Bellied Up - Does Kentucky Belong in The Midwest? #34

Episode Date: January 26, 2023

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we're at The Nook in St. Paul, MN. First caller has a dilemma for his sisters wedding, Next caller is from Colorado and loves Fleet Farm, last caller states case on Kentucky being apart of the Midwest.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, everybody welcome up welcome back to the next belly up. Welcome up. Welcome up miles and welcome back. Welcome up and welcome back. We are presented by Fleet Farm. Fleet Farm. We love it.
Starting point is 00:00:15 My house, your little sluggish. I didn't know I was sluggish until I started talking. Yeah. We ever done that, you know, like you're not like really that tired, but then you like all of a sudden you feel like your voice is bad and your brains a little foggy, you know miles. You're like starting a 1982 Volkswagen rabbit on a cold day. Yeah, you know, that's me today. Just got a giver a little a little gas to get her going Yeah, you know, the love maybe I tapped the dashboard a little bit, you know, yeah, yeah, come on baby Come on. I know you.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Do a for me today. And then you just do a big pop of diesel smoke out the ass. Yeah. And then now we're rolling. Yeah. Look at that. Ready to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Well, and the reason why is we were filming yesterday and we were having a few drinks, having a good time. And so this is day number three. I had a little road trip here. Day three. And then you were hanging number three, I had a little road trip here. Day three. And then you were hanging last night with the fam. Yeah. A little family time yesterday.
Starting point is 00:01:09 So, but it feels good. We're here at the nook here. See Paul. And what actual is it, St. Paul? We're here in St. Paul at the nook. And I tell you what, you'll walk up outside. Looks like having any normal bar, right? Yeah. Then you walk down stairs and look what is behind us.
Starting point is 00:01:32 A whole fantastic bowling. It's an underground bowling alley. So cool, dude. It's got all the vintage seats and everything there. It was really unexpected. But I like, I like how there's a glass booth here, kind of separating the bowling alley from the rest of the deal. You kind of sit up here and you feel like, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:54 you're a high roller gambling on the bowling games, you know. And then it's kind of nice. Well, Andy don't got to listen to all the loud clattering of the thing. It's a nice little spot here. You can if you want, because that door is open. That's true. But it's a, I mean, the vibes in this place are unbelievable. I love a bar that hangs dollar bills that that's their wallpapers.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Just I mean, it's, it's, it's honestly probably less expensive than actual wallpaper these days Actually, probably and you're not even the one that I support the money towards that everyone else put the fuck up there Hey, it's everyone else wall paper by committee really is what dollar bills are on the ceiling and the walls and Yeah, and the milk apparently donated the back half of their dollar bills to all simers. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, so it's it's it's the gift that keeps on giving decorate your walls. That's recycling right there. You decorate your walls and you take that money, which is all written on by the way.
Starting point is 00:02:57 There's some interesting stuff. Love you. Call your banks take ones that are written on. Oh, yeah, they do. They have to and then they destroy them. Wow, this one's very artistic. It's David Bowie one. Bowie lives. Oh, that's cool. That's a David Bowie one. Look at that. It's awesome. It's got the little lightning bolt over over George Washington's eye. Man, that's cool. That's some real art here, Miles. Anyway, bowling. I was wondering, I was going to let you go. I mean, let me, a baby, let me,
Starting point is 00:03:34 you'll never, if you guys ever get a chance and what you got to do in real life is experience a Charlie Barron's moment of wonder. Minnes sort of volley. He's in the middle. Dude, we could do the whole intro on stuff people have written on dollar bills. Shout out to sexy Lexi, you know? Dan and Anna, O212, 2028. Sealing our fate and they spelled ceiling like C. Got it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I have. Charlie, Charlie, what do we got? We got to watch out for deer. Right there. It's right there. Watch have Charlie Charlie. Charlie. What do we got? We got to watch out for deer right there. It's right there. Watch out for deer. And then they changed one to hope. Every road. Do you see that?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Oh my God. Did you come here early and do that? Oh my God. You did that, right? Maybe. And that one says, go packers and the F1. What the bears? Oh God.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You know what? Dude, I think this whole podcast. You called the what? Dude, I think this whole podcast. You call the head. Dude, I think this whole podcast, we should just be reading dollar bills. I don't owe 313. What is that? That what was the band that did 313? I don't know. Wasn't their band? Oh, that's 303. No, but wasn't okay. My buddy in grade school wrote three, one, three in his notebook. Next to that S, you know, and so I thought that that was something like 90s band. I'm old. Miles Redwood. There's one that says that you either cranked that soldier boy or it cranks you. That's not really good life lesson. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm serious dude. I think we might have to do just one belly up just reading all these things. We're on a we're on a roll so far. As man right up here. Conner. Did you put that one up there too Charlie? No. Do you know I was an ass model in a or I was requested to be an ass model in a movie at one point.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Holy smoke. What do you mean? Like you that you were the zoom in on the moon or like, dude, it's a $3 bill. Oh, no, that's a fake one. I can't tell who that is. Anyway, yeah. No, you know, the movie, um, uh, Cedar Rapids. No, she rapids with that Helm's. So you know the movie, Cedar Rapids? No. Cedar Rapids with Ed Helms. He's a big insurance agent in Wisconsin. He goes to the big city of Cedar Rapids for the daily insurance convention.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay. I was a production assistant on this film, which means I was getting coffee. Yep. I was the walkie guy, placing the walkies. And this one day, they came up to me and they says, Charlie, we've got this locker room scene and we need a bear ass. Would you be the bear ass?
Starting point is 00:06:14 They said that to me. And I was honored, because you know, that's all you didn't do it? No, well, I said yes, but I would like an ass model rate. I'm not just doing this for my PA rate. I'm not doing this for $150 a day rate. I want two day rates. So I will do it, but I would like an ass fee.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And they said, we'll get back to you. Never got back to you. They never got back to me. Can you pull a son? Mother guy who is willing to sell his body for less. And you know what, dude, I regret not doing it. No, not so much. How much better would this story be if we could roll the clip?
Starting point is 00:06:49 And that's my ass in that locker room scene. Well, and I mean, good, good on you, though, for knowing the value of your body, knowing the value of my ass, dude. You know, hey, don't say. Don't. Yeah. You knew as a young age at a young age. So, All right.
Starting point is 00:07:08 What would it take? How much money would it take for you to do a full center full, the play girl? Uh, with Sheak spread, Cheeks spread. Whoa. Uh,
Starting point is 00:07:21 Do they get it does waxing job come free? Uh, yeah. We'll throw in a wax job. I think that do you see my face? Like do you know this is my ass? Maybe like a side profile your face. No, if you know it's me, dude, that's going to be a lot of money. How much?
Starting point is 00:07:38 In what's your number? Oh my gosh. We need to play girl the next dude to do that. It would it would have to be in the millions of dollars. Okay. Wow. It goes at this point in my career. Now, back that, I mean, you call it a career.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I'm doing a podcast in the basement of a bar. In the basement. Yeah. But I would, because that'd be a lot, because, you know, someone would show my mom. So that's really, that's really what it's got to be enough that like I would, because that'd be a lot, because you know, someone would show my mom. So that's really, that's really what I, it's got to be enough that like I would get over that. Well, you just have to tell your mom, if anyone tries to show you a magazine now until you die,
Starting point is 00:08:14 don't look at it. Don't look at it. Or I could claim it's a deep fake. I could claim that it's not me. But a lot of people, do a lot of people come up to you, miles and say, hey, did I see you at this airport or something? You got a lot of messages. Yeah. I'm like, Hey, I saw you and so it shouldn't such Illinois. Like I've never been to that town in my life. So that's not possible.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So maybe if it's my face, I just don't want to say my name. I just want people to be like, Hey, so what would your play girl name be? Oh, that's good. I like this. Can't be ratchet strap either. You've already that's your stripper name. Okay, Chuckie guns. I like Chuckie gun. Chuckie buns. Chuckie buns.
Starting point is 00:08:53 That's actually a great. And then there's a scene of you you're wearing nothing but a holster and then it's just there's literally just buns in your holsters. Ah, maybe we should just do this for fun, dude. Now now my price dropped to $15. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, Jake's going to go get the camera.
Starting point is 00:09:13 He's excited for this shoot. Chuck, not just a camera dude, the holsters and don't forget the buns, dude. Otherwise, I'm not doing this. I'm not going to hate your chief around his neck, you know, that's it. That's all he's wearing. When I was when I was 20, um, then Chuckie,
Starting point is 00:09:28 Bunch, Chuckie Bunch. I did some, I did some new, new modeling for $25 once for this woman in South Carolina. What do you mean you did some new modeling? So it started off. I was broke and just lost a job and I was on Craig. So this is looking for things and they said, we need a body model for people to draw you. And so I did it. So somewhere there's a bunch of like senior citizens who, because this was
Starting point is 00:09:58 a senior citizens body model drawing class. There's a bunch of senior citizens. So you went and stood there live, naked in front of these. Sad there. Not naked. I had the brats and curds in some tight, tidy, tight, tight boxers, some boxer briefs. Okay. Well, then that's not that big of a deal. But I'm getting to the, I go sit in some boxer briefs in front of some old people. I did that.
Starting point is 00:10:19 That's what I thought. So that's what I thought. That was the entryway though. That was the, what do they call it? Gateway. Gateway. That was the gateway modeling. And then the gal who ran this show, she afterwards said,
Starting point is 00:10:30 Hey, would you do a fully nude thing, a fully nude deal where you're, you're pertain to be cane from the Bible, you know where he's grabbing the ground, you know, she's like, we wouldn't see your pecker. And, but we would see you. We would see your teeth though. Yeah, you would see taint, but it was't see your pecker. And, but we would see you would see your teeth though. Yeah, you would see tape, but it was all side S miles.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It was all side S. And so I did this photo. Guess how much I did for 25 bucks. Oh, did I say that? I did say that. Yeah. Damn it. It was a $25 add on because I got, I think $60 for the hour, two hours. I was doing the thing, 30 bucks an hour, not bad. Not bad, not bad at all. But then yeah, full side S, and she sent me the drawing afterwards. And somewhere in my email I have it.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And I'd like to bring that up in my office. Dude, she made my ass look so much better. She gave me a muscle on my side S. And I was like, that's worth the $25 right there. Because if I don't tell anyone, I don't have a side S muscle, you know, people are gonna be like, damn, that's worth the $25 right there. Because if I don't tell anyone, I don't have a side-ass muscle. You know, people are gonna be like, damn, that's you, I'm gonna be like, yeah, that's me, you know. I'd love to hang it in my office if you could get it.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm gonna find it, I'm gonna send it to you. You know what? Forget it, I'm gonna mad it and send it to you. This shows up. Yeah. I don't want you going cheap on the mat on this one. You know, do you guys want one too? Yeah, okay, all right I'll get a few so bowling right yeah, yeah balls and then pins and yeah
Starting point is 00:11:55 What's Where do we go that's another that's another photo shoot for play girl for you. Oh, yeah bowling alley You're holding two bowling balls in a pin. Yeah. Dude, that should be the, that should be the picture of this, the title picture of the podcast. It's just us holding the balls. Do we have title pictures like, yeah, we can do one.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. Oh, yeah. So typical, huh? I guess we'll do the bowling intro on another podcast. Yeah, we'll try that. But this is good. We found out a lot of your history. Yeah. It's good that you are dabbling in other markets other than just comedy and family, friendly mid-wiz content. You've also done the triple X stuff. That straight up show my ass for one gal in a room and somewhere in green. Did like, was there any alternative motive?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Like was you were like the gal cute and you were trying to like go on a date with her? No man, she was running the senior citizen new drawing deal. I mean, I can't remember what she looked like, but it wasn't that vibe at all. It was like, you know, so she never asked you to come back.
Starting point is 00:13:07 After that, no, they asked me to come back eventually. I was, I got another job in watching in DC. So I was commuting from South Carolina to DC at that point. And Duke, I say one other thing. Yeah, it's a trick. It's a trick of the trade. I don't know if I've said it on this podcast, but here's how when you have no money and you're like commuting between two cities, this is how you make it happen. You drive to a
Starting point is 00:13:33 holiday in in the suburbs where they're not, they don't care as much. You sleep in your car, then you get up, you eat the conanental breakfast, and then you shower by swimming in the pool. Because someone always leaves their key at the table at the connenin, no breakfast, and that's how you get in the pool. And then you're on your way, you're showered, you're fed, you take a couple of the... You're taking a chlorine bath every single day?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Well, yeah. Not every day, just this was once a week at that point. So it was once a week, but I had to go right into work, you know, is he just coming to work? Does reekin like chlorine? Actually, I was smell pretty good. Choring doesn't smell that bad. It's not like you walk into room. Someone's like, Oh, this guy went to a pool today. And if they did, they think, Oh man, this guy's got a pool.
Starting point is 00:14:19 They don't think that's the first thought. He must have been in his hot tub this morning. Yeah. That's the first thought. The first thought is not, oh, this guy slept in the parking lot of a holiday in. No. I just like the thought of having them. I hate the chlorine feel on your body.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Oh, dude, you don't swim enough. Hey, yeah, look at me. Of course, I don't. You look like a pool guy. I can dive in. I can swim. Can you do a back foot? See, I'm not great once I leave the ground.
Starting point is 00:14:48 So I am, everyone who knows anything about me knows that I'm a flat ground guy. Anytime I leave flat ground or I just leave the ground in general, not much is gonna happen after that. So I can dive. I can dive. Can you flip? I cannot flip.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I cannot go. I always end up opening up too early and my back slaps on the water. Whatever, you know. Oh, man, I would love to go to a pool with you, my son. I'm a, just go play at the pool. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Remember when you were a kid and you're like, let's go play. You can play water volleyball, maybe water basketball. Water basketball with my buddies, I always got on a hand. You know, someone would end up like getting curbsdumped by the edge of the pool somehow. Peace.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Or, you know, your ears would be burning hot from all the wrestling, trying to grab the ball and stuff like that. So, I just, you know, me, I'm a rough hoser. So, yeah. Anyone who knows anything about me knows I'm a rough hoser. Yeah, that's why they call you. Oh, Miles, the rough house.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. It's true. Is the legend lives on. Jay Z that dollar says Jay Z. He was here. Oh, it doesn't. It says J2. I don't know what that says.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Jay Z. What if Jay Z was here? Do you think if Jay Z was here, you'd write Jay Z on a dollar bill or do you think he'd write something else? Probably. Do you think he'd write something else? Probably. You think it'd write Beyonce probably. I bet he would write. This is what I bet he would write.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I bet he would write Jay Z was here. Oh, with a Z. Yeah. Yeah, because of the Jay, the Jay Z. Yeah. I bet you you're right. Mm-hmm. Maybe we'll find it.
Starting point is 00:16:19 We'll look for it. Well, we're going to take a break here. We're going to take some calls. We're going to look at some more dollar bills. And we're gonna get into this show, baby. Let's do it. Welcome to the Belly to a podcast. What are we talking to?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Oh, this is Preston. Preston, how you doing, guy? You're not doing great. It's good to hear you. I tried to call you guys like 57 times the other day. Ah, that's why we had so many calls. That was all Preston. Yeah, Preston, where are you calling from?
Starting point is 00:16:48 Bye, bye. Sioux Falls, up, Coda. Oh, nice. Nice. How's Sioux Falls this time of year, huh? Windy? Well, it's cold right now. A little bit windy.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the wind. Yeah. Great faces, great places down there and Sioux Falls. That's what I hear. And I saw that. Couldn't for the land. Yeah. Great faces, great places down there and Sioux Falls. That's what I hear. I saw that. Instead of better myself. Yeah. They should put that on a license plate or something. Yeah, they should. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Well, I know, I know for pretty good faces, I could put on. Okay. Belly up to the bar with us. What's on your mind, Preston? All right, so here's the deal. My sister, who's older than me, I won't give her name or her age out
Starting point is 00:17:28 because she'll get mad. She has a wedding coming up and she hasn't officially asked me and my brother if we would be in it, which is cool, but she wants us, she wants him to be the maid of honor and wants me to be a bridesmaid. And him and I are both kind of like not cool with it. Like I totally get like the trendy vibe. But like I don't know how to, like, tell you why I'm looking for it. How do I tell her, like,
Starting point is 00:17:57 I don't really want to be a bridesmaid. Oh, it's pressing. Hold on here. I bet you're going to look smoke and hot and address. Dude, for sure for sure You know what Preston I don't like your mentality here. I'm gonna be quite honest with you my sister My sister just got married recently. Okay, and I would have been honored honored if she asked me to be her maid of honor or one of her bridesmaids You know what she asked me to be an usher an usher dude an usher the Wednesday the Wednesday before the wedding
Starting point is 00:18:30 I'm her brother. All right. So yeah, that's fair. I'm gonna be honest with you Charlie. I think I'm on Preston side. No, okay But you know what fine. Why are you on Preston side? I just I wouldn't want to stand with all of the bouquets of flowers with the gal. Like, you know, I'm a man. And I want to be on the men side. Okay. And I'm happily married. I got three beautiful kids. Like what are my kids going to think with dad staying
Starting point is 00:18:59 enough there like holding flowers and stuff and a dress. It's going to be very confusing for them. In a dress. You don't have to wear a dress pressed in. Well, I mean, I don't know all the details quite yet. Well, if the dress is in it, I think I'm out. You know what? Okay, that's reasonable.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I get that. I think you got a point there. Yeah, you should only wear a dress if you want to wear a dress. Look, are you gonna be doing, so that's it, you're just flat out gonna say no. If she, I mean, that's what he's calling in for. Oh, okay, so that's right.
Starting point is 00:19:33 We're giving advice, I forget the premise of it. Is there, so right now, we're on a 50-50 split right now. Is there an alternate job that you'd like to do? Don't you dare say that. I mean, I would like, I had, I had always envisioned, well, in my wedding, she was our guest book attendant. So I think that's a pretty cool job. I think that's a pretty cool job.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I could fulfill it. That's even lower than usher. You know what? You know what? And I'm speaking as someone who is asked to be the usher in case you forgot, this is payback. She knows you don't want to be the made of honor. She knows.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And in fact, she has her actual made of honor. She already asked them, she's doing this to mess with you guys to see what you're going to say. So because you made her guess book attendant, oh my, I didn't even know that job existed. Miles, did you know that job? It sounds like a made up role. Totally made up role. I can either confirm nor deny that. Have you ever read your guest book, Preston? Be honest with me. No, no, I don't even know where it's at. You gave her the job that you that is mold literally never going to be seen ever again. Yeah, that's fair. I bet you that she wrote something in your guest book that said
Starting point is 00:20:52 Thanks for making me your guest book attendant. She definitely put that in quotes just wait until I get married and Now she's getting married and this is payback pal. Now I'm just for the sake of the argument. Like I'm trapped. Yeah, you are trapped. You should have thought about that before you made her guess book attendant Preston. Sorry to say it. What's that miles for the sake of the argument though.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Let's pretend the sister is serious and is once truly him to be the maid of honor. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Man of honor. Is it? Oh, yeah. Anyways, I honor, okay? Yeah. Man of honor? Is it? Oh, yeah. Anyways, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, I'm not sure. It's confusing in all fronts, but how is he going to tell her he doesn't want to do it? That's what we need to figure out right now. Okay. All right. So what's happening? Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:42 So if you're not going to listen to my advice, fine. And now this is how you tell her you don't wanna do it. All right, how do you tell your sister? You don't wanna be her maid of honor. As a guy, as a fella. I, you know, no, here's a bear way to say it. How does a brother tell her sister? How does a brother tell his sister?
Starting point is 00:22:00 He doesn't wanna be her maid of honor. Let's go. I think right off the bat, I would just go the tunnel route, do a conversation over the phone, and then as she starts to ask you, just pretend like you're going through the tunnel and just hang up. And then every single time she tries to bring it up after that, you either pretend like it's really loud in the room you can hear or just go through another tunnel. Let's roll play real quick with that Preston. You be your sister and miles you'll be Preston. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Ring ring. Okay. What's up, sis? How are we doing? Oh, we're doing pretty good. Hey, I've got a pretty special day coming up. Oh, yeah. What's that?
Starting point is 00:22:40 What's that? I'm wondering, I'm getting married. I'm wondering if you would stand on my side. What? I can't hear you. What do you? What do you say? I want to know.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You want to, you marry Christmas? Is that what? It's, it's, it's too early for that. I think no, would you be my bride? Here comes the tunnel. I'm in the tunnel. That's just a little fact. That's total effective. That's good.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like I figured South Dakota's got a dead spot with like, I suppose it's not a lot of tunnels. And there's no tunnels and Sioux Falls. Yeah, yeah, there's none. Yeah, there's none. No tunnels, but a lot of bad service to make up for it. Yeah, you're good. No, but I like that route.
Starting point is 00:23:22 She though she could even throw an extra like. In there too. Just always rock while ground with a paper bag that you can just crumple in front of the phone. But she already asked you though. No, she hasn't officially asked, but that's the word on the street. Who, who get the word from? Clearly I'm a terrible listener. Jay, he's always from from my younger sister. No, dude, no, she got snubbed, dude. Yeah, is the younger sister? No, the fixes hit. No, you are not being asked to do this.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Don't even worry. The fixes in it's gotta be. And this is on you. Again, you have nobody to blame Preston but yourself do not make your This might be a prank it total prank. I've got prank written all over it. Yeah, I've he R a and K Yeah, prank prank right yeah, Preston Thank you for it, but I'll DM you if it actually happens do it do it
Starting point is 00:24:22 But hey, we don't want to happen though. You're just gonna pretend like you're going through a tunnel. Yeah, we gave we Our assessment there's a prank and if not we have given you very strong sound advice on how not to do it By the way, she can't ask you if you never listen, you know, it's kind of like there's a does it if a tree falls in the woods Is anybody here? You know, it's the same thing. Right one. I've been doing that my whole life. I haven't been listening to her my whole life. See, just keep doing what you're doing, my guy. Yeah. Yeah. That's what. All right. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Charlie, would you have any advice if it actually does happen that way? Oh, yeah. If it does happen, you do it. You go there, you do it. And then you make your made of honor speech, the biggest roast you've ever written. You hire writers to punch it up. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. You start start writing, start thinking, get your little note section and start getting that roast and say, I remember the day, what's your sister's name? You didn't want to say Becky. Oh, Becky. Oh, we got it. I didn't want to say her age. Oh, got it. Becky, I still remember the day I asked
Starting point is 00:25:32 you to be my guest book attendant at my wedding. And I know that payback comes in many forms. And that's why you mean, you know, something like that, like really set the stage, but maybe don't hire Charlie as your writer, but find someone that's made me a little bit. Oh, stop it. I'm, I'm riffing off the top of the dome here. Okay. To piggyback off of your idea, Charlie here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:55 You need to start leaking that you started writing the made of honor speech and make it like leak some bad stuff. Like talk about the time she pooped the bed when she was eight, you know, like really be thrown in the stuff she doesn't want people to know. Then she's going to have second thoughts about asking you if that's what the speech is going to be. Yeah, give us a fact about Becky. Maybe we can help your plant to seed here. Just rattle off a few facts about Becky. She, she still sleeps with the cabbage patch doll.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Okay. Okay. You know what? That's it. How Becky, how is, is your husband prepared for, well, I guess we can't go with that. It's a doll. Yeah. Let's, yeah. That joke's not going to work. Uh, just taking a step further, you know, like she still sucks her thumb, you know, like stuff like, they just even if it does not even true, just make stuff up. Okay. And and leak that to your younger sister, make your sister, your younger sister, the middle woman, and it just go back and forth. And basically you need to one up how insane you're going to go with this.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So she doesn't ask you even. Yeah. Just all out over the top. I can definitely do that. Yeah. You sound like a guy all out over the top. I can definitely do that. Yeah. It's not like a guy who knows over the top. And there's there's so much ammo there. I think I'm set for a while. Does this mean you also have to throw the bad tour at party? See, okay. So that was the plus side of all of this as I was talking to my brother about
Starting point is 00:27:19 it. I was like, dude, we could throw a half of a party, but we're the only two dudes there. We're both married. Like there's no, like, there's no advantage for us other than having a good time. But does, does it, would that mean that you would have to throw that party? Because you, I love how it's a sorry. I see it. I see it.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. I love how this party is about them having a good time and not about a sister having a good time. There's not once been like, oh, I could about a sister having a good time. There's not once been like, oh, I could throw a great party for my sister. It's like, we're both married. We can't go to the strip club. All my sisters, perhaps are at party. Well, what strip club would they go to on their sister's bad to have party?
Starting point is 00:27:57 You know, well, they're from they're from Yankton. So it'd be, uh, it'd be the cockatoo. So the cockatoo. Yeah. Wait, is that the man strip come? Well, isn't there two across the road? Oh, no, Tyler. No, I don't know if there's a man one down in the Aiden. Oh, so that is that where you guys are from then or what?
Starting point is 00:28:20 From Jankton. Yeah. Is that got the ice house bar? Yes, it does. I was just at the ice house while I was at this last fall. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You take your car, you go your bottle under the, yeah. Yeah. When you were done with this typical, you just walk outside and you throw it on the ground. Oh, that's fun. It's awesome. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, it's better than even what you think. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's way better. Yeah, Charlie, maybe she'd get out and see the Midwest that he promotes so much. Oh. Oh, wow. Take her. Wow, Miles. Next to the woods.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'll go tip toe to tap with you. OK, I'm sorry I haven't been to the one bar. OK, that you've been to that I haven't been to. She's going to ease. Oh, just saying. You know, this is happens by the way, Preston, whenever someone calls in and I take a nantagonistic viewpoint for miles, he gets all sad about it and he starts lashing out in ways like this. Isn't that true, Miles?
Starting point is 00:29:17 Well, hey, if you keep taking your viewpoints, you're going to be the maid of honor at a bunch of weddings and I just don't want to see how many dresses Charlie. I think the belly to podcast needs a couple's therapist for us. Yeah, in between app, in between callers between callers, I think we gave you some sound advice today, though. Wouldn't you say? Yeah, I would agree that the tunnel method might be the method I go with. Yep. Just a void, a void, a, avoid. All right. Well good for you. Hey, congratulations to your sister anyway. Becky Teller, we says hi and. Hey, perfect.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Go do. Yeah. And enjoy yourself. Whatever you ends up happening. I have a feeling that, you know, it's all hoax, but we'll see. Well, call us with an update. You guys want to produce all first, or I'll definitely let you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:08 All right. You watch out for dear to fellow. We'll see you soon. Hey, same to you. All right. Bye bye. Bye bye. Charlie, I was joking.
Starting point is 00:30:15 You've seen more of them in West than I have from touring. It's all right. It was just a joke. No, it's that that I'm upset about, but it's also I was going somewhere good with the joke. The first joke. I just need more facts. I'm Becky. Okay. it's also, I was going somewhere good with the joke, the first joke. I just need more facts. I'm Becky. Okay. I just need more facts. My creative process is different than yours, Miles. I can't just, um, um, shit, golden pukes over the way that you do. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Sorry. Did I say a bad word? No, I just didn't expect you to say that. I mean, it's just, just magic comes out of your mouth all the time, you know, I mean, I couldn't agree more. Yeah. Uh, Charles. Let's take another collar. Let's take another. Okay, that sounds good.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That sounds good. Oh, who says welcome up, welcome to the Belly Dot podcast. Welcome up. Oh my God. I can't believe I just got through. Oh, you are through, baby. Who is this? Hi, my name is Cole. Cole, where are you calling from?
Starting point is 00:31:16 We're calling Colorado. Focal. Okay. Nice. Okay. How do you like it over there? Um, you know, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's a little much. Why is Fort Collins a little much? Well, because I grew up in Bursa, Colorado, so a little bit smaller. And then I went to college in spearfish South Dakota. Okay. So you're a small town gal through and through. I really am. And what what what is tough about being a
Starting point is 00:31:57 small town gal going to the big city of Fort Collins? What's what's the hardest part about doing that? The stop lights or the stopping goal lights? What'd you say? It's the traffic. It's the traffic. Yeah. Well, don't go to LA. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah, you're maxed out there. Well, what's on your mind? Yeah, that's immediately helpful. Well, okay, so I have more of a story for you guys my boy president I have both been trying to call it to tell this story. All right story time let's do it story time. Story time so my boyfriend so okay let me preface this by saying my family is not super from the Midwest Nebraska, but that I have a lot of family in Wisconsin. And then I obviously went to college in South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So, you know, I kind of vibe with the whole Midwestern everything, you know, I love me some runs and some folders. Okay. All right. Go back. Go, you know. Oh, yeah. Heck yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yeah. Yeah. So my boy is from Arizona and he's never been to the Midwest. So um we went to um Rapid City for just like a little mini birthday trip last month because I worked is hard. Nice. And he is an avid listener to the podcast. And he had always wanted to go to a fleet farm. Yes. And he got a fleet farm a couple of years ago. Great. Great. Thank you. So I said to him to his first fleet farm. That's so romantic. Now tell me, what was it like for him? Was he star struck when he walked in? What do you say about the smell? What was it? He was completely head over heels in love with fleet farm. It changed his life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 In the Midwest, we call that ass over T. Kettle and love right there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:34:01 So amazing. You think that Cupid wears pink, but he actually wears orange and black here in the Midwest and it is Fleet farm. We love it. We love it. Yeah, you got to find the old Fleet Farm song on YouTube. He's gonna love that. Yeah, he is. I love how we can't let her finish her story. Well, a little bit in our defense. finish her story. Well, a little bit in our defense. There's a lot of details in this story. Yeah, it's getting a little long. Yeah. Well, we're trying to just enjoy every beat of it. I took it to complete farm. And now I think he wants to move to the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yes. Yes. You got your way out of Fort Collins, too. Yeah. Yeah. You're doing that. Exactly. Rapid cities ready for you guys. Um, so what I know what it was it? Fleet farm that sold him on the Midwest or was there something else about the Midwest that really sold you guys or him, I suppose it was him driving this train. Yeah, it was more him. And I don't think it's really the Midwest more so that he likes rapid city. If he likes the black hill. Yeah. Oh, well that counts. Yeah. I think we take him to like, you know, Milwaukee, I don't know if he'll have the same reaction. Yeah. Are you kidding me? Milwaukee's fan? We got the Lake Michigan there, which pretty much looks like an ocean. I love Milwaukee. Yeah. I love Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Well, good. Good. I think he'll love it too. Is it, does he like the elevation aspect to it? Is he like the mountains? Is that why he likes Rapid City? I think he likes the view. He likes to have a nice view.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Well, if you come to Fargan, North Dakota, and you stand in a coffee can, you can seal C4 Collins. So, you talk about views, you can see for a long time if you come up to North Dakota. I've actually been looking into moving back up to South Dakota or somewhere near there. Mostly for the cost of living here is so high. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:13 And I was looking in South Dakota and yesterday for giggles I looked in North Dakota like, shit, I mean, miles makes us sound great. Cost of living is a lot cheaper there too. Hell yeah, you hear that Charlie? I did. Yeah, I mean is a lot cheaper there too. Hell yeah, you hear that Charlie. I did. Yeah, I mean a low cost. Yeah. It's also one of the happiest places to live in America. If you look on the, there's a lot of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:33 bus feed articles and stuff. Really fargo, huh? That's a great town. I've been there many times. I like it a lot. I mean, people seem happy enough. I've never done that. Yeah, go in the winter. I've actually had it. I mean, people seem happy enough. I think we've ever done that. Yeah, go in the winter. Go in the
Starting point is 00:36:47 winter. If you ever want to know what it feels like to walk on the moon, go to Fargo, the outskirts of Fargo in the winter. If you want to take a private jet from wherever you're flying, all you got to do is go to Fargo in January, you'll be the only one on the flight. It'd be like you got your own private debt. It'll be you and me going there to record a belly-up podcast. Perfect. Hey, what you buy in the belly-up podcast. You're there right now. Would you buy it the free farm by the way? Oh my gosh so much stuff. We actually went every day of our vacation. So like you mean like
Starting point is 00:37:28 clothing, fishing gear, what all of you buy? So I bought Christmas presents for my niece and nephew. Hell yeah. I got them sick courses, you know, yeah, of course. I just got them courses, you know, classic, something a two I just got them courses, you know, classic Something a two-year-olds would love wait you cut out there say it again. Oh Sorry Just got them like little stick horses, you know, little Stick horses nice classic got a little stick horse classic a classic. Yeah He got
Starting point is 00:38:03 I don't know like bear traps. There's something out. know. He's a trapper. He's a trapper. She's a Dada. You're a trapper. You're a trapper? God, I hope so. But he's very much like a grandpa. So serious. So I don't know any other trapper. If you're a trapper, you don't definitely don't want to go to Milwaukee. You tell you that much. Why? Because it's a big city. You don't want to go there. You want the wilderness. You just go to Rapid City. You need to start trapping out there.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I suppose. And yeah, dig a well. Yeah. Find a spot on the woods. We also have some. Yeah, we also bought some man's walk minute. Sure. Did you? Oh, we did. I got an up north one. Oh,, not hey, I'm wearing that right now. Oh, North you can get a man to walk men calm check that out you Did you know those did you get name you bet you're my heart sure no, you don't have to say yes just because No, they were not no, come on. I don't want to say this to you, Charlie. I don't want to say this to you, but I have to.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I had managed to walk minutes on clear. 299 and I did in fact, five. But see you were on clear. See you Charlie. Everyone hide all the surf for 299. and I did in fact by them, but see you were on clearance. See you Charlie. Everyone hide all the sharp for $299. $299. Fleet farm. We screw over Charlie Barons.
Starting point is 00:39:56 That stuff is made in the US. That stuff is very expensive to produce. I just want everyone to know that. That is a deal. Get on over to the everyone to know that. That is a deal. Get on over to the Rapid City Fleet Farm. That's a fire sale. It cost way more to make that shirt than it's currently being sold for.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Way more. Now, to be fair, it was a Christmas shirt and it may have been a Christmas shirt from last year. For sure it was. I have to wait for sure it was. Alright, so I'm bad at March. What do you guys want for me? I'm bad at merch. I can't be miles, you know, I don't have the
Starting point is 00:40:32 cool designs. Actually, you know what? I'm going to defend my merch. I think I do have cool designs. I do have cool designs. I just need to. I just need to channel in it a different way. I just need to promote it more. I think you guys do such a better job of promoting it. My mom gets on my case for that.
Starting point is 00:40:50 My mom comes up with a lot of the merch stuff and she has a great job. And she's on my case about not promoting it enough. So this is my promotion. I don't. Get the merch. Yeah, everyone, you know, I think your mom, you should let your mom design some merch. She does she does a great job. Yeah a lot of them well
Starting point is 00:41:10 She does about she comes up with about You know she comes up with a lot of the ideas. She has good ideas. I don't have great ideas But she does but sometimes I design it too and then they don't always sell here Here you go Charlie Everyone just take a break from going to all you bet you that common buying our merch. Just take a break from it for just a second. I go check out.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Charlie, if this is my biggest merch month, I'm going to be so pissed off. I'm not even going to be happy about it. Not even going to be okay, but actually I won't be pissed off. All right. Well, that this was so fun. It merged aside, I'm so happy you and your fellow got over to the fleet farm on his first visit to the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:41:53 That makes us very happy here. Yeah, he was actually wearing, we both got fleet farm hoodies. They were on sale. We were there on Black Friday. Oh, nice. Well, that's why my stuff was on sale was black Friday Well, it was also on the clearance rack not to shit on you
Starting point is 00:42:17 All right, if you're gonna move to the Midwest you better learn some manners you lie to my face Lie to my face and then talk about me behind my back. Okay. Good Lord. And then queen my gutters because you feel guilty about talking about me behind my back. That's how we do it here. Geez. We're going to go cry about this. I'm probably going to go cry about the fact that I hurt Charlie feeling. Okay, cry about it. But then put that emotion put that emotion into some good action. I want my gutters done. Okay, that's the trade off here. All right, you can't just buy my merch on super clearance for $299 at the fleet farm. Okay, that's not going to count. I'll go on to me to watch buy some full price merch. That that being very nice of you really would. It's mainly USA.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Well, we're glad that you your your boyfriend was finally able to get to fleet farm. It's truly a miraculous experience for anyone involved. So even for you to watch him watch fleet farm for the first time had to have been absolutely magnificent. So it was like a candy candy store. I believe it. Well, thanks for calling in. This is a great story.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I'm glad you're able to get into the podcast. Said you've been calling a little bit, but you got a lot of snow if you got back to work. Back to work. No, I'm off now to work. You'll have to let us know if you move to the midwest or not, where he end up and good luck. If you do and thanks for calling in. This was great. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:43:58 All right. Have a good one. We'll see you. You too. Nice. Miles during that call, I was thinking of a game. I was gonna say, Charlie, you had two rough calls in a row there. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:44:10 What's so sorry. I'm just getting my ass roasted today. Okay, what was the game? Okay, the game is we each pick a dollar for the other person to say the word on the dollar during the next caller. And you have to weave it in. Okay. You have to weave it in organically. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:26 So, let's see here. Okay. I've got one for you. Give me one sec. Okay. That's good. Oh, geez, where are you? I, uh, kid, it was Ben B.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I thought Miles was going to hit me in the packer there. All right. So, Miles and I are looking around on their rate. We're looking around for stuff that we have to incorporate in the next call. Uh, uh, sale, Vega. I got it. You got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Many. All right, Charlie. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got yours? Yep. All right, show it to me. I'll read it. Minnesota volleyball.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Nope, nope, nope. Read it closer. Men, men, E Oda. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Minnesota volleyball. No, no, no, read it closer.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Men, men, E Oda. Many Oda volleyball 2022. Yep. All right. This is what this is what you have to work in. Hang on. Can I reach hang on? What a fuck shoot. What do we have here? Come know my home. You got to.
Starting point is 00:45:51 What does it say, Charlie? I'm not going to say come dumpster on this. I'm not going to do that. You got to find a different one. You come on. No, it was the game. Come on. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'm not going to say that it's going to be. You got to say that's going to get us canceled canceled it won't get us canceled. This is a game All right, I'll do this one that right all right all right. All right. Let's hear cheeks to the night We say cheers cheers to the night. We say Tata to the Tatas All right, fuck cancer fuck cancer. Okay, cheers to the night we say, Tata to the Tata's. Okay, I like it. I can't believe you didn't want to come dumpster.
Starting point is 00:46:32 It would have been great. Yeah, it would be great to hang on the collar, dude. Would it, you know, like mini-owned of volleyball 2022? mini-owned of volleyball 2022. Any order volleyball 2022. Okay. And I'm saying the cheers to the night we say tata to the tata's. Okay. And you, you can't just come out here and say it. You've got to organically weave it in. Otherwise, it's cheating. Organically, we've, they got a few like it's part of the conversation.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Hey, fleet form. Guys, crazy. I don't like any other big box. You got out there. You know, nothing like Best Buy. Did you know they've got everything under one roof over at the fleet farm. We love it. Wait, okay, Miles, they got 25 different vacuums.
Starting point is 00:47:17 25 different vacuums. I don't even know if there was 25 different vacuum brands in general. I didn't know that either, but you know, I got one vacuum and say, shop vac. You that what's you using the house? Yeah. All right. Well, I could respect that. So we have to do the dice and never lose a suction, the, the shop vac.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And then I'm out of life. Oh, there's a fornant, right? Yeah, there's one's another one that starts with an H as well. I don't know how they can come up with 25 different. Hoover. Hoover after president Hoover. Yeah. So because he sucked.
Starting point is 00:47:54 That's did he? I don't know much about early politics. Maybe he was a great guy. I don't care. All I know is if there is a store out there that is gonna stock 25 Vacuums and not even be a vacuum store. You know they care about you and they got pot oh they got pots and pans too guys So kitchen needs Hey dudes, what are those those are shoes. Oh crocs. I know what those are. I got a boots Other balm other bombs great ninja. You put other bomb on your hands. I know what those are. I got a boots. Other bomb. Other bombs. Great ninja.
Starting point is 00:48:26 You put other bomb on your hands. I don't use lotion. You got to use lotion, Miles. What do you? I mean, where are you doing? You're in nice calluses. You're a young buck right now, but you know, you don't use lotion on your face. No, Miles, we got a podcast to do for hopefully decades. I mean, we can't have you wrinkly like a raisin on this thing. You know, all good things come to an end, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Dude, start putting some modern, you'll find some young buck to replace me. You'll be all right. No, I can never replace you, Miles. Ninja, everything. What does that mean? What does that mean? What does Ninja, everything mean?
Starting point is 00:49:01 Like Ninja, the like blender brand, I think. Oh, I know. Oh, that's cool. I should go get one. Let me take over. Dude, I was? Like Ninja, the like blender brand, I think. Oh, I know. Oh, that's cool. I should go get one. Let me take over. Dude, I was doing, okay, fine. They definitely have what you need for your DIY projects. You've been putting off, which is a little close to home.
Starting point is 00:49:17 House numbers. House numbers. Time to get out of my house. That hurt my ears. Time to get at it. Maybe you have them pick some seasonal items that they think at the. Oh, where's supposed to pick some seasonal items that you think you'd pick up this time of year. Okay. I pick up a shovel. You don't have a shovel at this time of
Starting point is 00:49:35 year. You probably broke your shovel at this point. Yeah. I was going after that end of the driveway, you know, oh, you're, you're really up in the sand for the driveway. Yeah. You know, and end for, you know, the back of the truck, if you hadn't gotten that yet. Yep. Um, and, uh, you know, maybe a new coat, because you're ripped. Maybe a new hat. New hat.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. Cause you got mad at something and you threw it across the room. Yeah. Host it. Maybe some man to walk minute. Or you bet your murder. Oh, the nuts and candy aisle may be good. Oh, nuts and candy aisle are good. Dude, they're for sure good. What's
Starting point is 00:50:12 your favorite? A munchy at the fleet farm? Um, I like peanuts. I like burnt peanuts. Burnt. Have you had though? No. Oh, yeah, I don't lived. And then Christmas cookies. Sugar lights. Sugar highs. Oh, coming off the Christmas cookie sugar highs. Yeah, balance it out with some nuts. All right, just pull the items off the website
Starting point is 00:50:36 and throw random ones in. We just did that. We just did that. Yes. Sweet farm. We love it. Tippie cow, baby. All right, we got the vanilla deal.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Make sure you say that out loud. We have the Tippy cow vanilla soft serve. Tippy cow vanilla soft serve. That sounds soft. And that is going down just like soft serve does. Nice and smooth. Nice and smooth. That's what you're getting with Tippy cow.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Nice and smooth. Oh, I'm getting you was like a cow Soon I did their hair, huh? Dude, that was clever. Is that our new calling card for tippy cow. It's nice and smooth That's great dude. They're gonna love it. I'm sure they will the aFC and NFC championships are this weekend And I bet I'm going to be slumped over my favorite chair, sipping to be calm and watching the game. She bets your ass. You're going to be watching the Vikings and the NFC championship or what?
Starting point is 00:51:35 If they're in the NFC championship, I am going to watch them lose for sure. Okay. Sorry, I can never get on team biking. Also, you said you'd be slumped over your favorite chair. Are you just laying over the back of it? Or what's the? That's how I sit on chairs. Yeah. Yeah, I just I'm a leader. I'm a slumper. Yeah. So yeah, get yourself some typical is watch some football. You won't be upset. Vanilla soft serve, you know, actually, it's so we're doing this. We started this around a little before noon.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And it's a delicious alcoholic beverage for the morning, to be honest, it just, you, if you even mix that with some coffee, that's going to be, I mean, it's just basically like your cream and the coffee in the morning. So it is, um, especially for those noon games, yeah, those new nurse. Sure. And then, yeah. So, so typical baby is going down. Small. That was real good. Smooth, smooth. Welcome to the belly to podcast. Who do we have here? This is Walker from Nickl Spail Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:52:44 up here. This is Walker from Nicholasville Kentucky. All right. From where in Kentucky? Nicholasville just just out of Lexington. You know where that is. Nicholasville South of Lexington. That's nice. That's nice. Yeah, I know where Lexington is. That's great. What are you up to today? Well, you know, Instagram post and had to run out to the truck and fall in 100 times. Okay, well, you made it through. You made it through a watchabel you up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Well, this is what I was thinking. I heard
Starting point is 00:53:19 you all, you know, talking a few episodes ago about how you need to expand the Midwest. Yeah. Yeah. I think Kentucky is a prime candidate. Okay. Okay. Okay. Why should this is a new segment that we like to call state your case.
Starting point is 00:53:37 All right. So state your case on why Kentucky should be in the Midwest. So first, I think we got a lot of the same mannerisms and euphemisms, but they might just be a little tweak, you know, different wording. Okay. Give us an example. Partly we've got, hey, so your folks us as high. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Down here, it's, hey, how's your mom and them? Hey, how's your mom and them? I like that a lot. How's your mom and them? Hey, how's your mom and them? I like that a lot. How's your mom and them? What else do you got? See, there's the drinking. You know, we don't know Midwesterners, big drinkers or Kentucky's just about the same way. Yeah, what, what do you guys drink down there in Kentucky?
Starting point is 00:54:23 What's the, what's a drink of choice? Well, I'm paying them where you at all of us out here in the sticks were big bush light miller light people Yeah, you know what I like to say when I get a nice drink, you know, I say what do you say Charlie? I says I Says cheers to the night. We said ta ta to the ta ta to the night we said, Tata to the Tata's. That's a cancer. That's what we say here. I mean, no one can argue with that, cheers. No, no one can argue with that, cheers at all. Hey, I got a question.
Starting point is 00:54:54 What do you say we say, watch out for deer up here to say, I love you. How do you say I love you in Kentucky? When you get down around the enc them curves, watch for the deer. They're out this time of year. Oh, that's great when you get down when you get down around them curves around them curves. That means something different up here. But you guys in Kentucky are wild. Now, what would you say sports wise?
Starting point is 00:55:23 What is there? Similar? You guys play. Oh, you know, what sports wise? What is there similar you guys play? Oh You know what sports are really popular down there? Well the university Kentucky big basketball school basketball. What else big basketball for in our fans sure? Yeah, NCAA tournament Yes, sir. Yeah football big football people Kentucky's been pretty good recently.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Whatever you want to call it. Oh, Miles, we play you all in the music city ball. Play Iowa. Oh, yeah. Good luck. All you got to do, all you got to do is score seven points and you'll win. So I might be a long game the way we've been playing. Yeah. Well, yeah, anyways's tough subject. All right. I understand. Yeah. Um, what other any other sports? We're not big on hockey. Uh, hockey teams kind of garbage down
Starting point is 00:56:18 here. Make sense. Yeah, he smells quick. Any other sports with like balls or anything? Not particularly. It's really for football. You know, it's quick. Any other sports with like balls or anything? Not particularly it's really for football. You know, it's the South basketball football. Okay, we're all about bummer. You guys watching the women's sports down there? There are a lot of people down here that like women's basketball. Okay women's basketball women's basketball. Yeah sports soccer maybe that's car folk down here. That Women's basketball, yeah. Sports. That's soccer, maybe. That's car folk down here. That's car folks. That is a female sport.
Starting point is 00:56:50 The house car. Okay. Well, yeah, we do some of that stuff up here, I suppose. Yeah. Um, but yeah, what else? What else do you state in your case on? What else? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 God damn. Well, no, I can't say food. Y'all got the cheese pretty locked down. Cheese. Yeah, locked down. Wait. All right. So wait, and when was the last time you were up here in the Midwest, by the way, unfortunately, I haven't been to the Midwest. Oh, you got, yeah, if you're staying your case correctly here, you live in the Midwest. If this goes well, that's true. And you know what? I think here, I'm going to help staying your case correctly here, you live in the Midwest if this goes well, that's true And you know what I think here. I'm gonna help build your case here on Kentucky. Okay. All right. Let's hear it All right, so southern Iowa I've driven through it's pretty much like northern Kentucky And so I'm sorry, I say I want I mean
Starting point is 00:57:41 Southern Ohio is pretty much like Northern Kentucky. Would you would you agree or disagree? I would say they're almost identical almost identical. We pretty much erased that line. So now we're already in. We're already pushing the front line. And I think we can get it all the way to the border of of, you know what front line makes you think of?
Starting point is 00:58:01 There was a year this year, 2022, where the Miniota volleyball team had a really good front line up there on the net. Really? And the back row wasn't too great, but the Frontline was really good. I just had to throw it in there, shout out to my Miniota volleyball team.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Wow. Hey, continue on though. Continue. Congratulations on that. I didn't know Miles was such a fan of the Miniota volleyball team. Great squad. I don't know Miles was such a fan of the mini-oda volleyball team. Great squad. I don't think I did either.
Starting point is 00:58:27 No, we learned something new every podcast, okay? And isn't that amazing? Go Cougars. Go Cougars, huh? Are they the Cougars? The Cougars? I'm at the Viking. Oh, they're the Vikings.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Oh, the Vikings. Lady Vikes? Anyway, we're really getting way, way topic here miles. Uh, go ahead. Get you to the one. We's okay. I'm pushing the front lines. I'm talking about Lady Viking pushing the front lines of the Midwest. Now, do you got, are you guys fishers down there in Kentucky?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Got a lot of fishermen. We're all pretty big into it for the most part. Okay. What do you, what's the number one fish? The number one species of fish? Are you guys a multi species action state or is there one species that dominates? I'd say the species that dominates probably large mouthbath. It seems to be what everybody goes for. Yeah, but you get your
Starting point is 00:59:18 pockets here and there are people cropy fish in and a lot of people fish the blue gale for bait fish. Yep. Okay. Oh, yeah. That's great. I mean, that they're all Midwest fish. Do you have wall eyes down there? Do the wall eyes go for some? If we got a mind-sane them. That's very Midwest of you right there too. That's a good phrase. You got to give you the Midwest run around. I've been brushing up on it. You know, I've noticed a difference between the South and the Midwest. When you catch a bass, a nice bass, and you're trying to tell someone how big is it is. What do you say? Well, the pins that the first or second time I've told the story.
Starting point is 01:00:01 What's the second time? Oh, yeah, second time. Well, second time, he was about 18 inches long. Yeah. Let's second time. Oh, yeah. Second time. Well, second time he was about 18 inches long. Yeah. Oh, see, that's what I'm getting to right there. You just said 18 inches. So deep farther, farther deep south, my uncle, he, he's from Wisconsin, but he moved down to Mississippi.
Starting point is 01:00:24 And I, my dad was on the phone with him, telling him about a bass that he just caught, which probably was 18 inches, but probably only like 15 inches. And my uncle said, you know you're a true bass fisherman if you're telling the bass by the weight, not by the length. Oh, gosh. So I think that's a southern thing,
Starting point is 01:00:43 but I like how in Kentucky you're going on inches. I think that's a southern thing, but I like how in Kentucky you're going on inches. I think that's more Midwest. Unless someone's going to fight me on that or tell me it's different, but I think I've all I grew up saying bass and inches, not by weight. Yeah, that's about how we do them here, but I mean, it might even be a 50-50 split. You get some down here that do it by the weight, but it seems most people I talk to it by the inches by the inches. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:07 You know, as being someone that is constantly being evaluated for my weight, I think I want to go for for a length way. That's something that, you know, too much scar tissue on the weight side of it. So, um, sounds like the length is where I'm going to be, but then also it's confusing because is three inches big or not. I don't know. It's so. So maybe I think I'll just sit in the boat and drink and let everyone else fish because
Starting point is 01:01:36 it is all. Right. Just three inches of all. All you know, I like that. And you know what? Every river. With that phrase right there, knowing that, I think that Kentucky's in the Midwest after that.
Starting point is 01:01:51 That's a great job stating your case. Kentucky, welcome to the Midwest. You're here. I ain't got nothing to toast with you, but some coffee. So we'll call the hot. Cheers to you. What do you mean? It's 1 p.m. on a Wednesday. I think that you might
Starting point is 01:02:06 haven't want to be already drinking by now if you're in the Midwest. So. Well, see Kentucky's a little iffy on that drinking in the workplace now. Oh, yeah, you guys, you guys got that Bible belt thing going on there, right? Yeah, we're a little bit of it. Yeah, it leads over to us a little bit. Well, I think you guys are still in, but that we're going to put that on as like a probationary period where you guys really got to work on your drinking. Yeah. Yeah. How's that sound? Well, come two hours from now, it's, uh, this three o'clock here. So it'll be, it'll be game on. All right. There we go. Yeah. And then what are you can get? What's your go to?
Starting point is 01:02:47 All right. Now it's probably whatever I have in the fridge, which should be bush light or Miller light. Oh, there you go. There you go. I like probably Miller light because all the bush light was already drank already. Uh, just like that. What I had for breakfast. And the beer I had for breakfast was wasn't bad. So you had one more for dessert. I'm gonna have it tonight for dessert. No. I love it. Oh yeah. I love it. It's been great, man. Yeah. I think this was, uh, this was good. Yeah. And I think what we'll do is we'll leave you with with one more cheers to Charlie that last cheers you did was pretty good. What was it again? Tata to the tatas. I forgot. All right. Cheers to the cheers. Cheers. Cheers. And I, I, I'll be honest with you. We're, I'm a town. I'm a town. I, so during this whole call, we had two dollar bills. We're not, we're in the nook in St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Starting point is 01:03:46 and one of them bars where they have a bunch of dollar bills with stuff written them on the walls. And I picked one for Miles that he had to say during this call, he had to organically weave it in. And that's why he was asking you about all those sports because his word was minota volleyball 2022. And mine was mine was actually good. It was like a it was it yeah, I was cheers to the night. We say tatah to the tatahs and it was it's a breast cancer awareness dollar. So that I just want you to be in on the joke here in retro spin. you didn't think we were acting weird because Miles at one time was like cat. Yeah. Well, thanks, man, for calling in. Really appreciate you. Thank you. All for doing this podcast, man. It's a great source of entertainment for all of us. Oh, well, thank you for listening. And we got you up to the Midwest. You come on up here sometime and die. And we'll get you a beer or beer tree. Okay, we'll go do some fishing. All right, we'll show you them what lies.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I've been trying to plot how to infiltrate the U-Betch account and get a job up there. So we'll figure it out. Well, you know, just off to a good start. You really are. Yeah, you're awesome. All right, boys, we all have a good rescue day. I got to go in here and get some work done. All right, get after it. Have a good one. Talk to you soon. See you. We did it. That was good. We got to do one of these per episode. I can't believe that I was able to work because I was like after I tried to force the issue and then it didn't work out. And then it just popped right into your head, right into the noggin front line. Boom.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Let's go. Um, no, that was good. That was another good episode of belly up. That was a great episode of belly up. Hey, let's focus on the end of this podcast here. No more looking at the dollar bills. I'm gonna find a good one for the next episode. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Is that what just the next episodes are going to be is just trying to work in dollar bills? Just no. I think one color per episode because I think we're now telling the colors. It's tuned in next week Because they're gonna they're gonna have another fine the dollars. We're gonna work in yeah There we go and miles will be less dirty this time with his first. I don't make the dollars. I just played by him All right, well, thank you all for listening. Hey, don't worry, don't turn toward Charlotte. Don't forget to tip your bartenders.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Are we at that point in the podcast? Oh, yeah. Thanks for turning into another episode, guys. We'll see you the next one. Don't forget to tip your bartenders. There we go. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 01:06:20 No. Real good.

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