Bellied Up - Dating The Manager's Sister #90

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

Happy Leap Day! Our first caller is a busy man in the gutter business, pondering whether he should relocate to the great state of Michigan. The next caller likes his manager's sister and seeks tip...s on asking her out on a date. Our final caller is young, seeking guidance on what they want to do when they grow up Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the bellied up podcast. I'm here with my co-host Charlie Barron's Charlie. Hi, Miles. You know what today is? It's leap. Yeah. Leap year. Leap. Yeah. It's leap year, Miles. Well, would it be leap day? Oh, it is. Good day. Yeah. By the way, February 29th, February 29th. And I'm going to do I have to do this right off the off the top. It's actually leap day for the Green Bay Packers. It's the 30th year, the 30th anniversary of the Lambo leap or their, their, their, their you can only celebrate every four. I know. I forget how they do it, but it's officially leap day in Green Bay cell brain. Leroy Butler's first Lambo leap into the stands, which started the great tradition
Starting point is 00:00:54 in of the Green Bay Packers, the Lambo leap. Technically, seven and a half years old, not 30. Technically, yeah. And had I been better at math, I would have done that myself. But yeah, how do you celebrate Leap Day? I often think about the people who are born on Leap Day. Do you think that their age should be based off of how many years they've been on earth or how many actual birth dates they've had? I think it should be how many birth dates they've had because it without a birth that you just you don't go through that there. They basically are the inverse of dogs. You know, yeah, it's so if you're 40, you're 10 years old. I think that's only appropriate. Did you do that math right? Take 40 divided by four and that equals 10. Oh, cause leap year happens every four
Starting point is 00:01:47 years. Why was I thinking seven? That's dog years. Oh, I just made a dumb analogy is what I did. I don't know. But it really it is. It's, you know, dog years are sped up. Leap years are slowed down. Yeah. How do you think you have liked to have been born on a leap day? I mean, I think it'd be special a little bit, but also, you know, less actual birthdays. And then no, I don't want that because how much pressure does that put on your actual birthday once every four years? Like if you have a birthday every year, it's cool. You can have a bad birthday and you can cry if you want to on it. But you know, that's a lot of pressure on your actual birthday. Plus I've got some siblings that would use that as an excuse to just, you know, not, well, my siblings don't get me anything anyway.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I guess it doesn't matter. I want, I do think that they usually celebrate on February 28th. The other years they celebrate every year. We're not March 1st though. Cause they're a February baby. I guess that's true. I guess that's true. It's a weird thing that we're doing. You think we would have figured out a way to just not have to do an extra day every four years. Why are we doing it? I don't know. I think it was had with Benjamin Franklin and daylight savings time or something. I don't know. I think it was headed with Benjamin Franklin and daylight savings time or something. I don't know. I don't think you're right at all. I don't
Starting point is 00:03:09 think it is right either. I've watched national treasure one time and now you know what? I think to deal with time, I blame Benjamin Franklin. Yeah, I can understand that. I think we deserve it to our audience to let them know why leap day became a thing. Okay. So. Is it because years aren't exact? Something like February 29th is a leap day on intercalary day. So intercalary is that how I say that date added periodically to leap years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It is the 60th day of a leap year in both calendars and 306 days remain until the end of the leap year.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, we know all that. Why does it exist? Well, it exists because of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. In the Gregorian calendar, the standard civil calendar used most of the world. February 29th is added each year that it is an integer multiple of four, except for years evenly divisible by 100, but not by 400. The Julian calendar since 1923, a liturgical calendar, has February 29th every fourth year without exception. Consequently February 29th and the Julian calendar falls 13 days later than February 29th and the Gregorian calendar until the year 2100. And then I don't even know what happens. Would you like to know
Starting point is 00:04:37 any famous people that have been birthed on leap day? Sure. Paul the third in 1468, Albert V. Duke of Bavaria in 1579. Let's move up because no one cares about them. Let's find our most recently babies. 2004 Lydia Jacobi, American swimmer, 2000 Ferentora Spanish footballer, 2000. I don't know any of these freaking people. Holy smokes. Jesse T. Usher. Do you know him? I don't. Jessica Long. She's an American Paralympic swimmer. Eric Kendricks is an American football player. Oh, there we go. Jared. Jared. Do you know Eric Kendricks? He's the Vikings linebacker. Oh, that guy. Oh yeah. I forget. How many Super Bowls do
Starting point is 00:05:21 you think? Oh, God. Yeah Yeah, just just get a ask. So why do we have a leap day? Well, because of math. All right. You keep talking. I will get to the bottom of it. I just, you know, this is folks here at the belly to podcast. We, Miles and I have what we call a toxic relationship where I tell him the answers very clearly because I read them off Wikipedia and then he has to Google it himself. So now he's Googling why do we have a leap day and now he's okay. I got it. Yeah. That's took me how long? I don't know. Okay. You know everything. Why do we have a leap day fall every four years? Due to the Earth's orbit, there are leap years and leap days.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The number of days Earth takes for completing a full revolution around the Sun does not stand to be a whole number. So therefore, there's extra time left over that ends up equaling a whole extra day around the Sun according to the calendar. Now, why couldn't we just make the days exactly how long the earth takes to orbit the sun? That's true. Why don't we just have like 26 and three-fourths hours? I think I know the real thing is it'd be like 24.05 hours in a day. We do it because people aren't good at math. But then they hold a
Starting point is 00:06:47 whole extra day. Okay. You know what they should do? Like, are we done with, um, with daylight savings, by the way? Cause you know how the clocks turn back? We should just, I do know about daylight savings. Yeah. Benjamin Franklin is the one that started that. Is it done? Are we done? I heard it was done, but I have seen no movement on that front. Yeah. I mean, it's so annoying. Every time I look at my microwave clock, it's just it's one. My microwave clock is either right or my stove clock is either right. And then by the time you get around to switching them, you got to switch them back and then it's a whole thing. Yeah. And then there, one is always right. And one is always wrong. And by one, I mean half right and half
Starting point is 00:07:29 wrong. Anyways, I don't think we really came to any sort of actual conclusion. No, we definitely got to the bottom of it. Well, you got to the top of it, but here we are folks at the VFW bar ready to do another belly up podcast on this bleep day. I'm excited. Let's do it. Let's take some colors. Welcome to the belly up podcast. Who we got on the line. Hey, this is Kurt. Kurt. Hi, Kurt. What are you guys doing? We're, we're at the bar. What are you doing? Kurt? Well, I'm working. Where? I live in Washington state. Good for you. That wasn't what I asked. Are you are you are you right now cutting a trail? My what? Are you cutting a trail? Are you making a trail through the woods right now? No, do
Starting point is 00:08:26 I sound like I am? No, we talked to a guy earlier that that was his job and they said that they could do 80 feet of trail a week. Do you think that's a lot of trail or not a lot of trail? I think it depends on the trail to be honest. I mean, if the trail is pretty clear, I could probably do double that. I think you could. Well, Kurt, what do you do for a living? I do gutters for a living. Not a boy. I'm actually trying to do it right now. I talked to you. It sounds like it for sure. Yeah. Are you up on a ladder? Oh, I'm not right now. I'm going to be pulling it over. How many, how many roofs have you fallen off? Kurt?
Starting point is 00:09:09 As of today, zero, but you know, that could change. It's a little windy out here. Well, if you do get injured, we have a lawyer that you can call. Nicolay, baby. The guy with the beard. It's got call 1855 Nicolay and then they'll help you out. Soundless plan. He's about I don't know if I mean, have we verified that he's a good layer? Oh yeah. He's actually award winning. Yeah. He's award winning. Who's award and what is he winning? That's not as important as it is that you tell us what you called in for today. Yeah, you're 20 steps up that ladder now
Starting point is 00:09:46 I've been counting so be careful too. I Know what can you hear me? So I called in for two reasons one of them I thought of while I was on hold yesterday Which is sort of a business idea, but I don't want any stake in it You guys can either reject me or do what you will. I was thinking if you have a little cue. Hold on, hold on. We have a name for this.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Hurtz. Welcome to the Midwest Muskie Tank. Where your business ideas could be our business ideas if you play your cards right. Let's hear your pitch. All right, so I was thinking when you're waiting on hold and you guys have that terrible music note then. What you need to do is you need to have a little like hold room where three or four people get to talk to each other on a conference call and you guys can record it and you guys can just take ideas
Starting point is 00:10:46 from that and record it and do whatever you want. You can laugh about it. You can use it for your content. And then people have a little warm up session before they talk to you guys. That's really a great, I'm going to be honest. This sounds like a great idea. I'll just, you know, just sit and listen into that music, that dark, creepy music that you guys play for our district. And I thought, man, I'd love to talk to some other people right now. Instead, I had to keep working.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Well that, um, we're, we are going to get our people on that right now. I mean, it's kind of like, uh, people are into ham radios. They just tune into a frequency and they talk to whoever's on there. Yeah. It's our version of the truckers. We can have people having trucking combos. I can live out my lifelong dream of being a trucker. But I won't be, but I will be. Yeah. That can be our where you at what you haul in part of the show. That's perfect. And it's not even us. That's the perfect name for it. Kurt's hauling a gutter up the ladder right now. Speaking of which, Yeah, don't mind me. I'm trying to get stuff done. I'm talking to you guys. Yeah, we know.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Uh, okay. That's not the primary reason I called in, but I was looking for some advice on, I guess, I grew up and was born in Michigan in Wayland. And I'm trying to think about how I'm supposed to transition back because I'm here for the Navy. And I got a couple of businesses out here and making good friends. So I'm trying to figure out what the process is going to be and how long before I move back to Michigan or if I should move back to Michigan.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I would go ahead and say, yeah, you should move back to Michigan. Michigan is a great state, not as great as Wisconsin, but great nonetheless. What part of Michigan did, were you born and raised on? Oh, he said Wayland. Oh, where the hell is Wayland? You know where Grand Rapids is? Sure. We're going to have to go this way. So that's about 30 minutes south of Grand Rapids. If you know where that is. Oh yeah. Kind of over by Kalamazoo. Yeah, yeah. My mom works in Kalamazoo kind of the opposite direction, but you're close. All right. Well, tell your mom we say hi. So you said that you own a few businesses out in Washington state. What businesses? Obviously
Starting point is 00:13:17 the gutter situation. What else? So the gutters, the gutters I don't own. I just me and one of my good buddies who's been here for longer decided to start a company because I needed a job. And so we started this and then we kind of have a little equipment rental company. We have some like a dump trailer. Hey, hold up, Rob. We have like a dump trailer. We have a skid steer, you know, I haul trailers, I have a skid wheel hitch and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So just kind of offering the stuff that most people don't have sitting in their yard. Well, I got to tell you this, uh, all your answers are right in front of you. You own trailers and you got the skid steer and then this, that and the other thing, just you and your buddy, uh, put those trailers on your cars with all the stuff you rent out and just drive to Michigan because Michigan has gutters. And I see a lot. Is that verified? Do you know that? Oh, I know that for sure. My sister. I think you know a guy who needs his gutter fixed, Charlie. I, oh, I need my gutter fixed. It's a good idea. I broke my gutter actually, uh, about a month ago and I, thanks for reminding me, Miles, I haven't fixed it yet. I better do
Starting point is 00:14:35 that, especially with the snow and stuff coming. You putting up Christmas lights and you just fall off the ladder or what? Well, I was cleaning the gutters out and yes, then I fell off the roof. Well, you'll be happy to know that just by cleaning your gutters, you're doing better than about 80% of people. Oh, you got to clean the gutters. Oh my. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Oh yeah. Yeah, there was some interesting stuff. This was a gutter on the back of my garage and I don't think it been cleaned in a long ass time. I was. I was pulling science projects out of that. Hey, you guys want to know something I found the rods in the roof I'm working on today? Absolutely. I find a lot of random stuff, uh, nerve bullets and, you know, mouse skeletons, but I found a nine millimeter bullet lodged in the rough today. Shut up
Starting point is 00:15:26 What's yeah, yeah, somebody was having some fun. Yeah Or not so much fun Yeah Did you uh, did you tell the homeowner that you found a nine mil situated in there? I don't know if he wants to know that there's people taking shots at his roof. So I'm gonna keep that one to myself That's good. I can't wait to read the news story about the Washington man who Had his windows broke by a nine mil could have been prevented to had the gutter guy told him he was a target. So you were saying that you were saying that 90% of people don't
Starting point is 00:16:18 clean their gutters and that's why they need to call you. Do you want people to clean their gutters or do you not want to so that you have more work? Well, cleaning gutters doesn't always give me business. It's just over the course of 10, 15 years. It's the reason that people have rotting out wood and fighting and so on and so forth. So if you clean your gutters, you end up having to spend a lot less money and you can get new gutters if you want new gutters and not because all your houses are out of the way. But if my gutters are good, why am I buying new gutters? You only need new gutters if they're anywhere between 20 and 30 years old and they're failing or they're leaking or whatever it might be. Everything has a life to it. Nothing's ever permanent.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And so yeah, if you, if you want new gutters because yours are failing and that would make the most sense if you want them just because they look good and you must have some good money or something. Why did you decide on gutters? Because we already kind of had a roofing company. I say we the people that I'm working for already had a roofing company and So they were tired of paying too much money to have someone pay for gutters or install gutters for them So they decided to have me learn how to do it so that
Starting point is 00:17:40 So that it would be cheaper and more cost-effective and then it gave me a job So that it would be cheaper and more cost effective. And then it gave me a job. Well, that's great. I mean, and now you got some good skills. You got some good inventory on your rental side. What's stopping you from just moving back to Michigan right now? Well, my fiance is out here and she lives out here with her family. And so I've got to be respectful for that. Well, done. But your family's in Michigan, right? Yeah. Yeah. But I'm used to being away from family, unfortunately. Well, so you give it a few years out there. He's not going to end up moving back to Michigan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:23 What kind of sounds. Yeah. Are we? That's the reason I called is I'm trying to figure out if it's even reasonable or if I can do it. I feel like I might have buried myself too deep here. I don't think so. You're in the gutter business. I think this I don't know the situation sounds like it might be in the gutter. What? How about classic? How about you do three years out there with her family and then you move back to Michigan, do three years with your family and see which one you guys like better. Yeah. So the only, I should have said this earlier too, but I bought a house last year. That's the other thing. I gotta, I gotta be mindful of whether I'm gonna try and sell that only a few years after I bought
Starting point is 00:19:10 it or if I'm gonna try and turn it into a rental or whatever that might be. Did you get a good rate on it? Did you buy it back when rates were cheap? Yeah, I got a pretty good deal on it with a pretty decent rate. More than it should have been, but that's kind of the nature it with a pretty decent rate. Um, more than it should have been, but that's kind of the nature of my house in 2022. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Well, Charlie, you got to make a decision. Should he move back to Michigan or no? I think, yeah, you, you move back to Michigan. The houses are cheaper
Starting point is 00:19:42 in Michigan, you know, so you've probably made some good coin on that house. I think really here it is. You're just going to be looking at Zillow, finding the deal you can't refuse, you know? Find the house that's just solid and, you know, bribe your wife with like there's a lake there or something. Take your time, find the perfect house. While you're taking your time, you're accumulating time with your fiance's family. And then by the time you get that good house, I think it should be pretty
Starting point is 00:20:15 sold. You know, and also float the idea with your fiance right now, get her used to it, and start telling her all the great things about Michigan. It's pure familiar with Michigan. She's got a jib off. No, I wouldn't do that in front of you. All right. She's got a sibling out there. Yeah. Yeah a couple of me. Well, that's it. This is, this is very reasonable. My guy also, I just got to say it. You must run a tight ship over there at the gutter business. Is that accurate? You've got to just hang it. We tried to run a little bit of a tight ship. I suppose I love how he's been on hold for two days and he hasn't taken even a 30 second break from doing his job to talk to us. He's been huffing and puffing. The ladder's been clanking in the background. That's the guy that I want working on my gutters.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You know what this is, Miles? This is payback for us keeping him on hold with that terrible. He's just letting us hear everything for this is his hold music. You know, Well, I'm doing my best to try and keep you guys entertained as well as keep myself paid as you might say. Well, you're doing good because really we should be keeping you entertained. So if that's not happening, I think you're getting a raw end of this deal. Here's something to tell your your fiance or wife, I forget. Fiancee wife, what are we? Fiancee.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Okay, fiancee. So usually if a couple of the kids go to one part of the country, the rest of the grandparents, her parents will kind of move to be closer to the grandkids. So I think you get in contact, do you like your brother, soon to be brother and sister-in-law
Starting point is 00:22:06 out there in Michigan? So she, yeah, I mean, they're the tough part is being born and raised Midwest for 19 years. And you know, you're trying to familiarize yourself with people who were born and raised on the West coast. I mean, there's, there's some differences, but everybody gets along. What are the main differences between the people on the West coast and people in the Midwest? I would say there's two main differences that I've noticed, which is one work ethic. I feel like the average work a day out here is like 10 to two for labor jobs, which is mind blowing. And then, uh, the other difference is desire for land.
Starting point is 00:22:51 So like I bought a house of two and a half acres out here, which is a pretty good amount considering the average lot size out here. But, um, everybody, I literally know a person who, uh, looked at a neighborhood and she saw houses that were like 10 yards apart And she said that the houses were too far apart for her. Oh She wants to just really high five her neighbors from their kitchen window. Yeah. Yeah Like keeping through windows, but like the problem is for me I wanted I want to buy like 30 40 acres, you know, have a back 40
Starting point is 00:23:23 The problem is for me, I want to buy like 30, 40 acres. You know, have a back 40, but 30 acres of undeveloped land out here by me goes for over $350,000. Hmm. Well, buy some land in Michigan. Do that. Start with buying the land and then slowly build a nice little ranch out there. And then it's-
Starting point is 00:23:43 Up to go. Yeah. Yeah, just start slow. Just start building your dream house now. And then when that dream is realized, you can be like, you know, on your sisters are out there, your sisters out there and people work harder out there. We can make more money, lands cheaper, you know, and yeah, I have a deal with my buddy. If he wins the power ball, he'll buy me a ranch in Montana. So I'm kind of my best on that one. Yeah. I would, I would bank on that. Yeah. I think that's the best retirement plan to be honest. Yeah. Yeah. For,
Starting point is 00:24:14 for good. Just keep buying powerball tickets. That's the real business. There you go. Well, I don't, I don't buy them. I'm the most unlucky person on the planet. Well, why would your buddy give you money from his Powerball tickets if he wins? I don't, do you guys have that in mind? I don't know, Charlie. You might need to do the math on that one. Why would somebody be so nice to another guy? I don't know. You wouldn't buy me a ranch in Montana
Starting point is 00:24:39 if you won the Powerball, Charlie. Wow. What the hell? I mean, maybe, you know, I suppose. If I already had a ranch of my own, sure I'd get you a ranch, Miles. Why don't you promote your business out here now, and then your business is going to explode, because we all know we have a huge following on the West Coast. And then you can go back to the...
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, I've seen people out here in Washington. I worked for a company called Great American Gutters. So we also have a roofing company. And if you need any equipment rental, right choice rentals is the place to go. Right judge. Right choice rental. Right choice rentals, great American gutters. And what's your roofing called? Is it called a right choice roof or great American roofing? It's a great America. It's called it's called East side roofing and we're on the West side of the state. I'll let you guys just take down from there. East side of town. Well, it looks like if you're going to Michigan, you got to buy a place on the East side of Michigan at least. So keep that in mind. Yeah. All right, man. Well, yeah, we appreciate
Starting point is 00:25:47 you calling in. Sounds like you still got a lot of work to do and good luck. We hope to see you in the Midwest soon. I appreciate it. I just want to plug one thing in, which is that this is kind of shameful for me, but I listened to you bet your radio on Spotify for 32,000 minutes last year. Let's go. Smokes hell. Yeah. I always have a headphone in when I'm working. So I appreciated my guy and that makes Me much happier than it makes Charlie. Yeah, there's also this podcast called the Cripes cast Yeah, I think I got through about four episodes of that I think I got through about four episodes of that over it. You and everyone else. You and everyone else. You guys, you guys don't do enough talking about shitting and farting on that podcast. That's about all we do.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. I mean, the body talk is the body talk is huge. Cock rings is a big, big, big bro. And there's, there's a couple of other ones that Charlie's missing on today, but you guys are killing it. You guys keep me close to the Midwest and I love it. All right, pal. Appreciate it. You can get back here. Tell your fiance. We says hi. I'll let her know. All right. Bye bye now. For the whole time that guy was working, He belongs in the Midwest. I love there is about every company across the Midwest that would like to hire that guy. I mean, you can tell he didn't take a in one breath. He's talking to us. The other breath. He's talking to his, his apprentice and the other breath. He's trying to catch. Yeah. You know, the whole time.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I hope he stays on the roof. He sounds like a guy who's not falling off. No. To dig another one. Yeah, let's do it. Welcome to the belly to podcast. Who is on the horn? Caleb from the zoom Montana Caleb from Zuma Montana. Mo Zula. I was like, I'm going to ask where Zula is. Well, cool Caleb. Oh, Mo Zula. Mo Zula. Nice. Are you a billionaire? Aren't there a bunch of billionaires out there? Not that I know of. I am not one yet working on it though. I like that. You'll get there mentality. You'll get there. Caleb. Well, what's on your mind? My guy, belly on up. You know, I started this new job a few, few six months ago or so. And my supervisor was one of my somewhat close friends from high school. We played football,
Starting point is 00:28:18 but I never knew that he had a cute sister. And now I don't know how to go about it. So he had a cute sister. Oh, I don't know how to go about it. So trying to figure out how to go about this. So he's your supervisor. You said, yeah, he's my supervisor. And what kind of business are we talking? I'm a, we're fabricators. We fabricate fire, fire pits. Hmm. Okay. Fire pit fabricator. And he's trying to light a little fire in his soul with the fellow's sister. I like this. Okay. So you said cute sister. Are you talking like you think she's wife material or what are we, what are we working with here? I mean, possibly, I mean, me and the kids, I mean, we, we do everything together. We go ice fishing, hunting, everything. So I mean, he wouldn't be bad we do everything together we go ice fishing, hunting, everything so I mean he wouldn't be bad as a future brother-in-law but I mean how do I get
Starting point is 00:29:11 him to see me as a future brother-in-law because he doesn't like that idea I would I would think. Okay so you've never talked to him about that you got the hots for a sister? No no and I mean yeah I don't know what to say. But I just lay it out and be like, dude, I think I'm gonna hit on your sister. No, I'm glad you call. That's how you lose your job and your potential love interest all in the same swoop. Has the has the sister is the sister single Oh yeah. Is the sister single and does she have the hots for you too? You know, I don't know if she has the hots for me. So my supervisor, he was a year older than me and she's a year younger than me.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So I mean, my senior year as varsity quarterback. So I mean, you would think she would have the hots for me, but that didn't really work out with girls high school at miles. Brian knows. Hey, but hey, I will say though, he knows more than Charlie because, and I don't know if I should be taking Charlie's advice with this. His marriage didn't seem to work out, but you know what? Caleb, fuck you. All right. Respectfully, respectfully, you know, sorry. Hey. Okay. So I think he brought up a few good points. What's a good point? No, not it. So it sounds like he was the star quarterback. Yeah. So what he needs to do. He peaked early. Hold on. You need to if you when you're in the same room as this gal, you got to just start
Starting point is 00:30:46 telling her about how good you were in high school at quarterback chicks. Love that. Oh yeah. Open up the yearbook. They, that's what I figured. They just love when you just reminisce about the past, you know, they, not really, but I'll try that one. Yeah. I think it could be a good option. Is there a time where you're going to be in the same room as her? I was just going to say this. So my supervisor, he's getting married in June and we're both in the wedding. She's on my supervisor's fiance side and I'm on his side. So I don't know, like, do I just skip the dating part? Go straight to engagement? Like at the wedding? Do I take the attention off him on the meet? Yes. Yes. This is because everybody knows that a
Starting point is 00:31:32 wedding, the bride and the groom are getting too much attention. They plan. They they're so tired of planning it. And then all these people looking at them, they need a proposal at their wedding. Is he just pitching us the movie plot of wedding cratchers right now? Did someone get engaged in one? Well, no, but basically that they were there. He falls in love with one of the bridesmaids. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah, but I mean, I never thought about that. That'd be good point, Miles. Are you a best man? No, I'm not. I'm not the best man. Are you gonna be giving us speech? We're almost through, hand over it. No, he won't let me anywhere near that mic, he said.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Oh, God, if he's not letting him near the mic, how's he gonna let him near his sister, Miles? I know, so you're gonna have to do, this is a covert operation. That's why I'm putting in your fight. You're gonna need to make her, yeah, you're gonna need to make her fall in love before he even knows you guys have talked because it sounds like he's going to shut that shit down pretty fast. Yeah. Oh, yeah. This is good too. Cause when is the
Starting point is 00:32:37 wedding? It's in July in July. I got a little time. You got a little time. My question though is your his sister is gonna have the option of a plus one at this wedding. So and some some gals want to you know, especially their brothers getting married and the men people are asking the sister to avoid the questions of so are you dating anyone? Sometimes they just come with a date. So you might have to do a little work before the wedding is even there. I don't know, Miles, does he do, does he do it before? Does he just try to snag at the wedding? Well, you need to first start being very interested in your supervisor's life. You need to know what he's doing on the weekends, like, Hey, what's going on this weekend? What are you up to? And as soon as he says that, yeah, unless she lives in town, whenever he's saying he's getting together with family, you got to somehow weasel your way into this function
Starting point is 00:33:35 because that's the only way that you're going to be able to do any groundwork before the wedding. Yeah, I never thought about that. I don't know how I would go about that, but maybe just seem so interested in his family and not really his sister and then work my way into his sister. Where does the way into his sister? Yeah, you might want to rephrase that. I'm now getting while you're not getting the mic at the wedding. Yeah, I, yeah, it's not good. Does his sister live in town? Yeah, she's in town here. Perfect. Where does she work? Hopefully she's a bartender. I don't know. I don't know. She's pretty cute. That's all I know. You got to find out where she works. Cause then you go and be a customer at where she works. And then you, uh, you don't, you, you, you know that that's his sister, but you don't tell her or bring up him at all. So that's how you're going to fall in love is you're going
Starting point is 00:34:38 to be a continued customer of this business. You'll fall in love and then you wait a sec. You're the sister of my supervisor. This is such a small world. How did this happen? Well, it turns out we're in love so we can't do anything about it. Yeah, you're going to have to get in love with, you're going to have to make her fall in love before the brother has anything to say about it. Yeah. How do you not know where she works, dude? She lives in town. I mean, is she not on Instagram? Have you not done any research? I haven't stalked her too much. No. Too much, but a little bit. Oh, I know what she does. Not really. No, Charlie. Maybe I should do that. Well, again, don't take my advice. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Like, what do you know about her? Well, I know that she goes to the university here in town and that we went to high school together but never knew each other in high school and that I'm working with her brother. It's about it. Oh, okay. What do you like about her? You know, you saw a photo of her. What just made your jaw drop? I mean, she loves to do everything I do. She go to cotton and fishing and she, she's just pretty. Okay. Does she hunt with her brother? Yeah. Yeah. They hunt together. Maybe I go home.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You plan the hunting trip, dude. You find someone with some land and you invite him and his family. Just when I thought Charlie had no good ideas. He comes out with a banger. Thank you. I like that. Thank you. Cause a little cabin fever situation, you know, you're out in the middle of nowhere. There's no one else to look at but each other. Maybe a Stoke a warm fire in the cabin. Yeah. And then the next thing you know, over serve her brother. So he passes out early and then yeah, time for the magic not much of a drinker. So he's not much of a drinker No, he's not it won't be hard to get him to larried up, but Hopefully It'll go quick then. Yeah, I think you got it man. I think that's it
Starting point is 00:37:00 What is yeah? What's gonna be your pickup line? Because you gotta you gotta have something in the bag for when this moment finally happens. Cause it's going to happen quick. I've never been too much of a pickup man. It's just barred like just straight to the point usually, but what do you think I should do? Well, I want to hear it. We're role play. Charlie is the girl. I will be the brother and you are you. We are in a cabin in the woods. Fire is burning. I am hammered. Wait, what are we hunting for? That's important information. Oh, good. A bull elk. Oh, I can't wait to get an elk tomorrow. I'm going to go mix another drink in the other room and I don't think I'll be able to hear anything from this room. All right, I'll be back guys.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Well, that was. Oh, okay. Uh, that is usually like that at work. Others up too. Not really. We try to stay off the group that works, but yeah. Yeah. So uh, Charlie, I'm just going to call you your real name now. But, uh, so what do you think about, uh, maybe hanging out by the fire a little longer, just being you. Um, you know, I'm tired. I might actually go to bed. Um, yeah, I'm just feeling, Hey, does anyone want a drink from the kitchen? Um, I know, no, no. I'll take one. Okay. I'll get I can't hear anything from in here. So you guys keep talking. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, then your brother's not here. So what? Why do you want to go to bed? Why don't you just want to hang out with me?
Starting point is 00:38:36 Know me a little more. Okay. So like, what do you like to do for fun? Oh, I like to do anything that you like to do, I'd say. Um, like cotton right now or, I mean, I make a good, good money. So I mean, I could, I could potentially buy you some nice purses or something. I don't know. I don't like purses. Uh, I'm literally hunting. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah. I mean, Hey, we're out of vodka. Do you just want some Melsis? Sure. Yeah, honestly. Why do you look so upset? What's going on in here? I think your friend is trying to hit on me. What? Yeah. Caleb is...
Starting point is 00:39:14 I'm gonna need some tippy cow in here. Okay. He'll take a tippy. Do we have tippy cow? I'll go look. I can't hear anything for that room. So you guys keep talking. So are you trying to ask me out on a date? I Mean if that wouldn't be the end of the world, would it? I mean, no, I sure sir
Starting point is 00:39:35 I've had too much to drink. I think I might just have to go to bed. Yeah. Yeah Well, no, that didn't go away. I was hoping Didn't go the right way at all. What is going on with your game, Caleb? You want to, I mean, you make him fun of me about being divorced. I don't think you're ever going to get up to the altar with that kind of game. You got married, you know, what the hell? Do I want to go sit by the fire with you? You got to hide it a little bit more, I think. I think what she cooks, yeah. Yeah, I don't go the direct approach. That was a crash and burn in the fire if I've ever seen one.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Just start a casual conversation with her, you know, figure out what she likes, pretend you're into it, and then. And then maybe she's cleaning the gun. If you guys are using rifles or something the next day, she's cleaning the gun and be like, say something like God, you know, are you sure you know how to shoot that thing? And then she'd be like, Oh my God, stop. Yes, I absolutely do. She could say that or she could say, are you you're a sexist piece of shit? Well, it depends on how you say it, Charlie. Does it? Yeah, it absolutely does. If you're playful with it, then she knows. I think I'm with Charlie here. That sounds kind of sexist.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, look at that. Now Caleb's on my side. Oh,. So the two guys siding together. One's divorced and one single a shit. That seems like a good idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you don't like that idea, what is your alternative approach? My guy. Well, I mean, as we've been talking on the phone, I kind of forgot he was the one that got me onto this podcast. So I feel like he might hear it before I have a plan. So I mean, well, this comes out in March. This comes out. No, this leap day. This comes out on leap day. Leap day. So you got till the end of February to make a move. My guy. Yeah. End of February. Okay. That's helpful. And do we have any advice on like, so we, I mean, our tables, we both fabricated on the table side by side. Do you
Starting point is 00:41:55 think I should just not come to work that day because he's going to listen to it right away or do I just make sure I have an eye on him so it doesn't punch me or something? I don't know how to go about it. You have to make a move on his sister. Your time is now ticking. You've created a ticking time bomb. Yeah, and we don't have time to take another caller today. So this is gonna get published Caleb, unfortunately for you, but you know what though?
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's fine. I think you needed this. You needed this call to action. So can I ask you what was, how many girls have you dated in the past year? Oh, it's been a pretty dry spell. Yeah, it sounds like it with your pickup line. You got to work on your... Hey, you want me to rub you back by the fire? Yeah, no, no. We may, we may be a little too. We can't make decisions up. Let's just say that. What commitment issues for sure. You
Starting point is 00:42:56 have commitment issues. Yeah, for sure. Caleb, didn't I just tell you this was going to be published in early February and now you're admitting you have commitment issues? Yeah. So if there's any girls out there that it, I mean, it's just her, uh, maybe bleep that word out. Um, if my supervisor sister doesn't work out, maybe if there's any girls out there that, uh, So this is the problem. This is the problem. Get me up. This is the problem Yeah, you need to have more confidence in what you want, but he also it's hey, he's just always on to the next thing You know
Starting point is 00:43:36 This is not what your supervisor wants to hear on this podcast that he's listening that you're just gonna Talk to his sister and then break her heart and move on to the next. Yeah. You got to really wrestle those commitment issue demons and commit to her. True. Why do you have commitment? Yeah, I mean, I never thought about that. I've never been one to my field. So maybe I'll start thinking about that. Yeah. You get into your feels a little bit. I think figure out why your clock's ticking the way it is. How old are you? 20. Oh, of course he has commitment issues.
Starting point is 00:44:12 20 years old. This is never going to work out. And she's in college. Yeah. And she's 19. I would just scratch the whole thing. Yeah. And yeah. And this guy, wait, this dude's 21 and he's getting married. He's getting married at 21. I told him I said, I wouldn't go into your own funeral that early, but okay. Well, I mean, now this is public and now his fiance is going to hear this. You just keep digging
Starting point is 00:44:39 yourself. Agree. Oh, it's all right. She, she's cool. I tell her, I tell them both that all the time. Oh, wait, wait, wait. You tell her. They're cool. Yeah. So you, you see her very pretty often and you know, like nothing about her aside for, she goes to university and like, fiance, he's, oh, the fiance, no, her fiance, fiance, fiance. Oh, why don't you ask his fiance for some advice? Yeah. Hey, don't tell supervise. That would be great. Don't tell supervisor. I'm really interested in her.
Starting point is 00:45:08 What? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then, and then have her suggest a little double date. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Sounds like a great idea. But also, before we get off the phone,
Starting point is 00:45:23 I think that Montana should be a Midwestern state. Not going to lie. I know I'm over here in the Rockies, a little mountain, more mountains than you guys have. But I mean, you guys talk about how friendly it is over there. And around here, it's the same way. And if somebody's not friendly, you just realize that they are straight from California. So, you know, they're not from around here. Well, have we done we have been looking to acquire the mountains in the Midwest. We talked about that on a previous podcast, Charlie. Yeah. Maybe Montana are the mountains that we want to go for. And it touches a Midwest. Oh, no, it doesn't touches.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Why North Dakota or North Dakota, North Dakota. Now he's saying that the North Dakota ain't the Midwest. No, that's not why that's not what you're saying. You know, Kayla, I literally live in North Dakota. Yeah, we're sitting in North Dakota right now. In fact, Oh, are you okay? I yeah. Did we do Montana already? I think we already did this. I haven't heard it. Oh, maybe not. Oh, maybe I missed it. Should we do it now? Go ahead, Charlie. Yeah, we should do it now. All right, Caleb. Why do you think Montana should be part of the Midwest state your case? Oh my gosh. Well, I kind of already did it with the mountains, the nice people. Um, I mean, you got a little bit of diversity. You, the Eastern part of the state, a lot,
Starting point is 00:46:53 a lot of balls. Um, you can't really, any mountains anywhere near. What do your balls look like, man? Oh, maybe they're definitely blue the way last year's been going for them. Yeah. Yeah. They look flat. I guess maybe I don't know. I haven't really looked at them very often. Don't really observe that. Okay. All right. We'll just, we'll just, we'll just set the flat part of Montana. Yeah. That's it. That's it. That's the flat part. Well, we're okay. The flat part of Montana. I mean, we got great fishing. There's a little more hunting you can do over here with more species. I feel like elk, elk, you guys have deer, I think over there Elk. Um, Elk.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yup. You guys have deer, I think over there and stuff. And we got ditch chickens. I don't remember where that kid was from, but obviously a legend. South Dakota. Yeah. Um, South Dakota. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I mean, I'm South Dakota just beat us in the national championship for football this weekend. So that's rough topic. But I mean, yeah, we have, we have everything I feel like that it takes to become a Midwest state. All right. Well, I mean, I'll go with it. Montana, we hereby declare is part of the Midwest Caleb. Here, here. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. And look, I know we razz you a little bit here about the gal, but we do hope that you can put some moves together, you know, figure out your thing and see if you can at least get a date with her.
Starting point is 00:48:39 But also know your 20 years old, she's 19, isn't going to last. So yeah, that's true. Yeah. Maybe I'll just stick to making keeping a good healthy bank account and I mean, maybe worry about that later in the future. I think you got to get some reps in my guy. Yes. Focus on your credit score, but get some reps in. So you're advising him to get some reps in on his supervisor's sister. No, I'm before he goes for the gal that he wants. Just start dating some people, kind of figure out how the game works. And then before he knows it, he'll be divorced too. I also wonder how good of a buddy this guy is.
Starting point is 00:49:26 If you aren't razzin' him about how hot his sister is. I feel like that me and my buddies would be doing that immediately. I don't know, Miles, do you want to know something funny? I am no joke sitting here because I just told him, I'm sorry because I felt bad because I made so many jokes that work about it, or I didn't think he actually thought it. So I'm sitting here writing a piece of paper that says I agree to no more make jokes that work about his sister.
Starting point is 00:49:53 And so instead you called a podcast seeing how you could date his sister. Yeah, I mean, that's the only way to get this to go. I guess. Well, I wouldn't make any more jokes, but I didn't say I wasn't going to be serious about her. That's true. Now he's serious. All right. You know what?
Starting point is 00:50:10 This actually shows a bit of commitment calling in and telling us about this. It does. Yeah. Maybe you're not giving yourself enough credit, Caleb. Yeah, I guess so. But I guess we'll figure out if, uh, on week day, if, if I have it done or if he's going to hear this for the first time and be blindsided. I don't know if he'll be blindsided. If you've been giving him shit about his sister, you kind of buried that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:36 All right. Yeah. But I feel like he thinks I'm just messing around before we go. Caleb, I want you to honestly have a conversation with his sister. Tell her how you honestly feel and just put that out there right now. Oh, okay. So like, do I have to pretend you're- No, no, no. Just speak directly to his sister. Oh, yeah. Oh, cause she's maybe listening to this. Oh, I, I really put pressure on me. I gotta make moves. This could have been good to make me commit to this before she hears this.
Starting point is 00:51:10 This could be really good. Yeah. Well, um, I'm going to call her, I'm going to call her Lisa for the, to the sake of the podcast, but so Lisa, you know, I've been, I've known your brother for like six or seven years now And we played football back in high school together and I I think he's a great guy. I was the star player by the way Yeah, I mean your junior year Lisa. I was you probably knew me because I was all over the field Throwing an intercepting every other play that doesn't though. The interceptions just mean you're throwing the ball. You got a gun flinger breath far through a lot of
Starting point is 00:51:49 interceptions. Right. I mean, yeah. And he doesn't matter. Lea possibly going to jail for defrauding the state of Mississippi, but anyway, okay. Well, that don't matter. All right, Lisa. But I was just thinking you're pretty cute and maybe you could give me a shot one day. But if not, you know, I just don't want things to get awkward. We're going to see each other at the wedding here in a few months. And I mean, if you want to be my wedding date, sure. If not, no hard feelings, you know, well, that was really romantic. That was nice. Yeah. I think you and Lisa have a shot at a real future together.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Caleb. Yeah, I think so too. But also if my supervisors dad is listening to this, this is for this is for comedian for me to be a comedian. That's it. I'm just a healer. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. I feel like I've had a couple too many tippy cows now. Well, I haven't been drinking though. I'm not sure. The round and around we go. Oh boy. Well Caleb, we really hope and pray that this works out for you. My Lisa, if you are listening, give the guy a shot. Just give him a date, at least one date. And then if it doesn't go that well, just vow to say, Hey, we will be friends and nothing more, but just give him a shot. Give the guy a shot. Put a coach. All he needs is a chip and a chair at the table and he's got a chance to win. Let's go miles. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I did my work. It's not all on you, my guy. It's me. I'll call back at maybe in a little bit or a few months to see how it goes. Please let us know how it goes. We would love an update. Yeah. All right. Oh crap. I actually think about it. Yeah. I got to go boys. My, uh, you read the book now. Okay. Well, good luck. And, uh, you got this, my guy. All right. Thanks guys. You guys have a good one. See you. See you. Miles that, that dude don't have a snowball's chance in Florida summer at this cow. Yeah. I don't know. Every time I felt like he was going in the right direction, he would then spin us back the wrong direction. Yeah. So he seemed to, he's played it off at the beginning as if his supervisor had no idea that he knew she existed. And then he starts telling us that he's been making fun of that.
Starting point is 00:54:29 He's got a cute sister and it's just kept going. And that fireplace scene was a disaster. Yeah, I mean, I think he was nervous. Yeah, I mean, he's going to be way more nervous in real life. How's that gonna go? I don't know. He's got to work on but you know what? He's a young buck. Okay. He's a young he's a young bull and I think that if he this was a good Lesson for him to know how far he has to go in order to really lay some game, you know And we're all hoping and praying for him.
Starting point is 00:55:07 I would love for it to work out. Me too. Good luck, K. Folks, it's that time we got the man behind the billboards of the Nikolay law offices on the horn right now. Russell, ladies and gentlemen, joining the bellied up podcast again. Russell, I think Miles, Miles has like a question just burning the hole in the back of his pocket. And so I'm just going to let him do it. He's Jones in here. Yeah. Big, big question on my mind. How were you able and what's the story? How did it start? How did we get to this point where you can't take a
Starting point is 00:55:45 turn in Minnesota or Wisconsin and not see your face on the side of the road on the billboards? Yeah, well, basically I was about 12 PBRs deep and it just came to me. So but what happened is I had been, you know, I've been a lawyer since 2007 in Wisconsin, and I had dabbled in the billboard business for a bit. Actually the first billboard I got, it was kind of on the edge of Wisconsin and Minnesota. So all the people that commute to the city and come back to Wisconsin could see it. So I took out a billboard, and actually I didn't even tell my wife that I had a billboard and one of her friends drove by and called her and it's like awesome billboard that your husband has and she calls me like you have a billboard. Not just you know, a
Starting point is 00:56:34 weird awkward conversation at that point. But then many years later, you know, I decided to step up the billboard game a little bit. I had a few here and there. And so I thought, you know, let's, let's, let's go a little heavy on the billboards and let's make it a little more fun. Uh, and so what we did is we took my, a picture of my face and, and we cartooned we made it into a kind of a cartoon. And I was like, yeah, that looks pretty cool. We put the pine trees in it.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Cause you know, I'm always in the North woods generally of Wisconsin or Minnesota That's where I practice a lot of law So I like that'd be real cool and I you know from time to time I might grow my beard out pretty pretty long and so My I don't know if you guys know this but my brothers I hired them their lawyers here now to My brother that's about two years younger. He was at my Hudson office. He lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, but he was up here. And my brother that's about eight years younger was here. And I had already showed my eight year younger brother, Ben, I showed him that like,
Starting point is 00:57:33 hey, we're gonna do billboards like this. He's like, oh, that's pretty cool. He liked it. So we show my brother Adam, he's two years younger, and he goes, you gotta be freaking kidding me when I showed him that cartoon. He was so pissed and he's like that. He's like, that is just ridiculous. And I'm like, well, the problem is I've already put it on the order.
Starting point is 00:57:52 We've got a few billboards going up with this. So we'll see how it goes. And now, you know, we're like several years later and there it is all over the damn. Yeah, there's like a thousand of them, right? Not quite a thousand, but we're actually in the couple under range. It's actually a trivia question on the internet that I think we have like a thousand of them, right? Not quite a thousand, but we're actually in the couple under range. It's actually a trivia question on the internet that I think we have like a thousand dollar. If you guess it correctly, you'll win it and no one has yet, but people still enter. I saw it. It's like, it was on TikTok and I didn't even read it now.
Starting point is 00:58:18 But yeah, so there's a number out there. Someone posted the correct amount, even though it has been changing up because we've been adding more, we moved in North Dakota as well. What's the source for that? Who do I go to find out who's got how many billboards? Yeah. You should tell us how many billboards are so we can win the thousand. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know about that. Everybody's been trying to get that out of me. It's funny. They're like, Hey, how many billboards do you have? I'm like, well, you got to keep, I guess driver on and count. But 269. What do you say? 200 and what? 69. Yeah, you're getting close. It's in that range. Okay. Inside information. All right. Now also, I imagine there had to have been some other
Starting point is 00:58:59 iterations of the cartoon. I imagine you probably took your face and slapped it over Arnold Swartz and Eggers, Mr. Universe body at one point. And then that probably got axed. Were there other iterations like that? I mean, you're a few beers deep at this point. You got to be going crazy with it. And then when you wake up the next day, okay, let's just do just the head. Yeah. What were the ideas that did make the cut? Yeah. I mean, there's been a few things, but I can tell you this that there was a guy, I had a case in this lawyer calls me and he says, Hey, my client said that he saw you
Starting point is 00:59:38 out on his property and you can't go to his property and check out what there was some like some evidence there whenever and I'm like, dude, I have not been to his property. But I said, I'll tell you what, have a look at the billboard that's like down the road from his property and see if that's the guy that was on his property because I've got a pretty decent size beard right now. And the last time he saw me, it probably wasn't at large, right? And so he starts laughing because I had never been on his property. And then he sends me a picture. This is this lawyer, he sends me
Starting point is 01:00:09 a picture of Brad Pitt and he goes, is this you? And I was like, man, I think that my wife wishes that was me. And so we're joking around about that. And I thought, man, I should take a billboard and like make myself look like either a superhero, you like super muscular or super good looking. So those ones didn't make the cut because I don't know if the bar association would like I'd be able to misrepresent myself that I was that tough or good. Yeah. All the legalities of practicing law kind of get in the way. That's the worst. Yeah, I know. Cause otherwise, you know, I might make myself look a little bit better. Cause if you actually look at the, if you
Starting point is 01:00:48 look at the billboard, you can see, you know, my teeth aren't perfect. Yeah. I was going to say that you need some dental work. Hey, I know I hear you, man. So when I was a kid, I didn't get braces. So I've got a little bit of gap in my teeth and you can see it if you look close enough at the billboard and my kids even go sometimes bug me about it. And some dude, I think on one of our commercials that we, it was either on TV or they posted on YouTube said, dude, you need to get some dental work on.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Whoa, buddy. They all like close to the heart on that one. So. Yeah. Well, you're in good company on the billboards. Well, as a full gap, two, three are up front. You see that, Charlie? I got nice. You just got to own it. It's part of your brand now. It's easier to make floss. You don't got a floss, Charlie. I haven't floss since the last time I was at the dentist. So I'm a good company with you guys. And I
Starting point is 01:01:42 feel like, you know, that just the Midwest thing. I don't have to floss either. The dentist goes, Hey, you look like you've been flopping all the time. Obviously I haven't, but it's like, yeah, I think it's stuck man. You're just swishing beer through your teeth. Yeah. So you need a PBR or a Miller light here and there. I'll take care of it. Make a bush light. Hell yeah, man. Well, we appreciate you calling in. Where can the folks find you? As always, if you're driving down the road in Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, like look to your right or look to your left and you probably see my face. And I apologize that you got to see me everywhere. Otherwise just check us out at
Starting point is 01:02:18 Awesome. Yeah. Man. Have a good one. See you soon. When I'm driving, you guys, welcome to the belly to podcast. Who are we talking to? Hey, this is Jayden. I am from Oklahoma. Hey, Jayden. How's Oklahoma looking these days? It's okay. Little cloudy today. Cold, but not too cold. What is cold in your mind? Well, right now it is 40. So it's cold, but it's not real cold. Yeah. Yeah. Who do you weather? You can still go outside without freezing the death. So thank you. Go. Sure. That's true. Well, Jayden, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. Well, I figured I'd get, call y'all guys
Starting point is 01:03:04 today and I got some careers. I haven't quite figured out which one I want. So I figured I'd get, call y'all guys today and I got some careers. I haven't quite figured out which one I want. So I figured y'all might be able to help me. Oh, you got options. It's nice to have options. So you're looking for a career is what you said. Well, how old are you? I am 16, 16 turns 17 in a couple of weeks. Yeah. So don't belly up to the bar with us, please. We need you to not be at the bar. This isn't Wisconsin and we're not your parents. So there's no goal at this bar. But Wow, first of all, congrats to you thinking about your career at the young age of 16 going on 17. Yeah. So what are what are your possible career paths? What are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:03:48 Well, I thought about being an electrician. They're making pretty good money these days. Sure are. And I thought about me making furniture. That's fun. And I've also thought about being a musician. I can't, I can't play the instrument. I can't read music. So I don't, I don't want to put limitations on you, Jaden, but it seems like that may be more of a hobby in the meantime, playing music, considering you can't play music. Yeah. That's kind of what I was thinking. I've also thought about being a pilot because then you get to fly up in the airplanes, but I wasn't too sure about that. I love this actually. This is how you're supposed to think at 16 years old. The world is your
Starting point is 01:04:36 oyster. You can do anything. Now, I know you said the electrician makes good money, which is definitely a good reason to do that as a career. But if there was money was off of the table, Jayden, what would you do? What would be, is it being a musician? What would it be? Well, I'm interested in doing art. I do, I paint and I do pencil drawings and stuff like that. But I actually want to, want to be an electrician because I'd like to build houses someday. And you can teach yourself a lot of stuff, but you start teaching yourself electricity and you're going to get shocked. That's true. There are some things. Yeah, there are some things you can YouTube, but electricity, not really one we want to
Starting point is 01:05:22 mess with because it can, yeah, you can get shocked. As someone who has been electrocuted several times in his life, by the way folks, if you're trying to fix a extension cord, you've sliced by a lawnmower, a plug-in lawnmower, do not try to splice it while it's still plugged into the house, that's a little PSA. Oh, I wanna get a rest.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah, that's a no-go. Done that twice. So, you're right about that whole electricity thing. Is this your big dream to design houses? You've got the art background. Do you like combs? Or is that more your practical one? Let's get your practical deal. No, it's more of my practice. Yep, that's your practical one. No, I got you. That's more your practical goal. It's more of my practical one. I like to design my own house someday, not necessarily design other people's houses,
Starting point is 01:06:12 but I like that. I know what you want. So you want to do something in the art as something that was like truly what you'd want to do, but you're not sure if you can make money in it. Correct? Yeah, pretty well. Yeah. I mean, you're not wrong in that it is tougher to make money as an artist. Charlie is one of the few that has figured out a way to make money as in the art of comedy. So maybe we throw it over to Charlie. So if we can solve the problem of money in the arts, maybe we can have Jaden follow their dream and do what they really love. Yeah. I think Jaden, you know, not too long ago I was probably in your shoes and this is how I went about it. I always, I started working pretty
Starting point is 01:07:01 young. So I had some money going on and then you do these good old one-off jobs. I don't care if it's making pretzels or, you know, cutting grass or whatever. You got some money that you can always go back to if all else fails. I know that if Miles fires me and that I lose everything, I can go back to fixing bikes and rolling pretzels at Annie ends. But if they hire you back, if they hire me back, the jury's out on if that'll happen. But so you always want your backup plan because what that does is it takes the pressure off you needing to make your art, you know, financially sustainable. But whatever your art is, you just got to do that every day and make sure that that's your love and your passion. So if you had all the skills in the world though, if you had all the skills, not the ones you
Starting point is 01:07:48 currently have, but all the skills in the world and you could make all the money doing it, what part of the arts would you go into? Would it be music or would it be doing art? I don't really know. I like to dabble in a little bit of everything. I ride a little bit of poetry. I try to little bit of poetry. I've tried to write a few songs, but I can't do music. Well, I've done painting and drawing and making stuff since I was little. Well, not that I'm not much bigger, but... Miles, Jaden's in the exploratory part of her deal. You're in such a great spot. Yeah. You can learn anything on YouTube and you can get any cheap instrument on Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. So if you have an interest in a instrument, buy that sucker and start playing it, you know, it's and they're, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:36 Well, yeah, there, there comes my problem. My mother bought me a guitar middle of last year. I bought myself an instrument. It's called the lap heart and it goes in your lap and you play it. And I got I've got all sorts of instruments I got drums and all sorts of stuff and I bought a electric piano so I could learn piano I've been trying to teach myself piano. So it's not that I have a lack of stuff to do. I just haven't made up my mind on what I really want to pursue yet. Well, you're 16 years old. You should do it all. I know that's kind of a cop out answer, but you should just do it all. You have. Well, that's what I'm doing. I was hoping y'all could give me a little bit more direction, but
Starting point is 01:09:20 Oh, that's why she called in. Damn it. Well, I, I, I, here it is. Here it is. Cream rises to the top, Charlie. You know, cream does rise to the top. And so as you're doing and experimenting all those things, eventually the one that you truly love and you're truly really good at will rise to the top. And you'll kind of know, I think, just through experimentation. And in order to truly experiment, you got to give these things a fair shot. So it sounds
Starting point is 01:09:50 like you have almost too much at your disposal right now. What I might recommend is that you take the thing that's kind of call India speak India right now and you say, all right, for the next month, I'm going to practice this thing every day, 30 days. Boom. See how you feel about it. If it's hitting and clicking, keep going with it. If not, go on to the lap harp, you know, and do that and say, it's a new year, 2024. So say every month, I'm going to give something a real shot and give it, give yourself 30 days, see how you feel about it. If it's not feeling right, dump it. If so, if it's feeling right, keep with it and pick up something else. You know, you got plenty of time. Do you have a job?
Starting point is 01:10:37 No, I don't have a job yet. I'm looking at getting a job. Well, I've been getting my largest permit here within like two weeks. Haven't got that yet. Nice. So I can get my, Do what? I want you to also to remember that when I was 16, I thought I was going to be a football coach for my living. Well, that didn't work out. Yeah. That didn't work out the way that I planned. You see, 16, he already gave up on his dream of being a football player. No, I was pretty good back then. So, and you didn't, but you didn't want to be a football guy. I thought I was wanting to be a football coach. It went to college and I decided I didn't really want to. Then I thought I was going to be a personal trainer and do that.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Didn't do that. Then I went and work concrete for my dad. And then I thought I was going to be a personal trainer and do that. Didn't do that. Then I went and worked concrete for my dad, and then I thought I was going to build a big social media agency. And the next thing you know, I'm drinking at a bar on a Tuesday afternoon and making money doing that. And I'm 30 years old. And so really, you got plenty of time to figure it out. Maybe just the best route is just to pick something to start and Then see how it goes and however that goes you adjust from there. Yeah I thought about being a trucker too that way I can drive all over the US, but I Kind of want to stay more closer to home down here in Oklahoma Well, you can do that and you can do the arts from anywhere too.
Starting point is 01:12:05 And so you got your options, you know? I would say just pick one and start with it. I ain't got anything. Take Charlie's advice. Try it for a little bit. If you like it, keep doing it. If you don't stop doing it. 30 day money back guarantee.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I thought about being a comedian too, but I'm not that funny. Well, no one's that funny. I mean, I was not funny at all at all. And you know, the way I went, I started off, I wanted to be an archaeologist because I saw Jurassic Park. What do you mean you weren't funny? I wasn't. That hasn't changed. Miles, I have feelings too. Don't don't laugh at that, Jaden. Yeah. It's all about timing. That's all comedy is. That was a real authentic laugh. It hurts my feelings. No remorse. What? No, I, you know what? Laugh. Laugh at more
Starting point is 01:12:57 Miles's jokes. Jaden. Well, I thought about being a stripper too, but baby carrots don't turn people on baby carrots. Baby carrots don't turn people on. That's a good joke. Yeah. You know what? Maybe you got some comedy in you on that too, Jaden. That's good. You know, just start exploring it. Just a just keep writing. You said you've been writing a lot. You've been doing it. Just just explore. That's good. You know, just start exploring it. Just, Hey, just keep writing. You said you've been writing a lot. You've been doing it. Just, just explore. That's it. Yeah. I explore a lot of things. I do a little bit of, a little bit of woodwork and engraving and stuff. I do a little bit of, do a little bit of everything.
Starting point is 01:13:39 And you know what? Here's what I'll say. This is, this is what I'm going to leave you with. The world is going I'm gonna leave you with. The world is gonna tell you because you like to do and try a lot of different things that you're wrong. They're gonna tell you that you shouldn't try woodwork and they're gonna tell you, you shouldn't try stand up comedy, you shouldn't all that.
Starting point is 01:13:58 What I'm gonna tell you is use that to your strength. People say, oh, you're the jack of all trades. I think that that can be a good thing. It allows you to adapt in life because that's what's important. And when everyone else gets narrowed in and focused on one thing, you're trying different stuff. You see different opportunities. So don't shy away from someone who's interested in a lot of things. Use it as your strength. I agree with that. Jaden. I also want to piggyback off Miles's comment. Once upon a time, there was a peanut butter sandwich and that peanut butter sandwich told the pickle sandwich. Hey, I kind of like your pickles and the pickle sandwich. I kind of like your peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:14:44 And they said, but no one likes a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. And then one day they decided to combine their strengths and they created one of the greatest sandwiches ever made. And that's a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. And you seem to have a lot of peanut butter and you got a lot of pickles. So don't be afraid if the world says
Starting point is 01:15:02 you can't mix these to mix them. So that's some sage advice. You're welcome. I like pico, so I like where this is going. Yeah. There we go. Yeah. No matter how this goes down,
Starting point is 01:15:13 we should all have a pickle and peanut butter sandwich. I think that's a good idea, Miles. Well, I got another question for y'all while I got you on the line. Sure. What's on your mind? Is Oklahoma Southern or Midwestern? Cause people from the South says more Midwestern people from the Midwest says more Southern. We say, Oh, sorry. We say, how's your folks?
Starting point is 01:15:35 And we're, we're, we're plenty nice people. I was starting to wonder, is that Midwest nice or Southern hospitality? Oh, that's a great question. Charlie. Go ahead. So what are you having? Haven't you been to Oklahoma, Charlie? Sure, I've been to Oklahoma. Yeah, I lived in Dallas for a little bit and I crossed over that Red River, right? That's what it's called. And, um, yeah, sir. And I honestly would all, I throw Oklahoma in the Midwest for sure. It is one of those one of those very border situations. I mean, you yourself, you have a bit of a Southern accent, but you're right. The mentality there is very Midwest and it's certainly flat enough to be in the Midwest. And you know,
Starting point is 01:16:20 I think I'm going to say it's part of the Midwest and I hope that's okay with you Okay, well there we go here here welcome Oklahoma Cheers Yeah, this has been great I hope that you try it all and I think you won't go wrong by doing that. Yeah, I gotta do some more experiment and we'll thanks for that. Absolutely. And make yourself a PMPER and pickle sandwich and see where that inspires your brain. All right. I'm going to have to go do that. Heck yeah. All right, Jaden, you have a good one. Watch for deer down there.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You too. Say hi your mom and them. I will. You betcha. Your mom and them. I like that. I do like that one. You might have to throw that in once in a while. That's a good one. Say hi to your mom and them. Yeah. I like that. Well, Charlie, I think that Jayden is going to be all right. I think so. At 16, you think that you got to have it all figured out. I'm 30. You're way older than 30. And neither of us have it figured out either. I'm six years older than 30 miles. You just wait. There was a time when you made fun of me for being
Starting point is 01:17:37 30. That is actually true. We've known each other that long. Actually, maybe 31. Yeah, but it's close. Yeah. You're like, Oh, you're how old? Yeah. That's what you said. So good luck, Jay. And you got it. Yeah. Don't let the world tell you you got to pick one thing. You don't have to. And don't worry about the age too. You know, I remember being 16, like, Oh, I'm getting old, you know, and I didn't figure my stuff out till I was 30. So miles here ahead of the curb. Thanks, Charlie. Yeah. Well guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the bellied up podcast. Charlie, it's been a pleasure as always.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Miles, cheers to you, my guy and cheers to your bartender. Don't forget to tip them guys. Bye bye now.

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