Bellied Up - Things Old Folks Love #111

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

We’re at the Toad Lake Store in Frazee, MN. Our first caller is a trucker who tells us what ticks off truck drivers. The next caller is a woman from Nevada asking if there’s a difference between o...ld folks out west and in the Midwest. Another caller wants to know how big of a barn to build. The last caller talks about one of the coolest work conferences we’ve ever heard of. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the bellied up podcast. We are here at the Toad Lake store here in Frazee, Minnesota. Charlie is here with me. How you feeling this morning? Charlie getting crazy in Frazee and miles. I gotta be honest with you. I had one of those bad sleeps last night, man. I want those bad sleeps. I was, I was was I went to bed 1245 thinking, OK, we can get up a little bit later. I can get a full eight in. But 445 on the dot. I woke up. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Four forty three yesterday. Same exact time I woke up for forty three. It's the witching hour miles. Well, you started to reach that age, Charlie, where you just start waking up earlier and earlier. You know why you wake up earlier and earlier at that age? Is you just, if you're doing life right, folks, it's really a sign that you're doing life right,
Starting point is 00:00:53 because during the day you compartmentalize. You stick your feelings right down in the box they belonged in, okay? And they're not supposed to pop out, okay? But you don't show them to other people. But then at some point, while you're sleeping, when your guard's down, that's when the little witches in your stomach open those boxes up.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And that's why they call it the witching hour. I'm not talking about sleep today. What I do wanna do is our first ever bellied up bar coffee review. Yes. And I would like- It's 11 a.m. here. At 11 a.m an am that the TLS I was the guy that came here. And I will also say I the Toad Lake store. Did not they didn't they didn't blink.
Starting point is 00:01:38 They didn't give me crap. They didn't nothing. Why? I said, can I get a cup of coffee? And that's how you know this is a fantastic place, because it's not only serving your day drinkers, but it's serving like your morning coffee. It's like, this is the, it feels a little, it's got a, the best mixture of a diner and a bar in one kind of, it's a diner, a bar and a log cabin. All in one. They had a baby. That's what the total store. It's a diner and a bar had a love child while the log cabin cut is kind of the thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:02:11 And it's just it's a beautiful spot. I see a bonus home machine here. There's dollars on the on the side of the walls. There's the the top of a wiener and a court, a little flower that you put on your vest. A corsage. No, when you go to a wedding and you're in the wedding and you're a guy and then at some point during the wedding some woman before the wedding starts comes up and she puts a
Starting point is 00:02:39 ... Usually it's a woman not being sexist, puts a little flower. That's on the wall next to the top of a rubber penis. I hope it's rubber. Hopefully it's not just been buried in formaldehyde. Anyway, let's get to the coffee review. Okay, so Charlie, first, before you taste it, let's talk about the mug. Because I tell you what, drinking coffee out of a good mug
Starting point is 00:03:02 will make it that much better. And what does yours say? This might be the best mug I've ever done Bud's milk calling Dent, Minnesota 1990 and it's got a picture of a truck separating the Dent, Minnesota 1990 from the Bud's milk calling and it's not It's like a clip art picture before clip art. Yeah. It's what clip bar was invented off of. I mean, this is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm, I'm telling you what presentation it, my eyes are feasting right now. How about your mug miles? So I just have a Christmas tree with presents underneath and a teddy bear. Oh my gosh. And Santa is the Jack in the box. It's a Santa in the box. Yes. And you know, what's better than Christmas in July, Charlie? Well, I guess when this comes out, it's August, but Christmas in August. So cheers, Charlie. Here's miles. Here's our first ever coffee review on the belly bellied up pod. Hmm. Oh yeah. I tell you what, that is not an artisan coffee. That is a put some hair
Starting point is 00:04:15 on your chest. Coffee miles. Tell them what you, what do you think of it? Some hospital coffee right there, miles. I would say it's a step above hospital coffee. Okay. No fresh brewed hospital coffee. Don't don't you might, you might be getting me wrong about hospital coffee miles. Hospital coffee is not bad. When was the last time you were in a hospital? Just get it. I didn't say that hospital coffee was bad. I just said it's reminiscent of hospital coffee. I'm sorry. No, it's good. I'm going to feel going to drink all of this. Charles. Here's what I think. Here's what I think. I think that the coffee that was used is coffee that would have come out of a tin coffee deal. Yep. And out of a tin
Starting point is 00:05:15 coffee container, possibly a Kirkland kind of variety Costco sort of print. But I don't get the sense that this is that exact brand, but it's of that caliber of coffee. But the love that was used in, um, double scooping it, like saying, getting the, the, the filter right where it is for a normal cup of coffee and then tossing in a couple more, they, they, this is a really jet fueled up. I just think my dad would love this. It's like my dad would drink it and think that he would go to the moon. Being like, this is phenomenal coffee. And it is good coffee.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It's the kind of coffee your dad drinks in the morning on your way to a fishing trip and halfway through just gets bored and starts lecturing you about something that's not going right in your life. This is dad lecture. Dad lecture coffee is what this is. So cheers to that Charlie. There we go. I got I oh I we got to give a ranking and it's tough because it's the first one we go on stars. We go in one out of 10. We go in a, what do you, how do you want to rank it? I think what I think what we can do is let's do a little star action. Let's do star action.
Starting point is 00:06:31 All right. Five out of five stars. I'm going to give it a would do three to one, say it three, two, one, four point five, three and a half. You say four. I say four and a half. You say three and a half. It's a four. It's a four star coffee I like it. All right. All right. Well now that we got our coffee. I just did a high four High four And four stars is good. So yeah Guys, that's the first ever coffee review here on the Bellied Up Podcast. We are now got our caffeine in us. We are bellied up to the bar and we are now ready to take some callers.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Are you Charlie? Let's rock and roll miles. Do it. Welcome to the Bellied Up Podcast. Yes. Sound like you're driving. Who's on the horn? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yes, sir. They call me low globe. Yes, sir. They call me Lowe. Lowe? Yes sir, they call me Lowe. Like L-O-A-F-E. Lowe! Okay, we have a Lowe on the line. Talking to Lowe here. Lowe, where are you at? What you hauling? I am somewhere out in the desert in Arizona and we are hauling some condensed way. Okay. Some condensed way. Do you know what that way will be used for? Or is it going in a protein shake or are you just hauling it and don't ask him questions? I'm a donut question kind of guy. I pick it up one place and I
Starting point is 00:08:06 take it to the next. You're moving stuff from point A to point B. I love it. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind loaf. And I got a bone to pick with all these people driving cars out here on the road. Man, as a professional truck driver, you know, I obviously know what I'm doing. I'm a professional. But these cars, tell me why all they do is get in front of trucks and slow down. Well, I'll tell you why, Lowe,
Starting point is 00:08:37 as one of those other cars on the road. I'll tell you what we're thinking. I'll tell you what the common folk are thinking. When we're passing you what we're thinking. I'll tell you what the common folk are thinking. When we're passing you, we're scared. And so we're zooming up to like 80, like don't hit me, don't hit me. I hope a tire don't pop off or whatever. And then we get into the, the slow lane.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And then we just, we want to chill and we figure you're a big old, you know, semi, you're not going that fast anyway. So, and also, you know, people are on their phones, they're distracted. They're not paying any attention. They don't know how to use their frigging cruise control. I mean, you're dealing with disasters out there on the road. Is that the biggest issue is that people pull ahead of you? Cause you're in the slow lane usually
Starting point is 00:09:25 not I mean I'm not judging but your name is love. You know I might be in the slow lane but I'm definitely not going slow man. I'm cruising right along at 75 MPH is brother. 75 MPH. And are you locked in? You're locked in on that cruise control. Do you ever just use the pad? Do you ever do all day long? Oh yeah. You never, you never touch that gas just for fun. Nah, that's too much work down there. Yeah. His name is loaf. That's true. Okay, okay. So what really, what, what, what really makes you the most mad about people who will pass you and then slow down? Is it that you think
Starting point is 00:10:13 that they're doing it on purpose? Is it that it causes you to not be loafing and have to maneuver the truck more? What really makes you mad? I think that's what it is, man. And like, I'm going to give you a great example. I got, I got white Kia in front of me. This guy's passed me two times already. And I've passed him three times and then he just passed me one more time. Now we're just going back and forth here. Man, I want to share the road with everybody, but this guy just keeps up and down, up and down. What if he's flirting with you? Yeah. I'm just going to go back and forth here. Man, I want to share the road with everybody, but this guy just keeps up and down, up and down. What if he's flirting with you? What if this is a cat and mouse game? What if he's having fun or what, you know, you miss reading the
Starting point is 00:10:55 situation off, you know, is he was kind of giving me the puppy dog guys. Yeah. Did he, did he give you the old pole down to try to get you to toot your horn at all? Have you been looking? Maybe I haven't been looking that much, but I saw that a sparkle in his eyes, you know? Well, what would be your tactic to do you have something that works in order to tell, what should a car look out for? I think this is a thing.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I think your average driver out there is not paying attention to semis. We almost view the semis like almost that there's not a driver, because it looks like there's a big old monster in there, you know, because it's a huge thing. So I think people are not, they're not viewing the humanity inside of the semi truck drivers are people too. I know. And people should know that.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah. But they don't. What's the best, most appropriate way to act for a truck? Are you on two lanes right now? I am on two lanes. So the people who want to move slow are going over to the slow lane. But maybe there's something about being behind a semi
Starting point is 00:12:09 that gives people anxiety A, B, they don't wanna draft, C, they probably think, oh, I'm gonna go faster than a semi, look how big that thing is. So consequently, they judge you because they don't understand you. So help them understand what you're trying to do in that right lane on a two way highway situation and how you would prefer they act.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You know, we're, we're just trying to, we're just trying to get from one place to the other. You know, we just want to be big road wells in peace. We just want to be in the right lane at our cruise control and just let everybody go about their business. But yeah. Okay. When they get in front of us and slow down. Yeah. I got a strategy. We don't go about our business. I got a strategy for you that you could try out. It's in that flirting lane that we talked about. So what you need to do is next time you pass them, you need to make eye contact with them and give them the call me signal, right? Like call me. And then maybe like a heart with your hands and maybe mouth. I love you and really actually seem like you're coming onto
Starting point is 00:13:20 them because then they're going to either, cause then they're going to be like, Oh, this is uncomfortable now. And they're going to speed up past you. I got to get away from this guy. There you go. Make it a more, I see miles while you were explaining that my head was drifting into paint on the grill, like set cruise control to 75 or get behind me kind of a thing. Yeah, you could do that too. we're going with this. I like the creepy approach. I think we all, I think we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all,
Starting point is 00:13:56 we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, we all, you know, and then what's that? I like where we're going with this creepy approach. I think y'all. He's my eyes. Yeah, I like that. Yeah. So you're just, your goal is to scare them away so they go faster and get out of your way. But what do I do when somebody likes it? Well, then you speed up past them. Then you got to put the pedal to the metal. But I'm I'm pegged out, man. I can only do 75.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Yeah. Oh, you have a do you have a limiter on your on your semi? Yeah. Yeah. I'm Wow. I didn't know those things had limiters on. So they can only go 75. So then you can use, so if you're in front of me, don't be going less than 75.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah, but you never know where, you know. There's not something standard you can necessarily put on your front grill. Let me ask you this. I think the creepy thing works with the 75 deal. What are other pet peeves that drivers do? I gotta say say one of them the one where they just
Starting point is 00:15:07 Come up next to us and they sit there for miles on You are not the first truck driver to complain about this to us Yeah, we had one other truck driver call and these are the two big things. That's why we wanted to take your call We wanted to find out what are all the things and sort of get a bigger sample size of truck drivers. Because I think truck drivers, super informative, because they see the road the most, they can help us all become better drivers.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So as you were saying, them going right up next to you. Yeah, that's the biggest thing. And it's not really that, you know, we care so much about it. We're going to stay in our lane. We're not going anywhere, but people don't understand is we blow a tire that thing's going right into your car. The amount of force that those things have is insane. It's like a bomb going off. You know, it's more of a for their safety. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Clear. You know, get on, go about your business. Yeah. See, every time I'm passing a semi truck, I always think about that and I'm just like speeding up and I'm like, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. But what a rush. I gotta tell you. Yeah. Maybe you just have adrenaline junkies that, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:27 pull up next to you and ride next to you for a couple miles. They're just like chasing that high of can I die or not? I never, I never thought of that. Well, have you ever had a car go under and get your face? Have you ever had a car go underneath your semi-loaf like I'm fast and furious. I feel like there's been people that have thought about it. That would be me. I've seen some people sit right there kind of looking over maybe measuring team gauging that gap, but no one's had those. No one's done it yet. It'd be cool. Well, none of them are Vin Diesel, so that's kind of that.
Starting point is 00:17:09 All right. So folks, one do not do not pass a semi and go school in front of the semi. Do not camp out as you're passing this. I don't camp out on their side. That's not going to be safe for you. Anything else that you know, you're high up there. You can see a lot of drivers. What are most drivers doing when you when you look down there? Most drivers are driving right there staring at their phones. Get off your phones folks is the moral of the story. Everybody's on their phones these days. They can't put them down. Now in their defense, you are talking to us on your phone right now.
Starting point is 00:17:50 We are hands-free wireless, baby. There you go. You passed the test. What's the craziest... I got your number saved. As soon as I see your story, I'm telling the S word to call belly dove. I like that. Well, what's the craziest thing you've ever seen a driver doing on the road? It's got to be passing on the shoulder doing like a hundred miles an hour. Yeah, that's not good. It has happened so many times that like, it doesn't even surprise me anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And it's insane. They pass you on the shoulder doing 100 miles an hour? Yeah, cause a lot of our trucks have radars on them so we can see how fast cars are going in front of us. I'll get passed, they move right in front of me and 100 plus a lot of the time. So those adrenaline junkies we were talking about Charlie. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. Well, last question. How do you feel about those frigging robots
Starting point is 00:18:54 trying to take your job? Do the robots cut off? Don't talk bad about the robots. They just call areas. They're on to us. Well, for you there. Hello. Yeah, there we go. Going through that. Yeah, that's all right. I says, how do you feel about those robots trying to take your job? Man, I got one thing to say to that. And if you think about this, it's going to blow your mind. Okay. We think about pilot airlines flying 30,000 feet in the sky. They still have pilots in those planes and they apply themselves 90% of the time. There's no traffic up there. There's no weather up there. So until we can
Starting point is 00:19:47 figure out how to make that happen here, I got job security for as long as I want it. Well, the argument for that is, is the pilots aren't doing anything at 30,000 feet. They're mostly just taking off and landing. So all they have to do is figure out that part and a robot could fly a plane. The other aspect is they like have self-driving cars already. So, but how good are those in in the first weather conditions? You get a blizzard. That is my question for it as well as what do you do when you got to just slam it through a snowbank and if you slow down you get Stuck, you know Charlie. Yeah Robot gonna get out and dig you out of that sucker
Starting point is 00:20:34 Then you got a white call the robot tow truck Can you imagine a robot tow truck driver? Yeah, they got some bugs to work out. But you know, I Oh, truck driver. Yeah. They got some bugs to work out, but you know, I, I'll tell you what I hear. Yeah. I think that you're going to be good for hopefully a long time. Hopefully a long time. We'll see what happens on that whole deal. But hopefully because I'm only four years into this stuff and I got a long way to go before You got a long road ahead of you. And a long road behind. You get that wolf. Yeah. I gotcha. Well, my guy, thanks so much for calling in. We really appreciate you and you know, may the, may the road be with you. Thank you very much. Thanks for taking my time. Thanks for entertaining me for a little bit and a watch for deer. Now. All right. You too, buddy. We mean that for
Starting point is 00:21:29 you, especially mule deer territory you're in. We'll see you soon. I thought, you know, may the, what was it? May the road be with you and also with you and also with you, you know, I, I, I mean, clearly there's a, a huge problem. It doesn't matter what truck driver you talk to. People are slowing up. This is, this is our awareness. We're trying to bring to the truck drive community. Don't ride next to the semi for miles on end, just pass them and don't slow down when you get in front of them. That's all they ask. Well, we bring up two things on here. One is the whole robot situation and the other is that the fact that we're all driving
Starting point is 00:22:12 like a bunch of distracted robots with our phones. Yeah, that's true. So anyways. Should we take another one? Let's take another one. My name is Hannah. Hannah, what's going on today? I am in Nevada.
Starting point is 00:22:28 So it is morning time over here. And where do you think we're doing our podcast at? Well, Nevada is an hour early. I know, but it's she's saying it. Not Nevada. You know, it's like she says it's morning time over here. She's just, you know, she's starting the conversation like the way a dad leaves a voicemail, you know? Yeah, Johnny. Hey, it's dad. It's a morning 10 to 11 here. I'm in Nevada, just passing
Starting point is 00:22:59 Reno and I need you to call me overdrafted your account again. Weathers, the weather's pretty clear. Looks like it's going to be funny rest of the day. Yeah, giving the weather in Nevada might be the funniest thing. What's the temperature like over there right now? Hotter than hell. There's something going around that asking you if you've ever been cremated. If you want to go visit Nevada in the summer, it doesn't matter Reno or Vegas. It's just insane. Yeah. Very quick cremation and get a discount on cremation to send them to Nevada. I like
Starting point is 00:23:40 that. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind, Hannah. Yeah. So, um, unfortunately too, now that I finally, this would be, uh, how I get in because I've only got a few minutes before I've gotten a point right now, but I, I, I've always wanted to move to the Midwest. I have a lot of family who's actually from Wisconsin. My great aunt and uncle live in Kohler. So I have been to the plumbing museums over there. Nice. But I'm a speech pathologist. I work at skilled, I work in skilled nursing facilities. And a lot of the job is kind of just getting to hang out with people and to chat. And I'm curious, I've always looked on the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And I'm just kind of curious, you know, once I am able to move to the Midwest, I'm thinking Wisconsin, but do the old people change? Like, I guess like, how am I going to relate to some of these old people? Are there things that I should talk about? I shouldn't talk about, you know, how do I really kind of get on their level and come across, you know, as a, as a local or as a cool. Well here's, here's what we'll do. We will say what we think old people are like, and then you can confirm or deny if that's what old people are like in Nevada. So Charlie, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:08 what does every old person in the Midwest do or say? Hmm. Hmm. You know, they didn't do it like they used to. I think I think there's a lot of sort of movement and bodily situations meant with grunts, you know, kind of as you age, that sort of like things hurt a little bit more. So there's sort of that situation. There's also a lot of discussing kind of like how I won't like that back in my day. I tell you what, talking about how everything's gone to shit. You know, they act like they lived in the golden era and now everything is going to shit and everything sucks. This is worse than I remember it, you know, or they either go that extreme or they're
Starting point is 00:26:13 like, Oh, this was nothing. You should have seen what was like in 1954. You know, we thought the atomic bomb was going to come knock. This is no atomic bomb. I tell you what right now. And also fishing spots. Also a lot of yeah. In that same vein, a lot of I had to fight in a war.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You know, it's like you're complaining that your phone is out of battery. But I was in Vietnam. Yeah. Yeah. Like, oh, poor you, poor you. You're you kids these days. What you have to deal with. There was a draft in my day, you know? That may be coming back.
Starting point is 00:26:49 But the other thing is, one thing I will say that I just got a huge complaint about at the bar in Fond du Lac is the ice on the lake. You know, I tell you what, back in my, we used to be able to drive that guy's darn car out there on the lake And we keep the windows up for God's sake. There was no way that sucker was gonna break there No ice at all guys darn it
Starting point is 00:27:11 So, you know fishing conditions changing is a big one as well And I think your question is how is it going to change when you come to the Midwest? I think one thing you can incorporate that you may not have out there in Nevada is the fishing conditions. You get yourself a good fishing report. Those guys are going to want to know, even if they can't physically go fish, they're going to want to know who's catching what. And they're going to want to see pictures and they're going to call them pictures, not pictures. Okay. Okay. Now, how does that compare to the old people in Nevada?
Starting point is 00:27:51 Um, minus, minus the fishing. I haven't heard quite as many, uh, fishing stories that I assume would you would have out there. Um, probably a bit less of the, I guess. So, so a lot of the people, the people in Northern Nevada and Reno are California transplants. So I do hear a lot about how California's changed and a lot of kind of the difference between like Northern rural California versus the cities. A lot of complaining about that type of stuff. A lot of complaining about Nevada, Nevada, and with all the Californians coming in.
Starting point is 00:28:24 That's like a huge, huge complaint out here. I feel like everybody's complaining about the Californians coming in. Everybody, everywhere. Everybody. I think it's a big thing. It's Texas and Denver, wherever. Yeah. But that's, that's, it's good that it's there. The thing that ticks them off. So, so you can always relate on that. It's good that it's there. The thing that takes them off. So you can always relate on that. I think the moral of the story is no matter where you go in the world, old people just love to complain. Yeah. So now how about part of the job is a lot of dysphagia management, so kind of just helping with swallow troubles.
Starting point is 00:29:09 So I have to change the consistency of patients' foods a lot and kind of essentially tell them how to eat. And I've noticed that it goes over pretty well, but I just have this feeling having known my own grandparents from the Midwest that kind of telling, telling the older people how to eat or what to eat might not go over so well. You think that's going to be kind of a challenge? Yeah. I mean, it's going to be tricky. If I know anything about an old guy from the Midwest is you tell him to do anything. He will do the exact opposite. And in some sense, if you really start to think about it, old people are just like babies.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I have a one month old. I have to teach him how to eat food, just like you're teaching the old people how to eat. And I imagine when he turns around three years old, I'm going to tell him he needs to go breath his brushes, teeth, and he's going to go do the opposite. So maybe you play a little psychological warfare with them and tell them to do the thing you don't want them to do. So then they do the thing that you want him to do. I think that you've got, you've got that kind of reactionary deal to anything you say. So what would be best is if it's not your idea, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Like if you say, oh, let me show you, let me show you this trick here. My grandma taught me it. Then this person will probably trust the wisdom because the thing that older folks have is they got a lot of wisdom and they've got a, they got a good, I mean, think about it. They got a good idea of the way things have been done
Starting point is 00:30:49 over time for a long, so, you know, there's a lot of good nuggets you can get out of them. And sometimes that might be the deal. You find that the older person is actually eating the deal the way you want them to eat it, and then you're like, hey, Lonnie, how much do I gotta pay you to get Trisha over them to eat it, and then you're like, hey, Lonnie, how much do I gotta pay you to get Trisha over there to eat her spinach the way you're eating yours?
Starting point is 00:31:10 And make a deal with them. And usually that deal may be involved in, you know, just some sort of, some sort of a cribbage game, perhaps. Oh, bring a cribbage board. That's gonna save you right there. You know, I tell you this any, any, uh, my grandma, I talked to her, um, some, look, you go through one game of cribbage, you're going to have a whole new appreciation for the person. So I think you need your icebreaker. You also get good at cribbage and then you can just bet them if I win you have to do what I say You know and then they have then they have to do what you say because you beat him in cribbage I think you have to get good enough at cribbage that you can beat them
Starting point is 00:31:54 But you intentionally don't beat them because I feel like if you're beating them in cribbage Perhaps there may be some resentment there Unless you're yeah, yeah, they wouldn't a young whippersnapper beating them that privilege every time. Yeah. So anyway, I know it does They like to play casino games a lot to know but could bring some Bring some blackjack to the nursing home. Yeah Get my slot machine. My grandma loves the slots Yeah, get him a slot machine. My grandma loves the slots. Can you take them on field trips?
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's difficult, but every now and then they often have an activities coordinator director at the nursing home and they'll schedule, you know, different kind of outings, field trip type things. Yeah. I don't know if casinos ever been one exactly. Well, that's where I have heard some stories of residents sort of escaping to casinos since they're, you know, they're everywhere. So why, why aren't we just steering into the skid here and bribing them with a casino visit? Hey, if you eat your food the way that we want you to eat it, we'll take you to the casino this week. Yeah, I think that's a pretty good point. Probably not wanting them to, I don't know, lose any more money to the casino. They're losing it to the nursing facility.
Starting point is 00:33:23 That's true. That's just sad. Speaking of which, are we preventing you from getting inside there? Do you have an 11 o'clock start time? Is that what you said? No, no, I have an eye appointment, so it's not important. Oh, okay. I never get answered on this.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I try calling it every, every time. So my eyes can wait. Okay. Yeah, that sounds good. We shouldn't hold you up on your eye appointment. You know, we couldn't, we couldn't. Hey, let me ask you this with respect to the whole situation. You're from Nevada or you said you have family in the Midwest, right? From Nevada, but my grandparents are born and raised from the Midwest, from Wisconsin. They met in high school out in Wisconsin. I want to say something with a Stevens, Stevens point or something. Are they still out there? No, they actually did it moving to California and then back in the 80s maybe. And then now they're in Texas actually.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Wow. They're one of those people in Texas. They're like, oh, these Californians, but they would be wrong. Came from Wisconsin. Yep. Yeah. All right. They're like, oh, these Californians, but they would be wrong came from Wisconsin Yep, yeah. All right. Well, I think they've Western roots, I think if you're born and raised no matter where you go, you kind of keep that You know, yeah. Yeah, and do you think you're actually gonna come out to the Midwest or is this kind of just pipe dream at this point?
Starting point is 00:35:06 No, well, I guess I suppose it's been a pipe dream for a while, but I mean, it's very, I'm very interested in the thing with speech therapy is you can really do it anywhere, you know, there's old people everywhere, there's kids everywhere, there's, you know, opportunity to go, so I've been told though that I am in for a very rude awakening Come winter time. I don't know if I'd actually survive the winter coming from Nevada Well, are they really that bad? I mean
Starting point is 00:35:35 No Charlie say what they're like. She won't come. Well, she's like in a cremation place right now If we tell her what it's actually like, she's not going to come to Midwest. Oh, all right. It's not too bad. You know, climate change, it's really nice in the winter now. Yeah. Actually. Plus, you find yourself a good park.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's no problem. Maybe some snow bibs. And and honestly, it's not too bad. I've got all the gear. I I prep for the gear. And I mean, it's like it's not too bad. I've got all the gear. I prep for the gear. And I mean, it's chilly. We get some snow. So I like to go out snowboarding.
Starting point is 00:36:14 My only thing is the sun. I don't know if lasting that long without seeing the sun. I've actually already invested in one of those little sun lamps. Light though. You can sit inside with your little lamp and get your sun vitamin D. Someone's been watching the Huberman podcast. I just love that.
Starting point is 00:36:33 She's probably the only person in Nevada to buy one of those lambs. So well, I'd agree. You should come in preparation. In preparation. So you're, you're fully on doing it. Good. We are excited for you to come here. And there's plenty of spots where you'll be able to work with our old folks. And remember the fishing.
Starting point is 00:36:54 You got to come out here, scout fishing spots first before you go in there for a bore. All right. OK, all right. Well, I appreciate you calling in today. Good luck at your eye appointment. Memorize the chart like my grandpa did so that he could still drive around town. All right. Thank you. We'll see you later. Thank you again for calling. We see a bless her heart for working with old people. That would be a
Starting point is 00:37:25 tough job, honestly. Stuck in their ways and you're trying to teach old dog new tricks. If I was an old person, I wouldn't want to listen to someone. That's for sure. That is absolutely true. I'm somewhat say I'm old already and I don't want to listen to people. I know you don't listen to me ever. No, I don't. I see the sometimes I see I say something that annoys you and you give me a look and I ignore it. I know you take another caller. Hey, Tim, what's going on? Not much, Tim. What's going on with you? Oh, you know, just driving. That's all I do now. Where are you at? What you hauling?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Oh, I'm taking a load of stone down in Michigan. Okay. You're just a stone throw away then. Yeah, you could say that. You say that. All right. Stones drive away. My rock sometimes we could do this all day. So you're a truck driver. Yes, sir. I love it. I love it. Well belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Hey, so I bought a house, another house. Congratulations. And nice flex by the way. Tim, he's got two houses. Thank you getting his rocks off. Ridiculous. Well, I want to build a pole barn on the property, about a three acre property. I just don't know how big I want to go. Obviously I want to go huge, but money can't really afford that.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Okay. Well, why don't you sell one of your houses? Good Lord. So you got, well, why don't you just build a Shouse, a shop or a, or a barn dominium, right? That's very popular right now. Build a barn that you live in and sell the, how the houses that you got. Why don't you do that? That's not a bad idea right there. Have you considered a barn to me? Yeah, coming into the money issue. I have, but they're very expensive to build and start to finish. I was about a quarter million dollars. Oh, a quarter million in today's economy isn't bad to build a new house.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. Finance it. That's tomorrow's problem. Timbo, come on. Think about today. My guy, that's future. Tim's problem, right? Exactly. Are you planning to build the barn yourself? Yeah. Okay. How's that going to go? That's such a dad thing to say. Do you have experience in building barns? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Good. You become a dad two weeks ago and someone tells you what they're planning.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Oh yeah. How's that going to go? Good Lord. Okay. Well that's good. Miles. Congratulations on the fact that thank you. Confirmed one size, one time sex have her
Starting point is 00:40:26 here in the flesh. So you're wondering how big to do it. What is kind of youth? What are you thinking? How many, what's the square footage you thinking? I was kind of thinking either 40 by 60 or 60 by eight. Go 60 by 80, 60 by eight. We only live once robots are going to take over in like what? 10, 15 years. Go big, my guy. And, and don't worry about it. I was only going to get me started on AI. Oh, we found one 60 by 80 is what it is. Okay. What's, what's your conspiracy is, is why don't you go 80 by one 20 is what it is. Okay. What's, what's your conspiracy? Why don't you go 80 by one 20 is the real question. Go 80 by one 20. What's your conspiracy on AI? That's a very good question. So there is a guy that apparently is microwave tried to kill him over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:41:20 You got to get off tick tock. Yeah. I was with you for a second, but you got to put that phone away and start sketching that on the radio this morning. Actually, you heard it on the radio. Wait, microwave tried that. Let me fact check that microwave tries to kill miles while I'm doing this. Talk to him about his barn. Why don't you sell one of your houses for God's? Why do you even have two? Why do you have two houses? You have two families? What's going on? Yeah. No, so I have a house I bought it in 2019. And because real estate is just gone up and up and up, it's worth about seventy five thousand more than I paid for it.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So I bought another house for cash. I'm fixing that one up so I can sell the one I currently live in and have a good chunk of change and no mortgage. No mortgage. That's great. You're doing good things. Then just take that chunk of change and pour it into a barn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It sounds like you're going to be able to afford a, give me all the way there. A 200 by 240 barn at this point. I think you got to go big. Well, I got it. I got it. First of all, I checked up your story about the microwave trying to kill a man. It's from 2022 and it's a, it's like a tabloid story. So I think you're fine. Here's what you do on the bar. You can still use your microwave. First thing you're going to do on a barn is you're going to make a giant, you're going to make, you're going to pour the concrete. Okay. To the smallest barn that you can afford. Okay. And then you're going to get three walls built
Starting point is 00:42:57 and one giant sliding door. And then as you want to add on to the barn, it's just going to be easy. Okay. Cause then you just know there's slab of concrete, more walls and that door. You don't need to ever take down. You just move it. What's the most expensive part about building a barn? The concrete. Okay. Why don't you just go dirt floor until you can afford the concrete is then why don't I just put a lean to them in my backyard? What's different? That's what we're wondering. Why? What are you doing in this barn? Working on trucks, cars, projects. Yeah. Workshop.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Working on trucks, cars, projects. Hmm. Yeah. Okay. Well, why don trucks, cars, projects. Hmm. Yeah. OK. Well, why don't you do this? Why do instead of that tractor pulls over there? Yeah. You do the tractor pull. I want you. So is this is this just a hobby barn or is any of the barn going to make you money? Probably just a hobby barn.
Starting point is 00:44:04 No, no. Shut up. Do not say that. It is your new business. Do you want to write this off on your taxes or not? Don't be dumb. Make it your business. Okay. The IRS isn't listening. Don't worry about it. I'm in trouble. You got to start an LLC. You got to build it. Right now. right now. It's down right now. That would be we would be screwed, Charlie. We you know, I and you look, you've got three acres. Plant Christmas trees on some of it. There's a tax right off.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It's a tree farm. It's not a barn. Exactly. Put trees all around that barn. It's paying for the concrete right off all your raw materials and whatever you build in that barn, you better start selling at least some of it. Okay. On paper. I don't care what you do off pay use accelerated depreciation and you don't got to pay taxes for like two or three years. Ding, ding, ding, ding. He's for itself. Problem solved here on the bellied up podcast. What do you think, Tim? I'm kind of thinking the tree farm, not a terrible idea, but it's going to take a while
Starting point is 00:45:10 before I can show a profit from that. Well, you know, if the first thing you need to learn about business is as soon as you show a profit, you got to start paying the IRS. So in reality, if you're breaking even or losing money, you'd saving you money. I got news for you, Tim. You got seven years before you can even think about sniffing out a profit out of a tree farm. And you can write it off for those seven years and you don't got to do any work. Well, you do have to plant the trees. One time.
Starting point is 00:45:39 One time. Yeah. So, and you're doing good by the planet because you're probably not going to cut those trees down. Let's be honest, but seven years from good by the planet because you're probably not going to cut those trees down. Let's be honest, but seven years from now, the robots are going to take over anyway. So, you know, I mean, I feel like we got you a good plan. My guy. Yeah. Thank you. Terminator too. All over again. Yeah. Judgment day. Don't trust your microwave. So, and the moral of the story here, build a giant barn, put it in an LLC, write it off, plant trees. You now have a tree farm. You don't gotta pay taxes and a little disclaimer. Charlie and I are not tax professionals, so don't take any of our advice. It's not real advice. I just learned everything from Gordon Ramsey
Starting point is 00:46:28 You're thinking of Dave Ramsey No, I'm not so build also a big bunker underneath this thing just in case doomsday comes Okay, and put a Christmas tree down there because you'll still want to celebrate Christmas in the apocalypse Thank you for calling here anything Anything you wanna buy, sell, or trade? Everybody's got a polling tractor for sale. I'll buy it for $20. Okay. $20. We have a serious buyer only clause here on our podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah. You gotta come with more heat than that. Yeah, and you better not pay cash too. Keep track of it so you can write it off on your taxes. That's your first business expense when you buy that sucker. Well, when you make a profit, I can't even buy stuff, pay it for your business, and then still not have to pay taxes on it?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Correct, that's how it works. Yep, that's how she goes. And you can think, yeah, that's that's the that's like what TurboTax lobbyists made all that possible or something. Well, man, we appreciate you calling in today and good luck with your barn. Good luck with your pull tractor dream and good luck with the tree farm as well. I appreciate it, guys.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, have a good day. All right. We'll see you soon. Yep. Right up and taste the summer fairs with Tippycow's shamrock mint. It's like the refreshing minty treats you'd enjoy while wandering the fairgrounds in Iowa or Minnesota, whether you're playing carnival games or sampling unusual fair foods, Tippy Cow brings a nostalgic twist to your fair experience.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Here's to summer fairs with all their wild rides, crazy food, the coolest minty treat. May your fair experience be as sweet as the glass of Tippy Cow Shamrock Mint. Cheers to fun, food, and festivities, Miles. Cheers, Charlie. Charlie, summer sports are in full swing, and with that comes the chance for a few bumps and bruises.
Starting point is 00:48:37 You've seen a couple bumps and bruises in your day, haven't you, Charlie? Yeah, Miles, because, you know, I'm a fighter. OK, whether you're sliding into home plate or diving for a catch, injuries can sneak up on you. I hate when I'm diving for a catch in the backyard or at the ballpark and I pull a hamstring. When was the last time you dove for anything? I have a kid now. We have, we play catch. You've had him
Starting point is 00:49:06 for like two weeks. Well, you got to start them young Charlie. And I hate that though. But if me or a buddy ends up on an injured list, Nikolai law's here to help their experts in personal injury cases and we'll get you the support you need to recover. So play hard. Remember that Charlie, but stay safe and remember if injury strike Nikolai law is your go-to team. Hey there. My name is Nathan. Hi y'all doing we're doing good.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Nathan. How are you doing? I'm actually going off to a trade show for adult novelties. Oh, oh, adult novelties. Are you talking like, like a trinkets to put in your hutch at your house and China where, or is that what kind of adult trinkets were to our novelties we're talking? Novelties we're talking. Nothing like that. Something a little bit more pleasurable. We're talking sex toys. So vibrates in the night. You know, that's what I thought maybe you were talking about. So you're talking the hard sex toys. It's like when, when you're,
Starting point is 00:50:18 do you own it? Why are you going to an adult toy store or an adult? That's what they have in Wisconsin. I remember I was a kid and we were driving up north and I was like, mom, dad, what's the adult toy store? What kind of toys do they sell in that store? And I kept asking every time I saw one that my dad turned around and he was like, Charlie, do you know what pornography is? And my mom was like, Dick, we're not doing this now. Core memory. Anyways, what are you going to work for a company that's in the sex industry? That is great. I am. I'm a salesman, so I represent a bunch of different companies. And so everything that excites. What's in your portfolio? What's in the portfolio? Pretty much anything that you see on the walls.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I mean, I used to do marketing for them, so I help folks really just know how to sell them. And now I'm doing the selling myself. What are you selling? Yeah, quit beating around the bush. Telling the stuff that help people beat around the bush. Anything, you know know dildos There's not a more Sorry we lost you after dildos, sorry dildos what else yeah dildos vibrators
Starting point is 00:51:37 The fuck but you know all that sort of stuff. That's all that's all under my No, what's the I don't know what that is. He said butt plugs. Oh, I thought he said butt bugs. So what is the, what's the hottest? What's the hottest item in the pleasure market right now? What if, what's flying off the shelves? Let me think. I think the Rose was probably the last big one that we had out. No, if you all heard about that one No, what is it? I was all over but there's all over tiktok. I'll so it's called the rose and it was a little tutorial suction device
Starting point is 00:52:17 But it was in the shape of a rose and everyone went crazy about about a year ago a few years ago now tutorials suction pectoral Suction pectoral suction like on your pecs. Yeah like for your He said clitoral. Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what can I give the volume up in my ears a little bit? I'm turning old. I think thank you Okay, so it's a little suction anything thing and how, and then, and it's just, and then I get it. I get it now. Cool. Um, this is,
Starting point is 00:52:51 I, what does your family think of your job? That's always what I think about when I think about anyone is in the sex industry. What does the family think? Well, that's how the family got there. So what the hell do they, you know, hypocrites hypocritical of them. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was raised in Ohio with relatively conservative parents. So it took them a while to warm up to the profession. And now they're your biggest customer. And now they're your biggest customer. I've introduced them to play and I would say that they are.
Starting point is 00:53:30 They're happier now. Okay. So you are a good salesman. You literally sold your conservative parents on sex toys. I like that. That's that's like a hero story right there. This guy could tell sex toys to his parents. It was a uber conservative there. This guy could tell sex toys to his parents. Uber conservative parents. Wow. Um, which,
Starting point is 00:53:53 Oh, you know, next person on my list is the local preacher. So the next one is the preacher. Yeah, that's what it's next. Yeah. You know, we, we got faith in you. We got faith in you. What toy did you sell your parents? One of the rabbit vibes. So insertable and external. We got faith in you what toy did you sell your parents? Like one where it's I'll Google it cool so it for both their pleasure That's true that's true so when you go to one of these trade shows selling dildos and other things, you know, what's the hotel scene like? Is it getting wet and wild in the hotel rooms or is everyone like, this is a business trip. I'm here. I'm locked in. They're clearly locked in miles. Oh, this is business. Okay. Yeah. We're locked in with it. Yeah. No, I'm talking to all of our vendor, our customers. No, nothing like
Starting point is 00:54:52 that. All right. What do you think Charlie and I could use sex toys wise? If you were going to sell us, you saw us wandering around. They're like, wow, it's a couple of guys that could use some toys. What would you try and sell Charlie and I Speaker 3rd-5 We'll do a role play. We haven't done a role play. Oh God, what did we stumble into here? Charlie? Oh geez. Oh, they've got to, oh, wait, what? I'm going to have to go to confession. But while we're here, we might as well browse a little char. I don't know. I'm uneasy about it, Miles. But we at least should learn what not to do. Oh, well, when you put it like that, sure. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Oh, here's a fellow. Hey, sir. What's going on? What do you what do you got here on the shelf? Oh, you know, I've got some pretty solid stuff. What are you looking for at home? Oh, no, no, no, no, not me. Miles, you tell him what you want. I only have I only have sex to make children. Yeah, he's got one kid. He's only done it once.
Starting point is 00:55:57 This is he's got to graduate. We're a little in over our head here. You know, how long ago did you have your kids? A month ago. So I'm still in a limbo. Yeah. So no goal for a while. You know, no go for a while. So we're still building back that intimacy, right? Yeah. You could say, you know, I've got some that I think would be perfect for you. We've got something that'll, it's from a brand called Pure, P-J-U-R, and it is an enticing lubricant,
Starting point is 00:56:31 but also tastes like just fantastic, but it's going to be a warming. Use that, help build up some of that intimate moment. Okay. And then you can just let nature take its course. What does it taste like? Do you have like, remember when you went to the candy store and you got that big little thing of bubble gum? Do you have any that tastes like that? Like big league chill?
Starting point is 00:56:56 Actually, you know what? Yes. There's a brand called paradise that just came out with one just like that. Okay. I'll take two of those. Can you put it in a bag and put it on gum for me too? Can't find big league chew anywhere. Oh, absolutely. I put it in my car. There's another company that makes it in a creme brulee flavor. I throw that in my coffee every morning. Oh, wow. Now we're cooking with gas. It is always smart to stay lubricated. Throw some on your ice cream and then, I mean, that's just exciting. Right there. All right. I'll take the Lou. What are you going to, what does Charlie need? You think? Well, Charlie,
Starting point is 00:57:33 if I, if I remember correctly, are you single? Well, I'm divorced. I've been divorced for a long, long time. Yeah. But you need something for yourself, right? Yeah. I mean, need, you know, I mean, I, I suppose I could look at something, you know, but I I'm not into this. This is the work of the devil, but I'll take a peek. Oh, you know, we've got some great stuff here. Always trying to just take a peek around. But if anything, catch your eye, you know, we'll some great stuff here always trying to just take a peek around but if anything catches your eye, you know We'll talk about solo pleasure whenever you're ready with all he's ready. I think he's ready. What what what should he be looking at? Oh You know, there's a bunch of different things out there. You've got your
Starting point is 00:58:19 strokers Get a little bit softer grip on there. So you can do whatever you want with that. What the hell are you on there as well? A stroker? Like, is this like a two stroke engine? Is it diesel or mixed gas? What kind of stroker are we talking about? Two stroke, four stroke? Oh, if you're two stroke, we'll get you to something that'll make you four stroke. Oh, if you're a two stroke, we'll get you to something that'll make it for sure. Wow. They do say that about Charlie. He's about a two stroke, you know, job. And then he's done. Well, I will say four strokes are more efficient. So anyway, what in the hell are we talking about here? What's the name of this thing? It's all giggly. Yeah. The trade show that I'm at is called and me the adult novelty manufacturers. What's the stroker column? Oh, well there's plenty of them out there, man.
Starting point is 00:59:16 There's, if you don't want to do it yourself, there's one called key. If you want to do it yourself, there's another one by a brand called Tanga. So there's plenty of them out there. Oh, you're talking about Jared. Well, Jared, you may need to bleep this out, but are we talking about pocket? Yes. Okay. Why didn't you just say that? Cause he's selling a different brand. That's it. Yeah. There's a bunch of different brands out there and they're not all called pocket. Oh, there's a specific brand called that. Yeah. All I know is when I used to work, wow. All I know is when I used to work concrete, there was a guy there who got a little drunk and ordered
Starting point is 01:00:04 a package off of Adam and Eve. You know, the ones you hear on the radio stations and he, uh, he ordered a portfolio of material and it came with a free pocket and he brought it to the job sites. So that was something I never thought would happen. That's my concrete job. Really? You never thought that happened. that's that seems pretty well in line. Probably more common than I think. Well, this was, it was fun. It was fun getting the sold Charlie. You're in the market for a smoke. You know what? Look, he's a nice guy, you know, and I'll take one of what you got your least expensive one. Okay. And you better are you going to throw in some stuff for free, throw in some of that good taste and stuff
Starting point is 01:00:51 for free and we'll call her a day. No, it's gotta be tough. It's gotta be, you know, I've got this one. Keep going. This one that will come with a free movie download for you. Oh, well, I like to use the old dome. All right. So he's he's got he's got his own portfolio in his head. Yeah. Yeah. If you can't think it, you don't need it. That's what I always says. That way, you don't give your secrets to the robots. You know, they're on there. They're watching.
Starting point is 01:01:22 You know, you start watching something goofy and before you know it, boy, you're in some interesting territory. So no, I keep that all right up here. Keeps it more enjoyable too. You know, I could sell, I could go to your convention and sell them people on some, you call it your imagination. All right, man. Well, good luck at the show. Sell the hell out of your materials. And if you think Charlie's not going to do some Googling later, you are mistaken. So I think you probably found a new customer. And thanks for calling in, man.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me on. OK, nice talking to you, absolutely. Thanks for having me on. Okay. Nice talking to you too. Okay. Keep her moving. Anyways. Yeah, you get it. That was a pun in that scenario because miles the things with batteries, they move. I got it. Um, yeah, it was a nice guy, you know, and, and, um, there's more than one way to make a dollar these days. There is. There's no judgment here on the Bellied Up podcast. You know, friend strokes for different folks. Yeah, I like that. And we had a lot of nice puns in there, you know. Well, guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Remember to tip your bartender. Yep. And we'll see you in the next one. Watch for deer.

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