Bellied Up - Indiana Needs More Attention #38

Episode Date: February 23, 2023

Presented By Fleet Farm Check out Charlie's New Stand Up Special "Midwest Goodbye" on YouTube Our first caller is considering a career change and has a passion for the art of wood carving. Next caller... has been in a committed relationship with her boyfriend for nearly two decades, and is wondering if he'll ever propose. Charlie and Myles discuss some possible ways on getting him to propose. Lastly, we've got a caller who's uncorked some wine in her closet and is feeling a bit wined up about why Indiana isn't getting the attention it deserves.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, bellied up listeners, it's me Charlie. Let me know that my first standup special Midwest Goodbye is a live on YouTube on 222 at 7 p.m. Central time. Okay, so that's Wednesday night 7 p.m. You can start watching it. I'll be chit chatting in the live stream with you over on YouTube or you can just watch it any time after that. So again, my first standupup special Midwest goodbye on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Watch it. Let me know what you think. Okay. And hey, watch out for deer. Bye-bye. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Belly-Dup Podcast presented by Hoot Charlie. We farm. We love it. Miles, I got something I got to get off my chest. Already? Already. I'm just coming in hot with it I've been thinking about this for a while. I had a I had a Midwest nice I'm a Midwest not so nice moment. I'm gonna be honest with you. Okay, you know, I lay it out for me What happened? Well first I just want to say I pride myself on you know trying to be a nice fella You know, but I think everyone's got their limits and I think I found mine and I wasn't proud about how I
Starting point is 00:01:05 How I respond to the situation I'll lay out the story so I'm on hold. Okay, I'm on hold with a car Service okay a rental car service of which I will not name I will not name them and You know how because they can if yeah, go ahead what no, yeah, go ahead. What? No, keep going. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I don't want them to go find this call and publicize it. So you know how they put you on hold? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Okay, well, they, first of all, they overcharged me a significant amount for something and I was disputing this. And the gentleman who was helping me was not really helping me, we'll say. Okay, in fact, he was doing the exact opposite of helping me, it was being a little, I felt like a little snarky with me, but you know, I felt I had been wronged. So I was upset about this, I'm sitting there with my buddy,
Starting point is 00:01:58 you know, I'm on hold and I'm sitting there, my buddy's there and I start, I gotta be honest with you, I start talking smack about this guy. Oh, yeah, I was, I gotta be honest with you, I start talking smack about this guy. Yeah. I was, I was, I was saying some, some insults, you know, I was comparing to them some, to some not great birds, okay? And yeah. And I said why he was wrong. And I figured he wasn't listening because the whole music was on. Yeah, they're doing something else. The music is on. I thought we were both listening to the same music, you know? But no.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Why are you saying it like that? Because it's music is like music, right? But then music is like kind of like whole music. Isn't that the name for whole music? You notice how he said it twice to make sure that like I want. He wanted me to ask about why he's saying music. I think that's the definition of music. I'm actually not sure though. Weird Al put it in a song a while ago and I've that's ever since then I've said it. Music. M-U-Z-A-K. Is that right or did I did weird
Starting point is 00:02:58 Al just invent that? Elevator music. So we're sitting there listening. I got got you got me there, but we weren't in an elevator. So that wouldn't, but you get what I'm saying, right? Yeah. Anyway, then he pops in in the middle of me talking smack about him and he goes, sir, that's absolutely not what happened. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, you were listening, you know, what do you say? Well, he just popped in, they popped back out and he put the frickin music back on. It was all so much power because he can only talk when he wants to and you have to just sit there and take it. Yeah, but I mean, first of all, I didn't, I wasn't saying I was expecting.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I would have never actually thought that they are listening to what you're saying. They are listening. Well thought that they are listening to what you're saying. They are listening Well, that they could yeah So I felt so guilty about that. I was like, oh man. I shouldn't have said this about this guy You know because he was pissing me off. I'll be honest, but that doesn't mean he need to be told to his face just behind his back You know, so anyway, so I figured that I'm changing my ways miles. I'm changing my ways the next time I am unhoed instead of talking smack about the person that is put me unhauled, I am just going to play, since I know they're listening,
Starting point is 00:04:12 I'm going to play my own music. And I'm just going to play really bad songs on the guitar. Put on the, no, I won't say that. Oh, he was going to say you could put on my album. Is that what you're going to say? What's it called again? It's called Unthought, Barons and Grill. It's actually a great album top that's compressed. It's great. It's great. It's great. It's great music.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Oh, you know what, Miles? Okay, I was going to ask Miles, what's your, what's the moment? You're not so proud of not being not Midwest nice. And I think we just found it right there. That's I think we did. That's true. I think you're more Midwest nice. And I think we just found it right there. That's I think we did. That's true. I think you're more Midwest nice than I am.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Well, you're a yeah, I suppose. You're you're you're you kind of pride yourself on being a snarky fella. Yeah, I'm a little sarcastic at times and it gets it gets away from me at times as well. Yeah, especially when I'm in toxicated. But I found real risk a with the sarcasm. That's true. That is true Miles though. I've found that since doing that. I've done I've done two calls since then where I played my music
Starting point is 00:05:14 Wow, unhold and I have found that I've been unhold a lot less time Always you actually did this. Yeah, No, you didn't. I did. No, you didn't. You did not actually play music on the other end and it worked. 100% I did and I encourage everybody else to do the exact same. Now, the better you play, the longer you're going to wait. So don't play good. Luckily, I'm still not a great singer.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So I just played normal and I worked out just fine. Or just start singing. I'm going to somebody do that. You can do that. So anyway, you're welcome. I'm gonna sing. I'm gonna sing Ope Nope by Baren's rule. Oh, no. Can you give us a little rendition? Let's build us fire. Yeah, it's here. No, I'm not gonna do that. We're not unhold right now. We're not unhold miles. Dude. Dude. No, miles.
Starting point is 00:06:08 We're not unholded. I'm not. Dude, it's for a living. I'm not your little circus monkey. Yeah, circus monkey here. Okay. We me alone. Jeez, but we use fun.
Starting point is 00:06:17 All right. Well, that actually is great advice, Charles. It's it. Well, I didn't know. If anyone else out there works at a call center, I'd encourage you to call in and confirm this because right now I only have this one fellow who was clearly listening while the music was going. I'm not sure if it was that just that one car company. But ever since then, these calls have gone a lot quicker because people are sick of listening
Starting point is 00:06:40 to me play the music. That's my hypothesis, but call in and tell me if I'm wrong. I know you're listening to me right now. Pick up the phone. Pick it up. Pick up the phone. That could be funny. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, yelling at them. Yeah. But then maybe they turn you down. Well, it's like, you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm back. Stop it, stop. Or they just hang up. You got started all over again. Yeah, that can happen too. That happened to me actually. I was on the phone with a like a flight company. I don't know, Delta or some shit. And I was on there for 45 minutes and right before I was about to get it accomplished. Like I went through a weird drive and I went through a dead spot in the call dropped and I was ready. I almost just jumped out of
Starting point is 00:07:34 the car. I almost became roadkill. That point. You know, that is the worst. Cause and you were doing in the car to probably save time. because you're like, well, I'm not gonna Want to do this while I'm sitting at home. I could do anything. I'm gonna do what I'm driving got nothing better to do. Yep, and that's Backfired. Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that and it's I mean how in 2022 Are we still? The best option is for us to call in and listen to the music. Yeah, that's our best. We put a man on the moon in 1969.
Starting point is 00:08:10 We're still using call centers. We're still listening to music. It's crazy. Make the music better. Two. It's like top 40 countdown events. Yeah. Make it and make it entertaining. They're I, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I don't understand that at all. Invest in your music. If you're going to make us listen to it. They're, I, I, I don't know. I don't understand that at all. Invest in your music if you're gonna make us listen to it. Okay. You know? Well, I'm glad you got that off your chest. Yeah. Oh, and barely the bottom line is I feel bad for that fella because he was probably trying this,
Starting point is 00:08:39 but he was probably having a bad day, you know? Yeah, his wife probably died. Yeah, you never know. You never know why I wasn't gonna go that dark, but you never know. Could have been that, you know. Yeah, his wife probably died. Yeah, you never know. You never know why I wasn't going to go that dark, but you never know. It could have been that, you know, he could have called his dad and his dad could have yelled at him for, you know, how his yard looked. Yeah, you know, we all know how that feels. Or maybe maybe he like just sharted and he's like, you got to get to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Freshly sharp, but he's listening to you talk shit about him, even and he's like, gotta get to the bathroom. Fresh art. But he's listening to you talk shit about him, even though he's like, he gambled on a fart and lost. And now all of a sudden, you're being addicted to him. Imagine how he felt. I know, I know. I empathy is I think to take away from this. Yeah, let's all be a little more empathetic. Yeah, and also play music during the music.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, well, also be a son of a bitch on the other line. If you're being, if you're on hold. All right. Well, so let's take some colors, Charlie. What do you think? I think that's a great idea. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Hey, welcome. Welcome to the Belly Up podcast. Who are we talking to right now? Hey, this is Andrew from Pennsylvania. Andrew from Pennsylvania. What's going on, Andrew? Belly on up to the bar with us. What's on your mind?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, I'd love to belly up to the bar with you. Nice. Oh, so I don't know. I moved to a new city and I'm trying to find my new career path, right? Okay. You're in Pennsylvania, you said? Yeah, I'm Pittsburgh, actually.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Pittsburgh. Oh, yeah, still maybe, maybe still. Really? Sorry, sorry. Football. I mean, I looked at the, I looked at the apprenticeship. Did you? Hi.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Hey, I'll shut up. Yeah, you shut up, Miles. Okay, it's a big industry over there. Geez. Well, I found a job at a concrete manufacturing facility, but you know, it's not that much fun doing that stuff. Yeah, I mean, it's hard to make plans in the concrete industry because I mean, it's hard to make plans in the concrete industry because you get you set it all up and you do it and then it's just Set in stone basically just doesn't move from there That is the point of it. Yeah, that is the point of it If it's moving you got bigger issues on your hands. I don't think you'd be working there very long Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, so let me ask you a question. What made you want to move to Pittsburgh first, first of all? Well, I have family in the area and I've left my tiny little town because there wasn't a lot of opportunity. Got it. What was your tiny little town? Bedford, Pennsylvania. Bedford, Pennsylvania. I was hoping you were going to say Scranton,on PA miles is a huge office fan. If you don't, if you're new to the pod. Um, okay, cool. So and how old are you? 26 26 years old, miles. Sound like an ambitious fella. Moving to the big city of Pittsburgh to start a new life, new career. So um, blank slate. What, what are you? What's the, I know you said you're just looking for slate, what do you, what's the,
Starting point is 00:11:46 I know you said you're just looking for a gig, but what's like, what do you, what do you want to do long term? Yeah, what gets you going? You seem like you got big dreams. What are, what are your big dreams? I don't see, I don't know. I kind of like the promotion industry,
Starting point is 00:12:02 like music, stuff like that. I'm really big into comedy, but I'm not that funny. So. The way you said that, then laughed at your own joke. It's hilarious. Yeah, I don't love comedies necessarily. No, look, comedy could be your thing. You just maybe you're more of a writer and you got to write it out a little bit first and then give it a go, you know. See, well, like, are you, first of all, Miles is still laughing at his own joke, by
Starting point is 00:12:36 the way. So, oh, that was good. Oh, yeah. It was pretty well placed. Maybe comedy, you do have some going for you right now. Now, did you go to school where we at as schooling wise? You do high school, you do college, what'd you do? Well, I did high school was going to do trades and then I ended up getting into like heavy equipment operation and did that for a long time. Okay, are you four-cliff certified? Do you have a... Yeah, I can dress four-cliff, uh, kind of low-dose.
Starting point is 00:13:08 No, no, no, no. Well, that's not what we ask. Are you four-cliff certified? Yes. Well, through the company. I don't have a license. Okay. Okay. All right, we're just checking.
Starting point is 00:13:23 We're just checking. All right, so you're a fellow who got out of high school. You got a CDL? No, I don't have a video. All right, so you're a fellow who got out of high school and you're like, yeah, college is it really for me? You started working and Then you're like, I gotta get out of my hometown. And when did you move to Pittsburgh? I'm just trying to get your timeline, your storage and storage set up here. About a month ago.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Month ago, so fresh, fresh in Pittsburgh, have you had any work there yet? Yeah, I started working at the concrete manufacturer. Oh, yeah, of course. Wait a listen, Charlie. Jays, go ways. This podcast could be like 40 minutes shorter the concrete manufacturing. Oh, yeah. Of course. Wait a listen, Charlie. Jay's go ways. This podcast could be like 40 minutes shorter
Starting point is 00:14:09 if Charlie would just listen the first time on some of this stuff. You know, I like to hear things twice, maybe three times before they really sink in it. So why don't you go ahead and just tell us your story again. That'd be great. Yeah. You know what, Miles? You know, see, this is the crap I take on this pocket. Do you want to want to host a podcasts? I'm looking for another partner. Okay, well,
Starting point is 00:14:31 why don't you why don't you want to know what his big dreams were? Yeah, I know, he hasn't said it yet. Okay, what are yeah, that's because I'm talking. What are your big dreams? That's a way deeper question. I thought we were going to get into. We're going for it. We're in the deep end here, Felder, not a swim. There's no getting out the pool.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We don't dip our big toe in to see how the water is. We just can't have ball right in, buddy. Oh, I know. I used to listen to you guys when I was driving forklift at the Sal Mill all the time. Notice how I don't see. What episode was the breaking point?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. Well, I don't have a radio at my new job, so I can't do it now. I was just playing your other episode. How did you know what the win before you answered? Oh, wow. Well, that's really nice. Yeah. Thanks for doing that. We appreciate you, listen.
Starting point is 00:15:24 All right. big dreams. What are they? I don't even know. I wouldn't have gave up my whole life if I knew. I mean, I'm a good wood carver. I'll give you that. You're a good wood carver? Yeah, like I've made some tables and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:15:38 and I've carved like really intricate designs into them. Oh, shit. Well, that's actually pretty cool. That's an awesome skill that not a lot of people have. I bet you can make a great living doing that. Potentially, what sucks is I just moved to Pittsburgh and it's hard to get lumber here. And where I'm from, I can get it for free. And it's hard. Oh, well, what makes it so difficult,
Starting point is 00:16:02 just more expensive than free? Yeah, well, yeah makes it so difficult, just more expensive than free? Yeah, well, yeah, it's like your paying probably eight or nine dollars a board foot and Pittsburgh. Oh, God. We got a call of lumber liquidators asking what the hell is going on. Yeah, well, and look, that's not a huge problem. You just go back home and then you transport the lumber back to, uh, yeah, get a U-haul. And then you've got a reason to listen to more belly up while you're in the car. How far of a drive is that? Almost about a two hour drive. So what about an episode? That's about that's about to happen. So let Charlie go or not. Yeah, it depends on many times. I need you to repeat your story. So anyway, where are you from again?
Starting point is 00:16:42 So many times I need you to repeat your story. So anyway, where are you from again? Well, that you all fill her up, get a storage unit, and then just keep it all in there. And you're good to go. We saw that problem. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about that? How's that?
Starting point is 00:16:59 We've got a website or something that we can check out your work at. I just got into it like this past year. So I've only done like four or five projects. Okay. Where they pay in gigs. Well, no. Well, I made them, I made the tables and then I ended up selling them after I made them.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Well, that's a paying gig right there. That's cool. And how did you feel doing it? Um, I like it. It just took me forever because I did it all. I didn't have any actual like power tools. So I did it all by hand like with a chisel and a mallet. God, that's cool. That is like pretty sick. That's awesome, man. It's a great, or a story. If you want good comedy, go watch Charlie and I try and make a bar for this podcast. And you're going to make us look like we are the amateur of all amateur hour. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I mean, and so like the carving, like what kind of carvings are we talking about? So the last one I did, I did like an alter table for this girl that's like a witch. And so I did like a pentagram and a Celtic knot all the way around it. Oh, shit. You're going to have to back this up. This story is going to need to be repeated. And it's not because I forgot it. We need clarification. Yeah. No, yeah. That's not glazed. Is she the whole witch thing?
Starting point is 00:18:19 Is we're talking broom and all or what's going on? Yeah. No, like like Wicken, like, wicking, like practicing wicking. Oh, she's a practicing wicking. Okay. What is what is that? And for me, is this a Pennsylvania thing? It could be.
Starting point is 00:18:38 There's a lot of girls here that are like that. They're not like that. The Midwest. I haven't met any, which is yet. I'm looking up practicing Wicked just so. Now, are we in a niggschel deal here? Are the Wicked folks going to be upset that we don't know about this or anything?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Let us know now. We're stepping on a practicing Wicked. I couldn't even spell it. Jeez Louise. OK. Oh no. Oh, it's a modern day nature based pagan religion. She's a pagan. Yeah, sounds good to me. Yeah, good for her. And you made her a...
Starting point is 00:19:13 That's what they call themselves as witches. Yeah, pretty much. Okay. Dude, what's like, so what are they doing with the table after you give it to them? Yeah You know they like burn sage and do like Spells and stuff like that. I'm not big into it. So you're not just carve the table That's awesome man. That is what you carve it out of That one was walnut walnut did did she request the walnut? Well, yeah, she didn't request the type of wood, but she requested the design, the design.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Though it ended up being walnut because that was just what I could get from the local guy that I know. Oh my God. This is awesome. We got to have them. We got to be his first commission piece of art. I think that's exactly what's going to happen right now. But first, let's just get a look, if this is his first project, he made the table for the which we got to figure out what his other projects are. We got to figure out what he's drawn. Yeah, first fall that we we gotta figure out, yeah, we always land. What do you, what's your, it's on the phone. Yeah. All right, give us one sec.
Starting point is 00:20:28 We're gonna discuss a deal here. Yeah, and then we'll come back here. Yeah, now we don't want a low ball. I'm okay, because that wouldn't be cool. Okay. We had the low ball on his first one, but also we don't know how good he is. We don't know how good he is.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So we could probably get a good bargain on it, it'd be like buying with a coupon. Maybe he's got a coupon code. you saying they kind of seems like a suckers? No, I don't think so But I know I think he could do a two for maybe or a coupon. Well, let's do a two for what let's offer two for one Okay, and and start there. Yeah, and just okay, okay, so Hey you again. Yeah We we have an offer Oh Right now you didn't tell us that
Starting point is 00:21:16 You know the tracks right now throwing rocks at train forget the deal dude this guy's Living in a train depot. We got to hire him stat. No, I went out. I live in a super industrial neighborhood. Okay. It's very. Oh, man, I love this. This is crazy. So loud. So we have an offer for you. We think we're going to try and, you know, we want to do a little bit of a trial run base here. We're going to pay you. I mean, but we're going to commission two pieces of art from you. One for Charlie, one for me.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We both have different offices and we're looking to hang something on the wall. What do you think? Yeah, what do you want? I literally just got a pneumatic chisel. So I my turnaround time would probably be a lot faster than before. I mean, that is my favorite type of chisel. Yeah, I was looking at those pneumatic chisels. I was like, yeah, maybe next Christmas, but I'm glad you got one. I have chisel envy right now. Yeah, well, yeah, that's yeah, I had to black Friday
Starting point is 00:22:26 sales and everything. Okay, I want to get a sense of the different things you've carved. So for the witch, you did, and the witch is proper nomenclature for the gal. Yeah. I believe you're a wick and a wick and so for the wick and you did an a Celtic knot and what else? In like a pentagram and then I back filled it with like colored epoxy. Oh, you see you're an epoxy guy too. What can you do? Well, yeah, so I saw this guy on YouTube that was making
Starting point is 00:22:56 epoxy tables and then he didn't carve anything in them. And he was charging like $9,000. And I was like, ooh, if I carve him, even being new, I could probably get a couple of grams. How much did you, oh, I see, setting the expectations for how much I'm gonna charge this. You're actually a great businessman. We can already tell your negotiation.
Starting point is 00:23:16 He did the classic, like, well, I could be charging this, but I'm gonna give you guys a deal waiting on there. You see what you're doing? Yeah, how much did you charge the wicking for the Walnut table? It was only a two by three table. So I only charge shows 300 bucks. Wow. You show I do us right there. Should this went way higher? Yeah. Two by three. Okay. 300
Starting point is 00:23:42 bucks. What else have you carved? I did a four foot by three. Okay, three under box. Sorry, what else have you carved? I did a four foot by three foot coffee table for a friend of mine. Oh, what was on the, uh, that one had like this geometric pattern on the inside. And then like just like different designs. And that was where the first place I tried like the Celtic knots out. And I did like a translucent pink epoxy pigment over them. It came out really nice. Sweet. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I like that. So he's got a lot of experience with the Celtic knots. Okay, so that's two. What are the other two projects? Oh, the other one I did was just like a normal walnut piece. It was just like squares around it and the epoxy because I wasn't sure how it would set up. And then I made my extra friends in table that had a cool little design in there that she had illustrated and then I carved it. Who broke up with who? Well, you know, it was, it was her mostly. So that's why I live in Pittsburgh. Oh, we came all the way back around. Wow. You're at
Starting point is 00:24:54 a crossroads in life. Now, was that the last one? He's at a railroad cross. Yeah. The rear railroad crossing in life. And you enjoy this woodwork thing. Did she give me the table back after you guys parted ways? No, she still has it. I even hand carved the leg for it out of some branches and everything. Oh my God. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And you just picked this up and start carving stuff? Yeah, I saw I was home, I had caught COVID and I was at home watching YouTube and I got my buddy to bring some lumber over and I just started doing it because I was like I can do better than this guy. Love that attitude. I like that attitude. So what is what do you think she does? You know you're starting the girlfriend. I am a little bit. Yeah. Do you think do you think she does? You know, you're still in the girlfriend. I am a little bit. Yeah. Do you think when they're, if she gets a new boyfriend and he comes over,
Starting point is 00:25:51 you think she's just going to be like, oh, yeah, my ex boyfriend made me that table. And I just love it. It's still here. It's not kind of weird. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, we're still talking like we went to a concert yesterday and everything. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Was it awkward? Do you guys think going to that concert together? No, we were friends beforehand. It's just like one of those things that it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:14 we're both tired of being in the relationship. So it turned into a relationship is what it sounds like. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. is what it sounds like. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, well, that's it. And but you don't want to be in the relationship anymore, not not announced that you want to be in it. No, no, I'm cool. I'm trying to, you know, yeah, but it's also one of those things. He says that now, but, but are you guys okay with the other one going and maybe hanging out with someone else? Oh, I mean, what she does is her business, you know, she can do whatever she wants. Long she's happy. Uh-oh. That was very high pitched response. Yeah, I mean, as long as she's happy, she can do whatever she wants. Yeah. There's one of those things, you know. It's a little fresh, but I wish you the best.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Oh, geez, Miles, we're, we're, we're pouring salt in a fresh wool. I know, we're being mean right now. We're being mean. Let's get back to business. Well, it's dream. Okay, let's get back to your dream. Your dream is to do the wood carving.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I love that dream. That would be, I think it's a good idea. That would be sick, you said? So, yeah, love that. That would be sick. You said so. He's feeling this. That would be awesome. Well, you just you got two commission new pieces now. Miles, what do you want? I want me I want it to be me riding a noble steed. I'd love to have long hair. I'd love to have long hair. I'd love to be shirtless and chiseled. And pneumatically chiseled. And then I would also like to be chugging a bush light. And the background would be probably some mountains of some sort.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And then in the back and on the mountains, I'd love to have people playing trumpets and there'd be maybe doves flying overhead. And I'd like it to be probably a partly cloudy day. You know, if it's overcast, it's just gonna be kind of weird and hard to chisel. So maybe I'm thinking, so Toy Story, bubbly clouds in the background. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:28:33 It sounds like you want a painting and not a... I'd like a T-shirt. Miles, that's going to be at least $15,000. I know, I know, but hey, you got to pay for good art. You know, what if, what if you get a nut, what if this is your wedding gift to Anne? What if you think of a nice table that Anne would like for her? No, I just, I just described what she didn't want.
Starting point is 00:28:56 This is for her. All right. You thought I was going to hang this in my own office? Yeah, it's going in the ass office. So, so is this a table miles? It's just like a piece of wood that would hang there that is chisel. It could be a wall hanging piece of wood or it could be a table. Okay. I think you should pick because that's what you want him to pick. Yeah, I'll give him the creative freedom to do what he needs to do. Okay. As long as I can get the long hair and chiseled body, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:28 oh, gosh. You know what? I'm sorry. That one. I'm sorry. You guys. It was going to be a little easier. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Mine is going to be Packers logo. No. I want. I was thinking about that. I was thinking about Packers one, but I would actually, uh, are you, do you fish at all? Yeah, I do. What's your favorite species of fish to catch? I mean, I don't fish a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I've went in fast fishing before and I've been like, you've buried a little bit of DC fishing. Okay, got it. I see, I see, I see. Okay, I'm hoping to get a walleye carved into a coffee table. That'd be nice, pretty sick. Coffee table with a walleye carved into a coffee table. That'd be nice, pretty sick. Coffee table with a walleye on it. And then could I get a little epoxy in there
Starting point is 00:30:10 to make it look like the walleye's kind of underwater, you know? I'm seeing now that's a lot more reasonable. See? I could totally do that. All right, all right. That's mine. And what... I don't want you to epoxy mine.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I just want it raw carve so you can save some money there. Miles, that's gonna take him forever, dude. What? I mean, he's got the nomadic chiseler, what was it called? Yeah, you got that, you got it right. Is that what it was? Yeah. Charge him, charge him up. Yeah, ask for this though, because this is, this is, that what it was? Yeah. Yeah. Charge him.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Charge him up the ass for this though, because this is, this is, that's going to be a pain to do. So charge him like $10,000. No, what you got to do is you got to look at this as, as I'm pushing the boundaries on what you're able to do limit wise. Well, he's also going to push the boundaries of what your bank accounts able to do. That is true. I think that's a fair deal.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Well, we're going to have someone reach out and we want to see a couple photos of your of your current chiseled, chiseled game. And we can kind of go from there. How's that sound? All right shoot me or shoot me a text. I was gonna post on your Twitter page there. Yeah, post them on Twitter We'll we'll retweet it from the belly up Twitter handle. That's pretty cool. Maybe you'll get some more Bids from from that too or whatever more commissions, but no, I'm serious. I don't even need to see anything I just want to get that walleye table. What do you think you charge for that? How big do you want it?
Starting point is 00:31:52 What's in the... That's why three is good. Four by three. Or a... Yeah. Four by three, that's a big old table. It is, but... Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. What do you want it? All right. What are my options? What would you got when I always start there start there. Sounds like you don't have every would of readily available. Yeah. What's what's a good one? Well, we'll look nice there for a wall. I mean, personally, I do like I like to look a theater on anything, but with the carving probably wouldn't hold well. Walnut's a really good one.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Sickle morn looks nice when it's carved, especially with a hock seat that's real light wood. And if you go lighter than we can stain it whatever color you want. If you go darker than your stuff with whatever color that would it. Okay, and well, let's, you like Walnut, you said? Yeah, it comes out really nice. And it holds the carving well. Hell yeah, let's, you like Walnut, you said? Yeah, it comes out really nice.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Let's do it. And it holds the carving well. Hell yeah, let's do that. We'll do Walnut thing and then sort of some epoxy deal to make it look like it's underwater. We'll be slick. Okay, I will definitely do that. I'm gonna reach out to you with a design and everything.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Perfect. Look at that. I believe you asked how much that would cost. Oh yeah, how much is that? Oh, I mean, that'd probably be like, I don't know, I'm a fan of you guys, they're like, don't give them the fan discount. Don't give them the fan discount
Starting point is 00:33:17 to charge them what it costs. That's my age. We could probably do it for like six six hundred oh it's like six thousand geez all right six hundred sounds good we'll start six hundred if it's going to be more just let me know but
Starting point is 00:33:35 six hundred that's a good baseline hold on once I we're going to discuss what's that? I think you can get it for five you think I can get it for five? why do you think that? I don't know it just seems like if we press your men out there just fold okay let's see how it goes can we do it for five? Why do you think that? I don't know. It just seems like if we pressure them enough, it'll just fold. OK.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Let's see how it goes. Can we do it for five or no? Oh, I don't know. Oh, you said tough cookie to crack, Miles. Yeah, you know what? Tough cookie to crumble. I got to get the announcement. You know, I think I'm going to start asking around about you
Starting point is 00:33:59 then. I'm going to call up the witch and see if your work is as good as you say it is. You know what? And to stop me from doing that, you could just maybe bring it down to 500. You know what? I mean, I'm confident in my work. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:13 I like his confidence, honestly. I'm sold on his confidence and I don't care that much. Let's go 600 for the wall. I table miles. I did exactly what we were going to do. I know what he pressured you. Were you listening to us talk while we were not talking directly into the microphone? No, not at all. Okay. See.
Starting point is 00:34:32 He's a bad route. If you would have been rose. Yeah. I have a conversation with Charlie and I. Yeah. That's ease dropping. All right. You got a buyer for the walleye table. And if other folks out there listening kind of like it, where can they find their stuff? I want you to live your dreams. I appreciate the support. Yeah, well, where can they find you? I don't have a social media for my...
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, for God's sake. For God's sake, what's the name of it? What's the name of your wood carving? Do you have a name yet? No, I don't even have a name. Off the call back. Once you get your table, I'll call back in. You guys can help me come up with a name.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Okay. Are you on social media at all? Yeah, on Instagram. Yeah. I do photography and Pittsburgh and stuff. All right, give us your Instagram handle if people want to get a table. Threadbare underscore hippie., thread bear underscore hippie.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Thread bear underscore hippie. Yeah. Sounds like a fellow just made a table for a witch. Yeah, that's how I was going to say. All right, I love it. I'm excited, man. Thank you for calling in. That's going to be Slicker.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Slicker than snot right there. I'm excited. All right. Well, thanks for calling in, man. This is great. Hopefully, you know, you can get some more tables to carve. Yeah, thanks for taking my call, guys. Well, yeah, have a good one.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Talk to you soon. You too. But Charlie, Miles, he literally, we said we were gonna pressure him to five. Yeah. And then he would fold, but instead, I, I pressured you and you fold it. This cookie crumbles under pressure miles.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I don't know what to tell you. Okay, I don't like confrontation. I'm like, Rex and Toy Story. I know. All right, and you know, I'm taking out of the belly up account anyway, so, you know. Ha, ha, ha, ha. But it were like a married couple now.
Starting point is 00:36:26 My money's your money. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. What other thing, Joe? Yeah. I knew he was a hippie just by the way he laughed. I don't know what it is, but hippies all laugh the same way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Nothing wrong with it, but I was not as a hippie like I was like this this guy loves to smoke weed. How did it soon as he laughed for the first time? How does a hippie laugh? I don't know. It's just like more of like, uh, what the, go back and listen to it. I don't know how to describe it. Like that. Like a, uh, yeah. Kind of a vocal. It's like, it's like, I don't think he did that. I don't think he did that. Teddy. He definitely, oh, yeah. The hippie laugh. I wasn't paying attention. I like hippies. Whenever said there was anything wrong with being hippie, I just said I could tell it was a hippie by the way he left. Yeah. It's like they're laughing really loud and hard,
Starting point is 00:37:15 but they're not showing. They're not really doing, they're not really doing that. They're just, you know what I'm saying, Dude, how about his first piece that he brought up, he just casually said it was made for a win. Made for a win. Made for a win. It's because he's happy. He's hanging out with witches all the time. I suppose.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I didn't know that. Does that make him a warlock, then? No, no, no, you're a wizard. No. You're a wizard. I don't know, honestly. I don't know, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Interesting guy. Interesting fella. We're gonna take another one here. All right. What do we got in line? It's Stephanie. Hey Stephanie. How are you? Where are you calling them from? Minnesota. Oh Minnesota. We're in Minnesota Dakota actually, Ronald Allen Dakota, Minnesota Is it I like the right? Yeah, we just actually saw you I Dakota actually, Ronald, I'm Dakota, Minnesota. Is it I like the, yeah, we just actually saw you.
Starting point is 00:38:08 We just thought it's right by LaCrosse Wisconsin. Oh, sure. We saw you in October. Oh, thanks for coming out. Do you have a good time? The show. What do you think of the show? It was great.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Very, it was fun. Wow. What was his worst joke that he had? Yeah, I'm curious about that too. I don't think there was fun. I want to what was his worst joke that he had? Yeah, I'm curious about that too. I don't think there was one. Oh, see, Miles. Come on. I keep trying to tell Miles.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I'm a funny guy. He doesn't believe it, but you know, maybe one day, Miles was funny too. Yeah, I don't know about that. Oh, sure. He's a week. Well, why don't you belly on up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? Yeah, you know, it's a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice,
Starting point is 00:38:46 a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice,
Starting point is 00:38:54 a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice,
Starting point is 00:39:02 a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice, a nice 2020, you got a pretty, pretty big buck. Good for him. He's still talking about it. Um, yeah. And I'm sick of hearing about it. He was on a couple podcast. He was in the paper. He was in Northern White Hill magazine. Oh, you're married to what are you dating a rock star? I didn't tell us that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Why didn't you didn't say that we're that we had Mick Jagger. Yours was your boyfriend. Oh, I'm just. Yeah, you're exhausted. I'm exhausted. I'm very happy for him. He puts in all the hard work, but it gets to his head. Okay, that's to his head. Now, can I ask just before we go further, why did he end up in all these things? How big of a buck did he shoot? I was a 25 or 25 pointer. Holy smoke Charlie you realize this is exactly what you wanted to call in and not talk about. Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah. It was a two 15 and five eight non-typical floor. Oh, geez. Holy smokes. All right. No, we're not going to shoot it at though. Yeah, yeah. That's a secret.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Oh, dear honey hole. Okay. Wow, we thought we could get that idea, you know, he's trained you. Well, yeah. Did he even tell you? I've been eating them for a very long time. So you got you got amounted in the house then or what's the what's the whole thing with that? It's out in the man cave out in the shed. Okay. Did he do a shoulder mount? Did he do a full body? Maybe a full body type of one. He almost did
Starting point is 00:40:56 but he didn't. It was just a half half-month. Yeah the shoulder mount. Did he try to put it in the living room? Nope. He's got all this here. He got actually three years, his biggest years this year, to in November and one, the biggest one in December of 2020. Wow. Charlie. Yeah, sorry. We're not talking about this.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Okay. Well, why'd you why'd you call in? You know what he shot it with though? Sorry, before he move on. Yeah, both gone. I'm on the loader oh Oh, he's a muscle odor hunter. Yeah, good for him. He does it all He's a red coat Okay, I don't want to say this it might make you uncomfortable, but I think I'm falling in love with them too Ah, I get I get what I get where you're at I think I'm falling in love with them too. Ah, I get where you're at.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's what I've been dating them for 25 years. Holy smokes. And you, yeah, we've been dating since we were 14, 15 years old. Oh my. We have three kids. Why'd you guys never get married? That is his, his, I want to get married. He does. Oh, okay. Well, it's hard because he's married to the game, you know, it's hard to be married.
Starting point is 00:42:15 You know, and the game. Yeah, that's why I need help. Oh, in the how do I get him interested in me? I'm thinking maybe I need to borrow your guys's that that buck costume you guys wear. I need to pay him some on the whole of the mask. Oh yeah, we kind of a little very appealing slutty deer costume. Miles. Well, no, that's, that's what she, not she's not.
Starting point is 00:42:48 I'm saying the costume would be well to get them interested is what I'm saying. Sorry. Yeah, I'm just, it's 2470 talks about hunting. You watch the video. It's the dog. It's trinketing. But everything.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Do you know what kind of trail can he uses? I was like, it's a little, you know, my back maybe. Oh, okay. I would love to know his regimen. I'm not killing if he's got a whole routine. Miles, can you stay on track? I'm sorry. This is a gal who's trying to get her fella to see her for more than than just, you know, the deer. I mean, he sounds like he's the Michael Jordan of deer hunting. If you had Michael Jordan's one of his wives on the podcast right now,
Starting point is 00:43:33 you'd ask her some questions about it. Okay, I get it. Not wife, girlfriend. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, sensitive subjects, miles. Yeah, hopefully someday, hopefully someday. Okay, well, what is he, what does he say?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Like when you say, I think we should get married, does he shut down right away, or does he have a reason for not wanting to get married? He kind of shuts down. Okay, well. He says he doesn't want to rush into things. Doesn't want to rush into things. Oh, God, a war. He didn't have an 18 year old son. thing. Does anyone ever see the things?
Starting point is 00:44:07 God, I don't want to have an 18-year-old son. Yeah, it's smart to get him out of the house before you get married. That's a good move actually. It's something that taxes. Yeah, 18-year-old son and then we have 10-year-old twin daughters. Okay. A little surprise that you're
Starting point is 00:44:23 getting one got to. Come on, yeah. Okay. Okay, little surprise without you're getting one got to one year Okay, well here's my question. What is your approach when you bring it up? Is it passive aggressive? Is it it? That is what is 25 years. She's probably tried everything I've tried everything and I just yeah, I don't even bring it up anymore. So you said everybody that we around brings it up and you just, you just, you shut down. Well, okay, this is a, this is a, I think a deeper, I can also, I think I can empathize a little bit with them because everyone was always on media about popping the question.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And every time someone asked me when I was going to do it, I would move it back further so that so I think you guys just need to stop asking them about it. And then he'll do it. Sounds like that kind of situation to me. Yeah. It might. I don't even bring it up anymore. Why do you why do you think he doesn't want to do it?
Starting point is 00:45:26 If you had to take a guess, what's the line about the, get milk for free? Oh, what? What's the line about that? You know what it is, Jerne? I don't know. Keep you don't, you don't know. Do you have any, you, you, you just got no idea there? No, because he just kind of shuts down. Oh my gosh. Well,
Starting point is 00:45:49 well, have you ever tried? Yeah, why buy the cow when the milk is free? That's the line. You know, there you go. He is a coach. Oh, geez. You know, Miles. Well, look, I think I think that you kind of have you guys ever gone to a, you know, mate, here's what you do. Are there any? Okay, okay, you tell them that you've got a buck seminar that a couple's buck seminar and you did all your research there. And you
Starting point is 00:46:23 get this person, the person who's coaching the Bucks seminar, he's talking about Bucks, but what he's really talking about is marriage. And that's the way to see, you know, the thing is this guy loves deer and deer are, you know, I mean, they are not, they are a polygamist species. And I think he's been spend too much time. Well, now I'm not saying he's stepping out by any regard,
Starting point is 00:46:45 but that, you know, if he were a goose hunter, now goose, they made for life, you know, so maybe you can get him into goose hunting. Probably not. Okay. Charlie nice to hear. He likes his deer. Yeah, he likes his deer.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Okay. I got another thing. It seems like he's turning into a little bit of a media darling these days, huh? With all the magazines and stuff. What I want you to do is you're gonna come up with a fake magazine. And it's gonna be called
Starting point is 00:47:30 Hunters, the married life. And you're going to put articles in there, you're going to show it to him, whatever. He's going to start reading it. And it's like, you're going to have fake quotes like, wow, my hunting game has really gone through the roof ever since I got married. Tell you what my after getting married, you just your body releases, you're fair of mones that attract deer, you know, like you have articles about all that. I actually heard that's true. That once you get married, you just, if you think bucks were coming to you before that, once you get married, whole small, you're gonna do that. And then they're going to reach out to him to have an article
Starting point is 00:48:10 in that thing. And then they're going to have to turn them down because he's not married. And it sounds like he won't turn down any media opportunity that he can get. So then you'll have to pop the question just so you can get in hunters, the married life magazine. That is one way you could go. I think of that.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah, yep. I will. I'll think about that. Yeah, I shall think about that. That mean, have you guys ever had a relationship counselor ever get into the mix of this? This is a word, man. Well, I'm just asking.
Starting point is 00:48:42 No, no, no. And is that all, is that a hard know from him or a heart know from you? They're counseling as he goes sits on a deer stand. Yeah, that's the up exactly. Okay, so you've never brought up counseling? No, no, no, what what do you think would happen if you didn't? He'd be willing to try, but he what? I don't think we need counseling. Yeah, what the heck Charlie? Well, happy. You were very
Starting point is 00:49:09 happy. No one would like to take it a step further. Yeah, no, I'm the look everyone's everyone looks at counseling and they're like, all it's so bad. But you know, everyone's got these like weird issues in their head that sometimes they just need to talk
Starting point is 00:49:23 out, you know, and maybe he's got like a mental block about getting married. And he just got to talk out, you know, and maybe he's got like a mental block about getting married and he just got to get to the bottom of it. I don't think there's any shame in talking to someone about that, you know. Didn't the milk for free, Charlie? That's what it comes down to. Well, no, Miles, I, I, what do you think that's crazy? You don't, it seems like you don't want to do a counseling thing. Maybe. Maybe. Okay. We've given you. I don't think you know, we're not going to we find something like. All right. But just so you know, you got to remember that you called into a podcast hosted by a guy who's not yet married and a guy who's divorced. So we're probably the worst people that you can ask
Starting point is 00:50:04 about this particular situation. But we're probably the worst people that you can ask about this particular situation, but we're gonna try and get you something solid before we let you off the horn here, okay? Do you go hunting with him? Okay. No. No? Oh.
Starting point is 00:50:18 That's his thing. That's his thing. What's your thing? I'm being staying home with my kids. Yeah, but you have like a hobby or anything? Not really. I'm a homebody. I like to stay home. You know that could be a good, that could be a good place to start. You know, I mean, maybe you sort of explore, you just start going out without them all the time and then you'd be like, what's going on? You're like, wow, I'm not married. I don't know. I can go out whenever I want.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Now, let's mess with his head. Yeah. I see his rating ever. You said advice. That would get, what kind of like, you know, oh, have you tried proposing to him? Come on. Have you tried it?
Starting point is 00:51:03 There. Yeah, maybe I should try that. That's it. That's it. And you know what? I'm looking at a website right now where you can get deer antlers made into wedding rings. Yes, I know. I've looked into that too. Oh, have you? Well, why do actually? But but listen, but you you would like to be proposed to. Is that is that why you wouldn't do the proposing? Are you opposed to proposing? I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. actually, but, but, but listen, but you, you would like to be proposed to, is that is that why you wouldn't do the proposing or you oppose to proposing? Yeah, I'd like him to do it. Yeah, well, it sounds like that's never going to happen. I don't know. Miles, it's not, I think, no, I think that this goes in the category of tough pills to swallow. No, Miles, this is a horse pill that's tough parents to swallow. No, Miles. This is a horse bill that's hard to go down. Miles, we are here to offer solutions not to throw up our homes.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And sometimes the solution is just a little bit of truth, Charlie. So she's just got to propose to him, you know? All right. Well, you know what? I think a good way place to start would be if you're if you she wants him to propose to her and I think a good place to start would kind be like exploring like the things that you like to do and like what are your hobbies, you know, can you find something that you're as passionate about as he is as passionate about deer hunting. And I think you can kind of like it, you know, not to throw it all back on you, but you know, you've been trying for 25 years to get this fellow to do one thing. But so maybe a different technique if you haven't tried it is you just try to find yourself what brings you the most joy. You know, obviously outside of your family and all that, but what do you really like doing? Maybe try some new things, you know, try some things you've always like, oh, maybe I'd like that. But I already tried the whole angle. She didn't like it. No, but I think she'll
Starting point is 00:52:46 like, I'm giving it another a poll there, you know, like give us give us one thing that you like outside the family could be anything. Oh, boy, um, I don't know. I just like hanging out with friends and family hanging out with friends and family. Do you like, um, hiking at all you like? Help her get married just Where you're going with this? Well miles. I wouldn't expect to Now miles and miles and I are about to break up Payal just a little more attention to me. I got it. I
Starting point is 00:53:27 Got it Payal just a little more attention to me. No, I got it. I got it. What is he love to do more than anything in the world? Dear hunt, dear hunt. Dear hunt. You got to make it a hunt for him. You got to. Yeah. Just just get him in a situation where it feels like, you know, why would I, why would I shoot this buck? Now, if I know I can grow it a couple more years and get
Starting point is 00:53:54 even a bigger rack on it, you know, why would I shoot it now? And that's his approach. You got to make it feel, it's not going to be true, but you got to make it feel like he's never going to get another shot at this buck. And he needs to take it now. This is what I'm thinking. Wow. I didn't think Miles would come up with any good advice in this, but I think he just did.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I think he got it. Yeah. All right. So what does that look like? What does that look like? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Just telling that like, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Yeah, just telling that like, I'm taking the kids and leaving, you know? Like if we'll get the job done. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Well, see, you're not willing, you're not, that's what it's gonna take. He's been like, okay, fine, and I'll get, let's get married.
Starting point is 00:54:39 And you're like, let's go. I was never gonna leave anyways. Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't wanna be the guy that suggests this. She's trying to get off the phone with us. She's like, it's a disaster. Yeah, she's like, what was I thinking? Calling these guys, cheese, go ease.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Well, how about this, Miles and I, when you guys get married, Miles and I will officiate the wedding. Oh, there we go. All right. All right. All right. OK.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Well, I'm sorry to make you sad. I feel like your energy was great. We started and now you're sad. Yeah, we really screwed the pooch here. No, I'm happy to talk to you guys. Oh, I was super nice to talk to you. And it makes me feel the better. We truly were doing our best to help you.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah, we're just we're just absolute idiot. So you may have called the wrong, uh, the wrong person to figure this out. But I do like miles this thing, you know, you know, you find, find the thing that, uh, that, you know, you like and kind of maybe invest in that into your side of it and just find, find your thing, you know, and then that'll make you kind of, he'll kind of be like, wait, what's going on there, you know, and you'll be like that buck thing. I don't know. I'm now I'm lost in words, but you kind of get the vibe. Yeah, and before you go, before you go, what kind of camo does your husband wear? Oh, jeez miles. Are you're, you're, you're, you're, you're,
Starting point is 00:56:01 you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, I'm gonna call for us. I'm gonna play for my best. Point Miles. You know, he's mentally, I thought we made him your husband because we came up with such a great idea as God. Well, you know, Miles, you tried and this is what happens when you try. Cheese, go waste. Well, anyways, you got anything you want to buy selling trade while we got you on the deal. The elephant husband. Oh, damn it.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Oh, boy, friends. I'm thinking good. No. No. I wouldn't do that. All right. Well, you seem like such a sweetheart and you really do deserve that ring. You really do.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Honest to Pete. So we hope you get it. We hope you get it. We wish you the best. Alright, someday someday. It's gonna happen. Okay. That's how like you really believed it. But it is. I'm putting that out there. All right. Tell
Starting point is 00:56:59 your boyfriend. Thank you, fan. Big fan. Mom. See you. Alright, I will. Alright, bye fan. See you. All right. I will. All right. Bye. Thank you. Miles.
Starting point is 00:57:10 She was not purposely calling on her husband. I messed that up. I mean, I thought I was giving good advice. I don't see. She wasn't really given us much, you know, and you kind of start to wander. No, I just, I just feel like I start to wonder. Maybe we know our boyfriend feels a little bad. He needs to be more open to things too.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Well, I just feel like, you know, if, I don't know, if she found the thing that that kind of lit her up the way the, the hunting lights, the husband up, you know, maybe the husband would be like intrigued by that or or like or get jealous, you know, get jealous. Yeah. Oh, man. I mean, let's be honest, I don't think they're ever getting married. No, I think they are. 25 years, he's going to change. I think, I mean, she. I mean, let's be honest. I don't think they're ever getting married. No, I think 25 years he's going to change. I think I, I mean, she said, dude, she's calling it. We call that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. She's calling in the us to get advice. I feel like she's at a point. She's at a point desperation. She's calling on. I know. But she also wasn't open to any of our advice. Well, we're also idiots.
Starting point is 00:58:28 She did like the proposed to him. I think she should do that. That's my final answer. OK, with Antler ring. Yeah. There we go. All right, take another call. Guys, by this point of the year, if you're in the Midwest,
Starting point is 00:58:41 you're probably sick of shoveling snow. Are you sick of shoveling snow, Trou, you're probably sick of shoveling snow. Are you sick of sick of shoveling snow? Uh, sick of shoveling snow. Yeah. Sick of shoveling snow. Start off the year. You're kind of enjoying it. But by now, you've absolutely hated it. Yeah. You know, Miles, it is one of them things. You know, you get out there, January. Oh, this is fun. This is cute. Before Christmas, you're like, oh my gosh, it's snow. Look at the flakes coming down. It's so beautiful. Yeah. Winter, wonderland. Yeah. And then in the, in the February, it's black snow all over the place. You
Starting point is 00:59:15 know, it's just, it's crusty. You got the thing right at the drive way. You're over it. You're over it. Yeah. But you know what's something you're not over? Tipeek cow. Tipeek cow baby. Yeah. And that's why I like to reward my shoveling efforts, the nice glass of tipeek cow. Nothing goes down better than rolling in to the house after a big shoveling session. And just tip it on back, a glass of tipeek cow. Yeah, tip on back, glass of tipeek cow. That's what I'm that's what I'm saying miles It's good stuff. We got the orange cream right now and you know, I tell you what whoever thought that Looked the cream and so let's combine it. Oh, no, this is what we need to do if you're gonna go out and shovel
Starting point is 01:00:00 Have a glass then bring the bottle out there, stick it in the snow bank, keep it chilled while you're shoveling. And afterwards you tip on back another tippy cow. Hell yeah, tippy cow. Dip it on back. Folks, it is that time of the year where things are kind of breaking down and whatnot. It's the dead of winter. And boy, oh boy, if you need some for your car, you need windshield wiper food or new windshield wipers after they've been working over time with all the salt and whatnot, head on over to the fleet farm.
Starting point is 01:00:33 They got everything you need to keep your car, your automobile, uh, just, just working for you and not a fine tune machine, a fine, Lee tune machine, exactly. And while you're there, why don't you get some fish and stuff a finely tuned machine, finely tuned machine exactly. And while you're there, why don't you get some fish and stuff, some hunting stuff, some kitchen stuff. They got great crock pots there too. I tell you that right now. They have salad, we sell it. We sell it. No, no, no, no. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Have fleet farm fleet farm. We love it. Heck yeah, we do. Um, one thing about fleet farm, Charlie. Yes, Miles. What's your favorite time of year for Fleet Farm? Like they have the seasons. You like winter?
Starting point is 01:01:11 You like the ice fishing stuff? I like the ice fishing stuff quite a bit on this. I would say really like leading up to Orange Friday, to be honest with you. Is it your favorite? Yeah, because you got hunting, you got Christmas, you got ice fishing. There's just so much there.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And, you know, those activities that you only do once a year, one season a year in winter, it's kind of you lose the stuff from last year, you know, so there's always something I need. So yeah, I can't enjoy that. I like, like right now is a great time to be going through there. Because you also also I think It's like you've gone ice fishing by now and you've broke some stuff So you just walk right through there get some more You know, it's like you don't go there to buy go there to buy one thing and you leave it 10
Starting point is 01:01:57 You know so yeah That's what I like this time of year and it's how it goes well. Thank you for sharing that miles Yeah, it was nice to hear it. Believe it, we love it. We do. Who do we got on the line today? Well, hey boys, it's Ashley from Indiana. I think I get through.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Hey Ashley from Indiana. You bet you got through. What's on your mind, Ashley? Got a couple of bones to pick, gentlemen. Oh, oh God. What would we say? What would we say when we say it? I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to a female friend or find someone to help out since your optimal dating advice was to find a stop sibling and then date them. Hey, okay, that was miles. I had been drinking that day. I didn't do the math, okay. Sorry. I mean, you could call somebody in, maybe like one of their ancestors. They're just a damn delight.
Starting point is 01:03:07 So maybe to like call them in somehow. Oh, yeah, I call my sisters in. Oh, geez, you know, did you listen to the podcast with them? Or do you know one of them? Oh, yeah. No, no, no, I listen to the podcast. Oh, yeah. What was it?
Starting point is 01:03:22 What was it? It was. Thanks for listening, Miles. Oh, when do you ever listen to any of my stuff? When I'm on it, when I'm on your podcast, I listen usually. Except when I'm not listening. Now, is this what you called in to divide me in Charlie or what?
Starting point is 01:03:36 What is going on here? Yeah, yeah, yes. I did. That's exactly the reason I did it. Sorry. Are those your two bones to pick with us? No, I also wanted to take a bone that Indiana has been very underrepresented on this podcast and I'm personally offended by it. I actually just got a miss call from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Well, that's the wrong part of the state. Oh, good part of the state is for uncowling Trump. All right. So you're saying that there, tell me about Indiana. Why does Indiana deserve more recognition? What? It's not Ohio. So that's like that. I would agree.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Wow. Yeah. Indiana is what you need to do to do to like climb the Midwest ladder is to throw a Ohio under the bus immediately. I see how it is in Indiana. I see how it is. It's like that's hard to do. I mean, I feel like that's like a baby step.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Okay. That's like the baby camp. All right. What makes Indiana so great? Well, so I live in Southern Indiana. So it's beautiful. Yeah. All right. What makes Indiana so great? Well, so I live in Southern Indiana. So it's beautiful. We have a river, the Ohio.
Starting point is 01:04:52 The Ohio River. So it's not even your guys' river. You're just borrowing someone else's river then. It's. It's what these okay between us and Kentucky. So, well, it's a break. But it's not the Indiana River. Yeah, why isn't it the Indiana River? I live here. It's a great place to live. So yeah, just a point. Okay. So you're saying that Ohio does our, oh, damn it. Indiana deserves more recognition because one,
Starting point is 01:05:33 it's not Ohio. And two, you have a river that's named after Ohio. Those are the two bugaboo's, the two things or what? Yeah, you might have to do a little better than this. the two things or what? Yeah, you might have to do a little better than this. Oh, well, it's very country. Okay. I think they're fishing. They're, I think you're starting to find out a little bit
Starting point is 01:05:55 why it doesn't have as much recognition, you know? You know what, though, I'm gonna say this. I, Indiana is an unsung hero of the Midwest. There's a lot of great things going on in Indiana. What's our Charlie? Well, every time I drive through it. So you never stop. That's not true. That's not true. It's not helping. You guys have a lot of beautiful windmills there on on the dry down. Capital the world. Yeah, you guys got a lot of windmills there. Indianapolis is a very fun city.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I was out there doing a show and you guys have the NFL draft there every year, right? Combine. You have the combine there every year. We have the combine. Yeah. I will have to say I have been to self-bend to go to a Notre Dame game once before. And so that's a fun college. That's not naggable.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah, you get exactly. Yeah, you got Notre Dame. So you got Rudy. We could not have Rudy without Indiana. I'm not a big fan of the movie Rudy, though. Well, Miles, I'm trying to find. It teaches kids the wrong lesson, you know, if you suck give up.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Not yet. Let's unpack this. What do you mean it's the wrong lesson? Yeah, let's unpack this, Miles. Well, it kind of, it goes along the lines of the whole everyone gets a participation trophy, you know? Oh, okay, let's set this up. Miles, why do you really hate Rudy?
Starting point is 01:07:24 Because I heard that the story did not go that way in real life. How did the story actually go? I think it's pretty much like, like, he was just like a random guy on the team that happened to get some scrub time in the game, you know? So it's like, it wasn't like the whole team rallyed around him like that. I don't even think he really didn't, Wasn't it that he like never actually even got carried off the field and stuff? Yeah, it was just like he went in the game. They're like, woo, and then they left. And that was it? Yeah, it was no like hoisting him and carrying him off
Starting point is 01:07:58 the field and stuff. Yeah, well, I mean, it's not a documentary, dude. It's a movie, you know? So what do you not like about the movie? I just hold that's just not it's just not realistic. Yeah, it's a movie movies are not Is this supposed to be based on a true story? Yeah, based it didn't say a true story. It's based on a true story I'm just saying it teaches you You shouldn't be just trying to play in the game. You should be trying to win the game is what I'm here. Oh, I see. I see. And do you?
Starting point is 01:08:28 Cut throat. That's a strong note. That's a strong note on Rudy. Yeah. Well, what are you doing? And then we said it was a bad movie. I just think it sends the wrong message. OK.
Starting point is 01:08:37 OK. Well, Miles will have to work out that issue on his own. What do you think? What do you do for fun in Indiana? Well, I can tell you what I'm doing right now, which is it's the the last day of my kids two weeks winter break and I'm drinking wine in my closet. That's the one. Indiana. I mean, you're really not selling it. Yeah, Indiana is so great. You are drinking wine in your end, it's so great.
Starting point is 01:09:05 You are drinking wine in your closet. Indiana, so great. You want to go sit in a room with no windows, with no one there and drink by yourself. I have three young children, guys. I have three young children. I'm trying to, it's raining outside. Who's watching the kids?
Starting point is 01:09:22 I don't know, but TV. I pad kids. I love it. I'm a big iPad kid guy. I think I'm gonna just slap one in front of my kids someday right out of the womb. Yep. That's right to go. But yeah, that's it. It's far outside of that fun. We do. We're
Starting point is 01:09:41 outside all the time. Okay. What do we have a lot of each other lately? Okay. Well, what do you guys do when you're outside? We're excited. We're sick. We can't. And you're doing all this in Indiana. That's awesome. You're in the closet. You cut out. What did you say? You're in the closet. You cut out. What did you say? I said, a horseback riding, camping, fishing, hiking. Okay. And she does it all in Indiana. I'm going to give her a fun. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 And so does Indiana have a lot of nice trails to do that? A lot of good outdoors because it's mostly. Thank you. Yeah. It's beautiful. Now, my bias to Indiana are my, you know, like, ignorant sort of thoughts, I guess, are that it's a fairly flat state. Is that accurate or not? That is. Well, so you're talking Northern Indiana. That's like the zoom, the windmills, all that stuff. That's very super flat. I love it. Like, in the, like, we're on the Kentucky border. And it's very, hilly, very wooded. It's beautiful. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:46 See, we're we're we're in everything new and I. So I got a question for you. Yeah. Why do you people in southern Illinois have a heavy southern accent? But you don't seem to have that. If you always live there,
Starting point is 01:11:01 what talked to me about that? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. that. If you always live there, what talked to me about that? I've lived here, um, it's actually born on the other side of the state, but then I, I've lived here for 20 plus years in college, um, but people tell me I have a Southern accent if I go anywhere outside of here. So I'm, that's very interesting. Because we're right on the competitive order. And if you literally go five miles south, it's like, Hey, y'all welcome to the south. Like it I know I'm saying it so it makes sense to grew up in the northern part of Indiana then Yes, I'm right Cincinnati like across the river. Okay. Well, that makes sense then But yeah, people tell me how to sell the accent because I want to school in Pennsylvania and so they were like are you from Georgia?
Starting point is 01:11:42 I'm like, no, why don't you go to school in Indiana? I love Indiana so much. Well, I finished school in Indiana, Miles. The one comes from Vagia. For someone says, we're going to give you money to go play a sport. You say, OK, yes. Oh, OK. What sport?
Starting point is 01:11:59 What sport? I play volleyball in college. OK. Nice. So you are not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:12:12 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm under selling my height? Yeah. Absolutely. All the programs and sports, always at least.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Oh, right. Yeah. Like I'm sick one. Yeah. Yeah. It's like guys when they're talking about themselves, it's always a couple more inches than what they actually got. You know, now I'm looking at all these things that you can do in Indiana. And I got to tell you, there's a lot I didn't know. Like you guys have underground caves and stuff. Are you googling this right now? Yeah, I mean, I like you.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I'm trying to help you. Talk to her about playing college volleyball. We haven't had very many athletes calling. Oh, well, I'm sorry. Continue. I'll just keep looking at this. Yeah, of course. So what was your position in volleyball? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm okay, God what? Why after every single point do volleyball players cheer and act like they just won the championship? And you have organized cheers and everything that happened.
Starting point is 01:13:37 What's up with that? Well, I feel like organized cheers is more like high school and younger. But I mean, there's a lot of strategy and effort that goes into every play. So it's fun to celebrate it because it's so fast-paced. I know, but a football team doesn't get a 10-yard run and then get back to the huddle and they all high five and cheer and slap each other's asses and go like,
Starting point is 01:14:01 you know, they don't do that every time. What's... Have you ever done zip-lining? I mean, I'm like, you know, they don't do that every time. What's, have you ever done zip-lining? I mean, I'm like, could you imagine after every single basket that they scored in basketball, they'd pause the game and then everyone would high five and cheer and get together in a circle? I feel like that's a real missed opportunity, to be honest. So I'm, I feel like this all does a lot of like,
Starting point is 01:14:27 let's hit our helmets together and like, just bump. That is true. Okay. So that is actually, that was a good point. I'll give you that one. So I don't think, and I feel like there's a lot of butt slap in a basketball. So that's true. Hello. If you're, I don't think you got, you got an angle on that one. It's more so than like the raw, raw cheering that kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's like
Starting point is 01:14:51 it's kind of the same along the lines of the my Rudy take. If, you know, you just go to point just like you did last time, walk back to the huddle and do it again. You know, guys, I'd like to interrupt real quick. And the rest and then walk back to the huddle and do it again, you know, guys, I'd like to interrupt real quick. And then walk back to the huddle and do it again. If you go to Harris and County, Indiana, you can spend time ziplining miles, pick up the microphone. I'm ziplining, um, doing tie-acking and, uh, explore these caves. And also there's the historic cordon and Harrison County
Starting point is 01:15:25 where you can see all these cool buildings. John Dillinger spent a lot of time there. You can do the boot lagging tour. Indiana's a fantastic place, guys. Okay, you can continue. I think you like, how are you for tourism? Well, I just basically all parents does these days. What's that?
Starting point is 01:15:46 You just do tourist ads for everything. I'm pretty much. Hey, dare guy. I'm up here in Green Bay at the Packer game. The 15 best things to do in Indiana with photos. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:01 What? Do you have any questions about volleyball for? We've never had someone call in that's a college volleyball All right. What? Do you have any questions about volleyball for? We've never had someone call in that's a college volleyball player and you're sitting there at Google and it's faxable. The Indianapolis 500 about trails and biking. The Indy 500.
Starting point is 01:16:16 There's we could talk to anyone about hiking. Have you have a medium to tall gal on the line that's played volleyball? I want you to ask her some questions about it. OK. All right. What's the most nervous? OK. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:16:34 OK. Who like the quarterback is obviously the top dog on the football team. Yeah. OK. Sure. And so who is the quarterback? Typically is it the one who bumps sets or spikes? Yeah, who's like the one that's like the superstar? So first off, you say pass that hit, not bump sets bikes.
Starting point is 01:16:57 That's one of the cookies. Well, so it's spunk. Miles little cooler. Miles, don't, don't, you can't argue with her. She's a professional volleyball. She's not well She's a college. She's an amateur volleyball I'm aggressively mediocre DQ volleyball player. So let's like okay, well I'm super eight. Wait, currently you currently are in college? No, no, she's currently
Starting point is 01:17:22 Dacking mine in the closet. Geez. I have three children. I choose in college. So, so that really sucks, actually, you miss the whole N. I. L. thing too. You really couldn't be a professional. Where you get paid for your name, image like I'd rather played
Starting point is 01:17:37 collegiate football and he like got in the tail end of the N. I. L. stuff and like bought like a really nice bike with it. Oh, damn it. So, you know where you can use that bike. Indiana has great trails on the trails of Indiana. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:53 And if you get sick of the trails, Fort Wayne has a wonderful children zoo. God. Oh, so who is the quarterback of the volleyball team? Better. What? The setter. So the setter is like, like big swing and take on campus. All the hands of know she's telling you what you're going to do, how you're going to do it. Yeah, but the public like when, when the media wants to do an interview after the game, are they interviewing the setter or who are they interviewing?
Starting point is 01:18:29 Well, I mean, volleyball doesn't get as much media coverage, shockingly as other stories. But I would say probably, yeah, true. Yeah, I would probably say like the middle hitter, because I was like the big super creepy athletic one, but the setter runs the show. Okay. So the unsung heroes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So the middle hitter is the answer to your question, middle hitter. Yeah. You want to be a middle hitter? The answer to your question. Okay. Real good. Yeah. Well, this is fascinating.
Starting point is 01:19:01 I myself did not play much volleyball and I wasn't very good at it when I did. So don't you guys, his arms hurt when the ball smashes against them really hard? Um, no, not really. Oh, you guys hurt when you get. Well, because you like you get used to it. Okay, like a little callus.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Your bones and your muscles get used to. No, it does hurt when you get hit in the face. I've gotten hit in the face real hard. So that that hurt. That'll happen You know, I like a I like a girl with a nice set of calluses on her forms. That's really really good Do you play in the sand too? No, I'm horrible in the fans. I played like two times and it was awful. What? How, I mean, how does that not translate? Are you kidding me? Running in the sand so much harder than running on a court? No, I know. It's harder. You would think that it would be like a one for one. I think it literally everything that you have learned on an indoor court does not
Starting point is 01:20:03 translate at all to an outdoor court. Can you do an example? Okay, I'll give you an example. Now I don't even play sliding. You can slide on your knees on an indoor deal. You're not doing any knee sliding. You're all diving. All dives on the sand. There's also an itch factor. You got that much sand going everywhere. It's going to be pretty itchy. And it's I'm having a deal with that elements. Something you don't think about. That's true. Was I right about the new sliding thing or no?
Starting point is 01:20:33 Well, as far as like movement on the court, yes, you're right. You're correct. OK, and that's not what you was talking about. Like on the beach. You got deal with wind. You mean elements. Yeah, the beach. You got to deal with wind. You mean elements. Yeah, the elements sun beaten down, sand in your crack, wind, the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Yeah, all of it. That's a no go for me. Some of a few times no, thank you. Okay, I need a precious precious into report, please. Have you ever been to Horseshoe Hammond? No, thanks.
Starting point is 01:21:13 As no, it looks like some gambling goes on there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, because you know, I've not been there. Oh, okay. Well, that's another thing to do in Indiana. Oh, well, you need to check out French lick, which is a real place. Larry Bird's hometown. Oh, yeah, French lick in Indiana. Who named that town? Is that on your, I don't know, but they have
Starting point is 01:21:38 some issues. Yeah. Like, are they lost? They lost a bit. I don't know. I think that's how you get COVID by French lick in Indiana, you know. I think that's how you get COVID by French looking Indiana, you know? I think that I think he's on it. Thanks, Belchi. I have you been to the dunes? Yes, I mean, they're beautiful. And guys, Indian ads. So am I. When the grandma goes to the dunes with their boyfriend. The Children's Museum in Indianapolis has some amazing dinosaur exhibit. Anyway, just a wealth of knowledge. Well, I'm just doing a quick Google here, the Wellfield Botanic Gardens. I mean, that's now on my list too.
Starting point is 01:22:21 God, look at these treat. They got it. They've got Japanese garden there, Zen garden. Holy smokes. Indiana is really cool. Have you been to the city market in Indianapolis? I have. It's real nice there.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah. Charlie. Charlie, at some point, she's gonna have to come out of the closet. And? I haven't even tried to do that. Are you judging me? No try to do that. Miles. Yeah, what's wrong? I was mostly saying she's got kids. She needs to take Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm going on. Yeah, sorry. Last one exotic. She did put. Yeah, exotic feline rescue center. That's the last one I'll say you can see some lions and not feel bad about it. So anyways, that's that.
Starting point is 01:23:07 But yeah, I'm really glad you called it and picked this bone. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, should we let you go? Is this a midwest goodbye now? Yeah, I think so. All right. I'm probably hearing the crying. Yeah, but who knows?
Starting point is 01:23:22 Who knows? Silence is actually the thing you don't want. You know, some's going on. We'll take so much. Podcast. See you. Thank you. I don't know what you saw, but I'm sure it's super inappropriate.
Starting point is 01:23:36 No, it wasn't. It wasn't bad at all. All right. Bye-bye. So nice to you to call in now. What did you say about inappropriate? No, she thought you were saying something appropriate. It's so funny how many of our colors are trying to get off the horn with us. I feel like the last why? Why? Because all you wanted to do was read Google. That's
Starting point is 01:23:59 really good. That's really good podcasting, Charlie. Well, you know, sorry, we can't all talk about volleyball miles. It's just, it's a, it's a topic we've never covered on this podcast. I was diving into it. Miles, when are you going to propose to me? I really spiked that segment. Oh, it was good. I set it up for you. I would have liked for you to set it up.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And I see I already beat you to that punch line. Chase Louise. Speaking of that, I got to get another bump here. Yeah. Fill her up. You know, see, I already beat you to that punch line. Chase Louise. Speaking of that, I got to get another bump here. Yeah. Fill her up. Oh, is that the end of the episode? Okay. Well, it's the end of the episode. Um, guys, thanks for tuning in. Charlie, give them one more fun fact about Indiana. I know you've been we know I thought you'd never ask so Has anyone ever been to the perfect North slopes?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Indiana might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think about ski resorts But the perfect North slopes you'll realize that you don't have to travel to the Alps to experience a winter wonderland Fresh powder covers a wide variety of slopes these include Mart lanes for beginners and free rainchills and trails for experts. Man, Indiana, who would have thought? Not me? Not me either. Alright guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Belly Up Podcast. Your top tourism podcast and all the land. Head to Indiana. You won't be upset.
Starting point is 01:25:27 You dead. Drive on through. Love you guys. Love you, bye. Tip your bartender. Tip your bartender.

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