BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 105 - Regrets, I've Had A Poo

Episode Date: March 10, 2021

The boys chat regret, royals, Nazis, tipping, Japan, bad papers, comic books, Thinking Fast And Slow, the Jetsons, Marvel and army surplus cosplayers Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See ...acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's 105. Is 105 something? I think it's still just in the kind of American infantry regiment category. 105, trying to thrive. Try to thrive. That's good advice. Try to thrive. I was recently on a rhyme-based online panel show, Pierre, called Sounds Like. Oh, yeah. panel show, Pierre, called Sounds Like. It's devised and hosted by some
Starting point is 00:00:26 young legends of the British battle rap scene. Right, yes. I've had my Rhyme hat on for a while. Do check it out. It's on the episode I'm on now on YouTube. I'll put it on my Twitter as well. The show's called
Starting point is 00:00:43 Sounds Like. Yeah, I had to do a live battle rap. Like a gentle version. A gentle version? Well, just like we were given a rhyme scheme
Starting point is 00:00:59 and we had to pass it between each other and you had to just keep responding in the rhyme scheme, but you'd only just heard the rhyme scheme. And these are multi-syllabic rhymes, so I don't know. So the rhyme scheme you're given is Call of Duty. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So the rhyme you have to come up with, it doesn't just end with T or Uti. It rhymes with R or Ui. Yeah. Like a hall of booty or something like that. Right, okay. And a ball of fruity.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. A fruity ball. A fruity ball, yeah. But it's fun to check it out out it's a good show they've got do you consider yourself a natural battle rapper well in one of the rounds they were quite impressed
Starting point is 00:01:59 with what I did and in one of the rounds I embarrassed myself how bad I was. So I guess on balance, I'm fine. That's a good balance, yeah. And also it's good for entertainment. Like that's, if you had a guest on a show like that, that's the, that's what you'd want.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Exactly, exactly, exactly. If I just got on there and just tore everyone apart and I was just really serious about it. Yeah, you'd looked up stuff about their family. Really harsh stuff. Do you think... I was just thinking about this because battle rap is poetry, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:40 I would say so. Yeah, so... So, here's a theory. Anything done sufficiently quickly is cool and aggressive. Even if, in its slow or written-down form, it is seen as incredibly old-fashioned and lame by the kind of people who would like it if it was fast and aggressive. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I was thinking this, actually, about chess. Because, you know, I'm playing a lot of online chess at the moment. Yeah. Yes. I was thinking this actually about chess, because you know I'm playing a lot of online chess at the moment. Yeah. And I was like, how would you impress someone cool with chess? And it just has to be the really fast version of chess, where people are like, da-da-da-da-da-da. That's the only way you can impress anyone.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the only way that you can visualize your skill without them knowing enough about chess to know that you're exactly exactly but yeah so quick poetry is cool and aggressive and street quick quick uh portraiture quick portraiture like the caricature artists yeah or just like a really quick like street mural on a wall yeah cool yeah yeah yeah whereas when you when you see how like how those really intricate murals are made they're like whole teams of people with cranes and it takes days yeah exactly whereas i'm talking one of those like videos you'll see on twitter or tiktok or whatever where it's like a guy setting up the camera on the floor at a low angle and he just kind of goes like with a spray can and you're like whoa what that doesn't look like anything and then he adds like one line and you go it's Tupac and it's always Tupac it's
Starting point is 00:04:17 always Tupac I think there's a I think in in America there's some kind of law federal law unless you're unless you're Unless you're within Brooklyn, then it has to be Biggie Smalls. Yeah. But otherwise it's Tupac, yeah. Caricatures, yeah, that's quick enough to be sort of cool. Battle rap is poetry. Cooking?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, cooking. Just really quickly Because like baking is not cool No because you have to wait Or making a roast is not cool No because you have to wait Flipping a pancake is cool That's right
Starting point is 00:04:55 Flipping a pancake is cool Stir fry is cool Yeah anything with flames Flames leaping up That's good What else is Other slow lame things Yeah, anything with flames. Flames leaping up. That's good. What else is... I'm trying to think. Other slow, lame things.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Going on a lovely country walk. Right. But if you run a country walk that's not cool though. But sprinting through the countryside like doing a running thing. That's cooler, though. It is cooler. You look like you're in a Nike ad or something.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sex is the one, actually. Sex is the only one which is less cool the quicker you do it. Yeah, slow is like Barry White, isn't it? Exactly. Whereas if you're like, done slow it's like barry white isn't it exactly whereas if you're like done people make fun of you or even if you last a normal amount of time but you do it like like a horrible rabbit people will go what the fuck
Starting point is 00:05:59 where's the where's the uh sexy bar Barry White attitude here? Where's the confidence? Where's the confidence? That's the important thing. It's the only one way. It reveals a lack of confidence to do it quicker rather than slow. Yeah, it implies that you're not sure if you'll reach the destination you want to. Oh, hey.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Did you watch the television event of the week? I actually didn't. Oh. I actually didn't. I even got confused because I didn't realize it was on like a day early in America, right? Yes. It was early in America, right? Yes. It was shown in America. The Harry and Meghan interview, the interview of a
Starting point is 00:06:50 British prince was on in America first. Yeah. But then, because it was on in America a day early, all the articles and write-ups were done. So I was like, oh, I presumed it had been done in the UK. And then everyone on Twitter was like, oh, it's coming. And I was like, it's quite interesting it's like it's rare that uh news gets
Starting point is 00:07:09 a teaser you know i mean yeah it was yeah i mean i i read all the you know i kept up to date though phil had twitter open uh looked at the lash then the backlash then the backlash lash then the back back backlash Well here's where you and I are opposite at the moment I actually made sure not to look at Twitter because it would make me angry and I actually watched the real thing. So I watched
Starting point is 00:07:36 the full two hours and didn't look at a single comment on Twitter This is like Children of Men He's the only man on earth with an untainted take He's got only man on Earth with an untainted take. He's got the purest takes. We are like some ancient
Starting point is 00:07:52 myth where each of us gets the half of the picture. And only together we are the smartest being in the world. But apart, we only have half of the picture each. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:07 We have to kind of connect two bits of a kind of gem on a necklace. But you know what? Well, I thought it's funny that it was on an ITV, the Harry and Meghan interview was on an ITV a day after it was on in America. Yeah. Presumably just because the Queen couldn't figure out a VPN. She's like, how do you click the flag thing
Starting point is 00:08:33 and pick America? Pick this one? That's Puerto Rico. Oh, this one? That's Chile. I hate all these. This one is faster oh i hate all these this one is faster but it wants seven dollars through paper yeah so itv went you know what we'll put it on for you
Starting point is 00:08:56 turn on channel three channel three 9 p.m number three no that is itv no it's the same thing number yeah yeah that's not that no it's the same thing number yeah that's not a different channel we're telling you the number on the knob no it's not on Netflix you don't have to put it on Netflix it's a Netflix isn't a channel no Netflix isn't a channel
Starting point is 00:09:18 this is just your regular TV but it's channel 3 alright you're ok thank you that's alright mum alright that's all right mom all right that's a good idea just having to formulate a response to if an old person asks you if netflix is a website you're like well i mean kind of yeah in the sense that everything is i suppose it has a website i don't know if you'd say it's in essence a website. Can you imagine what would happen if the BBC
Starting point is 00:09:46 had shown it? Yeah. The bias... British Bias Company. The British Bias Company? Harry should have turned to the camera and looked down the lens and said,
Starting point is 00:10:01 you won't see this on the BBC. Of course! It's the classic, you want to see this on the BBC. It's the purest example. Apart from pornography, perhaps. Well, depends how artistic it is, how artistically it has been integrated into the drama. Or how decadent your imagination is.
Starting point is 00:10:21 But it was good watching, for the most part. What are your hot takes Phil? they're fresh and preserved and no other human hand has touched them my hot takes are that our preview assessment was pretty much right
Starting point is 00:10:37 it's two hours of imagine the cage that is made of gold it is all basically two hours of that Imagine the cage that is made of gold. It is basically two hours of that. I was a royal, but also I had a job. It was the worst of every possible world. And, you know, Megan highlighted a couple of more serious issues some uh mental turmoil that she went through
Starting point is 00:11:08 and and something racist one of the royals said um who they will not name but is obviously just prince philip oh they've said it wasn't um the top two well is prince philip considered the top two the queen and the and the duke the Duke of Edinburgh are the top two yeah so it wasn't oh wait so they've said this is a thing they've come out and said okay but not those two it's so like
Starting point is 00:11:35 schoolyard the whole thing is so schoolyard the whole fucking I didn't make Kate cry she made me cry and I didn't make Kate cry she made me cry and I won't tell you who said it okay was it Prince Philip
Starting point is 00:11:50 no it wasn't him was it the Queen no she's cool we're cool but it was one of the others and I'm not going to tell you who it is it was one two hour long equivalent of typing onto Facebook you just can't
Starting point is 00:12:05 trust some people sometimes and oprah commenting under underneath oh babes what's what's happened and then replying i don't want to talk about it that's it's two hours of that someone yeah it's two hours of oprah repeatedly saying uk hun also like in terms of in terms of someone saying but how black will the child be i mean that could be any one of them that could be any member of the royal family saying that that could be one of the that could be prince george that could be a seven-year-old yeah given the context they live in that could genuinely be the youngest member asking a blunt, sort of racially tense, awkward rude question about a new child.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Or it could be Prince Andrew, who at this point has nothing to lose. He could say whatever he wanted, and no one would remember. Or if they did remember, they'd forget the pedo stuff. Or at this point, it's a drop in the ocean. The fact that like the daily mail like like obviously the press hounded and bullied megan markle and were racist that's that's beyond doubt those are the two things the british press
Starting point is 00:13:19 does bully people and be racist and if they can bully someone and be racist at the same time so much the better yeah oh that's saves a lot of time for them a lot of money a lot of ink um but the idea that the daily mouse headline today is like the worst royal crisis in 85 years you think is that what it says yeah and you just think right so the prince andrew best friend is a pedophile with a pedo island that he visited thing. Visiting him after he's been in jail for being a pedo. That's fine. All the Diana Charles stuff in the 90s,
Starting point is 00:13:54 that's fine. But this lady getting rid of a royal who was never going to be the king anyway. And the lady saying, I had a bad time, and I'm American, and I'm mixed race. That's the worst thing in the world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Those three things are the worst thing in the world in the eyes of the Daily Mail, which makes nothing but sense given its brand, but you have to admire their commitment to being absolutely insane. The royals or the papers? Both. Mainly the Daily Mail. Yeah. No paper has a commitment to being
Starting point is 00:14:32 insane as profoundly as the Daily Mail. Every day they show up. Well, they've painted themselves into a corner. That's their market. That's the people they serve people who are if not themselves crazy certainly like to entertain the insane sides of their
Starting point is 00:14:53 personalities yeah it's like rage porn for them i guess um yeah and obviously but it's wildly successful because all my friends who complain the most about the Daily Mail and its awful coverage are always on its website. Oh, yeah. I mean, the amount of times I've seen, well, back when I was heavily on social media, the amount of times when people would just post a link to Daily Mail story going, This is disgusting. What a wreck the daily mail is i'm just sat there thinking well good on you sort of widening their reach ever so slightly well done you've really shown them they're giving them all that free circulation given that they're a business model that you
Starting point is 00:15:39 know as well as i do is only about publicity and clicks like that's how it makes its money there's nothing there's no other way it makes its money. There's nothing, there's no other way it makes its money anymore. Yeah. You're essentially saying, this is the Daily Mail's GoFundMe. You should add a couple of pounds by clicking.
Starting point is 00:16:00 But yeah, I mean, even people who hate the Daily Mail and stuff, but I mean, they'll go on it to browse it, I mean. That's how addictively they've designed the website, especially the sidebar of shame. Oh yeah, I mean, even people who hate the Daily Mail and stuff, but I mean, they'll go on it to browse it, I mean. That's how addictively they've designed the website, especially the sidebar of shame. Oh, yeah. I mean, the sidebar of shame is similar to the Twitter infinity scroll. I think someone at Twitter, like, we always forget these things were invented,
Starting point is 00:16:19 and the infinite scroll was invented, I think, or was it a guy at Facebook invented it? But the infinite scroll, which, you know fault i fall victim to all the time where it never ends so you just keep going and going and going and going there should be i would love it if some some some really meddling country like switzerland or luxembourg is going to pass a law at some point saying okay okay guys there's infinite scroll is illegal now You can't have it. And I'm going to move there because it's really bad for you. You just see the story
Starting point is 00:16:52 and the times as you open it over a lovely breakfast and you look over your half-moon glasses and you say, Luxembourg has banned Infinite Scroll. All right. And you just quietly wrap up the paper and you pack away your stuff and you put on a beige trench coat and whistle for a taxi. I carefully put my breakfast in my pockets.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Pay me to Luxembourg. Luxembourg City, please city please no no one way just to be really clear with anyone watching it's so bad for you but yeah I mean I know people who are like committed intellectual progressives
Starting point is 00:17:40 who are just like infinitely scrolling past pictures of women in bikinis that i've never heard of who've had a fight with another woman in a bikini who i've never heard of these are important fights yeah do you know that thing where like sometimes you read a book like lord of the rings or you come to maybe a television series like game of thrones or something like long running and you accidentally watch an episode from like season 15 yeah and you're just like i i can't this is exhausting because so much is being implied that i'm supposed to know and i can tell i'm missing
Starting point is 00:18:16 most of this yeah or when tolkien and lord of the rings is like ah, Benethor, the son of Grand Leol who fought thousands of years ago, and it just goes on and on, that's the feeling I get when I look at someone over their shoulder as they scroll down the sidebar of shame because it's just like you'll never guess what Tizzy said to Marbella tonight, like last night
Starting point is 00:18:40 at the fuck shack fuck shack? I haven't even heard of the people involved, I don't know if it's a location or a film, fuck shack the fuck shack. And I was like, what? Fuck shack? I haven't even heard of the people involved. I don't know if it's a location or a film. Huh? Fuck shack? Fuck shack? There's a fuck shack now?
Starting point is 00:18:53 That's you saying that out loud over the person's shoulder. What? There's a fuck shack now? And they're like, who are you? Yeah. Like the amount of, of, of,
Starting point is 00:19:02 like I've, I've had to learn to survive about Married at First Sight and then Married at First Sight Australia. Yeah, I was confused. I thought there only was one and it was in Australia. No, it turns out there's more than one and now I know that and now I have an opinion on some of the
Starting point is 00:19:18 Australian people. Which I don't need to have. They'll never come up again. Well, they will come up again when it's celebrity Married at First Sight but all the celebrities are just people who were on a previous series of Married at First Sight and gained some level of notoriety
Starting point is 00:19:39 yeah an infinitely recursive loop yeah and the host of Married at First Sight Season 5 is the winner of the first one in this kind of like... In the same way that the one main character who survives from every horror movie has to be tortured by the serial killer again.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Like they've got... In like Saw 7, they've got people from Saw 2. That's right, that's right, that's right. Every... Whenever they do that with someone that's hosting or on a show again in Season 5 and they're on in Season 1 like a reality show
Starting point is 00:20:13 it should show them waking up in the Big Brother house having been kidnapped and just screaming as they look around at the colourful walls. They said it was over! They promised I was free! As they slam their fists on the plywood.
Starting point is 00:20:37 In a way you are free, but now you have to do it to other people! As host! Yeah, exactly. do it to other people as host yeah exactly yeah I just you're not supposed to know or remember this many people it's not good for you well what is it the Dunbar number Dunbar number 150
Starting point is 00:20:59 150 we're only we're only designed to know 150 people. Yeah. And now, every day, we are sort of asked to expand that to thousands, thousands of people. Just like most people could probably name, if they really sat down, 150 celebrities who they've never met. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So what does that do to your Dunbar number?
Starting point is 00:21:29 Because it's like, well, I don't remember half my primary school class, but I do remember Brad Pitt, so... Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? I remember who he is, because he's Brad Pitt. And we were in Fight Club together, my brain thinks. Yeah, gosh. Do you think Brad Pitt takes up one of your Dunbar numbers? Or is it someone... Does it have to be someone you feel you have some relationship with?
Starting point is 00:21:56 So someone you reply to on Twitter, someone you message, you know? Do you think... Does it require sound interaction? Yeah, do you think he takes up a dunbar number or do you think he's in the memory area of the brain reserved for like gods and mammals yeah exactly like i remember brad pitt and in the way that maybe uh stone age ancestors who had the dunbar number correct would remember kal, the god of rain. Yeah, I've always seen a real Kaluki vibe in Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I think, yeah, god of rain. His crinkly face in the clouds. He certainly makes the ladies wet. And the men, by pissing out of envy? Does that work? Well, that's how it works for me you know what they say see a handsome man piss
Starting point is 00:22:51 yeah handsome man pissing pants that's almost a multi-selective see yeah I'm trying to think how you could see a handsome fella you could change that to make the rhyme work
Starting point is 00:23:10 see a handsome fella my glands will swell-a see a handsome fella your trousers will be yellow yeah but ideally you'd rhyme it with a handsome as well oh okay see a handsome fella make your pants go yellow Yeah, but ideally you'd rhyme it with you're handsome as well.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh, okay. You've learned a lot from... See a handsome fella make your pants go yellow. You've learned a lot from Battle Rap. That's it. See a handsome fella make your pants go yellow. Oh, man, I've been served. Yeah. Enjoy your meal, Pierre.
Starting point is 00:23:38 You've just been served. What have I been served when I get served? Myself, I suppose. Yeah, what does one get served? You've been served. Yeah, because that sounds good. I'm like, oh, great, thank you. Thank you, I've been waiting.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Do I leave a tip? Is it customary in this country to tip? Don't forget to tip your battle rapper. Yeah, I'm there looking up the Lonely Planet guy to battle rapping. Tipping, tipping, tipping. lonely planet guy to battle rapping tipping tipping tipping it's like a little prospectus with a kind of blurry
Starting point is 00:24:08 shot of a mid-motion hand-throwing rapping guy on the front do you do that when you go on holiday that's the first thing I look up is whether or not tipping is a thing oh really yeah and sometimes they'll be like tipping is
Starting point is 00:24:24 not commonplace in malta and it probably is in malta but whatever and i'll go yes the best one is japan i know we talk about japan so much but in japan they will chase you down the street with two yen if you've ever paid really they won't accept a tip. That must be, yeah, that must be one of the most on-brand things that you do. Me? Yeah. Look up restaurant etiquette.
Starting point is 00:24:53 No, no, no. Like looking up the thing and go, yes! Oh, yeah. You're like, you're like a squirrel-like obsession with avoiding tolls, in a way. Oh, yeah. Oh, you think I'm a miser? It's not miserly because you spend money on stuff, so you can't be a miser.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You do buy things. You're not in a shack with nothing nice. You do buy things. You're not in a shack with nothing nice. But you have that... Something to do with tolls or avoidable expenses. Right. I've never noticed this about myself. I think so. I think any expense like a... Are people saying this behind my back?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Oh, there he goes, Phil, avoiding another toll. Oh, there he goes. The toll avoider, we call him. No, I just mean like... I think there's two sides of the same coin there's a side of the coin where you go yes i don't have to tip because technically you don't have to tip in countries where it's normal but you accept that it would be rude not to right yeah yeah yeah and and and would um and would um financially yeah um well but uh my words are failing me inconvenience kind of yeah fuck over fuck over sure someone yeah yeah and you understand it's been built into the local economy and blah blah blah the presumption of a tip so like you're not against tipping because you're doing it when you are seeing it as the rules ask you to yeah but when
Starting point is 00:26:24 the rules don't ask you to that's a big bonus and the other side of that coin is how much you hate avoidable fines or losses of money oh yeah that's a big one i mean when especially when i'd like when i first moved to london i remember um i got fined like the one day i didn't take my young person's rail card out was the one day I got inspected on it. And I had to pay a fine of... Because I'm using it on my Easter card, you know. I tie it to my young person's rail card,
Starting point is 00:26:54 which people don't know you can do. You save a third on your TFL travel. A third! And they don't advertise this. You've got to do it, guys. If you've got a young person's rail card and you live in Londonondon tie it to your oyster card i'm pretty sure it's better value for money than contactless anyway anyway um i didn't bring it out my young person's rail card and i got fined for using a young person's rail card tied oyster and it was like 75 pounds
Starting point is 00:27:18 or 65 pounds or something yeah yeah and i was like oh and so for the next two weeks i was like yeah yeah and i was like oh and so for the next two weeks i was like i have to save 75 pounds somewhere no yeah and see this is the thing this is what i'm saying and so i would like look i would like hope to catch myself wanting to buy something that was 75 pounds and then i would be able to go no i can't have that so i've denied myself that and i've made up for the fine which was a glitch i i think i see those things as a glitch so i find sort of like a glitch in my life that i have to fix so if i got fined i've got to fix the mistake and so next time i next time i purchase so that amount comes up i'm not allowed it you do this kind of weird mini lent yeah in your own mind my my theory is that i've played too many video games in my life and um so my first instinct when i make a mistake or do something wrong is i want to
Starting point is 00:28:16 reset i want to reload a save point because i can't do that yet, Mr. Bezos get on it, but for now I can't. And so I have to try and negate the mistake some other way. I have to cancel it out. I'm getting better with this. I've managed to view it as that is the cost of me not doing it again. Right, so the cost of the lesson yeah so it's like yeah that's a good way so it's like i was always gonna fuck up this thing it's just that now i've done it i need to be like okay i've paid to never do that again does it make you a fatalist though to believe
Starting point is 00:28:59 that you were always going to make the mistake because that's what drives me mad is that i could have done something a little different and i wouldn't have made the mistake no i i accept that there was a statistical chance that the mistake would that that okay so there's a statistical chance that the mistake could be made right every day yeah you forget your l card exactly but now that i've done it and had a bad thing from it that statistical chance is is vastly reduced it just reduced yes yeah yeah that is a good way of looking at it and i think i look at it more that way now yeah yeah you're absolutely right i've paid to lower the dice roll yeah yeah i think about that like my back injury you know when i pulled my back quite badly yeah yeah and i think if only i had i had lifted that weight
Starting point is 00:29:46 correctly but then i think well if i hadn't hurt myself you know i've been so careful ever since if i hadn't hurt myself would i just done it at a different time or would i have done it at a point of my my life where my body would be less capable of recovering yeah you know and yeah you have to look at it that way but for a long time i didn't see things that way oh man it's hard oh you can't live you can't live in regret towers oh man i'm i'm i am the superintendent of regret towers i never leave i lock up every night when everyone else goes you you've got a big um ring of keys keys yeah when there's a noise in the night I have a big torchlight and I go who's there that's me in regret challenge
Starting point is 00:30:30 quiet out there I'm thinking about my regrets you live in like a penthouse at the top you're the super yeah yeah yeah yeah the only superintendent who like a penthouse at the top. You're the super. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, the only superintendent who has the penthouse. Yeah, yeah. You're the super, but it's because you bought the building when it was cheap.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Ah, sure. A lot more people interested in moving into Regret Towers these days. I remember when this area was a slum. Yeah, Regret Towers is hard to it's hard to leave it's like hotel california it's hard to leave california hotel california oh hotel california you can check in anytime you like yeah that's that's right but yeah i think that those two things are the same side of the coin there's something about like little points or money points or that's right but yeah i think that those two things are the same side of the coin there's something about like little points or money points or that's minus seven you know yeah that's plus seven yeah i'm really bad for it i yeah i'm really envious of people who like
Starting point is 00:31:37 lose a bit of money and they go oh well i think it always it also always depends on how much money they had to start with of course yeah what's really impressive and someone that doesn't like what's not impressive it's like kind of terrifying but I guess you shouldn't be able to shrug off a certain amount of loss if you don't have that much more than the amount you're losing right right? But then some people can still do that. They're just immune to the feeling. Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah. Well, you'll never
Starting point is 00:32:09 be a gambling addict. That's true. I mean, we play the occasional poker together and I can't... Yeah, I'm very... If I lose enough money I just go, well, I can't play poker for a while now. Until my manna recharges. Yeah, yeah, well, I can't play poker for a while now. Until my mana recharges.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah, man, gambling addiction is a brutal thing. I don't get it myself. I could never do it, but I understand addiction. Well, I'm addicted to chess right now. I'm definitely addicted to chess. I play chess a lot at the moment. Yes, gambling addictions are harder to comprehend because from the outside they look like someone
Starting point is 00:32:48 feeding money into a negative equation but it's all about the thrill and the love of the game and the odds and maybe this could work and the self harm of it all yeah the glorious juicy damage, Phil.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Well, I'm currently reading, and I've been reading it for a while, and it's why... Part of the reason why we were talking about regression to the mean recently, but Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow. Oh, yes. I'm reading it slow.
Starting point is 00:33:28 But it's... And it's all about it's and it's all about biases and it's all about um human biases and how our human brains are always ignoring statistics and we just go for what we feel what we think in our individual case and we extrapolate individual cases to embody a general but we never use a general to inform the particular so if you meet one person say who is um we meet one person who is from luxembourg and they're really rude to us we it's very easy for us to go people from luxembourg are rude but if we read a statistic that said people from luxembourg are very rude and then we met a friendly luxembourgian one of the few friendly luxembourgians we'd go oh that statistic is wrong luxembourgians are actually very nice but it's incorrect yeah you should always follow
Starting point is 00:34:16 the statistics but as our minds are not you know we're not attuned to following statistics we follow our own experiences and the stories we make. On the presumption that the statistics are correct, of course. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, that's a heavy assumption, of course. Yeah. Yeah, I've got that book and I've read sort of bits of it and I cannot think of any other book
Starting point is 00:34:39 where every chapter is a life-changing revelation that I almost immediately forget. Yeah, you just kind of have to stick with it it's one of those books where i'm reading other books while i'm reading it yeah i i remember quite long reading it and at the end of every chapter i'd be like what i and then there'd be like some stuff would be quite complicated and there's a nice little summary at the end of every chapter and i would go go, my God, the scope of this. Well, if you could just master this, and then I could feel it draining from my mind,
Starting point is 00:35:15 like liquid just coming out of a sieve, just blah, blah, blah. And as I was saying, well, now that I know this, I eat a potato apple pie, blah, blah, blah, well, now that I know this, I eat a potato apple pie. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I could feel myself going stupid again. Just turning back from man to mud. Yeah, just turning back into this gorilla going, having just elevated myself to the status of a sort of god.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I guess that's when you realize what makes these people geniuseses yeah and an economist like daniel kahneman a genius it's like you read one of those chapters you go oh yeah i get that i guess i'm very clever and then the next day you've forgotten it and you realize oh he has this entire book in his head all the time he always knows this yeah yeah exactly he doesn't need any help from anyone to know this like that book i was discussing but the one about how there's a chapter that says time isn't real oh yeah i need to read this one that's by the italian guy yeah yeah yeah the guy who's the co-wrote or co-made tenant tenant tenant oh yeah uh in some way i can. He was like the advisor or he inspired it or what's his face rang him up and said, I like your book, Science Man.
Starting point is 00:36:30 What did you say? We turned it into a talking picture. Quantum, the movie. Yeah. And the idea that there's just this sort of cheerful sort of middle-aged Italian guy just kind of, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, just going around. He has a little sandwich. And in his head, he's just the knowledge that time isn't real
Starting point is 00:36:57 and that time-space is granular. Yeah. And then he's just like, oh, I think'll have a um a latte like he could just exist it's a similar i have a similar perplexed feeling to someone like that as i do and maybe i've said this before of seeing like a crazy street preacher like obviously insane but who has the shirt buttoned up and presumably got up that morning and brushed their teeth and made themselves breakfast and went like did all that and then just got on the street and went he's coming to kill us all
Starting point is 00:37:39 do you think um do you think uh well well in the morning while they're brushing their teeth, they're doing like vocal like, Satan! No, that's too high. Satan! Oh, there we go. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me. And the wife is like straightening his tie. Have a good day at work, honey. Oh, I always do. Give him one for me.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Oh, I always do. Give him one for me. And she looks like the wife from... Oh, the fucking Jetsons. Oh, yeah. You know? Judy Jetson? Judy, yeah, his wife. Judy?
Starting point is 00:38:19 No, no, Jane. Jane, his wife. Jane, his wife. Yeah, Jane, his wife. His wife. That's a funny rhythm. Jane, his wife. Jane, his wife. Yeah, Jane, his wife. His wife. That's a funny rhythm. Jane, his wife. Verging on panic.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Jane, his wife. Don't say anything. What an amazing cartoon to have three sexist jokes in the intro. Oh, when she pulls the cash out of his wallet yeah and this guy's like like i something quite addictive about 1950s to 1970s media is just the idea of like obviously there's sexism and then there's racism in some of them as well but the relentless certainty that every man is is just miserable and hates every element of his life is sort of astonishing in its consistency you think isn't there one show where the guy's like uh he's just fine and they're like no
Starting point is 00:39:19 he hates his wife his children are awful maybe maybe it's because maybe it's something about comedy having to be some sort of inversion of society and so so in comedy in funny situation the guy is the powerless one and the wife holds all of power yeah i mean it's interesting looking back isn't it all these shows where it's like even the jetsons or the flintstones or any of those where it's like a guy with a job who's like yes mr spacely no mr spacely and having to like get kicked around and he's not paid enough and it's from an era when an entire house with no mortgage was two years salary. Right. It was like the easiest it's ever been in history to be a
Starting point is 00:40:10 landowner. Oh yeah, the quality of life was unbelievable. The guy who managed your local McDonald's, his wife and kids didn't have to have jobs. Yeah, and all of a sudden it comes about, clocking in for another day at the office that's right well i'll be here dear um i don't need to work remember because you make so much
Starting point is 00:40:34 yeah bye you make so much money that i'll be here perfecting our home we own we need to come back and complain about how hard everything is. Yes, for you to come back to a fully made, elaborate dinner. In a beautiful, huge house. That you own. Must be worth millions now. Yes, that you've bought in an area that's going to be heavily urbanised over the next few decades in a kind of gentrifying way.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Your boss is coming over for dinner why i only have this huge open plan kitchen to make that dinner in what's the dinner why it's the most expensive meats in the world and i and take seven hours to cook them and i have all that time. Yeah, they're just complaining. Speaking of, have you watched WandaVision? No, everyone's been creaming their jeans about it. Yeah. The sprinkles I've received through my feeding tube on Twitter look very delicious. It's good.
Starting point is 00:41:42 It's so interesting. It's two characters from the Marvel Cin. It's so interesting. It's basically, it's two characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and they're, without spoiling anything, they're in an old American style sitcom. Yeah. It's Vision and Scarlet Witch.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Is that right? Wanda. Was she Wanda? Maximoff, I think the name of the character is. Like, not very interesting character in the movies. I never cared about them. I found them quite boring. But this show is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Is she Scarlet Witch or is she her own thing? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. There's too many. I've given up. Yeah, there's too many. Is it Pokemon? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:19 But the Marvel achievement is extraordinary in the amount of detail and the diversity of characters. They've somehow managed to get the world to follow. The world. It's unbelievable, their achievement. I mean, and WandaVision is such a weird show. The concept is so out there and so bizarre.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah. It's unbelievable that, well that well one the tv show that would ever be made two that'll be made on the disney plus and would be made with characters that have been in billion dollar grossing uh mainstream films well that's it it's so big marvel they've done so well they can just fuck around. That's the overspill. DC haven't even got the first film correct. They haven't even got their Avengers correct.
Starting point is 00:43:13 They're still going, maybe Batman and Superman have the same mum. What? Meanwhile, Marvel are bending the form and people are letting them because they've they've smashed the rest so well already but it's just it's it's overspill when something is so successful the overspill is still like 0.001 but when it's such a big whale that little bit of blubber
Starting point is 00:43:38 what do you mean so like or the overspill of fans who would follow something like wonder one division fans budget revenue you name it yeah yeah they can literally look at it and go okay a quintillionth of of the people who like this could enjoy this and it would still make double what it costs to make sure done you know yeah the margins must be nuts absolutely nuts yeah yeah the only the only thing that stops something like harry potter being the same is the fact that lots of the character names or words are different in different languages but even then you're probably still like i i i bet you there's something weird like like in the vietnamese parliament someone's referenced quidditch in a metaphor like that kind of level of insane penetration of like object fiction that is objectively for
Starting point is 00:44:31 children yeah i love i love reading some things about how it's like comic books are sort of they have all these actually very mature themes and that and they can do now but there's a there's a thread of like comic book almost academia that tries to find these original significances and meanings in the in the first in the beginnings of these superheroes like when superman was just created when batman was just created you know superman was you know when batman was just created you know superman was you know he was created by jewish immigrants to america it's about immigrants it's about an literal alien being in america but finding themselves to be powerful and they
Starting point is 00:45:17 celebrated on the one hand but also also also rejected by society on the other and i just kind of go i think it's just a guy who's really strong. I think it's just a guy who... I think they came up with a guy who's really strong and we've loaded it with meaning afterwards. And that's fine too. There's no need for us to be all Adam Curtis about the start of comic book culture.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But then we get into the territory of like, when does it matter if the author knew what they were doing or exactly yes yes yes yes but i i get a bit more sick of the i mean obviously comic books or graphic novels can be you know amazing and fancy and you know alan moore and and all the rest of it but like yeah there is a certain there's a certain type of convention attendee that um is sort of like feels the need to write some rambling blog about how whatever minor marvel character they love their arc is like shakespeare worthy and always like great literature and the same and you think come on man come on man he shoots lasers out of his hands
Starting point is 00:46:30 come on yeah I mean yeah it's just a different thing and that's fine yeah I mean there's lots of cool stuff like the themes within the X-Men are cool as well about being ostracized from society. But also whether or not you're like Magneto or Professor X, right?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Resistance or trying to work with... I see, I see, I see. Interesting, yes. And then obviously, canonically, Magneto's a concentration camp survivor. That's right, that's right. That's a great one. The first of the newer X-Men. The one, what was it, first class?
Starting point is 00:47:12 When he's in the bar. Yeah. The Alpine pub. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's great. That's really good. I think that's the best X-Men film.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Magneto, Nazi hunter. Yeah, that's good stuff That's really good. I think that's the best X-Men film. Magneto, Nazi Hunter. Yeah, that's good stuff. That's good stuff. I know this isn't how we say woke to say, Pierre, but I feel bad for the Nazis sometimes because
Starting point is 00:47:38 like it's the only person in a historical movie where you can have them on screen just like literally mutilated mutilated and people in in your audience will go yeah yeah get them and it's like a close-up of eli roth machine gun gunning Hitler's face into a pulp. And people don't even look away. They're like, yeah, yeah! Pour it in my eyes. I'm not trying to express
Starting point is 00:48:12 any solidarity with the Nazi cause here, but if you're a quiet Nazi, or if you're one of these alt-right guys watching these films, you must feel a bit like... you must feel a bit uncomfortable. I love the idea of a neo-Nazi
Starting point is 00:48:28 leaving a screening of Inglourious Bastards and going oof! Gives you the shivers! Yeah, I didn't like that. I mean, the first scene was great, but that so sad ending was a bit... I wasn't expecting that.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yeah, dabbing their eyes with their armband. Oh, God. Really sad about it. Do you think neo-Nazis hate the fact that Magneto survived a concentration camp? Like, they hate that he's sort of implied to be Jewish? Or do you think that that fits with their insane conspiracy theories? They're like, yes,
Starting point is 00:49:08 that's what we think. We're kind of on board with this metaphorically. We just agree on what direction. I don't quite understand. Well, they think Jewish people are like secretly superpower villains who run the world, right? So they're not against
Starting point is 00:49:24 that conceptually. Okay, okay. They just want to win. And presumably they'd be happy with his villification in the X-Men universe. That's true, yeah. That's an uncomfortable thought. Put him in the plastic jail, yeah, get him!
Starting point is 00:49:43 The funny thing is, the average Nazi accent Probably isn't that anymore No it's like a sort of Yeah put him in the plastic jail Get him in the jail boys That's right Make his handcuffs out of wood I don't know
Starting point is 00:49:58 Or it's just like a guy from I mean let's face it Luton Yeah yeah yeah Probably Luton. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Probably Luton. Yeah, probably, yeah, exactly. Whereas, like, yeah, that's true. The continental
Starting point is 00:50:12 fascists now all have kind of, well, they've got their own logos, and they talk in more abstract terms, don't they? They've sort of a bit swish now, the continental fascists. Well, I mean, Europe always does that, don that don't they make things a bit more fancy yeah well i mean um you've actually seen a nazi in the wild yes yes yes yes yeah i'm pretty yeah as illustrated by lumps the illustrator who's great on instagram
Starting point is 00:50:42 yeah check them out the tube nazi the tube nazi the illustrator, who's great on Instagram. Check him out. The Tube Nazi. The Tube Nazi, that's right. And I probably asked you this before. He had a swastika just on his head. Can you not get arrested for that? I don't... I guess in Germany.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah, in Germany he would. It's not illegal to just have one. But I mean... Prince Harry had one. Prince Harry had one on his fucking sleeve back when he was, you know... How old was he when he was at that party?
Starting point is 00:51:16 I'd love it if he... He wore it to the interview with Oprah. Yeah, we just think the royal family is a bit racist actually they just wouldn't let us dress however we wanted I felt very repressed it would be amazing
Starting point is 00:51:44 to have a chat how do you become a neo-nazi really now you know it's not a fucking internet i guess it starts with one you start with one grievance about something very particular to your life and you end up down a rabbit hole that eventually you build this chain of influences and events and causes that links your own personal difficulties to this greater conspiracy. To some extent, I think that loads of these people, the anti-vaxxers, the neo-Nazis, the lockdown conspiracists, all of these people, they just want to be able to walk around with a head full of secrets. You mean they enjoy believing that it's all a conspiracy?
Starting point is 00:52:34 I think they enjoy it. Obviously, they are actually motivated by racism or whatever. It's not that they aren't sincere, but I think a lot of the appeal is them going like, I know the things. And if you knew the thing about me, then I'd be in trouble but i'm not i'm like undercover i mean it's like it's the equivalent of what we say about the far leftists who don't want to win it isn't about winning it isn't about changing things it's about it's about feeling you know something other people don't and having a club yeah I'm in a big fight
Starting point is 00:53:06 and yeah LARPing it's like LARPing like when you see all those American fascists wearing like tactical gear they've bought from an army surplus yeah and they're always just the most splendidly
Starting point is 00:53:21 fat men splendidly fat men. Splendidly. Yeah. Yeah, those vests are in army surplus because they didn't fit any of the actual soldiers. Or when you see this, like, bulletproof vest that's, like, a third the size of this fat guy's chest and it's like, you're really hoping they aim for the vest, right?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, you're protecting one ventricle at this point. One segment of your hyper-enlarged liver is safe from an imaginary bullet from a police force that is more similar to you than it is to any other segment of the population. Yeah. Is it nice having so little american news from about america at the moment it's it's like america has it's like america's deleted its social media i mean it literally has it literally has did you see um donald trump is suing
Starting point is 00:54:25 or making a legal demand that the Republican Party stop using his name and face to raise money for itself really yes
Starting point is 00:54:33 he's like he's saying like you don't have any rights to my image you can't do that because he's a brat that's hilarious isn't that amazing
Starting point is 00:54:41 he's already like slapping their little hands away from his pockets that's so I don't yeah because some hilarious. Isn't that amazing? He's already slapping their little hands away from his pockets. That's so... I don't... Yeah, because some of the Republicans who sort of were flirting with denouncing him are now sort of back on...
Starting point is 00:54:56 Are they back on the wagon? They're pretty back on the wagon. The only ones who aren't are the ones who want to run themselves. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. This is something I'm not sure of. If he wins another term, that is his second term done, right? You only allow two terms, even if they're split apart?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yes. All right, okay. Yes, the last person to do two terms but split, I think, was Grover Cleveland. Grover? Grover, yeah. Wow. Yeah. He loved groves.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Grove in about town. That's right. But has there ever been a group more, I'm going to say it, Phil, cucked than the Republicans by Donald Trump? It's embarrassing. He burst in through the doors, took everything from them, personally insulted
Starting point is 00:55:48 them and all of their wives, and in some cases their dead fathers, made them still support him for four years, exploded and left. And left. And they're still like, come back, daddy. Please. Please. It's funny for
Starting point is 00:56:04 a party, a party so heavily identified, a party who so heavily identified themselves as being the party of freedom, liberalism, as in bigger liberalism, as in being in charge of your own destiny, to be completely beholden to the whims of one man. And the party that's supposed to be like, we tough okay and we don't need any it's all about self-reliance
Starting point is 00:56:30 tough decisions you know and and and and strong values phil if anyone messes with me then who and then all you need in america to succeed is the grace of god a strong spirit and rights rights to the Donald Trump trademark. And then, yeah, Donald Trump just shows up and says to Ted Cruz, your wife's ugly and your dad killed JFK. He literally said, he literally said. You got an ugly wife and your dad killed jfk and you're a fucking loser and then he's just like do you want me to suck your dick now or what does he say in private i'm obsessed with what these people say in private they must
Starting point is 00:57:18 know ted cruz went to princeton or harvard or one of them he's not dumb academically unless he was a legacy maybe he just got in because he might have been like a george w bush harvard person that's true actually yeah where they just went um yeah guy guy who should be like running a karaoke bar we're going to teleport you into harvard almost to see what happens yeah there's a wing. Yale, he's Yale. So you can, yeah. The dad wing. We're putting you in the dad wing. You know, like Harvard and Yale and Princeton.
Starting point is 00:57:53 You're literally under your father's wing. Yeah, you know that the dad wing of Harvard or Princeton or wherever is where all the best parties happen because those guys have nothing to lose. lose um okay guys that is enough bud pod for this week we hope you have a good week freedom is coming bye everybody bye stay safe

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