Bellied Up - Flirting With Midwestern Women #100

Episode Date: May 9, 2024

In this special episode, we're revisiting where it all began: The Newport in Milwaukee, WI. Our first caller is is dating a gal and that gal wants him to get a promise ring. Next, we have a gym ra...t from Ohio wondering how to flirt with Midwest women. Finally, we wrap it up by calling Ethan to see how his life is going. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, folks, welcome back to another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast. I'm here with my co-host, Mr. Barron's Charlie. How you doing? It's Dr. Barron's to you, Miles. And I'm doing well because this is our hundredth episode. One hundred episodes. When we started this, did you think we were going to stick with it? No, no. I was thinking we'd shoot the first few episodes, realize this concept didn't work. And then, you know, just on to the next one. But here we are 100 episodes later in the same bar that we started in.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Isn't that the deal? This is episode one. Well, this is episode three here. Well, because we're in Fargo. I made bar. Yeah, we did the homemade bar. This is the first remote bar. Yeah. Yeah. I almost forgot about the homemade bar. Isn't that crazy? How many years have we been doing this? That's another 22. So this is we're going on two years almost. Holy smoke. Who would have thought that this was going to be a thing? That makes sense because 100 episodes, 100 weeks, there's 52 weeks in a year, Miles.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So we are approaching the two year mark based upon just standard math. Yeah, actually. So I'm glad I can be the guy bringing the standard math into the episode. We each bring our own strengths. Yes. I bring math and science and reason and logic and you bring, you know, I I'm still not sure what you bring, but I'm waiting to find out. You know? Yeah. It will find it at some point. Do you like that? That was a soft burn to start off our high. I am in too good of a mood to let you bring me down today. Charlie. Yeah. Why so? Yeah. Having a beer. Couldn't be, couldn't be in a better mood right now. Well, good. Well,
Starting point is 00:01:51 let's see how we can ruin it in this episode. Are we going to do like I was going to back? Yeah. I was going to take a trip down memory lane. So 97 episodes and we were in this bar. It was your birthday. It was my birthday. I'm wearing overalls. I was wearing overalls bibs. And I remember the whole bar did a black cherry brandy shot. Yes. Yes. Blackberry brandy. Yeah. Yeah. Blackberry. Black cherry. Close enough. Same church, different pew. But those things will get you psychedelically drunk. I'll tell you that. I don't know what they do to your innards, but it's more than just alcohol. And those, you know, it's a religious experience.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I felt that that day. And so did you. Yes, I held your own, though, that day, even though we got more drinks in here than you probably wanted. It was easy to hold my own because I had the overalls holding me up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Jared's got a few trips down memory lane for us. Yeah. This is my personal favorite. This is that bigger. I forget which episode, but I was spoiling top gun to Charlie. No, for God's sake. That was so annoying, dude. That was so annoying. Yeah. It was so annoying to me that I didn't end up going to see top-cut in the theater
Starting point is 00:03:08 You don't even remember what I spoiled though. Yes, I do. What I do. It was the fact that that Someone shot so a spoiler alert by the way Seen it they haven't seen it Anyways, I ended up watching it in an airplane. I had one long airplane ride, so I said, you know what? Since I already know what's going to happen, I'm just going to watch this stupid thing in the airplane. And I will say watching Top Gun in an airplane
Starting point is 00:03:36 adds new dynamic to the airplane ride. It does. You're less concerned about the turbulence because you're like, well, Tom can handle it. I mean, at least there's not a Russian fighter jet at my. Yeah. You weren't worried about pulling any G's at that point. No, I wasn't. I wasn't. Well, that was have you forgiven me since then? Hell no, Miles. I don't forgive.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I thought maybe, you know, how many episodes removed. Talk to me in 100 more episodes and maybe we'll see if I've forgotten. But I did almost forget. Honestly, forgiveness and forgetting kind of the same thing. Yeah. So, you know, thanks a lot, Jared. I was hoping that his forgetfulness would eventually lead to forgiveness. I'm going to remember this for 100 more episodes. Miles marked my words. Another one I liked was trying the horse radish with AJ Dylan. Oh yeah. I still can feel the sting in my brain from that. That was a bit. I will say this about horse radish guys. It's a meds. It's a medicine. It's medicinal like Blackberry brandy is medicinal.
Starting point is 00:04:39 It heals things that you didn't need to know that you didn't need to know existed. It heals your inner child. Yeah, I think I had a sinus infection on that episode, and I think it cleared me right up. That'll do it. Any you got an open wound, put some horseradish in there. Keep in mind, the Bellied Up podcast does not condone medical advice or believe it to medical doctors. No. Yeah. Insert this claimer here.
Starting point is 00:05:06 There we go. That this claimer here. So there we go. That was a beautiful time. I got to get some more of that horseradish, actually. That was some. That was in Green Bay, correct? Yeah, it was. That was a day before you got wickedly sick, though. My. Yeah. Yeah. That was a turning point.
Starting point is 00:05:21 That was. Yeah. If you look at that day, miles called me. I don't even know if you call me. Maybe Tyler called me. Maybe I just heard from someone else that day, but miles was sick. And from that day, miles has been working out, eating more salads, got a personal trainer. And you look at them right now. He's half the man he used to be. It's wild. Yeah. Phys mentally. I'm mentally twice the man. Yeah. Yeah, you Charlie. Yeah He's a little slender guy now Think I'm gonna take ya. I know I have two sick of people seeing
Starting point is 00:05:58 Shirtless photos and videos of Charlie online going. Oh my god. He's chiseled like a Greek god videos of Charlie online going, Oh my God, he's chiseled like a Greek God. Well, coming for you, Charlie, you know, it's amazing what a diet of coffee and stress. It wouldn't be, it wouldn't be funny, Charlie, but it would be funny if you guys say I died. episodes. I was just shredded and Charlie was a hundred pounds heavier somehow. Yeah. We should do that. That'd be a fun. It's like on always sunny. Mac gains 60 pounds and then loses 60 pounds in like six months or something like that, just because he thought it'd be funny. Yeah. Like he actually did it in real life. I think actually purposely gain and loss of much weight because he thought it'd be a funny bit for the show. That that's so much commitment. Like Christian Bale does
Starting point is 00:06:49 that for like serious acting, you know, and or what you're saying always sunny in Philadelphia isn't serious acting Charlie. Come on. It's comedic acting. It's it's usually you're like, ah, it's a joke. You know, we can, we can do like a fat suit or something. But no, I mean, that's what that's so much commitment. He committed. I mean, I do we do comedy, you and I, and I would not put that much commitment. Yeah, the farthest I'll go is dress in a hot dog costume in your apartment. I know you won't even dress like a woman for me, Miles. Maybe one day I'm holding out hope. Yeah, maybe we'll be back. Yeah. And then knickerbocker, liquor locker, the dish chickens call.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Oh, yeah. I mean, that's maybe the defining moment of this podcast. Oh, the ditch. I know. I know. That was such a beautiful. That's the thing about the belly to podcast is when people call in, when you,
Starting point is 00:07:45 the listeners call in, you, you put us on a path we never even know existed. You know, it's like opening up a portal. It's like walking through the woods and then you just find yourself in a wormhole and another dimension where, you know, you can shoot your shotgun out your shotgun seat, get a ditch. No, he was outside the car, Charlie. Oh yeah. Outside the car. Charlie. Oh yeah. Outside the car. I heard the car door open and shut. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what's the beauty of this podcast. You never know what's on the other line. You never do. It's kind of
Starting point is 00:08:16 like fishing in that way. Never know what's on the other end of the line. That is poetic. Pretty good. Hey, we should put that on a shirt. See, guys, all this 100 episodes has really made us wise. It has. We would not have come up with that line. No, it episodes ago was not a chance. When we started this episode, you guys, Miles and I, we looked at each other. We had a meeting. We said, how can we do more videos
Starting point is 00:08:51 and have it be less work somehow? And then we came up with the idea, let's just let the people do the talking. And really it was bred out of beautiful laziness, I think. Yeah, yeah, that'll happen. Yeah, and we also said, how can we just basically do what we do on a daily basis? And somehow it it'll work. And we're like, well, if we if we drink at the bar, the callers will call the yeah, if you drink it, they will call I will cheers to that. Cheers to that. Take some colors, Charlie. Sure. Let's do it. Miles.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Cheers. Welcome to the belly to podcast. Hundredth episode. Who we chit chatting with today. Hey, Wyatt. How's it going today, guys? Why it's going good. My guy. How are you doing? Good. I'm out here mowing for my company and kind of just wait for this rain to settle. How about you guys? Wyatt, whenever you were a kid, did you ever get bribed by your mom to not go to the principal's office? No. Okay. Different Wyatt, different Wyatt. We had a different caller call in his mom, bribe the money to not go to the principal's office. So sorry. Just thought I'd ask. Oh, no, you're good. Miles, not all why you remember that call now.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, I do. But I mean, you know, it's a little disrespectful to the why. It's out there. You just never know. Well, welcome to the show. Why? Why don't you belly on up to the bar while you're waiting for that rain to settle and let us know what's on your mind? So I got two things. One's pretty quick, mainly for you, Charlie. So, you went on tour or still are on tour and you didn't have many state locations. You had one in Houghton. So, I was wondering when you're going to come down to the lower peninsula. You know what, Wyatt, I really appreciate you calling in to have me plug my tour dates.
Starting point is 00:10:50 As it turns out, we are going to be in the other mitten state come the fall. We're going to release those dates pretty soon, but I think we're doing Royal Oak and Grand Rapids and who knows, maybe a few more cities in between but those will come out pretty soon here. All right. And yeah. And you know we'll get you locked and loaded on some tickets if you want. We'll message you after this. OK. So thanks for giving me the prompt for the plug. And that's a good it's a good segue into that guys. If you want to change Charlie's behavior, make sure you call in, complain to his face or over the phone. And that's the best way to get him to change his behavior. It is. Yeah. Publicly shame is usually what
Starting point is 00:11:39 motivates Charlie. So yeah, nice work on that. Well played. Why? Well, I figured miles gives you enough crap about your divorce. I've heard that. Yeah, he does. I've cooled my jets on that. All right. If you're playing the bellied up bingo, we already have a couple of things knocked off the list right there. Charlie shamelessly plugging his stuff. Miles bringing up the divorce, even though Wyatt, you did it. But Wyatt did it both for us. See, now the people are just doing our things. Well, Wyatt, what else is on your mind, my guy?
Starting point is 00:12:15 So I'm calling in today for the fact of my girlfriend wants a promise ring, but I'm not very sure how I feel about it. I'm not the type of guy to go get a promise ring. I I'm not very sure how I feel about it. I'm not the type of guy to, you know, go get a promise ring. I've never really believed in it, but she's very adamant that she wants one. So before we dive into that little backstory, how long have you guys been dating? Why aren't you just getting her an engagement ring? All of that. So I am currently 19 and she's 18. So we've only been together for about
Starting point is 00:12:48 two, almost three years now with a few small gaps in between. I can let you, uh, your mind wander as to what that means. But you went to college, I imagine. No, I just bought my dad's lawn care business. Okay. So I have that full time. Oh yeah. Yup. But we're looking for a house. I just bought a business. It's just for me, I don't want to feel not necessarily trapped because I do love her, but I don't want to feel trapped in the same sense. So you are clearly not ready to get married. Can I say that accurately? Oh, a hundred percent. Okay. Anytime you have to start off a sense when you're talking about a relationship of I don't want to feel trapped, but I think the first sentence in that has
Starting point is 00:13:46 some more truth than not. What the hell is up with a promise ring? Can I ask? Well, let me ask you, Charlie, what do you think of promise ranks? I think, uh, what are you promising? Like, what are you promising? You're promising that you're going to get her an engagement ring and then promising that at some point you guys will get married. Yeah. That sounds like a really bad investment right there. Well, and that's what I thought. Well, in my head goes to, aren't you already kind of promising that someday you're going to get an engagement ring by just dating in general? Yeah. Like I haven't cheated on you and that's, that's the promise ring right there. Now, the only thing I could think of Charlie is maybe she's nervous that, you know, why it is a hot commodity in the lawn care
Starting point is 00:14:31 industry. He's going to be tiptoeing around to different lawns in the neighborhood. That's true. The soccer moms are going to be peeking out somehow. Soccer moms are going to be peeping out the window. I and his muscles down as he weed wax their lawn. Hopefully wishing that he was weed whacking something else. Trimming the old bushes. Yeah. And so maybe there's a little insecurity involved with a promise ring. That's where my head goes. I see that. I see that. So I feel like a Wyatt, we just want to confirm this fact with you right now was the request for the promise ring coming shortly after you acquired this business
Starting point is 00:15:10 from your dad. No. So as I stated earlier, there's been a few small gaps in our relationship within the timeline. She broke up with me for a little bit. And then four months later, I broke up with me for a little bit and then four months later I broke up with her for about a weekend. Yeah. Smart to get, you got to get back at her. That was really smart actually. Rebalance the power in the relationship. I like that move. Continue. Yeah. Let's get into those gaps. What happened during those gaps? Cause I think that's going
Starting point is 00:15:41 to determine whether or not you're going to waste a bunch of money on a promise ring right now. So during her gap when she left she was with an axe or whatever you want to call them. You know nothing serious just kind of you know chilling out going over to his house and whatnot. Wait nothing serious just chilling out, going over to his house? Just letting him eat. I'll let your mind wander as to what that necessarily means. I know that. Were they playing cribbage or? Well, they weren't just playing cards. I'll put it that way.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Okay. Some pegs, some. Anyways, okay, so that that happened. That happened first. Cribbett's humor for you. That happened first. And then did that bother you when you guys got back together and you decided to break it off to or why did you break it off? So. It bothered me for a little bit. Obviously,
Starting point is 00:16:47 you know, I went through all the motions during the month that we were apart. We got back together. She asked me to go to prom with her. Like within the, I forget that they're talking about high school. I forget that they're like, they're like 16 at this point. Good. Let me give you a little bit of context information too. Well, hold on. Actually, I recant all my statements about wanting more details about what they were doing. I feel legally I got, we are talking about your relationship and you're talking about prom, do not buy her a promise ring. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. We're both out of high school now. Obviously. Yeah. You're not out of your, you're not out of your teens yet. My guy, you're not a teen. I know you're
Starting point is 00:17:38 not. Oh, we'll just put it to you straight. This thing ain't going to last. All right. Let's just cut to the chase. You're 19. She's 18. You guys have both broken up twice. You know, you got to let a sleeping dog lie. So tell her we says bye and let's look at the new future out there. All right. So what are you looking for in a woman now that you're single? Hmm. Support. Oh, he's already, he's on it off. You were supposed to say, I'm not single. I love my girlfriend and I'm thinking about getting her a promise ring. My guy that was, that
Starting point is 00:18:15 was a test. Oh, you're right. I love my girl. Now, it doesn't count. No, no, it doesn't count. Wyatt. We are sorry. What did you guys wear to prom? Was it matching? You were a white tux. Are you supposed? No, no, we, she, she would usually pick a color and then I would kind of somewhat match. Like I wouldn't go, you know, if she were green, my whole suit was green and I looked like a leprechaun. It was, oh, okay. You know, black with subtle hints of green or something of that nature. Classic gal, classic gal. What does she do for a living? Just, just. She is a dental assistant. Oh,
Starting point is 00:19:00 God. Screw. Yikes. See, here's what I don't like about the promise ring. It's like you get a like the whole thing with an engagement. An engagement ring is a promise ring. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. We did. We all look at it. Yeah. So and what kind of metal are you going to? It's just kind of a waste of money. I think I think it's stupid because everyone's me like, oh, it's a first thing. I think of any time someone's got a promise.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And he's like, like, that doesn't mean anything. That just means that it can be broken up. You know, although it well, it's also like I would love to see the statistics of people who buy promise rings, how many of those couples actually make it. That's true. I would love to see. stuff. I've looked it up. Well then perfect. If you're looking to get out of the relationship, buyer promise ring, it's basically like a down payment on your future and not the future that she thinks. What do they make promise out of these days? Like is it cubic zirconium and like the plastic gold or what? What is it? I don't even know. You know I would just look at it because I haven't looked too deeply into what
Starting point is 00:20:16 necessarily a promise ring is considered. I would just look at it as like a cheaper engagement ring. Like instead of spending, you know, a thousand dollars on an engagement ring, maybe you spend, you know, a hundred bucks or something. The fact, the fact that you haven't looked into what goes into buying a promise ring, but you have looked at the statistics for why they don't work. And that he called it in this podcast asking about it. It sounds like you need to set aside the promise ring and just get her a friendship bracelet. Honestly. Yeah. And she, she, a Taylor Swift fan, a friendship bracelet and a Taylor Swift album. So she can get over the breakup earlier. You
Starting point is 00:21:02 know, dude, I gotta tell you, 19 years old, your brain's not even formally fully developed yet. And hers isn't either. You guys have already broken up twice. I would just promise her that this thing ain't going to work out long term and give it a go, you know? So you're welcome for us saving you a lot of time and half your dad's business when you guys get divorced.
Starting point is 00:21:26 How would you know anything about that? You had to do it. Look, Wyatt Cohen in his podcast, Best Financial Decision of Your Life. Charlie, did you get your ex-wife a promise ring? No, I didn't. Thank you very much for asking. So, you know, just because you don't get a promise ring doesn't mean you're not going to get divorced. But I can continually. One thing, this relationship not going to last. All right. Well, and honestly, don't even think about the fact that you're hurting her feelings. If you do get the promise ring, you're hurting your dad's feeling. Cause like Charlie said, you're squandering half of the thing that he built. Yeah, exactly. And who's going to,
Starting point is 00:22:01 you know, take care of your pops, you know, down the line, you know, he's going to need that business to be flowing. And, you know, you're going to be there. Who's going to mow your dad's lawn? You know, you're not if you only got a track. She's not. And if you got a tractor with only two wheels, well, then that's not going to mow much of anything at all. Two wheels and half the blade ain't't gonna mow much. You're gonna be out there with snippers, my guy. So it's a good thing you're thinking about this now.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Um, it'll save you a lot of money down the road. Yeah. Any regrets calling in today? No, I wouldn't say so. Every guy's agreed with me. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, even if you guys don't break up, don't do the promise ring. That's just the recipe for disaster. I think. Don't you think Charlie? Yeah. You guys are so young. Just take it, take it easy for a while. You know, let the frontal cortex is develop and see what happens after a minute. You know, the only part of the only part of the brain. Yeah. What name? Another part of the brain. Yeah. Yeah. I know other parts of the brain gray matter. I got a lot of that. So yeah, he was saying something. I cut him off. What were you saying? You know, if it doesn't work out like, like you guys were saying, we are done. You know,
Starting point is 00:23:30 if we're, if one of us isn't happy, I don't want us to feel like we're trapped to each other. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I, I mean, that's the right mentality to have. And just remember, even when you do get the engagement ring for someone you also are not legally bound either. So you're technically yeah, no, yeah until the the big ones on the deal, you know, until the state says, all right, habsies you're okay. So you can take it down the road the way you want, but I got to tell you, you know, what's important at this point in your life? Why figure out who you are before you want to figure out who we are. Oh You like that 100 episodes looks good
Starting point is 00:24:19 Back or did we just say the same thing at the same time? Or did we just say the same thing at the same time? Well, the same thing Charlie good Lord, you know what Wyatt we're gonna make that into a t-shirt We're gonna send you two of them and one for you one for your girlfriend. Send us her size All right, I could be your promised t-shirt Or you make a t-shirt that my boyfriend boyfriend wouldn't give me a promise ring but he got me this shirt. I wanted a promise ring but all I got was this lousy t-shirt and then in small print because he called the bellied up. I you know miles sometimes I feel bad because I feel everybody who calls in here with relationship stuff or knee jerk reactions, get out of it. You know? Well, I mean, usually it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:11 if the last resort is calling into this podcast, I mean, it's just the pool that we're dealing with isn't exactly like the cream of the, I guess that no one's calling in and going, wow, my relationship's great. Well, talk to you guys later. Yeah, that's true. There was that fellow who called in asking when he should get engaged. And then we found out he didn't even want to be married. So Wyatt, you're, you're in good company. All right. We'll send you a shirt. Tell her we said bye. Okay. I will. I will. All right. Well thanks for calling in my guy. And. Thank you, congratulations. Hey, congratulations to you, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:48 You don't have to waste any time buying a promise ring. So, all right. Well, we'll see you soon then. Watch for deer. Oh yeah, you as well guys. Have a good one. All right, you too. Firing on all cylinders today, Joe.
Starting point is 00:26:03 That's what we like to see, Miles. That's why you're so bad. Yeah. I feel like we're in the in the mix on this. Yeah. Let's fire up another one. Welcome to the Bellied Up Podcast. Who do we get the pleasure of chit chatting with?
Starting point is 00:26:19 This is Cole from Michigan. Cole from Michigan. What's going on today? There's a little bit of racket in the background. Cole from Michigan? Yes sir. What's going on today? There's a little bit of racket in the background. Are you working? No, I just got to the gym. Oh, you're at the gym. Leg day or arm day? Chest day actually.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Chest day. How are the pecs looking? The pecs are peckers, I tell you. You got some peckers on your your packs. I like it. Do you ever do leg day? Yes, I do. Every week. That's a mistake. Yeah. Skip that. Just wear pants. No one can tell. I'll remember that next time. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. Well, I just moved to Michigan a couple of years ago and I need to know how to flirt with the Midwest woman. Oh, he's wondering how to call in all
Starting point is 00:27:23 white tail and take a shot. Charlie. Wow. Well, where did you come from? Where did you move from? So I'm originally from Ohio, but I moved to Tennessee when I was 13. Okay. So you're going from that Southern lifestyle up into Michigan. All right. Well, Charlie, what advice would you what advice would you give him to flirt with a Midwestern gal? Well, Cole, everyone knows that a Midwest gal is first and foremost Attracted not by what you look like but what you sound like Okay, so you got you got us that you're gonna maybe see one at the gym today and you just say, oh yeah, how are you doing? Simple like that, but get that accent down.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Drop that jaw a little bit, don't move it. Say, oh yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh yeah. And then women in the Midwest especially, we have one love language in the Midwest and that is acts of service. You are only as good as the number of times
Starting point is 00:28:29 you can go fill her water bottle at the gym, okay? So you see her getting low, just say, ah, oh yeah, I see a little more water, keep you hydrated or no. Now whatever she says, you're gonna refill that water bottle, okay? And you do that enough times. She is going to go out on that first date with you or get management to get you kicked out of the gym. But I'm thinking it'll go the former way right there.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Okay. Sounds like a plan. Okay. All right, miles. Do you think he's convinced? Cause I feel like he's, I feel like he's just writing off. What I'm saying is just, well, first thing I say to that is don't try and meet a Midwestern woman at the gym. I just, I guess don't meet women at the gym because it seems to never end well. Oh, really? I've seen too many videos on the Internet of people complaining about getting hit not at the gym. So what my advice to you would be, don't get her at the gym.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Wait till she's on her drive home. That sounds dangerous, Miles. This does is she going to be driving up to her? Hey, this I saw you at the gym. Would you want to go on a date with? It's a deer. You see the problem there, Charlie. That's where I'm going with this. OK, I know it sounds like the plot to a serial killer movie.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah, honestly, Midwestern men, if you take them at face value, they seem a little bit serial killer. Let's not go down. They got guns in their basements. Well, what was your idea? They don't talk much. They just kind of stand there and look at you. You know, it's got serial killer tendencies. So if she's on her way home, you're going to tailor not too close. You can't say that you're going to tailor a little bit. And then when it's going to be, it could be tomorrow. It could be six months or now she's going to hit a deer. Like you just said, Charlie. Then it becomes a meat. Q you've seen in the movies that they use puppies for this here
Starting point is 00:30:41 in Midwest. We use deer for meat. Cute. all right. So as soon as she hits that sucker, you got to pop out with a buck and it's not what you think. And you're going to have to carve her some back straps to take home. And that's where you start doing your flirtatious behavior. She's going to be pretty impressed the way you carve around a deer. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a bellied up disclaimer. The practice miles is describing right now could be described as stocking in some states, stocking its tailing white tailing. That's what the technique is called. White tail. Is it, is that the technique miles? That sounds like a guy who's been in a loving
Starting point is 00:31:27 relationship for several years and I don't think that would work. No, I don't miles. The game has changed since you and Ann got back together. All right. All right. Well, what do you think of white tailing? You think that's a good idea? I like it. It just depends on how big of a knife I'll be carving with the deal. What call that is not that's not where I wanted you to take. You guys didn't like my idea of refilling a water bottle at the gym. And now he's talking about the size of the knife he's going to bring out the bigger, the better, because they always say that your knife reflects your pecker like you were talking about. So I let her know. I think it's kind of the opposite. I think
Starting point is 00:32:10 the bigger the knife, the smaller the yeah, probably true. Yeah. What other advice would you give them, Charlie? If a guy wants a flirt with the Midwestern gal, where should he go? Then if it's not tailing her in the car or going to the gym. Let's start with the obvious. Cole, you're going to go to the bar. All right. You're going to go to the bar to find yourself a nice gal. And I think a really polite thing to do is you see a gal that you like sitting at the bar. You just get up the courage and say, Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely beautiful. Stunning is also another good word.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Stunning, yeah, beautiful, yeah, stunning. I'd love to get to know you more, but you know what, no pressure. You always wanna say no pressure and you wanna give us, again, it all comes back to acts of service because we have zero confidence, you know, in really our game.
Starting point is 00:33:04 So what we do is acts of service will take it to the next level. So I got you a drink, no pressure to, yeah. And you can use the line. Wow. You are intoxicating. Now I'd like to intoxicate you and hand her a drink. Again, miles that has some problematic undertones. You've been out of the game way too long. OK, so I know back in the mid 2000s, it was a different vibe over at UW or UM, Moorhead or whatever. But things have changed. OK, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:41 So I think you go up there. You say the bartender will serve you your next drink of choice. I think you look lovely. I'll be over there. And if she just says, okay, thank you. But you know, you go back over there. And then you you just wait. And that's it. Patiently twiddle your thumbs perhaps get a game of bar dice going with the bartender. Oh, and also we gotta remember, you use the bartender to your advantage.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So you find, go to your hometown, go to the hometown, you wanna be at home court advantage. You wanna go to your small bar where you know the bartender. Bartender can put in, the most trusted people in the Midwest are the bartenders. So if the bartender can put in a good, honest word for you, that's going to go a long way.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Well, and it's just like back in middle school, you used to pass a note to your friend who would then pass a note to your crush. The bartender is that friend. Yes, you pass along information. You say, here's an extra 20. Get her to like me. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And this all comes down to the thing of like Midwest guys. We're kind of like, you know, rex and Toy Story, you know, I don't like confrontation. That's us. So, you know, use a proxy. Yeah. Use a proxy. And that way it's all no pressure. If it doesn't work out, well, you took your shot. The worst feeling is feeling like there's two bad feelings. One is feeling like you could have taken a shot and you didn't take the shot.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And the other is feeling like you took the shot and you got shot down in an embarrassingly bad way. And that being said, Charlie, after all this, no matter what you do, do take a shot. That should help your chances as well. That's true. Courage always helps. Yeah. Oh, yeah do take a shot. That should help your chances as well. That's true. Courage always helps. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. You have, you have a shot. You get that going. It's you're right in the deal. Okay. You're feeling good. Get up there, get it done with. Now, if you find yourself in love with a bartender, you got to understand you're not the only one with
Starting point is 00:35:45 a bartender. Yeah. Thank you. Midwest version of that. So I could tell. Yeah. You need the auto tune on that. What? What? If if you find yourself in it with the bartender, keep in mind, everyone is in love with the bartender. You're really going to have to double up on the acts of service. OK, get back there, start bar backing, all right? If you don't know how to bar back, get yourself a job at a bar right now. Know how to be helpful in a bar because that's gonna come in.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know, you help her close enough times, well, you might just close the deal yourself. Okay, there we go, I like that. What do you think of that? I like it, I think it's probably safer than getting the buck knife. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. After further review. Yeah. Miles's idea was creepy as hell. Now, Cole, what are you working on right now? My guy, I feel like your voice has changed. Are you pushing up some some chesties? Yeah, that's a dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Oh, dumbbells. How much weight are we on on each pack? Fifty five. Fifty five per pack. That's a pretty and is this your first set? Are you going to up the ante from there? How much can you bench? I can probably bench 225. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Hey, you can participate in the NFL Combine one time. Well, Cole, got a question for you. What kind of gals are you into? Are you into the ones that work out? Are you going to try something at the gym while you're there? You can go to the bar. We've given you a lot of advice. Which, which, which are you going to take? I think I might try both. I might do the water bottle and then on the weekend, I may do the bar the bar. Okay. Yeah. Don't take a day off of trying to flirt with Midwestern women.
Starting point is 00:37:40 It hit every day of the week. I like that. You know what, call last piece of advice. You're ready. Yep. Learn how to make a good casserole, put the casserole in a cool whip container, bring the cool whip container to the bar and the gym. You find a gal you like, you wait for her to get ready to go okay and on her way out the door you hand her that tentacle weapon say hey this is my special casserole for you give her a wink I think you'll be in like Flint my guy I think that's
Starting point is 00:38:20 creepier than whitetail on her What? A little cast. You just happen to have this, this leftovers, a hot dish. Yeah. Yeah. And then his gym bag. Oh, that's it miles. Thank you. You, you just made it better. Say, Hey, this is a hot dish for a hot dish. Okay. Real good. Hot dish for a hot. Yeah. This is my bad. That's a good line. And make sure you use the finest meat in that hot dish. All right. Like raccoon or venison. All right. You know, just because Charlie says it with more conviction, conviction doesn't mean his advice is better. Oh, you know what, Miles?
Starting point is 00:38:57 That's where you're absolutely correct. Well, Cole, listen, good luck pushing up the titties at the bar. I'm glad you're not skipping chess day and, um, we should have a counter going of how many different times you said packs. Packs. I just think that's these chest packs, peckers pushing, pushing up the titties. Guys got titties too. Well, thanks for calling in, man.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Hopefully this helped a little. Oh, thanks guys. And tell your folks, I said, hi. All right. Don't pull a pack of my guy. All right. Watch for deer and don't watch for your gals. Dear.
Starting point is 00:39:42 That's stupid. All right. See you, Cole. How were you thinking? My God, this is a podcast broadcast to the world, and you're telling them to tell whitetail, whitetailing. That right there gave me absolute trauma. What? Because you sounded like my wife. Yeah. We would be somewhere we get in the car and she just would go, what the hell were
Starting point is 00:40:13 you thinking? So thanks for that. She's not here this week, but, uh, and we've been talking, talking. She said, you gotta, you gotta dial the boy in before we bring this kid into the world. And I said, I'm gonna try. I'm gonna turn up the dial on that. Charlie, you know what's overrated? What do you know? It's overrated. I hope you're not gonna say Mother's Day.
Starting point is 00:40:38 No, I was gonna say flowers. Flowers are overrated. I think that if you truly love your mother on Mother's Day, you got to get her some ice cold tippy. Oh yeah. Don't you think? Sure. And then if you still want to do the flowers, you know, you got some dandelions out there in the yard. Don't spend 50 bucks on a bouquet. Go take, buy her two bottles of tippy cow with that money, two bottles of tippy cow and then stick, stick some dandies in the, the nice little basket. Yep. And now you got tippy cows and Dan, the lions. Nothing says I love you more to your mother than getting
Starting point is 00:41:18 her a nice cold bottle of tippy cow guys. Tip it on back with your mom this Mother's Day. Hey, Tippi Cal, tell your moms who he says hi. Cheers. Hey, guys, I want you to check out Nicolay Law, the go to legal team with over 20 offices throughout Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. This crew of top notch attorneys and enthusiastic staff are all about fighting for injured folks. Get ready for some serious advocacy and support with Nicola Law.
Starting point is 00:41:57 How'd you like that one? I like that one. I took some artistic liberties with it. You know, I started off smooth jazz. I went a little into WWE and I ended weirdly. So I think it'll really nail the point folks that when you see this sign and you got something going on that you wish wasn't going on, you just give them a call and they'll figure out what you got going on
Starting point is 00:42:21 and get you some money for that thing you got going on. And does that make sense? Yeah, Noel? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. They got it going on like Stacey's mom. Oh, you're bringing the moms back into this, Miles? Well, she's got it going on.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Should we get into the deal? Let's do it. Hello, this is Ethan. Ethan. You know, this is. Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. Oh, let me take a whiff. Is that Charlie Barron's and Miles Zio Betcha guy?
Starting point is 00:42:57 You can smell us. You can smell us. I like that. I can smell that beer in your breath. Ah. Guilty. Ethan, what's going on, man? Thanks for letting us check in with you today.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Not a not a problem. I'm very, very happy that you guys reached out. I just want to say happy anniversary for the one year. Who was the person that forgot? Charlie or Miles? You know what? First of all Ethan? We both forgot, but it's a hundred Episodes so two years two years my guy years. I guess I'm the one that forgot them. Yeah, you forgot
Starting point is 00:43:35 It's you're almost treating us like you know your side piece With nonsense nonsense. Well, you're my name. Don't worry. Don't you even think about that? Well, don't tell your girlfriend that she's asleep. Don't even got to worry about that. I don't know. I don't got to hurt. OK, two o'clock on a Monday asleep. I like it. Yeah. Is she still working at that job?
Starting point is 00:44:00 You got her. Or how did that ever go down? So I got her a job at my family's Chinese place. It's going all right so far. I mean, it's how you take any stereotypical Chinese restaurant. So, so it's been going all right. But I had some major, major life changes happen to me in the span of a couple of months.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Whoa. Okay. Well, Ethan belly on up to the bar. My guy catches up. Well not to be the bearer of bad news. Don't want to be a little pouty dog, but my father died on January 27th. Hold your, hold your, uh, sorry to hear that. Uh, it was January 27th, shit happens. It's like saying, happy new year when you're in July, you know, it's no problem, it's no problem.
Starting point is 00:44:54 But after that, we got a whole bunch of stuff going down. I'm gonna be moving out, so I'm saving up the money. Gonna miss a big old house. Bunch of got a new car, selling a bunch of silicas. By the way, I got a buy, sell trade. Did you just say selling a bunch of silicas? Yeah. Got some 1992 ST one eight five Toyota silicas. These cocksuckers were WRCs world rally champions. I'll tell you that
Starting point is 00:45:26 I'm always looking to hear about a WRC. So you look it on up, you whip out your Angela and iPhone, your whatever the two classes and you look up an ST one eight five 1992 Toyota silica and you're going to see those cute ass Miata flip up headlights and it's all wheel drives and four wheeled whatever drives oh look at this yeah my gosh those are you got three of those you got a red one you got a white one and a black one that's very famous in the silica community called princess she has a whole WRC conversion, proper with everything. I already sold the white one. It was very hard.
Starting point is 00:46:09 The white silica, I grew up in that thing. I was like a little walking sperm, you know, when I grew up in that car. It was terrible to see her go, but that's the way she goes. That's the way she goes, my man. Exactly. So were these cars part of your father's collection or something? Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. He's got three of the silicons, he loved those JDM cars and here's the big doozy, we are selling a 2021 Toyota Supra for about 70,000. Now a lot of people say 70,000 you can get those cheaper on a
Starting point is 00:46:43 on bring a trailer or whatever like 30,000 20,000. Well, this cocksucker was modded out new brand new exhaust man went hunting down several cars to find these specific tires on the tires there on my car personally myself. But I'm looking at it right now. It's got the Supra, the super tribute wing. It's got the four tires that are worth like $2,500 a pop. It's got, shit what else does it have?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Leather seats, but I came with it. We got, this man, my father was a programmer, a lot of people will go, yeah we can't get over like seven pounds of boost in this car. This man stayed up day and night to try to get into this machine and try to figure out how to get more boost in there. This cocksucker gets like 14, 20 pounds of boost, which is hard to do. Wait, your dad hacked in to the Toyota?
Starting point is 00:47:38 Practically, yeah. This man made like his own internet business. I remember him telling me when I was a little walking sperm, he goes, I took three tabs of acid, smoked a joint, and I started writing all this code, and boom, that became my business. I was like, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And it's really after that he told me that he smoked weed with Steve Jobs. So whether that be true or not, I don't know. You can ask him in the grave. Your dad smoked weed with Steve Jobs. Do you drop acid with Steve Jobs too? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. That part's a little bit great, but for sure the week part. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Your dad and this sounds like this is, I hope you brought all this up at his eulogy when, when he did. Okay, good. We popped a couple of beers and pour some down his casket. We said, take this old man. Laugh at him. So on, so forth. Well, that's great. That's great. Shout out to your dad.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Hell of a guy, you know. Yeah. Cheers to that. Cheers for Ethan's dad. Cheers to Ethan's dad. Rest in peace. Yeah. He's resting somewhere. Well, that's that's good. Now, let me ask you, how how has it been with the girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:48:52 Catch us up on that whole scenario. Oh, we're doing great. I mean, like with any other relationship, got our rough patches, go through science, yada yada yada. But we make up afterwards. We can't. We grab a little butt and we're all good. We're all fun. If you don't mind, if you don't mind talk us through maybe the most recent problem you
Starting point is 00:49:11 had if you're not, if you're okay with that. No, it's not a problem. It's mainly just money. I'm terrible with money. I'll see something like, Oh, Hey, you know, I want this. Should I have it? Nah. What's been your most recent dumb purchase that you've made? Oh, I don't know. I stole a lot of things from pets. So recent dumb purchase would be, I guess a speaker set, a clip speaker set. I don't need it. I can always harvest one from one of the other rooms that I got. But this one's Bluetooth.
Starting point is 00:49:51 The others aren't. So I took that one. I hooked it up to my TV upstairs. Can we just back up the thing that you stealing from the PetSmart? Okay. So, you know, this is all satirical. If any major companies do hear this, you cannot press me li know, this is all satirical. If any major companies do hear this, you cannot press me liable because this is all satirical and this is not true. Everything
Starting point is 00:50:11 that I said from this forward on is all satirical and cannot be held liable on a court. Yeah, so I go through a Walmart and a Target. I prefer Target because it makes me feel more white, but I like to go through there and I'll take some of like, Oh, hey, you know what? That's a cool, that's a cool album. I'll just put it at the bottom of the basket. Just shot everything through. Just push right on through. Don't even bat an eye. Well, first of all, don't do that. Stop doing that. Of course. I'm not going to do that. It's that's a legal. It's of course. Thank you, Charlie. I would never do that. That's illegal, but if someone were to do it, I shouldn't be held liable. So since the last time that we met you or talked to you,
Starting point is 00:50:49 you have become a car salesman. You have become a con man. And what's the other one? Speaker Harvester, speaker Harvester, a man little, he's just got, he's a con boy. I have, I have charisma. I like to talk to people, you know, and I get little freebies. Well, this is not what we taught you. We taught you to use your charisma for good by getting up on that standup stage and using it for good. Not using your charisma to five finger discounts CDs at the store.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Wow. Can you tell that mile, Hey, Ethan, can you tell miles about to become a dad? Can you tell he's, he's working it out on you right now? Hey, you know what? I think you very much miles. You show me a new light. I'm going to turn a new leaf starting tomorrow afternoon tomorrow morning. I got plans to do
Starting point is 00:51:45 our afternoon starting a whole new page, brand new leaf. Bible smacked in my face. I don't know what type of person I am anymore. Thank you so much. I'm going to get a son just like him. I. That's your payment for having this podcast. Yeah, Ethan, it happened two miles is question, though. Have you gotten up on stage?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Done any stand up my guy? So that day that you told me to go to this place and do some stand up. Yeah, I was adamant. I was very nervous. I won't lie. I'll shake into my boots. Little sweat dripping down my leg. Mom's spaghetti.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Knees weak arms are heavy. Vomit on my sweater. There's a storm in Casey. No mom's spaghetti. But went to KC, storm, big, huge storm, sound like Donald Trump, huge storm, massive storm, knocked out power half the city, good city, good people. I couldn't, I couldn't do it. I looked online, I'm sitting outside the parking lot. I'm like, all right, lights are kind of on, halfway on. We still doing this. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I got here 30 minutes early. All right, let's state it out. Let's wait it out for the 30 minutes. No cars come up. Okay, let's look on their site. Nothing on their site. Okay, let's look on their Instagram. I had to scroll past that.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I had to go like four or five Bible verses down just to find that they cancel it. I was like, that's crazy. That's phenomenal. I came all the way up here just to have a good time, maybe spit some shit. And they closed because of a little we storm that knocked out half the city's power. I come on. Oh, Kansas is tornado alley. You know, we sit outside the porch.
Starting point is 00:53:17 You see an F5 touchdown like 20 miles away. We got a course banquet in hand. Yep. It's going to be a it's going to be a rainy one. Well, how many tornadoes do you watch a year? As many as come by yeah, you're always out there. Why do you have any games you play when you're watching these tornadoes? Yeah, it's called uh, how many shit it picks up. I look at it. I go that's a house That's some shingles bonus points if we see a comically large cow, like in the movies. So you've developed your own tornado drinking game. I mean, who doesn't, you know, when
Starting point is 00:53:53 you live out in the boonies, all you gotta do is just push a wheel with a stick. Like it's 19 twenties. Of course you gotta do something. Have you ever gone out chasing the tornadoes? Ethan? Oh hell no. I value my life more than that. OK, well, it's good news. That is good. I got I got admiration, though, for the people that do that. I can't do that. No, thank you. So you went out to this one standup show. They screwed you over, it seems.
Starting point is 00:54:17 And now you haven't gone out to one since. I have not. No. With everything going on. Yeah. Oh, babe, we got a couple of lawsuits and squatters and other stuff with creditors. Yada, yada, yada. All right. It's a whole process. Don't got the money for it. Just paid. Just got a new car, by the way. Yeah, you got like five.
Starting point is 00:54:37 You have five new cars. Sounds like I got five new cars and then the more in my name except for one. So let's not glaze over. You found some squatters talk squatters situation. So originally what happened was father made a deal with them. Hey, yada, yada, yada. The great family friends, great family friends, good people sound like Donald Trump again. They, they moved out. Another one of my family friends came in with my for my father's family friend, my father helped them out a lot. helped out both each other. He
Starting point is 00:55:11 lived in this house. He's got cancer guy hit by a spider cat a lob off his big toe. See it. I think it's horrendous. And then he had a heart attack about like seven, eight, nine months ago. So my dad goes, Hey, you know, don't worry about it. You got a heart attack. Don't worry about paying rent. You're fine. So he's all right. Yeah, we're not going to pay rent. Seven, eight, nine months go by. Hey, we're going to start. I'm starting to work again. Father Croaks. I'm like, ah, geez. All right. Whomp, whomp. So we go over to their house.
Starting point is 00:55:42 You see it's abysmal. It's in a terrible state. Not going to get into that specifics. Unfortunately, I would love to, but I can't, unfortunately. Go to their house. It's terrible. It's just terrible condition. Terrible, terrible condition. And they got a brand new Winnebago out front.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Where do you find a Winnebago these days? They found one, but it's got a brand new Winnebago out front. And they haven't been paying rent for like seven, eight, nine months. And we go, well, you guys need to pay something. You guys need to pay rent. We're paying for your electricity. We're paying for your water. We're paying for your gas. We're losing money here. And they go, well, we don't have the money for it. As we all look out the window, kind of like a cartoon, peeking over the side of the doorframe, one head above the other. It's looking at the brand new Wittebago.
Starting point is 00:56:26 So, serving an addiction notice, 30 days till they gotta go out of there. Wow. You're, you are just becoming- He's grown up before our eyes. Yeah, you- Right. After I finally had three hairs on my nut sack, and I got four and a half.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I would agree, dude. You went from the spree young spry young lad we first met to now you sound like you're 80 years old. Yeah. I'm definitely feeling like I'm 48. The way my back hurts right now. OK, you're carrying the team. I see that. Oh, my sister's doing way more than that. But, you know, I'll take that. I'll take that. OK. Ethan, listen, I still think my guy, we got to get you.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Find a way for you to get on stage at some point. The good news is you're living life. You're going through it. You're building up your set. Well, I say it's you. You just told us about all your problems and Charlie just sees all the new material that I just see. I see the dollar signs. My guy, I I understand that I'm building up material But I got a question for you guys real quick. I had asked my girlfriend's cousin this
Starting point is 00:57:28 I just want to see your guys's stance on this. Yes. Where do you draw the line in the bathroom? You know for an example Charlie you you if you have like a significant other Yeah, if you do an hour now if you have a significant other I do do want miles. OK, you do. Congratulations. Get saying, man. Anyway, you know, thanks, bro. You take that significant other. They have a cousin, maybe a second cousin. You only met them about once, maybe one and a half times. Oh, hey, how are you? Hey, how are you? You go about your day.
Starting point is 00:57:58 They come over to your house. That cousin goes up to you, says, hey, can I take a shit in your room? And you're in your bathroom. Do you allow them to take a shit in your house or do you not? Yeah. Yeah. I think it's like, well, what's the alternative? You know, like they said, go to McDonald's, go to McDonald's, go to Walmart, go to target. He's got that about too much target talk out of you, Ethan, it makes me feel more white. Ethan, did you have your girlfriend's cousin go shit at the target?
Starting point is 00:58:33 My guy? No, but I definitely went into their house last night and I took a shit in their bathroom. He's in a little battle shits war right now. Exactly. No, I mean, it's like, okay, if someone comes over to my house, I met them like one or two times. Am I really going to let them shit in my bathroom? No, I'm going to tell them, maybe not. I don't really feel comfortable. Maybe the mining bathroom. I don't think so. Why are your guests? Why are your guests announcing that they're going to take a shit? Yeah, I'm
Starting point is 00:59:01 never, you know, Hey, can I use your restroom? I really got to make number two. No, no, I just go to people's houses. We have some fun and I'm just, I just go to the bathroom and if I had to shit, I would shit. And then maybe afterwards I would go, do not go in there or something like that. That's like a, that's like a, a breach of trust. You know, when you go into someone's bathroom, Hey, can I use your restroom? Sure. I imagine, Oh yeah, they're going to take a little tinkle, winkle, you know, drop the snake a little bit, but not drop a huge snake like that. Like when I go into the bathroom afterwards, I don't want to be hit with a giant green bubble of gas coming out. So what do you do when you go to someone else's house
Starting point is 00:59:40 and you got a shit? I'm tension holder. And then I wait till I get to like a nice, a nice bathroom. And then I go, I go to my sister's parents house I think the real issue is you don't have a good enough ventilation system in your bathroom. That's not true I got a $5 box fan. I got from Walmart did not steal it and I think that's good enough It is hard to argue with that whole scenario. Here's the deal, in the mid, I think. Can we just, I think it should just be a don't ask, don't tell situation.
Starting point is 01:00:11 It is, and usually all you ask is, hey, do you guys have a bathroom? That's what you have to ask. That's what typically what people say is, do you have one? They know you got one, they wanna ask. You give it, you don't tell, and then you bring some matches with you to cover up the smell. Why don't you just go. Matches, you know, not and then you bring some matches with you to cover up
Starting point is 01:00:25 the smell. Why don't you just go. You know not a lot of people do matches these days. Here's a good solution to that. When they say hey I got to drop a dookie in your toilet as most guests do when they come over why don't you just go well can we go in there before you then you go and do your number ones and everyone else cycles through and then they can. So then, you know, you can allow the time for the smell to leave.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Right. I can understand that. But at the same time, thinking about it that way, that's the equivalent of like, all right, everybody go to the bathroom before going on a road trip and about five miles in that I got to go pee. It's like the equivalent of that. You know, this guy's already taken a honking hokey over there, smelling up the room. I can see orange fumes coming out from under the door. And it's like, man, I really got to take a piss. I mean, for the males, easy as go outside, piss on bricks, piss on a bush, whatever. Just don't be in a playground. For the women, it's not that easy. They really got to wait and
Starting point is 01:01:25 then they got to sit and endure. And then they have the thought, man, that guy was just in here bare ass cheese against his toilet bowl, taking a big honking orange brown piece of shit. You know, it's not a big, it's not a big, it's not a big thought. Is this one of your fights with your girlfriend that you recently had? Oh no, this is just a question that came up in my mind last night, because I really had to take a shit at my, uh, my girlfriend's cousin's house. And you pinch your cheeks, man. And you're a hero for that.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You're a hero. Thank you for your service. Take a shit. Yeah. I saw your service. Ethan, what's some good going on in your life? What's some you got? You're looking forward to, or it's feeling
Starting point is 01:02:05 right. I'm looking forward to moving out. Going to go to KC, hopefully over in park area, start working a little bit more, get comfortable and maybe go out and sit on a stage and bullshit with people and see how I do. I like that. I like it. You're looking to, you're moving to KC, you're looking for a new job. You got your eye on any potential. My job right now is a, I got a new job since last time I spoke with you guys. I sit on my ass all
Starting point is 01:02:36 day and I answer people's phone calls. I work in a call center. People calling from theaters and they go, Hey, my project just broke. I immediately tell them, turn it off, turn it back on again. Oh wow. Thanks. That works. No problem. What do you think about artificial intelligence? Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:53 All right. Artificial intelligence is one sticky scenario. One hand you can deep fake corn deep on one pan. You can deep fake a multiple secret national securities. You can take a picture of any presidential face and say, I like Monica Lewinsky and her big hunk of dukes, you know what I mean? And then boom, that man's in jail forever. But you can't prove it. You said it, you can't prove it, you didn't. Only certain special tools that you can do. It can be used for malicious and be used for good.
Starting point is 01:03:22 A lot of people during like 2022, three, when they're going through school, still doing like the COVID stuff. Use chat GPT for that. Man, I wish I had that for when I was going through school, but none. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. It can be used for good, can be used for bad. My thing is, since I want to be a voice actor, a lot of people do like the Taylor Swift impersonation of Marty Robbins big iron or like they do voiceovers of SpongeBob rapping or whatever like that.
Starting point is 01:03:51 It's weird. It's definitely a gray area though. I think it can be used for war in some certain way. What's crazier even about that is how people are using drones for war, but that's a whole different topic. It's the same topic. That's artificial intelligence right there. Drones are not artificial intelligence.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Artificial intelligence is saying, hey, that's a red bird. Hey, that's a penis. Or drones, it's like, yes, I'm being controlled by another person. I gotta fly this half-stick of dynamite that's inside this mortar at this soldier. When the robots are smarter than us and stronger than us,
Starting point is 01:04:24 will they choose to keep us? I don't know. All I know is I'm gonna pour water on them order at this soldier. When the robots are smarter than us and stronger than us, will they choose to keep us? I don't know. All I know is I'm going to pour water on them and watch from short circuit. Like it's a cartoon. That's a really good point. Actually. Yeah. We just need Charlie was talking about. Charlie was talking about water towers earlier. I think we found a new use for a water tire. If the robots hour and salt. Yeah. If water towers take over or if robots take over head for if water towers take over if robots take over head for the water towers that's a new doomsday plan it you know you say robots take over the first thing that comes to my mind is the there's that one
Starting point is 01:04:55 Jimmy Neutron episode where all the power lightning things come to live I forgot what episode it is I hope I think I hope you know what I'm talking about otherwise I'm gonna look like a pl, no, there's plenty of people know exactly what you're talking about. All right. To each their own. Yeah. Anywho. So Charlie, overall, you're yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. After you, please. I said overall, you're not concerned. You think it's it's like anything else. Just humanity can be used for good, can be used for evil. We'll see what happens. I'll say 50-50. I see both sides of the party. I'm a 50-50 person. There's definitely more bad that it can be used for good. Do I think it's going to be like Star Wars or Fallout where I'm
Starting point is 01:05:35 going to sit in like a little cylinder and then boom magically be healed by robots and AI? No, I don't think so. Is it going to be probably used to help make antibiotics or like vaccines for certain diseases? Maybe, possibly. Is it also going to deep fake a politician to make them say the N-word? Probably. It's a whole 50 50. We got a good assessment. Yeah, I would. You got a you got a real good head on your shoulders, Ethan. We could use it on the stages out there. So when you're ready to get up on the stage, you let us know anytime. We'll help you out. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I will do. And Charlie, I knew you were going to do a way back while I saw that you were advertising your, uh, your show, you're going to be in Casey. I really wanted to go with my girlfriend and I, but I completely forgot to buy tickets and I completely forgot the date time cause I was too busy with my own shenanigans. But it was such, it was so sad. Well, Ethan, listen anywhere in the country, you want to come see a show, you let me know and we'll get you there.
Starting point is 01:06:47 We'll get you tickets. All right. So we'll get the schedule and you just connect with us and let us know. You know what? I will do that. I'll be more than happy to. All right, my guy. Well, you miles, any final questions here?
Starting point is 01:07:00 No, I think that you are approaching life as you should. I think you've had some bad string of events happen to you, but it seems like, yeah, you're not letting it get you down. I'm excited for you to move to Kansas city. I'm excited for you to get those cars sold. And, you know, I think that like Charlie was saying, you got to get up on the standup. I think you're, uh, use the bad stuff that's happened to you for good. And that's what it's about.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Go ahead. My apologies. I know I, I just saying we appreciate you, ma'am. We, we, we enjoy having you on the deal and you've, you've had a hard goal, but you're making the most of it. We love to see it. Thank you. I love to see you too, as well as well. Both of you, not just you, Charlie. Oh, thank you. Thank you. A lot of my friends, you're welcome. A lot of my friends say, Ethan, go do it.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Don't be a pussy. Don't be a bitch. Go do it. I go, I don't know, man. I don't think it's a self-confidence. That's it. That's literally it. Other than that, I got it. Well, listen, man, it is to the self-confidence thing. Charlie was really bad at standup when he started. I'm talking you. You wouldn't even recognize the fella.
Starting point is 01:08:11 So don't worry about sucking at first. Just go out there and suck as Charlie does. Yeah. And maybe someday you'll end up hitting it big. You build it. You got to enjoy the bomb. You got to. You got to just be careless. uh, hitting it big. You build it. You gotta enjoy the bomb. You gotta,
Starting point is 01:08:25 you gotta just be careless. And it seems like Ethan, you don't give too many fucks. That's what you project here. So much. Uh, maintain that on stage, my guy. And, uh, you will, you will go far. Just, it's all about just getting up there. That's it. That's fair. That's fair. That's fair. That's fair. That's literally all that's holding me back right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:47 But it happens to all of us. You'll get through it eventually. So I will suck and blow just for the bomb. There you go. Oh my God. There you go. All right, man. Well, thanks for talking with us today.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Happy a hundred episodes. You've been a big part of us along the way. We appreciate your time and keep on going, man. Not a problem. Keep it trucking Hong Kong for whatever they say these days. All right. Watch for deer too. There you go. I'll do my best. You do the same. All right. She and my guys. Bye bye. Well, Charlie, it's always good to connect with him. It makes me sad that his father passed and you hear them and sure you hear. Oh, I would say he does seem like he's grown up. Yeah. He's got a guy with a bit of the weight of the world on them, you know? So guys, you know, he's, he's funny and it comes out in interesting ways in this, even in this
Starting point is 01:09:42 conversation, you know, he's a little less freewheeling, but the funny is still there. Yeah. All the listeners got to do some teas and peas for them. Well, thoughts and prayers. I actually like that the tea and the P. So guys, thanks for tuning. That's another episode. You bellied up podcast. Yup. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for being with us for a hundred episodes. I episodes. I know that Charlie and I really have fun with this. We are glad that we get to go see the Midwest bars. We get to talk to the Midwest folks, and we can only do that because of the listeners
Starting point is 01:10:17 that you guys allow us to do it. We have a lot of fun. We hope you do too. And I don't know, Charlie, any last thoughts on our first hundred episodes? You guys have given us the opportunity to have the best job in the world. We appreciate you and we'll we'll keep it coming for you. Yeah, appreciate you being there for us. And we mean it that, you know, we may be the ones air quotes giving advice,
Starting point is 01:10:44 but it's just as therapeutic for us as it is for someone who were to call in yeah we really get a lot out of this plus we get to sit in a bar all day so thank you guys for letting us do it and keep her moving watch for deer and miles love you guys miles bringing the love we'll see you guys soon

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