Castle Super Beast - CSB 014: Doppio's Epitaph, but it's Twitch Chat

Episode Date: April 23, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What a video... It's not, your phone doesn't have a stand, that's not going to work. Yeah, no, I was looking for locations in which I could bring a stand that I already have in. Because I have two stands at home from a Logitech keyboard setup that I could put my phone in for a stand. But like this little table, this table that is to my left hand, that is a little too low. And then the table that the thing is on is over there, that's a little too far. Attention, Castle Super Beast listeners. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Willie and Pat are in desperate trouble, and to help them, all you need to do is send in your credit card number. Your parents' credit card number. With the three digits on the back. Those three little digits on the back. The expiration date and year. But just hurry in order to save Castle Super Beast from the demons attacking it. We were just talking, right before Willie hit the button to make the podcast go, we were just talking about how that guy got kicked the fuck off Fiverr for like credit cards.
Starting point is 00:01:44 They thought he was doing credit cards in Anagans. That's so unfair. And he's like, guys, it's a joke, come on. I mean, to be fair, if you come into that as a business and the first thing you see. The first thing you see is, hey, children, give me your credit cards. Yeah, I can get it. It's not a hard leap to be like immediately click the button. I think that guy is in fact on Cameo now.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Good. Which is a cool service. Yeah. I have seen used for my benefit very recently by a good friend of mine, Dan. Thank you, Dan. You are late to the party on Cameo. A lot of podcasts have been making fun of it for a while now. The idea being it's a service that contacts people of our shit tier fame to actual celebrity status.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yes, that's right. And they set up pages where you can pay whatever the person determines their worth to have them say something. And in most cases, it's a shout out of some kind. In other cases, it might be a voicemail messages. Yep, or whatever, you know, it can be a happy birthday from Scott Steiner. Or it can be a veiled neo-nazi shout out depending on the coded language. Depending on what you want to hide in there. How much is that worth?
Starting point is 00:02:55 How much is a neo-nazi shout out worth? I got busted by something like that like 15 years ago with one of my exes had a really dumb friend whose boyfriend was a real scumbag. And it was like, hey, you guys like pins, right? Because my girlfriend at the time was wearing like pins and patches. Hey, if you go down to the place, can you can you ask if they have any 88 patches? And so we walk in and we're like, hey, do you guys have any? I was like, what, 19? Do you guys have any like 88?
Starting point is 00:03:28 And the guy's like, no. Really? And no. And we leave like that guy was really rude. Later we find out the inclinations of the friend of the friend's boyfriend. And I go, let me, let me take a sip. Ah, shit. There you go.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Darn. Yep. And everything was a-okay. Oh, no. Poor Brett Favre. He's a good quarterback. He doesn't deserve this. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I feel like anytime you say that about a sportsman, there's going to be a bunch of people that go, he's the worst fucking sportsman of all time. Yeah, probably. Ruin the sport. If, if, if, whatever, like, okay, okay. But nowadays, at the very least, if, if he ruined the sport, if what you hate about the person is what they did on the field, we're still okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:26 We're good. Yeah. Because there's a couple of outliers in recent years where what's going on off the field is, uh, so. Exciting. Quite, well, that's one word, uh, to use. Yeah. It's a word that can only be used without any context.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Yeah. Remember that descriptor of, like, I'm strapping in. Yeah. Everyone can see my eyeballs get deep. Because I don't know where this is going. Do you remember the description of the super desperation move ultra that Vic used on the dog to finish it off?
Starting point is 00:05:06 No. Because it was straight up out of a, it was a straight up like SNK, you're about to die. Super desperation move because it involved literally picking it up and slamming it to both sides like Oro, like a cartoon. Right. It's some fucking horrific shit, which by the way, never forget because like, it's like, hey, but back to football though, everything's a okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:32 We can Oro slam our puppers all day. Put the Terno statue back. But you get that, you get those touchdowns and you're a good, you're a good to go. Um, so, so Oro slams aside the sports ball. Yeah, uh, that becomes like a distant memory in the wake of like way more fucked up shit as a result of CTE and that got real. Anyway, um, the point remains. What's the deal with sports, man?
Starting point is 00:05:59 What's the deal with birthdays? I'm older now, slightly. What? Hey, would you do a, I want a birthday permission from you this year. Not a gift or anything because I don't give a shit about gifts. Gives her, gives her lame, except for the one plugins got me. That was good. I'm gonna drink this can and throw this can out your window onto the street.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You are not allowed to do that. Uh, you are now in fact double banned from going up to my roof. Okay. Um, I'm just saying. It'd be fun to do the moment I hear about anything that falls into the street or on anybody from where I am. I'll turn it on. I will provide the police with this footage right here.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Officer. Yeah. For your political me who fell into the street. This footage right here will be provided to the law enforcement for their ease of use and determining what happened and how it happened. The cops are on their way right now. I can't really fault that to be fair, you falling into the street. I couldn't blame you.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You're getting up there. Wow. Happy birthday. I have a birthday. What was the one you said like five years ago was like, how are you not dead yet or something like that? Something like that. To that effect.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Hey, hey, you listeners at home, viewers at home. There's, there's good old fashioned littering, which is you drink the camp and there's toss behind your shoulder like it's salt. You ever do, you ever do like, like quiet, slow littering. Quiet, slow littering is when you see like a pay phone and you finish your drink and then you, you carefully place the empty can inside the pay phone. So it looks like somebody was drinking at the pay phone left there and then you get away from it.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And once you're five feet away from it, it's like it never happened. It's a mystery. Awesome. Jackass is using the pay phone and they left the can there. What a jerk. Apparently they're training Ravens or crows to pick up cigarette butts and drop them in a little disposal to get a treat. So that's cool.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Any animal that is in theory smart enough to recognize what it can pick up and deliver for a treat can help anti littering. Oh, that's nice. Which means that you have a new enemy. You know, I'm cool with that. I know how to be pals with crows. They might be undoing all your hard work, however. Oh, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It's the act that does it, not the long term damage. Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to see you pull that off in like countries like Indonesia. Oh, I would never. Where? No, no, no, no. You don't litter in other people's backyards.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Before the can has a, there's a, there's the bounce and before the can has a second bounce, a bullet has entered your body. I would, I would never, I would, I would recently take a couple of trips to Japan. I did not even litter a sneeze. Yeah. That is outrageous. You don't litter in somebody else's country. You are a guest there.
Starting point is 00:09:27 That is an awful thing to do. However, I pay my taxes. My taxes pay for road upkeep. Therefore, so your desire to litter is dictated entirely by our borders. Yes. No, no, no, not our desire. Not my desire to litter. I saw like a bunch of trash cans out in Japan that I would have loved nothing more than to pick up the trash and run through the streets throwing trash at people.
Starting point is 00:09:56 But I didn't do that. That wouldn't have been appropriate to do. We all, we all don't do things we want to do because they're bad to do. But it's fun to do bad things. And the, the place where your brain stops is as long as it's within the realm of where No, no, no, no, no, no. Your tax dollars cover it. As long as it doesn't hurt nobody.
Starting point is 00:10:27 As long as it doesn't hurt nobody. What about that duck that choked on your beer plastic? That didn't happen. What about those six dolphins that fucking got stuck together and what and beached themselves as a result of point out that's not littering. That's actually like industrial or slash consumer waste and your garbage and my ground garbage have no actual functional difference between those two events. What about that baby seal that you took a paintbrush of oil to. Yeah. And just coated top to bottom.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Made my dick hard. And released it to the ocean. Yes. Okay. You know what I did? I took the baby seal and I coated it with the oil and then I fed it to a polar bear so that it would get sick. Yeah. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:21 My dick was super hard the whole time. It's the only way now. Trash in the earth. Is there a subreddit for that? There probably is. There probably is like earth trash and it's like hey it's just those assholes that are like look there's an oil leak on my car and I don't give a fuck. It's one of those subreddits where the name seems fine but then for some reason it's marked as not safe for work and you're like wait a minute why is earth trash marked as NSFW? What could possibly be going on in here?
Starting point is 00:11:54 What the fuck is going on in here? Do I want to click? And then you click and then the rules slash like main description is giving you no information so you're even more scared to slide down. Let's go to the happy puppies subreddit not safe for work. Why? And then the only way to find out is to hit that best of all time button but do you really want to do that? Yeah. You do.
Starting point is 00:12:21 You gotta know. Knowledge is power man. Listen, my littering funsies has a long, long series of internalized possibly insane mental rule sets as to what is and what is not okay, where things are okay, why, what items, who's around you. The rules get relaxed when you're around somebody who would be annoyed by your littering because then you get the thrill of them being like I can't believe, oh my god I can't believe you littered and you're like yeah I'm a badass. I'd like to see you lean into a microphone on the stand and say it was the mental goblins your honor. That's the reason why. See I wouldn't say that. My doctor would say that.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Ah. Yeah. Are you so you're one of those folks who would 100% commit the act with full understanding and then immediately go awesome. Now that it's done. Wait what are we talking about? We talking about littering? I'm saying. Because if we're talking about littering hell yeah I'll go for a fucking strength defense for a littering ticket fuck it.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Because I'm getting into the part where someone does something full well and understands everything about it and then goes now that I've done that I need to get off so let's bend the law as much as I can to get away from it. No because. Pretending to be out of my mind so that I can get off and not have to face the responsibility for my actions. I don't have to even face that question because I don't do that kind of shit. Right well there you go. Like that's that's one of those trick questions where it's like I'm all joking around. It's like the actual answer is I would never be in a situation because I don't do bad things. Well the um yeah that's it's always it's always like a curiosity I have to wonder where like.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Those people are psychopaths. Those people are or sociopaths. Sociopaths. Whichever they switch them around from time to time that shit is bafflingly confusing. I mean we I think I think Steph correct me if I'm wrong on this one. We don't it's not psychopath anymore it's all sociopath now right. Anti-social personality disorder is also a current one. Yeah that's a fun one.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah the idea of course being that like you are pretending to be a person. Yes most of the time. I saw speaking of like best of all time yesterday I found a fucking doozy because I found that about the choosing beggars or is it begging choosers. I forget which one but there's a subreddit called that. Yeah where it's exactly what it sounds like. Okay when it's a whole lot of lazy beggars is the idea that the word that would jump into my mind.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah yeah yeah I think it's choosing beggars yeah. And I think the idea is it's a whole lot of please draw this commission for free. I want you to draw Wendy from Gravity Falls turning into a werewolf. Yeah get a 45 panel comic for free for free color for all the way through. I'll guide you through how to do every panel. Yeah and the person's like only 45 panels right. Like is that it? You sure you don't want more?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like it's a whole lot of that. It's a whole lot of fore exposure. It's a lot of that stuff all rolled into one. The fore exposure Twitter account is really funny to me and then one out of ten times it like ruins my day. Yeah yeah yeah. Despite not being somebody who does commission work or is an artist really. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Like I see it and it's like I get the idea that somebody actually actually had to have that conversation at all is like the most depressing thing in the world. There's a whole lot of that. There's definitely a nice collection of sell me that console for less than half of what you're asking because it's for my kids though. Oh yeah. And they're like I don't care and they're like well they're crying now because I promised it to them and now they're not going to get it.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Are you happy? You're a shitty parent. Are you happy that my kids are crying? Yes. Why can't you just give it to me though? A whole lot of just that. The real answer is because I don't believe your kids exist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Well and when I clicked on that best of all time I hit a fucking doozy of a post about someone who gives swimming lessons to kids for free. Okay. And the mother gets in touch with the person to be like hey can you give my kids swimming lessons today? You said they're free right? I read it was free. Free lessons.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It's all good. And they're like yeah but not today though. Sorry I had a bad day. I'm not really giving any lessons and I'll let you know I should be doing and having another like class in about three days from now and it goes from why can't it be today. I already told my kid it would be today. Just do it today. It's not that hard.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And it just takes off from there. It's free. And it goes from there into just do it anyway and I'm bringing my kid down now. I'm bringing my kid down now and I'm going to throw them in the pool and if anything happens it's your fault. To literally. Yes officer this is what the lady said before the child. To literally these are free lessons and all these stupid other parents.
Starting point is 00:17:56 First of all give my child exclusive lessons. Don't have the other kids come down. Just do it with one my kid one on one. You have to do it. And then it goes into one on one only with my kid. I'm bringing the kid down. I'm throwing them in the pool. You're responsible.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And also these lessons are free. All these other stupid parents and all these other dumb bitches what you should be doing is charging them because they can afford it. So you should be charging them because they have the money. I'm a single mom. I can't afford it. And you doing this for free means you can just give me that money. So you should just give me the money.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And it. Yeah. It is. You should give me the money. It is. It is a delicious meal. That is farther than I thought that was going to go. It is a fucking scrumptious treat of a morsel of a post and it's all just in one string
Starting point is 00:18:51 of like WhatsApp chats and the level of breakdown breakdown is it's it's I was I warmed me up how out of touch the person was and it's to the point where you kind of go like if you had to where are they now there's zero chance that this person's not in jail for like something continuing this mentality into the rest of the world. Like if you got this far free donuts equals you should give me everything in the register. If you got this far to the point where you had a kid and you're still out in the free world like you're not going to last long. There's no way that that behavior and mental train is not leading you straight to a cage.
Starting point is 00:19:34 There's there's a at some point in the near future. There is a certain type of personality that just goes forever. And I used to think that that was my personality type because I'm pretty stubborn only to find out with the wonders of social media because every now and then there's somebody you go haha you make a little joke and you poke them and then it's like five days later just still every every hour. Yeah just more and it's like wow you really Wow yeah you know like just yeah I mean and then and then it occasionally goes to not like I should pay them but it's like yeah
Starting point is 00:20:19 I I owe them now it's like well it's when it's when it's when the dialogue becomes monologue and then the monologue becomes longer than the entire dialogue was yes and then all the bubbles become blue you know or are great for that matter because it's like it's all one sided from the other person and they're just now on their own narrative and then the new narrative becomes that the person isn't engaging in their new narrative making them arrogant or but I don't know and and at that and that's definitely the point where you're like you know this is where anyone reasonably would hit a block button but you kind of need to see where this is going so it's funny that you mentioned that because I recently turned
Starting point is 00:21:04 a corner with that and I spoke about it on my stream lately in which there was a let's take a recent example that I'm not going to get too deep into but let's say for example you said something really stupid and like not mean but like dickish right and let's say I decide haha I'm gonna make a little joke at your expense haha haha that was funny block that person immediately that was the first thing that I did just instantly because the reason I decided to make a little joke at their expense was because I knew that they were the kind of asshole that would go crazy for like 10 days and sure enough I could check my mentions right the fuck now and see people responding to a bunch of blocked messages
Starting point is 00:21:53 because it's still ongoing hmm well I mean if you have a spider sense on it where you look and you go oh this is the type that is going to go off oh yes if you I have a very very yeah I have I've done this about 20 times now over the past two years I am full on spider sensing it of like how to the way that I the way that I phrased it is like there's a back and forth you can have a social media that is kind of enjoyable like a ribbing and and then there's the one that is not enjoyable and when you can tell right away right away that there will be no fun to be had here just cut that off why why waste time waiting for them to escalate to some wild accusation or threat when you just cut you just cut right here
Starting point is 00:22:42 I guess and if you ever feel curious you can just mouse over and click on their name and see what the fuck it actually was there's always there's also mute but yeah but mute doesn't deny them from your dank posts yeah which is the real punishment right your content even though they can just log out you you think that right but no just you you can you can you can just log out no no I know and you and and everyone does actually know that but the loss of your name and it's like think think about how crazy people get whenever you turn YouTube comments off on a video oh that was information I I've never I've obviously we've never done it but I am really yeah that's a feat that's a huge like backlash every time yeah I I have had a similar backlash over
Starting point is 00:23:52 like putting every time you put the sub the chat into slow mode or sub mode there's always one guy who goes nuts and is like this I just outrageous I deserve to be able to post what I want and it's it's more just don't well it's more just like the the you know new media means you can engage with it that that is true yes so some people are tuning in based on it being resemble resembling old media where it's like I just I'm here to observe the content and be entertained by it yeah and some people are exclusively interested in the engagement aspect that's right so if someone has denied that then they're denied the reason they showed up to begin with and to this I respond and that is a reasonable point of view to this I respond try to hold those but I am in fact
Starting point is 00:24:43 interacting with you by making you quiet I did I made you quiet see there's an interaction and the people who I didn't make quiet are the ones who have those shiny little emotes next to their name because I can trust them not to spoil something that's usually the only time I use sub only chat yeah is when I'm playing something that I'm like like let's say I was replaying phoenix right but I but I never played it like guess what that thing sub chat forever the whole fucking playthrough oh yeah I straight up do not trust random twitch jackass to not just come in and but just nick was the killer all along right you know yeah for sure I mean dude like at like playing through like anything like that oh a second row has been an absolute just like there's I mean
Starting point is 00:25:28 there's moments where you go it's uh or not switch it to emote only and whatnot and that's usually when I can tell because but it's usually it's precipitated by a handful of folks going like uh oh incoming uh oh t-minus oh second row I had the worst experience with that possible yeah where people were chiming in with advice for certain side quests but and one guy says do this and ruined my side quest because I took their advice and then went oh I thought you had already done it I haven't watched any of the streams but but but thumbs up part of the fun part of the fun of that collective in a way though is for the people going like here we go boys it's about to go down and it's almost like uh uh like it's like there's there's chat as a like audience reaction
Starting point is 00:26:14 yeah exclusively and chat as a form of precognition or or chat as a method of communicating with you yeah and there's and like both are merged together though functionally uh I'm sure they would want them to be separate depending on yeah what you're trying to say some some not everything is meant for you to see it right other things are and then they there's a spoiler room for that in most cases but no one's gonna think well the other thing is that it's like unless I mean people who usually type in a twitch chat are usually not people who stream and are looking at twitch chat with one eye and and it's like it's such a wild experience because okay let me let me wait what are you laughing about what are you laughing about what are you laughing about what are you way what are you
Starting point is 00:26:57 laughing what is this dopeo looks into his hair yeah and all he sees is a twitch chat yeah there it is epitaph is just a twitch chat of course it's just 10 seconds oh here it's coming off the metal chip pod chat pod chat assist pod chat um this is gonna sound oh fuck all I gotta do is just put the dreds right here and I just see it I just see it scrolling through my dreds oh fuck do you remember do you remember the matrix mm-hmm do you remember when neo gets out of the chair and walks over and cypher is looking at the matrix and he goes how do you make any sense of that he goes I don't even see the code anymore I just see blonde blue red head yeah most of the time I don't even see the chat mm-hmm I just see an emotion yes yeah like coming out of the screen
Starting point is 00:28:03 yes you scroll like the scrolling words it's so fast and it's just like a feeling yeah I feel like fucking Deanna Troy on the enterprise like I feel that it's scared or um when you're when you're walking when you're uh staring at a loading screen in p5 and like little bubbles are kind of yeah just giving a vague feeling of what's happening in town yeah little of that little of that and then you see and I'm sorry for all the people that I'm putting on blast in the whole world then you see the guy who really wants to give you a really good solid piece of advice and maybe it is a really good piece of advice so they're gonna add your name mm-hmm every 60 seconds mm-hmm for like half an hour mm-hmm until you tell them that you saw it and it is impossible I have found it impossible
Starting point is 00:28:54 to do that in anything less than a like yeah I saw it dude I saw it you don't it's cool don't worry about it so what do you what do you do if you're you're dofio and you fucking you're just having a normal day and then suddenly you look into the hair and the scroll is going and a whole bunch of people are going oh my god clip that and then a bunch of people just start typing F F F F what do you do oh it's real bad what the fuck do you do yeah that's that's uh the pre-f is very scary I don't like it you know yeah in anticipation the anticipatory walking around everything's totally normal look down you see F already no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not like this not like this not like this I think I think the one of the craziest things I've ever
Starting point is 00:29:43 seen was I forget what post it was but a bunch of people were posting F on on Twitter and it was something that had a lot of Japanese speakers reading the tweet which was followed by what is F right and the fairly awkward explanation yeah as to like step one call of duty call of duty step two pc version of very awkward yeah and you know what the wildest thing to me is is I don't know if you remember the context of press F to pay respects but there was one piece of context a few months prior to that that made it extra funny and EA dodged a bullet because prior to that they showed the battlefield four demo with the single player and there was hold E to cut off leg yeah in that demo right and that started that train of like fucking stupid prompt press button to do
Starting point is 00:30:43 the thing right and that train ran for two three months and at the height of that like aha dumb wouldn't it be stupid if call of duty came out with the worst one ever right and that like leap frogged it to fucking forever yeah yeah I mean there's there's there's no your meme out there to explain to anybody who's really confused yeah and I'm at good resource it comes in handy and I'm like fucking I'm having a giggle at the amount of people right now in the chat going oh my god it's from call of duty because F has just hit it hits hit that's what it means but but but people have F equals death yes but people have just internalized that without step one through four and step five this type F to mean something bad happened or I had a I had a moment uh hey I'm 33 today I had a moment
Starting point is 00:31:41 on a recent stream that is the strongest old feel I have ever felt the first big ass old feel on stream was somebody saying I've never heard of Final Fantasy Tactics when I was playing Final Fantasy Tactics and I'm like what are you talking about the game's only 21 years old right right but I had one and it was it was a double so I was playing vampire the masquerade bloodlines and you go into an internet cafe and on I think it's above one of the computers is written awp whore and it has been carved into the wall with a knife over one of the computers and it went ha ha ha that's funny what's an op what is it they go oh it's a gun from counter strike followed by a couple people like what is
Starting point is 00:32:42 counter strike like the cs in go stands for counter strike and it's like oh yeah back in 96 sorry back in 99 there was this rifle rifle that was really strong and people didn't like it and they banned the op and the thing and it's just like you ever been around your dad and his friends talking about bands and like they get into a bunch where you're like I'm following I'm following I'm gone no actually no okay that's not a big music guy he'd be talking that well because he my dad my dad all pretty much it was big in a music that was old when he was a kid okay so he'd be listening like the Beatles and shit like because yeah it's just you know it's just it's it's what
Starting point is 00:33:30 it is it's about that time it's about it's the 20 year sliding scale I remember laughing at Jeff on the fucking game the hotspot for being so old and be like ha ha you're talking about Atari bullshit old man and I am way older in comparison to the people watching our shit now than I was to him then back then yeah like because we were old enough that we remember the Nintendo era which is era two mm-hmm which is as far as I'm concerned maybe this is a bit like up my mouth that's the beginning right that's when shit popped off arcades and Nintendo but then there was arcades like ghetto arcades and then like Atari before that but now there's people like my what's what's a fucking Dreamcast yeah like I mean holy shit I remember when I was uh going down
Starting point is 00:34:21 that that rabbit hole of gamers rise up uh you know posts and like all those joker memes and shit and there's one of them which like what type of gamer are you and it had like comparisons between Jack Nicholson um um uh fucking yeah what's his name yeah Dark Knight Dark Knight Dark Knight Joker Dark Knight Joker died the best Keith Keith pleasure just so you had you had Nicholson you had Heath and then you had Jared Leto okay right and then what type of gamer are you yeah and it's like you know like like retro or modern retro it's like what Call of Duty 2 retro was like Call of Duty 2 or it was our halo or something and I was like ah like the oldest one the Jack Nicholson was like a 3d game with multiplayer online and 16 people shooting each other and I'm
Starting point is 00:35:15 just like so I have I started to embrace this because I feel that I remember laughing is like experience and like knowledge and all that matters I'm like ha ha whatever old person but I had a moment just today on the way over here in which I was hanging out in my discord talking to people and MK11's coming out later tonight right and somebody went you know I don't get Mortal Kombat period right I go it's about punching wizards I go yeah I get that I just don't get why everybody likes the gore aspect of it or why that's why it's popular and I'm like I could let's skip 30 steps here and I asked them how old they were and they were 23 which means they were born in 96 four years after MK1 came out and go listen if you were in an arcade in like 95 96 97
Starting point is 00:36:18 and you went up to a machine and saw Mortal Kombat Fatality next to the Street Fighter that was the end of the world that was the most that was the most outrageous fuck the man I can't my yeah my baby video games huh tear off this guy and 10 rib cage just fly out right but the kids they don't have that context well yeah because doom exists and a bunch of other stuff that's and the wall but MK still pushing them envelope in terms of how insane those fatalities yeah yeah because it has to but why because of that the that's where that's the white mk1 is a shitty fighting game it has to be it has to be it's terrible it has to create that shock that it did back then except by 2019 standards which are way further along yeah
Starting point is 00:37:10 and to you woolly I have a meme image that we I can create in your mind which is the one very similar to how you described that made me die inside the most which was one of those okay because we remember that fucking bullshit on Facebook only 90s kids love but fuck off right sure but this one was worse which is hey I'm glad I grew up playing this instead of this right and so I'm glad I'm the kind of kid who grew up playing Minecraft not fortnight yeah and I'm like I was an adult when Minecraft came out I was a like I was like 25 or whatever when Minecraft came out yeah well it's it's just like the cliff of one looking down on the other and they're both like I don't what is the relationship between both of these new things I don't even understand for context let's read
Starting point is 00:38:07 the birthday note from my loving sister happy earth day from everyone the kid the nephew I'm not gonna say his name right uh it wants to say happy birthday he wanted to get you a fortnight skin for your birthday oh that's so sweet love you that's the best he should do that I said very appreciated but I've told him I don't play fortnight that's what I told him too but the thought is what counts no that is that is there you go that's the first play get him a skin of course what else do you do use to show your affection right and put in put in that that fucking don't forget to put in your streamer code on the epic game store so um yeah and there's and there's and there's gonna be there's gonna be in in 1015 the people who are like man you guys remember fortnight
Starting point is 00:39:08 that'll be a thing yeah anyway I still remember when when he got the the switch for Christmas the words that came out of his mouth were a real video game like wow a real video game like he had never seen one and in the back of my mind I'm like did I buy that kid a fucking vinyl record player you know there's one there's one upside I can say to minecraft and fortnight being like the go to for all for kids I think minecraft's a great game as a go to for the kids because digital Legos well it's that right and the fact that it's creative enough that motherfuckers can make analog calculators sure is incredible uh and functioning pokemon yeah um but uh no it's I guess it's just a little bit of the idea that like it kind of created a a there's a circle where
Starting point is 00:39:58 the kids game looks like a kids game again as opposed to the era prior where call of duty was the kids game and the era prior to that which is let's market robo cop to the kids and that was it and so you had a bunch of kids that were playing shit that was not for them at all yeah as if it was the fact and then the edginess that that creates like fortnight doesn't have any blood in it that makes like like my sister won't the kids like yeah six or seven right no blood in his video games before I don't have no no graphic violence yeah so that's not gonna fuck over watch and even even as an adult at this point I have to go back and argue with myself in the past and go tiny 25 year old stupid pat there is a difference between the level of violence in
Starting point is 00:40:52 resident evil two on the playstation one and resident evil two on the playstation four there is a very significant difference in the level of violence there for the children yeah so that's you know so that's it just like like the the at the very least even it's even if it's the same genre just the difference between like these two games being what they're at versus like super hyper realistic over the top you know violence or whatever it's like at the at the very least it doesn't create a fucking case of edgelord's waiting to happen because at seven and eight they grew up with god you're super right exactly about like you know what everyone's worried about everyone old people are worried about video game violence fuck sony's worried about video game violence
Starting point is 00:41:41 and the titties and all that shit what we really need to be doing is safeguarding the kids from edge it's it's that sucks that's the way it's way worse it's the the the violence the violence leads to edge violence leads to edge and edge is the real problem that's the real fucking because the edge is like embarrassing young people it's just like oh you're gonna regret this so bad and then a bunch of fucking t-shirt companies find their market oh man like you know you know i mentioned uh i think it was the last podcast but like vegeta is the meanest baddest dude ever and that's why he gets to wear a bright pink shirt that says bad man on it the least edgy thing that has ever been and he totally pulled it off one day i'm just gonna say fuck it and let my demons come out
Starting point is 00:42:34 to play Naruto and it's Naruto there and it's oh hey this is what happens when your seven-year-old plays the cod blops as the as the first game ever oh christ you want to fucking go back in time people complaining about how call of duty's always been shit but they didn't exist when the series started call of duty one's fucking awesome call of duty one's the shit you know how fucking nuts it was see a tank go like warren's guns oh wow that was crazy there was that russian level gave you no oh man the kids don't know kids don't know about call of duty so anyway um if we're talking about the epic store i guess i'll take it uh hey uh the kids know about the epic store because that's where fortnite is i had to spend a bunch of time on that uh hopefully not feeding my data
Starting point is 00:43:31 to the chinese yeah because apparently that's what's happening in the background no we've talked about this was your brain turned off i forget it sucks regardless it does it's not okay well it's terrible it's a terrible store it's it's it is like i installed it hilarious how like bare bones the store is uh it's so terrible that upon installation it just doesn't work oh you're having that and then upon reinstallation it continues to not work and then uh a little bit of troubleshooting later the only way to get it working for me is and i installed it on a second computer just to see yeah it was the set my my settings of some kind same thing doesn't work on both computers wonderful only way to get it to work is to run it in windows vista compatibility
Starting point is 00:44:17 mode well that's baffling so running it through that gets the store to show up otherwise not fuck off um because i wanted to play hades because you heard me talk good about hades and you're like oh right hades exists and super giant is one of my favorite video game companies because they crush it yes um and guess what they crushed it yeah yeah hades is amazing and it's super it's like there's so yeah there's it's definitely in development there's so much to add like there's characters that their models their their approaches just aren't done so they just have a generic cloaked figure you know but i'm i'm really uh impressed by how far you can get in a roguelike by just having enough dialogue upon deaths yeah where you die and you come back and talk to somebody
Starting point is 00:45:04 and then they just say a little bit more right it's it's cool how you can kind of just put um you can put a lot behind that that process and i go it's almost like you can basically take your persona uh uh confidence yeah and like put every conversation behind a death and respawn great go talk to this person and find out what's up probably the most impressive thing to me about that now that i've played it more since the last time i spoke about it is that it is early access in a way that makes almost every other early access game ever look like a fucking joke yeah there's that it's it's the level of polish on everything is what is more than what most games would get in their final master and i can see that the uh balance is towards uh difficulty
Starting point is 00:45:56 being really high so that like you're struggling to get through most of those rooms the idea of there's two worlds now right the idea of there being like four yeah they're going for four yeah the idea of getting through all four with the power up structure the way it is is like oh you're gonna have to get me rough it's gonna take you a minute to get enough like permanent buffs to make it easily through the rest um i was able to get pretty far on that initial run and subsequently like i kind of got the gist of like never stop moving never stop like and i need to lock in place before they attack you so just be like yeah flow just flow non-stop and don't like and the the aiming system is really generous as well so like you get to you
Starting point is 00:46:46 don't have to worry too much about like um stopping to aim in cases of like long-range things and whatnot but uh it really is like yeah it quickly gets harder and harder and harder and uh and probably the biggest thing that i can think of is like the ability to regenerate health is almost completely non-existent that's the one that's the biggest reason actually regenerating health either comes from you buy it buying it or if you happen to get a gift that lets you uh break pots occasionally or enemy types you know very rarely you'll get like a fountain that'll heal you so that's one of the but like it's like you have a health bar that's supposed to last your entire run uh voice acting is fucking stellar as expected art is incredible um i remember like
Starting point is 00:47:37 oh it's grease whatever shut me up yeah yeah um in particular uh once you get into the um uh uh uh the non-pan the non-olympian gods yeah you get the weirdos there's chaos is like the awesome the straight out smt it's that's an smt god what a fucking cool design on that um and uh yeah and like you know fun writing fun interactions overall like the gift system is really nice i appreciate that you get uh ambrosia that you can choose to give to different people and or to give to certain gods that help you out and like they give you things in return uh and i kind of feel like this game is it's so stacked in terms of like there is a clear obvious first recipient of your first gift and i would love to see the numbers to see who did not follow the path who did you
Starting point is 00:48:38 give your first gift to achilles really yeah well i'm just gonna i'm that completely turns my my head up my my thought on a take of your first gift to that fucking pupper i see serbis is the best boy he's great that is the first and i felt clearest recipient of your gift because why the fuck wouldn't you give it to that dog because he doesn't talk but he loves you sure and but he doesn't talk the gift you get back for giving it is amazing it's amazing it's really good which is why i was like oh that's expected like the fact that i get that's the first thing i did right and i got that and i i started getting all the rest and every other gift i got back was not as good at all in fact some of them are just completely useless and i'm like oh they expect you to give
Starting point is 00:49:29 it to the best boy give it to the dog and the dog gives you the best gift in return and then you don't need any others and the idea like it's such a clear standard i forget who gives it to you but the one that gives you like 160 starting gold yeah that's fun that one is that's fun really good that's what i've been using now because i maxed out serbis is yeah so it gives you 100 gold that's what it gives yeah it gives you 100 gold at first um i forget who you get that from i want is it uh i also forget is it uh it's not chevron it's the other a sharon rather it's not sharon it's the other person you meet out in sissy sisyphus maybe i don't think it was sisyphus hypnos hypnos hypnos gives it to hypnosis all right yeah and um it's super strong and um
Starting point is 00:50:20 the uh uh uh uh the other one of course was like breaking pots gives you life sometimes which is is really good so that's really great as well but uh in any case man um really love what they're doing with that so far uh the fact that it's so zoomed out is interesting because you barely see your character model it's super tiny you see there the you see the the massive like energy trails off their hits but not so much their model from and the effects on your power-ups and whatnot are great and you can feel the like if you stack one uh if you take one attack option and stack it with power-ups as opposed to spreading yourself thin that's often the best way to crush it you fucking crush it all right so i'm gonna have my shield hit extra enemies but it'll also return faster and
Starting point is 00:51:11 it'll do chain lightning between all those enemies and has a chance to crit perfect okay go lightning captain america go bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro yeah um in particular that or uh yeah chain lightning is is is incredible it's probably one of the best it's it's yeah which is why when you get the zeus uh medallion yeah or just like i like yeah i i'm gonna feel good i'm gonna keep going with this one um where yeah some some some gods synergize better with some weapons but like zeus feels good for everything like dns dnsus is like yeah bro poison i get it i don't i don't give a fuck like like thank you for your poison do i really want to like damage things over time or just fry them now so the the poison really really helps with tougher enemies and if you have a bow
Starting point is 00:51:59 or the rail because you can just hit them well and then just focus on entirely on well the other thing to do with tougher enemies is occasionally there's a power up that's like 400 do 400 damage against armored enemies so get rid of their armor immediately and then just melt it um yeah so really really great roguelike and uh feel the only one that's actually really bad is aphrodite because she makes enemies attacks weaker and it's like i'm trying not to get hit anyway aphrodite is uh i find worthless except for her wrath which is amazing because aphrodite's wrath is marron fucking karen yeah and it works and and it actually works yes so um hades is a really good game and i was uh sad that i had to install the epic game store to play it uh currently that remains the
Starting point is 00:52:47 only way to play it i would say that it's full release will be on the steam and hopefully ps4 very likely uh there's ps4 prompts in there right now but if you want to get in there now and get a feel for what's going on with this game it's a really easy to just pick up do a quick run or two and uh put it down the amount of like i'm blown away that i'm still getting fresh lines oh it's not fighting against uh uh like uh what's her meg yeah fucking like how every single time you do a run you're gonna fight the same boss at the same place and you're gonna have to get past them to get to the next area until you unlock um uh uh what's his name uh phantos but meg's lines are all they they're always fresh and even when i think i'm gonna get to i'm like at
Starting point is 00:53:42 some point it's gonna gotta be dozens at some point it's gonna there's so many well because i hit the point where i was like it's just gonna be hey hey meg all right let's do this right and i got one of those and i was like okay we're finally out and then the next time i got to her i was almost dead and she's like oh you don't look in good shape like motherfucker there's conditionals so the one that got me is like hey i got a artemis spoon and then i got a zoo spoon and zoos is like oh you already got artemis yeah wow really yeah Poseidon's pretty fucking pissed off that you that you're dealing with him instead of zoos there's there's i would love to see what the voice acting budget on that game is not overall like to its total development because it has compared to what is
Starting point is 00:54:25 in that game it has like the most percentage of the game being voice acting i think of any game i've ever played i don't it's not the budget i want to see i need to see the excel sheet of the table right and the relation of how each each line plays out because it is easily going to be in like the tens of thousands there's a lot there's there's more permutations on their way incredible incredible very good game uh so i played a lot of Hades i played a lot of Katana zero Katana zero not samurai zero not samurai miami katana zero uh been waiting on this game for so long and it's finally here and it's just as good as it was when i first touched it it's stylish it's fucking awesome it was at PAX east as well they had all i saw for the first time after downloading
Starting point is 00:55:14 it after somebody told me about it and holy shit that's not true because you again it was brought up like two years ago what happened did i see it i think i played a trailer okay well i don't i think i played a trailer and but uh anyway fucking incredible um the the the creator's a fan and you know he was at PAX east and like uh got to chat for a little bit but didn't get a chance to go over and try the build which is fine because i mean i was sold the moment i touched it when it for when i like that and played that first level like the feel is there the style is there the aesthetic the music everything is firing on all cylinders and um the what i did not expect is the narrative it's really really fascinating in how many narrative elements are actually happening
Starting point is 00:56:03 and how many little details there are it's fun to see what's going on in between these little stages and there's like a really fantastic timing slash interrupt system yeah yeah so you have you what you have in in katana zero is it's a game where you get a little you get a room and it's a it's a super meat boy room it is a super meat boy mark of the ninja slash ninja guide and run to the right and up and down left and slash dudes and you got you could take one hit of damage so don't get touched don't die do it perfectly and use your stuff pick up things open doors etc guys are firing guns at you or shit's going to get really crazy you can hold on the left trigger to go into super slow motion or if you're god like you can just deflect it back
Starting point is 00:56:46 without slowing shit down which i love to do uh roll etc and just have and have at it right and that is all your planning phase because what you're actually doing is then when you're executing it you're watching the replay on security camera of what you've already done yeah so that's really fun because you're just thinking about the mission and then when you die it's just you going yeah that wouldn't work very prince of persia yeah right uh so that's that's the gameplay and that's solid on its own you can remix that formula as much as you need to to create different challenges and introduce new enemies and so on in between that you get like a pretty interesting world setting story and characters that are like uh just all fucking weird and crazy in the shitty
Starting point is 00:57:28 dystopian future yeah and the dialogue system has uh every every response you can pick there's always a timer where you get a interrupt system which if you answer within two seconds you can just say fuck what you're trying to say i have something i'm going to yell and that changes the way things play out in some cases that makes things go differently it really is fun to play with that because a lot of the time you don't like i feel like just picking between three options is not true to like the emotion of what's happening sometimes when you're playing an rpg in particular and someone's being a real piece of shit like my character's angry they would not calmly say any of these options yeah yeah right so like someone's being a humongous piece of shit to you
Starting point is 00:58:17 and you're like i know you're a dirtbag i know you're scum and they start saying whatever their monologue is and you just fucking just say fuck you i don't care what you have to say i can't believe you're still talking and they're like that is beyond satisfying because this is true to the scene right and also like obviously i'm not going to be able to know this until i finish the game and then look at shit but like i wonder how much i feel the variables are locked yeah but like how you get to them is not because i got fucking kicked out of that motherfucker's office because i wouldn't take my medicine right okay so i didn't have that happen at all right uh i had different versions i had compliance i had different and it feel i don't know how much
Starting point is 00:59:08 variability there actually is but right now the illusion of choice it's strong it appears to be very strong and very real it appears to not be an illusion so um i'm looking forward to the replay on this as well which uh i'm gonna definitely stream at some point um just to show you guys what's going on with this and then of course because it's uh this awesome neon uh retro style vibe in mixed with the dystopia you're getting your main character putting on their headphones clicking play and yes it's it's an awesome detail that that sold me on it very early where your character rolls up to the mission they're like a traditional samurai looking guy and the the earbuds go in and you see them pull out what appears to be like a walk man yep and click play and then in
Starting point is 01:00:00 the bottom left the track comes in with the name of the dj and you're like wow i don't know if hotline miami started it but hotline miami cemented it this is what we're gonna get in these types of retro looking neon games in the neon cyberpunk neon cyber yep this is what we're doing you get you get a fucking dj and you get and like those tracks are bangers every single one of them katana zero absolutely worth it grab it on the switch and um i got to i don't know that's also on the the pc i should have oh okay and probably on the other consoles if it's on those two i don't know how far you got i got to uh i got to about i almost finished the factory but then i had to stop okay i got to a false ending huh so there's those okay i got to a false credits you know okay
Starting point is 01:00:51 so this is where i'm looking at this going there might actually be branches here i don't know for sure but i imagine the branches be at the end and then be the difference between a couple different final levels that's usually how that stuff kind of goes well even that is like impressive for that type of game yeah yeah and the fact that like all of this fun stuff is happening in between the main mechanic which is good enough on its own yeah because if you if you pressed start and just got to a list of numbers and each number was a stage this game would be fine let me ask you a question level one like the first real level what did you tell the girl at the reception uh i was uh wearing a bathrobe going to take a shower okay and when you came
Starting point is 01:01:37 out what what did she do how did that interaction with the fucking cop go just fine i said i took my shower and uh this this blood is actually just a special kind of soap okay and i told her i was cosplaying yeah and he told me well good thing that uh that log and shitty cosplay hasn't gone into effect yet yeah that's great that's great um yeah yeah there is so you said you got to the first i got to the factory the the movie the movie uh the movie studio okay c54 okay uh there's one thing that this game does so with its system obviously like it's made for replaying and then like trying to get the perfect run trying to get the perfect run applying that to a boss fight is the fucking coolest all right yeah i have seen in some time dude because then you replay the
Starting point is 01:02:40 perfect boss fight the boss fights are so cool uh yeah because every run that's all right has to be perfect you know and the entire sequence plays out and you're all you fucked up all right started over make it work and it's just and you got it ah so satisfying really really satisfying when it comes to that as well um can't can't praise it enough and like not even done with it but i you know i've been fucking waiting on this one with bated breath and i remember having a moment like maybe four or five months ago just sitting randomly being like where the fuck is katana zero where's it at i just need this right now where's it at and then the trailer dropped not too long ago and i was like fuck come on it's in your hands man you've been playing it here it is uh absolutely
Starting point is 01:03:32 grab that um want to give a shout out as well over the week to uh a video i watched uh from one overly sarcastic productions they had a video called trope talk pure evil in which they discuss the fact that uh there's often a misconception that like you need to have a villain with complex motives to be uh you often need to have that if you want to have a good villain and it's like no no sometimes you can just have pure evil and it's fine it's funny because uh you mentioned that but like a few weeks ago on uh on a whim i just happened to watch some i don't know if i completely forget their name but i watched a video by a guy talking about dragon ball and how goku and and frieza represent like good examples of completely flat character arcs in which their characters literally
Starting point is 01:04:23 never change once except for modern posts of recent posts of vegeta like sorry frieza and goku specifically um in which it's like they change the world around them instead of them changing because of the world yes because dragon ball's world is flexible and it's flexible to the whims of the characters yes exactly the planet earth exists as a backdrop to our combat but yeah it's like you don't like characters can just be evil yes and um if you do it right like that can be the most fun you can have a ton of fun with that like one dimensional fucking just on on a path on a war path for whatever their reasons are i'm gonna dance here a little bit mm-hmm but it's been a long time we're talking about something that is 10 years old
Starting point is 01:05:12 now mm-hmm i'm not gonna say their name but culprit yep that's that's the best that's it culprit in persona four yep is built up as a mastermind and well but but yeah okay yeah so yeah i know i'm dancing but built up as a mastermind and then when you do get the reason and the reason is just that it's great piece of shit it's great and that's literally it like end of story wow you get it was the most satisfying and unsatisfying thing ever in same time you get your luke blights of the world oh man oh look never forget it's so good never forget right um you take him out halfway through the game and you're like how's your more game we got luke and uh you know and then sometimes you get anyway it's a really it's a really good video and it breaks down a
Starting point is 01:06:01 lot of that and the reasons why and then of course the reason why i have to shout it out is because it had it takes a a nice little parked moment and on this journey to get out and look at the scenery of reboot and just discuss the writing of reboot and where that goes and why that journey is so fun and what those villains are like hey megabyte what's up i don't know being evil mm-hmm cool hexadecimal what's up chaotic neutral being chaotic cool all right evil maybe but not really um and uh yeah it it was like it was one of those like watching it and just solid head nods solid head nods so uh trope talk i want to i want to shout that out because uh that was a really good video i enjoyed and i immediately was like i would like to subscribe to your newsletter overly
Starting point is 01:06:52 sarcastic productions people don't know what newsletters are anymore man no but whatever anyway i want more videos from red and blue i want to see what they got to say because it was good um i want to give a very brief and quick shout out from oh i'm just gonna go over there for a second yeah so uh there was a devil may cry five gdc talk that popped up uh called creating a stand out action game that happened uh i want to say maybe like a week or two no maybe two three weeks ago it was it was a minute ago and um what it was was more or less uh it's sooner talking about how to create an action game that ramps up in such a way that the the players emotions are in the right place at the right time and how to get them to how to reverse engineer a feeling
Starting point is 01:07:46 and design your game around that feeling so the the the things and the triumphs of devil may cry five for every character's arc and path are a very very uh planned thing and the whole game was designed around wanting to have you get to the right moment and have the right feeling at exactly the right time me and so it was a cool it was a cool talk about how to use that so he's like literally taking taking his modern accomplishments and things that made him happy in life and deciding how to like reverse engineer the game around it the um it's almost like it's you know son and the team did a great job they did a fantastic job one of the best charts is about how like most games have the you started a depowered state and then ramp up to a powered up state and then
Starting point is 01:08:28 start commenced the back third act of the game you know or sometimes last half but in this case they wanted the ramp up to continue all the way up to the finale and then after the credits roll you get the ex plus ultra version of it so like it's a really it's a really fun talk um but the reason why i bring it up is because i wanted to give a shout out to uh yeah daniel kimsey who was at gdc uh a fan that got in touch and said hey i'm gonna be at the talk i can ask a question one question would you want to get in there and uh he managed to get in the last last question which i was like if you can i just want to know what it's sooner and uh matt walker was there as well uh what they think of the inertia thing and what they think of the unintended tech in dmc4
Starting point is 01:09:21 that made cool shit happen i find that second question a lot more interesting but the inertia is the lead in to it obviously yeah yeah so i'm just like i don't but like i i i don't want to be an ass about this just but if you can just i want to know what they think about that cool shit that people have come come up with you know and uh he managed to squeeze it in at just the end and i think um a little bit of it got lost in translation ultimately it sounds like like because what it's you know ended up answering was more or less like um we put the game through a lot of testing and we try to make sure that there's no major issues but if we do find one and it seems to be one that enhances gameplay then we have a policy of letting it stay so basically he said
Starting point is 01:10:04 there's a happy accident so if there's happy accidents we let them happen right so we can need morrow said that and uh and it seemed and i think and i think matt knew more so what was happening and uh in reference to like the hashtag and such and went to talk and explained how um the idea behind uh removing it in this case was so that like when you do an enemy step they wanted it to not necessarily force you to do the enemy step in in the same direction as your inertia but to choose which direction you wanted to right go which gives you more as far as my enemy step is so much easier and they want to and it was part of giving you more freedom over where your aerial maneuverability was going to be but like the thing with it is that like while
Starting point is 01:10:46 that is true on a like a base level guard flying ends up being not so anime dragon ball shit right but they're not designing for guard flying exactly exactly but i'm really like it's a happy accident it is and i'm really happy that uh the question got in there regardless so uh thanks daniel for getting that in there um and for anyone who is uh curious about the that whole discussion you can tune in and catch that question right at the end we got it in there they're aware um the so there's that have you heard of or are you aware of i think i mentioned it last time beyond the curve yes okay yes so if you get a chance to tune in to netflix and click play on this documentary about uh mark sergeant and the flatter earth army uh this is a fun ride
Starting point is 01:11:44 it's not as much of a crazy ass trip as some of the other things i've that's been like it's not like it's no this is no fire festival no right but uh this is no abducted in plain sight i saw a clip from this but this is still a fun ride about neil the grass tyson yeah how yeah we do not name we don't name we don't yeah yeah yeah i'm like oh so the fun the fun part about it actually is how like reasonable the main guy sounds right as like the guy who's kind of like the representative of this whole thing yeah and uh his journey and whatnot but it's so fun because like you have you have the lead in of just like how did this get started why are we talking about flat earth as a real thing these days and then it really kind of it leads in but then it swerves nice and hard
Starting point is 01:12:40 into relationship drama and what and like the beef behind the scenes amongst flat earthers and it's a fucking great time oh man it's super fun that means and the guy who who's mad because he didn't get the credit for being the original dude you're not the original dude the original dude is an unnamed human from 80 whatever come thousand years ago you show up for the stupidity but you stay for the drama oh my god and it's delicious it's real real i'm the original flat earth earth it's real fun and then it continues while it's like you know delivering it's it's the drama to you to be like in the meantime here's a couple people running experiments to see how they to see if they can prove this running the least scientific experiments known
Starting point is 01:13:33 to men actually they run very scientific experiments it's more so about when the results come in what do you do with it oh god that's even worse um it's a real nice experiment a real nice uh uh uh deep dive on um confirmation bias oh yes and i it's it's fun all i can think of is when you said like oh it's really nice to see how reasonable the guy they took is the rep it's like that's why he's the rep yeah like well they say you and i started a cult and it is secretly a death cult and we're all gonna drink the kool-aid later right oh it's not one of those fun cults where you were you that's not a bang cults no it's a death cult where you're you're you're making out of a bunch of roman numerals and you start tattooing brands on nah man it's a death cult that's all
Starting point is 01:14:22 suicide version i watched smallville all right so oh um i'm not gonna be the guy who talks to the netflix thing you are gonna get to be the guy who talks to the netflix right because you're the guy who knows how to talk to the netflix man god damn it i'd be really good at that i'd be really good at that i could sell it i could actually i accidentally like you actually have the training that you have been trained since the childhood we're not to talk to the non-believers listen listen i understand i know it seems completely irrational oh god we're drinking the kool-aid we're all gonna die we're gonna end up oh this is very real guys guys do i honestly do do i sound like the kind of person that would just completely jump into something that makes no sense
Starting point is 01:15:14 here if i didn't think there was possibly an inkling of a chance that it might be worth investigating so you know what the best part is i'm gonna stop you right there at that question because unless you've encountered this particular speech enough times you go no you do sound reasonable but after having encountered it enough times those combinations of words you use go yes actually you sound exactly like the type of person to jump into something with absolutely no proof and is totally ridiculous that is what you sound like now the last thing i'd want to do is have anybody like come out of this hurt or feeling like they've like had their lives turn around for the worst in some possible way we want everyone to actually come out of this feeling better about themselves whether or not
Starting point is 01:16:01 they actually drink the kool-aid so the kool-aid remains an option it's in the room it's over there in the corner we're not saying you should drink it it's just a reminder that it's a possibility right now again we're not certain okay we need to stop this because we are creating a death cult right now you're actually quite good at this it's a problem i it's it's terrifying you know what i you know what i can think of you do you understand how many religious debates i've been in oh a bunch you know i can think of right now woolly say me and you would have hey we're gonna have a cult off we're gonna have a cult off right you are gonna get way more people than i'm gonna get you're gonna be way more successful they're gonna you're gonna trick
Starting point is 01:16:47 them into getting all their monies but i'm gonna have like 10 guys and those guys are gonna be nuts they're gonna do whatever yeah i mean there remains like there remains to be seen which is more effective in the end well depends what you want to do depends on how far you want to go yeah yeah i guess so right are you are you right if i got a cult going they're gonna drink that kool-aid and they're gonna thank me for it see the but your people are gonna flake out like pussies i don't know about the kool-aid i want my car well are you are you trying to tyler dirton you know it all depends on where you want to go with this thing i don't know man that's an illusion are we gonna be staring down at at a fucking exploding skyscraper while the pixie songs plays
Starting point is 01:17:32 yeah that's is that is what happens is that what we want to do here because if so then you need those 10 guys you know here yeah probably i need you to steal every garbage truck in the city i need you to dump all the trash into the street so yeah you you you you you would tyler dirton it you might even fucking yeah you get those you get those hardcore groups yeah you know of the solid followers i would probably i like to use the term true believer personally true believers sure i use the term true believer for a lot of things has a very specific connotation um you know man should never touched anybody you know uh neither did al capone yeah he just loved those newspapers yeah uh but uh i'd go i i think i would probably end up on the 20th century boys
Starting point is 01:18:22 route where it's like uh it's more about the widespread appeal yeah and like in the and the strength is in the it's it's it's not 90 percent um faith and conviction it's like nine percent but everybody's but everybody's in everybody's in for about nine percent yeah it's like Easter yeah so we got had Easter right so the guy who goes guys what the fuck are you doing everyone's like ah come on what's the big deal nine percent right we did but we just had Easter right yeah how many of you folks celebrated the the the the the fucking rise and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ of those listening to you probably not even a significant perception but a bunch you put rabbit bullshit on your house or ate some chocolate probably
Starting point is 01:19:15 you know it's it's real so the big bunny god comes down and tells you to start fucking you'll probably do it i mean it you know well he doesn't need you to drink the kool-aid why would i ever suggest that if you feel like if you feel like it would you know and if you don't want to that's fine too but you could always write in with your your parents credit card number and those three digits on the back expiration date month and year and you can contribute to a worthwhile cause like buying more kool-aid that's all it is uh anyway so uh you you want to watch beyond the curve and get into the drama but there's a cult man that is a that is a fuck cult so there's a thing though as much as you're like as much fun as it is going through this there's a very real moment
Starting point is 01:20:06 well there's a head full of them actually as you can imagine there's one that you're going to use is the example because it hurt you well there's two in your heart there's two right there's the one where you're at the conference and you're talking and everyone's going on about how they're you it's it's not the cult thing it's the yeah it's just hard to talk to people because no one else in my life wants to hear it right you guys are there for me and you kind of see the like oh this is also about belonging it's about yeah being a member right it's about being a part of this community that reinforces it and whatnot and then that fucking 12 year old kid walks up to the mic and he goes how old are you and he's like i'm 12 and he's like and how'd you get into the things
Starting point is 01:20:48 like yeah my parents are right over there and everyone starts applauding and you go motherfucker because you're like this is not fun anymore is it because the the the whole flat earth is one of those it's like one of those safe ones where it's so stupid that you can just laugh and enjoy it no one's getting hurt right up until you fuck up this kid until that happens right this is and and obviously and the thing with it is like the people that are into this to this degree it's like all you have to do is let's say you wanted to run a fucking documentary on like the assholes that believe sandy hook was staged and you'd be talking to the same people but the only difference is in this documentary you're asking them about this one as opposed to like which ethnic group you think
Starting point is 01:21:33 is behind i mean i can zero in controlling the banks i can i can zoom in on it you know further is this is the same group that made sure that that kid didn't get his vaccines of course exactly right and that's where the oh man this is hilarious turns from that into like no wait no wait this is actually not as hilarious because it's about eroding faith in public institution and the rule of science and the fact that if you and there are we are old aren't we there are living real conspiracies that have haven't happened and they and they do exist and things i know i'm part of some but the fact i was there but nonetheless you know you you get this thing where it's like nobody if i believe in it's it's highly believe in all of them i'm anti-authoritarian
Starting point is 01:22:16 in general it's fun to to think that the unknown in the shadows no matter how much light is in the room there remains a bit inside there that we'll never know and it's just it's a part of your personality and you'll never want to admit that part of it right um it so you get to that side things right and you get to the side where you get it's this is getting back into the fun of it almost where like you have the mark sergeant or these other guy that's a reasonable sounding dude that's like running the kind of group or the panel and when you start again taking questions or whatever and you're like how do these people react when someone gets up and goes well you know i mean we need we gotta we gotta get to the root problem with this flat earth conspiracy theory and whatnot
Starting point is 01:22:57 and you're just kind of waiting to see as everyone is like yeah yeah yeah and you're waiting to see where's the finger gun gonna point where is he gonna point right and like are you i'm we made the earth flat are we gonna get a reference to a zog machine anytime soon like or what are we doing here you know and you're waiting to see what is the reaction of the reasonable guy who has to sit there and smile while this one goes hey but we can all admit the fucking jews right yeah and then everyone's gotta the earth flat right so what what are we gonna do but i mean we let's let's take this plan to the next phase right now let's say you're just in the flat earth but you're not into or in fact made extraordinarily uncomfortable with what like was just said what is your like
Starting point is 01:23:42 huh hmm what are you what and that's the point and that's the point where you go why is it that everybody in my gang seems like an asshole well that's up with that that's actually the point where you go is it you you do the cost benefit analysis and you go is it worth it for me to ostracize this believer if i don't embrace the stupidity that he's putting out because i kind of need the numbers so you might say something like hey well that's not really important right now we need to focus on the science yeah yeah yeah but i hear you i hear you it's like no i don't you know and it's like this is where you go oh you're you're gonna dare you to make that the podcast yeah you're gonna i hear you yeah you're gonna no not that one oh yeah okay right you're
Starting point is 01:24:35 gonna embrace the don't make that the podcast title right and this and this is where and you get into the like some of the alex jones shit where it's just like are you gonna are you gonna like embrace the the fact that you're possibly dealing with mental illness inside of who you're talking to here or you're gonna just skate and pretend that it's not a part of you know you're what you're inside we're all trying to be inclusive and we're all trying to be positive so when the person says the crazy at you you don't want to make them feel hurt so you say something like you know i hear you i i know a person who talks like this i hear you and i feel you i feel your feelings deeply and i feel your you know you are seen and you know you have value but we're gonna move on
Starting point is 01:25:26 and it's like thank you for sharing that with us thank you and it's like maybe i'm old-fashioned because i'm old now but i remember showing my dad a bunch of conspiracies theory shit back in the day when i was like 13 14 and he went pat that's fucking stupid cured me of that shit in a second now the second thing that's uh worth sometimes people just need that is someone else in the midst of this fun journey uh goes up at a nasa convent conference or like a bar like meeting whatever and it's kind of talking about like he's like i'ma talk to y'all about flat earth for a minute and everyone's like we work for nasa and uh you know and they's like now i know i know right but here's the thing a lot of these people are the types of people that actually have curious minds
Starting point is 01:26:26 that would become scientists if they were on the right path but at some point they got stuck somewhere and we kind of lost them but that curious mind means that like they would have been the type of person that is like you or me that makes it into this field and could do well because of that curiosity so and you go that's like that's true i i'm you're lost in the weeds because of other mind goblins i don't know what i am going to put out a wild ass theory about the world that may or may not be appealing i believe that the internet democratized thought and speech and i think everybody can agree on this however it also dramatically lessens the individual worth of any particular individual in their collective society because of all the modern
Starting point is 01:27:20 shit is like making you feel more and more and more like just another person because you get to see how many other people there are right your insular community turns into a big city turns into a giant nation turns into the infinite amount of people out there which in the modern world has led to ennui or the lack of place in society right if you know about durkheim's ennui back in the 1800s like ennui is basically i feel at odds with my society i don't have a place the internet also democratized cults and now it's really easy to have a really easy cult and the cult can be about anything and all the cult has to offer is a group in which you belong no matter how fucking stupid insular or non-harmful whatever the fuck it actually is and you get these people
Starting point is 01:28:07 that could have become scientists because they're smart but they feel like they have no place in the world for whatever reason they didn't go down that way and they find a group that embraces them with open arms and says hey you smart guy we need smart people like you to fight the good fight for the flat earth and the reason i bring this up in regards to flat earth is because i see flat earth as a direct response to the loss of dignity that the earth has suffered in the modern era even in our lifetimes we have seen the earth go from special to less special and people who are older have seen the earth go from the actual senate like the solar system as like the center to like some fringe backwoods fuck ass solar system that doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:28:51 i think that's a connection that's interesting but not necessarily locked in i'm not sold yet the i know that nasa and space exploration has been something they've been trying to boost and make important again because it's become super unimportant for yeah the beginning of our lives everything cool happened just before we were born i it's so stupid but i i like lament not being old enough to see the moon landing because i feel like it would have changed my entire perspective everyone who talks about it seems to be the biggest thing that has ever happened and it was like six hours of uninterrupted television of that most objectively boring shit that you could ever watch right everybody everybody tuned in for right and it was a it was
Starting point is 01:29:42 a global event um in more ways than one yeah um and actually it was a well that's what uh-huh that's the burp uh-huh whereas here we're tuning into fun like we're now getting back to tuning into fun videos of our cool canadian uh space dad playing with like water yeah in the iss and stuff and we're like that's fun wow field is a good god damn god damn role model canada man with a mustache but like we otherwise didn't have anything definitive and like shocking to bring you right when we were born it was right after they stopped going to the moon they just stopped it's like oh that's a bummer right so there's that uh there's the fact that the budget's been cut and all that shit and so on and so forth you know um so yes there's a depreciation for that uh would that link directly to
Starting point is 01:30:37 things like flat earth coming out and being propagated i don't necessarily think so i kind of just think it's like it takes one person's maximum crazy and then you just need to bounce it off the walls of other people that are looking for a thing to find it to take issue with and so we got into a talk we we got into a talk about this after we finished watching it but i was like like think about chemtrails right i'm thinking about them nobody you don't have to tell me about no one had any thoughts about the fucking uh condensation trails in the sky that planes made right until somebody went i think something's going on i bet that's poison right and something that it's invisible to you suddenly becomes visible and because there's no clear automatic known
Starting point is 01:31:23 explanation for why that exists now it goes into the realm of the unknown which is where the poison exists because the realm of the unknown is where all my fun that's how your centipede's getting your cans yeah and and and you don't you don't acknowledge the part that you're enjoying this this part of it you don't because you don't acknowledge that you're on the cusp of finding out the biggest secret in the world and only me only me i'm the only one i'm gonna be the one i caught on to it they didn't know sheeple don't know you're all stupid i'm a genius i'm gonna save the world from chemtrails and and and you know like and then it's it's too late when you're fucking sitting there and and and aj styles gets called out live on camera and then he has to say i just think
Starting point is 01:32:07 there's some questions i think i think that is is absolutely what you're talking about but combined like mine is the setup and yours is the reality like i think there is a a huge amount of people in history like say take take all them ancient philosopher guys that were like all them greek guys were like gods are stupid and fate is dumb right but they still got to live in a world in which the earth was the center of the universe in which humans occupied a dominant like cultural and spiritual fucking force in the universe right but they were all you know the scientists and whatnot right we have people today that it's like religion doesn't do it for them but they still want to feel important yes and we're not not only are people not important you're not important
Starting point is 01:32:53 yes no nothing's important yes and whereas i revel in the freedom that complete fucking insignificance gives me other people find that uncomfortable um and now you got to find the corner of society that hasn't been explained or explored and point to it and go hey what's that about right so i mean whether it's fucking sewer people or like what like you know just sewer people what i and like what i used at the time was like hey i was like hey we just kind of see rainbows and we don't think about them too much and we generally say oh yeah when you spray some mist into the air it creates kind of a rainbow but like you think it's possible that maybe there's something more to that right maybe there's something to the like are we being programmed to see something
Starting point is 01:33:42 that reinforces some sort of i don't i don't know what's up with that asking questions just asking questions right whatever the fucking it is where you just don't have the knowledge to understand right and you you're not scientifically literate so you're not going to go to the fullest end to understand exactly what's happening so you're gonna it's gonna remain in the realm of the unknown to you there's a there's gonna get into that appealing place where it feels good to uncover and crack this mystery and um there's a fucking really dark like gallows humor like event that occurred where somebody dragged up this post of somebody explaining how a neighbor's child had died merely days after getting a vaccine and how sad it was that the vaccine magnetized them so that the car hit them
Starting point is 01:34:27 right right exactly right just like so so this is wow so this is where you and this you just you get into the thing where you will go okay person who believes that you could that is arguing for this flat earth right is how high is the dome right it's gotta be really high right you know like and and some people are arguing about whether or not the dome exists or whatever like you can get into all of that talk but what's more interesting and revealing is person who believes this you happen to refute what people are pointing out as like evidence and saying no i believe what i believe and i'm not gonna trust the evidence you're giving me because it's the sources by sources man the sources the sources are compromised right yeah so got it okay but you also happen to refute
Starting point is 01:35:13 every every single argument for vaccinations and you happen to also refute every single argument for contrails and you happen to refute every single argument for the fact that humans uh are not alien seeds or that Stanley Kubrick didn't film a moon landing set and every single one of these things comes down the line and you are always defaulting to the side of the popular thing must be fake the mystery is where it's at yeah and doesn't that pattern of like it looks like you're addicted to mystery and it and you don't even see that because if we stay myopic on one given topic we're never gonna find out that you have a pattern of rejecting the common because you find it fun and you're also telling the man to fuck off is fun even if all the man is saying
Starting point is 01:36:10 is that the sky is blue and and and you finding it fun is sometimes not the explanation sometimes it's like my brain is forcing me to yeah and that's unfortunate i can understand that but it doesn't change the fact that like there's a larger narrative we can tell from your other beliefs that has nothing to do with this individual one or arguing it down now we have had this big old talk with man willy i bet you're gonna feel really stupid when the world ends up being super flat i mean i will absolutely revel in that that'll be amazing i can't wait like yeah the reverse Galileo oh that'd be fucking nuts here's footage of a guy driving his boat off the side of the earth like wow okay limited a brave new world here oh yeah yeah yeah no it's like we are the ones
Starting point is 01:36:58 we are the people that are burning the the round earthers at the stake you know and poor mark sergeant's mom just being nice and supportive and wholesome the whole time and watch it it's a good time watch it um but yeah yeah there's something there you know and you got to listen to your your your you're familiar with eddie bravo i'm not familiar okay well it's just one of those guys where it's just like whatever it is as long as it's anti-establishment sounds good let's take it let's fight the power right and if someone brings a new thing to you that no one's ever talked about if if for chan invents one that know you know what i mean a brand new conspiracy and it sounds like yeah i don't know the answer to that it's in yeah and we're automatically looking into it
Starting point is 01:37:43 and possibly considering it and the seed has been planted and that's all it takes now that's a real mind goblin yeah because you that's when you fucking you can you can incept that into someone else by bringing the strongest mind goblins are the transferable ones fluoride in the water you know um um um there is fluoride in the water yes but what it does to you and supposedly good for your teeth and it makes you some makes you subservient and fucking kills your sperm and whatever yeah you know anyway um i forgot where i was going with that but that's fine that's that's stuff did you have stuff i did have stuff tell me about stuff it's funny that you mentioned
Starting point is 01:38:25 by the way uh you mentioned you were going to stream katana zero where would you be streaming that uh over at woolly versus on twitch and um on youtube as well there's highlights going up currently wonderful 101 with reggie continues and i've been dropping a whole lot of fighter pedia hd i notice um i am almost out of videos cool cool no good bad wait wait no wait hold on when you say fighter pedia hd when you say you're out of video does that mean you're almost done no it means i'm almost out of things to upload to my channel ah you should probably because i have i should be i should yes so uh the the process of recording more has returned and there should be more wonderful 101 fighter pedia is going to continue uh as will uh sekiro and all the other
Starting point is 01:39:18 things and when we get a shot to finish re and so on and so forth we will do that and i keep saying and so on and so forth but that's the way i talk woolly versus and so on and so forth over at woolly versus yep yeah you want to talk about fucking transferable mind goblins that's the topic of the week for pat i'm gonna quickly skim over some other bullshit katana zero that shit's awesome so that's my favorite superman movie because it's dumb because it's fucking stupid good and you know why because superheroes are fucking stupid good particularly dc ones i don't mean that as a diss i mean hey you have a superpowered man who jump real tall and you're big strong just make
Starting point is 01:40:01 hey how about you have fun with it shazam has tons of fun with it because being a superman is fucking dumb that movie's great i eagerly await them to retrofit the entire dc universe into that tone and have like fucking dumbass aquaman talking to a dolphin and telling jokes and shit did you like it more than captain marvel yeah a lot so captain marvel is better than captain marvel yeah a lot okay because personal charisma it goes a long way in a character driven story um what else played a bunch of games those don't really matter let's talk about mind goblins let's talk about what happens when a common mind goblin becomes a strong mind goblin and the steps that you take to beat that mind goblin mind orc yeah a mind hog goblin if you would
Starting point is 01:40:56 so you might have seen a tweet going around got like 10 000 retweets and it was a video game tells you hey this is a really valuable item be careful when you use it and the person's response is okay got it never use it and the game goes no no i mean hoard it like a dragon got it got it right i have uh i have this fun little thing in my brain called the ocd which most of the time is the funsies ha ha occasionally will make me do things possibly ha ha whatever but i got it mostly under control except for items in games out of control can't can't can't i had a fucking all anxiety attack in a fucking recipe for two stream in which i'm looking at a fucking item box with so many health items i can't carry them completely full stacked up shotgun and
Starting point is 01:41:56 magnum ammunition so much ammunition i couldn't even put it in my inventory for the final boss going oh god i can't shoot any of the enemies on the way to the final boss what if i don't have enough ammunition for the final boss this consumable item shit is out of control can't do it it's fucking me up so i decided to try and do something because the main the main way that you work through your ocd compulsions is by just forcing yourself to not do them and then the world doesn't end yes this is what you should do so you deal with it so i decided okay i'm gonna play a bunch of roguelikes okay i'm buying items from the shops i'm using health pickups roguelike part of it done i can do it i can buy items from the shops and use them a lot of them go away when you're
Starting point is 01:42:47 running yes so this is the baby step right played dead cells a game which i very very overtly was the first time people saw this behavior in which i would literally never buy anything from a shop in dead cells because well you technically save a little bit of money so what if i need it later to buy something else from the shop but i never do right played dead cells is this why you decided to go back to roguelikes i was part of the reason yeah also gunjan uh can farewell arms came out that week right okay bought items of dead cells bought things from the shops okay got it hades you buy shit all the time money money means nothing in that game okay god lose it all at the end of your run yeah got it down when there's no permanence i can spend it okay next step
Starting point is 01:43:36 you know what's a really amazing game that i never was able to properly enjoy because i would save scum the shit out of it dishonored and anybody's been following my twitter over the past week has seen that my attempt to defeat the dishonored mind goblins is been going way less successfully as a result before you branch off of this i should give a shout out to the person who tweeted i'm gonna design a game where when you get to the end the final boss grabs every item in from your inventory and uses them against all your consumables are used against you and i'm like that's fucking platinum is brilliant that is diamonds you need to actually execute this now mm-hmm so dishonored is and i spoke to other people about this dishonored is actually poisonous
Starting point is 01:44:29 for ocd people because it has so many little aspects in it that caused your mental brain trigger to go wild so i didn't see your tweets i just saw people talking about them how stupid i was yeah because they apparently you refuse to play the game by using the things it has that's correct so let let me let me break that down i don't fucking also red bulls are consumables you're aware yeah i'm aware okay you can always get more they're infinite okay potions you can buy you can use those all the time because they don't run out but ethers you don't because they're rare so if there was a rare type of red bull that i could buy at the store only for a week i would never be able to drink it so limited resources on our planet well i'm gonna be dead my it all
Starting point is 01:45:11 goes away when my run ends so that's fine okay because i was gonna say gasoline and helium i don't give a shit currently in short supply yeah i'll be fine i don't drive that's how short-sighted i am but um dishonored is a stealth game stealth action game that is extremely good and i can see that it's good but i always felt miserable playing it it always comes up in the thief discussion yeah this game is it's it's supposed to be the sequel to thief like they even talked about it um the biggest thing is that they you can go through that game with a high chaos which is big murder or a low chaos run which is no murder so upon playing the game the first time many years ago when it came out i said well i want to get the best ending so i would save scum my way
Starting point is 01:46:05 out of every situation so that i could beat the mission without anybody seeing me or with anybody getting killed and do all the perfect endings to it took me like 10 hours to do three missions in like a 20 hour game right what's the actual problem the problem is at the end of the mission screen it tells you how many people you've killed how many people bodies were found and gives you a check mark that says you were never seen and it gives you a different check mark that says you never killed anyone and that you finished the mission perfectly that is the problem so completing it without that means you failed i see right so this would have been helpful uh not too long ago when i was arguing with min about um the whole design of sekiro intended versus
Starting point is 01:47:01 unintended right and whether or not running in stealthing killing one guy alerting and running out of the zone to de agar everybody is that intended or not intended or not yeah we were having a big debate about like so here's the thing is like i suppose there are a lot of people who that had the same complaint because it is a and this isn't even ocd but when when you give a player a check mark for doing something not getting that check mark for a subsection of people feels like they screwed up did you play every mission in dmc until you got an s before moving forward nope so what's the difference with this check mark one's a gradient and one's a binary okay right okay it's hitting i have hit i do the particulars of of the of any of the skin the skin
Starting point is 01:47:51 crawl yeah yeah it's like the yeah is it is it thumbs up or thumbs down yeah not hey pretty good or oh that was all right the flesh itches right yeah okay um so uh i then did a lot of a lot of talk with people and i'm like it's it's very difficult to try and break a habit like that was when it's ingrained so somebody gives you an explanation as to why you shouldn't be doing that and then you argue with them which is the opposite of what you started the process to do right i'm like well you know i i feel like i have to kill people and they go no the devs said you can kill people they just want the ending to reflect the type of character you played yeah but i want the best ending so and it's like why am i arguing against the habit that i'm trying
Starting point is 01:48:37 to write right um and the thing that broke it for me is the explicit design and dishonored is the reason why there's combat and lethal shit in that game is that when you get spotted you don't have to quick load it you can just kill the people that are attacking you and go to the next part of the mission and stealth that without having to obsessively quick quick save and quick load which was a problem in all the first person stealth games are you explicitly rewarded with different endings there is one ending how this goes there is one ending that you get if you didn't murder everyone and there's one ending that you get if you pretty much did murder everyone okay and it runs into this issue that for an average person wouldn't be a problem but for somebody
Starting point is 01:49:23 who obsesses over these kinds of things does become a problem because it's low chaos versus high chaos right and it tracks how many bodies got eaten by rats how many people he killed etc right problem is for the air quotes the problem is that i don't know how many people you kill counts as high chaos is it one is it five is it 20 right like i don't know turns out the answer is 20 of the entire levels population which is hard to do if you're actually trying to be sneaky right but because there's no information in the game people like me just go oh well it must be a disaster if you kill even a one person so make sure to quick load so you don't get the bad ending because if you killed anyone you'll get the bad ending did you have a problem with undertale
Starting point is 01:50:18 nope because undertale requires complete genocide or complete pacifism with no in-betweens that's right um that is incredibly comfortable yeah to me versus hey if i if i died in the boss fight against papyrus without pacifist thing i don't just go i'll kill him now anyway it's like nope gotta do it the right way okay all right right um eventually got out of my ass on that and was like i actually just got tired of reloading and just was like fuck it i'll just there's a part where people just straight assassins attack you and there was for your little chance that you'd know they were there i'm like oh whatever i killed them whatever i'll make a rule in my head people that attack me they get to die everybody else i'll try and be nice but if they attack me they're
Starting point is 01:51:11 dead fuck them right okay goblin one somewhat slayed got around the the the fucking checkmark because turns out is that it actually is a gradient that presents itself to you as a binary state right so mind goblin sidestep does that make any sense no okay it the the the success fail rate looks like a binary it looks like checkmark or no checkmark but actually behind the scenes it is actually a much wider gradient it's not kill one person and you fail it's kill a fifth of the level and you get a different thing it just displayed as a check but it's displayed as a fucking checkmark so right that context allows not to kill the mind goblin but sidestep it and here we get to the one that everybody's mad at me for
Starting point is 01:52:12 blink which is blink so blink in dishonored is the best ability in the game it lets you look anywhere and within about 20 feet just you just instantly teleport there just sounds pretty mandatory it's really great the problem is that there's a different power called dark vision which is detective vision and it shows you every single character's sight cone which is pretty useful in stealth game it also makes the game look like shit which feels like a design issue like it makes the game look like piss like all those detective visions do and the way the mana system in that game works is when you use mana it drains a little bit but if you don't use any spells for five seconds it regenerates to full right well you use dark vision well then you got to wait five
Starting point is 01:53:04 seconds for it to regenerate and then you're going to go blink somewhere but oh dark vision is going to wear off pretty soon so you should actually just wait and pop dark vision again so that you can blink while you can see everyone's thing so just want to not want to do both when you're full well because then you'd run out of mana and you'd have to use a mana potion so you so you can't use both at the same time oh you totally could and you can carry like 10 mana potions which are like a 60% no no no but you can't use both and then wait oh if you use if you use two in a row it'll only regen up to the second one so every time you use powers in a row or it refills one use it doesn't refill two uses basically so you're now down yeah and then okay
Starting point is 01:53:48 but that's fine you you have you have 10 mana potions so now you're committed to losing points hard right so you have 10 mana potions that's fine except well i don't know how many mana potions i'm gonna get so i got to save them stop why don't you why not use the ability to see where everything is and then do blink without the ability because now you know because what if they move and then i don't see where they are while i'm but do you see this do you see this and then here's here's where i knew it was bad here's where i knew it was really bad use dark vision and you see there's a the the other worst part about dark vision is it shows you where every item in the area is which is useful except oh there's items there and a bunch of enemies
Starting point is 01:54:31 well now i have to go down there to get all the items because what if i need those items later but i don't blink down there because i have to keep dark vision all all the time so i crawl and i get spotted so i reload and i crawl and i get spotted i reload and i crawl and i get spotted there's no game and what do i find down there mana potions that i can't pick up because my inventory is full of mana potions and that's an area that i don't even actually even need to go to that's an area for people who are fighting their way through and need the the mana potions for the combat juice right if i wanted to stealth it i could have just gone zip zip that boop and then left no problem would have been super easy but i didn't because
Starting point is 01:55:21 i thought i had to get everything but i couldn't use anything and i couldn't use it at the same time and this is the mind goblinist it has been in a game for a while is this your revisit to the game or is this the initial time this is the revisit okay the initial time you played it was identical to this but much worse and did you and you wrote it off did you blame the game slash say that the game sucks i blame the game in one respect but realize it was mostly me i don't like that the game because it's really important to distinguish whether or not that initial dismissal was followed with your brain telling you fuck dishonor this game is trash no i never said that in fact i've always said that the game is great i just wish i could enjoy it
Starting point is 01:56:08 more or that i don't get it um the main i do have a legitimate complaint and i feel it's legitimate because other people have echoed it and the game gives you way way way way more things to do to kill people than it does to not kill people but the game's story implies that you shouldn't kill people and i think that it's kind of a bummer that the most fun the most fun way to play it is the one that gets you the bad ending i understand that and yeah i understand i was playing i think that's a bummer so i i totally get that part because i actually had that experience in katana zero there's a mission where they where it's like hey man don't kill these cops and i remember thinking that that might affect the results somehow yeah so i was trying to stealth my way out of a
Starting point is 01:56:56 room which the game was like no you kill these cops yeah but because of the text prior to going into that room and how it plays out you're under the impression that you might not possibly be supposed to do that it's like a it's like a less extreme version of what happened in human revolution it's like in human revolution you have way more stuff you can do if you're willing to kill people yeah and in some of the bosses are dealt really bad if you don't want to kill right or like even metal gear right where although like metal gear eventually started to make it so that like stealth options were as numerous as like offensive options because who the fuck is actually laying a claymore in the walking path of a guard no one like who's ever done that
Starting point is 01:57:42 ever and so another reason why i feel that that complaint is legitimate is because the devs took that complaint to heart and in the second game you have way more stealth abilities that are about non-lethal in particular when you fight somebody and you parry them perfectly instead of killing them you can hit a different button to choke them out non-lethally even if they've seen you which isn't an option in the first game they offer you powers that can sleep a whole room or what is essentially a fucking tranq grenade right against the tranq gun in sons of liberty exactly yeah right stuff like that so cool my reaction to it is extreme but it's not actually that uncommon right the ability use shit is super gobliny and a hundred percent my my like inside my head because of the way mana
Starting point is 01:58:37 works but even that they rolled back on because in the last game death of the outsider there is no consumable energy you just have a bar and it will refill the full no matter what it just matters what combination of powers are you going to use right now in the next 30 seconds well here's the question if you have zero mana yeah can you not just you can and here's where i guess stealth through the entire mission anyways being extra careful so there's two parts of this that are going to make me seem or show how crazy i really am thank you for correcting that one the phrase that i'm trying to in in put into myself which because there so i've been talking about quite honestly there are a lot of people that are in this exact same boat i don't know how and like
Starting point is 01:59:26 normally this would be whatever it's video games except video games are my job so it like i'm dealing with it more often the phrase that somebody said a while ago that it really rings true is like use it now and you won't need to use it later right because it's always save it because you might need it later we'll use it now and you won't need to because you won't have a fight to deal with because you didn't get caught because you just stealth past you know that kind of thing and the second thing is that in dishonored you literally can't be at zero mana if you completely run out of juice and and drain it to the last drop and hear the boo boo or whatever noise it's going to drain enough so that you can still use blank every 15 seconds
Starting point is 02:00:11 to show your dark vision it'll always go back up to it always like one fourth of the total bar which is enough to use dark vision and uh blank which is extra ridiculous because those are the only two abilities i have so there's actually no possible situation in which i could not be able to use the abilities both of them yes that i am constantly saving my mana it's just scrounging for more mana for it's just showing you a bar it's just that it shows me a bar that's at 25 percent full you need to fuck all the way off dude with i know i specifically started playing this game because with this game it's the worst it's ever been this game was ruined for me by my mind goblins because i again having uh i played seckero this weekend uh and i was talking to min
Starting point is 02:01:11 and he was talking about how his because he didn't play any from soft games so this is like pretty much the first one he's ever touched and he's going into it going like yeah i hit and run and i used consumables on bosses and i would and he used um the uh what's it called um what the items that give that multiply certain luck yeah things i forgot what they're called but whatever the balloons the balloons he'd use the the meaboo balloons and whatnot right and i'd be like yeah um yeah i'm saving those because i don't think i need to waste them especially i don't want to waste them on attempts when i'm still learning what's the boss is doing and you have the normal version of what i'm talking about which is frugalness and and and the thought process
Starting point is 02:01:52 is uh like we learned with blood starved don't waste the paper on your weapon when you're still trying to figure out what blood star waste it when you feel confident that it's going to push you over the edge because you're almost there and you need that little extra bit and so i was fighting that gun girl uh oh yeah that one that's probably the hardest fight in the whole fucking game that's interesting that's how the the the the the one in the on the the mountain in front of the gun for yeah i think that's the hardest fight in the whole game for me so uh what you call it um he just let her get poisoned out by waiting 10 minutes and i said no i want to learn it and uh it got to a point where i was like okay um this fights all i have her pattern down i've
Starting point is 02:02:35 memorized everything i'm out of heels so let me now go over to my life gems and pop three of them sure yeah and that was enough to win and that's the exact textbook scenario of memorization just enough to get over the edge now you can use those consumables yeah you're nice right in the middle where you were frugal but then you used it when it would matter right you're not using it willy nilly and then you you win fights that you already would have won anyway or using it before you have perfect knowledge of the fight yeah you're telling me that it's all on the ui not only am i telling you that but somebody in the chat in all caps said something very smart which is pat you didn't have this problem with human revolution what the fuck is wrong with you because human
Starting point is 02:03:20 revolution uses the same system right you can only go you know even if you drain it all the way yeah well in human revolution you have discrete batteries on that meter and then dishonored it's a single line with no chunks so you're so i get to go at least i have one battery left but when i look at that line i go oh god i only have one fourth of the bar left despite those being functionally identical are you telling me that uh if you have a low life bar the need to top off is higher than if you're looking at a zelda heart that's just one heart absolutely at least i have a heart left okay yeah so what should worry therapy so what yeah video game therapy
Starting point is 02:04:32 wow remember to always take your vitamins kids okay um but so now what how do you play the video game you you just you you force yourself to use items or do things in a way that is initially uncomfortable and then the world doesn't end and then it's fine and here's the initial here's the thing you never even continued playing badly to just get through it badly so that you could see do that what the game was about anyway no because the game ranks you because if i ever were i'm thinking like playing if i ever were playing like uh uh you know some sort of character action game where i'm like i can't fucking get past this thing but i've but i still just want to go i want to know what's ahead i could see myself using whatever healing item or
Starting point is 02:05:29 whatever getting past it continuing beating it so i know i see the content and so on then going back and doing it properly because it lets you do that in segments yeah you you you don't it's a red light no no it's red light yeah and then and i know what you think and you'd rather put the game down no eventually i had to put the game down uh then find out what's going on oh no because i was i was not having any fun at all um and i and there will be a point in this conversation where you were someone maybe at home maybe you points out that the analogy that you just used is in character action game is one that i actually have no problem with at all whatsoever despite explicit rankings at the end of those stages because it's not a binary um and it's not even if it was exactly the same
Starting point is 02:06:24 i would probably say well that's different or that doesn't count and you would go why and i'd go because this entire mental process is irrational there is very there is internal logic but there's no external logic to the outside uh so yeah at the end of maybe 15 hours of playing pray this weekend i beat the first mission but dishonored you mean yeah i did what i said pray okay dishonored sorry maybe 15 hours of playing dishonored i beat the first mission but 14 of those were struggling with all of this bullshit and failing outright and then our 14 to 15 was me going oh just fuck it and blinking everywhere and stabbing a dog that saw me for a second and finishing the level with like two kills and a fucking like the 10 bodies the 10
Starting point is 02:07:31 unconscious bodies found i hope that game designers out there build more games that feed your disease so that you are forced to confront it that is unfortunately i hope but the mark brown does a really good video uh game maker still kit on uh reward systems and how even if you're not crazy like what i'm describing reward systems that reward players with past fail states of like good job you did it or you're terrible stealth man um are not the best and he uses metal gear solid as sorry metal solid five as a good example in that um believe it's the issue of playing past your mistakes of like playing past your mistakes is is what developers often intend but players will optimize the fun out of the game by
Starting point is 02:08:26 quick saving and quick loading and never seeing combat for example or you know um and the easiest way to do that is to make a wide variety of fail states between perfection and total disaster and he uses metal gear solid five as an example in which there's the guard kind of maybe saw something to the guard saw you to the guard's gonna radio it in to the guard radioed it in but there's no big alert yet to everybody knows where you are we're going back to character action games because you're getting a report card you're never getting an f yes the f is you didn't be like like imagine f means game over imagine imagine if if uh fucking uh uh platinum games uh if in bayonetta you could only get pure platinum or stone yeah yeah it would make you feel like shit uh like uh bloody palace
Starting point is 02:09:25 yeah did you beat it you got this that's it that's it um yeah so yes uh i uh the only reason i'm talking about this is i think it's somewhat interesting just particularly to people who because i think the one thing that frustrates me is i talk about the mind goblins and the response from the average person is no just do it though like no if i could just do it we wouldn't even be having this conversation yeah this wouldn't be a conversation what floor did you get to by the way bloody palace oh i barely played it so i i got to 50s something but that was like the first night i only played for half hour okay uh did you beat it no it's i think the highest i think the highest of anyone i know unless you've gotten higher i think uh susie spear hunter she got to like 87 i got
Starting point is 02:10:13 to 87 what the fuck's on 487 87 is what's on 87 very particular floor my friend uh if you remember if you remember the uh the double blitz um from from four it's the three furies isn't it three riots three uh triple riot and you mean fury riot fury riot teleporters fury fury yeah um triple fury and yeah i've heard people talk about the dmd furies yeah so i remember like it was funny because i was talking about like not being very good at at furies with nero and then like people linked me their tutorials on literally how to beat furies as nero i have i i've i've workshopped my own strategy and uh if you have a rag time it's a joke yeah but when there's more than one it's still not yeah anyway yeah that that that that floor is the real floor the rest were fucking
Starting point is 02:11:17 whatever just play optimally and you're fine but triple furies anyway uh hope everyone had a fun time exploring mind goblins apologies for shitting up your timelines on i really like i want people to find more games that do this so that like you need to well the problem is is that most games do do this but engaging in this kind of behavior doesn't negatively affect the game right so think of persona like i want a game where your your life bar your mana and every resource is not displayed as a bar or a chunk of battery but as a thumbs up or thumbs down or a percentage oh and you see you're at 15 life and 12 mana and 8 whatever the fuck so you know what persona actually does a really good job with this uh the items are really valuable right like somas and stuff like that those
Starting point is 02:12:13 are for emergencies and the game expects you to save them for fucking emergencies too but not only that but it's like hey you're not using mana good job not killing anything ever because you need to hit weaknesses you need to hit spells right so you end up running down like at the end of a dungeon run you're down to like i literally cannot cast any more spells and that's the only reason to go home right yeah it's like my characters are exhausted they they just can't right yep uh it was a lot easier in four when you could talk to fox and just full heal right it was interesting learning that like the time limit of how far you go into a dungeon is really just your magic yeah i've never played a game like that before so because i and it works perfectly with the original p3 did it the
Starting point is 02:12:59 best is like your characters are fucking tired yeah yeah you've been in you've been in a dungeon fighting your ass off for like two hours they're exhausted as opposed to hitting a logical stopping point where it's like you've done it all time to go home time to go home and you're probably prepped for the boss fight at the end of the month yeah um good luck with all that shit uh that's yeah that's some new shit that's that's really using using the part that bothers me is that that the place this comes from is sound advice in souls games where it's like yeah don't use that consumable like i mentioned earlier the problem is i didn't realize how easily your your cart flies off the fucking rails the problem to the lava is that this mental thought process has been nurtured by
Starting point is 02:13:46 decades of games in which it is a good idea to do everything that i just described but then you get to games which are like yeah use your items of course you're supposed to use your items and it goes i've played way too many games in which have catered to my insanity right i played all almost every survival horror game of note that came out and of like a 10-year period so guess what don't shoot your gun ah you know like you mentioned that you bounced uh you went through wonderful 101 um but like the control scheme like was like one of the worst things ever for you uh i i used the the pro controller because i couldn't stand the drawing on the pad or whatever yeah yeah yeah so um how did you feel about items in that game where this is a platinum game and some items
Starting point is 02:14:35 which uh take uh decrease your score but some items don't oh i don't even remember that game having items okay yeah so i don't even remember exactly right so the first time i went through it it was like yeah i just never look at it never touch it ignore it whatever and then later on i found out there's some items that you can use that don't do anything to your score that are intended to be used or missiles like that that are just like extra pickups and whatnot right now does knowing that make you inclined to use them in those games i'm very comfortable with that genre so i would rather just learn to be just fight just be better right but in a stealth game particularly a first person stealth game it's like that road is very long okay um but like
Starting point is 02:15:18 let's put a cap on this like this is why i hate earthbound because earthbound you're like go buy a bunch of bottle rockets at the store and shoot them at the boss right it makes i'd like i want to throw up right now you can't just crack your bat forever well you can but like it wants you to use shit there needs to be a game where not only does the last boss take all your consumables away from you but every single action is a consumable including the defaults let me think because i'm i'm certain that exists i mean quite d&d mages are using consumable oh yeah you want to talk like there's a reason why so you want to get the normie version of this vansion spell casting which is the the spells that you just described which is dailies learn
Starting point is 02:16:11 learn your magic missile yep cap yep is reviled overall people like per encounter spells people even like mp better than that they're like i have three magic missiles the draw system is the bane of my existence in ff8 why would i use a spell when it makes my stats weaker yeah so what happens when you play ff8 you junction your good stats and then you just auto attack every single enemy in the game you know it'd be fun a system where spells cost like gray life that'd be fun okay that'd be interesting yeah so every time i like because if i were to use something that requires life force i do damage and then i have a couple turns where it's got to come back the only thing and if i take a hit it commits that number plus the extra is our game
Starting point is 02:17:03 we're thinking of the does this no i just invented that right now because the only game that i can think of that does anything similar is soul sacrifice when you use the big ff sacrifice abilities okay because oh i was talking in a tabletop context okay but in terms of a video game i mean there is um uh mira in ki who's a vampire whose moves involve her taking away gray life from her and then spending it to damage you and she can cash it out to make it all back with a bite and then there's some wacky ass mechanic in soul nomad and the whatever the world eaters or whatever it's called where you can choose to level yourself up as much as you want at sacrifice of something else so you can just power it's it's what it's crazy i don't
Starting point is 02:17:52 know what the exact details are but some crazy shit like that is out there um yeah reset the clock on on soul nomad references well anyway sir uh if we so those of you have stupid video game problems like the ones that i described the only way you're gonna beat them is by bashing your head against them enforcing yourself to be uncomfortable and at the end of the day dishonored is a good game oh it's a fantastic game i know i knew that it's fantastic i just wish i could actually appreciate it all right um let's hopefully mind goblin defeated i wouldn't say that damaged well no see here's the thing you can defeat individual mind goblins but goblins phase phase one there are many goblins will this is what i'm saying phase one and quite frankly the moment
Starting point is 02:18:41 you stopped playing that game the boss fight reset no when you go back to it you're gonna have you're gonna make the noise you're gonna do that that little fucking thing that you do and it'll be indicative of that life bar restarting because maybe that damage is like posture where if you back off for too long they're back to they're back to full we'll see uh what happened this week well why are you so wait why are you mad at me for being nuts you're no i'm not mad i'm i'm just i'm shocked at how bad it it's gotten because i didn't know it was that bad oh it's it's been like this for years because i didn't know about the i'm still it's the remember the battery life bar indicator oh yeah no it's always been like this that one is the weird one because you say no the
Starting point is 02:19:27 reason i say is like how bad it's gotten it's like disoriented came out in the 360 generation i bounced off it i had less success with it then it's actually better now yeah than it used to be yeah i you know i i don't know what to tell you like um at least it's not some like at least it's not something where i don't know let's say someone out there is like i i can't uh fight animals in video games so the moment i hit sift the game goes off never playing it again yeah that's real right and those spider people right or whatever and then in which case it's like well not even that though i mean like i mean broad yeah you might like the people who freaked out one uh walking dead season two episode one shot the dog right yeah and then you're
Starting point is 02:20:13 like well that is a much bigger problem because you are locked out of content yeah and you're internalizing things in a way that was never intended and if a boss happens to pick on to become an animal for the sake of like gameplay variety because fighting a quadruped is different from yeah a biped then sorry you're not gonna enjoy this too much but it can get worse is what i'm saying oh i know and it can get more rational but uh your particulars are uh fucking terrible and stupid and you should feel bad oh oh yeah oh all right or or play it on pc and mod the game so that you get i am playing it on pc we'll mod the game so that your your HUD is is off or something i don't know like make it so that it's just a bunch of like like so i looked into mods in general what
Starting point is 02:21:04 if it's like it's just like like you're mad i'm not being full means that you have like a vignette that just slowly fades back away or some stupid i looked into mods just in general to see if there were any and one of the ones i found was a guy who wants to play with no HUD because he hates seeing his man i have fault there and i'm like all right at least because that's the worst feeling in the world when you're crazy in a way like this and you're like am i the only one and then you're like no no that guy's nuts now here's here's what i've got i hate running around with a gun that's not reloaded that is but the most the single most common thing yeah of anyone yeah saw a guy talking about how uh when he went to fucking i think it was bootcamp or something and he'd be doing training
Starting point is 02:21:49 he would compulsively reload you try and reload his rifle in real life after like three or four rounds and then they would make him like buy everybody around or some shit every time he did that to break him up his habit wow okay that's funny because like in real life like you're throwing bolts away yes what you doing but uh i so that's what i i get but it's irksome it's not compulsive mm-hmm and that's i guess the difference here depends how irksome it feels not how irksome it is how irksome it feels let's get into the news the biggest thing we should talk about is that joker is released hey looking cool joker um he stole the servers uh he that was a mess did fucking amazing as far as uh a faithful
Starting point is 02:22:47 transitions into the smash brothers world go yeah like wow what a good job uh converting this character i think like this is love on the level of tekken yeah and and uh this is more love than any of the dlc so far cloud bao ryu they all got some excellent treatment they didn't get treatment on the level of joker no joker got joker special right uh in particular the reasons why is because joker's move set is fine the fact that he summons out the persona is expected but it's the stage it's the music and it's the uh little details such as when he does his final smash it's an all-out attack which if it ends the match just ends it there as it would in p5 yeah and it transitions into the level up running screen that you would get in the regular game as well appropriate to the music of
Starting point is 02:23:43 the version of the stage that you're on which is very different from every other person's win pose which is a normal smash brothers win pose so he gets a custom victory screen uh the stage also transitions to p3 4 or 5 depending on what music's playing the visuals and colors change as well to reflect that that's way more love than anyone else has gotten incredible reminds me when snake showed up in brawl and got the conversations yes exactly exactly like that uh fantastic character so far i can't wait for doom guy to get the smush love yeah uh i appreciate the um the various uh new joker is bayonetta's son uh memes we're getting they look alike uh joker sitting in the back of the car with with joker kirby saying that i want to go to mcdonald's while bayo drives them home
Starting point is 02:24:40 that's pretty good is fantastic um also lythero's uh what was it like hunk to twink like eight man battle where it literally goes from uh bearded snake to simon to not to simon to ricketer rather or whatever oh no no simon simon then ricketer and then uh um god uh uh ike yeah and then anime ike and and then i want to say it's like link a shulk yeah joker it's like the the art style change of jojo's bizarre adventure from part one to part eight fan right here so that was really cool uh joker's awesome i've seen some zero to 100s with him already and motherfuckers are digging it really all that he's gone is a meteor smash and that feels disgusting if this is the level that the rest of the dlc is gonna be on
Starting point is 02:25:39 like this game is gonna be nuts i can't believe we're still having insane reveals for smash pros and the game came out yeah and and still having these moments of like look at this roster what is this where we're seeing snake cloud and joker standing next to each other and going playstation all stars oh my god what happened dude that's the one that's the one it's joker snake and cloud it's like thumbs up man um what carry you in no no stop it why he's taken he can be in both you're like but modem and tech and procure you and smash done but grab another company that hasn't had a rep yet instead that's what i say well i mean square an ex is gonna get another character with airdrick with airdrick and joker came from sega who's airdrick the fucking uh
Starting point is 02:26:43 dragon quest asshole oh and and joker is from sega which already had bao i said joker's atlas should i i count that as atlas mentally i'm i'm putting that what it says on his employee tattoo that's the i'm i'm putting that in a different category you know and capcom got reused so okay but mad mega man you know carry wait but but but woolly under that logic platinum is sega right bao so is joker but carry you isn't from a separate company it's the he's the only actual sega uh sonic right sonic's there right sonic be take sonic out no and put carry you back in no but i but re you and mega man are still are both capcom so it's there you know it doesn't matter um anyway uh i think i would like to see whatever we'll see what happens
Starting point is 02:27:43 we're not playing this game again it it goes on for minecraft it goes on forever it never ends but this is just an awesome character and and awesome transition um what was not awesome unfortunately was the article that followed where uh friend friend of the show laura kate dale wrote an article that was a mistake kind of fucked up yeah i was following this quite adamantly over the the weekend um basically the short of it is that there's a song that uh was that's a song we're in the the lyrics basically have a point where it's like unclear what's being said and sounds like retort it uh but spoken by a heavily accented japanese speaker and it's not in the official lyrics and she misheard it as retarded and that was uh bad and then it turns out that's
Starting point is 02:28:35 not the case it was misheard lyrics and yeah that article went up wrote a kotaku article that said this is bad the persona 5 dlc includes disability slur apparently i didn't know this but their policies to never delete articles so like there is a lot of like garbage to unpack here like if you go to laura's twitter now she actually has a fairly yes extensive which i wanted to put up and explanation of how this kind of came to happen and was like she breaks down the points more or less it was that a tip came in yeah and she followed through on it and it's one of those ones where once you hear it from this is once you once you read the tip and then you listen to it your brain is already this is uh it reminds me of something you said earlier this is like a study
Starting point is 02:29:23 in confirmation bias right in which she heard she read it in the email and now you're listening for it and she even she even talks about i was kind of shocked to see the word the word primed used because she's like that's what you would say she was primed to hear it and then heard it and then when she asked somebody else to listen to it she primed them before they listen to it so of course they heard it so this makes that's a perfect that makes perfect sense as to why this went down the way it did but the actual writing of the article in the in that context was like laughably like irresponsible and like dumb but that apology is pretty good i will say it makes sense it's it's it is very high quality reasonable and understandable apology the fun bits happen when
Starting point is 02:30:09 apparently you're not allowed to talk on social media about your articles when you work for kataku so you can't like there was an apology that then kataku forced her to take down on the day of yeah okay well because it makes the company look bad or some shit well there was a follow-up article they posted in which the editor there said like this is my fault i'm the editor the box stops here but laura still took responsibility on her apparently so i think like even if that's the case like and apparently the article was good to go and waiting on approval from uh not approval uh a comment a comment but then the editor just kicked it out there anyway it's like what is going on over there holy shit yeah so i think that's i think that's more that's
Starting point is 02:30:55 what that's what he was apologizing for was more or less for not waiting for that confirmation right whereas uh she addressed the actual writing of it and you know yeah seems make sense like what is fuck what kind of fucking shit show are they running over there where the reason you're supposed to have an editor is so that dumb article doesn't hit your fucking website with no diligence and that's more or less exactly what he said when he is like yeah we fucked up they fucked up that happens anyway uh i think i think uh the priming is the right word definitely that uh that comes to mind for this type of thing and the the thing the probably the the most resonant part of uh laura's statement that she made today was that um and it ties in extraordinarily
Starting point is 02:31:49 well with our earlier conversation is that she felt like she was going to be the one who found this injustice in a two-year-old piece of thing as opposed to someone with someone else having caught it right catching it and the i'm gonna it's gonna be me i'm gonna get them and it's like someone this would have come up two years ago had it really been so obvious shout outs to being introspective and real to catch that stuff on your own and point it out yeah uh as opposed to like having to you know like get other like get into an argument about that oh it's appreciated so um that was that was that's that's cool yeah but yeah it's like not to harp on though it's it's like yeah i feel no desire to harp on anybody i just look at this it's like there's everybody
Starting point is 02:32:35 stupid fucked up on this one and it's up to them to go ah i was stupid we fucked up on this one and move on and that appears to be what's happening so good yep all all's well that ends well and that's what we're doing right now uh because the other big story uh is i mean you know we were talking about we were talking a little bit earlier in the podcast about 88 and uh what we can all right and and then if there's anything we can okay appreciate 88 but it's been a fairly wild podcast to come to think of it but what are we going now what about 66 oh what about order 66 this is interesting because i saw the way this was rolled out and when the actual tweet from ea officially says star wars jedi fallen order uh no micro transactions no multiplayer single play
Starting point is 02:33:42 i'm like that's a interesting way to push this i got it and then immediately after just like this is from respawn yeah i'm like oh i got into it with some fucking jackass over this because some people took this it's like all right people you have to reward ea with your dollars because look they're doing what you said you wanted it's like i don't owe ea shit no bite if you're interested right don't if you're not um the much funnier thing that i saw the takeaway is people pointing out wait you're telling us that you bought by aware the single player rpg company that makes single player narrative experiences and had them make a massively multiplayer loot shooter the competitive the and then you took respawn the guys who make giant kick-ass multiplayer games and are having
Starting point is 02:34:31 to make a single player narrative story-based game strange what do you stop but guess what yeah fucking respawn yeah they rule they do they rule they good uh so despite the fact so this is an exciting this is exciting to know that like it's like it's cool to know that they're making this project as this is the type of game where you almost never expect to see again after the way things have been going yeah it'd be really nice to get another good game where you get to roll around with a lightsaber and hit people it would be really nice to get some gameplay yeah this is a trailer that's just a bunch of it's a tone trailer tone trailer it's your cutscene it's not it's your it's your renders um but you do see a wall run yeah at some point so you can
Starting point is 02:35:13 imagine how that's gonna and there's an evil bad jedi that gonna get you um slash droid yeah maybe looks like a droid yeah but they use force powers at the end so well the lands on a ship but it doesn't no they use they use that they're them turning their hand like that that's supposed to be why the ship is spinning oh i guess i didn't pay attention okay well um anyway single player star wars game coming out from respawn and uh we don't know what kind of game it's going to be outside of the fact that it is not multiplayer and single player but um yay respawn i would like to stab someone with my lightsaber and have them horribly do this part right here you're saying yeah okay well let's move the trailer and that's uh yeah okay got it got it got it so um
Starting point is 02:36:01 one thing is i think the main character's design is pretty blend yeah it's about as planned as a fucking gift so i i find that pretty boring but uh i will so they can die at the end of the story and not have to matter or hopefully they can put on cool armor and equipment and become something interesting uh but by the way you know who the villain of this game is palpatine behind it all you're playing uh cal what's his name cal kestis what cal kestis is the main character's name all right yeah that's okay you have thoughts on that cal seems like some like awfully close to another name like you know that you know that photo that lady walking around with the white board with all the terrible white people names on them about and she's crossed them off as she has the
Starting point is 02:36:58 kids and they're all they're all these horrible like don thany and just like just all all the fucking white bread names combined it's like that's what i hear when i think i want to hear cal i heard kyle uh yeah sure that's why i went that way anyway calbert uh uh uh man if your name's norbert write in let us know so that we can have a funeral for your name because that's fucking unfortunate but anyway um jedi fallen order uh is what's the date they drop on this november 15th and uh hopefully we get some more gameplay between anywhere then anywhere at any point at any point respawns fucking busy i would respawn is fucking busy i need this is now the fourth project they have in development that's true and this is a big one i need to see somebody get
Starting point is 02:37:59 fucking cut in half of the lightsaber can we fucking finally do that please again how would you feel if the lightsaber is not until the last second if it's all about other shit well how would you feel as long as you get to cut people with the lightsaber how would you feel if the lightsaber was a seer kit that's fine yeah that's fine because like in force unleashed the lightsaber feels like a stick the like a like a hammer like it sucks like and if and if and if that was had always been the case maybe that'd be different but we had the jedi outcast games yeah where you cut feet you cut people you cut them they're dead you know it's funny though because of video games we've gotten used to the idea of swords just being blunt sticks but the swords should always cut
Starting point is 02:38:48 things oh no that's actually opposite most swords are pretty blunt in terms of cutting power like but no one ever the cutting power of a sword is wildly exaggerated 99 of games the idea that you could cut somebody in half with a sword swipe is ridiculous no but i can't think of any games where you can swing the sword and get halfway through someone's shoulder and then yank it out and you can get that in the for honor executions or in in berserk in moments or in certain cinematics but in gameplay i can't think of any game where they know because the idea is that you're banging off of them and the killing blow is the one that gets in there um crazy talk is being summoned loud i do know chat everyone's saying that's that's not i don't know but i look down to see crazy
Starting point is 02:39:36 talk but instead i see a bunch of people saying pad is super right he's super wrong he's super right look swords are sharper than you think but i don't know hey you know what show me go find me a video of a man getting hit in plate or with a katana or a broadsword and see that shit bounce off or break so i remember getting this directly from one of those dudes that like is has modern armor and modern swords and has been foraging or whatever at like one of those it was a it was a some sort of convention thing and discussing how um a lot of people that had like cheaper swords that couldn't afford better shit would have them as like not dull but like not sharp enough to cleave you in half no they'd be sharp enough to do damage and that's kind of the idea and you're kind of bash the main
Starting point is 02:40:24 thing i guess is not even hearing someone told swords are like overpowered in games is that is most armor is woefully inaccurately underpowered if you're wearing plate armor like the real plate armor nothing is gonna cut you but none of this is related people's gonna wrestle you to the ground and stab you in the face right either way none of that's related to the point i was making though which is in a video game because it's easier you swing the sword and a damage number pops up and then the enemy stays as they are yeah and uh the idea of like visual cutting occurring in terms of damage it's tough it's very tough it's also tough from a design perspective like does every enemy just get weaker every time you hit them even when you get it and it's and it's
Starting point is 02:41:07 like doing what most games don't do like revengeance where you can slice and do it it's only when you're killing yeah and it's only going like it's and it's and it's like up until that point every swing is just damage swing damage swing damage swing now the chops are happening that's why Jedi outcast is the fucking shit you turn that dismemberment thing on and you fucking kill people with your walk cycle yeah the thought process is probably of course that like a game like that would be too easy yeah right how would you make a real challenge out of that you balance it around super fucking fast enemies that are super cool and whatever the case may be but video game swords have for a while been that like blunt swing you know things i was always a big fan of the idea
Starting point is 02:41:51 but i understand that it would work terribly in practice you know when you're playing as Nero and yes ninja guide in doesn't do that that's true new ninja guide in yeah you're right uh you know when you play as Nero and you do the buster on the fury yeah and you get this amazing sequence in which you that you go to punch the fury and the fury dodges then you block the fury i always like the idea of when you're hitting an enemy right and for honor does this when you're hitting an enemy and you're doing damage but you're not killing them they're all glancing blows or were shittily blocked yeah or somewhat dodged yes right yes they hit but they clearly weren't a big fucking hit right but then in for honor when you do finally hit that last one that's the first
Starting point is 02:42:39 one that goes that's the first one that goes through yes for most characters like peacekeeper stabs you in the stomach yeah stuff like that a block in in a lot of games should actually be what a hit looks like yeah like i like the idea of like 99 percent of the health bar is you battering them around and not getting a real hit and then the final hit is a real hit that would kill it absolutely so uh you want to talk about cool cool things i want to see in fighting games you want to talk about uh you know dodge buttons and such uh the that exact concept right there is uh there's what you might call it uh Naruto Gekito Ninja Tyson two two has never seen two has uh Shikomaru in it yeah and he's the only character in the game where instead of blocking
Starting point is 02:43:28 he dodges every swing and he has a preset animation for every lower high and he will avoid it completely and still take chip damage yeah it's visually it's because he's getting tired he's dodging everything that is fucking awesome yeah and the fact that that's not over utilized in other places makes me sad so um i agree i want to see your kit lightsaber i want it to be devastating i want to not swing into somebody and see a damage number pop up i agree force unleash doing the big like swing with a lightsaber and seeing a guy like it knocked away was just the like oh but i mean fucking even like Kotor we're just swinging for numbers right like in Kotor you swing for numbers but i don't know if you remember but every hit that's not the last one enemies dodge or block the
Starting point is 02:44:27 the hits badly okay like when they have when you have a spear so it's implied that that's that's yeah so when when it's a lightsaber fight it's all parries and dodges and shit and then the last one is like a big stat specifically for that reason okay there were also shields you have to eat away at yeah uh so we talked a little bit about the epic game store and so on bad store but a PSA though for anybody who happens to decide to go down that road transistor has transistor for free so if you go get it you and you haven't played this game and you're you're looking for free deals transistor is uh one of the best games ever made and it's currently free fucking 99 fucking download that shit free 99 gang if that's not uh an incentive to go
Starting point is 02:45:21 install this bad store i don't know what is you know what else is free 99 crabs i know i know i just want to say that somebody threw a crab at a hungry box and that's really funny could have been an octopus yeah but apparently maryland does crabs do you think they threw the crab at him because he's so hungry all right i'll see myself out another battle took place that wasn't a crab battle actually it was a call to battle coming from uh these here those are robot guys canadian coasts so canada called out megabots oh we did yeah and this canadian guy that's saying your stupid fake thing was staged in bullshit uh-huh and up here in canada we already have a working mech you didn't realize it but
Starting point is 02:46:14 you know the karnasaur fucking dinosaurs yeah the megatruck uh those are totally robots yeah you're right he has we've had it we've had a working dinosaur robot for years it just doesn't look like a giant robot you're completely right but it is and it's been crushing cars live in front of audiences super right that's actually all it is so this dude is like motherfucker i've got a truckasaurus right here let's do it but the only thing is we're gonna challenge you and the our stipulation is no scripts make it real it's gotta be a live stream yeah so uh that's happening and megabots posted the challenge so it sounds like they're probably going to accept that's cool that's very cool we're on a new era here if possible did you see that door uh the that fucking uh
Starting point is 02:47:10 chris jericho hosted like rockham sockham robots robot fighting thing that was like the worst thing ever made in which the robots were all tethered to the arena i did not it was awful well don't watch it if you feel like watching it i'm uh i'm kind of dumbfounded that i never for a second considered that the goddamn truckasaurus robots have been functioning mechs they're huge they're just dressed like monsters yeah that's totally totally a mecca mecca have been in mecca were invented by white trash oh man so yeah uh we'll see where this goes and and i and i hope i hope uh yeah of canada can fucking take it with our old dumb hick bot oh man fuck the future let's go let's go old school that'd be great it's basically a kaiju battle if you think a little bit yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:48:08 honestly yeah yeah um we've got uh another little quick ps a for those who care if you want and you got 200 bucks there's a really nice amy amy uh uh sale or a scene at shop with nero and dante from art fxj and um it's not quite the kinetic it's however it's pretty sick uh i don't particularly like the look of dante's sword and i happen to think nero's pose is iconic but a little boring uh but nonetheless they look nice together and if you're interested take a look i think it's all up to you to figure out how many of that statue you can put in your ass they piece together and they piece together nicely um tell you what though that nero statue yeah makes a pretty good paper weight all right
Starting point is 02:49:06 you can use it to hold down things on your desk it's uh it's a pretty good dead weight thank you now you have to say that you're gonna leave my own house that's terrible i uh all right well since that's not gonna happen boo get off the stage there we go yeah i'm happy now i think uh this is an interesting um first step but quite frankly we can do a lot better yeah in terms of life size no dynamic poses liam poses life size dynamic we can do a lot better with sex parts there's a moment that the game is all about that it's uno says in that talk the game is all about this moment that would make a nice statue yeah anyway um so we got that but that phone called kirie uh we got a nice trailer for darly dagger and samurai showdown aka darlington dagger that's
Starting point is 02:50:11 really fucking wild uh now if you thought this is the weirdest it's ever been ever if you thought for a second that this purple dreaded giant chainsaw blade wielding jacked female woolly character had enough woolly going on let me let you know that the giant chainsaw blade turns into a drill get out which she then holds up and goes full on gurin lagann because she's giga drilling you with it this is and weird like it's not even cool now it's like and i would be suspicious and when uh when the goddamn official samurai showdown twitter uh gets asked have you guys been watching too much gurin recently and they reply with what do you mean too much it becomes a little bit clear
Starting point is 02:51:10 that we are now living in a world of non-stop infinite woolly works let it begin i've never seen drink the woollade this happened drink it i've never seen drink it up somebody go like i made this character not like i actually drew them but like this character like is me and is all the things that like this is my oc that someone else made right see the funny part is that like it's not in that way like because i like i i said a lot of times like i will try to design myself in a character creator to see if i can literally create only this might as well be your fucking monster hunter character like but but but i would not give my monster hunter character for example like dreads right because i'm not trying to make female woolly when i make an oc no you're
Starting point is 02:52:01 making i'm making an oc right pockets is not no this is you this is you as your oc this is a whole other thing nonetheless uh darly dagger y'all get in there it's too late you're already in you're already in it's weird it turns into a gigadrill god damn what is she gonna be from granada also i mean she's like she's from the caribbean class fine she's a pirate of course she's a fucking pirate what are you gonna what is there ending going to be her eating a big old slice of blueberry pie i mean shit my my my my my marble versus capcom character was even a pirate a pirate a pirate before uh um what's her name came along uh um shovel shell ruby heart ruby heart there you go last but not least it's gonna be a
Starting point is 02:52:54 shorter podcast this week i just wanted to uh to uh bring to the table what do we got on table a piece of news live from the independent that is being referred to as oh i can't read that uh hind's cadbury creme egg flavored mayo this is a real flavor of mayonnaise this is not a gag or a joke of any kind this is real it's a product and it is being referred to as more controversial than brexit i don't think anything's gonna top the st louis bagel um by the way if you don't know what i'm talking about when i say the st louis bagel i'll tell you that i'm not a new yorker but i am a montrealer and we love our goddamn bagels and the st louis bagel is a fucking crime against
Starting point is 02:54:01 bagels well you don't know what i'm talking about go look up a fucking photo it's upsetting uh this is on that level i love cadbury creme eggs love them they're amazing yeah one of my favorite treats of all time yeah number one right up there i feel pretty all right about mayo yeah uh despite its constant usage as a white person food i think it's pretty tasty it goes decent on fries i've seen that white people do enjoy mayonnaise white people apparently love mayonnaise but you know what a lot of people in kebek love mayonnaise in general yeah and uh i think mayo's all right uh cadbury creme egg mayo makes my stomach churn as a concept mm-hmm well you gotta eat it by the way you have to i'll lick a flavor i'll lick i'll lick it i'll lick i'll lick it yeah what happens if it becomes the
Starting point is 02:54:51 only thing you want to eat well the problem is that is it just the fact that you're is it just that you're fucking up by calling it mayonnaise when you should just call it like sugar spread yeah is because if you called it cat if you said this was cadbury creme egg nutella everyone's immediately on yeah well it tells me what almonds mayo's made with eggs but i'm pretty sure the cadbury creme egg shit has eggs in it right i don't know if it does tell me you know what you keep talking i think it's just sugar man i think it's just frosting sugar and and i mean it might have egg byproducts but like the actual cadbury creme egg contain egg the it's it's very much just like a a sugary center and it's a like a like a a fucking filling of cream but i don't think it's
Starting point is 02:55:40 actually egg at all i think it's just sugar-based shit fondant yeah fondant what the fuck is fondant fondant is not egg fondant is what you use to coat cakes what the fuck is fondant what is fondant it's a sugary coating that you use to make cakes anyway sugar water corn syrup yeah anyway so there's no actual yeah there's no eggs in that i would probably hate it if there was because i'm not a fan but um this is probably a mistake but i will never be troubling until i try yeah it's not confirmed a nightmare i need to taste it but as an idea but you'll tremble as the spoon gets close the the flavor in my brain is very yes i would yeah i would say that the flavor in my brain i don't even like mayo personally so
Starting point is 02:56:29 this is extra nightmare for pet it's like anything you've ever tasted before a true new taste sensation i so like i don't like a lot of foods because i'm a picky asshole but if i had to pick one most foods if i don't like them or tastes if i don't like them i'll live with there's one that i will not and it's pickles pickles can go die i mean vinegar is not super tasty well the problem fine the problem with me is that i i actually dislike other things more than pickles but if you have a pickle in a burger and you go hey i order it over powers the flavor i did i ordered this with no pickles and they go okay and then they take the fucking pickles off and then you bite in and you still taste it it's like it's still there it does like it does no you
Starting point is 02:57:15 make me a new one you bastard yeah dude i don't even really care that much for ketchup on my shit really yeah i mean it's i'm fine if it's there but it also is really overpowering you know i remember relish the same thing like i'm relish fairly strong like honestly like i'm i'm totally down with just like if like a hotdog or a burger i'm fine with like mayo onions tomatoes what if that's fine what if you just uh ordered um four hamburgers um but to cut down on the carbs you took out all the bread i always do and then you just had nothing but the raw patties i i've done that okay so you too huh yeah i i will sometimes order a double and then throw the bread out and use the bun use the patties as bread okay uh recently uh the place i like to order from
Starting point is 02:58:04 nothing on it at all just the patties oh that's no that's not good okay yeah that just doesn't that i mean it's it's just bland it's just boring why why eat boring food like that well the it makes it easier to check for worms no i like how much damage you take from these things uh there's a it's solace in this life place i just ate from really good place called burger to fill they uh um they i mean you can do your kale wrap or whatever but they recently brought out portobello as of the bread replacement really and that's awesome just a bit it's one big old mushroom fucking mushroom cap mushroom cap replaces your bread that sounds fucking nuts i want to try that it works it works what's that called burger to bill burger to bill they're also one of the best
Starting point is 02:58:52 burger joints in town okay do it i would love to have a portobello mushroom burger do it i recommend the the noir and blue uh yeah so um i don't know if you eat blue cheese it's my favorite cheese yeah only problem with blue cheese is if you eat slightly too much in one bite you're like that was too much yep and then you feel sick get it with the peppercorn mayo yeah yeah yeah let's get it all right six a meal i saw somebody go i wonder if there's going to be in french on this podcast a lot of people enjoyed that and a lot of people were like ha ha frenchies i'm like you need to learn a second language you dumb fuck uh someone brought someone sent in a tweet as well talking about um the name for what we were describing was language denialism but i don't like the way that
Starting point is 02:59:44 sounds so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say that yeah i'm like that sounds a bit up its own ass i'm sure there's a better word we can find blank denialism is a little bit too fucking i don't know it's a river in egypt uh it's yeah code switching is i see you with that that's different code switching is different that's very different as i'm talking to woolly's mom versus i'm talking to woolly that's wildly different oh my god is that white code switching yeah oh oh i didn't know that was a thing the parents versus the kids man huh that is true isn't it i've always only heard code switching in the context of black people and and trying to sound hanging out with your black people hanging
Starting point is 03:00:30 out with your white people right or or whoever yeah job interview versus friends yeah but yeah but think about how i act around you right now and how i acted when you were terrified that time i met your mom and you were freaking even more freaked out because you were like pat who the fuck were you just now you're all nice and polite and shit gun trick sort royal guard absolutely persona it's the whole point of those games we got some letters act nice around people's parents it's polite until the parents give you permission to act like a piece of shit then act like half of the piece of shit you are yeah as you ease in that's that's the uh that's the in-laws yeah the in-laws are like ah you can be shitty then then they get because they
Starting point is 03:01:16 get shitty and like all right and then then act in like a real fucking construction worker piece of garbage is like endearing yeah so but not too much not too much lest they go see we were right about them yeah we were right if you got a letter i got a oh man can send it in you just exploded a nostalgia bomb in my head because you just said you got a letter and all i thought of was like the envelope on the email said mary i don't know what that is it's subtle too yeah did you know that the you got mail guy uh was an uber driver and then wait the you got mail guy was an uber driver back in 95 is okay and there's a new story about how sometimes you get the driver and when he gets in he'll go you got mail and then everyone goes ha get me to my destination
Starting point is 03:02:12 please you see tony's recent adventure no tony hawk is at the nexus of celebrity it's unbelievable yes i did see that all right like i did see that go to the drive through holy shit it's tony hawk you mind if i tell the people in the back yeah sure hey everybody tony hawk's here who yeah like that is the best like alternate that is the actual best i do feel however that the stories are starting to hit a fever pitch and i think he's going to run out of them and feel the need to create more i so i feel like tony hawk might subconsciously start going into places just so that he can get slightly burned and unrecognized for more stories because every time he does he gets a huge pop maybe it's just me but i feel like that's my that might be starting to happen
Starting point is 03:03:02 i really feel like he has the best of both worlds if he wants to be like hey i'm tony hawk everyone also he had a he had a benefit recently where he hired this band i had no idea existed that's a literal tony hawk pro skater cover band oh my god and all they do is play the soundtracks from one to four that's weird that is the best idea i've ever heard so because that the soundtracks are that's the best albums ever i can't i can't believe someone was that smart oh that's really good what a fucking knockout genius idea that's really smart and you're going to go on tour and you're going to just literally play the greatest hits of the 90s and not even the the bad like just the ones in the games the game is what decides brilliant brilliant it's really smart
Starting point is 03:03:50 so those guys are awesome uh that's really cool anyway um letters it's letter to oh i forgot that's castle super beast mail at oh yeah sorry i dosed off there for a second i thought i was just thinking back to at the end of my segment i forgot to tell people to check out my channel but whatever i'll do it later that's when we do what's coming up yeah hey it's castle super beast mail at for the email i'll hold it i gotta use bathroom oh no man just start a thing and i'll start talking nonsense so you can pee they're louis and tap trick i don't what wait what all right use guys always talk about the free fighter player ideology the whole league of legends marketing free to play gas
Starting point is 03:04:45 fighter exists you may not like it but brawl hollow was exactly that was a rotation of free characters every week next to nothing pc requirements it was all there i wish i could see the statistics on that game but after listening to the podcast four times i've overheard the same conversation kisses from magico well problem the main problem with that is that the game we're talking about is brawl hollow it has to be street fighter or tecan or more combat or guilty gear or anything it has to be something that matters to be able to bring people in for what it's worth brawl hollow at every place i've seen it has had a large crowd in following and when i went to my aunt's place at christmas the kids in the basement were all playing brawl hollow when i asked why not smash
Starting point is 03:05:31 they said we don't have switches or money and i went that's a real answer there you go i you see the street fighter five is going to go free to play for two weeks for the advertising stuff yeah i didn't see that isn't that weird very that feels this feels like everybody want no one's even willing to put their whole pinky in but they did though right because do a did it and uh soul caliber did it and tecan did it like they are putting their pinkies in the problem is that it's not i'm tired of this conversation i give up i don't want to have it anymore i'm really tired of it sorry i have to just completely eject oh that's fine because we've done it too many times i didn't even mean to start a uh like discussion yeah but some people people toes pinkies went in
Starting point is 03:06:19 foots went in entire fucking like everything but the arm went in fair enough uh hey mayor of madden town and guy who's being controlled by mighty poo i hope you're all doing well i'll live with that belated congrats to woolly's engagement thought i'd send you boys an update on the robot wolf story from episode 239 right i remember that the project has been deemed a failure episode 239 uh the project has been deemed a failure and the company responsible for its construction has now ceased production this is no surprise to me as i was laughing my ass off when the story the story was shared failed for two obvious reasons one the japanese wolf has been extinct for over 100 years oh that's way too long for any living memory animal that's 1905
Starting point is 03:07:07 so the boars have no idea what a wolf looks like the same thing happened in yellowstone national park with the megafauna numbers bison deer and elk became too high they reintroduced the wolf to balance things balance things out these megafauna had never been hunted before so they took such a hit from the wolves at the park had to allow hunters to knock back the wolf population around the park remember kids the analogy is hungry like the wolf and like a wolf through sheep actually mean something reason number two is that robot wolves don't solve the problem because boars weren't being killed just pushed around at the very most it was not a knot this was just a knot of string of a string of failures by the japanese government to deal with the wildlife management as a few years
Starting point is 03:07:48 ago they tried to get more people into hunting yeah guns are legal they uh to deal with the over population of seek a deer sadly no one took part thought i'd give you an update to coincide with your own boar problems um roughly eight months ago uh fede cp la federation québécois des chasseurs et pécheurs yeah put out a notice that wild boars have been spotted in cobec and have recently been causing problems to make a long story short some idiots in the 90s brought back razor backs from russia oh come on and check uslovakia to scotch one some escaped and they've been making their way east ever since wildlife officers expect the boars to be an official game species within five years though unlike japan there are tens of thousands of hunters willing to turn uh them
Starting point is 03:08:32 into sausage mean i don't have much of a uh uh uh i see much of an issue with fucking kebeckers and prairie folk going out and shooting some pig there's tons of people who want to do that there's shows all about like fucking slaughtering overpopulated pig areas down south uh what the what's it called like um pay up piggies no it's like uh like pork apocalypse now or something like that terrible it's one of those it's like it's a straight up show about them flying in with helicopters and just air fucking shooting hey you know what i'm not at at at two at boar gangs i'm not a big hunty person and i have some personal like issues with a lot of hunting stuff but hunting a boar you know what the boar can do it can kick your fucking ass so you know
Starting point is 03:09:27 like hey if it's a pest and it can kick your fucking asshole then i could see some heroic spirit behind hunting that or whatever if you're gonna eat it too you know yeah but yeah that's uh that's that's what's happening uh sincerely you're since the first episode dragon of the east blue hey man thanks uh all right we got one from uh david he says hey dav what up hey red bull men and casper air boy recently magic the gathering has released a free to play version of the game on pc and has been taking over twitch with many esports teams going to sponsor players sometimes i feel like the sponsorship could either be really good and help the zeroing players be professional gamers
Starting point is 03:10:10 or go the way of marvel infinite did you ever feel this type of corporate backing could ruin a game to the point where it salted the earth of the entire design and the game is poisoned forever thanks for my concerned gamer and fan of the podcast yeah absolutely i think of um two games that were like partially destroyed by ideas of corporate like money grander three games actually fucking lawbreakers fucking evolve and uh god what was it called not operation raccoon city umbrella core right all three of those games right before in their preview period they're like oh man we're gonna do big esports on this shit this is gonna be the biggest esports shit ever and then they came out and they were not esports they were not esports even
Starting point is 03:11:05 a little not even for a second i remember like watching the fucking guys talk about umbrella core and how was they were building it to be an esports game and just laughing myself stupid because the game looked like such garbage um so games like brawl or dmc devil may cry have their benefits which is uh no matter what even if it comes along and it's and it's combo breaking something cool that's been going for a while it's gonna bring in an audience of people that will only know that thing right and then when the game or franchise goes back to normal or the or whatever these people stick around as new fans so uh i'd like to uh i forget what i want to call that but you look at like say resident evils the best example the the game that you're
Starting point is 03:11:52 selling now sells not on its own merits but it sells on the merits of the game that came before so re5 sold amazingly why because people were expecting re4 yeah re6 sold amazingly yeah because people were expecting re5 re7 despite being fantastic sold like less than a third i think of re6 because people were burnt on re6 and then resident evils who remake sold really well because people played re7 that's really interesting okay yeah uh i think i think in a game like magic's case people are always going to be playing mtg and even if it's forever and even if something comes along that breaks it or ruins your competitive aspects to it the people that are going to be playing whatever edition of the game forever whoever comes in in the broken version that
Starting point is 03:12:38 thinks it's interesting you're going to bring new people so at the very least you'll have a core that remains untouched and then a revolving like player base on the outside of that and i think the fact that we can look at classic fighting games right now and st still has people playing it and a new player is learning how to play st all these years later because st will always be there good timing on magic apparently hearthstone is like on fire right now and has been for like over a year huh i got a couple buddies of mine who um play a shit ton of hearthstone or at least used to and they've described it and it's the kind of thing that's like when i'm listening to them i can understand it but it's a fairly it's too complex to like for me to regurgitate you got into
Starting point is 03:13:23 hearthstone a little just a little and the basic deal is that in hearthstone like problems with like game balance and shit will last for years and shit just doesn't like it they they just don't jump on problems and they let them become bigger problems what about gwent i don't know okay i didn't which are three but that's because in which are three it's inherently unfair mark the frog says what are your recent ish games not even particularly bad ones from say 2000 to 2015 that you simply can't or don't want to play or touch uh for example vanilla skyrim is foreign to me right now thank you mark the frog uh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and say that the elder scrolls games i'm i'm not gonna touch them i don't really have an interest in touching them and i know i
Starting point is 03:14:15 wrecked like at this point they're gonna play one of those play the new vegas that i set up for you on your computer i'm just uh but but but not not fall out like specifically uh skyrim and um the one before it oblivion's yeah oblivion that's the word uh i i don't i have zero interest in going to play oblivion or skyrim i'm just not at all interested yeah but he's talking about games that you've already played and um i so i beat you who's a five recently something that i didn't really talk about my week finally did it four years later i beat that idle segment and just burned through there's a certain subsection of uh like really high quality ps3 and 360 games that are exclusive to those platforms that perform and look like such garbage that it it
Starting point is 03:15:09 sucks like frame rates like frame rates did get better overall this generation like most games are kind of close to a lock 30 right even if they're not perfect but like there's a lot like in yakuza five you get them those big shits like it's like 20 it's it's bad it feels bad right and i've been playing pc exclusively for a long time and it's like i don't want to see these jaggies anymore i don't want to see the bad frames anymore just just give good frames um i also you know that reminds me of a conversation i had with somebody else it was very similar and was just like i think that ps1 games and you you've said something similar like aged the worst of anything in history like the bad ones oh yeah because they're
Starting point is 03:16:01 they're all they they look like the 3d equivalent of bad Atari games in which you're like what am i looking at and it's running at like eight frames and it's like it looks like garbage and it makes no sense like really terrible playstation one games are just the worst that have ever been like low poly rules back then were all like awful like the art style you were forced to adopt in many cases was just pieces of shit floating together yeah uh anyway this piece of shit and last one i'm going to take and this one's for posterity uh in the literal sense of the word okay uh dernavara and char uh no more let's plays uh hey there a long time fan and all that thanks for all you do um i understand that largely nowadays you guys are focusing on your own work and streams
Starting point is 03:16:53 and the like with the re2make and dmc5 or somewhat special occasions right but what are the odds you would sit down and record some more long form let's plays again would you say you're done with that kind of work or would it just come in the form of the stream archives instead thanks again austin so i know exactly what prompted this question uh two or three days ago somebody asked if uh you and i ever had cotor two on the table and i said that i was really happy with the cotor one lp but the idea of doing a cotor two lp with you makes me want to eat a gun and people were like oh no and i'm like no vestibule but i want to play my character in those games absolutely or else i'm going to fucking literally die i just can't just can't do it anymore yeah um
Starting point is 03:17:39 but as to the answer of like and in particular that's a game that is on the table that i am considering i'm figuring out logistics right now but i do want to do it um but yeah i'd be doing it in a very a completely different way with someone else right uh and the answer to like is there any possibility in the future like i there i don't think we have anything that we even thought of but like when you mentioned re2 i'm like can i be on your streams i really like that game you're like yeah totally just show up right um but if there was something that came along that we're both like hey we should do it like why not it's not impossible but there's really no plans you know um for what it's worth it's it's just that's what it is and and like for my perspective
Starting point is 03:18:20 you're never going to get a more definitive answer than that like i'm going to continue doing the lps on woolly versus the way i've been doing them as is and i'm going to keep streaming everything i can get my hands on over it at uh what's uh uh angriest that's what it's called and for the most part uh as far as preferences go your preference is to not lp because of all the problems that come with that versus your ability to stream and i'm trying to do both and expand things in a different way so this is what we want but if there were some like obvious thing that's like oh we should do that yeah we'll talk about it and see what we can do but like perhaps but i mean it's it's one that i just it's like yeah it's prompted and it's like literally for posterity um for the sake of establishing
Starting point is 03:19:05 whatever putting motivations out there making it clear and hopefully stopping someone from asking a couple months down the line which this is not gonna do come on it's gonna not it's gonna it's gonna be answered forever every game that ever comes out for the next three or four years that we would have lp'd on the old channel is gonna be like people hey you're going to woolly's on tuesday to do other k story mode it's like no i'm gonna be streaming the mk story mode on my own plays under it it's naive wishful thinking to hope otherwise unfortunately but that's what it's gonna be and anything that is it is yeah exactly anything that falls into like sekiro falls in because it was a dark souls game and uh third birthday or anything we've touched at any point
Starting point is 03:19:46 i'm glad i'm away from fucking third birthday man i'm looking boy how are you yo min's looking forward to crushing it i'm sure he is like so be it show me show me what's so good um but yeah that's it yeah that's all right on that note we'll know it when we see it i'm not making any promises quite frankly uh let's just do re2 no promise the world and then they can just get disappointed let's just do re2 and whatever and that's that also hey you want to notice a possible a wrench in the system here we've been doing re2 for like two months that game's like 12 hours long we have busy schedules now if you would like to tune in to playthroughs that take months to complete tune into woolly versus you might enjoy what you watch there's some fun stuff
Starting point is 03:20:46 fun is not guaranteed oh no obviously never is and by all means if you feel like it click that subscribe button maybe even hit the bell and if you really feel like it take a sip of that kool aid the wool aid but i'm not saying you have to drink the wool aid i'm just saying it's right there there's ice there's these nice ubiquitous red cups and i've even frosted the rims in case you feel like going down that road oh that's the trick it's not in the kool aid it's in the cups oh who doesn't have a frosted rim on a cup i did that's weird man i don't like oh it's tasty it's great all right hey if you want to watch faster stuff but batter did uh go down a slash angriest pet i'm streaming the mk by the way mk 11
Starting point is 03:21:45 store mode coming out or store mode coming mk 11 coming out on monday night sucks so uh i'll start the stream up at 11 p.m tonight that's eastern uh shoot the shit with chat and then that midnight just jump right into it yeah it's gonna be mk tomorrow as well wednesday is gonna be yakuza friday is gonna be uh uh vampire and thursday is fuck off i'm going to the movies game yeah i gotta see that on the day one i saw a mellow talking about how genius like in a cynical way like disney is for making a movie that's the biggest thing ever and the only value in it is seeing it on the first day before anyone gets to talk to you about it because it's too big otherwise but then again you don't care about game of thrones but you've managed to not get
Starting point is 03:22:34 hit by that well some of it like you know i saw elmo talking to taryon and cersei on twitter the other day the the muppet oh okay i don't know if you saw that uh no i saw i saw uh not my cat the the muppet yeah i saw cookie monster talking to uh bernard and um alice no that's the kandace no gloria what's her name from westworld what's the westworld the lauris the lauris yeah bernard and de lauris were talking yeah and then uh fucking cookie monster shows up and teaches them about sharing that's right and i'm like this show has raw penises in it yeah uncut fucking taryon and and and cersei sitting down and elmo's like you guys need to learn about friendship it's the weirdest fucking thing i've ever seen in my life giant penises yeah
Starting point is 03:23:36 sesame street yeah i was like hey little person an incest queen let's let's hit it up and be friends full elephant trunk yeah anyway so i know those characters are alive so that's the extent of the spoilers so that's what's happening um yeah uh sure you can you can you can you can you can do that you can only yeah you can you can't avoid end games like fucking impact on on the world if you don't if you haven't seen that movie by monday the world will make you wish you had if you cared because they're gonna tell you hey you know what's a dumb fucking take people who go out and post fucking raw spoilers for a bunch of shit and go hey why are you it twitter's about speaking in the moment you can't it's like
Starting point is 03:24:38 shut up don't spoil shit for no reason you jackass they chose to anyway yeah i know because they're jackasses and nothing you say will ever convince them's like whatever man it's about what's hot and happening and the nature of new communication is like shut up your ass like you're so full of shit well i was i was curious so i i clicked on the profile and it was like oh you don't follow anybody you're just trying to be annoying so you know and and it and it went out to everyone hey i want to write before we end i want to call out the the concept of a hot take i keep encountering people saying that this is my hot take oh you're doing this thing you didn't invent this someone else said this recently oh really yeah well what hot takes are not bad
Starting point is 03:25:26 opinions they're not the same thing that's not what i'm going for at all okay okay um in particular i'm gonna call out somebody in my sub discord who said hey here's my hot take metroid prime sucks and i'm like i went and got the def the dictionary definition of like a hot take is about something new and hot it's not a fucking oh man these these hot takes about these ps2 game like who gives this shit um hot take doesn't i guess it doesn't just mean bad opinion it means that it's brand new and you know it's going to be controversial and it's about the thing that just happened uh speaking of hot takes uh tomorrow is tuesday which is get into fighting games yes uh and while the thing to do would be to pop in mk 11 yeah and just spout out all kinds of hot takes
Starting point is 03:26:23 yeah that would not be the right way yeah to go about it uh huh so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be doing excerpt with uh a pro excerpt player okay and then he's going to play more to combat right brice is going to come in and hang out and then we're going to play some of that power ranger shit because the new power ranger battle for the grid game came out you haven't heard of it no i'm just a little confused okay and then the next week once we've had like a week uh is going to be mk 11 uh with a very good mk player uh that can help people get in okay fighting games so um what just to let people know that if you're expecting mk 11 tomorrow on the stream uh it's not going to be that
Starting point is 03:27:16 also i'm going to do the story mode at some point but i don't know when and where but yeah thoughts it comes out tomorrow bad for business no not even why not just jump go go go yeah like it is literally as simple as but it comes out tomorrow i don't care that's not how i operate okay i want to talk about like the game from a point of view of like like so the introduction thing is one side of things right but for one thing i want to get somebody in that can talk about this game show it to people do well make it make sense have things to say and whatnot tomorrow is the freshest most useless kind of random reaction version of the show we would have yeah it wouldn't that's not the point of the show so we're going to do it a week later when we
Starting point is 03:28:04 have that information at the very least somewhat and can kind of piece things together in a little bit more of a structured way but it comes out tomorrow but the point of the show no no that no that's that's the point of the show is not that it comes out okay and this is this is what it looks like behind the scenes when a new hot games comes out and it's like we got to get on that lp immediately point zero and i'm like why i have i've gladly transitioned over to that like i plan my schedule around new releases yeah like like i'm playing six now partially as like a lead into a judgment i guess i could upend like everything on woolly versus to do an mk 11 story mode run but i would rather finish what i have going and then get around to that one that's
Starting point is 03:28:53 when i have time for it when it makes sense but but but people want to see it right now because it's coming out right now well see here's the thing i'm talking the the difference between the live content and the recorded content i'm definitely not talking about recorded content at all i mean you know what you lose you know what you lose you definitely lose the the folks that are like using you as a replacement for the purchase but um well i mean specifically like i don't usually stream on mondays but i'm streaming tonight because uh fucking mk 11 comes out tonight yeah yeah right and i streamed a fucking dmc five on the day before because that's the earliest i can get it yep i and you know what if i gave more of a shit about like jumping on the hot
Starting point is 03:29:40 thing every single time i'd probably be doing a lot better in general i think i'm fine but the writing of the wave so you wouldn't you'd be shocked actually because you get that one then the second day people have already watched the whole game yeah like in some cases multiple times depending yeah no the difference between comments on episodes one of dmc five versus episode two where it's like damn but i can't watch it's i haven't seen anything yet yeah and two was like oh man crushed it waiting for the next one like it's like really one day yeah yeah yeah but but no the the point pretty much is just like um that like at least for the purpose of this show you know like i would want i have to see i like i'd rather do it in a way where i did not realize
Starting point is 03:30:24 that getting into fighting games was so much of a uh what was i gonna say i thought it was more about like hey let's let's just let's just run sets yeah i mean that's a big spirit i realized there was more of like a holistic like actual teaching attempt there there is there is a casual teaching attempt and we do spend some time in the lab and answering questions and most importantly i want to have a guest that can address the game right i can just pop a game in and we can dick around for a while and that would be kind of fun but i would like to make it a a better stream of possible by and i can increase that in quality by having a guest that can do better you know as opposed to just me and reggie dicking around with mk for the first time
Starting point is 03:31:11 kenny you know he's like can he get it we can do a little better yeah i know so we're i'm mad at kenny because he didn't use my photoshop that i made for him yeah i made him an esports logo and he didn't want it so so that's all um it might be it might be you know counterintuitive in a couple of ways but like this is kind of what i'm trying to do because i think in the long run when we're not like on the eve of it will be better for it it also give you the chance to that if the game's been out for a week you can look at it and be like oh no the game sucks everyone's moved on already i mean the game's crap possibly but you know it it remains that like in the in the long run you make a better episode for it you know we didn't
Starting point is 03:32:04 talk about today what the fucking switch files for mk 11 got datamined and all the fucking dlc characters are known oh i didn't catch that um uh which include joker um the terminator joker is a joker no joker like ha ha ha mark yeah okay uh terminator uh fucking who else christ spawn wow is in there wow and there's a couple old hats holy shit those are the those are the gass ones the jumped out i didn't see that that's crazy huh no no killer instinct huh damn wow ash people are seeing ash yeah ash is there too holy shit and what lends credence to that is that ash recently got put as a character in dead by daylight so there were a few weeks ago so there's a license they're moving that license around ash is a really good pick ash is a
Starting point is 03:33:07 ash is like a plus i feel stupid for not thinking of it when we were going down the list he even fits the tone of a lot of more combat characters we were going down the list of like uh slasher killers from movies yeah and never even thought of the fucking army slash hero hero yeah the complete opposite what a great pick that's a solid um cool but that would only be the first season they do two or three right yeah all right well that's that willy versus angriest pat enjoy i'm gonna go take a nap before streaming at 11 come see the stream at 11 it's the eastern it's the angriest pat on twitch do it all right that's a button good night everybody good night jesus it's five o'clock good see everybody
Starting point is 03:34:23 so we're happy to be, searching all along, facing twilight all night, about the rain, about the sight, about the rest of the day, and pray the question to the end, where I fly away, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading, hiding both place and mind, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, what else should I be, I just don't take off my clothes, for you to drown,
Starting point is 03:36:15 I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading, hiding both place and mind, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, what else should I be, tell me what's the need, I need that place, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading, hiding both place and mind, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading, hiding both place and mind, for you to drown,
Starting point is 03:37:35 I can't do, have you seen me, yes the cage, there's nothing inside, will it always be, burning down the walls, is there a way for me to pray, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading, hiding both place and mind, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, I have no faith to show, I just don't take off my clothes, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading,
Starting point is 03:39:04 hiding both place and mind, for you to drown, I'm a shepherd for you, I'm just masquerading,

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