Bellied Up - The Art of Sliding into the DM's #71

Episode Date: October 19, 2023

First caller hates that his brother buys so much junk, next caller is a marathon runner and wants to know the perfect meal after running a marathon, last caller is wondering why Charlie hasn't rea...ched out to her and wants fishing advice. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody, welcome to a new episode of the Bellied Up podcast. The greatest podcast in history, if you discount all the other podcasts, you think are better. We give you the greatest advice on all your Midwest questions. We buy selling trade, your items. And if you're out there driving a big old semi, we ask you, Miles, what do we ask him to watch out for deer and also where you at? What's your home? We're here. Damn it. Damn, Miles, we practice this. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Anyway, enough of the I'm a little out of sorts, Charlie. You want to know why what's going on today is October 19th? Okay. And October 19th, 2013 was the darkest day in my Alma Mater's football program history. Oh, no. Yep. Darkest day in MSUM Dragon history was October 19th, 2013. I've noticed you've been a little down in the dumpster.
Starting point is 00:01:00 A little off. And that's because what happened? We lost a Crookston, Minnesota. Oh, no, you didn't lose to Crookston. Come on. Yeah. So who is it? Who is the person who lives in Crookston? But they know traditionally your football team. It's kind of trash. And it was always should have been a shoe in win. And we lost to Crookston that day. Now the question I have miles is how could you as the leader of that team, the quarterback, the fearless quarterback? Well, I wasn't the quarterback. What were you? I was utility player at this point. You were a tool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:37 So I did play quarterback, but I did not throw the ball. I just ran it and ram my head into other humans. Oh, really? Yeah. You're like a linebacker quarterback. Correct. Exactly. And what is ironic, although it was the darkest day in our program's history, I did have two touchdowns, our only two touchdowns. Really? It wasn't, it's not so much as dark as day for me personally. You were like the sun on the darkest day. Yeah, I am the Atlantis more set song of this. Yeah, I was tragic battle. Isn't it ironic? Isn't it ironic? Don't you think it's like it's like scoring two touchdowns on the darkest day. I saw I think it would be it's like sun on the darkest day, it's like scoring two touchdowns when no one
Starting point is 00:02:24 else came to play. Yeah. Very cool. Look at that. Now our starting quarterback was hurt. So I didn't help. And then it was a mud bowl, not making excuses, but you just made two. No. Um, and oh, you got another excuse. What else? No, I was just going to say that I did my best, but it wasn't enough that day. Clearly not. It's two touchdowns. So yeah, I don't know if I had another game with two touchdowns. Funny more with one touchdown though. So well, you know, I like that you're looking at, at the bright side of the darkest day. You know, and that's what I like about you, Miles. I like to think I was the bright and shining moment in that day. You were not not only do I like that about you, Miles, but I like to
Starting point is 00:03:07 you support your local bar. That's what we're here. Yeah, Charlie. That's what we're going to have. Yeah, a little are those belly up hats? Sure, go to all you bet Yeah, get a belly up, support your local bar hat. Nice.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Charlie, you're wearing a cool sweatshirt. You don't get a smile revenue on this one, though. I don't know what you tried to do there. Do you want to see how cool my sweatshirt is? Oh, oh, that's what that's what it says. It's very creative, Charlie. It says, oh, man, it's walk minute. Yeah, you can get man to walk
Starting point is 00:03:40 There you go. How long ago, Charlie, did you post the first man to walk minute video? 2017 miles. Would you think it June of 2017? Six years ago. Over six years ago. Over six and a half years ago miles. And then nothing was the same. Nothing was the same. You know, the brightest day of my life, film miles, was probably a year and a half after that when I
Starting point is 00:04:01 slid into your DMs and said, Hey, you want to collaborate? Do you want to know that I thought about sliding your DMs before that, but I didn't want to be the first one to initiate? Do you know I had that same thought and finally got sick of it and just DMed you? You held out long enough. Yep. It sucks. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Now we're married. We're in a very functional. Yeah, well, functional is a good word, Charlie. Fella marriage. We got to get together every so often, exchange the kids. Yeah, it's pretty much it. But here we are, Charlie, darkest day. I miss you.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I'm dragon football history. But the past is the past, but it was was it was the cornerstone for the future. It was. It was a wake up call. Yeah. I mean, because if you actually continued to think you had football potential in your future, you might not have switched your mindset to whatever the holidays were doing here. Exactly. So maybe if that that didn't happen and I end up in the NFL, I mean, then I don't know for here today. I don't know either. If I don't hurt my knee, a game later.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Oh, here it goes. You know, more excuses. Pile them on. Yeah, I've all those things didn't happen that I'd probably be in the league. And we wouldn't be here today Charlie. Yeah, but you'd have a little bit more problems physically That is true now. I just have emotional and mental problems. Yeah, that's okay But you know what miles a little bit of lightness in this darkest day in history
Starting point is 00:05:40 We get to talk to our callers. We do and we're belly up to the bar and feeling good here at, uh, we're over here at Scotty's bar. Oh, you have a burp going. Yep. I thought you forgot the name of the bar and I realized, you know, he's just having some gastrointestinal issues. So we're here at Scotty's bar and pizza, we actually got a pizza coming. Hell yeah. We're going to take some collars, munch on some pizza. on some pizza and maybe shine a little light on this dark day. I think we should do that.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Hello, welcome to the Belead Up podcast. Who's on the horn right now? Justin. Justin. Well, you are Justin time. Talk to us here on the podcast. What's going on? Miles, you crack me up
Starting point is 00:06:27 Geez I'm in office. I finally got back to my office today Where you were but I did listen to the episode release today as well nice to like it I was laughing my butter good. I'm pretty good. So we like to hear. Where, where, so where do you work? Where are you calling in from? Give us the lay of the land. The lay of the land. Um, I'm from Juneau. Um, Alaska would be just out of the lack. Yeah, I wish. Oh, you know, Wisconsin. That's that's that's just don't throw from Waldo, Wisconsin, isn't it? No, we're just self-defined to lack like directly self-defined, like, but fun fact, you know, has a strip club, which is right across from the
Starting point is 00:07:20 courthouse. So that's an interesting fact for the town. Juneau's got a strip club right across from the courthouse. So that's an interesting fact of the talent. Juno's got a strip club right across from the courthouse. Well, that that sounds exotic. Just a bit. It makes things exciting, Aaron. Telling I bet it does. What's the name of it? It used to be a silk, but now it's called Solomon.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Solomon's? Yep. Solomonomon strip club. I always find the names of strip clubs are interesting, but Salomon sounds like some fellow named Salomon just wanted an exotic dance joint named after him. I love how Charlie's acting like he hasn't been there before. No, it's just south of fondle after. I thought the way you aren't there. I thought he was talking about Juno Alaska first and foremost. Honestly, I wasn't sure. I didn't
Starting point is 00:08:09 know there was a Juno Wisconsin till now. I'm ashamed to admit. So no, I haven't been to sound well. Justin, why don't you belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's going on. Well, guys, so I think my brother has a problem. He goes to way too many auctions. Uh oh, what animal auctions? No, but we are dairy farmers. Oh, you're dairy farmers. Go for you guys. We are dairy farmers, so we do buy some cows at times, but he goes to a lot of the state sales, you know, just old farm houses and that kind of stuff buying a random junk. My brother does that too, actually. He looks in the paper for the estate sales and I've gone with them to one or two of them.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Okay. Well, Charlie, it sounds like you guys should start a support group. I think so. It sounds like you're worried about it. What do you worry about it? Well, he keeps on buying junk and bringing it to the farm where the farm already has enough junk that needs to get going But the good part is he actually fixes some of it up and resells it on Facebook Marketplace all the time and so he makes a quick bust, but It comes to a point where there's just almost too much around and he's kind of cluttering up my parents health as well. Okay. So it sounds like your parents are a little bit fed up with it and they came to you to try and solve their problem.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Is that correct? No, not well. I think my mom would agree. My dad kind of encourages it at times. I see. Well, I'm building too far from the tree. I know. Sure don't.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Sure don't. No, I think it's a chronic issue in the family. The calf don't fall too far from the bull. Get it? Since they're very far from their smiles. I got it. Yeah, but it probably does fall far from the bull because like the bowl's like probably
Starting point is 00:10:06 studded in a barn somewhere. He's moving on. Yeah, they're polygamous species, those cows. So okay. So you know, not enough space, and he just keeps buying stuff. What is kind of stuff as he buy and is it cool? I so he buys beer signs and beer lights, which I like to the does find me some deals on them.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So that's the fine part with it, you know, finding some cool man caves stuff. And either though, even though none of us have a man cave yet, but you know, future reference stuff that can stockpile. Yeah, some benefits. What's the worst thing he's bought? Yeah, there's the worst thing or the best thing? Worst thing.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Worst thing. It's just a lot of like antique, you know, he like buying stuff as like the Juno logo on it like from old stores. And so like none of it really applies and like you'll be like going to the antique historical society and kind of showing off what he has compared to what they have at the museum there and it's just a lot of old like jugs and some old bikes that you've been
Starting point is 00:11:19 tricking up here recently he has like a lawn work collection too that he's working on. Your brother sounds awesome, dude. Sounds so cool. Yeah. What's his name? Jacob, Jacob, Jacob and Justin, wow. Okay. Well, honestly, it doesn't sound like it's going to be that much of a problem.
Starting point is 00:11:37 If he just wasn't dumping it at your parents, is that correct? Then he can kind of just be on his own. Is that, is that the real issue here? Well, you should move out. I mean, that'd be a good thing for him to get off the farm. How old is he? He's 26. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:55 How old are you? Except the farm, though. He still helps with the farm. I mean, but he he works at John Deere on the assembly line, so he makes good money. Okay. Wow. And you know, and then do you live on the farm too, Justin? No, I just moved off the farm.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I live just in town, you know, a little bit closer to your club now. Good for you, Justin. Now, would you be complaining about this if he was instead of collecting old town signs He was instead collecting old strip club signs Sounds like you're pretty big Yeah, you brought it up twice now Justin. We're on to your ass Yeah It's not easy to get away from it because, you know, like I said,
Starting point is 00:12:46 the bulk, I go bowling for league and it's just down the street from it. So it's just right in the corner of your eye every day. Yeah, sitting there tempting you. Um, you know, the issue with your brother though, Justin, I'll tell you, if you don't want them at his old lawnmowers, you can't have them at his super cool bar signs. So you got to take the good with the bad with that, you know? And honestly, I'm not really seeing that much bad. Yeah. I don't.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You're on a farm. You got space. Right. That's what a farm's for. I'm kind of on your brother's side right now. What is he supposed to do? Not go to these auctions and not get treasures like that? Yeah. The guys have collected, Justin. Yeah, he's a dumpster diver too. It's a good junk at the dump
Starting point is 00:13:33 at the local dump. He'll pick stuff up from there as well. And you guys are laughing right now. You're saying he just is grabs junk. He grabs junk, junk, junk. And then one time he's going to pull that one item that's worth a hundred thousand dollars that he can then flip at an auction. And then who's going to be laughing, Justin? Exactly. Justin, have you ever seen the antics road, road show? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Well, he could be one of those guys. So what just takes one? Yeah, what is the real issue here Justin? You're not giving us any samples on what's really going on? Are you jealous? What's going on? I'm not jealous of him collecting stuff. He should open an antique store to be honest. I mean, we should try to figure out how we should start an antique store because he'd have all the stuff ready to roll and he'd probably turn it quicker than just selling it on Facebook Market Clays. And I think I have an idea of where you probably want to put that antique store. Where in town are you thinking that you want to do the antique store? Go ahead. Just a couple of black down from the local, you know, Drip Club. Yeah, that's what I figured. Maybe right next door. Yeah, I can't imagine,
Starting point is 00:14:55 actually, maybe he's never been done Charlie. As an antique. No, I don't think so. I mean, there you got it. If anything, this is your gateway to be able to invest in said strip club, you're already investing in the strip club. It sounds like so what's going to step further and building on to the side of it and having antiques and ass first one ever. I'm more of a full tab investor, be honest. Good for you. I like the thinking maybe it should be an investor with my brother and get them to open
Starting point is 00:15:29 that empty store just down the block. No, that sounds right next to it. I'm sure though, there are buildings available. There is. Well, they start getting the business with each other. But you know, I will say at the outset of this business, you're already seeing the negatives in your brother. That might have some problems down the road.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Do you guys have other unresolved issues that maybe we are budding up against here? Oh, you know, just the typical talking to the same women and that kind of stuff, you know, oh, that's not typical. Hey, I was tipping this stripper. You can't. She was going to give me a dance, not you, what the heck. And he's like, I want a two for one deal.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'm a deal finder, you know? Let's see if they've actually ever gone to the club together. Have you? I cannot say or cannot. You just said it though. And that's all right. Well, let's here.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Let's dive deeper into talking to the same women. Tell us a story where that went bad. Yeah. Happened. Oh, boy. Wait till it listens to this podcast. So there's this one time, which I don't think he says he didn't care about it.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But there's this time that a buddy tried to hook him up with a girl. And she didn't show any interest in him. But then showed interest in me and then we started hanging out and he didn't like that and that all kind of butt hurt and seemed about it and you said he wasn't but I think he was. Okay so okay when was this what was her name? I'm not going to get her name out. Okay. But that's last year.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh, you're a little class. I didn't know. Maybe are you still with the gal? No. Okay. How long were you dating her? Mom's fish. What did he say? He said it was a direct confrontation there.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Not really. He just kind of shook his head and kind of just made times to other people on the side. Now, okay. I'm going to put my I'm going to walk a auction in your brother's shoes here. There you go. I like what you did there. Good play on words. I'm going to and I want you to think about this, Justin. Do you think maybe his auction loving, dumpster diving self is maybe just something to keep his mind off the fact that his brother steals Stole's girl?
Starting point is 00:18:19 Do you think that maybe if using that as an outlet to bury some of the emotional trauma and pain that you've caused him. I mean that's plausible, very plausible. I's better than drinking a bottle to it, I guess, so spending money on antiques is really better than that, so I could see it. What either that or he blows all his money at the strip club. So which one do you want? Yeah, for your brother.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I mean, whatever both of them probably make them happy. So. And that's what it really comes down to. Is your brother happy doing all this antique work? I think so. It's like I don't know why you wouldn't be happy because he keeps on doing it. So it makes him some more money on the side. So I know my grandpa likes the two that he does it.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Well, it sounds like your dad likes it, your grandpa likes it, your brother likes it, the only people that don't like it is you and your mom. Yep, that sums it up. Okay. All right. Well, I think that you maybe got thrown a bone. You stole his girl, let him collect the antiques. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 It's a give and take relationship. It really is. Yeah, I think that's fair enough. I mean, um, we both win eventually. He sounds so despondent. This isn't that what did you want us to say? I don't know. I mean, you're talking to one guy.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I, okay, you know what? I'll give you an option here, Justin. Give us something that you want out of the farm. Buy selling trade, baby. Let's get, let's get it out of there. Let's solve your problems. Ooh, what is, if I can sell my brother, I mean that.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh, yeah, no, just, I'm like if you could sell you too, I think it's mutual. Yeah, what would Jacob think if he heard that right now? You know, he's gonna be over there. He throws the first stone. Yeah, first you steal his gal. Then you're trying to sell him. Aye, aye, aye. They all call me the milkman, son, because they look different from my other brothers. So they all call me adopted anyway. Oh, that's what this is. A very, very trauma.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And only you and your mom don't like it. So now we're starting to see the greater picture here. Me and Judo, there is a male man who has OCD who doesn't like junk laying around is what you're telling me. I mean, possibly I just, uh, I think we're getting somewhere you guys should be therapist with a bite. I mean that's what we're doing. Have you ever asked your mom or your dad? Yeah. No, no, I don't go down that path. We'll just keep it under the rock. Classic don't ask don't tell situations. Yeah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I think this conversation is pretty telling. I am being told a lot here. So just in listen, we've gotten to the root of the problem, I think. Now let's just start fixing the symptom. Okay. What do you want out of that farm? Okay, what do you want out of that farm? Ah, just to be successful, keep it clean. I guess. Make the cows, they throw the cows happy.
Starting point is 00:21:53 No, and I appreciate that, just I'm saying actual junk that your brother has brought to that farm. What do you want to trade? Cell or trade? He doesn't want to trade. I can't, I'm not allowed to sell or trade anything there. I'm not all the seller trade anything there. I'm just cheap Mexican milk in there. Plus the cheap Mexican. Wait, so okay, Justin, if there's anything in the deal that you want to get out of there,
Starting point is 00:22:21 just anything your brother has brought to that farm that you're like, why the hell do you have to bring this here? Let's put it on the auction block right now. I can't say as long more, because they actually look nice. OK. He likes fixing up old ladders. That's currently his recent thing. Are you telling me Jacob likes to fix up ladders? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 That's isn't it? I run it. Old farm lad. That's awesome. Okay. You should start a business called Jacob's ladders. It can be right next to Solomon's too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Just lean those suckers right up next to Solomon's and start. And then you can have Samson's watering hole next to Solomon's too. Yeah. Just we lean those suckers right up next to Salmonds and start. And then you can have Samson's watering hole next to that. Yeah. That's a little Bible joke for you, Justin. And all the, all, I got it. Do all the, do all the strippers that Solomon's have biblical names, you know, instead of having like the exotic stripper names. It's just like, no, it's like Ruth and Sarah. Wait, is Solomon, that's a biblical name? Are you thinking of Samson? Yeah, Solomon, Bible.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah, King Solomon. No, yeah, Solomon. King Solomon. Why is this of them all? Oh, wow, wait a flex your Bible knowledge on me. Miles, damn. My parents paid a lot of money for that education, Charlie. You gotta pop that book open a little
Starting point is 00:23:45 bit more refresh my memory. Justin, the more we're talking about all this stuff, you're complaining about, oh, this full farm full of crap, you're not giving us one thing. And I like it actually, because I think at the heart, you love your brother quite a bit. You don't want to sell Jacob's ladders because he loves those ladders. You don't want to sell the lawnmowers because they actually look pretty cool. It's sounding like your brother Jacob might be the golden child. And you are the prodigal son. Could that be the, you just moved off the farm. He's still living at the farm. You know what I think to tie the whole Bible thing together. Justin, I think you walk back to that farm,
Starting point is 00:24:25 and I bet you I won't be surprised if your, uh, your folks kill the prized calf for you. You know what Charlie, you're a genius. I don't care what miles tells you. I think that's what's up, man. Thank you. Do you hear that miles genius? Yeah. That's what's up, man. Thank you. Do you hear that, Miles? Genius. This has come from the guy who doesn't think that his brothers and teaks are very cool, Charlie. Well, I've got a new, uh, new found, uh, feeling about them. Well, Justin, it sounds like things are just going right at the farm. Okay. So you walk your way back there and as soon as they see in the distance, think about how pissed Justin's
Starting point is 00:25:05 going to be when when your folks say Jacob, what said Justin, we're talking about Justin. Justin left the farm. Jacob still out the farm. Justin's walking back to the farm. And as soon as they see him in the distance, uh, his folks are going to say, Jacob, go get the prize calf. Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, that makes sense now. Yeah, you like the analogy. I do. I really do.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's pretty good, dude. It lines up, frickin' awesome. We're talking to the prodigal son. Here we are. I'm really are. All right, Justin, get anything out of this or no? Yeah, I got a good free therapy session. So I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Help and talk all my problems. You guys keep on doing the good work. All right. You too, you keep her moving. And if you ever see something at that formula, buy seller trade, make sure you tweet us, okay? Oh, I will make sure it happens. I will try to get my brother to call in and see what he has the same. We would love to get your brother's side of this story. Have him call in.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yep. Sound good guys. Otherwise, I hope you guys have fun sitting at the bar and I'll have one later during bowling leagues tonight. Yeah. Remember, yeah. Remember, Justin, always tip your stripper. Roll up. Roll up straight, Justin. Good luck, pal.
Starting point is 00:26:30 That was good to me, guys. Take care. All right. We too. Jealousy, I think is what's so jealous. So jealous. So jealous. Golden child got cool. And he's got cool ladders. I'd be jealous of them too, man. The guy's name's Jelice is talking about it. Guys, his name's Jacob. He's got to antique ladders, dude. Think about that business, Jacob's ladders. I would sell like hot cakes. It sounds like there's a prophecy here somewhere.
Starting point is 00:26:55 There is. Yeah. So shout out to Jacob. And I like Justin. Justin's just, I like him balls finding his way. Well, finding his way out., it's finding his way out. He'll be back. He will. Welcome to the BellyUp podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Who are we, Chit-Ten with now? Hey, boys, what's up? This is a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, I'm not a whole line. I'm just kicking back doing some school work right now. Where are you at school? The Jimmy Tech. It's been a long time. I'll ask you here. Go for you. College education. What are you studying? Physics.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Oh, hey. Wow, he's a smart one too, Miles. Okay. That is. I don't know about that. Well, I never took it physics because I couldn't quite get there emotionally. So I think you're smart fella. I'm not so good with words. So I think you're the numbers with my space. There you go. Physics make sense. You know, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:57 shapes, spears rule that don't make as much sense. Well said, rationale wise. Well said, miles, well said. Um, why don't you belly up to the bar? What are you thinking about? What's going on? What's on your mind? You know, I got some something I'm working on that I really feel like you guys have the right expertise for. Okay. So all big, uh, big endurance sports guy. Right? But mainly, uh, mainly triathlon, yes, when by run action. But mainly when we try to ask on this when by run action. But um way you think we haven't been finding that. Let me check. Wait, I cut you off. What did you say in a couple
Starting point is 00:28:35 weeks you're doing? What? I'm doing my first marathon in a couple weeks. I was hoping you guys could uh could help me. I usually finish up erasing it. It's a little bit, maybe half hour or so and I'm just starving. And I was thinking you guys might be able to help me figure out what is my ideal post-race meal or what am I eating? Okay, well first of all, you came to the right spot. If you're looking for marathon advice, right, Charlie? Miles is a well-known marathon runner. How many?
Starting point is 00:29:10 I just run and run like forest gum. How many have you completed, Miles? So I want to say, I'm near three digits on the marathon. Yep. The, uh, on those concrete, guys, look right guys, yeah, I mean, you wouldn't believe how many marathons I've done at a bar, just drinking and drinking and all night long. So I got a few marathons under my belt. 26.2 beers. That's actually, that we just invented a new drinking challenge, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:29:46 20, you know, the beer on, yeah, they have the 30 rack challenge to drink 30 beers in a day But hey 26.2 and then get a sticker and then brag about it forever. I'm only doing a half beer marathon today If I get one of those stickers and put it on my car, you guys got a personally come down to Virginia. Yeah, beat it. Yeah. So we're on the same page now. So yeah, I would agree.
Starting point is 00:30:16 He's looking for a post marathon meal. Well, but here's the thing. It seems like you're going from triathlons to marathons. I feel like it's kind of like playing in the big leagues and then going and playing triple ball. What do you need advice about that? Just hit a home run. Well, I'm feeling good about the race, right?
Starting point is 00:30:39 But I've been in it like I just got a half iron man a couple weeks ago. And afterwards I ate a taco 12 pack, you know, like where you get Taco Belly, get family back. I just bad. That is a I've also experienced that after one of my beer marathons, how's it a 12 pack of tacos goes down pretty easy? Oh my god. It was it was a great experience. You guys are keeping the porcelain business alive and well. I'm just going to say that right now. That is I've never that's a problem is in there was. I've never
Starting point is 00:31:18 had that much I've never had that much Taco Bell my life, dude. That's insane. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I just are Edo's locals, tacos. You've never had 12 and one sitting. No, no, are you kidding me? No, well, you're missing out. You got it. You got that. If you run a marathon, drink 26.2 beers and have 12 tacos. That's a full day right there. Jimmy V said that. All right. So honestly, it sounds like you know exactly what to do. I don't think we can offer you any advice. Well, he's wondering what Muley should have afterwards sounds like he knows the 12 Taco Bell tacos could God Oh, I'm saying that that didn't work out too great for me. Oh No kidding it didn't work out too great for you. So okay, I think what you need to do is think about You know you're running 26.2 miles, which is just dumb in itself
Starting point is 00:32:21 I just don't need to we have cars There's not a good idea. Yeah, we have cars. What do you, they also have bikes and motorcycle, we have everything now. We don't need to be running that far. One, two, I think the real issue lies in that you need to start eating more during the race. You know how like they do those belts of water bottles. I think you need to have like a belt of You need a belt of rings Yeah, one bite of Snickers one drink of ranch one bite of Snickers drink of ranch, got good fats in ranch as well. And then when you get to the other race, you're not thinking like classic hit belly.
Starting point is 00:33:10 No, you're going to want to go to your local salad bar, wherever that is. Don't eat the salad. That's a mistake. Just go right to the ranch bucket. See if you can get it to go cup and then you're good to go forget it to go cup. Just get yourself going to turkey basters in your slacks fill up both turkey basters and then put those in your camel back. That's an idea. I think an idea. Are you a big ranch guy or no since you're in Virginia? know since you're in Virginia. Oh, I guess it's a joking pleasure.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So what would you do? I've got to have the land. What would you do if you were running your marathon, maybe mile 16? You came across one of those water stations, but instead it was me and Charlie standing there handing out cups of ranch. You think that go over well? As long as you got a pickle for me with that. Oh, I bring you pickles.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Oh, yeah. What kind of pickled stuff you're looking for? Pickled herring, pickle bags. Pickled in order. I can't do the pickle bags, but pickle. Pickled. I had somebody in a race hand to pickle off to me once when I was really hurting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 That changed. So if y'all are there with a branch of mile 16, picking out two cups of that. Pickles are a game changer. They get those salinity in there. It's basically like a liquid IV. Um, well, there is. Yeah. I got a question. If you got what do you do if you got to go to the party while you're running? The family show man. What is it? He says a family show. Well, I think the kids are wondering. Is it a dumb time? Is it a dumb and dumb or? I mean, sometimes I could get a point of party scoring a bit.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Yeah. But uh, just go man. Yeah, sometimes you got to find a wolf about in the woods and just just hope nobody comes out. Oh, really? Okay. Cool. Do do the serious ones just let it fly? I don't know so much about the runners, but I know that there's, um, you get into those, like Iron Man races, when you got the real serious athlete, there's pros and
Starting point is 00:35:15 not you don't want to touch the bike after that. Oh, nasty. When they just wait till they're in the water. That's true. That'd be a really swim first. Oh, yeah, they probably are. They're in the water. That's true. That'd be a. Well, he's going first. Oh, yeah, he's they probably are there. As you can tell, I don't know anything about triathlon. So, okay, Charlie, you have to pick. If you run in an alternative universe, you are running a marathon. What is your post marathon meal? You're choosing I do a grilled pimp butter and jellies
Starting point is 00:35:53 They're so good dude. How many? Oh, I do probably three of them And then get yourself some pickles and then I have some beers and I think you're good to go back to gravy, baby. Well, that actually is a great segue into what I would pick. I would pick a steak. I would pick meatballs and gravy, maybe some corn, maybe some stuffing, basically Thanksgiving. I want to do it basically Thanksgiving. I want to do it on Thanksgiving. If I if someone
Starting point is 00:36:29 you're catching me with that Thanksgiving stuffing. Yeah. If someone is making me run at all, it better be a turkey trot 5K so I can eat the turkey meal afterwards. But other than that, I don't think it's gonna happen for me. What's the longest distance you've ever run at one point, Miles? Me?
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah. Well, you gotta remember, I was a wee young chap at some point, probably, I don't know, three or four miles. Come for you, dude, yeah. But I was about a hundred pounds lighter than this. I did a 5k once. How many miles is that? Three three three point five, maybe three point one is three point one.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Okay. Charlie, you need to get a sticker on the back. Truck that says three point one. You know what I should do. Uh, and so what 26.4, 2.6, you know, just move the decimal. Yeah. And then make the decimal very small. 2.6, four, yeah. Yeah. Or 2.62. I mean, they don't tell you what they don't tell you. You can just buy one of those stickers. Oh, well, then let's just do that. Why don't you do that? Why are, here's the real question,
Starting point is 00:37:39 dude. Why do you feel the need to run a marathon, huh? I do. It's fun. Okay. All right. We got that out of the way. You don't have to think. We got that. I mean, you got that out of the way. What's the real reason?
Starting point is 00:37:53 You hit like mile 10. Yeah. Dude, get hit like mile 10. And it's like, you're not thinking at all. Really? You get through like three hours and you just like, you glaze over man. It's great. You're in the zone. Is that the runner's high that I've heard so much about? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:10 People only talk about the runners. High like something big like, oh, crazy thing. But it's I think it's just a runner's dumb. The runners dumb. You get a little dumb. Okay. Well, I'm going to be honest with you. This sounds like you get the same feeling at a bar. It's Charlie and I are kind of living that right now. We're not thinking about a lot getting a little bit dumber. I don't think it's too far off. Can you come here, marathon and a regular marathon? Let's find out. Can you compare the high of that, um, or the dumbness of running to something else? It is the beer equate. Is there anything else you've experienced that equates to it?
Starting point is 00:38:47 All I gotta say, you feel hell is a lot better than the next morning after you run. Okay, that's a good point. Well, I think you checked. And if you did a beer on the night before, the great way to swim it out. Yeah, do you carbo cram with beer night before? No, but I used to know I got it that before every race, he'd do a couple of shops the night before. That'd clear them out.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Clear them out? Yeah. So, oh, okay. Like, like, open your airways or something. What's he taking shots of? Interesting. Wow well, I know thanks for giving our audience advice on how to run a marathon I think we have two listeners that are in the marathon Well one actually just dropped off so we only have one left Yeah, that's how that goes. I appreciate the advice on Aftermath, I think I'm gonna take you up on that, that stakes and maybe some new ball be ready. I think maybe some potatoes too with that. What about the potatoes gravy?
Starting point is 00:39:51 What about the grilled PB and J dude? I think that's the immediate. That's what I finished the race. I'm getting that right. It's the inner slime right? That's what's up. You could do a Mitch burger and have a Snickers in your shoe. That's on the butter burger. Oh, yeah, couple. Well, man, we appreciate
Starting point is 00:40:15 you calling it a little ginger. Yeah, thanks for calling in. This was, it sounds like you more so called in to tell us what to do, which is also fine, right Charlie? That's fine. We take your advice too, folks. No. We do. Miles and I are seriously consider like I learned something today. So I appreciate you guys.
Starting point is 00:40:34 It's a win-win symbiotic. You're the little bird in our crocodile teeth. All right. Well, keep her moving. Okay. Yeah, another good one. You too. Have fun on your marathon.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Watch out for deers. Appreciate you guys. Yeah. Miles, that was a serious thing because I saw these kids doing this cross country running thing. And then a herd of deer come right through the herd of high schoolers, one of the deer.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Hit some, right in the noggin. It goes, noxomon is ass. Do you think that he got to redo the race or do you just play it as it lies? You just got a worse time. Ball is ball. The ball is ball. That is true. Ball don't lie. He's got bragging right.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So he does. A lot of people can say they hit a deer. Well, a lot of people can say deer hit them too. Sometimes deer's run up and they hit the side of your car. It's like dude, come on. Come on now. Yeah, you deserve that one. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, well, was that three callers already? No, no wishful thinking. All right, let's take another color. Let's take your limit and then heading back to the hunt and shack, and celebrate with a nice glass of tippy-cow. Oh, that is a wonderful way to celebrate the old fesent deal. There's just nothing better than that.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Mm-hmm. And you know what, I know we got the chocolate shake one out now, which is delicious, but also, will say for fesyn season, you can even get yourself an orange cream that way, you know, people will know, hey, the tutin' season. It's, yeah. Hot, don't shoot, drink.
Starting point is 00:42:37 You know, there you go. There you got it. I see you found it. I found it. You didn't know where I was going with that for a while, but I was trying to help you out, but you found it. I found it. I found it. You didn't know where I was going with that for a while, but I was trying to help you out, but you found it. I found it. So guys Nothing more than a good celebratory to be cow after you hit your limit. So cheers to that cheers to you. Tip it on back with to be cow. Mm-hmm So I was needed. Oh
Starting point is 00:42:59 Stephanie of the walker from Ben Morgan calling you back. Oh Stephanie is back Charlie the dog walker from Ben Morgan calling you back. Oh, Stephanie is back, Charlie, the dog walker from Ben and Oregon. What's okay? Belly on up to the bar with us. Give us an update on whatever we talked about the last time. Well, you gave me some advice on some above ground,uba diving to help keep my job as a mountainous, which I've been doing. There you go for the for the folks watching. Yeah, for the folks at Omaha, don't know bird watching above ground scuba diving.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You got it. I thought we were going to go an entire episode without bringing up bird watching, but here we are. Nope. Nope. No miles. The birds fly again, baby. So go ahead, Charlie. Ask her what she's been seeing out there.
Starting point is 00:43:48 What's the sexiest bird you've seen out there, Stephanie? Tell me the details. I saw yellow-abrested Blackbird several times in that app of Merlin that you told me to download. Well, let me log it for this region. That is awesome. I'm looking that up yellow breasted. What was that bird breasted black bird? I wonder if I've ever seen one in black bird. So that's a, yeah, we have, that's a pretty sexy bird. Oh, yeah, I've seen them. That is a sexy. Yeah. And then we have a lot of those. And then the red wing
Starting point is 00:44:22 black birds one of those as well. Yeah, those are those are main bastards. Then red wing blackbirds are mean. You watch those guys. Oh, they, yeah, I'd stay away from them. I always see them in a battle boarding on the river. Oh, look at you doing all those cool outdoor activities. Okay. So I know you should have come to Ben.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I'm waiting. Oh, hey. Oh. I'm waiting. Oh Oh, I'll be now I'm starting to remember a little more of this conversation So timeout you are telling me that Charlie ghosted you Did you Wait, I was hoping that you would reach out to come visit it to come visit bend, huh? Oh my gosh, well, yeah, you know, what are we gonna do in bend? Well, we have hiking, teleboarding, fishing, actually learn how to fish, but what you can't do so in my phone that nothing. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. I'm looking at the picture. message you're booking agent, I think you got to do a show in Bend, Oregon here coming
Starting point is 00:45:45 up. And I think you need to be more of a man in your word, you know, I'd like to think you pride yourself on that. And then, you know, there was, you never made it out that way. Well, you know, Miles, the tours, you know, Stephanie, the tour schedule just kind of gets to you. You know, you got one date here next day there, you know, Ben Dorgon, you know, how many transfers I got to do from Milwaukee to get to Ben. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think there's a train all the way up there. Charlie, you're like riding the train. I took the train. I took the train to Montana once. That was 30 hours. I'll never get back. Actually, I enjoyed it. It was
Starting point is 00:46:26 great. Nice. You ever take the train, Stephanie? I have to give a train from Ben to Seattle, actually. I don't know if you're up or road to train a lot. That's a nice. Very efficient over there. All right. so you're a little bit heartbroken. I understand Charlie's left me heartbroken before his well. Yeah. So getting lined, Stephanie, has there been any other updates on the dating front then?
Starting point is 00:47:00 No, I'm still in a not seen anyone, but that's okay. But I did have an overwhelming number cow on my Instagram. Oh, nice. Yeah. Okay. Okay. She had some people slide into the DMs.
Starting point is 00:47:17 What was the best DM slide that you got? Someone wrote almost like a job application cover letter essentially explaining like themselves and who they are and why they think that we would be a good match and I was like, that's actually not so bad, but they lived in like Indiana or something and I was like, that's too far. Did you respond to any or did anything? Was there anyone that you were maybe thinking about me nub with or it never got that far?
Starting point is 00:47:50 There was no one that I was close enough to meeting up with unfortunately but I did have one person who we were. He was actually in bend and he didn't listen to the episode, but his friend did who lived in Utah. And she called him and told him to reach out to me. So we almost hung out one or two times by our scuttles in the line. Dang it. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 We need a belly-up match, mate. I know. Did you look at his pictures on Instagram? Yeah, but they're all really old. It was also kind of hard to tell. Like, what do you look like? So, what did you have them send an updated pick or something? No, I haven't asked you that personally. I know it's like totally normal, but.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, I get it. That's kind of an awkward thing to ask at first. Well, shout out your Instagram again. So, I mean it. That's Kevin awkward thing to ask it first. Well shout out your Instagram again. So I mean we're not He's like no, no, no, no, we're not settling until we figure this out. Give us the Instagram again. Sounds like she's not settling and holding out Charlie I'm just for the one and I might be waiting for the one who is really funny and likes to do other activity. Well, I'm married. So let's cool it on that. Okay. You know, you could maybe meet up with Charlie, you know, that's very kind. Yeah. I can settle for that. Well, I'm glad you could settle for that. But you know, I'm all the way in Milwaukee. If Indiana is too far of a stone to
Starting point is 00:49:25 throw, I mean, Milwaukee is pretty much the same distance, you know. Yeah, but we have a lot more in common. I mean, a couple episodes back. You talked about dancing queen being a great karaoke song. That is my karaoke song. Is it really? Wait, it's your karaoke song? Yes. On multiple occasions, someone has handed me a Can't breathe while I've been singing that song. Wow, can we hear it? You know, you have to see it in that real life. Oh, teasing.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I love it. Yeah, Charlie. Not even just a taste. Well, yeah, not even just a taste. All right, all right. Well, I want to also warn you about Charlie's lifestyle. He's on the road a lot. He goes to a lot of bars.
Starting point is 00:50:13 He drinks a lot. You know, he's always at a late. So are you really sure that you want to hold out for that? Or I got more red flags than the Chinese consulate. So. Hey, that's okay. Everyone has different lifestyles. Okay, so even with all your faults,
Starting point is 00:50:36 the long laundry list of red flags and faults, Charlie. Yeah. She's still interested. Still interested. All right, Well, Stephanie, shout out the IG. Stephanie, he hates this so much. I can feel every muscle in his body is tense right now. That's not true, Miles. I'm very Lucy Goosey right now. I'm in my zone. I'm just trying to, you know, I'm very Lucy Goosey right now. I'm in my zone. I'm just trying to, you know, find Stephanie love
Starting point is 00:51:07 on this place knowing that, you know, look, Stephanie, I'm, I am not really a great catch. I'll tell you that, okay. I'm just, you know, I'm just not that great, okay? So, but we're gonna find, we're gonna find you love. I'm telling you, we are. So, do you want to shut out the IG or no? Have you?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Sure. Yeah. It's success.stu. So it's like stes.stwo. It's like stes.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.wo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.wo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stwo.stu. Okay. And we'll tell you, you know, that there's been a lot going on in Steph's life recently. As soon as my wife updates, you know, well, as Charlie's, oh, Wow, she's at Yellowstone recently. Check that out. Grizzlies, guys,ers and buys in Oh my, that's like lions and. That's fun. Did a little. Is that where you did some fishing? Yeah. And that was what you called in for advice.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Right. Look at that. She saw this. Yeah. I want to go right there. Oh, okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:52:18 there's people next to us fishing. And they also use worm bait and they were catching fish. I didn't catch anything. And you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, right there. Okay. Well, there are people next to us fishing and they also use worm bait and they were catching fish. I didn't catch anything. And you just got a new tattoo as well. Is that the case? I did in June. Yeah. Panda. Is that a panda? Well, upside down panda with a party hat on the meaning of the panda. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Oh, you got it. You got it. So, the panda. I got it with my friend, so her and I have the same birthday. We're born same day, same year. And you met Girl Scouts in her 11. And so we got our favorite animals and like a a little birthday hat online and then the number 13 because that's you for team to separate.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Oh, I remember that. Yeah, and I'm the panda of our group view. I'm like usually the first one to go to bed. So, oh, nice. A lot more wise. Early to bed. Early bird gets the worm. So that's fun.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Now, there's, uh, is this, is this the bikini and the cowboy boots? What's the, what was the inspiration there? The bikini and the cowboy boots? Oh, my friend's bachelor party. That's not me though. No, I know it's not you, but you put the picture on the deal. Oh, she's the bride. Okay. It's a bachelor. Yeah, she's the bride, okay. It's a bachelor. Yeah, she's the bride. I see. Yeah, I mean, what do you think of bikinis and boots?
Starting point is 00:53:50 Do you think of that's a good match? You think it's maybe showing too much leg? What do you feel about that? Are you asking me or Charlie? Well, both, I guess. I think that's just great. It's a vibe. It is a vibe. God, I can. I think that's just great. The vibe. It is a vibe.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Kind of, I can't believe not one person wants some advice on fishing. Oh, yeah, what's the question I'm fishing? Sorry, I'm scrolling through the gram. I'm just trying, I'm catching up with you stuff. We haven't talked in a few months, you know, I'm, I'm just getting the lay of the land. So yeah, so, uh, uh, where have we're have you fished and what were you fishing for? Well, I just fished when we were in Island Park Idaho and I actually don't know the type of fish that were in the river by we were staying, but that's where they're at. Probably some trout out there,
Starting point is 00:54:41 you know, maybe some river trubs, you know, uh, what do you, what advice are you looking for? She wants not to catch him. Probably like, how do I catch this fish? Oh, that's what I like that. That is the fishers anger right there. Well, Charlie, I think it's really about technique, right? And I think you're going to need to do more of a hands-on approach.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I think you're going to have to show the technique in person. Do you? Maybe just like when you're teaching someone to shoot a pool stick. Oh, yeah. I think you maybe did go out there and show her the correct form. Yeah. You know, I would say I see what you're getting to miles. You're a clever little bug, you know, you are.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And I think a little fly fishing would actually probably work good in those rivers out there. You got some great fly fishing would actually probably work good in those rivers out there. You got some great fly fishing out west. So I might even encourage that. I just got into fly fishing not too long ago and it's a lot of fun. It's sort of its own bird there. It's its own unique situation, but you get a nice little four-weight fly rod. I bet you get out there, get some of them trout.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You can get that fly rod anywhere at your local sporting good store. They sell them on the low end. You probably get a good rig set up for under a hundred bucks. They get real high end and spend either. If you want a stick, did you purchase a pole or were you just using someone else's miles? Don't say it got to you. I actually else's miles? Don't say God.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I like my dad's old fishing poles. Oh, you got your dad's old ones. Nice. Well, then what I would almost, that's what I got. Yeah, what I would get, actually, we got, you know what? Let's do this. We'll get your address and we'll send you a,
Starting point is 00:56:29 this. We'll get your address and we'll send you a grandpa Bob's fishing tackle box, which we sell at These are map scours made in Wisconsin, and anago Wisconsin. Actually, if you're out there shooting squirrels, they will take your squirrel tails that go as bucktails on those things. So for all the squirrel hunters out there. And yeah, we'll send one over to you. And I recommend the Oprah, the keeper moving spinner for those little trouts. You know, it's nice. I think it's a number. I forget the number on it. But those little spinners will do good in the river as well. Okay. Yeah. I'd press you. You put me in the right direction. Yeah. And then, you know, if I get out to Bendor again, we got to do a show out west at some point. You know, we can, we can, you know, find ourselves a river dip, dip, dip, uh, our, throw our
Starting point is 00:57:18 trebles in the lake, you know, that's a funny. There are plenty of like around these parts. Okay. All right. Well, there you have it, stuff. Lots of lights to go fishing in, lots of rivers. Wow. And in the meantime, are you still taking applications for your honey, honey boo? Sure, I'm sure I have.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I have most, I would say most of of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. I have a lot of people who are interested in this. you must for me to read through. Well, wait, wait, wait, you didn't get to do the words. Did you at least look at all of them? I did look at all of them eventually, but it took me a while. Okay. Well, you're about to get in respond to all of them because it was like hundreds. That's awesome. Well, you know what? You got another batch coming your way. If you guys messaged her before and she politely declined, let's hold off on this round.
Starting point is 00:58:29 This is the second round of potential mates that you may have come in your way. And guys, it sounds like you have to up your game, even a cover letter on a resume didn't get the job done. So we're gonna have to get a little more creative. Yeah. Fellas send an updated photo with your DM slide. Don't go slide in without an update photo. Nope, no shirt. One thing I should advise, I was gonna have some advice to give people too,
Starting point is 00:58:58 if you're sliding into DM, if your account is private, definitely send a photo, because I'm not gonna follow you just to see what you look like. Oh, wow. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, that is updated.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And just dating in general. Yeah, dating in general, the private account is not really the way you want to do it. You're not trying to follow. You're not trying to up your follower account, you know, because then if it's awkward and then you got to unfollow, you don't want to do that. Yeah, exactly. All right. you know, because then if it's awkward and then you got to unfollow and you don't want to do that. Yeah, exactly. All right. Well, good luck on your second round of speed dating in the DMs. We are excited for you. Charlie will look to book a show in Bend, Oregon. And it's good talking to you again.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah, it's great talking to you guys too. Have a good rest of your day. Okay, you too. Watch out for dear staff. I will. All right, bye bye now. Good bye now. Charlie, I think that we actually could start our own dating app. We should.
Starting point is 00:59:56 And we only, and you have to listen to X amount of minutes of our podcasts before you can create an account to show that you're actually a fan and we build our own little community of belly up listeners that can then date each other. That would be awesome, dude. And then the first one is to get married. We could do the wedding. We could, you know, we could, we could do like, but the groom has to wear a camo suit for sure
Starting point is 01:00:30 That's our only stipulation that's it and Charlie will pay for your guys wedding. Ah yeah Yeah, I will pay for two drinks one for the bride one for the groom. There we go All right, Charlie. What's another episode of the belly up podcast at about does it folks? Thanks for hanging in there with us today was a lot of fun and we hope you're all doing real good out there We really do we wish you the best and as always Charlie don't forget to tip your bartender love you guys

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