Bellied Up - Perfecting The Midwest Goodbye #24

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we discuss awesome tourist attractions, First caller is wondering which whiskey is better American or Canadian? Next caller is spending her birthday at the Wisc...onsin Dells, last caller of the day is moving from California to the Midwest and doesn't want to stick out like a sore thumb

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody welcome back to the Belly Up podcast. I'm Belly Up to the bar with my buddy, Miles. And it's presented by Flea Fom. Presented by Flea Fom. We love it. Flea Fom. We love it. I only have one job screwed it up.
Starting point is 00:00:17 I always screw up the intros. Miles, what have you been up to? Give me, give me some to talk about here. A few weeks ago. I was the great state of South Dakota heard of it. Great faces there and also great places. Yeah. Yeah. It's got a lot of them. They should make that their slogan. They really showed that super rhymy. I like South Dakota a lot. I mostly like it because there's no rules in South Dakota. None. It is the wild wild west. The wallless land. Quite literally they have
Starting point is 00:00:45 deadwood even deadwood. Exactly. There's come bring that out wild wild west themed. Yeah. Well not themed. It really was. Yeah. Sorry. Actually a place. Yeah. This is in Westworld. It's deadwood. Yeah. You ever been a deadwood? Never been the deadwood. You ever been to the corn palace before? No. Would you go to the corn palace? Did I okay? I got it. I got it. So hold on Mitchell South Dakota heard of it home of the world's only Corn palace ladies and gentlemen If you find yourself in Mitchell South Dakota
Starting point is 00:01:23 Come to the world's only corn palace. You've seen the pyramids. You've seen the statue of liberty, but there's only one corn palace. Corn palace. It's made of corn coming to you. No, and you're, and also has basketball on the inside. Does it really?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Shot, it makes no sense. They got basketball in the corn palace Does it really? It makes no sense. They got basketball in the corn palace. That's what the corn palace is. Is it a gymnasium? Really. So is it a double decker? Like do they have boards on top of the corn rows? Somehow, have they structurally secured these corn rows?
Starting point is 00:01:57 So is it multi-story? Sorry. The corn is mostly of a near, and it's showing the outside. Yeah, it's a real building. Oh, it is. Yeah. It's not just stacks of corn cobs. Oh, I thought it would be. And what, you know, that's what you think. But it is, yeah, they just have a veneer corn. It's actually really sad this year. Why? So dry and self decoder. It was dry. I didn't have enough corn to finish all the murals on the side shoot. Yeah, you know, they've they have the drought
Starting point is 00:02:30 Rowdy like you that is some dirt roads. I was just there too dirt roads Holy smokes they're coming up but the dirt ones that they were able to do look great. Yeah, so I'm still confused In fact more confused than when you started talking about this. So it's a building, looks like a school building with just corn. No, it looks like a feeder is what it looks like. Because I think that they probably have feeder events there. Okay. Because there's a stage on the side of the basketball court.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But okay, oh, interesting. I get it. So then, but on the outside, it's just one roll of corn or many rows of corn. Um, Jared, you want to pull up? So Jared, or he knows what I'm talking about. Well, no, but still we have listeners who are going to need you to explain this so they can visualize. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:12 So it's about, it's brick, about eight feet high. Yeah. And then everything above that is either made out of the outside is got either corn cobs or corn stalks or stuff like that. And then they get different colored corn because you can get the colored corn or what it's exactly called. And they make images on the side of the building
Starting point is 00:03:35 with the different corncubs. Oh, very cool. Let me take a look. Oh, that is sweet. Yeah, so that's all corn on there. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh yeah, so that's all this that's all corn on there. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So it's like her then it's not on a sturdier. There's a little museum thing on the inside. There's a sweet old lady. Do you guys know what the sweet old lady's name was? No, I don't remember. But she was a sweet old lady
Starting point is 00:04:00 got in there. She asked us if we wanted to watch a video. Did you watch it? We didn't. Oh. Well, when we got there, there was another couple watching it. So, okay. Well, she got someone there. But it's really a fascinating place, really. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I, you know what? I love that about the Midwest is that anywhere you go, there's not an exit too far away where you're going to find like the world's biggest penny or the world's biggest frying pan or the world's biggest muskie. And the question always is why and the answer should always be because we can. Absolutely. You can because there's not a lot of other shit going on. I tell you this so it's true. DeForest, Wisconsin, they got the pinky, the elephant, this big, old pink elephant.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And I. Before. What for? It built the economy of deforest off the highway How many people were stopping off the highway and deforest if they didn't live there enough but not as many if pinky weren't there true very true Quick trip has this Upside down semi hanging up at Boston. There's another one. Hey, words got the world's biggest muskie, you know, there's about eight different towns in Minnesota that have the world's biggest Paul Bunyan. That's true. And the biggest Paul Bunyan's actually in Wisconsin. I don't know. There's Paul Bunyan land. Well, I mean, that's not true. I just wanted to say I think brainer actually might have the biggest one or the cows
Starting point is 00:05:28 pernice the cow and man 12. Perm. No, Virgus Minnesota's got the biggest loon. Virgus Minnesota's got the biggest loon. That's cool. What is a pelican rapids has got the biggest pelican. That's a dead giveaway. Ross says got the biggest. Ross has got the biggest Pelican That's a dead giveaway Ross says got the biggest prairie chicken. Yeah, I mean that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:05:53 It and if you had a town Charlie. Yeah, and you were gonna have either the world's only or the world's largest well To be wow, then you can't say Shark anatomy, okay, okay. Yeah, no you can't say shark anatomy, okay? Okay, yeah, no, I won't, I won't go down that sharks. By the way, if you didn't listen to the last podcast, they got two willies, okay, so they're called class versus. That doesn't have to be the world's only two willies. Anyways, what would you choose?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Man, man, oh man,, man, oh, man. Okay, all right, I know what I did. I know what I would do. I would have the world's biggest red-breasted Merck answer. With the wings out, with the wings out, or I would have them doing their mating dance. Their mating ritual. Can you give us all, play by play if you want to do it for us.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So hold your microphone. Oh, no. Can you do the dance? Oh, you do it. I can do it. I can do it. I think I've said this on this podcast before, haven't I? Or maybe a different, all right, here's how you've got all the males, okay? And then the female and they have razor sharp bills, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Well, I think it's them. I don't know. But anyway, the males are dancing. They're flapping their wings, like trying to impress her and they're going, beek in the water, beek up, ass in the water, beek up, ass up. That's the way they like to, you know, and the gal sounds like Miley Cyrus. Exactly. Back, yeah, back of the pond. Anyway, the gal docks, the gal docs, the female, we're abreast of our dancers, they get their beak and they just put it right in the stomach of the male that they want to point with. And that's how it happened.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I think that humans is a doffat. Yeah. Yeah. Just walk over to someone and you just put your nose right on their belly and they know that. Then there's no guessing, you know, there's no guessing at all. It's kind of like bumble except, yeah, no swiping. It's just poking.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, something like that. Anyway, so I would do like a, like four male, red breast and mergansers, one female and the female will be poking the male that she likes and the other ones would be like trying to go beat up, ass up, trying to impress her. She's already made her selection. It says so much yet so little at the same time. How about you? I knew you were going to ask. Thank you, Charlie. Yeah. I got two in mind. Oh, wow. Okay. I was go the world's only
Starting point is 00:08:19 beer cans sculpture made out of beer cans. There's for sure one of those in the world, but okay, biggest, biggest, yeah. And it also runner up is I'd like to have the world's largest pull tab. Okay. I like both of them. You do realize that you have drank enough bush to make this reality. Just last weekend. Yeah. So why don't you guys at UBETCH? You have enough space there at the... Well, you're now giving away all my secret plans, you know? Are you going to...
Starting point is 00:08:53 Well, you just gave it away yourself. Everybody is coming up with the same logic, logical conclusion that if anybody's going to do this, it's going to be you. Someday we'll have the U the Betje office open for tourism. We'll have the world's largest pull tab in the world's largest beer sculpture made out of beer cans. See the someday. Well, that won't be a winner either. Yeah, the poll tab will be a try again.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, and it'll be like half crumpled and just laying there, cracked open. No, it'll be a good sculpture. I don't know how we're going to open. No, it'll be a good sculpture. I don't know how we're going to do it, but it'll be a good one. Yeah. So I think those are good. I think those are really good ones. I don't know. I think people want to see the biggest pull tab more than the bird.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I mean, you're definitely right on that 100%. By the way, we should ask for people to message us who checks the messages I'll be Jared Jared This is probably gonna be giving them the messages. I want the messages what they think Well, they would do what they would do. Yeah, and then we'll read some of them on the podcast the next time make a note of that Yeah, forget yeah, forget. Yeah. All right, yeah. So that goes.
Starting point is 00:10:07 So I know what you would want your, if you had a town and you had the decision for the world's largest, our world's only, what would it be? Yeah. And you don't even need a town. You can just build it. If you build it, they will come.
Starting point is 00:10:19 If you got a yard, you know, you got a nice half acre. Yeah. The backyard, I'm sure the neighbors will love it. Yeah, that'll really up the property value. Yep. All right. So we take some callers. Let's do it. Let's take some cars. Oh, hello, how you doing? Hello there. Hey, what's your name? Where you from? My name is Benjamin, and I currently am here in Washington state up around
Starting point is 00:10:46 swim, Washington. Ooh, little Washington state. I would say this by the first person calling in from Washington state. Wouldn't you say, Charlie? Well, um, I can't remember. I honestly feel like many beers for Charlie. Yeah. I feel like we might have had someone else from Washington, but no
Starting point is 00:11:03 Benjamin's from Washington. You're our first Benjamin from Washington. So Benjamin, what's cooking up there in Washington? Oh, you know, not much. I mean, I, uh, just been sitting around home all day. Oh, yeah. You've been sitting at home drinking all day, Benjamin? Oh, yeah. Well, it's, uh, what day is today? I guess a Tuesday. It's a Tuesday. What's going on with that?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah, what are you doing on here in between jobs? What's going on? And by the way, no judgment here. I could remember the day. I could remember the day. Uh, yeah, no, I, uh, I got off work at like four in the morning. So, oh, night shift. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:49 What do you do for work, Benjamin? I'm actually in the Navy. Oh, you're in the Navy. All right. Are we going to a couple of people from the Navy calling? Yeah, we have. Yeah. Last guy who called from the Navy, you gave away the ending of Top Gun for me.
Starting point is 00:12:04 So, don't think I didn't forget that. Benjamin, what do you do? That was my bad. Have you seen Top Gun since then? Yeah, I have. And? Oh, it's fun movie. It didn't totally spoil it for you.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Oh, I didn't. Benjamin, have you seen Top Gun? Oh, yeah, I absolutely love it. Yeah. It's kind of fun. What are you doing the Navy Benjamin? I'm a missile technician. I work on the submarine from the missile down there. Oh wow. Molly. My little brain can't even comprehend what you do every day. That's just...
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah, I wouldn't even know where to start. I wouldn't know where to start. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't even know where to start. I wouldn't know where to start. Yeah, we have a book for everything. Well, that's my other problem is I don't like reading books either. Yeah, so you guys don't YouTube it in the Navy, huh? You have an actual manual for that. I'm a big time video tutorial guy. Me too. Yeah, those Yeah, normally I am too, but they don't let us do the video. So we don't get the book. Yeah, you probably don't want to put a how-to nuclear submarine on YouTube, you know? That's probably not something you want Putin reading while he's crappin' and whatever cave he's hiding in. You know, you just do a regular video file then.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I'm not talking about YouTube. Well, you know, once it's a video, it's getting out there, you know? That's false. They leak. They could there. You know, they leak the leak. They could leak the handbooks, but no one would ever read them. So, you know, they probably have leaked the handbooks, but no one knows. Yeah. I mean, that shit 800 pages.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Let's just do diplomacy. Yeah. So what's going on, Benjamin? What you belly up to the bar with us? Oh, yeah, not here. Tell us what's on your mind. Yeah, side for the booze.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Oh, what was that? I said, tell us what's on your mind to side for the booze, you know, because you've been drinking. That was a callback. Oh, well, you know, I just, it was a crazy night last night. So it was time to this morning. I just wanted to relax and have some drinks all day. Yeah, no judgment here Benjamin. I mean we're at a bar right now, middle of the day,
Starting point is 00:14:12 drinking so yeah, we're on the same page here. You need some advice or anything, you got a buy sale trade potentially, what are you thinking? You know I thought about a question for you. You know, I thought about a question for you. So, you know, I figured you'd have a pretty big on whiskey and everything. Yep. And being that you're so close to Canada, which one do you think is better Canadian whiskey or American whiskey? Well, we're just, we're in American whiskey is pretty vague. Yeah. Thing, right?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Well, I mean, I think I get what you're, I don't. Charlie, let's pretend like we know a ton about whiskey. All right. Whiskey started in America. No, it started in Scotland. Hey, I was in Scotland, actually. Yeah, so you tried a lot. So Charlie, you were in head whiskey in Scotland. I think it's, I don't know where it started. Scotch, that would be Scotch. Scotland, sound whiskey and Scott little bit. I think it's I don't know where it started. Scotch that would be Scott.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Scotland sound whiskey really starting Scott. I have no way. Tari we're pretending we know. Oh, okay, this guy says it. Yes, it did. It did. All right, whiskey started in Scotland. Well, also I don't know about the trust this guy.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah, what's your name? Tas. Tas. Tas. Hang on, Benjamin, we're looping Tas into the mix. Can you tell us where whiskey originated and to find all of the American whiskies for us? Well, best of my knowledge, it started in Scotland.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I don't remember where. Okay. Probably Scotland. No, no, it's a small suburb. Edinburgh or something like that. And burrow clearly I like that and burrow. Clearly, I've never been to Scotland. Yeah, I mean, either, but I bartender for a day.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So I know what I'm talking about. You bartending in Scotland for a day. All of the American whiskeys. No, what's better? Sucky bourbon, right? That's gotta be one. No, well, okay. Yeah, there's bourbon.
Starting point is 00:16:04 There's scotch is still technically. Graded. Scottish. Yeah. That's a gray area. That would be. Yeah. And then while you're forgetting, there's a Canadian whiskey. That's what we're talking. So Benjamin's on the phone with us. And he asked, what's better? Canadian whiskey or American whiskey? Benjamin, we're getting you an answer here. What do you think? Well, I'd have to go Canadians a little bit smoother. Canadian is smoother. It's sweeter. Hang on, he had a however. I will agree with it because of the major syrup. But you know, I'm a Jack Daniels guy, so he's a jack guy. Smoky. Okay. Well, there you it really. Benjamin, what's crown? What's crown?
Starting point is 00:16:41 Crowns Canada. Actually, I don't know if it's Canadian. Is it I drink the real tea stuff that's just it's just it's the label just the Canadian with he doesn't have anything other than that Oh the Lord Lord is also a Canadian yeah Bean and Jack are here. Yeah, that's right bean and Jack and then purpose American. Yeah, Kentucky. Yeah, that's a guy whiskey. Is that a American? It's a it's a it's a mix of American and or wow. So here's the deal. No one knows what that is dick about whiskey.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I only know is it makes you feel warm on the inside. Um, and it makes you just feel good. And you know, it's all the same church, just different people. Same church, different people. Whiskey gets you a frisky. That's all you gotta know. Yeah, hell yeah. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:17:33 To Keele gets you naked. Okay, I, I, I do a, we've been really challenged on this podcast. We have between trying to pretend like we know anything about wine. Thank you for the, for the insight. Appreciate it. Same guy, $1,700 on electronic poll tabs. Are you kidding me? You want 700 bucks Benjamin? We got a $700 on the electric poll tab winner here.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I don't know if you heard, but I don't know if electric poll tabs really count as pole tabs or not. That's the big debate. Okay, here we go. Debate time. Debate. Who is the master of the debate? Do electronic pole tabs count the same as regular pole tabs? No, not even say no. Benjerman. I actually, I'm not too sure. I have. It has another poll tabs. I didn't know of them until I started listening to y'all. Oh, wow. Well, anyone who says y'all usually has played poll tabs before is what we found out. Yeah. I'm going to say no. Texas. He grew up in Texas. That's interesting. I can't believe Texas doesn't have pull tabs. You think they would?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Some states have issues against gambling in bars. I think Texas have gambling in bars. Texas probably allows you to kill people in bars still. They don't allow it. They just look the other way. Yeah. It's Texas Ranger stuff down there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Um, but yeah, all right. Well, whiskey talk. Um, glad you like top gun. Yeah. We didn't really answer your question here Benjamin. We do apologize, but it's more miles as fault. Okay. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah. All right. I like sorry. Yeah. All right. I just like talking to you on some more good conversation. Well, we appreciate you calling in, man. And hopefully your tough night last night kind of ends here with a little bit of booze, a little bit of laughs. And then you're onto the next one.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah. Yeah. I get a bunch of y'all's podcasts. Catch up on two. So all right. Awesome. Well, thanks for listening All right, thank you. Talk to you now. Hello. Who do we got on the line? Dana
Starting point is 00:20:00 We're almost there Dana. Where are you calling it from? We're almost there. They know where you're calling it from. Uh, Racine. Well, saying, Racine or Racine? Racine, Racine, Wisconsin. I don't know. Yeah, it's a fantastic city. Uh, it's just, it's between a Kenosha and Milwaukee. Yeah, right on Lake Michigan, right on the west coast of Lake Michigan. Fantastic. Yeah, what's cooking and receding these days? Whole lot of nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yeah. Sounds good. What's on your mind now? We just had a traloween this weekend, but I was too busy. I couldn't go, but that's just where everybody dressed as hopped in barap down in downtown or seeing. What's it called? Travel Ween?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Trolla Ween. Trolla Ween. You ride a trolley. Wait, what? Do you ride a trolley or what? I mean, they have like buses that go around or you can hop on it, but it's not necessarily a trolley. Mostly wondered why do they call it trolley.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I guess I should do my research. I'm not quite sure. Okay, so you're in the same boat as us, then. Yeah, exactly. Belly, Belly, I'm up to our bar. We're here in North Dakota at the Nicarbacca liquor locker. And yeah, liquor locker. And yeah, fantastic place. Tell me up to the bar with us.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Tell us what's on your mind. Yeah. Hold up not on my mind, but my birthday is tomorrow. And I was hoping you guys could shig me a good happy birthday song. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's your vocal cord. Ready? I want the best of the best. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Dana. Happy birthday. Be with me dear, dear,
Starting point is 00:22:07 Happy birthday to you. What'd you think? Did you like that? Beautiful. I got tears in my eyes right now. I could do you. Spomp. Son of a-sleeve. I felt like I was yeah, that was myself watching myself sing. Yeah, that was beautiful. Miles, when you went really low there, I was getting kind of aroused. Yeah, I know. I apologize to all the female listeners. Yeah, I have to pull over if you're driving. That was the best birthday present ever.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay, quick, quick pump in our tires. What's what else? Come on. What do we, what do you got on your mind? Yeah, it's your birthday now. How old are we turning? 27 27 years young. Good. Racine Wisconsin. What are our what is the number? What does a 27 year? What does a what's a question? I want to what does ath year birthday party look like in Racine Wisconsin? That's a good question. Well, I'm currently driving to my grandma's house to have some you laugh. Frozen pizza. All frozen pizza. Did you get the tombstone or no?
Starting point is 00:23:21 No, we're doing what is it? know. No, we're doing what is it? The journal? Did you're no. Yeah, so we're talking fancy. Yeah, don't just call. I requested Jack, he said, and they're like, no, no, no, it's your birthday. You got to go with the journal. So yeah, your grandma must be the spendy type. Yeah, Yeah, your grandma must be the spendy type. Yeah, you should spendy gal getting you as good as short now. Social security. I know, I'm spoiled. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And I'm going to bucks came tomorrow. Bucks get and tomorrow is your birthday. Yep, so I'm going on my birthday. You're going to see the box play. Who are the bucks playing tomorrow? The pistons again. Oh, OK. All right, well, hey, we're undefeated right now. Do you guys know that? Bucks are undefe. Oh, okay. All right. Well, that, hey, we're undefeated right now.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Do you guys know that? Boxing. I know. All right. Boxing six. When the time of this podcast comes out, it probably aren't undefeated. I know they could be. No, we're still undefeated. Boxing six. All right. So, uh, who are you going to the game with? Uh, My boyfriend and then my best friend and then her boyfriend. Okay, so a double day. All right. What's your boyfriend gonna get you for your bird? What what is your boyfriend? I get you for your birthday. What do you want for your birthday from your boyfriend? A ring? But I dealt that but you sickly to the dealt this weekend. and I don't want to maybe set your expectations too high. But I think he might be proposing in the Wisconsin Dells.
Starting point is 00:25:01 He might be proposing in the Wisconsin Dells. Is there a better place to propose than the Wisconsin Dells? There is no better place in the Midwest or frankly the entire world to get proposed to then the Wisconsin Dells, okay? I'm going to tell you that right now. So you better be prepared. I'm so excited for you. I'm excited for you too.
Starting point is 00:25:19 This is going to be so fun. It's your birthday. You're going to get proposed to it. Wisconsin Dells, this is big. Right. Have you gone to the delts before? Oh, numerous times. Like for my birthday, we go every year. So I guess this is another. So not as special to be originally thought Charlie. What are the Wisconsin delts is one of the greatest places in all the Midwest. It really is. And I want to know when you go to the Dallas, what are the top five things to do in Wisconsin, Dells? What a Paul Bunyan, but I believe they're not open now.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I think it's the season over. Yeah. Breakfast at Paul Bunyan breakfast at Paul Bunyan's and Paul, that's the Paul Bunyan. Now we got a big Paul Bunyan there in Wisconsin, Dells. He's got one of those. Not the world's largest though. I can tell you that. No, but he's got a great, not great not at all ironic porno stash. I'll tell you that right now
Starting point is 00:26:09 He does Yes, he does you looks like a Freddie Mercury up there. He's looking good Um, what oh, oh, there's there's a lot of great last dates spots in the Wisconsin Dells Like there's the museum of historic torture devices. So you can go check that out. Oh, I should add that to my left. And that's what I'm going to ask you. What else did I do?
Starting point is 00:26:33 I usually do just the same. Going to the bar. Yeah. Well, they're pulling bars. Which are you staying at the Kalahari or the Great Wolf Lodge? Where are you staying at the Kalahari or the Great Wolf Lodge where you staying? We want to cheaper out and win towards the Mount Olympus. Oh Mount Olympus, that's nice. Yeah, Mount Olympus. Yeah, that's whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:55 It's fantastic. So how long have you guys been dating? Is what I Charlie wants to talk about the Wisconsin Dells? I don't want to, yeah, I want to find out what's going on with your guys' relationship. That's a good question. Find out if he's really going to propose this weekend. How long you been dating? So I guess on and off to the last five years. Five years on and off. More on or more off? I would say it's equal. It was more so me than him. I mean, I'm sure he would marry me right now if he could, but
Starting point is 00:27:29 yeah, playing a little hard to get. Okay, so what you're feeling you're not ready that then yet, right? I wouldn't say I wouldn't say necessarily say that. I don't know. What's the rush? Well, you're 27. You're right. What is the rush? I don't know. I'm not even married yet.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I'm 29. So I'm divorced and I'm 35. I don't want to rush into these things. Yeah, you'll end up like Charlie. Yeah. Yeah, don't, don't do that. Well, good for you. Take your time.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Wendy and know it's the right time to get married in the Midwest? I guess you never really know. I guess he gets along with my dad, and he goes fishing, and my dad talks about fishing and hunting with him. So, and he can actually have a normal conversation.
Starting point is 00:28:21 He's so cool to conversation. Yeah. So my question is, what are you waiting for? Do I sound like every, do I sound like a grandma or what? Yeah. Yeah. I guess you have a point there, but then what's there to rush, either? There's no rush. It's a constant battle between what are you waiting for and
Starting point is 00:28:46 well what's the rush we can do this all day. Yeah she's going to our grandma's she's gonna get all these questions there we don't need to give her the questions. I literally am just driving around because I've asked her house already but it's really early. I wish she'd have gone inside we could talk to grandma. It's all hard feels so it's fine. Where's your grandma? We could ask your grandma what you're waiting for. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I was feeling they're going to be like, hey, the piece is done. Yeah. Why don't you get, well, go over to grandma's. She's trying to tell, just trying to get off the phone. Oh, yeah. Oh, you're trying to get off the phone. Okay. We'll let you go.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Okay. Tell your grandma what she says. Yeah. Tell grandma what we say. It was, it was awesome. But I watched you guys, or listen, I guess I watched it on YouTube all the time and you guys correct me up.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It is, oh, I've been trying to call since I got off work. So I appreciate you guys answering. Absolutely. It's like literally probably the best birthday present. Oh, don't tell your boyfriend that. He's gonna propose tomorrow. No, don't tell your boyfriend that. He's going to propose tomorrow. No, he's jealous of you, Charlie. Is he?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Why? I don't know, because I always talk about how funny you are and stuff. And he's like, well, I'm funny. You know, I'm like not as funny as Charlie. Oh, jeez. I get that a lot too. So I think I'm in your boyfriend's boat here.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Well, listen. Oh, Charlie this, Charlie that. he's so skinny and good looking and funny Myles come on come on no one can no one can no one can move merch like What are you guys in? We're in Hixon, Minnesota. We're at the Nicarbaca, Minnesota, North Dakota. Nicarbaca, liquor locker. Is that literally what it's called?
Starting point is 00:30:35 Are you? Yeah, I know that's literally the sign says that. That's the Nicarbaca. The name. Yeah, are you sure you didn't have a couple drinks and you're kind of one eye in it? I mean, like, I think this is what it says. No,
Starting point is 00:30:47 that could be terrible. That's sober. That's the name of this bar. Yeah. Well, I know it's called the it's called the Nicarbacca liquor locker. And neither of us are dead sober if you can't tell that. But the more important thing is you're on
Starting point is 00:31:00 your way to Grammous. You got a boyfriend who really likes you. He's in love with the eight proposed. Yeah. And it's your birthday tomorrow 27 and you got all the time in the world and you got the world in the palm of your hand. So life is your oyster. Put some hot sauce on it and give it a go. Okay. Amen. All right. Well, we'll talk to you soon. Okay. Happy birthday. Thank you guys. Sorry. Bye bye now. Bye bye. She's not getting proposed to Charlie. No, I don't think so. I don't think she wants it. She is still living her life. It's poor guys. He just wants to get married. He wants to get married.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Dana's not there yet and you can't rush into these things. You can't rush her. Nope. Nope. You can't. You got to. That's the second time that's happened to us on this podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We talk too long and everyone wants to get off. They don't want to talk to us anymore. We do the midwest goodbye on this podcast all the damn time. You can just hear them slapping their knees on the other end of the phone. Well, pass my grandma's turn. I suppose I better. I've went around my grandma's house
Starting point is 00:32:12 about four times now. Pizza's cold. It's the journal, it's a good one. You don't want to let that taste a lot better hot. She's like, you know, I was a fan until I realized what the commitment was the column of this goddamn podcast. All right. I'm second.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Wisconsin and Iowa, we got the hunt week coming up and Orange Friday is tomorrow. Okay. So get there early folks for your place in line. Maybe even think about camping overnight because you don't want to miss this early 6 a.m. opening special like the first 500 customers receive a big box scratch off for a chance to get an extra 10 to 50% on. All right. I'm sold. There's a scratch off. I knew you would at the fleet farm and those save 500 people. Make sure you get your 2022 Orange Friday collectors hat I have a collector's have from 20 20 2019 2020 2021 and I'm gonna go get the 2022 you bet your touch
Starting point is 00:33:17 So we got ours make sure you get yours too all these he's giving the popcorn all miles I'm full. I'm good. I really appreciate you though. Thank you. They offered us popcorn. You know, you start talking about popcorn or sweet farm and people bring your popcorn. That's how it is. Sweet farm. We love it. Hey folks, listen, we're just taking a little break from the Bellyduck podcast because we want to tell you the holidays are coming up in miles During the holidays you were talking about this before the show you and your family like to do that I mean you like to do it the how that the little Christmas concoction
Starting point is 00:33:54 Well, I mean you just mix ice cream and booze with anything. Yeah, it's gonna go go But it's gonna go down especially good with the tippy cow. They got this orange cream situation Which is fantastic. Maybe new to my family. I'm going to say that I think they're going to like it. I think so too. You know, I just started drinking it myself. It's pretty gash darn tasty. I tell you that right now. And it's a typical all Wisconsin made stuff. So every time you drink that tippy cow, miles, you can think of me. No. All right. All right. All right. All right. And supporters while they're sipping it with scouts and support the farmers and
Starting point is 00:34:34 Wisconsin. You dressed up like a cow actually. I did. Yeah. And you dressed up like a buck. Yeah. Well, it's perfect. It is perfect. Yeah. I imagine that you help supply tippy cow that you drink after you shoot a buck after you shoot a buck. That's why it's orange. So, yeah, the whole thing. It's, hey, we call that full circle, I think. Full circle. Oh, no, but seriously, the holiday season is coming up.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Great move to pick up some tippy cow gets you know pale ice cream and then after dinner Yeah, start mixing some boozy ice cream drinks or Dishes I think you would call them whatever you want to call it and I promise you're gonna have a pretty good holiday Yeah It's not gonna go worse. It's not gonna get worse. It's gonna get much better. So guys you gotta go out get some tippy cow for yourself and to get much better. So guys, you got to go out and get some tippy cow for yourself and uh feel like you're going to have a pretty good holiday season. Hello, welcome to the Belly Dot podcast. What's your name? Hey, your name's Alex Sanchez. Alex Sanchez. Yes, sir. Alex Sanchez, where are you calling from? I'm calling from Southern California. Oh, wow, what part?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Probably around that near the Chino area, Chino Hills. Oh, sure, cool. Well, welcome to the deal. Yeah, watch a belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Oh, gosh, I actually got a huge question for you guys. Okay, let's do it. So I'm actually in the work of moving out to the Midwest. Good for you, Alex. Smart. Found a spot in South Dakota. That a boy. I just have a couple of questions like what's the best way to
Starting point is 00:36:25 transition and not really stick out like you're from a different state. So you're wondering, you're wondering, how do you move to the Midwest and not stick out like a sore thumb? Oh, 100%. Okay, that's well, first and foremost, you got to come here, you got to get yourself a nice pair of boots, especially if you're going to South Dakota. Okay, you will be judged by your shoes and not how good they are, how well broken and they're going to want to break those suckers in. Oh, so they can't be polished up. You walk in with a polished pair of boots.
Starting point is 00:37:01 You better be getting married. Yeah. I mean, otherwise, why are they so polished up? Well, they don't trust people with polished boots in South Dakota. No, you want to walk into that bar and they think, oh, he was either just in the field or he was hunting some, you know, you were either farming or hunting one of the two. That's what they, that's what you want him to be thinking there. Is that counterintuitive to what you would think being in Southern California? Is you got to have your boots nice and tidy? Um, no, you can warm around, but not much kicking around here.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I'll tell you that. Well, so that. Kickin'. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Charlie, that's a good first piece of advice. Well, so that What's your kick? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay Charlie that's a good first piece of advice. What's your advice then? To not stick out like a sore thumb You're not gonna want to be driving around in a Prius. You can tell you that much
Starting point is 00:37:59 You're gonna want to make sure Yeah, you're gonna need to get a truck You're rolling down Main Street. And Prius. Well, like a sore thumb. I'm not saying either way, but it really comes down to the snow. You know, what car it doesn't have to be a truck necessarily, but what car is going to get your ass out of the snow? You need a car with four wheel drive. Yeah. And so 100% well, yeah. And then, you know, also what's your fishing and hunting game like? Oh, I love, I would love to hunt. It's a dream for me to go hunting.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Obviously, living out here in California, we really don't have so much opportunity to do that here. Yeah. But I would have loved to try to set the hunt out there, because I know that's pretty big. Yeah. You're going to the right spot for that then. In fact, we just had a fellow from South Dakota on the podcast recently who told us to hang on a second, because he saw a couple of fesins in the ditch, a couple of ditch chickens, and he went and he popped it and he got it live on the podcast live on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I can believe that. So that stuff happens out Dakota. Now, we'll say the other thing you're gonna have to do to not stick out like a sore thumb, you've got to work on your goodbyes. Okay, you can't just say goodbye. If you just say goodbye and leave, that's the rudest thing you can do to someone that lives in South Dakota or the Midwest,
Starting point is 00:39:24 it's gotta be a, well, I suppose I'm going to head out of here. Yep. And then they're going to offer you a beer and then you're going to have to say it again with more emphasis and maybe slap your knee this time. And if you don't take the beer, that is also offensive. Yeah. And you're 100% you can't say no to that.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. And we're not telling you to drink and drive either. You then have to stay at that residence long enough that you're sober up in then they'll offer you another beer. And then you're going to have to sober up from that one too. And you'll have to accept the leftovers when they offer you the leftovers. But if you eat the leftovers too, right then in there, because you're going to get hungry at some point, yeah, helps you sober up as well.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It's permissible. So just know if you go over to someone's house, you're going to could a lot going anywhere else that night. Yeah. I'm pretty much locked in until you got to go to work in the morning. And you should start saying hi to everybody you see on the sidewalk. But not too many.
Starting point is 00:40:20 It's more just so like a head nod. It's not like a hello. It's just give them a little. Yeah. Acknowledge him. Hey, head nod up like a head nod. It's not like a, hello, it's just give him a little. Yeah, acknowledge him. Head nod up, little head nod down. Yeah, for instance, I'll tell you this. I make sense. I was walking on a, or I was biking on a path
Starting point is 00:40:35 and I pulled over because I saw a bunch of other bikers coming. I was out in the woods. And then there was a string of like four bikers and they were all right next to, like right behind each other and they said thank you Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That's the kind of place you're coming to okay? So and I could not just say you're welcome to one of them and that count for the whole pack I had to say yeah, no no problem sure thing. Okay, watch out for deer
Starting point is 00:41:01 You know, so you got a you got to switch it up a bed, okay? And and and we haven't even gotten to the driving in the Midwest either, but that's all our scenarios. Yeah, so there we could do this all day. Have you been to the Midwest before? I've actually went to go visit South Dakota back in April, last April. So I went to go check it out there and see if I liked it. And I honestly fell in love with it.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Me and my fiance married in December. Congratulations. That's great. We're in South Dakota. Are you guys moving? We were looking at the Sioux Falls area. It seemed like a pretty nice spot. It's a pretty good spot there.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And it's very nice. And how's your fiance feel about moving out? Is she just as excited as you? Yeah, I don't think there was anything in California. Okay, okay. But I mean, you're kind of part of the mass Exodus out of California is what it sounds like Kind of Kind of sick a live in there. Well, just so you know, there's anyone listening to this podcast It's also an Alex's situation that's on the fence. We'll take you come on into the Midwest Get the hell out of California. Come on over to South Dakota Minnesota North Dakota all Wisconsin will pull it.
Starting point is 00:42:26 We'll careful on that. We'll pull a cast rely the freezer for you. Okay. And come on over. Well, I got to try those cheese curds. Oh, yeah, you got to try some cheese curds. 100%. Gets yourself some squeakers, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Okay. You want a squeaker means? Gotcha. Yeah, squeaky cheese, right? Yeah, yeah, you got it. You know what a squeaker means? Yeah, it's a squeaky cheese, right? Yeah, yeah, you got it. You know, yeah, yeah. He's done his research. He really has.
Starting point is 00:42:50 What job are you doing when you come out here? Right now we're working with the Home Depot. Fantastic. Okay, well, you're going to want to get a job at the old flea farm. Oh, flea farm. You're going to want get a job at the old flea farm. Oh, flea farm. You're gonna want to jump ship over the old flea farm. He's I've been there. It's huge.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Good night. I've been there. It's huge. Yeah, he's like he's already he's already Midwest polite. I like that. Yeah, he's like, okay, well, I'm not gonna do that, but No, it's a great trial. You're Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, no you spend some time as an employee there. Yeah, I've worked at the fleet farm before I was the key guy bird watching Yeah, I've been bird watching over there. Yeah, the key guys one of the most coveted positions in all the hardware store
Starting point is 00:43:44 They're starting to go away, get automated and whatnot, but you can't judge, you know, a machine when it sees the do not duplicate, it won't duplicate, but a person will duplicate that ship. Yeah, well, you know, I'm just doing right away. You gotta be talked into it. Well, yeah, you gotta vet the person a little bit, you know, if you're at the flea farm where Charlie's working, all you do is show up with some of those squeaky cheese curds and he'll duplicate that do not see to duplicate. Well, you know, because you got him actually,
Starting point is 00:44:13 you know, this day and age, maybe you don't want to duplicate when says do not, but you know, you don't want to get into confrontation with the guy. No, that's way worse. Yeah. Yeah, you got to listen to customer, right? Yeah. Customers always right. Hopefully not a serial killer. No, Charlie says that it's the most coveted position, the hardware store. It means that that's where they put the chatty Kathy in the hardware store. There really doesn't know anything about hardware.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Always a full pot of coffee next to the key stand at the hardware store. That's true. Yeah. It sounds like new bid right there. That's an art form right there. You're right. It is a bit. Oh, most definitely.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's an art form right there. Well, I'm super excited. You're coming out to the Midwest. What are you most excited for to move to the Midwest? Honestly, everything that California is not. Explain. Explain. Ooh. I'm really glad of for the freedoms, how friendly you guys are, and great interacting with each other.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Like, it feels more like on a good connection. I know we guys have each other back and stuff like that. That's really cool. I really love the nature aspect of it too. Yeah, we got no shortage of that. A lot of nature, a lot of friendliness, a lot of cast rolls, bratwurst, squeaky cheese curds. We got it all here in the Midwest and it's just waiting for you. So come on out. Yeah, that's small town. It's you. Most definitely. I want that small town that small town. Well, I yeah, yeah, I think that you you can find it a little bit in Sioux Falls. You can find it just outside of Sioux Falls to small town.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah, you just look for a bar with low ceilings and you're going to be good to go. You are. Come on. Is that how you identify a good one? That's a good start right there. Lower the ceiling, the better the bar. Yeah, Alex, you and's a good start right there. Lower the ceiling, the better the bar. Yeah. Alex, you and your four guys right now, we are over at the
Starting point is 00:46:08 Nicker Bocker liquor locker. Thanks for asking. Oh, okay. I don't even know where that was. That was considered North Dakota, Hicks in North Dakota. Oh, we're in the top bunk. You're moving to the bottom. We also called the Nikki Bocky, Licky Locky or the Nick Bock, lick lock, whatevery or the Nickbox lick lock. Yeah, whatever you choose, but you come on out here. Yeah, you'll have a good time.
Starting point is 00:46:31 No, you wouldn't say. Yeah, you and your fiancee, you get your sedan or whatever you got. You drive on out to the Midwest. Come on out. The water's cold. Yeah, trade in your Prius. Oh, get a truck. Yeah. Oh, sounds in your Prius. Go and get a truck. Yeah. Oh, sounds like a good done deal. Yeah, it's it's done and done. Well,
Starting point is 00:46:51 Alex, well, thank you guys so much. Yeah, thank you. You guys are advised. Yeah, thank you. When recent news fan and love watching guys as base and I'm using your guys as advice to get me out there. So let's see how this works out. Well, perfect. And if you have any trouble when you're out here, you just call us back on the Belly Up podcast. If you need something, we'll buy sell trade for you
Starting point is 00:47:14 whatever you need, okay? We are here for you, your resource, all right? All right, thank you guys so much. Free key. Thank you, Alex. Watch for deer. Well, thank you. Bye. Bye. That you Alex. Watch for deer. Oh, Hey,
Starting point is 00:47:26 bye bye. That one he didn't know what to do. It's he never heard watch out for deer yet. Here that at the end. You got to let him know if he's he's like, he's like, oh, okay. Thanks. Bye.
Starting point is 00:47:37 He's like, we don't have deer around here. Yeah. Why would I do that? Well, he's got a long drive while he's in for a rude awakening. Long drive in the rut. Yeah. And you in for a rude awakening long drive in the rut. Yeah. You want to go for a long drive in the rut? Going for a long drive.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You're supposed to continue going for a long drive in the rut. Not a transition into that one, but I could be look at me and tell me you don't give a buck buck. Oh, good, good guy. That guy is though. Yeah, he's a good dude. I mean, it sounds, you know, very sweet. He sounds like he belongs here.
Starting point is 00:48:19 It sounds like he never belonged in California. In California. How'd it rough go in California, you know? Um, please. Yeah, well, I appreciate everyone to go into another episode of the Belly to podcasts. Yeah, this was quicker than it's not on a search and thank you guys for coming and die.
Starting point is 00:48:36 You know, feel free to belly on up with us anytime, right? Plans, just call the number. Don't forget to tip your bartender. And we're sponsored by Fleet Farm. We love it. You know, we do. We do.
Starting point is 00:48:50 We do. All right, we'll see you guys next time.

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