Bellied Up - The Ultimate Wisconsin Wedding #106

Episode Date: June 20, 2024

In this episode, we're at The Packing House in Milwaukee, WI. The first caller is an ER doctor, and we give him some pointers on what to expect on the job. The next caller is moving away from thei...r beer league hockey team. The last caller is wondering about the essentials for a great Wisconsin wedding. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, no, I insist after you go ahead. No, miles. All right. Welcome back to another episode. Oh, you weren't going to give me one more chance to do it. OK, OK. No, I couldn't. You go. I insist. Folks, welcome to another episode of the Bellied Up podcast. I'm your host, Charlie Barron.
Starting point is 00:00:18 That's my name. And I'm sitting next to Miles. The you betcha guy. Some of you know him as Miles Montpleijor. I just know him as, sup, guy. Anyways, friend, pal, compadre, whatever. We're here at the Packing House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the premier supper clubs in Wisconsin. Miles, I gotta tell you something,
Starting point is 00:00:42 there's nothing better than a supper club in Wisconsin. I love the vibes in here. I mean, it's just it's intimate yet spacious. It's everything you're looking for in a supper club, to be honest with you, Charlie. Yeah, there's a piano in the corner. There's some nice sort of 60s circular architecture, you know, nice rounded countertops, fine linoleum on top. And you know, just some of the wood is just a very
Starting point is 00:01:18 interesting architectural situation in here. Beautiful photos. I mean, this is just a wonderful supper club. Circular mirrors, for gosh sakes. I just love this. I, you know, nice fan. Yeah. And the packing house here in Milwaukee is actually right next to the airport, Charlie. Yeah. Have you been to the airport?
Starting point is 00:01:38 I have. I'm actually headed to the airport after this back to the frozen tundra. That is Fargo and D. Do you need a ride? Yeah, I might need a ride from you. Oh, well, it's close enough to walk. OK. Thank you. But makes me wonder, Charlie. You know, I kind of like the Milwaukee airport. Oh, yeah. It's like it's it's like a big, decent sized airport, but it still has that small airport feel.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Oh, it's a solid airport. My and you go through airports quite a bit. You're traveling. You're on tour, you know, doing your thing. What would you say is your airports get a bad rap? You know, they use like all airports, there's security, all that stuff. But what do you like about air? But they get a good folk song. Well, I'm leaving on a jet plane.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Don't know if I'll be back. Right. Because you said they get bad rap. Yeah. And I said they get good folks on that way. Funnier than you gave a credit for in the moment. Miles way funnier. What do you like about her? I like to think somebody in the audience laughed at that. I like to think somebody did.
Starting point is 00:02:42 What do I like about airports? Is that the question? Yes. that. I like to think somebody, what do I like about airports? Is that the question? Yes. Here's what I like about airports is, is you're never alone in an airport. You're never alone in an airport. I could have thought for six years straight on all the things that you may say you like about airports
Starting point is 00:03:02 and I never would have came up with that. I mean, you're not. Yeah, people are always moving and grooving. Life is happening. Things, there's always a goal. Like you could be in a weird point in your life and there's always someone there at another point. One of the most beautiful things about an airport,
Starting point is 00:03:20 one of my real true favorite things, is I get there early, which I never do. I never get anywhere early. You know, we know you. All right. Let's put let's put more realistic perspective. I accidentally got there early or I have a layover or more realistically. I miss my flight. I'm there for several hours. Sometimes I like to get to one of those bar situations where they have a little Sometimes I like to get one of those bar situations where they have a little
Starting point is 00:03:50 sort of a a a rail along the edge of the bar. And you can look out at to the rest of the airport. And I just like watching your people, watch or not. I'm a running people watcher. I like to look for the ones running. Yeah. There is something so peaceful. It's kind of like being in a high rise and looking down at rush hour traffic going. You fools. I am observing you and I can see your silliness. Why didn't you just get here earlier?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Says a guy who missed his flight. And that's well, maybe it's not their fault. Maybe the airline, the first leg was late. That happened to me actually. And I had to run to the Denver airport and I still miss the plane. And so I would never again will run for a plane. Hey, new personal rule of mine. They're not worth running after don't go chase him waterfalls or airplanes. Stick to the lakes, the rivers and lakes you're used to and trains. So miles, I I gotta ask you, what do you like?
Starting point is 00:04:47 So I'm the exact opposite of you, Charlie. I, the best part about the airport is when you have a little time, you go find a gate that no one's sitting at, and I like to slap right in the corner and just mind my own business. Oh, do you take a nap? Are you an airport sleeper? No, not really, actually. But maybe just working on my computer, maybe just looking out the window. Just something about being in a place that's super busy and finding a spot
Starting point is 00:05:15 that's not very therapeutic for me. It is therapeutic. And Miles, I think we're kind of on the same page. Even though you're never alone, you are so alone in an airport. You know, nobody knows you really. I mean, people know you because you're the you betcha guy. But nobody for most people, nobody knows you, you know, and you. But and yet there are people around.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It's like you're existing in this sort of terranium, this simulation, if you will. And it's got its own rules. It's wild rules and things that some of them make sense. Some of them don't. Three point four ounces of liquid. Why not three point five? I don't know. You know. And are you telling me you can't bring a whole ass knife into the airport, but you can't bring a whole ass knife into the airport?
Starting point is 00:06:06 but you can bring several different pieces that you could clip together into some form of a blade a skizzers These are the questions, you know that not enough people are asking Do you know one time I brought my grandpa my grandpa gave me me this buck knife that my great uncle Hiney made over at the steel mill. Beautiful knife, it was leather that was heated up on the handle and it looked like nice gemstones if you will. And it was about a three and a half
Starting point is 00:06:39 to four inch blade, Miles. Nice buck knife. And I put it in my bag and it got through airport security. And I was, I had no idea I left it in my bag. I was freaking out when I pulled it out. And I said, how did this get through? What I realized is that the sheath had a piece of lead in it. And that piece of lead blocked it from the airport security.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And now we have a big problem, actually, because I just told people how to get through airport security with a five inch blade. We're going to have to take this all out of the podcast. Anyways, what was the question? No, I think that that it's weird, though. You think if they saw lead in someone's pack, they would check it out. You would think they didn't, though. And it could also just be someone's first day on the job. So this happened to happen in like 2000, maybe 1999. No, Miles, I'm not that old. You jerk. Why do I? This happened in I say, so I was living in Los Angeles at the time.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I would say it happened about 2012. OK, yeah, yeah, that is concerning. Ah, well, should we take some calls? Yeah, we should. Welcome to the Belly It Up podcast. Who are we talking to? This is Aaron. Hey, Ron, what's going on, my guy? All right. I'm I'm currently in All right. I'm, I'm currently
Starting point is 00:08:06 in medical school. I'm almost, I'm in my third year of medical school. He's an M three. That's what you call yourselves, right? That's right. M three. I am an M three for you. And what is the, and what are the M's numbers go up to? Okay. You're almost through then I'd say you're almost 75% of the way done. I'm graduating in a year. Okay. Good for you. That's awesome. So what kind of doctor are you going to be? My plan is to be an ER doctor. Oh, we got that. We got George Clooney on the phone. Did you ever watch that show ER on the television back in the day? You know, that was a little bit before my time.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Before my time too, of course. But some of the kids don't know, before George Clooney was a tequila man, he was a doctor. He's really the Renaissance man of our years. I mean, he's done so many different jobs. That guy was an astronaut too. You know, I met George Clooney once. Did you? Yeah. And I got proof. He signed my tequila bottle. Did he? Did he sign your friggin Tos Amigos? Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:09:14 literally saw George Clooney. All I had on me was a Casamigos bottle. I had him sign it. He had his buddy there with him. So I had him sign it as well. His tequila buddy. Yeah. Yeah. So I didn't want him to feel bad. So I got a signature. Miles pretty recognizable. That's pretty cool. That is pretty cool. Aaron, do you have a George Clooney shine tequila bottle? I do not. Not many do. Not many. I'm thinking I think I'm thinking I have to get one now. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe if you see him, he can sign your scrubs too, because that'd be pretty cool. Yeah. There we go. That that
Starting point is 00:09:57 actually would be pretty cool. Charlie, my question for you guys. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. My question is if you guys were doctors, what kind of, what kind of doctors would you be? Okay. Charlie, if you were a doctor, what doctor would you be? I'd be a Dick doc. Okay. All right. Dick doc. What's going on? You know, why, Why are you a dick doc? Because I feel like oh, oh, I know You know, I know my way around one. Okay, and you've been around one your whole life And I feel like I feel like too many fellas are You know nervous about something's wrong with their pecker They're nervous or they're embarrassed and I would I would make a bunch of videos like, Hey, I'm Charlie the Dick Doc.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Let me tell you about your pecker fella. You know, and I make a bunch of rhymes and funny little things. So people learn about their pecker. We'll make them feel comfortable, too, because going to the doctor for your pecker is a little bit of an uncomfortable situation for most folks. And if you can make them feel right at home. Yeah. Yeah. I would start off by saying, you know, do a campaign about checking your balls, you know, because you got to do that, fellas.
Starting point is 00:11:13 If you're not rubbing those balls every night, you're going to want to start thinking about testicular cancer is a real thing. And also, look, Charlie, the Dick Doc knows, fellas, it's always cold in the doctor's office. OK, I'm assuming you got a few more inches on you. All right. So I told the damn nurse to turn the heat up. Yeah, Jay's always hang on. These hands are freezing cold.
Starting point is 00:11:37 They'll suck any turtle back into the shell. So, you know, that's what I think. That's where my calling really is right there. Yeah, it might be a little cold here, but I see you got a sweater with a hood on it to keep yourself warm. Oh, we're a turtleneck guy today. OK, well, that's how she goes. Now, Charlie, what would be your line as you're doing your exam?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Is there any good lines that come to your mind? Yeah, yeah. Can I get you some tea? Cause looks like you got a cough, you know, as I'm cupping the balls, trying to get a little cough, seeing if there's a hernia going on. Um, well enough about me and quit testing me miles. What would you be? What kind of doctor would you be? I'm looking for maybe the easiest doctor job. And maybe Aaron can help me out with maybe what is the one that you do the least amount of work for the most amount of money. That's what I'm looking for. Aaron, what would you say? What medical doctor has to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money and also not too much risk either.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Um, you know, I'm going to say dermatology. Okay. He knew it right off the top. Is that why it's super hard to become a dermatologist? Yeah, that's exactly why it's one of the big reasons cause they have, you know, like the great like work life balance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, I don't necessarily love having to deal with things like herpes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:13:11 But well, that's that's for the Dick Doc to take care of. Yeah. Yeah. I'll refer to you. Yeah, that's it. And Charlie, just keep referring people back to each other. You know, oh, man, I tell you guys, I went to the dermatologist and I was like, I got this mole on the back of my head that like it always like gets hit by the comb when I'm getting my hair cut.
Starting point is 00:13:34 So I was like, can you just like slice that sucker off? I just, I don't want to deal with it. And she says, yeah, that's no problem. And then I realized I got charged for that, you know? And I was like, and the way she sliced it, you know, I mean, it wasn't, I mean, I've cleaned enough walleyes. I probably could have gotten the filet knife out and got that done myself, so.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But I'm sure she did a better job. Anyways, it's just nice to know that a little slight, if you're half good with a knife on the dermatology thing, you can rack up that money pretty damn quick. Anyways, I digress. It probably would have been a little more sterile than your walleye next to it. Yeah, well I would have put it
Starting point is 00:14:14 through the hot knifing thing. No, yeah, you would have dipped it in some vodka. Yeah, okay, there you go. There's plenty of ways to sanitize. And the tequila. There you go, there you go. George Clooney tequila. Signed bottle.
Starting point is 00:14:26 How do you feel about? How do you feel about becoming an ER doc? Are you nervous about it? Not really before school. I've I worked in an emergency department for awhile. And so I think that's kind of why I want to do it now. Yeah. Why are you drawn to it? Is the thrill of the pressure and the frantic environment
Starting point is 00:14:46 or what, what, what, why do you want to be an ER doctor? A little bit. Yeah. And I think I don't really get too nervous about many situations. Nothing really seems to bother me that much. Like I don't really care about all the bodily fluids or whatever is coming out of a person. So I feel like if I can just remain calm in those situations, someone's got to do it. And I can do it. I might as well do it. Should we role play and see if he's ready? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Who do you want to be? Oh, geez. Dr. Aaron, how are you? Hey, look, my buddy, Miles here. He's got a real issue going on right now. Can you help him? I split my scrotum. He split the
Starting point is 00:15:35 scrotum. Split your scrotum. He split the scrotum. We were, we were on a diving board and I said, do the ass drop into the pool. And then you accidentally hit the tip on a diving board and I said, do the a** drop into the pool and then you accidentally hit the tip of the diving board. He did the old scrote splitter and I know, I know there's blood everywhere. I'm starting to, I think I may be in shock. I might be in shock. Charlie, can we save the test? He's Aaron. I'm sorry. I need to have more kids. He didn't donate the sperm before we need to get this pecker up and operating. By the way, I want to be a Dick doc one day. Are you laughing at his condition? Dr. Aaron, we got a split scrote over here. Eric, my nuts are hanging lower than they usually are. Help me out. He needs a new bag
Starting point is 00:16:35 for his bag. No. All right. We'll get surgery involved. That's, this is a problem for surgery. Oh, you're going to delegate my balls to someone else. Doc. We, we don't, we need, is he going to be okay? He's going to be fine. Am I going to have to get metal nuts for the rest of my life and be clanking around the mall? That'd be actually awesome. That would be heavy. Well, hey, he can handle it. You know, just build the quads. Well, Dr. Aaron, I think I'm going to give you a C on that. I can tell you need another year of the bed. Someone comes in with a split scrot.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You're going to need to come quicker with the bedside manner. Yeah, I was going to say, I didn't feel, um, as comforted as I'd like to be, you know, it was kind of just a cold, Hey, get the hell out of here. Go to surgery. Yeah. It sounds like you've been working in an ER before. How do you do that? How do you take it from, I mean, this is your office. You show up day in and day out, but for everyone going into the ER, it's a real special occasion for them, you know, and they're scared. How do you comfort them? Even though you've seen this shit every day. Also, what's the weirdest thing you've seen in the ER? The weirdest thing to see? Well, I've all I've seen a split scrotum before.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And is that what you did? That is not what I did. Um, it was a kid. It was a couple of years ago, July 4th. He was in the water and the boat propeller. They backed into him in the water. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yes. And he had, he had several lacerations going from it, basically his knee to his waist, his right leg. Did his pecker stay intact? Everything was intact. It was just kind of there, I guess.
Starting point is 00:18:40 So was it a, everything was intact. Was it a stitch it up situation? So is it a was it a stitch it up situation it was a stitched up situation and then send them to the surgeon and let the surgeons clean it out and Make sure there's no infection or anything involved with it Okay. All right. So now folks listen that this now nobody likes hearing these things Okay, But this is a PSA for all of you out there. If you're in the fricking boat, okay, don't be drinking.
Starting point is 00:19:10 All right, there are scrotes out there in the water. All right? Well, if you're driving the boat. That's right, they're everywhere. If you're driving. What else are you gonna do on a boat if you're not driving, if you're not drinking? Well, if you're driving, don't be drinking.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And look around for God's sake. Don't go backing it out if there's a kid a kid back that drives me nuts, you know, yeah, that was that kid was, I think he was wakeboarding and was so off the wakeboard and they were going back to pick him up and he's back too far. And you're on. Yeah. Yeah. That and you know what I hate? I don't like when you're out there, wake boy or whatever, and they got the music up super loud, you know, when you're like going to get the guy. Cause then you can't hear
Starting point is 00:19:48 someone say, stop your dump. You know, anyway, it just drives me nuts. But, um, wow, that's wild. Whoo. All right. What's the weirdest thing? Well, Charlie, I got a question for you. How can we help Aaron here? You know, he called, I forgot what he wants her help for. I'm about to tell you what we're going to give him advice on. He didn't ask for it. We're going to tell them, all right, what are some tactics he can deploy to make someone who comes in the ER feel a little more comfortable in there? Well, yeah, you say that would be good. That'd be good to know. Hey, that is good. Oh, hey, welcome to the ER. My name's Aaron. What can I get you? Well, yeah, you want a
Starting point is 00:20:34 beer while you wait? All right. Well, just have a seat right over there next to Terry. Terry's in here for a little shot of something special, you know, comes in every now and again. But yeah, what do you think? Miller Lite Linies, you want an old fashioned you know, have some beer nuts. You have some nuts or chips or something. Something like that on the munch on. Maybe add a little side of ranch with the pretzels could be good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Pickles would be nice. I think you should also make sure, you know, especially if you're going to be in the Midwest. I don't know where you're at. I don't remember. But if you're in the Midwest, people are deal hunters here in the Midwest. They like a good bargain. So make sure you let everyone know what's on special that day. And you got scrotum stitches on special.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, if you got we get a twofer. Yeah. Basically, maybe to you got, uh, we get a two for, yeah. Basically maybe to him and Terry, I can do a two for one deal in the X-ray machine. That's true. If we have two people getting X-rays, let's just, everyone needs X-rays, but X-rays is expensive. So, you know, you just get miles. Fantastic idea. The other thing is you want people to be cool in the waiting room You know so like a couple broken TVs Some might be flipped to the news. We don't need the news. We don't need like old Sitcoms or whatever we just need ourselves like a bunch of newspapers With coupons in them yeah, so we scissors
Starting point is 00:22:03 You know give us some scissors out there so we can cut coupons while them. Yeah. So we scissors, you know, give us some scissors. So we can cut coupons while we wait. All right. And also some cards would be nice deck of cards, maybe a cribbage board could be some car dice. Bar dice would be great. An open bar would be fantastic, but I know that would be a little expensive and problematic in Wisconsin. Yeah. Oh, let's get a dealer out there.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And what I love about North Dakota, you can walk into a bar and there's a dealer in the corner ready to deal blackjack. Let's get a dealer in the ER waiting room, because what you really a big part of the stressor for you as an ER doc is going to be people's annoyances when they walk in and that can build over time. It builds cortisol on both ends of the deal. Like you're getting the excess cortisol because they have excess cortisol trying to limit that. So let's get a dealer in there and you know, let's give them something else to focus their
Starting point is 00:23:02 anxieties on like gambling. I think another thing is I've been to hotels where when you check in, they have hot cookies waiting for you. Oh, you guys could have a baker on staff. That's just keeping them fed with hot cookies. It's just leaves a better taste in your mouth. Quite literally. Hot cookies would be nice. Yeah. What do you think of those have fishing on the TV? I wasn't sure what to put on TV. I just want some nice fishing clips. I can do it. And if you could do it
Starting point is 00:23:33 so it's not just a bunch of frigging bass tournaments. I mean, I like a nice bastard, but let me see a guy catch some walleyes. Larry Smith outdoors on once in a while. Yeah. Maybe on Friday's on river monsters, maybe get the heart bumping a while. Yeah. Maybe on Friday, it's the one river monsters. Maybe get the heart bumping a little bit. Oh, that could be cool. I'd like to, I want to see multi-species action on my TV. I tell you what, if someone's having heart palpitations, might level them right back out to jolt them back to life. The river monsters on the TV. Yeah. It's a healing. Mike shock them right back into rhythm. That's yeah. Oh, there we go. That's medical terminology. And now that I'm thinking of it for God's sake,
Starting point is 00:24:11 Sharon, an entire wall. That's an aquarium. Yes. Yeah. Okay. I mean, that is the best part of the doctor's office, you know? And I would say the last one you could throw out there is just have some board games. I think you could probably have operations sitting there. Yeah. Do it like beer league though. You know, you have giant Jenga, do giant operation, like shuffleboard size operation. Yeah. That'd be really, really cool. So they can warm them up for what they're about to do. Yeah. And have the electric shock be on yourself.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You get a little, like you wear a collar. And if you hit the sides, it gives you a little, you know? The dogs can handle it. We can handle it. So this sounds like an awesome ER. I mean, also, you go to, it's really popular nowadays to have experience based businesses, right? Like there's a place in Faro called Clay Your Way where you can go and make something out
Starting point is 00:25:13 of clay or stuff or make your own food. You go to a restaurant pay and you cook the food, which is insane. But you could have a little craft station with like scalpels and you could have them stitching up like bananas and stuff. I've seen that online of practicing. They could do their own stitches at some point. Oh, that's a do it yourself. Yeah. DIY stitches. And it's free labor for you guys. And you know what? I know that you miles I love this idea because when when I was a bike mechanic back in high school college, we had a station at the shop where people could just do it themselves like they had a truing stand, they could fix their wheels on their own.
Starting point is 00:25:58 You could do like brakes. There was a bike stand so you could do all the easy stuff kind of yourself. That's nice for two ways. One, if it's really an easy repair on them, let's say they just need a few stitches. You've got some Neosporin out there, some hydrogen peroxide, dip that sucker stitcher up. And if they do a good job, great, they're out of your hair. If they do a bad job, they screwed it up more. Now you get more money. That was how we always said, too, like, okay, we'll give you the truing stand. Good chance you're going to strip the deal. And then we're just going to have to put a whole new set of spokes on for you.
Starting point is 00:26:35 So anywho, it's a good business model is what I'm trying to tell you. I think so. Which one of those do you like? Basically... Yeah, go ahead. I think we I think we should open a casino in the ER waiting That's it. I don't want Couldn't agree more That's what all this boils down into. Yeah, you see and get upper management on board with an open bar You know, I don't that one might be a tough one to pull. No, here's how you pull it. You say, hey, do you want this?
Starting point is 00:27:07 It'll pay for itself. We got a casino down there. The more they're drinking, the more they're playing. The more they're playing, the more they're losing. The house always wins. Keep them playing, you know? So that's it. Right there. You got it.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And it may increase like the patient satisfaction survey as well. It was. Yeah, they'll be so drunk. They'll forget, you know, they, if they're a bleeder, they may start bleeding more because I think alcohol makes you bleed a little more. For the people who need blood thinners that they don't even need to. Yeah. There you go. Also then you don't gotta worry about any sort of numbing agent. Yeah. They're already ingesting that themselves.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh, true. Yeah. That'll save money there. Save you on the anesthetic. So well, anyway, Aaron, I'm happy with the satisfaction or I hope you're satisfied with what we gave you here today. I'm satisfied with what we gave you here today. So I'm fine now. Well, hell yeah. Well, man, we're excited for you. You're going to be a doctor here soon and good luck on your last year of school and
Starting point is 00:28:19 good luck in the ER. Yeah. Remember, make those. Yeah. Make those folks feel comfortable. They're in a scary situation. A little small talk goes a long way. Does good bedside. All right. All right. All right. Bye bye. No. And you bet you. Nice guy. That's also very funny that we're encouraging him to do small talk in the ER where time is of the importance. Yeah, that's true like I Love you Charlie, but you might be the worst ER doctor of all time. Oh God, yeah, you got hit by a boat who was driving that. Oh geez Louise now. What kind of a boat was it? Yeah, I fish Yeah was it? Yeah. Efficient. What kind of lures are they using? Yeah. How was the bite that day?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah, I know. I just some people. That's why I'm very grateful for all the real doctors out there. And, you know, everyone's got their strengths and weaknesses. And my strength is in the BS. And also, Charlie, it looks like George Clooney was also at this bar. Oh, my God. He signed that bottle right there. Yeah. Wow. You should have told them.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I know. What a coincidence. What are the odds? Looks like his buddy was with him as well as on the other side of the bottle. Those guys always travel together, everywhere together. Not well. Take another call? Let's do it. Welcome to the Bellied Up Podcast,
Starting point is 00:29:48 who we chit-chat with today. Hey, my name's Kelsey. Hey Kelsey, how are you doing? Good, how are you? Oh, can't complain. We're just hanging out over at the packing house in Milwaukee right next to the airport. It's a good time. Very nice. Where are you calling in from? I'm calling in from Jackson, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Oh Jackson! There's a Jackson, Wisconsin too. Yeah, probably not. Yeah. Jackson, Wisconsin might be a little better than Jackson, Michigan. Oh you've been to the Jackson in Wisconsin? No, I was just assuming. Oh well you're probably right. So what's on your mind? So I have a little bit of a predicament. My husband and I are on a beer league hockey team here. We're on his company sponsored team, and we are going to be moving here in the next couple of months. So we're not going to be able to be on the team anymore and we're really attached. It's really going to be quite sad and bittersweet to have to leave. So I'm just wondering how I should essentially break up with them and let them know that we're
Starting point is 00:31:02 moving and that we can't be on team anymore. Oh my gosh. Why are you guys moving? We're moving to be closer to family. So we live in Jackson, but none of our family or friends are here. My husband moved here when he graduated college cause he had a job here, but now he's fully remote. So it's irrelevant to be in this city. So we're going to be moving a couple hours East to be closer to my family. Cause he's, he's a you per so his family's all in the UP.
Starting point is 00:31:29 And how many times a week you guys got games? It's just once a week in the fall into the winter. So summer's off season, but every week, every Tuesday night, our calendar is pretty much blocked just for hockey because we get there. You know, if it's 8 p.m. or 11 p.m. and then we're there until like one in the morning in the parking lot drinking beers. So it's a fun time and definitely the highlight of our whole winter. So it can be pretty sad to leave. So what's wrong with a two hour drive every single Tuesday?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah, I'm looking at a map here right now. I'm guessing. Did you say your family's coast to Detroit area or it? Yeah. We're, it'll be north of Detroit that we're moving. So, okay. Which city specifically? I'm from Shelby township, which nobody's really ever heard of, but I just stay north of Detroit. It's about 45 minutes north. Okay. Yeah. That's not too bad to our But I just stay north of Detroit. It's about 45 minutes north. OK, yeah, that's not too bad to our. You should be fine. Yeah, should be.
Starting point is 00:32:29 You know what? Let's roll. We'll role play. You we are the hockey and you you start breaking up with us. Well, guys, we have some bad news. What's that? No, what's going on? Did someone die? Did the plumbing go?
Starting point is 00:32:48 No, not this time. Oh, thank God. Sadly, we're gonna be moving back to the east side to be moving and relocating. So I don't know if we're gonna be able to be a part of the team anymore. Oh no. Who are we gonna have give us water on the bench now,
Starting point is 00:33:06 Charlie? Oh my gosh, well, this is a real tragedy, I don't know. We're gonna have to get a new cheerleader now? Oh my gosh, well not just that, I mean, you know, these are two of the best players too. I mean, it's a double doozy, you know, everyone's part of the team here. And I don't think we can do it without them.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Who's going to sharpen our skates now? I don't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Listen, I tell you, have you guys fully considered the consequences of your actions here? You know, we have and we have considered making the drive every week. We have to have that discussion. Oh, every week. Yes, that's all. So you know, you thought of the solution that for a second there.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I thought you were telling us that you were actually going to quit the team because of just a couple of hours. They're not quitting. Oh, my God. She scared us there for a second. I mean, it's just like a couple trips to the Walmart and back. You know, you guys should be fine. Yeah, make that a couple, two, three times. You know, here's what we're going to do for you.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Sorry, I keep intentionally cut me off. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to send you a great fishing podcast. You can listen to in the car every week. And that way you double up on your time. You know, so anyway, glad you're still going to play with us. Yeah, we'll see how it goes. But I don't know if we'll be able to do full time, but maybe part time.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Part time. Oh, come on. Hey, do you do you go to church part time? No, no, that's not how it goes. All right. Now, do you do you say you're part time? Michigander? No. OK, let's be honest. You're on this team. OK, and we are happy to have you on this team. So we'll see it at practice. OK, same time every week.
Starting point is 00:35:02 We'll see at the games. OK, and by the way, next week, you're don't forget you're in charge of the snacks after. So we are counting on you for those Capri Suns and brandy old fashioned. Now, Charlie, I have thought of a good if they if they aren't going to make the drive. Yeah, I have thought of a potential good situation. What's his miles? Are you ready for this? Kelsey, have you ever seen the movie? Have you ever seen the movie Goodwill Hunting? Yeah. Messing Kelsey. No actually. Okay well you're gonna want to watch Goodwill
Starting point is 00:35:34 Hunting and what I don't remember do you say it was your boyfriend or your husband? Yeah my husband. You're hot Perfect. Okay. All he's going to, this is going to be the most easiest non-confrontational way to do it. He's going to go to the captain of the team's house. He's going to leave a note in his mailbox and then all the notes. Okay. He's going to go to the co-captor, the assistant captain, the one with the A on his chest. And he's gonna go to his house, he's gonna leave a note and he's gonna say, sorry man, I had to go see about a girl. And then you guys don't even have to tell him.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Well that's gonna be a little awkward given the wife situation. I know, but I mean, it's better than having to do the whole, you know, goodbye and going away party and all that. Okay. So that is one option. The other option is you're just going to be guilted into being on the team part-time because you caved immediately on that. Kelsey. Yeah, I know. I think that's sadly what's happened. It's yeah, it's stuff. We are very attached every week. I love to bake also. So I always test out like new cookie and brownie recipes. So I always like make treats to bring every week and everyone looks forward to it every week. So it's just going to be, it's going to be a tough time, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:06 Now I will have to say, and it may not feel right right now, but there's probably another, uh, hockey league team, wherever you're moving miles. How dare you bring that up right now? She's hurt. She's in, she's in her morning phase. You can't tell her there's plenty other skates in the sea right now Kelsey let's be honest. You're a Midwestern or through and through Your people pleaser. You don't even want this to happen to begin with you're gonna be on this team
Starting point is 00:37:41 Part-time and then you know, it's like, once you thought you were out, they're going to pull you back in. All right, so until someone pulls a hammy, you're still going to be doing the deal. Yeah, that's probably true. That could be another thing. You could just fake an injury and then it's like, you don't want to quit.
Starting point is 00:37:59 The doc's making you quit. Doctor's orders. Yeah, that's true. I did hurt my knee last year, so that could be an easy one to fake it. Yeah, I got arthritis due to my knee injury. And I just can't make it happen anymore. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, it was going to be a tough one. I don't know how they're going to take it, to be honest. No one likes to be in charge. Oh, yeah Oh yeah. My husband actually called into the show. Like he was on episode 11. I think it was, he's always the one that sends out the emails and we're always the one that organized everything. So I don't know what they're going to do if we're not on team. I mean, well, maybe they'll just disband and dissolve after you guys are gone. Maybe that's okay. Honestly, they might. Our team was struggling this past year. We went from first
Starting point is 00:38:53 place two years ago to dead last last year. But we definitely won in the fun category and the drinking category. Cause we are the last ones at the rank every week. We get picked out of the ring and we drink in the parking lot. That might be why you guys don't win any games. Yeah, I think I can see what happened at why the slide started. You guys started to party too much. You guys are like the rock stars of the like the behind the music. What's the name of your team called again? It's just his company's team name, so it's not really anything for him.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Do you like how she says not anything firm? Is it a law firm? Fun? I think she's no fun. Look at me just trying to insert punch lines into this thing. So he goes anyways. Well, the team suck and I bet you the team follows you. I bet you that's what you get. That's how you get out of them to go remote and move. Oh, this is it. That's perfect. Yeah. This is how you get out of it in the way that you need to. Okay. If you say, I'm sorry, guys, we're leaving the team. They're going to, they're going to suck you
Starting point is 00:40:00 back into the team. But if you say guys, the team is moving, you're welcome to come locating the team. Yeah. Yeah. Very smart. I like this plan. Yeah. So you guys are welcome to come with, uh, we are, we are taking our talents to, uh, just north of Detroit a ways. Uh, it's only two and a half hours. You're welcome to make the drive every single week. I've got a great fishing podcast for you to listen to. So you can double up the time in the car. It's actually, instead of being like, Hey, I'm sorry, guys act really excited about it. They're going to be confused and just have to go with it. You know, you maybe have like, like LeBron James did with his decision. You have a bunch of hats. Got one for grand Rapids.
Starting point is 00:40:44 You got one for Kalamazoo. You got one for North of Detroit. And that's what it would say on the ad is North of Detroit. Yeah. And you guys do a whole Facebook live situation. You play it up and then you choose where you're going and everyone's excited, but your team's going to be confused, but it's better than them being sad. Yeah. And it's better than them. Guilting you into doing some you can't do. So this is all about avoiding guilt, avoiding, avoiding, you know, true feelings. So what's it is all avoidance and it's a beautiful thing. Yeah. Yeah. I do like this plan though, because the rink kind of sucks anyway. So they don't like, you need a new stadium. Only positive attributes for this plan. So yeah, new ownership coming into town. Well, we're glad we could help you out with this Kelsey and congratulations on the new line of work or the new work from home situation. And
Starting point is 00:41:42 we hope you enjoy yourselves up there north of Detroit a ways. Oh thank you have a great time wherever you that you Milwaukee is then you are. Yeah yeah yeah. Packing hell. Oh I also wanted to honorable mention to the music the hold music that I now have memorized because I've listened to it a lot in the last year. Oh, my gosh. How does it go? Bear me, bear you. Great. It's a jam. And they all kind of blend together. I don't know which one is the end and which one is the beginning, which but whatever one has like the saxophone is also wild night. Yeah. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Great one. I love the fact that one. Hey, we should probably add some more songs to that whole music. What do you think? They can only do. Yeah, you should just add the whole album. I'll add the album. Yeah, maybe someone else's album. So you hate someone else's album since you're on hold should never make my album hold music. Anyways, no, it's great.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I loved it. Loved it. Oh, good. Well, it's a the albums out there if you want to buy them. All right. Anyway, Kelsey, thank you for coming in. Okay. Coming on the show and we hope you watch for deer on your way north of Detroit. All right. Tell your husband we say hi. We'll we'll do a talk to you guys later. All right. Bye. Bye now. Well, Charlie, oh, I actually can't. That was a great solution at the end. It's relocating the team. I thought of it.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I know you did. Yeah, great, man. I just it came on and no, you know, it wasn't even me. I think it was just God sending. I was just the conduit. You found God in this bar and he told you relocate the team We found God in the packing house Yeah, hey by the way these fried um They pickles they're fried eggplant. Oh, it's so good. So good. Well, let's take a call or while we try some want to try one here.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I'll get you some mirror. Take another caller. All right. There you go. Open up. No. All right. Folks, when it's a summer solstice out, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than taking advantage of that extra sun by drinking a little tippy cow. It's hot out on the summer. So it is hot out, but there's nothing better than cooling off the end of the day with a little, uh, I see cold to be cow. Hmm. It's one of my favorite summer solstice activities. Ooh, going in for another ship right off the top. Every time I have a party on the summer solstice,
Starting point is 00:44:33 it's always like, ah, you know, what make this summer solstice party better? Well, if we all had to be cow. So now I don't even, I don't even make it even a question that we're going to have to be cow or not. I make sure every summer solstice party has it. Tangled to a non-secret. Yes. Are you ready? Mm hmm. Cup of coffee. Mm hmm. Your coffee gets old. You forgot to finish it, right? Yeah. Don't throw that coffee out. Mm hmm. Put that coffee in the fridge. Get it chilled. Mm hmm. Summer solstice comes around six o'clock. What do you want? Will pick me up because you get ready to enjoy the remaining hours of sunshine. Put some ice in the coffee.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Put some tippy cow chocolate shake. Now you got a chocolate mocha. You're not wasting coffee. You got chocolate mocha. Everybody wonders, what do you do with your wounded coffee that you did not finish? Put in wonders, what do you do with your wounded coffee that you did not finish? Put it in the fridge, add some tippy cow.
Starting point is 00:45:28 The tippy cow summer solstice drink right here from Belly Dub podcast. There you have it, there's your recipe, folks. So guys, this summer solstice, tip it on back with tippy cow. Mm, moo. Hey, if you're ever in a pickle with an injury, just holler at your boy at nickel a law. Russell
Starting point is 00:45:47 I'm talking about. He's got your back like a trusty beard on a cold Wisconsin day. And we all know about the back beard. Don't we miles the back beard. You're talking about my back beard. You got a hair on your back. I'm starting to get some more and more Do you trim that hair? No good. Yeah, cuz it when it gets cold out You're gonna need that hair forget forget the ladies what they like if you're lucky enough to grow hair on your back Yeah, Nikola is a lot like back hair. It is it's got your back It's got your back and it's gonna keep you warm when you've been left out in the cold and it's on the back of the insurance companies. That's what I'm talking about. Nicolay law. That beard extends far beyond Russell's chinny chin chin. So give them a
Starting point is 00:46:38 call folks. One eight five five Nicolay. Welcome to the Podcast, who we talking to? Hi there, this is Kayla. Hi, Kayla. Kayla, it's me, Charlie, and my buddy, Miles. How you doing today? Good, I'm doing really well. It's a beautiful day outside today. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, I know. Yeah. Oh, you must be in Wisconsin. It's beautiful Wisconsin today. Well, I'm from Wisconsin, but I now live down in Indianapolis. Oh, okay. You've been to the...
Starting point is 00:47:11 Ah, never mind, I forget the name of it. But I know John Dillinger shot a gun into the side of it, the slippery noodle or something. I've heard of that. I've never been there. Yeah, go check it out. So, Billy, up to the bar. What's on your mind? Well, I am getting married in June.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Congratulations. And, well, thank you. And we are having our wedding in a con walk, and we're just wondering how can we make this most Wisconsin wedding possible? Well, you called the right place. You did. What are you? Are you repeating me? Are you messing with me?
Starting point is 00:47:56 Well, Kayla, you called the right place and I think we can help you out, don't you think, Charlie? Yeah, Miles, give me a wedding thing. You know what, Kayla, give us the things that that you intend on doing on your wedding and we'll tell you how to Wisconsin five them. Wisconsin. OK, perfect. Skance of our first thing. We're saying we're getting married in a conwalk. So I feel like that name is just like a perfect town to be married in. Rose, Wisconsin name. It is. And I'm telling you right off the
Starting point is 00:48:30 bat, okay, you've got to, at the church, you got to have a door guy. All right. And there's a password, so you make your wedding a speakeasy. Okay. And that's an homage back to the rum runner days, back when Prohibition, you know, you needed a passcode. And the passcode to get into your wedding, they have to spell O'Conamalock. And if they can't spell it, get, nope, they don't love ya. Sorry, see ya. And actually, don't do that for the wedding,
Starting point is 00:49:01 or they'll intentionally misspell it, because do it for the after party, All right. If they really want to. All right. So keep on going. What else you got thoughts on? Well, the other thing is we're getting married in an old dairy barn. So not even in a church. So why did you call us to ask how you can Wisconsin your wedding up? I think it already is. I mean, getting married in a dairy barn, that is perfect.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Now is it okay? Okay, hang on. Here's how you can amp that up even more. Have it be a functioning dairy barn. Okay, I want you guys saying vows as the teats are getting milked. So instead of doing a unity candle ceremony, what you need to do is you both need to grab a teat
Starting point is 00:49:49 and mix the milk into one bucket. That is so beautiful. That's your unity ceremony. That is so beautiful. Your milk becomes my milk and then you guys both have a nice little bowl of cereal together. Down the hatch. That's how the unity ceremony.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yes, Miles, you're a genius. I don't say this often enough, but you really are. Yeah, everyone these days does mixing sands together, tying rope together, lighting the same candle when two teats become one glass of milk. That is love. You and your... From the Bible. You and your fiance need to go teat for teat at that unity ceremony.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I like what you did there. Nice little play on words. You know? Tit for teat. Anyway. What else? What else you got going on at the wedding? Well, we're going to try to get some Culver's frozen custard instead of
Starting point is 00:50:46 cake. Okay. Well, you're going to try to get Culver's frozen instead of cake. What do you mean? Try that. That's going to happen. Oh yeah. I mean, we just got to make a phone call and we'll make it happen. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, that's good. I like that. What else you got? Um, what alcohol would be the most Wisconsinite? New Blair is probably OK. Baron's old fashioned brandy. Charlie's just going to go out there and do a plug for that. You could do some tippy cow.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You could do some, you know, some lineys, some Miller Lite, M.G.D., PBR, whatever, you know, Miles is gonna miles. Do you have anything that I was going to say? Barron's Barron's brandy. Well, thank you, Miles. Appreciate you. You know, at our wedding, wedding, after the ceremony,
Starting point is 00:51:39 everyone got a bottle of beer as they left it into the reception. You should just have old fashions waiting for them with Baron's brandy. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Good one. Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe we'll send you a couple. All right. I think Charlie said he would sponsor an open bar at your wedding. Oh, that's what he said. How many people do you have coming to your wedding? We invited 180. Under a good number, actually, is a good number. But, you know, probably 50 of those people won't show.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It's a good number. Jerry, can we message her? All right, we're going to message you. You give us your address. We'll send you a case of brandy. All right. I would a case of brandy. These are Wisconsinites. That's going to be gone in 10 miles. There's a difference. There's a difference between
Starting point is 00:52:29 being nice and being part of the problem. Okay. I do not need to get them so liquored up at the happy hour that you get the best man up there talking about that one time they did that. And then the marriage is over in the 24 hour period. I am giving them just enough booze to have fun, not enough booze to let the demons out. You know, I don't know. Bottomless brandy kind of rolls off the tongue. Bottomless brandy does kind of it's like I just see a brandy Donald duck in it. You know? Anyways, how is this all sounding so far? So good.
Starting point is 00:53:06 How else can we help? Yeah. Well, so we, so as I said, we live in Indy right now. So half of our guests are from Indiana. So how can we make them feel the most welcome in Wisconsin and know that Wisconsin is the best? Okay. Oh, you want them to know that Wisconsin is the best?
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, they always make fun of our accent, which I don't think I have an accent. No, no, they have the accent, if anything. Yeah, exactly. You're getting married right over at that barn. Well, I feel like, honey, Wisconsin is the best. I know how you do it, Charlie. Come on, it's right in front of your nose.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Why? Yeah. Before the wedding, you have, just like you're at Lambeau Field, a tailgate the wedding. You got to have a tailgate. Yes, Miles. Genius burgers, brats, whiskey, beer, the whole thing. Bloody Marys. every single thing. That's perfect. Yeah, you got to tailgate this situation. Cornhole, if a testicle toss, if a giant jenga,
Starting point is 00:54:14 if a go pack go chant breaks out. Oh, whoopsie daisy. Yeah, so be it. What month are you getting married in? June, June, June. OK, I have bad listening skills sometimes. Well, listen, before you do that, the night before, take them out on the lake, do boat trips, you know, take them fishing, take get some tubers out there, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:41 that that whole situation, lake sports, water sports is what we like here. You know, and if you want to boat miles, since I'm buying the brandy miles, it's gonna buy you guys a boat. Yeah, I'll buy you a boat. Yeah. That'd be perfect. Yeah. Well, it's not going to be perfect.
Starting point is 00:54:55 No, it's going to be definitely a Facebook marketplace. Fine. Hey, probably a 500 bucks. OBO. But if she floats, she's a boat. Yeah. So there you go. I think one mistake I made at my wedding, Charlie,
Starting point is 00:55:11 was in between the ceremony and the reception, we got on a party bus and drove around and drank, right? Mm-hmm. What you need to do is you need to do a hay ride instead of a party bus for the party. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be June. Beautiful weather. Get an open cab back there. Throw some hay. Have a good time. Yeah. That's, that's, and then you, and then you can on
Starting point is 00:55:36 Instagram after the fact, when you post pictures of the hay ride, you can go back in my hay day. Yeah. Or, Hey, that was a good time. Oh yeah. Hey, Hey, hey, what do you say? Let's go back to the best day. Yeah. This was the best most special day.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah. Yeah. So there you go. Now that's just a few. That's just a few things right. Do you want us to keep going with that or you got the gist? Yeah, I think I got the idea. It's good. I like it. Uh huh. Um, the other thing you can do is, uh, is kind of have, um, well, I was going to say a tornado viewing station, you know, like everyone's going to sit there like you just have
Starting point is 00:56:27 binoculars out and you have beers. And it's just a front porch, you know, in the front lawn of the venue. You just have lawn chairs and cases of beer just sitting around. They'll think it's they'll say fireworks slash tornado viewing area. And the tornado, I mean, it's June. It might get to me. I have. Well, I have heard that a tornado on your wedding day is good luck. I have heard that too. That isn't ironic.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I've heard it as well. Isn't it ironic? And let's like a tornado on your wedding day. So it's like a free hey ride when you've already paid. Wow, you do miles. You got the vocals. You should have miles as your wedding singer. Yeah, Charlie can be the official Charlie can be the officiant
Starting point is 00:57:19 and it will be the longest ceremony you've ever had. The amount of small talk. You know, I tell you what, when I look at the longest ceremony you've ever had. The amount of small talk. You know, I tell you what, when I look at the two of you and I'm sitting here and I says that there's some special between the two of yous, it's me, okay? And that's the beautiful thing. And then insert fishing analogy, Charlie. Now I tell you this much, all right?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Marriage, it's like a fish and pull. When you tie the knot today, you tie it like you're tying on your favorite musky lure. Now yeah, that musky lure may go up in the trees every once in a while. It may go down and get caught up on some kind of a log on the bottom of, of the deal. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:07 But you're going to yank and you're going to pull them because you're using that braided line and that's why it's important. You guys use braided line when you tied the knot today and you used a Palmer knot. That is not going anywhere. You like the pun I did not going anywhere. So anyways, if she's stuck on the bottom of the drink or stuck on the top of the tree, you climb that tree. You go to the bottom of the drink. And if you get stuck down there underneath the log with your foot and you drown, well, so be it. You did it for love. If you climb that tree, you fall out, you knock your head, go boink. It's over. So be it. You did it for love. The point is no lure ever goes without you going in because otherwise you're, you're just going to have to leave the pole.
Starting point is 00:58:54 All right. You, you're going to leave your pole if you leave the lure and you don't want to be leaving your pole, you need that. And, and that is just one preview of what you could get if you hire. Yeah, that's just the intro to the show. That's intro. So he's got probably what, four, five, six parts after that. And I tell you this much before you go to bed at night,
Starting point is 00:59:15 make sure you look each other in the box and say them three magic words. Watch for dear. There won't be a dry eye out there. All right. Yeah, well, be a dry eye out there. All right. Yeah. A dry eye out there. Instead of throwing the garter the way you traditionally would, attach the garter to a fishing line.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Okay. And you do casting the garter. Because how many times do you throw the garter and it goes to someone you don't want? Like you shouldn't be holding my unmentionables. You know, you're going to, you know, do a, do almost a false cast, like a fly fishing thing. Like, Oh, no, not great uncle Jerry.
Starting point is 00:59:59 You know, let's give it to Jessica. Imagine great uncle Jerry out on the dance floor trying to catch the garter. I don't know. Why do they? Why do they catch a garter? I forget. Is it who's getting married next? Yeah, I think so. Well, I think that's OK. What is that? Kind of OK. I'm a garter goes to the car goes to the husband. Oh, does it? Yeah, I got to be honest.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Midwest nicer, creepy, catching the gardener. First of all, can we just talk about getting the garter at a wedding? That's a creepiest thing in the world. You got like this bribe husband. You got the bride in the chair. You got this guy like going up with the mouth, like going up the leg. You know, did you do that at your wedding? I forgot.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I did not do that. I don't think I don't remember. I can't remember if I did that the one time I got married or not, but I still a weird thing to do. Everyone's like, Oh my gosh. Yeah. And I think for your bouquet, I don't think you're going to want to do the traditional. I don't think you're going to want to do flowers. That's been done, right? That's cliche. I mean, they're doing that down in Texas and all over the United States. This is a Wisconsin wedding. So I think you're going to want to do, have you ever heard of edible arrangements before? Oh yeah. So you're going to do a bouquet of all sorts of cheeses on that sucker. Cheese bouquet. Because one, it's going to look great. It's going to smell great. And Charlie's sermon is going to get a little long and you're going to get a little hungry.
Starting point is 01:01:30 So you're going to have a little appetizer right there on the bouquet for you. By the time my sermon is over, you're going to be plugged up till after the honeymoon. I'll tell you that much. Tell you that much right now. Yeah, this is going to be great. It's going to be a great way. Any good way we can spice up the speeches, Charlie? Well, that's why I only got a case of brandy coming to them. All right. You don't speeches. Who's given the speech? Our best man and maid of honor. Well, Charlie, I mean, I want some details. Who are you most worried about giving the speech? Oh, hmm.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I think they're both going to be mature, but my maid of honor has known me since I was 10. So she's got some stories. What's the story you don't want her to tell? Probably any embarrassing sleepover stories, some embarrassing, you know, 2am middle school girl conversations you have about boys and stuff. I see, I see. I was, you know, if you are worried about the speeches, I would just forgo them
Starting point is 01:02:37 and just do karaoke instead. I think make the best man made of honor do Do a duet of Kid Rock, Cheryl Crow situation. Get them up there on the mic and embarrass them. Don't embarrass you. Yeah, I love that idea. hotel. Everyone knows what they won't tell, but those half hearted minds tell me something just ain't right. I put your picture away. I want the way you bed miles around the wrong verse. Okay. Anyways, that could be fun. And then everyone's looking at them being like, wow, they're such idiots. Instead of them sharing middle school stories and thinking you guys are idiots. Yeah, exactly. Make them, make them the center of attention
Starting point is 01:03:35 because we don't need it anymore. Yeah. It's not. Yeah. Your day's done at this point. It's now their time to shine. Yeah. Yeah. If I talk, you know, you talk to brides, most of them are like, I want to put the attention on someone else on my wedding day. That's usually what I've heard. Yep. It's all about them. Well, any other things you need advice on? Well, no, but I mean, I think the wedding would only be best if you guys showed up and I knew that was a little karaoke for us. Yeah. Yeah. What day is it? June 23rd. Oh, I'm having a kid on June 18th probably. And I got to be there. I'm the godfather. Yeah, Charlie. Yeah. Kelly's got to be at the baptism. Yeah, we're doing it right out of the womb. Well, listen, let's say the baby's
Starting point is 01:04:26 delayed or something. I'll see if I can't, you know, make it happen. Do a baptism by brandy situation. Yep. The old brandy baptism. I will never ever. I always find a good way to get advertisements into my life. And I actually sold the baptism advertising to Barron's brandy this year. And that's miles gets the best kickbacks for this kind of dedication to the deal. So good old fashioned baptism is what we're calling these. See that? See that? Yeah. My parents are going to love it. They're going to be like, they're going to be like, you're doing bad. Yeah. Good old fashioned baptism. They show up and they see Charlie and they'll start to panic. I mean, like I didn't lie. It's an old fashioned baptism.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yeah. Just got to get the cherries in here. It's going to be a sticky situation for next Easter, but we'll give her a goal. Yeah. If he's crying, just rub a little bit on his gums. Yeah. Yeah, and it'll calm him right down. Yeah, just that's how they did it back in the day, bringing that all back. Well, anyways, we are excited for you, Kayla, to have a wonderful wedding, and we hope to see ya, okay?
Starting point is 01:05:44 All right, yeah, thank you guys for all your help. Okay. All right. Yeah. Thank you guys. All your help. Tell your fiance we says hi. Yes, indeed. All right. Tell your wife I say hi. I will.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Charlie. I gotta get find a time machine. All right. Call it in. Yeah. We'll talk to you soon. All right. Watch out for deer.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yeah, you too. Help, Miles. That would be a wedding I'd be at, actually. What? That one? What we just described. That would be awesome. I think she's going to do a lot of that.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I really like that tornado viewing area. I think that's fun. You know? It's like the odds of there being a tornado that you can view in June at their wedding. How sick would it be? So slim, but you never know. And the knocks are there just in case.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Ah, well, Miles, that just wraps her up for us. Another beautiful day on the Bellied Up Podcast. I would agree, Charlie. Yeah, well, it was good. You know, if there's anyone I gotta do this this podcast with miles, I'm glad it's you. Oh, well, thanks, Charlie. I had other options, but I chose you. Well, you were my only option.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Yeah, there you have it. Well, guys, thanks for tuning in that episode. As always, don't forget what your bartender will see in the next one. Bye bye.

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