Bellied Up - #2 How To Be More Midwest

Episode Date: June 16, 2022

Presented by Fleet Farm (19:15) a caller from Germany is wondering how to be more midwestern, (30:56) then Myles and Charlie give advice on how to deal with "road apples", (39:10) our last caller is h...ungover and we learn the in's and out's of ski culture.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Charlie We're back back episode two of the belly-dub podcast. Yeah, is it belly-up podcast? I don't know. Don't get these could you sense my hesitation there? Yeah, I don't you said belly-up last night at the stand-up show Yeah, and I was like that's not correct, but then I'm like, you know belly-up belly-up sound too bad Belly-dub is past tense belly-dub. Why me? I think belly up. Come on belly up belly up. Sound too bad. Belly up is past 10. Belly up. Why me? Belly up. Come on, belly up. Belly up podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:28 We are not only belly up, but we will go belly up. I really like that. I like the play on words. So the whole first episode, we call it the belly up podcast. So now we may have just changed the name for it. That's fine. That's all right. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:00:43 People feel like they are witnessing history by listening to this podcast. Is that what they're, that's their first thought. Yep. Don't question it. As they listen, they're witnessing history. Yeah. That is as they, they, litmus is what you call it. It's when you listen, when your listening is witnessing. Oh, can I get a litmus? I used, oh yeah, I don't know anything about that. Yeah. Oh, can I get a lit, nah? Well, I used, oh yeah, I don't know anything about that. Yeah, well, now you do. Now I do. Yeah, so what's going on today, Miles?
Starting point is 00:01:12 You had a comedy show last night here in Fargo. Yeah, I did. Fargo theater, what a great theater. Yeah, I mean, actually after the show that I heard some rumblies and grumblies. Yeah. And it was like, oh, God, that guy really stole the show that I heard some rumblies and grumblies. Yeah. And it was like, Oh, God. That guy really stole the show.
Starting point is 00:01:30 He I was amazed. And I was like, I was like, oh, they're probably talking about, you know, Andrew, but I think that they said something about miles. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, I totally forgot. You were on stage last night. Um, geez. Know how that's my mind happened. No, you did a great job, honestly.
Starting point is 00:01:49 You know, my five minutes felt like 50, I think people were saying, didn't because it was so full. It was so robust. Not because it dragged on. My five minutes felt like two time flew in all seriousness. How did it feel up there? I mean, I was working the crowd. You were doing good. I like doing it, fuck. You did do a lot of that. You got some claptor. The one thing I was trying to stress,
Starting point is 00:02:12 Charlie out with is I kept telling him that I was going to get the crowd to do the wave. Yeah. It's like, you don't do that. At first, he was like, oh, yeah, that'd be funny. And then I kept saying. And I know I see. I know. that I was gonna get the crowd to do the wave. Yeah. It's just like, man, you don't do that. At first, he was like, yeah, that'd be funny. And then I kept saying it and it's like, no, seriously.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I know, seriously. That's a dumbass thing to do. Yeah, it would have been great physical humor though. I start on one, all right, we're gonna do the wave for everyone. Are you ready? Just follow me. And then I sprint across the stage as fast as I can.
Starting point is 00:02:43 They wouldn't done it. Yeah. Now that you say it like this, they definitely would have done. But I think we came up with a good run to the other side and then you do the like point across the rest of the stadium. Here it comes. Here it comes. Here it comes. This is a great sketch for you. We came up with a great sketch. Don't forget it. Trying to get people to do the way. No, every dad doing the way.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Oh yeah. It's like, the old dads with the new balance on in the audience, they get up to do the wave and they miss it first of all. And then when it comes back around, they're like in the process of still sitting down. You gotta go, you gotta come, we gotta go to a burns game and we gotta do that. Get the crowd to do the wave. The waves are lost art, I think. You gotta go, you gotta come them. We gotta go to a burns game and we gotta do that. Yeah. Get the crowd to do the wave. The waves of lost art, I think. Oh, it's been, I think it's, it's there.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Everyone people are still doing. I haven't seen a wave in years. I don't think you've gone to enough baseball games. People get so bored at baseball games. They do everything. They'll do the wave. The yaya, whatever. They address people up in weiner costumes and make them run.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Okay, that is a tradition. I know, but I mean, how do you think the first one started? They're like, God, we're bored. Hey, it'd be funny. I put a guy in a weiner costume and made him run. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, but it started as we're really bored. And this is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:02 this is brutal. Seven thinning. Geez. The guys in the clubhouse who are playing the Dijord doer, like wouldn't it be funny? Wouldn't it be funny if we put a guy in a hot dog costume in him run? And everyone's like, this is great entertainment. Let's make this a tradition.
Starting point is 00:04:21 They can't say no if we call it a tradition. That's right. Exactly. Um, no, it's, you got to we call it a tradition. That's right. Exactly. No, it's, you got to come out to a game. I don't know how we got into that. Oh, we were talking about the comedy show. Yeah. Get in the way of going.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Get in the way. That's a great sketch show. That's a great sketch. It's super easy. It's taking, you're all about the sketches that take you nine seconds to shoot. The thing is, I did have to take a little break from doing the dad sketches because I was starting to like, like, think you had a child. No, like, like, just taking on all the qualities.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Like, every time I get out of the chair, I do the big groan, sitting down into where Anne was like very concerned. She's like, okay, you can't start already being an old man. was like very concerned. She's like, okay, you can't start already being an old man. You're only 28. You can't start doing the groans already. Yeah, well, you do those. For the sake of my relationship, I had to take a pause. Yeah, take a pause on that. You've had a trainer, by the way, should we talk about that? Oh, no. Okay. So mostly because it makes me start sweating, just thinking about it. Oh, really? Yeah, basically, I, again, just trying not to die at like 50 years old.
Starting point is 00:05:37 No, it's a good plan. Trying to just, and I don't do any running or anything. It's just basically lifting weights. Just to hear that, that's good for you, uh, in the, it's a lot of people think you got to cardio, cardio, cardio, but if the short spurts can be as effective running a lot, there's been three times in the last month where I'm like, Hey, I gotta lay down. I'm an apiuk, you know, just from lifting. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:03 You got to realize. you know, just from lifting up. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Wow. You got to realize, I'm starting from negative square 10. And like just getting back to zero. I'm not starting on square one. I'm starting on square negative 10.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I have to do 10 squares before I can get to square one. So by your wedding date, are you going to be able to fit into your high school football you're in? Absolutely not. I want to see it. I want to see it. First of all, I got way too big of a dumb truck now Wasn't working on the booty games back then. Yeah, yeah, you got a nice one though. I tell you that right now I saw you checking it out on stage. Yeah, yeah, I was like dang fire the ass like that Yeah, I tell you what it be a game chain. I tried to wear my jeggings on stage, but Ann went and let me last. Oh, I'll leave those in the closet. Those are for at home.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So, uh, so, uh, great. I really did enjoy the every time you want to bring up a new subject, I'm just going to take control of the conversation. No, what were you trying to say? Um, I was just going to say that, you know, lots of laughs were had by the audience last year. What's, uh, what's always gets the biggest laugh in your set? Is it a self deprecating joke? Oh, this one actually has been getting big laughs. It changes. And the thing with stand up is it changes based on, I think, how often you've done the joke and maybe you're enthusiastic, like every night, you can make a joke really hit or not based on, um, they, I don't know what it is. I mean, I, maybe
Starting point is 00:07:38 this just sounds normal. But if you have the energy that the right energy for a joke, it's going to hit. Yes. Last night, I think the one that hit the most is my stripper name, which is Ratchet Strap. You know, it's slapped me on the ass and say that's not going anywhere. I got some big laughs last night. So I, but every night, it's different. So I'm thinking that the wave would have been a bad idea for at just strap really hit And that's a lot of dads. Yeah, dads are not getting up for the way What what Joe Kip for you the was the biggest
Starting point is 00:08:16 Basically anything making fun of you that was everything you did yes, you walked up there I was like, hey, can you give me a hot five and it was just a Hot five is a roast. Yeah. No, I think the one that people like the most is the husband's a target video. Obviously, bananas video for us. Yeah. And I said, like, you'd think a video that's got 70, 80 million views on the internet that's like, you know, it's a sketch. Yeah. That it would be like, we'd have everything buttoned up, there would be, we have everything like super planned and like a schedule and all this stuff. And during that shoot, you and I were on the most of the time on the phone with triple A trying to get your keys unlocked from the trunk Yeah, yeah, you locked your keys in your car, you know, how often does that happen for you?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Well when I had that car that that like didn't have the I was the car It was the car It was an older car so you know if you lock your keys you really screw the pooch There's no going back. There's no apt unlock it. Right, right. It wasn't a fancy car. I was just a popper back then.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And I do miss that Corolla. My aunt has it now. My Aunt Mary has it now. And she's locked the keys on the car. I was gonna say how many times does she so runs in the family? Runs in the family. Yeah, I can't help these jeans.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I didn't know that was a hereditary thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is. It's a recessive gene, but you know, a lot of us got it. Skeleton generation, it's how it goes, but you know, we can't all look out like you and get, you know, these. The non locking or keys in the car. Gene. Yeah. There's sometimes, yeah, you were way on time today.
Starting point is 00:10:04 You were early today. I was late again. Well, here's what happened. I thought we said nine o'clock. We didn't necessarily. And then I said shoot, it's daylight saving. But the thing is, you said I was on time. I showed up here at like nine 20. So I thought I was running late and I showed up and no one was here. That's the best feeling in the entire. Yeah. You mess up, you think you're late, you mess up the time and you're actually like way early and you're like, then you're just cocky when everyone else walks in like, huh, where have you guys been?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I've been here waiting. We should shoot that sketch too. Late guy shows up early once. Yeah. That's like, we have a guy in the office that totally shows up later in the day. Um, and every time I call out what's I show up even later than him. And I'm right down the sketch so we don't forget, by the way, uh, I'm, I'm
Starting point is 00:10:56 notoriously later than him and put the what like couple times a month where I show up before him. Uh, I started giving, when he walks down, I give him one of these tap in the wrist. Where you been, relate. To have a the wrist. Even though I'm always later, gets a laugh about a quarter of the time. That's a good bit.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Oh, man. So I was gonna drive this conversation further, but then I forgot what we're even talking about before that. The wave. Oh, the wave. We're still talking about the wave. We just got to, we got to, we're not still talking about the way we got, we got to get into it. Dante, how you feeling about this podcast so far?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Are you feeling good? He doesn't. He doesn't cry. Definitely a script on it. So Dante, Dante and I have an eight- ride today back to, uh, back to Milwaukee every minute that every minute that we're droning on is just a minute. He's away from his bed. Yeah. And Sid, his Xbox, you know, you have an Xbox, Dante. You big gamer. No, no, no, I don't have time to deal with your shit.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You big gamer. No, no, I don't have time to deal with your shit. Charlie has an Xbox so you can't have one. No, actually, I'm not a video gamer. I'm not a gamer. I can play duck hunt. That's it. Maybe big buck hunter, but sure that nothing. Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. I thought you'd be like an N64 guy. I can play gold and I. Okay. Yeah. There you go. So anyway, I'm excited for another episode. I've been, I had so much fun doing these calls. Yes. I mean, it's, it's just, we got some more collars today. Yeah, we do. More Midwest advice. I mean, the belly, the belly up, belly, I think it's belly up. Belly up, when you just said belly up, it's just him.
Starting point is 00:12:48 That didn't run off the belly, belly up podcasts. That's it. The belly up podcast sounds not right. And you know what? It'll be kind of the thing where I screw up the name, kind of like when you're saying, oh, you want to come over here and play sheep head, you know, which is a fish. But if I says you want to come over here and play sheep's head, that's the card game. But sometimes you call it sheep head, you know, so kind like the belly always calling up my buddies saying that. So I do not play sheep's like I completely
Starting point is 00:13:15 relate to you don't play sheep's always. I always play you play. Okay. Let's do some sheep's head at my house later. I'm always calling people saying that. Yeah. Oh, you're being facetious. No, I got really Excitedable reference Charlie Okay, there there is a strong segment of my audience that is hardcore sheephead players and I'm not I'm saying yeah I that's really relatable a lot of there's a lot of people that do that you want I'm gonna make a sheep said t-shirt Just to show you how relatable it is. Yeah. I'm sure to fly off the shelf. What is sheepset?
Starting point is 00:13:48 Sheepset is, it's like you curb a better. And Jared, how do you not know? Everyone knows this. Yeah. You've never heard of sheepset? Not in my life. I hate you guys. Well, you're from Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I hate you guys. It's a Dante. It's a good game. Thank you. Yeah, we're not arguing about that. Thank you. And Dante was just giving me shit. So he's not, he's not sucking up.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Are we going to say are we swearing on this? Oh, yeah. Well, my mom's going to be so mad. Sorry, mom. I said the shit word. Yeah, I, uh, when I used to do that, hey, mom, sorry, but then it just got away from me. So, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Now, I'll try and clean it up, I'll try and clean it up. I'll try and clean it up. Was this, you know, I'm putting that on my list. I think that's like, though, as you get older, you just keep slowly disappointing your parents more and more. Yeah. And then they then came up and they die and then you die. And that's the circle. Well, thanks, Mufasa.
Starting point is 00:14:43 That was a real inspiring speech. Yeah. And then our bodies turned to guys. By the way, your door walking in here, there's just a jackrabbit leg sitting there. I don't know. Kind of a bad woman is that, oh, that's lucky, right? A rabbit's foot. But what if you get the whole frickin thigh there, too?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Honestly, it's been cold enough. It might still be good. Oh, we should been cold enough. It might, it's the meets that might still be good. Oh, we should go fry it up. Have you ever had rabbit? You ever shot a rabbit? Um, I don't know if I've ever shot a rabbit. No, I think about getting a pellet gun though for my house. There's a lot of rabbits running around. Some of them rabbits up here, you might want 22. But the, yeah, the, the snow shoe rabbit actually is in my backyard. Oh, no, that's a giant feet. You don't want to shoot those. Those are not okay to shoot.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, I mean, I'm not probably going to shoot them. No, but can you or they can you hunt them? I don't, I feel like those are on the list. I think if you just don't tell anyone, it's fine. No, I, you know, I'm a big hit. As long as you don't go on a podcast, you're going to shoot a snowshoes. No, I don't know. I don't know if it depends how healthy the populations are. I feel like those around and I couldn't do it anyways because Anne was the thinks they're like her pets now. Oh, yeah, you don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:15:59 It puts it under like Instagram story quite often. With me, buddy, if the next day you were just holding this rabbit. That was so sick of this rabbit. I'm so sick of this rabbit. Coz I'm fuffered tonight. Cooking it over an open fire. And then get a video of like, Anne comes home from work. I miss out there cooking the rabbit.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Anne, you want some rabbit? Just crying tears in your face. I'll tell you this, so from an environmental perspective Just crying tears in the outer face. I'll tell you this, though, from an environmental perspective, we got to start eating squirrel. You know, like that's a bad low carbon footprint. You know, you get squirrels and deer.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Squirrels, deer and bugs. That's what we're, that's the food of the future. All these healthy populations and protein sources. That's what we're doing. Because vegans, you know, you have to send the vegetables so far, and to get protein, the carbon footprint of that, it's a lot, but if you just get the protein in your backyard, thanks for asking me about it.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Anyway, how many squirrels you got in your backyard? That many that you can live off of them? So that's what you're saying here. Yeah, very healthy populations by me. squirrels you got in your backyard. That many that you can like live off of them. Oh yeah. So that's what you're saying here. Yeah, very healthy populations by me. So healthy, they were living in my house. They built a nest and my porch, they said, was held up by a squirrel's nest.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And it was almost condemned. And I didn't realize that till after I bought it. Why didn't, like, I feel like you would have your dad come and like inspect this place. No, I feel like you would have your dad come and like inspect this place. No, I had an inspector come inspect the place. No, that everyone knows that a home inspector is like whatever, your dad is the real home inspector. He's going to come and knock on every little pillar load bearing wall and everything like that to make sure it's good to go. I know the thing is you need your dad to come and kick something
Starting point is 00:17:43 and just go, that's not going anywhere. You know, otherwise you can't buy the house. I know. I don't think my dad came before that. I should have called him. And I honestly think he was offended I didn't call him. That's a big no no. Sorry dad.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's like, that's like, I'm so worried about your mom on this podcast. I say, sorry dad. Sorry dad. Yeah, I think he was, he was kind of like, what's going on? A little, you don't need me anymore. What's going on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And now when I tell him everything's broken, he's like, well, what did I say? Yeah. And life is literally just continually, slowly, upsetting your parents more and more until they die and then you die. And that is life. It is that.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Oh my gosh. Oh, what's going to happen? Yeah, we should really get to this advice. But clearly, we are well positioned to be giving advice to people. And yeah. So we're going to take some calls, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Let's do it. All right. We're going to start taking some phone collars, enjoy it and hopefully, like we don't have anything too weird to happen. I think we'll be fine. I think we'll be all right. We gotta, do we have a dump button
Starting point is 00:18:58 or you just get them off the couch? Yeah, we really should get that. We'll get that going here. Get that going. No, we'll be fine. People in the Midwest, they want to call in and just chit chat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 They want to belly up to the bar. Belly up to the bar. So let's do it. All right. It's belly up to the bar. Take some colors. Belly on up to the bar. On the belly up podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Hello. Who do we got on the line? Hi, it's Victoria from Germany. From Germany? Germany. Wow. Yes. Big fat over here. Wow. Crazy to talk to you guys. No, it's crazy. What part of Germany are you in? The western part, like close to Cologne. Maybe you've heard of that, but yeah, the fragrance. Yeah. Nice. Oh, that's wonderful. How's it going over in Germany these days?
Starting point is 00:19:51 It's I mean your war whatever all that is kind of crazy But besides that all good yeah aside from World War III, we're doing fine over here. Exactly. I mean, you gotta stay positive, right? You do. You gotta stay positive. It's a crazy world out there. What can we do for you today? Wow, this was kind of like, I just decided right now to call. I didn't really think of anything But if I have to ask one question. I mean who better to ask than you guys How to be more more midwestern for me as a German. I mean, I'm a big pack of fan obviously I found their account
Starting point is 00:20:40 But how to be more how to live it more, you know? I think number one, you just try and be nicer. I think that no matter what, everyone can always be a little bit nicer. Do things that you should never do for anyone just because they're your neighbor, right Charles? Like fix their gutter. Yeah, do they have gutters over there in Germany these days?
Starting point is 00:21:09 We do, but I look right in the city. I live in a really small apartment. I don't know any of my neighbors yet, which I am going to take. Well, that's number one. Number. Yeah. You got to start to get to know the neighbors. I think that that's step number one. Yeah. Yeah. No, and it's, it's very nice. I mean, you walk out into your, yeah, I got apartment building. So you're in your hallway the next time you're thinking of just walking by someone say, hey, how are you? Or how do you say hi in Germany again? Well, we do say hi as well. Oh, you say hi over there.
Starting point is 00:21:37 That's cool. I gotta go to Germany. I already know the language. So just say hi, you know, and give the wave. Give the wave and a smile. So you're an apartment building. I think that a good approach could be a lot like a dorm room that we got here in the US. Just prop your door open. And when people walk by, you say like, hey, how's it going? Maybe just make some chit chat, keep the door open all the time. Like it's a dorm room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You're gonna make more friends. You're gonna also, then you know, all your neighbors. Open door policy. And are you a drinker now or no? Obviously, I mean, German beer. Oh, you're in. Yeah. My culture really. Well, if you can just be offering people beers, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:20 that's a good way to do it. Hey, do you need a drink? You know, come on in here. You look in thirsty, you know, and then you just, but don't do it in a weird way, you know, make sure it's like, hey, like, this is, I'm cool. Just let's have a beer and not like, hey, I got beer in here. You want to come into my apartment, you know, let's be, you know, you know, but you got to embrace the weirdness and quirkiness of the Midwest to have you hit a deer recently
Starting point is 00:22:44 with your car. I have not I always always do watch out for deer. That is good, but I tell you this now that step one is to watch out for deer, but inevitably there's too many deer and too many car at some point you're going to hit one. So what I want you to do is go to the sporting goods store and get yourself a nice buck knife. Okay. And I'd like you to keep that in your brought holder in your car, which some people call it their sunglasses holder. You just put that right in there, put that knife in there.
Starting point is 00:23:14 When you hit a deer, that is pretenderized meat. And so you're not going to want it to go to waste. So you put that in the back of your automobile. And you are, you can feel dress it right there in the country and have a shovel with you So you can you know, bury Barry the the schmutz and whatnot if you're on someone else's property otherwise leave it for the coyotes Do you have coyotes over there in Germany or no? We do not but I will keep that in mind because and the reason I'm saying this is you all the sudden now have another avenue
Starting point is 00:23:46 to invite friends over. Hey, I got some extra, you know, venison in my freezer pretenderized, would you like some or no? And they're going to say definitely, yeah, plus then you also now have a new hobby. You can start making some venison jerky smoke it up on the weekends. Exactly. And more hobbies lead to more friends and that's more midwest. All of a sudden you're inviting friends over to smoke some meats, have a beer, all of that, and all of a sudden you're basically living the Midwest life.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Wow. Yeah. So many possibilities and treaties. So many guys, but amazing advice. And get get on over to Wisconsin. If you want to study abroad in this you come over to Wisconsin We'll go to a Packers game you and I if you didn't know Charlie was Charlie's part. I got a brand deal with the tourism guide in Wisconsin Yeah, no Wisconsin's where you want to come you're she says she's a Packers fan so you come you know if you want to you know Learn the Italian language you go to Italy, you know, you You want to learn Spanish, you go wherever they speak that, you know, you want to learn French, you go wherever they speak French, Montreal, okay, but if you want to, yeah, but if you want to learn how to do the Midwest nice thing, you come to Wisconsin. That is true. You do need to study that
Starting point is 00:25:05 course abroad. It's an immersive program. Immersive program. We would love to have you. I do have some Venice in my chest freezer. If you're low, I got some country sausage actually. To you. You got some country sausage in there. That's nice. And, uh, and if you want to know how to clean a deer, we can go through that too. But that might be that might be too much for now. Maybe hit it first. Let's maybe start with hitting the deer before. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah. Amazing, guys. I will take you up on that offer. I will. Yeah. Please do. Now, now you, you've invited me, now I will be at your door. It's show on. You know, we have our doors open already. It's already open already told you. There's beers in the fridge. Yeah, we're not home.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Just beers are in the garage fridge. Yeah. Yeah. And if it's cold in there, turn on the propane, okay? But make sure the garage door is open for obvious reasons. Yeah, make sure the fan is on. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:09 All right. All right. Well, thank you so so much. It was lovely chatting to you. It was so great chatting to you too. Yeah, you'll have to give us a follow up. Hit us up on Instagram or something. Let us know how the open door policies work
Starting point is 00:26:25 and see if you're making friends. Yeah. I will. I will. All right. Amazing. All right. There might be some safety issues with that.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We should also mention that. Yeah, maybe. Well, yeah, you know, the Midwest does it though. Midwest, yeah, it's fine. It's fine. Just please check in with us every two weeks, okay? Yeah. I will. All right. Thanks for coming in. Yeah, thanks's fine. It's fine. Just please check in with us every two weeks. Okay. Yeah. I will.
Starting point is 00:26:46 All right. Thanks for coming in. Yeah, you too. See you later. Um, all right. Tell you how many times I've had. Oh, yeah, yeah. Tell your folks. We says I do. Okay. All right. You got it. You are so good. It is so close. Yeah. You are so good. It is so close. Yeah. You are so, I'm on your way to be in Midwest.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Can you teach us before you go? Can you teach us how to say, tell your folks I says hi in German? I don't think we say that a lot. Probably not. We're not that nice here. I know. No one would ever say that so they don't have the words for it.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Zach, Zach, I'm neither glueist though. Like I've ever lost my mind. Zach, Zach, Zach, like a DAC, DAC in the Bay. So he's like a F-A-A-T, Zach. Zach. Zach. Zach. Zach, Zach, exactly. Zach, Alan. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the back. Zakh at the Oh, yeah, look, this is an advice show, but you're giving us the give and take show. It is. We give advice. You take advice. We, to be honest, Charlie, she could have just told us to go fuck ourselves. We have no idea, but it sounded good.
Starting point is 00:28:18 No, she would never do that. She would never do that. Thank you. All right, guys, I'm going to go on now and play here. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we'll talk to you later. That's like guys, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Okay. All right. Real good. This is another thing about the Midwest is over star wall. Long goodbye. Yeah. Long goodbye.
Starting point is 00:28:41 You want another beer? I can grab one for you. Yeah, come on out into the shed. I got a new snowblower. I want to show you. It's pretty cool. Didn't know you're going with that at first. The sheds were the snowblowers. Don't be weird about it. Yeah, honest. I would love to see your snowblower. It's a nice one. It's a 1980 Yamaha. The Spark plugs are problematic right now though. So I'm in the process of changing them, but you want to come over and help me. I could use the next to set a hands. So great.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I'm on my way right now basically. All right. Real good. Real good. Miles will pay for your plane ticket. Just the Yamamon Instagram, okay? Amazing. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Perfect. I think you're up guys. Sounds good. Slide in there and we'll get it to the payment taking care of Okeydox. All right. Amazing. Real good. All right. See you. All right. Tell me your folks. I said, hi. Bye, bye. Bye. Guys, the Beleadup podcast is presented by Fleet Farm.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Now for me personally, Fleet farm is one of my favorite places to go I grew up with a fleet farm just down the road me and my dad would go there we would hang out We would basically just get out of the house and Go to the man's malls what we like to do and I still like to do that today Fleet farm has got everything indeed needs needs, snacks, tools, fishing gear, hunting gear, yard work stuff, mowers, everything. They got everything. That's why it's called the man's mall.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Not only do I love going there for all those needs, but they also got Charlie and I's merch in all their stores too. Another reason to love going to the fleet farm. It's all about the man's mall. So look for the orange, the the fleet farm logo on the side of the interstate is where I usually see it driving through. Stop on in, check out the man's mall and, uh, promise you won't be disappointed. So again, they're the presenting sponsor of this podcast and, um, we're really, really excited about that. Go to free farm. Have a good time.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Hello, caller. Who do we got? Uh, you got Bailey and Kaden here from, uh, Indiana. Bailey and came. what part of Indiana? Oh, you know the best part Northeast. Northie. Northie. Oh, you got the Amish there. Okay. Yeah, we got a lot of Amish people. So I don't know if you guys have this problem. Let's see when we're driving around.
Starting point is 00:31:24 The Amish are they're great people, you know, they really are. Oh boy, I already know where this is going. They're good, good guys. They're great folks. They're very good. Great with woodworking, great with weave in. They got a bunch of amazing skill sets. Cook in the whole deal. Oh, so many cooking is a, is a, they're strongest. I, well, and honestly, you know, the whole world could take a page out of their book in the fashion world as well. That's true. We're the same thing every day. Nice hats. The haircuts, the haircuts of the men, I mean, you don't have to have a bad hair day at all because anyway, that's the side of the whole thing. Anyway, no, and I'll steer you.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Okay. When you're driving, you know, you're trying to avoid those nasty road apples. Road apples. By road apples, I mean dropping from the horses. Oh, yeah, yeah, you got some road apples. They don't look like apples right at one point. They were apples The deal is with all of that is They they get stuck in and there's kind of a sink to it and stuff
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah, but but I'm sure it's similar to getting mud and stuff on your on your car tires truck tires What have you yeah, so I was just curious, how do you guys clean your oh my, I'm watching a game right now in my team scored. That was awesome. What's your team? What's your team? Manchester United. I know what kind of out of context. Oh, a football football. That was amazing. Wow. Anyways, look that up later. Anyways, how do you guys get modern stuff off your tires and the best way possible? Well, let me just the most efficient, why you're driving to.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Let me start here. I don't necessarily have to deal with, what'd you call them, road apples? As much up here in North Dakota, but what I do have to deal with is potholes. I am, I am swerving and dodging potholes left and right. As I imagine, you are with the road apples. So one, tough on your car, tough on your car to be Swerving, cranking that wheel, trying to avoid the road apples. I get it all the time with the Potholes. Now, yeah. in terms of the stench on the wheel. I mean
Starting point is 00:33:47 Is that just part of living in Indiana that you just got to accept is it's just gonna smell not too good? You know most of the time. Yeah, I've gotten people visit from out of out of the area and they you know I'm not in town, but they'll say as soon as they get out of the car they say what is that smell? Well, what you should do is just go well, I didn't fart did you fart? Maybe just blame it the smell on them that they're trying to the outside smell is they just ripped ass and it's on them and then it's not on it. I like that Quite a bit. It's not a bad way to go. I don on it. I like that quite a bit. It's not a bad way to go.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I don't know why I've never thought about blaming them. Yeah, or do it just every time you get a car with someone who's not from around there, just go, oh, did you fart, man? Just every time you get out, they don't have to worry about it. It's a good way to do it. That's what I'm in on the duck.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And I will say this also, I don't think I've ever gotten a car wash because I've only done it as for a joke at one point if we were doing a bit or something. So I just think the more you've never gotten a car wash ever. No, I mean, like once in a while, but it was like for like my dad a request. I'm not a big car washer. I usually like I wash the car, you know, that's when rain. It's all for driving the rain. I mean, that's about all you need. Yeah, now, but this idea, also your car smells, okay, but you're not driving your car into the bar. You know what I mean? It's a very small amount of time. If they don't believe that they're, they just passed gas. Try blaming on them. Take my house advice first. But if they double down on it and say, no, it's your car. Say, well, what do you expect?
Starting point is 00:35:36 You know, I mean, this is, it's, it's a utilitarian vehicle. You know, it got you, would you say, was it warm inside the car? Do what my dad did every time we complained about some was your bed warm tonight? Huh? Was your bed warm? Did you have a roof over your head? Did it rain on you? So, hey, there's some bad stuff going on in Europe and all of that say, and you're complaining about the smell coming off the car when people's houses are really
Starting point is 00:36:03 literally getting bombed right now. That's a great way of spinning it on them. Exactly. Yeah. No, that's some wow. Yeah, you guys have some real good wisdom and insight. I appreciate your advice. Yeah, do one of these.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Oh, you think the smell is bad? Well, try having cancer and then tell me if this is bad. Do one of those. Yeah. That's a way. That's a way. That's a way. That's a conversation starter. I mean, make sure they don't have cancer to start. You know, maybe just don't take that advice at all. Actually, that's that was a misfire. What? I mean, that's decent.
Starting point is 00:36:41 No, I guess it's fine. It's putting it in perspective. Perspective is what we're trying to say. Put things in perspective for you. Now, perspective is what we're trying to say. Put things in perspective for you. Or, you know what you can do? You can make another, you know, all them horses or a lot of them have a little dingleberry catcher underneath their buttocks of the horse. Why don't you make some of them and sell them to the amish?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Or do a trade with them? I could. It's good. The problem is, I don't know if they really want to be cleaning up because they don't have to do any maintenance on that really. Okay, here we go. They don't clean anything up. So it's like, do you have any young cousins or young nieces and nephews?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Yeah, yeah, I do. So what you do is you tell them you go out on the highway and you scoop up the those. Oh, yeah. And and move them off the road. And for every single one, you scoop off the road, you'll give them a quarter. Tell them that. And then when they get hit by a car, you'll just have to pay for their medical bills. That's perfect advice. But your car doesn't smell like shit. Here's what I'll tell them. If they get hit by a car, I'm busy. I gotta move out of town.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Ah, we're, you know, salt. Another solid advice given here. He's washing his hands of this. Yeah. No, I'm not the one that was on the road. Oh, hey, all you got to do to the, to the young niece and nephew or cousin is just go, Hey, there's eight road apples out there. I need you to move off the road.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'll time you. Yeah, time on time. I'm timing. Yes. Yeah. That's free. Yeah. And then, uh, and then I think your problem solved.
Starting point is 00:38:23 You don't got to worry about the smell or that plus you're like wow You're such a good uncle or you're such a good cousin you're doing activities with them, you know? Yeah Well, thank you for calling in and we want you to keep her moving and watch out for road apples oaky docks. Oh You betcha. Oh You did good you really did cheers guys watch out for those apples Your folks like to say hi. Tell your folks. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not going to be a lot of people. I'm not from where we're at. We're doing this in Fargo, North Dakota right now.
Starting point is 00:39:27 So you're just down the roadaways. Yeah, love that. You guys got to go to like a UND hockey game or something up there. Okay. We should do that. I've been to a UND hockey game before. So yeah, it's a good time, Charlie. Maybe some time off to do it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 You should do that. Thank you for the advice. Yeah. But you know what, Nick? Yeah. you're not here to give us advice. We are here to give you advice. What's on your mind? I don't know. It's just a lazy Saturday. Oh, so maybe how to spend a lazy Saturday. Yeah. Yes. Okay. What are you currently doing?
Starting point is 00:40:04 Let's start with that. Before you tell me, it sounds like you're still laying in bed. One one twenty. You're still in bed. What you do last night? Oh, it has just had some good times, you know. No, tell us about the good times. Tell us about those good. What you do. What time'd you go to bed? I would say that after 2am for sure. After 2am for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:31 That sounds like he blacked out is what that sounds like. I was after 2. No. No, you remember. Okay, so what'd you do? Would you go to the bar? Would you hang out by yourself? Do you watch Netflix?
Starting point is 00:40:41 What'd you do? A bunch of people, like, so I actually live in Idaho and a bunch of people I work with, bunch co-workers, we all got together. Okay. We now talk to me about this because co-worker going out with co-workers. It's a fine art. Yeah, it could be a disaster or it could be a very, very fun time and personalities really come out. What was last night? Was it a little awkward or were people having a good time? No, it was not something but good time.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Just everybody knows how to get together and have a good time and drink responsibly and all these things. Oh, that's good. What do you do? That sounds like HR like told you to tell us that. Yeah, are you reading off the sheet right now? On the other side of the line is the HR guy got a gun to your head?
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, what's going on? What's happening? No, no, we just like can actually get together. He works in HR. He's already with HR all the time. Okay. All right. What line of work are you in? Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:51 skewers, skewers. Oh, That's why you're having fun. Do you, would you consider yourself what they call a ski bomber? Is that a derogatory term for? Oh, no,
Starting point is 00:42:01 that is, you are exactly correct. I, I would love to be that. And, uh, well, yeah, that's what I end up doing a lot. So what do you do at this ski hill? Um, I am a with operator. Oh, that's sweet. That's, I mean, that's like being a, uh, like a toll bridge operator, but way, way, way cooler. Yeah, we get to go to try during work, get to go ride it up a little bit. What's the weirdest thing you've seen happen on your ski lift while you've been operating it? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I don't know. Like I'm just trying to prevent weird things. That's your job. Right. Why are you still working for HR? What's going on? Give us some juice, shall we? But you're only one man, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:49 You can't stop everything from happening. What's going on on that lift? I don't know. Just like we have really good energy and people will just start hugging, like as customers. What kind of a ski L.D. with work on?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Is that code for something else? Or what? What do you try to tell? What's their fornication going on on your ski slopes? I'm just saying what's up, you know, just kind of the cool lift, but I got other lip is just love to just start hugging our customers. Well, that's a good hilarious. Having your name your job, you're lifty sounds sweet. I'm jealous of that.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Yeah. We do have a good time. No, timeout. Let's not just, let's not just run past him saying people are just randomly hugging. Yeah, I'm confused. That is, I'm so thrown. So what do you mean? Yeah. They're like trying to get on the lift. They're like walking up the right where you sit on the chair. Yeah. They're like trying to get on the lift. They're like walking up the right where you sit on the chair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 And we're like vibing, we're shaking hands, we're saying what's up, giving knock. And sometimes it's just such a good vibe. People are hugging. But you have a very tight window to get on this ski lift. How slow is this ski lift? This one, that ski lift that stops every second for a hug break. Yeah, and that's what that's what concerns me having it's weird. It's like, it's a tight window like you thought.
Starting point is 00:44:12 So here's the question. Couple of questions. I got a lot of questions. Yeah. So one, is this why the ski lines are so long is because you're hugging every person that comes through? Devon up. so long is because you're hugging every person that comes through. Do you have it enough?
Starting point is 00:44:24 No. No. I don't know. We're not holding on to you guys here in Idaho. It's not too bad. Okay. We had to talk and all these things. Secondly, has anyone ever missed the thing coming around to pick them up?
Starting point is 00:44:40 The actual lift because you were in mid hug. I would I'm also trying to prevent that. Yeah, like, but I don't want to see it happen. So that was very political political answer there. I think a new policy should maybe keep the hugs for after the ski session is over. Yeah. Yeah. I could put it in a degree. Like I like knocks, you know, we're always a little knocks is good. Are people smoking dubious on these ski lifts? I see that. I'm talking about it. That's pretty illegal. That is illegal in that state. Is it? Yes. So there's no marriage. You want to go on on your ski hill. You can vouch for that. So there's no marriage. You want to go on on your ski hill. You can vouch for that.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I can vouch for that. Wow. OK. Always winking at us. Yeah. Finally, I really liked your video when you were on the ski lift. The chatty, uh, chairlift guy. Chatty, chairlift guy.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Actually, in that video, you would have been someone handing out hugs tonight. I would have been, well, I would have said, you know, is it okay if I give you a hug here, Felor or no? Hug consent is important. Yeah, you got to ask if they want a hug. The Minnesota night. Yeah, you got to do the Midwest nice, but you got to ask if they want a hug for some people are not huggers and I would not violate their airspace like that.
Starting point is 00:46:01 You know, I'm not going to go buzz the tower in case they don't want that. So I always ask you want a hug or no. Well, Charlie, maybe we should give him a few things that he can take back to the hill that would be a good alternative to a hug that could keep the line keeper moving or moving. Yeah, what you can say is getting any walleye sea stays or no.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And then as they are telling you, you know, you get the advices, they're already up the skew, but by then you're already saying, you know, tell your folks they says, hi to the next guy, you know, or gal or whatever. Well, you know, you've been doing a lot of fist bumping, which makes sense to me, but I know I'm not sorry, sorry, yeah, some knocks pound it. But I know contact move. You might want to do the just give him a salute try try the salute once in a while You know just give me a lot like a hey chief see later like they're getting on Air Force one. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah, I mean whatever whatever you're feeling you ever watch top gun They do the they the salute and then the thumbs up. Yeah, I mean it's given one of those you could you could do that Yeah, that could, it's given one of those you could you could do that. Yeah, that could make it go quicker. What else? What other ways could we make keep the lines moving on the slopes? Maybe just, you know, do nothing, you know, and here's here's one more question on that, you know, when you go up, do you have to pull the thing over you the protective guard? No, that's up to that's up to everybody's personal preference. It's not like a seat balance. Yeah, that doesn't make me feel school. I thought I was being the bad boy. The left not putting it down in front of me. I don't need this. It's only 300 feet down, you know, I've seen I'm doing it on the X games. I can just hit the slopes. Yeah. Well, this was a really enlightening conversation. I'm glad we caught you still in bed, you know?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yes. I'm glad I saw it and I really wanted to shoot a call and you guys are like hilarious and awesome. You're awesome. Nucks to you, okay? Virtual Nucks. And I do consent if I'm ever on your left, I would, I would give you a hug. So I'll just say, you know, yes, I look forward to it. Yeah. I'll stick with the nuts, but, um, but it was so nice having you on, honest to be safe to reason, safety reasons only. Yeah. If we're not on a skew of dog, y'all, they're all a risk taker, though. I'll go for it. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. I think your next step is just maybe get out of bed, need some food or something. Maybe get some coffee and you know, you sound a little groggy. Yeah, you knew a little cafe life. Watch out for Yaddy. It's okay. Yes, I will. You guys have given me some great energy for the day. That's a great year for it.
Starting point is 00:48:42 We appreciate you. All right. Yes. Our favorite Lifty here on the podcast. That's what we're here for. We appreciate you. All right. Our favorite liftee here on the podcast. Thanks for calling in, man. Have a good Saturday. Thank you guys. You guys well. Real good. Bye, bye. Well, folks, that was an absolutely another amazing episode of the Belly Up podcast
Starting point is 00:48:59 and Belly Up podcast. Belly Up podcast. If anyone wants to play sheephead with me later, just give me a holler. I feel like, yeah, I mean, I hear that and I just think maybe that means something else. Belly up. I like your. Sheep head.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Sheep head. Yeah. What do you think it means? What was the sheep's head and sheep head? So sheep head is a fish. A sheep's head is a car game. Gotcha. But in the same way, you say,
Starting point is 00:49:23 belly up, belly up, you know what we're talking about, even if you don't. Yeah, that is true. So you're headed back to Wisconsin. Hand back to Wisconsin. Yeah, me and Dante have eight hours to get to know each other. What landmarks you're looking, you're looking to maybe stop and take a photo and take a look. Oh, I think there'll be nice field somewhere, you know, you guys got the where they filmed them first moon land Yeah, I was by yourself When we when we went to go pick up this bar top We I drove Charlie out in the middle of nowhere Because it was a farmstead that we went and picked it up on we drove to the moon and Charlie
Starting point is 00:50:02 It's snow everywhere and he looks at me. me like, are we on the moon right now? And then we looked out and like, either way it was just like white, but it kind of looked like there was like waves, a crater, it's shedding like, you know, honestly, it does kind of look like we're on the moon. Yeah, it did. It did. That's where, you know, Neil Armstrong did his deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 One small step for man, one giant leap for you. Yeah, hey, they didn't land on the moon and they didn't shoot in a studio They just shot it in the winner in North Dakota Seriously, I mean you were like let's get a the lay of the land here as like All the land is doing right now is laying that is The deal out here. Yeah, it's nice. So I really enjoyed my time. The one one one land market could stop at.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I think Vergas, Minnesota, it's got the world's largest loon sculpture. Oh, I've been wanting to check that out. I think Pelican Rapids, Minnesota has the world's largest pelican sculpture. Really? And then I think where it tells from phrase E-Minnesota, I think has the world's largest turkey sculpture. I don't get it. Yeah. So you could just hit all the world's largest sculptures. Yeah, the biggest Paul Bunyan is in Brainer. Well, which is not on the way. It's kind of a hot debate. I think there's what is it Nevis or something? And then the big E house one too. They got a bigger one. There's there's multiple
Starting point is 00:51:32 cities in Minnesota with a giant pub. But I think brainer is that's a that's someone where he's on his knee and he's holding in the palm of his hand. Yeah, that might be bigger than the one I'm thinking of. Oh, are we Googling it now? Yeah, we might as well. I hate that Google dude. I just want to be right. I don't want to be proven wrong. Yeah, I mean, look how many different statues there are. We should do a tour you and me. We should do a podcast at each Paul Bunyan statue. We should do that. That would, if we did it all, if we did it one a day, it would take us three months to get it done.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That's how many Paul Bunyan statues there are. We should do it. We should go on a Paul Bunyan statue tour. I think there is a Paul Bunyan land somewhere. It's like a museum park. We should go to Paul Bunyan. That would be amazing. Live from Paul Bunyan land.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Can we Google Paul Bunyan land? I'm already over. which one's the biggest? Paul Bunyan. Guys got to have a giant. Cool. Who do you think owns the rights to Paul Bunyan? And is any or is it just it's open source at this point? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You know that for a fact? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just don't Google it. Look to it. Yeah. What is the Wisconsin equivalent to Paul Bunyan? Do you have one? We have Paul Bunyan, dude. We got several Paul Bunyan's. Eagle River's got a Paul Bunyan, Wisconsin, Dallas got a Paul Bunyan's. Just like stealing Minnesota's thing.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Everyone knows that Paul Bunyan is like a Minnesota thing. Uh, no, several states claim Paul Bunyan's their own Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, even claims Paul Bunyan's are on Wisconsin. So Michigan main even claims Paul Bunyan's are on. I wrote there's a section. Definitely a Minnesota. You know what? If you just read my book, the Midwest survival guide, you would know there's an entire section on Paul Bunyan. Oh, yeah, I totally read that. Yeah. Is it, do you even have it? I sent you a copy. It's actually in the bathroom, like, if we have guests, it is like the bathroom book.
Starting point is 00:53:28 It's sitting there, like, people can read it when they're on the toilet. Have you ever opened it? Or they can rip out a page and use it if they're out of toilet paper. I have a few pages to recommend for that, okay? Paul Bunyan's action. It's just lies.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Sounds like it's just lies. No. Paul Bunyan is a Minnesota thing. It's not a entire Midwest thing. How much of my New York Times best selling book have you read? I did open up and you did write me a note. That's why I read. But I know for a fact it wasn't a personal note. It was just like one you write to everyone you sent to.
Starting point is 00:54:04 No, that's not true. I personalized it for you. I made it about a thing that we did. I'll have to reread it. reread it. I didn't just send you a generic. No, here's the thing. That's a thick book, man. Oh, it's very thing. You should have made it. You should have. Here's what you should have done. If you would have consulted me. Oh, geez. If you would have been smart and consulted me, I would have told you, well, one, you'd sell the same amount of books by doing a third of the size. Hold on. Sell same amount of books the first time around. Then you do part two and part three. I know. It's all the same content. I know. I've had this conversation. And then you sell three times as many books
Starting point is 00:54:50 Don't act like this. I actually do you think people would actually read a book that's much smaller So you make it more like a comic book than like a dictionary, you know, I want to cry Do you know much time I spent on this thing? Do you know how much I thought about that? Well, it's like did we really commit to this many pages? Never write a book never do it it. Although I'm happy it's done. I think it looks great. I mentioned to New York Times best seller, you can get it on Yeah, I'll let you plug that. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate that. Do you want to plug anything? How was our, how long? How would it be great? Wouldn't it be great if I like came out with a book and did a three part three parter
Starting point is 00:55:27 just because of this conversation? You should do it. I'm gonna write a book now. You should do it. It's also three times as many books. I wanna do a kid's book. It's just like dude daddy. Well, not like dude daddy, dude dad.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Dude dad. Dude daddy is a good guy. Dude daddy goes content. dude daddy's funny. Not suitable for children. No, dude daddy content. Yeah. Oh boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:52 All right. Well, I think we're going to leave all of you with more questions. And we did answers today. And that's just how the cookie crumbles. Paul Bunyan, Minnesota, and the story Wisconsin, keep her moving. No, you can't just throw it for dear, tell your folks I said, if you want those shirts, you can go to man to watch You can.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I slid it in and we don't add it. It is. You can't just throw in one of your catch phrases after everything you say. I can. I can. And I am. I'm going to head back to Wisconsin keeper moving, moving all one of your catch phrases after everything you say. I can. I can and I am. All right, well, I'm gonna head back to Wisconsin. Keep her moving. I'm moving all the merch is main in the USA.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Ha ha ha ha ha. Uh, yeah, I think I'm gonna go get some more coffee. Cry itself, Friday! Jesus Louise! Great t-shirt. Oh my gosh! Well, you got that one too. For sale, Oh, let's get some, let's move some merch for you. I'm excited to do that. My mom's
Starting point is 00:56:53 going to be super happy. She always says, look at what miles they've made in the US. Is she the one fashioning all the shirts together? Is that what's mean? Happy? She's got skills. Charlie, it got to give me something to do. I'm getting bored. She's downstairs with the sewing machine. Their fingers got band-aids on every finger. It's bloody. My fingers hurt. No, your back's gonna hurt because you just pulled landscaping duty. Geez. My mom is not going to like your impression of her boy.
Starting point is 00:57:27 No, I'm that was that was really me to me on that was it was very uh, screech, too screechy. It was too, you know, yeah, yeah, it was too, it was too grand. How does your mom? How is she talk? Yeah. Charlie, did you see miles today? Did you see the video he made where he integrated the merch?
Starting point is 00:57:47 Isn't that a good idea? Don't you think you could write something like that? I think you have it in you. We're not moving enough shirt. She's like Joe Jackson. She's called me button. No, listen, everything. You know?
Starting point is 00:57:59 I apologize to Mrs. Barons for making her sound much more screechy than necessary. Yeah, she'll appreciate that. Yeah. It's not, it's not whether you follow it's whether you get back up and apologize. Very many of us to be honest. And I went from constantly disappointing my own parents until they die. And then I die to now I'm disappointing Charlie's parents until they die and we die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:19 They'll get over it. Death wish coffee. Boo, boo, boo, boo. Disappoint your parents? They're gonna die then you're gonna die. Deathwish coffee. You're gonna die from not having a colon because we knocked it out. Alright, we gotta have this guy.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Alright, alright. Thanks for listening everyone. Make sure you follow the BellyDup podcast on all social media platforms, which we do not know yet, because we'll have some clips going on there. Yeah, we will. Yeah, some good clips.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Good clips. Keeper moving. All right, guys, thanks for choosing the N.I. We'll see you in the next one.

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