BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 228 - BonusPod 227 Stop Gap!

Episode Date: August 23, 2023

The lads are working abroad so here is BonusPod 227 as a stop gap! KOJI!Description:Intro is huge toilet stockroom, dyson sex, buying clothes, MUJI vibes, pleats, mattress dips, climate crisis and fli...ght opinions, Conor's sister's friend's poo techniques Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's sort of Budpod 228. Not really, though. Hello from the Fringe. Excuse me. Phil is in Egypt. He's hanging out with some pharaohs. He's teaching some mummies to say koji and some daddies. He's away. I'm at the Fr fringe. It's all chaos, basically. So what we're going to do is we're going to release bonus pod 227, last week's bonus pod, to you lucky muggles who don't get it. If you're not on the Patreon. I'll cook up something a little more special for the Patreons. It's a sign of gratitude.
Starting point is 00:00:48 for the patreons as a sign of gratitude and speaking of gratitude um just personally i want to say thank you to all of the pod buds who have come to see my show in edinburgh it has been incredible to see how many kojis i've been getting as people go out past me and my spooky little bucket um shows have been going very well but i think a big part of the reason they've been going well is because you guys have come out in force and vastly improved the quality of of the crowd with your wit and your poop um highlights of the fringe so far lots of kojis going to an industry party, and instead of networking or doing something cool like bowling, spending the entire three hours on a gun simulator, see Instagram for details.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Very on brand for me, in a way that I think I'm just going to stop fighting. And just a very good time and a good show lots of fun this show for clarity is not the show i'm going on tour with this autumn because of covid things are a bit out of whack so i'm going on tour with last year's fringe show the one i've been doing in London. So 2022 Fringe London this year. That show is going around the country in Dublin.
Starting point is 00:02:12 The show from the Fringe this one I'll have to tour it put it on in London next year somehow. We'll see. Just for excuse me, avoidance of doubt and confusion.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I don't want you to be confused. Yes, okay. So I'm on tour in the autumn. Thank you for coming to the Fringe Koji guys. I really do appreciate it. It warms the cockles of my heart to the point where they're
Starting point is 00:02:45 too hot to even touch these cockles Phil will be on tour in the autumn, look at our websites for information, bloop-de-blah-de-bloop if you are in London and you missed the old show I will be doing Leicester Square Theatre on the 27th of November, I believe
Starting point is 00:03:02 go to Leicester Square Theatre's website to see. That's the last chance it'll be on in London. Ever again. So check it out if you wish. Beyond that... Oh, I have a mailing list now. It's 2009, for goodness sake.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We should all have mailing lists. If you go onto my website, pianovelli.com, the mailing list sign-up option will pop up. I do sign up because I will be sending out little updates, little things, bits and pieces. Not often. I won't burden you. But I'm tempted to turn it into a sort of fun little essay thing. Just a couple of funny paragraphs about something or other
Starting point is 00:03:44 to sweeten the bitter pill of raw information um and uh there will be a big announcement first on the mailing list and and and patreons in late nove, early December. Pretty big announcement anyway. And then hopefully, definitely big announcement sort of February, March next year. So there you go. I've baited the hook and now I wait. Thank you very much for listening, guys. We're going to get back to normal
Starting point is 00:04:25 operations ASAP as possible when Phil is back from raiding the tombs of the pharaohs and I'm back from cavorting in Scotland and doing my little dance. Sweating in my
Starting point is 00:04:42 velvet jacket. Okay. Thank you very much for listening and enjoy Bonus Pod 227. It's Bonus Pod 227. You enter the big, the big toilet bathroom stocking warehouse this is where they keep the soaps and the stockings and the paper towels and the hand dryer parts that you need when you go around and and you maintain the bathrooms and toilets and restrooms of various institutions you've just started this job and this is your
Starting point is 00:05:35 first time restocking the boss told you to get back to the warehouse and pick us up some stuff and so you go around and you grab yourself a shopping trolley to put all the stuff in you don't actually have to buy it they just use shopping trolleys because it's more convenient and you know you laugh at yourself you go because you think oh this stuff is all to go in toilets and yet this is the cleanest smelling place i've ever been because it's all soap and towel and toilet and paper
Starting point is 00:06:06 and you go I thought you did a little to yourself and you're rolling along and you're throwing some hand towel some hand some hand towel papers in there
Starting point is 00:06:17 push and some soap off the shelf there oh great you're throwing a couple of hand dryers a couple of the Dysons and you stick your head into the Dyson you are great you throw in a couple of hand dryers a couple of the dysons and you put you stick your head into the dyson on you stick your your hand in there you stick your feet you're having a great time putting your hand and feet into the the dyson dryer and then
Starting point is 00:06:39 and then and then the thought crosses your mind your The expression of your face changes and you look from side to side and you go, you think, could I? I've always wanted to. This is the only opportunity I'll have to have a Dyson Airblade and no one else is around. I'm alone with a Dyson Airblade. I've always wanted to do this.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And you look around, you check around and you pick up the Dyson Airblade I've always wanted to do this and you look around, you check around and you pick up the Dyson Airblade and you run over to a dark corner of the warehouse and you look around again and you drill the Dyson Airblade into the wall
Starting point is 00:07:18 so it's sticking out of the wall there with the insertion bit sort of perpendicular to you as it were and you look around again and then you're under your trousers look you unzip your zip and just as you lower your underpants someone goes your dick's wet is it and you. What? And there's no one there. And you hear from above you. Because you should only really be doing that if you've just washed your dick in the sink and it's all wet.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And you go, what? And you look up. And again, no one's there. And you go, who are you? I wasn't going to do it. I wasn't. I was just curious. I've just always to, I wasn't going to do it. I wasn't, I was just, I was just curious. I've just always wondered what it would be like to,
Starting point is 00:08:08 to, and then before you finish your sentence, Phil emerges from one of the shelves. His head comes out of the shelf and he goes, to fucker. And you go, huh?
Starting point is 00:08:21 And then Pierre rappels down from the ceiling and he unclips his belt and he goes, you've always wondered And you go, huh? And then Pierre repels down from the ceiling. And he unclips his belt. And he goes, you've always wondered what it's like to fuck air. And you thought the only chance you'll get to have sex with a Dyson Airblade with its twin blade technology that would give you the ideal version of having sex with air. You thought you'd do it now, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:08:48 And Podbud, you go, no, I wasn't. I swear, I just wanted to. And then Phil says, well, I'm afraid you can't. And I'm afraid. I thought you're going to jail. And you go, what for? And Phil goes, just kidding. You're not going to jail.
Starting point is 00:09:16 But you can't. You can't do it. It's not allowed. And you're all sad and you're embarrassed. And you go, oh, yes, sorry. And then Pierre goes, you can't because Dyson have just released an Airblade just for that. And he pulls out a new Dyson device that says the Dyson dot, dot, dot. Well, you know. Welcome to bonus part I think it'd be nice to have sex
Starting point is 00:09:54 with a Dyson thingy it'd be very gentle yeah but how does a lady do it because one thing with sexy lady time is that you don't want the process to be drying. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Maybe it could have a humidifying element to it. There are humidifiers. The Dyson spritzer. Yeah, it would look like one of those mysterious steaming things you see in the window at Muji. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. To steam the kind of tiny linen pants they sell. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But instead... Muji is the place I can shop the least. I love Muji! I have a little set of Muji pyjamas and they're short sleeve and they're dark blue with little white sailor buttons down the middle and I swish about in them and they're dark blue with little sailor white sailor buttons down the middle and i swish about in them and they've got a funny little texture they've got the texture
Starting point is 00:10:49 of like ken watanabe in the last samurai like it's a bit bumpy how do you how can you find stuff at muji to fit you and i can't with the large fits me no yeah no really yeah i i'm i'm in there like uh i'm in there like a fucking ent trying on the notepads yeah yeah shoving a little a salad bowl when you're trying to put your legs through a salad bowl this stuff just doesn't fit no trousers and clothes, things that fit me, are going to be delicate and efficiently charming enough to be a Muji product, I think. Yeah, I suppose delicate is probably the word. Everything in Muji, all the clothes in Muji, are made specifically for a Japanese person
Starting point is 00:11:40 who lives in a modern house in the woods. Yeah, and they've got some sort of weird job that means that they they they have time to just sort of slowly put on nice things and swoosh about yeah and put all their pencils into a little pigeonhole yeah i you know what it is you buy everything from there if you're an architect that's it it is very much architect vibes it's very much work from home vibes it's very much lo-fi hip-hop yeah yeah yeah it's where the girl in the lo-fi hip-hop video buys all her stuff is absolutely i'm a distinguished working from home architect who likes lo-fi hip-hop and i shop at muji big time big time kind of um i'm a kind of giant hairy lumpy man
Starting point is 00:12:28 yeah where's your shop which country which country would your equivalent of muji come from if not japan i mean maybe south africa yeah i was just thinking it'd have to be South Africa. Or like the center or south of the US. Right, right, right. Like a store called like Bert's Dry Goods. And Fish and Tackle. Fish and Tackle. But they sell like hard wearing clothes. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Or the kind of suit place that does suits for the really big villains in shows. Ah, wherever Kingpin gets his suits from totally me and Kingpin have the same guy in some of those shows where it's like this giant fucking guy or the rock like we said on the main pod and he's got this nice like pretty nicely
Starting point is 00:13:20 cut suit given how insane his body shape is you just think where have you got that I think they're all tailored. They're all custom. They have to be custom. They have to be custom. But what we're after is something where you can get off the shelf. I mean, what was the plus size man clothes shop
Starting point is 00:13:36 called? Giacomo? Was that it? Well, Giacomo, that's where we got one of the jazz names, I think. It might not be on the poster. It might be Giacomo Coffins was one of the jazz names, I think, it might not be on the poster, it might be, is Giacomo Coffins was one of the... I think I ripped the idea of a coffin for a really big fat bloke called Giacomo Coffins. And he was a jazz guy. Yeah, Giacomo was online only.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Was it now? Interesting. However, you could go to High and Mighty in person, and I did. High and Mighty. And and I did High and Mighty and Big and Tall generally I think online but it's all online now there's no physical retail space we want a physical shop a South African equivalent of Muji
Starting point is 00:14:16 called what would it be called Bry it would be called Bry Thighs Bry Th thighs but then what people think it's a bra shop because it's got bra right at the beginning well south africans wouldn't yeah but you want to be opening it up to but i guess muji is a japanese word presumably yeah yeah i just i actually bought some swimming shorts from a i literally googled rugby thighs
Starting point is 00:14:47 swimming shorts oh yeah and i found a website set up by like a rugby player wow great for to get like little swimming shorts for your holidays for people with tremendous thighs that are not in proportion with their waist crucial caveat this guy proves be the change you want to see in the world. Yeah. I'm hoping that pleated trousers get back in fashion. Because I'm going to have to. Maybe because of Oppenheimer. 1940s sort of pleated trousers.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Oh. I need them pleats boy. You're a pleat head now. You're a pleat fever. I have to have pleats. So I'm going to have a big floppy waist. Which bit of the trousers are the pleats boy you want your your pleat head now well i have to i have to have pleats so i'm gonna have a big floppy waist which bit which bit of the trousers are the pleats the pleats are the the sort of fold bits emanating from the belt line the fold bits emanating from the belt line It would be faster to just Google image search pleats. What are pleats?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Please, pleats. Pleats, tell me. Yeah, Google. It means that you can have a smaller waist and the trousers sort of go outwards. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Yes, I understand now. Have you seen them?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah. Have you seen the pleats? Did you see them? Did you see the pleats? It's basically, yeah, the folding by which the fabric expands from the waist outwards. Yes. Correcto. Lovely.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah, I get you. I need some pleats. Yeah. Because of my thighs. Well, maybe that's what I need some pleats. Yeah. Because of my thighs. Well, maybe that's what the shop's called, Pleats. Pleats, please. Pleats, please. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And they sell... I think I'm going to have to get a new mattress. Why? I'm too heavy for my mattress. Does it just give way? Well, over time, I wake up in a divot. My bumps created this dip. My central body mass has dipped it.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Wow. Yeah, I'm very heavy. Are you sleeping on your back? Your badunkadunk is creating a big old hole in this mattress. No, but even when I'm on my side, that's still the central point of the fold of your body, isn't it? Your hips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's your hinge. Yeah. it's where all the mass is it's true mattresses it's too soft i like it when i go to a hotel and it's just like a almost like flat wood fucking spring mattress just so sturdy for long-term use by customers wood fucking spring mattress just so sturdy for long-term use by customers well that is because they have is it divans no it's not called the divan what is it called it's like i have a divan that's like the box support yeah i've got that i'm not sleeping on slats boy i destroy slats with this ass god damn you're on the slats with my badonk well then i have nothing to offer you Well Get out Get out of this bed shop Yeah I need to sort it out man
Starting point is 00:17:50 I need to sort it out Because I don't know I say I need to sort it out I also can't be fucking bothered to sort it out at all There's so many problems I just don't have the energy to fix So I just sit in a dip Preach I am the sultan of this many problems that i just don't have the energy to fix so i just sit in i sit in a dip oh preach
Starting point is 00:18:06 i am the the sultan of this of having so many things to sort out the sultan of dip sitting well and their equivalents yes i've always got some fucking thing i need to buy some fucking shopping i need to do some tidying i need to do some fixing some enough enough i say enough there's always a little job just a little oh you remember that solution well it's given birth to a bouncing baby problem so annoying congratulations it's an issue yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:18:51 yes do you have any spice? we're recording these well in advance we forgot to clarify on the main one yeah but we are oh man spice spice up my life Yeah. But we are. But we are. Oh, man. Spice. Spice up my life.
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's hard to think of spice that isn't quite topical. And that wouldn't sound a bit odd. Oh, this is the thought I had. We know the terrible heat waves in Greece and southern France. I think that Greeks and the Spanish are going to start holidaying in the UK for summer. Oh, like to have relief. Yeah, what do you think? Well well there's always a lot of spanish there's a lot of spanish teenagers wandering around london being astonishingly rude
Starting point is 00:19:53 so rude and they just stand in the they're always standing in the way it's such a rude country by virtue of who they send us yeah yeah the kids their kids seem to be the rudest the french kids are less rude the italian kids are louder but less rude german kids i don't notice i notice them they're quite eerie but they're not yeah yeah interesting yeah maybe i think yeah Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, maybe. I think, yeah. Maybe. Or is this Mother Nature's way of making us fly less, of just making the destination so unappealing and literally on fire that the flights have to stop?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, yeah. And you have to get a train to the fire. Yeah. Mother Nature's like, I tried to warn you. You're still going. Fine. Guess I'll have to set the destination on fire for you to stop flying and now no one can go on holiday as you sort of pour petrol all over the villa yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah like a terrible divorce yeah
Starting point is 00:20:58 and this this this is another well this is probably a spicier element of this take is maybe budget airlines shouldn't exist. Yeah. Yeah. Now this is obviously got quite a heavy class element to it and you can be, you can quite justifiably be said again. Well, it's all right for you,
Starting point is 00:21:22 Phil, to which I respond. Yeah, I guess. I guess it yeah i guess i guess more trains more trains more trains and make the make try and make the eurostar not five thousand pounds per trip yeah yeah put all the airline petrol subsidies into eurostar subsidies there we go yeah i think i think there should be like a minimum price on plane tickets. I don't think like you should be able to fly to Spain for 40 quid. My elitist view similarly along these lines is I don't think...
Starting point is 00:21:55 I'm irritated when people mess... There's lots of things that irritate me a bit about Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart and their podcast. Yeah. But the main thing that i will defend them on is that they fly all the time they're always flying to places right so the joke is that like rory stewart is always in like jordan or california or switzerland or japan or australia because he's going to very important conferences at high levels right yeah similar with alistair campbell and people are like well you two go on about green
Starting point is 00:22:26 but always flying and i think there's one point they should just say yeah because we're more important than you and your holiday yeah i know that is we are more accomplished people than you we have done more with our lives we're very very important we're very very knowledgeable and we're in high demand and there's some stuff that we have to do in person like flying to Rwanda and checking in on our charity on the ground you know the charity that we run that we started that we're experts in whereas you are talking about going to Naples and ignoring all of the local culture and sitting on the beach so maybe maybe not actually maybe this is fine for us because we
Starting point is 00:23:06 have something on i'm sure some of those flights could have been zoom meetings but it's not equivalent it's like when people get annoyed that the prime minister sometimes uses a private jet like yeah i hope he does yes yes yes yes no i hope he does i i think i think on some level yeah people are will admit to that that not all journeys are created equal yeah yeah the ryanair flight to bulgaria with the full of stag do's is not the same no as flying an expert to a situation it's just not well that's my spicy take take. My aviation spicy take for the week. That's pretty good. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Well, so let's do some Vipka. Oh, do you not have a spicy take? That was mine. That was mine. Oh. Their flights are fine and yours aren't. Okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:24:03 To the people complaining on that podcast. Yes. Also, I think Rory Stewart is very smart, but he's by self-definition not smart about politics in a way that Alistair Campbell is. Because Alistair Campbell was head of some of the most successful political communications campaigns in British history. And Rory Stewart has always lost all of his big fights in politics.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yes, yes. He's a lot more idealistic i think i think campbell very much understands the reality the nitty-gritty of politics and the real politic of it all yeah whereas rory has nice ideas like planting a big forest around london and you go oh great that's not going to happen and it's also a bad idea for various reasons but it does sound nice and it involves trees, which I like as well. So, you know, great, but also no, and it's not going to happen. Anyway. Okay. Okay, VIP correspondence. Connor has got a touch. Connor! Don't be
Starting point is 00:24:57 a loner, which is another pronunciation of loner. Speak to us. Kona. Don't be a loner Kona. Don't be a loner, Kona. Don't be a loner, Kona. Kona the barbarian. Mmm. Well, Kona says good evening, ploppers.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Good evening. Oh, he wrote this in the evening. Evening. Evening. A long-term sufferer of IBS here, the Ibs. Ah. Ah. A regular log, one that Gillian McKeith would approve
Starting point is 00:25:28 of, is a scarce event in my life. Gosh. Imagine. Sorry to hear it. How the other half lives. And by other half, I mean the bottom half. The bum. And it takes little more than a stiff breeze to set me off, Despite this,
Starting point is 00:25:45 my Herculean sphincter has served me well all these years. Good old sphincter. Yeah. Whilst backpacking, uh, in Australia this year, I was talking to my sister who introduced me to Budpod about if she had any stories to submit. She told me of a time she was at a party,
Starting point is 00:26:05 a party. A party. She was at a party. And went to the bathroom with her fellow female friend, her FFF. As women do. Without warning. Without prior warning. What are they doing in there, Pierre? What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:26:19 What are they doing? What are they doing? Having some sort of mating? You and I go to the bathroom together. Yeah. Hundreds of times. Why? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I mean, women go to the bathroom together, but men do piss openly standing next to each other. That's true. That's true. We don't need to arrange to do it because we already know we're going to see each other in there. we're in there see you in there yeah we're not women are let's go in men are see you in there i will see you in there sir meet you there meet you there at the pisser so she goes in the bathroom with a female friend as women do but without prior warning her friend began to shit oh okay and they're in like a toilet together yeah at a party so it's like oh classic party
Starting point is 00:27:11 scene like the girls on the loo and her friend standing there chatting to her that shows obviously this person is expecting a sociable piss but suddenly logs are coming out of her friend oh boy and in that moment you have to choose between maintaining a straight face and just going sorry are you shitting why is it so much worse why is it i mean i know it is but what is it that explains that leap in seriousness i think it's because you have to be pretty dehydrated to do a piss that I can smell from across the room. Right. So it's a smell aspect.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I think a smell is so invasive and so linked with memory. But I think it's also a solidity aspect. I think there's something more serious about you pushing something solid out of you. And being in the presence of someone who's having something solid leave their body. Cavity. It's much more visceral. And also the pee could
Starting point is 00:28:16 be hitting the side of the bowl and be almost silent, whereas there's like heaving these fucking logs out of yourself. And you're like going whatever, like horrible noises it's too it's too much it's yeah yeah it's gross too much so this lady just starts shitting but being an honorable friend connor's sister stayed with her in the loo that's yeah that's pretty wild so there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy about the deposit itself.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Her technique, however, was most peculiar. We've heard this before, but there's more detail than ever before. She had wrapped many layers of tissue around her hand and had positioned it underneath her anus to catch the matter in a 12-ply hand hammock. We've heard of this. Men do a lot of weird stuff, but this must be the most mentally ill thing that women do. This takes a biscuit.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Catching turds. It's for the sound, right? Well, let's I'll get on to that. Okay. Spending your life catching turds in a shit mitt. It's just... It's behavior
Starting point is 00:29:31 that I would expect to see in one flew over the cuckoo's nest. Not as standard in like one out of every five women or whatever it is. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Anyway. So, there's detail, Phil. There's detail. Yeah. It's so weird Anyway So there's detail Phil After questioning She told my sister That her mother taught her to do it As a child to make less of a mess
Starting point is 00:29:56 No No Mothers don't let your babies Grow up to Po poop in their hands that's wild what kind of parenting is that they fuck you up your mom and dad they don't mean to but they do they teach you to make a fist of paper to catch it when you do a poo nice that's me and philip larkin working together there yeah they fuck your mom and dad they don't mean to but they do teach you to make a tissue pad to lay upon your poopy poo
Starting point is 00:30:36 yeah so i it continues i know i don't know what kind of messes she'd made as a child to necessitate this or if they simply had no of messes she'd made as a child to necessitate this, or if they simply had no toilet brush in the house, but teaching your child to shit in their hand and having them continue this into their 20s, I mean, heaven help us. So does Connor say, does she poop into her hand and then lay it into the toilet bowl,
Starting point is 00:31:01 or does she take it elsewhere? Like a sleeping kitten. Yeah. Like laying Moses among the reeds Yeah Later this year I told my Welsh friend Of this story Let's call her Gwynedd Gwynedd
Starting point is 00:31:18 Lovely Welsh name It is a special TH sound That we used to have in English Which was a D with a curvy top With a cross through called a thorn Oh well the cross is called a thorn No no the whole letter is called thorn The symbol rather
Starting point is 00:31:34 And the TH sound Is the TH of within Not with Ah So it's between a TH and a D Within Yeah so it's not quite a and a D Within Gwynedd Gwynedd Gwynedd
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah so it's not quite a D It's a little softer than that Yeah It's a limp It's a limp D Gwynedd Cut to a couple of weeks afterwards And Gwynedd is staying in an Airbnb
Starting point is 00:32:02 In the Melbourne city centre With a group of girls she met backpacking. Beautiful city. Beautiful. They have been instructed that only one of the toilets is for shitting as the other can't handle it. This is traumatising. Beautiful city for shitting.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Beautiful. Now, only one of these toilets is for shitting and the other one only tells lies. It's up to you to figure out which one's really for shitting. Because they'll both say they are. But one can't handle it. There's an answer to that riddle. Yes, there is.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Because logically you ask the one that lies about the other one or something yeah like you ask the one that lies can they tell a lie or something like this yeah there's some paradox that that gets at it yeah yeah so they've been told that however the fully functioning toilet is an en suite with nothing but half a curtain separating the room okay so it's not really an en suite it's a toilet in a bedroom oh no this is such classic airbnb shit yeah b&b sucks man yeah it's really declined there's lots of articles about how it's a part of shit now and everyone hates it and people are going back to hotels and it needs a hard reset yeah oh yeah it's like hey it it's as expensive as a hotel but you have to clean up after yourself. Oh well no then.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Have you got some like parakeets outside or something? Yeah there are many birds in my news. Many rooms in my father's house. What is that from? Many rooms in my father's house. Christianity. Oh. Poor Gwyneth is also a victim of ibs and was currently at defcon 2 oh dear but the lucky resident of the ensuite room had taken
Starting point is 00:33:57 a lover for the night and things had most likely a lover and things had most likely and things had most likely taken a turn for the French ah I like that I like that a lot inspired by my sister's story she deployed the hammock technique in the now only available toilet the non-pooing one and deposited
Starting point is 00:34:19 her droppings in the bathroom bin oh that's so much worse. Although not very far off from what you have to do in Greece, as I've covered on this podcast. Yes. You wipe your ass and you have to put it in the bin
Starting point is 00:34:33 because the drains can't handle tissue. After meekly returning to the living room, the other girls could see on her face what she had done. Oh, no. You did what Connor's sister's friend did, didn't you? Ha ha ha. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:34:50 You did what Connor's sister did. Did you shit on your hand? You made a hammock for your poo. Gwyneth nodded before being shamed into taking her human poo bag to the bins out in the street like a dog walker. Oh my god. Gross.
Starting point is 00:35:08 P.S. I just remember the time my sister blocked our cousin's toilet in Boston and used a novelty Boston Red Sox baseball cap shaped ice cream cup to scoop the shitty water out of the first floor window. Horrible. Oh my gosh. Poor Gwyneth. She has previous. Ah, Gwyneth. Oh Poor Gwynedd. She has previous. Yeah, Gwynedd.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Oh, Gwynedd. I look forward to taking my mother to Pierre's show in Norwich in October. As a fellow war boy, may I suggest you stop by the Arboretum for an average cocktail with the atmosphere of an Anderson shelter. Philip, until next time, keep on jacking it, gentlemen. I know you will. Oh, we will. Don't you worry about us will don't you worry about us
Starting point is 00:35:45 don't you worry about us nice to hear from a war boy though yes war boys we must stick together we really must stick together and patrons and pod buds we must also stick together as this episode's over but we must stick together
Starting point is 00:36:02 for next time yes this should be coming out on the poopoolala 18th of August I think wow well no this is a bonus pod yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:36:16 I was looking at July you were looking at July so I'll be bang smack in the middle of losing my entire sense of self at the Fringe. Oh yeah. And Phil will be on Hollybobs. I'll actually be away filming. Abroad!
Starting point is 00:36:35 Can you give us a clue what it is? Um, hmm. It's gonna be hot. It's gonna be very hot and ancient. Ancient? Hot and ancient. Ooh, that's how to be hot. It's going to be very hot and ancient. Ancient? Hot and ancient.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Oh, that's how I like them. That's how I like them. That's how I like them. They don't make them like they used to. But until after that, much love and bye-bye. Okay, guys. Bye-bye. Bye.

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