Bellied Up - The Art of Small Talk #79

Episode Date: December 14, 2023

In this episode, we're at The Hill Bar & Grill in Glyndon, MN. Our first caller is experiencing lady troubles, and we help him with that. The next caller wants to know how to convince her fian...cé to take "cute" pajama photos for Christmas. The last caller is wondering what the acceptable amount of drinking is at Dragon Con (It's kind of like Comic Con). Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey folks, welcome to the Belly-Up Podcast. My name is Charlie Ebarrence, and I am here with my co-host Miles of Mump Lesure. Charlie, you guys are called me Miles Zbetschigai, that's my stage name. But I love saying Mump Lesure. You know, I know you didn't, you didn't weren't creative enough to come up with your own stage name. So man to walk minute, dude. The man of to walk went minute, dude. I So man to walk minute, dude, the man to walk went minute dude.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I said man to walk minute, comment dude. Yeah. Yeah. So what now miles? I know. But what's your stage name? Miles quit. Quit like trying to make me seem lesser than you.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I was the one who showed up on time today. I knew he was going to do this. Meanwhile, you were again, like, sorry, I was working this morning. I wasn't sleeping in like you. You know what? I was getting my body healthy, miles. Yeah, you sound a little plugged up today. Yeah. Well, you know, when you grind as hard as I do, day in, day out, take no days off. You know, sometimes the body starts pushing back against you and you just got to tell the body, no. Well, maybe that's a life lesson, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Maybe you take a few days off. Oh, you think so? Yeah. No rest for the wicked miles. Maybe a little bit more hustle. Yeah. I just want you to need in your life. Over and over, Charlie, you're going to, then all of a sudden you're going to wake up.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You're going to, don't blink., you're gonna wake up, you're gonna dump link, you're gonna wake up, you're gonna be 70 years old, and you're gonna be, your body isn't be broken down because you never took any days off. I'm stretching, I'm stretching every day, meditating every day. What kind of stretching regimen are you on? Well, thanks for asking, Miles. I wake up and I do some cat cows cows get the lower back moving and grooving. I wagged the tail a little bit. I get in downward dog and I stretch the side. So basically you
Starting point is 00:01:52 just wake up in the morning and you just act like an animal. Yeah. Quite literally cat, cow, downward dog. Yeah, it's rough. Um, so miles we're rough. So what's going on, man? Um, Christmas is coming up right? You get all your first. First of all, I want to talk about, so right now they got the chive TV on in the retina bar here. First of all, we are here at the Hill bar and grill. Like in Glinden, Minnesota. Yeah. Why Hill, bar and Grill, the Hill bar and Grill. Why did you tell me chive TV was on? Well, so mountain biking. It's kind of funny because you will have sports games on in a bar.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah. But if chive TV is on, that's what everyone watches. Oh, yeah. Because it's just literally like watching like TikTok. It's addicting to look at. But also what a move by Chive. Do you remember when the Chive came out and all the guys had the stickers on the backs of their cars and the t-shirts says, keep calm and Chive on. Yeah. Remember that guys? Yeah. Yeah. What a craze. It's a weird thing. And who would have think like in the time they did nobody was like saying, Oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:07 what we should do TV, but they they pretty much are. I don't know. Are they crushing it? Are they doing good? Are they like on the brink? Is this all they have? I don't know, but it's on at every bar now. I feel like.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yeah. It's what keeps people sitting at the bar. Exactly. But were you ever, did you ever have any keep calm or chive on merchandise? No, I didn't. I didn't either, but my brother was a big chiver. Miles, when do you think we're gonna start
Starting point is 00:03:36 turning our TVs the other way? Oh, like a vertical, like a zone? I mean, pretty soon. Got to pick it. Yeah. I I was doing I never thought about that before. Is that the next progression? I come out with vertical TVs. Probably. I mean, technically you could make any TV vertical. I think you can like switch. I mean, maybe not like regular TV. I don't know that I've read you watch this. Orts game and vertical orientation or a movie. Yeah, I mean, we put out little short movies every week. Charlie, that's in vertical orientation.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I know. I think it's dumb. I've always found it to be dumb. What's dumb? I find it to be a more pleasant viewing experience wide. I mean, that's why movies are wide, but it also is not as ergonomical to hold in your hand for a phone. So that's it. So then the answer then is the TVs will never be turned the other way.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Probably not. Okay. What would be interesting to see? I think it will be interesting. I mean, they've done it all. They've got the curved TVs. They've got TVs that look like picture frames. Are those still in the middle?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Same thing. Is the curved TV still a thing? I don't think so. I don't understand why a curved TV even exists. Miles, do you know that I've never bought a TV in my life? What do you mean? Never bought a TV. I know, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:05:00 How do you get TVs then? I've taken them from either the side of the road or my brother's house or... Charlie always carries a wrench set with them just in case he's got a D mount a TV. I've demounted a lot of TVs. A lot of TVs miles and then another place, one place I moved into had a projector screen on the ceiling. It was like from the late 90s or early 2000s. It's an old one, but it still works. It overheats.
Starting point is 00:05:32 There's no way you got that thing going. Yeah. Does that feel like a projector is a lot of setup and I don't, you know, no, no, already set up. Oh, yeah. I could mount it. Don't get me wrong. I'm a good mount. But when it comes to the, Oh, yeah, I could mount it. Don't get me wrong. I'm a good mounter. But when it comes to the Charlie, but intercise,
Starting point is 00:05:49 constantly mounting and demounting over and over again. Thank you. When it comes to the intricacies of setting up with a remote, I get so frustrated. That's what I mean. That's kind of what I was. Yeah. If that thing ever has a bug in it, you are going to have to call someone. I just, I think I'm just going to get a new one at that point. Don't go over to your parent's house. Yeah. You got to have a downstairs TV. You can just demount and sneak out the back.
Starting point is 00:06:15 They do actually. There you go. Well, so miles, should we take some colors today, pal? I think we should. Um, I'm going to do my best not to get caught watching the chive TV. You've been doing it this whole time. I know. I got to face a different way.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But yeah, let's take some collars. Let's do it. Hey, welcome to the Bellydub podcast. Who do we have the pleasure of chit chatting with today? Hi, my name is Ryan. I'm in work right now. So if you guys can not hear me, I'm terrible sorry. No, we hear you for lunch. We hear you name is Ryan. I'm in work right now. So if you guys cannot hear me, I'm terrible. Sorry. No, we hear you. We hear you fine, Ryan. What are you having for lunch?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Well, I just picked up some gas station pizza. You know, down the road about it. Yeah, that's good for you. Whatever you get three meter breakfast pizza. Uh, today I just picked up some pepperoni bacon. Oh, okay. Okay. Little me guy. I like it. Peppin' bake. Well, watch belly up to the bar.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Let's tell us what's on your mind on your lunch break. So, uh, you know, last, last Friday night, I went out to the bar with my buddies. And I'd go it up to the bar and they're not going to be the girl at the bar that I met. And you know, she was a really nice girl and I, you know, I got her number and everything. But what I mean, this girl was something insane. I don't know what the fuck that's going to be. So we were talking, she goes to college and she was doing a pit crew for Bristol. She goes to a trade school and she wants to do pit crew for Bristol. She goes to a trade school and she wants to do high performance.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I'm like, that's kind of bad ass. She works at a dealership. Basically like a, you know, man. And then her friend brought her a beer and I watched her down this beer and one go and I had no idea what the fuck to think. Wow, my friends must be sighting signing and our draws dropped as I watch it.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I said, I gotta go to the bathroom. So to the bathroom and my buddy goes, I think you're in love. I said, I don't want the fuck to thank you. So, so what's the problem? Yeah, they all sounds great. I know it's great. That's the problem is I don't need in one relationship before and she was psycho. And this is my first time getting back into something. I don't know how I should
Starting point is 00:08:35 come about it this because he's like me, but I don't know how to ask you to go out. Well, you have a number, right? Oh, yeah. So yeah, you call her and you say, hey, you want to go out with me? And then you pick a day and a place. And then that's pretty much it. I got that idea down. But what would we do? She does pit-cruise stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't watch NASCAR. I'm not like this in NASCAR. I just want to watch cars going to circulate and I kind of thing. Well, first of all, I'm not watching cars going to circle eight and I kind of think. Well, first of all, what you do is just go to dinner and then you just ask her about all this stuff. Yeah. Yeah, asking, listen, and don't feel like you have to talk about yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You are a journalist at this point. You were just gaining information. And don't forget it. Remember it. Remember it. Take it out. Because she'll remember if she told you something you ask her again. Trust me, I know. I forget a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:37 What's, what, how old are you? Yeah, I've kind of realized that I'm watching from the shows. I'm 21. You're 21. Okay. How old is she? Yeah. She is 23. Okay. So it seems like the concern is, is she's kind of a badass, right? Yeah. Are you a little bit worried that she's going to what I would say threaten your
Starting point is 00:10:02 manhood a little bit? Is that kind of the vibes I'm getting Yeah, I mean she looks at a BMW dealership. I used to be a mechanic. I used to work at a super dealer But like no, I'm on the sheenest now and she still works on cars. I don't do that stuff anymore But why she would take away my She's important mainly. I said she could out-chug me like be me a shotgun and I don't like that I feel like my man has been taken. Yeah, I got that's reasonable But I will let me give you a little reassurance Most fellas have not worked in a car shop at all most fellas
Starting point is 00:10:37 I do not know anything about being a mechanic most fellas Are not a machinist, you know, and this all seems to be well within her area of interest. So I think you're already, uh, you're already shooting from a place of advantage. And you got her number. Don't forget that. She wouldn't have just given you her number if she was completely uninterested. Unless you call that number, and it's just a phone sex line, then you know that she
Starting point is 00:11:04 gave you a fake number and have you tried calling the number yet? I've been texting, we've been texting on it and Rita's to text. So she texted saying, hey, I'm going to give her a name of a, we'll go with B and she's texting me and she's like the next day she's like, hey, how's it going last night? I don't remember leaving the bar. So that's where like, I don't know. Some of stuff I said,
Starting point is 00:11:32 don't remember leaving the bar. I remember just waking up looking on my phone and thought she's actually, and she asked me if I wanted to go to a rodeo the next time. And I said, yeah, I'll cash your so I'll go to the rodeo. You guys are on your first day. I'm a finish. Love it Not really a day. It was a bunch of group. It was a group of people and
Starting point is 00:11:52 She friends were writing holes and you know, they asked me I've never ridden the bull I don't see myself writing the bull So I got asked the right one and I didn't I turned it down and I felt like Well, that was a bad news and we talked a little bit of Sunday and we haven't really talked much to it. Oh, wait was it a real ball or a mechanical ball? A real ball. Oh, dude you made the right choice. What do you want to be paralyzed? You kidding me? That's the craziest good. I will sacrifice all my manhood if I don't got to get on a ball. Yeah, that's one of the craziest things you can do.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Did she ride the ball? No, no. No, that's not the reason, man. That's one that don't get on a ball. Well, I think it's also, she seems like she's put herself out there and you haven't really made a strong move so she might be getting a little disinterested. Yeah, You got to, I mean, this gal's got a lot of suitors, you know, no doubt. Yeah. I think the other thing, I mean, I think the other thing too is she seems very direct, which is great for you. So you just got to match her directness and
Starting point is 00:13:03 just ask her out. Yeah, you have in what have you said since the rodeo? Um, well, I asked her how her day at work was yesterday, and I asked her if you wanted to go out and get a drink later this week, like on Thursday. Yeah, but like, I can only talk to girl when I'm drunk. That's the issue. I have bad compensation issues. That's a separate issue. We'll get to that in a second. But first is you did she reply to the texts? Um, short answers. But yeah. Well, what's the long answer? No, she's he gave, well, like, you know, even short answers. Oh, she gave short answer. Yeah. He gave him short answers. Oh, she gave short answers.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah. So did she say yes or no to the date? She said you love me now. Oh, man. Yeah. Oh, video, video, video. OK. I think you know, she may come around
Starting point is 00:14:02 and want to go get that drink. But I think it might sound you need to be prepared that you guys are just friends. Here's the bigger issue. Here's the bigger issue though. The fact that you can only talk to girls when you're drunk, you're gonna have to get over that. You gotta work on yourself right now. You got to forget about her. There's going to be, there's a million of her. Well, maybe a hundred. There's a hundred of her. You found one. Go look for another. But you got to work on yourself. So you're more like ready to rock and roll here. Because if
Starting point is 00:14:41 you're getting black out at the bar, you know, that can work the first time maybe get a number, maybe thought was fun, but, you know, you can't rely on booze to talk to women. Otherwise, you're just gonna be, you're not gonna have a liver. I think what he needs to do is start narrowing his focus on who he's looking for. So if you're not great at chit chat and small talk
Starting point is 00:15:04 when you're sober, I think you just got to find a gal who won't shut up. You've got to find a gal that literally just talks and talks and talks and then you don't even have to worry about talking. Well, yeah, that's a different direction. Yeah, but I mean, like, so, you you know this is anything about my past life. So like I said my ex-girlfriend is very psychotic only one relationship. Everyone warned me not to like go after her, but you know the bunch of red flags are there. I'm color blind. Like I don't see red or green.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Like I remember that Ethan kid that came in saying all this red flags turned to green flags. Yeah. I don't see the flags in general. So I just go in blinds. They have to. Okay. And well, let's let's just talk about your last relationship because I think he's a little bit scarred. Yeah. What you see? She's psychotic. What made her psychotic? Oh, yeah. What I guess started. All right. So we'll get started on the part of, well, once you treated your parents very poorly,
Starting point is 00:16:08 you know, I got the big, no, no, my, my books, changed the parents back. How so? She would back talk to her parents, argue with them all the time, wouldn't help them. I was one helping her parents for her, instead of her doing it. She treated me very poorly.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Like, this is down on mental health kind of person. Like, feet, your mental health down. Yeah, I just sat there and took it because I'm a nice guy. Give us some, give us some examples. We need examples here. Oh, okay. So, back when I met before, I was going to graduate high school, we were dating and I was saying how I wasn't happy with I said I don't want to get into the game I started looking better and she was like yeah good. You started to look fat You got that I don't want to be with the fat guy and then I started Going into the gym, but like you know, you got to like beat my personality I'm for me to go do stuff like that
Starting point is 00:17:02 Cap and then a little bit of a bully. A little bit of a bully. Okay. Yes. Very, very controlling. What she did. And then what you get jealous. Yeah, I was on love to talk to any females. Not not one.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Well, no wonder you're bad at talking to women. I have a wasn't allowed to three years. Well, good God. I can't pull you a state in that allowed just three years. Well, good God. I can't pull you a state in that nightmare for three years. But you did. I think you know, you got to get out there. You got to start talking to women, not just women. You're interested in, but just women in general.
Starting point is 00:17:40 You know, she's, she really put you in a controlling spot. Yeah, maybe join a women's book club. Just get comfortable with talking to women. There you go. Okay, Miles is just making fun of my suggestion. No, I'm saying I'm adding that. That's a good idea. Do you think he's gonna be allowed in a women's book club?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Maybe go to the nail salon, just hang out there, get your nails done, get a pedicure, manicure, and just chit chat with the ladies there. You could do that. I would say I'm going to the gas station. Where do you live? I live in a village. It's called the 4th Ohio.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I have a population of 1,000 people. I know about everyone here. So, well, okay. Well, maybe, you know, I would just start, I would start getting going in the art of small talk, you know, the art of just saying, asking people anybody how their days go and ask them one more follow up question, start the, it's a great Midwest art of chit chatting, actually. Charlie, Miles, why don't you give me the top three things? Why don't you give me the top three tactics for small talk for small talk?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Well, I think first things first you got to listen always be listening and kind of keep a Real short memory of the conversation because you're gonna have a lot of them So it's not in the you're out the out the other it's in one ear kind of absorb it for a bit and then dump it Because you're gonna have a lot of information if you're a chit chatty type person. Ask them their name, ask them where they're from, and then third question is a wild card. So do you like to fish or what do you do for fun, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:17 And then from there, on that one, you can really build a conversation. So if the name doesn't strike anything up, if the location, if you don't know anything about the location, the third one is, do you like to blank, or what else do you like to do for fun? That way you suggest what you like to do for fun and wondering if they do that as well.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And then if they don't do the thing that you also like, give them an option on what else they can say. And then build off that. Like, oh, I've never heard about that, tell me more and all you know, tell me more ask them more and then just keep listening and the conversation will flow from there. Yeah, and I think even before you get into all that Charlie, the number one thing you should be bringing up is the weather, the weather. I mean yeah
Starting point is 00:20:09 There's always something to say right a little bit chillier out today Not so bad out here, you know, I'll try it with miles. Hey You know what I'll try I'll try it with with this file watch it. Hey, so what's your name? You out there guy with the girl. What's your name? Does he gone? I don't know Think he's gone. I think I can work Oh, it's you. Yeah, I'm pretending like we just met Yeah, I was confused too. That's all right. It doesn't matter you get it
Starting point is 00:20:45 Sorry, let's do it. All right. All right. Hey, man. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you doing? Doing good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Weather out there. I know. Hey. It's kind of nuts. At least it's not snowing this week. Right. It was last week. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:21:01 This place up here. It looks like the moon when it snows a lot here. Yeah. Yeah. It does. Oh. I'll tell you what, though. I think we're going to have a few more days of some warmer weather. It's cold. So, all you know, that'll get me time to go get the gutters cleaned. That is true. Have you cleaned your gutters? I haven't. I got to do that as well. But I also need to go find my winter jacket somewhere in the basement. All the big. Hey, you know what I like when I put the big coat on and I find five dollars in the pocket.
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's the bank, that's the only bank account you can trust these days. Yeah, one time I found five dollars and a winning scratch off ticket, I forgot to call mine. Yeah. Did it, it was it's expired? Oh, yeah, seven bucks. Oh, dude, congratulations. Yeah. Hey, what's it expired? Oh, yeah, seven bucks. Oh, dude, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. Hey, what's your name? Miles. Will you go out with me? Yeah. And that's how it's done. Oh, yeah. All right, let me give you one more confidence, honestly.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I guess. I really think. I think it gives him a lot more confidence. He's got to go back to work. Yeah. Are we holding you. He's got to go back to work. Yeah, are we holding you up? You got to go back to work. Yeah. Oh, now you're getting my boss on the aircraft.
Starting point is 00:22:13 You're at the machine shop. My boss is my boss. Yeah, I'm inside the shop. But my boss is my uncle and he kind of on the repair stuff. Oh, that's good. Yeah, we're on our slope. We're on a slope here either now. So we kind of won't really care. Oh, that's good. Yeah. We're on our slope. We're in a slope area right now. So we kind of, what's the weather?
Starting point is 00:22:31 What's the weather like in Ohio today? So, you know, last week, it was snowing for a little bit. Oh, rain. It's been sunny these past couple of days. But it's like, it's in the perfect like 50s. Like, like, right, one point from summer to's in the perfect like 50s, like the right one point from somewhere to fall, the perfect like 50 to 60 degree weather, you know? Yeah, well, I can.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I can put it in the morning and then half. Yeah, I want better. I want better. My favorite. Real good. See, you got the small talk down right there. You did, you couldn't let miles have a well just pretend girls are guys you know just pretend we're doing that already anyway. So I just asked miles out do you think that was easy for me to ask miles out
Starting point is 00:23:22 no it was very difficult and you can rise to the occasion too. Just imagine these gals are fellas. So just build your imagination. And again, try it first with girls that you're not interested in. That'll get you used to the process. Yeah, ask some gal at the book club out. Yeah, get some gals that are, you know, I'm like a. Get some gals that are actually your friends. Getting gals in the book club. Yeah, find some gals that are actually friends and they will help you. They will set you up with their friends. You'll learn how to talk to women. It's going to be good for you. And you're already a great conversationalist. Well, you're good, but you're going to be great. Yeah. Yeah. All right, you get back
Starting point is 00:24:10 to work. You finish that pizza and tell your uncle we say hi. Yes. Do that. Well, do it. You guys want to have for dinner. All right. Well, go. Be good. Twine. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why he called in. After all that, I don't. Well, he doesn't know how to talk to him. How to ask someone out and then he just revealed that he asked her out. Well, I think he's bombed out, dude,
Starting point is 00:24:41 because he doesn't think he did it right. Because now she's definitely giving them the Heisman. Yeah, she's definitely, you know, that's pretty good. Yeah, wasn't it? In the old Heisman. Well, too much forward lean and then you like stand taller when you do it. No, then it's on yoga stretch. No, now it looks like you're doing ballet. Yeah. Well, I can do ballet miles. He's got to go into your chest. Oh, yeah. Oh, that one's actually pretty good, Charlie. Huh? Pretty sweet. Um, what was the last Wisconsin high's been winner?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Rondein. Nice. So what's up, baby? All right. Or was it um no is rendez I think in 2011 there was someone real good real good okay Miles you ask a question you don't care fine welcome to the Hey, this is Shina. Shina, did I say that right? No, it's Shina. So it's like Shina Easton. Shina. Got it. Hey, Shina, where are you calling in from? Hey, guys, I'm calling in from Altara, Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay, little Minnesota. So great by it's right in between. Yeah, right in between Rochester and Winona. Oh, okay. Well, Tara, we're on the west side of the state in Glinden, Minnesota today. Yeah. Come on, by, Shina.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Same state, different side. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us, tell us what's on your mind. So I kind of wanted your guys' opinions on holiday pajamas and taking Christmas photos. Okay. What about it? So I just recently bought me and my fiance holiday P.J.s and he was reluctant to put them on as he should and was more reluctant to take photos. I know, but he looks adorable at him. What kind of pajamas? I don't know a single guy that wakes up in the morning, trying to look adorable, I'll be honest with you. He's not a teddy bear.
Starting point is 00:26:58 He's a big grown masculine man. That's going to try and fix your garbage disposal and probably make it worse and have to call professional. But that's the mindset he's in, you know? No, I know, but no, I got him just like regular like flannel green pajamas from Target. Oh, my gosh. And the matching holiday mug. Oh, my God, you really did it, didn't you? So this is now more of a question from me to all of the females out there that are doing
Starting point is 00:27:35 exactly what you are saying. Why? Why do we need to do this? It's cute. It makes for cute holiday like family pictures. So what's wrong with just wearing normal clothes and taking photos? Well, that was a whole other conversation when we did our engagement photo. Did you guys not wear clothes for your engagement photos? No, we did. We have matching outfits for those two. Oh, God. So he is. He already
Starting point is 00:28:07 gave you one, Shina. Okay. He gave you one. So, Shina, I'm starting to build in my head kind of, what kind of gal you are just from what you've told us so far. What do you do for a living? I sell luxury cars. No shit. Really, Shina? Well, man, hey, now I see why I did the match and stuff. Did you get him? Uh, do you get him a nice car?
Starting point is 00:28:34 Does he have a nice car? You get him a deal on something? Uh, no, he bought his own car from a different dealership. What? It's the most dude they got ever heard. Smart guy. Does he need to be buying the luxury rig. It just needs to get him from point A to point B. That's true. What kind of what do you think you can do? Does he like cars or no? Yeah, he's a car guy. Like he's got his little Subaru car and then he's got a big Dodge truck.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh, he went to school to be an out of a cat. Nice. So you sell luxury cars. What do you like to do for fun? Yep. I kind of just like to like sit around and watch animal planet. For fun. I'm going to be honest or hang out with my cat When we started this conversation. I had an image in my head of who you are as a human and every single
Starting point is 00:29:33 Minute that this goes by I have to start over. Yeah, I You sell luxury cars, but you love animal planet. You love posted Instagram photo. I am in Target. I'm all over the place. Um, could I suggest some cooler options for Christmas card? Sheena, I will be open to suggest you receptive. Okay. Um, first of all, is it just the two of you? Yeah, so it's the two of us and then my two cats will have matching bandanas too. God that's funny
Starting point is 00:30:09 So you love animal planet my day suggests you guys get Different animal pajamas And then he could be like a I tried that with Halloween and he wouldn't he wouldn't do it He doesn't even like plaid pajamas. You think he's gonna go for animal pajamas? I thought his issue was the fact that they were matching. I think his issue is is that he doesn't like to do anything
Starting point is 00:30:36 is what it sounds like in terms of cuteness. Also, any cuteness is in town. That's true. I think he's out. Sheenah, you do realize if you send out that Christmas card, if you guys were matching pajamas, his friends are not going to let him hear the end of it. If Miles sent me a card of him and Ann
Starting point is 00:30:53 in matching pajamas, I would bring it up at the beginning of every single belly-up podcast from now until forever. I just wanna let you know that. Kind of like the divorce. Okay, yeah, Miles brings up the divorce every freaking episode Thank you. It's exactly like that. And Chino. Why did you just have to bring that up? Okay? So yeah, you do understand what we're talking about here and
Starting point is 00:31:15 Chino. Yeah, let me tell you something Yeah, ask him to do too many matching pictures of pajamas I don't know what's going to happen, Charlie. That's what I said. I don't know. Well, I just I chalk it up to, you know, the things you do for a lot, like he's really big into the gym. So I will go to the gym with him. And that's not my favorite thing to do. And I like doing all the cute things and he hates doing a cute thing. So therefore he gets stuck wearing bright green matching Christmas. He did. She is. Oh, they're
Starting point is 00:31:55 bright green. They're not even like a muted forest green. She looked like the Grinch. She's what I love how you weren't calling in for advice on this you were just calling into Defend it to brag about how you get your husband to do Stuff so I mean you got to figure it out No, my my my my big question though is is how do I as the female and obviously in the relationship to compromise like I make him where as the female and obviously in the relationship to compromise, like I make him wear cute Christmas things. So I guess my advice, like my question to you guys is like what's something that you guys as guys
Starting point is 00:32:30 would like for us girls to do in return after we stick you into those Christmas things. I mean, yeah, I believe you along. Micah's dinner, bring us beer, wash our clothes. I mean, all those are pretty good options. I'm doing it laundry right now. I think you guys got this figured out. You both seem to understand the leverage part of marriage. Marriage is all about leverage and keeping score. I say this every time you guys have a trade-off. He does the cute stuff. You go to the gym with them. You do his laundry, all that. And I mean, seems like it's like a match made in heaven. Sheena, you're asking us
Starting point is 00:33:10 what guys generally speaking want, but you know, guys aren't really a monolith nor are women. And then you were married to this fellow. What's his name? His name is, we're not married yet, but his name is Chance. Wow, you're not even married and he's doing this stuff. Yeah. Chance. Okay. Are you guys engaged? Yep. We got engaged in June and our weddings in two years. Two years. Okay. Congratulations for grads.
Starting point is 00:33:46 First off, um, hall. Thank you. Well, what does chance want more than anything in this world? Do you know him pretty good? You guys are engaged. If you were to guess what would chance want more than anything in this world from you? For me to shut up so you can play a video game.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Wow. All right. Sounds like a good, good guy to me. Seems like he's got his pride. Wait, big fans of both of you guys. Well, chance. Oh, yeah, actually, I got him. You bet you're March for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Well, yeah, wait, this Christmas or last Christmas? This Christmas, we didn't start dating until this year. Okay, well, now you just gave it away and he's going to know he's getting for Christmas. Well, hang on now. Back the truck up. You guys are engaged and you just started dating when? you guys are engaged and you just started dating when? So our first date was January 19th of this year and he proposed to me on June 19th. Is he in the military?
Starting point is 00:35:03 No, he's a contractor. Okay, because that sounds like a military move to me. Yeah, you guys move fast, real fast. And not saying nothing about it, my grandpa and my Nana move fast too, I think six months they knew. But man, that's really fast. So you know, you feel good about it. Or is that why you guys have the two year engagement? No, we have the two year engagement so I can finish school. Gotcha. Now I will have to say,
Starting point is 00:35:27 he probably is kicking himself a little bit now, because he hasn't even been with you for one holiday session. He didn't even know about the flannel pajamas when he proposed. And I don't know, it's good thing he pajamas when he proposed.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And I don't know, it's good thing he proposed when he did because he might have been rethinking things after the flannel pajamas. Yeah, it's, you know, you gotta flannel matching jammy shots is something that can really test the relationship, Shina. So, you know, okay. All right, but you don't care. Well, I think it's cute. And like, and I've always wanted to do that. But all of my, like,
Starting point is 00:36:13 ex-boyfriends were six in the month or six in the month. So I couldn't do it. And I had also asked him before I bought them a feed wear it. And he kind of didn't give me an answer. So I just went ahead and bought it. I love how you're saying that your previous relationships were sticks in the mud and didn't wanna do pajamas. And this guy also doesn't want the two pajamas. So you're saying you have a type. That's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I did have a type until I met him. Okay, well, make some different. I mean, he's a good guy. Like, I'm always not cheating on me. I'm talking about the girls behind my back. Okay, that's a good start. What else? Um, What else? What else?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Shit. Little Tisadil. I was got nice eyes and like in his family's really nice. His parents are super sweet. He's a power lifter so he can lift big heavy things. Okay. Yeah, he's got a hot bod, huh? How does he, Yeah, is it? So he sounds like a pretty burly guy is the pajamas pretty skin tight on him or no. No, I think I bought
Starting point is 00:37:35 him a size too big. So they were a little baggy on it. But it looks good. Yeah, a little long, but still fits the shoulders smart. You just tuck in the pajama top. So no, no, no, he didn't tuck it in. Okay, so this is already you already took them. Well, I need them to try them on. Okay, where is that? I've already hated that. Where is this one? You go school shopping as a kid and you like you'd act all shitty about it. You go in the fitting room, and then walk out with your arms by your side and your shoulders down.
Starting point is 00:38:09 They look fine, mom. It's fine, can I take it off? Is that what happened? Oh, they did not show yes. Cause like I made them try them on, and then like I wanted to like, before we get our like nice Christmas photos done, I just wanted to see how well they would photograph,
Starting point is 00:38:24 cause like the colors didn't look good on us I was gonna get a new one So it did make him take one photo and I did it in like a video like I recorded it Like a screenshot it and the entire video is hilarious He's he was just so grumpy about doing it. Can you send this that video? Yeah, that footage can you send that to us? Send us that video and that footage. Can you send that to us? You guys like on your Instagram page?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah, just yeah, I'm belly up pod on Instagram and we got to see that footage. Yeah. All right, let me I gotta run it by him first though, but yeah, come on, make the guy wear pajamas. I don't think you're running it by him. What's kind of funny, well, what would be funny is he acts all shitty about it, right? I don't want to take the photos. This and that. It would be funny if you like had to work a Saturday and he was at home playing video games and you came home early from work and he was gaming in the
Starting point is 00:39:20 pajamas. I think would be the ultimate. Like he probably secretly like got him, he was shitty about it. Then got him on and was in his head kind of like, okay, these are like kind of comfy, I kind of don't mind them, but he can't backpad a lot of it because he's got an image job hold. Yeah. So I wouldn't be surprised you come home early from work on a day and he's just in the pajamas gaming. Where, where is the?
Starting point is 00:39:45 I'm waiting for. Is that waiting for? Where is the image, the final image going to go? Oh, yeah, that's a great book. Yeah, it's on my Instagram. You guys want me to DM that to you too? It's on your Instagram. What's your Instagram?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Sheena Ray underscore 24. So for anyone listening, you should go, sheena ray underscore 24. So for anyone listening, you should go to sheena gray underscore. Sheena ray underscore 24. Right. And just let the fella know how good he looks in those pajamas. Because I think maybe that's the way because he sounds like he's in it for life. And I don't think you're going to stop the cute pajamas anytime soon. So maybe we need to make them feel better about wearing the pajamas by pumping them up a
Starting point is 00:40:28 little bit. Everyone go tell them how sexy he looks in the pajamas. How do I spell Sheena? Okay, so it's SH E E N A R A E underscore 24. All right. Here we go. Oh, private. I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say,
Starting point is 00:40:58 I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, you she know but he also kind of looks like he hates every second of it. Yeah there's that does yeah that was that was our engagement total. Oh yeah. Oh you're looking for a dog sitter dog. Oh here we go. Okay. Oh wow. That is hilarious. Oh my god that is so good. Oh my God, that is so good. That is so good. Oh, all you guys are cute. You guys are cute.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Oh my God, you know, I think he likes it. After seeing him now, though, I understand why he doesn't want to take photos. Every picture he's just staring right into the camera. You just smiled in a single photo. Even this one where you cover his eyes. Oh my God, you guys are cute, cute couple. I think there's one in case you're flottel on that he's smiling. Is there? Oh, this one he's drinking at the lake. He's got a half smile on. Yeah. I feel like, okay, that's a beer smile. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:07 He's always wearing the shirt that says junk. Yeah. I don't remember the whole story, but I think it's like an athletic wear brand or like something like he's super big in the fitness. Dude, I love that he permed. We talked about that. I love that he permed. We talked about that. Dude, I love that he perposed. We talked about it because he...
Starting point is 00:42:28 Dude, I love that he proposed to you when they cut off shirt. That is awesome. It's a tank top. God. I'm sure, okay, so the story behind that is when he first proposed, it was a Saturday night, we were drinking a bottle of wine, playing cards, So the story behind that is when he first proposed,
Starting point is 00:42:45 it was a Saturday night, we were drinking a bottle of wine, playing cards, and I dared him to do it. I was gonna hate me for this one. I dared him to do it. And he was like, no, I don't know. And I was like, well, okay, I triple dog beer. You and you're not gonna back out of that. So he did.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And then we ordered my official ring. And then that picture, it was right after I got off works by a random and changed and he was at the gym. So then we met here in Alpera, like over by the playground, like where the really pretty sunset was. So he had just came from the gym. So he wore that shirt to the gym and that hat to the gym. Yeah, he's wearing a ball.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Basically switched out of his shorts, put jeans on. Yep, put jeans on and then what and did that? I love this is great. And I made him do it six times to get that picture. Oh yeah, I think you guys are gonna be fine. You guys are pretty guys to give me good. No longer concerned about the pajama shot. Hey, it sounds like he responds well to triple dog dares. So just triple dog dare. I'm going to take a photo in the pajamas, say that he won't do it. And then he will. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Anything you want, triple dog. I don't want to use up all of them though before we're married. That is true. Don't abuse triple dog. There. I think you have to tell him that I say he looks cute in his green pajamas. By the way, this guy there's zero chance in hell. This guy is wearing a suit to your wedding. Unless it's getting less the arms are gone. How did he get the how did he magically get the
Starting point is 00:44:19 sleeves back on junk. How many junk shirts does he have? I've seen several different versions of it. He's got, okay, so he's got the cut off that he proposed in. He's got the T-shirt with the photo of us with me in the green shirt. Yeah. And then he's got a long sleeve shirt that he gave to me because it's too feminine on him. Oh my God, this guy is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I love it. Oh, well, you're taking a chance on chance, but not a huge chance. Oh, yeah, that's a wedding hashtag, too. Yeah. I knew I wasn't going to be the first one to think about that. Well, yeah, this is good. I mean, honestly, I think is just chance to have a good sense of humor. Yeah, when we started dating, he said we're OD like officially dating, but he
Starting point is 00:45:08 abbreviated it to be OD. Oh, that's the classic. It's a classic chance joke. Yeah. If I know a chance like I think I do, that sounds just like him. You should post a video of you guys trying on these jams. Well, once they're already on preferably, not don't do like a get ready.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Oh, yeah. Walking and I doubt they changed in front of the camera miles. They probably got into them and then walked in frame. I'm telling you what though, this green pajama photo, I can tell he does squats. Yeah, he's got a nice ass. He's got what they would, kids would call a dump truck. Yeah. Is that what it is? I call it a double wide trailer. Yeah. The double wide dump truck. Is that what initially drew you to him? Yeah, what'd you like about him first?
Starting point is 00:46:01 You know, obviously, one first personality like he's he's a pretty quiet shy guy. And I'm pretty outgoing and energetic. That's good. So I like to complete opposite. Yang and Yang. It is. Um, I guess it's a really nice pretty blue eyes. You've got a really sweet smile.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And if we want to be more shallow, yeah, the muscles in the butt, muscles in the butt. 100% the butt. The butt, you the butt the butt you're a butt let your butt calf. The answer you can talk about them like a piece of meat all you want Yeah, it's not shallow I know my my coworkers do it too. Okay, so you're all about that butt, huh number one or Arms arms are butt what goes first? Probably the arms, because I feel like it's like objectifying if I say like, oh, I like your butt over your arms. No, it's not objectifying. They're both a piece of meat on the fella. They're both objectifying. And by the way, we're okay with that as guys. We don't care.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah, I don't care. You know. So, well, this is great. Yeah, we're okay with that as guys. We don't care. Yeah, I don't care. You know, so well, this is great. Yeah, we're very happy for you guys. Enjoy the, the honeymoon phase, enjoy planning the wedding. Enjoy getting them to take more of these cute pictures. I can't wait to see when you come up, what you come up with for him to wear on Easter. That's going to be a matching bunny ears maybe. No, we decided that we would only do like super cute things like once a year. No, because he knew that I'd stick him in a bunny suit.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah, smart guy. Well, do us a favor, she Sheena tell chance that we says hi and We wish you guys the best of luck. Yeah, clerk Thanks. Yeah, and I'll I'll send you guys over that uh that video too. Yeah, that footage. That would be great Just just try not to laugh too hard. He's a sweet guy. He just doesn't like the pajamas We are very big chance fans very big She know, I'm with him if If my wife tried to put me in matching pajamas for a photo, it just wouldn't happen
Starting point is 00:48:17 So kudos to him for being a good sport. Yeah, because I am not and the look on his face honestly says it all It's kind of hilarious the look on his face You know of like you all smile it all smiles and he's just staring at the camera. That's kind of a hilarious picture. I imagine he's a lot like my dad. My dad doesn't smile for photos either and then my mom gets mad at him. And then it just it goes from like from like this. I know this is a great radio, but he's like this to just like the very ends of his mouth curl up and that's it.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Maybe his eyebrows go up a little bit. That's it. Yeah, that's all some of his photos are too. That's why I told him for the wedding. He has to smile for at least three photos of the wedding. You can't. You should have started with a higher number and then he would have negotiated. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, it's great. You guys make a great team. I still got it for a living. I know I don't want to go. I see. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean the go. So you guys do too. Oh, thank you. We love listening to you guys and we're making a dinner. Oh, that's awesome. Well, you guys watch out for deer. Okay. We got cows here, but sure. Okay, watch out for them cows too. Have a good one. All right, see ya now.
Starting point is 00:49:25 All right, thanks guys. Bye. Thank you, bye bye. Well, have you ever done a matching pajamas photo with anyone? No. What about your family? Like did your mom ever make you dress up and matching? You know what?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Early, early on. We did. Yeah, we we won year I think did like an old Navy American flag family photo yeah yeah one of those but yeah it's always a no weird thing you know yeah I don't really have much of an opinion. It's just that. Yeah, my family's just not a match. Let's put on matching clothes family. There are some families that do it. I feel like all the time.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, every Christmas every birthday, they get the Ricks 30, you know, exclamation point on the shirt. Everyone's got to wear them. But it's a sorority fraternity thing too. I think yeah, you know, I think. Yeah. You know, all right. Let's take another caller. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, it's about that time. Well, you probably still got a couple of, we both got a couple weeks left to buy Christmas presents because it's still a little early here. What is it? December 14th, you said. So we still got
Starting point is 00:50:41 a couple of weeks, but I've been highed down some tippy cow for all of my over 21 year old family members. Come on, dude. Wait, did you say you've been ironed down? I've been ironed up. Okay. Yeah. What a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:50:56 I ain't it up and down then. Maybe we'll meet in the middle. Yeah. Right on the tippy cow logo. Exactly, Charlie. Bang a ring. So we're going to get me for Christmas. This is your Christmas president. I will take 10 bottles of tippy cow. Well consider it done. Boom. So guys, if
Starting point is 00:51:13 you're looking for a good gift, look no further. Someone who likes drinking a nice creamy, delicious alcoholic beverage, you gotta go find some tippy cow put in the stocking. They're gonna love it. Tip it on back with the tippy cow Moo welcome to the bell. Hey guys. Welcome to the belly to podcast. Who we talking to Joe from Georgia Well belly on up to the bar Joe. What the heck is on your mind fella? So every year me and my buddies go to this convention and get man up called dragon John bunch of people dressed up in costumes for four days
Starting point is 00:52:01 hell of a party And I have what I call my beer life that. I bring it with me and I wear it from eight the morning, all hour to night. I hold a 12-pack because more knows I am not paying seven to eight dollars for a can of beer anywhere. I want to know what y'all think is an acceptable amount of beer to drink at a convention such as that.
Starting point is 00:52:30 OK, so this is like a comic con type of convention. Is that what, Yusin? Yep. Kind of like comic con, comic con, like, commercially run thing. This is run by fans. But it's over 5 hotels and downtown Atlanta. This is run by fans. But they said we're five hotels and downtown Atlanta. Dragoncon, you said. So
Starting point is 00:52:50 everybody dresses up as dragons. No, it's anything really like TV shows, movies, all kinds of stuff. Okay, what is is. And I dressed up one year. I've gone as what if Mario was a Jedi? Nine. And then I did what I called the, I built a set of stormtrooper armor, but came in to look like a boomer tracksuit. So it was blue with white ass with yellow acid and then it had some speakers on.
Starting point is 00:53:28 It's like a stormtrooper in the mafia. Exactly. There's a very famous guy doing it called the hip hop storm trooper. And I asked him if I could copy him and he said yes, you're good for it. That's awesome. That's awesome. I broke that top amount of couple of times. And so, a bunch of punts are going on.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And also, one of those, one of those come down one here. Ha, ha, ha. OK. What do you think Charlie and I should dress up as? It's got to be a ying and ying costume. It's got to be a paired one. What would we dress up as? A paired costume? Well, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:09 you can always do a deer on a hunter or a deer in a cow. There you go. There you go. Dear cow, that'd be great. No. Charlie, we already got the costumes. We do have the costumes. We might we might do that. Hey, do you ever go to furry conventions? Is it true what they say happens there, happens there? I don't go, but I have friends that do who try to get me to go. And I'm like, yeah, no, but I have heard rumors that they confirm that.
Starting point is 00:54:40 What do people do at furry conventions? What do I know? I can, again, I don't know. What do people do at free commission? What's on a card? Again, I don't know. But what have you heard? I heard people tell me stories. Let's hear what? Hold on, what's really? I heard data.
Starting point is 00:54:52 They're good. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, it's here at free commission. I heard there's people walk around in sign for costumes and don't want to. We don't uh, where kink shame on this podcast. Yeah. This is this is a safe space. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, yeah. Cool. Wow. Also, I was going to say I was first going to get a little upset at Charlie for assuming that because he likes to dress up like a Jedi that he's in the same
Starting point is 00:55:42 pool as a as a furry convention. And then you said your friends are furry. So then I went out the window. So I was like, nice. That's I know. I was a fair enough assumption. I look if you like to dress up. Yeah. It's it's a gateway drug. The Comic Con is a gateway drug for furry conventions. Okay. I bet the Comic Con I know. So is that mean that you're next going to a free convention? I'm not going to stop another thing. Yeah, I think for ease, God bless. God bless. Whatever your thing is, for my to judge.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So are you in a relationship at all? Exactly. Are you in a relationship at all? Oh, yes. I am married with two kids. Do your, does your wife go with you? Yes, sheupaka. Uh, she's done front display, um, oh, God, this stuff. We have a lot of fun with it. Okay, so, uh, the next question's gonna be a little personal. Seems like you're a Jedi star wars family. You guys do a little role plan with your lightsaber at all or no? Yeah. And, be honest now. Well, we do not roleplay with the lightsaber.
Starting point is 00:57:10 We'll put it that way. Why not? Because we work very demanding jobs, and we get really tired. But sometimes we'll get a little frisk on the top watching Star Wars. Okay. All right. You guys should roll play, though. Nothing like Luke Skywalker kissing his sister to get him really turned on on the couch,
Starting point is 00:57:33 you know? Oh, I need the truth, sir. I need the truth. Well, you guys should really roll play, I think. You know, give yourself a weekend to yourself. I'm not going to be a little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit Stormtrooper you never know. But you you kids have some fun. We will, we will. I think you'll just come down and walk around for days and downtown Lennie. Hell yeah. So okay, I got a question about the whole convention thing here. Um, you say you sounds like you do a lot of drinking at this.
Starting point is 00:58:21 What is like, what's some of the, what's some of the weirdest stuff that goes on at a Dragon Con convention? So I like Comic Con that I said is corporate run Dragon Con is all fan base and there's a lot of things that go on behind closed orders you don't hear about. One of the crazy things I've seen, I went to a ABC party, anything but closed. So as long as you're not wearing clothes, you can go. So my buddy was like, shit, let's go. I go, okay, let's figure out something to wear. He took the bubble wrap that I used to keep my arm, my stormtrooper stuff safe when I ship it and wrapped that around his bathing suit area and then got a cardboard sign from the CVS down the road and wrote costume loading and you pick a panor shape to hold that over
Starting point is 00:59:18 his head and that's how we went to the party. That's actually pretty awesome. That's a great cause. It sounds like a great time. Miles and I should go to it. What did you wear to the anything but close party? Do you find yourself a leaf? I found a whole bunch of leaves and I want to push. Nice. I want to go and I just want to put a Pringles can over it Hey, I mean
Starting point is 00:59:50 No, I'm no foul my opinion Yeah, that's true Oh, batter in the middle of the road. So what do you do for a living? I am on the mechanical engineer Okay, I I am on the mechanical engineer. Okay. There's something I, the company I work for, we design large distribution centers. Nice. I love what you're doing in your free time. It's good for the mind, it's good for the soul.
Starting point is 01:00:18 It's phenomenal then. I kind of took it for y'all. Y'all don't need to, I wouldn't touch it if you want, but I started a YouTube channel called BeerCon with Joe and after listening to y'all, I brought it back. So I've been doing YouTube stuff. I find that's beer real fun too. Oh yeah, man. We'll have to go check it out.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah, good for you. That's great. So back, let's, the final thing here, Charlie, let's answer his original question about how much beer is too much beer. And I think that the limit doesn't exist. You guys are doing ABC parties at these cons. I don't think that I don't think it matters how much you drink, right? No, and this being a fan-run thing, you can always barter your beers for other things with other folks.
Starting point is 01:01:09 True. You know, the barter system is strong with these events. I, I, I, there is. And I don't know if you're a band to a convention like this, but they have, at this convention, it's called the Coles of the Ribbon ribbon and you get your ID badge when you check in and you get that and then people will hang your ribbon and you put them on your badge and people try to collect too many ribbons and so I usually trace beers for ribbons, if I see somebody with a ribbon on one. That's sick. I love the ribbon thing at conventions.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I love how you guys are doing it. I'll get going. Go ahead. Yeah. So I'll give you an idea of my baseline when I go there. I usually, I'll get there about eight in the morning. And I put my beer vest on and I will throw 12 cold ones in there right when I get there and I refill that vet three times in one day last year. Oh my gosh. And so that's the kind of drink
Starting point is 01:02:17 That's the kind of drink that I do what I'm there. That's totally acceptable. I mean, if I'm being honest, I don't think I'll ever go to a convention such as this. I hate to break it. But if I did have to go, I think I would have to be 36 beers deep as well. So. There you go. If I'm in town, I would go to it. I don't even like to dress up for Halloween. And it does all the same. Only done while dress up is for the internet, you know, well, there are millions of people to see. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:56 If somebody laid out a costume for you and you liked the costume, it's just the idea of getting a costume right? Yeah. Too much work. Right. That's, that's my issue. So I got to. Well, I'll try. That's my issue. I got it. Well, I'll try and convince Miles
Starting point is 01:03:07 to come down for Dragon Con. How does that sound? Perfect. I got a bar recommendation for you all. I'd like it. Yeah, it's here. So my dad from Wisconsin, from Lancaster, right up around Plattville down in the
Starting point is 01:03:26 down by Mississippi down there in the corner bottom left corner Wisconsin and in Lancaster there's a bar called Zippy's brass rail. Well it's a good check it out really small I think there's a pot that's pound has a population of 4,000. That's something I think you have a good old time in the zippy's brass rail. This zippy, yep. And land cash from a constant landcaster folks go check out zippy's brass rail and a great name for a bar. It really is.
Starting point is 01:04:01 It's phenomenal. Well, thanks for the shout out there. I might have done some, might have done some drinking there in my drink. Well, thanks for the shout out there. I might have done some. Might have done some drinking there. My God. No, you don't drink that much. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Come on now. All right. Well, we appreciate you. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it's about that time. There was a pleasure talking to you all. And tell your folks to say hi. All right. You watch the deer down there. See enough.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I, the great guy. Nice guy. I don't get it. I don't get the, the, the con. Like I get it, but I don't think I'll ever be out one. Yeah. I was, I was kind of hoping I had a joke lined up for when I asked him if he was in a relationship, he said no. And I was said, well, yeah, go
Starting point is 01:04:51 figure. But yeah. Well, he found one and a lot of those guys, there's a lot of a lot of women are into them too. Yeah. From what I've seen, there's there's a whole new world really. A whole fantastic point of view. Pot for every lid miles. Well, that does it for us on another episode of the Belly-Dup Podcast. We'll have to leave it there. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful week and you do watch out for the deer. They are out and about and humping on the streets. Miles, would you like to say anything to our audience before departing? Humping on the streets like much like a furry convention. Much like a furry convention. In fact, well never mind. Guys, as always, thanks for tuning in. Don't
Starting point is 01:05:36 forget to tip your part in there. We'll see you in the next one. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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