Bellied Up - The Perfect Hotdish Recipe #53

Episode Date: June 8, 2023

Our first caller lives in New York and is wondering what the best way is to welcome neighbors to the neighborhood. The next caller needs to know what type of fence he should put up. The caller is a do...g walker in Oregon and needs advice on how to be less bored on her walks. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to the Belly it up podcast presented by fleet farm Charlie Burns my co-host here my partner in crime my best buddy yin to my yang. I'm your yin Yeah, yeah nice yin So Charlie last episode we said that we would after the smoke settled on my wedding, love to hear your thoughts about it. Okay, I got some thoughts. First of all, I know how you always like to talk about, you got to do one thing that like everybody's going to talk about so they don't like overanalyze the wedding.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And you did a good job by making your wedding March 18th in Fargo, North Dakota, where it was, I believe not even 18 degrees. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:00:59 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, been no way. No, that was not typical of a March and Fargo. Is it or is that a typical fargo? Well, it's kind of a 50-50. And we knew that. We wanted to roll the dice on of that so that honeymoon weather was good. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Was that wire? Because didn't you guys meet around that same time? Was that the significant? No, that's not why it was literally just the honeymoon. Really? You played your wedding around that same time. Was that the significant? No, that's, no, that's not why it was, it was literally just the honeymoon. Really? You played your wedding around the honeymoon? Smart.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Smart. The honeymoon was two weeks and the wedding is just one day, you know? I like how you got a personalized bush light can. That was nice. It was a bottle. It was a bottle. So, it's not much I remember. Okay, let me go through the things I like the most
Starting point is 00:01:44 about your wedding. Number one, all the love, the love. You could just feel it in the room. Can you feel the love to what did have killed you to put a tie on on your own wedding day? No. Then why did it actually might have killed me? Yeah. Because it would have been too tight and I would have got suffocated. No.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Okay. I didn't notice that you didn't wear a tie. I thought that was a bold move. Did you wear a tie? Yeah, but it didn't work out. So you know what? Maybe no ties could work. It sounds like you are mad that you wore a tie and I didn't have to. A little bit. A little bit. A little bit. A little bit. I love the donuts. That donuts were good. The donut tree. Yeah, basically, what's that game where you throw it, ring toss? You basically have ring toss donuts up there. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I ate way too many of those. Went home with a box of them. Well, okay, here we go. Mm-hmm. Why do you tell the people why dinner didn't really fill you up and you had to eat so many donuts? Tell the folks what you did. Uh, well, I waited a while to fill out my stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I had to get a personalized text from the groom to fill out my RSVP, which I like. I like that service for a wedding. And then he was like, just tell me what you're eating. No, you didn't. I then went on the website to fill it out. And for my dinner selection, I had three choices. I had the chickens option, I had the steak option, or the cauliflower steak option. And which one did you choose? I chose the cauliflower steak. Because all I saw was steak. And then I got it. And actually, I talked to you at one point, you're like, Hey, did you mean to get the cauliflower? I was like, I don't think I did. And you're like, well, you never know. Bear in this kind of a hippie. I'm, I'm kind of a hippie.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I'm not cauliflower steak kind of hippie. And well, it was, it wasn't even, and was looking through and like doing the cards, you know, that go on the thing. So it says what you're getting. Yeah. You know, and they put the little chicken logo. If you got chicken and all that, I don't know what, did she put cauliflower on yours? I don't know what she put cauliflower on yours. I don't know what was on there, but Vee, maybe a Vee for vegan option. But she was like, did Charlie mean to put cauliflower steak? And she goes, do you think we should switch it for him?
Starting point is 00:03:59 And I go, yeah, I go, no, I don't know. Charlie's like kind of a hippie. I don't know if he's like, yeah, but we had this conversation. I said, I can't do that. This was before that. Yeah. Okay. You said I was kind of, so I told her to leave it and then I talked you after that.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And then so you didn't go in and change it. No. Well, it was like four days before the wedding. Yeah. Discussion. You know, this is all my fault for not planning ahead. A lot of the problems in my life stem from not planning so tell us How was the cauliflower stack? I heard that when I got placed in front of you
Starting point is 00:04:32 There was a look on your face I was like I thought we had talked about this miles. I thought we discussed this all right The first few bites were Interesting spongy spot. It was a little spongy. It's tough to do a good califower steak. I'll tell you that. So I ate it all, but it wasn't the easiest thing to consume. A lot of ruffage in the system.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Califar, you can do some good stuff with califower. I just think packing it into a stake. I don't think that's what it was meant to do. I don't think Califar is meant to be placed in a cube. No. You know, I think it's more of a irregular shape type of vegetable. Yeah. So anyway, that would have been another concern.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I had no tie, Califar or stake. And then the end of your wedding, I, you know, I got a bone to pick with you on this one. So Tyler, I believe was the driving force behind this idea. It was for everyone, first of all, Billy Joel Piano Man came on. And then I see your mom miles and she says, you gotta get on the dance floor.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And I was like, okay. And she goes, and they're and she says you got to get on the dance floor and I was like, okay And she goes and they're gonna make you drop your pants. I was like, okay So that kind of a wedding. I'm glad my mom didn't go. Hey Charlie. You got to take off your pants I'm glad she didn't say that. I'm glad Might have said that honestly She was not mincing words at this point in the night and so sure enough I get out to the dance floor. There's a circle of guys, you know, hanging the arms around each other, swaying back and forth, doing piano, man. And only one person had their pants down at this point. That was a Tyler,
Starting point is 00:06:14 I believe. And then sure as shoot as the song went on to its second verse, more pants were starting to drop. And then I was like, all right, I guess I'm doing this. I didn't want to mind you, but thankfully I wore, I wore some pretty good boxers, I think, you know, for the occasion. And so I dropped Rao like everyone else. And then there's a, a bride's maid in the middle, I think, who had her phone out
Starting point is 00:06:43 and she was just doing a close up of everybody's junk. Somewhere that video exists. And the thing about piano man. She had a zoom lens though, right? She must have. She must have. The thing about piano man is it's not the song you want to start singing with your pants down, because it lasts a long, long time.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I was ready to put my pants on for at least five minutes. And the song still had 25 minutes left. Like halfway through, you're kind of like, is that a draft in here? It's like a little chilly. A little chilly. It is. You know. And I don't know where the tradition started, but apparently that's like a North Dakota thing. I don't know what I pre-outside of there But you would never heard of it. I neither did anybody else ever hear of it. Jared was there Jared Was one of the guys who was like no, I'm not taking my pants down forget this and what happened? She's wearing a thong. That's why I actually eventually did yeah I came to you succumbed to the pure pressure
Starting point is 00:07:41 There was only who is the one guy in that circle who kept their pants on? I don't remember. I was pretty. I don't know. I was gone at this guy. You bailed. Because I also kind of knew what was happening, and I didn't want to be caught with my pants down, you know? What under, it's very good.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I see what you did there. What underwear were you wearing? Are you wearing that? You're like, print banana hammock. Were you? Yeah. That's cool, man. Not like the banana you'd get off a tree like banana like in the the
Starting point is 00:08:08 Runt packer, you know That's our banana hammock. Yeah, I like it. You know man. You're not you're not very kind to your pecker You know that? Well, every more than one ways. Oh, that's good. Oh, God. And we were this is my other favorite part is we were you and I were neighbors on your wedding night in a hotel. Oh, yeah, hotel neighbors like dead neighbors next door. Ah, yeah, we were I think so on the last episode.
Starting point is 00:08:42 We had some paper thin wall top and we did I had a It wasn't too thin. I had a glass up to the wall just to make sure In case you need any coaching. I was gonna, you know, give it to you from the side Yeah, it was my first time so yeah, I had to wait till marriage. I had to wait till marriage good Catholic boy You are well, it was a super fun time. So thanks for the invite. Thanks for coming. Yep. And, uh, you know, I'm glad you're a good sport about the Calflower steak, even though you made that your own destiny. I was a good sport about the Calflower steak and also drop in
Starting point is 00:09:16 travel, travel flower on the dance floor. So, hey, hey, should we get into it? Yeah. Should we take over pants and get into it? Yeah, I haven't been wearing mine. You've been wearing pants. Oh, yeah, I'll never hear that song again. Davey who's still in the Navy probably will be for life. Yeah wonder if Davey was wearing pants Well, so we did scholars. Yeah, yeah, I thought we were all are taking them. to the Belly to podcast. Who's on the line? Oh my goodness. This is Marin from Sarah Q. New York. Marin from Sarah Q. How is the
Starting point is 00:09:56 weather in Sarah Qs today? Uh, freezing overcast. We're not really freezing, freezing, more like low shiftees. That's a far cry from freezing there. True, true.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I was supposed to have my first day of golf yesterday though and we had a little bit of hell. So, oh, hell. It's bumping out. Well, how are you doing? What brings you to the bar?
Starting point is 00:10:24 Belly on up with us. Tell us what's on the old dome. hell. It bummed me out. Well, how how you doing? What brings you to the bar? Belly on up with us. Tell us what's on the old dome. So I had a pressing etiquette question and I thought who better to ask than the couple I got I sit at a bar on a Tuesday. Well played, Mary. Yeah, you came to the right place. Yeah, what what is the etiquette question? So I live on a quiet call to sack and all of our neighbors, you know, we all get along really well. And we all like each other. And one of the houses just went up for sale at an empty for a couple of years. And I just wanted to know what would be a good midwest way to welcome the new neighbors to the call to sack.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Oh, that is a great, great question. Where do we even start with this, Charlie? We obviously start with a casserole. I was gonna say pot luck. Yeah. Your hood pot luck might be the way to go. That is true. Oh.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I think you definitely gotta start off with an invitation to the call to sack, find one person's house, everyone brings something except the newbies. They don't have to bring nothing, but if they don't bring nothing, you judge them. Yes. I'll literally say, hey, no, you don't need to bring anything. If they don't bring anything, then you know something's up. Yeah, you know that they've got a lot to learn about being on your cul-de-sac. You're in Syracuse though. Syracuse, I think I'm state New York is honorary Midwest for sure. But I'm asking you, I guess, does it feel very Midwesty where you are?
Starting point is 00:12:00 Or are you the only representative of the Midwest, I'm gonna call the sack. No, no, I'd say that's why I enjoy listening to you guys because I think that we're a close cousin of the Midwest in terms of being Midwest nice and enjoying going hunting and all that. Yeah. All right, well let's start here. If you were to do a pot lock, what dish are you bringing?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Oh, I like doing more like croc pot dish shows. Yes, you do. So I probably do something that would feed a lot of people like pulled pork. OK. What's your secret pulled pork recipe? What's give me one thing that you do different than not everyone else does?
Starting point is 00:12:43 And then it won't be a secret, Miles, but I can't why here too. What's your secret? Well, so you're talking to someone who grew up in cereal. So I'm new to cooking. So I definitely use Pinterest recipes. So I use a simple three ingredient recipe, which is one thing of pulled pork and then one full bottle of barbecue sauce and a beer. That's awesome. That is perfect. That just sounds like how Charlie and I would do it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 All right, let it sit for eight to twelve hours. All right, the rest goes in. Simple. Simple is the best way to go. Yeah, I like that minimalist minimalist. Are you going to bring them over a casserole? Maybe now that you mention it, I might, I don't really know many casserole dishes, but you guys call them hot dip.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah, they're hot dishes, Charlie, sorry. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, give her the recipe for every single hot dish. Oh, sure. All right. So you get yourself a base meat from the meat raffle. Got it? Ground up that venison or whatever you got.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Put it down there. You got your meat taken care of. Get yourself a can of creamy mushroom soup. Correct that sucker. Open dumper in. Get yourself a can of green beans. Put them in a potato gun and shoot them. Green beans are nasty. Don't you dare put those in your hot dish. And then finally, you've got to have your carbohydrates on top. I personally like cornflakes. Now I understand. Oh, you, I thought you were going to go hard on the tater tots miles in your bottle. No, I would say that I would put tater tots instead of cornflakes,
Starting point is 00:14:41 but cornflakes also sound pretty good. Yeah. Cornflakes is a good move. And if you want to get frisky with it, frosted flakes. Oh, you are dangerous man. Now, you're crazy. It works. You are crazy. I'm living on the edge.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm living on the edge. It tends to taste best if Edibles are legal in upstate New York, but you know, that's that's up to the up to the buyer up to the the maker. So that's how I would do a hot dish. Now a casserole is a more sophisticated dish. And you know, but you'd have to go to Wisconsin and talk to, you know, my mom to figure out how to really do that because all I can do is the hot dish. So you said you were raised on cereal. You got to like the cornflakes, frosted flake scenario. Yeah, I did that just
Starting point is 00:15:37 for you. I appreciate that. That sounds interesting. We all know what interesting means. Hey, what's your knock it tell you try it? What was your favorite cereal growing up? No, I'll try it. I was a big fan of cinnamon toast crunch. That was my favorite. Cinnamon. Now, were you someone who like to do go a lot of milk or a little milk?
Starting point is 00:16:07 Do you like soggy or dry cinnamon toast crunch? I'm not soggy, but more milk so that you have more to drink at the end. Oh, you like it? But I would eat this very old quickly so that it wasn't so it wouldn't get too mushy. Okay. Okay. So you want to know my trick to keep cereal from getting soggy. What's that?
Starting point is 00:16:27 So you're going to have to sacrifice a few. Okay. So you pour it in, you make sure when you pour the milk in, you don't do the move where you go, you do a circular motion. Not like the commercials? No, not like the commercials. You do it in just one location to get the milk in there. Then there's going to be a bottom row of cereal in there that's going to get a little
Starting point is 00:16:46 Socky. Okay, but then there's going to be a top two three layers spinning and how much put it there. Uh-huh. That's going to not be touching the milk at all. That's what you want. And then you can dunk it in the milk. Well, you just go to one spot over and over again and you keep just pulling a little bit more into the milk as you eat it, keeps it crispy. Wow. I might have to try that the next time. Yeah, that's not how I have done it. Now, Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Are you a fan of lucky charms? No, okay, you're not miles. Heart stars and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of golden rainbows and the red balloons. Very good miles, very, very good. I'm gonna tell your mom you did that all right. It's kinda weird how much I know about cereal. Now that we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Okay, miles with lucky charms, were you the guy to take all the marshmallows and put them on your spoon and do a marshmallow mouthful and rob the marshmallows from your other siblings? Well, I would just eat the, whatever the grain is in there first. Then you just got only a bowl of marshmallows left. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Oh, so you did it. You wouldn't pull mushrooms from the box though. No, no, no. That's a terrible move. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I want to hear what you have to think. Are you excited to have a new neighborhood? Or are you nervous that they might not fit in and they could ruin the gang's comradery?
Starting point is 00:18:24 So I'm mostly excited. I'm like meeting new people. that they might not fit in and they could ruin the gang's comradery. So I'm mostly excited. I'm like meeting new people. I am a little nervous because you know, you don't know what kind of people they are. But I'm mostly excited, but I will say I'm excited because I don't live right next door. So if they're not great, they're far enough to away.
Starting point is 00:18:41 We're not going to bother me. Yeah, you got a buffer. That's good. In it has the house been purchased yet or is it still up for sale? Oh, they're probably signing it as we speak. The way houses they're flying off the market around here. But as far as I know, it's not pending yet. It doesn't say anything yet on the outside. Well, what I would start doing, I would do the step brothers then, if you don't want, if you check them out, you don't like their vibe, you gotta start doing things
Starting point is 00:19:10 that are gonna make them not wanna move in, you know, fake dead bodies in the house, you know, and not so pleasant neighbors next door. Maybe, courage one of the dads in the neighborhood to go and grab the newspaper and is only as robe and nothing else. You know, you got to do stuff to discourage people if you don't like their vibe to not close on that house.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Go mo the lawn, but just mo a pentagram into the lawn. Oh, God. That might put you in jail. I'm not recommending that. No, just, but that's actually a good point, not the pentagram, but maybe go over there, cut their lawn. No one's been over there. Wouldn't be nice if they showed up to their new house with a freshly cut lawn.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Actually, what month is it? Yeah, you probably don't actually need to cut the lawn yet. I don't even cut the lawn until like mid-June. I like to really let it grow. I like the wild wild grass. How about your neighbors love that too? I'm doing I'm doing I'm doing it for. Um, insert, insert environmental reason. I'm just lazy. But um, uh, yeah, that's awesome. Well, I'm glad you're getting some new neighbors and I hope they turn out to be really good and yes, start with that pot luck. Cut their grass, bring over a casserole. Those block party maybe even. Yeah, you guys have a bouncy castle. I don't know. Yeah, you got a cul-de-sex. So that's a real nice real nice area to have block party parties. There's not a lot of cars driving through.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yeah, good for you guys. Yeah, that's a great idea. Thank you. Thank you so much, guys. Do you have kids or anything? Are you married? Yeah, oh, yeah. I'm just an average suburban housewife.
Starting point is 00:20:59 We have two kids. OK, you need to have a stern talking with your kids and say, hey, we be nice to the new neighbors, but not too nice. You know, they need to let them know who's been around the call to sack a little bit. Yeah. That sounds good. I have one quick question to Charlie. You're always saying, watch out for deer.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Did your parents growing up ever say, be careful at the bad road? No matter what way you're going. Oh yeah, I was gonna say, careful at the bad road. You know, my parents never really said that necessarily, but I have heard that, like, careful over there. You know, like wherever over there is, like, you know, basically anywhere that isn't your parents' lot, and their house is over there, and you be careful about stuff that happened.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Do you say that? Do you say that to your kids? Oh, no. No, there are three and five, but my parents and my husband's parents, and we've played the game. There's two main
Starting point is 00:22:11 roads to take on the way home and we'll name, you know, one one time and the other the other time, no matter what, all cheerful. That's a bad girl. There's a lot of fear out there. You know, it actually, my grandpa my grandpa, uh, now that you say that he used to say that a lot about the road going from Fondo act to Shaboykin, you know, it would be like careful on that's a, he would say that's a bad stretch is what he would say, you know, especially in the winter with the snow and yeah, the deer are always lining up on that. So my mom actually was telling us so often to be careful
Starting point is 00:22:46 every single time we leave our house, we come out for dinner, then go on with our lives and to be like, be careful where your seat belts look both ways, all that stuff. And we're like, you know what, mom? This is where we're drawing the line. 30 years old, I will continue to be careful until you actually tell me not to be careful. So we're going to assume, we're going to assume to be careful, mom, until you tell us
Starting point is 00:23:15 not to be, then we won't. Okay. How's that sound? Did it work for her? No, it didn't work since every time. That's just positive thinking that that would actually work for Mary Jane. Teller, I says hi, by the way. Oh, um, but too. Um, so anyways, yeah, this way, thank you for calling in and let us know how the neighbors go. Give us an update at some point. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:41 All right. I'll send a DM on Instagram. All right. Teller neighbors, we says hi. Yes, please do. All right. Thank right, I'll send a DM on Instagram. All right, we're neighbors. We says hi. Yes, please do. All right, thank you guys so much. All right, yeah, talk soon now. Careful on that one road, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:55 All right. What a nice lady. I actually think of what I would like to move to her name, her, she seems like a pleasant gal, could throw a good pot luck. Yeah, and it seems like someday when I have kids that she would, if they're hanging out with her kids, she'd be watching over them.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I wouldn't have to worry. You know, she has that kind of vibe. Yeah, you kind of want to seek out those folks, you know, that can watch your kids when you just sort of pawn them off on them, you know, it's what I like. That's how you're already thinking. Hey Janet, kids are gonna just stumble on over. Do you care if you jump on the trampoline a little bit?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Well, we run some errands. That's exactly it. Don't put a trampoline in your backyard because then you are the magnet for the insurance liability for the entire neighborhood. Yeah. Oh, all right. Well, that was good.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, it was good. Jeez, I like your casserole slash hot dish recipe. Thanks, man right. Well, that was good. Yeah, it was good. She's a lot of stuff. I like your casserole slash hot dish recipe. Thanks, man. Straighten to the point. Hell yeah. Two cans of something, a meat base, and then your car-bought
Starting point is 00:24:54 high-dake. There's some recipes in the Midwest survival guide which you can find anywhere you get your books. No, I remember that. Yeah, sure. You've read it. I forget. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I love you. I love you back. Put a I sure you've read it. I forget. Yeah. Love you. Love you back. Put a passage about you in the book. You still haven't read it. Maybe one day. Maybe one. The handwritten one. No. Oh. And then there's an actual passage in it. About you, Miles. I'm now I gotta read it. Yeah. I'm not telling you where it is. Don't worry. There's only 385 pages. Is there an ebook that I can read it. Yeah, I'm not telling you where it is. Don't worry, there's only 385 pages. Is there an ebook that I can plug it into a PDF thing and just search my name? Yes, there is, but you're gonna have to buy it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Oh, God. Hello, welcome to the Belly-Up Podcast. Who are we talking to? Oh, hi, this is Arthur. Arthur, how you doing? Good, how about you guys? Good. Where are you walking to right now? Some place quiet. Oh, okay. Are you at work or you at home? No, I'm not work. Yeah. Where do you work? We're gonna go up in the hotel right now a plumber out of way
Starting point is 00:26:04 What city what state? The Grand Forks North Dakota. Well, Grand Forks pipe layer, you know, I like that. I like that. Well, Arthur, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. I was just thinking I'm going to be building a fence around my house. I was wondering wondering what do you guys think? Should I get some pre-made panels from the ards or should I just you know make them myself? First question before we even get to that, why are you building a fence around your yard? What you're trying to keep in? Who you're trying to keep out? Well this town and I live in there's a a no-leash policy. They don't care if they have their dogs walking around and hire these dogs pissing and shitting on my lawn.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Okay, so usually people put up a fence to keep their dog in. You want to keep the other dogs out. Have you ever said the words, get off my lawn Arthur? I just kind of know not really. I just know get get. Do you know I'll get them all there? Yeah. Go on. Get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Do you ever? Yeah. Do you ever sit in the backyard and see these dogs running around and just think once in a while? Who let the dogs out? Who? Who did this? Who?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Who? Crazy. I can't say I have. who who who who who crazy Miles is practicing his dad jokes now that he's married he's just he's dusting off the old dad jokes All right, so the question I think if you're my dad see that one All right, if he's going to be able to do anything to do anything to do anything to do. All right. So he's trying to keep the dogs out.
Starting point is 00:27:52 He's trying to keep the dogs out. He wants to build a fence. Are there any plans after you build a fence? Are you planning to improve the backyard with anything else? Maybe a fire pit area, maybe a shed or anything like that? What's the situation look like back there. Yeah, definitely, definitely got some room for a shadow. I don't know about that quite yet. I just just got this house. So I think I'm just a fire pit and a little garden. Okay. Garden. Yeah. I like it. Well, I was going to say go straight with the metal fencing, you know, because like
Starting point is 00:28:21 like chain weight. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I kind of kind of more so a real privacy to you know, because like like chain link. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'd kind of kind of more so a real privacy to you. You're gonna be walking around with the the dong out out there in the yard. Well, first of all, do you know? Yeah. dong out. You got to go full wood. He's the neighbor we talked about on the other collar who's walking around in just a robe. He's wearing just a robe. That's that's Arthur. All right. Okay. So first of all, you got to find out if you really want privacy, it sounds like you do. You have to find out how tall of a fence you can even build in your neighborhood, whether that's there's any covenants or HOA or city rules. any covenants or HOA or city rules?
Starting point is 00:29:06 No, I like that response. It'll worry about it after it's up. So how tall of a thing? You think it's about six to eight or about like, yeah, about six and a half, maybe seven, six and a half, some foot. That's that and how tall are you? A nice, uh, whopping five, seven, five, seven. So you want a full foot of coverage? Do you have pills back there?
Starting point is 00:29:28 Uh, no. No, I can't not code it. You could say stupid questions. Yeah. Start the code. Come on. It's basically the moon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Um, okay. Well, first of all, you don't need to be going up to six and a half seven feet. If you're only five seven, he's going dong out. Yes, he does. Give him the length, you know? Yeah. Sorry. You never know with angles if someone's like, if there is a slight slope, you know, and
Starting point is 00:29:54 you never know. Yeah. Sure. My fault. Yeah. And give him that privacy. So I'm thinking you go wood for sure. But also you got to, well, you don't laugh at me like that.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Like you could do that foe wood stuff, you know, right? I don't know why he's laughing. I don't know. I'm like, Jared's, Jared's got the best life except he laughs at your jokes. He laughs at me. So all right. Thanks, Jared. Um, uh, yeah, your, your, your question is, do you go pre-fab at minards? Or do you get some more custom? Yeah, I think and build it myself for, yeah, just go to minars because they got this pretty cheap, nice looking one for it's about a eight feet long, six feet high. Have you checked out the police farm? I'd be having a drive an hour out of my way. It might be worth it. They have quite that time. Okay. All right. We'll stick with your schedule. We'll stick with your schedule. They got yeah, honestly, I'm going to sit here like I tell you
Starting point is 00:30:58 do something different. I go with the easiest option just to get it done. But have you looked into a vinyl fence? Are you interested in that at all? Are you like the wood look? The old lady just brought that up. And I don't know. I'm kind of torn between the little privacy where the vinyl one, they both look pretty nice. Both do the same job.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Are you a wood guy? Do you like staining stuff? And do you like weather proofing on an annual basis because a wood fence, you know, you're going to want to do a little bit of care for it. Yeah. Yeah. Catch here. Catch here.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I've done it before, but I know how it all goes. Yeah. Are you afraid of doing the maintenance on it? Are you know, you're okay with that? No, I'm fine with that. I think you used to go wood fence for sure. Go wood fence. How do you like digging posts? How do you like that whole process?
Starting point is 00:31:50 Do you know about that? Yeah, I was thinking, I was thinking, if I do fall up with this, I was just going to have my old man bring a skid through with that auger. Oh, that's slacking. You don't even have to go rent one of those.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That's good. You've got it made, my man. Now, when you call you have you already called your dad to ask for his help on this. Is this going to cost you something in the long run with your pops? No, me and him were pretty tight. I think yeah, I helped him scratch his back. He scratches mine. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You guys scratch in each other's back like that. Well, you're going to have to do a big scratch for him after he helps you with this fence. That's just gonna be sitting in the skid's here. He's not gonna be doing shit. That's all. He's just a skater. I mean, come on. That's the only job he's done. Is that what is does that you're gonna be running the skid's here? What? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. exactly. Yeah. I'll just water it with bar and telling you guys that today. We're in Golden Valley at Schuiler's bar. Great wings here. Great wings. Oh, very golden valley. Minnesota, you got to come by Schuiler's. All right. Listen, now that you got the fence up and we got that past, we got to just quickly map out the essentials for a Midwest yard. Okay. And I'm going to say that past. We got to just quickly map out the essentials for a Midwest yard. Okay. And I'm going to say the first thing you got to do is map out your regulation size, bags, board area. Have you done that? Have you mapped it out? I've been honest, I'm not a real, a real cord horrible guy. Kind of like the good old jam jam, a little bit of a thirt.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Okay, I didn't ask what kind of guy you were. I just told you how we're gonna map up the backyard. Okay. All right, all right, all right. All right, and then what are we growing in this garden? What are we growing in the garden? Oh, first year something simple, just cucumbers, carrots, green beans, cucumbers, eight plants. All right, get the cucumbers in for Pickle and all that.
Starting point is 00:34:14 What you're going to want to do is grow a few cornstocks. So you can have your beans grow up the cornstocks and also get a few sunflowers in there to pull the shit out of the soil. Okay, that's a pro tip right there. That is. Yeah. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And then they'll also hide the weed plant which you can grow in there too. Just throwing out suggestions. All right. Okay, last question for you though. What are you thinking? You talked about the fire pit. Are you thinking maybe some pavers? Are you thinking just rod dogging on their grass? What are you thinking?
Starting point is 00:34:53 Just rod dogging on the grass. The pit is just a hot grass that's been burnt off, cinched. It's all muddy. It's tough after a real. What's up? Just tillin' up the ground a little bit. Layson p rock and some some that blocks around it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Nothing too. Okay, that's fancy though. Now, all right. Because most people would just take the inside of a tire and throw it down and just throw something in there, put a put a some like that, just put rubber tire, some like that. I love the smell of burning rubber when you're having s'mores. Yeah, this is good.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Let's flavor a child. It's just extra flavor, 100%. Are you going to pee in your yard once the fence is up? Oh, 100% yeah, that's really why you get a fence. You do need to establish a piss corner. That is almost number one. Why is the grass dead over there? I don't worry about getting any sun. Why is the grass dead over there? Ah, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:35:45 I'm getting any sun, yeah. The fences up. Really, it's face and do-south. You think you get a lot of sun there, no? Not quite. Well, good for you. We're both happy that you can go, go piss in your yard now and the dogs don't have to.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yeah, I think we, is putting up what privacy fence is that I think what we decided, right? Yeah. What stain color are you thinking? Warmer, colder, gray, tan, what are you thinking? Thinking about tan. That's good. It sounds like a tan yard.
Starting point is 00:36:22 If I am envisioning this right, you're gonna wanna put a tan yard. If I am visiting this right, you're going to want to put the tan up. Well Arthur, you know, we're glad that you could call and we could give you our advice on the fence in your yard, okay? So be nice to those dogs now. They can't shit in the house. So sometimes they got to do it somewhere. All right. All right. You two now we'll see you. You ever built the fence Charlie? Yeah, I helped my dad. I never built the fence, but I helped him replace a couple fence posts when I'm growing up when our fence blew down. Because I'm in Fargo and this is wind howls. It just blows down.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And he made me dig him by hand. He has a skid steer with an auger thing on it. See, that's kind of like my dad, we have a dishwasher and he said, you're going to do him by hand anyway. That dad's just like doing that stuff. Like when it would snow out, he said, you had to put a full fit or a full hand in the driveway before we could use the snowblower. Otherwise, it was shovel. So we would get
Starting point is 00:37:31 the youngest kid and get them out there to put their hand in it. They're crying and stuff, you know, that's just like doing that, man. I don't know what that's about, but would you be here today with Charlie Love?, if you had used the dishwasher? No, no. I'm, I'm, I'm going to say, yeah, I'm good at doing dishes, though. I, and I, dishes is a perfect way to get out of like whatever party, you know, you're at, you know, if you need a break, just go do the dishes. Okay. Yeah. I'll keep that in mind. You're at the in-laws. It's actually one of my least favorite. I'd much rather do laundry than I would the dishes. I love doing dishes, man. I'm a dish guy.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Very good at that. I like that. Yeah. Well, whoever you end up with is a lucky gal. Get a dish guy out of here. Yeah. I'm watching the hell out of them dishes. I love that.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I can just zone out, get my hands nice and warm. You've never been hotter to the women listening right now than right now. I'll do all your dishes, ladies. I mean, it is. Wow. It's starting to heat up in here. Mm-hmm. I'll build your fence, too.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I'm not good at building fence. It's not going to be straight. No. No. I remember first fence I built was for this woman I built it in her backyard. And all she had were these these green posts. She stole you know how they have the temporary no parking signs. She must have had 30 to 60 of them in the back of a car and I was building a fence around this garden of hers with with little wire
Starting point is 00:39:02 to keep the rabbits out. That was the first fence I ever made there. And I didn't do a good job at that. None of the posts were up straight or anything. Well, what you got to do in that situation is just go, oh, it's an abstract fence. Yeah. You know, it's kind of supposed to be wonky. Yeah, I just say I'm 12, would you expect?
Starting point is 00:39:21 Yeah. All right. Next collar. Charlie, Miles, would you expect? Next caller. Charlie Miles, are you proud to be from Wisconsin? Ah, so proud. I love Wisconsin. Does it make you proud that there are Wisconsin cows? I love that Wisconsin cows.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I've talked to many at cow. Have you? How does that conversation usually go? I'm usually like, hey, Betsy, what's up, girl? And she goes That's how I thought it would go. You know what maybe make that conversation just a little bit better for you and Bessie What's that miles? Well, it also might be kind of cruel If you're just drinking tippy-cow in front of me
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, because Bessie's like hey, he's proud of it. That's that's the sweet Sweet need of my teeth, you know, that's what Bessie says. Yes, the sweet need of my teeth and I appreciate you Bessie. I'm tipping this tippy cow back to you Wisconsin cows tippy cows cheers Cheers to you cheers to Bessie. Hello. Welcome to the bellied choose to Bessie. Hello, welcome to the Bellied up podcast. I'm your host Charlie Barons and I'm joined by Miles, you bet you guy. What is on your mind today? Hey, um, sorry, I was trying my NPR voice. She's like creepy. Yeah, I did you I see. Did you like it? Did you think that that was a good voice when you first heard it or were you confused? Did you think you were going into the doctor's office?
Starting point is 00:40:46 I was a little confused. Yeah. Sorry about that. Well, what's your name? What's my name is Stephanie? Stephanie, let's get off on a better foot here. Sorry about the awkwardness. What's what's on your mind here, Stephanie? Belly on up to the bar with us, huh?
Starting point is 00:41:03 I know. I wish it was at the actual bar. We wish you were here too. I am. I know I've never been to the Midwest. Stephanie, where you from? Yeah, where are you from? I live in Bend, Oregon. Bend, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:41:19 That's interesting. Which is central. Yeah. Okay, central bend. Yeah. I know I've never been. I've never been. I've never been. I've never been. Oh, you've never been there. Son that. Yeah. Ben. When he teeserts are there at all the gift shops around that says bend there.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Gotta be a lot. Yeah. Bend. a lot. Yeah. Bando. Yeah. It's like good. Maybe making lots of money. Too bad. Yeah, too bad. Yeah. So it's central organ. It's the high desert. It's kind of turned into like a ski town. Resort I grew up here. Resort destination, but it's also known for like all the outdoor activities, mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, all that stuff. Sweet. Well, what are you? What's on your mind today? What did you call in? I'm actually out on my job right now.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I walk dogs for a living. So I do pack walks. I take them out on, I guess, five dogs with me right now, and not on the trail. And I get really bored sometimes. I listen to your podcast a lot, and I listen to a lot of other podcasts, but I'm wondering if you guys have any advice
Starting point is 00:42:29 on how to make things a little more interesting. Well, first of all, it's been hours. I can't hide every day. Keep listening to the podcast number one. Yeah, please. You can repeat. But then I went out at the stove, too.
Starting point is 00:42:41 That's true. I get it. Now, I find it interesting that you got five dogs with you and you're still bored. There's not one bad dog keeping things interesting. Sometimes there is. Most of my dogs are pretty well behaved. They just run around and taste each other
Starting point is 00:42:58 and keep each other entertained. And so I just watch them. Do any. I do the same thing every day. Do you? Wow, okay. So yeah, you're in a pretty steady routine, a lot of walking.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Well, good for you getting outside a lot, you know. How do you get into this profession? What were the things that led up to you being a dog walker? Because I'm kind of fascinated by the profession before we even get into the actual advice, Charlie. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So I like, I did a lot of dogs sitting in like little like leash walks.
Starting point is 00:43:31 These were Portland, Oregon. Like on Rover a while was as a side hustle when I was working my job in HR. And I was always like, I wish I could do the dog walking things full time, but I wasn't sure how to like make money doing it in a rain plot in Portland. And I was like, I don't know outside all the time and then when I moved back to Ben I was exiting my company and my boss was like you can make this like happen here The dog walking thing and there were other people doing that here doing like the path walk stuff so I
Starting point is 00:44:01 Just decided like left my job and I just decided to give it a go and see how it went. So I started my business and I was a slow build at first for sure, but now I'm like, I take two groups of four to six dogs out a day. And yeah, and I drive around and take them up and then drop them off after a walk. Are you looking to bring on more dogs or are you kind of at capacity? What are you Are you looking to bring on more dogs, or are you kind of at capacity? What are you thinking? I could bring on more dogs. Okay, well, what's your,
Starting point is 00:44:29 I'm on the line plug in your business name just in case there's someone in Bend that's looking to have their dog walk. What's the business name? Absolutely. Alpine tails dog walking toe. Alpine trails. Tails, tails.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Tell me, Alpine tails, man. That's a great name. It's so good. Great name. How'd you come up with that name? Thank you. Um, a lot of talk. I was a lot of brainstorming. I spent our probably days and days trying to figure out a name.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I didn't want something super cheesy or that was taken already. And then I was like looking at Alpine like out back in that country stuff. And I was like, Oh, Alpine trails, Alpine tails. I'm about to boom. And then I looked it up. And there it is in my mind. So now. Yeah. Okay. So are you in a relationship you married, do you have any kids? What's the life situation like? I am currently single. I'm looking to date.
Starting point is 00:45:32 This is great. OK, I have the first idea on what you can do when you're out walking the dogs. OK? So if you're looking to date, you see maybe a cute guy across the trail or if you're at the park or wherever you're going. What you do is you find the trust, one of the trusty dogs and you whisper the dogs here you run to that guy over there and you just accidentally let him slip off, slip out of
Starting point is 00:46:02 your hand and have the dog go running towards them. And it's kind of a little meet cute opportunity between the dog and you and him and you come running over there and act like, oh my god, thank you so much for keeping the dog from running away. And boom, chemistry, love it first sight. Miles, in other words, watch you to just of just put your entire business on the line on the leash on or off the leash. Yeah. Do you have you ever tried that? You can be honest with us. You ever used to draw. So my dogs are already off leash. I have used like my friend's puppy, long time when it was a puppy when they first got her
Starting point is 00:46:45 and I was like I'm gonna go ahead and or him. Sorry. I would take him like it took like it a beer and like spit outside. Does it work? Do guys come up to you when you got a puppy? It has worked for sure. But not nothing like resulted in like a date or anything. I live in a town where there's not a lot of single younger guys, I would say. Like I'm 30, almost 31. And so that a lot of people move here to get married and sort of family. And or their ski bum. Yeah, have you ever dated a ski bum?
Starting point is 00:47:29 I have, when I was in high school. Yeah, but then I grew up, Charlie. So is trying to find a fella even on your radar? Do you even care about that? Or is that not how you want to spend your time while you're bored outside with the pups? I definitely would like to find somebody. I would love to date. I feel like I go on like the dating apps and I'm like, oh, I've seen all of you here before and I know a lot of you from high school. Yeah, that's a, well, what kind of a guy are you looking for? Shout it out there. Um, all right. I definitely want someone who was active in my field side and
Starting point is 00:48:07 um, who is willing to learn how to country line dance with me in swing dance. Oh, wow. And then, um, someone who likes to cook because I am not the best cook and I don't love doing it. And in general, it's just like a really nice nice person that is happy to go on a lot of adventures around Ben and travel. I love to travel internationally as well. Wow. Are you on Instagram? I want to have some more. I am. I am on Instagram. You want to shout out your Instagram for the single fellows. They can slide into the DMs.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Oh yeah. Yeah. we'll go ahead. Yeah, um, it's that STES. STES. STES. STES. STES. STES.
Starting point is 00:48:54 STES. STES. STES. STES. STES. STES. STES. STES.
Starting point is 00:49:02 STES. STES. STES. STES. ST me. Okay, look at that. Charlie, have you ever been to Bend, Oregon before? I've never been to Bend, but you know, you think you'd be interested in taking a trip to Bend, Oregon? I'm doing this for a list of doing this for stuff. I'm not using the belly up as a dating thing. I'm trying to get stuff from Fala So Ben Dorgon, I'm showing the camera. I wouldn't hate that. What's that? Do you want me to? I wouldn't hate that. Okay. Oh, come on out. All right. Well, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:49:39 welcome to belly up misconnection. Misconnection. Welcome to the belly up dating show. Come on down. Come on down. You're the next contestant. So I want to warn you about Charlie. No, Scott. That's not why I was. I've seen him dance before.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I think you're going to have. He's got two left feet. I don't know if he's going to be able to do the line dance. It's not true. I'm a great dancer. Steph, I'm gonna fill out. I don't think I'm supposed to be good at it. Steph, I'm filling out your dating profile
Starting point is 00:50:11 for the fellas who are listening. I'm not being creepy and doing this for myself. Okay. You've got, you like, I can tell by your dating profile, you like spending time out on the boat with your friends. You like, you're outdoor and active. As you said, you like taking pictures of rivers. Is this a brown dog your dog? You have a dog yourself?
Starting point is 00:50:33 It's a one true love. I don't have a dog. It's it says my one true love. Well, that's from February, 2020. Oh, did that dog pass? Which dog are you looking at? It's a brown, a dark brown or like a golden retriever.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, but it's a dark brown retriever. Is that coop? Um, that's the first conversation. That's a friend's dog. Oh, that's your is that the puppy that you used to pick up men? Yeah, he's almost to Charlie is almost to Charlie. Is it working? Well, when he's a puppy. Yeah, I mean, he's almost too Charlie is it Charlie is it working? Well, when he's a puppy. Yeah, I mean he's a cute dog
Starting point is 00:51:08 Coop's cool, but yeah, they're cuter as puppies, you know, big old paws big old ears Well, we just showed a few of your photos to the camera So you know if you see any DM slides come on through you know who you can thank the fine folks here at the Belly Dot podcast. We are here for all your matchmaking needs. And do we even answer the question? Well, I appreciate that. She's gotten more plugs than anyone's ever gotten on this podcast. She got the business plug. And that's true. You can put out the Instagram. So, hang, yeah. We'll see. Yeah. I think big things are coming your way. So let me appreciate it. Yeah, yeah, no, I, we didn't really answer the question.
Starting point is 00:51:50 No, but you know what, like the best thing I could think to do if you're bored is to like go hiking and go hang out outside, you know, and she's doing that all day long. Yeah, that's great. You know what? Here we go. I got it. Convince a local fitness joint with an indoor track, like a sports center to let you walk inside because outside's boring to you now. So maybe you can do it inside or go walk the mall. Yeah, the mall walkers do the mall walker and
Starting point is 00:52:22 just tell the the old security guard there that their service dogs and then they'll let you go wherever you want. Yeah, they don't even check. What do you think? Don't even care. All right, here's my real advice. Here's my real advice. Be a little boring. Okay. All right, here's my real advice. Get yourself a nice pair of binoculars. Yes, it's coming out again, Miles. Get yourself a nice pair of binoculars. Yes, it's coming out again, Miles. Get yourself a nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. I've recently been a changeman on this a little bit, so I continue on. Now, Miles, I've been talking about, I actually have a pair of binoculars. We'll bring those suckers out and start looking
Starting point is 00:52:56 at birds. Birds are amazing. They really are. And Miles felt, yeah, and then did yourself a birdie book. And there's also this great app called Merlin, um, M-E-R-L-I-N. It's run by the people at some university or whatever, but you can actually, um, hit listen to the sound. So listen to the sounds around you. And when it hears a bird, it identifies that bird. And then you can start looking out for it. Oh, is that pooch getting off the leash? Cooper! Get back here, boy!
Starting point is 00:53:28 Well, there he is. It's a little bit of a bum hole right now. Right, or come here? Come on, Ryder. You look a little... Come here, Ryder. I like the bird idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Right, or come on. Come on. Come on, writer. Oh, oh, you got yourself a whole party. It's just going to be a party out there. It's like scuba diving above water. That's true. That's not what I've never thought about that. Yeah, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:20 It's amazing. Just pretend like you're in water that you can breathe in. It's amazing, it's amazing. Just pretend like you're in water that you can breathe in. You know, it's freaking awesome. And there's no sharks, there might be some bears. You know, but you got all them dogs. Bear is not gonna come after you. And you got at least, you know, you gotta just at least be able to run faster
Starting point is 00:54:40 than one of them dogs. And you'll be okay. So, oh my, actually speaking of that, I did have an encounter with coyotes like or like again that out in the woods and I did have a dog with me that was like older and blind and I did run away and I'll say, oh shit, a dog. I actually do left this dog. The blind dog ran away. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:55:03 No, she just like she's blind. She can't like run very fast. This evening on the Ben channel. Like, come on guys. This this evening on the Ben channel six news woman loses her dog walking business after sacrificing one of them to a coyote. It was a blind golden retriever. The heart on that girl. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Were you scared of the dog? I didn't even see it coming. I got I got I got sued by the coyotes because we were pretty far out in the woods and it basically it's sounded like a den. I think we got really close to so there was like tons of them howling and stuff at the same time. And so I got sued and so I was like, all right guys we're too far like we need to turn around. Yeah. And so I got spooked and so I was like, all right guys, we're too far, like we need to turn around. And so I started, I was like, what's his dog back? And then I was like, you can't run. So I had to go back and get her to like,
Starting point is 00:55:52 leash her next to me. How many dogs do you have with you? But it's fine, so. You had a pack of dogs with you though. Yeah, I had five. I think usually about how many I have. I think you could take them. Kyle Chi can take wolves, not so much, Kio's you can take wolves.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Not so much, but a coyote. You can put it in its place. Well, I'm glad that you called in. I think that Charlie gave you. Finally, we found the advice for you. Just go above water, scuba diving. That's what's up. AKA bird watching took us a while to get there.
Starting point is 00:56:22 We had to plug your business and find you your lover out there. So I can't wait. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for calling in, Stephanie, and you stay safe out there and watch out for coyotes. Yeah, to watch out for them. Oh, I will. I know I keep my eyes out. So I'll get my binoculars out here the next time. Yeah, get those knocks out. All right, thanks for coming. All right, thanks. Good for the advice. All right. We'll see you soon. We got so Charlie. Yeah. Well, one. Yeah. I felt like I was on, I felt like I was intruding on your first date. No, you were invited. no, you were invited.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Oh, you were invited. Secondly, what tell the people on my honeymoon? What was I doing? Oh, so miles, it was really kind of cute. First day of his honeymoon, first three, was he Texan's wife, noise, text in Charlie. And he said, hey, what kind of bird is this? And I was like, Oh, yeah, I knew what kind of bird it was. It was one of them Hawaii cardinals. One, they look like a cardinal or not. Yeah, a cardinal in a tuxedo, you know, redhead black, black
Starting point is 00:57:38 bass on. And then the next day, he sent me another bird, which I believe I knew on the third day, he sent a bird. I did not know, but I identified it using the Merlin app. And also I have miles tracking on his phone. I've got his location at all times on my phone. So I just combined those two sets of data. And yeah, it got to the point on the honeymoon where I was texting Charlie the bird of the day. Yeah, BOD the BOD the Bad bird of the day you even got a bonus bird one day. I did get a bonus bird. What was the bonus bird? Do you remember? I had to go back and look it was a rooster
Starting point is 00:58:17 Oh, that cock yeah, and they got a lot of while roosters running around. I believe they actually still I don't know why I don't know why they do but there's there's a lot of while roosters running around in Hawaii. I believe they actually still, I don't know why. I don't know why they do, but there's a lot of cocks in on the Hawaiian Island to the roosters rock. Yeah, that part I didn't love about Hawaii kind of cocky, you know. Oh, and to lucky woman. Oh gosh. Well, folks, that was another episode of the Belly Up podcast. Thanks so much for hanging in there with us today and Stephanie's single and find yourself some binoculars and mild. Always tip your bartender. Amen. Love you guys. Love you back. Love you guys, I love you back.

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