BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 185 - Burn that baby!

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

The lads chat Truss, international principle's office, Demeter, doing the maths, Pierre is on at SOHO here!  https://sohotheatre.com/shows/pierre-novellie-why-cant-i-just-enjoy-things/ Corre...spondence from Kim regarding Phil's AI robot bio Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Budpod 185. 185, uh... Um, hmm. 185 trusts still alive, somehow. Yes, yes, the cheese idiot clings on. Cheese pork markets lady is still in... Still in power. I saw a tweet to Andrew Daw ladies, still in power. I saw a tweet, Andrew Dawson, the comedy writer,
Starting point is 00:00:29 the excellent comedy writer, pointed out that pigs have been at the centre of British political disaster and controversy for years now. There was Ed Milib Ben's bacon sandwich. Oh yeah. Dave, David Cameron fucking a pig's head, a pig's head. Um, pepper pig world with Boris. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And now the pork markets lady is likely to be the most disastrous prime minister in British history. That's interesting. And then also, of course, in black black mirror the prime minister and the pig oh yeah i mean that was just weird especially when that came out especially when that came out before the the pig fucking just to be clear i was i was making a noise of disgust at you sipping that hot audibly hot drink as opposed to the idea of fucking a pig i'd'd rather I'd heard you fucking a pig. Well, the listener won't hear it because I'm nice enough to do it away from the microphone,
Starting point is 00:01:30 but not away from the headphones I talk to you with. Yes, you're living that cyberpunk 2077 life where you've got magic headphones. Yeah, so it's all for you it means I get to hear every wet bubble there I just did it without slurping
Starting point is 00:01:53 and burnt my lips in the process so you're welcome all I want is for you to toughen up them lips that's all I want just stick on the rubber lips this big like rubber lips yeah like those sweets yeah that's all i want is for you to have sort of terrifying cartoon plastic lips just for drinking hot drinks but yeah i've been glued to the news it's i'm covered'm covered in news gloop, yeah? I'm covered in news gloop.
Starting point is 00:02:27 All I do all day is listen to news podcasts about Liz Truss and the economic disaster. And I love it. Yeah. This has really got to you, hasn't it? I've watched you just
Starting point is 00:02:42 just chowing down on hour after hour of news analysis content. I think I just find it so fascinating and so satisfying because this is the clearest
Starting point is 00:02:57 and most inescapable collision with the reality that the Brexit wing of the Tory party have experienced. Yeah, well you and I both saw that the deputy editor of the Telegraph wrote a column about how this whole thing shows you that Brexit was silly and not a good idea, broadly. Yeah, fundamentally there's no such thing as pure sovereignty sovereignty in an interconnected world and this has proved that i recommend by the way
Starting point is 00:03:32 finding his tweet where he tweets like my latest column you know and then the link click on quote tweets and just enjoy this well hate scroll doom scroll this avalanche of people who have like charles the second as their as their you know profile picture just going oh convenient establishment forgets the sabotage of the ramona just this like tidal wave of gibberish just mad yeah true brexit has never been tried stalin-esque madness oh yeah i mean this is where it's going to end up like in in my more naive moments i think ah this is the wake-up moment for the brexit voters and brexiteers they'll finally realize that this whole fantasy was a scam and was never going to work but they're
Starting point is 00:04:26 just going to go down the true brexit hasn't been tried route aren't they i think so i think so i think the only reason they could ever deceive themselves was the idea that they they hated europe so much and had this weird cultural antipathy towards europeans generally so much and regulation that they just sort of thought well i presume that somewhere out there are some benevolent group of wealthy foreigners who will give us money and even if that was true and it's not that mindset is like pre us remembering that china is horrible pre us remembering that russia is horrible pre us remembering that america will bully you in a trade deal if it can because it can can. Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I mean, yeah. The fact that some of the Brexit people were like, look at all this profitable trade we used to do with Kenya up until something happened in the 50s. Who can say what it was? Yep. At this point, I'm actually, and maybe I'm exposing my naivety again here. But at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we're back in the customs union within a decade. Do you think?
Starting point is 00:05:26 I think, yeah. I mean, it's just, it just, this is such, this feels like such a wake-up call. Maybe I'm over-egging it a little and maybe this is wishful thinking. But especially if, especially if the Kirsten Dahmer government
Starting point is 00:05:37 is the next one in 2025, which seems pretty likely. Yes, it does seem likely. It is funny to see all the polls that say that the Tories would end up with fucking 11 mps or something yeah yeah but i mean this is almost certainly wishful thinking for me but i feel like we're heading to risk you know either re-entering the customs union and calling it something else or you're trying to you know
Starting point is 00:05:59 because this just can't go on like this maybe they would maybe they would well phil speaking of future trade opportunities um listeners uh especially if you are in or near london you will soon have the opportunity to trade uh some money with a venue in order to see my comedy show. This sounds like one of my opening stories for the bonus part. That's the kind of level of struggle was like me doing an opening story for the bonus part. That sort of stilted metaphor construction. Yes, that's right, Phil.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Soho Theatre run of my edinburgh fringe show why can't i just enjoy things is gonna be announced not today because we're recording on tuesday the 18th of october but on the day of release the day you're hearing this listeners wednesday the 19th it's going on sale and it is from the 30th of january next year all the way to the 4th of February if that's the Saturday he said looking at his diary excellent it is 30th of
Starting point is 00:07:14 January 2023 to the 4th of February 2023 Soho Theatre 7.30pm be there or be not there in the deep late winter in the bleak
Starting point is 00:07:29 midwinter that's right that's exactly it laughing at Pierre laughing at Pierre laughing at Pierre laughing at Pierre laughing at Pierre
Starting point is 00:07:41 his his blazer of deepest crimson chin covered in hair there we go uh that's gonna be yes yes the vibe people cut in huge coats bent double under the weight of inflation and cost of living crisis shuffling into Soho Theatre basement for an hour of hashtag laughs yeah wearing
Starting point is 00:08:11 sort of grey coats and flat caps yeah that's the toes poking out of the shoes yeah a Soviet bread queue or a what's the guy who does the northern guy who does the paintings Lowry painting
Starting point is 00:08:28 thank you Lowry painting yes yes yes yes I'm not sure if you can't make it or if the tickets are too expensive and they might well be to be more serious about cost of living I suppose it will be online at some point. That is the plan. We're sorting that out.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It might go on a tour. But if you can afford it, it doesn't get better than life. It's great to be in that room. You got to be in that room feeling them hot, hot laughter breaths on your neck. You know? Absolutely. I'm just seeing if I can find... Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Depending on what day of the week you go, the tickets are sort of on average 15 quid, which isn't too crazy at all. That's fine. I think that's very reasonable. I think it's reasonable. It's hard, isn't it, to know what to chargeil that's this is the thing that john robbins was speaking about very well on the rahalist of her podcast the other day um oh yeah what did you say well just the fact that um
Starting point is 00:09:35 you know especially at the fringe as part of the kind of big arms race comedians are charging less and less and less whereas you know comedians fees haven't really risen since the 2004 so in reality a lot of shows out there that are costing a fiver should cost a tenner and that they're costing a tenner should cost 70 and so on and so forth um yeah i believe i believe it's called a race to the bottom which is not as sexy as it sounds but yeah i mean that's you know inflation is universal things cost more the petrol in the car costs more to get to the gig the food at the service station on the way back from the gig costs more red noses big honky noses you know know, those aren't free. Squirting flowers. Of course, Ukraine may produce 60% of novelty spinning bow ties in the world. I like the idea of, you know how in the Soviet Union they had towns that just did one thing?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Ah, yeah. So they'd have like an entire city somewhere in the middle of nowhere in russia that just made tires um yeah i like the idea of one of those but for like and it'd be called like cravat grad or something like that it's called uh or the bow tie one yeah tai grad yeah or like or like chelnyabinsk cravat works yeah yeah yeah and it would everyone in the town would work at the cravat works or or yeah or join the army or be sent to do a phd in sort of chemistry somewhere somewhere in the in the ussr yeah well this is it so phil you've been what's what's leapt out of you you've across this thing. Trust and and the economics as bad as at least as much as I've been obsessively across Ukraine like a like a maniac. So what's the what's the big headline? Did you find anything that made you go? Oh, my God. Was there anything like that sort of dinner party trivia? trivia well i mean dinner party trivia i'm probably not across it as much as you are across ukraine just because you are across ukraine so uh so much yes to the detriment of everything else
Starting point is 00:11:54 yeah well i mean just the the sort of the mad confidence of presenting a budget without passing it by the Office for Budget Responsibility, which always who basically are the mathematicians who type it up and see if it makes sense mathematically. You know, quasi-quoting and Liz Rush just went, nah, we won't
Starting point is 00:12:20 do that. We trust our own maths. And they presented it and the entire market went, you haven't done your maths! And everything became expensive. I mean, that's... What's so interesting to me is how much two morons can cost everyone. I mean, they've cost...
Starting point is 00:12:42 Even now with the appointment of Jeremy Hunt, and markets have stabilized a bit, and interest rates have gone down a bit, they're still higher than before. Yeah. The mini budget. And that will cost people, millions of people, thousands of pounds a year. And it's completely avoidable. I mean, it's Brexit in a nutshell.
Starting point is 00:12:59 A completely avoidable kick in your own balls. It's just, it defies defies logic and also i didn't realize just how much of what things cost based on how much markets and traders trust the uk as a country and as an institution because they now know the uk is a place where something mad like this can happen. It's going to cost more to borrow money because we're just a less trustworthy country. Yeah. And it's fascinating to me that to be untrustworthy is expensive.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, that sounds like that's a good, that's a good, it's expensive to be untrustworthy. That's a nice little phrase yeah and we've cost our we've this trust in quasi-carting have cost us all thousands of pounds by being thick yeah and the traders so traders in in london are calling the the difference now between between um the difference in cost of borrowing now between now and since before the mini budget the city is already calling it the moron premium really yeah they're calling it the moron phil unless your name is arthur moron you don't want anything named that after your behavior or ideas yeah that is amazing yeah yeah it's a it's sort of um
Starting point is 00:14:28 there's a there's a thing called the the great man theory of history which is sort of semi discredited now or it's not fashionable anymore um and that idea was that like crazy great charismatic individuals are what drive history e.g napoleon hitler etc um sure whereas now it's more like charlemagne yeah yeah whereas now it's more about like factors and like weather and like looking at things in a much more holistic way events events context trends both long and short term but in terms of suddenly shitting an enormous bed full points to to to the big to the great man of history theory for trust and quieting it like you say two really stupid people at crucial positions could just go and just fucking throw throw a tray of glasses on the floor, just completely...
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, totally. I'm so impressed by the vandalism of it. Yeah, the vandalism, and they were allowed to do it, or able to do this. And the other extraordinary thing is, the conservative party just went, okay, we have to
Starting point is 00:15:45 get jeremy hunt to do this because he's the only adult who can handle this and as i has pointed out that it's essentially the move of a technocracy to go who is the person who can actually do this okay you're gonna have to do it even though you haven't been you know you don't actually have you don't have a mandate but you have to go and do it because you're the only one you can do this quasi-quantum and list trust is so shit they've turned britain into a technocracy by necessity yeah they everyone's had to everyone's finally had to ring dad yeah and yeah and oh yeah that's the other thing jeremy hunt was you know was meant to announce the U-turn at the House of Commons yesterday.
Starting point is 00:16:28 But they were so nervous about Britain's financial state that he had to call Lindsay Hoyle and ask him if he could break the rules and announce it that morning. Because even a few more hours of not announcing the U-turn could have, you know, destroyed everyone's pensions. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:16:45 They had to bring it back like four hours early. Yeah. It's mad. It's really, really, really mad. And it's completely unprecedented. You know,
Starting point is 00:16:55 it's just pretty wild stuff. I just can't get, love it. I just can't get the image out of my head of someone just being handed a vase and immediately yeeting it into the floor. That's just all I can picture. Just, okay. Now you hold this oh thanks smashed without even thinking just amazing to do it in two weeks two or three weeks yeah just just oh you know there's a level of like vandalism and and idiocy that is kind of breathtaking and impressive.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It almost becomes art. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Almost, yeah. Yeah, I mean, like, terrorists could not have done a more damaging job. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah, maybe it's all a heist. It's like the taking of Pelham 123, and it's all kind of connected with the stock market and stuff. It just looks like mad vandalism, but actually there's some kind of... At this point, I wish Liz Truss was smart enough to be behind something like that. Maybe... That's the other thing, astonishing thing. I don't think Liz Truss is a bad person. I think she's fucking thick.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I think she genuinely thought it was going to help. That's the most tragic thing about this. Well, no, it's not the most tragic thing, but it's an extraordinary thing. It's like Kwasi Kwarteng's apparently very good book on the history of the British Empire and stuff and all his qualifications, but still he just walked in and just went and just pressed the big button immediately yeah he just yeah maybe it's a case for well you you make a good point of they've
Starting point is 00:18:37 only ever been in power quasi-quarting in this dress so they don't think they needed to pass it pass their ideas past anyone yeah untouchable and they're both quite seem to be quite sort of smug people if you look at the the insane way that they deliver speeches um do you think then there'll be like a kind of usual suspects moment where like trust walks away after having been kicked out of being prime minister and slowly sort of stops rambling about pork and this cheese mac it's a disgrace and suddenly it's just like this really sort of stops rambling about pork and this cheese mac it's a disgrace and suddenly it's just like this really sort of crisply spoken really kind of like she's lost all the alertness in her eyes she's got she's very much like a shell of a person now and fair enough if you shit the bed that dramatically um yeah yeah i mean gosh what the hell is she going to do after this?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Because she can't even... Who's even going to have her do after-dinner speeches? Who the fuck is going to ask her to do it? She can't speak, and she has no good stories, and she's just embarrassing. To be fair... You know what I mean? To be fair, I would definitely charge £90 a head or whatever at some massive ballroom,
Starting point is 00:19:47 turned into a dining room, just to hear the story of how she fucked it all up and what it was like yeah i guess that'd be quite fun and especially if it's at like the um the wiltshire cheese awards that'd be fun yeah they get they get the cheese lady to almost like a meme like for the banter they they get the cheese lady to come to a speech at the cheese awards yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly the cheese awards or like there's some kind of pig judging contest and then or what if like i mean who she benefits she's crashed everybody's pensions, so I guess she's benefited, you know, people who repossess houses and old folks' homes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So they might love her. Well, maybe she'd become an unlikely hero of a first-time buyer if she crashes house prices. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, she's doing, like, freshers' weeks and stuff. Everyone's like, whoo! Just delighted with her. Because she basically just went and destroyed the wealth of anyone over 65.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Oh, man. Here's a question. Because you and I were hanging out when we saw that Kwasi Kwarteng had to leave an IMF meeting in America early. He was being told off and he had to leave his own telling off early to get fired. And everyone was tracking his flight. Like he'd been called to the principal's office.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah, exactly. The international principal's office. The IPO. That's what an ipo is the international principal's office and then you get international detention at the hague but then i mean yesterday listraslick actually been called the principal's office did you see penny mordant had to had to take kirsten's emergency questions at the house of commons yes yes yes yes splashes had to had to step up and splash she did the diving show the reality show splash and she no yeah yeah did she yeah she's was that the one where celebrities have to go down like go diving yeah and sort and Tom Daley or someone sort of goes,
Starting point is 00:22:05 oh, good dive, but do more somersaults next time. I don't know. I don't really know how diving works. No way. Here she is. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my Lord. What?
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah. Why? Why would you do this? Very strange. I think it was after Nadine Dorries broke the law to go beyond I'm a celebrity. That's correct. Because what a dumb idea. Why would you do this? Very dumb. Very strange.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Oh my god, here she is in like a one piece, like about to dive off a diving board with wet hair and then next to official parliament photos of her looking serious in a suit. Yeah, it's very circusy. She was good though.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I mean, when she, you know, listening to her speak instead of list trust like oh wow okay this oh yeah i forgot this how politicians are meant to speak and she's quite quick and she's quite witty yeah and she's she's more socially liberal than the conservatives because i believe her brother is gay and then that was like some issue early on or she had to retract something i don't know anyway she's not like full on re-smog evil is the point in at least not no background and i was thinking if she if she becomes a pm it's you'll make things a little harder for for later it'll be a problem yeah it'll be a problem yeah um but okay so here's my question phil you're on a you're on a transatlantic flight which is what? Eight hours?
Starting point is 00:23:27 To New York, yeah. It's about eight hours. Let's say, eight-hour flight. You're flying home from a telling-off to an even bigger telling-off. Who's telling him off in New York? IMF. The IMF are talking to him like he's fucking Zimbabwe's foreign minister or something.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah, very embarrassing. the IMF are talking to him like he's fucking Zimbabwe's foreign minister or something. Jesus. Yeah, very embarrassing. Yeah. So, here's the deal, Phil. You're on a flight, eight hours. You're flying from one telling off to a much, much worse telling off. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:58 What do you do on the flight? Pray that there isn't in-flight Wi-Fi. Pray that you can't connect. That's what I'd want. But you know that there are people, like with Kwasi Kwarteng, tracking your flight, tracking your telling off. I'd probably read a book. What book could you possibly focus on in these terrible circumstances
Starting point is 00:24:26 the subtle art of not giving a fuck because I suppose you'd need to it would have to be one of those airpod books where there's an asterisked out fuck in it you know yeah yeah yeah yeah, yeah. Maybe that's his retirement gig is writing.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I mean, he's already a published writer. Yeah. Maybe that's his gig is he writes a book where it's like, what would the angle be? The angle would be, I tried to do proper Reaganomics and look who stopped me. Like that would be the angle.
Starting point is 00:25:04 It only didn't work because you didn't do what I said. You all just panicked. That's how I would sell it. I wonder if you would bring up the... You know what would be a good Greek myth to bring up would be... I can never remember the name of the person.
Starting point is 00:25:20 She's a goddess in disguise as a maid or a nanny in this rich person's house and she really comes to love the baby son that she's been tasked to look after and when the parents are away
Starting point is 00:25:36 one day she places the baby in a magic fire that she's built to make the baby immortal but in the middle of the process the mother bursts in and goes what the hell are you doing and grabs the baby pulls the baby out of the fire and the god in disguise as a maid is like you fool he would have been immortal he would have been a god amongst men and you've cost him that and then she punishes the mother. And the story of the myth is,
Starting point is 00:26:07 if a maid has put your baby in a fire, just see what happens, I guess. But I reckon... I mean, it's an unreasonable lesson. It's a completely useless and unreasonable story. It really is. And I think I've remembered it because even as a kid, I was like, that's unreasonable.
Starting point is 00:26:31 That's really unreasonable. Like the kid's going to be like, oh, mom, look what you've done. I could have been in a fire. But I reckon Quasi Cotton can bring up that myth. He placed the British economy in a fire that would have made it stronger, but the markets burst in and said, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:26:50 And it cost Britain immortality and strength. That's what I would do if I were him. Because Greek myths are in right now. Greek myths are in right now. That's true there's a lot of sort of what what troy can teach us about um about pensions or whatever greek myth baby fire i need to know that's literally what i'm typing in oh dimitar dimitar dimitar dimitar yeah Demeter. Demeter. Demeter, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. Okay, it wasn't the mother. It was the maid who was looking after the child. Every night Demeter burned the child over the fire, stripping him of his mortal flesh to make him immortal. Yeah. It's good stuff. Okay, so they sort of toughened him up with with fire yeah i mean what's the most generous reading of that myth what is what is a real useful life lesson you can take from that that no pain no gain i guess essentially that's what that's what it is right I guess um if you see someone
Starting point is 00:28:07 putting a baby in a fire just vibe it out yeah you might not have the whole story just yeah just stop and go but what is the reason for the baby in the fire maybe there's a reason. Maybe it's like a meta lesson, which is that very powerful beings have absolutely no empathy for how fucking insane they seem. Yeah, that's good. That's good. The gods are unreasonable.
Starting point is 00:28:40 That seems to be the macro lesson of every one of these myths. Maybe the lesson is that intention is not always more important than execution. Maybe it is that intention is not enough on its own. Maybe that's it. Yes, that's good. The lesson is always get the parent's permission.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Always get a signed permission slip before you put a child in a fire. Yeah. This is just the Greek version of make sure to get the consent of the bill payer in your home before you enter this contest. We should read some correspondence. We should correspond. We should dip the correspondence in fire and see if that makes it even stronger. Read them out on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:29:38 thus making them immortal. Yes, that's true. Not bad. Do you think podcasts will be of interest to future archaeologists absolutely i reckon they will use bud pod to piece together the history of the 21st century more than books or newspapers yeah i think you're right and also our kind of our kind of semi-thorough summary of current affairs will be sort of good for social history.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yes, exactly. Semi-thorough is, I think, a very apt description of at least my research process. Of what we're up to. Yeah, yeah. To letters, emails, phone calls, to your desk, your sister, Letters. Emails. Phone. Toilets. Your sister. Keep a straight eye. To keep a straight eye. Letters.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Correspondence. Um, let's see. I'm trying to remember the last one I read. What was the last one I read? Uh, Kim. Kim gets in touch. Kim kim reading your correspondence on a whim so kim says hello buddies hello uh kim says while listening to phil on the how to fail podcast i googled him to follow up some interesting tidbit he'd thrown out. Oh, yeah. Yeah, do listen to that with Elizabeth Day.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Excellent podcast. How to fail. How do I fail, Phil? I wasn't very much help, actually, Pierre, because I've never failed. So I had... No, that's kidding. I'm kidding. I had three failures to lay out, and we spoke about them all in excruciating detail
Starting point is 00:31:26 to do this I imagine it'll be the podcast for Liz Truss and Quasi-Quoting I think they'll be the first guests to require a full series just to themselves I stumbled
Starting point is 00:31:44 so Kim's trying to google some tidbit about you Phil and she stumbled across a mad bio of Phil on a website that surely must have been written by a robot it's like a mad algorithmic experiment in journalism okay this is what will happen to everything if we don't donate to Wikipedia
Starting point is 00:32:00 interesting like an AI because there are I think there's a website that makes to Wikipedia. Interesting. Like an AI... I think there's a website that makes these weird AI bios of celebs, quote unquote. Yes, well, one of them's been done to you, Phil, and I've got it here. Do you want to hear some information
Starting point is 00:32:18 about you? Okay. I'm nervous. The website is Hollywood's Magazine Okay That sounds so fake Okay so here's the deal When a letter that doesn't need to be capitalized Is capitalized
Starting point is 00:32:36 I will pronounce it in a more formal way Okay So Very few people knows about comedian celebrity Phil Wang Oh come on Not very few people knows about comedian celebrity phil wang oh come on not very few come on what i how can i be on hollywood's hollywoods.com what's it called hollywood's magazine how can i be in holly the hollywood's magazine and not many people know about me. Surely if I'm in the Hollywood's Magazine, then I am famous Hollywood's man. I can't believe you're getting negged by a robot.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I can't believe this. I'm getting owned by AI. I knew it would happen, but not like this. Yeah, yeah. Very few people knows about comedian celebrity, Phil Wang. Come on. That's the headline. How can I be a celebrity then? Well, this is it. Very few people knows about comedian celebrity Phil Wang. Come on. That's the headline.
Starting point is 00:33:27 How can I be a celebrity then? Well, this is it. So it says, Phil Wang is of London heritage. Not strictly true. No. Well, not true at all. But he's also of Malaysian descent. That's pretty accurate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. Comedian stand-up who is best known as a member of the British comedy sketch show Daphne. Right. You're a comedian stand-up. I'm a comedian stand-up who is best known as a member of the British comedy sketch show Daphne. Right. You're a comedian stand-up. I'm a comedian stand-up. According to Phil Wang Wiki, we'll just go look at that then. According to Phil Wang Wiki,
Starting point is 00:33:58 he received both the 2010 Trottle Student Comedian of the Year Award and the 2011 Funniest Student Award by Comedy Central. Correct. I was an incredibly funny student. Of all the students, you were the funniest. I was the funniest student in the country two years running. And the amazing thing was, if you knew me at the time, that would have been a shock.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It's because you saved it all for the stage. Yeah. I was the funniest student in the UK for two years. I forget that sometimes. Yeah. You could go to any university in the UK and you would not be able to find a single student. Not even funnier than me, but as funny as me.
Starting point is 00:34:43 You could scout the campuses. Yep. To your heart's content, day and funny as me. You can scout the campuses. Yep. To your heart's content, day and night, you wouldn't find anyone. This is it. And it says, next thing, he is not a billionaire. Another lie. It says, he is not a billionaire,
Starting point is 00:35:02 but Phil Wang net worth is not less than one million. Phil Wang net worth is not less than one million. Phil Wang net worth is not less than one million. Yeah, so they're playing a little game there where they're going, well, he's not a billionaire, but he can't not be a millionaire. That's their guess. For once, I find myself wishing what was in the Hollywood magazine was true. Yeah. what was in the Hollywood's magazine was true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 A lot of this is actually... A lot of this might have been improved since Kim sent us the email. I think it's been copy and pasted from... Yes, it's been copy and pasted from stuff that is actually good. Okay. In places like the Rob Brydon show, comedy up late in Have I Got News For You
Starting point is 00:35:48 and About Tonight, he also appeared. Those, I mean, aside from Have I Got News For You, those are some pretty obscure credits. The couple of shows I'm like, what? Oh yeah, I guess. Oh yeah. Phil is one of the famous and trendy face that is popular in other parts of the world that's true that's very correct
Starting point is 00:36:12 and that's the kind of quality reporting that i've come to expect from hollywood's magazine yeah well you've always been one of the famous and trendy face in my opinion thank you as it says is popular in other parts of the world as well as being a comedian not in the uk that's right sometimes i am not in the uk which makes me a comedian not in the uk so they've nicked some more quotes for you from other stuff so here's a funny thing phil wang the the subtitles throughout the like like little under titles throughout the article whatever you call them subs perfect career at age 30 there you go perfect career at age 30 i think these are journey are these related articles no no these are like you know like bigger titles spread throughout the text.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Oh, I see, I see, I see, I see. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Phil Wang Journey, 2017 to 2020. What an utterly bizarre website and article. It's really odd. And there's lots of incredibly strange little adverts. I wonder if it's like an AI sort of experiment. Well, it's just to harvest ad revenue views
Starting point is 00:37:30 by just kind of like you create a bot that kind of kidnaps bits of text from other websites. By the way, have you seen this new like AI kind of Photoshop essentially? Yes, yes. You just rub out what you want to replace and you type in a description of what to replace it with like you rub out a butterfly and you and then you replace it with bee eating some pollen and then the ai will just replace it with a bee eating some pollen
Starting point is 00:37:59 in the same style as as a butterfly that was there and it will just look like it's mad oh that's insane it's fucking crackers that is insane um well phil here this is the most um important thing here how much is he earning and what is the phil wang net worth the phil wang net worth yeah so that's the subheading that's the word i was looking for subheading so it opens with wang is not like other asian tech hunts asian tech hunts okay it's true i'm not like them at all no wang is not it goes on wang is not like other asian tech hunts who earns a lot of money and keep on earning more and more like gold digger well isn't the whole thing that gold diggers don't earn their money yeah this is unfair to gold diggers and asian tech hunts maybe they mean a literal gold digger
Starting point is 00:39:07 someone who digs for gold they do keep earning a lot of money if they find it on the floor wang is not like other asian tech hunts who earns a lot of money and keep on earning more and more like gold digger not like that he brought up himself as a famous face in stand-up comedy as we already read from phil wang wiki that's true i did bring up myself yeah he brought up himself and it does say as we already read from phil wang wiki something which i regularly do at dinner parties bring up myself you like to tap on the glass with a knife don't you ding ding ding and say i'm not like other asian tech hunts if i can just bring up myself for a little while here i'm not like other asian tech hunts you may have noticed not that not the ones who earns lots of
Starting point is 00:39:57 money over more and more like gold digger or on the dinner, people are shaking their heads quietly like, yeah, he's right. Yeah, it's not like that. He was famous in UK for the first few months, but the popularity increases. He went on Rise and signed different shows. The first few months of when? Which first few months? Of life. He was famous in UK for the first few months, but the popularity increases. He went on Rise and signed different shows.
Starting point is 00:40:35 But the popularity increases. This is so funny. Phil Wang net worth is not on millions, but somehow maintains the double digit I make That's true I make tens of pounds Yes
Starting point is 00:40:53 So the full sentence is Phil Wang net worth is not on millions But somehow maintains the double digit From his successful career at UK That's where you work successful career at UK. That's where you work. I work at UK. I work at the UK.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We can say, as per today, right? Oh yeah, big reveal. We can say, as per today, he has maintained a luxury house, branded vehicles, and also walked to several tours. No, it doesn't say that.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I've walked to several tours. As in my own tours. I've walked my tours of the UK. Yeah, like some sort of Eddie Izzard stunt. Yeah, I don't... I like my branded cars, but I don't drive them. I walk to my tours. I just like to look at the branded cars.
Starting point is 00:41:56 What is a branded car? All cars have a brand. No one's buying a blank, a plain car, please. Well, you know, sometimes you go to Tesco's and you just get the own brand car that doesn't have any... Oh, Tesco value car? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Yeah. Sainsbury's Basics car. That's true. We can say, as per today, he has maintained a luxury house, branded vehicles, and also walked to several tours.
Starting point is 00:42:24 he has maintained a luxury house branded vehicles and also walked to several tours wang must earned at least two million dollars as we can see on his instagram post i thought it was double digits and what instagram post i don't post i've never posted saying i've earned at least two million dollars what an insane thing to post please post that that would be such a weird funny thing to post just a video of'd be such a weird funny thing to post just a video of you saying i've earned at least two million dollars and that's the whole video that would be the most honest instagram post in the world um i like how now they're trying to talk about like um talk about you in a kind of like uh way, we love him. You know, that kind of tone. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 So the end of this is there. So it goes, whatever the Phil Wang net worth is, he till loves to play video games. Hey, that's kind of correct. I do till. I do till like video games. And then it says, he finds some better thing to do on his ideal
Starting point is 00:43:23 time. Sometimes. And, you know, they talk about your material. Phil never focused on stupid issues which could distract anyone's mind into anger. He never did that. I like that.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That is such a nice description of offense what is offense it's it's to distract someone's mind into anger yeah that's nice isn't it i quite like that so yeah phil never focused on stupid issues which could distract anyone's mind into anger he just keep on going what is better for his career? No stupid issues at mind. That's basically the end of the article. That's amazing. If you scroll down, it's just, a doctor from London shared how to remove a hanging belly.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Pour salt down your drain at night. Here's why. These two vegetables will kill your belly and arm fat overnight. These adverts love the word belly. These sound like dangerous vegetables. In one night? Also, the implication there is if you're a fan of Phil Wang, you've got some belly fat to shed.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And arm. And arm. And arm fat. And your drains are fucked. Yeah, they're full of not salt, which is the last thing you want, according to this ad. It's full of tasteless pipe muck. There's nothing tasty in that water at all.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Add some flavour to it. Add some mould and... Tasteless pipe muck is very funny. He doesn't speak about tasteless pipe muck on the stage. Phil Wang has several walking tours and his net worth is on the million. That was very good. I like that a lot. What's the name of the pod voter who sent that in?
Starting point is 00:45:35 Kim. Kim. Well, that's right. Thanks, Kim. A win from Kim. Really appreciate that. A win from Kim. Thank you very much, Kim.
Starting point is 00:45:43 That was very funny. If you want to know how to eat vegetables that destroy hanging belly just come see me at the soho theater in january yes do go see pierre at the soho theater in january it's such a stupendous show i love it love it love it i'll probably see you there he doesn't talk about any stupid issues at all throughout the show no and not once did i feel distracted into anger not exactly yeah exactly thank you um um but uh we'll see you next week or if you're a patron we'll see you again this
Starting point is 00:46:21 friday because the bonus pod now comes out on the friday to really spread out the mirth see you on that see you when you're having that hashtag friday feeling or whatever it is yes yes and best of luck to everyone i hope everyone increases their net worth this week into the double good luck with your net worth yeah yes onto the double digits everyone with the net worth good luck good luck bye bye

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