Beantown Podcast - Year V Recap & Jen Shah Sentencing (01062023 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 6, 2023

Quinn comes to you LIVE to discuss Jen Shah's prison sentence and give a Year Five Recap. Thanks all for a great season - See you next week for Season Six!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn David furnace presents the Dean town podcast for Friday, January 6th, 2022. What is going on? How are you? What's happening? Happy Jen set a botched it. What's happening? Happy Jen, I botched it. Jen Shaw sentencing day to all of who celebrate. I tweeted that this morning in garlic three likes instantly and nothing since, but you know, it's, I'm really going for that shock value splash impact with my tweets lately. Uh, we'll get into Jen Shaw in a little bit here. There's so many directions we could take this. Formos is going to be our year
Starting point is 00:00:45 five recap, $5 foot long. We'll check in on a channel. Anyone else who's in prison? A-M-P-R-I-S-O-N-A-T tricky word. Kind of like wordle like word all today very very tricky one of those words where it's like hey if you are If you're in the old testament all the time then you probably see it once every paragraph, but Otherwise, I don't even know how I would use it in Daily life if you haven't played your word all yet today and it's we're here on Friday, January 6, 2022, about 440 in the afternoon, then spoilers coming up right now. The word today was B-L-I-E. One of those, one of those words for a lot of us, I think where it's like, yeah, I've heard it, I know it's a word, but I couldn't really like give you a clear
Starting point is 00:01:43 concise definition. I looked it up and I already forgot it. So that it's a word, but I couldn't really give you a clear concise definition. I looked it up and I already forgot it. So that was today's wordle word. But yeah, we're going to be jumping into Gen Sha for just a hot second. This isn't going to be like a Gen Sha episode. Although it could be, the reason we're not going to dwell too much, excuse me, dwell would be a good wordle word. You'll figure out the E and the L, but can you figure out the double L?
Starting point is 00:02:06 The W? Doesn't always come into play. This is our Year 5 recap. So I want to, you know, this isn't going to be like, and then this week we talked about this, and this week we talked about that, although based off of my lack of preparation for today's show, all I have pulled up going in today is the, I want to read the transcript of what Jen Shaw said at her prison sentence today,
Starting point is 00:02:28 sentencing today, and then I did literally pull up the list of all 52 episodes we did this past year. And we'll talk about some notable things. Like our U.S. state's power rankings, I think we're all gonna be excited to maybe revisit that or our Beijing Olympics Break down our telephone fundraiser which reminds me man We got we got year six pledge drive fundraisers coming up soon here looking for looking for ideas for fun
Starting point is 00:02:58 trinkets To throw into our thank you envelopes this year we usually do assigned to throw into our thank you envelopes this year. We usually do assigned autographed picture for our Topaz Elite members, which I think we'll be bringing back that sort of donor status this time around, because it's very popular and we got some negative feedback. Last time when we took it away,
Starting point is 00:03:18 but I think stickers could be fun. I was talking to my cousin, cousin of the podcast, Sawyer, Denison at Brother of the podcast, Jack's wedding, one week, one week ago. Yeah, man, crazy that that was a sat right. It was one week ago. It was Friday night. Yeah, Friday. Man, it feels it's one of those things where it just feels like in an eternity ago for no good or bad reason. But it just was. There's new year's eve happened
Starting point is 00:03:46 and then I had a crazy hangover. Apologies for last week's episode. It was just the weirdest day. A woke up, we felt perfectly fine. Went and got our bagels and then at like one, 32 in the afternoon, hours after we'd eaten, I was just like, this is just getting worse and worse. And next thing you know, I was just like, so it's just getting worse and worse. And I'm just like struggling to get down
Starting point is 00:04:07 that you're pulling at night. But I did notice when I logged into SoundCloud 10 minutes ago that our track last week still at 88 place, which makes me think of back to the future, which I've never seen back to the future two or three, but I've heard that, I've heard more things about two than about three, and I really hear things about three, but I've heard that, I've heard more things about two than about three, and I really hear things about three,
Starting point is 00:04:26 but I've heard back to future two is fantastic still. Never seen it. I don't get around to that many movies these days, but I suppose one of these days when I have kids like it's something you'll show them, although back to the future, definitely wasn't a huge part of my childhood the way it was, I think, for a lot of other kids.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So, I don't know what to make of it. But let's get going here. Listen to your discretion as advised when you're listening to the bean-tongued podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some language. Number two, it's podcast subjectively terrible. And if you have ideas to revisit and finish our thought regarding the pledge drive telephone fundraiser, if you have ideas for little things we could do. For our thank you cards, if you will, then email us,
Starting point is 00:05:08 and this beantown podcast at You can tweet at us at beantowncast. I am personally at White Buns with a Z and we would love to hear from ya. It's dry January for anyone who knows from last week's episode, which means I am working my way through a big golf diet coke, which is very refreshing. The hardest part about that in winter is your
Starting point is 00:05:33 hands are freezing, especially when you're double-fisting. It got one from me one for Rachel, so you're bringing the diet coax back, and we're fortunate enough to live four to five minute walk from the 7-11 there. But the worst part is there's two 7-11s on the same, in the same building, more or less, the southeast corner of Clark and Addison. And the one on Clark is open less frequently than the one on Addison, but I always check the one
Starting point is 00:06:01 on Clark first when I'm coming from home because it's just a straight shot down our street and It wasn't open so I had to take the long way like a dummy But got the Diet Coke's it's the our sixth day without drinking here dry January and this you know our first dry weekend So this is where we're really gonna actually kind of Have to face some demons if you will. But I'm not too worried. I've got my soda stream is in action, made some lemon, some carbonated lemon water,
Starting point is 00:06:32 which actually tastes a lot better than it sounds. And it made some on Wednesday, and I'll probably make some again tonight. But you know what, you just got to, it's the same, you know, whether you're like drinking a lot or not drinking at all or somewhere in between for me, it's just kind of like a mindset, like a switch to be flipped,
Starting point is 00:06:51 where if I just tell myself, which I am, cause it's dry January, if I'm just like, hey, we're not drinking, then it's not even like, oh, I'm stared at the bottle like me and I gotta bolt myself down to my chair, really want the drinks, just like, no, we're not going to do it. So it doesn't mean you don't think about it occasionally. I was literally on the walk back with my diet Coke sink
Starting point is 00:07:11 and like, man, it's a Friday, works winding down. I wish I was at like burning bush right now. Which has become one of my new favorite breweries here in Chicago, you know, just to, you know, and celebrate the end of the work week. It was my first week of, you know, working in like three weeks and, you know, it just be nice to, to relax and unwind. But here's what we're going to do instead. We're going to, we're going to get slimmer, leaner, meaner. We are going to save money. That's another thing too. Like, we were talking about this a little bit. My brother was a night a couple of days ago.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Just how much we spent on alcohol relative to how much our parents spent on alcohol when they were raising us. Maybe not when they were our ages, I don't really know, but when they were raising us, there's almost never any alcohol in the house. Unless mom and dad might be listening had a secret gin stash somewhere, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:03 But, you know, it's just crazy the difference. And I guess it makes sense because you know, we're in our late 20s early 30s and don't have kids. And when my parents were in their late 20s, early 30s, they had pretty much three going on four kids by then. So there's a big difference. And not to mention that all my two brothers and I, and well, yeah, my two brothers and our partner slash spouses were all on a two-income household right now and that was not the case growing up. So a lot of differences, but to cap the thought
Starting point is 00:08:44 before we jump into our Gen Shaw stuff here, just, you know, it's tough in January because you got, well, this one's not so bad. I was going to say you got five weekends. I think January of 2022, there were five full weekends and that was difficult because, yeah, it was, it was five... All right, GarageBand, crap, and out. because yeah, it was it was five All right garage band crappin out but to cap off the thought Apologies for that just completely gave up. I said I usually don't drink on Sundays anyway So we really just got four weekends to deal with here. It's not so bad. This one's not gonna be
Starting point is 00:09:22 Bad we don't know any plans for tomorrow, but whatever we'll figure something out. We'll dinner with some family. And you know, I'm not, this Vikings Bears games Sunday at noon. It's just a crap fest. I'm tempted and I was looking at tickets today. I was tempted to go to the game because you can go for like 25, 30 bucks a ticket. But man, it's going to be such low quality football. The Vikings are going to bring their backups in at some point. Bears are legitimately as close as you can without physically saying it for being, you know, like sued by the competition committee.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They are close to trying to lose because they can actually get the number one pick if they lose in the Texans win, which they're playing the Colts, which is like dead even. But we don't want to hear me go through a whole prediction of how hard each weekend is going to be in January. We'll make it work. Drink a lot of carbonated water, drink some extra coffee. And I think we'll be happy with the results.
Starting point is 00:10:15 So, yeah, that's dry January. We introduced it last week. Still going well. It's only been five days since our last show, but going well, you know. So, for since our last show, but but going well. So for those of you who aren't real housewives fans or aren't plugged into real housewives of Salt Lake City to just clue you in on where the franchise is at the moment, they only have one more episode left to this season. And I got to say it really feel like it just kind of flew by without anything very interesting happening. And I don't think that's a controversial or hot take.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I don't even know how many episodes there have been, but it really doesn't feel like a full season. And you know, there's a pretty simple explanation for that. Basically, they started season three with Jenny Wynn, who was introduced in season two, who everyone kind of was like, yeah, let's give her a chance, but we don't really like. She just didn't fit in at all, and she just wasn't likeable, because she wasn't like friends with anyone really, except for maybe Lisa, I can't remember, but just a really irritating voice in presence. So she got cut like in the middle of filming season three. And so that surely made it very challenging to come out, they had to pivot and stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:32 but even you look at just the story lines that they crafted for the different housewives and sort of what they had going on. It was just really not good. Not to give you a full rundown of every single thing here, but it was just like, Heather's thing was that she was starting a choir and opening a new beauty lab. And that just wasn't that interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And Whitney's whole thing was like her abuse thing, which was just like, okay, like that's just wasn't that interesting. And Whitney's whole thing was like her abuse thing, which was just like, okay, like that's an important personal thing. I'm glad that you're like getting help with this stuff, but really not that interesting. And to, you know, the queen of all of this was Meredith, like, who people generally tend to really like zero storylines.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Her only storyline was reacting to the behind closed doors hot mic rant moment that Lisa Barlow had in season two. And so it was just like absolutely, you look back at the end of the season and you're just like, I don't have any idea the season and you're just like, I don't have any idea what happened on this show at all. Um, it, you know, not to be like, Oh, yeah, the show sucks now, but it was just weird. I don't know. I thought that they could have come up with something more interesting. And I got to say, I have been firmly converted or changed, if you will, my sort of housewives power rankings. I am very much all in on Potomac being my favorite now. And I don't, I think most people like Potomac
Starting point is 00:13:12 a lot. So I don't think that's like a hot take or anything. But it is just leaps and bounds more entertaining, you know, editing's better, like all that stuff. I don't know, it's just Salt Lake City, I think really dropped the ball this season. And the big question now is you're about to take so to get to the actual point here, you're about to take Jen Shao to the picture. And it's just I'm legitimately concerned for the future of the franchise right now. They shoehorned in a couple of friends of like right in the middle of the season. There's Angie K, Angie H and Dana. Two of them went on kind of their last big trip they did.
Starting point is 00:14:02 One of the Angie's and the Dana, whoever that is. But they weren't really, they know each other like everyone knows each other, but there's not that much chemistry. So it's just kind of a little bit painful. So we'll see how it goes. Anyways, today was finally the day. Gen Chow is arrested all the way back in 21, I think, like middle, like maybe fall of 2021. And for the longest time, was Adam that she's going to take this stuff to trial. If you're not in the loop, essentially, she, no one fully, like a lot of housewives, no one fully understood her business, but telemarketing is a very simplified way of putting it. Anyway, she got busted for conspiracy to commit wire fraud to fraudding.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Elderly people primarily out of tens of millions of dollars. And it was her and Stu Chains, Stuart Smith, I think his name was, or Stuart something, who were like creepy best friends on the show was really strange. And so one by one, everyone who was part of this ring was changing from, or was playing guilty, if you will. And finally, on the very last day, when it was possible, the plea guilty and avoid trial, Gen Shaw changed her plea from not guilty to guilty.
Starting point is 00:15:23 So the sentencing was supposed to be in December or October 1st, I think, and then December, and then it finally happened today. January 6th, Insurrection Day, how fitting. And we were, you know, on the Twitter feed, refreshing NBC News, all that stuff all morning. It started at 9 am central, and it took a little bit longer than we thought it was going to take But I just want to read so if you've never been to a sentencing before Well, I haven't either but if you're not familiar with it, which I wasn't really either this morning I had to follow all this stuff who like Twitter because there it's a federal court, which I think means no cameras or anything like that
Starting point is 00:16:01 so Basically first up is Juncha's attorney, you know, she kind of goes through a conversation with the judge and then the you know, states attorney or whatever it is, goes through their thing and then Juncha gets a chance to speak to the judge. So here, right before the judge announces the sentencing or the link of the prison sentence if you will. before the judge announces the sentencing or the link of the prison sentence, if you will. So here is, oh, we just got a fantasy hot take from the commissioner, favorite having a single champ
Starting point is 00:16:36 rather than co-champs. I mean, we could get into the whole Buffalo Bill's Cincinnati Bengals thing on Monday night, just horrific what happened to that player cardiac arrest on the field all that stuff Essentially today they declared the game a or last night they declared it the game in no contest and That obviously impacted like almost every fantasy football championship out there because those two teams have a ton of fantasy players on them And so now we're deciding in our leagues what to do. In my school, we've decided to do co-champs and split the pot in the furnace family league
Starting point is 00:17:13 in the Great White North, furnace, denison league. The consensus was building towards co-champs. There is no pot to split, but the commission, friend of the podcast, Andrew Denison just came out and said he votes for single champs. So we've got a healthy dialogue going here. We just, we've heard from a couple. Right now it's three in favor, one against, but we haven't heard from Walt yet,
Starting point is 00:17:40 who if he's against, and he would lose. So I have a hard time believing that's gonna be a vote against. This is basically like our own little version of the speaker of the house elections. I tell you what, it looks, looks like Kevin McCarthy, the house adjourning will allow to McCarthy's supporters to return to DC
Starting point is 00:18:03 as talks continue with holdouts. McCarthy says it'll be elected tonight. Well, he probably said the last two nights stuff, two nights, too. So who knows, but they're on there, what, 12th, 13th round, something like that. Absolutely bizarre. Okay, so here is what, here is what Jensaw actually said before receiving her present sentence. So let's see, okay. We got to find it here. I'm on a Twitter thread. I thought I had it.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Okay. Gen-Shaw. You and the world know me as Gen-Shaw, but reality TV has nothing to do with reality. Even my tagline, Shamazing, they wrote it. I want to speak about who I am, sobbing. I stand before you as an immigrant from Tonga and Hawaii, the elderly command the most respect I am the family matriarchy. The principles are humility and loyalty and respect. I've come to terms, I've gone against these, I'm sorry, my actions have hurt innocent people. I want to apologize by saying,
Starting point is 00:19:00 I'm doing all I can to earn the funds to pay restitution. I would say each victim's name if I could, but federal privacy laws prevent it. Judge says, how will you raise the 6 million restitution? Judge says, my managers here were working on things. Judge says, well, in prison, Gen. Chas says, yes, Judge says, you're still in the cast. Gen. Chas says, yes. Although not for long. Gen. Chas says, I sold merchandise.
Starting point is 00:19:21 About this case, or a third party vendor, I will devote it to the victims. Thank you for reviewing my sensitive information. Longstanding untreated mental issues caused me to create my own fractured reality. This is a crucible moment for me. With a proper medication, I can now see what happened. I wish I could have stood outside myself. I'm sorry, I found solace in my volunteer work
Starting point is 00:19:39 with anti-racism organizations in the LGBT community. To my baby Omar, mommy is so sorry you were woken up at gunpoint. My late father, I want to tell him I'm sorry I'm humbled by your love for me. Thank you Judge Stein. Judge says thank you anything else and then that's it. So she didn't say anything about her to her to her other son or to her husband so just Omar. So Judge says my intention is to impose a sentence of 78 months of incarceration and other conditions, any formal objection to the procedure and no. So 78 months, the guideline was 135 to 168 months, she only got 78 months and then five years of supervised release.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So she got off mega easy. I did the math and if you do 85% of the full term, which is typical for like federal good behavior as far as I understand, then that's five and a half years. So that's what Gen Shaz looking at a while day. 2022 when Rachel and I were at her parents' house listening, calling it on Zoom to the Gen-Shaw hearing, I guess it was. And we've come so far. It feels longer than 10 months ago, but man, what a wild ride. So Gen-Shaw is not going to be part of the Housewives franchise for at minimum five to five and a half years. She's going to prison in Texas on February 26, I think, 27th, something like that. And she'll be there even with good behavior minimum like five to five and a half years projected.
Starting point is 00:21:21 So that's Jen Shaforia, Rip. she'll be like 55 when she gets out 56 something like that. And you know she'll get right back on her on her bullshit. So that's coming up. I think I'm going to take a quick pause and grab something and we'll hear from our ads and we'll do a little, I got to respond to a work email is really what it is. And then we'll do a year five recap, kind of blow through it. So that's coming up on part two of the Bean Tom Podcast. Hang on, I'll be right back. And we're back, thank you for your patience. All right, let's hear from our sponsors here, unofficial sponsors, if anything, I'm practically
Starting point is 00:22:03 paying them to let me advertise for them. All right, home pride organ. Are you tired tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth? All because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time. Well, the organ listeners, they got good news for you. Home pride inspection services in Ben, Oregon, essential organs, just new home inspection provider with inspection services, including things like heating and cooling.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And let me tell you, let me take a quick side bar to tell you this time of year, you do not want to mess around with the good ol HVAC. If you got an unreliable furnace at home, you're going to want to call a pretty reliable furnace on the road. His name is Steve getting back into our and read here, not only heating and cooling, but roofing plumbing is so much more. Home pride organ is both contractor certified and home inspection certified.
Starting point is 00:22:50 So you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate, we're little little little little little angle hold. And I certainly am. On the home inspection market and you want to save certified home inspector, you can trust, get your sticky note, write this down. Call Steve at 541-410- or visit
Starting point is 00:23:08 Again, 541-00316 or visit HomePrideRigan inspection, perfection. I also want to give a shout out to our long, long friends. Well, just long friends, long time friends I guess makes more sense. The Samson Q2U series, as we gear up for year six of the bean town podcast, we never would have made it this far without Samson and frankly Samson probably never would have made it this far without us. So from Genesis to Exodus, including those epistles, epi, stles, when God speaks, he uses the Samson.
Starting point is 00:23:55 You gotta be careful with my podcasting chair here. It's in the corner of our bedroom. And if I am not careful, it kind of scrapes the finish the paint of the wall Boy got some we got some marks over here good thing that I repaint after we move out mercy All right, I would got speaks to use the Samson probably already said that But oh finally our good friends cuts by Q. I just did a nice little cuts by Q about two hours ago So after our workout, took my razor into the shower, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:24:29 did a little neck beard trim, did a little, you know, sometimes your chest and your belly just get overgrown like the Amazon rainforest and you say, okay, you know, we're not doing a full, Jarra Swedish shave or anything, but let's just clean it up a little bit. And you take care of that. I did a little bit off the sides of my hair. I'm gearing up for a bigger cuts by Q and probably the next couple of weeks here. A January hobby and activity to do if I'm not drinking. But yeah, I mean, look great. I feel great. Probably lost five pounds of hair.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So Bob and weave, we all know the hairstyle, we all love it, but how many Chicago-based independent barbers can actually give it to you the way you deserve? Enter, cut, spy, cue. It's a little like Enter Sandman, just different. Cuts by cue has been independently owned and operated since 1995, and it's probably one of the better barbershop operations
Starting point is 00:25:21 serving Chicago, Cuck County, and the Greater Chicago Land Area, as well as Northwest Indiana. Don't forget, that's where Papa's is located. I'm thinking, you know, my brother of the podcast, Walt Furnace moved to Ohio yesterday, and next time I take a road trip out there from Chicago to Ohio, it might be a good idea to stop at Papa's along the way. Maybe bring it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's kind of my housewarming gift. You could do a bucket of donuts, a bucket of cheese curds. You could buy a 20 ounce Diet Coke. Like if I moved to a new place and someone brought me that as a housewarming gift, I wouldn't care if it was cold. Could have been sitting in the car for four hours. I would just be like, that was pop these babies in the oven. 10 minutes later, we're feasting. We'll let the Diet Coke.
Starting point is 00:26:06 You stick that in the freezer for five minutes, maybe add some rum, because I'm not visiting in January, not with these icy conditions on the road. But pop is the perfect gift, but to finish up here from B Hives to Banks, Fauhox to Flat Top, and everything in between.
Starting point is 00:26:19 You gotta call Cuts by Q. At 815-287-200, or you can email Cuts by Q at again that's cuts Q U T Z by Q at Yahoo dot com all right to celebrate year five sing it with us loud and clear no when you need a fresh do something snappy and new just call the experts at cuts by Q fresh do something snappy and new. Just call the expert set cuts by Q. All right, thank you to our valuable long time supporters of this show. Quintet first presents a bean ton podcast and welcome to the second half of our year five recap. We haven't even really recapped anything yet except for Jen Sean, we're already 28 minutes in.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So let's dig in a little bit here as I get a little bit more of my diet coke. Still crisp, still refreshing. I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy it based off of how red and numb my fingers were right when I walked in the door with those two diacokes in hand, but I got to say an hour later, I feel great. I'm energized, refreshed, excited, lean, mean, powerful, enigmatic, lachonic, draconian. I got to mention this just because the word lovers out there will love it. There was a clue on Jeopardy the other day, and the answer was lachonic. And it reminded me because I said the wrong word
Starting point is 00:27:45 I said drake Conic that I always get those two mixed up and I know so Lake Conic means using very few words and drake Conic is like severe harsh unnecessarily. I think let's see. Yeah very harsh and severe or resembling a dragon like Smowoo S mau g smowoo But it's one of those things where I always get those two words mixed up. And another thing where we're watching Jeopardy last night, one of the answers was Huey Long. I was like, it's another name. I just always, I can always tell from the context clues who they're referencing, Big
Starting point is 00:28:19 Louisiana guy. The Kingfish, according to Wikipedia, 40th Gove, Louisiana from 1928 to 1932, and a senator from 32 until the assassination in 35. It's one of those things where it's like a vocal criticism of the criticizer, critique of the New Deal. One of those things are people or places in history where it's just like I know what this is. I just can't put out a physically produced the word to represent the idea in my head. So anyways, oh, last thing before we jump into a recap here, a weird, I guess not weird,
Starting point is 00:28:57 not the right word, but just a jeopardy thing. Mega champ, 13-day champ Ray LaLonde lost on Tuesday, I guess. Wednesday, I can't remember. I think it was Wednesday. No, he would have lost Tuesday. To all people, I went to the Illinois State Geography Bee twice, once in seventh grade, once in eighth grade, top 50 kids in the state get to go. And my seventh grade year, the Rockford Register started a news article about me.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And they came to our home and they took pictures and everything. And I shared the article with people this week after we watched who we saw on Jeopardy. But there were two people from the Rockford area who went. It was myself and there's other kids Lloyd C, who went to West Middle School, and it had gone to Auburn and then Brown for undergrad, I think he's at UVA right now getting a PhD in literature, although it's undergrad degrees, computer science, which is wild, what a ship.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Anyways, this article was supposed to be about me and Lloyd, not that we knew each other or like good friends or anything, but just the two of us. But in the article, it says, the article is just about me because the article, at the end is like we reached out to Lloyd C, to be part of this article and he didn't respond. So look who shows up on Jeopardy. I guess what seventh grade I would have been,
Starting point is 00:30:20 I was like 2006, 2007, something like that. So 15, 16 years later, look who shows up on Jeopardy. would have been, it was like 2006, 2007, something like that. So 15, 16 years later, a look who shows up on Jeopardy, Lloyd C, who is just, I think it could probably a nice guy in real life. I don't know if he was really nervous. He's got some other stuff going on, but just a really bizarre Jeopardy contestant. And wouldn't you know, he beats Ray LaLon on Tuesday, wins a second game on Wednesday, and then eventually yesterday,
Starting point is 00:30:47 we haven't watched today's episode yet, but yesterday, Thursday, it gets absolutely stomped on by this middle guy who was really good. So, but two days, and he made like 40 grand or something like that, so good for you Lloyd, which is a quote from Stel Harris in Seinfeld. God for you Lloyd! When they're selling the computers out of Frank's garage,
Starting point is 00:31:13 a first prize gets a water pick. Second prize gets a pair of steak knives. Third prize is you fight it. That's a little Seinfeld Lloyd C and Glen Gary Glen Glen Ross triple threat crossover that you didn't think you were going to get on the year five recap. Speaking of year five recaps, we started off last year by doing NFL Playoff City power rankings and we're probably not going to do another addition of that this year, although we could next week. I think the teams are so similar. Considering the bean town podcast has been around for five years now, and
Starting point is 00:31:46 it will probably be around for another 100 years, I figure if we space those episodes out, you know, every two or three years, it might be more interesting than just doing it every year. Because I don't I had to go back and look now that I care that much, but I'm so there's 14 playoff teams every year now. And I think probably like, what we could just run down this real quick, the Eagles were in last year, the Cowboys were in last year. Vikings were not, so that's one difference. The Niners were, the Bucks were, so really there's maybe I think Vikings instead of Rams was basically the only change assuming the Packers make it tomorrow
Starting point is 00:32:25 So only one in the NFC and then the AFC I'm not it's a little bit more muddled just in my mind I know there's some wild cards but like the Bengals and Ravens will obviously be back in and the chiefs of course and Could be the Titans the bills are gonna win again. So I think that there's really only like I think there's legitimately the bills are going to win again. So I think there's really only like, I think there's legitimately like maybe two or three maybe four at most depending on how things shake out on Sunday in the NFL differences in terms of cities So do a power rankings again, which is to be like oh has Quinn felt they need different
Starting point is 00:32:58 Geographically and last year and the answer would be no We did some other shows in January including including our Alabama special. We had the very first time I went for a work to Alabama. I did a big tie-rate, a diet tribe, if you will D-I-T-R-I-B-E against Alabama. We kind of went back another time last year and had a very similar special report and look who's going back to Alabama flying there in like 16 days or something, 17 days. It's just, I don't know. It's one of those trips where there's some things
Starting point is 00:33:34 that are kind of nice because it's a lot of driving, which most people hate. I don't mind driving so much. Because I don't get to do it in my day to day life, but it's just every day, it's a lot. Because these are things where it's like, you wake up, you drive, hour to three hours, you work, you drive another hour
Starting point is 00:33:54 to three hours, and that's just how the trip goes. It's not like, I'm not punishing myself, it's just what it is. And of course, you get to do it in Alabama, which, hey, I'll take the 50s in late January compared to what it's usually like here in Chicago, but there's just not much to do or see not a lot of like, oh yeah, we got to stop here. Not a ton of great nature.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I'm not going to absolutely, I'm not going to sit here and completely shitton like deep south nature because there's more if you know where to look for it. But, you know, it's not sweeping vistas. It's like this was a cool civil war cemetery deep in this forest, which I saw a couple times go in the Taladega National Forest when I was there. So it's just like, I don't know, is the first time I went and I was like, oh, this is kind of neat. The second time I went and I was like, yeah, seeing this. of neat. The second time I went, I was like, yeah, seeing this. So I don't even know what the third time's going to be.
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's dry January, so I can't even drink my sorrows away. We did our first ever, I believe Winter Olympics preview on this show because the previous Winter Olympics were in 2018, which would have been right when we were getting going on the Bean Tom podcast, probably happened, you know, five, six episodes in. So we previewed those different events, the Luge, the skeleton, the by-athlon,
Starting point is 00:35:10 one of my favorite events. And we've got the, what, 2026 Winter Olympics? Let's see, can I remember. So 24 summers gonna be Paris. 26 is, oh man, is it another like China, Russia, Korea kind of place? I don't remember 2026 Olympics It is in Milan is that right? I don't know if I knew that
Starting point is 00:35:45 Huh, okay, there you go. So we're going France, Italy, and then 2028, Summer Olympics Los Angeles, which will be wild, because you get 26 world cup in North America, and 26 or 28 Summer Olympics are in LA. So we've got some good previews coming up. Let's see, have they announced the 2030 Winter Olympics? Says, according to Wikipedia, the host city is initially set to be elected in 2023, but they're no longer working towards a host, but you figure they got to come up with
Starting point is 00:36:21 that eventually. Right at the end of January, it looks like kind of hard to tell. Oh no, this was early mid February. I got, I had in hindsight, one of the greatest like back-to-back concert things of all time. I don't remember if they were, they were like two nights apart, maybe, or just one night apart.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I can't remember. First, we saw the War on Drugs who as in the last year developed into like a top five band for me. And to think I only knew like one or two of their tunes, probably this time a year ago, uh, it's just crazy to me. I absolutely love them. I think they're fantastic. So Rachel and I saw War on Drugs at the Chicago Theatre, and then I by myself finally fulfilled a lifelong dream. I finally got to see Elton at the United Center. Just out of sheer chance, Rachel was busy doing something. She was out of, you know, away from the
Starting point is 00:37:11 city or something, I don't remember. And so I just randomly like learned that Elton was playing at the United Center for two nights. And I got, I think I, you know, got a nosebleed ticket for like 75 bucks or something. It was amazing. Especially since he's more or less done, he's got some European shows still to go, I think, but he's done in the US. He played at Dodger Stadium at the end of this past summer
Starting point is 00:37:35 and that was it. Moving forward at the end of February's, we do every year, we did our annual Beentown podcast, Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser, do every year we did our annual Beentown podcast, Pledge Drive Telephone fundraiser, we raised money for the show, and I interned match one for one, a dollar for a dollar, all the proceeds to the United Way of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So we're looking forward to doing that again. This year will be our sixth annual Telephone fundraiser, easily the biggest event of the late winter. And what I love about that is it kind of carries us right into early March to mid-March, which is low key, like one of my favorite times of year. There's, you get, I mean, March is just amazing. You get a viewing of the fugitive, an annual viewing of the fugitive, number one priority, you get my birthday, which I'm not a huge birthday guy, but who doesn't want to get a text
Starting point is 00:38:31 or something from a friend you haven't talked to in a while, and you get to have a quick Texas change, and it's just, you know, lifts your spirits a little bit. Usually there's a cupcake involved, or something like that, maybe a free Starbucks drink. I got to get on the app this year so I can maybe a free Starbucks drink. I got to get on the app this year, so I can get my free Starbucks drink. You get St. Patrick's Day, which in Chicago is just a huge deal. Do I get really hungover from it? Usually, yes, but it's still fun. And then you get March madness.
Starting point is 00:39:01 It's usually happening right as like right, you know, selections Sunday, like conference titles, conference championships is usually right around St. Patrick's Day in the city. And then, you know, you get the Oscars, you get the Shamrock shuffle, which I finally got to run broke my, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, this past year. I tried to run the Shamrock Shuffle multiple times and failed, not because I can't run five miles but because I had been shamed by the system, I finally got to run the Shamrock Shuffle. This past year, which was fun, and that's all like March. And it's not like, oh, spring and Chicago,
Starting point is 00:39:40 it's 70 degrees in sunny. It's usually still wintery and not super fun to be outside, but you've got to, you've had such a long winter. The days finally get longer. You can drink. It's a good time. You get into April and you have our taxes special with dear friend of the show, Matthew Feeder. Every once in a while, it'll just pop into my head the fact that we ran a podcast of our own called the white noise podcast all the way back and gosh, probably like 2019, you can still find those episodes wherever pot, you know, you get your podcast and I would 100% not be opposed to reviving that. I've got the time. I mapped it all the tech work. Thank you, Matt. So we'd love to get that going again, but Matt joins us every year
Starting point is 00:40:25 for our taxes special. We brought Easter to a whole new level this past year and year five of the Bean Tom podcast. We did our 10 plagues of Egypt power rankings, which really was like the apex of the show combining power rankings, which we're known for with our religious criticism, which we're known for as well. That was a fun show. That's when I have not listened to probably more than zero or one times, but that's one of those like put it in the Hall of Fame kind of episodes
Starting point is 00:40:57 from what I recall. We broke down Winnie the Pooh Gender Identities, which I don't remember doing, but it sounds like a fascinating episode. I'd go back and listen to that. I think that the key ones we were honing in on were rabbit and piglet. Not, it's unclear.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And probably the little king of root two. I'm not, you know, I'm not taking a stance anyway on it. I just think it's interesting. We introduced in late April, right around the time the NFL draft, our right on Q segment, which you know for a couple episodes was the hot new thing and now it pops up sparingly here on the show. It really is how much time do I put into preparation because it takes at least three or four minutes to record the segment and then get that you know going on each episode. But right on cue, a fun little thing,
Starting point is 00:41:45 it's got its own section on our website now. Then we did another kind of like our taxes special or our pledge right telephone fundraiser special or our Halloween spectacular or Easter show. One of the fan favorites I love doing it every year and I have not thought about it at all for 2023 and I gotta pull thought about it at all for 2023 and I got to pull up my notes app here, see if I can find what it was for 2022.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But our top 10 horse names, if you're curious, we went from 10 to 1, I'm pretty sure this is 2022. Yeah, so I'll just give them to you in order, 10 to one here. Triple pump, chimp can express, drive shaft, self co, Moana Louis Valley, Shrek's epiphany, mid spawn, stink, stink, stunk, epistrophy, and flamingo phlebotomy, both starting with pH. And our all time, so we now have, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:41 five years of being town, five number one horse names, from 2018 and into the present, we went Episcopalian Pentetock, Irregardless Intensive Purposes and Flamingo Flabbotomy. So those are your horse names. That's one of my favorite shows every year. It really does allow you to be creative.
Starting point is 00:43:01 We get the fan vote going to get fan submissions and stuff. You can email us being town podcast yet So Really fun. We did our one direction power rankings. Probably Zane was number one or maybe we Tom Linson then things got really just Terrible in my personal life with the end of that apartment when I live in a diversity parkway I Would be you know basically to sum it all up, entrance without warning, knocking, just man, that was terrible.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Really bad for my mental health. I like to consider myself a very just kind of laid back, neutral, not outwardly anxious, able to handle anything kind of person. But man, when you got like come out of the shower and there's just like people Touring your apartment like that's not it's not fun. That actually something similar happened to some dear friends of ours A very similar situation just like two or three months ago. And man, it's just Some of the landlords here really suck. You're supposed it's 48 hours
Starting point is 00:44:03 some of the landlords here really suck. You're supposed to, it's 48 hours. It's pretty simple. Pretty, it's in the lease. It's really straightforward stuff. Anyways, I don't want to dwell on that. I got to go to Milwaukee with dear friend of the show Sam Anderson, my former roommate, we saw a brewers game,
Starting point is 00:44:19 and one of you believe it, the after show was Vanilla Ice Rob Base, the guy from Naughty by Nature, if that's Rob Base, I think, no, Naughty By Nature is someone else. I can't remember what he's called. Anyways, wild concert, a lot of white people, teenage mutant ninja turtles, and just wild stuff. The crazy apartment I lived in last year that whole stuff was capped when I moved
Starting point is 00:44:50 to our current place, which has been a really solid place, but man, moving there was one of the worst days of my life. Basically, if you recall, had to be out on the 31st, couldn't get into the first, moveers didn't show up until like 11 p.m. Just really awful. until the first, MOVERSEN show up until like 11 p.m. Just really awful. Don't wanna relive that, don't need to, moving forward. As we really got into the hottest part
Starting point is 00:45:12 of summer, we did some Tom Cruise movies, Power Rankings, we talked about the crazy horse monument embarrassment. I don't know if we talked about this much on the show, but I had that crazy incident at the lake where I almost broke my finger. Is that completely healed? Yeah, yeah, you can't even really notice that if you if you never knew they were a scar,
Starting point is 00:45:33 you'd never know something was different. I guess, you know, you can look at and be like, oh, that looks a little funky, but I don't know, creases and crevices and fingers are weird and stuff. We did a taxpayer rant in some July 6th trivia, always big fan of trivia on the show. Then we came kind of the centerpiece of Beentown Podcast year five, if you will. We did our longest ever kind of multi-week segment. We don't typically do multi-week segments on the show here, but in honor of Rachel and my trip to Hawaii, my 50th state, delayed 2.5 years, we did our
Starting point is 00:46:14 US states power rankings, and there were five parts, so we did more or less on average, 10 states each part going from worst to best. I don't know if I have it handy, which sort of how the states went. My problem is I have my notes app on my phone and then I have my Google Docs app on my phone. And I don't do a good job of keeping track of which one is where. Okay, here we go. So, just if you're curious, the bottom five were Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and South Carolina, and then the top, let's just do top 10. From 10 to one, we did Alaska, Pennsylvania, New York,
Starting point is 00:46:57 Illinois, Colorado, California, Michigan, Washington, Hawaii, and Minnesota in the top spot. That was a lot of fun. It really got to kind of leverage not only my, like geographic knowledge, which could be better or worse than Lloyd's, I don't know. I think I placed better than him, but who knows? But I also got to leverage, you know, my knowledge of just
Starting point is 00:47:21 the trips I've taken to those places. And let's see, I'm just thinking right at the time I had the place, stays where I've spent the most time, Illinois, Maryland, two states I've lived in, and then probably Wisconsin, and Minnesota would be after that. And then the states have spent the least time in, maybe more interesting. I think number one is New Mexico,
Starting point is 00:47:42 but New Mexico and Mississippi are kind of a close, no, New Mexico would be number one, because I was there for like three hours in Santa Fe. Mississippi, I've been to maybe two or three times. A nice little family diner in Olive Ranch, Mississippi near Tupelo, or excuse me, near Grace, Graceland, not Tupelo. I don't know exactly where Tupelo is in Mississippi, but would go there a couple times when I'd work in Tennessee for, you know, you get just a 4,000 calories worth of breakfast for like seven bucks and they throw in the coffee for free. Other than
Starting point is 00:48:20 that, probably Arkansas would be high up there in terms of least time spent. And then I suppose like, you know, you're North Dakota's, you're Nebraska's, you're, yeah, I mean like North Dakota and Nebraska, states of that nature, are mostly states where I've just kind of driven through and never really done anything else. Even like in North Carolina,
Starting point is 00:48:47 I don't recall spending much time there outside of the Charlotte airport and one or two other trips. So anyways, we did those power rankings as a whole lot of fun. That got us into kind of late summer transitioning into fall here. We did our fantasy football and NFL preview.
Starting point is 00:49:05 And it was, well, we mentioned it earlier in the show, fantasy football is still kind of, we don't know what's gonna happen with these champions. Could be Walt, could be Steve, one thing I know for sure, it's not me. We did, the biggest ripoffs in America, I couldn't even remember to tell you what made that list, but I'm sure I could come up with a fresh one if I had to
Starting point is 00:49:27 Then as fault meadows by death kept for QD. I think their 10th studio album came out in September I remember listening to it for the first time it came out on a Friday and I actually believe it or not I was working from home But I had to work an event starting at 5 a.m. or 5 30, whatever. And a virtual event where you're basically just like in your Zoom room, waiting to see if someone comes so that gave me the opportunity to sit on the couch and listen to Asphalt Meadows. And I was blown away. Still love it. One of my favorite albums I've ever listened to from beginning to end. Then we did some good trivia, which in order to the longest interstates in America,
Starting point is 00:50:06 and I got to meet one of my heroes, Guillermo Rodriguez from the Jimmy Kimmel show, so we talked you through that. We spent some time on the road doing some recruiting, nice, I have a full recruitment season back. We came to you live from Minneapolis, which was a good time. We did our top 10 songs about work,
Starting point is 00:50:22 things like She Works hard for the money working for a living Working in a coal mine. So some good stuff there. Then I you know, we were in New York City and There's just a lot of hype about Balto. He's got his own statue his own feature film So I said, you know what we got to give some tribute to T. And apparently there's a Willem DeFoe movie on Disney Plus. They did about Togo. Willem DeFoe, I should mention, clarified, does not play Togo. I think they got a, you know, a canine actor or something,
Starting point is 00:50:54 but had to give some love to Togo. We did an episode in, in late October, of course, our 250th episode and our Halloween Spook Tech year, that one is definitely live streamed. A lot of fun, a lot of scares, a lot of spooks, but at the end of the day, a lot of love. Then we did our tribute to our veterans and our veterinarians and our potential crossovers between those two.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Then we previewed Way of Wata, which I still have not seen. It's just, you know, every day you think, maybe this will be the day I see way of Wata, then you say, well, when do I have a four hour block? And things get a little bit more complicated. Then we talked about the Vikings vs. Bills, which look, however, this Viking season ends, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be over after next week. That Vikings Bills game was one of the most just insane, unbelievable games I've ever seen in my lifetime. And then of course, you got Vikings Colt three weeks, four weeks later or whatever, just wild stuff, man. Of course, the Vikings won. We did our Thanksgiving special. I was thankful for Beentown. We did our 2022 Beentown podcast holiday gift giving guide. We did
Starting point is 00:52:03 our top five favorite, hands and our saga tuck recap, which is one of the greatest trips and then our we did our Christmas special for year five and then last week's hangover episode. Thank God for dry January and next thing you know boom boom boom it's our year five recap, which is what you listen to for the last 53 minutes. And we will be debuting year six of the Bean Town podcast live on air next week. Who knows what we're going to be talking about? Who knows what fun, crazy new segments are happening? I think we got to get Rachel on more. She's got some good book reviews. She could talk, you know, pop culture, bravo, word alive.
Starting point is 00:52:48 There's a lot of stuff we could do with it. So recap the Jeopardy games from this week because we watch it every night. So that's my fingers crossed what we're trying to do next year in addition to many other things. But you know we're gonna have another pleasure, especially you know we're gonna have a taxes show.
Starting point is 00:53:04 We're gonna have another pleasure of special, you know we're gonna have a taxes show, we're gonna have a fantasy football preview, we're gonna have St. Paddy's Day nonsense. There's so much coming up on the Bean Tom podcast, year six, and I just gotta take the second to say thank you to all the fans. I don't know who the 88 people are, who are listening to my just awful ass hangover podcast last week, but there's 88 of you.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I got to thank, and I got to, of course, because I've kind of neglected it in the last month or so. I don't remember why I fell off the wayside, but of course, I got to say hello to our friends in Pakistan. The world may have turned their backs in you, but not Quinn David, for instance, the bean-town podcast. Hello to our friends in Pakistan, Karachi, Hyderabad, Kyber Pass, wherever you are listening from, however you get this broadcast Spotify,
Starting point is 00:53:52 Castbox, Player FM, Apple iTunes, Google Play Store, whatever. Hello to you in Pakistan and across the world, because this is an international show. Not only are we one of the top 500 podcasts in Chicago, we're one of the top podcasts in general in the hearts and minds of I think the human race. And I thank you for supporting our show. And you all are great. So you can always email us. You know how to reach us. But one final time, be on podcast at
Starting point is 00:54:22 Excuse me. That's bean town beancom. Excuse me, that's Bean Town, Bean Podcast. Excuse me, big goal for the vengeance at That's what it got for you. Same intro music, same outro music. I thought about doing some live music today, but then I just said no. So you can always go to my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:54:42 There's a ton of stuff there. Okay, you can listen to some showpan, some joblin. My Instagram's got some of that stuff too. Other stuff. So if you're bored, first I would say go see way of Wata, but two, once you cross that off you'll listen, you can go read that. That's what I got for you. I'm reading Blood Meridian right now,
Starting point is 00:55:06 which I've never read before. We'll see how it goes. Never read Korak McCarthy, kind of hard to read, but I'm doing my best, I'm trying to stay, home-dined, I'm trying to stay focused. So I know what's happening with the kid and judge hold in and judge Ryan Hold and all your favorite characters.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And we'll see how it goes. That's really what I got for you now, because our laptop is dying, just like our listenership. Guys, that's five years of the Bean Town podcast, and we'll be coming to you live next week with a fresh new season, a fresh new year, new Bean Town, new me.
Starting point is 00:55:39 My name is Quinn David Fernos, thank you so much for listening. Let's get some out of of music, cute up here. I'll check in on you. Stay safe, stay safe, and I'll check in on you next time. Bye. I'm just going to sit there. ndご視聴ありがとうございました

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