Bellied Up - #8 Tailgating At The Airport

Episode Date: July 28, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm We're at Big Erv's in Horace, ND. Myles and Charlie hand out advice of what to do on a 21st birthday. Next caller is wondering what to do about his broken coffee maker, he is a...lso a Navy Pilot and Myles asks how realistic the movie Top Gun actually is (minor Top Gun spoilers). Our last caller of the day is curious what is the best way to transport cheese, Myles and Charlie come up with tailgating at the airport.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another episode of the Belly'd up podcast presented by Fleet Farm. Charlie, I have a beautiful co-host Charlie got mad at me last time for not introducing him. Charlie Barons, everybody, the pride of Wisconsin. Hey, the man to walk minute host the. Well, I, you know, the Midwest is sexy comic. Wow. Thank, Miles. Thank you. Charlie Barons, everybody. Wow. Listen, that was very kind to intro. And I am joined here by my absolutely stunning co-host, Miles, the you bet you guy. He has been working out with
Starting point is 00:00:41 his personal trainer. And I can tell I have to bring that up every single time I can see oh I'm also not supposed to mention birds or insects in this episode too so I'm not going to do that um it's well if we go to the track record the last however many belly-up podcasts yeah and you bet your radio podcast uh-huh the amount of times you've brought up birds has been astonishing. I'm sorry that I have hobbies. Okay. It's fine. It's fine. Well, what is your, what is the thing that you do for joy? Let's talk about. I mean, that's a great segue, Charlie. We got some pole tabs. I am a pole tab investor. I've heard. I have heard. I am trying to get you into pull tab investing. So let's do a side bet. Okay. Who's 20 bucks? 20 bucks for whoever pulls more. Okay. We'll do a side bet. This is not great radio. So how about you go first? You're right. This is very visual.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And we don't have a stand. So it's not like we can talk. Yeah. You know what? Let's just let's just do one to one. One to one. You just go like this with the telephone, the old style. Oh, yeah, that'll work. That'll work. Yeah. Listening. We got it when your mom, when your mom's doing a cook and dinner and she's trying to talk to on the phone, she's got the phone press between her shoulder and her ear. That's what we're trying to do right now at the mic. It's hard. I tell you that right now. You look like a mom midwest mom right now though. It's kind of work. All right. Go ahead, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:02:15 All right. Again, just like before we're at big herbs here in Horus, North Dakota, bars bumping, having a good time. Charlie's opening up his poll tabs. Yeah, that's better. You announced you're the play by play announced here in my poll tab. Charlie, what's your philosophy going into poll tab investing? Yeah, you know, so basically I'd just like to give it a little, uh, you're yanking a shank here and see what comes out. I mean, I mean, I didn't ask you to talk about your bathroom routine.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I asked you to discuss your pull tab routine. You know what? Here, how about this? I got no more phone. There we go. Okay. Thank you very much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So I'm not three in. Got nothing. Fourth one, Nada. Fifth one. Nada, Nada, Nada. Oh my gosh. You know, this is great radio ladies and gentlemen. Five bucks. Five dollar. Bing, Bing, Bing, you got to rip those tabs off though.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, I'll get there. I'll get there. I'll get there. Okay. Okay. Okay. You know, so are we, we are betting on this, right? There's a, there's a $20 side bet on this. Yes. Yes. Correct. All right. Almost there. Folks, it's getting done. The end is almost $5. Correct. All right. Almost there. Folks, get done. Viann is almost $5. This is terrible radio. There. Almost there.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And my arms getting tired holding your microphone. Just relax. Just relax. We got great show for you today, folks. By the way, on the you betcha. This is the belly nut bud. I know. I know. Last one.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Last one. This is the lucky one, right? This is the belly nut bug. I know. All right, last one. Last one, this is the lucky one, right? This one, when your bartender pulls out a pole tab and calls it the lucky one, you know it's going to be a win there. Not quite. The old swindlers trick right there. This is the lucky one, though. That's a $5 deal right there. So I am still in it.
Starting point is 00:04:04 There we go. And now it is time for miles. So what I love about Poltab investing is anyone can take you very much for taking the I should have cleared that off. You know, never just leave your spent Poltab's on the bar for the bar tender to clear off. Sometimes I have a little bucket that you throw it in, which is nice. Well, that is nice. Like kind of like for your craft, a little, uh, when muscles, when you crack the deal, all right, ladies and gentlemen, miles one, nothing. Two, you never told me what you said, yank in spank, that was your mentality. What was, talk me through your mentality, what was it? I already forgot why I said. I know, but talk, talk me through your pull tab strategy
Starting point is 00:04:52 when you're at the bar. Oh, well, yeah, yeah, yeah, I crank through them. I don't necessarily enjoy the process as much as I should. And that's really a life lesson. When you're doing the pull tabs, you've spent money on this. You really want to live in the moment and enjoy each poll, you know, it's just speaking of not living in the moment, you ever watch golf, you know, and you hear the golf announcer? How do you think a golf announcer would announce watching you pull
Starting point is 00:05:21 your tabs right now? I don't know. Let's hear it. Okay. He's stepping up to the tab. He pulls nothing, nothing there. But those two fast for call for now. Seriously. Well, I know it's, it's too quick. You got to, you got to take your time with the pole. You gotta go. He's lining it up. He's lining up. Oh, he switched it up.
Starting point is 00:05:39 There. He's picking one up, flipping it over, doing a little kiss. there he's picking one up, flipping it over, doing a little kiss. You really really kiss him? Huh? You kiss your pull tab? Yeah, once in a while. Do you? Yeah. Oh, it's good for you. Anytime you're trying to switch up your mojo, you got to try stuff like that. Are you actually getting paid me the $20 after I win? Well, we'll see. and we'll see the
Starting point is 00:06:06 you keep your your bet you man of your word or not asking if I have a bookie or what I'm just saying are you good on is that information you're on those guys that just bets sports betting isn't legal here in North Dakota
Starting point is 00:06:22 so and what why not we're just always way slower than the rest of the world. Yeah, same with Wisconsin catch up. All right, I got two left to left No last one Nothing nada. I'll take that 20 dollars. We spent 40 bucks. We made five. That's probably the equivalent to Poltab investing right there The best part is you spent 40 bucks. We made five. That's probably the equivalent to pull tab investing right there. The best part is you spent 40 bucks. I made 25. So I'm feeling really great about. Well, actually, you owe me 20 bucks for your half of the pull tabs. So I made five. Thank you. What in your mind, what do you think of electronic pull tabs?
Starting point is 00:07:06 We're like the little electronic. Yeah, I know they got them. I mean, they're a cash cow for the bars. That's for sure, but I'm not as big of a fan. I feel like they have a little bit of a stigma like your extra degenerate. If you're going to sit at the machine and just hit the button all night long, you know, well, it's like when you go to the casino, when you go to the casino, are you a Scots guy, are you a Blackjack guy? I feel like I've asked you this before
Starting point is 00:07:32 and you're a Scots guy, or am I imagining that? I like playing roulette. Okay, that's great, that's fun. Yeah, I'm all about that. I like those games as well, because it's really, there's no strategy involved with roulette really yeah there's a little bit but not too bad Michael Jordan would probably disagree but Michael Jordan isn't spending his time with roulette he's playing blackjack for high stakes or
Starting point is 00:07:58 something like that you know okay I suppose yeah I suppose you a cigar guy. Speaking of Michael Jordan. Uh, I, I used to like cigars more, but then I stopped smoking for a long time. And then I would I don't like is when you wake up in the morning, leather mouth is what I like to call. And then you're, you're doing this cotton mouth, leather mouth, stuff. Do you like cigars? I like cigars. I think that they're it's much like a which is tough because I absolutely despise craft beer drinkers in the sense when they're way over over the top, right? The all the talk smelling it licking the outside of the glass swirling it, you know, all that stuff. Yeah, I hate that. I hate that part of people who like IPAs, right? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Sigars have a similar culture, which is tough for me, because cigars are cool, right? Like if you're smoking a cigar, you instantly look cooler. Yeah. Like anyone who says like, ah, smoking is not going to go smoking you look sweet. Like smoking you look awesome. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like even like movie characters that are smoking a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Right. Look so cool. Right. You know, and so it's like, you know, I want to smoke a cigar. Look cool. But you can't get to into it where you're smelling them and getting, you know, I've done that before. I got the humidifier before.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah. And all that. It's a lot of work. Yeah, it is. And then there, you know, you do the smell and then you cut it with the, and they round upon you if you bite it off, you know, do you know that there's multiple types of cuts as well? I, I honestly did not. Well, I know that there's a little, you can poke it. Yeah. Instead of cutting it, right? And then you can snip it.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And then you can bite it off, which I typically would do. And then, you know, and then you, some people just like, sit in their mouth and get that little mouth, snickity, and buzz going. A lot of people in their golfing like to do that. Yeah, have it in their mouth.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah, it's, it looks cool. It's, you know, you can't argue that it looks cool. What doesn't look cool is, you know, when you're like in the hospital, like when the cigar gets wet on the end, you know, I was at a wedding and someone was smoking a cigar on the dance floor. And they're like, you want some of this? And I was like, yeah, sure. I'm sweating. You're, you're, well, they're smoking on the dance floor. Hopefully it was outside. It was like an outdoor. They had a tent or whatever so and they had a they had a cigar rolling station. Oh, it's pretty cool Okay, so you're at some fancy ass bougie-ass. It was a really nice wedding. Yeah, yeah, and
Starting point is 00:10:35 But they were smoking on the dance floor and I took a Rip out of it and it was just all I basically kissed this fellow. Yeah, you just me. Yeah, I got us a lot of it. And it was just all, I basically kissed this fellow. Yeah, you just, well, yeah, I got us a lot of it. Cause then he put it back in his mouth and you got your, yeah, but that was one where I put right my mouth and, and I took it right out. It was, there was nothing good about that. It was like eating a, a, a, it was like a bowl of wheaties. Well, the problem was cigars. So I'm kind of an all gas and no breaks guy. That's why it's like a bush light. Yeah. Is you're supposed to it's supposed to take like two hours to smoke a cigar and I just get antsy, you know, how quick are you smoking these cigars? Well, I'm just saying like even if you're going puffing it fast, it's still like it still takes too long, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, and really it's a social situation where you're supposed to have a nice long conversation and be paired with a whiskey of some sort.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah, and I'm not, I hate the idea of not finishing a cigar as well. Oh, kind of like a dummy. Yeah. Yeah. But if it's like, okay, well, I have to go do something else and it's been an hour and a half. Yeah. You got to, yeah, you got to move on. Yeah. And speaking of moving on, Charlie, I think we should get to some callers. Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:48 yeah, let's do that. Let's, let's ask the callers or let's have the callers ask us. Maybe they'll have a cigar question. Maybe I'll let you take that. I'm really hoping we get a cigar question. I think we're ready for that. So, um, we're belly up to the, the bar right now. We're going to have some other people belly on up. We're going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be going I'm coming from I'm I'm here in Nebraska City, but I'm originally from Wisconsin. Ah nice. Where in Wisconsin? I heard Ashland. Oh, yeah, sure. In fact, I was just up in Bayfield. Oh, no way. Really. Yeah. Well, I was staying right across from, you know, we're big top Chitacles, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you go down that two mile drag right across the street. I was staying at that deal. Oh nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was going beautiful this time
Starting point is 00:12:50 you're I swam in the Lake Superior yesterday. And boy is that refreshing. Nice and cold. Miles. What's wrong? Miles is I just want you know that Miles is not appreciate. I'm talking about. No, I'm just laughing.'m just picturing Charlie. You just going and doing laps and make superior. I did a dip. I did a dip. I'm just that's all I just a great visual. You swimming. I did the breaststroke. Nice. Yeah. So what's on your mind? Belly up to the bar with us. Okay, so I do have some dashy guys. Yeah.. Now my 21st birthday has come up here in about three weeks. Oh, okay. So you're about to have your first sip of alcohol.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Well, yeah. Oh, okay. Very first. I am in college. You are very. You're very first beer here coming up in three weeks. Never add one before I'm sure. Okay, so 21st day question.
Starting point is 00:13:49 What is the question? So I'm I'm I always think and I was going to go out to a bar and get me my first legal beer. Yeah. And I was wondering from the experts, what do I look for in a, uh, in a good bar? What do I want to see when I first walk in the door? Oh, boy. I'm glad you brought this up miles.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Take it away. Yeah. Number one, you're going to want to see a very low ceiling. We're in a bar actually right now that it's probably what an eight foot ceiling. Charlie, me, yeah, I'd say this is a foot and it's got dollars taped to the ceiling, which is a lot of sea dollars on the ceiling. Do want dollars on the ceiling absolutely. So that's number one, you want to find a bar that's got a nice low ceiling. If you bring your like buddy who played D3 college basketball, he might hit his head.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, that's what you want when you're walking in. Also, you want to look for an old boat engine hanging on the wall somewhere or a deer antlers. So either an old boat engine, deer antlers, and if you find a bar with a bunch of old spent props drilled to the wall, you know you're in the right place. Okay, we can't tell you the right bar to choose. The right bar has to choose you. Yes. All we can do is give you these guidelines. And here's how you're gonna know that's the sealer, right?
Starting point is 00:15:10 It's got the vibes, it's got the low ceiling, got stuff on the wall, it's got pole tab, shake and day, all that stuff. But you know you're at the right bar. When the bartender is got so much attitude that she's snarky, she's sarcastic at you. If you found a bartender that's, you know, given you a hard time, you know, you're at the right bar. Yeah, you want someone giving you the business right away. You don't, you want to walk in like you own
Starting point is 00:15:37 the place and you want them to dress you down immediately and they don't care if it's your birthday, you know, and if they put in front of you a shot of maloort for your 21st birthday, you know, you're in the right spot. You know, you're in the right spot. If they put that gasoline right in front of you and expect you to take it down right there and then boy, you are not walking out of that bar by yourself. And by that, I don't mean you're going home
Starting point is 00:16:02 with someone to do any weird sort of fornication or whatever. What I mean is that they are going to be assisting you out of that bar. By the way, so what yeah, I'm going to be taking my keys. What do you most look at? They will be taking your keys. Absolutely. What do you most look forward to on your 21st year coming up? So on my 21st, but I'm mostly in bar too. It's really just having that first, you know, bush light at a bar. Oh, bush light. That's the first. Where you're going with it. That is the drink. That's what you're going to do. On 21st, it's a great warm up, you know, because I told it to the necker of the gods, you know, it is. So you're going to want
Starting point is 00:16:42 to start your night off with a little nectar of the gods. And then the rest of the gods, you know, it is. So you're going to want to start your night off with a little nectar of the gods and then the rest of the night, you don't know where it's going to go because the thing about bachelor parties and your 21st birthday is you're going to start drinking beer and by the end of the night, all you're going to be doing is shot after shot. So you got to be ready for that. You got to pace yourself. All right. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. You're going to have to get a new plan. I'm working on an orchard doing a kind of making educational activities and things. That's cool. So what does that consist of?
Starting point is 00:17:29 What's an educational activity and an orchard look like? Well, so the first thing I did here was, you know, it's an orchard, so they give out tours. And the tours look like they were made by a seventh grader, so my first project there was to just make them better. Okay. I like that just immediately insulting the place you have an interior.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's a great move. Okay, what else? What else you got planned? So the other thing I have planned is it's called pollinator play days. And basically we're going to have a bunch of kids come out and we're going to talk to them about honey bees and how different orchard fruits are produced. Oh, that's really cool. You know, a lot of people don't know how important those honey bees are to making the whole thing go around those pollinators. Oh yeah. Is that any educational materials? As a matter of fact, it is. Yeah, nice. Nice. Did you put it in or did the seventh grader get that
Starting point is 00:18:36 in there for you? Yeah, you know, that one was neat. So what's your go to spice up the educational thing? What's a go to is it interactive games? Is it what kind of how do you spice up boring? Because you can only talk about bees pollinating stuff for so long until you know, kids are getting bored with that. So how you doing that? And by that, Miles means he immediately got bored as soon as we start talking about bees pollinating. I was one of those kids who would have got bored with that type of tour. So how are you going to keep me interested? Oh, well, so it's definitely going to be, it's got to be hands on it. Kids got to be doing something right. Kids are going to be hands on with, with, with bees. Oh, yeah, you may want to clarify that. Our kids going to be, is there a petting zoo for the bees? Well, I mean, we don't have a few hives out here, but we're going to put
Starting point is 00:19:31 them in like the active equipment. We're just not shoving them out their naked and telling them to go pet some bees. Now I would be on board with that. Give me a protective helmet, give me a baseball bat, and I'll start hitting some B. I'm not supposed to. That's the opposite of what I'm supposed to do. Yeah, that is the exact opposite. You know what? I see a B hive and I want to knock it down. I'm sorry. I mean, you're going to have kids that are going to want to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So how are you going to educate them? They don't do that. Miles is no longer invited to the orchard. I have a question for the adults. Is there a way? Do you teach the fermentation process of apple juice into hard cider? Kids? Well, not to the kids.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Not to the kids going to clarify. Obviously don't tell us to the kids. Yeah, I know. Of course not. I'm just saying you and the other people there for fun. Are you guys making some hucha the apples? It's an honest question. Oh, yeah. Oh,, you thought it out.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So you know how to ferment ferment apple juice and make it into beer? Or well, I don't know why I just drink it. I don't think that's how the process goes. You know, just taking the apple and all of a sudden it's beer, Charlie. Oh, I didn't know you were such an expert miles. Sorry. I'm not, I didn't know you were such an expert, Miles. Sorry. I'm not. I'm not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:48 How are you quality? If you're not 21 and you've never had a drink before in your whole life, how are you qualified to teach the fermentation process of an apple? Well, I don't teach it. I just tell them it happened. OK, got you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:04 We have poor listening skills. We're making a lot it happened. Okay. God. Sorry. We have poor listening skills. We're making a lot of assumptions. Yeah. So what's it like to own apple orchard there? Do you have any follow up? I don't know how to answer. I just work here. Okay. So listen, we've got your go to beer for your 21st birthday. What is your go-to shot?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I don't know. I am. I'm a big fan of just a great shot of whiskey or rum. Whiskey or rum? Okay. All right. We ever mixed them I've never mixed them. I might be something to try. No, maybe try that on your If you want to enjoy your 21st birthday, I recommend you do not do that So do a shot of whiskey and then chase it with rum rum usually goes down a little easier. I can be your chaser. Have you ever done the trifecta in Wisconsin where you have three shots? I'll tell you, you got one of the three stomachs. Well, you got whiskey. You got rum. You got tequila. In the whiskey is a nightcrawler. In the rum is a leech. In the tequila is a minnow, and then you take them all down.
Starting point is 00:22:26 It's protein and intoxication. Have you ever done it? No, but that sounds like something I'm definitely going to have to do. Yeah, that's on your list. That's you know, I keep saying, have you done it like you're right. I keep asking you if you've drank these things and I keep forgetting. We're talking about your 21st birthday. So of course you're right. I keep asking you if you've drank these things and I keep forgetting we're talking about
Starting point is 00:22:45 your 21st birthday. So of course you haven't. We can't. Well, you also was from Wisconsin. I did grow up in Wisconsin. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I know.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm just really liberal with their drinking law. I know. Yeah. Kids are pretty liberal with their drinking. I just didn't want to assume that. That sentence is then it's not true. Well, it's a, you know, it's a purple state, you know, half and half. Well, yeah, anyways, the politics, that's another good tip.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Don't bring a politics under 21st birthday. That'll ruin one. Have we given you a black eye right there? Or if someone starts talking politics, start drinking more and tell you you can't hear him anymore. Or you all just forget what you're saying. Yeah, that's true. That'll work too. Yeah. Were we helpful at all today for helping you plan this once in a lifetime monumentous occasion or no. Oh, I definitely say I got some good advice from you guys. Nice. And I learned a lot about bees today. That was good. Yeah. Yeah, I can tell you learned a lot of you learned that you
Starting point is 00:23:55 wants to hit them with a baseball bat. Well, no, I said, no, I don't, well, I won't any more. I learned that that's a bad thing to do. Yeah. We're all growing here today. So you got a little advice We got a little advice. I think it was all in all like just really productive call here. Yeah appreciate you calling in happy birthday Happy early birthday say no to my lord. Okay All right Sounds good man. Well, Well, thanks for calling in. Have fun on your 21st in reality.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Real advice here. Make sure you got a ride. Make sure you got someone that's making sure you're safe. And yeah, have a good time on your 21st birthday, man. All right. We'll do. Thank you guys so much. You bet you will see that one.
Starting point is 00:24:44 We'll be seeing you. Do you remember your 21st birthday? My 21st birthday was nothing memorable. Just drinking. There was nothing crazy. Did you have a good one? Uh, yeah, I went to the nitty gritty. This bar in Madison where you get a free beer mug that says it's your birthday or something.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And then I tried climbing a tree, which I don't recommend. It was a small tree, but still. So what's your, I've never been a tree climber. Yeah. I feel like it's like you're either born with tree climbing skills or not. Yeah. Some people who can just scale it, no problem.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Well, you always know the tree climbers because you'll be sitting out there having a cocktail or you're on a walk or something and be like, oh, that's a nice tree to climb. You know, they'll just bring it up out of nowhere. I would never look at a tree and go, yeah, I'm gonna like, oh, that's a nice tree to climb. You know, they'll just bring it up. I would never look at a tree and go, yeah, I'm going to, it looks like a good one to climb. I see I kind of am that guy. I do enjoy climbing a tree every now and then.
Starting point is 00:25:34 That's good to know. Yeah. You got to know the rules of climbing a tree. You can't just go climbing any tree though. Not all trees are public property, you know. And so it's just important to figure out which ones are climate. But what are they going to do? If you climb up, they can't get you down unless they call the fire department. I guess that's true. Yeah. I think we should climb the tree together. I think
Starting point is 00:25:54 it becomes a standoff situation with the tree climbing. I guess that's true. Yeah. Maybe we should go climb a tree. Maybe that's a good thing. I'll catch you if you fall. That's so romantic. Yeah. Yeah, thank you We can have a little meat cuter whatever at the bottom. Yeah, I have a nice eyes lock. Yeah, trust fall. Yeah, I like it tractor beam sucked us right in What do we got on the line? Hey Lucas Lucas. Well, how are we doing today? You feeling good? I'm feeling pretty good. felt my I am as well I got Charlie here with me too Lucas belly on I'm doing good belly on up to the bar with us tell us what's on your mind What's on my mind? Oh geez. I don't know looking for Maybe some some advice some buying cell. I don't know little
Starting point is 00:26:44 What all right get it down. Let's't know little couple. Yeah, what? Well, let's get it down. Let's start with the advice. What do you want advice on? Well, it's it's kind of a package deal there, Charlie. So you see, I'm a big coffee drinker, but my coffee pot for rope. Ah, oh no. Right. So I turned on the light comes on, but the hot plate doesn't heat up, but it doesn't make hot water. So what I've been doing is I just heat the water on the stove, put the grounds in the coffee maker and it's poured over top and I call it my poor man pour over. Wow, that I think I don't know if we even need to give you advice. That's exactly the advice we would tell you. Yeah, you just gave us advice.
Starting point is 00:27:25 The fact. I mean, that was my question. Do I get a coffee maker? Do I just keep doing what I'm doing? Yeah. No, why fix what? Why fix what's clearly broke, but still working? If it is broke, don't fix it. That's my philosophy. And you know, I can't really complain about it neither because it came from the St. Vinnie for 10 bucks a couple of years ago. So, you know, your investment has been great. You're a professional. Don't fix that system. Does it bring you joy to know that you could be spending a 20 bucks over at the target to buy some, you know, the fleet farm. Oh, yeah. $20 at the fleet farm. Where fleet farm went available. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, you're doing real good.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You're doing good. And I think now is the coffee tasting right? You know, I don't really know if it's a different. So, yeah, stay on this track. You're doing good. A solution. You want to know what my advice is going to be, what? It was not going to be great. It was going to be that you just cut off the bottom of the coffee pot.
Starting point is 00:28:40 The part that's not working. You just put the pot in on the stove right on there. And then you have a pour into that. It was, it was going to be a little more like you're going to have to finagle it a little bit more. But that was going to be my advice, but your decision was way better. Boyle at first, day instead of putting a glass pot on right on the stove. But you know, if you do want to get a little... It doesn't make hot water either. So the hot plate doesn't get hot
Starting point is 00:29:11 and then it won't fit water over the ground. Yeah. So we're all good for right now. It's all in the pot and all in the coffee ground. I mean, I think you found the best solution. I think that you don't need any advice on that one. Yeah, that's just what we call a Midwest French press right there. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You're doing it great. Now, you did mention that you had something that you wanted to buy, sell, and trade. Would it happen to be this coffee pot? Well, see, that was the package feel there was, you know, the advice was, hey, you got to move on, you know, let it go. Then it was, all right, well, what do you got for? What, uh, what do you guys got to move on, you know, let it go. Then it was all right. Well, what do you got for? What, uh, what do you guys got to make coffee maker that can maybe buy off? Well, let's dive into the coffee maker you're probably looking for. You want one with a lot of
Starting point is 00:29:54 flavor and what I mean by that is you've never washed or cleaned a coffee maker, right? That's like the number one rule of having a coffee maker. So you're looking for something that's a little older that's still got that extra flavor in it. Well seasoned like a like a skillet. Like a good cast iron. You know, that's exactly it. You want this coffee pot to be like that diner down the road that's been open for 100 years and never clean the grease off, right? You want this thing just flavor it up. Oh, yeah, you know, the ones where you can't really tell if there's coffee in it or not, because it's black either way. Yeah, yeah. It started as a clear coffee pot. And now it's just, oh, you got one of those kind of smokey glass looking thing. Now is what you're going for. That's exactly it. Now tell me this, what kind of coffee grounds
Starting point is 00:30:47 are you putting in this bad boy? I mean, I used to grind my own in the morning. Wow, that's some commitment right there. So you just buy something local and then just grind it up yourself? I just buy the bag of beans from Sam's Club. Sam's Club. Yeah. So it's just a wheelbarrow. He's economic.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Yeah. I mean, you're doing it right, I think. Buying low, drinking high. I mean, that, you know, pull to have investor. You can just call me a coffee investor over here. Yeah, there you go. So obviously you're drinking coffee for whatever you got to get done that day. What do you do for a living?
Starting point is 00:31:29 So I'm a pilot in the Navy. Wow. Well, we got to ask, do you see Top Gun or no? Of course I saw Top Gun. I'm here. Are you kidding me? Yeah, I was going to say our people in the Navy fans of the movie Top Gun are they think it's kind of cheesy. What's the deal with that? Everyone I've talked to has been a fan. So okay, well, that's good to know. You don't want to sound like a new talking to someone in the Navy about Top Gun and they're like, well, that's just like not how it really is, you know.
Starting point is 00:32:07 The second movie was actually very, very well. It was very accurate as far as how the actors portrayed it. Yes, you just, you, if you get not spoiler alerts, sorry. Yeah, I haven't seen it yet. I have not seen it yet. I have not seen it yet. This is I know just hey Jared just bleep that whole thing That's unfortunate. That's really important to the move. No, no, it's not that That's a major story
Starting point is 00:32:41 Unbelievable The way the Charlie said it. It sounded like he had already seen it. No, I was just asking theoretically about the movie. Honestly, you got to go. You got to go. You got to go. I can mean it.
Starting point is 00:33:00 One of my favorite parts is it's not the story they made out of it. It's the actual cinematography because They actually took these actors Well, they took these actors. They put them in the backstead of these jets as they were flying So anytime you see them falling like massive jeez and stuff and their face that are getting all droopy That's real life. They're that's not acting. That's Yeah, I'm back and said let's go we're doing that. I've seen some behind the scenes footage It's it's pretty cool and and it also gives you a
Starting point is 00:33:28 new appreciation for what everyone who does that new appreciation for what they do you know Where are you Are you currently in the Navy right now? Did you say your active duty? Yes, I'm down in Jacksonville, Florida, and next week I'm moving to Washington. Oh, wow. What are you doing in Washington? What's the new gig? Blind playing for the Navy. Oh, okay. I, I, that's great. I didn't realize I, I, I was well, that's top secretive military information, Charlie. He can give you
Starting point is 00:34:08 I can tell that by the way he said flying flying planes for the military, you know, I was like, okay, Charlie I could, I could tell you but then I'd have to I'd have to kill you. You know, We can just, you know, that standard protocol if you want any movies. Yeah, I know. Clearly he doesn't watch movies. He hasn't seen it. We got that down. Well spoiler alert. There are movies that say if I could go to tell you I got to kill.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So I said spoiler alert. Apparently every time you talk to Charlie now, you got a preface with spoiler alert. Yeah. She doesn't know what's going on. Yeah. No, I'm very out of the loop. Well, thanks for well, I will say this. Thank you very much for your service and everything
Starting point is 00:34:50 that you have done and are about to do that you will not tell us any details on, which I totally understand. But thanks for disclosing the details of Top Gun you bastard. She's the way. Oh, okay. No, that was don't drag me down with my life. You're right. You're right. You're right. All you going to pipe up the face? Or the beat's fair. It's all horse. The piece. That's the, that is one of the grace phrases on the planet. I got one more question about the coffee here. Oh, yeah. We're back to the coffee.
Starting point is 00:35:36 You know, being a pilot, is it like just working a normal, you know, like construction job, or you're filling up a thermos and bringing it on the plane with you? you know, like construction job, or you're filling up a thermos and bringing it on the plane with you? I'm usually filling up a thermos and bringing it on the plane. Some people are not as bold when you're sometimes in the plane for eight to ten hours without a functioning bathroom. Oh yeah. Some are not as bold. Well, you drink the thermos and then you use it as a receptacle for you know, is that the move? Can you pull a trucker bathroom break in a plane? I mean, we got it. We got a we have a setup for that. Nice. It's like an ice house. You just got to. Yeah, well, it's just like an ice house. You just got number two. Yeah, well, you're just like an ice house. You got a bucket sitting in a little Area and then you just everyone get you just look away when they're doing it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:31 Believe it or not. That's pretty much how it goes. Oh All right, I like that. Well, thanks so much for calling in. We really appreciate it and one more time appreciate your service. Thanks for the service, man Yeah, thanks guys. I had to make sure, you know, I had my doctor, it's cost-bought. I figured, but want to express that. Yeah, you're you taught us something here. You give the funds up here. You are on the right track. Well, you know, I do what I can. I consider myself a giver. So you want to well, thank you for blessing us with this call. Yeah,, have a good one, man. All right, thanks, boys.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Don't drink too much now. We'll try. Well, so you got to go see Top Gun. Yeah, apparently I do. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm try. Well, so you gotta go see Top Gun. Yeah, apparently I do. Um, critical.
Starting point is 00:37:33 You're gonna believe that part out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, please don't ruin it for anyone else. The way you've ruined it for your buddy here. And Tyler, honestly. See you. You know, ridiculous. You just announced it to the bar too. I know. I have tickets for Friday. Friday. He's been waiting to go for a month. And three days before he can go see it. You ruined the movie for him.
Starting point is 00:38:06 All right. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. I'd like to get a new co-host for this podcast. I'm serious. It's not that important. I mean, it sounds pretty important. Yeah, it sounds very important. It's, yeah, it's not that important. I mean, it sounds pretty important. Yeah, it sounds very important. Yeah, it's
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, it's kind of important. You want to tell me who dies as well? Guys are belly up podcasts presented by flea farm or big flea farm guys here Charlie and I and everyone that you bet you honestly and Even back when I was working concrete construction, I go to Flea Farm, I get all my work gear there. And if you were looking for some new workware, some new work gear, you got to head to Flea Farm, they got everything you need. I like to buy all of my ice fishing gear, the bibs.
Starting point is 00:39:03 It's a big thing for the winner. Go get it now, be smart, get ahead of it. You don't wanna be headed out to the ice castle in January and you don't got any bibs on ya. So go to Fleet Farm right now, they have all the work where they got everything in need. And, or you're working maybe in the garden. You got a bunch of stuff from the summer. They also got canning stuff So go get all the canning goods the canning needs
Starting point is 00:39:31 You get yourself a pair of bibs for the winter you get yourself some can Canning materials for the summer and all of a sudden you're looking pretty good You're having yourself a good night's Saturday afternoon. So go to fleet farm, the man's mall, they got everything you need. And yeah, I mean gloves boots, you name it, they're going to have all the work where you need there. So go to fleet farm, get all the stuff you need. And let me feel pretty good on that Saturday, especially with all that canned goods, canning needs. Have a good one.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Hi, so my name is Kat and I have a question about traveling with Wisconsin cheese. Traveling with Wisconsin cheese. Well, belly up and tell us about it. Yeah, what do you got here? What's the question? Okay, here's my situation. I am about to travel across the country and several of my friends have requested cheese from the lovely state of Wisconsin. There's a lot.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And I want to know which they are smart. I want to know what y'all's recommendation is of what cheese is I should take out and any safety warnings about like traveling with it. Okay, well, I like freeze it for a certain to be room capture. Sorry to interrupt you. No, you're good. I'm from North Dakota. I'm not as well adversed in cheese as Charlie is. So I got to defer to Charlie on this one here. Yeah. So first of all, you said y'all. So we're we're used from caught that as well, I work with a lot of different
Starting point is 00:41:07 people who use a lot of different pronouns. So y'all is a really great cover all. I'm from Minnesota, but it's more of, I was like, it's very gender neutral. Everyone's happy. So you got you got y'all. Okay. So good, good deal. All right, so what I would say, first of all, is that Jesus, you're gonna wanna pick, I would go Colby, okay, and then Cheddar, you gotta get Cheddar Swiss mozzarella, good up Pepper Jack. I love Pepper Jack.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Pepper Jack is great. Oh God, yeah. And these are just for your starters. And look, we can even dive down to the wormhole of the types of cheeses, but I think you get a little schmorgas board like that. You know, you're gonna be doing fine. In terms of transporting them,
Starting point is 00:41:56 I think just like a simple cooler with some cold beers in it, and then put the cheese in there, and then make sure it's a cooler that's, you know, got a decent amount of insulation in the deal. And even if it's just one of those styrofoam coolers that, you know, someone sent you a gift once for Christmas and you still have it hanging in the back room next to the box of boxes, pull that out, put some beers in there, put some cheese in there, and that is going to be your easiest, most reliable transportation method. You don't necessarily want
Starting point is 00:42:31 to put a bunch of ice in there because that ice could melt, and then you got a kind of a mess with the cheeses and stuff. That's a great one. So, or use one of those, the kids bring their lunch box, the little ice pack. Oh, yeah, if you got to my ice packs, that's good. And there is some cheese that doesn't do well being cold or whatever. And I'm not like a cheese of fishy and auto. I just know the cheeses I know, you know. And so you basically just listed off
Starting point is 00:42:59 the most popular cheeses. Did I? Yeah, basically. Don't call me out. I'm surprised you didn't say to bring like the Mexican blend cheeses as well. Wow. I, you know what? I'm feeling very offended by that. I don't, I don't want to add to miles of trolling. You also kind of missed out on saying that you were you weren't achieved with That would have been awesome that would have been great. Hey speaking which I do realize that I did forget Uh some the most important cheese thing you got to get cheese curds and you've got a bait
Starting point is 00:43:41 Where in Wisconsin are you planning on doing this? Um, I'm going to be leaving from the Milwaukee airport. And I was going to ask Am I a sinner? If I pick up the cheese from the airport, or do I got to go somewhere local? Wait, say that one more time. She has sinner. If you are, are you a sinner? If you buy cheese from the airport? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Yeah, if I like do it there instead of like going to a local store and I like a bad person. Yeah, you're not a bad person. You're just a person who prefers convenience over anything else, which is not bad. But I will say you should not get your cheese curds from the airport. You should find some dude in Katahei selling him out of a cooler off the side of the road because that's where your squeaky cheese curds are gonna be. That's okay, so yes. I was waiting to interject here. If you're people who aren't in Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:44:31 they want the cheese all that. You gotta bring some squeaky cheese curds just to blow their mind. As soon as a cheese curd squeaks in your mouth, like if it sounds like you're chewing on a live mouse, that's what you want. And you're not going to get that if you buy it out of, out of the freezer. You got to get that fresh from the cow over the past few days. And, and really at that point, it's like transporting an organ. You've got just a certain amount of time from, from cow to mouse.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah, you better pray and be good before this because you've got to hope there's no delays in that airport years or otherwise it could be disastrous. Yeah. And by the way, by the way, Wisconsin makes all cheeses amazing. So just because I listed off the most basic ones, I'm sorry, I'm a basic. He's still offended by you understand. Miles just ruined. Miles just ruined top gun for me. So we've been fighting. Okay. And so him bringing up this. Oh, you just listed off the basic cheese things to a guy from Wisconsin. I'm not in the mood for it. Okay. So I'm sorry that his hostile hostility is carrying over from a caller previous. Yeah, I we're not supposed to let other callers bleed into new callers.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So I apologize for that. But I'm just having a, do you know how top gun ends? Because I do. Anyway, the most important thing is get those squeaky cheese curds. Make sure there's no flight delays and make sure your friends are answering their cell phones when you land. And by the way, they should be picking you up from that airport. So yeah, so she's going. She's flying. So she can't bring a styrofoam. Sure you can. Check it. You can. Can you? Well, then the problem is TSA as the ability to look inside that. And I do not trust the USA, especially not Milwaukee. Yeah, they're gonna take those.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Yeah. Um, I mean, honestly, I remember the very first time that I heard a cheese curd squeak. Do you? Where were you? I was in Wisconsin, Dell's area. And it was a magical moment. I could not believe this squeak.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I did, I didn't believe it at first. And so make sure you get those because your friends, they're going to, their minds are going to be blown by hearing the squeaky cheese curd. Yeah. It is once in a lifetime experience. The first time it's like, where were you when JFK got shot? Where were you on 9 11, where were you when you had your first cheesy or a squeaky card? Yeah, those are the three. Yeah, those are the three. Well, sad miles, well, I did book, I did book South, Southwest, I get two free bags. So I guess my second bag. Well, that's what I was going to say. Curds. Yes. Yeah, you got to bring one for your clothes and one for
Starting point is 00:47:25 curds. And by the way, oh, by the way, I'm glad you clarified this that you're flying. Do not put beers in there to keep them cold. Those will explode and then you're in a world of, you, a world of hurt right there. Are you speaking from personal experience? Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yes, I am. Yeah. Well, that'll happen, Charles. I'm trying to like get on a good side again after the whole top gun debacle. Yeah. Charlie, that was great advice, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 That was awesome. Keep going. Wait, you have a follow-up. Yeah. I'll hug the beers. I'll hug the beers. Get some of those cooler things and put those in the suitcase and then go into the airport and talk vacated.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Gotcha. Yeah. I'm glad. I'm clear. Yeah. Perfect. We are here for that kind of advice. Now, you know, you, you did not have to chug the beers.
Starting point is 00:48:18 That, that is your own doing. We would have recommend just, you know, purchase some. No, chug them. They're expensive at the airport. You're doing good. There's no clearifications. No edits here. People aren't talking enough about tailgating for the airport,
Starting point is 00:48:32 you know? What? Go, you do the go to the long-term parking. Yeah. You set up shop about four hours before your flight. Yeah. Have a few brats, bags. Play some cornhole bags,
Starting point is 00:48:47 and have throw down eight to 10 beers, and then head on in for your flight. Why aren't there people, people need to be tailgating for their flight. I totally agree. I told, in fact, now are you gonna be tailgating? Now that we brought that up as well.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Okay. I'm glad you brought that out. I have been tailgating? Now that we brought that up as well. Okay. I'm glad you brought that out. I've been tailgating alone before I go to the airport because I'm there fairly frequently. And I love the idea of being able to do with other people. So I agree this should be a bigger thing. So I don't have to tailgate alone. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So if you... Well, we're not going to give all your flight information. This whole thing can alone, but you know. Yeah. Well, we're not going to give all your flight information. It's all shrinking alone, but you know, yeah. Wait, if you're going to be flying sometime between now and I don't know, a month later here, just go to the airport, look around, see if she's there. Be a friend, bring some brats. You guys can have a good tailgate party. You know what, I'm going to say this as well because in some airports,
Starting point is 00:49:45 they have designated smoking areas. And if you can have a designated smoking area and airport, you can have a designated area outside with just a tailgate. And the airport provides the tailgates. And you know, and you can and bags and they get the got the rent. Yeah, you just rent a tent right. Yeah, the games are on. They should have a tailgating area at the airports instead of a smoking area. And then you can just sneak out there. If like your flight gets delayed by four hours, you said to the tailgate better than the bar. I think we're on to something right here.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Why isn't this a thing in the Wisconsin airport? I'm going to make it a thing. We're going to put right next to the recon population area. Do you know that the Milwaukee airports, the only airport in the nation with a recon population area? I don't know what that means. It means it's right when I thought you were joking. No, I'm not. When you're there, look for it. So it's when you get done taking all your stuff off for TSA, you know, your shoes and the suit case or whatever, they have an area with all the seats. It's at every airport, all the seats, right?
Starting point is 00:50:52 But they call it the recombobulation area. Just look for the sign when you're there. What does recombobulation even mean? It means put your shit back on. Put your shoes back on. Put your belt back on. Yeah. Why don't they have snacks in the recon population area? Well, maybe they shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Maybe the tailgating area should be the recon population area. So talk to me about this. What is your, so my routine when I get through security is I'm trying to get my clothes on and my hat and all that stuff as fast as possible. I mean, why do, if you ever been at the airport when people are going to nonchalant with that, they maybe keep their shoes off for a little too long, to kind of gross?
Starting point is 00:51:34 You ever had that before? I'm so focused on making sure my shoes are off that I'm not making PSA yell at me more than they're already doing that I've never really paid attention to like what other people do to be perfectly honest. So it's just me. It's about my own thing. Yeah so it's just me. By the way you're like I have to take how much clothes are you taking off? You kind of brought it up very well, you can fit. You can fit more into a carry on. If you wear all like your coat and your sweat pants and all that on the plane. If you wear it all on the plane, then you don't have to pack as much.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Yeah. Miles and Summer just goes with his big parke, you know, because that's like another bag altogether. I mean, I guess it's saving you money and it makes you happy. You're annoying at PSA, but you saved money, so I'm happy for you. That's what it's all about. I'm happy for your friends, because they're about to get some amazing cheeses. I'm excited to, it's a joy to bring something back from a trip and I really appreciate the recommendation because I feel like they're just gonna their minds are gonna be so loud and they're just they squeak. You're going to head to the airport. You're going to tailgate by yourself for about four hours. Then you're going to be on your way. Then you're going to be on your way. Just don't back your own car up. You know, just make sure
Starting point is 00:53:17 you're following the airport guidelines. We don't want to be advising any federal offenses, you know, by driving back in your truck up onto the runway or anything like offenses, you know, by driving back in your truck up onto the runway or anything like that, you know, so if I get into any trouble, I'm going to say Charlie and Miles said it was okay. Whoa, whoa. Get away from me. I'm not doing anything wrong. How about just miles?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Charlie said that not me. Just miles. Yeah. Okay. I'm like, Miles said Perfect. We got it. As if my lawyer doesn't already have enough work going on right now. Thanks so much for that. Well, we appreciate you calling in. We hope we helped you out here. Sorry, started off with some very basic advice, but I feel like, you know, we worked our way into something. What's Jesus shit I bring? Oh, bring cheddar cheese.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I like cheddar. I like cheddar. I can't help but that I'm basic, okay? You know? Yeah, that's all right, Charles. Yeah. I appreciate the advice. I think I'm gonna stick with the squeaky cheese.
Starting point is 00:54:17 So I can just kind of do the one and done thing and everyone gets the same thing. No one gets jealous. The things that favor someone else. So I do appreciate it. And I get the whole ASMR experience. Yes. It's a great conversation, cheese is really what it is.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I like that phrase. Conversation cheese. That's good. Well, thanks for calling in and hopefully you have safe travels and hopefully your cheese is squeaky. Happy tailgating. Thank you so much. You two have a great rest of your podcast. Thank you. Bye-bye Why do you have to call me?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I was going off the top of the dome. I was really I was trying to think about the better ways to Transpare your cheese Here's your chance to redeem yourself. What's your favorite most exotic cheese? I'm basic bro. I like cheddar. I like cheddar and that's okay. You're a cheddar head. Yeah. And by the way, just because you name basic cheeses doesn't mean that I'm a basic guy too. I like bushlight and that's it. I mean, that is what makes it good. But the way we make it in Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:55:30 is better than anywhere else. Okay, that's about the location. It's not like we're inventing a ton of different cheeses in Wisconsin. We just make them better than anywhere else. We didn't invent Montserrat. That's an Italian cheese, but we make a lot of it. Let's throw.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Get it. You're right. Hey, get it. You're right. Cheese. What slide did it better than anyone? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Let's start running high. Charlie. What do you think of horse radish cheese? Horse radish is amazing. It guys horse horse radish is one of horse radish horse radish is one of Wisconsin's Biggest exports. Yeah, and it's it's got the heat of a habanero. I mean, it's amazing. I love horse They don't export much. That is what you're saying. No, they export a lot actually my export this My phone somewhere. Yeah Well guys, that's the callers that we got free today, but Charlie, you got an important night ahead of you. What are you doing tonight? I'm actually
Starting point is 00:56:33 can go see someone. Top guy. That's what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be a lot of fun. I don't know who dies yet, but you know, Miles hasn't finished shutting his mouth for the day. There's a lot of day left. I can still spoil that for you. I know you can. So I'm going to get out of here and go see that before you do that. But you know, it's nice doing another episode. Do you want to go to the movies tonight?
Starting point is 00:56:59 You want to go together? You and me. Yeah, we do the popcorn. Cool. Cool. Would that be? What's the popcorn trick? Yeah, listen, you bet you're radio. I found where I'll podcast me. Yeah, we do the popcorn. Cool. Would that be what's the pop. Yeah, listen, you bet you radio find will found where all podcasts me found is that where you have the popcorn on your lap? Like a pizza box perforated edges. Yeah, geez.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Honestly, all right, I grow up. Yeah, well, we'll have to get a review from you. The yeah, yeah, surprising. Yeah, well, we'll have to get a review from you. The, the, yeah, yeah, surprising. Yeah, yeah, I bet you'll be like, wow, I didn't see that coming. I'm, I'm honestly still annoyed about it when you didn't see that coming? It was such a nice surprise in the movie. Now I'm going to be waiting for it the whole time. Are they stealing that one? Are they taking that one?
Starting point is 00:57:53 You know, you never know. And it's a three hour movie. It was it? I don't know. Oh, it's not even called that was Batman. That's Titanic, dude. Oh, Batman, the way his Batman was three hours. Oh, really? Yeah. Well, I don't know. No, it's not even called that was Batman. That's Titanic, dude. Oh, Batman, the way Batman was three hours. Oh, really? Yeah. Well, I have to get rather spent three hours at the
Starting point is 00:58:11 bar than at the Batman movie. Yeah. It was a good movie. It was a little weird at the end. Batman was. Do you want me to spoil that for you? Batman guided them all out with a torch and it made no sense. Okay. Well, I won't be seeing that one. That you guys are going to do a Midwest Batman anytime soon. Yes. I forgot about that. We have that script. Yeah. I'm a Jared.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Oh, you don't want to do that. I thought that was we had moved past. It was fine. I'm fine. I'll do it on my own. I'll play both characters. I feel like I've just been disappointing Charlie all day today. He doesn't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:58:46 He doesn't want to do the bit. You want fine. I'll do it on my ears to cheese curds. You want me to see these cheese curds disappear. Just give me a little ranch. We could do it. Oh, now he's going to happen. Now we can do it. Okay. All right, guys. Well, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Belly Up podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:13 As always, thanks for tuning in. I already said that. But tip your bartender too. Tip your bartender. I like ending on it. Yeah. Yeah. Tip your bartender. And don't that's my 20. And tell your folks, it says, hi, and watch out for Dem Deer there. I actually like that accent a lot. Is that a character? Do that again. Do that again.
Starting point is 00:59:34 Watch out for Dem Deer there. Yeah, yeah, even more, let's smiley more grizzly. Yeah, watch out for Dem Deer there. That's a great character. You gotta do that character. I don't just like you. That's why you like it so much
Starting point is 00:59:45 Sounds just like you Does that sound like me? Don't say yes because he said yeah, he said you all he said no you thumbs up. Yeah Stop paying these guys. They just agree with you. That's bullshit. You hear that. He said stop paying you guys. No, I do mean stop paying Wait, okay, you keep paying. I'm stop agreeing with it. Eat your guy. Stop doing that to us over here. That's better. That's a better impression. Oh, my ears. So sorry about that. We got to end this. See how I get picked on here at the belly that I see the next one. Bye.
Starting point is 01:00:16 next one. Bye.

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