. He has recently started working at Amazon. There are so many NSFW things that I can't talk about. And yeah, he lives in Seattle now. I'm glad he found a job.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Anyways, I thought there was something else I was going to say. Whatever. So that's Scott Farrow. We did the audiobook. We completed it. It's in like four separate audio clips on YouTube. Wow. JK Dobbins is off to the races. Oh, he's going to catch him.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Ooh, nope. Touchdown. Wow, it is 38 to three Baltimore in the third quarter still. That game is a massacre. None of these games are interesting. I should really stop watching football as I record the podcast. I said I was going to keep this one short and we're still on like February of year three. Anyways, so we did that audio book. That was a big project. If you want to listen to it, it goes up until like 2017. I really think Scott should write a, I should create a ghost Twitter or something message him or a fake Twitter and not ghost Twitter and try to give him to write a second book.
Starting point is 00:39:48 The big story of 2020, COVID-19 hit, right? Well, it hit places at different times, but in here in Chicago, shit really hit the fan around St. Patrick's Day, my birthday. My birthday podcast this year was not terribly exciting because I was gonna have friends over, it was gonna be exciting, I bought materials for G&T's, although I wasn't gonna drink, I was just gonna make them, and I still have the materials for G&T's.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Mine is the Limes, I still have, since literally the second week of March, I have had a two liter of, oh, that looks like a personal foul hit to the head, a two-liter of G, no of T Tonic in my fridge still on open and a handle of gin that I bought from the Hans looker store, which I think they sold I think is new Ownership On Devon there, right by my apartment.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Maybe I'll get into that later. TBD. G and T's are TBD. I don't know, I don't know if I want a G and T without the line, you know? But, so yeah, so my birthday ended up being just me alone. I ended up working. That was the last day of legit in the office work,
Starting point is 00:41:06 Monday, March 16th. And I went back to my office a few times for a variety of reasons, once because we were actually in the office for orientation in August. And then once due to a tornado, which we'll talk about in a second here, I did one kind of fun thing.
Starting point is 00:41:23 We did one bean town unplugged. This year, if you're not familiar, bean town unplugged is just kind of when I want to do something for the show that is not just like a weekly episode. Oftentimes, they're music related, although we did bourbon tasting one time. I'm trying to remember, there's like eight or nine bean town unplugged now. We did one this year, it was really funky. I don't know why I felt inspired or compelled to do this, but we did it anyways. It was our money for nothing.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Acapella cover. It was literally me with just my body, my mouth, and my hands, for percussion. Doing individual tracks, putting them all together, covering the dire straight song, money for nothing. If you didn't listen to it, you can go check it out. It was kind of fun. And I mean, like the lowest of low production values, I think it went okay, to be honest. Like, it wasn't a total crap shoot.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It was kind of fun. Anyways, we had Matt Fiedler on for the third year of our taxes special. My taxes, actually year four is gonna be fun because my taxes are not, I wouldn't say significantly more complicated in year four here when we eventually do them this spring, but they will be a little bit more complicated. And here's why checking back in with a life update.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So if I was gonna summarize 2020 from like a life perspective, obviously I'd start with, you know, being dry the whole time and losing 75 pounds, but another big thing I did was I picked up two big side hustles. One is software testing through an online website. And it was a ridgious, you know, a little bit here, a little bit there, but I ended up really hitting it hard with work from home.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And I made like eight grand off of it this year for, you know, some time and just like constantly having it open and accessible. But that was a lot of extra cash. And then the big cash cow was working with a consulting company who I had worked with, kind of just on like a very random spot check around this time of year for college applications basis in the past two years leading up to this year. But back in April, it was weird how it all went down. basis in the past two years leading up to this year.
Starting point is 00:43:49 But back in April, it was weird how it all went down. Originally they offered, they wanted me to come on and work 20 hours a week and they were gonna pay me like 50 grand or something. It was crazy for the whole year. And I was like, obviously this would be a life-changing thing, money-wise. But I was like, obviously this would be a life changing thing, money wise. But I would just be working so much,
Starting point is 00:44:09 and I didn't know all the specific details of like, how am I actually gonna log hours? Like, is it actually 20 hours or is it just like the work equivalent of 20 hours, and I can do it as fast as I want, whatever. So at first I was like, I don't think I can do it, but then a week later I emailed the president, and I was like, I don't think I can do it. But then a week later, I emailed the president and I was like, I don't think I can do that,
Starting point is 00:44:26 but here's what I can do. Anyways, we come to an agreement and I don't know how much I've talked about on the show. Essentially, since June, outside of normal business hours, I've been working 10 hours a week and making decent money, more than decent money, really solid money, who interception for the dolphins, maybe they're not dead yet.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They took out Josh Allen. I worked 10 hours a week for a consulting company, educational tech, I work with, eighth graders, seniors in high schools, all that fun stuff, essay editing, finding summer programs, yada yada yada, the whole gamut. So that has kept me very busy,
Starting point is 00:45:05 and that's where my third computer is from. But the reason I mentioned that is because our tax is special this year is now going to include a lot of independent contracting stuff, and there's a software testing stuff. And essentially what I had to do, if you've never been an independent contractor before, there's self-employment tax,
Starting point is 00:45:30 and there's basically two ways to pay your taxes, because no one is, you don't have a, there's no W2 withholding for my two side hustles, but I'm making way more than the threshold for not paying taxes. So essentially what I had to do is change, we're getting real technical here on the year three recap, but this was a big stressor for me. I had to change my W2 withholding amount both federal and state through my primary job, and just like guess, for how much to take out per paycheck.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Ooh, nice catch for Justin Jefferson. And I just hope that what I did was fairly accurate. I have no idea how tax they're gonna go this year. I don't know if I was way too aggressive with how much I would have held or not aggressive enough. So I don't know if I was way too aggressive with how much I withheld or not aggressive enough. So I don't know if I'm getting a gigantic text refund. If I'm going to owe a huge bill, really hoping it'll only penalize.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Because you can either do it that way. If you do have multiple source of income, but you do have a W2 for withholding, I think it is. It's not W4, right? Maybe. I don't know. Apologies for anyone listening to this who
Starting point is 00:46:44 knows the answer, and they're just cringing because I'm getting it wrong. But you can either do it that way or you can do estimated quarterly tax payments, which is just a whole new world of stuff that I don't know anything about. It was very stressful back. I started doing this in June with the consulting company.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So I've been working three jobs ever since then, which is a lot sometimes. Other times it's not so bad, but I've been saving a lot, which is awesome. But yeah, Matthew, if you're listening to this, we are going to have a whole lot of questions for you. So buckle up, buddy. And thanks again for coming on the podcast in year four. We got into a quarantine routine We had I think my favorite guest spot of 2020 year three we didn't do a ton of guest spots We had sister come on she did our
Starting point is 00:47:37 Fantasy football preview. Thank you to sister for coming on there And she had a great fantasy football year until the end when things kind of bottomed out But my favorite guest I think of 2020 for our Easter on there and she had a great fantasy football year until the end when things kind of bottomed out. But my favorite guest, I think, of 2020 for our Easter special, usually I'll do something, oh, the Patriots scored another touchdown. Well, something religious. We've done an Easter sermon in the past. Yadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayad about Passover, all that fun stuff. We had my first boss, Tim Muthir, detastling, legend, and chemistry teacher to the stars,
Starting point is 00:48:11 and wrestling coach and soccer coach. Tim Muthir came on the podcast and we caught up, I don't think I had talked to Tim in like, I remember what it was like eight years, seven years, something like that. And that phone call was literally the first time we've talked outside of just random Facebook comments and stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So that was a lot of fun. Tim had a lot of great insights. He is a very funny man and also very poignant. So that was great to be able to do that. And yeah, I considered a great honor. Give me one second, I'm gonna pause the GarageBand stream because I am skeptical of how well it's working right now. And here we are, back.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So that was Easter, early April. And then we got to some solid episodes in May. We did our top 10 horse names of 2020, which is has turned into a annual tradition here on the Bean Tom podcast where we talk about basically you know if you ever watched the Kentucky Derby or any horse race really I'd never watch any other than the triple crown races but you always have some really wild names. And so back in 2018, I decided that we were going to do, you know, funny, I was gonna make it my own horse names.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And their ones that are pretty funky and most of the times have, you know, some funny stories behind them. But we've done that for three straight years now and And just in case you forgot, because I didn't remember, the 10 we had this year were Buffalo, Nickel, Chicago handshake, 1.5, soft serve, all one word, but both S is capitalized. Blessed assurance, why not, why, and a huge, htT question mark going postal Nebuchadnezzar pony express and eerie guardless was our top horse name of 2020 So we did that show for the Kentucky Derby which actually I think was
Starting point is 00:50:18 postponed the Kentucky Derby happened in like September or something like that. I don't think I watched it live We had our mother's day special in like September or something like that. I don't think I watched it live. We had our Mother's Day special. We got the idea to make a bean town credits wrap back in May, which has not yet fully come to fruition. But if you think that I am done with that or gave up on the idea that is not true, in fact, I was just thinking about it the other day. Now that we have a mic stand, I'm thinking that we might get back into it. Be in town credit strap. If you
Starting point is 00:50:49 have any verses, you want to throw down, shoot me a message. Okay. Now would be a good time. We are, I promise, well over halfway done with the year three recap, because I'm just running out of gas, man. But I should take a pause and we will do a read from our ads, our ad sponsors. Thank you so much for sponsoring unofficially the show, whether you know it or not. And I will just give a quick teaser that I have a new, I'm not going to announce what it is because you'll see it on Instagram. Follow me at q.qundi We have a new paid
Starting point is 00:51:29 Promotion coming up so a couple months ago. We had our cafe do shit toe French press Which just use this morning. Thank you to Rachel for making us coffee. It was scrumptious as always But we have another one. I got an Instagram DM a couple days ago, while is at my parents house actually. And we have a new paid product placement coming up. This one, this product is particularly silly. But I think you're going to like it. Well, we'll try to put it out there this week. But let's read, let's hear from our ads. And you know this first one well because the owner, creator, president, and CEO of this particular company
Starting point is 00:52:09 was just on our show last week. And the ad read is for Home Pride Inspection Services. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time? Well, Oregon listeners, it got good news for you, home pride inspection services in Bend, Oregon is central Oregon's hottest new home inspection provider,
Starting point is 00:52:30 with inspection services including things like heating and cooling, roofing, plumbing, and so much more. Home pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified, so you know that you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, a little bit, little bit, little bit, little bit, little bit, little hold on the home inspection market, and you want a safe certified home inspector that you
Starting point is 00:52:47 can trust you get a call Steve at 541-410-0316 or you can visit home pride organ dot com again. That's 541-410-0316 or just visit home pride organ dot com home pride organ inspection perfection. I will mention I was going for a long walk by myself and my parents' house about a week ago. And my parents, excuse me, have a new house, a little bit of belching here live on the podcast. But they, wow, it just keeps coming. They live in the same neighborhood that they used to.
Starting point is 00:53:26 So they lived in the same neighborhood for ever since they moved out there, which is what, six years ago, something like that. And I still don't know the full layout of the neighborhood. I have a pretty good sense. While the Vikings just went for a fourth down and got sacked from the one yard line, and Kurt Cousin got sacked at the 10, but I think they might call roughing the passer, which it didn't look like, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Anyways, I don't know it as well as I should. Yeah, they called roughing the passer. Well, I'll have to see that again. I didn't look like it. I was checking my phone because it was getting dark. I was trying to get back to my parents house. And I didn't really know where I was. So I'm looking for the house on my Google Maps app and my phone is starting to freak out. Wow, that's going to be on like, I'm looking at the game here. That's going to be on like the bad sports refs Twitter. How is that roughing the passer? It was like the most basic sack of all time Um, and I'm a Viking's fan
Starting point is 00:54:27 Although I kind of want them to lose this game better draft position I was trying to find my parents house and all of a sudden I open up Google maps and what do I see a little icon On the maps for home pride organ and I was like whoa The it's it's for my parents old house, which is not And I was like, whoa, it's for my parents' old house, which is not where I was trying to go. But I didn't know they're officially made it on to Google Maps. So pops, you know you made it.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I also want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series, especially last week, it pulled double duty. Dad did great. He hasn't done very many podcasts or radio interviews in the past, but he was a natural with the microphone. Samson, we're getting ready for year four with you. We still have a paid partnership.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Nothing yet. We'll DM you again. I still, if you're curious, I read off a Google Docs from my phone and I still have here tell the TV guide story. Long time listeners. We're going back into the archives here. Like at the beginning of my show, three years ago, had been offered a TV Guide subscription
Starting point is 00:55:35 using my like spirit miles or something because they weren't enough to buy a flight, but they were gonna expire, yada, yada, yada. So I bought a year long subscription to the TV guide Which the irony of it was at that point I lived in a studio apartment at 817 Paul Street in Baltimore I didn't own a TV and I still don't have cable so it's I mean I have a TV now, but no cable whatever They sent me I think four copies of the TV guide and then they just stopped. And that's all I ever got. So we haven't spoken about the TV guide in a while
Starting point is 00:56:11 because I haven't gotten one in two and a half years. But last one here, our newest ad sponsor, Cuts by Q, Bob and we, we all know the hairstyle and we all love it. But how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter cuts by Q. It's like enter Sandman, Marianne Rivera style, but different. Cuts by Q is been independently owned and operated since 1995 and is probably one of the
Starting point is 00:56:37 better barber shop operations serving Chicago Cook County, Northwiss, Indiana and the greater Chicago land area. From B. Hives to Bang, Swahawks to Flat Top San, everything in between you got a call cuts by Q at 815, 298, 7200, was Indiana and the greater Chicago land area. From beehives to bang swahawks, the flat tops, and everything in between, you gotta call Cuts by Q815, 298, 7200, or you can email Cuts by Again, that's cut! It's QTZ by
Starting point is 00:56:59 Okay, one last time for year three, before we ring in year four. Oh. And you need a fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the experts at cuts by you. Wow, our last ad read of year three. So special. The Vikings, they just ran their fifth play from inside the like two yard line, and they finally just now got their touch down.
Starting point is 00:57:32 On a Kirk Cousins sneak, they literally ran the ball up the gut the first three times, nothing. Wow, Kirk Cousins is doing the greedy. The four on fourth down, they went for a pass, Kirk Cousin got sick at the 10, they called the Ruffian the Pazer inexplicably. First down, they went for a pass, her cousin got sick at the 10, they called the roughly in the pass there inexplicably. First down, they run it up the gut, nothing again, and then finally they decide like they
Starting point is 00:57:53 showed it on this 10 years ago, it's just cubie sneak and they got to touch down whatever. Vikings are up big now. Okay, welcome back to the year three recap. And we're flying through here. We're getting closer to the end. We left off in the middle of June. Or so, let me pull my notes back up here. And get a drink of my coffee, because we are hitting the hour mark. And I'm getting kind of thirsty.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So something we did, starting in, it was our first episode of June. It was kind of random, but I had a lot of fun with it, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. We did a power ranking of American Girl Dolls, not all of them, just some of the OGs, I think we had like seven or eight. And it got a very positive response. And power ranking shows have now become a staple. Wow, what a touchdown catcher, Chase Claypool. I had that guy in my bench, rookie from Notre Dame. That was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:59:03 We did a number of power ranking episodes this year and they were a lot of fun. We did one all about American Girl Dolls. We had one that was just kind of a side note, some Coldplay albums. We ranked the Coldplay albums. We did. Thank you to Heshtake Friend of the Podcast and frequent caller Tark Shahada He suggested we do an invasive species power ranking. So we did that one We definitely powering donuts back in like October September, late August something like that and I don't know. Did we do any other ones? I think that was the last time we've done power rankings
Starting point is 00:59:46 was the donuts, but yeah. Oh, well, we reviewed Christmas movies a couple weeks ago and that wasn't an official power rankings episode, but I did rank them. Not very many people listen to that one. Apparently people don't like Christmas movies, duly noted. But we did a bunch of those this year,
Starting point is 01:00:05 and we'll definitely do a lot more in year four. Those are fun. It gives, it's kind of just like, you have a little bit of creative, like a skeleton, a structure, man, the bills are just running up the score on the dolphins. And then I get the space to just kind of be fun and go wild with it.
Starting point is 01:00:24 So we did a lot of those thanks to the fans for you know suggesting ideas and if you have more ideas send us send them our way You already know the email you can already are also tweet at us. We are at bean town cast Or my personal which is the only one I use is at white buns with his Z We did a nice we rented ran it, you know, against Alabama early in the year, we ran it against St. Louis, two of the worst places on Earth. In June, we did our Father's Day song on June 21st.
Starting point is 01:00:58 This was our third year of doing it. The first year was, it's kind of a up tempo guitar one we talked about Bob Evans mummies all that fun stuff kind of a ballad the second one was had a lot of auto tune going on and fun fancy effects and it has something with macy's parade whatever the third one was like a rainy Newman parody. Got to use the piano for it, I think. And it was really hard to understand what I'm saying. Because I just basically just like pretended
Starting point is 01:01:33 to be rainy Newman, turned up to 11. That was our song for year three. That has become a tradition on the show that we kept going this year. And we will have a song for a year or four I'm sure I still got five or six months to get that one written. We did, I played a lot of trivia in the early part of quarantine so I decided to do my own bean town trivia episode and that was something that we had a pretty positive reception with, and I never did it again.
Starting point is 01:02:05 So I'm sure I will have it again this year, if not, you know, one episode, maybe multiple. But that was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who played along at home. We had our July 4th, Fourth of July, especially I told the story of getting fired. The only job I've ever been fired from, well, that's not true. Got fired from a church too.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Although it wasn't officially fired, it was just we ran out of money. Which I think was their excuse, but also I think was true. Pastor Dwight McConnell Sr. I got fired from the boy, James Wilson, New York, Australia. Long story short, they gave me not enough time to learn a Harry Potter piece on the Glockenspiel. It's not even a Glockenspiel, it's a gazelle or something. Wow, Hayden Hurst is a touchdown machine.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And I got third after playing for Paul Ryan, getting into July here, I bought a foot bath, which was awesome. We had a whole bunch of MP3 player issues this year. Basically, what happened was my iPod nano that I bought when I was in middle school, a green little like third gen one. It's still in rice. It's been there for the last eight months.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I'm still hopeful. Okay, it just needs more time. Basically, I went on a, I ran a half marathon or something. It was raining out and it did great until like the last half mile, not even kidding. It died. Never to be revived again. I bought an MP3 player because they wanted something cheap because it's just for running on, you know, on Amazon or something. That lasted like a couple of weeks. I bought another one. That lasted like a week.
Starting point is 01:03:54 You think, my thing I'm joking, this legit all happened. Then I bought and I was like, okay enough, let's go for quality. I bought a refurbished iPod Nano like I you know just had Online and that wouldn't hold a charge Whether I turned it on or not so eventually Shout out to Hashtag mom of the podcast Jane Denson furnace dr. J for sending me her
Starting point is 01:04:20 iPod shuffle which is working great, knock on wood. And I still use it. So, wow, another interception with dolphins. I don't know how many fantasy points the Bill's D has today, but they have two touchdowns, three interceptions. It's insane. I'll see if I can look at that later. Speaking of knock on wood, we, the very positive thing that happened this year, and listeners
Starting point is 01:04:51 for the past two months will know that ever since Thanksgiving, we started off each show, in addition to our real houseways recap with our tonsilitis watch 2020. The issue was, in the last two years, 2018, 2019, I got tonsillitis on or directly everything's giving and it sucks because it hurts so bad. So I was like, let's not do that this year. And I still knock on wood, no tonsillitis. I have been very concerned the last like five days that I'm going to get sick.
Starting point is 01:05:22 I just feel like throat is a little closed up. Energy is a little bit low, but honestly, I think it was just like being at my parents' house, traveling a little bit, new environment, not taking my multivitamins every day. I think it was just kind of that, you know, all together. And I feel pretty good now, although I need to finish this episode because the more I talk, it's just like the more scratchy my throat gets in that. It's just, you know, snowballing. Isn't snowball the name of the cat in Stuart Little by E.B. White? It wasn't he voiced by Nathan Lane in the hit film with Jonathan Lipnicki, Michael J. Fox, Hugh Laurie, and Jeannie Davis.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Are you impressed with my Stuart Little casting knowledge because I sure am, and I'm going to double check that after we wrap up this episode, but I'm pretty sure that was right, right? Those five actors nailed it. Still no tonsillitis, knock on wood, and thanks mom for the iPod because things are looking good. Honestly, like late summer, I was in a total rut with the B-TOM podcast. I was tired of, you know, quarantine, work from home. Like, it just wasn't that much going on.
Starting point is 01:06:52 I was working a lot, but we discovered we took a trip, me and Rachel, we took a couple trips this year. We went up to Dork County, our first trip with each other in like June. And then we went to... Garage Ben stopped again, but I'm back. We went to Hashtag friend of the podcast, been on a couple of times, Fantasy Football, Comisch, Hunter Bowlin, came on our, or has been on our show multiple times. He got married, August 1st in Indiana.
Starting point is 01:07:18 So we went there and on our way back, the day after, first we went to the beach in Michigan or Indiana. I don't I don't remember. I don't even remember what we were doing all the way up there just hanging out, I guess. We were looking for something to eat. And Rachel, this is what we were in like Michigan city, Indiana. Rachel discovered on Google Maps, poppas donuts and cheese curds, which has since become legendary. In Beentown podcast lore, it is this older gentleman, older gentleman Steve, who I think used to own a construction company
Starting point is 01:07:57 is maybe retired now, well, touched on lions. And he has a food truck. He is Papa. And it's just parked outside of his little house and lolling the Yana middle, nowhere, literally in the corn fields. We discovered it and it has since become a fan favorite. We've gone back to Indiana since then,
Starting point is 01:08:20 just for Papa's basically. And if you're curious, they are very active on social media, especially Facebook, and they had to go fund me just over the holiday season to save Pop-As-Truck because they didn't get to do their fairs or anything, you know, state fairs, county fairs, whatever, and they raised like three grand or something. I pitched in, I think, 25 bucks to save Pop-s, whatever. And they raised like three grand or something. I pitched in I think 25 bucks to say poppos,
Starting point is 01:08:46 and I cannot wait to get back. But we discovered poppos, which is great. Mini donuts, with a shit ton of sugar on them, cheese curds, all sorts of delicious treats, man, it's good stuff. August we had some wild things here. I'm just reading the titles of my episodes. First, we had a tornado in Rogers Park.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I lost electricity for, I think it was two plus days. I had to go into my office physically because I didn't have Wi-Fi or anything here. And it was just really sad. And I think Rachel was gone or something or else I would have been at her APT. But yeah, that was wild. I lost power for multiple days, lost all my food.
Starting point is 01:09:29 That was not fun. I had a fly issue in the apartment right after that. I had to buy fly traps. Wow, just all the hits here. We had sister already mentioned this sister of the podcast, things to Abby Furnace for doing our fantasy football preview this year, right around the Labor Day. And that took us right into the fall, which was not super exciting. You know, again, not getting to travel was tough, but, you know, we made it through the
Starting point is 01:09:58 fall, made it through election season, which was very hard on, I think, most of us, but it did my podcast election special, which was a lot of fun. I predicted the states, I think I just messed up two of them. I said, George, I was going to be red and North Carolina was going to be blue. And it was the opposite. Otherwise, I nailed the picks. And then the big set piece, if you will, of 2020, at least the end of 2020 was our New England road trip.
Starting point is 01:10:26 That was basically cut up into four weeks, four weeks. I was originally going to record it, or record segments on the road as they were happening, but then I had a whole problem with my other computer and audacity, it didn't work, frankly. So I just gave you a recap week by week in November, basically. There are four segments. And if you hadn't listened, it's pretty fun. If you're curious how my trip went, you
Starting point is 01:10:59 can go listen. But man, we were all over Boston, Manhattan, upstate New York, baseball hall of fame, Green Mountains, White Mountains, Burlington, Vermont, a crazy riverview lodge owned by a lady who was accused of a hate crime. We went to the main show and got wet many times, hike the third tallest mountain in the Green Mountains. It was pretty fun. But that was our road trip sorely needed
Starting point is 01:11:33 and I had a lot of Duncan, like more than I'm comfortable sharing. We got a PlayStation 3 from Rachel's father, Jose. Thank you so much. And I haven't had a great, you know, I haven't had a ton of time to play around with it. I did a little bit when I first got it, like right after Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 01:11:51 but I just, you know, December, you're out and about doing stuff, whatever. Touchdown, bucks. Chris Godwin, that's his third today. That's crazy. I never should have traded that guy for my fantasy team. Then Rachel made her big debut in early December. She was fantastic. I never should have traded that guy for my fantasy team. Then Rachel made her big debut in early December.
Starting point is 01:12:07 She was fantastic. And then we had three straight Christmas episodes, Christmas movie reviews, a Christmas music medley, and last week bringing us up to the present, we had our 2020 Christmas special featuring dad, Steve Furnace, a blind snack cake taste test. You can watch the YouTube stream, Little Debbie Hostess. It was a real hoot. And that brings us up to where we are now. That's the end of your three, my friends.
Starting point is 01:12:39 It was a tough year. Obviously, COVID was tough, and it made things tough for the podcast because I get so much energy and material from traveling, and there are just so many good stories that come out of that. And obviously, I was only able to travel a couple of times, right, when we had a good, but the travels I did have, did have this year generated great stories.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Alabama got a great rant out of that. Indiana, pop as many donuts, the New England Road Trip. That was all really good stuff. So looking forward, hopefully by the end of 2021 to getting back into some of the traveling, because that's just, that's the content that the fans want. But we're gonna have more power rankings in 2021. We are going to kind of get back into some more guest
Starting point is 01:13:35 interviews. We really didn't have too many guests on the show this year. We'd like to pick that back up. And we are plowing straight ahead into year four. I wanna take the chance, take this time to thank everyone for listening to my show, 156 episodes in. You know, kind of simultaneously it is a lot of work and I also feel super lazy.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Obviously this podcast is very low budget, low production value and I pretty much do the bear minimum. That's kind of what it's always been about. I know this year wasn't as sexy or exciting as it maybe has been in the past, but I wanna thank everybody for listening. I hope even though my material hasn't been amazing in year three, I hopefully this was just a little something you could turn on 45 minutes Monday morning or something and
Starting point is 01:14:40 something that you always have no matter what, right? We have put out an episode every single week for the last three straight years, and even though the quality is admittedly very low, and they don't always have a lot to talk about, I've stuck with it, you've stuck with it. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. So that's pretty much what I wanted to cover. I'm sure there are many many things I'm forgetting.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I could talk for much much longer, but I'm not going to because there's just no way garage band is gonna hold up. There's about to be smoke coming out of the back of my Mac, Mac attack. You know what we're gonna do for the last time in year three, we are going to queue up the tunes and that's going to take us to year four. We are going to be back just like we always are next week for more hijinks, more stories, more power rankings, more poppas, more real housewives. Quinn is here to stay, okay? I am going nowhere because I'm stuck on a couch. There's nothing to do.
Starting point is 01:16:01 So your mind is well listened and I might as well keep recording. Thanks to all the friends, fans, followers. Maybe this is your first episode, maybe this is your 156th episode. Shoot us an email though, we'd love to hear from you, introduce yourself, you have any relationship questions or money questions or math questions, email us, Again, it's beintownb, We love listener engagement and I love hearing Thank you so much everyone for listening. This was our year three recap. And we are stronger than ever here streaming across Bintown Networks. We are here to talk about the new
Starting point is 01:16:40 new program. We are here to talk about the new program. We are here to talk about the new This was our year three recap and we are stronger than ever here streaming across beantown networks soundclouds, stitcher, player from YouTube, Apple podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, not cast box yet. I think I still only uploaded like two and that's all they're ever going to get. So TBD.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Um, let's get our music going here and that was a lot of talking. I'm going to finish my coffee and take a shower, just sorely needed and we're heading into January. Well, it's already January and maybe I'll get drunk one of these days in the podcast, right? That hasn't happened in a while. That is fun. Thanks everyone for listening. Really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I love you all. Stay safe. Stay sane. And I'll check in on you in year four. Bye. Bye. I'm just going to sit here. ndご視聴ありがとうございました you

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