Bellied Up - Dating is Like Fishing #49

Episode Date: May 11, 2023

In this episode, we're at Tony Jaro's River Garden in Minneapolis, MN. Our first caller is struggling with women and wants to know how to improve his dating skills using fishing terminology. T...he next caller has a golfing buddy and wants to end their golfing partnership. The last caller is from Scranton, PA, and we ask him a ton of questions about the show "The Office". Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Everybody welcome to another episode of the Bellied Up podcast brought to you by Fleet Farm. Miles, how you doing? I'm doing good. How are you? We are here in the Minneapolis area, Minneapolis St. Paul area, and we are at Tony Jaros, correct? River Garden. The River Garden. What does the river garden mean? Mississippi rivers right there, dude. And there's probably a garden where I was. Yeah, it was the garden. I got the river part. Oh, I thought you were okay. Okay, did you really?
Starting point is 00:00:32 I said, okay, okay. Oh, no, on the way over here, checked it out. Rivers higher right now at the time of the river is very high. Very high recording. But I heard on the radio, it's not high enough to warrant
Starting point is 00:00:44 anybody wearing too much. Infrastructure should be able to handle it. Yep, that I heard on the radio. It's not high enough to warrant anybody wearing too much Infrastructure should be able to handle it. Yep. That's what I also heard But I probably heard it before you did so did you yeah, I think I did I why does that always happen? Where are you getting your information from? I got a guy. I got a river Cresting guy. Oh, yeah, he usually got a beat on what when a river is gonna crest before usually everyone else So it's his name Tom bill bill. Yeah, he usually got a beat on what, when a river's gonna crest before usually everyone else. So, it's his name, Tom. Bill.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Bill. Yeah. Shoot. I actually think that Tom is a, like a, like a, on the same family tree as Bill in terms of cresting. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Okay. It's like Bill Bellicex, you know, coaching tree, all the coaches that used to coach them. Tom's in Bill's coaching tree. I see. So Tom is a lesser than Bill is what you tell me. Well, I'm not saying that. It's just they're just different. Oh, okay. So, um, yeah. I suggest everyone, listen, you get a good river cresting guy. So you know, and you're prepared for any potential floods. You know what? I want someone like you have Jared, like Jared's right there. Any laughs at all your jokes. And I've got no one.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I got no one to laugh at my jokes. I'm looking right over there, just an empty bar stool. I have to imagine ghost laughing in my jokes. And you get a nice audience right there. Yeah. I mean, I do pay a extra to min. Sure. That's true.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. That's true. He's on your payroll. Yeah. Every time last slagers and extra 20 bucks in my pocket. And then every time I say something, he's stone faced, it's 40. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. He's laughing out of your page.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's what we call in the biz, the plant. Barrens, you would know that I'm pretty sure everyone at your shows are plants. Oh, please. That's why they call me Charlie the Gardener. Yeah. Well, we are in the river garden. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I mean, we go. We found a full circle. All right, Miles, let's quit snip snapping about it. We got a big issue to talk about on Mother's Day. Yeah, it's Mother's Day. Big issue. That's a big issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Now I meant your mother. Yeah. Many times. Not what you guys think. Relax. Okay. Hey, hey, hey, that's my mother. That is that is his mother. You're all thinking about right now. Okay. Okay. So what are you getting your mom for mother's day? Um, I'm going to get her whatever she wants. to get her whatever she wants. And if you're wondering what does she want, I will let you know on Saturday after I ask her.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Well, actually, if I'm being honest, I've actually just, she will tell me stuff, but I just fall back and I don't remember. So I just fall back on the, well, I wanted to get you something not on your list. Then you're not expecting it. It's way more fun. But in reality, I just don't remember the stuff she tells me. Did she explicitly tell you or did she like, how deep are these hints she's dropping? Yeah, I mean, it'll be like, oh, maybe you could give me that for my birthday or Christmas, you know, stuff like that. Okay, that's not a hint.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That's literally you. Yeah, but it's not like a buy this for my birthday. It's just like a hey, like if you have a mental list going in your head, oh, that's nice. That's nice. Which I do not. Okay. So therefore, that's why she's got to be so explicit with it. Yeah. It's over the years
Starting point is 00:04:05 She's tried doing the subtle hints and you just never picked up. Yeah, and now even the just hitting me between the eyes with it Doesn't even work. I got a yeah So what about you? What are the what's your plan? Man, I don't know My mom just got me some real nice. She just got me a bird feeder with a camera on it Okay, that's actually pretty cool. You can't even think good on it yet. No, I haven't set it up yet.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I'm gonna set it up. So now that's not getting done 2023. No, that will get done. I said the same thing about my house numbers. Yeah, but this is completely different. There's no, there's no benefit to you setting up your house numbers. There's a huge benefit to me opening up my phone right now.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And looking at the birds on my board. Does it give you a notification when there's a bird entering the feeder? Yeah, it push notifications for birds, dude. That is actually the problem is squirrels are a big issue with it. Apparently my dad has one too and he told me, you got to grease up the the pole of the feeder
Starting point is 00:05:03 or put a little slinky on it. Yeah. Or get a um, scope and a BB gun and uh, yeah, rig it up so you can uh, have a BB gun remotely, A mat. No, no, I wouldn't, oh, actually remotely. Oh, that would be cool. So you could, it'd be like, like you're flying a drone, you know, but just with the BB gun at home. Do you think the squirrels would like pick up on that? Like how long do you think it would take the squirrels to pick up on that? Because you have skittish deer when you're here. Well, it depends.
Starting point is 00:05:33 How good of a shot are you? Yeah, because I'll give a shot as my drone. Yeah, because if you're a good shot, they're not going to pick up on it at all, because they should just, that should be it. Yeah, yeah. But I mean, how, how do you think word gets around the squirrel community? Like, hey, do you hear about nuts?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Now what happened to nuts? It's up there at the bird feeder. We've never seen them no more. Really? Nuts went bolts. Nuts went bolts, yeah. So anyway, I don't know what I'm gonna get my mom, but the pressure is on.
Starting point is 00:06:01 But now with the bird feeder thing, now if you do set up a booby trap for squirrels, you then need to set up another camera pointed at the camera so that you could see all the activity around the behind the camera, all that stuff. Oh, 360 view. Yeah, so now you got two cameras rolling and you're getting double the notifications. Ah, that's true. That is true. That might be too many notifications.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I might end up muting those. And then I'm going to miss the birds. Or you could just welcome the squirrels and I think that's let them go nuts. You know, have you ever eaten squirrel? Don't think I have actually have you. It's good. Yeah. I imagine it's a very lean meat. Yeah, it's actually not that good. I just it's I imagine Yeah, I imagine it's a very lean meat. Yeah, it's actually not that good. I just It's I imagine very stringy as well kind of a stringy Lean meat. Yeah, it's a little old gamey
Starting point is 00:06:54 Depending on the squirrel what that's a good way to put it But a very gamey very gamey unless the squirrel is eating some nice bird seed a lot of it You know if it's a seed fed squirrel, you know, if it's getting the proper fatty nuts in it, then that makes for some good. I think we should start using Gemi more. I think that that could be applied to many situations, you know. It's like, when you're, let's say you get your mom's birthday or a mother's day present, she doesn't necessarily love it. You just go, oh no, no, it's not a bad present.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's just a gamey present. You know, it's a little gamey. It's a little gamey. You just have to maybe pick around some stuff and, uh, it's wild. You know, if you just wash it down with something, it's good. If you wash it down with the other gifts that you got, it doesn't seem so bad. Yeah, that's all right.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And that was awesome. Hey, boss, I didn't, I did not get my job done. I just, I'm just, it's a little gamey. My, the, the report I gave you is just gamey. I don't think this is going to get you very far, but I do kind of like where you're going with it. We could, we'll workshop it. That sounds good. You just gotta know how to prepare it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah. It's not gamey, you just have to know how to prepare it. It's not your fault, it's their fault for not preparing your TPS report. Or it's just, you haven't acquired the taste. Hey, my report boss, my report wasn't bad, you just haven't acquired the taste for it. Could be a good one.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I haven't acquired the taste for squirrel. I look forward to acquiring that taste. Yeah, yeah, it isn't a quiet taste. That gamey meat. Yeah, it's nice. I'll prepare you some. Okay, yeah, that sounds good. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Should we get into some colors? Yeah, because we've already disappointed our moms and squirrel lovers out there. God, I was known to tell my mom that I don't remember what's on our list. Appreciate that. And nobody tell the squirrels that I'm not actually going to shoot them. No, you don't have the heart to do it. I don't think. No, I mean, in the wild, but not when they come up to your bird feeder.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. That's not nice. I will put a slinky on there. I'll let them stretch my slinky. That was the worst part as a kid growing up. You know, when someone would stretch your slinky, my mind would just get tangled. Nothing was getting stretched. That's why they called them old miles, tangles. Yeah. Yeah. So, well, should we get into some collars, Charlie. Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that about that time. Welcome to the Belly at a podcast. Who do we got on the line? This is Isaac how you guys doing? Good Isaac. Yeah, we're doing great actually yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I know I'm doing all right beautiful weather out here. Just not the same paradise. Nothing to complain about. Where are you guys at today? We are in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're belly up at Tony Jaros. The River. The River Garden Garden. Yeah. Yep, so we're at, yeah, why don't you belly up to the bar
Starting point is 00:10:01 with us, tell us what's on your mind. Yeah, well, you know, I appreciate you guys taking the call. So, you know, I've been struggling. I recently moved up north of out of West Texas and came up to Eastern Colorado. And, um, uh, I know, I'm Eastern Colorado's your at North. That's much much further south for us. So, Oh, fair enough, fair enough. It's much much further south for us. So. Oh, fair enough fair enough. It's, you know, it's all relatives.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah, it's, you know, significantly. The idea that we have snow more than one day a year kind of threw me off, you know. Yeah, that's a culture shock or anything. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Well, a lot of hippies up here, which nothing wrong with that, but it's a lot of hippies. Yeah. So quite a bit of fishing. And I needed some help.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I've always been, you know, seeing you guys give some, heard of you guys, giving some advice, dating advice in terms of fishing. And I've always been pretty, you know, pretty decent with the ladies, but I need some fishing advice. And maybe if you give it to me in terms of things that I would understand, talking to women for the most part, because I'll tell you what, for the life of me,
Starting point is 00:11:08 can't catch anything but a damn stock track. Excuse me, let me just stock track, because you know, I really would like to catch a walleye or a pike at someday. Okay. Well, first of all, let's unpack this a little bit. Yeah, I'm confused. There's not a lot of people running around going, you know what? I absolutely destroy with the ladies, but not so much in the fishing realm. Yeah, yeah, way way. So is this a analogy? I don't know, but can you describe to us what you mean by you're really good with
Starting point is 00:11:36 the ladies? Is that mean that you got like eight girlfriends running around or what, what does that mean? You know, I'd say if there's something I see out there that I like, I give myself a 80% chance of closing it. Does that make sense? Yeah, it works 60% of the time every time. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah, so, you know, I've got friends that let's say they're 50, 30s and maybe I don't have a good friend. Maybe my friends aren't real good at talking. I find relatively speaking, I'm more successful than I am less successful. Okay. And confident and humble as well, I see. Now, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So how do we get to this point, though? How do you, so are you, I mean, you're clear, how old are you? You seem to have no want to settle down whatsoever. So tell me a little bit about how we got here. How old are you? Like, what's your life situation that you're just running around trying to pick up all the ladies?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Catch him release. There you go. Well, I wouldn't say much. I've actually been in the last, let's say four months, five months actually, five months back, found quite the, quite the keeper. I would say. Oh, and I see you and thinking about settling down, which is where the fishing is coming from, you know, the interest at least. Okay. So okay. This is good. This is glad we asked that question because he is in the life stance where life spot where you know
Starting point is 00:13:06 He was Van Wilder just running around town just trying to pick up chicks Now he thinks he found the one And he wants to know essentially how to settle down is what this is really about he's asked him out fishing But he wants to know Charlie how do you settle down once you decide that you found the one? Are you his code reader? Are you deciphering his code? Is that exactly, is that right? Isaac, Miles explain it right?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Or are you trying to get the scale that you like a lot to go fish? No, no, I wouldn't say I'm, yeah, Miles is interpreting this. Okay, he's probably okay. All right, take it away, Charlie, give him some this. Okay. We use problems. Okay. All right. Take it away, Charlie. Give him some advice on how to settle down. You've done that once. Come on. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:52 I think it's just taking it a day at a, why am I giving this advice, Miles? What you just got married? Why don't you, uh, No, so you want to know, basically, he's wondering if fishing is the right move to, is that what settled down people do is what he's wondering? Go fish. I'm just, are you trying to take this gal fishing? I'm still confused. No, I tried to take a fish and that did not work. She, she was cold and he's basically, maybe I'm wondering if fishing is a good alternative to then going to the bar and picking up chips. Oh, because he's not going to commit a relationship.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You can't do that anymore. And that's what his hobby was. That energy's got to go somewhere. Yes. He's got up all this pent up sexual energy that he needs to channel somewhere. And he's wondering if you can channel that into the river. Oh, yes, you absolutely can. First of all, a river is a phallic symbol.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Okay. If you look at it from an airplane, you know, and as the river flows, so do the juices. Okay. You know, and they can flow, standing in a river, if you're fly fishing, you stand in a river and you just see love is just an energy. Okay. And you can, you can get in that river and you can go down that, down that way, but you're going to leave your favorite tree, you know, and you got that beautiful tree sitting right there. So you can just fish right in front of that tree. Yep.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So you can let the river flow all around you. All the other prospects, all the other fish just kind of let them flow down the river. Okay. Although now this analogy is breaking up because what's he doing in the river if not fishing? Yeah. But I took it to an analogy. It's not an analogy. He's basically Charlie. Let's call a spade a spade. He's horned up and he wants that adrenaline rush of being horny and he needs to get horny for fishing. Well, I'll tell you this. There's nothing that'll get you, you know, boom, rock, wood, hard as soon as you get on the line. You just yank it. You yank on it. Set the hook. And then you just start reeling. You're just going to move in that hand. Yeah, you're going to fill your weighters pretty fast. They're fell out Yeah. Next thing you know, you pop it out of the water and you're hooting, you're hollering
Starting point is 00:16:07 and you're feeling pretty good. And then there's that post fish catch clarity. That's what I call it. After you catch that bass or walleye or whatever you're fishing for. You got it, you know, it's the bolts of mass. There's water everywhere. There's, you know, fish juices everywhere. There's really a calmness and a clarity that comes over you and you really put things in perspective and you go, you know what? This is a great day on the water, but I'm going to go home. Mm-hmm. To my lady. Yep. And I'm going to stay true to her. This is what I really think you're
Starting point is 00:16:46 looking for. And pay attention to what you feel in those two minutes because that's really the only two minutes a fellow can be truly honest with himself. Of clarity. Yeah. So what do you think? Have you ever experienced that post-catch clarity? to that post catch clarity. Post catch clarity, you know, um, but when you put it that way, I'd say it's definitely been some early mornings that you're kind of like, when that was a, I don't know if I went into the right stream, so to speak, you know, if I went into the right creek, looking for, you know, those are out there looking for a brown and all I found was catfish. Yeah. And you know, I'll,
Starting point is 00:17:25 it's something that I wouldn't say happens all the time, but you know, I'd be lying to you if I said, I, you know, only ever caught the beautiful fish in the right streams, you know, can't say that I'm caught into the wrong stream right now. But I'm not saying that you, you know, those aren't valuable life experience, you know. Yeah. Now, I got a question. Since being with this gal, uh, let's
Starting point is 00:17:50 yeah for this sake referred to her as a walleye. Have you happened to catch any northern or muskie while she's been in the boat? You know, I can't say.'ve seen a couple, a couple nice pike swim back. He's doing, he's saying that you can look at the menu. You don't have to order is what it's what I think he's trying to say. Do you bring them in the boat? Yeah, the issue is when the, what, now and then the pike want to jump up into the boat.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And you know, something I've noticed, tell me if I'm wrong or as much as me, but it seems like the, when you got a wall I in the, in the boat, the other one seemed to be a little bit more attracted to you. What, what are you, Ryan Gosling? Who is, is this Ryan Gosling on the line? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:43 You just have Perchin Northern and up into the boat constantly. Are you way what how hot are you? Yeah, what do you look like give us give us the head to tell? How tall are you? Man, I gotta say I probably my weakest teacher though He's a short king. I'm a week, I'm a week five eleven. I'm a week five eleven. Okay, you're 11. So that actually means he's five, eight and a half,
Starting point is 00:19:10 but six one and heels. I like it. Yep. Okay, so five eleven and what we got, brown hair, black hair, what are we working with? No hair. Black hair, just black hair. Jet black hair, you balled it all.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Go it all. Nope, nope, nope. No, that black hair. Jet black hair, you balled it all. Nope, nope, nope. No, that's it. That's probably where I'm that and the smile are probably my two strongest attributes, you know. How's your jaw line? You know, I give it a six out of 10, you know, it's definitely better. You know, I've got a better jaw line than I do height, but not as good as I do hair. Okay. So it's, it's truly the flow, the
Starting point is 00:19:51 flow, the lettuce that's bringing in women hang on. We got to ask them, is do you, are you working out a lot? You got? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Stop doing that. What, what's your bench? I do 250 right now. Oh, that's sick. That is, that is 50. Well, it was last time you bench pressed 250 Charlie. Every day, how do you look in pleated pants? Pleated plant, I can't say I'm familiar with the term pleated pants.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yeah, you pass the test. It doesn't seem like someone that would wear pleated pants. Okay. So I don't think he's lying to us. That's good. I think I'll wear a lot of denim for the most part. Okay. So I'm very intrigued. You know, you, we offered some advice to you. Just, hey, just be chasing that post catch clarity. Now I want to do a little role play here because you've been talking a lot of game. I want to, I want to see the game in action. Charlie is a beautiful young woman who is just having fun
Starting point is 00:20:59 with the gals. She's out. She's single. Smoking hot girls are out. Yeah, and she just wants to dance at the bar. And you, you and Charlie's a girl name. Yeah, there we go. Charlie, you and Charlie lock eyes from across the bar. What happens next? Hang on, hang on, I approach. Oh, so you're, yeah. Oh, you swim into his string.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Hey, hey, what's your name? You remember my name's Isaac, how about yourself? Charlie. into his string. Hey, what's your name? Charley. Boy, you look like tall drink of water. What are you? Six foot one. Don't lie to me. You know, Charlie, I'm too honest. I got a lie to you. I'm exactly six foot one. I know, well, you just looked like you were stacked. Um, oh my God, these arms. Wow. Do you want to maybe just one dance with me? Would that be okay? Just one dance? Yeah, that's, I thought, what kind of dance are you, Charlie?
Starting point is 00:21:59 I like to do the booty stuff. I like to twerk. And I want to twerk all on those jeans. Have you ever heard of pleated pants? You'd look really good in those. You know, I enjoy this conversation about my pants here, Charlie, but let's have a bit of dance floor and see if you see exactly what this booty stuff is all about. Okay, Charlie, Charlie, do you want to do a shot with us? Also, ask that guy about pleated pants. Oh my gosh, those are my friends over there. Should we go do a shot with us also. Ask that guy about pleaded pants. Oh my gosh, those are my friends over there.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Should we go do a shot? What do you want? Just do a shot quick and then I'll go shake my ass over you on the dance floor. You know, I don't drink Charlie, but I gladly walk over there. Maybe maybe I have myself so to wait. Oh, you, yeah, you don't have to drink. You just, um, he doesn't drink. What's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Is he a serial killer? What's going on? Stop it, guys. He's hot. Look at that hair. Just shut up. OK. OK.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Sorry. All right. No, come on. Come on over with my friends. It's fine. Oh, I can't put a credit card anywhere in this. Would you mind? Would you mind?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Do you have a card down? Yeah. We lost our cards. Can he pay our for our drinks? I'm sorry. I know we just met. Would you mind? Yeah. Yeah. Let me get around for you in the late.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Okay. Oh, he's rich too. That's great because he's kind of short. Okay. Hey, I have one. He said five one. Did he not? Sorry, I was a little bit at the end. I thought he was over, but you failed. Yeah, I thought that you were gonna have way more game than that, man. He did also just let it happen though.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I do like that. He completely had it happen, but where are you gonna draw the line at that point? As soon as, I mean, you heard my voice, it's a sexy voice. As soon as you get out there on the dance floor, and it's not gonna get any less sexy, because I mean the
Starting point is 00:23:45 female Charlie that I was impersonating really knows how to twerk. And now you're in trouble my friend. Now now you've got a muskie in the boat. Great. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? Whoa, are we assuming that I'm a wall? I mean, yeah, I figured. Yeah, I mean, essentially though, if we really boiled down, he did fail. He, because his answer should have been like, hey, sorry, I'm in a committed relationship right now. But that's what he should have said.
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's a good question though, is dancing, is dancing with someone, but she was clearly hitting on him. So he knew where he was getting himself into. He, he failed the test. What should he have said miles as a married man? What should he have said? I'm in a committed relationship, but I really appreciate it. I'm sure you're a lovely gal.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Hmm. How do you feel about that, Isaac? Would you have said that? Do you think you could bring those words into the bar with you? Yeah, I guess I could. I guess I could. I guess I could. I figured with the whole.
Starting point is 00:24:43 No, but Yeah, fair enough Wait now you're shutting down on us. What's going on? Yeah, I think you gave us an honest answer of how you'd react and now Now it's not I don't feel like you really believe that You know see this is what this is back to where you know, I've got all this pent up energy, you know, and this is like a snake back to work. Art is got a circle and maybe I just need to go fishing. Yeah, I think you also need to, uh, you know, adopt the mentality of the either J J. Oh, or have spent some time with our, our pal, Jill. Do you know either of those?
Starting point is 00:25:27 No, you can't seem familiar with that. So I want you to take your hand and I want you to put it out in front of you, okay? Like you're holding up the number five. I love it, man. And then I want you to take your hand. I'm gonna do the back of your hand. Look at the back of your hand
Starting point is 00:25:39 and I want you to take your other finger and I want you to run it down, your index finger down into your thumb, and it's gonna make a J, do you see that? Charlie, how is your podcast today? Oh, it's great, my aunt's just telling a guy how to jerk off on it. Yeah, super fun. I'm trying to save his committed relationship, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Sorry, do you see the J? I see the J. Okay, now the eye is a little taller for some reason. It's weird. Yeah. Does the dot at the top. Yeah. Um, so I think that that's the vice. I think we should give them. That's fine. But here's another question. What if you find someone, do you think the person you found is the right one for sure? Oh, absolutely. I know it. Yep. Yeah. Oh wow. You know, and then you really got to be
Starting point is 00:26:25 a Jill. Yeah. You got that much pent up fishing energy. You need to be. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to have to figure you're going to have to invent a wild imagination. My friend, you're going to have to find how to release in other ways, I think. Yeah. I mean, it is going fishing. You failed that test. I mean, that was me in person. Yeah, I think God, this was a test. I was just me impersonating it. Like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yeah. So what do you think of that advice? You think that that's maybe the where we start, go fishing and hang out with Joe. Joe, okay. Off to give Joe a try. You know, I do appreciate, you know. I'll have to send you guys some, send you the wedding advice since it's been so positive.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Okay. And I won't tell what's her name. Oh, I don't know if she wants to. Wow. That's called the walleye. The great walleye. We won't tell the walleye about Charlie at the bar. Yeah, that's what we call the wall line, the great wall. We won't tell the wall line about Charlie at the bar. Yeah, that's that sound. That's between us and all of the listeners.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I do have a bicellar trade as well. Not totally shipped sub to them, but I do have a bicellar trade. That's on the yellow y'all is still taking. Yeah, sure, absolutely. What are you looking for? Flashlight. So I've got two white water kayaks in Northeastern Colorado. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:27:51 You can't. He bought one for us. You want to go fishing and he's also Gavin's second thoughts. Okay. So you got two white water kayaks. Yeah. And I need a John boat. Now I've got a motor array.
Starting point is 00:28:06 So I just need an album to allow the egg John boats work. Thank you. The bigger the better, it's been my, using my approach on things. So just, you know, I'd like to trade for a John boat, but you know, someone gave me a whole bunch of cash. I take that too. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Okay. So you got two. And what's the, make a model of these kayaks? Okay, okay, so you got two and what's the make a model of these kayaks? The Jackson and Tex and a piranha Shiva. Okay, all right. And what's the length of them? Oh, that's a good question. The Shiva is a nine footer and the and the antics is, I think it's six and a half.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Okay, and you're looking for either cash or a jambot. That's perfect. And where can people reach you? Oh, on a, oh boy, that's a good question. He's not gonna tell us any personal information because he just basically said he's trying to hit on anything with a pulse and he's got an in a committed relationship's this is by selling trade. He's never
Starting point is 00:29:07 going to get it sold because he's not going to give anyone is a major. I think he would have if you didn't just say all that. Okay, he was ready to. He said Facebook just Facebook was just Facebook. Find the Isaac with two two kayaks in his profile. I'm the pleated pants. And it's you never you never do white water trader. White water trader. Okay. Okay. Okay. Wait, water trader. There you go. All right. Good way to get all the way. All right. All right, Isaac. Well,
Starting point is 00:29:43 we appreciate you calling in, man. We're going to see if we can get that sold for you. Hopefully, some of our advice really hits home and, you know, what, you're on a path. You're on a pent up path and just find that catch and release. So thanks for calling in, man. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pleasure. Watch out for deer. Watch out for the Charlie's at the bar. See you pal.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Later. That guy is never going to stay married. I would love for to be wrong. I would love to, but it was like, it would be like, he would, his natural instinct would just come out and be talking about hitting on girls and with strategy of this. And then we'd be like, but you're in a committed, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm in a committed relationship. He just forgets for a second. He's got two personalities, but a very swab fell.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But at least he knows that he kind of has a demon inside of him. And he's got trying to figure out how to deal with it, you know. Yeah, yeah, that is a tough one to do, you know. Yeah, that's a tough road to go down. He's going to have to find fish in or Jesus or something. Or make it a little bit of bolt. Also, he's definitely 5'8. Good, good guy though.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Great dude. The best of luck. He's like I said, he's on a path. Yeah. Let's take another call, Charlie. Yeah. Welcome to the Belly to podcast, who we have on the line. Yeah, sir, this is Nate.
Starting point is 00:31:22 How are y'all doing today? Nate, we're doing good, man. How are you? good, man. How are you? Oh, man, I'm struggling. Man, it's Monday. Yeah, we're facing the Monday today. Yeah, good. How about y'all? How y'all? Did you have the Sunday scaries last night as well? Yeah, yeah, it was pretty bad at the Yips this morning, so.
Starting point is 00:31:44 What do you do for a living? Well, I'm out here in the West Texas. I'm over here on my contract, Walter, I chased really good and all that good stuff. Nice. How do you like that work? We're not here for a couple of years already. To be honest with you, it's just on its work.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah, it depends a little bit more, but it is what it is a fun, it's work. Yeah. It depends a little bit more, but it isn't what it is. Now, tell me this, if there's one thing that I know about welders, is they are the biggest critics of other welders, is that true? Oh, that's completely true. I'm pretty sure. We're the biggest, we're the biggest community sizes of the world and we judge everybody else as well as finally.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And the major one, the big one, you know, that our world is that we complain a lot. I think about everything. Yeah, I mean, the first thing you said to us was, hey, it's Monday and the socks, so I believe you. Yeah, it's tough, it's Monday and the socks so I believe you. Yeah. Um, yeah, it's tough. It's tough. So, I mean, that being said, welders think that they're better welders than everyone.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Would you say that that rings? Who are you? The master welder. And in my, in my book, I'm the master welder, but, hell, I don't know. Nowadays, it's kind of hard to tell there's a lot of us out here now. So they go off a here stage. So now we got to, we got to kind of swing our way a little bit and prove it. It's not about running. Stay all on the best now. Back then you used to be able to say, oh, yeah, I'm the best.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So okay. But now it's like, oh, yeah, prove it. Run, there's run so well. Where's the video? I'll get you are. Yeah. Now they want to see your tick-tock of your welding. You know, it's a different game these days. All right, well, what do you, what do you got on your mind? Well, I got a quick question for you. I don't know if you're having golfers, but man, I need some advice. I got a golfing buddy of mine that I mean, he's a good friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:33:43 but man, he's a terrible golfer. I don't know how to cut this news to an LA man you know we're trying to pay for money but you kind of screwing me here. I just don't know I just don't know how to do it man. I need some I need some professional advice here. I don't know if I can do the right place or not but yeah so actually this is great because I would also like to break up with One of my golfing buddies because he's really bad and he hosts a podcast. He's a comedian Where's glasses? I see how it is. I see how it is. First of all, he's talking about me. If you haven't figured
Starting point is 00:34:25 that out. And I am actually, I figured it out. I'm a great golfer. I just want to say, I think Miles takes to the rules a little bit too much takes to the, the, um, yes, the etiquette, the etiquette. Oh, okay. Why don't you find my word? Like you always find my ball, except it always find my ball, except it's not my ball. It's just a random broken up ball by a lawnmower. You send me off into the place. Okay. So play, you know, also play. All right. So you want to know how do you, do you want this guy out of your life or just out of your for some? No, let's put it this way. I can't be seen golf with it
Starting point is 00:35:06 anymore because man, I golf was a lot of my clients. So he wears out and plays for money. And then we got whoops on he told me that I hit the range and just mad he was ready to go man, he went out there, he just it was just bad. It was a horrible thing. So how much money did he lose yet? How much money did he lose? Yeah. Well, it wasn't the money. It's just a principle. I mean, if we're going to play for money, we better be on our edge. You know, like, and this guy has told me, oh, he's not hit the range and this and that. And I, I mean, I
Starting point is 00:35:38 honestly, my and I have to hinge every single day, prefer for that. And I kind of had to carry him that day. Wow. We still got some point, but do you think you like to you? Or do you think he just got nervous? I see I was just hoping it was the Yves, but we went off and after that, and it was kind of the same ordeal.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yeah, I'm trying to catch on here. So yeah, you don't get the Yips every time. Okay. I mean, that was a way at some point you don't get the yips every time, okay? I mean, that was a way at some point. Charlie's had the yips for 10 years now, you know. Yeah, proud supporter of the yips, you know. I'm all about that, but I'm not gonna tell you, I've been practicing.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That's one thing I won't ever tell anybody about golf. All right, Charlie, well, let's give him a couple strategies that he can do to maybe throw his buddy off the scent that he's trying to get rid of him. Well, still being able to get rid of him. How would you start? Why should we roleplay it as you trying to get rid of mayor? Or should we just give the start with some some key points here and then maybe we can
Starting point is 00:36:39 roleplay it for. Okay. All right. That's fine. So I think the first thing that you want to do is just find an alternative hobby that you two can do together. Yeah. Take up uh, uh, okay. Pickable pickable pickable pickable. You got, does he like pickable? Do you like pickable? Could you play it for uh, you know what? I've never I've never tried pickable, but I'm from what I heard he was really just
Starting point is 00:37:06 think about players though I don't know if he played trickleball like he plays golf I mean I mean it's gonna make sure he'll kind of bad that's right okay maybe let's take athletics out of it yes smart yeah take athletics out of it yeah okay yeah there we go yeah what does you find something that he likes to do that you kind of like to do? Do you have any of those things? Well, we got a we got a card. Todd me.
Starting point is 00:37:32 We did our friends know that we all do. So that's kind of sort of our thing right there. That I can't be the way out there. Oh, you got a card game. Cod. Cod. Yeah, we got to know we got a card called duty. Oh, call it duty. Yeah, video games, video cod. Yeah, we got a know we got a card called a duty. Oh, yeah, all a duty.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yeah, video games, video games. Yeah, yeah, and we get kind of bored out here with video games. OK, I figured it out. I figured it out. So what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to tell him that the squat, you're squatting up at, you know, Saturday morning, you're squatting up 8 a.m. And he's going to get in that lobby. at, you know, Saturday morning, you're squadding up 8 a.m. And he's gonna get in that lobby.
Starting point is 00:38:07 He's waiting for you guys and all you gotta do because you will have diverted him to playing Call of Duty. You will have made a T time at 8 a.m. And then when he's like, hey, where are you at? You just go, oh my, my internet's being buggy. I'm gonna try and figure it out. I'm going to try and figure it out. I'm going to go try and reset the router, all that stuff. Meanwhile, you're shooting low on the course. And he just thinks that you're having technical issues, which he can't be mad at you for technical issues.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I think you're going to get caught. I guess the nugget to wisdom. Yeah, I was, this is the nugget that wisdom I was looking for. I need to call the referee. You see? Done. One and done, Charlie. I don't know. I think he's going to find out at some point. I think you at least need to mentally prepare for that tough conversation.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yeah. We could roleplay the tough conversation. Well, so when he finds out, I do like the call of duty, but that's only going to last so long. So when the tough conversation happens, this is how you handle it. Okay, I'll be the friend who sucks at golf and you try and let me down, Charlie. Oh, you want to reverse the roles of our friendship? Okay. Hey, man, what's going on? Should we go, we want to hit the range this weekend and maybe prep up for our big gambling game that we got on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I got to be honest with you about something. Oh, oh, yeah, go ahead. What is it? Past three weeks when I told you I was trying to play called duty with you. Yeah, do you get that internet thing figured out? I actually called the internet company and they seem to know nothing about the issue. There wasn't an internet issue. Did you ever think it was weird? I was asking you to play Call of Duty at 8 a.m. Well, I just, I mean, I was golfing. The year plan PGA 2K on the, I was on the golf course golfing with clients. And I didn't want to invite you because I hate to say it, but you suck it golf.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You said you've been practicing. You clearly haven't been practicing. You've been losing me money But more importantly dignity and further I'm upset that you lied to me about practicing I know it's gonna be hard. I want to be friends with you. Just This is such a relief because I hate golf and I was just doing it because I thought that you wanted me to Oh, no, I thought that you just want I was I hate golf and I was just doing it because I thought that you wanted me to. Oh, no. I thought that you just want to, I hate golf.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I know. I was ready to beat you over the head with an iron. And I was about to put concrete shoes on and jump in the pond. Oh, my God. We could have just done that and solved everything. Wait, what? Oh, sorry. I mean,
Starting point is 00:40:43 what do you think? Because that could be an option. Maybe he's secretly aides golf. Yeah. And maybe I don't know, man. I mean, we got to give that strategy a try, because I mean, like I said, it's like, he's a good friend of mine. I still got to see him functions and stuff like that. It's not like a work buddy. You know, work buddy, you get out the weekend. That's work and that's it. You know, nine to five. But this guy's like one of them, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:11 does he have a family? Is he married with any kids or anything like that? No, he's married. I think he's got a family, yeah. How old? Oh, so. So he's a really good buddy, but you think he has a family. You'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to say anything. I know you don't have that much of a family, but I mean, you know, how people are behind the scenes, I really don't just push the topic of that. It's just like, Oh, hey, how you doing this golf? Whatever has a family good, how's your family good? And that's about how far that conversation goes. I got it. I was going to say if you knew his wife, you could level with his wife and be like, Hey, you got to tell him he can't play golf anymore. Give him a fake ultimatums.
Starting point is 00:42:02 They're her or golf. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Then a backfire is a bit divorce because of this. The only other thing I can say is that you just have, you just send him this episode of the podcast and say, Hey, listen to this. It's really funny.
Starting point is 00:42:17 That's really the third caller. Just see what he says. I think I'm gonna have to do that. We'll see how it goes. You could also just, if you ever seen the movie Inception. Yes, I have. So you could accept him.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So what you could do is just start like throwing, like maybe go out for drinks with him and be watching golf on the TV and you're like, oh wow, those guys in the TV are so good at golf. If I was not even half as good as these guys, I would just hang it up, I wouldn't even play golf, right? That's what you say to them, right? And then away, he's in a spot,
Starting point is 00:42:54 he's thinking, okay, well, I'm half as bad, maybe I should quit too. And you just start saying stuff like that. Yeah, like I would never be so bad and do that to my friends and make them lose money. Yeah, or or find a different scenario, right? Maybe you guys have a mutual friend that sucks at another sport and go, man, if I was as bad as Rick at pickleball, I would probably just quit because it's probably making all of his friends feel pretty bad and then see if he realizes that he's also that on the
Starting point is 00:43:25 golf course. Miles does this with his other podcast to me all the time. He talks about the other podcast and the stuff he wishes they were doing better, but he's really talking to me. And I know that. So that might be the next strategy, I think, if you don't want to just tell him straight to his face, just inception route, just keep getting deep in that brain. Yeah, well, I got some good ideas here.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I'm writing them down, boys, don't want to worry about that. I don't know which one's gonna work and we'll go from there. Well, we appreciate you calling in another satisfied customer here on the BellyDup podcast. We appreciate you and watch out for deer out on the golf course. All right. We'll see you soon Thank you you to now Got to love the welders. Yeah, the welders of the world. They're the best
Starting point is 00:44:18 Grandpa was a wilder grandpa Bob and he was probably thought everyone else's welds were absolutely Absolute dog shit, especially you know someone related to him grandpa Bob and he was probably thought everyone else's welds were absolutely. Absolutely. Dog should, especially, you know, someone related to it. Yeah. His kids. I Charlie was getting PTSD when I was talking about welders criticizing other welders. He's like, my childhood, it's also not just not just welding,
Starting point is 00:44:40 you know, it's a clean in the garage. See my dad and my grandpa back in the day clean a garage. Why'd you put that there? And the last note on this is, you're only not good at golf Charlie because you never play. I think that I wanted to listen to know that you, you have athletic ability. So it's not that.
Starting point is 00:44:59 It's just you never play. This might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I know. I'm turning over a new leaf. He's a married man now. No, I've been fishing a lot, getting a lot of post catch clarity. And that was one of the thoughts I had.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And maybe try me a little nicer, Charlie. Well, thanks. And Miles, I really appreciate that. Yeah. From my jilt to your jilt. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Folks, you know, Mother stays coming up and if you haven't gotten your mom something yet, head on over to the fleet farm. They got everything. Mom's one. I'm talking
Starting point is 00:45:33 about bird seed bird feeders lumber, you know, wood glue, cameras, hammers, they got boat seats, they got camel hunting stuff. They got shoes. They got a whole bunch of stuff over there at the Puy farm, don't they, miles? Yeah, they have soil. They do have real nice soil. They have kids' toys. do have real nice. They have kids toys. You'll get your toy land. Neesanephya something. Yeah, just in case it's their birthday on Mother's Day. Yeah, I'll be.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Or in case your mom likes toys. Yeah. Maybe she likes nerf guys. Nerf guys. Legos. Yeah. Check it out folks over at the Fleet Farm. You know what Charlie, what I'm going to do this Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:46:25 What's that, Miles? I am going to get my mother a bottle of tippy cow. No kidding. What do you think of that? I think that she would love that. I think she will definitely see through that. What? I think it's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I do know that she would love after her Mother's Day dinner to sit down on the couch, kick her feet up and have an after dinner drink with Tipeek out. Oh, for sure. I mean, she's going to love the drink. Oh, I just got no doubt about it. She's also going to know Tipeek out is sponsored your podcast, but she's going to wonder what's the other, what's the other, you know, gift with it. And I'll say, my love, you're love.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah. Oh, the gift that keeps on giving what what if you were going to get your mom some typical flavor, do you think you'd go with, you know, I'd go the mint because she is Irish, you know, but she likes Bayley. So maybe mix in a little chocolate and a vanilla. I give her two, maybe two bottles. Because I'm a bar. I'm a bar. I'm a bar. You don't get, you don't get the full thing. You just get two bottles. What do you mean the full thing?
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'd give my mom all four flavors. Oh, okay. Now you just want me to want me to want me. Well, I'd get her all the flavors of Tippy Cow and also an actual present that is sponsored by us. And not just something from Fleet Farm as well that I also got a 20% days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. I was in the last two days. If you're interested in having Charlie and I belly on up to your local bar, we have a submission form where you can submit your bar to have us come and do our podcast there. And all you got to do is go to our Instagram page at belly up pod and the link is in the bio. Welcome to the Cripes cast. Do we got on the line? This is not the Cripes cast. Well, you got the belly of podcast. Do we got on the line? You got Curtis from a,
Starting point is 00:48:31 Grant and Pennsylvania. Scranton, pencil and, Scranton, what? The electric city. The electric city. There you go. Scranton, what? The electric city. Okay. I always had a dream. I always had a dream.
Starting point is 00:48:51 If I always thought if I met someone from Scran P.A. I would do that to him and see what happens. Right. It's like you go to Missouri and you go, am I Z? They go, oh, you are. How do you spell? COU. Charlie's never been in the Missouri, right? You go to Iowa city, you go, let's go Hawks and they go, let's go Hawks right back in your face. Yeah. It's another one, Charlie, that they do.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Exactly. You know, you go rock, chalk and they go J. Hawk. And I, and Madison, once I had a stadium says, each shit and the other side says, fuck you. Exactly the same. So, sorry, Mr. Fursa, what's your first name? Oh, Curtis. Oh, yeah, Curtis from Scranton, PA, why don't you belly up to the bar with us.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Tell us what's on your mind. Well, I would love to belly on up. So being that I am from Scranton, home of the infamous TV show that my absolutely love, my directed towards you. Who would you say in your opinion is your favorite character from the office? Okay. Um, you know,. You know what actually kind of irks me about office fans is everyone thinks that Creed is funnier than he is. If I'm being honest, I think a lot of
Starting point is 00:50:17 agree with you 100% he's overrated. He's overrated. A lot of his jokes are forced. All that I think Pam Beasley is one of the worst office characters of all time, frustrating. Really? Yeah. Yeah. These are some hot takes after you watch through the office
Starting point is 00:50:37 like 10 times like I have, you absolutely begin to despise Jim and Pam's relationship. You're not watching the show for the relationship anymore. Just feed me. Is that because you're jealous of it, Miles? Or you just don't like it. Ooh. Oh no, I'm in a pretty happy committed relationship.
Starting point is 00:50:53 So that is nothing to do with that. It's more so, it's more frustrating than anything because they could have just had like two conversations and they could have just, she could have broke up with Roy and they could have got together. You don't understand, Miles. I completely disagree with you because you needed that sort of sexual tension, the will they won't they?
Starting point is 00:51:13 You get plenty of sexual tension between Michael and Jan. Yeah, it's a different that's that's that is the funny sexual tension. You need the grounded sexual tension for the people who are watching the show as like an, and, you know, an actual human being for the people with emotions watching the show. Yeah. Yeah. I think Todd Packer is an underrated character. Todd Packer is great. I think that actually the most interesting characters throughout the whole thing, who actually one season you love love them next season you hate them. It goes back and forth is Andy Bernard I think he's a good dynamic character, but at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:51:54 The only reason why the office is what it is because Michael Scott Steve Keral Did a character that's like none other on the on the on the tube and the comedic timing, the absolute annoyance that Michael Scott is. So it makes the whole show. It's obvious answer, but I mean, there's no show without. I mean, it's a fantastic point. Yeah, it's without him. It doesn't happen. Now, do you say Todd Packer because he was on the Kreipskath? Is that why you said that? Yeah, that is actually exactly why I said that wasn't because I was totally spacing out at the beginning of this call. Also, I do have a question. I do have a question
Starting point is 00:52:37 now. What about the British office? What about that? Can't you do can't I only saw like the pilot episode and yeah, I really don't have a too much of an opinion on it, but I mean, I think the American version just took it to a whole nother level, but the first one isn't too bad for what I saw. Miles, did you ever dive into that? No, it's a fair assessment. I didn't really dive too heavy into it. Okay. But, uh, so I'm curious as someone from Scranton PA, what do you genuinely think about the office? I genuinely think it mean the city's not as nice as it makes it seem all be completely honest. Did they, did they make it seem nice? No, definitely not. No, I mean, yeah, we definitely don't have palm trees. It's the beginning of May and we're not even out of the 40 degree market. So we definitely don't have palm trees.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But yeah, I mean, yeah, I think it gives the city a little bit too much hype if I'm being honest. I mean, the poor Richards pub, though, the real one is actually in a bowling alley compared to what they saw in the show. So let me ask you, does it bother you being from scranton to watch the office and in the driving scenes see the palm trees? Uh, it does a little bit because it makes me a little jealous and I wish I wasn't a warmer climate. So you're not mad at like the people of the office for not actually
Starting point is 00:54:06 shooting it in Scranton. You're just mad that Scranton isn't a nicer, a better climate for you. Yeah, I would say it's, it may seem like it's taking place in Florida, which is nowhere near what it's actually like in Scranton. Got it, got it. And how would you say the city of scranton has sort of responded to the office as it has been a net positive? Is there been any negative for it? I think it's been a pretty big positive. I think it gives them a little bit too much, a little bit too cocky. They're getting this big head because they're like, wow, this amazing show is based here. Like I don't remember when they did their wrap up party. They did it at the minor league baseball team ballpark here.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And like, that place was literally like lined up. Like, you had to wait like three hours to get in. It was crazy. I love that. I actually really liked that for it makes me feel better about the show that the actual people of Scranton, P.A PA genuinely enjoy it being, I'm sure there's some people that don't, but the genuinely love that that's where it took place. Yeah, I like that kind of puts, uh, puts it on the map.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I can't go to walking in with somewhere where someone's not learning off it. You sure. I mean, I have a few of my own, of course, but that is wild to me. Yeah. Because it's like sometimes, you know, the communities are like, oh, yeah. Like I live in Fargo, right? And I like when everyone's like, oh, Fargo, just like the movie. And I'm like, ah, yeah, same old shit. But it sounds like you guys are like, yeah, the office. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yeah, that's what I was, that was what it's kind of getting at. Because like Fargo does not have a great, you know, uh, response with the movie or the TV show. Whenever I brought it up to people there, it's just like a whatever thing, at least to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am. I've actually never seen the show. Oh, it's great. Yeah. I live it every day, you know? Yeah. Bodies in the trunk. So what would you say is the number one thing about Scran P.A. that they got wrong on the office? That they got wrong. Well, besides the palm trees, there's also the scene where Michael talked about Lake Scran D in the seventh largest indigenous body of water. That's not right. Well, I think we all thought that that was pure fact.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Michael Scott's always whipping on the facts. Yeah, well, I think a lot of people in the screen think that that's a fact when they watch it, and then they tell people about it, and then the people that have actually lived there for a long time are like, no, where did you hear that? That's hearsay. Okay, what else?
Starting point is 00:56:43 They got like all of the, I will say the proposing to someone at a gas station is definitely something someone from Scranton would do. So that I feel like it's pretty well. What else? I mean, they got the colleges are actually, they talk about some of the universities in the show. My best friend actually goes to Scranton University university so they got some of that stuff right and so yeah I mean overall I say 50 50 it's 50 50 so half of the show is incorrect I would say how they portray
Starting point is 00:57:19 screen yeah half the show would be incorrect yeah okay all right well it's good information I wouldn't know unless I talk to someone who lives there. Yeah. It's great to get an eye on the ground, feats on the ground, and it's great to get the real deal. Thanks for coming. How do you? Well, here's another hotly debated thing on everyone thinks that they want a reboot
Starting point is 00:57:39 of the office, right? I am actually someone who is very against ever rebooting the office because it just seems like it would be forcing it. What's your tick? Do you think that they should reboot the office? I don't think so. I agree with you, Miles. I mean, the way it ended, the last couple of seasons are a little rough to get through. And even if you were to get Steve Carell back, it's still like you said, it's forcing it, it's forcing it. Yeah. Well, never put it past Hollywood to reduce, reuse, recycle, that is true. That is true, Charlie. It's probably coming back whether you fell as wanted to or not. But you know, we'll just have to wait and see.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Hell yeah. Well, we appreciate you calling in and giving us a little behind the scenes. Thank you, guys, for answering. It was awesome getting to talk to you. Heck yeah, man. Great. Shit chat. And last question.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Well, if I ever find myself in Scranton PA, what do I got to do? Give me the three things I got to do while I'm there. The three things you got to do while you're there. Well, I'm a little bit biased, but you should go bowling because that's where poor Richards pub is, all four Richards pub. So you can go bowling and then go to poor Richards pub from the show. Then you can go to the, you could go to it. If you come during baseball season, you got to go to a rail rider's baseball game. It's a great because if you want to talk to people about the what's up, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:59:13 No, I'm just saying rail riders. Rail riders is a great name. Yeah, they had actually the, they renamed the team because it's the Yankees Farm System and they had a fans vote on it and we got the rail riders. So that's where where we ended up. And number three, that's a great question. I wouldn't go to Lake Scranton. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Miles, but it's the seventh and the seventh. Go ahead. Yeah, do you ever had a crispy cream donut? We used to have a crispy cream donut shop in Fargo. And now it's a mattress store. So super. Oh, that is awful. Well, here's the thing though. If you ever come to Fargo, you got to have a sandy's donut and you'll forget
Starting point is 01:00:03 all about crispy creams because literally a local shop called sandies donuts ran crispy cream out of town. Are those your wedding? Yeah. Oh, those are so good. They ran them out of town. Wow. I took a box home. I hope that was okay.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I would say there you had donuts are good anywhere you got in my opinion. Whoa. I like that. He would say they're donuts are good anywhere you got in my opinion. If you're kind of like me, I like that. He's totally Midwest. He's totally, he's just like I just shit on Krispy Kreme. And he's like, well, yeah, no, I can totally see that perspective to it. Is the deep, avoiding the conflict. Well, he also said in a nice way that donuts are. So is the Krispy Kreme in in scrant is like, have the wall of glaze that goes over the donuts. But yes, you can stand there and stare at it as long as you want. See, they distract you of the quality of the donut a little bit. It's a little bit the experience that you love more than I think you love the
Starting point is 01:00:57 donut because I remember as a kid walking into that crispy cream and seeing that wall of glaze being drizzled over the top of the donuts and thinking this is Willy Wonka chocolate factory in real life in donut form. And then after a few times going there, the luster wears our, yeah, it starts to lose its luster a little bit. And you realize that this donut just is a little inferior to sandies and Fargo. So. All right. Well, I would say you got me there.
Starting point is 01:01:26 It's a lot of the experience. You're there. Like looking at the wall, if donuts, and watching it go through. So it is the experience is a big part of it. I just want to let you know I've watched miles talk passionately about a lot of things on this podcast, but maybe nothing more passionate than sandies donuts. The sandies guy through and through. Yeah, I actually did have a crispy cream cake as a kid.
Starting point is 01:01:51 So my mom just literally bought a box of crispy cream donuts and stacked them up in a pyramid. I put candies in it. So I have been around the block in the donut game a little bit as you can probably tell. But hey, he had a salad for lunch. So I'll tell you that. Yeah, too many too many crispy creams and sandies. And now and later in life, you got to start eating salads. Yeah, he inhaled it too. I think he's got a piece of. Oh, God. Thanks for that invite. I'll start early now then that way it doesn't go too far down hill.
Starting point is 01:02:20 All right. Yeah, there you go. Well, man, thanks for calling in and as always Scranton what The electric city there is I love it. Thanks for calling in man Thanks guys All right, we'll see I have fun scrant I Just love the pause between when you say it. Like, could you always hike them stuff up to like give the thing?
Starting point is 01:02:48 Or is that a delay? I think it might just be the phone delay a little bit. Yeah. Um, did I wake up this morning and think I was going to start a fight with that guy about Krispy Kreme Donuts? No. But here we are doing a Michael Scott impression of the donuts and straight up some Michael Scott would say. Yeah, it was like, I and it sucks because that guy was the nicest guy ever, but I had to make sure that he knew.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Yeah, you went to town on that, man. Yeah. You really went to town. Wow. I saw like things. I think it's also like pent up aggression that I can't eat as many donuts as I used to. You know, now that that really goes to my hips Oh, yeah, do they do they go to your hips? No, I'll go straight to my gut. Oh, yeah, but hey
Starting point is 01:03:33 Figure it out. Well Charlie. I think that was another successful episode of the belly to podcast This was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun with you the mother's day episode. Yeah, I'm gonna get my mom a donut as well Okay, her mother's day make her donut cake. Yeah, Sandy's donut cake. Yeah, that actually would be fine It's actually a great idea. Yeah, I'll send you some in the mail. Yeah, send me enough to make my mom one Okay, yeah sounds good and not a sponsor either. No, we just put them on the map. Yeah, there you have it. I need the recognition They deserve well miles spent a pleasure until next time you take care. Okay, pal. Okay, there guy You watch out for them. Dears dare go. Okay, and tell your folks I say side tell your mom I says happy mother's day Mom happy mother's day and all of you out there till your mom's and happy Mother's Day.
Starting point is 01:04:25 As always, don't forget to tip your bartender. Don't you dare. Cheers. Bye-bye.

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