BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - BudPod 195 - Filler Bonuspod! "RoboJuice"

Episode Date: January 4, 2023

Wang's microphone was stolen by an orangutan and podcasts are illegal in Malaysia so here we are, a bonus ep from week 193! See you next week! Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.c...om/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Budpod195, a holiday filler. Happy New Year, Krapi Pusme, everyone. Phil is in Malaysia and podcasts are illegal in Malaysia, so he can't do recording. The various technological issues, time differences and so on make it very difficult. So I'm afraid we will be feeding you a bonus pod from the Patreon. So we've taken a fine filet mignon
Starting point is 00:00:35 steak or a stuffed portobello mushroom from the VIP area under a little platter. We lifted the platter and we've kind of stuffed it into our um jacket pockets full of like fluff and things and we've smuggled it out of the vip area the patreon to you guys to everyone else outside of the nightclub in the queue in the cold and the snow with your breath fogging in front of you and we handed this fancy steak slash portobello mushroom stuffed to the queue
Starting point is 00:01:09 of people who aren't in the nightclub eg you guys and you're tearing it apart tearing it into shred like when zombies get catch a guy um that's how i'm envisaging it anyway, with that same level of hunger and lust. Happy New Year, crappy poosmere. Send us, tweet us some resolutions maybe. We'll get round to them by next New Year's. The backlog for correspondence is huge. We will tackle that as best we can. Actually, I'll make a note.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I'll go through and cull the herd, maybe. I've had a good new... I've been sitting making resolution lists and things all day. I'm gonna... I promise and swear in this episode, I swear to you guys that there will be more sketches. We let it fall off again. We were good for a while. We let it fall off again. Sketches are our version of going to the
Starting point is 00:02:08 gym on this. And we will get back on it. I swear it. I swear it. Otherwise, what am I doing paying for all that royalty free music? Exactly. Exactly. And in terms of stuff to keep an eye out for I have extra dates for my Soho Theatre run 6th, 7th, 8th of February so please do come to see me if you are in London on those dates, the first week beforehand is
Starting point is 00:02:39 sold out, unless you want to come see me on your own and there's like a couple of chairs on their own but the first week is sold out so they added extra dates call me an overabundant Middle Eastern tree
Starting point is 00:02:59 but I've got extra dates call me a cautious singleton out on the town who's been, what do you call it? Left at the altar? What do you call it? Where someone stood me up. Oh yeah, that's right. Because I've got extra dates. There you go. Good jokes like that. Blah, blah, blah. Come see me. They're selling pretty well, but it would be nice to do the extra dates just as successfully as the main ones. Phil's going to be on tour in the spring. I will be supporting him on a lot of those dates. Check out his website for the information. I will be on tour in the autumn. Check out my website for that information. And I will be at Leicester Square. I'll be at Leicester Comedy Festival in February as well, doing a work in progress and the show I'm doing at Soho. So if you live in Leicester, don't sprint down to London unless you want to see the show twice.
Starting point is 00:03:49 In which case, physicians do not recommend. They just do not recommend. And other than that, keep an eye out in February, I think, for me and Phil's episode of World's Most Dangerous Roads. We drive through the canyons and cliffs of Lesotho. We did the voiceover stuff just before Christmas in a studio. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:04:11 A little narration of our adventures. It's such a shame all the stuff they had to cut out. I wish we could keep the rushes or something because it was like live Bud Pod in a car. It's like some sort of Bud Pod road trip. It was sick. I loved it. Phil loved most of bud pod road trip it was sick i loved it um phil loved most of it but you watch there's some moments of true peril where he's he's loving it uh a little
Starting point is 00:04:34 less sorry there's hair in my mouth and i shouldn't sound surprised because there's hair above my lip where it grows but nevertheless never nice never nice feeling. It's really mustache hairs. There's a real bristle aspect to them. They're just... Anyway. So yeah, Soho Theatre, extra dates. Please do come buy tickets because if you sell out the first week like I have, you want to sell out the extra dates.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You want to seem like people can't get enough. And Phil's tour, selling very well from what I'm aware of in the spring. He's going all over the UK and to Dublin, and maybe further afield, who knows? That boy goes to the US, don't you know? Yes, okay, great. Anything else? Any other New Year's resolutions?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Just the usual shit. Usual terrible business. just the usual shit usual terrible business oh good luck going to the gym again for the first time in however long everyone it's not easy it's good though it's good to do it's good to do be kind to yourselves and enjoy this uh filler bonus part so this is bonus pod 193 so this is the podcast episode you would have enjoyed if you were a patreon on the friday after we released the normal podcast episode 193 on the wednesday so wednesday morning you get the normal podcast friday 5 p.m for that friday feeling you get the bonus pod. So this is that bonus pod.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So if you want to live it as if it was real, you can listen to them in a row and capture the vibe. I don't know. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy. Bye. It's bonus pod 193 you arrive at the international wine tasting championships in burgundy france you can't believe you made it you've been studying for so long. It's so exciting.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's been really difficult. It's been really challenging, all the training and the preparation and the study. But you're here at the most prestigious wine tasting competition in the world. And it's all been leading up to this. There you are. There are all the other teams from the other countries.
Starting point is 00:07:02 There's France, there's England. The United States. Zimbabwe of course. Now into. It must be the fourth or fifth year or something. Very exciting. There's Japan. There's Sweden. And you are representing your country.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Podbadzia. Podbadzia, and you shake hands with the judges, welcome, welcome to the competition, they say, and you say, oh, thank you, and you sit down, and they go, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the competition, to the wine tasting competition. We will begin now.
Starting point is 00:07:51 And they bring you your first wine. And it's a white wine. They lay it down. And you pick it up. And you, oh, yes, you sort of lean it over. You have a look at the color. You give it a little sniff. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 It's crisp. It feels fresh. It's probably new. Yeah,'s lovely take a sip oh yes oh i think it's a dry riesling maybe uh from oh i think maybe it's actually german actually oh yeah then you write it down yeah great and then and your second wine and they bring us another white wine you go okay this one's got a bit more of a sort of barnyard smell to it. It actually tastes more like a natural wine. I wouldn't have thought they'd include natural wines in a sort of traditional wine tasting competition. Maybe they're branching out. Okay, so maybe I'll say this is a low intervention kind of barnyard. Okay, this is a bit pongy actually. And then bring you the third wine.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay, well, this one's actually getting really barnyard-y. This one's really starting to smell like sort of cow pets and farm and grass oh this was actually yeah okay it tastes all right um another natural wine and then they bring you the first red wine and you go oh wow this is getting strong now this is just this is very barnyardy this is really actually it's quite sort of ammonia and oh god this is actually quite unpleasant it's thick, it's quite sort of ammonia and, oh, God, this is actually quite unpleasant. It's thick. Oh, it's kind of bitter. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Maybe, oh, maybe, like, a very obscure natural Zinfandel from California, but, like, made in a garage. This is, I don't like this at all. And they bring the fifth wine there's another red and this one is thick and it's quite like it's like maroon colored and oh and this one just smells of pure this one smells like like a fart to be honest this smells like bad and you go jesus and you look up at the French guy. He's got like his fancy pins. And he's like, is there a problem? And you go, this is, sorry, is this wine?
Starting point is 00:09:54 And he goes, this is a wine. Disney Championship is it not? And you go, yeah, I guess. But this one, I mean, this smells very, is there a fault in it? Is it okay? Is it corked? And you raise it up to him and he gives it a sniff. And you go, and the guy's like...
Starting point is 00:10:07 Like, you can see he's retching. And, like, he holds back a puke in his mouth and he swallows it back up. And then he goes, no, that is correct. And you're like, oh, okay. And you... Oh, God, and you put down this natural Zinfandel. And then the final wine comes and it's just a shit in a glass. It's just shit.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It's just a single solid shit in a big wine glass. And you go, what? Okay, it's not really funny. This is kind of an important important but then you look around and everyone's got a piece of shit in a big wine glass the swedes are they're like swirling it around and they're like and they're giving a think and they're looking up and and they're conferring with each other yes this shit is your poopy poop poop. Poopy. And you go, what? And you look over at Japan and they're like looking at it.
Starting point is 00:11:09 They're looking, peering into shit and they're tasting a bit. And you're like, hmm. They're like writing notes down. And you think, what are they writing down? It's a piece of shit in a glass. What's going on? This is insane. And you stand up and you go, no, sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Is everyone gone mad? This is a shit in a glass. What's happened? This is meant to be the most prestigious wine tasting competition in the world. And we're writing down notes about a shit in a glass? This is an insult. This is not right. And then, from the back of the room,
Starting point is 00:11:49 two figures have just been sat at a big table with hoods over their heads obscuring their faces they get up the chairs push back really loudly as they get up and the whole the whole room is silent as they watch these two figures walk down the aisle towards the pod bud. Clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop, clip, clop. And one of them says, is there a problem with the final wine? And you go, is there a problem? It's a shit
Starting point is 00:12:17 in a glass, mate. What are you talking about? What is this? This is like a hate crime. This should be illegal. This is not safe. It could make people sick. And then the other figure goes, what year? And you go, what? And the figure goes,
Starting point is 00:12:36 what year is it? Who is the producer? What region is it from? And you go, what are you talking about and then we and then both figures pull down their hoods and it's me and pierre and and i say i we're both really angry and i say amateur it's clearly a 2019 pierre goes, region, England. And I go, producer.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And then Pierre lifts his finger up, points at me angrily. And I said, producers me. Producers me. And they look over at Japan. And they're gleefully lifting up their sheet of paper. And they've got it all correct. 2019, producer Phil, region London, England. And you crash out of the World Wine Facing Championships.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And you're banned from France. They tear up your passport. You can never enter France again. And every time you go into... Word has spread in the wine community. In the wine community, word has spread. And every time you go into a wine shop they spit at your feet and they say get out welcome to bonus part nice very good thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:13:53 thank you very nice producer also oh really horrible image like a log of shit in a wine glass and loads of people hushed yeah god's sake i'm 32 years old i'm 32 years old and i'm making jokes that i would have made at nine this is not right this is not right but at least at least i got to really flex some some i mean all that setting was just based off when i watched uh blind ambition so i just needed to down i just needed to sort of download all that that imagery so i want you to know the setting was very well researched,
Starting point is 00:14:45 even if the story was embarrassing for a man with an engineering degree to tell. That's the best kind of story. Any story an engineer finds embarrassing is a good one gosh well that's that's the story for this week enjoy i guess i hope you're happy now here's a controversial view that you espoused to me last night which is not controversial in the normal way but i think people will find it controversial you prefer black olives to green olives
Starting point is 00:15:31 oh yes we actually we appear and i were at um a fun little party last night and behind the bar they had a big old jar of green olives and pierre said quite provocatively i not little green olives they're big fat greek ones big big boys and they're pitted as well so we're ready to just throw in there um and pierre said i could eat that whole jar in one sitting and i said oh yeah nice i said i said i could eat like i said I could eat that whole jar in one sitting and then I did loads of like arm flexes yeah like Gaston he'd throw them in his mouth like eggs
Starting point is 00:16:14 like Gaston throws eggs in his mouth I knocked loads of other people's drinks at the bar while I was doing it bling smash bling I would flex my biceps And then point at the jar And then flex again And then just continuously say the phrase One sitting And everyone did like a little clap
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah And then I bowed And then you said And I said I think I actually prefer the black olives and then everyone went ho ho ho and returned to the conversations leaving just me and Pierre to hash it out yeah I mean it's not
Starting point is 00:16:54 an entire and then Pierre thought well this is a good debate to have on the pod this will divide people and I think it definitely will are you a green olive person are you a black olive person And I think it definitely will. Are you a green olive person? Are you a black olive person? Personally, I think green olives,
Starting point is 00:17:08 they're fine. They serve their purpose. I'm not going to kick one out of bed. But the black olives just have a little more character, a little more depth. I like that they're a little stickier. They're a little more floppy. The greens can be a little more depth. I like that they're a little stickier. They're a little more floppy. The greens can be a little pert, a little...
Starting point is 00:17:29 Tangy. A little tangy. A little uninviting. A little inhospitable. Whereas the black olives, they kind of melt in your mouth. They're kind of soy or saucy. They're rich. They're deep. I think this might be something like you
Starting point is 00:17:45 know you know that there's the thing where like based on your genetics you can taste the aftertaste of diet cocoa you can't right so when i eat black olives there's this real sort of terrible evil tang to them i think i know the taste you mean but i don't find it unpleasant i think in tiny quantities with the right combos of things i enjoy it like but but yeah just the idea of preferring them wholesale to the big fat juicy green boys and quickly what is the diet coke aftertaste um i'm not I'm not sure if I can... Well, you can't taste it. I don't know if I can taste it and I just like it
Starting point is 00:18:28 or I can't taste it. And that's why I love Diet Coke so much. I just like that it tastes of chemicals. I'm just so addicted to it. Oh, right. Well, yeah, so I'm... Yeah, because I assume that's what the aftertaste was. It's a chemical afterburn of Diet Coke,
Starting point is 00:18:41 which I think is unpleasant. I don't like Diet Coke. But it's got... got weren't you saying that or someone said that they actually got they got the recipe for fat-free coke much better with things like coke zero whatever yes but people like people like the fake taste of diet coke yes and they had to keep it yeah so coke zero is basically perfect sugarless coke because it does pretty much taste like normal coke it's got very much the same sort of um vegetable extract zing but um everyone including me we would have rioted i don't care why you like diet coke though it feels
Starting point is 00:19:21 i just feel it makes me feel like a robot when i drink diet coke it makes me feel like i'm drinking like you know like something that's good for machines but not for people yes now you're talking robo juice it feels like i'm drinking circuits especially because the can is of silver metallic. I feel like I'm drinking a circuit board. Yeah, or like it's a robot's little head that you've pulled off and you're drinking its brain. Gosh, yeah. Yeah, it's not for me.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It's not for me. But people do get really addicted. People get addicted to Diet Coke in a way no one gets addicted to any other drink. Not even full fat. I mean, that's me. That's me. But people do get really addicted. People get addicted to Diet Coke in a way no one gets addicted to any other drink. Not even full fat. That's me. I've had to stop buying it. If it's in the house, I'll drink liter after liter of it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It's not good. It shouldn't be done. If I was doing that with any other liquid, you'd call the police. Even water. Yeah, it's too much water. Yeah. You're Diet Coke-logged.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I'm Diet Coke-logged. You're Diet Coke-logged. Yeah, now olives are something that I think as a kid I thought were disgusting. It's one of those foods that as a kid, you're like, why do people go on about this? It's kind of like alcohol in that way.
Starting point is 00:20:48 When you have alcohol and you can like, blah. And then in your adulthood, olives and booze are the best. They're the best. Yeah, well, I think the only olives I tried when I was young were black olives. And so I was like, what is happening? Why is this on a pizza? And then I think green olives were sort of my way in where I was like, what is happening? Why is this on a pizza? And then I think green olives were sort of my way in where I was like, oh, well, these are actually,
Starting point is 00:21:09 then they've got a little bit of red pepper in there in the middle now, bit of garlic. You know, you can stuff them. Pimento. But you've just described such a lovely food though, black olives on pizza. Can you make green olives on pizza? It would be gross.
Starting point is 00:21:25 No, I don't want that. I don't want that. I want them... So you're no olives on pizza at all? I don't... Do you know what? I feel like I've had high quality green olives in my life and I've had the kind that comes in a tin,
Starting point is 00:21:41 like a cheap takeaway. And I think I've only ever had cheap black olives. Maybe there's a really good one out there. You've never had the Kalamata? You've never had some nice Kalamata? Kalamata black olives? I don't know if I have, you know. Maybe I haven't.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Lovely, meaty, meaty, tasty. Maybe that's the problem. Do you find it a bit mind-bendy as I do, that when you eat an olive, you sort of think, where's the problem do you do you find it a bit mind-bendy as i do that when you when you eat an olive you sort of think where's the oil yeah well sometimes they're in oil and like okay that's tasty oil that's cheating but um yeah i don't really understand also quickly you've just reminded me of the existence of cheap black olives which i've imagined and yeah those are horrible yeah those are horrible cheap black olives are worse cheap black olives i mean this
Starting point is 00:22:28 says a lot about my level of privilege that when you said black olives i just went straight to kalamata olives that's all i've been picturing for two days i've been picturing kalamata olives and you've just reminded me of cheap black olives and yes those are soapy and horrible yeah those are bad little yeah so cheap cheap green olives better than cheap black olives but fancy black olives are better than fancy green olives this is what i'll have to say this is what i'll have to say at the trial yeah this is what i'll have to say to the police okay i'm warning you now when the police ask I'm gonna have to say I know I know what we said officer but I said
Starting point is 00:23:09 I agree cheap black olives are gross but the fancy black olives are nicer than the fancy green olives and they'll go my god you're right you're gonna be behind a big perspex screen and you're gonna be saying have you ever had kalamata olives Clarice they taste quite different saying, have you ever had Kalamata olives, Clarice?
Starting point is 00:23:29 They taste quite different. She's going to put some black olives in the little drawer, and you're going to go do a big sniff and give her some advice on the serial killer in exchange for some. And give us some advice on the serial killer in exchange for some. Well, let us know if you're in the green or black olive community. Yeah, which community are you in? Green olives or black olives community?
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah, where does the oil come out of an olive? You know what? I'm so perplexed about where the hell oil comes from in an olive that I just have so much admiration for like the ancient Greeks. And like even before them, what, the Phoenicians were probably extracting oil from olives? It's like, how? Yeah. How with no technology? How did you know there was oil in there?
Starting point is 00:24:24 And how the hell did you get it out? And also, whenever you see vegetable oil, you go, what vegetable? It's all rapeseed, pretty much. Vegetable oil is pretty much all rapeseed or sunflower oil. That makes more sense to me. I don't know about you, Pierre. Those aren't vegetables. Those aren't vegetables. I don't know when you've had a salad and gone, oh, more sunflower, please. Or, oh, this rapeseed soup is delicious in the winter.
Starting point is 00:24:48 These aren't vegetables. This is my problem, is that growing up, I would see the vegetable oil and I would look at like broccoli and go, really? Where? You'd pick up broccoli and lift it to eye level and go, really? Really? Oil? Oily? I can't think of anything less
Starting point is 00:25:07 oily in the world than vegetables. No, precisely. They're the thing you eat to counter the oily food you want to eat. Yeah, they're the anti-oil. Surely. How do you get oil out of clothes? Not quite.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Not quite, Google. Out of olives. That's where we're at. Because when you eat an olive, you go, hmm, juicy, but I'm not... There's no oil in my mouth. Is there? Here we go. An olive press works by applying pressure to olive paste
Starting point is 00:25:40 to separate the liquid oil and vegetation water from the solid material. The oil and vegetation water from the solid material. The oil and vegetation water are then separated by decantation. Olive presses were traditionally built within walled structures. Well, yeah. Okay. I don't see how that's pertinent. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Okay. So basically you turn olives into a paste and I guess it's just oil in the flesh. Yeah. And you squidge it and you I guess it's just oil in the flesh. Yeah. And you squidge it, and you squidge it, and the oil comes out. But why is there oil? I guess plants have fat as well, don't they? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Plants just have fat. Yeah, but still. Isn't that weird to think everything has fat? All living things have fat, Pierre, even like plants. All living things. Do you think the fat plants are like thinner plants? Yeah. Do you fat, Pierre, even like plants. All living things! Do you think it's a fat plant and thinner plants? Do you think some plants look like other plants? That birch needs to diet
Starting point is 00:26:34 or something. Phil's out here fat-shaming vegetables. I've run out of people. I fat-shamed all the people. I moved on to vegetables Very mysterious Well let us know Phil we've got some VIP correspondents to deal with
Starting point is 00:26:56 Oh excellent Excellent Aaron Aaron gets in touch Aaron We're gonna be hearing what you gotta say Aaron says hi Bill and Ben
Starting point is 00:27:09 which I like the poopy bum man she says I think I found some aggressive tat you will love see if the tat whisperer can guess the punchline here we are okay yes okay I'm i'm not i'm not particularly fresh today but i'll i'll try so the tat is it's it's on this link is it's on etsy okay and it's a candle phil
Starting point is 00:27:37 yep and on the glass holder for the candle it says our friendship is like this candle yeah it's a candle hold yeah like a glass tube the candle is within oh yes yeah yeah yeah our friendship is like this candle if you blank blank I'll blank your blank blank blank. Fucking hell. Okay. Our friendship is like this candle. If you blank blank, I will blank your blank blank.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah. Or rather, blank your triple blank. Our friendship is like this candle. If you blank blank, I will blank your blank blank. I'll help you out a bit. Our friendship is like this candle if you blank blank i will blank your i'll help you out a bit our friendship is like this candle if you blank me okay i'll blank your blank blank blank to be honest. If you... If you blank me... If you light me...
Starting point is 00:28:49 I will... Oh, okay, okay. If... Yes, yes, yes. Aaron described it as aggressive Tatch, remember? Fuck, okay, okay, okay. Oh, shit. If you... If shit. If you...
Starting point is 00:29:08 If you... Oh, fuck. If you... Okay, okay. Oh, yes, okay. Our friendship is like this candle. If you leave me, I will burn your house down. You pretty much got it. I will burn your fucking house down?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Yes! Basically, if you forget me, I'll burn your fucking house down. But I mean, you've got it. Fucking hell. Yeah. Great. Okay. Oh, wow. I quite like that. That's kind of fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I like that, Ted. It's kind of fun yeah it's um i like that tat it's kind of fun it's kind of funny it's aggressive but it knows itself it's fun it's one of the funniest candles i've ever seen yeah of all the candles i've seen it is among the funniest yeah that's true um oh good stuff and er And Erin says some very nice stuff. I won't read it out. She says some very nice stuff about the benefits of signing up to the Patreon, and she's glad she did it, which is very nice. Thank you, Erin. We do appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh, excellent. On to all of you. But we appreciate it. Yes, thank you. Lots of love. Erin in Scotland. I have a Shat Myself story somewhere in your emails, but I might send it again to get priority.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yes, yes. The morass of emails. Let's see. Is there another? Is there another? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. We have had some issues with the RSS link.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I'm trying to get Patreon to fix it. We don't do any of the tech. We're not techies. So apologies if there's been any issues. But Patreon are the guys to get in touch with, which is certainly what I'm doing. there seems to have been some mass update that's made some people's things not work none of which can be solved by us
Starting point is 00:31:14 but there's nothing worse than sending someone a link to an FAQ is there Phil it feels so impotent but it's all one can do yeah FAQ FAQ yeah it's all one can do is FAQ
Starting point is 00:31:33 so a big old boy from Andy Andy how handy to hear from Andy Andy says Dear Poached Piers
Starting point is 00:31:53 With Chanfilly Cream Wow Lovely Chanfilly Cream What's that? Chantilly What's that a play on? Oh very good Chantilly Cream very good very tasty approaching a year ago i was honored to be featured in the inaugural correspondence special
Starting point is 00:32:12 ah it's safe to say though my original email was the product of a case of correspondence constipation and was severely overloaded it would have taken far too many louis to release it all and was severely overloaded. It would have taken far too many Louies to release it all. Far too many Louies? Of effort, I think. To release it all. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:33 At the time, there was a vague reference, you may one day return to it. I think this was just like a seven page. Maybe this was the one that Andy sent, was it full of references that we didn't even remember? Right, yeah. Like a mechanized Bruce Forsyth attacking the Falklands oh fuck it's Bruce Forsyth
Starting point is 00:32:54 he sort of stomps and shoots lasers nice to kill you to kill you anyway so he says I thought I'd save you the strain Nice to kill you. To kill you. Anyway, so he says, I thought I'd save you the strain and instead send over a couple of choice comments
Starting point is 00:33:11 from the initial email. However, I did also want to include a story I only remembered recently, but one that fits beautifully into the canon. So this one is called A Short Piss Story. Nice. While at uni, a friend of mine moonlighted as a receptionist at the local sexual health clinic very sitcom scenario yes but good important work on one shift
Starting point is 00:33:38 a patient attended the clinic who seemed a little nervous and unsure my friend tried to put him at ease and dutifully advised him he'd need to provide a urine sample and have some swabs taken. He was informed the urine sample should be deposited in a little hatch on the other side of the waiting room. He clarified which hatch it was and my friend diligently pointed it out.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Now, I can't say for certain whether my friend did or did not make the basket of sample parts by her side clear enough. Nevertheless, a few moments later she was interrupted with shouts of no no no no no emanating from her colleagues in the lab she looked up to see the man using the hatch as a glory hole urinal no depositing oh no so so from so from in the lab what they saw was the thing No Depositing it Oh no So from in the lab What they saw was the thing
Starting point is 00:34:28 The little door open up And just a penis Pissed straight into this hatch That's fantastic No no no It's being showered in piss through a hatch by a stranger horrible well depends what you're into that's so perfectly comical that's such a great that's such a comic in front of all the other
Starting point is 00:35:00 waiting patients she says as well he He says, sorry. Incredible. Trying to ensure the lab got the freshest sample possible. Yes. I'm not sure what happened after that, but I do hope his STI screen was negative so he did not have to return. Yeah, that's true. Or infect everyone in the lab with his stream. Yeah, chemical weapon.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. So this is called... Chlamydia gun. Yeah. Chemical weapon. Yeah. So this is called Chlamydia gun. Yeah. This is called medical titbit. What is? This next chunk.
Starting point is 00:35:32 He's governed subheading. Oh, okay. Oh, great. Oh, lovely. So that was a short history and this is a medical titbit. It seems you gentlemen at Budpod HQ
Starting point is 00:35:43 appreciate bonus science Oh yes please As well as callbacks to conversations that you potentially don't remember, yes As such, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and provide a medical tidbit that stems from a previous correspondent Love it
Starting point is 00:35:59 Love it Way back in episode 90 Way back Yeah, way back There was 90. Way back. Yeah. There was a story of an orangutan drinking windscreen washer fluid. This rings a bell. Usually included among the ingredients of this
Starting point is 00:36:15 are methanol and ethylene glycol, which lower the freezing point. Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. An arguably interesting fact, depending on what you find interesting, is that one of the antidotes to these toxins is everyone's favorite pleasure. Alcohol.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Ah, yes, of course. As such, there are many tales of patients in remote hospitals being asked to drink vodka or having it injected IV because it was quicker than waiting for medical-grade antidotes to arrive. So, right, so if someone swallowed antifreeze, the antidote is alcohol. Yeah. Right. This also... Oh, straight into the veins.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Yeah. This also creates the questionable situation of occasionally needing to prescribe alcohol to a child as the luminous blue color of such fluid can provide a keen attraction to a toddler in the back of a car oh no poor kids but party kids party kids it did make me wonder though whether the rangers made the orangutan a stiff drink to help them recover. Oh yeah, interesting. He says seeing one sup and old-fashioned would be a sight to behold.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You know the big sort of rounded ice cube. Just... An orangutan. You know when they kind of knuckle run. Completely without spilling a martini in one hand. And orangutan is swirling it about. You know when they kind of knuckle run? Yeah. But completely without spilling a martini in one hand.
Starting point is 00:37:50 With a pinky out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Swinging down from the trees, holding, like not spilling a drop. So like us. Lovely tidbit. Lovely tidbit lovely tidbit and then this next chunk is entitled
Starting point is 00:38:09 final thought over the years there have been a few discussions that have generated recurrent themes from the infamous coolest uncool the more fleeting
Starting point is 00:38:19 weirdest normal thing and to the modern day body conspiracies ah yes however weirdest normal thing arising to the modern day body conspiracies. Ah, yes. However, arising from episode 60 was one discussion that I thought had the potential to be longer lived, but seemingly didn't catch on.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Oh, I remember this. This was in relation to occupational phrases to flush the loo to. Occupational phrases to flush the loo to. Yes, originating from a story where a teacher said originating from a teacher saying you're expelled when flushing
Starting point is 00:38:50 oh right okay yeah yeah yeah you're expelled a few came to me at the time so perhaps it's worth rekindling some kickstarters football commentator they think it's all over
Starting point is 00:39:04 and it is now when you flush perhaps it's worth rekindling. Some Kickstarters. Football Commentator. They think it's all over. It is now when you flash it. That's good. He's written here, instead of cowboy, and he's written Wild West Bandit, which is really funny to me. That's a Halloween costume. Wild West Bandit.
Starting point is 00:39:24 This town ain't big enough for the both of us that's good and he said this is nice it's got a little twist in the tail sewage worker until next time that's good I gotta give a round of applause to that one
Starting point is 00:39:41 that one's really good that's excellent that is good i like that's really funny i think we did one with comedians or like maybe it would be funny if you were a comedian to do it like uh yeah you're right like um you've been brilliant thank you good night good night yeah or like uh ladies gentlemen, your headline act. Yeah. Yeah. He says,
Starting point is 00:40:10 uh, that's all for now. See you at Budpod live. Kind Jackings, dandy Andy. Yes. It was dandy Andy. Oh, excellent.
Starting point is 00:40:16 How exciting. Yes. We'll see a Budpod, the sold out Budpod live. Um, although we, we will be putting up, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:22 another, um, right. Well, that's all the time we have thank you so much for the excellent correspondents thank you guys and for being patreons and remember Soho Theatre dates are selling out there are extra dates available and do
Starting point is 00:40:39 get tickets for my tour please especially if you're in Glasgow because I'm in a big theatre there in April in Glasgow Scotland but otherwise we'll see you next time enjoy the Christmasy vibes
Starting point is 00:40:55 bye

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