Castle Super Beast - CSB 022: Edgy Edgy Bishie Bishie Breaky Breaky (For GIRLS)

Episode Date: June 18, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Why are you doing video song? ogrige Shh I feel my hand getting bigger Why are you doing video song? You can have a little rest I really can learn from this
Starting point is 00:00:23 I mean really I am just asking I just like to share a couple words I just want to let you know Perhaps you might not have been aware But eternal greatness exists only within myself And I wanted you to be aware that you should Embrace sorrow in a world without time
Starting point is 00:00:53 I heard that line recently I heard that line recently What are you referring to? Yeah, you heard it in Italian Ah, there it is Traitor's requiem bitch Ah, it's pretty good Oh my god, I fucked it up anyways
Starting point is 00:01:05 To something along those lines Whatever, that new JoJo intro is pretty good If you're not caught up to JoJo, catch up to JoJo Hey, also speaking of catching up If you're not caught up to Attack on Titan And you give a shit at all Sing a song of sorrow You really need to catch up
Starting point is 00:01:22 Because now that the gates are open People don't give a shit anymore Wow, you sidestep JoJo really hard And that's okay That's okay Because this week is worth it I actually do want to talk about JoJo Is so worth it
Starting point is 00:01:37 And we're going to have to talk about Attack on Titan at the end of things We're going to talk about Attack on Titan at the end of the podcast I just want to say it was really great When they got into the basement And they looked on the wall And there was a big mural for Halo Infinite So I thought of that stupid joke
Starting point is 00:01:56 And then Master Chief was in the basement Yeah, he was in there He was in there and he was like, let's take it to these Titans Finish the fight Finish the fight So I was thinking about that And how stupid that joke is And then a spark blew off in my mind to go
Starting point is 00:02:10 Is there any game that like you played it Or any show And then you get to like the thing Like a sponsored ad The thing is sponsored You know, like the fucking thing So basically what you're actually saying Is they get to the basement
Starting point is 00:02:31 And there's a screen on a TV And then that thing When you're connected to the internet Loads in A John Deere tractor Yeah, it loads in whatever at the time Is the paid sponsor And you just get that shot of everyone staring at it
Starting point is 00:02:47 And I thought about it And I thought about it And I could think of one There is a game in which you play the game And it looks normal And then you get to the MacGuffin Or whatever The magic item
Starting point is 00:02:59 And it is a fucking ad And that is a PS2 Think GameCube RPG Called Darkened Sky I don't know if you've ever seen this The Sky Spell SKYE It appears to be a generic fantasy RPG With a main character called Sky's
Starting point is 00:03:16 Lady And then you find out That you need these fucking power crystals or whatever And they're fucking Skittles They're literally Skittles And they're named Skittles Hard Like, and this is like
Starting point is 00:03:33 The whole plot revolves around Yeah, it's about Skittles The candy Wait Was this a game that was sponsored by Skittles? It was a game made by Skittles Well then there you go Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:48 Well that makes sense then That's like if you're playing Sneak King And then you're like What's up with the king? Yeah, but like Look at this box art Do you see fucking Skittles on that shit? Yeah, no, I think that's the point
Starting point is 00:03:58 I think they wanted to get you Haha, idiot It was Skittles all along I think they wanted to get you Because they realized back when they made McKids That it was a little too obvious A little too on the nose So all I could think of is that
Starting point is 00:04:13 Aaron you have to get into the basement And he opens the basement and it's a garage To his new Ford Subaru Yeah See now here's Which I think they had a Well here's the other question What about when like
Starting point is 00:04:26 It's a product that is like What if it's a product that could be Stretched to be relevant So I think of two things I think of like When they find the red bull cans At the beginning of snakes on a plane Oh
Starting point is 00:04:42 And then fucking Sam Jackson Slaps the bag down with the can as evidence And it zooms in Or when it zooms out And you see them surrounding the television I think in the I think in the finale of part four Of JoJo
Starting point is 00:04:57 The whole Every shot that has Rohan in it He's standing with this enormous Pepsi billboard in the background And I'm like And it's a time thing So they keep showing the same shot Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:10 It's especially weird Because anime always has Pipsy Or Somi Or you know whatever It's like Now look at that Big fat fucking Pepsi logo
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah Yeah But then there's other things where So Zardaz for example Zardaz You know about that I know about Zardaz Right
Starting point is 00:05:33 So like what if It's used in that kind of context Where like the product is A part of what explains the plot In a way that I don't know about the Zardaz product line Well it's not so much a product line As much as it is the truth
Starting point is 00:05:48 Okay yeah Right The truth of Zardaz So when you find out the truth of Zardaz There's a thing there And you turn into a skeleton So what if It is
Starting point is 00:06:01 Excuse me What if in a similar way I might have one That's more on the nose with that Have you seen Evolution with David Duchovny It's a monster movie with Aliens I know the movie
Starting point is 00:06:15 But I didn't watch it Okay do you want to have A fucking big old spoiler What the end of that movie is They discovered that Since we're carbon based Arsenic is poison to us And these things are silicon based
Starting point is 00:06:26 And then they move the periodic table over Oh this weird chemicals in it Well that's harmless to us What's it in Head and shoulders We gotta get as much head and shoulders as possible And blast these aliens with it So that they all die
Starting point is 00:06:41 And the finale of the movie Is using head and shoulders to fight aliens That's right Head and shoulders Good for dandruff But also good for killing aliens That's so specific Like it's such a pinpointed thing
Starting point is 00:06:56 As opposed to shampoo in general Oh yeah Yeah And they always say We need to get some more head and shoulders At that point you have to assume They're just paying for half the movie Oh absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:09 Right You have to assume I think I talked about it last week But it's like Seeing an ad Or like a music video I was like Oh is that Justin Bieber's
Starting point is 00:07:18 New phone that he loves It's like no that's What paid for the music video That two second shot Of a fucking galaxy Samsung or whatever Oh yeah Like that's the music video Of course
Starting point is 00:07:31 Is that Oh no when Nelly holds out a shoe to the camera As like You know In the middle of his rap video It's always wild to me Here it is This is the product
Starting point is 00:07:41 Have you observed the product? You should purchase it Consider Perhaps This will pay my future legal fees I've never seen Fiddy Sant Guzzling vitamin water in any of his videos He should
Starting point is 00:07:53 You would think it'd be a slam dunk But he does not But yeah Basement cash at the end of The Of this current week Did you see Before we get away from ads being disgusting
Starting point is 00:08:09 Like no Certain ads being disgusting But before we get to ours Yeah hard job Disgusting ads Did you see I forget what it was And I should
Starting point is 00:08:20 Somebody track it down And send it to me So I can show it to people But it was a shot Called the brand meme apocalypse And it was fucking It was I think Arby's or fucking Carl's Jr.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Or some shit Trying to meme a recent situation And in the replies you look and it's like Oh there's Wendy's going Oh yeah let's get in on this And then Burger King is like Oh we love a good old meme off And then like Subway
Starting point is 00:08:49 And every fucking Oreos was in there You make Go ahead And then at the end You have the Rick and Morty official account Going oh don't worry brands We can help you all get
Starting point is 00:09:02 And it's like 20 brands in a row And they're only talking to each other Yeah you're talking like this The first time you've seen this This is the first time I've seen this This is a new phenomenon And I wanted to like vomit blood Okay well guess what
Starting point is 00:09:13 What This is all brand accounts do Oh my god The whole dunking on people phase is gone Now the new thing to do is Dunk on each other Because we're all employees We're all millennials
Starting point is 00:09:26 Working behind a Twitter account for a brand So talking to each other Accomplishes all of our goals at the same time And then there's no one to say silence brand Because we're doing it to each other And everyone is basically then Supposed to screenshot it And then repost it on iFunny
Starting point is 00:09:43 And basically go lol Did you see Wendy's and Coke talking to each other I don't think it's going to take 2077 To hit that cyberpunk dystopia Well I mean but this is like The brand conversation round table Is absolutely a regular occurrence And every day is just meant to see
Starting point is 00:10:03 What new crazy cross promotions Unexpected in the wild we can find Like sure Wendy's is probably going to Hang out with Coke But who expected Wendy's to crossover With Sonic the Hedgehog I hate it I mean or you can just make Mecca like Arby's
Starting point is 00:10:24 I feel like Arby's gets the past Because they were the first ones And they do papercraft They were not the first ones But their papercraft shits dope And I saw the live nightmare From Soul Calibur sculpture And they were just like yeah we just made
Starting point is 00:10:38 We just made it They just have like an artist It's just like yeah I just I've never eaten at Arby's But I now have a strong emotional connection To the papercraft that Arby's gives There you go Yeah so you know
Starting point is 00:10:50 They'll brand on their own No one can silence them Because they're like yo we made a thing But anyway I don't know something about anthropomorphized Mountain Dew cans Well what I'm really waiting on is For an artist to come along
Starting point is 00:11:04 And find ways to tastefully Rip the KFC pieces of meat Into art and then stick them on Like paper mache And then start looking and seeing Like gross meat art I still think my favorite outcome Of all this brand synergy
Starting point is 00:11:21 Was Kellogg's trying it With Frosted Flakes And it being a massive disaster Do you remember that? No Tony the Tiger had a twitter account And then Tony the Tiger had to be like Stop sending me these drawings
Starting point is 00:11:39 Oh and at which point Chester Cheetah Stepped in and went I love it Send me all your drawings And that was a win for Cheetos that day Yeah I remember that I remember that That was great
Starting point is 00:11:53 Well anyway I hate it I hate it I hate it Okay Our brand's pretty good though And our ads are great Yeah they are
Starting point is 00:12:05 I think they're pretty okay We'll get there though First things first We have weeks to get through Oh yeah Okay Wow you just nestled it right in there Oh yeah I like a cold balls
Starting point is 00:12:16 Okay A A A cold balls Yeah That's a good No like a batch of cold balls Okay Yeah this is where you keep drinks Cold drinks next to your testicles
Starting point is 00:12:28 Did you know that your testicles are like They act the way they do Because they're dying to stay warm That's right But they want to stay at an exact temperature Gotta keep them cold Okay Well keep that
Starting point is 00:12:40 Keep those Keep that machinery gunked up And misfiring Do you want your balls cold Or do you want your Red Bull at ball temperature No I want the No See now because hold on
Starting point is 00:12:54 You are You are the conduction Like the temperature is going both ways Yeah but I drink these fast enough That it's not gonna happen The ball temperature Red Bull got it Go on Alright
Starting point is 00:13:05 Yeah Okay What I do this week I played F of 14 And I watched the basement And I watched Jojo That was my week The only thing
Starting point is 00:13:14 Well two of those I can't talk about right now I'll talk about later Other than Both of those television programs That I consumed were of high quality Mhm It is like
Starting point is 00:13:27 Becoming Within like one or two days of each other Like just Yeah yeah it's Friday and then Sunday But I just I'm having these moments after Specifically
Starting point is 00:13:39 In like Attack on Titan case Of just like Hitting the credits And then leaning back And just going God damn I appreciate a good story Yeah Like I really
Starting point is 00:13:49 Like Like just That Game of Thrones burn Is still In it the embers And yes yes Are still cooling down We're all aware anime fan 420
Starting point is 00:14:01 Attack on Titan is trash And we really need to read Little girl anime whatever The embers are still cooling down But I'm having a big fun with Attack on Titan Yeah and I mean sure
Starting point is 00:14:13 Folks are Dying to know what my thoughts are On Gone and his fishing hook But we'll get there Now is not the time You said that last week Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:22 You don't get to say We'll get there last week No not on the podcast In terms of the recorded content Has that gone up yet? Not yet Well I'm I currently have
Starting point is 00:14:32 Some really fun stuff going out with Ipatch Wolf in the Form of The Mystical Ninja I can't even get details On this shit off the podcast Yeah So it's like
Starting point is 00:14:41 It's fine We're doing Mystical Ninja Right now And then there's some I am I am savoring the taste Of Ipatch Wolf You know what
Starting point is 00:14:50 You know what my favorite part About this Is that when When I saw That you had watched Some of Of Hunter Hunter I went
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh wow This will be really great Wally's gonna say Oh maybe it's not so bad Maybe I'll watch it And then I'll get to wait Four years To talk to him
Starting point is 00:15:08 About anything of importance In that show Hmm Maybe sooner We'll see Maybe But yeah So
Starting point is 00:15:17 You watched the shows I did I also played 14 I've been doing this thing where Cause Shadow Ringers is coming I was leveling everything To like a minimum level Of like 50
Starting point is 00:15:27 Just to see Cause there's a bunch of classes That I never played ever And I found something that I'm damn sure is not unique To Fucking
Starting point is 00:15:37 MMOs It's I played Machina stuff to 50 Which is engineers That shoot a gun And they got reworked For the last expansion And I'm playing through it
Starting point is 00:15:46 And I'm like What Were What were they Fucking thinking When they reworked This character It's as if there was
Starting point is 00:15:54 A new edition Of Street Fighter That came out And Ryu just didn't Have a Shoryuken anymore And Played like shit
Starting point is 00:16:03 And looked like shit And everything about him Was just shit It's astonishing Admitted Pat Bard for life Bard's way better than machinist Way fucking better than machinist
Starting point is 00:16:17 Also You're getting How about you How about you How about you How about you just get Black Mage the cap You fucking coward
Starting point is 00:16:25 Black Mage is at 50 And after getting them to 50 I understand that they're Not quite as bad as I thought But they have problems What's the fucking deal with Hannibal What's the deal with Hannibal What's Hannibal doing
Starting point is 00:16:36 I don't know Hannibal looks like He just walks into sets And just starts recording Like it doesn't look like In that commercial Like he's supposed to be there At all
Starting point is 00:16:45 It looks like He just showed up What a get What a get Anyway But to answer All of your questions In a row
Starting point is 00:16:53 Bard's more fun Than I expected But there's still dorks So I've maintained that Black Mages have a serious problem Where the class plays like garbage And is a one button boring piece of shit
Starting point is 00:17:06 Up until level 40 Which is a long fucking time To level through garbage When are you going to embrace turret I don't like this new woolly That just has a list of things In front of him When are you going to do it
Starting point is 00:17:21 Never Why Because it's unsatisfying And you have to move too much Sounds like fucking pat-isms to me No, it really doesn't What's wrong with turret What's wrong with turret
Starting point is 00:17:31 You have to maintain These aren't honest questions I hate it Alright The problem with turret Is that F-14 fights Require you to move so often That it has a simple rotation
Starting point is 00:17:45 But it constantly breaks And the number one way To get good at a fight Is just to find the one spot That you can stand in For 20 plus seconds Without having to move But more than that
Starting point is 00:17:57 Is that Black Mage players Tend to go I can eat this damage The healer will just deal with it And are inconsiderate To actually play with Because their class teaches them To be inconsiderate
Starting point is 00:18:09 Okay, well two words Healers adjust Oh my god You know that meme got killed At a certain point Did it? Yeah Because there was a fight
Starting point is 00:18:20 In which MisTech By the way, good work MisTech You do great Put out a guide In which one of the pieces Of advice for the fight Was actually healers adjust In terms of like
Starting point is 00:18:31 You go here, you go here And then the healers were all Just left or right And then once it became that It was like Just wasn't as fun anymore Anyway, the point being Is that
Starting point is 00:18:46 Machinists is so fucking trash That it makes sense That out of, you know They show off new classes For expansion But then they show Hey, we're changing this old one The machinist rework
Starting point is 00:18:56 Is getting more excitement Than some of the new classes Because it's so trash now So now you're just like Fuck DPS What? Damage per second? Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:10 Is a bad way to go? No, no Oh, it's a good way to go That's the opposite It's a good way to go No So what's the problem? What are you asking me?
Starting point is 00:19:23 What's different? What are you asking? I'm asking you I'm asking you What your deal is What's your Why do you have problems With the new update?
Starting point is 00:19:35 I don't It sounded like you did No, I'm saying Machinists right now Is embarrassing garbage Now, right Right now Gotcha
Starting point is 00:19:44 Therefore, that is why It is so exciting to people That they're going to Supposedly fix it Or at least redesign it Gotcha Okay The chat is my arrow
Starting point is 00:19:54 I know, I see it I can see it Oh my god This is much more frustrating Okay That's fine That's fine But yeah, no
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's a bummer because And there is I mean, I know I've seen mobile players Have this emotion I know I've seen Fighting game players Have it where
Starting point is 00:20:15 The update comes out And they change the character Enough And for MMO players It's extra bad Because they get art commissioned Of their characters And they have like an attachment
Starting point is 00:20:24 To the character Because it's a created character That they made And they're like, hey You know that class You had a lot of fun with It's not just Actual garbage now
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's also Unfun to play And now uncool And People look down on you You're playing it Ah It's the whole package
Starting point is 00:20:41 Unless you're mid Because, you know Remember that whole chapter He stopped playing the game After that I guess he did, didn't he? He did I spoke to him about it recently
Starting point is 00:20:55 Things didn't go great Well, I know he likes to Take his Also, I should point it Let's have an update to that Actually Oh So Min had a
Starting point is 00:21:08 Long-standing story Where he wanted to beat The Aramri born raid As a Class And not a job Which robs him Of five or six abilities
Starting point is 00:21:16 They have updated the game In like ten different ways To make that less And less viable Ah New classes Don't have classes They're only jobs
Starting point is 00:21:26 So they They literally patched His fun out of the game And now Slash updated his fun Out of the game They have a UI indicator Every time you level up
Starting point is 00:21:34 This is, hey Motherfucker Go do your job quest You dumb idiot And it does not go away Until you do it So I like
Starting point is 00:21:44 I like the idea If you were to Be trying that now There would be Five pop-ups on the screen Just essentially saying Stop it Stop it, Jackass
Starting point is 00:21:53 Well, no Because realistically All he ever needs to do Is Find the least fun thing In the game And do it over and over And maximize it
Starting point is 00:22:03 To the point of So that he would be playing Blue Mage then, I guess Is that Is that the place to go? It's terrible It's really bad It's
Starting point is 00:22:12 Like You know When a game developer says Hey, we got this new feature And they show it off In a preview And everybody goes That looks like
Starting point is 00:22:20 Fucking shit And then The people come out And go Maybe it's gonna be fun Maybe it's gonna be fun And then it comes out And everyone's like
Starting point is 00:22:31 This sucks And is bad And then the devs go Don't worry guys We'll fix it In a year or two Do you miss the days When you'd play
Starting point is 00:22:41 Just as a class To have access to flash Just for the sake of fates? I don't I don't imagine that you do But those cross class Skill days are over They're gone
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's the new age now Seriously, Blue Mage sucks ass It's a terrible idea They put out a class in the game They can't reach level cap And is not allowed To play in party content With other classes
Starting point is 00:23:10 Because they don't want To balance it Yeah I'll find out what What he has I mean if he stopped He stopped Yeah, he has not played
Starting point is 00:23:20 Since like Around my board So there's no information On that front Cool Yes, thank you Alright How'd that talk go?
Starting point is 00:23:33 How'd that 14th discussion go? Was that good? Was certainly more active than usual Did you enjoy that one? I'm gonna fucking I'm glad you enjoyed it No, you know what? There's an in between here
Starting point is 00:23:44 Because There's a genius To the way you're doing this Because you're picking From the chat Right, and they're all disparate Thoughts But they're so far away
Starting point is 00:23:54 From whatever The last one was That it's a leap To get there Hold on, let me tuck My dredge in front of my face And read it Read it for a minute
Starting point is 00:24:03 And see what it says You know what? You know what, man? I feel for you Because if you did Have epitaph Dread viewing Viewing is not optimal
Starting point is 00:24:12 Compared to wavy hair Viewing white hair Yeah It would be like There'd be like Or future Big gaps It'd be big gaps
Starting point is 00:24:22 It'd be pretty hard Alternatively, you could get A little sliver But it'd be a different time That'd be helpful Oh, each one Yeah It depends on whether or not
Starting point is 00:24:31 The hair counts as a unit I have seen Old-ass rastafarians With Like the dreadlock The big The one The one
Starting point is 00:24:42 They have the one And that's a way to do it You know, but Doesn't that take Like ten times longer To grow out or something? Yeah, it takes a really long time And you've got to really
Starting point is 00:24:51 Just ignore it for a while But it'd really be stupid For example, if you had epitaph And you decided just because Of your own personality That you're like I like shaving my head Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:02 So you never know You literally never knew Well, I... Because epitaph's a standard ability It doesn't necessarily have... Like, I always interpret it As it uses the hair Because the hair is available
Starting point is 00:25:12 We're talking about some dumbass That thinks a frog is a telephone Sure, right? But just What if it's locked to something That you just You just never pay attention to You know
Starting point is 00:25:24 Well, if you shaved your head I know exactly where it would appear It would appear in the dome But Then you would need that double mirror Shit Right To get at it
Starting point is 00:25:39 By the way, if you want that as a ringtone I can provide that for you as a ringtone I really don't Yeah? I really, really don't Seems awful, right? Yeah What if
Starting point is 00:25:51 What if you could just like... I mean, there's other hair on your body Nah, this is bad You could refer to To that It's not gonna be long and wavy That's for damn sure No
Starting point is 00:26:01 No, it might even be a different color Well, anyway Also, I have shockingly little hair on my body So it wouldn't work all that well Yeah Well So I mean, I
Starting point is 00:26:13 Can we Can we talk about The Trader's Requiem? Yeah The Uragiri Mono Is he speaking Italian? Yes Okay
Starting point is 00:26:25 So We're gonna talk about the The current Jojo The current Part 5 But The one thing I kind of Forgot I actually forgot about the intro updates
Starting point is 00:26:39 Because it's been so mild Overall this time around And I feel as well like They Kind of overdid themselves with great days Right? They really blew it out of the water Well, that was the whole intro
Starting point is 00:26:53 Got chopped and screwed and remixed Well, it's not just that It's not just how much it got remixed It's literally that Every shot of great days Has an implication Or a meaning Or something else going on
Starting point is 00:27:04 In reference to the story And With Part 5 They calmed that down a lot They just went for visual cools And like Hey There's a little something
Starting point is 00:27:15 For you You're looking for it You see Bruno Bruno's pretty hot, huh? Like that's what the intro says to me There's little little hints of like Oh, there it is But there's
Starting point is 00:27:25 A little blood drippy thing But for the most part You're like, yeah You're just kind of seeing cool stuff happen But when they finally Yeah, they went like Hey, let's update things a little bit And do our intro remix
Starting point is 00:27:35 Which we usually do I like that they revisited End of the World Yeah Because it's definitely meant To be almost exactly The same type of thing Well, there's parallels in the episode
Starting point is 00:27:47 With the staircase Yes Yes Like this is very intentional Yeah I mean, even the name Right? You know
Starting point is 00:27:56 And it's intentional With dealing with this Of course Archetype and so on So it's interesting And like I really dig What I didn't expect to So the whole time I was talking about
Starting point is 00:28:06 Like I want to see When King Kerm's in drops I want a nice sound effect To make up for like The Dio clock slow Bro Tick tick tick tick tick tick Right?
Starting point is 00:28:18 And Bites the dust Definitely had some cool shit But I wanted something really distinct here And they started using it There's a little ring Right?
Starting point is 00:28:31 A little high-pitched ding noise But What they did Really finally reveal Is We're gonna have a visual To go along with it Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:40 It looks like a VHS Like scratch No No, no, no, no When you're inside of it Oh, that Oh, that Yes
Starting point is 00:28:48 And that's what they drop Inside of the intro Is the world breaks away And you're floating in space Is nothing but you And the observer of The time that is being edited AKA
Starting point is 00:28:59 Fucking diavolo Are the ones that are relevant So like You get to See visually Things being fucked around with Yeah You know
Starting point is 00:29:10 And it's a really nice way to do it I like a lot how You can explain something That doesn't work Like in a manga panel You can go that panel Never happened But
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah When you're looking at it You're looking at it like Oh, the world crumbled away So clearly this Is important Is something Whatever's happening here
Starting point is 00:29:32 And we're having forward after-images And all sorts of visual indicators They're putting so much extra Like work into showing A fairly confusing Sequence of events And I think that the visual indicator Of the world crumbling is really important
Starting point is 00:29:47 Because when Dio stops time It becomes obvious The world just stops Yeah, there's a sepia tone And then it just Resumes Yeah And he literally says it
Starting point is 00:29:55 But in this case The fact that everything is gone Is almost indicative of the fact that None of this exists anymore Right? I have now stopped this point in time And I'm going to rebuild it here But all of this black
Starting point is 00:30:09 Is just not It doesn't happen You know Or does Depending on Whether the action entering Is Whether the cause continues
Starting point is 00:30:19 Or whether the effect would have Ended within the time frame I feel So there's a bunch of stuff About part five That I don't like As much as earlier parts Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:30:27 It's still the weakest part In my opinion However But it's fantastic For what None of those complaints Are the word Rome And anything that happens
Starting point is 00:30:39 In the last 15% of the story I had to check the clock To see I'm like, wait How many episodes are left? Not many Enough though
Starting point is 00:30:50 But like Doing the math There's enough But like you're here You're in Cairo And Dio's out of the coffin The other thing I really like Is that
Starting point is 00:30:59 So when we got the Dio Time stop In end of the world And you get the footsteps They turn around They Oremuda And then the logo explodes
Starting point is 00:31:10 In this case They put it In a better place They put it Right before The final chorus kicks in So that when he does The big talk
Starting point is 00:31:20 And he does the Italian thing And then time resumes Giorno turns around And the fucking chorus kicks in And the whole thing he's staring at In epitaph Is the moment That's about to occur
Starting point is 00:31:32 So it's like It almost The momentum It almost feels like In two or three episodes There will be another Significant change To the moment
Starting point is 00:31:41 You are describing right now Yeah I would say that Those last little Paddles Or the last little shots of Joe Joe Joe I feel like that is
Starting point is 00:31:51 Ample time To put more art More something Inside that intro Also I really got to enjoy The I mean it's It was obvious When I saw it
Starting point is 00:32:02 And like I'm like kind of I was kind of Laughing cause Like When Steph first saw that intro She's like Oh it's called
Starting point is 00:32:10 What is it Traders Requiem And I'm like That name Cause you know Yeah And all of these names Are like
Starting point is 00:32:19 They're so on the money But they make me smile When I hear them in advance Cause like The day one of part three I saw Stand Proud Is the name of the title And I'm like
Starting point is 00:32:30 You know And that's exactly it Like it just All continues to be on the nose But Traders Requiem In particular is really good There's two fun things
Starting point is 00:32:38 That I want to talk about From the last One or two One is A page was with me When I was watching it And I'll just say
Starting point is 00:32:48 Somebody gets fucked up Harder than Almost anyone's Ever gotten fucked up In JoJo In like a half second And She asks
Starting point is 00:32:57 Wait How did I'm like Don't worry about it He just got better Just Like The story does not
Starting point is 00:33:05 Give a shit About how That person got better They just literally Flash forward to So I'm fine Yeah Healing goes fast and loose
Starting point is 00:33:19 When you're a part of the crew Right When you're part of the crew And it's before plot time And it's like It's wild Like Honestly, if you're a part of a JoJo crew
Starting point is 00:33:29 And a stand user of the week Shows up You're practically invincible Yeah Right Did you lose At this point in time That person was a stand user of the week
Starting point is 00:33:39 I mean Well, it's just like You're just If you use If chunks of meat Fly off of your body Yeah You'll be fine
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah Don't worry about it So that's like Wild to me And then the other thing is that Getting shot With your own fucking bullets No problem
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah, whatever I'll be fine Even before healing happens I'll be fine So used to it by now So I was thinking about it Like Part one
Starting point is 00:34:03 Ends depending on where you feel Like in the castle Or on the boat And there's some collateral damage there But it's It's not like Yes It's not the end of the world
Starting point is 00:34:13 No Part two ends on a volcano Or deserted Desserted callsimages vampires Part three There's collateral damage in Cairo for sure The threat of losing in part two Is massive
Starting point is 00:34:23 Right But it's not actually collateral Part four takes place on like That street behind your house Yep You know, like two blocks over A couple of people In an unfortunate Google path
Starting point is 00:34:32 Get rocked Yeah In the middle of the chase The last batch Part five Is Disaster Like if you want to
Starting point is 00:34:41 If you want to talk about Like Like even in part four Like that poor apartment Yeah That got entered Yeah, one apartment Right
Starting point is 00:34:49 Big shame But like in part five The area in one of the most populated cities in the world In the core of the downtown Is Essentially wiped from existence And disaster-ified twice Yes
Starting point is 00:35:05 And it's important to note that like You know, the reasons behind that Are clearly why at some point You got to go like, okay Time to unleash the deal within Yeah And into the trash it goes Because yeah
Starting point is 00:35:20 Like that's how bad that got And also it was clear that it's like You know, chocolate doesn't give a fuck No It doesn't give a shit So the first thing you ever hear about Chocolate ever Is
Starting point is 00:35:30 Chocolate might be the biggest piece of shit That ever existed They don't even know about the real shit He did before he showed up No, they just tell from just right now No one knows about the old people Nobody But like the narrator knows
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah, and that's about it, right? And here's the thing about chocolate And like I fucking guffawed when I was reading it And it was really funny too When it happened in the show But like it's a really great sudden thing is Okay, so my stand works with altitude
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yeah What is the most dickish thing I can do ever? Oh, he's chasing a helicopter I know Like the most dickish thing you can do To not give a fuck is Everybody gets some You know, I'm up here
Starting point is 00:36:14 Literally go fuck yourselves And I'm getting higher I would love for somebody to try What a piece of shit Write down if there's any information about this But when I look at Chocolata And I look at how bad he gets it And how overdone his villainy is
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah All I can think of Is this was supposed to be Fugo Is that Fugo was supposed to get The seven pages Because he's a bitch I don't think so at all
Starting point is 00:36:40 It's the powers being so similar to me But it doesn't know There's no indicator that they were meant to be anything Like it's not And also Seco being involved is the whole Like you're a pair And you got the whole pair thing working together But now you're like a creepy fucking
Starting point is 00:36:56 Like pet to this guy And they go way over the top Cartoonish villain styles Apparently Fugo was Apparently supposed to portray the squad Oh Interesting So my
Starting point is 00:37:10 I just found that out now But the reason why I thought that Was because the power set Is so similar With the mold and the fucking Melting bullshit Poison, yeah And all I can think of
Starting point is 00:37:24 Is that it was supposed to be that way And then he was like Okay, still too bullshit To put in I would say that I'm not sure where Fugo's book goes too much Outside of some of the more absurd details
Starting point is 00:37:38 He goes drugs He goes to a lot of places But Yeah What should we call it Seco, the question And the weird part is that When it came not to animating it
Starting point is 00:37:49 It was really unclear what happened to him Whereas in the pages of the manga It was way more obvious Oh yeah Right So when Seco grabs Um Uh
Starting point is 00:38:01 Uh, Dopeo Yeah And then we get our like You know, hero stabs through the Yeah We go Uh, Jotaro punches through the lady To get the murderer
Starting point is 00:38:12 And puts a knife in his gut Type of moment Right Josuke Excuse me, yes Uh, we Then see he like Seco is kind of weird like
Starting point is 00:38:22 Uh And then like It doesn't look It's not clear what's kind of happening With his hand And then he just kind of Crawls into the dumpster Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:30 Into the truck rather Um And it's like I'm pretty sure two things One, in the book That's meant to be Bruno zipping his hand Inside of his throat
Starting point is 00:38:41 Okay And then reattaches it So that he can't fucking Really breathe Okay And then with his new zipped hand Throat He kind of
Starting point is 00:38:52 Uh Into A dump Street That's that, you know And like It's a pretty clear cut like Oh, he's done
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah But in this case The way it ended And especially with him driving off And talking I kind of felt like Is he alive? Well, no
Starting point is 00:39:09 Because they're being crushed Into paste In a garbage truck Yeah But he's talking As it's happening Yeah So it's a little bit unclear
Starting point is 00:39:17 I don't know I guess I just remembered it I remembered reading it In a much more clear Yeah, that's that Yeah You know And then in the
Starting point is 00:39:25 They would seem like Did they just choose to Handle it differently? I don't know The other thing is that The last batch that we're dealing with Has Okay, guys
Starting point is 00:39:35 It's the final battle Stuff's going bad People are getting fucking killed We've barely made it here Time for 14 minutes of slapstick Yes Just straight up There's a corpse up there
Starting point is 00:39:49 Fuck it Slapstick Freaky Oh, my God Freaky Friday Oh, no Your name Wow
Starting point is 00:39:58 In the middle of my JoJo Where are my testicles? Yeah I The thing I actually Like So I've been looking forward to
Starting point is 00:40:09 Two things for part five The entire time Right Three and three Three, three I've been looking forward to White Album Gently Weeps I was not disappointed
Starting point is 00:40:19 That was done great I've been looking forward to The Punch Fest Yeah That was great 30 seconds, almost not enough time Yeah Right
Starting point is 00:40:28 Also, not enough emphasis on the Uri Yeah Because it got lost in the middle of the Auras Yeah Or the Mudas And
Starting point is 00:40:36 Like, people I was watching with Didn't even catch it Oh, really? Yeah, and I had to go Wait, wait, wait, hold on Hold on, hold on Do you Do you know what this is
Starting point is 00:40:44 Over here? Yeah, it should have been Much more of a You know, like thing Yeah We want the Capcom Version of it Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:53 When he shakes and vibrates As he does it But it was great It was great Um, I Uh Yeah, it was so Yes, it was
Starting point is 00:41:03 How did she not catch it? It was super obvious Sometimes memory can be fleeting Yeah It's, what can I say But, um The other thing I wanted to see And I wanted it done so expensive
Starting point is 00:41:16 Is that fucking Requiem Walk Is to be like 60 frames per second It's It's so animated It's so animated Fucking rocks and struts Because the way the gesture
Starting point is 00:41:30 Is drawn in the book It's a strut Yeah He's not just walking He's strutting There's a real There's a real win on the Animation front on Requiem
Starting point is 00:41:41 Because It has more frames of animation In its natural It's either deadly still Move it all Or he's having too many frames of animation As people around it Are not animating as fast
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah And it has a weird refractory thing Which is probably a lot easier to do In a photo program Than it is to do on paper And it looks like it's not Supposed to be part of the same show It does
Starting point is 00:42:07 And I really was hoping We would see a weird effect In terms of like He's walking But the perspective He's walking on Doesn't match up with the environment You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:17 I really wanted it Because like It's so menacing The way it's drawn Literally menacing The way it's drawn Because you're just like This fucking terrifying thing
Starting point is 00:42:27 You know There's the memes coming out Like everybody talks shit Till the Requiem starts walking You know And they did a good job with it It is proper intimidating And you don't know what the fuck is happening
Starting point is 00:42:38 So This last Couple episodes I was talking with some people And I got to that fun conversation Which is Hey Remember when
Starting point is 00:42:50 Ericie forgot about that shit Yep And part five has it I think the worst Nope Oh yeah Well who has the worst Part six
Starting point is 00:42:59 Well I wouldn't know that The worst of what I've seen so far Yep But like The one that keeps coming up Is Hey Where did Giorno's
Starting point is 00:43:07 Perception distorting And damage reflection abilities go Yeah Where did they go? Where he uses them again Like the beginning of his kit Just disappears immediately As soon as he gets
Starting point is 00:43:20 The healing bullshit Well Ericie creates loose sentences As stand definitions And gets to refer back to them Whenever he goes I forgot what does this do again And he reads the sentence And goes
Starting point is 00:43:31 I guess this could mean that And then he'll do it But no And it does definitely We do have In interviews where he's like Yeah I don't Read my old shit
Starting point is 00:43:41 So I went back And found like a big ass list And out of all of them There's one that is just My absolute big favorite I couldn't believe it Which is Hey do you remember that flashback
Starting point is 00:43:52 In part four Where Josuke talks about How this man with a pompadour Saved him Yep The sickest part And how it Suspiciously
Starting point is 00:44:01 Looks Identical to him Did he go back in time And save himself And then we have A whole Stand that has The ability to do that
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yep And how it was clearly setting up When asked What was up with that Yep At an interview Eric he went Oh yeah that did happen
Starting point is 00:44:18 And that was his answer Yep So he like 100% forgot that thread Completely slipped his mind Whoops The genius Is a genius of the moment
Starting point is 00:44:30 Oh my god And only of the moment It's astonishing That's how it rolls That's how it goes And Yeah So every time
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's almost amazing That part three Had D.O. at all Part three Having D.O. Is like Obviously you need D.O. He's the best
Starting point is 00:44:49 But like How we got there Is just like Oh yeah they did Totally do this That coffin That retcon was It's
Starting point is 00:44:58 So Thing of beauty To people who are Not familiar with what we're talking about It's a thing of beauty I want to make it Really clear That this is
Starting point is 00:45:06 The worst retcon ever Because the retcon Doesn't work It doesn't work In part one Arena And The baby
Starting point is 00:45:18 Baby Lisa Lisa Escape in D.O.'s Very sturdy coffin They escape the explosion In his coffin And float away To be discovered By a passing ship
Starting point is 00:45:29 In part three It explains that After The fight with Jonathan D.O. managed to Get his body And crawl into His coffin
Starting point is 00:45:39 Which then sank To the bottom of the ocean Only to be retrieved By some Fisherman's And See you're acting like There wasn't an
Starting point is 00:45:48 Inner coffin I hate it A shut up There was an inner coffin And an outer coffin The coffin that floated Was thrown back Into the water
Starting point is 00:45:58 Empty and then Sank The outer coffin Was used as a Flotation device To save our heroes While the inner coffin Marked with the name
Starting point is 00:46:07 D.O. Sunk to the bottom Of the ocean It's so bad Inner coffin Outer coffin Inner Inner coffin
Starting point is 00:46:17 Outer coffin Right? We use the outer one Because it's bigger And the inner one sinks It's so simple I think when he got Confronted on that
Starting point is 00:46:27 He's like, yeah, I didn't care I wanted to bring D.O. back It's a matrushka doll I don't understand What the problem is I hate it Anyway
Starting point is 00:46:36 The worst Oh, worse than that Well, again, like I said It's literally In part six He names a stand Yeah That has been named already
Starting point is 00:46:44 Earth, Wind and Fire Yeah, I remember that He just uses the same name twice And then he changes it to Planet waves A Bob Dylan song, I think Planet waves Because, like, someone
Starting point is 00:46:54 Along the way went Dude, you did that one And, like, that's not even a Oh, yeah, we can hand wave It's like, no, that's literally A name that's already taken, dude Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:03 Shit Oh, that went about as bad As it could go That was the worst it could Possibly go You grabbed it But you grabbed it upside down Yeah, because what happened
Starting point is 00:47:12 Was I picked up the can Right Yeah And then the coaster Was stuck to it Uh-huh And then it fell off And then I tried to catch the
Starting point is 00:47:20 Coaster But then dropped the can And then the, yes And it actually hit the mixer A little bit So really, you know, Never use coasters Just use your balls
Starting point is 00:47:29 To hold your drink Use it It's handy It's got, like, a cushion It's like a seat for your drink You know, thankfully This is a sugar-free So it's not gonna do any damage
Starting point is 00:47:43 Sugar- It's sugar hitting a surface Is the worst Yeah Yeah, the first thing I learned About, like, having a sugar-free Is that, like, yeah, you can wipe Wipe it up right
Starting point is 00:47:53 You gotta wipe that shit up But it's not gonna leave The sticky dry So I drank A fucking diet sodas And I drank sugar-free red bowls And all that And, like, I've spilled them
Starting point is 00:48:03 On my felt couch Which you're not supposed to eat on But whatever I'm gonna drink my drink And it's like Ahhhh Oh, okay You know what?
Starting point is 00:48:11 Okay Huh Huh All right Yeah, well, can they hear us? Oh, they can't hear Woolie at all? That's funny Well, I mean, you left
Starting point is 00:48:26 Woolie left, guys Yeah, women, hold your-hold your-hold your fucking Uh, your drink and your titties That works Get some nice cold titties Well, that'll work Isn't that shot glasses only? Well, it depends what you're packing, right?
Starting point is 00:48:46 I feel like You're packing enough You can put, like, a 40 in there All right We good This podcast this week Is brought to you by Swiffer Swiffer
Starting point is 00:48:58 Is that a wet jet? That's a Swiffer wet wet jet, right? Yeah All right That's good I like that Don't silence Swiffer Swiffer's a nice brand
Starting point is 00:49:27 They clean your floor Did you see Mr. Clean Wishing for a fucking barren wasteland? I did not Holy shit Oh, yes, I wish for a world I wish for a world of clean And he's looking at, like, Mars
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah, yeah, I did see that And I'm like, yeah, Mr. Clean Yeah, yeah, yeah Let's scrape all the life from this shit Um Yeah No, I've had-I've had-I've had people Come over and be confused
Starting point is 00:49:55 Because I have the-the Swiffer And the Swiffer works I like it And they're like You don't have one of those Like dollar store fake Swiffer No, man Like, no, I hit the button and it squirts
Starting point is 00:50:04 And you do the squirt clean The brand gives the cleaning power That's exactly where it comes from Not that other brand You can't silence the brand You need it to clean Let's get shit Um, and look at that
Starting point is 00:50:15 We are great Actually, hold on Wait, fuck I'll be right back Do what you gotta do Just a little bit of dangerous liquid On the mixer It's fine
Starting point is 00:50:25 No electrocutions Alright, he's getting this thing Wow, hey, alright Um I forgot to talk last week about The weirdest thing I found in Michigan The weirdest thing I found Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:39 I'm gonna hold it up right here Is it Michiganians? What does this look like to you? Looks like a hockey puck But I can see the word teriyaki on it This is jerky And it is jerky served in a hockey puck That's not that weird
Starting point is 00:50:53 And when you open it up You go, oh Well, at least it'll be the pieces of jerky No, it's one jerky, isn't it? Nope Behold The fine jerky powder Served in the hockey puck
Starting point is 00:51:08 Because this is jerky chew And this is not even actually jerky It is the sawdust Of the jerky That is left behind in the factory After they do all the jerky cutting So you know what's really weird to me Is that I don't find that that bizarre
Starting point is 00:51:23 Because regions that love hockey Put food in hockey pucks I've never seen this before Oh, you never? Never seen this before Like Sweden puts a lot of weird candy In hockey puck style shit Okay
Starting point is 00:51:35 But the jerky sawdust part is throwing me Because this is not even like Tobacco chew is a thing that they do Yeah Right, and they fucking take it And they spit it and it's gross For people that don't want to smell of smoke And don't want to risk lung cancer
Starting point is 00:51:50 But love mouth cancer Yes They do it, right? But in this case, it's just beef powder But not beef soup powder No, not beef stock It's literally just sawdust beef And I had some
Starting point is 00:52:06 Yeah And I'm like, why am I eating it? Did you chew it? Yeah It wasn't very satisfying What? It tasted, it had the flavor And it was just a powder
Starting point is 00:52:15 And I'm like, what's the point of this? Who's this for? Michiganians Why not just eat a piece of meat? Or a jerky? Why not eat a regular piece of jerky? I mean, I can imagine like If you maybe were like, hey
Starting point is 00:52:27 I need to make shakes because I don't know I can't chew You know what? I'm old and I need the powder The tooth of the jerky is so hard on my teeth You need it all softened up This feels like a soul food situation Where at some point in Michigan's history
Starting point is 00:52:42 All they had was sawdust No, this feels not like This feels like a fucking Timbit situation Where they were sweeping up A whole lot of jerky sawdust And realized, why aren't we selling this? We're getting us into eating this Why not?
Starting point is 00:52:58 I feel like that's what it was It's like, use the whole animal, use every part They found themselves tossing out Some extra fucking powder Okay, people are saying that That is how it was created Yeah No, no, the one that I said
Starting point is 00:53:11 And people are also saying that This is not limited to Michigan Okay, well This is a thing elsewhere It's crazy I feel like some people are saying It's an Arizona Some people found that factory workers
Starting point is 00:53:24 Were probably eating it And then they went Yo, why don't you bag and sell this shit And then they started doing it And why does it come in a hockey puck? You know what? I got a really good answer Somebody said that if you don't have any teeth anymore
Starting point is 00:53:38 From the mouth cancer Because you chew too much tobacco You can suck on the jerky dust That is what I was saying If you are the old Yeah Or the toothless That makes perfect sense
Starting point is 00:53:49 You can't eat the jerky But you want that beef flavor Yeah, you're right But I also believe They might not have had meat at some point They only had jerky dust Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:59 I'm just very surprised I've never known about the existence of this I was shocked to find out that beef powder existed A lot of people are fond of it I can see that I can see you out there That's good I'm quite surprised
Starting point is 00:54:13 Hockey puck is to make it look like tobacco chew Oh Gotcha People are saying that it is like Nicorette for chew Gotcha Which actually makes a lot of sense now Yes
Starting point is 00:54:26 Gotta stop chewing tobacco But gotta chew something Hey You guys get confused at milk and bags I get confused Milk and bags is better It's a better system Of course it is
Starting point is 00:54:37 But they don't understand that You get confused at the better system Of milk and bags Right As you have Inferior boxes That's fine We get confused at hockey puck
Starting point is 00:54:49 Beef powder Yeah It's quite simple There you go Alright And we're off to the races Trivial differences are my favorite No it's not
Starting point is 00:55:00 The bags are dumb Yes The bags become my arrow Here's the deal The bags are dumb The bags are dumb But they keep more milk fresh longer Oh god
Starting point is 00:55:14 There's a warframe icon Like a player icon That is a bag of milk You know why? Because warframes from Canada You fucks It's a more controlled pour Well no
Starting point is 00:55:25 Because you get You get four liters of milk Which I believe is just over a gallon But you get them in 1.25 liter bags So that you cut the bag Of the 1.25 liter Drink that Then even if you waste it
Starting point is 00:55:38 The other two bags don't go bad Unlike a gallon of milk Milk bag requiem says plague You see if you've never poured If you've never poured a milk bag You don't know how much better it is It's also okay How about that
Starting point is 00:55:55 Okay so if you're out there right now And you are getting upset at this concept Here's the deal If you have never poured both You don't know Remove yourself from the discussion immediately You lack knowledge Alright well I'm going to ask you the easiest
Starting point is 00:56:09 I'm going to ask you the easiest question Have the opinions you want to have But you literally are missing the experience So remove yourself from the discussion I want to ask you the easiest question in the world And I'm only asking you So that we can dunk on morons That don't know how to do better
Starting point is 00:56:27 How many times do you cut the bag? What's Oh no Oh no woolly Are you for real? You cut it twice To get the aeration To get the air flow
Starting point is 00:56:48 When's the last time you cut it? It's been a long time Yeah Okay I don't drink enough milk anymore to get the bags That's fine But because if you cut the once it just pours out If you cut it the twice on the other side
Starting point is 00:57:00 It has like a fucking arc that is like perfect Right Okay I see that Shame No I pinch I pinch the bag back And we just control the pour Oh
Starting point is 00:57:14 You get it all Oh that's It's controlled That's bizarre It's controlled It's just much easier to cut the second tip You have so much control You know
Starting point is 00:57:25 It is tactile keyboards Versus those other bullshit ones And you feel it and you're just like Ooh Ooh I got exactly the amount of milk I was looking for Right there Telling you And you know what's fun?
Starting point is 00:57:38 You know what's fun? When you get the big bag of milk How many come inside of it? That phrase just Hit me wrong You get four You get three Really?
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yeah you get three When's the last time you got bagged milk? Probably a while ago Three You get three in a bag Because it's four liters and it's 1.3 And you get exactly So it's like
Starting point is 00:58:08 It's a properly distributed You know And then you can just And you lay it out in the fridge And then you got your fucking So whenever this comes up People from areas of the world that don't have milk bags All go nuts
Starting point is 00:58:20 Because they type bag of milk And they just see the bag And they go How would you pour that Without it just exploding every Like that's the thought Like there's a holder There's a little
Starting point is 00:58:31 There's a bag holder That you pour with It is so much control You have never felt this much control I'm getting really upset Because in the last minute I put up a Twitter poll Okay
Starting point is 00:58:43 That's pinched the bag Or cut the bag twice And you are wrecking me With this pinched the bag shit Dude I'm telling you Everyone I know pinches the bag That's crazy I don't like it
Starting point is 00:58:53 How did you I mean I'm not going to argue that aerodynamics We need to do a test I'm not going to argue that aerodynamics Would probably flow nicely with two Because I know for a fact that That's a life hack When you want to open a door
Starting point is 00:59:06 To ventilate a room You got to open a window too Right Otherwise the air doesn't go anywhere Right You got to create a wind tunnel So I understand And I approve of the double cut
Starting point is 00:59:17 But For 30 years of my life I've been pinching bags At the end of the day I'm going to just tell it like it is I want to fight a complaint That I'm seeing That says
Starting point is 00:59:30 Why do you have a separate container For your milk bag You have a separate container for bullets It's a gun It's a milk gun You load the cartridge You shoot the milk I have a question for you
Starting point is 00:59:44 Have you ever purchased a box Or a carton of milk Yeah Took it home only to find That the bottom seal Was not so perfectly sealed Or that somewhere else in that carton There was another leaky milk
Starting point is 01:00:01 And so the bottom of this one Just fucking stinks up your fridge Sticks to the bottom Maybe someone was shitty with the Rip on the spout And the spout rip Led to someone pouring and putting it back And then milk drizzles down the side
Starting point is 01:00:16 Right in the trash And fucking hits the bottom And now you got milk all over the bottom Guess what? The container, the receptacle Catches any excess If there ever were to be someone Who didn't have their wits about them
Starting point is 01:00:28 And mistakenly poured and got milk out elsewhere It goes right into the bottom So that when you pull out the milk bag After it's empty You can check, inspect to see Any milk in there Wash it Clean
Starting point is 01:00:39 Bam, done Controlled It's really simple Also cartons are the worst form of Food storage Yeah I worked in the grocery store as we all know The biggest problem with cartons
Starting point is 01:00:54 Is that they are permeable So any horrible liquid that hits that carton Becomes part of the carton now Thus it doesn't actually taint the food But it taints the experience of using it So what would happen is somebody would like It's always the same Somebody would go to the milk aisle
Starting point is 01:01:14 Open the milk Smell it Fucking spill it in the process Over all the other milk Now all that milk is useless Because who wants to buy that shit? Of course No one
Starting point is 01:01:28 Also people who go on People that go on about jugs About jugs as a platform for the milk I don't know anybody that buys their milk in jugs Quite frankly I feel like Most people I know That's generally probably too much For them to get through on their own
Starting point is 01:01:47 Before it goes You can buy a one liter jug though The smaller jugs I bought one liter jugs I don't see those as often at my local groceries I don't see those I see the boxes Right
Starting point is 01:01:59 I see the cartons I like a good one liter jug And I see those bags And you only crack a bag open when you're ready for it You don't crack a giant jug open I can drink a bag of milk right now Sure you can Like one whole bag
Starting point is 01:02:10 But the best part is when you finish the bag There's another sealed bag The sealed forever And you get to crack that seal when it's ready It's like eggs And it's not like you have to get through half a jug And then sit and wait for the rest And then oh it all goes bad
Starting point is 01:02:21 Dump the whole thing So hey you want to know the distinction between bag milk And not bag milk Imagine when you went to the store You had to buy one egg that was 12 times the size Of a regular egg How much egg do you want? And then when you're like
Starting point is 01:02:36 Okay I'm gonna make some eggs Okay crack it Oh now I gotta somehow just Put 11 eggs worth of giant egg back in the fridge And now we all know of course you're probably thinking But wait hold on a second The expiry date is the same no matter what right? Wrong
Starting point is 01:02:51 No because the expiry date changes the instant that shit opens The moment you open it It is now on a faster death clock Much faster So you can't treat it the same The expiry date Okay let's break it down The expiry date on food is not absolute
Starting point is 01:03:04 It usually can go a day or two or whatever after It is the same As long as it's sealed It is a suggestion yes Okay But if it's not sealed You are starting a new expiry date That depends on the food
Starting point is 01:03:18 With dairy it's pretty fast It's pretty fucking fast And on that note I should probably Let Hunter, HDM executioner know that They got us a lot of really delicious jerky That we took back home And the packages were open So that we could taste the ones we wanted
Starting point is 01:03:35 And we brought that shit back And it all went off Oh yeah It all went off I thought jerky was immune to this I thought so too But unfortunately it didn't Opening it was a problem
Starting point is 01:03:46 I see People are kind of, yeah People are a little bit blown away at the idea That the date works for being sealed But the opening changes things It totally does You can have like a fucking dairy product That's good for a year
Starting point is 01:04:00 Open up some cheese Or keep some cheese sealed And then Watch what lasts forever sealed Watch what happens with the mold Alright Immediately And like count it down
Starting point is 01:04:11 And then look at it and go How do I have a block of moldy cheese Even though this has a month left on it Or whatever the fuck Because you opened it Yeah Like you know what's the actual Because it also depends on surface area and air
Starting point is 01:04:21 So the worst You ever buy those little shredded cheese Pre-shredded cheese packets Not often Okay, do you know why you don't buy those often Those go bad within like two days Because the surface area is so large They go bad instantly
Starting point is 01:04:36 So when you get them You fucking cook with that shit right now Yeah Or throw that in the trash Yeah Throw in the trash The pre-shedded cheese though It's a waste of money
Starting point is 01:04:46 Like they charge you more for less cheese The bag seems like it's the same size But if you buy a block It's just a consistent fully formed cheese Well you can do what my grandma used to do The density, you're not paying for air You know what my grandma used to do Take a knife
Starting point is 01:05:00 Scrape that shit off It's still good Yeah Yeah You got relatives that did that? Not a fan of that I am astonished my mother lived to adulthood Considering the stories of grandma's cooking
Starting point is 01:05:16 What I did learn to do was scrape the black off the bread Right If your toast got overdone Oh well I mean yeah It would be like just scrape the black off That's just charcoal Yeah So that was a normal habit
Starting point is 01:05:31 But cutting the mold off Come on So I'm seeing people say do it, it's fine Oh is it? Because we're talking about cheese right now But I could easily move this discussion to Mom my pork chops are green That's fine
Starting point is 01:05:49 Just scrape the green off And we'll cook them again Yeah I remember the exact time That I ate a hot dog and got food poisoned Not knowing what the texture of a hot dog That is no longer okay Is like
Starting point is 01:06:05 And there's a There's a film that I will never forget I will never ever forget And now that I know what that film is Like When you mean film you mean a texture A texture To the hot dog
Starting point is 01:06:21 Not a film as in a movie Yeah Alright A layer There's a layer and now you will know exactly what it is And if it is there You will die You will die
Starting point is 01:06:30 Don't fucking do it Now hey Food poisoning takes you one Before we get any clearer I have to make a very obvious point I said mom I was pretending to be my mom in the past My mother
Starting point is 01:06:42 Grew up knowing that this shit is poison And never ever ever poisoned us And it filled with this shit Grandma's the poison one Grandma would Now I know that I'm the same person who will tell an anecdote about Carlin and his buddies
Starting point is 01:06:58 Playing at the river And taking that big ol' rock And throwing it Because the layer of sewage From shore to ocean Is way too far out So the rock would penetrate the sewage And then they would take turns diving
Starting point is 01:07:14 Into the clear water Created by the rock Because the hole was way too Because the hole was big enough for them to get in And thus they built their immune systems up to never get sick I would never do that No that's a bad idea actually It's fun to say but not good
Starting point is 01:07:30 Not good to do Let's uh Probably take a quick word from our sponsors Let's do that What wonderful sponsor do we have this week? This week the podcast is Sponsored by The Raycon E50 wireless earbuds
Starting point is 01:07:48 Oh really? Wireless earbuds It's 2019 And everybody needs a great pair Of wireless earbuds I have some wireless earbuds They're good Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:59 But before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on a pair You should check out the wireless earbuds From Raycon Is that a glasses company? So the Raycon A.K.A. founded by Ray J And celebrities like Snoop Dogg
Starting point is 01:08:14 Okay I'm thinking of Ray Bond That's different No no no no But there were those Wait Snoop He did have those funky glasses That like flipped down
Starting point is 01:08:22 And then flipped sideways These are Snoop earbuds I'm thinking that he was definitely involved And that uh Yeah you're looking at Raycon earbuds That started about half the price Of any other premium wireless earbuds On the market
Starting point is 01:08:35 And sound just as amazing The Raycon E50s They've changed the game They're comfortable Coming the little carrying case Dude the I've had I've gone through a lot of earbuds
Starting point is 01:08:47 Because I prefer earbuds To over the ear headphones most of the time There's such a wild difference Between a comfortable one And a not comfortable one Yeah it's the worst I've actually avoided Buds for a lot of my life
Starting point is 01:08:58 Because I like over the ear As a preference But these are pretty comfy Because when you open up the box There's like seven or eight Different adjustable sizes Usually you only get like two Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:08 There's a whole row Of different sized buds To try out so that you get The size that's comfortable And I'm like yeah that's pretty good Because it doesn't have that Because I don't like When it's too too tight
Starting point is 01:09:18 When it's too snug It's like come on I don't need that Yeah The vibration is like Rocking down my ear drum It's a little bit much So you pick the right
Starting point is 01:09:27 Comfortable size It goes right in And yeah again Like you're getting it at Like a much reduced price From the more expensive Wireless earbuds on the market There for everyone
Starting point is 01:09:40 They got a fun range of colors An unbeatable price And what you can do Is you can go down to Slash Superbeast How do you spell Raycon? R-A-Y-C-O-N
Starting point is 01:09:53 Okay that's why I thought But I just want to make sure Yes that's Slash Superbeast To get 20% off your order And that's often Off an already much reduced price For pretty good quality headphones
Starting point is 01:10:04 Which again I'll tell you From trying them out Pairing them to my phone Using them for calls They work The quality is good The quality is good The quality is good
Starting point is 01:10:14 And with the overall lower price And discount from this thing They're basically free I mean no But it is a really good deal It is an exceptionally good deal For some pretty good quality wireless headphones So that's
Starting point is 01:10:29 Slash Superbeast For 20% off the Raycon wireless earbuds And if you've been eyeing a pair Now's the time Once again Slash Superbeast Thanks Raycon
Starting point is 01:10:42 Appreciate it So from there I guess I'll take my week Yeah what up man Well so yeah Wait was that week That whole rambling long conversation Milk
Starting point is 01:10:58 Yeah Milk's part of the week Milk is a part of the week Yeah Can't stop it Milk's cold Keep it in the balls I want my milk as cold as possible
Starting point is 01:11:09 Balls would make my milk warmer Would they? They would Okay Wait Real milk Yeah I was talking about semen That was the joke
Starting point is 01:11:21 No No not ball milk Real milk The joke was semen No I don't want Yeah No I don't want that If you do you want it cold
Starting point is 01:11:29 No But no wait no come on This is You have to pick a temperature Losing the plot Not what I'm looking for Talking about cow milk Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:44 Dairy The good stuff Cause I remember when I watched What was the jackass too The thing that really threw them off Is that it was warm They got it horse fresh I will never forget
Starting point is 01:11:58 When Fear Factor went that far And they had They had They had Fucking Rogan standing there going You gotta choose Between Fucking pint of piss
Starting point is 01:12:11 A pint of bull piss And a pint of bull semen And A pint's too much It's so much It's so much And some people had no problem Going through the semen whatsoever
Starting point is 01:12:27 You know I would argue that anyone Who's had the chance of possibly Tasting it before Would have no problem Going through that challenge And there was an Australian bar That served up
Starting point is 01:12:40 Horse jizz in a shot As a thing for a limited time That's where we're at That's where Australia's at That's where they're at I remember that Australia Well anyway
Starting point is 01:12:53 So what do you do with your week? Yeah, so exactly I jojoed You Aotend Aotend, we'll get there My distaste for that word Grows daily Yeah, but you know
Starting point is 01:13:07 But my taste for Kyojin Is fucking in the black Yeah That is through the roof Numbers are good Especially as of this week Yeah In fact, I feel exceptionally good
Starting point is 01:13:22 About the name Attack on Titan Yes As of this week Yeah, that was you Yeah, so a little good It's pretty good We'll talk about that later What did I do?
Starting point is 01:13:33 I am slowly trudging my way Through Sekiro on stream But I'm getting there Where are you at now? I got a little bit further I just fought the Shamisen player She's great Yeah, she's fantastic
Starting point is 01:13:44 And immediately after her The big ghost Yeah Monk And that's pretty much where I stopped I'm really happy that I just decided I was having a hard little bit
Starting point is 01:13:55 Of a hard time with her And I hear that she follows you A really long way And I didn't actually She sure does Yeah, I didn't even bother with that I just went for it And simple pattern at first
Starting point is 01:14:03 But then I'm like Ah, there's a long duration This is a long fight And then I kind of decided To switch my things up And I pulled out Sabi Maru And boy, was that the right answer Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:14:13 And does her in really nicely I like Sabi Maru It has its uses Yeah Has its really good uses When you want When the game says go in Sabi Maru is a go in button
Starting point is 01:14:22 It's there for you And it says, okay, I'll go in with you Yes It simplifies the going in Um And it refuses to pull out It's quite nice Especially when you improve it
Starting point is 01:14:32 Mm-hmm Uh, I It was the first of the weapons That I upgraded to the maximum Yep I got my umbrella finally Mm-hmm Um
Starting point is 01:14:41 And I got my monk arts Yep So we're starting to go in that direction The One of those monk arts Got nerfed in the time You were playing the game
Starting point is 01:14:49 Interesting The kick one Was like hands down The best move in the game And then they were like Okay, maybe it's too good I There's something that really
Starting point is 01:15:01 Is Becoming a much more It's like, I already had this As a pet peeve And Sekiro is sharpening it To a knife's edge Yeah And that is like
Starting point is 01:15:11 The inability to Try Not even try before you buy But like To experiment with what you want To commit to Mm-hmm Before you commit to it
Starting point is 01:15:23 I'm not super sure what you mean So the skill trees The upgrades for weapons They all force you To buy things you don't necessarily want Yeah To get to the things you do want The fucking weapon upgrade one
Starting point is 01:15:36 Is really infuriating Because you have to go through Different weapon trees They're just shaken up And they're all mixed up And instead of just going Fire, fire, fire, best fire You have to go through
Starting point is 01:15:48 Fire, spear, teleport Then you have to also get Axe, fire Yeah, it's infuriating Kunai to get to Best axe, you know And it's like Yeah, so you're doing that
Starting point is 01:16:02 With me on that And then the skill trees Are the same thing There's a big disappointment For me in the skill tree system When I discovered that All the branches of the tree Have to be filled out
Starting point is 01:16:13 To get to something At the end of the tree Mm-hmm Which I'm like Fuck, I explicitly took this path To avoid those abilities Because I don't care about them Any dots connecting to the final ability
Starting point is 01:16:23 Must also be filled out So the problem now is If that final ability is one That I'm picking simply Because it sounds cool And I don't know whether I actually Like it or not The amount of points
Starting point is 01:16:34 I've spent to get here Mean I have to use it Yeah No matter what happens So I'm looking at I currently have like Ichimonji double Which is satisfying and fantastic
Starting point is 01:16:44 I've got the monk It's probably the most useful monk I have the monk double elbow Yeah Right? I just got the blood slash Yeah Right?
Starting point is 01:16:54 The blood slash is nice But it costs spirit emblems And it's not as good As Ichimonji double No, it's not It's just not as good Right? It costs three per swing
Starting point is 01:17:02 And I'm just like Fuck I want my posture damage You know And the charge up So Now I'm like Okay, well if I have to pick one of these
Starting point is 01:17:10 And now I'm looking at the end of this chart Where I see a stinger That ends in a jump Yeah And that sounds rad Except it uses spirit emblems But it uses spirit emblems And the non-spirit emblem version
Starting point is 01:17:20 Is not good Or you can close the distance With a single kunai And a follow up slash Yeah Which is also like A sweet stinger It's more like a streak
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah, that What you're describing That kunai move Like kunai is the best Of all of them Even though it's not a hard counter To almost anything in the game Jumps
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah But the reaction time Has to be really on point For that It's a gap closer It's a gap closer That's what you use it for The projectile actually
Starting point is 01:17:47 Brings you in As opposed to zones you out Yeah It's really interesting And because of that I keep it on all the time So now that I'm looking at This other move
Starting point is 01:17:55 That I'm like This is gonna cost emblems I don't know what it looks like Yet I'm not sure if I like it I have to commit to two Path branches To get to it Instead of going on to
Starting point is 01:18:04 Monk moves And I'm like When I get to that point And it costs six You have to use it So in Dark Souls 3 They had the same problem And its spheridemoms are
Starting point is 01:18:16 It's like the weapon arts system That they like to use Yes Sucks It should just be gone You should just be able to They should tone down The moves associated with them
Starting point is 01:18:26 A little And just let you use them Whenever the fuck you want Period So the final upgrade On the prosthetics I'm seeing like four of them And they're all the lapis lazuli versions
Starting point is 01:18:38 That's right And the lapis versions are Basically like use Three or use two To build this thing But there are only six In a given playthrough That's right
Starting point is 01:18:51 So choose wisely And I understand that I have a pro tip for you Pick the shuriken And There's four There's the shuriken There's Sabemaru
Starting point is 01:19:04 There's the axe And then what's the last one Whatever I was gonna pick the shuriken Pick the shuriken I was going to pick the shuriken Pick the shuriken Oh and it's the flamethrower
Starting point is 01:19:13 Yeah Pick the shuriken and Sabemaru Hey these guys Don't pick the flamethrower Yeah These guys are weak to fire Cool You can also just jump stab them
Starting point is 01:19:22 Well Right So anyway Yeah That upgrade tree is Absolutely infuriating The Umbrella upgrade tree Is even more infuriating
Starting point is 01:19:32 Because it acts as hard counters To attacks that you have no option To defend against in any other way Hmm Like Hey Get that fire one Otherwise
Starting point is 01:19:45 Otherwise you're gonna have a bad time And that's the end of that Yeah Wow Okay Hitbox everywhere Yeah Oh god
Starting point is 01:19:54 Like Yeah you can technically get around it But don't be there But get that fire one Because usually the answer is Don't be there when it happens That's right Yeah
Starting point is 01:20:03 I'm thinking of Great Dragon Yes Ancient Right So Get that fire one Anyway So
Starting point is 01:20:11 That's So that's where that's going And the rest is fine And fun And I'm having You know A good time with it And I definitely
Starting point is 01:20:19 When I see those palms Like abilities pop up I go You know This sounds like the kind of thing Where you put your sword away And start using these instead It's not
Starting point is 01:20:27 You know And tilt your sword a little bit And Another downside Unfortunately Yeah the farther I get away from Sekiro The more I'm annoyed By the way the skill system works
Starting point is 01:20:36 Pick this one move to use And it's like I have 30 And the sad part is that The building blocks The Lego blocks used to make this system Are great But you put them in the frustrating order
Starting point is 01:20:48 Yeah You know And you locked in this sword piece It is essentially Like a lot of action games Where You have A five hit combo
Starting point is 01:20:57 And they give you 25 different enders But the first four hits Are always the same And it's like And now Especially since I Did the monkey puzzle
Starting point is 01:21:08 And I've got A plot sword on my back I sure do Then I'm like Well all the more reason Why any thoughts I would have had about My current sword being
Starting point is 01:21:17 Important Are extra irrelevant Because I have A plot sword on my back This thing is just a power up But I mean If I needed plot sword reasons To do things like
Starting point is 01:21:25 I don't know Catching lightning in midair And shooting it back At my opponent Yeah I'd have a plot sword For those purposes Nah you can just do it
Starting point is 01:21:33 But now I have even less reason To be permanently equipped With a plot sword I think the bummer About the plot sword Is that I used it
Starting point is 01:21:41 To see it And then never again Because the move That you use it for Sucks I tried it out Well there's two moves It uses
Starting point is 01:21:51 Yeah well they both suck There's this double swipes That there's the Possession Oh no that's That you don't even need That That's for free
Starting point is 01:21:59 Oh he uses it to do that Yeah well Anyway Yeah so Really weird choices on it But hey Whatever They're doing Elden Ring
Starting point is 01:22:10 And they're going back To that old well again Pretty much Just wait for more dark souls Because you're going to get it Except on horseback In an open world Like this is going to sound
Starting point is 01:22:18 Really weird coming from me But I would prefer The frankly worst combat Of dark souls Just to get more equipment back Like it is The sword in Sekiro is so Limiting
Starting point is 01:22:32 Well I wouldn't be Having these feelings About the builds for example If it were A game that was clearly meant to be Like you can End up being completely different From your starting kit
Starting point is 01:22:45 In Sekiro there's the good version Of the character And the better version of the character If that's the thing is Because I know I'm still going to be This character This You know you're still Nero
Starting point is 01:22:55 You're still Dante You're still V You just have all your moves to your dope So like I knowing that And I know that like It's not going to be about replaying With a completely different style So then why make it
Starting point is 01:23:09 This weird on The sequel will be better They will fix some of these problems I'm sure And again committing to Massively expensive things That might be terrible Also
Starting point is 01:23:19 Remind me after the podcast I have to actually tell you Who to eavesdrop on To unlock a bunch of stuff Okay Cause I actually Like I saw something Where it's like we got
Starting point is 01:23:28 A third of a dragon mask here It's $5,000 Do you want it Like what does it do Might be worth it Might not be Do you want it Like
Starting point is 01:23:36 Not if I don't really know Exactly And then Min kind of Explained a little bit And I was like It's worth it for not you Yeah Specifically not you woolly
Starting point is 01:23:45 Cause I don't Cause you're not going to be Going that hard And that far So you know But we'll see Yeah So that's a little bit of that
Starting point is 01:23:54 And also Yeah Finally Glad to say that Credits were hit On wonderful 101 Yay On that LP
Starting point is 01:24:05 So Do you match that button I didn't Okay But Yeah That's a good button It's the best button
Starting point is 01:24:14 Actually It only exists For a limited period of time But it in fact Was the best button Yeah Hyper Overflow And amazing
Starting point is 01:24:22 And New things going to be happening But I really Just every time I said it before And I'll say it again Every time I walk away From a session of 101
Starting point is 01:24:31 I just get hit With that sadness And anger At like How something like this Can just get so scraped Under the rug You know
Starting point is 01:24:42 And it just goes Fuck God Damn It just seems great So like less than 100k lifetime Less than 50 Like around 50 lifetime
Starting point is 01:24:51 At the time That we got that number And like for me Going back to play it now I don't know where my Wii U is It's in a box somewhere When I moved Yeah man
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah it was It's really just like It's a sad one And I know that now With modern clout It would do a lot better Because currently it has Clout of
Starting point is 01:25:15 Oh yeah it's that game They made a while ago I've heard of it I heard it's a good thing But I didn't bother Looking into it Personal clout No
Starting point is 01:25:23 I mean wonderful 101 Has like street cred In terms of like Oh yeah It's that platinum game They made a while ago But I'd ever bothered with it But I hear it's really good
Starting point is 01:25:32 Like you know how like Okami is kind of like that Like a lot of people Have not played it But they're like Oh yeah I hear it's really good But you know Like if you move that
Starting point is 01:25:40 Over to personal clout It's even more dire Cause like The ability as Influencers To go Hey yo This game's awesome
Starting point is 01:25:49 Which is something that I've become very proud of If you see people get into it Yeah I'm like hey The Akusa series is great And people go cool Pat I'm gonna go play the
Starting point is 01:25:57 Akusa series Woolly Wonderful 101 Looks great Definitely not buying A Wii U to play it though Yep Exactly
Starting point is 01:26:05 No Never No fucking way Yeah It's Very Sad and bittersweet And by bittersweet
Starting point is 01:26:14 I mean bitter Um But uh Yeah Unless they give it Yeah there's a sweetness here Unless it got Unless New Life
Starting point is 01:26:22 Were to breathe into it again You know But we sit here With bated breath I feel there was a comment Somewhere from Nintendo Going we should really Put that on the switch
Starting point is 01:26:30 At some point Like a little while ago I feel like that might have Been a Platinum comment Maybe But who knows You know Anyway
Starting point is 01:26:40 I got to experience it And it lives on forever In my memories Until I forget Yeah Which We're now One generation out
Starting point is 01:26:49 And it's already forgotten It's not even like A Wii One title You know But anyway So that That happened And
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yeah I also did My Mortal Kombat 11 Stream This weekend There was the big E-League
Starting point is 01:27:09 How'd it go? Went good Shoutouts to Dragon Who won That's a good name Of the winner Yes it is For an MK tournament
Starting point is 01:27:17 Exactly And therefore As the Now sort of Sponsor of Dragon Going into RTX People are calling Woolly the mother
Starting point is 01:27:25 Of dragons Oh I like that You love Game of Thrones Well we'll see Again I might Just upset everybody At the last second On the stage
Starting point is 01:27:33 At Grand Finals Oh no We'll see how it goes But Yeah Really cool Really fun And Reggie came along
Starting point is 01:27:41 And we Just were both Like learning this game And I'm very Very Like I'm really Getting into
Starting point is 01:27:49 MK a lot now Like we played For a while afterwards And I also went out To I'm going out to the Weekly's
Starting point is 01:27:57 You know Trying to get Some like Practice in and stuff Friendship Ended with anime Now Mortal Kombat Is my new best friend
Starting point is 01:28:05 Friendship Ended with You know Like I described Geras as The He's the man That walks into church
Starting point is 01:28:14 One Saturday And like All The unmarried 20-somethings Of the church Are all just like Oh my goodness
Starting point is 01:28:23 Who is he Right Is there a ring on it What do we What do we got to do What do he looks Exactly like that kind of guy With the shaved head
Starting point is 01:28:31 Just wearing a suit And he comes in And he's Oh no He's the new pastor Exactly Exactly Oh no
Starting point is 01:28:40 Brother Geras How you doing How's it going ladies Fanning themselves With the With the program The week's program Of
Starting point is 01:28:51 The What the What the Church study is going to be It's great Anyway But In addition to
Starting point is 01:28:59 All that stuff He's just such a good character And when I had my eye On his move set From day one At that reveal There's something interesting Going on here
Starting point is 01:29:07 And it turns out It's more than interesting It's fucking great And strong And fantastic So Yeah I'm definitely picking him up
Starting point is 01:29:15 And I expect him to get nerfed Any time soon But At which point That's a weird feeling Yeah At which point I'll pick up Kotal
Starting point is 01:29:23 Again And Here you go You want to prostrate Don't pick a top tier Pick a top tier And the bottom tier Main both
Starting point is 01:29:31 Pick the character Most likely to be nerfed And the character To happen Exactly And then make the switch And meet in the middle On it
Starting point is 01:29:39 Yeah It's just You never know What you're going to get With Kotal You know Liked him last time This time around
Starting point is 01:29:47 Didn't work out But still really like him In the meantime though I also was considering Garrison now after seeing And feeling Feeling the power Of good news
Starting point is 01:29:55 I need to talk to you About the story And Kotal That starts Literally this week Now that 101 is done We're going to
Starting point is 01:30:03 So I hate you I was I was waiting till we were done I hate you Now we're done Now we find out more We'll get there
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah And that's all cool And then yeah At RTX We're all going to be out there Playing some MK Having a good time And I'm going to be doing
Starting point is 01:30:20 Some games with people on And stuff So come on out If you're If you're going to be In town On Austin That's in Texas
Starting point is 01:30:28 July 5th, 6th, and 7th Time Friday, Saturday, Sunday, right? Yes Yes, exactly Apparently the exact same time As Anime Expo Really?
Starting point is 01:30:40 Yeah Where's that at? I'm not sure I don't even remember I hear Anime Expo every year But Too bad Anime Expo
Starting point is 01:30:48 Cause we're going to be there It's RTX time And we're going to be doing A live super beast Yeah Shocker It'll be Weird
Starting point is 01:30:56 It'll be Yeah It'll happen I mean it's not that It's not going to be that weird Yeah Well the schedule's out We've done panels and shit
Starting point is 01:31:04 Yeah the schedule's out We're going to be there Oh what day is it? Friday We're doing stuff on Friday The 5th Cool So
Starting point is 01:31:12 We can fuck around all weekend Castle Super Beast Live That's how we do I hear RTX is so fucking huge dude Emails will be replaced by you people Yeah Live Q&A Yeah
Starting point is 01:31:22 I hear it's huge Yes I have also heard this So there's that I'll be swiffering Spilt energy drinks Live on stage You should really just do that
Starting point is 01:31:32 The whole time And then say nothing And I'll say nothing Perfect And then everyone Who's in on it Go man That was the greatest panel ever
Starting point is 01:31:41 Well what happened I can't tell you You had to be there You did Had to be there Let's talk about the news Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba boo I have a piece of news
Starting point is 01:31:53 That's not on the stock Probably it's about that Mario maker shit Is that on there Mario Do you see this Mario maker 2 shit I did not Okay so a while ago They were like
Starting point is 01:32:02 Hey guess what Mario maker 2 will have online play And everyone went Yay You'll only be able to play with Randoms and not your friends And everyone went Nintendo
Starting point is 01:32:13 That seems counterintuitive They announced a few days ago Don't worry We're gonna patch it As soon as we can Probably within a week or two of release So that you can play with your friends We didn't anticipate
Starting point is 01:32:25 I guess it's It's weird We didn't anticipate this reaction I always think back to that hard times article About how Nintendo has not gotten any faxes Complaining about their online service Like permanently out of touch How?
Starting point is 01:32:40 I don't know I don't fucking know At this point Especially after they've done A couple projects with Dina You want the bonus? Is the Animal Crossing shit in here this week? No
Starting point is 01:32:51 Okay So Animal Crossing fans I fucking feel for you Because you are getting it the worst of anyone No cloud saves for the new Animal Crossing To prevent manipulation of whatever The fuck Who cares?
Starting point is 01:33:08 In addition to the whole Pokemon fiasco In addition So hey Animal Crossing You know the one game on that system That would be the most disastrous For you to lose your shit You know the game that's about getting things? No cloud saves for you
Starting point is 01:33:27 Because we don't want people manipulating Bells or fucking whatever the fuck I don't know what you would manipulate in Animal Crossing But it's not a competitive game It's not even a fucking game you win Who gives a shit? I don't Who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:33:41 Understand I don't understand because Like Why is there a permanent Out of touchness Where like I don't like why like how is there not At this point someone there going These are bad ideas and these are not how people play games online
Starting point is 01:33:59 Well I can tell you the actual real answer to that question Because Nintendo Okay Do you remember the article by a North American Network engineer That was gone that went over to talk to Nintendo About the Wii U's infrastructure in the lead up to that No
Starting point is 01:34:18 I forget where it was it was a newer game or something And he basically described walking into meetings And going okay so Xbox Live does this So we want to do the bubble bubble you know that kind of thing Yeah And he was taken aside by somebody One of the leads of the infrastructure thing Stop saying Xbox Live
Starting point is 01:34:38 Stop saying Steam Stop saying PlayStation Network No one in this room uses those services We don't know what you're talking about Right And these were the heads of the infrastructure department Now this was when
Starting point is 01:34:56 Five years ago Five years ago So then all of those people stayed And are still there and so is the board And so are all the leads Like think about Miyamoto Think Miyamoto knows anything about online whatever No
Starting point is 01:35:10 It's like a 90 year old man But the whole thing is eventually you hire someone that does So that you don't have to know You hand it off to a different company You don't hire people to fix it You don't hire people to teach your people You just give it to the different company Like Dina
Starting point is 01:35:25 Like Dina And then you keep all the people that are out of touch before Are out of touch But just most of the work is being done by other people Like With a chronic like Splatoon Right Like they had no choice but to kind of
Starting point is 01:35:43 Figure something out And it still was the most What's the something they figured out There's no cloud saves in Splatoon No no no No cloud saves I'm talking about online Oh yeah Right
Starting point is 01:35:53 The online in general And like it's just weird to think that like They have it in this functioning state Even though there's that like hook your phone up to The online service to do voice chat thing As well It's the worst And I'm just thinking about how
Starting point is 01:36:09 Have you ever used it? No It's the worst I'm just thinking about how like Xbox Live back on the Xbox original In 2004 Had some huge growing pains But more or less ironed them out
Starting point is 01:36:24 And then 360 came along and you're like Oh yeah that's online for games now on consoles Yeah done And Sony tried to do it and didn't do it as well But they tried and they tried to do the same thing And it's And you're like oh they're just not as good And it took them another generation
Starting point is 01:36:36 And then you're like oh that's bad And now it's just Oh yeah that's it Online for games cool And online and connect And service pay whatever And then Discord showed up to give that to the PC And Nintendo's still
Starting point is 01:36:49 Still lagging on this And it's like there's a very clear template And in fact it's now a decade old Yeah For how to do this properly Well hey If the technology was too expensive at the time It can't possibly still be
Starting point is 01:37:03 Prohibitively expensive It's literally people who don't know And don't use this And have never used it It is that insular tribal shit That you saw Sometimes at Microsoft I thought
Starting point is 01:37:18 Nintendo it's like a fucking cult Cause at some point I thought it was We don't want to pay for servers right No Early early on That's kind of what I was like Is that what it is You know
Starting point is 01:37:28 And then it was like no Because they have like Things like the Pokemon bank That they rolled out And they had like Which is a whole other discussion It is a whole other discussion In fact it's not a long one
Starting point is 01:37:37 You know But I have stuff to add to that But ultimately What all of this news results in Is just like It's Permanently out of time It's current year
Starting point is 01:37:47 And we are still talking about Nintendo's online problems And I'm just kind of like Tired of it Even outsourcing to a different company Barely helped I remember exactly the reaction We had when
Starting point is 01:38:03 It's like oh yeah They brought in Dina And we were like Oh fucking finally Jesus Christ Well We were hoping you'd get Your shit together But hey
Starting point is 01:38:11 I guess they'll tell you How to do it And the answer There's to be no They can't Like The cloud save thing For animal crossing
Starting point is 01:38:19 Like the cloud save thing For switch Is so fucking stupid Because Let's be real What is the likelihood Will be That you will lose your
Starting point is 01:38:28 Playstation saves Somewhat low Because the power has to go out And they get wiped Or somebody has to Break into your house And steal it right Yeah
Starting point is 01:38:37 What's the likelihood That I don't know You lose Or have your portable device stolen And the saves along with it I don't know Relatively high
Starting point is 01:38:48 It happens all the time Not to you or me I mean but like Yeah people's switches Get fucking stolen Or they break Or they drop them Under a car
Starting point is 01:38:57 Or whatever Or they leave them At the doctors You know some bullshit Like it's the most Important one To have cloud saves On the game
Starting point is 01:39:06 Where it matters the most On the game that it matters the most Yeah Yeah Like hey Animal crossing fans You're having fun getting your whatever Don't take the switch out of the house
Starting point is 01:39:18 Ever So this Pokemon one is basically That We talked about it a little bit last year Yeah we did We did it But there's more To be talked about
Starting point is 01:39:31 About it Not all Pokémans Will transfer over to sword and shield I got a lot more data on this And it is basically They're saying that The animation And
Starting point is 01:39:46 The animation of the new Pokemon Is more time consuming than expected And that we should We should prepare It is a design shift That it will It is likely that You will never
Starting point is 01:39:59 Get all Pokemon In a Pokemon game ever again Okay You will get the regional dexes Of that game only So I read What What was
Starting point is 01:40:11 Positioning itself to be a leak Yeah Did you read the same thing? I did not see that Okay so apparently I don't know how legitimate this is Whatever It's grounds for discussion on the real stuff anyway
Starting point is 01:40:22 I suppose right But without going too far into it Because I'm like until we get this confirmed From another source We don't know if it's bullshit or not But the leak It was apparently from someone involved With
Starting point is 01:40:33 The way this game was being made And they basically described that Models and things in game Were being inefficiently handled Oh the thing with the clouds Duplicated from region to region Like literally textures Are being used more than once
Starting point is 01:40:47 Literally Like entire Pokemon data was being used More than once And in some cases The clouds in the background Were duplicate models Because when they go into whatever Special mode
Starting point is 01:40:58 The big mode The clouds in the background represent How many turns they have left And so they would And so instead of making Separate cloud models They would make a version of the Pokemon That has two clouds
Starting point is 01:41:06 And a version of the Pokemon That has three clouds Now again Super sounds like it could be Made up bullshit It does sound that way However It is known that there are characters
Starting point is 01:41:16 And shit in Sun and Moon That have different models For different facial expressions Okay So rather than having the Facial expression change They swap the model Now it's kind of crazy to be in a world
Starting point is 01:41:29 Where we're criticizing Nintendo For programming practices When they're When like problems are arising As a result Yeah You know Because it's like
Starting point is 01:41:39 You'd think they'd have it down More tight than Absolutely anyone else In this entire industry I have a bunch of friends Who are Poke Pokemon champ
Starting point is 01:41:48 Whatever Like these I have Two maybe three friends that have Living dexes Like the living national dex Sitting in Pokemon home right now
Starting point is 01:42:00 Which people are now calling Pokemon jail Okay Because they can't be taken out Into the new shit Whatever But so I have I have resources of people
Starting point is 01:42:09 To ask about this shit And I've been talking to them a lot Right You remember Well did you buy every Pokemon game? No I don't either But every couple of games
Starting point is 01:42:19 I dive back in And every time I'm just kind of astonished At how little has changed And how little it moves forward The tipping point for this Isn't even That
Starting point is 01:42:32 Not all Pokemon can be transferred Forward There's a lot of people out there With teams that are very specific They've had for 20 years Stuff like that Of course For them
Starting point is 01:42:41 That's the biggest thing But It's when Game free comes out And says listen It's really hard to animate All of these There's
Starting point is 01:42:51 Too many Right There's so much of that That is so obviously Bullshit That that's what's causing The pot to boil over Because
Starting point is 01:43:03 In X and Y They overproduced The 3D models In Pokemon Specifically So that they would be future-proofed And remember X and Y having frame rate drops
Starting point is 01:43:16 All the time? Yeah That's because the models Were too high quality for the 3DS But they also Made every Previous Pokemon All of them, right?
Starting point is 01:43:24 And They dropped Double battles And triple battles And shit like that Because the engine Couldn't handle it on the 3DS But hey
Starting point is 01:43:32 We have this new model It scales up It's future-proofed Right? And they did that For all of it And that's a shit ton of work Right?
Starting point is 01:43:41 And now it's being said Well no That wasn't enough work And the main thing That comes down to it Is animation They're saying We're putting a lot more
Starting point is 01:43:49 Animation into these things Because With Pokemon out in the world They have to animate Cycles And flight cycles And stuff like that Right?
Starting point is 01:43:57 But the showing They showed it E3 Looked really bad Because Pokemon are essentially Clems did a I think he did a video on this
Starting point is 01:44:07 Or he talked about it on Twitter That ever since They moved to the 3D models Pokemon don't have stances And moves anymore They're basically Just locked into Perennial A poses
Starting point is 01:44:18 For their Pokemon They stand there And then they do an attack And the model moves forward And a sprite appears On the other character And that's the attack And they're basically
Starting point is 01:44:30 All super rigid A pose 3D models I remember the exact moment That the dream died for me When Oh yeah, double battles were Totally in Okay, they took out trouble
Starting point is 01:44:40 I remember when The dream died When I had my Blastoise With seismic toss From blue And I brought it forward Into Pokemon stadium
Starting point is 01:44:51 And I wanted to see A giant fucking Grappling move And it still wasn't that And it still just Ended up being a weird Like whoop The funny thing that you mentioned
Starting point is 01:45:03 About Pokemon stadium Is that Pokemon stadium And Pokemon stadium too Are being used to Kind of shit on game freak Because those were Gamecube games made by
Starting point is 01:45:14 Other developers That had Shit tons of Unique animations For Hundreds of moves Across hundreds of Pokemon Graveller
Starting point is 01:45:25 Has like a Unique like Mud attack That only he has Everybody has a Unique death animation Everybody has a Unique tackle animation
Starting point is 01:45:33 Stuff like that And it's like This was made By a fucking Outsourced studio Like 15 fucking years ago Colosseum Yeah, Colosseum
Starting point is 01:45:42 Am I saying stadium? Yeah Is that not the Colosseum is The stadium was early At 1664 It's that Literally my fucking
Starting point is 01:45:50 Next to Yoshi up there That And it's like Game freak has been making The same game Over and over and over And they keep crying Poverty
Starting point is 01:46:01 When it's like Pokemon is Maybe the biggest IP In In Media It's crazy, it's wildly
Starting point is 01:46:11 Wildly huge And for people that have Say Let's say Fuck it You really like The ice cream cone Pokemon
Starting point is 01:46:21 I don't even remember its name And that's your main And it's like You're not being told It can't get in Because we want to limit it Or whatever You're being told
Starting point is 01:46:31 Like we just don't have The time or the whatever To do the animations It's like that's Bullshit You said no to Skylanders Pokemon said no Oh that's true
Starting point is 01:46:41 To Skylanders They totally did Spyro said yes Yeah And look at what happened there Like it's It's bullshit Like it
Starting point is 01:46:49 It is a Remember back in the 360 era When all those Japanese companies Were like Fucking floundering Because the The setups they had
Starting point is 01:46:57 Didn't lend themselves To HD development You remember that Whole fucking fiasco That tanked A bunch of Japanese companies For like 10 years Yeah
Starting point is 01:47:05 Because it's Pokemon They got to dodge That for like A decade Are we at the point Where and it might be like It might be A little ridiculous to say
Starting point is 01:47:16 But it's like Like You know how like Game Freak Is basically like The Pokemon company Like they're basically just That's what's up It's almost like
Starting point is 01:47:25 Should Should someone else Be Involved and Or running the show Well there's a really Weird situation with that Which
Starting point is 01:47:35 Like So there's a There's a Non-DMCA compliant Version of Pokemon out there That you can use to battle That always gets updated With the new moves
Starting point is 01:47:46 And all the You know it's not the It's basically just a battle simulator Forget the name of it Somebody in chat Please let me know That will include All the Pokemon
Starting point is 01:47:57 Which means it for People that like The Pokemon versus Battleship It will be objectively Better Showdown? Showdown
Starting point is 01:48:06 People are saying showdown Yeah It will be objectively Better in every way Than the official titles Imagine it was The same point was brought up Last week but yeah
Starting point is 01:48:20 You built a franchise on Collecting things So You should expect people To really care about their Collections People have said And this is fair
Starting point is 01:48:28 Gotta catch them all Has not been the Catchphrase In a while In a while Too bad So one It was on the
Starting point is 01:48:39 Box For a bunch of them The anime still uses it Which is just Like one of the biggest things Popularity-wise Also is this Is this gen 11?
Starting point is 01:48:50 No Seven Seven? Okay Here's the other thing Gotta catch some of them There's also the idea That's like
Starting point is 01:49:01 There are problems that exist In this This deep in the game And Generation 8 Okay So we're not We're literally like finding
Starting point is 01:49:10 These There's issues that are Existing In something where the Only complaint should be My first one Which is Why can't I look up?
Starting point is 01:49:18 Right? That should be my Only complaint at this point At this point Everything else should be Quality of life Into the smoothest Top-down RPG experience
Starting point is 01:49:28 In the world It should be Magic at this point There are problems In Pokemon Sword and Shield That date all the way back To fucking red and green It's crazy
Starting point is 01:49:40 It's crazy That anything else Besides Why can't I look up Is a problem at this point Now Because it's such a Simple thing
Starting point is 01:49:49 That's come such a long way And Like Something as simple as Yeah, like bringing your shit Forward So anyway I want to take
Starting point is 01:49:58 So there's a real Feeling from a lot of people Like it's not broke Don't change it And that's fair And Hey, I like it the way it is There's no reason to change it
Starting point is 01:50:07 Just for people That aren't into it already Right? They're like the typical Long-time fan Against people who are Frustrated but Totally, right?
Starting point is 01:50:16 I was in the Monster Hunter Before World And everyone Who loved Monster Hunter Fucking complained Endlessly About all the
Starting point is 01:50:29 Fucking stupid No About all the stupid Bullshit In Monster Hunter That you just had to deal with But it was part of the thing And game after game
Starting point is 01:50:40 After game They refused to change this thing Maybe they toned down This part a little Maybe they toned down That a lot Right? But there's
Starting point is 01:50:48 So much fucking Bullshit Right? And I look at My friends who are Long-time Pokemon fans And every time A game comes out
Starting point is 01:50:57 I'm seeing them complain About the same Fucking things Over and over The number one of which Is why can't I skip this Fucking two and a half hour Tutorial
Starting point is 01:51:07 I know how to catch a fucking Pokemon Okay Right? And then Monster Hunter World Came out And I had people
Starting point is 01:51:15 That I remember arguing with Going They ruined it They casualified it Whatever It's the most in-depth Monster Hunter game ever It is the best
Starting point is 01:51:23 Monster Hunter game ever It is now the most Popular game Capcom Has ever made Shut up There is no reason To just leave Problems
Starting point is 01:51:33 For decades Just because It's the way they're done Fix them So We know Now Especially because
Starting point is 01:51:41 I've talked about We've talked many times about Stubbornness In Certain franchises Yeah And I think
Starting point is 01:51:51 I could sum it up In like one sentence I don't want it to be better I want it to be the way it is It's like It's frustrating It's like When I play something
Starting point is 01:52:02 That I really care about I don't Enamour myself with it so much That I don't want it to change I want it to be a better version Of what it is But people don't want it to change at all At all
Starting point is 01:52:15 And so like Something else Like people talk about Where Digimon goes And things like that And it's like These other franchises That are never going to make headway
Starting point is 01:52:23 In this space The Pokemon owns Because it's Pokemon It is the Pokemon space Yeah And like You care about Some of those fucking little critters
Starting point is 01:52:32 You know what I mean Like Like And it's the reason why You might dive back in At some point again Yeah But
Starting point is 01:52:40 The idea of there being Botched Generations Is really fucking shitty Let's bring it back to monster hunter Monster hunter try And fucking three ultimate Have swimming in it Hey woolly
Starting point is 01:52:53 Did you swim once in world? No You know why? Because that mechanic got Fucking junk cussed It's garbage And it wasn't in four either But they wanted to try something
Starting point is 01:53:04 Crazy and new For three So they added swimming And it was a fucking disaster And it made parts of that game Way worse But In four
Starting point is 01:53:13 Is when they added the mounting shit Guess what's awesome Mounting the monster The new slinger shot shit they're adding Part of it has to do with mounting the monster Part of it has to do with causing flinches Hey That looks really good
Starting point is 01:53:26 But what if we just kept it Like it wasn't 2G You wouldn't have got it You wouldn't have had the horrible swimming But you also wouldn't have got it I don't know Mounting Climbing
Starting point is 01:53:38 I saw Like saw an article or two that was Basically named like Ice board improvements Mean we can't go back Yeah Have you been following it? I haven't
Starting point is 01:53:48 It's like a sequel It's You know You know they gave Nero's devil bringer to everybody Right Yeah Okay
Starting point is 01:53:58 Cool And when you hit When you hit somebody with that clutch claw attack That part of the monster is weakened and glows So everybody beat on it And it's a universal hunter item Yep Piece of equipment now
Starting point is 01:54:10 In addition everybody gets new moves that In the middle of your combo You can fire off your slinger To cause a flinch To stop them from interrupting you Skill moves Yep Cool
Starting point is 01:54:22 Okay It's awesome Iterating a franchise over so long And somehow still coming up short On things as simple as that Things as simple as this It just Oh the other
Starting point is 01:54:36 The other thing That is like Maybe it's not fair I don't know But the E3 build of Pokemon Had monsters A posing As walking animations Constantly
Starting point is 01:54:48 And in some cases They looked like it was supposed to be that There's Wingull You know Wingull is like a seagull It doesn't flap It's fucking wings when it flies Cause it glides But it just means
Starting point is 01:55:01 That the monster is literally A posing As it's form of movement It's like That's the good animation we need That we can't get fucking Bulbasaur in the game And what actually And just last thing is This game we've known about it
Starting point is 01:55:15 For a little bit now It's been in development for a while And it's as we're getting news As it gets close to release That this bad news comes out And not like early on in When like People can make enough of a complaint
Starting point is 01:55:28 To say Change that shit Oh it's way too late Right? We're looking at the ramp up to release Which is what this whole like Recent announcement stuff has been Well it's just
Starting point is 01:55:39 It's like This is stuff that like Your fan base is going to be loudly upset about That probably You could have Maybe talked about earlier And almost even gave yourself time You know
Starting point is 01:55:52 But of course you have to push the game back To do that There is a quote that says Hey we're working as hard as we can But there's only so much we can get done By the release date And it's like Oh right
Starting point is 01:56:02 Because there are movies that come out There's the new season of the anime That comes out There's an entire merch line That has to come out And it's like Pokemon turned themselves into What is essentially a movie franchise
Starting point is 01:56:16 It has to come out every two or three years And it has to come out on this fucking date And no matter what corners you got to cut It's going to hit that fucking date We've like This is a solved problem You delay the game until it's ready No
Starting point is 01:56:30 We've solved this problem in the industry Delaying A long time ago Pokemon is not an option It's just not It's just not Now there is a real option here Which is throw more money at it
Starting point is 01:56:44 Hey do you want to Drop a shiggy quote that's relevant Yeah what's that I think you can read my mind Oh what's that A bad game A rushed game will be bad forever And a good game will eventually be good
Starting point is 01:56:55 Or a delayed game can eventually be good Yes By Shakira Miyamoto The guy Yeah the guy who's screaming at them To get Pokemon done by a certain date Because money I bet Miyamoto feels that way about his projects
Starting point is 01:57:11 I mean I guess it's like if you If someone has to come and factor investors Screaming into the equation Yeah The situation gets complicated Bowser is now Yeah
Starting point is 01:57:21 On the line But as it is Yeah this is one of those situations Where it's like look It's very clear what people do want And then You should probably just get it in there So I look at this
Starting point is 01:57:32 And I think the reason why they said You're probably never going to get Another game with all of them in it Is they look at the deadline stuff That they're in right now And they're like We'll never be able to add 100 Pokemon Animate them all
Starting point is 01:57:43 And then bring all the other ones All into it Ever The timing on the work Just doesn't line up And part of that Is because their development processes Are laughably the fuck out of date
Starting point is 01:57:55 And they're still living In the fucking DS generation essentially And part of it is They will never get longer to make these games Well what I'm actually wondering Is how much say does Like Nintendo's yelling have Over Game Freak
Starting point is 01:58:07 The structure of Game Freak Is so fucking weird Because Pokemon is split three ways Between Nintendo, Game Freak And something else The Pokemon Company The Pokemon Company right It's goofy
Starting point is 01:58:20 Yeah It's really weird Everything about it is weird Well anyway Continues to be strange And again The idea of botched generations Coming out where people go
Starting point is 01:58:32 Meh Skip that Wait for the next Yeah except this time They're saying the next one Won't have them all either Yeah Or the next one
Starting point is 01:58:41 Or the next one And it's like If this is really important to you Is this just time to stop I mean it depends on how The hardcore fanbase reacts to it I suppose If they're like
Starting point is 01:58:54 I'm gonna stick with what I got There's also people that are into the Competitive aspect That are like terrified Because Pokemon is not balanced And Picking like You know
Starting point is 01:59:05 Picking 15 of each type To throw into the game Can Likely end up with like Alright Here's the meta It's six dragonites Right
Starting point is 01:59:17 Or whatever Well Anyway Hooray for Nintendo Online Hooray for Nintendo Always on top of things Cutting that bleeding edge Yep
Starting point is 01:59:34 This And if we This new online world Of digital content Is sure a doozy It's exciting All kinds of surprises Around the corner
Starting point is 01:59:47 Like what? Well I actually don't know where he's going So I'm kinda excited We might have hinted a little bit The other day About Or joked at the fact that
Starting point is 01:59:56 Minecraft was being delisted I did joke about that Better get him now Because it's gonna be gone forever Well hey woolly Do you have $1300 to get him all now? Well hold on a minute there Let's not jump the gun
Starting point is 02:00:07 Okay So Minecraft story mode being delisted Yes Also other telltale games Delisted And all is possibly not being Able to be acquired again
Starting point is 02:00:18 Yes Oops Right Probably gotta jump on those Before that deadline Coming up soon I believe in July Yep
Starting point is 02:00:26 However On the Xbox 360 When you purchase something You are able to always Go back to your history And download it Even games like I wanna say like
Starting point is 02:00:36 Like TMNT got pulled And like I wanna say Sparkster There are a couple of things out there Where it's like A poof Yeah But you can go back to that
Starting point is 02:00:46 Because it's like It's still on the server somewhere Yeah Right, Deadpool Cause you bought it You bought it It's yours So
Starting point is 02:00:54 Usually works that way But with most stuff That's why PT was such a big deal Yes So what happened now Was because they removed it And then people were not Able to redownload it
Starting point is 02:01:02 That was like a first Because it's like Uh oh That's not how the way The 360 store works Yeah it's got people saying Like Scott Pilgrim That happened to
Starting point is 02:01:10 You can't redownload it Yeah But really you can And in this case When you can't It's like what the fuck That's not Yeah
Starting point is 02:01:18 How it goes So with Minecraft Uh what they did Was to fix this problem They re-listed it But they priced it At a hundred dollars Per episode
Starting point is 02:01:27 To be like Don't buy it As a real price It's a rip off Except you can still Buy it Yes It is still
Starting point is 02:01:35 Fully listed And it is there But it is their way Of basically Trying to say Hey don't buy it If there's some stupid Out there
Starting point is 02:01:43 Just make a little Make a little money So It's hard not to think that Because that's literally What they said Like the Minecraft story mode On Facebook
Starting point is 02:01:52 Special message Uh you may have heard That the Yeah they'll no longer Be supported by game servers On July June 25th Um
Starting point is 02:02:00 Uh and it was removed from sale So to stop that From happening We've re-listed them And they're all up Uh for What does it say They're all up to
Starting point is 02:02:10 Purchases They will be re-listed At a very high price The price shown Is a real price Please do not buy the content Uh price Price
Starting point is 02:02:19 And please do not buy the Content if you do You'll be charged The amount shown And the amount shown Is a hundred dollars Per episode It's so weird
Starting point is 02:02:27 It's I've literally never Heard of anything Like this In the age Of digital content Hey do you want to Do this
Starting point is 02:02:35 Here's how you do it You list the price As fucking A hundred thousand dollars A price that I'm sure the store Doesn't even support A checkout
Starting point is 02:02:43 Uh huh So that It can't go through But what if it does But what if it doesn't Yeah And someone's parents Look at their credit card bill
Starting point is 02:02:54 And just die They look at the bill And they just fall on the ground And that's the end of their life Like what if This is trash Because they happen to have A card that went that high
Starting point is 02:03:07 You know You can't even play with that You can't even play with that fire This is the dumbest it's ever been This is the worst And this is Basically the Throwing the food out
Starting point is 02:03:16 Of the grocery store That you can't give To the hobos in a way And then charging it Because you can't charge zero You can't give the game away Right You can make games get cheaper
Starting point is 02:03:26 And you can sell them for a dollar Yeah But you can't give it away Even if it's being delisted And you can't Not let people buy it What are you going to do Not let people buy it
Starting point is 02:03:35 People have already bought it It's so stupid dude It's so Putting it up there for zero Zero dollars and zero cents Why would you do that That's crazy Yeah
Starting point is 02:03:47 It's This is This is bullshit And this is only possible In this era In this age in this era That we live in Walk into a
Starting point is 02:03:55 Walk into a store And see a game up there For a price that's like Please don't buy this game We made it extra expensive I'll sell it to you I will Take your money
Starting point is 02:04:04 But don't But please don't This is just meant to be a box To show everybody That the game is here Stop trying to buy You bought it Well
Starting point is 02:04:13 I told you not to Here is your receipt Have a good day Hilarious Awesome Better get on that Also this is also like I'm not a lawyer
Starting point is 02:04:26 But like selling it at a deterring price Is not the same as delisting it That's not the same That's not what Whatever agreement they have Is asking for So they're losing On that respect as well
Starting point is 02:04:37 And the deterring price Is just low enough To still be something That can happen That a child could buy And not high enough To become like a We're gonna get inundated
Starting point is 02:04:47 With calls Yeah But in that range Oh yeah Just Deterrent price Just that side Of what it would be
Starting point is 02:04:56 Just a little Even though there are games With That come with special editions That are asking you For like 120 bucks Yeah well You know
Starting point is 02:05:05 Hey We're gonna do not let them buy it Well anyway We're in a store here Yeah Fucking So stupid We got to see a little bit more
Starting point is 02:05:16 Vastral Shane Yeah we did At the treehouse Special after E3 And Guess what What This game fucking
Starting point is 02:05:25 Jojo's Yeah that's a Jojo game Jojo's And If you ever wanted To see a proper Version of What an action game
Starting point is 02:05:34 In platinum style Would look like With actively With stands With a stand Actively around you Doing what stands do And you occasionally
Starting point is 02:05:42 Co-opping together This extra footage Shows you a bunch of that Shoutouts to What just looks really slick I'm very impressed It does Shoutouts to character creator
Starting point is 02:05:52 Shoutouts to the artist I forgot his name But Artist behind Video girl I And Zettman And
Starting point is 02:06:01 Still very Very generic anime In terms of like How hard the looks go Yeah the only thing That's not Is the color Yes
Starting point is 02:06:09 The color really pops But it's like Anime But when the combat Starts going And you see you and Your stand Doing your thing
Starting point is 02:06:19 And you kind of have These co-op moments And then you separate again It's just It looks Really really good So Yeah
Starting point is 02:06:27 Astral Shane Gameplay Go check this out If you haven't seen it It's platinum do And what platinum do And Yeah
Starting point is 02:06:36 Happy to say that Like between seeing Like this Between seeing That Grandblue game That's not out yet You know
Starting point is 02:06:44 And And whatnot Like They're still They're still fucking Kicking it out man They're still kicking it out I was really worried
Starting point is 02:06:52 At some point That The whole clover Into seeds Into platinum experiment Might end prematurely Guns for hire Just wasn't cutting it anymore
Starting point is 02:07:00 And now We're getting news about them Having their own IPs And it's just It's very exciting That Nintendo has went Oh yeah These guys
Starting point is 02:07:08 I have a sneaking suspicion That platinum's gonna do Just Five Oh yeah These guys You know And
Starting point is 02:07:20 The problems of course That come with things Like bayonetta And Yeah The weird licensing With bayonetta And out of that zone
Starting point is 02:07:28 By getting into their own IPs Really fun mechanic here Is the The chain between You got The astral chain That links you to your stand You can use it
Starting point is 02:07:36 To actually like Hook around enemies And like Choke them Attack off of it And whatnot Like it's actually a part of The
Starting point is 02:07:44 Is that using the kingdom hearts font? I wouldn't recognize If it does Oh okay But yeah And there's your ranking And whatnot
Starting point is 02:07:52 So check that out This game's probably gonna be read If you want to be a cop With a stand In a super Anime looking world I'm actually really impressed By the reflections
Starting point is 02:08:01 Yeah Like The floor is very shiny All of the time I had a little talk with them Earlier about like how There's a type of like And there's a type of
Starting point is 02:08:15 Like character Like the thing that happens When like character faces Look too like You know like kind of like That code vein sort of like I do Yeah
Starting point is 02:08:23 3D anime And it's like Distinct enough You mean hankai third impact I mean sword art online Yeah Or it's like I wish this was more
Starting point is 02:08:33 Distinct in its art style No it's anime We want it to be anime Anime Anime Well anyway The game looks great It does
Starting point is 02:08:43 You know it's another game That looks great No Untitled goose game But unfortunately We have some bad news Regarding Untitled goose game Wait really?
Starting point is 02:08:57 Yeah Oh no Cause you can reset the clock Oh no It's another epic game store Exclusive by Untitled goose game Every week We delve deeper
Starting point is 02:09:13 Because this is becoming a pattern now Oh yeah The claws of desperation Sink further and further Into the things you love They want to buy it all up man And bleed them dry As they claw them into their own domain
Starting point is 02:09:26 Yeah So Just like we've seen with everything else I'm fascinated the doom eternal Is not an epic games exclusive Um Now the word exclusive was not used However in terms of
Starting point is 02:09:39 Um PC It seems like it's going to be Oh yeah I mean that's what we mean That's what we mean when you say it Well So yeah
Starting point is 02:09:47 Earlier this week The House House revealed that The fun and funny stealth title Untitled goose game Would be launching to PC Via the epic game store Leading to some fans To express disappointment at the decision
Starting point is 02:09:58 Which is just the latest disgruntlement Surrounding the PC gaming platform Um And they basically replied and said House house is a small So the tweet they put out was Goose news Alongside the console launch later
Starting point is 02:10:11 This year on Nintendo Switch Untitled goose game will be making It's Mac Windows And Windows debut through Epic Game Store Immediately followed by a follow up tweet Saying a little context House house is a small independent studio That's been operating on a tight budget for years
Starting point is 02:10:24 So a partnership like this Gives us a means to make games Sustainable Sustainably for the foreseeable future In an industry like ours That kind of stability is huge So The announcement of the Epic Game Store
Starting point is 02:10:34 Exclusivity for the PC on this game Was immediately followed by the explanation So I actually That the payout was super good I have uh Is the samurai showdown shit It's the follow up to the story Because I want to talk about that
Starting point is 02:10:46 Because there's an obvious Like There's an obvious context here For in particular small developers Right So the other follow up part of the story Is the samurai showdown Okay well then fine
Starting point is 02:10:58 Let's just crack that Was apparently Approached by a certain Unknown PC exclusivity deal Yes from a certain download service On the PC And they were straight up offered
Starting point is 02:11:14 The cost of hundreds Of thousands of copies Of Sam's show Just to be exclusive on that platform But Nobuyuki Kuroki That motherfucker That was hanging out at pack
Starting point is 02:11:28 So we got the games in Looked him in the eye and said Hyakumegashok Neo-G-O And they went what And he fucking Slashed And their life bar disappeared
Starting point is 02:11:41 And he said to them Why would we take a PC deal For hundreds of thousands of copies When we're going to do millions And Everyone who reads this story Goes you stupid fuck
Starting point is 02:11:59 Sam's show isn't going to sell Millions on the PC But you have to love it though You have to love the So like everyone's like They're like Epic games is like exclusive And he's like nah
Starting point is 02:12:12 And everyone's like Oh And he's like Cuz of the mountaintop And you're like You mean Everest And he's like nah the moon though And everyone's like
Starting point is 02:12:21 Oh What So here's the The explanation being That level of fucking Idealistic hubris is the best So here's the part That that context fades in
Starting point is 02:12:35 Because I have seen little snippets of information That have come out about the epic store Where developers have said We could literally sell fucking Zero copies Or we could refund Every single person who
Starting point is 02:12:50 Kick-started this The entirety of the amount And we'd still come out in the black And we look at this In which we have a We have a number now Right We have somewhere
Starting point is 02:13:02 Between, for Samurai Showdown They revealed a pseudo niche Fighting game Right That they were being offered Somewhere between 150,000 and 300,000 copies Right
Starting point is 02:13:13 Of just money So let's say 200k Right For Untitled Goose Game For Supergiant with Hades For the guys doing Outer Wilds, etc Right
Starting point is 02:13:25 For any independent company In which this one title Is whether or not you eat This week or not Yep Yeah, take the deal It's hundreds of thousands You'd be irresponsible to take the deal
Starting point is 02:13:38 Because it's your livelihood And it guarantees that you will not go broke Your studio And it's the It's almost like the EA buyout Yeah Except it's on your one title Yeah
Starting point is 02:13:50 Yeah, take the deal I feel nothing But yeah, of course You would take that deal What are you gonna not take the deal? Like if somebody said Hey, we'll pay you for two years Of the podcast in advance
Starting point is 02:14:02 Right But you have to only talk about these subjects Like that's a tough deal to throw down Because holy shit Only be on a certain platform Spotify Not even, no, we're on that But like you know
Starting point is 02:14:15 On a particular platform Of which there's a couple of those now Yeah That are a little bit shady and weird Like if we didn't have Woolly Verses or Pat Stares at And it was all podcasts And it was like
Starting point is 02:14:28 I don't know, maybe the podcast iffy Like yeah, maybe Because being broke is scary And when you talk about all the kicks Like right But then Here's what sucks though You're tied, if not chained
Starting point is 02:14:42 Yeah To something that people hate Yeah And now It's a devil's bargain It's a Faustian bargain And now you have to figure out How to navigate this new territory
Starting point is 02:14:53 Where people were originally Just excited for the fun thing That was gonna come out Now they're mad too But maybe they're But how many people were originally Going to buy it Totally
Starting point is 02:15:03 What's your IP in the future What's your gamble And that's why I look at stuff like Doom And Doom is confident in Doom So they're not gonna do it And in fact I bought it on Steam already So right
Starting point is 02:15:14 But here's where it gets complicated So for let's say Supergiant And Untitled Goose Guys And even if SNK did it Right Because SNK's not in the best place Right That's one thing
Starting point is 02:15:27 KM14 did really well That's one thing right But that's not The ones that make people really mad Are Obsidian And Gearbox And Deep Silver Everything has to do with Deep Silver
Starting point is 02:15:37 Right And in which you're like There's a real publisher behind this Paradox Interactive is behind this Hades bummed me out Right Yeah But that's like 14 people
Starting point is 02:15:47 And they make indie games My favorite Yeah I know it's your favorite But you can understand Those people Of course When it's
Starting point is 02:15:55 Shenmue Owned by Deep Silver And Deep Silver Has shits millions of dollars And there is absolutely no worry Of you know People going bankrupt So here's the gamble though
Starting point is 02:16:05 Right And this is This is actually where The story can change In the future Depending on what Epic does Right If they got their shit together
Starting point is 02:16:18 And made the store not suck This argument becomes Less Off like horrible It becomes In fact Not even an argument Have you used the store
Starting point is 02:16:29 It's You personally Apps It's abysmal It's so bad It's literally the worst one It's so bad I link all my Epic games
Starting point is 02:16:38 Through the Steam Launcher Because it's a bad launcher too I said it a couple weeks ago And I'll say it again My first attempt to use it Was with Hades And installing it And then booting it up
Starting point is 02:16:49 Showed me a window Which was not loading I thought it was loading And then 10 minutes later It was like No, no, no This is the launcher But you can't see anything
Starting point is 02:16:59 The buttons are all invisible You have to find what to click on To navigate to your game list Bad launcher It's awful It's fucking awful It blows up so big I have to scroll like crazy
Starting point is 02:17:14 To get to anything I would rather use PS3's PSN Wow The old one Wow At least I can see the buttons I make this joke a lot
Starting point is 02:17:25 But I would honestly rather use blades Than a lot of stuff The Xbox 360 blades The first ones Yeah They were fine Yeah, it was okay Yeah, I like that
Starting point is 02:17:37 I really think that All of these games now That are chained To this The fucking The, you know To the hands of Epic Like, and Epic is clearly willing
Starting point is 02:17:50 To burn all the money on these exclusives To pull you over Like, we're gonna get what you want One of these things you care about We're gonna get all of them Or, you know And then you'll be in You'll be in
Starting point is 02:18:00 And the answer is no Because the instant this shit stops Everyone will have that launcher To play those games Likely routed through Steam Or Origin Or good old games too Right
Starting point is 02:18:11 And go right back to playing it On the service that works Or In fact, Epic games One of the only reasons That people actually tolerate it Is because they can link it through Steam Which works
Starting point is 02:18:25 If We're A season from now Yes And still This is the tone Well, the shopping cart's supposed to come this year If we're a season from now
Starting point is 02:18:38 If there's If it gets crisp outside And the leaves are falling off the trees And we're still talking about this We will Absolutely Then Like
Starting point is 02:18:49 Epic has completely and utterly fucking Like Fuck the dog? Yeah, absolutely A thousand percent But hey It's funny And you fuck over a bunch of companies
Starting point is 02:18:59 And there are titles, I should say In the process It's funny because like They're willing to throw What appears to be Infinity dollars at Indies And Infinity minus one dollars
Starting point is 02:19:10 At big titles Right? Like Borderlands is probably The biggest one they Instead of the store And it's like You could have taken The money
Starting point is 02:19:19 That you offered to Sam's show And just hired more web And UI staff And that That fucking shop Dude For them to have the shopping cart As long term
Starting point is 02:19:31 I am sure There are interface or web designers That are listening to this right now Because we all There's a wide swath of people There's doctors listening There's military folk listening I am certain
Starting point is 02:19:42 Somebody At least one person Listening to this Knows what would go into building this store Right? Yeah How big can the team on that Possibly be?
Starting point is 02:19:53 Okay So there's a literally a career It's called a UX artist Or a UX specialist Yeah And they're called in For user experiences But like
Starting point is 02:20:04 For the store to be progressing At this rate How big can the team on that Possibly be? Like 10 people Well here's the funny part Is do you remember when Microsoft rolled out
Starting point is 02:20:15 The 360 update That was The in between It was the NX Right There was like The blades Then there was the
Starting point is 02:20:26 The one right after the blades Then there was the one That was kind of like Everything was on A diagonal kind of scrolling At you IOS sort of layout Before we finally got to the one
Starting point is 02:20:41 Where it's just a bunch of Metro type squares Yeah I remember And the ones where everything Was coming at you Was really confusing and bad Yeah sure was Terrible
Starting point is 02:20:49 But hey It had your avatars Jumping around the whole bunch Which was the important part They Had a lot of articles I remember a big in depth Look at like
Starting point is 02:20:59 How they came up with that And how they had a full team Dedicated to What people respond to What people like Like there's a whole Process Yeah
Starting point is 02:21:07 Of like Testing public opinion on things And like Almost like Scienceing Where the eye goes How you look How you want to travel to
Starting point is 02:21:16 Microsoft does that Because Microsoft's obsessed With that shit And I believe that Apple does And I believe Nintendo Has literally zero people Who do that And Sony has a couple guys
Starting point is 02:21:26 Right I'm looking So while we've been talking The chat has responded With people that would know The overwhelming consensus Is that the epic store Appears to be
Starting point is 02:21:35 Like the UX people Appears to be staffed By somewhere between Two to five people And maybe a couple interns In terms of the output Of feature content But it was profitable enough
Starting point is 02:21:48 That they had to roll it out Before it was done Yeah Just to start getting In the not-steem dollars If it's two to five people And you're willing to give Sam where I show down
Starting point is 02:21:58 What? I don't know A couple million fucking dollars Yeah, hire five more interns I mean doesn't that just If anything show though That like Like it's super worth it
Starting point is 02:22:12 To get Even if you're not ready For the market Get the store up and running Yeah In its most basic shitty form Absolutely And also the sale
Starting point is 02:22:21 They just did Games were cheaper Also Fortnite, no? Yeah, also Fortnite Like isn't that the basis For this entire conversation? Also Fortnite This whole process
Starting point is 02:22:33 Is using the infinity Fortnite dollars To put a foot in the door For when infinity Fortnite dollars are gone This hate circle jerk of epic is tiring Is it? No, I don't think it is
Starting point is 02:22:46 That's a shame In fact In fact, I think If that was true The internet at large Would have gotten tired of it But they really haven't So it's a smart plan, right?
Starting point is 02:22:59 Use your infinite Fortnite money To build something That will last longer than Fortnite Because it's a broader thing But Like they're doing it in the
Starting point is 02:23:11 Most hand to mouth way possible Just do it Just do more And it's like No, build it And every time Build it And like this is now
Starting point is 02:23:21 Creating negative press Around these games That wouldn't have been there For example, Goose Game Had nothing but Oh, fuck That game looks hilarious And now it's like
Starting point is 02:23:29 Right So Like Samurai Showdown Is gonna sell a bunch of copies From people who don't give a fuck now Millions Well, not million But like
Starting point is 02:23:39 I'm gonna double dip on On Samurai Showdown For PC Not as a reward To them telling Epic To fuck off But because that attitude Is endearing
Starting point is 02:23:49 That attitude is really endearing It was really funny That that popped up And like And the fact that they actually Spilt the beans on it too Like I feel really strongly About like the confidence
Starting point is 02:23:59 Of that team And how proud they are Of the game they're making You feel strongly about The confidence of the team That created Darlie Dagger Yeah, I do How about that?
Starting point is 02:24:08 Yeah Interesting But they're very confident I have feelings about that Yeah It is Great To see
Starting point is 02:24:18 Developers Pat I didn't even get to The meat Okay, let's see Alright, let's Because the quote itself is I know there's a big expectation
Starting point is 02:24:28 From the outside As well as the company But I'm confident In the perfection Of the game Samurai Showdown So it's really
Starting point is 02:24:42 I think I think people who play video games And follow the industry If you want to call them Fellow gamers or whatever These people Are fucking raised On cynicism and pessimism
Starting point is 02:24:56 And can smell bullshit real good Right? I remember when Microsoft Would trot out their robot humans To tell you how excited They were about things Everyone would vomit their blood Into their blood bucket
Starting point is 02:25:09 And no Those same robots would go play Nintendo games on camera Right And like, wow, it's really like Yeah Right? But it's really easy
Starting point is 02:25:18 To read certain sentences Or whatever And immediately understand Either a genuine excitement Or confidence Or whatever About something Yeah
Starting point is 02:25:29 And when you're proud Of the thing you've made Legitimately It's endearing And exciting For everyone that hears it Because they can sense that pride There was
Starting point is 02:25:39 Did you watch the FF7 Gameplay demo thing? Yeah Remember when Dean came out What was his name? Dean The guy The guy
Starting point is 02:25:48 The English guy came out And everyone was like Who the fuck is this? And then he said Alright guys, let's mosey And everyone went I love this man I'm really excited about FF7
Starting point is 02:25:59 Sure Right? Because you could tell That he was like Itching to say let's mosey And get excited Right? Or how about Max
Starting point is 02:26:10 Getting to see that demo Yeah And you're like Why Max? Why'd Max get the demo? Oh, is it because when the Developers were in the room And they saw his face
Starting point is 02:26:20 They recognized him as the guy Whose video they would play To fucking inspire the team Whenever they were struggling With shit on the game And his hype reaction To FF7's announcement Literally inspired the team
Starting point is 02:26:33 Is it because he's that guy? Yeah, yeah That might be why Max Got into that room Right? And this is a tangent This is gonna do the epic store But it's like
Starting point is 02:26:41 Yeah, yeah Your pride and your genuine Excitement mean something Fuck yeah, man That's so cool That's so, so cool that that happened Hey, you wanna, hey You know what's the opposite of that?
Starting point is 02:26:53 What's the opposite of that? Magicians Who you can tell Or just full of shit Every time they open their mouth That's not where I wanted to go You wanna hear a funny story? I wanted to go into more FF7 news
Starting point is 02:27:06 I have a good, I have it on good authority That Randy Pitchford Was walking around the E3 show floor Swathed by bodyguards Refusing to make eye contact With people and acknowledge their existence As bodyguards would literally Push people out of his way
Starting point is 02:27:24 So that he could pretend He wasn't at E3 And how do you know He wasn't making eye contact? Because he was walking through crowds Staring at the fucking ceiling So that no one could come and talk to him Or ask him a question
Starting point is 02:27:36 That he didn't wanna answer Come on Is there footage of this? I know, but I have it on first hand account Was he shimmying and dropping Fucking USBs as he walked? No But he was walking at a brisk pace
Starting point is 02:27:58 Through crowds, staring at the ceiling And with bodyguards pushing people Out of his way So that he wouldn't bump into them So that he could get from place to place Through the public as fast as he could Randy no has evolved into Randy why I know exactly why
Starting point is 02:28:14 You know exactly why Randy's been accused of a bunch of shit Very overtly and publicly And legally What is that symbol? I don't have the magic thing where you pull your thumb Oh yeah Like
Starting point is 02:28:30 The clap-trap voice actor is throwing down He stole all this money from the retirement fund He throws punches at employees he doesn't like And all this shit And by the way have you noticed that since that accusation Of all stealing all the money and throwing down Like Randy has disappeared from talking He doesn't talk anymore
Starting point is 02:28:51 All the Randy news went away The instant that legal things started to appear around that Yeah you know a company doesn't need to have one person Being their spokesperson They can actually have anyone else do Anyone The job of talking about their dreams It's kind of interesting how that happens
Starting point is 02:29:08 So I see a situation of like don't let people talk to me Because I can't say anything Because of the impending prison But hey Da da da Hey Da da da Hey da da da
Starting point is 02:29:21 Hey Hey guys like magic Da da da da da da da da da da da Oh my god Yikes Well anyway Do I get some FF7 news? I do
Starting point is 02:29:39 Yeah let's do that That's good news I wanted to talk about the part where Square Enix The story has been updated But Square Enix says We don't know how many episodes FF7 remake will be It's either three or four
Starting point is 02:29:54 It depends how long they extend Some sequences and curtail others Basically what they do know is at the moment Midgar is Midgar That's part one Which I think everyone assumed It's the most logical conclusion It makes perfect sense
Starting point is 02:30:07 It is the bookend at the beginning of the game What comes after that Yeah it's like where does that part end Remains to be seen Does it end before the golden saucer With Dine and Barret and that stuff? I mean I don't remember the pacing But I do feel like the next logical place
Starting point is 02:30:27 To conclude would be Nibelheim Okay that's far though That's actually quite far So then Because I don't remember how many hours are between Exiting Midgar and Nibelheim Here's the thing you have to do
Starting point is 02:30:40 Midgar you have to go Nibelheim Flashback Which is a whole thing That's a massive part It's a big chunk They're gonna elaborate the shit out of that Flashback They sure are Okay Nibelheim Flashback
Starting point is 02:30:52 Got it Midgar, Sormer, the Snake Getting through the caves Meeting the Turks Not that big of a deal Everything to do with Junon Everything to do with Junon The cannon
Starting point is 02:31:03 The parade, the cannon Right? Coast Del Sol Meaning hotel on the beach Like a weirdo The town underneath Golden Saucer With Marlene's dad Dine Oh the shitty town
Starting point is 02:31:17 The dirt village Right Golden Saucer Big fucking thing Get win Right Then it's Cosmo Canyon Okay you're already past enough
Starting point is 02:31:29 And then It's Nibelheim Then it's Nibelheim And Eufy is somewhere in there Anywhere on this corner Or just through you rather Right What's that?
Starting point is 02:31:39 Anywhere That's still just one man Yeah Cause then it goes Nibelheim Then Sid Then Wutai Then Temple of the Ancients Then City of the Ancients
Starting point is 02:31:52 Then End of Disc 1 You know That game's big man Four would not be out of the question That game is really fucking big Four would not be out of the question It really wouldn't Like
Starting point is 02:32:06 Going down that list Like Cause you gotta do Nibelheim twice too But the problem is that Like I'm remembering The story beats Yeah And that entire run
Starting point is 02:32:19 Has no big story beats until Like the end of the first Nibelheim Yeah Is a big beat It's the big It's the big chapter beat And then you go low key for a while
Starting point is 02:32:29 But I guess you can say Dine It could be Yeah That's what I'm thinking Dine could be the ending point of Disc Cause Dine's a big deal with Bear And the kid
Starting point is 02:32:38 Chapter 2 Right And then it's Dine to Nibelheim And Nibelheim Whereas Nibelheim Starts part 2 Yeah
Starting point is 02:32:46 It ends part 3 Yeah And then Sids the start And then And then Livestream Caves And then all
Starting point is 02:32:56 But don't But hey Don't forget You got Temple of the Ancients The Journey to North Cave Assault on Midgar North Cave itself Here's the part of the game
Starting point is 02:33:05 Everybody fucking forgets about Dealing with Meteor And the large Materia Which is a massive part Of the second disc All the weapons All the weapons Back to North Cave
Starting point is 02:33:18 Back to one of the weapon Like That game is so fucking big There is so much shit in that game I forgot Isn't there a Wutai visit on At the end as No, no
Starting point is 02:33:29 You do it at any time Yeah, I did it late But you can go back to Midgar I did it late By the way I forgot Gungaga Which is Zack's home town
Starting point is 02:33:37 Which is in between Dine and Nibelheim I forgot that I don't even remember at all That's gone Yeah FF7 is so fucking big Okay How
Starting point is 02:33:51 Like We're gonna be excited For FF7 Remake shit The entirety of the PS5 generation Will Knights of the Round Be the most expensive Moment in all of video games
Starting point is 02:34:08 No Are you sure? And Are we literally going to see A fucking movie play out Well When you call them in I don't mean to sound like a broken
Starting point is 02:34:24 And then you put X-8 on that shit I don't mean to sound like a broken record here But there is already a modern version Of that summon And it's a boss fight in 14 Oh, I thought you were gonna say this And it is a boss fight against All of them
Starting point is 02:34:39 Oh, that's cool In a row And then you get to the You get to the phase change And you get hit with the big blast And then the screen shatters That's really cool You should just watch it
Starting point is 02:34:50 Like the six minute version after this It's fucking dope I imagine it's super sick I imagine a big part of 14 is just like Extended fan service The last boss of every game Is the ultimate something From somewhere
Starting point is 02:35:07 Yeah Okay And yeah The last raid tier was all bosses There's a big fan service element Nice But like I already know what
Starting point is 02:35:16 A big fucking fancy version of that looks like Looks like The other problem is like For this, for summons Like they gotta be shorter, man Like every game after seven Was like we have to make these Fucking things shorter
Starting point is 02:35:25 Oh, I think we're gonna be getting The 12, the 15 versions Maybe Yeah, that makes sense Some Active Yeah Controllable
Starting point is 02:35:33 Yep And or skippable Yeah Cause remember in 8 When they're like They're so long That you have to mash the button To make them better
Starting point is 02:35:42 Leviathan flies out And then Shiva fucking Can you get it up to 250? Can you mash up to 250? And then in 9 They're like You'll see the full animation The first time
Starting point is 02:35:53 And then you have a 1-8 chance Of seeing the full animation Every time after that Because they're so long I have problems with 8, man I have Really? Problems with 8
Starting point is 02:36:01 You have problems with Final Fantasy 8? You know But I have only heard Good things Of Final Fantasy 8 I have heard people tell me It's their favorite one Eden
Starting point is 02:36:09 Eden's the next Is the next raid for 14 And it's the final summon from 8 And everyone's like Yay, we get 8 representation And I'm like That's fine There's cool bosses there
Starting point is 02:36:23 I guess There's cool bosses in it I was satisfied with Lorenzo Kuken Yeah I was satisfied with it It was a cool move It was a cool move Remember Blast Zone?
Starting point is 02:36:36 Where you point the laser up at the space In the clouds move And then you bring it down That's a cool move Knights of the Rond is going to be The most expensive moment in video games I don't know Well, first we got to see how the summons work
Starting point is 02:36:46 Right? Because we've seen how magic works We've seen how attacks work We got to see how summons work And the first summon you get In that game is where It's got It's Ifrit, right?
Starting point is 02:36:58 Ifrit's the first one And you I remember using him on a boss In Shinra Tower So How about The Knights of the Rond Have their cutscene attack
Starting point is 02:37:11 Where they all ride out And do the thing One, two, three, four Or A full fucking crowd joins the party And are all fighting They're all just there They're in the game
Starting point is 02:37:25 As you actively battle At the same time So you get your cutscene version And you get your Your practical version And literally your party size Just grows That'd be good
Starting point is 02:37:41 Apparently Chocomog is the first Summon that I completely forgot Cash money Cash fucking money Alright Four seems fine Four seems fine Yeah
Starting point is 02:37:53 What is a frame rate? So I'll be able to I'll be able to give you a much better Breakdown Once they give us an hour count For this thing Because If this game is really extended
Starting point is 02:38:08 Out into a full 60 hours Then I'm like They can blow through Everything after Midgar All the way to Nibelheim for real In 60 And what about new content? New content will be added
Starting point is 02:38:24 To patch holes When they need to extend What about playable Zac? That should not happen Not even for a flashback? Not even for that There should be a playable Zac section So that you don't have to play
Starting point is 02:38:46 Crisis Core anymore If that's the reason you need Then sure But Probably going to occur There should probably be one playable Zac Probably going to occur And then you can just ignore
Starting point is 02:39:01 Crisis Core That entire era is so far behind this This is the new era for the new kids You bet your fucking ass Playable Zac canon Will exist Of what happens to Zac That's actually set in stone please
Starting point is 02:39:16 That character's death is so inconsistent Every telling is different Playable Zac will occur It'll be that If not An elaborate moment At the very least The last
Starting point is 02:39:29 The last 10 minutes The last 10 minutes of Crisis Core Will be The only part of Crisis Core that matters And then you go And then you get it That should probably be integrated Into the Mako pit flashback
Starting point is 02:39:42 Something special will be added To Great Mac How long is the Mako Poisoning sequence going to last? I don't even Do you remember that bit? And your character changes And you're all weird and messed up
Starting point is 02:39:57 And you play a significant portion of the game As a different main character You remember that now? That game is big Okay You know what? Do you remember? Every year
Starting point is 02:40:10 Back from like 2005 onwards That people would say Remake FF7 And they would go Guys you don't get it FF7 is so big You don't get it
Starting point is 02:40:19 And everyone would go I don't care And I think me and a couple other people Would be like No you don't remember That game is so big I still want it But that game is so big
Starting point is 02:40:29 But it will always make its money back Right So it's always cost effective That's why I always said Like all I want is a fucking remaster Of the backgrounds And clean up the Popeyes Right
Starting point is 02:40:39 It's the only one That's the only one Where you're guaranteeing It's cost effective It's FF7 Great Gospel will have something About it That'll be a special
Starting point is 02:40:48 For you moment Big special Hey remember What we kind of got From that presentation Was the idea that The people making this Are the ultimate fanboys as well
Starting point is 02:40:56 Yeah So they're all Chocking it full of nuts And they're all They're all the right people They're the people that know That if you're a hard fan You're gonna like
Starting point is 02:41:04 Basically melt at every moment Like everyone was so Obsessed over Tifa's chest size That most people didn't talk About her overall redesign Until later Her redesign is fucking amazing She's got fucking thigh highs
Starting point is 02:41:17 Spats She's got a skirt She's got little skulls on it She's got skulls on her fucking fist She has a fucking phone charm Of a chocobo And a moogle Around one of her hands
Starting point is 02:41:27 Playable Sephiroth Will have Oh Jesus Christ You're super right There's gonna be a Playable Sephiroth Playable Sephiroth Will have
Starting point is 02:41:37 A full extended ass move list That you only get once For like 40 minutes You get it once But if you decide To sit and grind it There will be rewards Should you take longer
Starting point is 02:41:52 Than you're supposed to Oh god I forgot There will be rewards Oh that's gonna be soon That'll be the beginning Of the second game Is Playable Sephiroth Guaranteed
Starting point is 02:42:00 There will be There will be shit 100% Oh man Dude There is a lot Dude Hey
Starting point is 02:42:12 But hey Let's all relax The Kingdom Hearts 2 Battle Designer Is the one working on this And that's why everyone gets to Breathe a sigh of relief Because Kingdom Hearts 2
Starting point is 02:42:23 Was the best playing action game Square ever put out Ever No question The feeling of jumping And hitting the button It's fun It's fun to do
Starting point is 02:42:36 Do you think they would have the balls To add another party member? No Absolutely not I don't think so either So the reason I say that Is because there aren't any party members That got left on the floor
Starting point is 02:42:50 If there was a party member That they always wanted to put in But they never got the time to do So back in 1997 I'd be saying yeah That person's gonna be totally in the game But they had the cast And they made the cast
Starting point is 02:43:02 And they got everyone in there So no I'm gonna make one more call And this is gonna take so long That everyone will forget about this one Alright market Create a YouTube video And check back on it regularly
Starting point is 02:43:12 People do that for our predictions now By the way it's cool Playable ancient red 13 From years in the future No that's not gonna happen There's no way Sequence Oh like after the credits
Starting point is 02:43:23 Instead of being a cutscene You'll walk You walk yourself Oh that's totally possible You walk yourself up to that cliff And you look over at the world Not a play Not fight playable sickness
Starting point is 02:43:33 No just like a walking Just a walking yes You know what That's probably Old ass red 13 That's totally reasonable Walking up to the cliff Is in your control
Starting point is 02:43:41 You see that last shot Yep And that's where it cuts I forgot that was the game's ending That's the actual ending I totally forgot that was the game's ending Everyone does Everyone does
Starting point is 02:43:51 Everyone does Yep The last thing you see So I've been asked this question A lot lately And I want your opinion on it as well Hey I'm 20
Starting point is 02:44:01 Should I play FF7 Before this comes out That's a question we got Yeah I'm sure It's the Whenever I talk about FF7 It's the number one question
Starting point is 02:44:11 It's like I have a buddy of mine I play FF14 with him all the time He never played 7, 8 Whatever Cause he's 25 He was like
Starting point is 02:44:20 Uh Fucking Okay 97 To 20 He was like 3 years old Whenever 7 came out My question
Starting point is 02:44:28 My answer to that question is Absolutely 100% yes Because 1 You will beat it long Before part 2 is done Long And 2 Long
Starting point is 02:44:37 You will then be sitting And enjoying all the new differences Yeah As we move forward Well cause the other thing That people say And I got this a lot with prison evils Like
Starting point is 02:44:46 Or should I experience the new thing For the first time Like the plot And stuff like that And here's the thing I would say that I understand that If
Starting point is 02:44:55 The old thing Has lost its value Old FF7 Is A unique First of all It's really unique When you look back at like games
Starting point is 02:45:05 That's a weird fucking Singular Thing And it's still awesome So yeah By all means Go back and play it If you have any interest whatsoever
Starting point is 02:45:15 This game is years away The end of this game Is multiple years away And not the better part of a decade We will be in our 40s Okay We will be 40 year old men The full FF7
Starting point is 02:45:26 Original release Is months of your time No not even man A normal Normal person That can pop in a couple hours Here and there Yeah it's
Starting point is 02:45:36 But Also When you Not everyone rpgs marathon But let me Let me try this If you are like How could this game
Starting point is 02:45:45 Be multiple games Blah blah blah And you're not familiar with FF7 Go and play that yourself And say you play two hours a week And every two hours You'll be in a completely different town Yeah
Starting point is 02:45:57 And the pacing Will be lightning Fucking fast And you'll be screaming Through the story Like that thing Moves so fucking fast It's the same question as
Starting point is 02:46:07 Should I just wait for Jojo Parks As they come out in the anime Or should I read ahead Do you want to read ahead Read ahead If you Are curious You're not going to lose anything
Starting point is 02:46:16 You will lose nothing And you will gain a different thing Yes You're trading in Seeing it animated as the first time For getting excited For like a whole week Beforehand
Starting point is 02:46:27 Of like They're going to adapt the thing that I like Oh we're finally there We're at the thing We get to see how it's done I saw a buddy of mine Get really excited During the FF7
Starting point is 02:46:36 Like some other trailer Cause the bit where Tifa And Cloud go back to back First of all Fucking yeah And two Oh my god They put this to hog in
Starting point is 02:46:46 In that dungeon What are the weirdest designs That just shows up in a sewer For no reason Remember Fucking big skeleton house Hell house Hell house
Starting point is 02:46:57 Yeah I have a picture of Cully I have a transparent PNG Of Hell house on my desktop right now Specifically So that I can go Hey remember Fucking Hell house
Starting point is 02:47:08 Okay And also Guess what I'm going to fucking type in it Hell house card FF7 Because They fucking
Starting point is 02:47:21 Remember Hell house 2 Cause here's the card For FF7's Hell house From Final Fantasy 7 Mobius Drawing in a brand new art style From last year Okay
Starting point is 02:47:31 Remember tank Seratops The triceratops with wheels Remember dancing frog Dancing frog You remember dancing frog Okay Okay
Starting point is 02:47:44 Okay Here's excitement For Chocobo Ranch Is its own Fucking thing Game Yeah
Starting point is 02:47:54 You walk in And like you can spend The next 40 hours there Yeah You mean like I did Yeah It's It's really crazy
Starting point is 02:48:04 How we get this far away And they have They have a They have a nice blueprint for themselves Because they get to look at a thing and go What are the beats we need to hit And the beats they need to hit Is the longest list ever
Starting point is 02:48:18 Because there is so much about that game That is so specifically cool You fight a fucking triceratops With tank treads As a boss As like a Thing you're supposed to take seriously And it's like a big deal
Starting point is 02:48:32 It's a big boss Like okay we'll fucking do it What about ghost ship That you fight in the slums Which is Which is a fucking floating Pirate ship That is somehow only the size of your characters
Starting point is 02:48:43 And has a big fat skeleton with an ore Coming out of it You fight in the fucking sector seven slums That's gotta be there That's stupid Chocobo incest Or we riot It's the only way to get
Starting point is 02:48:54 It's the only way to get the mountain one Is what I was going to say Full airship control Over that perfect gigantic planet And the fact that you have to fight Ultimate weapon in the air By hitting it Four times
Starting point is 02:49:12 Before you actually get to the fucking Because it's a reference to doom gaze From six Now like So this all Could have occurred before But now that The
Starting point is 02:49:28 We're seeing it And it looks really good Yeah You get to have the real Now we get to be excited With daydream Hey Wully Do you know there's a secret
Starting point is 02:49:37 Affinity system in FF7 What You didn't know huh Who went with you to the gold saucer Oh yes Yes the dating Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Right
Starting point is 02:49:51 Yes I did know about that God that's so long ago Yes There is You ever go on a date with Barrett? No but I remember watching videos of it Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 02:50:03 There's a Absolutely a rank up Rank down Fucking S ranks S links going on secretly You know that part of Tifa Apparently part of Tifa and clouds ending
Starting point is 02:50:13 Before the final fight changes Depending on whether or not her Affinity was high enough Oh It's There's so much dude Like it's Like there
Starting point is 02:50:25 I have forgotten more about FF7 Than a lot of people knew And I don't even know that much Right Like I'm glad Max got to play that demo He seems to be into it more than anybody If there's one thing
Starting point is 02:50:39 That's allowed to be More Like More What's the word I'm looking for Like Not just expensive but like Lavishly
Starting point is 02:50:52 Over the top Fucking Gluttonously expensive Like disgusting amounts Of Production Like you know how we say Hey I didn't tell you to spend a million dollars
Starting point is 02:51:04 Making the textures good on this You could have just released it earlier Stop complaining about the price of games Not this one If there's one thing Omni slash Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 02:51:14 It's gotta just It's gotta make you Like just put the controller down And just fucking Remember there's Hold on To the couch There's two versions right
Starting point is 02:51:23 There's the one you do in battle And then there's the last one you do That has a different model for cloud Yes It has more effects Yes It has unique camera placement Yes
Starting point is 02:51:34 And it's like I'm not talking about omni slash You're talking about the omni slash Like That needs to be The That needs to be ten years in the making pat That's a fucking limit break
Starting point is 02:51:50 That's far away That takes decades To fucking get It needs to be Something else And you can't request this of anything But this is Final Fantasy 7 You get to request it
Starting point is 02:52:07 It gets to be stupid Yeah Hey do you think we're gonna get that shitty red dune buggy? Oh before you Did you have to fucking drive around? Oh yeah That thing looked like shit Oh yeah
Starting point is 02:52:22 It looked like a lego Well how are you gonna appreciate the steampunk If you can't appreciate how shitty the tech is You know Yeah Okay Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
Starting point is 02:52:34 Batch of time Member berries are delicious Oh I've never heard that You know South Park You remember that batch of time From 2005 to 2014 Where FF7 was overrated Everyone and their mom was like
Starting point is 02:52:49 Yeah FF7 is not that big of a deal You guys are all just nostalgic and crazy Because it was under tailing And it was the first time a game had started under tailing In game history It's the first time that's ever occurred Yeah that was 20 years ago That game was totally as important as it seemed at the time
Starting point is 02:53:08 I mean dude I was a Nintendo kid I was one of those like oh no I was a Sega kid It's fine And we got stuff too Fuck that It's time for the PlayStation You know
Starting point is 02:53:23 Yeah That and Metal Gear Solid one Yeah Oh yeah Voice acting Holy shit Oh hey You see the old cloud voice actor
Starting point is 02:53:35 Passing the torch to the new cloud voice actor Saying he did a great job Didn't see it Good Thumbs up I think that is vital And I feel bad for the old The guy who did an Advent Children and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:53:46 I think it is absolutely vital That they had to get a new voice actor for cloud Because when I hear that guy The guy who did Crisis Core I think of Mopey Advent Children Cloud Which is what they need to get us Fucking far away from as possible What about Kingdom Hearts?
Starting point is 02:54:04 Still Mopey and shitty Advent Children me Gotta get away from it That's Goku I think No wasn't it a celebrity I think it's Goku I think it's Sean Simmel the Goku Hold on Lance Bass was
Starting point is 02:54:17 Okay Yeah No who is Squall Squall? David Boreanus Yeah It's Angel Yeah
Starting point is 02:54:27 It's like That's the opposite situation Where I'm now like Well if they do an FF8 thing They gotta get David Boreanus in there Because that's Squall I heard something about Barrett and New Barrett And how basically
Starting point is 02:54:39 They wanted to Yeah they wanted to not What was it? Anyway I heard something about Well Barrett's Mr. T Like period Yeah But I heard something about how basically
Starting point is 02:54:48 Like they wanted to get Like new voice actors Not just new voice actors But like Literally Yeah Names that you might not necessarily recognize With a couple exceptions
Starting point is 02:54:56 Like the female cast Is like Erica Limbeck And clearly Laura Bailey Okay well Yeah and yes I suppose so Because it's like Well you're not gonna get Erica Limbeck
Starting point is 02:55:04 Are you fucking crazy? But like I don't know where it came from But something was saying that like They kind of wanted the Star Wars effect Of like You know new voices New faces Which is
Starting point is 02:55:14 Yeah Seth sounds great I know who's voicing him But he sounds perfect Alright The original Edge Ward returns To Edge all over you Hold on now
Starting point is 02:55:24 Hold on Hold on Hold on Woolly No No Hold on Seth was the biggest longy
Starting point is 02:55:32 Bishy Bishy Bishy Bishy Very very Bishy Bishy Breaky Breaky Edgy Hold on Come on he's got the big sword
Starting point is 02:55:42 He walks into the fire Big Edge But first Bish Big Edge first Bish Not first Edge First Bish of video game Okay not same No worldwide
Starting point is 02:55:55 Not same Not same First Bish First Bish Not first Edge Okay But Big Edge Big Big Edge
Starting point is 02:56:03 Big Big Edge defining Big Big Edge Bish Edge Bish Edge First Bish Edge First Bish Edge There it is Edgy Edgy Bishy Bishy
Starting point is 02:56:14 Breaky Breaky It's perfect You know Sometimes I try And sometimes they just write themselves I know right Sometimes they just write themselves The other thing that you should probably play FF7
Starting point is 02:56:36 If you're in any form interested in it People are going to be talking about this nonstop for like the next 10 years Unless that game that's coming out in March is a total disaster This is going to be a topic of conversation For a really really really long time So I would advise to probably get in on it Decade Literally
Starting point is 02:56:59 It's already been a cop topic of conversation for the last 5 years Well the announcement But I mean even prior to the announcement It was everyone screaming for please make it What game was it? It was Final Fantasy 13 That They had a big event
Starting point is 02:57:19 Like a big you know like we're selling the game Come meet the CEO of the company Stuff like that right And it was in Tokyo I think And the first guy in line to buy Final Fantasy 13 Bought it and thanked them And walked up to I think Wada at the time And said please remake Final Fantasy 7
Starting point is 02:57:39 And walked away Yes Yes And that was a big point of like drama in the middle of the company Because it's like it doesn't matter what we do Nothing we do will make people stop wanting that emotion again Because we knocked it so hard out of the park with that one The day after the final game is released
Starting point is 02:58:04 Square Enix fades away They were a ghost all along We don't need you anymore Enix goes back to being its own company Dragon Quest will continue to live on Hudson Soft will continue to live on But Square will disappear Listen
Starting point is 02:58:19 The building will vanish We can all employees a memory We can all No They'll never be a memory Wally We can all argue till we're blue in the face About which Final Fantasy is our favorite Or the best right
Starting point is 02:58:35 I've seen really good arguments For 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 Right And yes I did miss some of those on purpose But You can't deny that 7 came out at the right time And was the right game And it was the perfect game for its time
Starting point is 02:58:59 It was the most important one I'm not even gonna say it was the best one But it was definitely the most important one I probably think Chrono Trigger is better than 7 But it's definitely not as important as 7 was I mean the funniest part about it really is that it's The Marvel combo that is Nintendo failure That was the starter
Starting point is 02:59:20 Yeah That was the mixup Oh my god the worst That was the starter That was the 100% Oh by the way I did forget one Because I think all of you know it But I should say it again
Starting point is 02:59:31 Final Fantasy Tactics is the best Final Fantasy game there Calm down everybody It's the best one I mean that's not even what I'm thinking about I'm thinking about the storm inside me That was set off by the words you said prior to that And I'm still germinating on it But yeah Nintendo fucking up 100%
Starting point is 02:59:53 Unbelievable The biggest bomb If anyone here is under the age of 20 And you're listening to this Which is many of you You might be hearing for the first time That Final Fantasy 7 was originally supposed to be A Nintendo 64 launch title
Starting point is 03:00:10 And Nintendo did not have the capacity for it Because they stuck with cartridges And Square felt fucked over You know what let's expand the story a little bit There was originally supposed to be the Nintendo PlayStation And in fact one got found a couple years ago Okay well The thing exists
Starting point is 03:00:27 Yeah it literally exists Buddyhop found it And then they decided Now we don't want to have the deal with Sony anymore We don't want to have And Sony was like well we own the CD technology So we're going to take our CD ball and go over here And then Square was like
Starting point is 03:00:45 But we wanted the CD shit Fucking Jesus Christ We literally built games We have a game that's too big Spent millions and millions and millions of dollars On CG cutscenes We can't put in the game anymore These assets will not fit on a cartridge
Starting point is 03:01:00 And then Sony's like Well you know what we have We got a CD system And apparently Matsushita AKA Panasonic was in the discussion We all saw how that went But yes Apparently the fuckery
Starting point is 03:01:15 The fumble-est fumble in the whole history of video games Cause that would have cemented Nintendo's dominance Over the industry For a decade more Until Until Microsoft wanted to get in Or Sega might have gotten a better ally Who the fuck even knows
Starting point is 03:01:29 You know Sega probably would have worked with Microsoft It's literally a different reality Where the world of Nintendo vs. Sega Would have continued for another decade Easy But that was it You gave it up
Starting point is 03:01:43 You gave it up And you did it again And you did it again And you did it again And we're still talking about it today About how you can't stop Fucking it up They won't drop the condo
Starting point is 03:01:53 The same thought processes that led to The Nintendo PlayStation falling through Are the same thought processes That are talking about With the animal crossing shit And the Pokemon shit And in some cases From the same people
Starting point is 03:02:09 Yet it's also responsible for their successes At the end of the day You do what you do It's weird You wanna do this? Yeah let's do it Let's fucking do it What are we doing here?
Starting point is 03:02:19 Chrono Trigger is better than FF7 Yeah absolutely Come on It's a tightly woven perfect package Let's let everyone take a moment To get that out of their system I don't even think That's fucking controversial at all
Starting point is 03:02:31 Well some people are definitely gonna not Some people are definitely gonna not Okay well our chat's on our side Okay well The average listener is like Yeah yeah Of course it's better But FF7 was a bomb to drop on the world
Starting point is 03:02:46 And no small part of that Was the advertising campaign That was the most blatant lie ever You know what Pat? You remember that? You know what? Fuck this docket Fuck this docket
Starting point is 03:03:01 Yeah? Let's do it Okay Sure Chrono Trigger Better game than FF7 Easy Yes
Starting point is 03:03:09 Chrono vs Cloud Oh it's Cloud come on Cloud is not a character Cloud is not a character It's not even fair When he comes back as a When he's missing, when he's absent It's like whatever
Starting point is 03:03:18 I'm playing as a different character He's literally just a Playing as a more interesting character now Yeah he's literally just Yeah who cares He's an ellipses man Yeah Character design wise
Starting point is 03:03:26 Definitely for me Chrono Really? Love that Toriyama I totally disagree I love it I love the fucking steam garbage You like the cool boy? Yeah
Starting point is 03:03:36 Yeah, Chrono is a cool boy too But I like the The chipper blue and red I like the one shitty shoulder pad I like the headband I like it I like fun I'll say that I think that
Starting point is 03:03:46 Chrono Trigger is my favorite Toriyama designs ever Okay, here we go Marlin' Ayla Yeah Uh Barrett and fucking Tifa Well that wouldn't be
Starting point is 03:03:57 How do we do Who goes where? Well I would compare Marlin' Ayla to Oh Marlin, you said Marlin' Ayla? Sorry, Marlin and Luca And Luca? Right, who gets what? Who do you go?
Starting point is 03:04:09 Do you go Barrett and Tifa? Do you go Barrett and Luca? Barrett what? What is the question? How do you go? If Cloud is compared to Chrono Yeah If we're comparing side characters
Starting point is 03:04:18 To each other Well then Luca would be Compared to Tifa And Marl would be Compared to Eris And Frog would be Compared to Barrett Oh, hold on a second
Starting point is 03:04:27 And Vincent would be Compared to Mages You're right, you're right You're right, you're right Yeah, sorry I was thinking about the trio But Eris is totally Ayla would be red
Starting point is 03:04:37 Yeah, Ayla's red Yeah, sorry Okay, okay, okay That's tough Because Luca's the shit Frog's the shit Frog's the shit You can't beat Frog
Starting point is 03:04:45 Barrett's Mr. T, though You can't beat But Barrett's Barrett's trying to get Everybody out from Under this motherfucking pizza Glenn Whatever
Starting point is 03:04:55 Glenn No Can't beat, can't do it Barrett is a hardcore Black Panther eco terrorist Mages versus Sefi Oh, that's Be-she-be-she-edgy-edgy
Starting point is 03:05:06 Sefi, Sefi Sefi, Sefi wins that Because you don't meet Sephiroth as a bitch Ten-year-old But, but, but You turn it around When he literally joins
Starting point is 03:05:18 The party forever Yeah, but that's not Come on, you can't That's, he's Vincent He's not Sephiroth You walk up the He's the monster evil man Who joined the team
Starting point is 03:05:28 Top of the tower That's not the same That's not the same Magus battle theme Fire Magus takes it Magus takes it I don't care what you say
Starting point is 03:05:42 Magus takes it You're crazy He takes it, dude You're nuts With the triple tax The triple tax The triple tax All right
Starting point is 03:05:50 Magus takes it You want to get really vicious Disgusting You want to have a real argument Tax or materia Tax forever Oh, you're crazy Oh, you're fucking nuts
Starting point is 03:06:01 There are literally Materia has so much stuff No, no, no, no You have to understand something You have to understand something About tax, double tax, triple tax In particular Literally my favorite thing
Starting point is 03:06:10 In, in, like Like, if you had to take My favorite things in all Of video games Yeah Team members doing co-op attacks Is like, like You can't surpass that
Starting point is 03:06:21 Well, they would rather see A cool little cutscene play Than actually control And manage his party Anyways Yes, that was unfair Like, that was incredibly unfair Because every materia
Starting point is 03:06:35 Absolutely does that, right? Some of them are not fucking Oh, fire Simple functions Yeah, yeah, clearly Right Um, okay Well, see, here's the thing
Starting point is 03:06:45 When I think of materia I think of the bullshit I did with materia And how much I love getting a new weapon And then having to slot in the stuff But at the same time Yeah, triple tax are the shit They're, they're
Starting point is 03:06:56 They're so cool It's the cover of the box It's the wrong cover of the box Yeah, she doesn't do that That's the wrong cover They made a mistake Lucas shooting fire And she's wearing a fucking cloak
Starting point is 03:07:05 What are you doing, Lucas? Oops Wrong move Okay But it's flamethrower nonetheless Yeah X-cut The fact that we still use
Starting point is 03:07:13 X-cut to this day No To explain Two characters Fucking doing You go left, I go right Bishop Guts
Starting point is 03:07:21 And Griffith They should really add Multiple limit breaks To FF7 Let's not even go there Music Okay
Starting point is 03:07:34 The peaks are higher in 7 The overall is better in So I will Umatsu always had the best Best tracks But Mitsuda Who I love By the way, he did Xeno years
Starting point is 03:07:48 Which is my favorite Of the square soundtracks His consistency is really high Every track is good in chrono trick There are no bad tracks Every single one There are forgettable tracks in 7 They're totally
Starting point is 03:07:59 Whatever And But the peaks are higher Yeah That's what we're looking at Like Cosmo Canyon Right The battle theme
Starting point is 03:08:07 Yeah Xenova Xeno Oh, so good Oh, so good I'm so excited for a better version Oh, man Yeah
Starting point is 03:08:24 That's the best It's so, so good Yeah But these are Peaks And valleys Whereas chrono trigger It's like
Starting point is 03:08:33 Every moment of chrono trigger Is like I'm listening to Good Yeah It's Yeah Replay value
Starting point is 03:08:44 I can get out of here Chrono trigger Crushed it a million times It's built on It's the most replayable RPG You can't do it There's no question Alright
Starting point is 03:08:54 Literally Xenova Yeah Literally Lavos Xenova Yeah Lavos is
Starting point is 03:09:02 They're both the same But Lavos, the more you find out about him The lamier he becomes What it represents is more interesting And when you look at Xenova And you talk to Xenova But Xenova's not talking to you And you're crazy
Starting point is 03:09:14 That's just way more interesting The epoch is Yeah, I mean that's not fair It's a time travel You can't You can't do it Also There is one, you know what
Starting point is 03:09:26 There is one thing I will put on The epoch that sucks And it's the The structure Of chrono trigger The world maps that you encounter In CT Because there are like
Starting point is 03:09:39 Seven of them are really basic Like the most The most The most interesting world map is 1,000 Because it's the one that has the most stuff in it But Not
Starting point is 03:09:51 12,000 No You don't think floating cities are awesome No, I think it's awesome But I'm saying it has the There's more going on In 1,000 There's the dungeon that you go to
Starting point is 03:10:01 The mountain to get back to Lean's Fair There's Lean's Fair There's Magistrate's Castle You know, there's all this shit Okay Right The FF7 has a big, big fucking
Starting point is 03:10:10 It has a fucking huge world map With tons of shit But at the same time You go in it through a line Like it's a Fucking swirly Okay OST is OST
Starting point is 03:10:22 Battle theme to battle theme They're so close They're really close They're so close But the boss theme in 7 Crushes it I don't even I don't remember the boss theme
Starting point is 03:10:35 To CT Maybe that's because I know Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba Ba ba ba Ba ba ba Ba ba ba Ba ba ba
Starting point is 03:10:43 I don't know I don't know man Come on I don't know dude Come on Come on Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba
Starting point is 03:10:51 Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba Oh Oh Okay I gotta go CT on it That's fine
Starting point is 03:11:01 Battle? I gotta go Mmmm I like CT's version of battles Because They're on the map Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba And it has the rise
Starting point is 03:11:33 Robo Who the fuck would Kate sith? Yeah, I guess it would be or said that's like I don't care Robo Robo's the best Robo's the best party member in in Chrono Trigger. Hella takes it over red Free, yeah, ain't like dude dude prehistoric waifu. Yeah Her whole dyno episode is dinos this shit. It's terrible. It's the worst part of the game. It's literally awful Yeah, it's it's quite bad. Kino sucks. Kino sucks Hey Kino, you suck. That's a good boy. That's a good boy. Yeah, red's great, but Taylor Taylor man, she's got a club
Starting point is 03:12:10 scratches How do you feel about? Because I feel like Chrono Trigger's endgame is way better because it's go do a personal quest for everybody and you get rad shit from it. You're traveling through different eras. It's more interesting no matter and Sevens is a lot of optional stuff that you really don't have to do it doesn't link in anything and the and actually Before North Cave, it's kind of just yeah, you're like you're meandering to get to the end Mm-hmm CC ends way stronger way stronger
Starting point is 03:12:41 Alright until you go inside and then you got a fight. Yeah, here's one for you And this is going to be spoilers for both games. Oh fuck off, but they're from the 90s. So fuck off Death versus make-up poisoning death really. Yeah, really. Yeah, here's why New triple Tex New Tex I actually meant from a story perspective. Oh, okay, because Functionally, it's like oh man. Chrono's gone time to learn some triple Tex with the rest of the boys Yeah, cuz Chrono couldn't get on the bench and now the chronos on the fucking bench We can do new shit like Delta strike. Yeah, I
Starting point is 03:13:24 prefer make-up poisoning though because like And in CT you have a built-in like your time traveling. Okay, we can fix you know, you can fix it Right when cloud gets make-up poison. He's fucked for a while and it appears that he'll just be fucked Forever and he's drooling in a wheelchair a story perspective. Yeah, I Guess the thought of death is that you know, it's not gonna last. Yeah Whereas the make-up poison you're like, oh, but then you fuck with time to do it. Um Omni slash versus luminaire You might be surprised but I actually think luminaire is is better it is
Starting point is 03:14:10 He go coos it and you your main character. It's like, oh, is he gonna do a really cool sort thing? No He's just gonna blast you with he's gonna jump to the middle of the screen and just emit energy and Nuke you and it's because and it's the best it will never disappoint like what like what well What like what's the most optimal version of magic? Just blow it all up? Just fucking From my body go luminaire luminaire takes it luminaire takes it It's also something you can use all the time and it's always good whereas omni slash is a special occasion Lucas backstory versus Barrett's backstory Barrett's
Starting point is 03:14:48 I'm gonna say Barrett. I mean you're talking about the story I think seven story overall is a lot better because I just prefer that type. It has sophistication It's a lot. There's a lot more going on sophistication that Adventures back in the future in anime for sure for sure Um a lot of a lot of what feels good about Chrono Trigger is inside your own head like like Barrett and Marlene is Probably more deep than anything in CT. Mm-hmm, right? Yeah, cuz it's like I remember being a little kid and being like or like I'm like, oh, that's weird Marlene looks nothing like Barrett at all, huh?
Starting point is 03:15:22 And then it's like oh cuz of all this shit. That's all nuts and That's like oh wow Barrett's the best dad ever And Dine is not Most Most people forget how bad that dying storyline goes man Yeah, and we can't compare grout of visuals, but we can compare art. Yeah, you know I I'd coin flip that because while I'm not a big fan of Toriyama's art
Starting point is 03:15:52 I think CT is easily the best he ever did and especially the color. It's so lively Yeah, and fun. Yeah, and every piece of art from it is just bursting with tons of color Yeah, you know and then I look at at seven and I'm like man that's steam Crap. Yeah aesthetic Yeah, that shitty train pulls up steam garbage I don't want to call it steam pump you jump off of that shitty fucking train And it's filthy and awful and everything's garbage. Yeah, they embraced it. They're like no color actually
Starting point is 03:16:25 This is all shit. Well the areas that are shit because it's supposed to be like look This shit sucks. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm diesel punk Diesel punk is good. I like that. Hmm Yeah, yeah when ff7 is grimy, it's fucking grimy Then again, the future is pretty colorless and mode seven and if we're gonna talk Or to talk villains like villainy I think CT's biggest problem is that its primary antagonist
Starting point is 03:16:55 Is an alien hedgehog force of nature. It's a force of nature boss So until you get until like it representing a thing that's going to happen Yeah, just it's a moment in time as opposed to a person a literal and alien entity is way way more Like interesting. Yeah, but at the same time it doesn't hit me because there was no moment in the game where I'm like Hey, Lavos you piece of fucking shit. I'm gonna get you whereas when you talk about It's the bishy-bishy edgy or more importantly in my mind actually when you talk about hojo And you're like wow hojo You're a piece of shit
Starting point is 03:17:35 I can't wait to get you I just thought of one and it's stressing me out. What it's stressing me out Okay, cuz fucking obviously safer sephiroth, right like obviously Like, you know, I mean seraph sephiroth seraph sephiroth. Excuse me um probably I seriously doubt it's supposed to be safer. Excuse me. Excuse me. I thought anyway, uh, no, it is called safer sephiroth Okay, but I'm just assuming that it's supposed to be called sure sure Obviously, right
Starting point is 03:18:03 But just before we put that down without even looking over at the other side Yeah, what you're looking at on the other side is world revolution As you travel through different backgrounds, yeah In different times including the end of time with that one fucking dude under that light post I Will and you get pulled into the smooth jazz And then back into the chaos of world revolution picks up world revolution is such a good song So it's such a good fucking song, man traveling through time. It's got no vocals in it, but god damn it
Starting point is 03:18:41 Is it so fucking good traveling through time in the boss fight? It's pretty unbelievable As a setting thing But for me personally, it was a way way way bigger deal To be fighting with the entire crew at the same time. Yeah Yeah, it's the only fight in the game. Yeah. Yeah, it's like guys. This is really important Yes, we have to do this. Fuck this game system. Fuck the system. Yeah the whole party at once. Yeah but but tooth but dude like the the
Starting point is 03:19:16 The light motif. Yeah comes back in Deep into that song and your whole party's there doing it and then you get the the lavo scream And you're just like you're you're you've never been more present you know it's so hard to just throw that aside because You know Yeah, but same time. Holy shit. This thing has vocals. I'm gonna jizz my pants Because it can't be underestimated that it was the first
Starting point is 03:19:45 That was the first time you ever heard vocals in a fucking piece of music in a video game For most people. Yeah, and it's and it sounds like shit now when you go back and listen to the track. Holy crap. It sounds terrible Yeah, you can't beat that it's not gonna be beaten It does take it but i'm almost mad that it wins because it wins so free Because it's a story technology advantage. It's a story. It's exactly. It's like you literally can't beat that But I just don't want to like like it's uh Like it's world revolution came in and it fucking taped its hands up and it got beat
Starting point is 03:20:23 But it got back up there. You know what I mean and it demcy rolled for a while and then it's still lost because Sephiroth fucking brought a gun to the boxing that I was gonna say turned into the demcy roll and reversed its motion and as he was moving into it But yeah, he just shot he just shot world revolution and it died. You know, it's not even fair God that song man all right And it'll never get remade
Starting point is 03:20:55 No, it won't luckily it's perfect as is Whereas seven, you know because of the the way seven story worked You always looked at it going you could do so much more now Right because the store like cloud and tifa talking on that windmill, right? You could do a lot here with just a camera When you look at ct Nah, man You have to read this is fucking cartoon. You have to rewrite the game. Yeah
Starting point is 03:21:27 Like you don't need a big fancy camera cleanse like hey thouest motherfucker. I'm a knight. Let's go get him You're like, yeah Like I said, it's in your head. Yeah, because it's sprites. It's it's it's you know rpg maker not but like You know, it's like yeah, you'd have to rewrite the dialogue. You'd have to reframe these scenes Ct comes out and it's ideal It is exactly it's like, you know the the platonic The version of the shadow version which is real and then there's the ideal version. Yes Chrono trigger just is it's ideal version
Starting point is 03:22:01 I would change nothing but the moment You have to take a fight like a zomboer on the bridge Yeah, and put the camera somewhere to make it interesting right or or fight the dragon on the thing as you escape from jail Ct's perfect when I when but when we played seven right as soon as new technology happened You're like, well, you could do seven but better There's nothing about technology that would make anything in chrono trigger better It's perfect. It's fine But seven, you know, you know all sorts of you see how hot high digger is inferiorities can be yeah early early 3d tech
Starting point is 03:22:37 You see how hot he is now In the original he looked like me with a big fucking long, uh, black beard. Oh, I mean get ready for rufus Oh, man Get ready for fucking rufus, dude With the fucking little flake daddy shinner with his fucking cat He's gonna be a pretty boy the gun he's gonna be he's gonna be pretty Uh, okay, I want Palmer to be a sphere Because Palmer's that guy that's eating butter at the meeting
Starting point is 03:23:16 Palmer's a fucking shit Reno and rude Those dudes have been perfected by their their later designs. Just put the put the ac versions of them in there Omake for for the visuals Oh, you got the Popeye versions these are the perfect designs right here The original fucking goofy ass proportions. These are the winning designs. It doesn't get any better than that Uh Oh, man, you know, I just thought of
Starting point is 03:23:55 One scarlet's gonna be the bomb With the the red dress But more than that, do you remember the gameplay uh mini for audio people? I just I have 3d printed versions of uh the turks in their stubby ass Proportion versions. Do you remember the mini game of tifa versus scarlet the bit the bitch slapped down? No, I don't It's on june on when you're trying to escape and there's a mini game where you and scarlet are timing slaps against each other Yeah, so chrono triggered. I can't think of any moments like that that are gonna There's no big whoopsies I can think of in chrono trigger. Yeah that that need to be addressed
Starting point is 03:24:34 As much as seven you're just like bitch slapping scarlet for like a solid minute And it's so crazy because scarlet slaps tifa And tifa is like the strongest physical person in the world But instead of fighting scarlet she goes right to just bitch. Yeah, yeah fucking slap But we'll never get to see a big 3d awful dalton I don't want to talk about dalton We will never get to see dalton No, I don't want to I don't want to talk about dalton because the stuff they added to the ds version
Starting point is 03:25:09 Combines with little details in chrono cross That makes dalton the worst thing in chrono trigger and I I just don't want to talk about it I don't want dalton can go fuck off when you beat dalton on the airship. He left end of story We can we can we can we don't have to go there in this comparison. This is box original box Versus yeah disc original disc. Hey better sequel. That's a joke. They're both terrible. Whoa Ff8 versus chrono cross box art box art awesome incorrect piece of of art showing the wrong move doing being done by the wrong person is one of the most iconic images ever Or alternate take nothing but a logo. Yeah
Starting point is 03:25:57 Which I don't we didn't get nothing but a logo. I know but me my my graphic design fat Loves that you like the ff9 box art then for japan. I also like the empty metal gear solid case as well Yeah, right. I'm a big fan of like this is the logo. That means that's what it says cloud standing in front of the shin rebuilding Yes, of course aces it is it is but I remember that I remember just seeing the first one what seeing the all-white one and just going like oh the confidence Oh, I got one for you the balls. This makes me think of something title screen They both have very similar title screens, which is a single object
Starting point is 03:26:31 Um the the fucking they're the clock for free the clock or the the sword the clock for free the clock for free I really like that sword the black background the clock ticks on the beat of the song that plays But Tick tick Talk yeah, okay. You're right. You're right. Come on. You're right every time It's the thing that gives the goosebumps every time you pop the game in and restart it Whereas you stop thinking about the loading screen or the title screen in seven
Starting point is 03:27:06 And then you also and then you also get the um, what is it the the crystal theme? Whatever they're called the final Prelude. Yeah, you get you get the the rising staccato. It's a part of a franchise. You know what you're getting on that It's not it doesn't you know come on. No, it's got to be the clock. All right All right, I think we're good. I think we do why those games are great. Mm-hmm. Boy, they're super awesome. Mm-hmm I mean, there's a couple other things on the docket, but anything really cool You know, we can talk about how awesome the new Announcement is for you know, when you strike while the iron's hot you can get yourself a turbo graphics 16 mini Coming soon from Konami the turbo graphics sink 16 mini aka pc engine mini by the way the turbo graphics is a piece of shit
Starting point is 03:27:57 The pc engine, however Yeah, the game's list includes it doesn't include bonk. Yeah, it does it does in japan The pc engine has bonk on it the fuck yourself the turbo graphics does not but it has ease ease one and two It's got our type ninja spirit new adventure island dungeon explorer alien crush But pc engine has bonk Fucking chino rondo. Yeah, right Dungeon explorer super star soldier
Starting point is 03:28:32 China warrior and others and ease one and two Yep, it's a better list fucking piece of shit. It's a better list Anyway, so there you go. Wow um and I guess the only other thing I was going to bring up was no wait. There's two other things one uh It's just SNK can be simultaneously your angle and your devil
Starting point is 03:29:01 Because here we got the king of fighters four girls is I'm going to say in the running for a worst title for a video game of all time and infinitely missed opportunity Not unlike jojo's the last stand wait. Is that actually called kingdom higher king king of fighters four girls the king of Fighters four girls is the name of the video game that k s and k has announced And this is a game in which you will date various king of fighters characters
Starting point is 03:29:34 As kyo kusanagi will moetaro his way into your heart and iori yagami will blood riot in the bedroom And everyone gets all intimate and steamy um Andy bogard leans his head on your shoulders as he's so tired from training wait. Are you playing the girls? And you are playing a girl who works at the same gym as kyo kusanagi and everyone is pretty Everyone is gorgeous. Everyone is full otome I don't know who should be more annoyed by this game's title
Starting point is 03:30:09 girls or gay dudes Or anybody but like or literally I'm just like it's of the two groups that are this would be most obviously interested in this now Here's the problem simple brain says. Yeah, that's a dumb title, right? um Here's the problem The real that's not that's that's not that's that's fucking you know, you're keeping
Starting point is 03:30:35 Why not both you guys are right you're keeping it you're keeping it low IQ This is the you're keeping it low IQ the real beef is the lost opportunity That they didn't call this the king of lovers No, you can't call it that why because it's king of fighters is the brand and you need to have the brand Queen of fighters is also a thing they did That's the brand for fighting games. It has to be king of fighters Something king of lovers. No, you know that's not they don't own that they own king of fighters
Starting point is 03:31:09 Like you're right but like Or you just do it Also, this is this is the worst title ever. It's actually the running for number one I can't even think of anything that it's it's for matching service. Haha. Yeah, yeah, but like no like really. Yep Takes the cake. Oh, you know what? I know who gets to be the most annoyed by this Girls that play king of fighters king of fighters. Yes already. Yes, they get to be the most annoyed Well, it's seem and you know, unless they're too busy playing
Starting point is 03:31:45 uh heroines k a hero playing kof fucking heroine fighters That Jesus You know They might be too distracted getting those outfits in that game Like I know like ha ha japan blah blah blah But like and usually we're just like oh anime or oh japan or oh what a fucking come on S.N.K. Heroine it even sounds like shit. It's very bad. It's very difficult. The difficulty of this title is very high
Starting point is 03:32:17 like Jesus christ totemo muzu kashi Why are we gonna do the interview where they're like, well, we know girls are too dumb to play fighting games So we made a dating sim for their ovaries Behold like is that the quote that's gonna come out behold a sweaty k dash. Oh, he's really hot though lying on bed shades off So, you know, he already did his sdm. Are you sure this is for girl? He already did his sdm and he just needs to relax Hey, kula's nowhere in sight. Someone's got to sponge him off Hope
Starting point is 03:32:51 Hope you're a girl kula can't sponge him off. She's got gloves ice. She's got gloves But also they're siblings woolly Weird clone siblings. No. No whip is his sibling. Okay whip is the sister whip is the sister kula's not a sister Kula's just a weird clone baby and she's got the ice For girls Super smash brothers for girls look you can bake in it Final fantasy seven for girls fancy seven is also for girls It's like final fantasy is for girl like I remember growing up and being like a teenager and if there was one game
Starting point is 03:33:38 I could expect Girls to be playing it would be final fantasy. Uh-oh here comes skull girls for girls It's it's the dumbest it's the worst but i'm equally mad because I really wanted a game called the king of lovers And now we're not gonna get it. So here we are I can't even think of a title even close to as bad as that so Like I know infinite of discovery and all those things they're like nonsense words or whatever and like the kingdom hearts up titles But like holy shit
Starting point is 03:34:18 All right, let's take some letters. Hey, if you want to send in a letter you can send that to Super castle What's the email? I forgot castle super beast male at That's castle super beast male at Mm-hmm. You could send us some emails for girls. We'll still read them. Mm-hmm Just push mom know about this fucking title. Is this not the funniest thing in the world? Yes staff There's a video game. It's called the king of fighters. It's a pretty cool fighting game They're making a new dating simulator version of it where you can date the characters. It's called the king of fighters
Starting point is 03:34:57 for girls Oh, yeah, there you go They already do this with deodorant and like shampoo, right? Yeah Gotta get that Obviously clearly, I mean you can't be using a man's pen. What are you doing? The fuck is wrong with you? What is this? Anyway, does this mean when girls show up to kof tournaments?
Starting point is 03:35:27 They'll be like shuttered away into the the for girls section where they have to play dating games Unless unless kof 15 is called king of fighters for guys Oh, oh man. Yep. All right. What do we got? Uh, we got one coming in from ryan. He says howdy patched in patched in martin and volts wolgen Um going to college in michigan state university and I want to say Uh, if you have any advice Um, oh, I had a I got a piece of advice from psychic pebbles to college students He said always do your laundry on sundays on the sleepy cast. Do you guys have any tidbits of real advice?
Starting point is 03:36:09 Uh behind that wall of street fighter button combos and big band trumpet song memorizations. Thank you rubber Uh, okay Well, I was gonna say don't not wear a rubber. Okay. Well, sure Uh, I was gonna go in a different direction. I was gonna say don't do your groceries when you're hungry That's a bad idea. That's the worst thing you ever do when you do your groceries not wearing a rubber Groceries hungry is a problem because you buy too much food because you're too hungry to think about what you actually need Don't do it You spend too much money on groceries if you eat if you buy hungry. Yeah
Starting point is 03:36:48 So don't buy hungry Also, you know play hungry if you get that weird feeling in the pit of your stomach when you meet that guy You know the friend of a friend of a friend And you're like nervous around them and they're like don't worry man. He's cool. That guy's probably not cool. That guy's probably nuts I mean you can always double check it with some Hey is uh, it's crazy alex cool. I don't know Right
Starting point is 03:37:17 I don't know. I got a feeling in my stomach from this ever since he's been out on probation. He's been fine Well, anyway Well, that's good to hear Uh Also particularly for americans drink responsibly especially if you're driving They get to drink They get to drink at 21 21, but they don't drink at 21. They drink whenever they get the the drinks. Yeah Yeah, you get which college has much of the drinks around you get to serve a whole lot earlier than that. Yeah
Starting point is 03:37:50 Drink responsibly. Don't drive If you if you drank and drive and die, no one will ever have any sympathy for you at all I suppose there's that Uh, yeah, shinra beast cast agami wants to know if he should play ff7 remake before Because yeah, yeah, we talked about this. This was like half the podcast. Yeah, exactly. Good question. Yes Clearly. Mm-hmm Uh, dear apartment with 2.5 nerds. Anthem was going to be called beyond but they couldn't get the copyright Yeah, final fantasy is about to remake its seventh entry which takes place at a cyberpunk city and to be honest, there is
Starting point is 03:38:27 A cyberpunk is the wrong word to describe that sir diesel punk. We just described this um And to be honest, there's not a whole lot of fighting in the streets for a franchise that should be called world warrior What are some games that you feel are wrongly named or should be called something else or we're going to Do you have or like the alternative? Biohazard is a better title than resident evil um period But they couldn't get the rights to biohazard in the west so resident evil Legend of the hungry wolf is a way better title than fatal fury. Yeah, but it doesn't has it's having a little iteration in it
Starting point is 03:39:05 and then wolf Densetsu as they go on and go on and go on Is way better than fatal fury also doesn't get confused with ff. Yeah And then the other ff and then Is there another one? Yeah, there's there's another ff. There's ff ff ff and ff. Yeah I like ff and ff, but I don't know about the other ffs. You don't even know which ones do you know? Okay, so the fury final fantasy
Starting point is 03:39:32 fighting force and uh I got out of the final fight. Oh Jesus. I remember fighting force when I final fight. Yeah, that's weird. That's weird that you went there Yeah, well, yep sucks. Yeah um Oh and fatal frame Yeah, what's it called?
Starting point is 03:39:51 Fatal frame. Mm-hmm. It's called fatal frame Oh, Jesus Christ. I thought you meant for the translation. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's fatal frames of great name. That's really bad That's that's bad. Okay There's probably others out there. Well, the the ones that always get me is like here's an american title and you're like Oh, what's the what's the japanese title and it's like a phrase that sucks last blade to That's the opposite problem the flowing flower Yeah Drips gently the names of certain smash bros games are like fucking
Starting point is 03:40:24 Paragraphs as the bakamatsu comes to an end You know like like yeah, oh People thank you guys for reminding me. You know, what's a really terrible name for a series Compared to its original yakuza Because like a dragon dragon is awesome. Mm-hmm. What if I'm called dragon like? That would be terrible. Yeah Daeranto smash bros ex
Starting point is 03:40:51 Akuma Joe Yeah Yeah, um dragon this castle is fine, but castle fainia. Oh, oh, that's good. It's really good. In fact It's better. It's much better If you vania in our brains in west equals transylvania equals vampire Someone realize that you can take the last half of that word and illicit the same thoughts So, yeah, I'd go there. I'd go there. Um, and there's probably one or two others out there, but uh yakuza for girls Oh, why get contra when you can get a probotector
Starting point is 03:41:27 You know jesus christ, that's the second time, you know, what corrects me up though Is that the probotectors are in contra for as unlockables? Like they went that far that game's amazing Uh persona for Uh arena no ultimax The ultra suplex hold the ultra suplex holds ultra suplex holds better. Yeah, because p4a is p4u Yeah, and p4u is p4u too. Yeah So, you know, anyway, all right
Starting point is 03:41:59 um, and uh, let's say We take one From Uh, Ben says their castle super beast a lot of sequels and remakes being released character redesigns have been a part of Malt of uh, they've been on everyone's mind Uh from minor tweaks like dalsons beard tifas f of seven slightly more tasteful design And the whole cast of mk 11 and samurai showed out and come to mind recently. What's uh, your most notable recent redesign
Starting point is 03:42:31 I don't like virgil's black coat as much as the blue one neither because dante still wears red. Yep But nero is the blue one so you can't have two blue That's exactly why they did it absolutely With virgil gone, you could have nero blue, but now that virgil's blue you can't have blue now to nero's blue You can't have can't do it. He's got to be black because he's evil. Of course. Um Let me think I don't know. I think the ff7 ones are fucking aces. I think they're a plus um
Starting point is 03:43:07 I feel like snake has been redesigned more and more over time and he's gotten worse and he's gotten worse I feel like solid snakes original form has one I think solid snake from one is the best. That's what I mean. Yeah, they've strayed further and further from snakes like a collar Yeah, yeah, and the headband and everything's just popping Yeah, and then the version that I we got later on in every iteration was always a stupid sexy snake Not what I was exactly thinking of riding on the other hand Can only go up because what the fuck he becomes a goddamn ninja. Yeah, sure does so So
Starting point is 03:43:42 Yeah, uh, I don't know. I guess resident evil right has been doing that new jill is terrible though new jill is awful It's almost old jill is like the best design they ever did despite how goofy it looks Like why would you ditch the beret for blonde hair? The beret and the dumb shoulder pads are so cute and they're just like no I don't I like and I have like an absurd weakness to girls with hats So like whatever it's probably the worst new Change it's bad over friend. I'd be so mad. I was mad. Yeah, I played five. I was you got to jill and you're like, uh And especially lame because she starts with a cool bird look
Starting point is 03:44:21 Like evil cloaked bird person and then it's like oh Cat suit with blonde hair. Yeah, all right link on the other hand I like where that goes. Yeah, I think I think links blue blue look is I never want to go back to green tunic. Yeah It's it's we're firmly in the blue and And brown era which you know win waker. So yeah, it's not out of nowhere. Man people are thirsty for dry-ass ganon, huh? You gotta just add water
Starting point is 03:44:53 Nintendo keeps trying to make it so you can't make it hot and the internet's like nah, man shirtless He's got it's a piece of fucking cave art And people have gone ham With their elaborate shirtless long-haired ganon designs It's fucking cave art y'all and it's or like a shriveled up mummy Yeah Yeah, they'll figure it out
Starting point is 03:45:21 Jerky ganon. Yeah Jerk blight ganon a jerk blight you want to get over here and get some jerk All right, all right podcast over now That's a good one. You should probably go check out episode if you have it. It's a good game You should probably go check out chrono trigger if you have it. It's a very good game. These are both good games a better one Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 03:47:28 Oh Oh Oh Oh Uh Forgot about the basement. Whoops. We forgot about the basement. We'll do it next week We'll do it next with more context even better context. Yeah basement next week. We forgot. Sorry. Okay. Bye. Bye

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