Bellied Up - Grandpa is Sending Weird Emails #65

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

Our first caller is a truck driver who delivers dumpsters, and we ask, "What's the wildest thing you've ever seen?" The next caller is in a weird email exchange with his grandpa. The... last caller is starting a salsa business and wants to know how to get it going in the right direction. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, everybody. Welcome back to another belly up podcast. I'm here with Charlie. Charlie. How you feeling now? No, Miles. I'm feeling good. I'm in Milwaukee hanging out with you over at Zad. It's a, it's a good day, fella. So Labor Day weekend's coming up. And I will say that this is one of my favorite times a year. Is it really? You know, it's sad the summer's over, but the, we're going to start getting the cool, crisp air coming in. Oh, yeah. Fall weather. I'll be weather kind of. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Is that feeling in the air? You know, there is kind of that moment of where you're sad that summer's ending. And that is kind of before Labor Day. Once a Labor Day hits the official kind of end of summer, you kind of like go. And then any summer days you get after that are kind of like a bonus. Yeah, exactly. Maybe a sweater in the morning and maybe a t-shirt in the afternoon type of situation. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It's getting much better than that. No, I do enjoy this time of year quite a bit. Now, don't get me wrong. I think I like spring the most followed by summer fall. Actually, fall is, you know, it's a nice time. It's a nice time. I'm not going to say which season I like the least, especially when it's fall.
Starting point is 00:01:11 But Packers got the Packers coming up. Yeah, there you go. That's pretty excited for me. Have they already started? Jared shaking his head. Jared just shaking his head. Oh, they would be starting like a week after Labor Day. Well, they're starting soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:26 You know, your Vikings fan. Sorry. Not this series. Not sorry. He will be Vikings are going to go all the way this year. This is their year, right? Yeah. So the last year, and I'll say this here. And every year after that, now you sound like a Packers fan.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Well, you got any fall plans? you're doing anything fun this fall, Charlie going on tour ladies and gentlemen, you can get tickets at If you want any of those, was that why you were at Camiles? Was that a bump set? Let me spike down my tour dates. I got to remind you to plug your tour dates. Playing in Vegas this year, Miles. Yeah, baby. All on black. Yeah. Well, baby. Put it all on black. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Well, I'm a, yeah, you ever been to Vegas? I've never been to Vegas actually, which is strange. You said that in another podcast or maybe you just said that in our conversation. I can't believe you never been to Vegas. I know me neither. It's, and it's not like I'm avoiding it. I just have never really had the opportunity. I've never been no bachelor parties or anything there my brothers
Starting point is 00:02:27 Actually my younger brother probably loved to go to Vegas. He loves the gamble But yeah, I just haven't been there. Yeah, well, it's oh What do we get there? Oh, that's a little early. I don't know that that is a hurry. That's a no Oh, I couldn't even see it. Look at that sucker. Is that a? Is that a ruckus that might be a ruckus? I don't know that that is a Harley that's a no Oh, I couldn't even see it. Look at that sucker. Is that a, is that a ruckus? That might be a ruckus. I don't know, but that is a loud ass boy. It looks like that. Not that Harley signature sound, but something close to it.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So yeah, I don't have a trained year for motorcycles like you do. Yeah, you'll get there. Cause at this point, you probably put on what, 5,000 miles on that sucker. Probably closer to 50, but you know, I've been everywhere, man. I've been everywhere. So tour. What, what are some of the cities? We are doing Vegas, New Orleans. Those are Denver. We're doing kind of all over the place. Pennsylvania. We've got some dates. Of course, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Iowa. We're getting everywhere.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I love it. Yeah. I'm excited for you. Yeah. Come on the road with me. It'd be fun. Yeah. I might. I might head to the Vegas show. Yeah. We should do some belly up some Vegas. Yeah. There we go. That's a good idea. That'd be great. And that'd be funny if we had to wait in line to get into the bar to do the belly up, do the belly up. Yeah. Cause we're not hot girls, you know, we can't just get in right away. No, yeah, even if we show a little nip, it still takes. Yeah, they're like, get to the back of the line. We're just standing there with all of our podcast equipment and put your shirt on while you're at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's why we couldn't get in because I didn't have a shirt on. No shoes, no shirt, even in Vegas. Yeah. Like no strictly no crocs. Get the fuck out of here. Like, come on. That's no. There's no way there's a no crock rule in Vegas. And that's if anything, there's a crock rule in Vegas. Yeah. Some like that. Yeah. I would know, never been, but maybe with you, Charlie, hey, let's make it happen. October 8th. Tober 8th Vegas. It's like, uh, maybe we'll turn into a, uh, the movie hangover for us.
Starting point is 00:04:35 We have a cheers on the top of the rooftop. And, you know, don't let me pour the drinks. And I mean, spoiler alert. don't let me pour the drinks. And I mean, spoiler alert. Spoiler alert, they get roofied. Oh, yeah, I've seen it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh, well, should we take some dollars? Yeah, let's talk to some folks. Smile. Welcome to the BellyDub podcast, who we talking to. Yeah, Tom on the line. Tom, what is going on, buddy? I'll just work in an other day away here. What are we talking to? Tom on the line. Tom, what is going on, buddy? I'll just work in another day away here, a beautiful sunny day.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Where do you work at? I do dumpster. I'm in the dumpster business. Okay. Which begs the question? Where are you at? What's your hauling? All right, now I'm in the heart of North East Minneapolis here,
Starting point is 00:05:23 and I just dropped off another dumpster to a customer A little renovating up there Establishing here just a little church or I don't know what's I don't have some building. I know a little roll off you dropped off, huh? Yes, they're hell. Yeah. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us tell us what's on your mind? Why don't you belly up to the bar with us tell us what's on your mind That's there. Let me grab my little uh My little belly uh talk to a leader Hayden will there you go. Yeah, relax. What's rocking and dumpsters? Yeah I'm on I'm taking my 30 right now. This was pretty good time you guys got him right on his 30
Starting point is 00:06:06 All right, are you sure that you want to spend your break talking to us? Let's just make sure that Any hangs up I'm here for it. No, I'm here for it. Okay. All right. Well, what do you got on your mind? Well, originally I was starting to do with get a couple of my trucking buddies down here to talk about trucking and all that stuff, but they're a little busier now and They couldn't hang on holding on there, so they're missing out. Well, darn. Darn, that would have been great.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Well, one of them, we call them conference halls. Okay. You get four or five guys on the line and everyone's just driving, everyone's just talking. I love that. You usually organize chaos, so. Oh, that's cool. Maybe we'll get one of them on the line here
Starting point is 00:06:44 and they call me back. Yeah, I think the technology allows us. Yeah, I see if one of. Oh, that's all. Maybe we'll get one of them on the line game. I call me back. Yeah, the technology allows us. Yeah, I see if one of them calls. That'd be fun. That one. Well, do you got the dumpster guy? I see if you guys got questions about dumpsters or, you know, Oh, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:06:57 This is your podcast now. We're calling into your dumpster podcast. It's called the dumpster dive. Yeah. All right. Dive bar dumpster that works out. I love it. Yep. So, yeah, so we do, we do, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:12 anything related with like demolition, remodeling, or people throwing away their jumps. So what's the weirdest thing you've found in a dumpster? What's the weirdest thing you've found in a dumpster? $6,000. $6,000 with a heroin. You000 $6,000 worth of heroin. You found $6,000 worth of heroin in your dumpster? How'd you know it was $6,000?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Oh, I know a guy who knows a guy. Oh, okay. I'm eventually going to amph the bag. Wait, hold on. You're in the waste management business and you found $6,000 a heroin Connecting some dogs over here Someone was just cleaning house and
Starting point is 00:07:56 It a clean out a guy passed away, and I think I figured out what he passed away from and There's a lane of the dumpster there. So what did you do with it? Uh, uh, left it. Okay. Wait, you just left it, so that's sitting in a landfill. That's going to seep into the water and you're going to have a bunch of slow wall lies on your line. Or floater. It'll mess with the other chemicals that are in there. Yeah, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Um, wait, wait, no, no, I'm not, I'm not past this yet. He knows it's $6,000. Did you call those a guy who knows a guy? He said, I know, but I want to dig into that just a, just a little bit more. You want to incriminate him even further? All right. Fine. We'll let it lie.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Okay. We'll let it lie. Unless I was just a meal to the land. I thought that's all I did with it. Uh, I think we call that an accessory. An accessory, yes. You got rid of the product for this fella. Well, actually, that's a great spot to do a drug deal is at the dump.
Starting point is 00:08:58 No one would expect it. Yeah. Everyone just thinks you're just taking trash. It's in a bag. I mean, they're going to think it's trash. Yeah. talk about a Smelly situation. Yeah, you'll have you'll have those days. Yeah, okay. So Mostly we find mostly find a lot of tools a lot of you know shovels, chainsaws, leaf bowlers, lots of people throw out that
Starting point is 00:09:22 Really isn't bad stuff like that and might keep it might it away, might sell it, you know, I can't stuff. Okay. Yeah, that was my question. Are you a bit of a hoarder being a dumpster guy or not? No, I keep a few things around, but try to try to not bring everything home. So there's a lot of stuff you got to pass on. So yeah, I suppose, Charlie, I think that you would struggle as a dumpster guy because so much good stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Oh, you would have to have full carriages. Good, Charlie. Good stuff is an underestimated choice of words right there. That is where some pure gold that you can pull out with dumpster. Do you have like a favorite thing, you know, like a thing that's sitting in your mantle? Ooh, I mean, a lot of signs, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:14 from restaurants and businesses, you know, a lot of cool stuff like that. Yeah. A lot of, I'd say the signs for isn't the coolest things we have, or some old timing, you know, the things you see hanging on grandpa shelves, you know old blowtarches and fire extinguishers that are copper, you know, those kind of cool. Oh, our hanger kind of man cave kind of thing. So do you ever scrap it for some money? Oh, yeah, all the time. I dig through I'll dig through through a pile of dumb, all like a crackhead trying to pull some copper out. There you go.
Starting point is 00:10:46 A heroin addict looking for their stash that got thrown out. Or a bush light addict looking for a stash. So there you go. So all right. So you've got your your load there. You know, you've got your dumpster. You go in, you find a bunch of copper. Where are you putting that?
Starting point is 00:11:03 What's the process like? Do you have some ratchet strap strap to the side of the trailer bed and then throw it in your truck? Oh, we got it. It is pulling on. I got a little basket on the side of the truck here in a little, a little tool cabinet on. Bunch it up and throw it in and take it back to the shop and take it home and then accumulate
Starting point is 00:11:23 a pile and then when you get a, when I fill a couple of trash cans full, you just bring it in and cash in. Oh my God. That's all side hustle. So tell me what's the best what's the best and worst part about being a waste management guy. Probably the best part is you know you get to get to be out in the, you know, we kind of cover all over the metro and most of states. So you get to be on the road and you're kind of your own boss and kind of dictate where you got to go. And, you know, you get to be, you get to be freeing on the road.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You see a lot of things. Yeah. But probably, probably the worst part is when you get into the houses that are legit hoarders and we do clean outs for those too and you get into some nasty situations with that and you got to see people are actually living their life like that. So you actually go into the house and clean it out for someone and throw it in the dumpster and take it out for someone and throw it in the dumpster and take it off. Correct.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Okay, that is a whole different ball game than just driving around, dropping roll offs off at places. Yeah, I mean, correct. This is, this is a, yeah, I didn't even know that was part of the job. Not even. Yeah, so walk us through that. What's some weird shit you've come across in these hoarder homes? See, the hoarder is, I don't know, it's just like it is on that TV show.
Starting point is 00:12:51 It's they they hoard a few things and there's a pawn shop of it. So whether it's they don't throw anything away or they keep newspapers, they keep mattresses, they keep one gal all she had was boxes of kids toys that never opened. And she had rooms full of it, but it wasn't like a collection. It was just stuff she came across and never got rid of the toys or stuff like that. But I mostly just feel that just don't throw anything away. And there's something in the brain that makes them want to just keep all this garbage in their house. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:13:28 Think you just described Charlie. Yeah, you know what? I'm not very comfortable with what you're calling a hoarder I feel like a collector might be the better Terminology on this one. I haven't Charlie's a collector. He's he's nowhere. He's got he's got years ahead of years of not throwing anything away to be a harder stuff. If you're a collector, you throw things away. You know when it's time to get rid of the piece and time to upgrade. I can get rid of this, but then I can bring this home. So his new hoarding thing that he's got going on is he's now hoarding Harley-Davidson's. Well, I mean, if I had money a little bit more, I might hoard them.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Those are kind of a spendy situation. I only got the one miles. I only got the one miles. I do have some extra parts though, you know. And here's the thing. And I kind of got a feel for the people you so call hoarders because as soon as you throw it away, that's when you need it, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:27 So, Exactly. You'll have that on the big tab, you'll find that out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You will. So from, There's also times two with a motorcycle, you should say,
Starting point is 00:14:40 I have a motorcycle and I had to get a new rear tire for my bike. So I got the new rear tire for my bike. Guess what I found of the dumpster the next day? Boom, brand new rear tire. Yes, you did. And that's like just that's the way of the road right there, giving back to you.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Yeah, I like that. Sometimes the road take it, sometimes the road give it. That is just the way it goes. Oh, I had mine. I was going to maybe take a little bit of a right turn here, but you're on the road a lot. So I imagine that you frequent the gas station quite a bit, kind of wondering what your go to gas station lunch is.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, I'm a I've learned you can't just live off the gas stations. I am or use the gas stations for the snacks and the refreshments. I, uh, so with a little deal, you know, that warms up my lunch as I'm meal prep. So try to try to have some, you know, decent gourmet while you're on the road here. It makes the day a little more enjoyable. But the other day, I did try a purple thunder icy. That was very delicious. Okay. I pretend recommend trying that. Purple thunder. I didn't know that I came in icy. Yeah. You can get creative. I did either. I was like, walk in. I was like, whoa, there it is. They have those at holiday gas stations. Ah,
Starting point is 00:16:03 well, I'm only doing the quick trips myself, because I prefer a quick trip. I was, Miles, I'm going to have to go against you. I will drive out of my way for a quick trip. There you go. That's what I like to hear. Miles was ordering a new drink. I think I could be, he said, I can use fuel, I can be running on E and drive by a holiday. There's a quick
Starting point is 00:16:27 trip three miles down the road. I'll risk running on E. That's what I like. Sorry. You cut out. What did you just I heard of miles? Is he going through a tunnel? No, I heard him it loud and clear. It must be your connection. That's off. I don't know. I don't know. That's miles is selected for your area. No, they don't, but you know, you can't win them all. I don't know that smile is selective You're in the purple thunder slushies. No, they don't but you know you can't win them all I suppose You know or they don't have purple thunder on cats Well, okay my one of my final questions for you here is I am wondering if I wanted to get into your business What is some advice you'd give to an up and coming dumpster guy?
Starting point is 00:17:08 What would you tell him? Well, you got to have a, you can be able to handle a drive a big truck, you got to be able to talk to people and you're going to have customers that are going to be upset with you and you're going to have highs and lows and just like in the other job, it's got issues though.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And sometimes my advice will just be to get into it and stick with it. It's not a bad gig. Okay. Just get into it. Not like it. Just, hey, just dumpster dive right in. Yep. That's not all how much time you guys got by the other body that's turned a column. If you want to patch them in, talk about trucking. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know how much time you guys got by the other body that's turned a columnist
Starting point is 00:17:45 when a patch man talk about trucking. Yeah, patch of man. I don't know why he's going to answer. I'll get an economy. I think he's going to. Yeah, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well all right, what's his name? So he, Nate, Nate, all right, we'll try and merge him. We're going to see if technology allows us here. I'm waiting for the call me back.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Like I said, the CB radios, they're kind of only talking to CB when there's traffic around, we're trying to yell at the one for driving like an idiot, but both the times that you see a trucker, they're probably talking to three or four people the same time. Really like it. I like it. I love it. And that's how we that's how we pass today. That's how you pass today. Just chit chit. It's like different chat rooms as you're driving now. Do they have to be? What's that? Go ahead. Oh, is he? Go ahead. If I'm talking and Nate's jumping on, you just dump out, you bring Nate in, no worries. Oh, I will.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I will let you know I'm, I'm, I'm wager in the colony. So, yeah, the, I'd say the, some of the CV talk is more like you're, you're, you're mid 2000s Xbox chatroom. But you're just, if, if you're just on a conference call of somebody and they're all over the country, you're just, it's no more different than when you're belly if you're just on a on a conference follow some buddies and they're all over the country you're just it's no more different than when you're belly up to the bar you're just you're just chit-chatting away at the day shootin' the shit i like it yeah it's a good way to do it
Starting point is 00:19:15 uh... who's your favorite trucker to talk to oh i know about talking but the ones i follow you know you gotta follow the guys that you think you look like going down their own. There's a guy right now, Chris, wherever I believe he calls for the Taylor Swift show and he's got a nice looking truck and he goes from show to show a turn. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I like the riggy. I guess I didn't know there was a whole world of trucking influencers out there. I didn't know that either. I might ask to start following trucking influencers. Yeah. Where do you follow?
Starting point is 00:19:49 You'll get on a rabbit hole at TikTok. TikTok. I mean, you got to be in the right TikTok. You got to get away from the normal TikTok and to start searching trucking stuff. Charlie, what is your normal TikTok feed look like? Honestly, it's all fish stuff. OK. And also some like
Starting point is 00:20:06 Some people where they go skiing and they fall hard. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're fun Yeah, but I'm getting on this trucker one. Oh, also magnet fishers. I like watching what they pull I like when they pull out a full bike. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, we're a gun I'm like oh, yeah, the cops are always there a little bit concerned. Yeah, like, okay, let me see that. Yeah, you're magnet fishing. What's going on with this? Especially when you find the honey plot of guns. Someone pulled out like 23 guns. It was a drop-off spot for the mafia or something. Yeah. What do you do if you find a gun in a dumpster? You know, I found a beady gun. That's the closest I've come to it, but I find a gun depending on it,
Starting point is 00:20:48 especially if it's a wing-cleaned Mossberg. That baby's coming home and getting cleaned up and thrown in the safe and safer. Michael Turkey hunt this week, you never know. Well, my question is, though, with that is... Maybe for that. Are you maybe a little bit worried that it might be in connection with some sort of cold case? Yeah, do you check and see if the serial number is still on that gun? You know if it's filed off, I'm probably gonna, you know, make a call to the local on-person just like, hey, I found this but
Starting point is 00:21:18 I got someone else like I called I could run the gun and see if it connected somewhere. So what said you said so many guys I know I feel like in the trucking business you gotta have somewhere. So what said you said so many guys. I know. I feel like in the trucking business, you gotta have guys. You know people. You know a guy. So you got you got to have a guy. Six grand a heroin not calling the cops. Gun with the serial number rubbed off.
Starting point is 00:21:37 You're calling the cops, is that right? Yeah, that's that's that's seems like the right. That's where he draws the line. Yeah. Yeah. Get the authorities involved. I like that's where he draws the line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get the authorities involved. I like that. Where's your boy, Nate?
Starting point is 00:21:49 I don't see you. Where's he at? I'm. I don't. He. We're, we're playing the, we're playing the phone game. You must be too busy talking to pay attention to phone. Well, that's all that means I hang up with you for, if I call him,
Starting point is 00:22:02 that means I stopped talking to you for a second. So you put up with that crap. I could try to call and teach you the answer. If I call him, that means I stop talking to you for a second. So you can put up with that crap. I could try to call and teach you answer. Well, I think we got some other people that are calling in. And, uh, but I tried. Well, we have to hold this knee while we wait for you. You gave us a lot of insight. We could try it again sometime.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, let's do it. Let's do that. We could start again sometime. I like that. All right. Let's do it. I really appreciate you guys you guys podcast and we listen to every time we're headed up to the cabin on the weekend. So it's a great list. Yeah, well, we appreciate you listening man. This has been great. And uh, I didn't ask what what establishment are you at today? I know you're probably right told
Starting point is 00:22:40 you what establishment we're over at Zad's in Milwaukee today. Yeah, you're a little far down the road from me. I was hoping to be at establishment of nearby and I just popped in real quick, but I've been great. I figured we won't get that kind of a lot. Well, plenty of days that'll happen. Yeah, yeah, one of these 438 South Second Street in Milwaukee, you know, if it's not, you know, about five hours away. So we might still be here. Yeah. Anyways, you drive safe up there. Tell Nate we says hi to him. And remember, don't pass gas.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah. Turn on into holiday gas stations. Oh, wow. That's a good slogan. How good about that? Hey, watch out for deer, too. Watch out for deer. Tell your folks.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah, I'm watching right now. All right. There could be a comment about so that I need anything here, though. Good on you. We'll see you soon now. Take care, guys. See you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:23:33 What a life. And you can tell that he truly loves his job. I, you could feel that to the phone that he really enjoys what he's doing sincerely. Yeah, I mean, you know, and he comes across so many cool, interesting mean, you know, and he comes across so many cool, interesting situations, you know. Got a lot of stories.
Starting point is 00:23:49 There is, I think that the story of what people throw away and why tells such an interesting tale, you know. That actually should be the next swamp loggers or whatever those shows are. Yeah. The deadliest catch should just be a show about people, uh, uh, uh, dumpster guys. dumpster guys, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah, that's the title of the show. Yeah. dumpster guys. Maybe we produce that. Yeah. What to give him a call? Nate sounds like he'd be in. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And then yeah, do we guys, if we get ever going to hold the one, yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's save his number. That's a good idea. It is. He sounds like a great, glorious fellow, too. I don't know. Great, uh, main character of the show. I'm just going to say it. I think he should turn that heroin into the police. I, I, I, yeah. I mean, I just want to throw that out there, you know, yeah, but I don't know. I don't know what happens when he turns into police.
Starting point is 00:24:40 They probably are skimming their off the top, you know, and they're turning around and selling it back to the streets. So you never know. never know now you never do know so maybe it's better in the dump in the landfill Charlie I just worry about it's sheeping down in and making them wallets yeah but that'll be hundreds of years down the road so I think we're fine yeah I'm still I don't know I'm not a biologist plastic photo degrades and I just told well the lamppills aren't by water sources and they got them like, concreted down. Yeah, hopefully I think he's funny. Anyway, yeah, what do I know? I don't know. I mean, what do I know? I've been wondering that for how many episodes of me?
Starting point is 00:25:15 I mean, a lot. Yeah, I'm 60. Yeah, I mean, I've wondered that for 60 plus episodes, but all right. Well, should we take another call and find out what I don't know? but all right well should we take another call and find out what I don't know hey this is Brandon how's it going good Brandon how are you doing I'm doing pretty good I'm just driving right now in the middle of Iowa making my way to Wisconsin there you go that's a good road trip for you fella where you come into Wisconsin for, I have a remote job. I can work wherever. And I'm traveling with my girlfriend. She's in between jobs.
Starting point is 00:25:52 She has a month off. We want to take a month and she could do that home that we could send some time out Wisconsin for a 10-year. Ah, yeah, it is. It is a wonderful time to come to Wisconsin. So what is on your mind? Belly on up to the bar and let us hear it. I have a grandpa who is 87 and bless his heart.
Starting point is 00:26:16 He, Jeff, loved sending me emails full of, we'll just call it X-rated content. Whoa! And I know you don't know what to do about it. Oh, okay. Okay, so, uh, well, okay. A lot to unpack here. First of all, when did he discover e-mail? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I feel like he's pretty. He's an on e-mail for some time, probably initially for like, business purposes or whatever, but he's always been a big time just like every thought that crosses his mind. He'll fire something off or if you find an old picture that he likes will send in. Most of it's quite cute and endearing, so I don't want to cut him off from email, but some of them.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Okay. Well, I think we got to have them give some examples of what is written content. What is sending your links? Is he sending your images? What's what's going on? What is your grandma still around? You know, so it's my grand, I don't think she's aware of this. It's also not my actual grand. If he's on he's on wife number five And then perhaps you can tell some of the some of the reasons why he's gone gone through a couple gone through more than a couple So that that's his actual number is he's on wife number five Yes, that is correct. That's impressive. I can't. That's something to aspire to.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Charlie. Oh, my. Oh, and now you're. He's far ahead. Yeah. He's really something. But anyway, to answer the question, it's normally photos. And it's like forward, forward, forward, forward, check it out, you know, kind of subject line. Because I think he has like a buddy, a friend group of older gentlemen who enjoy these. I mean, somehow I'm included in these email chain. So let me get this straight. And some of this, like, mostly photos though. So, so let me get this straight. Your, your grandfather on wife number five has a group of email buddies, pen pals, one would say, that just sends porn to each other on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Penays, pal. A lot of point. There's other emails, but a lot of that. Yeah. Yeah. Until he discovers how to Google search. He is going to be firing emails like no one's ever seen. Well, I, I, yeah, I know you're right. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So do you think he's the culprit? Or do you think he's got a bad apple buddy who keeps forwarding these messages? Yeah. What kind of friends is he hanging around with? Or is he a friend that they're all hanging around with? I know some of his friends, some of them are like fraternity buddies from way back in college. I think some of them he met in his older years. I don't know, they're probably more or less normal, like, quote, unquote, old people, but the fact that they have this little habit, I don't know, maybe that's not normal.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I don't know. I only have so many grand fans. I don't have like a huge sample size here. Never going to look at maybe seven year old the same way again. This is, this is all new information. You know, yeah. I know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And he talks about it too. He knows what he's doing. I've asked him to stop one and he stopped for a while. But then it's like he just forgot and they started again. Well, you might have to remind him at that age, you can forget things. So you might have to just remind him. That's true.
Starting point is 00:30:00 What did he say when you requested he stopped? I asked him over and I was just responding. just responded like you got to cut it out. This is this is out of hand. This is out of pocket. And he said, I think he said like, okay, sorry, you're something. But he might be holding. He might gaslight them a little bit. Oh, I didn't know you were such a prude.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I didn't know you didn't like women. Oh, okay. I guess I thought you were raised better than that. Just probably what his response was, at least in his head. Yeah. Yeah. You're all sad. Is this standing me men? And I was like, no, this isn't any better. Yeah. He's like, oh, well, if you don't like women, I guess maybe you like men.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Is this your mom's dad or your dad's dad? My mom. Did you tell your mom? Oh, she knows. She accidentally got in on one of the emails as well. That's true. That is literally true. I know because I've talked about this with her.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I've been like, you know, he spends the porn, right? And she'll be like, I know, I've gotten some too.? And surely like, I know I've gotten some too. That control. I'm going to be honest, I think he probably just, he just, when he goes to Florida, he just says forward to all. And so whoever is in his email contacts is just goodness. Okay. So here's one, you know, if you truly want it to stop because I don't know, this sounds like a kind of a sweet little grandson grandfather bonding thing. But if you want to stop all that,
Starting point is 00:31:30 what you could do is say, Hey, you know, Gramps, I, uh, they actually with email, you just got to change this one setting and it actually sends emails faster. You want me to do that for you? And when he says, Yes, because obviously you want that born in his hand faster. You want me to do that for you? And when he says yes, because obviously you want that born in his hand faster. You go in there and you just block yourself or take him out of your contact list. It could be a good move. That's really good. That's neat. I have like a secondary email. I never check it's like a junk email, right? Yeah. And that's kind of what it's overjumped, literal, you know, junk sometimes. Yeah. You could, yeah, you could even tell them that you got a new email. You just go on Google sign up for a new email and even play into it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So you think so you're really into it. Do something like X rated lover 348-5642 at, give them your new email. He'll send all those to that. That's good, you know, I can send it. You can send auto replies, right? So maybe the auto replies are like, wow, we think grandpa, you know, look at Dem Titties, grandpa. Look at them titties, grandpa.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Another good one. Wow. They really do shave a lot these days. Could be another automatic response. Yeah. Well, the problem with that is if you ever send the non-porn email, maybe it's like a photo of his mom that he found. I think it's the same with Bob.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, I like that you're more forward thinking than we are, you know. Well, you know, you got to be careful. Yeah, you really do. You got to tread lightly in this situation. I know. You know, you got it. Yeah, you really do. You got tread lightly in this situation. I know. You know what you could do. What you could do is you could kind of like impersonate a, I don't normally tell
Starting point is 00:33:15 people that impersonate a police officer, but if you did it over email, you know, and you just said we noticed that you're sending some, it would make it a trademark thing, you know, you're saying copyrights. Yes, here's, you're, because at the beginning of all those old VHS tapes, you know, they've got the, you should, pretend you're in the FBI. Yeah, just send the screenshot of the warning
Starting point is 00:33:39 at the beginning of movies, sir. You have been distributing content that is trademarked by big, what what would they call big porn? Big porn. Yeah, just big porn. Yeah. It's a big porn industry.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Sure, sure, sure. Big porn industry is, this is not a warning. We would like to call you in or something like that. Really, really scare them. Yeah. You know, because I have a feeling that if he's forwarding, forwarding, forwarding, he's not quite up to date on sort of the culture, shall we say. And that might scare him and to stop him for at least a little bit until he forgets
Starting point is 00:34:16 you sent that email and then he'll be back on it. But that should buy you at least a month. That's a good idea. That would be a nice brief little reprieve. That's a good idea. That would be nice. The brief little reprieve. That's very good. Yeah. An FBI can photoshop it and that'll say, you can only be so horny as an 87 year old. It's illegal if you're any.
Starting point is 00:34:36 If it's if you're too much, it's downright. You could tell him that you're the horny police. Tell him you're the horny police and he is met his quota for the month. Yeah, exactly. He needs to talk and to for sure. Well, these are these are good strategies. Yeah, I'm good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Um, so his fifth wife, does she have any idea that this is going on? Or is she just like, oh, that's just bail. He does that. I... That's a good question. I... She probably knows. But I've very affected my mom. Is accidentally received emails. I'm sure she is probably also accidentally received emails. I'm sure it was a verbal slap on the wrist. But I mean, the same thing with me, what really can you do is not my email. But yeah, I'm sure she's gone, I'm sure she's probably pretty upset.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Now, it a real habit of years ago, edible to with marijuana, edible, that she went ballistic on them, because she's not down with that. And so she's yoted them before. Now, OK. down with that. So, you know, she's, she's yoted him before. Now, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Is this I was, you know what? Not being my grandpa, I love this guy. He's, he seems like he doesn't give a fuck about anything, you know? So it would suck if that's what I love him to. I think he's great. He's a great person. Yeah. Now, uh, another question on the type of content he's sending you. Is there any alarming ones, you know, or is it just straight up, you know, playboy style stuff? Or is there some stuff that you're like, okay, that's a little kinky. I don't know if you should really be sending that.
Starting point is 00:36:22 No, it's, it's just, yeah, I would say like quote unquote playboy stuff, but how about this though? Today's Wednesday. I think on Sunday, he sent me one. It was a woman with like, you know, very, very well in doubt, woman wearing a very low cut shirt and she was wearing like a graduation cap. And the caption of the photo was like, some of the lines of, oh my,
Starting point is 00:36:48 just graduated college, I'm so proud. And in the background of the photo behind this woman, there's like a blurry like other person, it's just a guy wearing the graduation cap. So it's an old person, you know, right? The joke is, I think you're fucking comedians, you get it. The joke is they're like, oh, I'm gonna take a picture of my grandson, there's a beautiful woman in the way or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So it's like that kind of stuff. Okay, so not necessarily fully nude all the time. There's some like, there is stuff that is legitimately like soft core pornography. That was more of like horny jokes, and it's still, I'm not sure, I still don't like it, but that was just an example.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Well, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can scare him with a possible FBI sting. So I think that's your next tactic. That's right. That's right, everything else, you know. That's true. Yeah, yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Well, all in all, I think I'd like to have a beer with the grandpa. Seems like a good Well, all in all, I think I'd like to have a beer with your grandpa. He's a good, good guy. You know, yeah, that'll make no mistake. That's what it is with old people, right? They like, it's like, oh, I love my grandpa. He's a little racist, but he's a good, good guy. You know, I feel like that's, you reach an age where doing inappropriate things is cute, rather than offensive. So maybe he's crossed that threshold.
Starting point is 00:38:09 But I mean, do you have any siblings? Are they getting it? Like, is this a whole family thing? You guys get out, get together on holidays and you're like, hey, you see what grandpa sent us this week? You trade in emails with each other like baseball cards, you know? Yeah. More, I mean, kind of my, but I do have a brother and he gets them to, I look at who they get to.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I mean, some of the check who they get sent you just at a curiosity. And sometimes he is included, he being my brother. Sometimes he's not. So there is to the baseball card thing. I mean, we do get different emails. So to a sense, there is some spare city amongst them. You could trade them if you were really wanting to. Well, I'll just trade some with his fifth wife and see what happens, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Get forward onto her that thing because she is, she's his FBI. He doesn't care. Okay, that's the thing. He doesn't care about the real FBI. Yeah. That's the thing. You doesn't care about the real idea. Yeah. Auto forward that up. I think the last thing I'll leave you with is I just want you to remember that someday he's not gonna be with us any longer.
Starting point is 00:39:16 And someday you'll be able to look back with your own kids, God willing, and you'll be able to show them, hey, this is what your grandpa is like. He was a hilarious guy. Look at this photo girl graduating. Pretty funny. You know, it's going to be a lot of memories for your family. So I wouldn't wish it away. And that's necessarily either because someday, just like all of us, they won't be here. And you have those memories to cherish forever. Trust me, they're on the internet.
Starting point is 00:39:43 They're there for forever. That's true. They're little heirlooms, they're little family trekkers. Yeah, don't deal with us inappropriate emails. You would as a time capsule. There you got it. Just a snapshot. That's beautiful. I'll thank you. Yeah. Yeah, really. Well, thank you for calling in and do us a favor and tell your grandpa. We says hi. Yeah, you want to go ahead and add me and try the email list as well.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I just want to make sure that you're telling the truth. And then we can help you out even further once we know specifically what you're dealing with. For it, I'm sure sure. Yeah. All right. Well, Charlie will be refreshing his inbox and thanks for calling in today, man. Keep her moving now and tell me tell you tell your great or your grandpa that well, I was
Starting point is 00:40:35 going to do the grandma. I don't know how to say it. Fifth, yeah, whatever. Tell him both. We says fifth fake grandma. Some like it. All right, Charlie. Good try. You made it. You have a good pop. We'll talk to you soon. All right. Yeah. Wow. What a bizarre one. I'm going to be honest, Charlie. I don't think this is an isolated incident. No, it's that generation. They just have any rules back then. And that's the grew up with it. You can tell every time you go to like an outhouse at deer camp,
Starting point is 00:41:10 exactly where they're at. You know, there's some playboys still in there from the 70s. Yeah. I mean, just think about it. You used to have to go to the store, buy a playboy, then go home, do all it. Now they can just get it instantly on their phone. It's a whole new world. They just want to share that with everybody. I get the intent enthusiasm. Yeah, I get it. I get it. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:41:32 No judgment here on the belly dot podcast. You do it. No kink shaming. Oh, let's take it on a call. All right. No good. Well, Charlie, we know that summer's ending. That means that you got one more opportunity
Starting point is 00:41:45 unless you go past Labor Day, but most people will usually close up the cabin or stop going to the cabin on Labor Day. You got one more opportunity to sit on that deck. By the lake, take it all in, crisp air, with a nice cold tippy cow. Tippy cow, baby. Tip it on back.
Starting point is 00:42:04 We had to come a bad cheer set. Yeah, we got the run hands. Okay. Well, we tried. We're working on it. Um, hmm, so good. Now, my question is, do you like to sip tippy cow on the deck on the dock or on the boat? The answer is in the garage. Okay. Yeah. So not even at the lake, you can just do that right at home. You got to garage at the lake. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, listen, I mean, you're on the lake all day, you're on that dock all day, but you know, I typically call myself, there's nothing better than the nice garage drink, you know, because you're looking around and you're, you're kind of like Picasso
Starting point is 00:42:42 staring at a blank canvas in there. You know every garage is a blank canvas Just waiting to be reorganized and reorganized and reorganized without ever throwing anything out. Yeah, God know No, that'd be a sin. It's like when you're a kid and you get to rearrange your room Yeah, that happened. Yeah, that was the best big day same thing and no better way to get your creativity flowing Then to have a nice cold glass of tippy cow. Tip it on back. Tippy cow.
Starting point is 00:43:08 We love it. Welcome to the Belly to podcasts. Who are we talking to? My name is Claire living in Tennessee at the moment. Okay. Wait, you cut out. What was your first name? Taylor.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Taylor from Tennessee. How you doing? Good. How about yourself? Doing good. I got Charlie here. Yeah. What's cooking my guy? Oh, shit. And listen to your podcast. Since you guys started it, it's awesome to be on the actual podcast. Well, it's an honor to have a full-time listener on here. First time caller. Thank you very much. Yeah. Why don't you belly on up to the bar and tell us what's on your mind? So I'm in the process of trying to start my own salsa business. Oh, okay. Nice. All right. Do tell what's going on with it. And well, so it's just kind of hard to get the name out there.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It's a very memorable name, but it's still hard to get it out there and actually get a following of people. I, uh, right now I've got a Instagram page for it and I'm going to be starting up a TikTok for it. But it's, uh's that one ginger salsa. Because I got right ginger red hair. Okay. Okay. Steering into the skid. That's some solid branding right there. That's great. Are you, is your picture going to be on the label? So So I wanna get a caricature of me drawing up, biting into a pepper and that'll be the label. That's awesome. And if you could take it a step further
Starting point is 00:44:51 in the caricature, have them maybe put some flames in your hair for the spicy flavor. I like that. I don't know if it would work though, because you know the orange hair and the orange flames, they might mesh together. That's the point. That's what the whole life is right in the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:10 He's already not liking our ideas, my, I know. I know. Paul then, you know what? Tell us what you want. He's like, he's like, he's like, he named a cell so that one ginger, but the fiery hair is too far. That's where he draws the line, Charlie. Hmm. All right. Well, we well, hey, we'll scratch that I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:28 If it's a full head of fire, that would work. But if it's like fire mixed in with the hair, then that wouldn't work. I don't think you'd be able to see it. Yeah, well, let's go ahead. Let's make the whole head of just a fireball on there. I like that. Yeah, just send this over some images up it. We'll tell you what we think. All right, that sounds like a plan to me. Okay, let's talk to the salsa. Yeah, let's talk to the salsa. How many flavors you got? At the moment, I have 12 different flavors. Hey, look at that. What's the best seller? Probably my jalapeno business, which is green jalapeno salsa,
Starting point is 00:46:14 or I have one that's called a roasted dark, which kinda caters to the group of people that love salsa, but can't handle heat. Okay. Yeah, we call that the Midwest salsa but can't handle heat. Okay. Yeah. We call that the Midwest salsa. Yeah. That's the second one. That'll sell like hotcakes up in the land of ranch.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I, yeah, I, I can't wait for your first interview when you're calling it jalapeno. That's gonna, that's really going to sell the hell out of this salsa. That's good. That is good. What's your biggest problem so far business-wise? Just getting customers, basically, like trying to get the name out there, trying to actually get everything started.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It doesn't take a whole lot to make the salsa. It's mostly actually getting people who want to purchase the this also getting the brand known Okay, well you're talking to two guys here that know a little bit about some branding So here's what we're gonna do. I need to hear the origin story because if I know anything about people buying products They need to know the story behind it especially when it's a homegrown type of thing So what is the story behind how'd you get into making salsa? So it actually started when I lived in Arizona
Starting point is 00:47:31 and I was working at a zoo. Okay, start, yeah. Start, keep going. I managed the cafes at a zoo out in Phoenix and that kind of gave me free reign over a couple of the cafes. And one of them was a Mexican food cafe where we did in-house salsa. And it just, I didn't like it, it didn't taste good, it had no spice to it. So I reinvented it and found out that I like making salsa and just started coming up with different recipes. Okay, solid origin story,
Starting point is 00:48:06 but I think we can spice it up a little bit. No pun intended here, Charlie. I like the zoo ass back. Yeah, let's lean into that. Let's go ahead. Let's maybe add some fuzzy details into this to really sell it. So you were in the Batcave one day, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:23 And you were looking at some of the guano. Okay. That's bat dung, I think. Do I have that right? I don't know. I don't know. But you found growing in that in that dark corridor, the hottest pepper that would grow it can only grow in the darkest spaces in a cave in the bat dung. Yeah Okay. And then, then you decide to put that in a little bit of salsa. And you were just blowing, like people's hair started to turn red. In fact, you were a brunette back that. Yes. But as soon as you took a little taste of it, your hair turned bright red. And that is the origin story of your salsa. And then you got a secret ingredient that is differentiator from so everyone else.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Well, it's the pepper that grows in the back. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think? Well, and that would that would fall right in line with my extra hot salsa that I have that's named shit, the bed red So, got the pepper out of the baguano. I like the little one. It works perfectly. Yeah. And what's, what should we call these? Yeah, I don't call it.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah, I think as these people do want to try it now, I kind of want to see what happens. That is true. Yeah, the thing with salsa is you just make it as painful as possible and people are like, oh, I got a pain. I got to give that a go. Yeah. If I know anything about people, they love pain.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Charlie, what would you name this exotic peppery found in the bat shit? Um, that could be the next flavor too. It's just called bat shit crazy. Oh, that's, I was going to get a ride a ride. It go. There we go. Bat shit legit, you know, too legit to bad shit. Mm-hmm, something like that.
Starting point is 00:50:07 We can work this out. We gotta come over the name for the executive pepper though because, you know, we gotta create some mystery around it. If they can't find it on Google, that's a good thing. The, yeah. I'm trying to rhyme some with Guano. First of all, it's Guano the right word. Is that Bathtung? Can we look that up? Jared?
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, she's giving thumbs up. Guano is that dumb. Okay, now can we go? Can we go go Guano rhymes? Go to rhyme zone. Yawana Guano. Guano Guano. Oh, you want Guano Guano? Yeah. one oh, oh, you want one oh, guano. Yeah. Um, uh, what's that? Yeah. The guano soprano, soprano. There you have it because as soon as you eat it, oh my gosh. You know, you're going to be singing something in the tune of a soprano. Yeah. Yeah. There you got. Wow. I was just saying you could. Yeah. You're going to. And then you could have a whole flavor around Tony soprano. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's really not bad.
Starting point is 00:51:05 If you say it from HBO, you can do it without later. So, um, yeah, we, I think we just tanged to your business, but I know. No, no, no, Charlie, come on. Sorry, I accidentally told the truth there. I think we did good for you. I think this is really, uh, send up this origin story, put it on TikTok. You're going to sell these like hotcakes. Yeah, I agree. I have to agree. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I think people will love the the back one origin. So where are you currently selling these babies online and like at like farmers markets or what what are we deal with distribution wise. So right now it's literally just me. I just started this up like six months ago trying to get it out there and I've moved all over the country in the process. But I mostly online farmers markets when I can find them little feed stores in the areas around here that allow independent people to come in and put their products out. Just little places like that most of my sales are coming from online though. Yeah. Now, if I actually put my real business hat on right now, I think what you got to do is
Starting point is 00:52:20 you got to narrow it down to 12 flavors to get it off the ground is too many. Is actually like a real I think business advice I would give you. I would just hone in on like four flavors and just sell the shit out of those four flavors. Okay. That was actual advice. That's why I said. Yeah. I know. I took me a men's register. I got to do the in and out burger type of mentality. All they got is burgers and fries. That is true. Too many options can kind of screw the put.
Starting point is 00:52:51 And then you got to make all those new bottles, all those new labels, the product sits, and then once those four take off, then you can slowly add them. Because there's a rule out there, I remember what it's called, but your top 20% of your products make up 80% of your sales. So just find those top 20% cut the rest of them. You can always add them back into the fold later once you really
Starting point is 00:53:11 take off, but just narrow in on the top 20%. Although playing devil's advocate, playing hot devil's advocate, you know, maybe the one thing's keeping close to the vest is the one that's really selling it. So maybe rushes the market with all of them. One of them takes off and then start to build the brand around that one. Sometimes it's the one you never thought would take off, really takes off. But he also has been trying to sell it and he knows that the top sellers are. He's got he got some info. All right, I get it. I get it. All right, I'm wrong again. Here on the belly dot podcast, it's nice to be here. You know, I just that's no, you're right. You're the conversation. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's all
Starting point is 00:53:50 about data. It's a lot about feelings Charlie. That's why Miles is better at selling t-shirts than I am just for the record. So I guess listen to Miles, you know, and if that doesn't work, then you can listen to me. But start with the guy who knows what he's doing. What you could do too is you've seen the show Hot Ones really take off, right? With the hot sauce on the wings. Start a, you could also do a little show about having conversations with people, but they're eating hot sauce so with some tortilla chips.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Could be a good little spin off. Okay, so rip them off is what Miles is saying. I feel like that might get them in trouble. But no, you do it in a parody way. Oh, you do a parody? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, and then instead of talking to celebrities,
Starting point is 00:54:36 you can just talk to random people. Normal people on the street. Yeah, the farmers market. Yeah, it's not a bad one. Instead of hot ones, it's just called hot shit, because you got the pepper from the bat cave, bat shit. Yep thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, welcome to hot shit. We go with tie it, coming all together. I love it. I love it. So do you think we helped you? So the question is, is where do we invest?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. So at the moment, I'm working on getting everything up off the ground, but like I said, I have the Instagram page that's where most of my business comes through. I don't have a whole lot of posts put up there because I haven't with the recent move and everything haven't been able to put up some of my solstice, but I have six or seven of them up there and mostly it's just through the
Starting point is 00:55:26 instagram at the moment and then uh... and the farmers market to where i'm getting most of my businesses telling people about the instagram and them ordering through their yeah mostly wonder in the how much equity are willing to give up to me and charlie here on the billyduck podcast? Why is it? He takes, then, Mo, do you take, check what's the, um, wow, I mean, that would all be something
Starting point is 00:55:54 that we would have to do. No, I'm just, I'm giving you shit. I would, he turned this into shark tank really quick there, you know, you never know. He might have jumped right on it and I would. I'm here in best and I'm, I would. I'm on top of it. Yeah, I'm already a pull tab investor. So why not get into the salsa game? So, you know, why not? Yeah, maybe we can chat offline, see if there's any potential here. What is your Instagram handle? So people can go and try out the salsa. So it is that one ginger's plural salsa. So there's two S's in there.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Okay, that one ginger's salsa on Instagram. Yes. We'll check it out. We'll have the listers check it out. And you know what, this has been good. Welcome to the first ever belly-up shark tank. Yeah, or can we call it a musky lake. Yeah. The musky pond. The musky pond. That's better. Yeah. The musky pond. Belly up musky pond. Yeah. Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:56:58 what, Charlie and I are not gingers. So for that reason, I'm out. And if you're not going to go with the Guano soprano, for that reason, I'm also out. Well, I never said I wasn't going to go with that. That can be that can be negotiated. Okay. Okay. We'll see. For that reason, Charlie's back in. Yeah. Don't you like that once you're out? They want you back in. It's all about the psychology. Yeah. It's all about the chase. Well, thanks for calling in there, fellow. We appreciate you. And good luck on your business. Thank you for having me. All right. Take care now. Bye. Bye. And that does it miles for another episode of the belly to podcast. What a what a episode.
Starting point is 00:57:47 What a four-row win. What a. I mean, it was hot and spicy there for a while. Hot and spicy and we had some and two calls to this last question for a do you like hot salsa or are you kind of a mild guy? No, I'm big into hot stuff. I like some of that makes me sweat. It makes me feel something.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Yeah, I like hot salsa, but I also next to it got to have some regular salsa, because I'm not all gas on there. I like a little breaks once in a while when I'm talking salsa. There you go. There you go. I kind of like just going for it myself. That's just the kind of guy. You're a go-getter. I am a go-getter. Yeah, exactly. the kind of guy. I'm gonna go get her. I'm gonna go get her. Yeah, exactly. Well, guys, why don't you go get her? Check out his Instagram page. Yeah, give it a go. Seems like a decent guy. So yeah. And tell your grandpa. So he says, hi, and if you find a little H in the dumpster,
Starting point is 00:58:38 maybe take it to the police. Maybe not. Probably so. Yeah, jury's still out on that. So. But for sure, if you find a gun with the serial number scratched off, at one is going to the police. That's a no questions asked. All right. Everyone keep her moving. Watch for deer.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Tip your bartender. And we'll see you next one. Bye.

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