Bellied Up - Dry Wedding Survival Guide #116

Episode Date: September 5, 2024

The first caller lives in Saskatchewan and is looking to sell his family hardware store. It's our biggest buy, sell, or trade yet! The next caller is going to a wedding with no food and no booze, ...oh the humanity. The last caller, who lives in Kansas, needs advice on how to overcome her recent breakup. Check out our Clips Page 👇 Get Yourself a "Road Hunting for Ditch Chickens" hat 👇 Check out Charlie Berens Special "Midwest Goodbye" 👇 Check out Myles' Podcast "You Betcha Radio" 👇

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another episode of the bellied up podcast Charlie and the hero Charlie and here and I Charlie are Charles. I told you I told you you can't drink those little Fruity concoctions are full of booze man And the sugar makes you forget there's even booze in them and what'd you do? You not only drink it, but you order this this friggin bucket, dude Well, that's not just for me. That's for you and I know. Okay. I got four straws for us. They're cherries. Yeah. I have one of those. That's kind of fun guys. We're here at the long bridge bar here in Detroit lakes, Minnesota yet again.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And Charlie and I are going to have a little bucket together. We are. You want to know what's in it? Um, yeah. Does the delicious concoction of coconut pineapple and spice rums, orange juice, lemonade, and a splash of cranberry juice. I'm going to have the worst. What you can believe it or not, we get to keep the bucket. This would be great for a spare screws or nails. Yeah. Could be a nice little worm bucket. Yeah. And on the boat too, the old rum bucket. So here we go, Charlie. And then we can get into the episode. Come here. Ready? I'll hold it up for us. Yeah. How are we going to do this without kissing each other? Accidentally. Ready? Mexico. Oh God. That is, that's not good. That's gnarly. That one is
Starting point is 00:01:37 sweeter than the one we had that one. I might, that might be all you miles. I can't, that would be not good. I have, I've tapped out your better man than me. All right, Charlie. Now that we got a level mind after getting a couple of those drinks in us. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking the other day, I got reminded of a memory from my childhood. Okay. I remember I w it was a summertime and a door to door salesman came to my house and he was selling all purpose cleaner. Really? Which is to me a crazy thing to sell door to door considering I can just go to the grocery store and have 10 options of that. Yeah. But why would you get 10 different things when you could just get one for all purpose?
Starting point is 00:02:28 Well, they have all purpose cleaner at the store. But saves you. I thought that until his sales pitch, what I realized was if you are a door to door salesman, you need to sell something that shows immediate results. Yes, yes, actually, that's that's a thousand because if you have an example right there, boom, but so and if it's low risk, right. So on our concrete, there was I don't know what it was, but there was some sort of like rust, rust stain on the concrete. He sprayed his all purpose cleaner on there, rubbed it and it was gone. And lo and behold, my mom bought that all purpose cleaner.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Let me ask you this. So what's the bigger, bigger lesson here? Good salesman or is my mom just that impressionable or is the all purpose cleaner really that good or did he just have sort of a little rust? Yeah, not all purpose cleaner. It's like rust remover Or he just put the rust on your thing before because how often you really look at your concrete not that much No, so maybe just did that but hey, I I mean that's impressive It's an impressive thing for him to get the sale no matter what, no matter what the tactic was. Did that leave an impression on you as a child? Was that
Starting point is 00:03:49 maybe perhaps the thing you wanted to grow up and do after my villain origin story? I want to outsell that guy. Do you think your mom bought it? Have you ever asked your mom about that? If she bought it out of, cause it was really that good or out of guilt or what? I think she's just wowed. She was wowed. She was wowed. That brings me to my question, Charlie though. What would you sell door to door vacuums? Another immediate result. And immediately vacuum it up. Here's what I would say. I would say, I bet you got a house. I bet you got a room that could use a little vacuuming Why don't you let me vacuum it for you? I get in there. I start chatting I'm a chatty Kathy with the guy the gal, you know, and
Starting point is 00:04:33 I bet you some of them would probably take a liking to me and even be thinking some some things You know, okay And once I got him at that point, the ones that are considering the foreign inclusion at that point, I saw them the vacuum Asian, you know, I give them a little suck. Okay. And you're doing the suck it, not them is what you're saying. No, the vacuum is doing the sucking miles. Okay. And I am not doing any of that nasty business. I'm just saying I'm flirting with it to get the sales, you know? Okay. I'm no different than, you know, than a bartender who's, you know, yeah, yeah, I get where you're
Starting point is 00:05:19 going. Okay. Yeah. So that's what you do. Vacuum. You're going to flirt with the housewives or the house. Okay. I'll, I'll whoever's there as long as you know, they own the place. Um, I will be, I'll, and it may not be for it. It may just, whatever they need in that moment, I would give it to them on an emotional level and I would take pleasure in that aspect of the business. The vacuums I don't really care about. It's just that interaction with people, see what they need, fulfill that need. And then if they really, then they buy whatever I'm selling. Could you imagine in today's world, like do people still doing that? Like imagine I, hi,
Starting point is 00:06:01 I'd like to sell you a vacuum. Can I show you how it works? And then suddenly I'm just in your living room vacuuming your carpet. Like, can you? That would be awesome. That would be, you know, we need more of it. I would never let someone do that. I think we need more of that.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I mean, I'm not saying that we don't. I'm just saying, I've gotta be tough in today's climate. It is, because people aren't used to it. On all the Ring doorbell cameras now, people don't even have to answer the door and know who's at the door. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:06:29 So. Yeah, and then they wouldn't even come. Yeah. We live in a weird, weird world, man. Weird, let's bring it back. So hey, Miles, I gotta ask you, what would you sell? Well, I think it would be something with immediate results. I know, you said that, but what would
Starting point is 00:06:45 it be? Oh, Hey, one of those pills. I could take 30 minutes to start working. No, you got time to chitchat. You got chitchat with them for the 30 minutes. And you just, you, you, that's it. They offer them a glass of water and you slip it in their drink. Then they drink it and they're like, wow, I don't know if it'll work. How do I know if it works? And like, well, lucky for you 30 minutes ago, I, I, you already took it. And what do you know? It's already working. And then you look down and you're just, you know, the guys have full staff and he's like, sold. I didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:07:22 He dies of a heart attack immediately after he can get the sale. He calls you four hours later. It was like, what the fuck did you sell me? Why'd you call me? You're supposed to call a doctor. That's great. Did you imagine being a door to door Viagra salesman? That's crazy. They offer you a drink. you're like, yes please. Yeah. Get one for yourself too.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh man. Why don't you do both? Why don't you sell vacuums with your strategy and sell viagra? Hey, and if you take the thing and you don't have anything to do with it, you take this vacuum and you're like, anyway folks, time to get to some callers. Oh boy. It's a kid show after all
Starting point is 00:08:11 miles. That's true. So we take some callers. Let's do it. I got a phone call coming through. So I gotta go. Hello. Welcome to the belly to podcasts. Who we got on the phone. Hey, my name is my name is Nathan. I'm calling. I'm actually calling from Saskatchewan, Canada. No kidding, Nathan. Hey, who are you talking to that you drop this that conversation for our conversation? Who was that? Well, I got a contractor working in my basement. So he's he's doing some work on my foundation.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's a problem. So he's, he's helping me get it repaired. Good. I like it. Good deal. Well, why don't you bury up to the bar, borrow with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Yeah. Well, mainly not as corn. So a couple of things I was thinking about. So I have live cell or trade for you boys. I'm wondering if you
Starting point is 00:09:06 can help me out maybe get some interest in it. It's actually a hardware store. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. Hang on that's not what I was expecting you to call into Bicel or Trade. An entire hardware store. Now I have to ask and don't take this the wrong way. Do you currently have the title for the hardware store? Is it yours? It is not mine, but it is my father's. So I'll give you a little bit of a story. My father has owned this hardware store for 60 years.
Starting point is 00:09:39 He owned it, he acquired it from his dad before him. And my dad, he had it, he acquired it from his dad before him. And my dad, he's reaching retirement age. He's getting to, he's getting older. And there's gonna be a point where he's gonna need to sell, he's gonna need to sell the hardware store. And I do get that. Or trade, or trade it.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Or trade, we'll see, maybe a trade, We'll see. We'll see what the offers like. I'm just seeing a few offerings out there, but I get that being in Saskatchewan, Canada, just north of you boys, there could be a bit of a weird, weird location live. But I figure we can, maybe we can talk about it and see what, what, I guess what kind of options we can potentially get that we actually have someone have someone interested I don't know well why aren't you taking over the hardware store why aren't I well that has been the question for for years from family friends and all that it's never been a desire of mine um I I live actually away from town. So the hardware store is located in a small town in Northern Saskatchewan and I currently live
Starting point is 00:10:49 in Southern Saskatchewan. So it's just not in, it's not in my cards to take over the store. Not my dream, so. Okay. Well, how did your dad feel about that? Well, he was, I mean, I'm sure, well, here's the funny thing. It probably, it seems like I should because I have, I have three older sisters and we've
Starting point is 00:11:14 all, growing up, we had all done our, had done our turn working in the hardware store. And I'm sure when I was younger, he, my dad figured that maybe one day my son will take over the hardware store, but Never never been a desire of mine. So yeah, but so it's so yeah Doesn't seem like it would be destined to be mine and if I wanted it I could but that's just not where my heart lies You know, okay. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, what are you looking to get for it? Well Okay. All right. All right. Well, what are you looking to get for it? Well Well, my my mom has last year. She she mentioned about having a five-year plan of
Starting point is 00:11:56 Potentially moving out of out of the small town that they're located to closer to the rest of us kids. Cause we all like this, the small town is like five hours away from where I currently live. So she'd like to be closer to us, whether it's closer to me or closer to one of my sisters. We live in, we live in the bigger cities in Saskatchewan here. So how much do you want for it? Oh, that are you avoiding talking about money? Are you avoiding talking about money? You know what? Maybe I am. I don't know. I can't think of a dollar value to put on it for this
Starting point is 00:12:35 store. So I guess it's just like gauging, gauging interests and seeing being who's interested and maybe get some traffic our way out or no I'm just putting it out there you know. So this isn't buy this isn't buy sell or trade it's buy sell or warm leads you know he's just looking for some lukewarm leads. Yeah someone who's conceptually interested in owning a hardware store that costs anywhere between $50,000 and $10 million. I don't know what land's going for in northern Saskatchewan these days. Yeah, exactly. And I will tell you this, I don't think it's worth $10 million.
Starting point is 00:13:18 But you don't know. Well, let me say how big is it? What makes this hardware store special? Sell it to us a little bit. Okay, well, it's in a small community. It's a small town hardware store. You got, I mean, your typical hardware store thing. You sell your, you can sell your screws and balls, nails and balls, got your key cutter.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Oh, I'll give you a selling feature. Yeah. The whole, nails involved, got a key cutter. Oh, I'll give you a selling feature. Yeah. The whole building, the building has two stores in it. It's got a hardware store on one side and a grocery store on the other half. So it's like, it's like the mini mall of town sort of thing. So while your, while your wife's over next door, you get selling groceries, husband getting her to be over at the next place checking out hardware stuff, you know? Yeah, that was a pretty good sale job. You got some foot traffic. What is the current name of the hardware store?
Starting point is 00:14:12 If people want to get up there and take a look around, see if they might be interested. Well, the name of this store is called Trineski hardware. It's named, it's a family name. So Trineski. Yeah, Trineski yeah Trineski hardware all right all right just for you know let's just see if there's any option out there what would you be willing to trade it for what would I be willing to trade it for I I don't know I don't know what kind of trade well to be honest I just might not maybe I shouldn't even. I don't know what kind of trade. Well, to be honest, this might not. Maybe
Starting point is 00:14:46 I shouldn't even be talking about this because it's not my trade, but it would be what, what, what my father and what my family would be willing to trade this for. But I know they, they would probably be interested in moving out of town. That's, that would be my thing. So something, something to get them out of town. I don't know. So we talking like a nice Lake home. We talk in, you know, a condo in the city. What, what are you looking to trade it for? I say, I say a house in the city, namely a Saskatchewan city. I don't think my parents are able to relocate to anywhere down south. Okay. So we have a hardware store for sale in Northern Saskatchewan. It's got a grocery
Starting point is 00:15:33 store attached to it as well. And it's a make an offer situation and, or they'll trade it for a house somewhere in Saskatchewan as well. Yeah, potentially. Yeah. Where can they get a hold of you if they're interested in a hardware slash grocery store? Well, I'll tell you what, if anyone, if anyone's interested, they can get a, they can get a hold of me on my Instagram handle. My Instagram handle is basic MD that's B a S S I C M D and D as in North Dakota or Amazon. No, sorry. It's M D as like Amazon Mike D as in Delta. Yeah. Medical doctor. There you go. Okay. S S I C M D. Yeah. Like basic basic with two S's and then M D.
Starting point is 00:16:28 That's like my, that's like my public Instagram where I, I, I, I post, post a little bit of music content on there. I haven't done it for a while, but I put up everyone put some stuff out here, put some stuff up there once in a while. Are you a musician? I am a musician. Yeah Yeah, well what I think again says what music what instrument I play the drums Oh close one. I'll give you a hint. It's in my it's in my Instagram handle. It's in the name Oh the bass you're a base player. Oh, you look exactly how I thought
Starting point is 00:17:05 you'd look. Let's see. Right there. Yeah, he does. Yeah. That's me. That ginger face there. That's great. Is that, uh, do you have anything else you want to talk about today or just the, the buy sell trade? Well, I'll do one more thing so I'm I as I've been listening to you guys this podcast I feel real kindred spirit with you guys with the Midwest vibes and all that so I'm wondering like How do you know how do you know how do you know if you're a midwesterner especially being in Canada like I? Just yeah, namely to scatch me. I Feel like we are kind of I don't know I I would say you definitely are I Absolutely, and I think it being a midwesterner. It's less about where you're from. It's more a state of mind
Starting point is 00:17:56 You know it's like how do you know you're up north? Well, you know when you know, you know or no and There are Midwesters all around the world and some people know it, some people don't. It's just, you gotta realize one day, it's part of your lifelong personal journey to find out who you really are, you know, and what your purpose is. And it's nice that you found that at such a young age.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Oh, Charlie, that's so deep. You gotta read a book, man. That's so deep. You gotta read a book, man. That's so deep. You gotta read a book. You did write a book. Maybe I did. I will say there's so much Midwest stuff about you. The one thing that I'm wondering if it's there,
Starting point is 00:18:37 somewhere underneath that bright and bubbly surface, is do you think your dad is disappointed that you're selling his hardware store? Do you have guilt about that? That's the one question. But if you have an ounce of guilt, I would say you are... That's just the Midwestern in you. You don't need to feel guilty about that.
Starting point is 00:18:55 But if you feel it, that's just that Midwest thing. Yeah. Well, I will say there... You could say there is an ounce of guilt given that this store has been in business for 50 years. And we celebrated 50 years of that store running just this last May here. And it was really cool to see the community come together and just celebrate with my dad and just how for how long he's been there and in business. It was really cool to see how he had how he was able to contribute to the community for
Starting point is 00:19:31 all those years. So it is sad to see it go because it's something that's passed from my grandfather to my own father. And it's never I'm just it sucks that it's never been a desire of mine, but it's cool to see that that legacy last for 50 years with that store. So I hope whoever, whoever it would go to next would able would be, would have it, it would go to, it would go to good hands and be able to keep, keep it going, be able to contribute to the community. That's the main thing. Wow. Wow. I feel like he's a Canadians are like super Midwesterners or something. They're like fully processing the Midwest emotion. I don't know, Charlie. Let's buy
Starting point is 00:20:15 it. Should we? Yeah, let's do it. All right. We'll do it. Um, what do you think miles? Oh, let's go 50, 50 half a million dollars, half a million dollars. How much is that in Canada? I know you, I know you boys. I know you boys are talking about doing a hardware store. I think there's another caller about talking about buying a hardware store, but also making it like combining it with a bar. You're right.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I was hoping you'd say I was trying to low ball them. Yeah. Well, you know what I mean? And I, I thought I was just trying to pitch to them that I didn't have an idea for it. I was just taking off his hands as a favor. Yeah. But you said half a mill. You had to say some like, you know, $3,000 for a giant commercial hardware store. It's got a cost at least that I don't know what but this is Canada It was not like I'm paying cash for it I think we're gonna have to finance this thing get some cash flow going right we're gonna have to set up a gold fund me But it's Canada the things are not as expensive up there. Okay. Well then never mind Is it close to a good walleye fishery?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Well, there is some there is some good fishing up there there Is it close to a good walleye fishery? Well there is some, there is some good fishing up there. There are so the town where the store is located is a small town called, a small town called Blackwood. If you want, you can look it up there. There is a small little provincial park about five, five, 10 minutes away from town. Great place to go camping in great place. You can do some fishing there too. Honestly, northerners scouts one beautiful place. Lots of places
Starting point is 00:21:51 to go hunting, fishing, actually at this target store. My dad has sold hunting licenses there. So it's prime. It's prime area for hunting and fishing. Sounds like a great spot. It really does. I will say one thing about that town. I took it for granted as a young kid. I really wish I fully understood as a kid how beautiful it is up there. Charlie, you'd love to hear that metal art thing up there. That's for sure. Oh my gosh. Wow. Well, I will have to say this. If you're not in sales, you should get in sales. Yeah. You ever think about selling vacuums? No, well,
Starting point is 00:22:31 not vacuum, but I do sell weed control packages. There he is. He's a sales guy. I can tell. Yeah. Well, I think he did a great job selling it. Maybe someone's in the market for this. We hope that it goes into the right hands eventually when it does pass hands. And I think also huge thanks to your dad for and your family for supporting the community for over 50 years. That's pretty awesome. There's a big round of applause. Yeah, that's awesome. And good luck. And we appreciate calling in today, man. Yeah, for sure. And thank you boys for all that you do. I say with how you've been presenting with what you do on the podcast, Brendan, the mid the
Starting point is 00:23:17 Midwest niceness is actually encouraging me to like incorporate that into my attitude a little bit more. So just know it's not just good laughs. It's good vibes that you're encouraging other people with. So thank you, you boys. Well, thank you for saying that. We appreciate you. And yeah, do us a favor while you're out and about. Watch out for Moose. Okay. Yeah. We'll be watching for Moose. You tell your folks this is high. All right. We'll do. Sounds good. You. Yeah. You tell your folks. This is I. All right. We'll do. Sounds good. Have a good one. Take care now. It's a real nice guy. I was hoping we could steal that thing and do our dream of open up the bar hardware store.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Charlie. Next time you throw it up first price, you got to start real well for a commercial property. I feel like that. I don't know how much a grocery store and a hardware store. It's got to be 20,000 square feet. Don't you think? I don't know miles. I've not been to Northern Saskatchewan, but it doesn't sound like a place that, you know, that I know a lot about. So I wouldn't go in hot with half a mill. Sorry, these the rum buckets getting to me. I know. Yeah, you're getting into the you're starting to think you're in the shark tank. Or I feel like I'm starting to talk like a Canadian.
Starting point is 00:24:34 You know, after what? Talking to that guy for a minute there. That's kind of a fun thing to do once in a while. You know. Oh, yeah. But well, but should we take another call? Oh, let's do it there, bud. Well, bud, should we take another car? Let's do it there, bud, sure. You got Alex from Montana. Alex from Montana.
Starting point is 00:24:51 How's it going, Alex? Much too good, how are you fellas? Doing good. What are you up to today? I had a job interview this morning and then gonna chill out for the rest of the day. Got nothing else planned. Really? Okay. Unemployed. I like it. What job did you interview for Alex? A assistant manager position at a group of five restaurants. So is it assistant manager
Starting point is 00:25:18 or an assistant to the manager? Assistant to the manager. I guess you could say, okay, I like it. Well, belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Absolutely. So I'm going to a wedding coming up this weekend. And I just found out that it is a dry and no food wedding. Just kind of want to get your guys' opinion on the best way to have fun at a wedding that doesn't serve boo. Don't go. Um, it's a quick answer. Who's getting married. How important is this person? It's one of my old employees for my old job. Her and her fiance are both 19 years old. He'll be rushing into something, but after them nonetheless, why don't you should do smart though. Save money on the wedding. If
Starting point is 00:26:09 it's not going to last. I mean, that is no food or drinks. That is true. So is it a B Y O B? Yeah. You're going to say it's a plan or, or, or bring your own flash, you know? Uh huh. Yeah. Definitely bring your own flash when, um, was there a, are you bringing the shotgun to the wedding? You might have to write 19. I mean, that was a shotgun wedding joke, not a murder. Anybody at the wedding. I figured that out. No, no, no. I got that. I got that. Okay. Just wanted to clarify. Hey, um, yeah. Are you a good friend to this guy or are you a mentor? Probably neither. I actually, I know the, the gal in this scenario,
Starting point is 00:26:57 she was one of my former employees and invited me to the wedding here a couple months back. But, um, we just found out here just the other day from one of the, one of the bridesmaids that's going to be dry and no food. Why don't you, yeah. Why don't you just RSVP? No. Yeah. You don't have to do that. Well, I already, the problem is I already RSVP'd and now I'm kind of in it. Oh, he RSVP'd before he knew that. Got it. Okay. Well, what, what do you, what are the, I mean, if there's no food or drinks, what are people going to be doing?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Exactly. They're going to do the hungry. I was checking. I, I was checking their, their website earlier this morning and they had some suggestions for like local attractions to do. And one of them was the zoo. So I don't know. So maybe go grab something from the zoo and bring that out of the dinner. Do that. Does this couple happen to be Disney adults? No, not even good.
Starting point is 00:27:56 They're not even adults early 18 and 19. I just feel like someone should step in and say, Hey, you don't have to do this. You know? All right. Well, Charlie, yeah. What, if you have to go to a dry, no food wedding, how are you going to make it the most enjoyable process? Here's how I make it the most enjoyable process. I call up the bride right now and I convince her that this is a bad idea. And then I call up the groom and I convinced him this is a bad idea. And then it will up the groom and I can convince him this is a bad idea. And then it will be very enjoyable to have my Saturday
Starting point is 00:28:28 all to myself. But to answer your actual question. It's not even on a Saturday, it's on the weddings on a Sunday too. Of course it is. Well, that's better actually, cause now you don't have to burn. So do you just, are you just going to the ceremony?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Just go to the ceremony and bail. Yeah. I mean, that's actually perfect. That's perfect. Yeah. Cause I, who really wants to go to a wedding? Just view it as, Hey, just view it as he went to church. You're just going to church. You're in and out 30 minutes. Wham bam. Thank you, ma'am. You're back on the couch watching football. Yeah. And in that way, these guys, they'll figure it out. I'm sure that marriage will work. That's fine. What, what a good thing that they're doing. Not making you buy it, you know, anything spendy to wear. You don't need to get them a gift. You know, really?
Starting point is 00:29:16 Well, I already got him a toaster. A toaster. Well, that's fine. That's a good wedding gift. Yeah. Go there. Drop off the toaster. You'll be the only one giving them a toaster too. About, no, I told them, I, I said I should buy them a box of condoms cause they're not ready to make anything else yet. I, I, I have some news for you. I think they did make something and I think that's why the wedding is going off the way it is. Yeah, this isn't a wedding. It's a pregnancy. They've also said they've also said that they're saving themselves for after marriage, but that's not totally true. Wait, it word came out. That's not totally true or yes. Word came out that that's been a total a total a total sham. Right. So they are probably pregnant is my assumption. So congratulate
Starting point is 00:30:15 them. Bring them some bring it. Do it. So you don't got to worry about a baby gift. Just bring them a baby gift and a wedding. Do a toaster and an easy bake oven. And then you're good to go. Perfect. It's on the list. That's great. Is there an actual party? There's not a party. It's just the wedding though. Right? I don't know. The wedding, the wedding started at four and that's all I know. That's all you're going for. I mean, that's all honestly, I mean, this just sounds like a funeral wake at this point. Yeah. That's what it feels like to me. But those have there's a lot of booze at funerals and food, by the way.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Some of the best. There's no there's no shame in not having money to do it. But I think that the, you know, takeaway there is just you can just elope, I suppose. But I guess you want everyone there. I'm trying to see it from this couple's perspective and knowing that, you know, like it is weddings are stupidly expensive, which is why you should kind of wait 10 more years before you do it. But I don't know, man. That's not, that's not, not my monkey, not my circus. I think we already found it out.
Starting point is 00:31:30 We figured it out. Why am I trying to solve more problems than I need to go to the ceremony and dip out, drop off the gift, make sure you say hi to them. So I know you were there and then you're back home and have a good weekend. Sweatpants on. Yup.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Check out some, some Netflix or something. So hey, good luck on the job. Three hours. It's a three hour drive. Well, you're buried that lead, dude. You're not going. Okay. Well, just suggest maybe like a, maybe like you could just zoom in to the wedding. Yeah. Yeah. Zoom in. Hey, do you know, do you do you feel a sore throat? Do you feel that kind of in the back of your throat? That's not good. There's a new COVID strand going around or something and you don't want to it's it's in the the bride and groom's best interest for you to not go.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I think unfortunately, so it'd be fun to go, but... That might have to be the answer. Yeah. Yeah. You don't have a job right now. So you can't be paying three hours of gas both ways. Six hours of gas? Well, no, I did get the job. I got the job. Oh, there you got it. Well, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I thought, why did I think it was just an interview or something? He did say that. No, it was like, it was like my third round interview. So they named me the offer today. Oh, you buried the lead. What, what are you going to do? I'll be a assistant manager at a group of five restaurants to the manager. I like to hear it the second time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the thing. Did you negotiate your salary at all? Yeah. I got a job offer from a different place and they actually offered me higher than the other place. So gotta go where the money is. Right? I like that. I like that too. I like that too. Well, we appreciate you calling in. Good luck members. Ceremony only back home for
Starting point is 00:33:21 dinner. We'll dip out in less than 30. Yeah, exactly. Good. And wish the happy couple the best of luck for, for us. I'll, I'll tell their folks. I says, hi. Okay. Real good miles. Why is that? 19 that'd be just disaster. I mean, I think it would too. Now I think of it. My grandparents were like 21 in 19, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Different times. They didn't have the Internet. They had less options. It is true. The Internet cars couldn't go more than like 100 miles. Yeah. I take a gas. Pretty sure I got the best one. Best one is yeah. You just cruise around town for one weekend and you're like, well, this is the best I'm going to get. Plus she's already
Starting point is 00:34:19 pregnant. So well, should we take another caller? Charlie. Yes, sir. Hey, hot, hot hike. Gear up for football season miles with. So you got to say, oh, no, I put down. She ran to. Oh, my. Oh, my. So. So. Yeah, Terry, you jumped off size. God, that way we were going to go to the hell. Anyway, folks, gear up for football
Starting point is 00:34:49 Season with tippy cows chocolate shake It's a dessert that brings back those great game day memories in Wisconsin and Iowa and other places too But we'll just focus on Wisconsin and Iowa After a day of grilling and cheering on your team, Tippy Cow's Choco Latte Shake is your perfect sweet finish to your game day. And if you've ever invented outlandish game day traditions or debated the best grilling techniques,
Starting point is 00:35:23 Tippy Cow is the, Miles don't laugh at me, tippy cow is the ultimate treat to cap off your game day my guy. So, hang on, raise your glass Miles, raise your glass, it's my favorite part. Here is to football season. Great game days and the ultimate chocolate shake.
Starting point is 00:35:44 May your game day be filled with cheers and plenty of tippy cow sweetness. Cheers to the winning season. Cheers. Guys. Football season is here and so are the motorcycle rides to the game. Charlie, you know, that's how it goes. There's just only one way to get to the game. And that's on the back of a Harley. You know, you got a Harley, you and I, that's the butts on the way to the game. I'd like you on the back of my house. It's a smart movie. You get closer parking. If you park in the motorcycle parking, you don't got to park way in the back. That's true. That. And then on the way back, you can weave between traffic and that's the last game you ever went to.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah. So guys, so guys, as we're all doing, taking the motorcycle to the ball game, but if you're involved in an accident, Nikole law is here to help. How are here to help? My experts in handling motorcycle accident cases and we'll ensure you get the support you need. So cheer on your team ride safe. Know that if things go sideways, Nicolay laws got your back. Visit Nicolay or call one eight five five Nicolay to get more information and never drink and ride your motorcycle. I cannot believe I actually got through to you guys, but you are chit chatting with my name is Emily. Emily. Yeah. How are you Emily? That's my sister's name. Is it really? Yeah. It's hang on a second. Betsy, Maggie, Addie, Mary Kate, John Emily, Nora. Now, not to be devil's advocate.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's not that big of a coincidence that she has the same name as one of your sisters because you have like one hundred. It's my fifth sister. My fifth sister is Emily. So, yeah, we got the same name. I have only have eight miles. That's awesome. Yeah. Well, belly up to the bar with your sister.
Starting point is 00:37:43 My sister is twenty something. She's in her 20s. I got no idea. You know, I'm thinking it's like under 25, but it could be just over. So I'll ask her the next day. But I, but I am 29, 29. Well, belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. All right. So I just recently went through a breakup. Oh, and yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:22 We were engaged to be married, but anyways, I'm back in the dating pool now. And um, let's just be honest. I am awkward at dating. So I'm curious if you have any advice on the dating thing. Now how to be less awkward on like a first date kind of a thing. I gotcha. Yeah. I gotcha. All right, well, I think we just gotta start off
Starting point is 00:38:55 by having you do a home game. You know what I mean? Don't go on their turf for the first date. Let them come to your turf so you're a little bit more comfortable. So you pick something that you like to do, you know, that can like, Okay, is it weird that I,
Starting point is 00:39:12 I like to drink beer and I'm not much of a girly girl. What's weird about that? So I come off very late. That's not weird at all. I mean, I would like, I would rather go have a beer or something than go out to a fancy dinner. I mean, I would, I would be perfectly fine with going in a T-shirt and shorts and going to have a beer by the lake or something instead of going
Starting point is 00:39:42 out to a fancy dinner. I think there's a lot of Midwest fellows out there that they are getting turned on just here in Utah right now. Okay. I mean, you are, you are already play. I mean, saving them money. There's nothing that turns a Midwest guy on like saving some money. And yeah, it's like, and you're also doing what they want to do, right? If my wife and on our first day we could have went golfing had have been a perfect first day for me. Yeah You're gonna find the I would even start with that in the conversation I would say I don't think you're gonna have trouble finding a guy. I think you have trouble fending them off Yeah, you have to carry around a stick and you know, keep them off of you
Starting point is 00:40:24 Yeah, beat them in the head if that doesn't work beat them on the other had and they'll get away but um What would you say is like the most first of all weird? Where do you live right now? I am currently Smack-dab in the middle of Kansas in a very well, okay, I guess not smack dab in the middle of Kansas and a very, well, okay. I guess not smack dab in the middle of Kansas. I live right outside of a really small town called Minneapolis Minneapolis, Kansas. Yeah. Okay. What the hell? Yeah. That's confusing. Where are you from Minneapolis? Oh, okay. Yeah. Everybody gets confused with the other Minneapolis.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah. I believe that. Where are you looking? You know, are you, have you started looking for a new guy or are you just about to do it? just about to do it. Um, I guess I'm just, I'm not like actively like looking, looking per se. Um, but I mean, I would love to go, I'm not, I don't know if I'm supposed to cuss on here, but I would love to go like just shoot the shit and have a beer and hang out and do something with somebody, you know, how long since the breakup? Probably like a month, maybe. Okay. So that doesn't sound like a long time, but what did you, I mean, what did you learn during this breakup and this failed engagement that you are going to do better the next time? What, what, what, what'd you learn from it?
Starting point is 00:42:07 How do I do the howdy? How do I say this? He was the problem. I would say that I was, I was kind of the problem in the sense of like, I like my beers. Let's just put it that way. All right. All right. I'm doing some back of the napkin math here and I'm seeing there is infinity possibilities for what could have gone wrong. But you know, yeah. Well, maybe if you're learning that maybe try just like a coffee date instead of a brewery date. Well, that's another thing is I do not drink coffee. Tea then let's try tea. No, I mean, I'd be fine with that too. Just, I don't know. I mean, I'm just more of the beer kind of girl and beer and some, you guys call them cheese curds, but, but what are you looking
Starting point is 00:43:13 for in a guy? Just somebody that will like is there to at least try to listen. If that makes sense. Maybe they're not listening, but at least like have eye contact with me and act like you are. Yeah. Yeah. That's a low bar. That's a low bar. Yeah. I mean, I, again, I don't think you're going to have any trouble finding anyone. So far, Charlie, we want someone who wants to drink beer, not pay for an expensive dinner and to be pretending to listen. Yep. If you can try to pretend to listen, it sounds like you're, you're within the category.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And he has to like, he has to like football because when football season comes around Sunday is football day for me. Who's your team? The chiefs. I like it. Got it. It's convenient being a chiefs fan these days. Let's all say, I don't want to call you a bandwagon cause you're in Kansas, but pretty convenient.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Right. Well, I've, I grew up in a house that we watched chiefs and we watched K State and So those are my two teams, I love it. Well, I don't have any I don't have anything against the Packers You know what you should do for your first date? I actually have a perfect first date you and your fella you should invite him over Have some beers and turn on ESPN classics to Super Bowl I. Okay, and then you can see how the Packers beat the hell out of the Chiefs.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Vince Lombardi, that's, well who was your coach back then? Nobody knows. Jared? Who was it? Egg Scram? Hank Stram. Hank Stram. You actually know that?
Starting point is 00:45:10 He knows every Super Bowl winner ever. I was just proving a point that nobody knows the Chiefs' coach because they lost, but everybody knows the Lombardi Trophy, okay? What's his last name again? Stram. Stram. I will say though.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Could you imagine if that trophy was called the Stram trophy. I mean, it just, you know, we're lucky you guys lost. What's that? I will say, though, I call him. I call. I call Patrick my home. I call him my homie. Nobody can hate on my homie.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Chillin with my homies. Hey, start DM and some chiefs players slide into their DM. See if they like beer, you know, you're single shoot for the moon. I'm not typically what like guys look for though around here. Well, don't guys like some curvy women and stuff like that. And that's, that's not who I am. Don't sell yourself short. Don't sell yourself short unless you are short. Then I think you have to sell yourself short, but well, I think that you're going to be all right. I don't think you got much to worry about. Sorry to hear about your breakup, but I think everything's going to turn out just a mighty fine. And we appreciate
Starting point is 00:46:27 you calling in today. Well, I appreciate you guys taking my phone call. You bet. You bet me. Ever since I've watched your podcast, I've always been wanting to get a hold of you guys. So pretty cool. Kind of made my day that I got through. Hey, you made our day calling in because you know what? We got to do X amount of callers. So you're all making our day, right, Miles? That's right. And beyond that, you're going to find some guy.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I think you're going to find a chiefs player. Start with the kickers. And before you know it, you know, you're gonna be, you'll. Hey, I would not complain about free chiefs tickets. I would not complain one bit. And you know, not at all. You're gonna get those, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:17 So you just move your way around the roster, knock on those doors and one's gonna open for you. I have a feeling. Okay, and then, hey, you gotta go easy on those doors and one's going to open for you. I have a feeling. Okay. And then, Hey, you gotta go easy on those beers though. Okay. Cause you gotta lock that down. That's a big salary. Right. Moderation. I'm not, I'm not going to lie. Um, it's it, I'm not proud to say it, but I've I've been known that I can I can out drink a lot of men. OK, well, let me say this.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Let me say this. If you ever start thinking that, you know, drinking is not for you. There's a lot of hot guys in a. OK, I've heard that, too. So it's a good you might have to start drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes, but there will be opportunity to talk to them. So, if the chiefs don't work out, consider AA.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I smoke the cowboy killers, so is what we call them here. You'll fit in good then. Well, thanks for calling in and good luck with the fellows. All right. Thank you for taking my call. All right. Good one. And y'all have a good day. You too. Oh man. Seems like a nice gal. Nice gal. Definitely though would have put money on that. She's kids. The cowboy killers. Yeah. I just had a, you know, she had a voice. She had a grumble to the voice and, uh, you know, another rock with that. I wasn't, I wasn't shocked. Let's just say, I had a good luck to her again, beer and pretend to listen. Okay. What can go wrong? She can be with a chief. I bet you that you take another caller. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Wait was that? Oh, that's three callers. That's miles. Time is just flying. It must be whatever you put in that bucket. If you're at the long bridge here in Detroit lakes, get a rum bucket and you will turn into Marty McFly time travel through space miles. It's been a real joy my guy. It has Charlie and it's really popping in here now. It's great vibes here at the long bridge. So guys thanks for tuning in to another episode of the belly to podcast. We love you. We do. Oh and I'm on tour guys. Check it out Charlie Barrett's comm slash tour Sorry miles check out his tour check out his tour going all around the u.s. See you there and Always Charlie remember to do what?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Tip your bartender. We'll see you in the next one

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