BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 169 - BonusPod special! 'Sing to me'

Episode Date: June 22, 2022

Wang is away! So here is a chunk of Patreon fun: The lads chat psychos, trolley problems and correspondence from Emily, sketch is Hannibal riddles Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See aca...st.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Budpod169. Hello folks. Hello folks. Phil is away. He is filming. I think I'm allowed to say this because I think it's on the industry website. Total, as a little announcement. Where's the article? Where's the article? Oh God. I should have found... Outsiders. Yes, it's announced. David Mitchell series, Outsiders, where you are outside and David Mitchell makes you demonstrate
Starting point is 00:00:35 that you can survive the apocalypse. I think that's it. Wang's doing that as we speak. I'm recording this on Monday the 20th of June. Excuse me. Wang's off doing that. So Wang... Wang's in the woods. As we speak, I'm recording this on Monday the 20th of June. Excuse me. Wang's off doing that. So Wang, Wang's in the woods, surviving, hopefully, fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Hopefully he's not in a sort of 127 hours style situation. I know that he took, I know that he made sure to take a gun, a knife, a sort of scream mask, I think. He said it was for a film, for a TV show. Joking, of course. Last thing I want is for people to raid the filming set and arrest Phil for, well, he's many crimes, I suppose. Anyway, by way of compensation, the reason, normally, I mean, you guys know, we have not let being in different hemispheres stop us from recording before. However, Wang's in the woods. Even the woods doesn't have enough Wi-Fi and connection and he couldn't take the microphone. You can imagine, have enough Wi-Fi and connection and he couldn't take the microphone. You can imagine. He's literally in a tent in the woods and filming all day, of course. Doing... Knifing a squirrel, I guess? Hunting rabbits? Do you think they make them hunt? I haven't seen the first series,
Starting point is 00:01:56 I have to admit, of Outsiders. Do you think it's better or worse to hunt a rabbit by snaring it in a kind of classic rabbit hunter way? Or by sneaking up behind it completely nude but painted in mud like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator? And just cutting the rabbit's throat and going, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, while you do it? Which is weirder? That's what I want to know. Which of those two do you think is the least odd right
Starting point is 00:02:26 yes so by way of compensation by way of compensation you are about to be treated to the bonus part 166 so this was the bonus part from 166 which was 3 or 4 weeks ago I think it's a nice little chunklet and
Starting point is 00:02:43 if you are un listener ordinaire, you will not have heard it. And the vast majority of our listeners are listeners ordinaire. So, patrons, bear with us. We hope you enjoy the repeat. And in the patron... In the Patreon,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I will be doing a sort of solo nonsense thing. So, enjoy that. Also, I have got lots of gigs I posted about them on my Instagram lots of gigs coming up lots of previews at the Bill Murray in London and at 2 North Town in London working on my show baby
Starting point is 00:03:15 and there's going to be lots more in July as well so I mean you never know when I'm coming to your local area people keep saying like oh when you come to Bristol or when you come to wherever I am and often the answer is I was there last week. People need to be more aware of what's their local amenities, guys.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You'd be surprised how many great comedians you can see down the road all the time, at least in the UK. Anyway, so enjoy the following. It is bonus pod 166. It's bonus pod 166.
Starting point is 00:04:05 You turn up at the discreet door down the alley private investigators it says you're nervous about this you've never hired a private investigator before but you're pretty sure your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you and you just need to know so rap-a-tap-tap you knock on the door, rap a tap tap and there's a little
Starting point is 00:04:29 sliding thing at eye level that goes and two eyes appear and the voice goes, yes what is it and you say, I'm here for the buds I need the buds
Starting point is 00:04:44 to investigate my boyfriend or girlfriend. And you break down crying. And the eyes go, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, calm down. And the door opens up. But the person who was there is gone. It's just a hole. And you go, oh, okay. And you walk through.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And you're walking past. And it's like the paint is peeling and the pipes are clanging. You're like, oh God, someone needs to fix this building. And you go up some stairs onto the next floor and then it's like a row of doors with those sort of kind of the glass bit, but it's sort of murky glass, you know, the kind of, I don't know, distorted glass they have on bathrooms or whatever. And,
Starting point is 00:05:30 and on each, and on each door, and on the first door, it says evidence. And you're like, wow. And on the next door, it says dark room.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Gosh, cool. And then on the final door, it says the buds. Underneath the buds says written, investigators uh pu detectives i don't know and you open the door and it's a big mahogany desk and um you're like hi i'm here for the buds i need you to check up on my butt and then just as you see on the wall is like a big cork with loads of black and white photographs of you photos of you getting out of your car photos of you at the supermarket photos of you voting photos of you putting something in the post, photos of you at a party, photos of you,
Starting point is 00:06:25 like on the toilet, photos of you playing at an open mic night with your hat on, because you went in disguise, because you embarrassed them by playing guitar in public, but you thought, no, I need to come out of my shell. But how do they know that was you playing Wonderwall?
Starting point is 00:06:44 And you're like, like wait what's going on and then from out of a corner Pierre and I walk in a big trench coat that we're sharing, both of us so Pierre's on the left side of the trench coat, I'm on the right side of the trench coat
Starting point is 00:07:00 and we say not so nice to be followed by a private investigator is it how do you think your boyfriend or girlfriend will feel and you start to break down you go yes you're right sorry this wasn't the right thing to do i shouldn't hire you guys and then we go hey no no we didn't say that we just say that. We just want you to know how it feels. Okay, so when do we start? Welcome to Bonus Pod.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I really like the mental image of, you know, when people put their hands out with their palms flat facing you and go, no, no, no, no, and like wiggle the arms? Yeah. That, but it's like my left arm and your right arm. That's right, in the same big coat. No, no, no no no and like wiggle the arms yeah that but it's like my left arm and your right arm that's right in the same no no no we both do in the trench coat and it's perfect and like our right my right arm and your left arm are like we're like around each other's waists almost i guess see isn't this funny i pictured me in the right and you in the left is that is that narcissism do you do you imagine yourself on your on if you're right-handed maybe imagine yourself on the right hand
Starting point is 00:08:08 so maybe that's what it is maybe that's what it is um and i will say in response to um uh a query from a from a dear listener um those are not planned those things you say we don't even plan them at all like it is really just a plunge in. Can you believe I improvised these? Can you believe? I like the idea of the buds, man. Take it to the buds. Yeah, that's fun. I think that's a cool...
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, that sounds cool, the buds. It's cool, man. Get the buds on it. The buds get results. Get the buds on this. Yeah. Very cool. That's a funny detective
Starting point is 00:08:45 character there's two guys in in a coat but instead of like instead of two kids stood on each other's shoulders there's two grown men side by side yeah we see we needed to seem bigger we're siamese detectives what if it was two men in a two like that's the backstory of the buds is that they were two kids in a trench coat. Oh, that's fun. And they just got really... They got used to it. They love it.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, and eventually they got too big to be on each other's shoulders, but they weren't too big to be side by side. Yeah, because for a while they were like, we can't tell people we're 11 feet tall. That's insane. Okay. It'll have to be side by side.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That's good. Another gold star idea from us. Another great idea. Another great idea. We're basically the Coen brothers over here. We're the Coen buds. The Coen budders. The Coen budders. We're the cohen we're the cohen buds the cohen butters the cohen butters we're the cohen butters where's our five-part hbo series spread over a decade that's what i want to know
Starting point is 00:09:53 i've still not seen the new fargo series the last one i saw was because they don't go on netflix they haven't gone on netflix the last one i saw was the one with umwan McGregor. Yeah, me too. Oh, yeah. It was really good. Oh, yeah. But then there's one with Chris Rock in the main part. Yeah. I've not seen that.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I think Chris Rock's face looks weird. Hmm. I think he's had a lot of Botox. Yeah, I think he probably has. Because his face used to be like, part of his act was what an expressive face he had. And he probably has. Because his head, his face used to be, like part of his act was what an expressive face he had. And he still has an expressive face, but now it's really like shiny and tight on his skull.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yes, yes. It's expressive and taut. So taut. Like a drum, his face. Yeah. Yeah, like, yeah. Like he's one of the medical students like muscular skeletal
Starting point is 00:10:52 model that's come to life. Yes. Yeah, yeah. And he's doing comedy. Yeah. Yeah. And being slapped, of course. Being slapped about with that taut, taut skin. That's why he gives such a good sound. It's like a tight drum. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And like, depending on where you slap his face, it gets a different like... Yeah, there's a snare. There's a snare. If you tap him under the chin, it... Yeah. Yeah. If you slap him on top of the head, it...
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's like, yeah, if you just slap him around enough of the head It's like yeah If you just slap him around enough you can get a whole kind of like Stomp thing happening Well Phil Talking of detectives And the criminal mind And violence And violence
Starting point is 00:11:44 You and I were discussing just now someone not someone we know but someone we know of shall we say in the entertainment business who we reckon is an absolute psycho and we don't mean that rhetorically we mean genuinely
Starting point is 00:12:00 dead eyes of a shark yeah psychopath and I was reminded of this riddle that supposedly tests to find out if you are a psychopath yeah and if you basically if you know the answer to this you're a psychopath or likely to be a psychopath right yeah i found i found it on on a website called ifuckinglovescience.com which probably means it's
Starting point is 00:12:28 pretty scientific I imagine it's peer reviewed and this it says these riddles can supposedly determine if you're a psychopath or not so we're about to conduct a mass psychopath test on our listeners
Starting point is 00:12:46 and I reckon we'll find a couple because statistically speaking there must be some out there yeah or just people who are really good at guessing yeah unless psychopaths are less likely to listen to podcasts because they don't like anyone's voice but their own what do you think?
Starting point is 00:13:02 yeah and I think even if they listen to podcasts they're much less likely to be a patreon subscriber that's true that's true okay so might not be many so this is this is the first test this might be the most famous one okay so here we go while okay so you have to listen to this story, okay? While at her own mother's funeral, a woman meets a guy she doesn't know. She thinks this guy is amazing, a dream man,
Starting point is 00:13:36 and is pretty sure he could be the love of her life. However, she never asked him for his name or number, and afterwards could not find anyone who knows who he was. A few days later, the girl kills her own sister. But why? I'll give you a couple of moments there to think of an answer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Is the answer, that woman's sister was her son? Yeah, actually. And if you didn't get that answer, then you're sexist. Well, the answer... If your answer was, that woman can't have done a murder, she's a lady. Well, guess what?
Starting point is 00:14:15 You need to grow up. Yeah. Ladies can murder too. Sassy snap, sassy snap, sassy snap. Yep. Snap, sassy, snap, sassy, snap. Yep. So the answer is the lady thought the man
Starting point is 00:14:29 would turn up at her sister's funeral. The man that she fancied from her mother's funeral would turn up at her sister's funeral. So that's why she killed her sister. Apparently, if you think that answer is the answer, then you are a psychopath. Okay, or you have a psychopathic thought pattern of some kind. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Or you just watch a lot of TV. Or you just watch a lot of TV, or you go on these websites, I guess. Okay, so the idea is like, okay, if he was at one funeral, he'll probably be at this one. I'll just kill my sister then. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so the idea is like, okay, if he was at one funeral, he'll probably be at this one. I'll just kill my sister then. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Although it doesn't really establish why the man would know both the mother and the sister in that same way.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Because it sounds a lot like this man's a cousin. It sounds like a lot of this man is related. Yeah, so this test also picks up on incestuous people. Yeah, so this test also picks up on incestuous people. Yes, if your answer was something to do with banjos, then you're an incestuous person. Sorry, I just had my coffee. I'm coughing because my coffee had bits of limescale in. Pierre has monkey pox, everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I've got the monkey pox. It's technically it's ape pox, but I don't want to get into it. Monkey pox. At least it's a funny name. They're all dense because of monkey pox. At least it's got a funny name. We'll go out chuckling.
Starting point is 00:15:59 The second test, it says here, which actually comes from an official questionnaire used in several studies. Ooh, several studies. Several, you say? Involves a battle between individual rescue and the greater good. An assessment of utilitarianism. It goes as follows.
Starting point is 00:16:17 A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people. Oh, this is a famous one, isn't it? You're standing on a footbridge. Yeah, this is just a trolley problem yeah well i always thought the trolley problem was was fairly easy well the way they phrase it is a runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people and you're standing on a footbridge next to a large stranger a large stranger okay your body your body is too light to stop the train but if you push the stranger onto the tracks killing him you will save the five people would you push the man
Starting point is 00:16:52 oh well that's different i think it's a slightly different arrangement of a similar problem in the one i know of it's just you have control of a lever and you can direct the trolley to one person or to a group of people yeah well you see in that one I don't feel as bad about directing it to the one person because some maniacs already gone and tied these people to a train track hmm so so much of it is already
Starting point is 00:17:15 on other someone else's hands so you just sort of go well I just made my choice then whereas pushing a big fat bloke onto a off a bridge or whatever hmm that's that's a bit too active Whereas pushing a big fat bloke off a bridge or whatever, that's a bit too active. It's different. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's active. It's more active, isn't it? So you wouldn't kill him. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Also, think about this poor guy. The last experience he has in life is a stranger deciding he's big enough to stop a trolley. His whole life has been leading up to the moment
Starting point is 00:17:48 where a stranger goes, Oi, fatty! This will save you guys. Don't worry. This big tub of lard's going to stop this trolley. And that's his last experience in life. His last experience. He'll get to heaven and be like,
Starting point is 00:18:00 Well, the last thing I remember is this weird guy sizing me up and muttering about trolleys and just screaming i fucking love science as he did it yeah that one's a that one's a common one we'd they're i'm thinking about it now i have heard that pushing version before actually but i think they are but yeah they are different they are different they are different i don't see how that's a psychopath test though yeah it's i guess it's a test of like um i suppose a psychopath would think which which which avenue is most likely to lead to personal reward for me yeah i don't see the psychopath caring if one person dies or five people die so i would have thought it'd be the same to them a psychopath probably wouldn't push the big fat guy because he'd
Starting point is 00:18:44 probably think, well, then I'll just be in trouble anyway, whereas I can just stand here and watch this happen and nothing happens to me. So that's fine. Yeah, yeah. I think to make... I also find the trolley problem easy
Starting point is 00:18:56 in that you just... you would direct it to the one person over the five. I think they should weight it. So the trolley on one track, it kills five people. Or on the other track, it kills one person with a bank balance of five people. Then what do you choose?
Starting point is 00:19:15 Then who do you kill? That would be difficult. That would be difficult. What about it kills five people or you divert it and it kills one person, but you know them and it's very awkward i mean that that does change things doesn't it if you know the one person that really does yeah because then you go like well i i already know steven so sorry guys
Starting point is 00:19:39 or do you go i already know steven i'd like to explore five potential new friendships i already know steven but i'm about to make five new best friends for life five new friends with let's face it who are going to owe me for a long time they're gonna owe me a pretty big i think you'll find you're like shouting over to the five guys on the train tracks do you guys like do you play hockey do you
Starting point is 00:20:17 okay that's one one but Stephen does that one that's one one what do you guys think of the latest Kendrick Lamar do you like it what do you think it's over1. What do you guys think of the latest Kendrick Lamar? Do you like it? What do you think? It's overreaching. Are you guys free in the day? Like a Thursday, say, weekly?
Starting point is 00:20:37 And they're all frantically nodding and you go, I've just realized I've given you a big incentive to lie. Hold on, I need to think of questions where you given you a big incentive to lie. Hold on. I need to think of questions where you don't know what answer I want. Hang on. And then they go through them. And then you're just like, well, Stephen, looks like you win by default, I guess.
Starting point is 00:20:58 But you still owe me, boy. Any other psycho riddles? There just seem to be the two on here. And there's also I think There's a version of That first riddle about the funeral Has been thoroughly debunked
Starting point is 00:21:16 Several times before Well thanks a lot, cheers, thanks for that Thanks for putting it on Thoroughly debunked And it's not entirely clear where it came from. A psycho? Oh, gosh, it's on Snopes. Does a one-question test reveal psychopaths?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I mean, no. It'd be a very, very short version of Silence of the Lambs, wouldn't it? Yeah. Hello, Clarice. Show Um, yeah. Yeah. Hello, Clarice. Show, Dr. Lecter. A woman goes to her mother's funeral. It's her own mother's funeral.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And she, uh, yes. Yes, go on. What sort of catering is there? Yeah. Open or closed casket, Clarice? It doesn't matter, Dr. Lecter. It matters to me, Clarice. It matters to me.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, just... Well, it's so he can meet that... She can meet that man again, isn't it? Thank you, Dr. Lecter. That will be all. Do-do-do-do do do do do this the credits well as she tries to survey him and as anthony hopkins says in the film you think you can dissect my mind with these blunt little tools does anthony hopkins say that's his yeah that accent out of out of character yeah he does an offensive impression of her accent. Oh, yeah, fun.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Blond little tools. Which you would be pretty disappointed if the FBI came to question you and they had a fucking folder labeled riddles. You'd be like, really? Is this what my tax dollars have gone towards? A riddle club? I need to watch the other Hannibals.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I've only seen Silence of the Lambs. They're good, man. I like them. I like them a lot. I love Popkins. I like his creepy little eyes. You like Panthony Popkins? I love Grampony Popkins so much. He's very good.
Starting point is 00:23:21 He's great. He's one of my favourite Welshmen. Oh, by far. By a long... By a rare bit. Oh, very nice. Thank you. Very, very nice. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Dr. Lecter, I was just hoping to ask you a few questions. No. It is I who will ask the questions of you, Clarice. Mother and father have I none, but my mother's mother is my son. What am I? Please, Dr. Lecter, all I want is to be pointed in the right direction. Maybe a clue as to Buffalo Bill's... No.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Answer my questions first, Clarice. Quid pro quo. My dog has no nose. So how can he smell? Hmm. Return to Marcus Aurelius. First principles. Ask of each and everything what is it of us.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Did you mean to say how does he smell? I... Yes. Yes. Yes. How does he smell, Clarice? How does he smell? Does he smell like the lambs, Clarice? Does he smell... Is the answer that he smells terrible? Yes. Very good, Clarice. Quite a smart one, aren't you? I can see why Jack sent you to the...
Starting point is 00:24:47 Okay, Dr. Electris, if that was just the whole point of this meeting, I'm just going to go. No, wait! A surgeon... Oh, all I have are my riddles. Well, Shell, we read out some of the correspondence from these goddamn psychos who listen oh yeah yeah come on to your your boyfriend finding funeral yes um okay let god i still have some of that lime scale in my mouth it was an awful experience just there. Crunchy coffee. Oh, I hate crunchy coffee. It's the worst. It's really hideous stuff. Yeah, it's awful.
Starting point is 00:25:30 To anyone who doesn't live in the south of England, well done on having, you know, liquid water. Liquid water. It's a real privilege. It's a real privilege. A real privilege. I'm just trying to make sure that I have the right
Starting point is 00:25:48 emails that I've got it correct I don't want to disappoint you yes we did the Christian stuff yes here we go okay so Emily gets in touch Emily is she Smemily Sm Is she Smemily?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Smemily? Smemily Emily Smemily Emily Smemily Emily Smemily Emily Yep She says Dear Peeves and Pouster
Starting point is 00:26:16 That's very good That's good That's good Have you read the Jeeves and Worcester books? No I need to read Woodhouse really I've not really read Woodhouse
Starting point is 00:26:24 I think you'd like it I think I'd likehouse, really. I've not really read Woodhouse. I think you'd like it. I think I'd like it. The bits I have read are really funny, and they still hold up. They're funny now. They really do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 They really do. And it's funny to think that he was so popular in the 30s, and he was old-fashioned then. Right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because it's from the Edwardian era, all the social life he describes. It's all from 1906, basically. He's just this mad, old, funny guy dear peeves and puster i hope you're both well a friend recommended bud pod
Starting point is 00:26:52 last year thank you to the friend please pass that on to fill the void left when i completed the off menu back catalog ah good boys good boys replace boys with other good boys that's right goodbye eddie baby and jim joms hello peeves and pooster I count myself a lifelong fan of food but it was not until I discovered your plopulent transmissions that I acknowledged the many pleasures of not only its ingestion but its
Starting point is 00:27:21 extrusion between us and off menu we cover the entire food journey. Oh, yeah. The human experience. We're the bumhole of off menu. Off menu is the mouth and we're the anus. We're not seen as much, but we're vital. Also, Emily, I'm quite harrowed by the fact that you said ingestion and
Starting point is 00:27:47 extrusion as opposed to excretion because extrusion is what you do to a piece of metal to turn it into a wire and i don't like the idea that there's that is like there's an there's an infinite lump of poo in me that's just being extruded out of my bum in the shape of like a girder, in like an I-beam shape. And it's like really red and hot and still like bendable as it comes out. Yeah. And like the toilet water just like steams up on contact. Like when someone's making a sword in a film. So she says, thanks to you both for that. I have a story to share about a public display of chundering.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Wonderful. The year was 2014. The city, New York. Ooh. Bright lights, big city. Bright lights, big city. You want to sip my soul? I was living there at the time
Starting point is 00:28:46 and was excited to experience my first American Halloween. Oh, yeah, nice. Wow, imagine. All the more so as a good friend from home was arriving that night to spend a week on the sofa of the three-bedroom apartment I shared with four other girls. Wow. Three-bedroom apartment, four girls.
Starting point is 00:29:06 So then there'll be five girls temporarily, but normally there are four in the three bedroom apartment, so two of them are a couple. Or bunk beds. Bunk bed girls, of course. I've seen those films. Yes. So, our haunt for the night.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Very good Nice, lovely stuff She has a way with words Does us, Memoli Our haunt for the night was a bar called Trailer Park Which brimmed with Americana All year round
Starting point is 00:29:39 And teamed with witches that night Very cool My friend and I were dressed as the Brooklyn Bridge. I was Brooklyn, she was downtown Manhattan, and we had choreographed a stately bridge-like pose. Lovely. Oh, okay. And acquired some little American flags to complete the scene.
Starting point is 00:29:56 It wasn't a good costume, but emboldened by red wine and bourbon pickleback shots, I saw that we demonstrated it to any who asked, and many who didn't. This is good stuff. I like this vibe I'm imagining. Oh, thunder in my part of London. Very spooky.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah. I haven't heard it here. For the Halloween story. Oh, perfect. Lovely. How atmospheric. So, Emily continues. Gentlemen, my actions later that night and the logic that underpinned them
Starting point is 00:30:29 were not immune to this combination of liquids. And with eight years of perspective, I still can't identify the lowest point. So this is a list of the possible low points, Phil, from the booze. Yeah, okay. Was it when, banished from Trailer Park and chivvied to the station, I painted the subway steps puce with my retchings? Ha ha, puce. Puce is
Starting point is 00:30:52 a good word. I love puce. Puce with my retchings. She talks like a witch. What is the meaning of puce? How do you spell puce? P-U-C-E? P-U-C-E, yes. Red. Crimson. Ah, lovely.
Starting point is 00:31:07 A deep red. A dark red, a purple brown color. Yes, very good. Puce. Puce with my retchings. What if I... I'm going to say that like a witch. I painted the subway steps puce with my retchings.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And your little dog too. Yeah, that's very good. Yes. So was it then or was it minutes later in the train carriage when I unzipped my handbag, a fake Marc Jacobs bought recently on New York's famous Canal Street, and besieged all the essential possessions therein with my spew? Oh, my Lord.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Spew. Besieged. Ah. Ah. Sing to me You're like the phantom of the opera And she's the new soprano Sing to me Sing to me
Starting point is 00:31:57 And she's going I threw up in my handbag And I'm like Yes I'm going crazy You vomit in your bag Yes sing I turned the steps red
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yes I love this I'm going mental on an organ Covered in candles. The vomit and the sob away is here. You're like, ha, ha, ha, ha. Along the steps. Yes, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. yes so there are more steps was it when i insisted that the night air would cure me that we must disembark the subway early only to find the street lights so sickeningly bright that i shut my eyes
Starting point is 00:32:59 the whole way home yeah i shut my eyes i shut my eyes the whole way home leaving my poor friend to navigate chunder bag in tow oh god god this is this is where male and female friendships um divide because like can you a guy would never look after a friend like this they'd be like alright good luck here's your puke bag yeah well not without making fun of them during at least was it when my roommate a girl I then hardly knew awoke in the wee hours to my unhallowed
Starting point is 00:33:37 unwashed stench in the adjacent bed that's the mystery solved wait what double bedroom they're roommates they're like roommates that's very american isn't it yeah my college roommate can you imagine going through your entire university is with someone else in your room in my room like a like a fucking ghost i mean it would be mad and and you know don't worry they only end up more in debt than we do.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I mean, it's insane. Yeah, I mean, that's insane. Insane. You don't even get your own room. So was it then, or was it the next morning when I found the contents of my handbag cleanly laid out next to me, rinsed by my dear friend on the first night of her holiday? Goodness me, what a pal. Gosh. What a friend.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Quite the pal. Wow. Gosh What a friend Quite the pal Wow It's hard to say But my immediate punishment Was sitting through
Starting point is 00:34:28 And paying fifty dollars for A bottomless brunch the next morning At which I only managed to force down A few mugs of hot water Hard to say indeed And hard to choose the better friend The other half of my Brooklyn Bridge Or the friend who introduced me to Bud Pod.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, sounds like you surround yourself with very high quality individuals. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Well done. Lucky you. She says, I also wanted to let you know there's a restaurant in Soho in London called Humble Chicken, which serves all parts of a chicken.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Oh, I'm going to look this up right now. Humble Chicken. I've heard of this. My friend went there and he said it was fucking great. Humble chicken. Look at this. Oh, it's very well reviewed. It's right by Ronnie Scott. And she says one of their dishes
Starting point is 00:35:15 contains an ingredient called koji. Try it sometime. Why not? Best, Emily. It looks Japanese-y. That would make sense. Yeah, and apparently it's all of it. The feet? The feet would be good. Oh yeah, so it's Japanese-y Which would make sense Yeah, and apparently it's all of it The feet? The feet would be good Oh yeah, so it's Japanese-y
Starting point is 00:35:29 It's got yakitori and stuff Ooh la la Yes, yes, yes Yes! Now I'm becoming the Phantom of the Opera Yeah, a new way to eat chicken feet And you're Yeah, sing to me
Starting point is 00:35:41 Chicken feet Yakitori Yes! Teriyaki sing to me chicken feet yakitori yes teriyaki giblets sing I like this as a way of responding to things I like the idea of
Starting point is 00:36:01 you and me going to a restaurant and the waiter reading out the specials and I was going yes oh god well we've run out of time but what a way we've run out of time what a trip it's been what a great way to run out of time absolutely
Starting point is 00:36:23 thanks for listening thanks for being patrons And thanks for your wonderful correspondence Thank you for your correspondence We're going to get to all of you We hope you enjoy the way that we do get to you And enjoy the plaza Enjoy the plaza jazza Enjoy the plaza jazza weekend
Starting point is 00:36:40 The jubileezy weekend Yeah The jizzle Jizzle jizzle take it jubilee easy no that's good come on come on now come on now take it jubilee easy um yep have a good one all the best love you lots see you next time see you next time bye bye

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