Bellied Up - Dealing With The Gosh Darn Wind #27

Episode Date: December 8, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we have a caller that moved from Oshkosh to London and is wondering how to assert dominance, Next caller is tired of the wind, Finally, Airline Dan gives us an ...update (His first call was on Episode #16) on what he spent his free airline money on.    Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens Hat 👇

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Charlie miles. We're back. We are back with another episode of the belly The podcast podcast Presented by fleet farm. We love it. We do love it miles. How you been pal? I've been good. I just lost more money on Paul tabs. Yeah, look at this, but it's not for the fate of heart, you know, no. Colt have investing is a long game. If you think you're gonna win right away, you gotta keep going. So yeah, you gotta keep going.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yeah, but I am starting to get a little irritated with it. But that is Poltab investing. It is miles long game. Miles, what are some other investment strategies you're in right now? That's a pouring in, Troll. Real estate always goes up. I like fake estate. If I'm what's what? Faker state. You, you like real estate.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm more into fake estate. Okay. We'll see. You're talking about the metaverse. You're talking about buying land in the metaverse. I want to buy in Snoop Dogg's neighborhood in the metaverse. He's got some land. Oh, really? I don't understand any of this. No one does.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I don't get it. I don't get it. It's just a shitcho. But anytime you get chance to buy real, buy a state next to Snoop Dogg, you're gonna do it. Yeah, what state would you buy it? I would buy Wisconsin if I could. No, a state like EST. Oh, EST.
Starting point is 00:01:37 EST. Yeah, I mean, technically, but it's a state, not a state. Miles, I don't wanna talk about states anymore. Of course you would buy Wisconsin. What's your favorite winter sport? Um, anything I can watch other people do. What about skiing? Do you like going down to hell skiing? Oh my foot. No. On our other podcasts, you bet you're radio found, Royal podcast can be found. I'm a very public. I don't like, I can't ski. I hate it. I'm a flat ground type of guy. I didn't grow up skiing myself, but I did grow up
Starting point is 00:02:11 rollerblading. And I find there's a lot of similarities between rollerblading and skiers. Yeah, but see, here's the thing. You're skinny. So therefore skiing is much easier for you. Do you know somebody called me? Have you ever heard a thing called gravity, Charlie? Yeah. And do you know what happens when you have someone who has got a larger mass? Mm-hmm. There's more gravity being pulled on them.
Starting point is 00:02:35 That's more fun. You go down faster miles. You go down faster. No. Have you ever skied? I wasn't on this podcast. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Did you grow up skiing? No. Okay. But where did you go when you skied? I wasn't on this podcast. Okay. Did you grow up skiing? No. Okay. But where did you go when you skied? We were up on the North Shore of Duluth in Lutson last time I went. Sure. And I know a lot of people, like, well, that's not real skiing. You got to go out to mountains.
Starting point is 00:02:59 It's enough skiing. It is real enough for me. Okay. You know, I don't need anything crazier than that. But you didn't enjoy it at all. It wasn't fun. There was in a moment when you were out there going much. You know, I love extreme sports. Like I love the X games, you know, growing up, you know, I like playing Tony Hawk on the N64. But I'm much more of a ball type of sports guy. You like your balls. I like balls. I throw my hand up in the air and say I like balls. All right. What about pucks? Yeah, hockey player.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You know, I wish I would have been put in hockey growing up. Yeah. Because I fouled out a lot in basketball. So I could see that. Yeah. I can see that. I crave the contact. Yeah. And so hockey had been a good sport for me. What about you, Charlie? You know, what sports did you play growing up? Growing up, oh, I played all the, all the like basketball. We're in big balls, guy.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I like baseball. I look, I like to lie to these sports baseball basketball football, but I wasn't great at them. But winter comes around. I like ice skating. I like to have these sports baseball basketball football, but I wasn't great at them. But winter comes around. I like ice skating. I like to see. Honestly, you seem like a pleasant ice skating guy. I can't and I'm not great. You know what? But I'm a I grew up skating on Lake Winnebago. And then we had this pond. And then the Pettit Center in Milwaukee, where you skate around,
Starting point is 00:04:24 that was the first by the way That was the first time I ever tried to get a girl's number was at the Pettit center I know I was in eighth grade and I was with my friends. I think I was with My buddy Jason and Mike and these were kind of the cooler kids Mike and the boys. Yeah, And they said, Hey, that girl over there, I bet you can't get her number. And I had been eyeing this gal up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And I walked over there and I said, Hi, my name's Charlie, you know, because I had a little bit of a list back then. Oh, you did. Yeah, I would say my over here. So I'd say shut up if you made fun of me for my list. So anyway, I says, Hi, my name's Charlie. What's your name?
Starting point is 00:05:05 And she laughed and walked away with her friends. You know why she laughed? Because I said Charlie no, because she was smitten. Oh, you think didn't know what to do? You think when when you're that age and you're like, wow, this is a hunk that just came up and hit on me. Yeah. I got a giggle and run away. Well, and I was looking pretty cool too. I had my dad's old hockey skates around my shoulder. Oh, cool. Yeah. I know. So you weren't even on skates? No, this was after the fact. I've been I've been watching her skate around the deal a little bit. Well, okay. Well, that might be your problem. Too much steering. That's probably like, okay. She was an older, older gal too.
Starting point is 00:05:45 She might have been in high school at the time. All right. We didn't know for sure, because we didn't know any information about her, not even her name. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You do. And by the way, if you're that gal, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:57 hit him up. Hit me up. I'm divorced. If you can. Yeah. He is single and ready to ice skate. Yeah. So what do you like about ice skate? I like ice game because it really just,
Starting point is 00:06:10 you know, it centers you and you kind of can glide. It's what I like about rollerblading too, you know? You just get into the zone and I feel like after a long day, you know, it's a nice workout, a robex exercise and just, you can just release under the ice, you know? Why are you laughing, Miles? I just, I like ice. You know what? It's great that you are releasing onto the ice. Oh, you're making it a so a tool thing. Okay, Miles.
Starting point is 00:06:37 All right. First of all, that will probably melt the ice and that one be good for everybody else skating. Okay. Yeah. All right. So anyway, let's change the subject to some of the sticky situation miles. Let's talk about ice fishing. Shall we? Yeah. You like ice fishing? I do. Yeah. What is your favorite fish to catch ice fishing? Um, well, I would like to catch walleye while I'm down there. Yeah. Who wouldn't, you know, but it's probably more of a crappy guy. I want to end up catching you.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I know a fun fact. I can't remember the last crappy I caught ice fishing. Really? I can't remember. Why? I would I don't know why I catch a lot of perch, a blue gale. I've even a lot of northern pike, of course, for whatever reason. Pike is like the main fish I catch ice fishing. Maybe it's where I'm fishing. Also depends on what lake you go to.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I know. I'm usually doing Lake Winnebago and Lake Winnebago is a great fishing system, but the crappies, I got a fish in the park, you know, in the big hole over there is, is what I have to do. That's where you can get the crappies. Anyway, we've talked. You like big, big holes in releasing onto the ice. My else, my mom listens to this podcast, okay? You're the one saying all this. I'm just repeating back. All right. Well, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:07:54 My mom doesn't listen to this podcast. All right. Well, we've got another episode of the Belly to podcast. I'm ready to do this. I tried to have a nice family friendly conversation about winter sports and you took it to a weird place. That was a good conversation. Well, anyways, let's take some collars. Let's do it. Hello, who do we got on the line? Oh my gosh, hi, my name is Evie.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Amy. Amy. What's cooking from? Um, I'm a TV like EVI. EV more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more there for the Packers game, speaking of screwed the pooh. Yeah, I know we were trying to find you on the streets, we didn't see you, but we were. Yeah, for real. Um, yeah, I met you from Oskash with Johnson. Oh, no kidding. So what are you doing in London? Yeah, I'm studying. I'm at a university out here for a semester.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Cambridge. So. Um, Winchester. Oh, yeah, Winchester, sure. I'm at a university out here for a semester. Cambridge. Winchester. Oh, yeah, Winchester, sure. They make good shotgun shells, they do. Yeah, good bloody Mary saw still. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah. Did you say what you're studying? Yeah, no, what are you studying over there, Evie? I'm studying English literature. Good place to study it. Good place to study it. Yeah, for real. I'm in the middle of the play.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So I'm in the middle of the play. Yeah, eventually I'm going to be a movie director. Oh, all right. I'm getting over there. Yeah. Look at that. It's good for you. Charlie's trying to be a movie star.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah. So you got your lead role in here. I'll be in your movie. I'll be with you. Yeah, I know. I will keep you in mind. Sorry, I swear. Thank you. I do appreciate that. What have you learned so far being over there? I've learned that the accent, the Midwest accent is a huge hit.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Everyone loves it. Oh, wow. Yeah. Is it like a huge hit to your face? And then when you leave, they're like, Oh, God, listen to that gal. Oh, it's, um, actually, you're probably right. Because we do the same thing from, we do the same thing from someone from London, you know. No, for real. No, I'm like, you guys whip out a, I like an American accent when you're trying to make fun of people. Or is it just like a, a roller,
Starting point is 00:10:31 or so can we just do that with like English people? Nice. What else have you learned? That's good tidbit. I've learned that they call the words are different over here. Like chips are fries are chips and then chips are crisp and it's just, it's kind of confusing. I really get bullied for calling it soccer over here. I think the sting guy quite a bit. Yeah, that'll happen.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'm always like, I'm always, I quite a bit. Yeah, that'll happen. I'm always like I'm always I'm a proud Green Bay Packer fan of the Packers, so I'm always rep in the merch and Yeah, for real and I wanted to agree with a packer for Halloween like I had to but You know what you know what they didn't They don't have over there, which just blew my mind. There's no ranch in London. I couldn't find ranch anywhere. No, when my dad came over because we went to the Packer game, I had to have him bring a cool ranch Dorito chips. The ones over here, they're called cool original. And they just taste like corn chip and disappointment
Starting point is 00:11:48 Well, that's what I was gonna say. Okay, if they don't have ranch over there, they just cool chips and apparently yeah Apparently, they're just cool chips It's just cool chips, but there's nothing really cool about it. It's like a lame cool It's like America does it better. Yeah, hell yeah, for sure We got the ranch Doritos over here and they got lame chips It's like a lame cool. It's like America does it better. Yeah, hell yeah. For sure. Hell yeah. We got the ranch Doritos over here and they got lame chips over there. We got cooler ranch Doritos over here.
Starting point is 00:12:11 That's what's up. Yeah, we're right. So what is your question? Come on, I'm belly up to the bar. Okay, so I wasn't going to ask what are some tips to like how to assert my dominance over here as a response and I in London. Wow. But I feel like, I feel like a better question would be what is the sentence that I can have
Starting point is 00:12:39 my London friends say in like a Wisconsin or American accent that like, Uber can like, can out them or like make them sound super silly. Charlie, Charlie wrote a book about this. So Charlie, take her away. Yeah. Now I've got a, I want to break this down first to make sure I understand what you're asking. So the thing is, is you want them to try out their Midwest accent. You want them to sound Midwest by this sentence. Is that correct? Yeah. Okay. They were really like, well, if you want to make an accent, but give us a sentence. Okay. My mind immediately goes blank.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Here it is. So I just need a sentence. Here it is. Here it is. Okay. So are you going to get the fish fry or the cheese curds or what? You know, just someone like your ordain. Yeah. Yeah. Or keep it even simpler. Are we doing the walleye or the perch? Are we doing the fish fry or no? Are we going to the bar after church or no? Should we get our asses out to Lake Winnebago and do some sturgeon spear in or what's going on? You know, I was just going up north the other day
Starting point is 00:13:55 and holy smokes, I tell you what, the fall colors were so beautiful. Two guys starting weeks ago and now they're all gone. Some of them I gotta get off work earlier. So beautiful two guys starting weeks ago and now they're all gone. So I'm a buck. I got to get off work earlier. Japers, gripes. Well, so any of those work. So we had to grow those are actually fantastic.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Oh, miles has one. All right. So we go to grandma's house and have a few old fashions with her. There we go. That's good. Oh, that's a good one. That's a good one. Now you're going to have to do the reverse.
Starting point is 00:14:27 You're going to have to start practicing your British accent. You're going to have to act like you're from London. Yeah. Have you been keeping up on your P.E. blinders? Oh, no, for real. I, um, yes, definitely P.E. blinders, um, but they have me do, they've had me do my, um, my London accent quite a bit. And they always think it's so funny. I think it's like top here, back in the States, like it's, it's great, but they think it's Australian over here. It's like belly overlapping. And they're like, why, why do you sound like that? And I was like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:15:05 Okay, I will let's give it a go. Yeah, let's give it a go. Yeah, enough chit chat about the accent. Let's hear, let's hear, let's hear a native Oshkosh with Skonsons London accent. What's, what's they say? Just, oh, can I, can I have a ball of water, please? That's actually not bad. I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure what I'm not sure Yeah, they don't pronounce ours at all. Dirties. What? Yeah, just a bottle of water.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Ball a lot. They just completely forget about letters. And the words, you know, you're not from Wisconsin. You know that this person that's talking is from London and not from Wisconsin because they said water instead of beer. No, for real. No one's ever in Wisconsin said said I want to bottle a water. No, they go a little bubbler.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Some of you are going to hand them like a bush later or something. Yeah. That's it. Smart. Yeah. Smart. What time is it over there? You're six hours ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Jeez, it's 11.07 over there right now, huh? Yeah, I think it's 107 10 or 7 because they like saving happened a week before Over here. Okay, so Yeah, I was I was shocked Well, so Charlie you got to remember the one in Rome They eat you do as the Romans do and they eat at like midnight over there Well, but she's in she's in London and they actually close their bars at like 10 30 over there
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, don't they Everything everything closes super early Like you want something you get 9 30 and you're not gonna get it you have to start till the morning or like Binds food elsewhere at like a test co Yeah, yeah, you guy go there. Which is a, this is a roast quid trip. Yeah, and that's exactly what I was going to say. The Tescos are a much grosser quick trip. Not good stuff. They're both girls, but the other ones are grosser. Oh, Miles is a holiday. Yeah. That's strange to me.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Well, but at the same time, they get to the pubs. Every pub is packed, starting at noon for the lunch hour. And then it has a nice little trickle throughout the afternoon. And five o'clock. Not really. I don't think do they work over there? I didn't think they did. I haven't seen someone work over here. Well, yeah, there you go. Well, have you gone in the tube yet?
Starting point is 00:17:58 The tube? Yes, I have. It was scary at first, but you know, you got to like put on a brave face and just kind of ventures through Explain to me what the two of us pretend to fit in tubes are subway. It's like the oh, it's like the underground Yeah, it's a subway is a great place to get a sandwich. It is, you know They got the meats say no, it's actually not true. It's cousins good subs Oh No, it's actually not true. Cousins, good subs. That's Arby's I think that got the meat. Oh, okay. You know, Arby's down on the line. You know that?
Starting point is 00:18:31 You do that very often. Yeah, have you gone to see Big Ben and all that stuff and the whole Shabang big? Yeah, I definitely went full tourist when I first got here and just did everything. Are you excited to come home after this semester or can you live out there? Um, no, I think I'm starting to get a little homesick. I'm missing my family a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:54 What's, um, I, what you've been, you've been living in London. What is the number one thing you miss about Wisconsin? is the number one thing you miss about Wisconsin. Besides the cool ranch Doritos, I would say, I think quick trip, like the cheesy, breadstick hotspot, like grabbing go with man, now I miss that. I'm with you all the way along. drive my car. You miss being able to drive your car on the right side of the road, too. Why do they drive it?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Why do they drive it on the left hand side of the road out there? Why do you think they do that? It's so confusing. Well, today, cars before we did, because this is a good one. I just said it had everything before we did. No, no, no, no, America built the automobile. Henry Ford, great, while he was a Midwest guy. He had some He was a problematic character
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah, he was great at building cars not so great when came to the Nazis, but anyway That's true look at your history, but I want some political It's a history lesson He's like worse some Walt Disney when it comes to that sort of stuff. Anyways, I always wondered though if it was like some sort of joustink thing, you know, like your sword hand or whatever, you know, Miles, why are you shaking your head like you know, I don't know what you're talking about. They drive on the opposite side of the road.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I know that. I've watched a Jason Bourne movie. I've seen it. But I have an experience at first hand. It's either I know that I've watched a Jason Bourne movie. I've seen it But I have an experience at first hand I Think it only it really only trips me up when I see someone like texting and driving in the driver's seat for us Like in the state and I'm like, oh my gosh. This person's gonna crash their car They're not even looking and they're no steering wheel in front of that Idiot I made that same mistake.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah. No, London's nice. So they have like the look less and look right on the streets. So for people that aren't from there, it literally tells you which way you have to look before you cross the road. Otherwise, they're probably the ton of accidents. And I still almost got hit, you know? No, that's because I'm spacing. You were at too many beers
Starting point is 00:21:10 and you were working up at Big Ben and you just didn't even, you just kept walking. You were too excited. You were too excited. It's accurate. Well, we appreciate you calling in all the way across the pond there. Yeah, I really do.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And I appreciate all the mentions of quick trip you had that made miles drop his mic in pain. Miles is a holiday guy just so you know. Oh man, quit your for life. Yeah. I would say you need to get out and learn more but you're in London so I guess yeah well we thanks for calling in yeah keep studying hard thank you was great talking to you be good now watch out for we got on the line. Henry. Henry, you go by Hank at all or just Henry. Nope, just Henry. I like that. All right, Henry, where are you calling from? What's your can this? What's your can this? The shockers, I believe, is the yep mascot there? Yep. What's your stay-chockers? Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Oh yeah, well, what are you up to today? there. Yep. Which uh, they chockers. Yep. Oh yeah. Well, what are you up to today? Uh, nothing much. Just driving back from uh, classes at the back home. Is that where you go to school? Yeah. Yep. Um, Charlie, you're there. Yeah. We got a senior senior shocker on the line. Senior shocker. Henry, the senior shocker. How's it feeling, Henry? Yep. Uh, what was that? How's it feeling, Henry? Yep. Uh, what was it? How's it feeling? Whatever. Yeah, good. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Well, what's your question? Well, what's your question? Tell us what's on your mind. Well, I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I've came to witchichita for school, and this is now fourth year here in Wichita. And just one thing that's different here, is just the amount of wind, just crazy wind.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Like today, it's just constant 40 miles per hour, and it's annoying. And I want to ask, would your advice is on dealing with the wind. I know being from Milwaukee and along the lake, there's like windy days, but it's not nearly as bad as it is here. No, let me tell you what our parents always say is that it would be the weather would be good if it wasn't for the wind.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah. Well, let me tell you this, Henry, we, you're talking to the right guy. Charlie's a Milwaukee guys. You guys are kind of in the same boat. I'm from Fargo, North Dakota. We're currently belly up to the bar in Harwood, North Dakota, just North Fargo. And Charlie, what was going on in your way in here? Oh, it was windier than how?
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, I mean I so you're down in Kansas North Dakota Kansas. It's the same church different Pueh it is windy as fuck at all times so you're talking to the right crew. Here's what you do with the wind when When you God gives you lemons you make lemonade when God you wind, you get a nice pair of roller blades or skates. And you get one of them big 50 gallon, half deep black garbage bags from the fleet farm. And you pop that thing open and you catch the wind and you just send it. Well, you got to make sure though, you got a cell phone because you're going to send it that way. But rookie mistake would be trying to roller blade back into the wind. So you get a phone, you call your buddy when
Starting point is 00:24:51 you get to where you're going and he comes picking up in the car. Otherwise what you're doing is you're you're doing the sailing technique of tacking, which I don't even know if that's what it's called or how to do it, but I've heard of it. And it's kind of where you have to do these zig-zagags through the wind, you know. It's gonna be a while, so you know. Just call your buddy. Yeah, that's a good move though, myself. Next time you're going to class of your downwind,
Starting point is 00:25:12 just open up that garbage bag, get some roller blades and just head to class. Ideally, your class is uphill from where you are. So then you can take the wind to class, and then on your ride home, you can go down the hill and that wind will prevent you from going so fast. You go ass over T-cat him. That actually is a great, great point, Charlie. But at the same time, he's in Kansas and there are no hills in Kansas.
Starting point is 00:25:37 That's true. Yeah, there are no hills in which thoughts so fast. Yeah. Yeah. Shoot. Well, we tried. We tried to give you some some advice there. But now you just got to become your folks and say, you know, it's not the cold. It's the wind, you know. Exactly. You know, it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the wind. There's another good line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah. a lot less like buildings around I feel like there's in which stuff there's buildings but then you go 15 minutes anywhere you're just fields and just a whole bunch of grass and Wisconsin at least driving there's a lot of trees and a lot of green especially during the summer but and you got the lake too but feel like that's a big difference.
Starting point is 00:26:46 That is a big difference right there. Kind of makes you feel like you're on the moon sometimes if there's snow on the ground. There's no much over there. Kind of everyone everyone's in the aisle, but it's a light snow and it's just real wet. Melt's right away. People don't know how to drive down here. Yeah. Oh, there's another difference. People can't know how to drive down here. Yeah. Oh, there's another difference. People can't drive down there when it snows. No, and I'd say people can drive down here most of the time.
Starting point is 00:27:12 OK. Like the bad drivers, they're looking at the road. They aren't looking at this, but I'm either. Now, we've had people call into this podcast trying to get rid of Kansas in the Midwest. Do you believe that Kansas belongs in the Midwest? Yes, I do. Good.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I think the people are nice enough here and it fits the Midwest nice and we could put that in. Yeah, that's the answer we're looking for. The most of the biggest of cams. Yeah, good. That's it. Well, other than the wind, what else is on your mind? Nothing much.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Just focusing on finishing school. What are you going to school for? Engineering. Okay. Nice. What are you going to engineer when you get out? Plains. Okay. Nice. What do you get engineer when you get out? Plains. Okay. Are you going to work on any of the monitors in the planes? It's a good question. Like the pilot monitors? Yeah, you're going to be an electrical engineer or just a plane engineer
Starting point is 00:28:23 on all the difference. I think mostly a plane engineer on all the difference. I think mostly a plane engineer like designing planes or thing how they fly and is that what it's called is just you just a plane. Air aerospace. Yeah, that sounds better because if if you're at the bar and you're trying to pick up someone you're like, yeah, I'm a plane engineer. Oh, you're a boring engineer. But you say you're an aerodynamic engineer, whatever you said, aeronautic engineer,
Starting point is 00:28:50 and then it's like, wow, what's your number? And then if you say you're a plane engineer, then they're like, okay, well, you work for a tackle box company, what's going on? Or you just work in Texas, what's up? Yeah, so glad that you cleared that up. Yeah. You're an aerospace engineer. Aerospace engineer. Oh, that's aerospace engineer. Yeah, so glad you cleared that up. Yeah, you're at arrow. Arrow space and arrow space.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah, I would even lean into the fact that you know, just, you know, it might not be true, but just tell people you work on space ships. It's arrow space engineer, just so you work for NASA. No one's going to question that. I mean, and you'll be a big hit at the bar. Yeah. Miles does it once a week and no one's questioning it at all. I told so many people I work for NASA and they'll just accept it immediately because no one knows anything about NASA. Therefore, no one can question it. That's, that is a good point. I'll have to start bringing that up. Wow, he's totally personalized you on that right there. He is like that is a good point. Get me off this phone call
Starting point is 00:29:51 and I don't blame you honestly because that advice is jays go these miles. What are you thinking? You know, send them send them off like that, you know, what do you do when an airplane doesn't have the flange on it? Oh, good question. The, what was that? The flange? The flange, yep. What part is that? Wait, okay, hold on. You don't know what the flange is? I also don't know what the flange is, Miles.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Jared, do you know what the flange is? No one knows this bit that I'm doing right now. No It's from a guy that's dumb. You gotta explain the bit. Well, no, please explain the bit now miles You've dug yourself too far to stop thinking now on the show friends. Oh Phoebe is yelling that the the flangees broken or something. It doesn't actually exist on an airplane. Wow. And it gets everyone to a panic and they get off the plane.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's a whole thing. I think he's too young for friends. Yeah, I just realized that. I'm sorry about that outdated reference. I didn't know I was going to date myself today. But here I am. Well, I hope one of our listeners knows what that joke is. I'm sure someone's laughing at it right now.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You never watched friends before? I've seen friends. No. He has not watched it. I'll make you an episode. Okay. One episode, well, I hope you got something now that Bellydub podcast today.
Starting point is 00:31:21 You know, we might have, Oh, I definitely did. I feel like we left you wanting more. So look, if there's anything you want to buy seller trade, just throw it out there now. It's a free buy seller trade. You called for advice. We're just going to toss this in free of charge. No, I don't think I have anything that I want to buy seller trade. Really? Well, how about an airplane? Would you like an airplane? An airplane would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:45 But I think those are a, we only have one that don't have the flangees. You're not going to want it. Well, I guess that the flangee broke off. That's good. We tried. We tried. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You know, all right. Well, hey, it was really nice talking to you. Thank you for calling in. Yeah, thanks for having me. All right. Hey, you watch out for deer now. Okay. And rain deer being in the airplane space. All right. Bye. Bye. All right, Charlie. All right, Miles. It's time for the ultimate tippy cow taste test. Oh, cute. Dolce, the tippy cow taste test. Tippy cow taste test.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Tippy cow taste test. We have the four flavors in front of us. We got the orange cream. We got the sham rockman. We got the chocolate shake. And we have the, what is it, ice cream? Vanilla soft serve. Yeah, vanilla. All right, so we need to determine between you and I we're gonna try all four and we need to determine which flavor is our favorite I'll go first
Starting point is 00:32:54 Let's just go at the same time. Okay, that's a cream all right, so the shamrock vanilla mint I I'm a big I mean, I've said this many times. I'm a big, hey, we're supposed to review each one here, Charlie. I just tried them all. I don't think that works if you try them all at the same time because now I've just got all this. We're gonna discuss in between. Deliciousness in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So try to do this one. We'll discuss the same. I recommend. Chamber of mint, I like quite a bit. I like it because I like peppermint patties. Now, I do think it needs the little chocolate shake splash in there, though. Mm-hmm. I like the chocolate one. That's just like chocolate milk.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Oh, God, that is just like chocolate milk. Chocolate milk with a chocolate milk with a little bit of hooch. Yeah. Chocolate milk. I think so far my two favorites are the jam rock mint and the chocolate shake. Okay, well those are the first two you've drank. So, you know, geez.
Starting point is 00:33:55 All right, now you got the vanilla cream, the nilly cream. I can see how that could be great with some coffee. Nilly cream, Ellie, yeah. That would be great with a cup of coffee. These are all, yeah, these are all great coffee things. And then you have the orange dream. This one. That one's good too.
Starting point is 00:34:19 But I got to pick my favorite. All right, Charlie. My favorite is the sham rock mint. Shamrock mint. OK, I like that. Honestly, I think I think I think I'm gonna rank him. I go Shamrock mint chocolate Shake Vanilla soft serve and then orange cream, but orange cream. It's not that I don't like y'all. Okay. It's just I Oranges and cream have never always put in my thing, but everything else I like So guys you got to try them all as well. You won't be disappointed. So find out where you can find some tippy cow. Maybe your local bars got it. Maybe the local liquor stores got it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And just there you go. Look for the logo. What was your favorite? You said, uh, chocolate shake. Uh, no, Shamrock mint. Did I, I forget already? I like a whole thing. Cool. Yeah. Look for our favorite one is the, the Shamrock mint. So you got to definitely try them all, but the Shamrock mint just hits a little bit different. And you look for the bottle with the cow, going to ask over to you, cattle. Yeah. Alrighty. Gifts galore and winter headquarters at the fleet farm. Another week has passed ladies and gentlemen, but there is still time to get all of your gift shop and done at the fleet farm. Now don't worry. Don't worry because you can do it all. Fleet farm scouts you covered. Oh, thank God.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I was worried. Yeah, and Miles, you don't have to be worried. Just go get it done. Okay. No matter what the season is or what the reason is, you like that, that rhymed. Okay. Fleet farm scouts something to cover your needs
Starting point is 00:35:55 and not just your needs, your hands, your head, your body, the whole shebang. Okay. They got everything. All right. I blew out one of my ice fishing gloves. I did. You ever blow out an ice fishing glove? A few times. And blew out one of my ice fishing gloves. I did you ever blow out nice fish And I really wasn't even a blowout what I got was one of them Northern pikes
Starting point is 00:36:10 And then got my finger and I was like just chill you're too small for me to clean I'm you stick your mouth your hand in a northern pike Yeah, yeah, you gotta be careful that anyways. I blew up my glove into the flip farm got a new one, okay Did they have what you needed Charlie?. They did. And they had everything more. You know, and I've been using my windshield wipers quite a bit because I got all the stuff on my car, right? The salt and the whatnot. And I'm trying to rinse it off and wipe off the windshield. And then the windshield went through the ringer and through the ringer. Go to free farm. They got other windshield wipers and the fluid. You always want to dull blow up on the fluid. And if you got a, uh, it's a Dan of sorts, your car is not as heavy.
Starting point is 00:36:50 You go get yourself some sand from the fleet farm, throw it in the back. Can't be drifting around those corners. This is not deep that weighted down in the back. Yeah. Shaboykin drift is not the fleet far or not the Fast and Furious episode. We want to see some. Go to fleet farm. Get some bags of sand. There you go. Okay. So anyway, make it, make it real quick. Make it happen. Make it the fleet farm. You're going to love it. Welcome to the Belly Up Podcast. Who are we talking to. You're talking to Dan Sosey again. Oh, Dan, welcome back, my man. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Good. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I just called to give you guys an update. I decided what I did with the airline cash. Yeah. What did you do with it? What did you say, so?
Starting point is 00:37:45 Hey, daddy, set it right away. This is great. This is great. This is our first belly dump update. This is our first belly dump date. Let's do a belly dump date. Up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:58 No kidding. Yeah, first one. Yeah. So what did you do? To catch everyone up who hasn a maybe listen this episode? All right, Dan is running a racket and that racket is buying a playing ticket volunteering to choose a different playing ticket at the terminal
Starting point is 00:38:18 collecting the voucher for the next flight and Just making money off of it and just continually, continually volunteering to take a voucher for some cash by not getting on the plan that he bought a ticket for. He's a smart man. And now you had how much cash again? It was a key, right? Well, what's the, what's the grand total at now?
Starting point is 00:38:40 You got to be continuing to get the higher on that. Well, unfortunately, no. I was actually just on a flight in September and I didn't even look for any volunteers and I was very disappointed. Oh, it was like one of the first flights that I had never had of, you know, that option to volunteer. So it was very odd, but so I decided, so I had $1,100 cash and I decided to roll the dice again and we're going on a vacation to Alaska.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Well, you might be going on a vacation in Alaska. Or you might be staying home and collecting another thousand bucks. And then going all the way to Japan, baby. Yeah, I just keep going further west. Yeah. So we're in Alaska. Are you going?
Starting point is 00:39:33 So we're actually going to go on one of those Alaska and cruise is you fly in the Seattle and then kind of go I guess up to Ketchakian and. Okay. Hold on. Hold on one sec. We just learned this. All right. and then kind of go, I guess, up to Ketchakian and Dika. Hold on, hold on one sec. We just learned this. All right. We need to know where you're talking about. So what you're gonna do is I want you
Starting point is 00:39:53 to hold your fist up in the air. Yeah, hold your fist up like you're looking at your watch. Then look at your watch. You're gonna stick out your pointer finger and your thumb. Where on your hand are you talking about? Because you're now looking at a map of Alaska. Yeah. Pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Where are you? Yeah, describe it on the hand. We don't know anything else about Alaska. So if you go like maybe one finger length down, there's like, you know, Seattle. So we're going to start. We're going to go maybe up to the top of the nail bed and then maybe the knuckle of what finger? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Sorry. Of the thumb. Okay. We're on the thumb. Over by Sitka. Yeah. So you're on the thumb over by Sikka. Yeah, so you're on the thumb. Yeah, over by Sikka. Yeah, and then I think Ketchakian I mean, I don't know if people in Alaska are gonna call it and correct me here, but I think Ketchakian is north of Sikka. Okay
Starting point is 00:40:56 Please let's get back to thumb geography. Okay, so you've mainly just talking thumb here. Yeah, so you're going around the thumb You're going to the thumb of Alaska. We're going to the thumb of it. Well, we pretty much stayed in the thumb the entire time. We kind of started the nail bat there. Yeah. We kind of work our way up to the knuckle. And then the next knuckle up and then we kind of come back down. I like that. I really get too far. Hey, Dan, I know exactly where you're talking now. I do too. I know exactly. So, um, yeah, what are you doing up there? Well, we haven't picked out any of our excursions yet, but hopefully going to do some whale watching. Yeah. gonna see if I can get some good banox from Fortex. Or maybe that could be the advice.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Fortex, RuPaul, as you guys have any recommendations. I got a pair of Fortex banox myself. Listen, Charlie, though, Charlie is an avid bird watcher. Which I don't know if you know that involves a lot of binoculars and camera works. So Charlie, take it away. Thank you, Miles, for the floor. Now, what you're going to want to do is get over to the fleet farm. They have a wide variety of wide selection of binoculars and they also have birds in the fleet farm. So you can test them out. You can test them out. So you get the binoculars. Yep. They're over by the sculpt section. Okay. Look for the glass cases. The binoculars
Starting point is 00:42:29 will be over there somewhere. And then you just take them on over to the bird aisle, the bird feed section. And really in that whole general area, you're going to have a lot of birds. Now, you start there. And then those birds do fly around too. So you'll get to test the length of the of the binocs, you know, and also you want to get a good focus and ease something you can focus easily and it feels good on your hand because you're gonna be It's that's huge. It's got to feel good in the hands. Yeah, let it feel good in the head Don't don't think the bigger ones are always the better ones because if it's too heavy and annoying to hold up the whole time, you're not going to want to use them. And then what's the point of knocks if they're around your neck?
Starting point is 00:43:12 And you don't want to be in white knuckle in those binoculars either. You want to have a nice loose script, relax, because binoculars isn't so much of a quick burst game. You're playing the long game when it comes to binoculars. You don't want to tie yourself out real quick. Yeah, you want to keep those up there. Because if you see a bird doing something a little frisky, mind you, that takes a moment. So you don't want to be putting those binoculars down during the money moves, you know what I mean? Yeah. When the feathers are flopping, okay? So ruffling some feathers. It'd be an honor.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah. I was gonna attach them to a tripod so that my hand would not get so tired, because I guess in Alaska, there's a lot of wildlife to see. There is, and I didn't realize you were gonna be a tripod guy. Well, you might wanna consider a spotting scope, then, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Oh, that could be cool too, yeah. Just a single piece of glass, you know. And that I've done some of that myself. I don't own one right now, but a spotting scope could be a lot of fun. I, yeah, I don't have any experience with binoculars on a tripod, only a spotting scope. And for that reason, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I can't help you with the tripod. And do we call a spotting scope a monocular? Yeah, I believe it's in the monocular family. It's in the monocular family. Yeah, that's not molecular, okay? That's monocular. Monocular. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Monocular. You got it. Yeah. You're so smart. You are smart. And of course he is. You figured out the loophole in the airplane. Now he's going up the thumb not cooling Alaska. Well, again, I'm still not buying.
Starting point is 00:44:50 He's ever going to make it there because he's going to volunteer and he's going to end up getting a different flight and never go. Well, either way, we wish you all the safest journey on your trip to wherever you go. And it's going to be fun. You're going with the gal I am going with the wife and we finally convinced some friends finally travel with us So you're about to come home with come home with like four grand then off the airline That's not hopefully yeah, yeah, Yeah. It's a good spot. I think we're gonna try a different airline.
Starting point is 00:45:27 See if, you know, it increases our odds or it's right now, I don't know. Shake it up a little. I like that. I like that. I like that. Yeah. And the one full tap box isn't hitting for you.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Maybe try a different one. That's how you gotta do it. Yeah. Well, listen, thank you. Thank you so much for the update. This is a great update call, right? Call back anytime. We mean it. I will. I will definitely.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I'll call back after the cruise. I'll let you know what I went with. Yes. You know, if it was the monocular or the binoc, and we'll see how it works out for me. All right. All right. Well, thanks, dad. Thanks for calling in again. Is this our first time ever re re our our, uh, uh, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a called the belly update.
Starting point is 00:46:10 A re re occurring caller. First ever, you think recurring caller is better than belly update. Yeah, fuck, sorry. Yeah. I'm, I'm going to go with belly up. I know I am too. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah. He's Louise. We've been here a while. We've been here a while. We've been here a while. We've been here a while. Thanks for the belly update. You're welcome. Hey, if you're needing to sober up because you had a few too many, we just made some of that supper club puppy chow. So get a folder out. So you know, send us a bag of that. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Give me the PO box. I'll ship it up. All right. All right. Dan, well, thanks so much. Mine have fun in Alaska. Have fun on the thumb. Have fun on the thumb. Make that shirt.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Have fun on the thumb. Sounds good, buddy. So, all right. Take care. We see up. Oh, what a good, good guy, Charlie. Fantastic. And one another good, good episode of belly it up.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Another great episode, belly it up. Oh, sorry. You didn't win it as much in pole tennis. I know, but I, yeah, you're investing. I get it. This is just the game. It's just the game. And I'm married to it.
Starting point is 00:47:21 So, yeah. We'll try again next time. It's not that I lost. It's that I just need to keep plan. Yeah. And I hope the rest of you keep playing your poll tabs keep tipping your bar tenders. Thanks for moving calls in as well. Thank you. Fun. And we're going to keep taking callers just as long as you guys keep dialing. And uh, got anything else, Charlie Charlie or should we wrap it up? It's wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Thanks for tuning in guys. Always, as always hit the subscribe button. Yeah, smash that subscribe button. Hit the subscribe in the face. Absolutely punch the subscribe button in the dick. We'll see you in the next episode. Dipper bartender. Dick. We'll see you in the next episode.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Dipper bartender. Bye bye.

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