Bellied Up - #12 Moving Back To The Midwest

Episode Date: August 25, 2022

Presented by Fleet Farm   Our first caller is wondering what's the best grill on a budget, next caller is moving from the south back to the midwest and needs advice to acclimate, then bartender Amand...a joins the podcast and has a great thing to sell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another BellyDup podcast presented by Fleet Farm. Charlie, we're here at the Wild Rice Bar and Grill in Wild Rice, North Dakota. That is, you know, it wasn't too tough to remember where we're at. No, no, no, I love this bar. It's, uh, here's how I know that this is a great bar. You're, you're going up to the turn that the GPS says, and you're like, you see a few houses, and you're like, what's your son? There's not a bar back here.
Starting point is 00:00:28 That looks like a couple of houses there. There's no way that there's a bar tucked back there. And then there's a sign, because I am not the first person to think that, that says wild rice bar that way. Yes. And yeah, it's great. And there's just a big field out there.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Just not to put a big old field. You walk out the front door, do your smoke break, and you can see if they're knee high by the 4th of July. Yeah. Well, that's not, is it quorn out there? I don't know. Yeah. The weeds are definitely knee high.
Starting point is 00:00:56 There's not many windows in this bar. Yeah. That's true. And the ones that are, they're closed. So that's the way we like it. Hey, I got a question for you, Miles, before we kick things off. Is there something, you know, being a Midwest fella,
Starting point is 00:01:10 there's a ton of things that you're expected to know how to do? Yes. And is there one of them, like an activity, recreational activity, or perhaps like a, you know, a fix it thing that you've never done and would like to do. Well, I don't really know if it's like, I'm participating in this one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:31 But there, we go Feson Hutton in South Dakota. Yeah. And they have a lawnmower racing track there. And I wanna go to a race and I've never been. Never been to a lawnmower racing. No, before, no, I have not. I haven't and I used to have my own lawn business back when I was there. I used to have a lawnmower. No, I used to have a rider. You said your own lawnmowering business. Yes, okay, tell me about it. Well, I was side. What was the name of it? It didn't have a name. It was just I went door to door, ask and I was competing with my buddy, J, from down the street and he had a rider. I did not.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It was quite literally a turf war. It was a turf war. Yeah, except I was inadequately, I just didn't have enough investment in my company. I literally started with one of those like, do you man-powered one? Yeah. And then I graduate to a, that's me kicking it. And then it starts. That was actually pretty good. Yeah, I like that. We should record that and and and reintroduce it at different times during the pocket. Now you're just milking it showing off. Yeah. Um, so what did this guy start with like a zero turn or what? He had deep pockets. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:58 He's folks is well, you know, I won't even say he was a deep pocket thing because his tractor was the biggest piece of crap. It was held together by bungee cords. But and he knew how to fix it. Good. You know, and that's what you, if you're going to have a tractor, you got to know how to fix it because that's where you lose all your money. Yeah. It's trying to fix it. You got to be able to do it yourself. Yeah. No. And he did. And so I got to give him props for that. But yeah, he had me outgunned, outmodered. Anyway, I had about six, seven lawns, 15 bucks a pop,
Starting point is 00:03:29 somewhere giving me 20 bucks a pop. One person was cheap and out giving me five bucks. But, you know, I... And money in, you gotta have cash flow, you know? Yeah. Business years. Now, I don't imagine you were on a very good schedule. And the reason why I say that is because you're not really a schedule guy
Starting point is 00:03:47 Oh, who is at the wild rice bar first today guys? Was it was it Charlie before or miles before we left the other bar yesterday I told you we're supposed to be here at 10 30 and then I get a text this morning. Hey guys. We mean that 11 I know you made sure that you were ready to go by 10 30 So you'd be here by 11 and why did you text at this morning because you were sure that you were ready to go by 10 30. So you'd be here by 11. And why did you tech set this morning? Cause you were running late. You didn't even work out this morning. You didn't even have your trainer this morning. So I know. I know. But hey, no, I'm upset. I'm upset that you're calling me out. First of all, you haven't even
Starting point is 00:04:19 answered my first question. What was the first question? What Oh, you did answer. You want to go to lawnmower race? Yeah. I. You want to go to a lawnmower race. Yeah. I kind of want to invest in a lawnmower racing team. I've said this before on our other podcast, but yeah, it's one of those things that's on my bucket list. You know, like NASCAR, IndyCar, that stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:39 it's, you got to have some deep pockets for the investment team like that, but I think I could manage a lawnmower racing team. You know, I feel like you've got that. I don't think you're doing enough stuff these days. Yeah. I need to put that on my plate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'll throw that on there. Yeah. You need that like a hole in your carburetor. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what? We actually do need air flow in that. So it's kind of a weird phrase, but, you know, what, uh, what was
Starting point is 00:05:08 give me your sales pitch when you were walking around door to door trying to get new lawns. Hey, my name's Charlie Barron. I'm Molly and Dicks kid. Oh, what's one? There's, there's like 105 of you around. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm the second oldest, but I'm cutting a few lawns and I've got some room on the roster. Do you guys cut your own lawn or do you want me to help? Yeah. You know, my husband does it. So, oh, yeah. Yeah. No, and he does a real good job. I'm saying that he doesn't cut it good enough. Well, it is a little long. Where is your husband right now? He's at the wild rice bar and grill. Oh, okay. Yeah, well, I could cut it right now if you're sick of looking at this one, you know, why don't you do it? And then we'll do a trial run. How about for free? So
Starting point is 00:06:00 okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You cut it for free. And then we'll see if he likes it and if he wants to do that sure, okay hang on Oh, yeah, let's go down the mode. Wait, that's a lot more of the kid across the streets got a nice tractor. I might have him do the moment. Wait, that's a lot more of the kid across the streets got a nice tractor. I might have him do it. You know what? This is a brain back some deep emotional wounds for me. And I'd like to continue on with the podcast where we talk to people who need advice. I need some advice. How do you deal with an emotionally abusive friend? You go to the bar and meet a emotionally abusive bartender. Which makes you forget all about it. Happy hour, everything's three dollars here.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. 25 cents. I'm staying happy. Three dollars are all of our domestic. Yes. Really? 220. Hey, even you with your long going business could afford it. $8 or all of our domestic stuff. Really? $225.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Hey, even you with your long going business could afford to eat here. You know what, Miles? I don't still mow lawns. Okay. I have since. But it's good to know you have something to fall back on. You know, I do actually think it's night. Cause even, you know, this business that we're in,
Starting point is 00:07:23 it's up, it's down, it's up, it's down, worst case scenario. I can always go back to monglons. That's right Half their log for free and then they can check it out. They're gonna have to pay for the rest. Yeah, that's That's like cutting half their hair Yeah, you know and make sure you do the front lawn so they can't hide it in the back. Yes. Yeah. What? Hey, that's great advice on our advice. Yes. We might have to have her hop on the mic at some point. I think so. She's already given us a lot of bits of wisdom. Um, guys, we're going to take some calls and get into the show. Real good.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Hello. Hello. Who do we got on the line? Hey, this is Raymond. Raymond? Yes, Raymond. Oh, Raymond, where you come from? Hey, man, I'm calling for my, they're going to be for that, actually. Okay. I don't want to be swampy down there right now. How's it feeling? Otherwise, Oh, it's, it's hot. It's human. More than the human. Gold bond day. This is bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. There we go.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Put the gold bond in the bridges and tell us what's on your mind. Oh, you guys. Well, I'm calling for some, from some of my bias from I think both of you actually. All right. So if you can help me out, me and the, me and the the old bowling chain are actually moving into a new place at the end of the month. Yeah. And I need to get a grill for the backyard.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So I'm calling for a perfect buyer, so which ones to get, you know? Grill advice. I love it. I'm going to let Miles, he is a better griller than I. I believe I I don't know better, but I definitely probably do it a little bit more. He's got more grills than I so I like I Will let miles start off with this one. Well, let's talk about budget to start out with what kind of budget are we looking at? I don't know. I was thinking maybe like a little bit less than Thousand bucks maybe a little bit less than 800 bucks.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Okay, so less than 800 dollars. Well, you're probably going to have to... Oh yeah, like yeah. You're going to have to write off the Trigger Girls because those babies are spendy, those are going to be a thousand bucks. Now the entry model probably is close to 800 bucks, so you have to think about that I guess. And I guess I had a fill for the, I'm guessing it was the entry level. Yeah. Trigger. And it was like, seven, 50 or something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Not that. But like, maybe, maybe go with something like this, but, you know, and I will say this, you can cook that food using the application on your phone. And therefore, you will ruin less dinners by over cooking stuff. So you got to think about the financial savings there in the long run. Now, are you into the art of grilling? Or do you want, is it just like, I'm just grilling so I can have some food? I'll see.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Can the boat, as of now, I had a, I used to do a lot more when I had an actual backyard. For now that I'm now at a smaller place, so I don't do it as much. But every time that we go to a buddy's house, they have a backyard, a nice grill, trying to be the grill master. But now that I'm going to get my own backyard, I want something that I can actually, you know, use for on the weekends, almost, you know, a couple of times during the week. So, yeah. I want something that I can actually get good at, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, absolutely. Well, I think that the trigger is kind of a set it, forget it type of option. If you want a little, it sounds like you want to be a girl master, so you're probably gonna want to go with something a little more active, like a charcoal grill. Um, I, I was thinking maybe the big green egg. Okay. I haven't had any experience with a big green egg. That's a smoking situation, I think, right? Isn't that a smoker primarily? Um, my uncle has one, you
Starting point is 00:11:22 got the pellets in there and all that, but there's less control with the trigger. What I have is I got your standard black Weber grill, which you put the brown one, you put the charcoal in. I mean, that's pretty classic and it's very cheap. I think that was like 80 bucks or something. And I'll be honest with you, you're going to burn a lot of meat or something. And I'll be honest with you, you're going to burn a lot of meat. And well, that's extra flavor. It's extra flavor. But it's, if you want to learn the basic mechanics of grilling, I think you got to master the Weber grill. At some point, it doesn't need to be this grill. You are going to be limited at smaller square footage, but are you mostly just cooking for the two of you or you having people over?
Starting point is 00:12:07 I mean, mostly just the two of us, you know, we have a couple of friends over once in a while, but you know, the most useful guide will just be two people. So yeah, I think that should be okay to begin with. Well, I think that if you go, so this is also something you think about, the more expensive grill that you buy, the less money you have for delicious meats. So I think you got to play the balance game. Now, if you want to show off that you're a real grill master, you buy a cheap
Starting point is 00:12:39 grill like Charlie's, the $80 Weber grill, and you can cook a mean steak on there. People are going to be pretty impressed. They're going to be like, wow, that guy's grill is nothing special, but his cooking skills is something really special. Is that about the grillist or about the man? Yeah, there we go. Yeah. The Weber Grill is a perfect way to set the bar low.
Starting point is 00:13:03 If someone shows up to your backyard, they see that Weber Grill. They're not expecting anything specials. You set that bar low and then you can walk right over it. But you just wow. I love it though. Yeah, good. Yeah, it's not about the grill.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's maybe like a, it's not about your head. All right, I was just going to say it's not about the grill. It's about the grill master, really. Oh, there you go. It's about a holiday time. It's about the grill master, really. Oh, there we go. It's about a holiday time. Maybe something you could burn to meet. Yeah. Well, no, I was going to say it's about the number of times you click your tongs before
Starting point is 00:13:34 you flip the meat. But, you know, you get that down. You get those motions down and, you know, over time. And before you grill your meat, just watch a couple YouTube videos on how to do it, you know, to YouTube videos per new on tray. I gotta watch those videos of miles and, well, I don't know if that's... And Tyler, when they were grilling. Yeah, I don't know if that sound actual grilling advice, but, you know, yeah, I would maybe go with someone who's a little bit more of an expert, but you got, hey, watch those videos to get the culture of
Starting point is 00:14:12 grilling down with the tongs, the apron, the stuff you say while you're grilling, you know, things like you lift the hood up and you're like, these babies are going to, these babies are going to taste pretty good. Or, oh, you like your, your steak well done. Well, see you later. There's the door. It's tough like that. You're going to want to say what you're going.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, you can practice that. It's kind of like, yeah, it's kind of like when you are tying down a load, you have to hit the, uh, the strap and be like, this baby is not going anywhere. Yeah, it's super anywhere. Yeah, man, you're a Midwest kind of sword down there in Florida, you know? Oh, yeah, no for sure. You are spreading the wisdom of the Midwest
Starting point is 00:14:57 far and wide down there. Yeah, I'm hoping, yeah, that's what I'm trying. You got to import some brats, you know? You got, I don our time. You got to import some brats. You know, you got, I don't know if they sell a lot of brats down there, but Johnsonville should be at your. You're in a braless deal. Hopefully, I don't find any, any stickier, but like I did. The previous podcast, I really got Charlie going on the last one. Yeah. I know
Starting point is 00:15:27 the year. Well, I think all and all. I think the same guy that told you that that's a drink bush light to drink something else. Mile. Yeah. A different guy. I don't remember. It was a different guy. I think, but yeah, we both have quite a quite a string of calls and guests on that podcast. That was unbelievable. But I think all in all, I think that you've got the right mentality. I think that, you know, a lot of times too, you don't choose the grill. The grill chooses you. So maybe just go to your hardware store, just walk around a little bit and
Starting point is 00:16:00 whatever one you're kind of drawn to that's within your budget. I think that that's going to be the one you're going to want to go with. And then after you get the girl, remember, it's all about how you handle yourself at the grill, clicking the tongs, saying the one whiners, and making sure that you're just getting a nice and products, nice juicy piece of meat. All right. Now, my share like Tyler. Grilling. Yeah. Well, he's he's sending the background right now and I tell you what,
Starting point is 00:16:31 we're going to get some. We're going to need to get someone to hold them back. He's getting upset about all this grilling talk. So good. Well, I think that that's perfectly, uh, that's perfect advice on you.
Starting point is 00:16:45 All right. Yeah. And good luck with the purchase. Let us know. Send us a picture of the grill you end up choosing. We're very curious. Okay. Yeah. I will say I will. The will there for sure. Also, I was good. I just wanted to tell Miles that, um, they're miles almost bad when he was down here for the bush classic but two years ago to three years ago. Yeah, I wait I not to brag Charlie when I waved the green flag at Daytona. I was pretty jealous of that. I saw that. I noticed they didn't let you wave the checkered flag. No, oh god, no, that's way too important. They announced Miles that he was going to be waving at the green flag.
Starting point is 00:17:25 So, you know, everybody in the field, like by the track, had to go back into the stands. So, a few miles, just standing by the, like on the floor, waiting to go up. And I'm trying to rush my way through people, but it was too late once I got inside. Like, he was already up there. Oh, you know, you couldn't wait.
Starting point is 00:17:43 You couldn't wait because people were like, you know, the security is on whenever they were. We're like, oh, go to your seat. Go to your seat. Oh, man. Yeah. Maybe one day. I was just moving so close up.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, we were close. Next time I'm in Daytona, I'm sure we'll meet up. And we'll get a photo and all that. Oh, yeah. That's that sound. Oh, yeah. I'll bring something that I cooked and hopefully not burned.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Oh yeah, we'll bring you some brats. Something that I grew up. Oh yeah, Charlie comes out. You gotta bring some brats. Yeah. You gotta bring those brandy brats. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Man, you are a super fan. I'll tell you this much. Oh yeah, no, trust me. I work a lot doing during how much truck driver local when I wake up three o'clock in the morning. So in the meantime, when there's nobody there, I have to find something to keep me company to see the podcast or the videos,
Starting point is 00:18:41 something that keeps the lights on at that time. Well, we've been throwing around an idea for having truckers call in this podcast and the segment called Where You At and What You Holland. So we ever have that again. You should call in. Oh, yeah, definitely for sure. Awesome. Well, thanks for calling in, man.
Starting point is 00:19:00 This is great. Yeah. Thanks for all the love and watching all the stuff, man. Yeah. Watch out for alligators down there. All right. We'll see you soon. We'll, we'll have them for sure. Okay. I thank you guys. Peace. Yeah. Bye. Bye. Bye. I'm not a good cooker myself. I mean, I have really only due to I only have the black Weber. Actually, I have this gas grill at this other spot. Yeah. You know, and it's so much nicer when you're doing gas and you just flip it on. I know.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I know. But the, you know, once you really just got to have a stomach to not deal with all the people who are kind of snobby about grilling. Yeah. Doesn't matter what you grill on. It's the product that you put out. Yeah. This is true.
Starting point is 00:19:43 This is true. Sounds like a good, good guy though. Hello. Hello. What's your name, where you come from? Hey, this is Blake. I'm calling from Georgia. Okay, Blake.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Thank you from Georgia. Why don't you belly up to the bar and tell us what's on your mind? Oh, yeah, yeah. So I'm just asking for some advice, actually. Which I've heard you guys get some good advice so we give advice for sure. Yeah, I don't know about the good part, but Yeah, so I'm I'm actually reselling I'm moving back to the Midwest From Georgia I grew up Some birds of Minneapolis so I've been I haven't been back in the Midwest a long time but the many apples, so I haven't been back in the Midwest a long time, but I'll be moving back
Starting point is 00:20:27 there soon, and I'm just asking for advice, you know, coming from the south, you know, moving back to the Midwest, what would you guys recommend, you know, merciless myself back? When did you leave? Let's start with that. I haven't been back eight years or so. I haven't been back eight years or so. Eight years. Well, not a lot has changed in the Midwest. So it's going to be kind of how you left it. Your blood is probably thinned a little bit though. You probably forgot just how cold it is, not mentally,
Starting point is 00:20:58 but sort of, you know, the kind of undertone. You probably get colder than you were before. So I would buy some coats, some big coats again when you get. Yeah, you're going to want a coat. Okay. That's our advice. Thank you for calling in. Get a coat and come back to the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:21:19 No, I'm just kidding. What are you doing when you get back here? Where is where are you moving? Yeah, we need a little bit more details on the deal. Okay, okay, I'm actually moving into Missouri. I'm gonna live kind of outside Kansas City. Okay. Which, yeah, you're dipping your big toe.
Starting point is 00:21:36 You're dipping your big toe back into the Midwest is what you're saying. You're not fully jumping in, going all the way up Minnesota, Wisconsin. You're just dipping your big toe in, headed to Missouri. I like that. I'm kind of taking it. You're probably not going to need as big of a coat now. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, maybe a windbreaker is probably what you're going to need over there. What is the the tornado game is going to be very similar? Do you get a lot of
Starting point is 00:22:05 tornadoes down there in Georgia? Probably not as many as you're going to get a Zuri. Oh, no, I can't. The only thing people are scared of fear is snow, which I've got to see ever. Oh, wow. Okay. So, so you're going to have to get used to that tornado alarm going off every Wednesday at noon. Yep. And then you're also, you got to refresh yourself on how to drive in the snow because that's, you don't want to look like you, you're, weren't from the Midwest originally by driving super slow, holding up traffic, all that stuff, just skidding and sliding through a four way. You don't want to be doing stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So you got to remind yourself how to drive in the snow. Is there going to be a lot of snow in Missouri though? They get snow, do they? Little, a little bit. Yeah, I think you'll be good there. The other thing you're going to have to get used to is in the south, they are very, very nice. And know, and they're also very nice in the Midwest, but it's a different kind of nice. You know, have you noticed the difference between Midwest
Starting point is 00:23:11 nice and southern hospitality down there? Oh, yeah, it's a totally different game down here. I would say, I would say compared the Midwest nice, it might actually not be as nice as the South. I think I get greetings from from people here more than I do in the Midwest. Well, so I know. And what I understand though is there can be a lot of surface level niceness in the South, but maybe not as much deep down niceness down there. Yeah, I'm going to say this right now in the South, they might say, Hey, how are you more than they say here? But who is who is gonna be the people helping you dig out of the snow? It's the people in the Midwest now mostly because there is no snow in Georgia, but that point still sticks, okay?
Starting point is 00:23:58 And who's gonna help you? You know, if you got to do some landscaping who's gonna mosey on over and ask if you need any help? Yeah, are they mowing your lawn down there in Georgia? Oh, no. Okay, well, we are. So you're a real, keep it away from your neighbor's type of people. Yeah, okay. So you tell me, is that nice?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yeah, what's nicer? I guess you know, you get more nice from a community sense, but not from a real neighbor sense. You're not really neighbor. Well, not only Midwest people trying to mine their own business, they're also trying to get in everyone's business. It's kind of a dual thing. So that's where you get the weird, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:46 hey, I'm gonna let you hang out. But also, let me take a look in your garage. See if, uh, see if you got a good weed whacker in there. Yeah. And the other thing is it's acts of service. You know, we, we, we, we, we are all collectively looking, there's a big Catholic influence in the Midwest and we're all trying to get out of purgatory and that's where us coming over and cutting the lawn comes from. So whether or not the heart of it is motivated purely by kindness and not spending all eternity, you know, in purgatory, it doesn't really matter, but we're gonna, we're gonna cut your lawn and we're gonna whack your weeds and we are gonna also whack our weeds with your weed weaker, but still we will whack your weed.
Starting point is 00:25:28 We'll return it a couple years later. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you'll get it back. So those are a few things to just look out for. And, you know, if you want to get in any neighbors, good graces, just bring over some leftovers. You know? Yeah. I'll see you coming. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'll happen. Make a casserole and then you get a lot of leftovers.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Go to go to some sort of event at the church and you tell me there's going to be no leftovers. Those those ladies know. And they cook and wait to you think ladies at the church are cooking for a crowd of 20,000 and there's only 200 people coming over. They do know how to mass produce their, they have no idea how to scale down recipes. They just, they just, they got a little extra time, you know, in the summer, there's no, there's no, the, the CCD classes or whatever and the, so they got so much of time. Those Sam's club memberships, you know, they, they're, they want to use the whole bag, you know, well, they also got to make room in the freezer for all the deer meat in the fall.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So they got to get rid of all the hash brown stuff like that, you know, that's true. Are you, are you mentally prepared for more invites to deer camp than you ever anticipated in your life? Oh, yeah. You know, I've already got some invites just from telling my family that I'm going to be even remotely close to them. Yeah, from Minnesota, you're like, yeah, I'm moving back to the Midwest, where Missouri, come on up here to brainer. We got a great deer camp going. That's like a 16 hour drive. Ah, well, if you just break it up, you know, stop, stop in Iowa somewhere and have a bite to eat.
Starting point is 00:27:16 It won't be too bad of a drive. Yeah, so we'll see you up here. What you think Monday? Does that sound good? Yeah, I think you can do it in four hours. That's all it is. Yeah, we've been on a Friday. I'll see you that evening. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's 20 hours away. Yeah, we'll see you in four. Just hit the fast lane. Well, I'm excited that you're moving back. Are you excited?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Oh, yeah, I'm really excited. Kind kind of more, kind of more of a familiar environment, you know, it's been, you know, that's not, not like the, not like Georgia where, you know, people are scared of the heat, you know, it's 110 degrees for two weeks. That's, for for a Southern area is good, but for Midwestern, you're just, there's nothing to do. You can't mull, you can't mull your lawn, you can't do anything. Yeah, you're sweating the whole time right down there. You um one uh what it what's what's the what's the thing that you're looking most forward to when you get back being back in the Midwest. Oh gosh um I would say that the fall the the brisk fall. Oh I just I'm out of you don't get those you don't get those here so I'm looking forward to the the two or in morning the change of the seasons really what you're looking for reminds you that time passing and life is short
Starting point is 00:28:31 We're all here for just Just a little blip on the on the universal radar and so it's important to go shoot a deer and drink a couple two tree beers Poetry we wanted to leave you with today. Well, I got some advice for you guys, actually. Yeah, that's great. That's great. And you know what, you got the Midwest goodbye going great, actually.
Starting point is 00:28:53 You know, you've got that down pat, you know, this is perfect. Yeah, why don't you crack open another beer? Yeah, and then you can head out. Yeah, what's the advice? Yeah, so if you ever hear someone say, fix in the chunk it, down here, that means they're going to throw something away. Six in the chunk it.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Fix in, fix in the chunk it. Oh, fix in the chunk it. Yeah, I'm fixing the chunk it. That's a phrase I'm jealous of. That is a cool phrase. I will, I will concede to that. I wish that was a Midwest phrase so badly. Let's fix into chunk it. Wow. Usually here, you just dig a hole and throw all your garbage
Starting point is 00:29:30 in there and cover it up. How are you getting rid of garbage? Or just burn everything you want to get rid of. That's the Southern thing. They say, fix into chunk it. We say, just go throw it in the burn pile. You ever smell burnt rubber? DNR is not going to be happy with this podcast. Luckily, I don't know anyone in the DNR. So we're good to go. You're about to. They're going to be knocking at your family door. We had a caller call in saying that the police were outside. We had to come up with our hands up.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Instead, it's going to be the DNR is knocking on our door here. Checking your freezer. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's, uh, I don't, are you saying that we should start using fix into chunking? I'm thinking we can kind of adopt it. Yeah. Maybe. I like that a lot. I really do. We can start saying that, Charlie. Yeah, let's just start. Yeah, I'm fixing the chunk. It does. It does sound like it is a Midwest phrase to be honest. Let's just deal it and see if anyone notices. Yeah. All right, what, hey, you convinced us.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's great advice. We're gonna start saying fixing the chunk it. That's good. The people here would appreciate it. All right. I talk, talk about ice fishing down here and people kind of get scared and think I'm a little crazy. I don't really know what to think.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Well, that's how we keep everyone, keep everyone out of the Midwest. I'm a little bit scared. I'm a little crazy. I don't really know what to think. Well, that's how we keep everyone out of the Midwest. As we tell them, we go on the frozen lake with cars and campers and stuff. Yeah, they think we're a Florida up here, you know. We, they think we're a frozen Florida up here. But that is what keeps them away. So it keeps the, keeps the population low and the wall-eye population high. There you go. them away. So it keeps the, keeps the population low and the walleye population high.
Starting point is 00:31:05 There you go. Well, we appreciate you calling in, man. This is great. I'm glad that you're moving back to the Midwest. We're excited. We're excited for you to hit a small town bar and have a couple of two tree beers. Oh, yeah, excited to belly up and, you know, be with the good old friends. Somehow you don't ever lose friends from a bit less No, they won't forget you Well, thank you for thank you for your advice. Well, thank you for your advice man. We appreciate you calling in I broke a glass here. I'm fixing the chunk head, okay? Oh Yeah, there you go. Wait, I think we got it down. Appreciate it man. Have a good one.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah you was well thank you. I watch for deer now on your drive home. Well yeah yeah tell your folks. Tell your honest that I. Oh yeah we'll do okay. All right real good but bye now. Bye bye. I think that I kind of mad that we didn't think of fixing the chunk. It's in the chunk. It is so good. Yeah, we. That was a nice fella. That was a nice fella.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I, uh, you had a burn pile, right? I mean, yeah, but I don't want to admit that on the fricking thing. You know, my grandpa and fondle like, yeah,, yeah, he would honestly, he got better over time. You know, I remember when I was a kid, it was just this big aerosol cans. Yeah, rubber tires. It's just a big barrel. Like one of those rusted, rusted out barrels with holes in the side, you know, and there's all this crap in there.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And I was like, wait, aren't we not supposed to be burning it? But then over time, he just kept it to brush. Yeah, it makes sense. I think the DNR man, you know, that might have been it. That might have been it. Yeah. All right, you smell the rubber tires and the miles. Yeah, it's, and you see the black smoke, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:02 you're really giving yourself away when you burn tires. Yeah You shouldn't do that kids. Oh my gosh. It is summer, which means Everything on the exterior of your house needs to get done now Do it now before the world is frozen over from the months of November until Some years June in the Midwest. Okay, so I'm talking pressure wash your house, pressure wash your deck, get a new one more attractor, a weed whacker, a blower, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:33 one of them pole saws, okay, you can find it all over there at the fleet farm. There is nothing the exterior of your house needs done that fleet farm can't get done. Okay, so head on over to the fleet farm, bring the gift certificate that you got, you know, for graduation or a baptism or something and use that sucker up and then you're, you know, you're not going to have trouble finding other ways to put your money. There's always
Starting point is 00:33:56 a place to put your money at the fleet farm. Enjoy it. And maybe I'll see you there. Okay. And in the meantime, tell your folks I say, say, say, say, real good, bye-bye. So guys, we got Amanda, the Wild Rice bar and grill bartender here. Now, what I like about you is literally yesterday, we were just discussing that a good small town bar has got a sassy bartender. I think that's you here.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Honestly, I'm probably the mild one. You are. Absolutely. My sister, Bri and her best friend, Des, are definitely worse by far. Like you will probably leave offended and they're okay with that. Well, that's part of the small town bar experience. Who got who the job here? Who? Actually, so my sister's best friend started working here a little bit over a year ago and then my
Starting point is 00:34:44 sister did and I come down to Mornnhead during the summer and my kids are at a school because they're really bored up by Canada. And so I picked up some hours work over the summer. That's where we are. I love it. So you said that the polka is coming in here. At three o'clock today. At three o'clock. At three o'clock. it's the polka squad's going to get here.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I'm just telling you it's a party. I'm getting ranches ready. You never know. What's that is true? That's it. What's uh, what does the polka crowd usually look like? Exactly what you would think they have to look like. Average ages.
Starting point is 00:35:21 82. All right. So there's a bus from the nursing home getting dropped off. Why do they like to drink? Things that I don't serve a lot of old fashions. I have to say no to that because I don't model things. Oh, you're not modeling at all here. I'm not modeling.
Starting point is 00:35:35 You got Brandy, though. Yeah. Ah, well, you do a North Dakota old fashion. It's basically just Brandy. I was going to say I've seen at other establishments that they just do the branding, the ice and just throw the cherry and the orange in it. They don't really do much else, but I feel like that's not doing
Starting point is 00:35:54 an old-fashioned justice. And he's old-fashioned. If I can't do it justice, I really shouldn't put it in a cup. I honor the fact that you have that much dignity when it comes to, if I'm not going to make it right, I'm not going to make it all, but you're also like, ah, I'm still not going to make it at all. Yeah. And I don't even have the right equipment.
Starting point is 00:36:11 So it would be, it would be an injustice to the drink. That is true. It's the same thing with like food though, like when you guys are ordering earlier, like I'm not going to, you said the hot suck. Yeah. Get the fries. Get the ranch. Get, don't let you know anything you want. Tater tots, not so suck. Yeah. Get the fries. Get the ranch. Get down, let you know, anything you want.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Tater tots, not so good. Right. Not when you have those delicious fries to choose from. That's true. You know, well, so we like to say in this podcast that the best Midwest therapist is your bartender. Um, so I think on this one, we should ask her for some advice. Instead of the other way around, Charlie. What do you think? That's pretty good. You looking for some advice on anything? Well, let's start with you, actually. No, you go ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Oh, my gosh. OK. All right. So let's see here. I got to think of mine. All right. So as I'm getting older, as we all are, started developing develop waking up
Starting point is 00:37:06 with just random body pain, you know, like a shoulder will just be sore or lower back pain. Yep. What's the best remedy on how to handle getting older and having everything start to hurt? Literally get up and power through it. Like, don't be a wuss. Yeah, just take your hits and keep on going.
Starting point is 00:37:24 March forward, just keep going. March forward. Just keep going. Is that why you see a lot of older folk here at the bar is that the liquor kind of tends to heal the pain a little bit? Definitely. Yeah. There we go. Joined juice is what we call it. Now, do you think you're feeling more because you get that personal trainer? You know, well, that when I found what I'm not doing that, then that'll, because I'm not stretching and stuff, but it's still some days you just wake up. You didn't do anything the day before and you just hurt everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 You know, I just ignore it and move on. Okay. Why? Yeah. Literally just power right through. I mean, that you got stuff to do. You're deep down and never bring it back up. That's right.
Starting point is 00:38:03 All right. A leave and I'd be profaned go a long way. Yeah. Sometimes both. Yeah. And a beer. Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure I say in you guys do keg stands at this bar. We do horseshoes and beam bag tournaments and keg stands. I mean literally let's lawnmowerrys it out. Yeah. Charlie's a pro. I don't think he should be able to play because he did do that professionally when he mowed the lawn. I feel like that's an advantage. Charlie is what you're saying. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. All right. My question is, let's say that there is a person you are interested in, three bar stools down, okay, and you're sitting here drinking by yourself,
Starting point is 00:38:51 they're over there drinking with friends, okay. What is the in to say, I like this one of the three. Yeah, because you don't want to look at this one drink. You got to buy them all drinks. That's true. Buy them around. So if they're sitting over there, chit chat, and you kind of like one of them,
Starting point is 00:39:12 you buy them all drinks. But now, how do they know which one you have to go over there and just have the conversation? Or do you even have a conversation? Is it weird to just... No, this is where you use your own advice, guys. Trust your, your, your bartender therapist. And you say, hey Amanda.
Starting point is 00:39:31 So the one on the third is the one that I, I'm really, I'm kind of into and like to maybe get to know a little bit better. And I say, and you say, I'm gonna buy, I wanna buy him around, but, and I make direct eye contact with the one you bought the round four and say, I'm gonna buy, I wanna buy them around, but, and I make direct eye contact with the one that you bought the round four, and say, contact.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I say, with my body language, the gentleman over there, but you, around. Oh, count. And then I do this, and then I do this, ladies. Oh, wow. So, use the bar, and then of course, that's a big tip right there. Communicate that.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Well, and it's really like it's fun for us to help each other out. Like literally it's so much fun to be in a bar where, you know, over there I call the nursery because that's where all my babies sit that are like people think or 12 when they come in and like I swear I've carted them and their parents come in here all the time. And then over here you have people that have so much money, they don't know what to do with and to see them interact without knowing who each other are or what they come from or any of that. It's amazing. And yeah, top two community with your bartender man and like literally, they will lead you to the promised land. Well, let's say you did that. Let's say you
Starting point is 00:40:49 you said it to the one that I happen to be interested in deadlock eye contact. Hey, that fellow over there, but you guys all around, but you're just still locked eye contact. I would say, but you around and with dead eye contact. And would say but you around and with dead eye contact and then I would say ladies and then span. Gotcha. So at that point, do you then just stay in your seat, give a wave and do not call or say, after that. Yes, you make direct eye contact. She's going to make direct eye contact with you. Do it. It's going to happen 100%. Mm-hmm. And you do the, and she'll say thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:29 She's either going to do the giggle smile. You're going to know that with more of her physical body language back, that if she's making eye contact more and more and more, there's your end. Okay. Okay. And then, and then it's on you contact more and more and more, there's your end. There you go. Okay. And then, and then it's on you to walk over there and say, hi, or do you wait for her to walk over and say something? Um, I'd use your bartender for that one too. Oh, what if we don't have a bartender?
Starting point is 00:41:58 She just really wants to be involved. What if we don't have a bartender is helpful as you though? Well, I think most of them are like, yeah, really, really I do and like when our friends go to the bathroom or something like we're not above being like so you interested Got you right and then then one there's no awkward situation between anybody. Yeah, and I can be like, hey, I just got a boyfriend to you and you're like cool, but I found it Okay, cool. All right. Let's try the gal and the other corner. Oh, hey, I just got a boyfriend to you. And you're like, cool, but I bound it. I'm like, have a good night. Okay, cool. All right, let's try the gal and the other corner. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. Well, then I'll just make eye contact with the fifth friend down, you know? Yeah, that's how that works. Okay, not for you. All right, what about you? Yeah, yeah. You were a second choice.
Starting point is 00:42:40 What about you? Right, you just wait till the friends go, you know, cause they have to go to the bathroom and pay us. Yeah. But pick a girl like that's an odd number group because you know, then at least one of them is going to be singled out and probably weakest from the herd. Okay. She's wow.
Starting point is 00:42:56 But how do you, because you can't, you go into a bar, you have to develop that relationship with your bartender first, right? Yeah. Like if someone were to just ask you money talks, you'd use drop a 10 or a 20 on the table and you say, Hey, you mind helping me out there and be like, yeah, absolutely. Well, now that's another question. Is that offensive right there to? Is it offensive?
Starting point is 00:43:17 You're like, it's a $20 bill. No, it's not offensive. Like, $1 or $1, but I also like, I guess I treat my guess the same way that I would expect to be treated somewhere else. But now one not every bartender is helpful as you. We've found that we've been to a lot of bars. You've been accepted. I would say about 75% of bartenders are as helpful as you. You You're gonna have a 25% once in a while. Really? Yeah, that'll happen. See, and there's a lot of things for me,
Starting point is 00:43:49 like, money's not worth it. And like, just kind of like you guys do. Like you kind of scope people out as you're talking to them. Like, I do the same through their body language. They, the way they act, the way that they interact back with me. And, you know, kind of, I'm not going to be like, oh, here's 20 bucks. Like, can I buy your drink, but can I hold it first?
Starting point is 00:44:10 No, no, you can't. Do I draw something in there? You're not going to deliver it yourself like that. Oh, geez. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got everyone's safety in mind, too. That's a big, everybody's got to get home safe. And I take people home all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Smart. You are the iconic small town bar tender. This is there we go. I have a blast You said you had a buy selling trade for us, right? Dude, it's free. No buy sell home nothing just some get it. Okay. They come as a pair Okay, there is one female and one male one is a miniature horse He is about 32 inches tall. Okay, his name is female and one male. One is a miniature horse. He is about 32 inches tall. Okay. His name is turbo and he does not run fast. And then I have a miniature donkey who is smaller than that. And would you say that the best
Starting point is 00:44:58 things come in small packages that is what you're saying? No, or I wouldn't. Sorry, pal. I would not be keeping, I wouldn't be getting heard of them for free. I know, but we want someone to come pick it up so we can make it. Oh, they're so together. They're wonderful. That's why you got to take them as a pair. And I got them last year because hay shortages and I felt that and people
Starting point is 00:45:19 couldn't feed their own animals. So you got a mini horse and a mini donkey. Yep. That are absolutely a married couple in love that weren't together to start with, but now are. Okay. Well, if you're listening to this and you're in the market for a mini horse and a mini donkey because you got to take a bowl. That's right. Okay. I mean, they're happiness matters. What do they need to sustain them? These are not house pets. No, um, the pasture of grass. I mean, they were you less than an acre. Less than an acre. Less than an acre of grass easy. About an acre at your place, right? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:54 I guess we do. You want to help me put up a fence then or less? I'll watch a video of first time fence building. Is there in a I or pastor just fine. Okay. Yeah, that's not bad. All right. That's pretty cheap right there. Yeah. Yeah. I don't imagine they can jump over a fence or anything.
Starting point is 00:46:12 At this, at this point in time, I would probably come do the fencing for you and do this. Oh, wow. Okay. It's like, yeah. So if you're in the area, come to the wild rice barn grill, ask for Amanda. She's not here. They'll take a note or they'll call or whatever. say I'm looking for a mini horse and a mini donkey. I got the perfect situation. She's got, she's got you covered. It's not even a bite. You don't need to just free. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I'll even deliver. Yeah. And delivery service. As long as it's a good home. Yep. Oh, that's great. Oh, and you're going to vet the home a little bit. You're going to talk so close. Yeah. Yep. That's smart. We're Good on you. Yeah, don't be a serial killer. One of those. And that little pony, I will give them all of the tech that it came with. This Adel and all of its fancy writing things. Children do write this is a sweet deal. Honestly, it is. And to buy a form, he looks like a little tiny Hildoggo paint horse. little tiny hill doggo paint horse. You bought a farm. Haven't closed yet. Oh, fortunately.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Uh, you know, it was an if I do you close. Can you take the, I mean, are they self sustaining for the most part? Absolutely. So you can leave them out there a week and they're going to be fine. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. As you want to have water, water and access to grass. Yeah, absolutely. I think they're, yeah, well, just throw them in the bed of the truck on the way home. And the hot wire fencing,
Starting point is 00:47:33 you get a solar panel. Yeah, for it. And so you don't have to use your own electricity or worry about wiring, anything like that. Oh, it's perfect. And yeah, they're great. They stay fat and happy and they like kids and Oh, yeah, it's awesome. All right. So there you got it. Yeah, looking for a mini horse mini donkey Manders your gal. Just give me your dress and I'll drop them off. There we go. Uh, appreciate you letting us come Yeah, you better. Well, anytime. This is great. Thank you so much. No, thank you guys Watch out for deer. Watch out for many horses. Yes. Watch out for many horses and donkeys on your way home. That's true. And because I mean, if you want to come by, I worked Thursday and Friday,
Starting point is 00:48:14 I could bring them with if anybody wants to check them out. All right. Okay. Just time to the tables, you know, all right? Whatever. You've heard of a horse in a bar of you. Have a time. Never. It's about to happen. Yeah, there we go. I'm excited for these suckers to find a new home. Me too. Yeah. Miles is Frank yard.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yep. We're going to go up after this and fence it off. Frank, the auntie would murder me or would she love it? My fall love. I don't think so. Yeah. Well, she knows her mom because many donkeys actually keep cattle and other livestock so. Yeah. Well, she knows she's been because many donkeys actually keep cattle and other livestock safe.
Starting point is 00:48:49 They're yeah, companion animals. There you go. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, there we go. Thank you again. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Perfect. Well, there you have it. If you're looking for a mini horse, you know, miniature donkey, right? It's sound. She was great at selling it. It sounds like a great deal. Yeah. I mean, I, you know, and again, the offer stands, I will help you put up that fence in your front. And I'll help you find a way to get those babies home. Yeah. Well, if any of you want them before we scoop them up in the next day or two, You make sure to come on over here to the wild rice bar and grill and figure it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:28 So yeah, I, I, the seem like amazing pets. And again, they are great cattle companions. So, you know, some to think about, some to keep on top of the old dome. Yeah, plus a feeling it's just that they're great with kids. Oh, yeah, you don't have to. I'm all and that, that I'm all.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I don't know what episode the guy with the lawnmower was on. Oh, maybe we should come back on more. He needs to get the mini horse, mini donkey. Yeah. Then all of a sudden your grass is looking good while your belt is broken on your lawnmower. Good for the environment. Yeah. That, you know, there you have it.
Starting point is 00:50:07 There's no reason not to get a mini horse. These tests in a natural lawnmower and that is a mini horse. Yeah, mini, mini horse, mini donkey. I'm going to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a mini donkey before. I think I've seen just like a mini horse. It looks like a, looks like a regular donkey, but just miniature. How, How high? A couple of feet. Nehy. Two and a half feet tall as all.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah, if maybe you're like, I did the dog thing and it just was a lot to handle. Get a mini donkey. Yeah, why get your toddler one of those little Jeep cars when you could get him on a mini donkey. Yeah, so I don't know what she said I Couldn't have fun. Yeah, but yeah, the Get him a saddle teacher kid on a ride. Yeah, save a Sava one more ride him any donkey. There you go. All right. Guys,
Starting point is 00:51:08 into another belly up episode. As always, we're belly up. We're having a few beers. Thanks, everyone who called in. And if you want to call in follow us on YouTube, follow us on Instagram. We're going to put up a post, put up a story that we're taking callers. Don't be shy. Call in if you don't get in right away. We're probably on the other line. So just keep calling in and we're excited to chat with you.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Belly up to the bar with you. See you soon. And don't forget to tip your bartender. Tip them big. They will help you. Oh, yeah, get a date. Yeah, help you pick up chicks. Yeah, I'm gonna just wait here for the rest of the night. Good luck, Charlie. Thank you. Thank you. See you guys.

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