Bellied Up - Hawaii Says "Aloha" to the Midwest #54

Episode Date: June 15, 2023

In this episode, Myles does something he's never done before. Our first caller states his case on why Hawaii should be a part of the Midwest. The next caller is "Forklift certified," and... our last caller is a Michigander who needs some tips for moving to a ranch in Montana. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We got pull tabs pull tabs pull tabs. I just barely cracked this one. I can see that it's a winner Charlie Let me see we're about to find out You caught a hole Ladies and gentlemen miles has a three-pole pull tab. He's got the single on the outside and he gives it a tearing No way Oh, wait. Whoa. Whoa. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:00:25 He just won $777. Rounded drinks on him. Rounded drinks on him. Go. All right. Let's go. That's, I've been playing pull tabs for how long now? And you've never win.
Starting point is 00:00:40 That is why you pull tab invest. Right there. $777, ladies and gentlemen, you got to make sure the bar tender nose. You know, he's pulled a lot for that tab, folks. It's been a long time coming. Congratulations. A lot of bars, a lot of tabs. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I'm excited for you. I mean, let's go. I don't even know. Oh, yeah, look at that. Is that that real? Yes. Yeah. Take a picture of it. What do you got? What is this war? Oh, this is for our podcast. You want to be on it? What's your name? I'm Jill. Jill, where are you from? Minnetaka Lake, Minnetaka. Oh, yeah, beautiful lake. Well, welcome to the Belly-Dup podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I don't fish, but I love to swim. I love to vote. Oh, yeah. What's your favorite stroke when you're swimming? Backstroke. Oh, backstroke. Nice. I'm more of a breaststroke guy because I'm lazy.
Starting point is 00:01:34 You don't care, though. So how about that? Have you ever seen someone win $777? I keep this one. Well, yeah, yeah. I was planning on it. Yeah, yeah, I was planning on it. They won $777.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I mean, that's incredible. And you're getting a free drink because of that now. Thank you, boys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But I think I'm going to open. Yeah, we do have, hey, why don't you open one here? We'll give you a couple.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah, open them here. Yeah, open them. Yeah, open them. Let's. I'm honest. Okay, so what do you do? What are open? I don't work. You don't work. Yeah, open them. What's I'm honest? Okay, so what do you do? Open up. Yeah, I don't work. You don't work. I've never worked never work good for you. How'd you pull that?
Starting point is 00:02:13 My parents that's awesome. Oh, yeah, good deal good for you. All right. Yeah, that's a zero nothing there Okay, while you're doing this you want to say welcome to the belly up podcast, everybody. Welcome to the belly up broadcast, everybody. Yeah. And we're, we decided to start it off with some pole tips. Zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Cheese. We're, I'm going to see what I got there. You can't, you can keep going. Yeah. I mean, now we got $777 bucks. Don't lose that one, boys. So where are you looking forward to the most this summer? Being on Minotanka on the water.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Beautiful lake. Doing the backstroke. $177. Yeah. Yeah, this is actually my first rodeo. Yeah, please. Zilch, Nada. I got not many miles took all the money in this one. You got to have a driver's license.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I luckily I do have a driver's license. You sure you didn't forget it? I don't know what. It's got to be valid, Miles. What else? Just good luck. Yeah. Yeah, this is great. Well, thanks, Joe. Thank you. You take care, have fun. I'm all the time. Okay. All right. So should we, we'll take a pause. Welcome back to the podcast. Guys, I, my adrenaline is rushing. I've never seen him this hard before my life.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I've never seen him this hard before in my life. And he's seen you hard. I tell you what. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is my, my, my, let me interview you. Did I wake up this morning and did I know I was going to get rich at this bar? Did you? No.
Starting point is 00:04:00 No. But and am I actually rich? No, because I'm about to just buy a drink and it's by the end of this but we're drinking for free now, Charlie I'm drinking for free, baby. It's on the house on OTH How does it feel? I mean are you a little jealous? Let me check your pulse. Oh my two hundred and eight beads per minute I gotta call your dog. Yeah, that's this is pretty intense man. Good for you. All right. Good for you. We'll take some callers. Yeah, seriously, you can buy a whole four clip certification with that much. Oh, I will. I will. Who needs a certification when you get a shirt? I know. All right. I'll take a drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Hello. Who do we got on the line? Hey, how's it going? Thomas. Thomas. Where are you from, Thomas? I'm with him in Hawaii, originally from Wisconsin. Oh, okay. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:57 How'd you end up in Hawaii? I just moved out here for a new job. What you doing in Hawaii? I just moved out here for a new job. What you doing in Hawaii? I work, I'm a pilot, so why not playing? Okay. Nice. So Charlie, you were in Hawaii in the last year or so, right?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, I did a gig in Hawaii and Miles, you were in Hawaii. I just got back from my honeymoon not too long ago. We spent two weeks in Hawaii. So let's talk about Hawaii. Don't you? Where were you at in Hawaii? So we were on the big island for a week and then we went to the North Shore of Oahu for the second week and I tell you what, I could sit on a beach on the
Starting point is 00:05:44 North Shore of Oahu and watch surfers all day. Oh, it's beautiful. And even if they're not very good, it's just as fun to watch them eat it out there too, you know? It's almost even more fun sometimes than actually seeing someone who can really shred the nar. Did you get out there and surf it all my way? That was a lot of that. Yeah, that was my wonder, if I, when I go back, which I am going back, I'm going to surf and I'm going to surf it hard. Are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You know, you were out there two weeks, you had every opportunity to do it, what happened? Um, well, it was like the first island wasn't that great for surfing or worn in the area that there was that much surfing going on necessarily. And then, I mean, the pipeline is what they call it Charlie. I don't know if you know that. I'm surfing and it's
Starting point is 00:06:30 intimidating out there. Yeah. And so I think I got to find a spot where someone could actually give me a lesson and the waters are not, you know, even the swells weren't that big when I was there, but they're still like eight feet high. And I'm like, holy, I'm not doing that. So I did it on Waikiki. That's the reason. Yeah, like Waikiki and over by dining like the south side of Wal-Hood, that's where most people learn. Yeah, that's probably what I'm going to have to do. But yeah, well, why don't
Starting point is 00:07:00 we get you out there and shred some NAR? Yeah, I would love nothing more than to shred some nar on some fat swells. Wow, listen to you guys. You're actually convincing me. I'm like, I did the hang 10. Well, why don't you belly up? Tell us what's on your mind. Yeah, so I mean, so originally a Midwest guy I lived on the East Coast for the last few years, but now that I'm here in Hawaii I think that we got to add why to the Midwest
Starting point is 00:07:33 Okay, why do you think we got another state your case situation on our hands Charlie state your case Why do you think Hawaii should be part of the Midwest? state your case. Why do you think Hawaii should be part of the Midwest? All right, so big part of Midwest is the old two finger waves. Oh, yeah, you just drive down the road. Pop up two fingers. Say, hey, how you doing? Yep. And why two fingers was the thumb and the pinky? So you drive down the road, say, hey, or your cross in the road, it's instead of an hope, sorry, you put up pinky in the thumb out. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. That is very similar. Yeah, yeah, very similar.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Around here, everybody says trees. Just like in the Midwest, and so it's in three, it's tree, two tree beers, you go out and maybe ride three tree waves, same thing. That's a mate. I didn't even realize that when I was out there. Oh, yeah, there's no T.H. here. It's all, you know, let's T.R. and said, T.H, yeah. Well, it needs an age. Well, Charlie, the reason why you didn't notice it, because you just felt right at
Starting point is 00:08:48 home. I felt right at home. Yeah, that's how people talk. Why would I think this is weird? It's when you travel to other parts of the country when they say, two three, where you're you're kind of like, what what do you say? Yeah, yeah, but you didn't even notice it. And I didn't even notice no. So okay. So we got the hang loose, hang loose.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Say hang ten or is it hang loose? What is this? Or Shaka. Oh, yeah, it's Shaka. Yeah, yeah. That's the actual name for it. Shaka. Shaka.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Little two tree. What else? The Midwest goodbye is, I don't know what you guys know. When you're here, but next time you're around, take an Uber. If you're in the Uber, they will not let you out until you know everything about them. You're riding around and you're like, you know, one legs out the door and you're like, yeah, thanks for the ride and they're like, so I'm the mainland. I got somebody who lives in South Dakota. Dude, that actually happened to me.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Right. And that happened to me. I got a ride from the airport in Uber to the resort. And the dude gave me his whole life backstory. He told me all about the island, a little bit of history. It was almost like I felt like he was a tour guide for Hawaii too. I also remember my conversation going from the airport to the hotel. I still remember this dude is from the East Coast.
Starting point is 00:10:17 He's from New York or New Jersey actually moved out to the West Coast San Diego and then went to Hawaii. He said the traffic there was worse than Los Angeles and Hawaii. I remember all that from the car ride. Although I can't say that the traffic was worse than LA. I mean, that was a bit of a stretch. But yeah, same deal. No, so there's every Uber driver that I've had. I know way more about them than I know most of like close friends. I love that. Hawaii where you know your Uber driver better than your own father.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's what he's putting. There you go. That's a good model for that. Put that on the license plate and stamp it to the car. Well, I think that also Hawaii's got a lot of farm animals running around. Yep, all the time the chickens, you know. Everywhere. Yeah. And that's my last point is every party here, everything you go to, even if you're just invited to somebody's house, you're always barbecuing. There's always meat on the grill. I love that. It's good. you go to, even if you're just invited to somebody's house, you're always barbecuing.
Starting point is 00:11:25 There's always me on the grill. I love that. It's good. And to like in the west, you know, you go over and it's like, Hey, we got some leftovers for you. What do you want? Yeah, that is true. And then I remember I went to this one event.
Starting point is 00:11:39 They just had a pig roast and had an all. And I mean, that's something my uncle's done on his farm, you know. So there you have it. Back when he had a pig farm. So basically Hawaii is the Midwest, but just way better weather. And a lot more chill. A lot more chill. Well, yeah, I mean, I already have the, there's already the Malibu of the Midwest, Shaboygan. But yeah, I mean, for the, for the off season, we got to add something. For the off season of the Malibu of the Midwest, you mean? Yeah, you know, once it was a pretty brutal winter, but, you know, we got to have somewhere to go. Yeah, you know, I want to, it was a pretty brutal wincer, but, you know, we got to have somewhere to go.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah. I think, I think it's great and people are so nice and welcoming there too. It's, it's great. I'm all on board with this. I am too. I would put my stamp of approval on Hawaii being part of the Midwest. Here, here, here, there, there, here, the Hawaii part of the Midwest. Cheers to that. I'll be a little, you know, consultant or, you know, advisory if you need somebody, somebody that's living out here. Yeah. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:12:59 You'll be our star witness in this case. Yep. We'll call you to the stand. I love it. I don't know logistically though how we're gonna, you know, like, if you have a map of the Midwest, how we're gonna scoot that baby in there, we could probably just sneak it under Kansas or something. You know, maybe tuck it up close to. I mean, you could just, you could, it's not geograptically
Starting point is 00:13:24 correct, but you could just drop it in Lake Michigan. Be right. Oh, that's the islands of Lake Michigan. That's all we'll do on the map. Yeah. There we go. Midwest problem solved right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Midwestern kids are going to be very thrown off by this. Yeah. We'll just go get a big, big few tugboats and see if we can't push those islands over, you know, we'll get a couple of. Yeah, yeah, I've seen them going through the Milwaukee River out to Lake Michigan. So it might take them a while to get there and they might need a little extra bump on the horse power, but we will see what we'll get it done. Yeah, in Man Twalk where they do the ships ship builders up there, they'll find a nice wet. They'll up the Annie on the horse power figure that out. I got no doubts. You know, we're the
Starting point is 00:14:14 idea guys, you know, we'll find some people who get it done. Yeah. The logistics will all fall into place. Hey, our people will call your people and we'll get this deal done. How's that sound? I think that sounds great. Well, uh, yeah, get the wheels and motion here. Okay. Let's get those, let's get those waves moving a little bit too. Another thing that you want to go as far as when you want to hang so hang 10 and shreds of NAR. hang so hang 10 and shreds of NAR. Just go out to go out to Lake Michigan. Yeah. Yeah. I have a when I have a anchoring for some NAR to be shredded. I'll be able to just head on over Lake Michigan. And uh final thing I'll add on the reasons
Starting point is 00:14:56 Hawaii should be out to the Midwest is there they say uh the same word for hello and goodbye. It's a loha and we do the same in Midwest. It's sorry. And sorry, you know, we're always about to apologize. Sorry. How are you? Sorry. I gotta go. Sorry. Yeah. You know, so anyways, well, there we go, man. Well, thanks for calling in. This has been great. Glad you what time is it there early? now 10 30 so I was just finishing up some some practice getting some work done I like that a whole day a lot to have I was gonna say well you have a great day and we're gonna have a great evening here how's that sound yeah where where you guys drinking that we're at Schulers in Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Schulers in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Wish you were here, but you're probably now wasting your year right now. So, you know, I mean, I was just this thing family in South Dakota last weekend. And that was enough cold. I'm glad to be back here. Yeah, you should only visit during the summer
Starting point is 00:16:06 if you want to keep that blood as thin as it is. Well, enjoy the surfs, my guy. Keep them up, OK? All right, I'll stretch the gnar for you guys and tell your focus at the time. All right, a long job for roosters. A long, clear. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Sorry. That's good. I mean, that actually was pretty, you know, we've had some state your cases on here. So far, Alaska and Hawaii, I think have been had the best cases made. Remember the Alaska one, we were at a bar in Harwood, North Dakota. You remember that? Yeah, yeah, that was a good one. And Hawaii as well. So all the ones, anything that's not on continental US family, we're taking two. We're we're scooping it up real quick. You know, we are slowly building just a land. Let's just push California out to where Hawaii is and bring Hawaii into the. How's that sound?
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah, bring it up the Colorado. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good idea. Welcome to the Belly Up podcast. What do we have on the line? Hey, how's it going? It's Joseph.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Joseph, are you doing my guy? Where are you calling him from? I'm doing pretty good. Calling him from Oklahoma, but originally from Ohio, you know, one of the best states in the West, those certainly one of them. Yeah. One of the states of the Midwest. Oh, you're not. My goals, not a fan of Ohio. Listen, I have reason not to be fan of Ohio. I'm from Wisconsin. Okay. What's your reason? I don't know. It's just, just bustin' his balls, relax, Charlie. You're just, your balls feeling okay. Hey, what's your reason? I don't know. It's just just bustin' his balls relaxed, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:17:45 All right. Your balls feeling okay? Hey, I mean, they're pretty good right now, but uh, you know, don't ask the colors about their balls. I will say that. So what did you say? I said with consums, one of the better of the knit and feet. So, I won't play. Thank you. What are the better mittens? I do. Yeah. All right. I'll take those digs. Why'd you call in fellabely on up to the bar and tell us about it? I you could correct me from wrong, but it might be one of the first actually certified forklift drivers calling in. Oh, this is virtually certified. I am wearing
Starting point is 00:18:26 my forklift air quotes certified shirt right now actually. So, Hey, I mean, I don't need the air quotes, but, you know, not the brag, not to brag. This guy, well, we're going to find out if you're actually forklift certified. Tell us about the test. What do you have to do? Well, I mean, not that it's a caveat or anything, but I'm officially
Starting point is 00:18:53 certified to the Air Force and the class is about an hour long. I don't know that sounds a little fishy. Does it? I don't know. I've got a license. It's I've got an entire license and everything. It's all, you know, it's laminated. It's your printer paper. Is it? Do you actually get a license like that? I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Send us a picture of that, would you? Well, let me see if I got it. Yeah, we hear the printer going off in the background. Well, I'm in my garage. I don't normally carry my wallet while I'm drinking beers in the garage. You actually keep this going in your wallet. You keep the park, a four-cliff certification in your wallet.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's not hanging on up on your desk. First of all, I have to, oh well, I've got this, the actual, you know, framed of it, but bad away. You got to keep the license in your wallet. You know, you don't want to be caught off guard if somebody needs help. That's true. Yeah, that is true. Um, so let's go into it. What is since you're an expert at driving a forklift now that we know this, What if I'm an aspiring forklift certified guy, what are the three tips you'd give me on driving a forklift?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Get a love forklift. Honestly. He's getting damn tasked. You got to just love. You got to fall in love with the process of forklifts. You got to love the way they smell the way they look. You got to love the way they feel and taste. Oh, I'm telling you the smell is something different. Oh, yeah. Smells like a little bit like a burning belt. So do you like ever take your forklift out on a date or what's yeah, it sounds like you are pretty intimate with the government owns it.
Starting point is 00:20:45 They don't usually let me take it home or anything. They've got to find it in, find it out, kind of thing. It's like on water, boy. When he drives the lawnmower everywhere, he just is driving the forklift. The tiniest amount of authority goes straight to his head and he just he whips it out at bars. Hey, can I see your ID? And he pulls out the fork of certified. The guy's like, sir, that's not a valve for my deal. Oh, sorry, not again. Cop pulls him over for driving a foreclift on the highway. Choses. Yeah. Well, what else aside for really liking this foreclift? What else, uh, you know, I'm just imagining you fondling a forklift right now and I'm trying to get that image out of my head. He's got his hands on the knobs, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah. Well, I mean, going along with the fondling, you gotta really have hand-eye coordination. Because if you don't got that, you're not going to be able to coordinate that beautiful piece of machine. So you got to have nice fluid. You had to have a nice touch. Nice little touch there. What else was it? What's the last?
Starting point is 00:21:52 I mean, there's no, but don't move themselves, you know? Yeah. What's the last one? What's the last tip you give me? Well, I mean, you see, normally when I moan my lawn, I don't know if that's a good tip to go with. Yeah, but you know, just because it's frowned upon doesn't mean you can't do it is what I'm selling. I feel like if there's any. Well, I was going to say, well, you can always do it once. I don't know about if you get the second chance go around.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I like that. What's the highest you've ever gotten a forklift raised? Don't lie to us now. Well, I guess it goes about eight foot, you know, but normally I'm moving some pretty very heavy stuff. I don't normally just picking it up off the ground about a foot, putting it down about a foot, you know, nobody gets hurt, you know. What kind of freight are you moving around? What are you just moving a foot?
Starting point is 00:22:58 Well, I mean, I'm putting the air, but this is like military pallets. So, like, the whole point of they get me the life and if we got a deploy or something, I'm able to go out there and they put all of our bags on a palette. We, uh, we're up in a jet and go. Okay, I thought you were going to, uh, you get deployed somewhere and you're taking the four cliffs there. That's what I had in my mind. Um, so they let me I would. That'd be sick. So what color is your four cliffs? It sounds like you're in the military, right? That's what you said. Camel, obviously. Yeah, yeah, air force. Yeah. What colors?
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah, four colors. They're all green, you know, that is cool, actually. Are they really green? Are all your four coast green? Yeah, I mean, they're like the old, uh, just, you know, military green, you know, flat paint, none of that gloss, you know, sadly, I like it. I think that's good. Yeah. Well, I think that that's, some good advice where I think the jury's still out on if he's actually foreclosed certified. I think he is, honestly. Hey, well, uh, I think they're called, I promise you, I'll send you a picture of life. I'll get you.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I don't worry about that. And I'll get it to my forklift, I'll get it to my buddy who's an OSHA agent and see if it's counterfeit or not. This guy certifies forklift certifications. So that'll be the real test here. He's got me on that one. I don't got that certification. Okay. Well, we'll be looking forward. Thanks for calling in, man. This is great. It's good to talk to someone who claims to be actually
Starting point is 00:24:35 forklift certified for once. Serrarity. Very rare. You're like a unicorn. Yeah. You're like talking to a scarlet. We don't got any of those out here sadly. So you know, I was talking about the physicals. Yeah, well, that gets me excited that you laughed at that authentically. So you'd be good out there now. And thank you for your service. We appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Well, thank you. Thank you for taking my call. I've been waiting just a few minutes. That's not bad. Okay. Well, yeah, man. Thanks for calling in watch for dear now. He's not certified. He's for sure certified. I don't know. I'm not buying it. I mean, he was making those things up, obviously. But Okay, no, but think about this. If I was going to say, Charlie, pretend your forklift certified. Yeah. What are some things that you should do? Or what are some advice that you would give about forklift? First and foremost, I would say you have to love your forklift. And maybe possibly make love to your
Starting point is 00:25:43 forklift. You've got love to your foreclift. You got to have hand-eye coordinate. Got to be very hand-eye coordinated. And then of course, you can't move it higher than a foot. So I confused me. Yeah, he probably isn't really foreclift certified, but he may possibly use the foreclift. How many forecliffs have you used in your day miles couple to tree. Myself included. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:10 typical, typical. It's my favorite kind of cow. Folks, typical, it is a great concoction for spring, summer fall or winter. If you just take this chocolate, typical chocolate chocolate shake, this is a delicious treat. Put a little ice in your glass, pour some of that Tippy cow on there and just smile and cheers and tip it back to the Tippy cow. You know what I love about Tippy cow Charlie? What's that, my mind? It is, it is real dairy cream from real Wisconsin cows.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's what I like about it too. Homegrown is what I think we call that. Best cows in the world. And I mean, anytime that you can be drinking and supporting the local economy. Oh, yeah. Can't beat it. So check it out at your local liquor store to pick out.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Tip it on back. Mm hmm. Welcome to the Belly Up Podcast tour. We chit-chatin' with. Oh my God, hi. Oh, this is Mallory. Hey Mallory, how you doing? I'm doing great.
Starting point is 00:27:16 How are you guys doing? All we're doing, so good. Thanks for asking. Thanks for asking. So where are you calling in from today? Yeah, I was just gonna wonder, can you guys hear me alright? And actually, in the car, in Minnesota. Oh, we're in Minnesota too.
Starting point is 00:27:33 What part of Minnesota are you in? We're driving from Michigan. So, a little unsure about whereabouts we are right now. Look around. What do you see? Yeah. Is it flat? Yeah, it's all flat. Did you already go through the metro area? Yeah, we had the Fairmont Minnesota. Okay. All right. That's where is Fairmont? Is that Southern Minnesota? Is down south?
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, yep. Okay, all right, well, welcome to Minnesota. Enjoy the fun. Where you headed, you're going to Fairmont, that's it or? No, well, this is gonna be a reason I'm calling it today. We're heading all the way to Montana. Okay, well, are you gonna go through South Dakota or North Dakota? They're going to South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:28:29 They're going that direction. Well, I guess I go North at some point. Yeah, South Dakota. Yeah, that's probably the smart decision. You're going to get out towards Mount Rushmore, Badlands, Deadwood area. That's pretty nice over there. We go through North Dakota, not as much going on. So maybe a good choice. So why are you going to Montana?
Starting point is 00:28:52 So I have a job out there. So that's why I'm calling in. Just for some advice as like a Midwest person for Michigan, moving to Montana, Montana with a little more western. Yeah, okay. Yeah, there's a big life-changing deal for you. Is this your first time leaving the Midwest? Pretty much, yeah. Okay, well, what kind of what job did you take out there? I'm gonna be I'm going full in MRSA and gonna be working on a rant. Oh, this is like guy. Absolutely yellow stone. Yeah. Okay. The next season of the storm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:34 What's the name of the ranch? Does everyone have a brand on them there? I don't think so. It's like a guess. Watch rant kind of mix. So all right. So my first bit of advice if you are someone from Michigan moving to Montana to work on a ranch, the first thing you do is if someone says they're taking you to the train station, do not go with them. Never go to that.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Don't say, oh, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Sure. It's not what you think it is. I promise your life will be, you'll be going to the big guy in the sky, okay? Or they'll just leave you there to walk back to the ranch. So I know. So what are you going to be doing on this ranch? I'll be leading hikes on the ranch. Okay. So we got to tell you all go ahead and like they offer like yes
Starting point is 00:30:26 All the guests there they offer like high school for that So I'll see you in the meeting those Okay, well, then we got to give you some wildlife advice Where you're from the bears are black so you fight back okay, but over where you're going the bears are brown So you better back down you You're not going to win that fight. Okay. Okay, I'll remember that. Yeah, I don't really know a lot about the wildlife fairs. Well, it's wild. And there's not a lot of life on your end if you encounter some of it. So
Starting point is 00:31:06 there's not a lot of life on your end if you encounter some of it. So a little bit of caution goes a long way. Also, you know, the mousse are not just big, big deer, you know, they'll beat your ass and not think twice about it. Yeah, definitely want to watch out for moose. Yeah, or elk, you know. So, yeah, so we got that. And, you know, usually they say just run over, hit the deer, you know, so you don't swerve and hit another car. I don't know if that's the same advice with, you know, an elk or a moose. I feel like that could be a total loss
Starting point is 00:31:44 on the automobile there if If you do that, I'm not sure if you're supposed to swear or be there, but you know, maybe they're tall enough you can go right under them, but I'm not sure. You don't want to Google that one. I have a very tiny car, so that might be a possibility. What are you driving out there in? It's a Honda Fit. I want Honda fit. So that thing, yeah, yeah, well, you're, eh, when you're going through South Dakota, there's some stretches where if there's some howling wind, you're going to want to strap that thing down to the road because if the wind takes that thing, you are going to be a kite and the South Dakota wind just before warning there for you.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Very good. No ratchet strap it right to the highway. Slap it. Say that's not going anywhere. the South Dakota win just a four warning there for you. Very good. No. Ratchet's trap it right to the highway. Slap it. Say that's not going anywhere. Yeah, you might even want to just call a record and have them just transport you. You know, strap it down to the flatbed and then you guys just ride it like a train. Yeah, solid advice. Yeah, I think, um, did you import any Midwest beer with you out there? No, I didn't bring anything like that. The car's pretty packed on its own. She's literally riding in a
Starting point is 00:32:56 go kart. Yeah. And I'm like, how much beer did you bring with you? Um, so, oh all you travel light. Yeah, I had to. I had to leave everything behind. I don't fit the car. So you got you pulling it. You all behind that thing. Yeah. Having a trailer hitch on a Honda fence. The most Midwest thing you could do is just got it's got a little boat on the back as well. You know, um, okay, well, let me ask you this, what are some things you're maybe nervous about moving to Montana from being from the Midwest? Is there anything you're concerned about or what? Yeah, so that was going to be my next question. I'm not the most coordinate person and I've heard there's going to be a lot of like line dancing. Oh yeah. Well, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:50 at a polka, right? How did you leave the Midwest not knowing out of polka? What in the hell? What what were your parents taught teaching you? At least tell me that you appreciate a good accordion. your parents to out teaching you at least tell me that you appreciate a good accordion. Yes, I'm only 21. Oh, what does that have to do with it? If you would have said no, do that. What's that now? I haven't said a lot of time in like bars, because I just turned 21. Oh, okay. You are in for a treat going into Montana.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I think that's about all they do is they work and they go to the bar, right? Yeah, especially working on a ranch. Okay. Challenge. Hey, where did the coordination? Oh, she's wondering about it.
Starting point is 00:34:49 She wants some dance advice, Charlie. Oh, dance advice. I can cut a rug. Yeah, I can cut a rug. I used to be a late carpeting. Um, so yeah, you're still a little knife. Yeah, utility knives. That's what you use.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Um, well, there's a lot of YouTube dance tutorials. I can't quite give it to you over the phone here, utility knives, that's what you use. Well, there's a lot of YouTube dance tutorials. I can't quite give it to you over the phone here, you know, but I was gonna compare it to polka, but we don't have that frame of reference anymore. But you're gonna figure that out real right quick. And here's actually, I was living down South for a little bit and they have a lot of line dancing. I just was in Texas.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And if you find yourself over in a bar, there's going to be plenty of plenty of people there willing to teach you how to dance. So you just almost people next to the, uh, the, where do they do the line dance, like the dance floor, yeah, foaming at the mouth and the hopes that they can teach someone how to do it. Yeah. Half of line dancing is that you could show someone how to land line dance. I think you're in good hands. Exactly. And find one of, find like, you know, Fella in 60s, 70s, you know, that guy's going to know he's going to have the best tips on it. He's been doing it the longest. Okay. I'll look for the 60s. I've in your own.
Starting point is 00:36:02 There you go. There you go. That's good advice. So, yeah, you married, you single, what's the, that's a situation. Oh, single, yeah. Are you looking for your rip out there or are you just going to work? The focusing just on going to work pretty much. Yeah, she's 21.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I'm only there for like six months. Six months. She's not trying to go find out. I'm a boyfriend out there. That's like, I never said boyfriend. Yeah, sand to the mountain. Um, well, cool. Are, and so you're doing all these hikes are, are, how long are the hikes you're going on? Uh, things are up like, since it'll be gas, it's just on like four to five miles, but on the weekends, I'm hoping to hit like maybe 13 or something. Oh, have you been doing the stairmasters?
Starting point is 00:36:50 You know, it's a lot less flat out in Montana than it is in the Midwest. No, but I think I said it good. I run a lot. You know what? I thought I would be good too. And I went on a death hike in Hawaii. It was 0.6 miles with a thousand foot elevation change and I thought that that was going to be my final resting place. So I guess if
Starting point is 00:37:15 you can handle a 13 mile hike, what is some advice that you would give to a guy like me about hiking. Oh, I go to always take a lot of snack. I'm a big snacker. Well, that's music to Miles's ears right there. Miles is a snack guy. A lot of like a lot of view breaks. Like even if we're not checking out the view, it's just like take some photos.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, yeah. Great move. View break. If you want to hike with me, going out the view is just like take some photos. Oh, yeah. Great move. View break. If you want to hike with me, I am going to be taking a photo of every tree. You know, oh, wow, look at the shape of that one. The trunk on that one is magnificent. Let's take a break here. I want to catch a photo of this is going to be great in the scrapbook. You know, that's actually great life for Bryce though.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It is. We spend so much time climbing the mountains, the proverbial mountain. How often do we sit back and look at the view? And on this trip to Montana, I want you to take a lot of time enjoying the view because you've already climbed the mountain getting there. Congrats on your new job. Why that you're going to get into Russia? already climbed the mountain getting there. Congrats on your new job. Why that you're going to get a deal with the rush.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I thought you were going to say that it's all about the climb. No, Miles, as the great poet, Miley Cyrus one set one said, there's always going to be another mountain. You're always going to want to make it move. Ain't about how high the mountain. It's the client. I, I, I, I know. That's why I know that's what I said. Oh, you said she already did the climb. Anyways, whatever. Anyway, I said the proverbial climb though, because it was she climbed the mountain to get this job. So I wanted to take in this moment. She's young. She's 21. You know, she's going into the wilderness. She's gonna encounter a grisly bear for God's sake, you know People are gonna be inviting her to the train station, which she's gonna have to politely deny Yeah, that's like the adult version of if a guy if a when you're a kid and a guy pulls up an event and offers you a piece of candy You say no, yeah
Starting point is 00:39:20 if a guy and a Canvas jacket on a horse pulls up to you and said, let's go to the train station, just say no. Well, an interesting analogy. He just threw their ladies in gentlemen, only miles signs off on that one. I will remain independent. You're saying that that's bad advice? No, I think both good advice. Just say no to strangers in weird transportation methods. Yeah, sounds like great advice. Well, listen, you getting good gas mileage. Yeah, I think I guess my luck.
Starting point is 00:40:00 We've had to stop three times already. Who's we? Who's we? Oh, my mom is in the car. We've been listening to your podcast on the way up. Oh, is your mom on speaker? Yes, you can hear you guys. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Well, mom, how do you feel about your daughter making the big move out last? Are you going to miss her or no? Yeah, definitely going to miss her a lot. He said yeah. Are you afraid about her being out in the wilderness with all those big bears? No, she's a pretty tough girl and she's in the Air Force ROTC, so she thinks she's ready to face it. Wow, wow, well thank you for your service. Look at this. That's awesome. We have all the fine.
Starting point is 00:40:47 We're sending you all the best vibes. We're sending them your way from this bar in Minnesota. We're in the same state. We're sending you good vibes. Enjoy your trip out there. And remember, if you see a moose just gone it drive right under. Okay. We're in the same state. We're sending you good vibes. Enjoy your trip out there. And remember, if you see a moose, just go on it. Drive right under, OK?
Starting point is 00:41:11 We'll do it. They put a great invite. If you see a moose, just talk. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. I'm going to the trip. See you next fall. Thank you. So great to talk to you guys. Great talking. Well, thanks for calling in. Good trip. See you next fall.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Thank you. So great to talk to you guys. Great talking to you too. But by now, tell your mom we says hi. This ranch has been in my family for six generations. And I'm going to be the one to lose it. He's been waiting the whole day of time to do that. I don't even wait in so long.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh, that's a fun age though, man. You know, I'm giving costs. I'm now the governor of Montana to save this ranch. There was no other way. It's kind of like a Batman, like a moron. He's like the Western Batman. Yeah, I mean, essentially. Get over here. It's not. Yeah, he's like the Western Batman. Yeah, I mean essentially get over here. It's not you
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yours is better. He's like everyone's just like hey, so like should we just like talk to him and see if We can work out a deal Talking around here doesn't get anything done Ripped into the train station That's the best station. That's pretty good. That's Yellowstone. So Charlie, I think that was fun. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:42:31 A good episode of Billy Up. Yeah, it started off on a high note. I'll tell you that. Oh my god. And it ended on a higher note. You got this bar plastered. People have been getting louder and drunker as we've been doing that.
Starting point is 00:42:43 There are a few lose. Yeah. But yeah, I am going to now bask in the win that is $777. Well, probably now what? $420 left is what I probably got. Something like that. So guys, thanks for tuning in. Hey, don't forget, tip your bar tender. Tip your bar tender.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Guys, thanks for tuning in. Hey, don't forget, tip your bar tender. Tip your bar tender.

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