Bellied Up - Don't Fight The Bouncer #91

Episode Date: March 7, 2024

We're at Woody's Bar in Fargo, ND. The first caller has tried all options to find the right guy, so we come up with an unconventional approach. The next caller provides a Bellied Update, and o...ur advice actually worked wonders. The last caller is a bouncer wondering what to do when a drunk picks a fight with him, safely diffuse the situation. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks, here we are. We're another bellied up podcast. I'm so excited because we're at Woody's right now. Miles, how do you feel? Which I know you'd like that name. I'm very excited about it, folks. How excited, very excited. If I am, let's just say never mind. It's a very appropriate name for the situation is what you're saying. That's how excited you are. Yeah. Cause I like woodpeckers. Okay. And Woody is the name of my favorite woodpecker. Miles, I do have a question for you. What is your Midwest pet peeve? And while you're thinking of it, I'll give you mine. Okay, so you're at a bar, you're at a party. All right. And you bring up the fact that you caught a fish or that you know of fish
Starting point is 00:00:53 existing in the world. And someone says, Oh, yeah, fish. Well, hang on. I got to let me show you what I caught the other day, hang on. And then they open up their phone. Now look, seeing fish picks is not my pet peeve. My pet peeve is when they're just we're mid conversation. They're like, hang on, I'll find it. And then they must go through years of photos. 45 minutes. Yeah. And you're just standing there. I'm like, how what the hell am I? And they're barely listening to you. So you can't have a conversation with here. You try it with me. Talk about. So here I got a tip on how to fix this, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Well, you, you be me. I'll be the guy doing it. You fix it. Oh yeah. It was up in Sheboygan and I caught a nice old perch up there. No kidding. Hang on. I caught a perch too. I was the size of I, I, I chewed you not. Hey, I was about a, about 16 inch parts biggest one I ever caught. Hey, I'm, let me find the picture for you Here I'm gonna turn away from you. So you can't see the dirty photos on my phone Okay, hey, that's not it. Oh
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, no, no, hang on now. Oh You know what I think it was from what day was that? Hey on what day were we over in Wampaka? Oh All right, now it I was last year then. Is it you got it on there? It's coming. It's coming. It should I kind of got to take a leak? Oh, you gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. If you gotta go take a week, take a week. I'll get it by the time you get back. And it goes on and on like this. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you gotta go take a week, take a week, I'll get it by the time you get back. And it goes on and on like this. Yeah. For for a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:29 That actually happened to me in South Dakota when I was pheasant hunting. Yeah. It wasn't a fish pick, but a guy told me that he had a seabring convertible. And I was bragging about that. Yeah. Well, no. So he was because so he was saying that he had a convertible and I jokingly was like, what is it? A sea bring and he was like, yeah, it is. And, you know, because I'm thinking of my head, like Michael Scott thinks his
Starting point is 00:02:58 sea bring luxurious convertible. Yeah. And he took 45 minutes to find it. To find the picture of his convertible. Ryan guy And he took 45 minutes to find it. To find the picture of his convertible. And Ryan guy works for me can confirm this story. He was there too. And what were you guys doing while he was looking? We were just drinking, you know, and then he didn't talk for 45 minutes. And then all of a sudden he found it and it wasn't that good of a photo. So, but regardless, I got a tip for you. If they got an iPhone, But regardless I got a tip for you if they got an iPhone all you got to do is Tight there's a search bar. You just type in fish and it'll pull up all your fish picks. What the fuck
Starting point is 00:03:36 All right, it works. No way fish Did it what the frick dude look at all these fish packs Look how easy that was. I just solved your pet peeve dude. Do you want to see this trout I caught? Yeah. Look at that. That is a golden trout and then them are rare. That was up in the mountains that I caught that look at that. You want to see a musky I caught. Okay. So look at that's my brother's wall. I'm tiny. It is compared to that. That was my dad's musky. My cousin's bass. I don't know where I got that perch. See, we just eliminated your pet. That's a nice, that's a nice smally. That's Charlie and his element right there. Oh yeah. I caught that first cast dude. Are you happy that you don't got to deal with
Starting point is 00:04:24 that anymore now? All you got to deal with that anymore? Now all you got to do is say, Hey, just search fish at the top. It'll pop up. So you're welcome for eliminating your pet peeve. I mean, I'm almost sad now because you have nothing to complain about. Yeah. Well, what's your pet peeve, Miles? So I would say my biggest Midwest pet peeve is when someone buys around the shots. Mm hmm. And it's not that, you know, I love doing around the shots with people. But they always when they tend to pick a shot that no one really likes. Rumpelmans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Stuff like that. Just give me something that straight down the middle. I also am not a big like straight tequila shot guy. Any tequila? I mean, if it's nicer and fancier, yeah, it doesn't taste like tequila. No, I'm with you. It's tequila shots that taste like tequila, which is the problem. The Welsh don't don't order around the shots and have it be the nastiest. Yeah, I think it's for a group
Starting point is 00:05:26 of people. If you like that, go ahead. But if for a group of people, I think that just getting like something that's also maybe a little bit fruitier or got a little more sugar in it usually plays over pretty well. You know, like you're doing a Chuck Norris shot. There's some other stuff mixed into it. You're one of those. I will do a whiskey shot straight though. Don't get me wrong. I like a good whiskey. It's more like the tequila's and you know, I honestly don't really like it when people buy shots for we're just in general. Well, I, I yeah, cause it's 36. I can't handle it. Yeah. I'm like, if I wanted a shot, I would have gotten a shot by now. I guarantee you, I'm, this isn't going to go
Starting point is 00:06:11 over well tomorrow and I'm going to sit here and have to pretend. Then if you don't take it, they're like, Oh, you're a badge. I'm like, yeah, I am, you know, my liver don't work good. I'm old. Get over it. Now, one time though, I did. It was kind of an off the wall shot for me. I don't have I don't live in Wisconsin. So it wasn't as much. But remember, we were doing bellied up in Milwaukee on your birthday and everyone got a Blackberry brandy shot. That was like that one.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Now, I will say I will take one of those shots. Those shots put you in a different place mentally. I think they have some hallucinogens in them or something. How, if you get a shot, you don't like, I'm not somebody who treats alcohol like it's, you know, the host in church or something, you have to consume it. I'll take it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:59 That's just disrespectful. See, yeah. So I'm not that way. I don't really care. And if it's the end of the night and people bring shots over and I don't want to take it, I'm not that way. I don't really care. And if it's the end of the night and people bring shots over and I don't want to take it, I'm not friggin taking it. Now, Charlie's now in the bathroom for 20 minutes. Yeah, I know. So sometimes I'll do this. Sometimes I'll be like, Yeah. And, uh, you know, how do you actually throw
Starting point is 00:07:19 it over your shoulder? If I'm outside. Yeah. Well, yeah. If I'm outside a thousand percent, cause no one's looking other times, I will just give it to somebody else or just be, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, every time we're doing shots together, I'm going to keep an eye out for you and I ain't going to let it pass. If you and I are doing shots together, it's cause I want to do shots. That's probably true. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's just when, when I, you know, you can get 10 people coming up to you in a night with, uh, with shots. That's probably true. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's just when, when, you know, you can get 10 people coming up to you in a night with, with shots. I'm like, I, I'm old guys. That is one thing I had to learn as I started doing, you know, content, you start getting more followers and you meet people who follow you at the bar. When I first started, I would
Starting point is 00:08:01 accept everything and I had to learn the hard way that it's okay to say no once in a while because otherwise you are a puddle at the end of the night. And then your next day, you got to get up and do podcasts with Charlie and you're a POS and it just doesn't go well. So yeah, it's one of the unfortunate parts of what we do, Charlie, is we got to say no once in a while. We got to say no once in a while. It's sad, but I'll take a beer.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Can we get a shot of Rumpelmans over here? Yeah. All right. Should we take some colors? That sounds good. Welcome to the BellyDot podcast. Who are we chitchatting with today? Hi, my name is Ann.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Ann? Yep. Hi, Ann. How are you doing? I'm doing great. How are you? Oh, I'm doing good. I'm sitting here at the bar, Woody's, to be specific with my good buddy Miles. And we're hoping you'll belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind. Absolutely. All right. I kind of have a two part question for you guys. Yeah, we can handle two parts. All right. Okay. How would you advise a woman in her mid 30s
Starting point is 00:09:16 trying to find a decent man in the same age? You know, we get this call a lot. You know, we get this call a lot. I'm starting to think if someone has the real answer for this, they can make a lot of money, Charlie. I know if I we were talking not too long ago, Ann, about doing a bellied updating app, you know, or live dating, speed dating at one of our shows. Yeah, because we are going to be dating. We're getting a lot of these. Well, let's first start with what have you tried?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah. Let's see. Dating off. They can be quite creepy. Going out to bars, meeting people, kind of hitting this. You have more people better in their late 30s or sorry, late 20s. So let's see, dating apps, those can be a little bit weird, not you know your best choice for dating. Most men nowadays aren't really looking for anything serious on dating apps, but I kind of leave the bars
Starting point is 00:10:20 and where I live, it's a lot of 20 year olds versus, you know, 30 year old. Yeah. Where do you live? New Jersey. Not far from the city. All right. So those meeting in person and meeting online haven't worked. I don't know what's left. Well, I don't know what's left. Well, OK, medium person. Thanks for the advice, guys. Yeah, yeah, we'll talk to you soon. I'll make your screwed.
Starting point is 00:10:52 No, no. What? OK, let's let's, you know, now we can get a little bit more customized with your situation. Well, what are you looking for? I think we got a if you are going going to go, uh, hot, hot and for pheasant, are you going to go to Manhattan, New York? No, to hunt for pheasant. No, um, but she's in New Jersey. No, I know. But what I'm saying is you would go to South Dakota and you would go to a field and there would be pheasant there. That's you're saying you're going to bars and there's a bunch of 20 year olds
Starting point is 00:11:28 there. You need to find the bars with mid 30 year olds at. Yeah. I know where any of those are. Yeah, but then you have the problem of it's mostly married men. Yeah, I suppose. Well, is that a problem for you? Okay, good. That was a test. That was a test and you pass. Nice work. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, where are you? Where are you from originally? Kansas. You're from Kansas. So you're looking for maybe a Midwest guy potentially. Yeah. Sure. All right. Well, now here's, here's a good tip. You should Google what is the Packers bar in New Jersey. And then you could find yourself a nice Midwestern fellow there. And
Starting point is 00:12:20 let's see. I can't do that right now. Yeah. Cause you got Packers game coming up, uh, this weekend at the time of this filming. I know this is coming out later, but you can get yourself, or if you're a Kansas fan, you know, growing up in Kansas, the, the J Hawks, maybe they have a J Hawks bar. You can find someone with that local connection, you know? I think the other thing you do is there's a lot of married men at the bar. Just start, you know, when someone is missing a dog and they put up flyers all over town and then the number thing that you can just pull off the thing, you got to start stapling that to the wall and saying that only single guys only take a number. They
Starting point is 00:13:08 can take your number right off of the wall on the piece of paper. Miles, that's a brilliant idea. Treat yourself like a missing dog. Yeah. Yeah. You or Miles or or a nice used boat, you know. And I don't love the word. Wow. Okay. No. I know. And, and I didn't mean it like that. Jesus, Charlie. I didn't mean it like that. What I mean is nobody's selling a used boat at the bar or nobody's selling a new boat at the bar. You know, that would be a boat dealer. Okay. And that would be, that would be even weirder if I said and find a dealer for dating, right? So and by the way, both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. There are a lot
Starting point is 00:13:53 of good used boats out there. So that's not an insult at all. We didn't have anything against the use boat. It was the fact that you're probably me a used boat. I think it's the really tough look. No, but why are you insulted by that? Cause the used boats are really nice. You know, so it was a compliment. I think he was more insulted than I was. I think this is what we call the old backpedal by Charlie. No, no, you guys should be backpedaling,
Starting point is 00:14:20 insulting used boats. I mean, used boats are fantastic. And the, the, the, you, we're all used, you know, ever since we came out the deal when we were born, we've been used. So you could also, I mean, you could. So you've tried online, you've tried in person. I think you need to go the traditional marketing route. I think you gotta start mail, you doing boots on the ground, the missing dog, missing love is what I would call it, the missing love sign, but a photo yourself on there,
Starting point is 00:14:52 the numbers they can take, and then just start maybe investing in mailers that you just send in the mail to different households. I like where you're going with this, Miles. And on the mailer, it says, you know, are you looking for love or know someone who's looking for love? Because if they get a thing in the mail and it's like, you know, love piece of mail that comes in, the wife's going to be mad at the husband if he said to a house that's married. But if it said, or you know someone who's looking for love, that
Starting point is 00:15:25 blanket across the board. You'd be like, Oh, Han, isn't Tom single now? You know, and that's how it would start. And I like where you're going with this traditional advertising. Have you ever thought about a billboard, Ann? Yeah, we know a guy. Oh my God. No, are you sure? We would love to sponsor a billboard for you. You pick the city and Miles and I will pay for it. Yeah. You send us a picture, a JPEG. We'll put you on a billboard. Where do you want to live? You know, you guys can pick in New Jersey for me. How about that? North Jersey, in North Jersey? Somewhere in North Jersey? Okay. So she is on board with us. Okay. But if you guys saw this advertisement with the on a billboard or if, you know, say I walked up to
Starting point is 00:16:14 you on a bar and handed you my call it like a dating resume, how likely are you to actually call me? If you walk into a bar and hand us a resume? Yeah, like a dating resume resume. Yeah, we did. He was a man. We didn't. We never suggested that at all. Well, you suggested a male or Miles. So that might be what you're just saying.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Hey, I'm looking for love. Yeah. I OK. But what if what if this because miles, we have so many singles that call this. What if we pick a single per like quarter and it's the bellied up featured single and then they find love that way and it's just by us buying them a billboard and it's, you know
Starting point is 00:16:55 and we so, okay, so we have a billboard you're cruising down the road. What are the three like bullet points you're gonna put on that? What do you like to do? Let's see, I have two dogs. So hiking, camping. I probably just think of something else to be the lake. Kind of all three together though. Okay. Yeah. Outdoorsy. Outdoorsy.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's better in marketing campaigns if you just have one thing to focus on too. True. True. Do you love the outdoors? And then, well, do we got a gal for you? And it's a pick with you and your, your dogs. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. Oh yeah. Cause I mean, I think so. You know, I mean, I'll tell you what them dogs are a good draw too. You know, I mean, you're, you're obviously a great draw yourself, but I'm just saying dogs are nice added, added benefit for dog lovers and special, what species dog you got going? Cattle dog in a lab. Cattle dog in a lab. That's cool. Well, I tell you what, you take a picture or you got a good picture with you and your pooches, you send it over to us. What's the email Jared? Bellieduppod at
Starting point is 00:18:12 Bellieduppod at You think about this, Ann, if you're interested, we're, we'll look at billboards. So I've been thinking about this resume thing. It kind of sparked an idea. Oh, good Miles. So I mean, we're, this is a free thinking spitballing session here. We're idea machines over here. You know, you can accept it or you can send it right back. Yeah. I need you to get into as many job interviews as possible. And you, your whole goal is that you're just trying to find love in these job interviews. And you know, usually say a line like, you know, if this doesn't work out, you're kind of cute, would love to take you out sometime.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Could try it that way. A little unconventional. That's not because if you say that one, you're not getting the job. Yeah. You know, which is what you want because you already have a job. And two, it's like you actually get to go on dates every week because you're just, they're not job interviews. They're dates speed dating. And then there is going to be maybe one out of 20 that will take you up on the date. Yeah. I think you're going back to your speed dating idea though. Exactly. New form of speed dating. Oh, hang on, Miles. Yeah. Hang on. Anne has two dogs. And how many dog parks are you going to? On a weekly basis? None anymore because of the respiratory
Starting point is 00:19:41 virus or coronary animals. Oh, for frick's sake, what? Did they have cold and numb? I'll just throw a mask on that doggy. Yeah, put the masks on your dogs and also, ah, geez, when the hell did that happen? Yeah, okay. A couple months ago. All right, so dog parks are closing down?
Starting point is 00:20:04 Oh, they're not closing down. I just choose not to take my notes. I did not close it down. I just choose not to take my notes. We're going to go seven. Respectable. Yeah, it is respectable. All right. Well, there goes that idea. Well, I mean, this is approach we've never taken
Starting point is 00:20:17 on this podcast. We got a lot of people looking for love, but I think the traditional marketing way could be the way, Charlie. I think so. And you got to send us a picture of you and your pooch is if you can't take him to dog parks, we got to find a nice bubble for your dog with another fella, you know, and maybe his. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Okay. What do you think of those ideas? I like it. I am not opposed to them. Okay. That is a big surprise to me. I thought this was not going to be something you're interested in, but here we are. Charlie. Why do you think that though? I mean, women are, I wouldn't say desperate, but it's a lot harder to meet men nowadays, especially after COVID and we're dating out. So why, why do you think that? Well, I just thought that we wouldn't be well, no, no, just you slapping your face on a billboard especially after COVID and we're dating out. So why do you think that's something that we wouldn't be going for? No, just you slapping your face on a billboard
Starting point is 00:21:09 saying you're looking for love. I didn't know if you were gonna go with. I don't, it doesn't matter a guy or a gal. I don't know if they were, but I like it. You know what? What I say for it myself, probably not. But if you guys were doing it, I know it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:24 We got you comfortable here. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. We got you. Absolutely would do it. And you know what? I know what you're saying with this and the dating apps are really make it a very impersonal situation and everyone's like next best thing next best thing. You know, it's a weird it's a weird thing we've set up for ourselves. So, you know, we're just trying to, Oh, you're experiencing it too? Oh, I've experienced it. Sure. Yeah. I mean, I don't know if you know this, but I'm divorced. Miles probably told you a thousand times. I think Miles always brings it up.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah, he does. Anytime he's feeling sad about himself, he's like, wait, Charlie's a bigger failure than me. And then reminds me of it. So I feel for you. We feel for you. And we think we're trying to change things and bring it more in person. We're going to put just your phone number up there on that billboard. Just thinking about all the things we're doing for the dating scene now, Charlie, we're going to do live speed dating sessions. We're going to be have a billboard program. It sounds like I think we're doing good stuff for the dating community. Revolutionary miles. We're taking it away from the applications and back IRL. We're telling people to touch grass and get some mass, you know, so. That is our motto.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah. We just decided. All right. Well, cool. And we'll send us that picture and we'll find you a billboard. We will. Oh, thanks guys. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Bye bye now. What would you think Charlie, if you're driving down the road and you saw an ad for just dating a gal? I mean, miles. You'd have to at least see what all the hooploes about. Yeah. I guarantee you that she's going to find some love through that. Now the question is she can bet them and I think of, you know, you put out a misconnections or looking for love on Craigslist. We should have brought up Craigslist. That was dumb of us. Damn it. But you get a lot of unworthy candidates. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. So we'll have to set up some sort of vetting system and doesn't have more miles. We'll be the vetting system.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I think on this podcast, we the when when it happens, we'll take the, the applicants and we'll calm and we'll vet them. We'll do that for a bit on this, you know? That would actually be funny. That would be great. All right. And we'll make it happen. Here we go. Just solving problems for the world. That's all we can do. Should we take another one? Welcome to the BellyDub podcast, who we got on the line today.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Well, it's about time you guys picked up and trying to reach about your car's extended warranty. Oh, I knew I should have called you back on that. How's that going fellow? Well, it's going good. Who are we talking to? You're talking to Ike. I'm a repeat caller. Ike. What's up? Ike going on. Thanks for calling back. A couple. I got a couple of questions for you, boy. Okay. So a while ago last spring, I gave you guys a call about a wedding date and I gave miles a lot of, a lot of heckling and I just want to apologize to my old if he's listening. He is listening.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I continue on. I'm sorry, Miles. I, I, I, I was harsh on you the last time. Well, that means a lot. Um, I, I'm sorry. But time heals everything. So I forgive you. And well, hold on now.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So I called about a wedding date a long time ago and one person reached out. All right. And I just moved in with her and our first date, I gave her a miles hoodie and she loves the goddamn hood. Wait a second. This train up. You're the guy who called a little while ago about needing a date to a wedding. Is that you? Yes, sir. And we, and did we have you put your information out here and somebody reached out to you? Yeah, but only one.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So I am kind of upset with your call. I mean, no one else Wait, so wait, you're dating her and you're still upset about this And it's one of them grudges that you know, I can only hold for so long I I was only gonna hold it until you guys picked up the phone again. Okay, so hold on someone actually reached out because you were on the podcast. You guys went on a date and you now live together. Is that what you said? Correct. My, my, oh, message. She messaged me the day that podcast came out. I was at
Starting point is 00:26:20 work and about, I was, I would say about a couple months. I would say two months later I flew up and we had our first date and then right before Halloween just moved in with her. Miles were matchmakers. Dude. Matches made in not heaven. That's So you had to fly to her. where did you fly from and to well that's a good part I was living in Texas and she is in the very controversial part of the Midwest Illinois someone called st. Louis oh shane Louis. She's right on. She is right on the line. I think I don't think Missouri belongs in the Midwest, but I'm glad she's not here. She would fight
Starting point is 00:27:12 me on that. Yeah, I think Missouri's in the Midwest. We need, we'll take anyone we can get. Right. Okay. So you fly up there and you fall in love is what it sounds like. So did you move to St. Louis? I did. Okay. I moved in with her. This is a double beggar here. I know we found love and we brought more people to the Midwest, Charlie. Yeah. Plus we found them an apartment. So that's pretty cool too. Okay. So what, how's it going? How is the dating with this girl going? Oh, so far. She hasn't killed me yet. That's good. That is good. Yeah. It's been, it's been, it's been pretty good. You know, it was long distance for a while then just the time to move up. So what do you like better? Long
Starting point is 00:28:00 distance or short distance? I think price wise and even though cause plane tickets are expensive. I wasn't asking about the price. How about relationship wise? Cause sometimes it's easier. Oh, I thought you were putting a lot. Oh, okay. My bad. Yeah. You know how they say distance makes the heart girl fonder. Well, when you're in the same house that that distance goes away and that's the true test right there. No, things have been going real good, real good. And so far, I'm not sure if I'm liking the winters, even though I am from Wisconsin, but you know, a couple of years without snow and I'm kind of used to it. So I'm not, not a huge fan of a snowy guy. Okay. So you are what I would call a success story here on the belly
Starting point is 00:28:53 to podcasts. I want we, we just had a, I would, we just had a caller who seemed a little frustrated looking for us to help them find love. What advice would you give out to all those listeners out there that are looking for love and now that you've found it, what advice would you give them? Get off the app, find creative ways to meet people and even if it's over a podcast or in your backyard, I mean, just get off the internet for God's sake. That's some good advice. Yeah, but don't shut off the podcast, keep that going, but everything else on the internet.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Right. Yeah, yeah. We're not offering titillating pictures. We're offering, you know, audio titillation and there's a difference in that right and and and the thing is if if She ever gets on the podcast which we've tried for Countless hours and whatnot to try and get on and because I've had a couple I've had a couple guys reach out to see if it works. I just told them it did. So I don't know what's really going on with the dating site. I mean, I had to call a podcast to find the one.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Dude, this is like, did we just stumble on a new part of our show? I think we didn't. Now that I'm thinking about it, I forgot we should have asked them for her email, but we're getting her a billboard. So it'll be fine. Yeah. We are. We need to make it our mission to do exactly what we did here to hook up those who have, you can't be hooked up in the traditional sense. And by the way, that's a lot of people. welcome to the anti apps podcast apps screw the Also, can I circle back you asked me? What what advice I would give oh?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Another piece of another the last piece of advice I would take is Get on a plane The person you might love is in another state or drive or drive, you know, get really. I think the moral stories get moving. Good things come to those who move. You're not going to find anyone swiping on the, on the app. You know what I mean? Get on a train and get in that dining car, you know, you never know. Train in automobile. Sure. I guess that is true. Horses too. There's no judgment. Don't get roller blades. No, no judgment. Healy. Yeah, I skate ice skates Healy's on ice snow machines. Sure That's the last thing here. I like it man. Well, we're really happy for you. We are this is great news
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah, before we let you go. Is there anything else that we can help you with? Didn't even get to the questions Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had a couple, I had a couple of questions. Miles didn't even get to the questions. We know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got two questions. So we, we noticed that Charlie, you have a couple of shows coming up in spring here in Wisconsin and I'm, I might try and convince her to go with me. Uh-huh, but if things keep going the way that they're going all for fuck What are the chances I couldn't I could maybe feel your thunder for a couple of seconds to maybe Maybe consider the idea of proposing to her Holy smoke. This is serious What what what would that go okay with your show or would that take
Starting point is 00:32:45 away from your thunder? Trust me. It would be fine in the show. I would welcome a proposal. Trust me. Charlie's already having trouble coming up with material. So this should fill his hour. No problem. This will be good by 18 minutes. He'll spend on this. Yeah. Now let me just say my hour is going fine, but I would always welcome a proposal. And there's a backstory to it. There's a great backstory. Now I got a, I wouldn't, I'd be a little remiss if I didn't throw out a cautionary flag here, you know, given my history. Marriage ain't something you want to rush into, but a proposal is fine. So you can propose and there's no financial
Starting point is 00:33:33 obligations there. Just make sure it's a long engagement. Okay. All right. I'll make sure I'll make sure it's a real long engagement. There we go. Well, that's why I asked that a thing if things keep going the way that they're going, maybe I'll catch the convention. We'll have to find tickets or something one way to get up there. But yeah, no look if you love to I go ahead and I'll hook you up with tickets. If you decide that's what you guys want to do. If you want to come all the way up to Wisconsin, you, you guys know email us at ship. What's the email again? Belly.pod at And I put it in my, I put it in my, my notes there. I put it in my my notes there. Okay. I put it in my roller deck. Okay. I like that He's an old-school guy no apps no contacts just a roller just walking around with a roll of decks
Starting point is 00:34:36 I'm too nervous to get back out in the dating world. So I'm not as well just keep her That's always a good reason to get married. So you don't got to have to do any more dating. I like that. Well, man, this is, this is awesome. I'm excited for this is moving quick. Yeah. And Charlie, I think that that's going to be a fun little event. I, you're one of your shows. I mean, it'll be fun for me. I you, you might want to make sure your fiance kind of maybe knows something like this might be coming. I mean, she won't listen to the podcast. That was actually one of our date things when we were long distance every Thursday when the podcast come out, we would have date night and listen to the podcast together.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And wait, now she doesn't listen to the podcast dude. Cause this is going to be out there. She's going to listen to it. Oh, I know way. She'll listen to it. Okay. Well, we're too busy working. We're both too busy working. All right. Good to know. We know she won't. I know she won't listen. Okay. All right. She listened to and she found what she needed and then cool like well that sounds good. That sounds good. Yeah, man. Good luck with the relationship unless know if it progresses to that point. Oh, we'll do it. And one last thing. If it comes to it, are either of you or Dean, I knew that was coming miles is not, But with that, if you can get it to the finish line, we can have that discussion. All right. All right. Well, I figured it would be a full
Starting point is 00:36:13 circle thing. If you know, we met on the podcast through you guys and all that crap. Well, she's still got to say yes there, Mr. So yeah, she got it. I know, I know she will. Okay. I know she will. She would have, she would have said after the first, after the second date. Okay. Wow. Some confidence. I like it. All right. Yeah. She's got a lot of it. All right. Well, good luck. We look forward to Charlie letting your proposal to show. Oh, yeah. I'll have to email her. Make sure you mail him. Sorry, Charlie. Yeah. I'll have to email him once I know. And if I can get her butt up there too, a bit bit of a hike, but not too bad.
Starting point is 00:37:06 All right. Well, thanks for calling in, man. We're really happy for you and good luck. I'm a great one. You too. Watch out for deer and tell your folks I said hi. All right. Sounds good. Bye. Bye now. I can't believe it worked. I can't believe that worked either. I mean, I was honestly starting to give up on some of our. Yeah, I was like, I'll send us your email. No, send us your email. Oh my God, I know. You got to make sure we're getting Instagram handles in the whole shebang.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Seriously, Miles, like this is a perspective changing call for me. It really was. Like, think about it. Like, this could be like the New York Times could do a story on us. People sick of dating apps. How are they finding love? The Belly Dup podcast. This could be our thing. You know, I mean, we're just sure we're just sitting here sitting at at a bar drinking. But if we're doing like a public service, I mean, game changer. I'm excited. Me too. Let's take another caller real good. Charlie. Yes, Miles. Have you ever been at work and maybe hurt yourself?
Starting point is 00:38:15 Maybe a paper cut, maybe when you're working at Auntie Annie's. You maybe burned yourself on the fryer. Actually, at any end, I burnt myself on the hot pans on a daily basis. Wouldn't it have been nice to know Mr. Nicolay at that time? Yeah. He would have been like, don't tell him you were high at work. That that would have been. Yeah. It's probably what he said.
Starting point is 00:38:41 But anyways, if you guys are injured at, can is it injured at work or is it like personal injury? I think it's like in a car crash. Both. Both. Hey, if you're injured at all, you know, and it involves any sort of injury. It just says injured, right? So if you're injured, shoot, give him a call.
Starting point is 00:39:03 He'll tell you if he can help you or not. We're not the experts. 1-855-Nicolay ladies and gentlemen, we're just here to tell you where to go and then he can handle the rest of it. Right? That's that. That's what they're going to get. And don't worry if you forget what we just said, just keep your eyes open when you're riding on the roads, not just for deer. Also for the Nicolay billboards, you'll see them. miss them. No, you can't or the deer. The one thing I should think you should add to is, is billboards is like a little sparkle on the top of his bald head. Yeah. Russell would look gray with a nice little sparkle. Dude, you know what else I was gonna say? I think in one of the, one of the sunglass reflections, there should
Starting point is 00:39:46 be a little deer jumping. They're like a reindeer. No, no, no, no above the trees. Well, that could be fun too for Christmas. Yeah. I was just saying, I'm an actual, you should change his beard to white during Christmas. It looks like, like a cool Santa. Man, we should, we'll pitch them to that. We'll pitch them these next time. Next time. Yeah. Well, guys, if you're injured, go to Nicolay Welcome to the belly to podcast. Who are we talking to? Hello? This is Aiden from Milwaukee. Nathan from Milwaukee. Is that what you said? Aiden from Milwaukee Aiden. Are you on speaker
Starting point is 00:40:27 in a large room right now? Sounds like you're doing renovations or taking a deuce. I know I'm just leaving my apartment billy. I'll get off real quick of my AirPods. Okay. Oh, that was your AirPods. That's better. Yeah. That much better. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, Aiden, welcome to the belly to podcast belly on up. What's on your mind? Alrighty. So I'm a bouncer at a bar in downtown Milwaukee and I'm looking to find out what to do when someone says that they're going to mess me up? Why did he say he was going to mess you up? Yeah Well, there's been a few times where guys will look at me and I'll ask them to play at least and
Starting point is 00:41:12 Then they'll tell me that they're going to mess me up and every single time it happens I don't know how to react to it because I'm a lover not a fighter. Yeah, also a big dude Oh, it's like I could handle it, but for not to. Well, well, I actually think that that's the type of person who should be a bouncer, right? The person who's in power should not be the one who wants all the power. Right? They usually make the better, more rational decisions. If you're a bouncer who doesn't like to fight, that's a good thing. Cause your first option is going to be to deescalate things before things break out into a fight. So I think that that is why you got going for you Yeah, and I do really I want to echo that
Starting point is 00:41:53 Sentiment for miles and also say that if you're a guy who talks crap to a bouncer We all know that you're not packing a lot of heat, you know, that you got, you got the cocktail weenie going and you're trying to impress one of the gals and you think that your bluster might add inches to your bratwurst and by bratwurst, I may, I mean the cocktail shrimp cocktail, shrimp cocktail, a little shrimpy cocktail. And that's all they're doing. Go ahead. That's like a family bloody Mary. You can say yes. Yes. And they've dealt with this their whole life and they don't know how to do it. And they've got alcohol now fueling their insecurity. And that's what they do. They and they know they can talk
Starting point is 00:42:41 all this back to you because you're not going to do anything. You're smarter than that. And you were also not drunk, but you know, they just want to look big for their, for some gal or their buddies. I mean, Speaker 2, I mean, have you ever experienced someone though, when they maybe threatened you a little bit that you were kind of like, Oh shit, this guy might actually mess me up. Cause you know, it was like the big talkers, the shrimp cocktail guys that Charlie's talking about. But I feel like once in a while you get a big old former college football player or something that you're like, Oh God, this
Starting point is 00:43:15 could maybe be not so good for me. Have you ever had that happen? I personally have not. I know that there are situations that arise like that all the time on Water Street, but me and myself, kind of known for using a quote from one of our, I guess I would say clients, but she said that I'm the type to always be smiling even when it's probably not best to be smiling. So even in those situations where they're like, oh, we're going to mess you up, I'm just all smiles. There's no guys that I'm actually too afraid of. There are guys that I know would cause me a problem, but nothing that could endanger my life type thing. Gotcha. What usually happens? They say you're going to mess you up. Then what happens?
Starting point is 00:44:03 So the two instances in particular that I'm thinking of where I've actually had some concerns with it is in one instance, all I did was I set down everything that I had in my hands is in like, you know, it's like all sorts of pick up glasses and take up the trash and all that. So I set all that stuff down. And then I walked him out, you know, put my hands on his shoulders, just kind of walked him out, put it kind of nicely. But then the other situation was me having to calm him down and tell him that he's not going to mess anyone up today.
Starting point is 00:44:38 And luckily I had another bounce of their with me, but. Man, you guys got a thankless job. So my hat is off to you. Truth be told, I enjoy the work. I like to be out there with the fellas, interacting with the crowd and everything else. So it's kind of like my, my part-time job that keeps on repaying me by keeping me around people of my same age, but also like making sure that I'm not going out getting hammered every single Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday. Well, that's good. That's a whole new perspective on it. I like,
Starting point is 00:45:08 I like you a lot. I think you got your head on right now. Let's get back to what should you do if someone says they're going to mess you up. I think Charlie and I have a few things and tactics that you can try that should deescalate the situation. Now, number one that comes to mind guy tells he's going to mess you up. I want you to take off your pants. Nothing will. Have you ever touched that? I haven't. Luckily I've never been in the need for this scenario, but I got this in my repertoire, you know, I belt off pants off. What's a guy? Does a guy really want to get really close to a guy who's not wearing pants, especially when all I'm wearing is a jockstrap. That is true. Good point, Miles. Don't forget the jockstrap. He's not going to come anywhere
Starting point is 00:45:58 near you. So that would be one tactic. You try Charlie. What else would you try? Well, um, you do you have water balloons? You know, like on me personally or just at the bar? Yeah, at the bar, I would have a bucket of water balloons and I would have those water balloons filled up with, do you remember GAC from Nickelodeon? I know, I don't. Yeah. What are you talking about? You don't know GAC?
Starting point is 00:46:30 Mm-mm. What is it? You don't even know what it is. No, I didn't know. I know exactly what GAC is, guys. I mean, this is like one of the- What are you talking about, slime? Yeah, I'm talking about slime,
Starting point is 00:46:40 but they used to sell GAC like when you were watching Nickelodeon as a kid. I don't remember that. Maybe that was your generation. I feel like there's like this lonely song like all around a lonely people as the camera zooms in on me as nobody knows what GAC is. So you want to throw slime at these guys? I don't know if that's going to deescalate the scenario. I'm spitballing here.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Good. Well, like, OK, I'm going to piggyback off of that. What you could do is when everyone comes in, they get a water balloon and then if there's someone causing trouble, you do the old, uh, take a page out of the biblical times and you just everyone, you announced to the, the crowd that this person needs to leave and everyone throws their water balloon at them. Oh, that's nice. That's kind of a fun thing. Yeah. You know, is he going to fight everyone in the bar? You can't do that. Yeah, that's true. Nothing's worse than being really drunk and pissed off and sopping wet. That's just, you don't want that. Especially in Milwaukee, you can get cold. Another another thing you can do you can have a flashlight on you?
Starting point is 00:47:45 And if he actually does come close to you just put the flashlight right in his eyeballs that'll that'll stun him real good You know yeah, and then that's also you you're just like as the as the flashlights come out like oh jeez I think I lost my keys somewhere. Are they in your eyes? Nope. Don't look like it There's got to be more. There's gotta be more. There's gotta be more things. I think the other thing, nothing will deescalate some, well, not faster, but slower than making someone wait a while before they mess you up.
Starting point is 00:48:19 So I'm gonna mess you up and go, okay, awesome. We're gonna do that, But hold on a sec. I gotta show you this Walleye I caught a few weeks back and then you're gonna pull out your phone Charlie Yeah, I have to look through your phone for 45 minutes looking for that fish pick because it's hard to find on that camera Roll yours that's and once 45 minutes goes by he he's going to be forget why he was even mad. Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever, have you ever tried that showing someone a picture of like, if you want someone to leave a conversation, just pull up your phone and start looking for walleyes. They're going to be begging to go at that point.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, I think I'll have to try that then. I'm more of a bluegill guy myself. Even better. That works. Even bad. Like, like miles. Let's role play it. Like, uh, you be the drunk guy. Hey, man. What I'm going to, I'm going to mess you up. Yeah. I know you are going to mess. Yeah. I am. Yeah. No, no, no. You, I mean, you want to go right now. I, you, how about we go, but before we go, can I just show you this bluegill that I caught? Well, it's about the size of my, no, no, no, you're going to mess me up. I mean, look at you. Okay. Yeah. You clearly have, you know, big muscles. Thank you. I know I do. I work out huge dong and all that. But, but before we get to it, could I just
Starting point is 00:49:41 show you this while I, oh, I'm sorry, bluegill bluegill. Geez, I forgot the species. Hang on. I'm finding it. Yeah. I'm finding it. I mean, that's fine. I, sure. Yeah. So I'm looking here. Oh, wait. Oh, don't look at my phone, please. Sorry. I mean, it's okay. When, when did I catch that bluegill? Was it, Hey, is there anyone know when he caught this bluegill? Then boom, all of know when he caught this blue girl? Then boom, all of a sudden he's forgot about why he's mad and he's now trying to focus on getting you to show the fish in so that he can get back to what he was talking about. But then he doesn't remember what he was talking about because he's hammered. Yeah. He hung up. That's not a bad move. No, no, that's a great move. But the problem is, is what if we
Starting point is 00:50:25 actually find the bluegill pick? Oh, you just, you take seriously, you ask him if he's got any bluegill picks. Yeah, it's, it's a classic misdirect. You know, do you ever watch shark week? Oh, every year. Okay. So you know, when you're scuba diving and a shark is going at you to like fast, it's like, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna die. You know, and kind of a drunk guy at the bars, kind of like a shark, you know, they're like big idiots, you know, all you got to do is put your hand out on their nose because their noses are real sensitive and then and then redirect them redirect. That's what these guys and they're really easy to redirect because they have, you know, just a few things on their mind trying to show that they're the big man and, you know, probably getting
Starting point is 00:51:10 the next drink. What's that? Trying to flex their dorsal fins and all that. They're dorsal fins. Yeah. I got, I got one more advice piece. Sorry. No, no. Work shopping it in my head. We're just getting the ideas going here. Miles. Another option is you need to tell him, yes, we're going to fight. Let's do it. We actually have a fighting pit right through this door. Yeah. And it's just going to be either either it's going to go outside and it's going to be a fenced area with a, with like a case of water and you let him go out first and it locks from the inside and he just goes out into this pit, you lock the door and now he just has to sit
Starting point is 00:51:54 there and drink water and sober up and think about what he's done or you could use like a broom closet that locks from the outside. Now I will will say I'm going to caution this that could be a wrongful imprisonment, which is a felony, but you know, we'll get to those details. Okay. You make it like an escape room. That's it. That's it. That's it. The drunk escape room. Yes. So if a guy's getting a little feisty, wants to fight you, you go, all right, the fighting pit is right through these doors. You get him in there, you lock him in there and he has the key in the room, but it's an escape room. And now he has to go through all of the things to unlock and hopefully it takes him about an hour sober up, not be as mad. The whole thing,
Starting point is 00:52:37 That's a great idea. That's wonderful. The other thing you could do. Oh, go ahead. I was just going to say, I kind of feel like an escape room might make him a little bit more mad, you know, but now he's mad at the room, not you. Yeah. What's he going to do? And you never know. He may get out and be like, I think I can do it faster. Let me get back in there. You know, he might love it. And then it goes for another round. Yeah. You're going gonna make sure there's no sharp objects in this room. Probably pretty padded as well. And then you let that guy go. Well, of course, I think the escape room's the best idea. The, you know, lastly, what you can do is have a big boom box out there. And as soon as someone says they want to fight, you can like start it. And it's like, you know, the wrestling you ever watched WrestleMania, you can get that song going like in the left in the blue corner.
Starting point is 00:53:32 We have a five foot four shrimp dick is to just be the announcer and you know, kind of roast the guy what he's wearing and he's looking around for who to fight, but it's just a dude in the window upstairs, you know, yeah, you just put him in a room with a mirror and then he'll just start fighting himself. Yeah. That's good. That's actually another good point. But yeah, have you ever been like mad and then like you go to the bathroom and you're kind of like you like look yourself in the mirror and you're like, God, I look like an idiot for how mad I am. And you punch a mirror. No, you just now you are. You can you now are seeing that you look
Starting point is 00:54:22 ridiculous. Yeah. Get them in a room with a bunch of mirrors. That'll calm them down. Yeah. You literally mirror him. Yeah. Yeah. Literally mirror. The escape room filled with mirrors is the mood.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Oh, that's it. Escape room filled with mirrors. I mean, this now is becoming a horror film and I'm liking it more and more. I was going to say this makes me sound like I'm going to like play a game with them or something. Exactly. That sounds fun. Not fighting. This show true. All right. So that's it. You just got to convince the bar to have an escape room and you're good to go dude. I will pose all the questions to the bar and hopefully we get it done. All right. Look at that, Charlie. Boom. I love it, man. Keep doing God's work out there. Not enough people are as grateful for the bouncers as they should be.
Starting point is 00:55:16 No, we appreciate your service and glad you're having fun with it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you both for the advice. Absolutely, man. Thanks for calling in. Thank you. Thank you both for the advice. Absolutely, man. Thanks for calling in. All right. Tell your folks that says hi. Watch for deer and drunks. Oh, I'll try my best. All right. Bye. Bye. What a good guy. Yeah. You know, I, when he was calling talking about that, I, I hate party bars. I can't get into it. Let's go to your 36 years old, Joe. Do you like party bars? My, I did when I was 25. I'm old. I'm old. I like, but what a great way to end it. And it actually reminds me. We
Starting point is 00:55:55 always talk about tipping your bartender. Yeah. Once a while, maybe throw a couple of bucks that bouncers way or at least give them a thanks. We should. We should have talked to him about that about tipping the bouncer. Next bouncer we get. I think we should get bouncer tips, although we all know that bouncer, they're taking a little scratch to let people in the door. Yeah. Yeah. So they're getting tipped. Yeah. It's supposed to be an eight dollar cover charge. They charge 10, you know, the whole thing, but at least thank your, your bouncer. Thank your bouncer. Yeah. Yeah. Well guys, that was another good episode of the billy it up podcast. As always, thanks for tuning in. Don't forget your tip, your bartender and your bouncer and watch out for drunks.
Starting point is 00:56:41 See you next time guys. Love you guys.

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