Bellied Up - #11 Dating Southern Men VS. Midwest Men

Episode Date: August 18, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode, we have a southern lady ask what's the deal with midwest men, Next caller is wondering what he should do for his 21st birthday, our last caller of the day want...s to know what laws should be in place for deer camp.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, Charles, go again on the intro here. I won't interrupt you. Thank you, Miles. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Bellyduck podcast sponsored by Fleet Farm. It's presented by Fleet Farm. Ah, does it matter if it's presented or sponsored? No.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Honestly, Miles, just let me live my best life. Okay. So anyway, today we're at the wild rice bar and grill fantastic deal and wild rice, North Dakota. And you know, we're going to jump in. We're going to take some call or zoom. But before we do that, you know, just a little banter between me and your fearless host, Miles, the you betcha guy, Miles, today, I think we should talk about shorts. Okay. Men's shorts. I am wearing shorts today. You're wearing pants. I'm wearing pants. You're more of a pants guy than I am. Well, to be honest, I think a lot of it has to do with,
Starting point is 00:00:54 our size. I'm a little got a little more insulation on the inside. And so I tend to get a little bit warmer than you do on a hot day. So I got to go with shorts to try and keep me cool. Yeah. I considered shorts today, but I don't know why I didn't go with them. I'm gonna be honest, the only pair of shorts I've ever seen you wear are those camo shorts. Yeah. The camo ones.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Do you have any other pairs? They're my suitcase. Yeah. Do you have any other pairs? I like to find my favorite pairs of the jeans and I really don't switch them out often. Yeah. I should watch them more. But anyway, what I think we should talk about with shorts is I'm noticing the fashion
Starting point is 00:01:33 of men's shorts, especially this summer. This is the summer of shorter men's shorts. Our guys just really getting the idea that you can't skip leg day. And now they're trying to show off what they've got going under there. I think it stems back to back in the day. I mean, men's shorts were basically just speedos. Yeah. If you remember the NBA went from the shortest shorts you can find.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah. To then the longest shorts you can find. And now it's kind of I feel like gone back to the middle. I think we're headed back towards the real short, short phase. Yeah. To be honest, are you shorter shorts are more comfortable? They are. Because they, you know, I would, I don't like when the long ones is they get over your knee, you know, and then it's like tight when you sit down, you know, yeah, stuck on your knee and the whole thing. Yeah, so what is that bet?
Starting point is 00:02:26 Oh, that's the food bell. Soup's on. Soup's on. Soup's on. So what, what are you comfortable wearing yourself? How? I think I'm, my favorite pair of shorts are like a nine inch in seam. Nine inch in seam, which is a few inches above the knee.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Okay. Yeah, that sounds good. I mean, we're getting to seven. We're getting to five inch in seams going on with shorts. It's, it's really getting up there. And then they can't be too, uh, saggy, the shorts when they're at that level, because things can get flopping. And it's tough because in the summer, you don't want to have too many varying short sizes. If you were to wear, yeah. If you were to wear, you know, 11 inch shorts, you're not gonna get any tan on the legs
Starting point is 00:03:12 for the half of summer. Then all of a sudden you get a new pair that's seven. I mean, you're gonna have the whitest legs known to man. But sometimes I think a little bit of a tan line, you know, it's kind of, you know, it's kind of like, Oh, you're in your end of tan lines, all right? Well, I like a nice tan line on myself. I whistle at myself sometimes, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:36 And, but you don't want to see a hard and heavy one, kind of like the tan thingy. Yeah, you want a nice fade from the knee on up. What do you call it with hair when you get the hair thing and it goes from blonde to a pernette or whatever. It starts with an umbrella. Embraidery. It starts start with an M. There isn't M in it though.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, if you get the umbrella effect on the higher knee area, I kind of like that. You know what? I'm going to come clean on this. I knew what the phrase was, but I didn't want to say I knew too much about that. So I'm glad that you, yeah. Does Anne do the umbrae effect in here? No, no, umbrae. How do you know it? I mean, it's just a common common hair thing. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I knew that it existed. I just forgot the word. I'm more forgetful. So I had to come clean. I knew and I paused to see if she would know. And she came through.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Well, good. Thank you very much. So and then do you like a car? You're going just two straight pockets. That's a tough thing with shorts. Oh, you got three. You got this hidden pocket here. Well, no, that's my regular pocket.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Oh, that's it. That's a big front pocket. I like zipper pockets because I like to bike and I'm active and I lose things all the time. Yeah. In fact, I was up north recently and it was time to go the night before we were going to go. And I was like, dad, have you seen my car key?
Starting point is 00:04:58 And oh my gosh, you know, you never know how valuable something is. It's not about the cost, but it's about what it's worth to you. I would have paid so much money just to not lose my car key 400 miles from where my spare is. You know, so why don't I just keep track of it? And the reason. I think most people just don't lose their car keys or lock them in the trunk or anything like that. You really bring in that up.
Starting point is 00:05:24 The husband's a target thing. Yeah. Well, you know what, Miles, did I lock it in my trunk? Yeah. Is that what I can? You love your keys in your trunk. Which was an absolute idea. It's a two-hitching.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'm an idiot. Yeah, I had to call Triple A to get them back there. I was almost, I was in, I would say a hay word. I was in Kudare, Wisconsin. And I almost had to call Charlie the key guy. You know, you got a key guy also named Charlie. Charlie the key guy and over on the triple flow, which I was guys going to call. So like why aren't locksmiths stealing more stuff? I feel like they are of anyone.
Starting point is 00:06:07 They should be the, it's kind of like funeral home people. They should be all, they should be the ones murdering people. Oh yeah, well they are. Doesn't they can dispose the bodies easily with, Oh, Zark, you've seen it. Exactly, like, you know what they're doing. If you own a funeral home, you should be the one murdering people.
Starting point is 00:06:24 If you are a locksmith, you should be the one stealing it. You should be the one breaking in. It's an art form, those miles, and it's an honor to be a locksmith. And they take that very seriously. It's like being the key guy at the fleet farm. You take that job very seriously. If it says, don't do not duplicate, you got to look at the guy in the bugs and see if he's an honest fella before you decide whether or not to duplicate. It is. Have you gone through that before?
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, they did not duplicate for me. So I won't ask what it was for. It was for my home. No, okay, gotcha. Well, that's the thing. If it says do not duplicate, how are you? What if you lose that one? What do you, you know, what you got to do is, it's, you know, how are you? Is what if you lose that one? What do you?
Starting point is 00:07:06 You know what you got to do is you got to scrape it off like a serial code. Sorry. Sorry. We should say that. Let's edit that out. That'd be a felony. Anything with a serial number on it and you scrape it off, that is a felony. I'm not going to say PSA. PSA.
Starting point is 00:07:25 What I would do is I would just show them the key and have my thumb over the do not duplicate. Oh yeah. And then like, no, I'll just put it in the machine for you. But yeah, I want to get this duplicated here. Yeah. And then you just, well, now, once it's in the machine, I don't think that they take it out. So then you're golden from there. Yeah. And now they do actually have the self help machines, which they do not care if
Starting point is 00:07:47 it says do not duplicate the robots do not there are no morals in the robot key copiers. And that's why we need to keep the key man or down. So that's an industry. And think that we should not innovate and have robots do with absolutely not. Where is the honor in this world? I don't know, apparently not in the robots. You know, that much. No. Yeah, well, that was nice.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So in conclusion, you like short shorts, good to hear. I like medium shorts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Give me a nice pair of mediums, uh, nine to seven inch inseam. Is it ever okay to bike just wearing the tighties? Yeah, I think it is.
Starting point is 00:08:33 If you're got the whole, if you got the tight shirt on to, yeah, you can't be wearing a regular t-shirt with those shorts. That'd be weird. I've done that before. It looks like you're Donald Ducking it, you know? It looks too goofy. Yeah. Yeah. But those jerseys are expensive. Yeah. Those bike jerseys are like, you gotta buy them used on eBay or something. Yeah, but then you heat them up a little bit and you can smell the last fellow sweat. You know, it's like putting on parachews. You get over at Goodwill or St. Vinnie's.
Starting point is 00:09:02 You're like, oh, this is a nice parachew shoes, but you get them heated up a little bit. You smell the dead guys. It's usually dead guy, you know, I would do it for dress shoes. I was going to go to a wedding and I had to get some nice kicks. And because my old ones were not not passing anymore. You don't want to buy a pair of shoes from a funeral home. He's probably one of the dead guys and those bad boys. By the way, I mean, no one sees the shoes. Do you think they're wearing shoes there? I imagine.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I mean, I guess I don't know the process or what happened. I think that they just give it back to the family. The clothes that they're wearing. Do they? I don't know. What do they just burn them with them or what? They're not always burning them, dude. Sometimes they bury them.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I know, but if you, like they, they just, what are they doing with those clothes? What they bury them? Yeah, they're buried in those clothes. They don't get buried into the clothes that they died in. No, not the ones they died in. That's what I'm talking about. Oh, yeah, they donate them to St. Vinnie's and I purchase them.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh, I guess I'd never even thought with that. That actually is what happens. Yeah, it's the clothing circle. Oh, I guess I'd never even thought with that. It actually is what happens. Yeah, it's the clothing circle. What, have you ever heard of state sales? Yeah, yeah, I suppose. I mean, that's what happens. And I'd much rather purchased like a dresser from a dead guy than a shoes or pants.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, well, to, I mean, look, if you wash it, it's fine. Yeah, a little bleach in there. If it's fine. Yeah. A little bleach in there. If it's a white shirt, you're good to go. Yeah. Yeah. And if it's not a white shirt, it's going to be a white shirt, because you got to get it all out. Yeah, you got to bleach that.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, I think we should take some calls. And not our best intro, but, you know, not where we are darkest, though. It did get dark there, but you know people die people and they die wearing clothes I think we talked about that on this podcast that Life is all about Continually disappointing your parents until they die and then you die You should put that on a shirt and sell it at oh you bet you that com go to me bet you that com Don't go to the
Starting point is 00:11:06 Man to Great shirts, op stuff. All right, where it takes calls. All right. Oh my gosh, y'all answered. Oh, yeah, of course we answered. What's your name? My name is Sarah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Sarah. Sarah, where are you from? Yeah. I'm originally from the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Nice. I could tell with that beautiful accent that you have there that you weren't from, you know, Skolke. I was about to say, I just moved to Michigan.
Starting point is 00:11:39 So some people have caught on to accent. Some people like it. Some people don't. So it's good to into a hit or miss. Well, no one should not like that. I didn't know. Don't pay attention to those people. Sounds exotic.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Thank you. Exactly. There it is. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, well, you appreciate you. Why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yes, so I feel like you all gotten this a lot recently. So if you don't want it, that's fun. I just moved from Mississippi to Michigan four months ago. I'm working with children with autism and I take care of dogs and I love it. It's amazing work. Yeah, I don't know how to date Midwestern men. Well, I don't either. So I'm going to have to tap out on this. Yeah. Now I've dated a few and I can tell you this for starters. Okay. Now let's why don't we know Southern Southern men are very different. What are Southern men? Yeah, let's talk to us about the difference between Southern men dating Southern men and dating Midwest men. Southern men are maybe, well, no, not maybe.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Southern men are a lot more direct. Okay. You kind of like, they're very, very strong. Like you kind of like you know in there in the room, like you can like, they'll ask you on a date straight up, like no fear, no, like very fearless people. Okay. I've learned our way. Are we can be your full?
Starting point is 00:13:21 We are. We are. Thanks for calling it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, go know. We have fearful. Thanks for calling it. Yeah. Yeah. No, go on. Tell us about Midwestern now. How weak are we?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. I've, and honestly, I don't know if it's me because, because I am, you know, I am more Southern. I'm a little bit louder, a little more energetic, and I don't know if I'm overwhelming someone. I don't know if it's my fault. But it kind of seems like with Midwestern men, I kind of scare them off. And so I was wondering if you have any advice about that.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Well, we are a frightful, polite, full species. You got it. I feel like I'm being so mean. No, you're being honest and we need to hear it. I think what you're trying to say is we're a little bit more eloquent creatures than the Southern men. is we're a little bit more eloquent creatures than the southern man. Maybe they're a little bit more of a bowl in a china shop. We're more of a deer in the woods, really. You got to agree with that. Yeah, we're, we're, we're, we're, we're still powerful, Charlie, right? Deer are powerful creatures.
Starting point is 00:14:20 They can really gallop. They can get going. Yeah, they're beautiful. They're beautiful creatures. They get shadow on. You know, so is this a y'all are y'all are very eloquent men very like I will say that Southern men can be a bit aggressive.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So I think in that I'm a little bit aggressive. And so it may be overwhelming. So as Southern men might come up to you at the bar and say, uh, where are y'all doing the not? Come on with me. Would that be it? Whereas a Midwest guy would be like, Hey, there, how are you? Hey, I like your shoes.
Starting point is 00:14:55 They're my real good. You get those from the calls with Coles cash, but it means the same thing. That's about that's about right on the money. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, do you want to Midwest guy to come up to you and say, Hey, you know, geez, Louise, you want to come on over to my place tonight? Well, listen to some polka. I just smoked some beef jerky. Yeah, I smoked some nice beef jerky. I got that in my garage. You know, we can have some beef jerky. And
Starting point is 00:15:21 not, I mean, if you're into that, you know, all. Yeah, I think, I think on a first date, I wouldn't be coming over. But I, but I, I love a good conversation. I love, I like it when men approach me that maybe I just kind of don't know how to be. I don't know what is that match, y'all's eloquent, because I just, and just other and integrative and, you know, it can be a lot. Got it. Yeah. So I think we should stick with the deer analogy here. I think what you got to do is I like to do your analogy. Yeah. So you got to go to the, you got to do it just like your hunt for deer. You got to, you got to find a spot in the bar. You're
Starting point is 00:16:01 going to sit there a while. You're going to scope out the woods, you know, there's gonna be some bucks that come in that you're gonna have to pass on, you know, you're like, hey, I don't know if I'm not a big enough body and not a big enough rack on them, you know, and you're gonna let them pass on through the woods, but you still gotta stay vigilant in there. And then you're gonna to see, you're going to see your 30 point buck walk into the walk into the woods. And you're going to have one shot at this. Now if you come, if you, if you move too fast, you're going to scare them off. But if you don't
Starting point is 00:16:36 move quickly enough, he's going to get away. So I think that, uh, that's maybe the best way to approach it. What would you think, Charlie? Yeah, I mean, I'm curious. When you, because you say you have a big personality, so when you walk up to a Midwest guy that you like, what are you saying to him that you're thinking might scare him off? I think it's just, I think it's just that I'm very direct.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I'm very straightforward. I'm very, you know, hey, how are you? My name is Sarah. And then I'm just kind of like, I go into it very quick. And it's like, what do you do? Okay, this is what I do.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And I get deep, very quick. What's in deep, very difficult. For all groups. Yeah, okay. I mean, I was like, oh, I work with kids with autism and dogs. And this is why I love it.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And then I'll just kind of like spiral into this deep reason for why I like things Yes, and I just think it's probably yeah, I mean you're you're stressing me out a little bit with that So I can imagine how they feel with that. So what I want you to do is I want you to wait till you get on the first date To start diving into the deep reasons of why you are who you are what you're gonna want to do Is you're gonna want to make is you're gonna wanna make sure that you're just cracking some jokes, especially if they're,
Starting point is 00:17:51 maybe try out some dad jokes on some Midwest fellows, they're gonna like that, I think. You say, if y'all can tell me, you're best dad jokes, I'll use them. Oh, geez. So, I, I mean, I got a goal for it. You take, you take the first store. Come on, mouth. Yeah, maybe you're at the grocery store. You meet them. I did this in one of my videos. I think it can work. And you're in the lettuce section.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And you asked the guy, Hey, want to help me pick out a head of lettuce because I think two heads are better than one. And then you're going to want to pick up two heads of lettuce. That's a real knee slaper right there. Yeah, it's a good one. Oh my goodness. I can do that. Yeah, I can do that.
Starting point is 00:18:38 There are dad joke books out there that you can find one of them. Now, I do have, are you finding that the Midwest Fellows are not asking you out at all? Does it have you been asked out by a Midwest guy yet? I have not, no. And I'm kind of wondering if it's because of my personality. It's not your personality.
Starting point is 00:19:03 They're just, they are gonna ask you out, but they're gonna ask you out in a different way. It's not gonna, it's not gonna sound like this. It's not gonna be like, hey, you wanna go out sometime? It's not gonna sound like that. It's gonna sound something more like, hey, do you wanna come over and check out my shingling, and then I will take you over to the supper club,
Starting point is 00:19:23 maybe if you're feeling it, but if you don't want to, no worries're going to be like, okay, you know, I got 40 acres of land that I farm in this and that. And then that's when you're like, oh, I would love to see that sometime, you know, and he's like, yeah, well, maybe, maybe then you got to slowly get into it, you know, because what they're thinking is you don't actually, they're being overly polite, thinking you don't actually wanna hang out with them. So they're gonna give you outs. They're gonna give you so many exit ramps along the way.
Starting point is 00:19:53 But those are not saying that the more exit ramps they give you, the more they like you, you know? Because they're, yeah, no pressure, you know, or nothing, but, you know, if you do want to. And see, that's a culture shock for me because Southern men don't do that. So like, just because, you know, they are so direct. And so with stuff like that, like, I'm like, oh, like, maybe they don't want me to come. So I just kind of won't. And like, and I'll just like leave them alone.
Starting point is 00:20:18 No, I mean, you don't want to impose. Yeah. Well, yeah. She's used to, if a guy wants to go on a date, they tell them that. Midwest guys, they're not going to tell you anything that they want. You're just going to have to kind of hang around long enough until they are like, all right, let's do it. It's going to date.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Gotcha. Okay. What the hell? Does it? It feels like it. Does it feel like Charlie and I are just grasping on to anything we can think of here. Yeah. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I think we gave you some insight though. Honestly, if you can slam a beer with them too, they're going to love that. Yeah. Maybe. So I just learned my last name, named Brewer of ale, Brewer of beer. And I love beer. I'm a huge beer drink. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:21:05 That's how you lead in. I love, I love dogs and I work with kids. And so I'm all about it. You're just a straight up Midwest catch here. So yeah, honestly, lead with the beer thing. You can maybe be like, Hey, let's have a beer. And then you just slam it. And he's going to be like, holy shit, what do we got going on here? You know,
Starting point is 00:21:30 yeah, his ears are going to poke up a little bit. Yeah, maybe, let's let's lead with with actions instead of the voice, you know, you just lead in with just slam the beer. And that's a great conversation starter. Yeah, slam a beer instead of it. The southern accent lead with beer. Well, you get up you slam a beer. He's probably that made this arm him enough to be like, uh, okay, right?
Starting point is 00:21:57 So let's go see a movie. Have you seen the new top gun? No, I haven't, but I want to know how it ends. Miles told me how it ended. Tell her, Charlie yesterday. Yeah, you can tell me. No, no, no, he spoiled it once. to get back to work. But thank you all. No, thank you. I got to get back to my kidder. Okay, tell your kids we says hi, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:32 All right, thank you all. All right, one, two, three. Yeah, you could tell that, I mean, that call is exactly how Midwest guys are, right? Just keep talking around the topic instead of just giving direct advice. Yeah, it's like, you know, we don't have to, but I was thinking maybe if you wanted to, we could go out, but honestly, if you're busy, no big deal. Yeah, I think that's what she's talking about.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, it is. It is, but I do think it's the thing. The more Midwest guy likes you, the more outs he's going to give you, to not have to hang out with them. Yes, yeah, it's a very backwards type of thing. Also, you notice that she's from the South and how quickly that conversation ended. Everyone else we talked to on the Midwest was like,
Starting point is 00:23:12 well, yeah, I suppose I better get going. I know, I feel like I offended her. I know, but I don't think that was the case. No. No, she just, yeah. Very direct. Yeah, I like that. I mean, it's refreshing. I would never do it to anyone. No, I was, yeah, I direct. Yeah, I like that. I mean, it's refreshing.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I would never do it to anyone. No, that was, yeah, I would be shocking to do that. Yeah. All right. Good deal. Am I speaking to Miles, the Ubetsugai and Charlie Barron? Ah, yes, you are. That is confirmed.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I can confirm it from the Charlie Barron standpoint. Yes, you are. What do we got on the line? That's good. That's good. We are outside. We have you surrounded. We're asking you to come out with your hand up. All right. We've had this before. All right. Charlie. Let's go outside. Let's deal with this again. The jig is up. Oh, you had this before? Well, it's how we got robbed the last time. Yeah. Yeah. I feel a little less original now.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No. You're the first one on this podcast. We're talking in real life. This has happened to us, you know? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. You're the first one to call in a robbery, which is very creative. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I was thinking about it. I was like, why not? Why not. So what's your name? My name is Lucas and I'm from the Chicago land area. Okay Lucas, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. For sure for sure. So in a few months here, I'm going to be turning 21. And I was curious as to, what, help me plan my 21st birthday. What should I do? You know, very interesting you call and ask this question.
Starting point is 00:24:58 We had another fella, call with that exact same question, worked on an orchard. And I think the advice we're going to give you is is gonna be much different than the advice we gave to him So let's start off with some basics about you Do you have you ever consumed an alcoholic beverage before? Does the line at church count? Wow Are you a Catholic? Does the line at church cow? Yeah. Wow. Wow. Are you a Catholic?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah. I am. OK. All right. Yeah. He's a good Catholic guy. He's a good Catholic. Definitely not lying at all right now. Not lying.
Starting point is 00:25:36 He does not have to go to confession. I would not. Why would I lie? Why would I lie? Oh, because you can go confess it after this. And then pretend you didn't. No, what bet is very true. Yeah. That is true. Well, it's good that you're abiding by all of the laws of the United States of America. You've never drank anything other than the church wine before your 21st. Yeah, so that's smart. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no What are you way do you think you don't know yet? Do you think you'd be a beer or a booze fella? You know, I feel like just going off of a hint share not too sure where it's coming from, but I feel like beer would be more my speed
Starting point is 00:26:14 Mm-hmm. You have any idea what kind of beer you're thinking? I mean Maybe just throwing this out there. Maybe bush. Oh, yeah Well, I can't recommend that one enough. You know, so I think that you're on the right track already. So that's smart. Have you heard of lining cool? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yeah. You know, you're down there in Chicago. There's, did you say the suburbs of Chicago or Chicago proper? I may, I'm part of the suburbs. Okay. You like to say we're part of Chicago, but we're not. Got you. That's why you said Chicago land. Well, listen, I think whatever you decide to drink sounds like it's going to be beer, whatever they have on tap or bottle or cans or whatever. You're you're going to want to find the right bar to have your 21st birthday in. you're gonna want to find the right bar to have your 21st birthday in. Have you found that bar? Have you scoped it out and planned that yet?
Starting point is 00:27:09 I have. It is one that my father goes to sometimes with his buddies and you know, it's kind of just like the small hometown tucked away and you know, I figured it'd be very fitting to go with my dad there. What's the name of it? Oh, that's great. So you're celebrating your 21st with your dad. Yes. Yes. This is so wholesome between the most you've drank is the wine at church. And now you're in your 21st of your dad. I love it. Does it talk to me about who else is coming? You got some buddies lined up as kind of a family else is coming. You got some buddies lined up as it's kind of a family deal.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, I got some buddies lined up. My mom will still refuse to accept that I'll be 21 and we'll probably be waiting with a breathalyzer when I come home that night to see what I'm saying. Okay. Well, how often is your mom breathalyzed you? None whatsoever, but I have a feeling that she's gonna be ordering one on Amazon prior to my 21st. Oh wow. I should have her check you after church. So it's so it sounds like your Your mom's out on the 21st birthday. So this is gonna be important
Starting point is 00:28:21 You're bringing some friends you're bringing buddies. Maybe, maybe a cousin, something like that, right? You got to make sure one of the guys is kind of the mom of the group since mom's not coming because I don't know if you know this about 21st birthdays, but you tend to get a little intoxicated at a 21st birthday. So you're gonna make sure like some of this stuff out. Yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Grab the pen and paper. You're gonna make sure like some of this stuff out. Yeah, yeah, right it down. Travel pen and paper. You're gonna likely intoxicated. Yeah. Yeah. More than likely, you're gonna be intoxicated. You want to find a member of the group who can almost act as your mom and the rest of the group's mom just to make sure you guys are getting home safe. Okay, okay. And then you'll want to have your you're gonna have one beer and you're probably not gonna you probably won't like the taste, but after about a hundred more, you're gonna get used to it. Don't do the hundred on that day. Yeah, spread that out a little. You'll start feeling
Starting point is 00:29:19 funny after about two, three, you know, and then from there on, you'll get what the big deal was all about. And at that point, I recommend start gambling with someone who looks more inebriated than you. Are you a big gambler? Yeah, I mean, my buddies have a poker night every Saturday. Perfect. Incorporate poker into your 21st birthday, but. But everyone's going to feed you drinks to feed one to the plant. Okay, you're not going to be able to handle all of them. And you don't want who's all your money in poker because you're the drunkest one. Exactly, exactly. Especially if it makes sense. Yeah, does it? Okay, Do you have more questions on I feel like we're leaving you a little inadequate here. Miles and I just ate monster walleye sandwiches here at
Starting point is 00:30:11 the wild rice bar and grill and they are so good. But boy, the bog me down. Yeah, we ate all the fries. We just we were so hungry. So I feel like we're leaving you know, you're making me hungry. Well, yeah. Well, that brings me to the next point about your 21st Make sure you eat before you go out. Yeah, yeah, I'm to really soak it up, you know, and by that we're talking pizza We're talking burger brought whatever it is something that is soak up the alcohol. Okay, that's gonna be important Because your stomach is gonna be like what in the hell is this, you know? So you're gonna have to be important because your stomach is going to be like, what in the hell is this? You know, so you're going to have to. It's going to be like very orange.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I have no idea what this is. Yes, it's going to be very, very confused. You got any other questions for us because I think we're crushing it so far. Yeah, I mean, I just really wanted to come on here in a FQIT question about what I should be doing in a few months. And I just want to say I enjoy the content on both of your guys and love the podcast. And I just hope that it continues to go well
Starting point is 00:31:12 in the right direction for you guys. Oh, thank you. And I hope that your 21st birthday goes well too. And hopefully your mom is in two minutes for how intoxicated you got. Yeah, yeah. We'll think in the back, Joe. didn't know I was thinking the back. That's smart. That's good. And and just put on the do not disturb thing on your door
Starting point is 00:31:32 knob until about 10 o'clock the next morning. There you go. Sounds good. All right, man. Well, thanks for calling in and have fun on your 21st and happy early birthday. Happy early birthday. Enjoy it. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I was going to say tell your folks. We says hi to all right. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Have a good one, guys. See you, buddy. It's tough giving 20. It's tough giving drinking advice to people who have never drank before. I'm saying, I'm like, oh, geez, where do we start on this? You know, and you don't want to lead a mystery. Yeah, that's a big responsibility Yeah, I'm happy we didn't even bring a shot. Oh, you keep bringing up lining kughles. You're gonna lead a mystery. Oh Geez, you know
Starting point is 00:32:17 The nice you know, I didn't even say when I said you could feed one of the beers to a plant I didn't even make the joke about bush pig water I'm sorry. I didn't do it. I left that meat on the bone Are you really sorry? No, yeah, I didn't think so. I hope I now by listening to the belly-up podcast That's presented by flea farm that you're also a frequent flea farm goer Just like Charlie and I are and this weekend actually is a pretty fun little deal they got going on so it's only August 20th This Saturday again only this Saturday. They got a balloon popping event
Starting point is 00:32:55 I see a balloon. I want to pop it. This is the perfect event for me The first 300 customers that come in and pop a balloon all you got to do Do you go grab some stuff in your cart? You go to a balloon, all you got to do is you go grab some stuff in your cart, you go to the balloon section, where for the balloon section is, and you pop it. And inside that there's a discount, they arrange from 10% all the way up to 100% off. There's one lucky customer on Saturday that's going to get their entire cart for free. That should be you.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So you got to go early because they're going to go fast. The balloons are going to get popped real nice and early. So all you got to do is go to the store, pop a balloon, get a ticket, everything in your card's going to be whatever percent off that is. And we're going to be feeling pretty good when we pop that 100% off balloon. I can just feel it, you, you're belly it up, listeners gonna do it. So again, August 20th, head to Fleet Farm,
Starting point is 00:33:54 pop a balloon, save some money, baby. So head to Fleet Farm. Cheers. Hello. How's it going? What do we got on the line? This is Connor. Connor, What's going on, man? Oh, not much. Just working away. Where do you work at?
Starting point is 00:34:14 I live down in Jackson, Michigan. Okay. Well, why don't you belly on up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? Well, I was wondering if I could get your guys opinion on something. Yeah, we are here to offer solicited opinions and unsolicited. All right. So here it is. So I'm a member of a deer camp in the upper fitness club. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And we are. Yeah, that's where I'm from originally two St. Marie. You're a uper. Yes, sir. Miles is proud. He, that's from from originally two St. Marie. You're a uper. Yes, sir. Miles is proud he knew that terminology. No, I saw him smiling. So we're rewriting some of our bylaws in our in our camp this year. And my question is, what are your guides to thoughts on having women at Deercap? First of all, I love the fact that you are, you have, I just see a committee of,
Starting point is 00:35:10 of Blay, Blay's Orange Clad Hunters coming up with the bylaws, like the founding fathers, you know? I actually like, I really like that. I kind of want to implement that when I go hunting as having like a thing on the wall that you recite every first time everyone gets there and make sure everyone knows the rules, the laws. Yeah, I like that. Can you? Before we get into that, can you tell us a few laws that you already have implemented that are currently in operation? Great question. Well, the laws are like, well, this, the camp was founded in 1946.
Starting point is 00:35:49 By, by home. By, I don't know, the, a couple of generations back. Got it. Thanks for being the most specific. So they aren't the founding fathers. Yeah. I don't know about these are these are older men. Got you. And at a certain point, they became president, my grandfather, and then my dad became a member and then now I'm a member. Nice. So what's what's some laws that you guys already got? So let me think here. The laws are set up in a way so that it's like originally,
Starting point is 00:36:25 if someone were to die, that way their wife and family couldn't take a piece of the camp away. You know, this is why priests ended up getting originally. This white priest ended up having that rule that they couldn't get married. Initially, they were married and then they would give part, they would parcel off their church land to their their kin.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So you know, I just think none of you guys can get married. I think you got to do with what the priests do, you know. So is that the only law that you guys. Yeah. Is that the one law? No, I mean, we had like a new amount of laws like no smoking. Okay, no smoking in the house and no smoking at all. No smoking inside. Got it, but it's smoking allowed outside. So we have like a smoking, oh no, said yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And then like we have rules in place, like you have to show up during the year to fall street, chop wood, do all that stuff. Seems fair. Nate Nins. Yeah, like certain things like that, so that way there's some structure to this scenario. Yes. Do you currently have a president, vice president, a cabinet right now? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Where are you online? My dad's actually the president too. Oh, so you got some. You're set. You're set. Oh, yeah, I'm grandfathered in. I'm in for life. Quite literally, your grandfathered in.
Starting point is 00:38:02 He got in, yes. I now know why that term is a term and I'll get it. Your grandfather was there and now you are grandfather that makes sense to me now. We've learned something new every day here on the Belly to podcast. So the initial question is should you allow women into your dear camp. So, so, okay, just add a little bit more to that. Women are not allowed there during hunting season. Gotcha. So, let's call hang out in the off season. What? There are a lot, like, we're allowed to invite our families, like, because we're all members, we all have rights to the property. But like, for camp events, women are typically allowed. Well, why not?
Starting point is 00:38:45 What it's gonna happen if they're... I don't know. They made these rules in the 40s. In the 50s. Yeah, it sounds like some madman stuff, you know? You know, I think if there's still some red guys that are holding on to the old values that women can't come to deer camp,
Starting point is 00:39:03 what I would do is I would just implement like a approval process to start, right? You can't just tear the bandaid off. There's going to be people are going to be upset whatever just go, all right, you know, my wife wants to come up, you know, this is what she likes to do. I promise that she'll abide by all the laws that are already in place, you know, and get a get a vote on the on the cabinet positions On whether or not she can come and then you got to really campaign the rest of the people who are there to let her come on up Yeah, I don't think go ahead The way that women are there is because these older men want to probably have time away from their wives at some point.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. And I think most people gather that the deer camp is a place to get away from the family decompress a little bit. And it's not because we don't like them. It's because we just, you know, just like the gals need a wine night once in a while. The guys need to go up to your camp, shoot some stuff, have a few beers, gamble a little bit, and then they're back being a good dad. I think something that could be fair is because there's a lot of women, obviously, who love
Starting point is 00:40:18 hunting. Maybe you do a women's week and then a men's week, you know, you split it up like that. So, you know, that way, because yeah, a lot of people do view it as kind of a retreat time to connect with their fellows or whatever, but I bet you the gals want to do that too. So, okay, here's what we could do. You could build another cabin for the ladies, the women's bunkhouse, and you can kind of both enjoy it. They can have their fun. You can have your fun, but you all are still in the same spot. Okay. These are both great ideas. Yeah. I'll bring that to the next cap.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. And are you going to draft this up for the, is there a submission process? The way they make laws and stuff in Washington? You have to motion it and then get a, then I'm going to have to second your motion. And then you can like propose your new idea. So what I would, I mean, this is what politicians are doing every single day. So what I would do, what, I mean, this is what politicians are doing every single day. I would draft up a proposal for something that's clearly going to get approved, right? Like something like every guy must bring two cases of beer for every day that you're there, right? And everyone's like, okay, I'm on board with that. And then you just, in the fine print, just slip in there that plus my wife can come up for a couple days during
Starting point is 00:41:47 Deer Camp as well and just kind of throw that in at the bottom. I mean if we know anything about guys we're not reading past the third line of any document what's put in front of us. So just put that to very real fine print. And then they're like well you guys agreed to it you should have read the whole thing it's now in the law. Yeah, that's a way that in. Wow, you are talking like a Washington politician right now sneaking in at the last hour. Yeah, look at that.
Starting point is 00:42:15 That's some, that might be the best advice we got right there. I talked to me about how many guys are involved with this deer camp. We have 12 members. That's a pretty big deer camp I'd say. It is. Who? Which members and probably six or so families make up those 12 members. Yeah. Which member do you like the least? Oh, you got one. He's got one for sure. I don't know if I have one. Oh, you don't. These are my data. We can argue you and you. Yeah. Well, that's also a law of deer campus. At
Starting point is 00:42:55 some point, there needs to be an irrational argument about argument about something that doesn't matter, right? Yes. Right. Then involves no parties, no one actually has any stake in the argument, but it's very heated, typically at the end of the night. Yeah. Maybe you make a rule that there's no Google allowed at deer camp so that you actually have to have a real argument instead of just googling it and end in the argument, you know? Yeah, you got to keep it fine. Yeah, Google kind of changed all that. Yeah, I did. You could never get in any. You could never flip over a Scravel board and punch someone in the face because you're arguing one thing's a word, but it's just not in the 1942 Webster dictionary.
Starting point is 00:43:35 You know? Well, I think that Charlie and I can both get on board that I think it's time to get up with the times while women up to deer camp. Right. You do understand the hoops that are going to you're going to have to jump through to get that approved. Yeah. But you know, you'll be paving the way to a new generation and let's be honest with you. You know, if you're the the gals want to come and you're not going to let them come,
Starting point is 00:44:01 guess what's getting next off of the vacation time deer deer camp. So, you know, you know, this is a 50-50 split these days. It might have been different in the 40s and the 50s, but none of you new fellers are going to get away with that. Right. Yeah. So, we'll have fun and I hope you shoot a nice big buck this fall. Hopefully we can help. Hopefully we helped out a little bit there. Just remember that you really are playing the politics game. So maybe even start offering, maybe to get it passed through, you just like, hey, I'll do an extra week of maintenance this next year.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And then you bring the wife and she can help you do that. Yeah, that is. Okay. Also, you can say, Hey, if we bring, if we allow the wives to come up, we got extra, we got double the hands to help do the maintenance around here. Or you can do what they do in Washington and just hire a lobbyist to bribe the people in power, you know, that's something you can do The wheel a little bit. There you go. There you go. That's what makes the world go round. Yeah, I think all these are good solutions Just sneak it in at the bottom of the law
Starting point is 00:45:18 On a or what do they call it? It's like piggybacking on something else A rider. Yeah, something like that. You could bribe them. You can, there's a lot of options you got. And I think that one of them's going to work. Yeah. Well, I appreciate all your sound advice. Thanks for calling in, man.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Thanks for calling in, man. Yeah, we appreciate you. That's a good one, man. Thanks for talking to that. All right, you good. Have a good one, man. See you. Thank you for talking to that. All right, you good one, man. Yeah. I do get the getting away from the family and stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:52 That's tough. That is tough. Yeah, you just can. I mean, what I would do actually is I would just keep telling the whole ball and chain that, well, I presented it and it's going through the debate process. The law just hasn't gotten passed. And it just is dead locked in the Senate or the House or whatever. And just have every year, just be like, it's we're still dead locked. Yeah. Trying to convince I'm working hard.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And then next thing you know, she'll lose interest in coming out there anyways. And then you're good to go. Yeah, or maybe show, you know, say, well, Larry, his crew, that's women at their duke, maybe I'll just go see what Larry's up to for the rest of the weeks of the year, you know, I'd be bad. Oh, there. Hopefully. Um, or you just wait for the old guys to die. Uh, yeah, wait it out.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That's, you know, those old guys got some fighting. They do. They're hanging around for a while, I think. Yeah. Yeah, wait it out. That's you know those old guys got some fighting they do Hang in around for a while I think yeah So that's how it goes in between a rock and a hard place, you know, yeah I mean, you know just look not to keep reinbecued Washington But we've been waiting for some of those guys to die for a long time, you know Seriously, that's true. J's always get the hell out of the way. You know, not to say if you're old, you can't make some good rules. But if you're old and you've been in there for decades and decades and decades,
Starting point is 00:47:16 or in some cases, just four years was enough, but, you know, whatever. I've four years for everyone. Get them, get them the hell out after four years. That way they can't be bought as easily. That's true. Look at us talking about politics. You're talking about it on me. Well, Charlie wraps up our collars. How you feeling about Midwest men? You know, I think we've got a lot to learn. I think we've got a lot to learn. What was the rest of the country got a lot to learn? I don't know. I just don't want to take another caller from someone from the South saying Midwest men
Starting point is 00:47:48 not strong. Yeah. So, you know, we got, but I do think it comes from a place of, you know, genuine concern about another human being. It's not about the bark. It's about the bite. That doesn't make us so much better. Yeah. Well, we'll work on it. Midwest, men, I don't know what exactly we're going to work on, but, you know, stepping the right direction. Yeah. Well, maybe hey, let's meet in the middle. She's we're teaching her to be a little less direct Midwest guys out there. You're looking to be dating just be a little more direct. Yeah, might be a little
Starting point is 00:48:24 uncomfortable, but you can get it done. Yeah. And don't be afraid if someone's being direct, you know, just not trying to be mean to you. They're not trying to scare you. You're just, they're just trying to try to go on a date with you. Yeah, just let them let it happen. Yeah, let it happen. Yeah. And maybe you'll find the love of your life that way. Yeah. And And maybe you'll find the love of your life that way. Yeah. And if not, maybe just someone who's company you'll enjoy until they break your heart for a Southern man who's more direct. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah. But that'll happen. You know, yeah, you just got to roll with it. Just get back on the mini horse, you know. Yeah. Yeah, you just got to roll with it. Just get back on the mini horse, you know. Anyway, if you want to follow us at you, Betcha, our cheese, I always do that. I gave Miles a plug at belly to be confined on YouTube, Instagram, TickTack, Twitter, the whole deal, the whole Shabang. Yep. And just like as always, be looking on the Instagram story on the posts on one
Starting point is 00:49:25 We're having our next call in session. We love to have you call into the show and Give us give us some advice. We'll give you some advice or buy selling trade love And so thanks for tuning into this episode guys. We will see you in the next one. Bye bye. Oh, and tip your bartender. Yes Don't forget that So guys, we will see you in the next one. Bye bye. Oh, and tip your bar tinder.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yes. Don't forget that.

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