Castle Super Beast - CSB 055: GTAB: Get To A Bottle

Episode Date: February 11, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Did you hear me? Hey, good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon, Willie. How are you today? All right. The the look outside. Snowmizer's taking his fucking sweet time. Who's that? Snowmizer. Yeah. He's Mr. White Christmas. He's Mr. Snow. What? What? He's Mr. Snowmizer. Source. He's Mr. Ten Below Source. Oh, it's not from a thing. No, he's well, oh, it's from like the year that Santa didn't die or Christmas. It's one of those old puppet Christmas movies. Oh, I thought this was a boss from a video game. No, man. Okay. Because then there's Heatmizer. Excuse me. And he's like, I'm Heatmizer.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I'm Mr. Green Christmas. Well, anyway, Montreal is doing what it did. You know, it's I have legitimate like fuck getting here. I had legitimate issues like getting to the street. It's bad. Yeah, bad out there. Yeah, we have that patented Montreal Street Sweepings Tech, where we've got the snow trucks that like are really efficient. But streets clear. My street is clear. Yes. Can't no one can get out of their house. But priority one is making sure people can drive. Yeah. Priority two is making sure the sidewalks are clean. And priority three is the wall that is erected in between those two things which makes it so that you can't really get to the street from the sidewalk unless you like go to the corner. Now, I'm sure that as a person of average height that I am. Oh, I have a hard time
Starting point is 00:02:18 getting over those snow banks. Oh, when they pile up and you have to cross the street and or get into an Uber, the pile of snow pushed from the sidewalk and from the roads before someone actually like sucks it up into the truck is is a task. It's rough for me. I can only imagine the cruel reminder that it must be for you. Oh, man, as the colossal peaks over the snow bank. Oh, this is a good start to this week. I'm very glad. I mean, it's got to be rough. My people involved climbing skills to deal with these things. You got to get the 3D maneuver gear out to get to the car. That's more like a scuttle or a scramble. What you really need to do, actually, and I think every Montrealer has learned this tech is you look for the footholds.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, the footholds of the ones who came before and you straight up keep on keeping on. You like those footsteps because someone who came before you, ideally with a good pair of boots, will kick in some footholds over those banks. And I this is this is literally super normal to anybody who lives here, but you walk until you find like usually the opening of the busiest building on the block, the busiest building on the block will have the foothold. So you look you look down the street, you eyeball it. And then you're like, this wall of snow looks like it's going on forever. But that's a mall down there. So for sure, you walk to that front door and lo and behold, you have at least seven or eight footholds up over the snow bank. And then
Starting point is 00:03:58 you'll make it down to the other side. There's a guy on my street that just completely fucking gave up and digging out his car. Like you can see that the attempt started yet then I assume the snow plow pushed by because now like the right side of his car is the wall. Yes. And it's like every once in a while, you know, someone who parks terribly with themselves way too, way too close to the sidewalk slash over with their wheels pretty much touching it. Yeah. Will then pull out and create a thin area where you can break through. That's true. Right. But otherwise, it is straight up Game of Thrones, the wall. Yeah. All the way across. And it just don't go outside. Yeah. If you can avoid it, ultimately. But if you
Starting point is 00:04:49 do have to, then you have to know what to just don't do it, you know. And like when it's fresh, no, what's the new one is that when you know that like that that they they've piled it all up and then it gets hard a little bit afterwards. There's days when you're like, these are the days where you got to get your good boots out. The ones that can like, like trailblaze that path if you think you're going to be the first one to walk over that mountain. Yeah. And that's that's and that's city life. I'm a big fan of snow because it gives me a good reason to stay inside it really. Yeah. On a beautiful day when you stay inside playing your video games, you're like, I should be out there. Fuck it. Fuck it. You should be out there. What?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Playing in the snow? No, like on a beautiful day, like in the summer. Oh, yeah. I should be out there enjoying nature or whatever the front. But no, when it looks terrible outside, you kind of get that feeling of like, I'm doing what I'm supposed to. I remember like when all the now I'm normal when all the siblings in my house would like cheer for like, oh, it's going to rain all weekend because that meant we could go to the videotron and rent a game because you can't go outside and play. My parents are like, what's the fuck's wrong with these kids? You're cheering for rain. You got to get out there and organize a baseball team with the local youths. And we would just stare at them and go, what are you talking about? What are you more like a football game?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Whatever, man. I remember I remember one summer, I was like, I want to stay inside and play Sonic 2. And my mom's like, why don't you round up some of the neighborhood kids and play baseball? My neighborhood kid? What the fuck are you talking about, mom? Yeah, they're all inside playing Sonic 2 as well. No, I had cousins that would go out to the court that would actually play. Well, if you have an active like basketball court is kind of perfect because all you need is basketball and the court and one other person. You know, yeah, in theory, in theory. Speaking of sports, you see that the XFL is back. I did. I did see that. And you see that they've toned it down. Then what is the point? They've basically realized that some of the some of the
Starting point is 00:07:04 over the top McMahon isms of yesteryear might not fly. They decided to bring it back and just kind of make it it's football after the Super Bowl. So when you want to get done, yeah, we got some more for you. You know what? That's actually a half decent idea, isn't it? Yeah, right? So they did that. And then the next thing they did was they introduced all their teams and they gave the teams lore. Okay, right. So you can go read the screenshot that has someone posted them up of just like basically the backstory of all the teams. And it's not like an actual like crazy in depth thing. It's just really just like, oh, yeah, the vipers, they wait in the dark and they strike in this, this, that, that type of thing, you know, it's flavor text for your teams. But
Starting point is 00:07:53 what they did maintain is the rule changes of making it more about the action and less about the boring shit and less about the the gamifying the system in a way. What is it gamesmanship versus sportsmanship? Yeah. So they had they had some rule changes that they that that were there back in the day that like, they're pretty much going with the same idea this time. I don't know if you saw them. I did not. Okay. I saw that the XFL was coming back. And I was reminded of the phrase throwing good money after bad. Yeah, okay. Because like Vince almost tanked his entire business empire trying to beat the NFL. Yeah. Well, I mean, this time around, there's no more, there's no more cheerleader, halftime locker room cams. And there's no more he hate me. And there's no more
Starting point is 00:08:48 ONA on the commentary on the sides. Oh, man, I don't remember any of that. Yeah, yeah, those were the that was the legacy of the of the XFL. But what they did, I did actually go down the changes and the changes in the rules are like, some of those common sense things that we I think we've talked about a couple times where you're like, yeah, that that update should happen to that sport. You know, when we talked about how it's like, there should be a more the rule should be adjusted so that like diving and shit like that doesn't happen. There's a dive master that stands by the side of the stands with a hammer. And bad calls need to have, you know, you know, something to that you can do about them. So like, yeah, one of the main things they had in
Starting point is 00:09:31 this case was they're like, okay, so first off, there is no, there's no field goal at the after you score a touchdown. Okay, you can only go for extra points. All right. And you can choose three distances to start from the end the end zone. I think it's like five 10 and 15. Yeah. And each one awards you one, two or three extra points if you make it. Well, that's really smart. Because what they do then they can pick the kicker, right? That's what they're called. Well, there is no, no, there's no kicker at that point. Oh, there's no kicker. There's no there's no kicker. Okay, there's no field goal attempt. Oh, right. There'd be a punter for if you get a punt, but that's a different that's a different different person. Punters a different person. That's weird. They
Starting point is 00:10:16 both kick, but it's a different type of kick. That's so the field goal is the ball is set in place. Remember, remember, laces in laces out. No, what do you mean remember Ace Ventura? That was like 30 years ago, man. Okay, well, it was a big part of that. But anyway, so the the field goal kicker has the ball in place. All right. Right. And they're and they're kicking a ball that's set in place when like, you know, it's snapped and whatever put in place there. Whereas the punter has to hold the ball themselves and then kick it out of their hand. So it's a different kind of is that is that their attempt to get the the kicker or endure the punter that will just always kick it good every time? It's just there's two different types of kicks required.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And then either way, if you can't fucking touch them, because if you do, they might die. Hey, let me ask you a question that they've been hiring like somebody who clearly knows more about football than me. Okay. Why do they hire kickers that can't hit the field goal every time? So they've been hiring. They just hire the good kicker that would just do it every time. They're just kicking a ball. All right. So two things. One, there's literally been soccer players that have gotten jobs on football teams just doing that that job. Yeah, athlete. If you're athletic and you could kick the ball good, then here you go. Right. And then the second thing is that it's hard to consistently kick the ball. Is it? Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:44 man. Right. And I bet it's not as hard as Fortnite. Well, so here's what that that literally happened. The other day when someone kicked a super long field goal, I think it was like, Eagles or something last year or so. Someone fucking someone missed and fucked up. Yeah. So there was this challenge where it's like, okay, if you think you can do it, come on out and Bud Wiser is going to sponsor this event. And you just saw people eat shit as they ran in the snow and tried to like not even kick it. Like, do you remember that? No. No. Okay. I thought I would I remember anything to do with football. I could have sworn we talked about it. But okay, take every football conversation you think you've had with me and just pay somebody else's face on
Starting point is 00:12:25 because you know I wasn't there. Okay. So remember the time we talked about bowling and I didn't know anything about the oil in the lanes? The oil in the lanes? Yes. No, I don't know. Okay. Remember when we talked about bowling last time and I brought it up and I was like, why wouldn't muscle memory just solve bowling? Oh, just solve bowling. Right. Why would there ever be like somebody that makes a mistake or doesn't get it flawless? Because I feel I thought that it was the same every time. It's hard. And it turns out right. So people who are know much more about bowling then let me know that it's like because every lane has a difference to it and the oil in the lane changes. Oh, literally the way they buff the floor like the way exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So it's almost like the way a Zamboni affects the ice in hockey. Right. Now we can I understand. Right. So we know we know about that. I know about the ice. We know about the ice and the ice makes a difference on how people move and that actually you have to get to play different to me when like near the end of a of a fucking period where the ice is fucked up and every now and then you'll see a guy just snap up. Yeah. So I didn't realize this, but the lanes are oiled in such a way that like after the ball is is rolled multiple times, it changes. You got to oil that and that lane and you have to compensate in different ways. So even if you have a perfect role for that first one, that's crazy. You have to learn how to adjust every time after that. And then there's a slight,
Starting point is 00:13:54 you know, and that's the sport. Right. It's almost like chess where it's like at first if you're just learning how to play, you're like, I'm going to move here because I think that's the smarter move. But then later it becomes about how many patterns you can memorize because the sequences are all kind of played out. Did you see that fucking clip of that guy doing that lawn curling shit that I didn't know what the fuck it was? This guy rolling a ball and he gets a dead center. Everyone was like, this is incredible. What sport is this? I don't care anymore. No. And like, there's so many weird sports out there, like lawn darts, like lawn. Jesus, did you know a kid that had lawn darts? I did not know anyone. I knew one kid that had lawn darts
Starting point is 00:14:32 and we played lawn darts once. And by once, I mean, we threw it once you learned what it was eight and we were like, we're going to stop doing this. That's a smart eight year old. It's astonishing that the lawn darts is so outrageously dangerous for no reason that children can discover. Oh, this is such a bad idea. We also discovered that they kept selling them with safer versions of it. Oh, fuck that. It's weighted and it just lands face down. Who cares? No, I want the dead version that I don't want to play. So we found that out about bowling. Yeah. And then it turns out that it's like a difficult thing that looks it looks easy at first, but then the specifics get hard. It's exactly like that with kicking. Yeah. So when you kick it, like there's so much happening
Starting point is 00:15:12 and like the biggest, the main one is the wind. Yeah. Right. That you can't you can't control that. So a fucking badass kicker. Yeah. Will know to feel the wind and compensate for it. What's up with Fortnite? Oh, you don't you don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know what you're doing. Oh, because Ninja a while ago went on Twitter and like after a football game was I think his team lost or whatever and was like, why the fuck do they still hire kickers that can't kick the field goal? Why don't they just hire kickers that can kick the goal every time? And then when people are like, it's fucking hard to kick the ball accurately, Ninja. It's not like if Fortnite is like Fortnite is very difficult. There are many things you have to do in Fortnite
Starting point is 00:15:56 to be good. I was wondering because I was answering your question and I was wondering why you were I did want a legitimate answer to that question. Yeah. Like I'm not familiar on the why it's hard to kick the ball. But like that was a tweet. It was like the absolute epitome of every every one's job is shit easy, but mine. That's hilarious. That's really funny. Okay. Okay. So yeah, just click on their heads with the with the with the crafting gun. And I want the one lesson I took from that bowling thing was that like anything that seems like it should be consistently easy with a muscle memory. Yeah. Like there's something to it on a higher detail that you're not aware of. Don't drop that combo ever. Why can't you swing the same golf club
Starting point is 00:16:42 every time and get the perfect hit every time from the same place as somebody who has swung many golf clubs? I used to golf with my dad back in the day, hitting that hitting the ball at all is more difficult than you would think. It's awkward. It's an awkward motion. Oh, you see that clip of the fucking seniors tour? I did not. Who was it? I think it was the old the old the old the guy that's like hilarious that we all like the old golfer that like has an attitude Palmer was a Palmer might have been but like, but like he just like the dude that there's a seniors put putting tournament and this dude is like, ah, it's impossible. It can't be done whatever. And the dudes is just like, you want me to fucking do it for you? And he just walks over
Starting point is 00:17:27 and just grabs it and then everyone's like, yeah. And then he just casually just knocks it in and it's like a perfect, perfect. And like he does it almost like nonchalantly and just tosses it back and then fucking goes, yeah, whatever. Yeah, I mean, as you get older, like it was with the golf that like you're losing some yardage on your drives. But aside from that, yeah, like so all that to say that the XFL. So they did that, right? That's the that's the extra point thing. There's no overtime. There's no or rather in overtime. There's no coin toss. Okay. Instead, you just take turns doing point conversions until someone wins. Oh, it's a football shootout. All right. Right. The kickoff return is instead of everybody running at each other and dying,
Starting point is 00:18:18 there's a line, a wall that are five yards apart of the team. And then there's one kicker and one receiver. And then you kick the ball over and then the guy gets it. And then then the play starts type of thing. Okay. And I think the other thing was that like on fourth down, usually it's super like no one ever goes forward unless it's almost guaranteed to get the first down because you always want to like kick the ball as far back. And then like, basically, in football, you have three downs of like, let's try to get to the next goal post. And if you don't, then you have a fourth down where you can either try again, and it might be really hard and you might fuck up and have to turn the ball over on the spot, or you can kick the ball to the other team and make them catch it
Starting point is 00:19:04 further back. Okay, I'm going to be real. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck they made a rule. What the fuck is a down? All right. Let's throw that all out. That's let's throw that all about football. Yeah, is that you do one guy holds the ball. Okay. And he runs to the other end and the other guys are like, no, don't do that. So you have a number of turns to do that before you have to give before it switches to the other team. So there's a number of turns you get. Okay. And those are downs. Yeah, those are downs, right? Okay. So, okay. So they made a rule change where instead of being a coward, yeah, tries to kick the ball further back so that the other team gets it for sure, but it's just harder for them. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:42 they want you to have balls and go for the high risk. Okay, see, that's fun. Yeah. So they made it so that like, yeah, it's it's your less incentivized to like do a safe turnover to the other team. Yeah. And you're more incentivized to take a big ass ball or risk and then drop your sack on the table. I think the XFL can have a really bright future if they instituted one new rule change. All right, get your bingo cards ready. You know what they should do? Glad you prefaced it properly. All right, they should know helmets, no pads. Yeah, okay, shorts and t shirts, right? Rugby. Yeah, yeah, it'd be safer. Yeah, it'd be safer if they played with no pads. Yeah, because you will not throw yourself at
Starting point is 00:20:26 the other team as hard like a bullet and you would actually like self regulate those injuries. And you'd still get fucked up like your skin would get scuffed, your skin get really fucked rugby injuries happen and they're and they're they're rough, but you're not getting CTE on the same level because the armor is not allowing you to throw your head at the opponent with confidence. Turns out. So that's not even the wildest idea. Then give them sure blood bowl. All right, there you go. Yeah, you weren't you weren't as happy with the realistic answer that I got. It was the opposite. Turns out it was actually more armor, more like way more way more armor. Yeah, but jet propulsion. Okay, sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Oh, you know, fuck it. No, the ball is a bomb. They're done. So NFL Blitz. Yeah, if you do, if you don't touch down within four downs, the ball explodes in the quarterbacks hands. Oh, one of the craziest rules actually that you just reminded me of because how did that remind you of a real because when you said in the quarterback's hands, it reminded me of another thing they change. Okay, which is and this is a much wilder one. Usually you can only lateral the ball to the side or backwards behind the line where it first starts and then pass it. Okay, but now you can forward pass twice. Okay, so you can the quarterback can back up a little more. Yeah, so you can do some crazy shit. Okay, like the quarterback can literally
Starting point is 00:22:06 pass it to a receiver who can catch it and then pass it to another receiver. So it's this really goofy thing where I mean, it's a long standing, extremely long standing, complicated sport with a shit zillion rules that minor rule changes can make large differences. But to somebody like me who is totally fucking baffled, like I'm I'm big struggling. Like I remember back when they fucking changed the rank and hockey and everybody lost their fucking minds. And it was like, no, that's good. That's good. But people who didn't know shit about hockey were like, what the fuck some matters a little bigger. I mean, I feel that sports as a whole as someone who doesn't watch them, I commentate, of course, that the the rigidity, the rigidity of the rules because
Starting point is 00:22:50 they've become such an institution over time has led to nonsense like this baseball thing happening with fucking cheating that like, it just kind of shows you that, yeah, no matter I get how expensive and big these these these like leagues are and then everyone involved. But like, for this for just common sense, there needs to be a regular updating of the rules. So you know, it's funny because they clearly fall apart after a given amount of time that I'm going to use this example because the one I'm the most familiar with. I remember for a long time, when vanilla sagot was ruling the world in Street Fighter vanilla, oh, so SF for vanilla, right? Oh, four. Yeah. SF for vanilla when when so God, I thought you were talking about super
Starting point is 00:23:34 turbo. But the people are like, this, this is a fucked up character. Come on, guys. And the answer from melon high came down. We don't want to nerf or balance things too fast. We want to leave people time to figure it out and see if it's really quite fucked up. Now you slingshot many, many years in the future, or that philosophy gets thrown in the trash by some developers, like League balances the game so often that it is like impossible to play at a high level to some degree, because the character you're training with will change mid tournament, right? Shit like that. So there's like the wild difference, right? But sports go like 50 years without a balance patch. Yeah, it's it's rough. And there will be minor things in in in like,
Starting point is 00:24:30 response to controversies like they added the video replay when some bullshit dumb moments happened where it's like the referee was wrong. But there's nothing we can do about it or wrong on purpose. Yeah, well, I like one of the most egregious ones was a coin flip where the guy's like tails and the guy and the ref goes heads it is and it's on a mic. And I was like, oh, we need cameras. We need cameras and there's no reason that that's insane. Yeah. But could you imagine a universe in which like top eight before the grand finals was not videotaped televised or anything at a big tournament. And the only the only like say so that came back as to the wind was like the one guy assigned to watch the watch it and and and the wind and that's it. That would be
Starting point is 00:25:27 the most crooked shit that has ever been and yet. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's that's that that shit needs updating real quick. And you know what? Alternatively, let's just say this, take the most dry boring ass sport you can think of that it needs all the re all the rejiggering you could possibly give this ball needs some shit. Baseball could use some a lot crickets not or you know, there's a there's a bunch about cricket. So I guess there's a lot of out there. Hypothesis adds summons to every sport. Okay. I'm not going to even I don't even care what you mean by that. Like any any version of what you're talking about. I'm yeah, fine, cool, whatever. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Guardian forces. Yeah. Strikers. I mean, the other day we was talking about having to fight the literal versions of the mascot. Yeah. Well, now you summon the mascot out itself. That's right. It's like, is that a huddle? No, it's an incantation circle. Oh, man. Oh, it's Ramas coming on to the field. Like everyone's in the dead. They've got their huddled up and they're calling the play and then a red light shoots out from the center of the fucking circle in the hot. It's a bold move, man. They can only call this one every three weeks. Yeah. Yeah. But they need him now. And then Ramo lines up on the line before the fucking height. Yeah. So anyway, XFL Extreme Football League. Not it's a much better idea to not as dumb as you first time around.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. Upon elaboration. That being said, I can't believe like I guess Vince gets the final say so and owns enough of the company, but I can't believe there aren't enough people around to be like, dude, come on. I wouldn't be surprised if he was like, yo, Shane, this was yours. Yeah. You know, or something like that. At this point, if they just straight up either he's on it because the main show is being run by Triple H and Stephanie or I could see him handing it off to someone else as the project. Oh, I think if I remember right, I was talking to a buddy of mine who's much more interesting than I am, which is not all. And apparently a bunch of like a high up like management people over WWE got fired to proactively appease stockholders because the
Starting point is 00:28:03 network shit is just bombing so hard and they're losing like tons of stock. Yeah. Whoa. I thought they were making money on it because I every time I heard people refer to it, it sounded like it was a good thing. You know, you still can't get in this country, right? Yes. But I've heard Americans talking great about how they love going and watching all their shit or whatever. But oh, okay. Well, they're also on like fucking Fox and stuff now. So, you know, that's crazy. There's all that. But yeah, it has been sports are weird bands. All sports are weird, man. It would be nice to imagine a world where the XFL did decently enough that the NFL had to start like reacting to it in some way or weird way because they don't because the CFL happens and the NFL is like,
Starting point is 00:28:53 that's cute. It is cute. It's adorable. You know, but it would be it'd be funny for the XFL to start start putting some sweat under a collar or two. I don't think the NFL has anything to worry about from the XFL. Bro, tell me these motherfuckers. Tell me. Tell me. Look me in the eye and tell me that Vince himself did not sit and write a fucking note to Kaepernick. He did. Could you imagine the PR move? Vince is so stupid. Could you imagine the move to get fucking Kaepernick in the XFL? If no one will hire him, if no one's got anything going on and he's got an intro where he's on the ramp, taking a knee as the anthem shoots off and the rockets red flare and the fucking bombs burst in air. That's absolutely a Vince McMahon. And then the
Starting point is 00:29:52 F16s fly overhead and it zooms in on the knee. Yeah, just the knee. Get every pore. The XFL just embraces it, dude. Yeah, that's a yeah. Just nice. You know the knee slide walk? Yeah. Does it all the way down the field? Starts doing the worm. Oh, yeah. That's that. That's the that's the Vince we know. That's the Vince we know. And the crowd and like half marks out, half loses their minds. Should we, should we equalize the discussion about sports? What do you mean equalize? So we talk about sports and then we'll talk about esports, right? Now the fact that there's a distinction on esports as like like a subcategory of sports belies it as a lower importance,
Starting point is 00:30:53 not as good sports as quote unquote sports. Oh, are we going for our sports? I think we should go for P sport. P sports. That's right. What's a P sport? It's a physical sport. Not real sports, not real sports, but P sports, electronic physical, electronic sports and physical sports. P sports. Yeah. P sports. They're here. Equalize the discussion. I see. It's P dash sports, just like E dash sports. Okay, see. I can live in that world. Oh, you're a P sportsman. I'm a P sports commentator. I can live in that world. That just the only problem, of course, is just like now you now the brain races to find out what other form of sports can come into existence.
Starting point is 00:31:46 M sports for mind sports, mind sports. You can definitely have mind sports. Yeah. Yeah. If there's a way to see ethereal, the other realm, no, sports, you know, but like other sport. No, because he's already taken so that doesn't work, you know, but you you'd have to go sports. No, it's not really that either. You know, it would have to be like, like the ultralight reality, you know, like you just, it's hard to say, hard to say, but yeah, robot sports should definitely happen. Yeah, that would be our sports. Yeah, robotics or M sports, you know, and C sports would be cybernetics sports. Okay, A sports, A sports, animal sports, animal sports. Yeah. Yeah. Every zebra's a ref. Yep. That's really like a bad joke, but I don't care. Do it. You can get you
Starting point is 00:32:41 can get the full you can get it all going there. It's not it's not it definitely makes esports more legitimate. Yeah, at the end of the day. I agree with that because I'm waiting for the article that comes out that's like the Dodas this year drew in more than the Super Bowl or whatever, right? And it's like and and see the people go crazy. See the problem, if anything, is that the whoever invented the esports moniker. Yeah, did not opt for the superior moniker of sports to. Oh, that doesn't really roll off the tongue quite well. I don't like it. Yeah, but people would be curious. They'd want to find out what's going on with sports to what's what's happening over here. You know, what's what do you mean sports to it's like, yeah, this is the
Starting point is 00:33:26 sequel to sports feel like the esports like everything will eventually lead to like here's your champion and it's like a brain in a jar like a like a revengeance child. And like they just kind of dunk the trophy into the into the vat. Not enough. Not enough things in life. There aren't enough sequels to concepts. Yeah, I agree. People don't number the sequels to concepts and like dogs or wolves 2.0 and all their varying expansion packs such as Chihuahua or Great Dane. Sure. But you could yeah, you could you could have just slapped a two on that. Yeah, you know, yeah, because that's wolves 2. Like dog is wolf number is wolf the sequel.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And when you're getting into like establishmentarianism, and then you have disestablishmentarianism, well, that's the opposite. But by the time you get to anti disestablishmentarianism, you might as well just call it man. This establishmentarianism too. Yeah. Yeah, you should I agree. My brain is fucking fried. I'm gonna apologize right now. My brain is dead. Okay, I have a dead brain. That's fine. I'll have some electrolytes. I had like let me know how those electrolytes are. Sure. That's a good okay. That's a good review. It's been a busy week. It has been a lot of things have happened. Yeah. And it's been quite eventful, both in and outside of my life.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Both in and off the field in and off the fields in the field on and off the field. Whatever. They're in a field counts to doesn't it? Now you're never in the field. No, you're on the field. Okay. In the field is Jimmy Hoffa. In the field is when the grass is super high. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Oh, grass sports really high, really high, like you don't you don't trim it. Oh, okay, football, but all the grass is a shoulder high football, but it's a cornfield. Okay, yeah. Okay, injuries are going to go up on that. I like this. That would probably turn into a really slow sport. That would be really fun.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Because if you run too fast, it would make noise. So you're actually like sneaking through. Oh, for sure. That's sure. A really light footed QB can like just stealth his way around our outside. Just around the outside and what? Huh? You said a really light footed QB. Quarterback. Alright, that makes much more sense. I thought you were narrow towing. A really light footed quarterback can after the snap, like make some noises like they're going to go for some crazy pass, which by the way, the wide receiver would have to fucking look up above the corn to try and catch. But then they could like do a full on
Starting point is 00:36:40 sneak sneak to the outside and make a break for it. And that'd be a pretty fucking, yeah, stealth, stealth in sports. And it wouldn't hurt the spectators because you just have like a bird's eye view and you'd be able to see everything. Everything. You see the formations in the corn. That's good. I like soccer, but we throw smoke grenades on the field. So there's obscurity. And sometimes you can't quite tell what happened in the fog. That's crazy. Right. So now you've got to feel your way through. And then you can almost like, like the ball will have these cool trails in the smoke. Yeah. Okay. I'm seeing that. Yeah. But you have a camera that can definitely like and it changes the changes diving into like, I'm diving. I'm hurt. No, I'm not too. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh, my God. What happened? Oh, no, we don't know what happened. Oh, no, we don't know what happened. Where is that player? Yeah, they're gone. Yep. They're not here. They left. They've disappeared. Yeah. Let's get some willy peat on the field. I mean, listen, adding, adding obscurity adds difficulty and it raises stats like awareness and stealth become much more valuable in stealth sports. That's legitimately fun to watch sports. It's been cool. Stealth spots. Stealth sports would be legitimately fun to watch. Yeah. Like as if you wanted any alternatives to any version of some people, right? Yeah. The sound of footsteps and then and then and then you're you're watching
Starting point is 00:38:20 your stealth sport of choice. And there's always that booth, the, the, the, the, you know, the season box. And there's always a bunch of G men in there looking for people who are the sneakiest. Oh, that guy looks pretty sneaky. Maybe we should we should give him a job sneaking around. People that had like voice carrying abilities. Yeah. Or like distraction abilities, tossing little noises. Oh man, you can throw your voice. That's really strong. That'd be insanely strong. Yeah, that's good. I like that. That's that's very good. That would make money. Um, so anyway, there's a wide variety of non-existent and possible changes to sports that would be very exciting. And I think if people listened to us, they would make a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Injury rate would probably be pretty high in stealth. Well, you know, you'd figure it out. Yeah, you'd figure it out. It would, it would all work out. A sport with high injuries is a sport that has lots of room for rookies. Again, you iron up the kinks as you go. You know, we can. Oh, well. Oopsie on the season. You could have different maps. The home field advantage is more than just the crowd. You know, yeah, it's tough. It's tough to do the stealth sports in the Louisiana cornfield. Everybody's real nervous to the possibility of Gators not being adequately being swept off the
Starting point is 00:39:49 field. Big Gators. And now a Gator has the ball. That ball is still in play. And the Gator brought it to the end field. What does that mean, Johnny? Well, technically, the Gator is an Alabama native. He's a native. He's a native. He's a native. Well, technically, the Gators an Alabama native. And the last time this happened in the 70s, the ref did call the points in favor of the Alabama side. So, you know, Gators win. Oh, now the Gator refuses to give up the ball. It looks like we're heading towards a time out unless somebody can convince it to let go. Just 40 minutes of like a bunch of big dudes just trying to get this ball out of Gator's mouth.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Fuck me, something just occurred to me, but then I lost it. Something sports related. But anyway, that's fine. That's fine. Tell me about your week because there's a bunch of stuff that I'll talk about once you come. All right. So this week, I mean, I played Resident Evil games blah, blah, blah, blah. Hey, I played already forward this week. Guess what? That game's incredible. How about that? Still remains incredible. Every time. Took a look at two big pieces of media. The first one, Willie, you seem to have had a more passing knowledge of musicals than I would have expected
Starting point is 00:41:20 back when we were talking about Phantom of the Opera way back. Have you ever heard and or seen rent 525,600 minutes. All right, good. Perfect. So I took a look at the behest of my wonderful significant significant other rent the film, which she described as the saddest version as it is all original cast who are clearly in their 40s pretending to be 19. Why is everyone in rent a terrible person? Just just the worst people that have ever lived. I am aware that 85% of the cast is unfortunately dying of 1989 version of AIDS, which was fucking for real. Yeah, compared to today's one where you can probably live a normal life. Yadda yadda, the big goner. But like the premise appears to be our buddy said he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:42:30 charge us rent, but now he has to because his father in law who technically owns the whole neighborhood is like, dude, charge some rent. And not only will we not pay back rent, but we'll never pay rent again. God damn it, you sell out. Well, I thought that that the that Matt and Trey covered this with lease with everyone had AIDS. Yeah, the name of that that plays I went back and check it's called lease. Everyone is terrible. And I should have known primordial AIDS because when the movie starts and Mark is is is cycling down a New York street with a with a cranking video like an old timey crank video camera going now I shoot without a script. And I felt the bile rise in the back
Starting point is 00:43:28 of my throat as like, Oh, this is one of those filmmaker man's who just goes, I'm just gonna film life, man. And I'll just cut it together later. And it's gonna be art. And like every every person is terrible. Every single one, like Mark is just the pretentious starving artist who believes that art can only be real if you're starving. Which Rogers just a dumb asshole sitting in his guitar, sitting in his guitar, sitting in his apartment all day, strumming his guitar and thinking about how much he doesn't want to pay rent. Do they all have AIDS? No. Mark, Maureen, Joanne, and Benny do not have AIDS. Okay. However, Roger, Angel, Collins, Mimi are all horribly dying of AIDS. Okay. And who owes the rent?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Mark, and Roger, oh, rent to Benny. A year worth of rent, a year worth of rent. See, he sold out by marrying a rich white girl. That was him selling out was getting married. Okay. Um, so yeah, Roger's asshole, Maureen's a serial flirt and apparently a cheat and dumps people for no reason and a drama queen who has the worst performance art I've ever seen ever. It's terrible. Did they get it the fun way or the really fun way? Who? Who? Who's this? The AIDS. Oh, the AIDS. Okay. Roger got it because Roger and his ex girlfriend love heroin. Okay. So the really fun way. Right. Um, and, uh, Page pointed out to me, uh, a small detail changed
Starting point is 00:45:20 in the film version as opposed to the live. So in the film version, uh, they love drugs and they do drugs and then they get, they get the AIDS off the drugs and then well off the needles. And then they go to the, the, you know, the AIDS, uh, doctor place and they get the AIDS, they get the AIDS paper and the paper goes AIDS on it and they're like, Oh no, not even Hib. Oh, it does say Hib. Yeah, it does. But after the team, America really screwed up my perception of the ability to even watch this. Um, so, uh, then, uh, she just kind of fades away in the, in the story. She's just gone. Oh, what happened to her in the, uh, musical, uh, he comes home and he, she has slitter wrists in the bathtub and is dead and in blood on the wall is in giant
Starting point is 00:46:06 letters. We have AIDS, which is way cooler. That's legitimately way cool. So the full on shun Goku satsu. Yeah. Okay. Um, like that would have, that would have probably kicked the rating of the film up impact of full notch, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, Joanne's evil is that she is a lawyer. That's it. Wow. She had the time to write that full sentence out. Yeah. While bleeding. Oh yeah. Totally. That's impressive. Uh, Mimi is a stripper who got AIDS drug. Oh no. Also heroin. Yes. Also heroin. So all the super fun way. Yeah. All the straight people got it through heroin. Okay. All the gays got it through probably high risk sexual activity. Gotcha. Because none of them are heroin addicts. Okay. Um, and then there's Angel who has it and then there's Collins who has it
Starting point is 00:47:02 and Collins character makes no sense because he's an MIT graduate, but he's not and it's whatever. Uh, so Angel, who is the best character in the story and everybody loves and she's an angel introduces herself by saying, Hey guys, I just made a thousand bucks by killing a rich lady's dog. Sick. And everyone's like, Oh my God, that's like free money. Let's party. Okay. Established. Yeah. And, and then like as the story goes on, like Angel was the best of us. Okay. As Paige so eloquently put it on Twitter, we absolutely won't pay rent, but we will kill dogs for money. Yeah. I think, uh, starting lack of creativity and only having two methods of, um, contraction in that situation, you definitely could have ramped it up by getting
Starting point is 00:47:56 more creative with the ways it was delivered. It's, it's just, it's a fucking baffling. It's a baffling thing because it's like, you think there's, there's, there's more than just those two methods. Yeah. You could eat, there's, you could eat bush meat. I think there's, there's, there's, there's, uh, baby, a baby aids. Yeah. You can have that. You can get. Well, not, not, no character could have gotten baby aids in this story. Okay. It takes place in 1989 where your lifespan is like two years. You could roll a catamari of needles. Okay. And just pick some people up and they get it that way. Um, but yeah, it's just astonishing because it's a bunch of, it's a bunch of starving New York artists going blood battle. You can blood battle. You can blood battle. Yeah. You
Starting point is 00:48:38 can blood battle a bunch of starving New York artists like screaming about how much they love being poor and how being poor is noble and how the only reason that this community is like multicultural and multi-sexual is because it's so poor and like someone could have done that codal con grab where he like slits and then grabs you up and then drinks all your blood. Yeah, I probably would do it away. Aides dies real fast in the air now like crazy fast. Um, and like the like the ostensible plot is we have to stop Marines demonstration to stop them from bulldozing the homeless city. Wait, it's not we have to find a way to pay the rent. No, they're not going to pay the rent. Wow. They're not going to pay the rent, but it's titular.
Starting point is 00:49:26 They are not going to pay the rent. Okay. Okay. Wow. It's ostensibly there. The Benny is going to bulldoze the homeless city across the way in addition to asking for rent to build like a digital art studio. And I thought the quest was like objective, really not only not only is the objective of the thing not to pay rent. Okay. At one point in the story, Mark gets a real job at a kind of tabloid news organization and the song that goes along with it is about how shamed he is to be working instead of just working on his art. And by the end of the song, he has quit the job and goes back to being broke. Okay. For art. Okay. Now, why didn't they pay the rent to begin with?
Starting point is 00:50:30 Their buddy, Benny promised them in college that if he, you know, married the girl and bought the building that they wouldn't have to pay rent. Okay. And then later changed his mind over a year later, he's like, ah, dude, you got to pay some rent. You've been living here for over a year. And they're like, they're like, no, we won't. Did they did they sign the paper? No, it's already lease. So there's a bit there's a bit in there's a bit later in the in the film or play whatever where they come back to the apartment and all of their shit is gone. And they break in the through the eviction locked door. Yeah. And all their shit is gone. They're like, I can't believe Benny. How could he do this? And it's like the opening song of the
Starting point is 00:51:22 movie. It's it's like big power vocal is we'll never pay rent again last year's rent next year's rent. We will never pay rent as people are burning their leases and throwing them into the street. The reasonable course of action is fucking crazy. Gotcha. Because being poor is like saintly. Right. Being asked to pay one rent. One whole rent. Yeah. Pay me last year's rent, please. No. Because art you made a promise to us many years ago. But you didn't. But you. Okay, anyway, were they squatting? Were they? Is this a movie about squatters? Technically. Because in fact, a discussion of squatting comes up. Well, because if you like, if you weren't paying rent, were you even moved in lawyer friend points out that once
Starting point is 00:52:20 they break into the apartment that they're technically squatting. So this will give them lots of orders rights. This will give them squatters rights in order to stop Benny's evil plan of kicking them out of their home. It's crazy. It's fucking nonsense. But regardless, the real plot is is stop the homeless city from being bulldozed at whatever. Okay, so before the timer, the age timer. Yeah. But you never see it. The timer. No, you never see the homeless. Okay. And then they go to the demonstration. And there's a riot. And Maureen is very upset that there was a riot at her demonstration. But then when she finds out that Mark was videotaping it and it will get on the news, she's really excited. And then the that plot thread
Starting point is 00:53:14 about the homeless gone. It's gone. Who cares? It's gone now. Benny's a jerk. Benny's a jerk because he wants rent. So is there also like, like, what about what about the AIDS part? The AIDS part is that they're all dying. Why wouldn't that be an objective? Like, is the AIDS paying rent? No, no, the AIDS is there because, okay, you ready for this? Because there's no day but today. Got it. Okay, it's a device. Yeah, to make the characters move. But it's also about AIDS. It's also actually about it. Okay, like they go to support groups and shit. But you're not really going to live the rest of your life. You're only renting it a day at a time.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Ah, how do you measure the days of a year? There you go, right? But this leads this, this leads to characters that seemed fine. And like, they're just kind of like loser artists, right? Becoming like complete scum, where you're like, there's a song where Roger has AIDS. Everyone does. Sure. But let's just follow me here. Roger has AIDS and really likes Mimi. Mimi has AIDS and really likes Roger. They're both very attracted. But Mimi can't figure out why Roger keeps pulling away from her, right? Because neither of them know that the other has AIDS. So the song is I should tell you. And the whole plot line with them is I should tell you. And then they finally do and that's like, oh my god, now true love can reign. Now let's not
Starting point is 00:55:11 forget that earlier in the in the story, Mimi, known to be a lady with AIDS, was just trying to get on Roger's dick. And he was and she was like, quit being a pussy and let me on that dick. Straight up. Yeah, absolutely. And he's like, no. And she's like, whatever, no day, but today. But she didn't know he didn't did he had AIDS? So what the fuck, Mimi? So she's just Rogers being responsible. But you're not a buck chaser. You're not coming after some of this. It's fucked up. It's fucked up. Everyone. Okay. And then at the end, at the end, where everyone's quit their jobs, everyone's quit their jobs, because that's not fucking real, man. Okay. And we're all back to where we started and angels dead. Angel died from AIDS. Sure. And it's very sad.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yep. The best of us, dog killer. And they come in and go, Hey, Collins, how'd you get this money, man? You know, because there were there's no heat and we're starving. He's like, don't worry about it, man. I hotwired the ATM by the food mart. Oh, shit. It's, you know, all you got to do is type in A N G E L. Yeah, that's right. So the prior like one guy that was like the actual only genuinely good person is like, don't worry, man. I got us covered. I'm stealing this money. Got you. All you got to do is type in the name of our favorite dog killer. Got it. Got it. And it's cool. And then they stand around and watch Mark's shitty movie. And they're like incredible. But oh no, Mimi's become homeless and is now straight up dying of AIDS. And they bring her in on a dramatic
Starting point is 00:56:54 table and they're like, Oh God, no, she's dying. What do we do? And Roger, being the penultimate shitty artist that he is, recites his fucking garbage love song to her that he's been working on for a year and she fucking comes back to life. Wow. And and every camera cut away from her and back, she's like less sweaty and like more cleaned up. And by the end, they're all just singing, she looks completely fine. And I guess I guess the song or love might have cured Mimi's AIDS. Are you sure it wasn't the pause loads? Because I think maybe the pause loads could have brought her back to life. It was the song. Also, she was like homeless and like, so she's not dying of AIDS, she's dying of exposure because they found her in the park in the winter. Okay, which means that
Starting point is 00:57:50 if she's got HIV, the hit to her immune system is likely to get a killer a couple of weeks down the line. So the happy ending that we receive that is not happy. Oh God, thank you. Paige just reminded me what saves her is that on the way to heaven, she sees Angel and Angel turns to her and says, go back and listen to that boy's song. Oh, shit, it's a full on it's on the way up. Yeah, so yeah, she comes back to life. Yeah. Whoa. Okay. And we get just talk as a plot point. Yeah, so I'm down. There's a lot of things going on in this. It did help popular popularize. That's the wrong word. Spread awareness that AIDS was a thing that existed and killed people back in the 80s. So that's good. However, it was really clearly written by somebody who was a starving artist
Starting point is 00:58:48 and was 19 when they wrote it. And was like, fuck it. And we would ask that person, hey, how do you feel about your young dumb ass self and yelling about rent? But we can't because they died of AIDS. Okay, so so it is a snapshot into the starving young artists mind who is saying society should give me things. Pretty much got it. Why society not doing so. Yeah, in this way, I understand. So it's a fucking trip. You're watching it and you're like, you're painting this, you know, the you talked about it with Man of Steel where the camera is telling you the Superman is Jesus, the camera and the songs are telling you that this character is cool or hip or a hero. But literally nothing that's happening fits that. And it sounds like the
Starting point is 00:59:46 like like the way you're putting it is it's all unironic in this case. So people doing really evil or bad things is seen as for art in noble in these cases. Dude, it's for art because it's part of the struggle. And also, you know, okay, yeah, it's it's crazy. That was that was it's a downer. And what have what have old Benny trying to just get his he starts going out with Mimi for a while and cheats on his wife with the with her. He doesn't catch AIDS. Okay, because I was about to say that's never comes back up. Okay. Yeah. And then he just kind of shows up and goes, you know what, guys? Fine, I won't make you pay right after all. I changed my mind. Yeah. The song convinced me.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I don't know the bodies. I don't know if the songs are happening in the it's a musical. So unless they expressly tell you so, they're not. Yeah, it's weird. It's really bizarre. The song and musicals unless they specifically like take the moment to say no, no, no, this is a performance, then they're not happening. So yeah, that's that's right. Wow. Okay. Be practice safe needle hygiene, practice safe sex if you're in a high risk group yada yada. If you do get AIDS, it is no longer a death sentence, possibly because of this incredibly terrible musical. So Benny rolled the dice and said if I it was Rosario Dawson. Yeah. So once he was like 20. Yeah. So yeah, he rolled the dice. And it's like, Okay, if I if we come out of this, then no red for anybody. Yeah. That's what I got.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That's what I take from that. That makes sense. Yeah. Okay. Uh, you know, who's not afraid of getting AIDS? Who? The inner species reviewers. Oh, hey, are you about to review? I was working on that. Yeah, on the way here. Good. God just thought of it. I heard about that. I heard about that as well. I heard about that because that was somehow an anime that they accidentally greenlit. Was it was it? So Funimation Funimation. We'll do a simulcast dub of this shit. Yeah. And then they hit episode three and now they're trying to convince everyone that they never had anything to do with it in the first place. Uh, that's great. Because I yeah, I heard. So I read the story of just the ultimate like, Whoa. And I needed to know. So
Starting point is 01:02:11 I went and I read the first chapter of the manga of the manga y'all to see what they were going off of, what's going on, what decisions were made. Yeah. And in as much as it is just about fucking alien races, rather fancy races, yeah, it is not directly just hentai. Right. So moving on. Inner species reviewers is a manga that's been ongoing for a while and they decided to turn it into an anime. Well, Funimation picks it up and they were going to simulcast dub it, which is, you know, that's a lot. Right. So first things first, there's two versions of the show. There's the censored version and there's the uncensored version. Well, that already tells you what it is. Right. So the censored version has big like giant like 18 plus like either the characters
Starting point is 01:03:04 like little anime heads on top of stuff or like giant like like warning censorship logos. How is it released? Clearly not on television. Crunchyroll is hitting it out here. But is this airing on TV? It is airing on TV. Wow. And if you want the uncensored version, I asked, where do you actually watch the uncensored version? And the answer came back. Some guy is uploading them to porn hub. Okay. So watch the first three episodes with Paige and we came away going, this is a really funny, really charming, kind of astonishing sex positive, like fun, goofy anime. Like it's genuinely like lighthearted. Now there's three or four bits where you're like, this is a Japanese show. Yep. But overall, it's pretty good. But then you hit episode three.
Starting point is 01:04:07 And you're because the whole time you're watching it, you're like, so what was it that killed it for Funimation? Right. So the first episode is like, okay, that's true. It wasn't immediately after an episode. They got the versions. They got to the first two. And they're like, yeah, we're fine. So first of all, the uncensored version, it's just porn. Yep. It's just porn done by a professional animation studio. And someone with access to that is releasing it on porn hub. Yeah. But otherwise, it's only censored on TV. Pretty much the only other version. Well, in Japan, I think you'd see it uncensored on TV, but it runs at a different time. That's probably later at night. It's just porn. If you're watching the censored version,
Starting point is 01:04:50 it's soft core porn with a funny plot. If you're watching the uncensored version, it's just porn with a funny plot. So, okay, I would have assumed that that point Funimation would be like, this is not very fun. So here's the thing. Episode one, record, your premise is pretty funny. It's, hey, these two dirtbags and their new angel sidekick want to go around and smash some ass as much as they can get. Turns out their tastes are all different. Crazy, right? Turns out the elf dude loves old ladies because that's like young in his race. Totally. Whereas the human dude loves older elves, but older elves just look like young humans. Yeah. Therefore, what's the problem? Yada yada, right? So, okay, goofy. We got some dick jokes
Starting point is 01:05:37 in there. We've got some ha ha sex, but it's all like pretty positive. Okay, episode two. What's episode two about? Hey, let's go fuck some tinkerbells. Let's go fuck some fairies and talk about how the human dude literally fucking can't with 99% of the chicks at the whorehouse because they will die. Yep. Yep. And ha ha. And then it's like, oh, the angel dude's dick is so big. Oh, it's crazy. Right? Pretty fucking raunchy. Okay. But still like, okay. All right. Episode three. All right. Human elf, halfling dude who, by the way, the halflings are lollies. Okay. And Angel, they're going to go down to the genderbend hotel, take potions that turn them into chicks, and have graphic, graphic sex. Okay. Okay. Including a scene in which Angel Boy loses his junk,
Starting point is 01:06:41 but keeps his keeps his girl parts and gets railed by a hyena bitch with a giant clip. So but what about how do you censor? What about the censored version of that? The censored version literally cuts the black and says, please enjoy the remainder of this scene without visuals. And you just hear this and you just hear it. Okay. Okay. And they give you like what they fade back in on one suggestive frame and they fade back out. Okay. And then Funimation. Yeah, tap. It was probably the time when the the halflings who are lollies are bringing out the vibotron. Yeah. And graphically inserting it into one of each other. The Sibian. Yeah. That Okay. That Funimation was like, you know what, I don't think we can find somebody to dub this
Starting point is 01:07:32 shit eject button. Yeah, yeah, we need to get out of here. Well, because usually that well, I mean, again, you have to you sign up for what you sign up for. And you'd have to imagine that everyone that they hired to simmel dub. Yeah, which is a crazy fucking that's tough, man. That's insane to do it the week of right, or whatever the the short notice they get on it. But like, you would imagine they hire everybody in advance and everyone kind of knows what they're in for. So get this. There is one so Funimation, by the way, they're acting like dirtbags, they're making voice actor sign NDAs to say they were never on it and all sorts of shit. They're trying to bury it just never happened. There is one thing that I will kind of feel bad for Funimation on.
Starting point is 01:08:20 The manga is not like this. The manga is not graphic. Yeah, the manga is not pornographic. It doesn't show any at all. It doesn't show any. That's what that's what I read. It was the anime studio that went fuck it. Let's get let's make some porn. Let's get paid. Right. Yeah. That went so when they greenlit it, they probably greenlit it based off the manga, which is where I was fine and tame and just goofy. And they kind of they just they pretty much play up all the jokes. Yeah. And and it's a lot of innuendo. And then and then that's it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And then the animation team was like, you want to see these bird titties flopping around? Hell yeah. So what does this say about boner culture, Pat? I don't want to says about boner culture,
Starting point is 01:09:08 but it's a pretty enjoyable show. And when we're watching it, I pointed at it and I said, you know what this is? An excuse like this show, even the animation team picking up this show is an excuse for a bunch of animators to just draw a bunch of porn, but it's not porn. Sure. It's a real anime. Well, you know, there's always those shows where like I remember hearing about like, I've never watched it, but I like I heard like kite is like a thing where it was a story that they had to insert porn into otherwise they couldn't get it greenlit. Yeah, which is hilarious. And the other thing that that that that creator made same idea, right? As a foreigner, whereas like otherwise normal anime, except for this, there's porn in it because they had to get the
Starting point is 01:09:50 money. So but in this case, like, is that what the anime studio did? If the original fucking no, they there's no way they pick this up with with any idea other than oh, sick. Let's let's let's do it. Hmm. It's a pretty fun watch. But depending on your your your home audience, you may or may not be able to watch it around people in your home, because that would become too awkward. It's funny too that they decided to go that way with it, I guess, because you can definitely have shows where you push it to a limit, but you don't actually cross it. They are they are on the legal limit on this one, in terms of like what they're showing, because like, you know, the Japanese censorship, fucking obscenity laws and
Starting point is 01:10:41 all that shit. They're like the most carefully placed feather in the foreground. Like kind of shit because like prison high school is an example of a manga that came and got adapted. That is like pretty on the edge, etchy. Yeah, that never goes full blown, you know, manages to stay within the like you can you can put this in the normal manga shelf. It doesn't have to go into that. It doesn't have to go into the dark into the dark corners. Exactly. Yeah. And I guess if the TV laws are not going to actually hold them back from going all out with it, then they can do whatever the fuck they want. Yeah, pretty much. Double dip, you know. But yeah, that's a fucking there. That is a that is a hilarious like the show's blowing up a popularity because
Starting point is 01:11:32 of the controversy. Because Funimation canceled it. No one would have cared. I would have never bothered to check that out. I would never have heard it. No. And then I'm like, well, what's so raw that Funimation came? Oh, yeah. If I was a man wearing a suit and tie in an office and somebody brought those into my office, I would say, got that shit out of there. It's company god even the fucking even touching on the subject matter with the potion is already like then everywhere else it goes and who knows where it goes after that. I mean, apparently episode four starts with them all dead. Okay. Interesting factoid from this universe. Number one with a bullet. Worst fantasy race voted on by the characters to have sex with is the undead. Even worse than them is the undead
Starting point is 01:12:18 that are skeletons. Wow. Dead last. You'd have to be some kind of fucking freak to be into that shit. Sounds like somebody is not going to be happy with that. Somebody was not happy with that review. That's the the the the vanquished four on 10. Yeah. Of species reviews. Yeah, I see. I got you. Okay. Wow. Um, it's did you watch Conosuba? No, I'm trying to remember. Because I feel like in the first of the first chapter, they were like, Oh, yeah, this is how humans are and elves. And then like, I don't remember if like, Google comes into it there, or is like something else tentacle pound tentacle. Yeah, shit out of our elf protagonist while he's a chick. Okay. That is probably the most graphic thing in the show. I Wow, it's real. They're in there. They are in there.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yeah, I guess. But at the same time, it's like, you know, it's the tentacle thing. Yeah, that's pretty good goo. It's pretty established at this point. Yeah, you know what you're getting. Yeah. It's like the olive garden. Yeah. Tentacle. Wait, tentacle porn is like the olive garden. All right. Well, there it is for the week, guys, but it's not. No, that's not what you're getting. No, no surprises. What? What? What? What are you saying? What are you saying? I'm saying you're saying it's really like woof. And I'm going, how woof can it be? How many tentacle bitches have you had sex with? None. That's what I thought. Because the way you're talking is weird. Because it's like,
Starting point is 01:14:06 what do you expect? I don't know what tentacles. Let me guess, they go places. They go places. Yeah. Okay. That's what that looks like. It is. Olive garden. Give me the breadsticks. What's the, you know? Were you going to surprise me? No. There's tentacles and they're going to go places. Honestly, it was probably. They've been doing that for fucking 40. It's been 40 years, dude. It was probably like legitimately more surprising was when they hit up the dairy barn. Oh, yeah. Okay. With the Minotaur chips. Yeah, of course. Of course, of course. The Minotaur shakes that, of course, are like, I'm sure, surely, yeah, surely 90% human with a couple of horns in
Starting point is 01:14:57 a tail and giant, giant, stupid fat hits with the, uh, with the, with the cow themed bra. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not until the milking starts that it's like, okay. Oh, okay. No, thanks, man. Yeah. Did they, did they go for even a slightly what the fuck factor with the udders or no? No. No. Okay. There are some fucking weirdos out there. Like there's the, the, the, the squid lady. Apparently there's mushroom and snail women. Ooh. Yeah, mushroom. I think the, I think the, I think the funniest thing is there is a subplot, which I think is going to turn into the villains. Of demons are so poorly rated because they're mean and they'll steal from you. Like succubus? Yeah. No. Succubus. They're all succubus. Everybody's a succubus in this fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:15:44 That's true. They say. Everybody's a succubus. Yeah, that's true. Right, right, right. I remember that right away. I've, they said, like, because the world, it is a laughably sex positive universe because everybody is a succubus. So everybody's just, no demons specifically and like, uh, fucking, uh, uh, Diskaya is the, the first thing that comes to mind. Like that kind of like, like blue skin or whatever. Okay. Um, they, they're mean and they rob you and they've, and their whorehouses run scams. So they're poorly reviewed. Okay. But then they're like, oh dude, can you do us a review? Well, it'll help the election if people think that the demons are hot to fuck and then they don't do that review. Maybe they shouldn't be robbing people.
Starting point is 01:16:26 You know, like if you go flame elementals are ranked higher than, than demons. Yeah. And there, and therein lies the bit, right? Basically the creator of this can just go and grab any ridiculous version. It's literally anything. Yeah. Like cyclopses and ogres and, and the, the orc type is the pig orc type like a Ganon. Yo, Captain Kirk's favorite manga. Gee, probably. Yeah. Like mandatory reading. Captain, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:17:09 Essential. Yeah. All in all, a good time. Uh, if you are living at home, watch it when your parents are asleep because it's bad. What about just reading it? What about, why would you read it? Because the first chapter was pretty funny and quirky. We just finished describing how the manga isn't rife with porn. Yes. So it was a quirky, quirky little funny chapter. Why are you going to watch, why are you going to read the weak version?
Starting point is 01:17:38 All right. Well, you know, take it as you want it. Like no one's going to, no one's going to, okay. No one's going to walk in on you and go, oh, you're, you're reading that, uh, that, uh, horror review manga. Oh, good thing it's not porn. I mean, if you're, if someone walks in on you, watching Eyes Wide Shite. Yeah. It's a legitimate movie with legitimate actors. Is it? Directed by a legitimate director.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I don't know. I don't know. And it has subtext and it has actual metaphor. But it's also just fucking people fucking. Yeah. But there's a whole thing. You, there's actually a full on breakdown analysis of the movie. Of the hidden meaning.
Starting point is 01:18:28 Of the hidden meaning, you know. But yeah, uh, I'm glad Funimation canceled this because otherwise I would not have heard about it. Yeah. FYI, FYI. You know that was Kubrick's last film, right? Yeah, I know. I know. I was aware. So yeah, it wasn't completely for nothing. But like, it's still something that someone's going to walk in on.
Starting point is 01:18:52 You watch it and you're going to be like, what an Oscar. K? Yeah. Oh, sure. Yeah. Anyway, I think that probably, uh, the, the, because a lot of people are going to be confused how I was hating on anime titties like three weeks ago. Yeah. And now I'm watching this.
Starting point is 01:19:11 That did come to mind. Yeah. So it did come to mind. I will head that off to, to those of you who are wondering why there's such a discrepancy between that, uh, between the, the Tokyo Mirage Sessions discussion and this, it comes down to the biggest thing is that this show is fucking straight forward and honest with you. There is no fucking hiding the fact that this is just, hey, man, hey, hey, do you want to see some shit?
Starting point is 01:19:45 I mean, one could argue that what do you consider hiding? Can't some of those skin reveals? No, no, no, the, here's the thing. The last time I, uh, I spoke about TMS, the, my, my, uh, frustration is with the people who aren't just being like, dude, I just want to see titties. Every person that I ever ran into is like, dude, I like it better because the titties are there. I'm like, yeah, okay. Yeah, but that doesn't, but that's, that's the audience.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I'm talking about work itself. Yeah. Like no one's talking about this in a way that. No, no one's talking about this in a way that is anything other than exactly what it is. Certainly. But that is the difference between, I guess what you're describing is the people versus the thing itself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Because the thing itself just contains titties. Yeah. So it does. Okay. I also, I respect somebody so much more if they're telling me they're mad about their pornography because it's pornography rather than because of some nonsense they made up. Also, uh, the name kind of lets you even know right away what you're in for because it doesn't
Starting point is 01:20:54 sound clean. No, it doesn't. And if you somehow get through that, uh, that fucking, uh, uh, what do you call it? The name to the intro before knowing you will know. Yeah. From that intro. Yeah. It's fucking zoom in and pan on like a hyper detailed tongue.
Starting point is 01:21:16 And it's like, okay, wow. Does the existence of interspecies reviewers make, uh, monster Musume completely irrelevant? Yes. Yes, it does. All right. Monster Musume now looks like weak Mickey Mouse shit. Why'd you even try? By comparison.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Yeah. Look, these guys got it on TV. Thank you. You didn't have to tone it down. All we wanted was the answers to these questions and it took, and like, you never really got them. Right. In this fucking turnout story. By the way, they're going like down like a Femitsu ranking system.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's totally the four of those who don't know. They have four reviewers and they rate them out of 10 and it's like a fucking Femitsu score. It's hilarious. What was the guest? They had a guest race one time. They often do. That was like a third or fourth person that was just like, I'm a snake man or I'm a halfling
Starting point is 01:22:07 or I'm a halfling or something like that. And it was like, yeah, this just doesn't work at all. Well, no, because when they went to fuck the birds, right, they go fuck the bird women, the harpies or whatever, that everyone gives them rave reviews, except for the Lamia dude, because he gets to the front door and they're like, no snakes. Right. No snakes. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:26 That's sorry. Yeah, there you go. There you go. Did you get like 9973? And the fairies get a zero for anyone whose dick is too big because they charge you the measuring fee and then tell you you can't you can't use it. Wow. Well, it's a succubus world, right?
Starting point is 01:22:55 Yep. That's a good hustle. They need it to survive. What do you get? What's your problem? All right. Honest works. Honest work.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Okay, that's it for Pat. If you want to check out more Pat, whatever, it's going to be RE5 this week. Go down to slash Pat stairs at yeah, I changed it. My branding is now all consistent. That's slash Pat stairs at that'll be 8pm ish this week Eastern. Okay. So upon having our conversation last week about the concept of my portal to the past camera, okay, which you should recall, I'm gearing up for you to tell me that you got it working.
Starting point is 01:23:49 So obviously that entire conversation got out of control and you you were successfully able to convert it into podcast funsies by by putting a po-pad on my head. Yeah, despite my best efforts to violently. I think the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life is the Reddit thread of I think Pat was too critical of Wally's religion this week, which is just like mm-hmm. Yep. Yep. When all I really wanted to talk about was the tool.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Yeah, the tool that will lead to such power. Well, you know, that no, see, that's not me converting it. That's me making a joke. But when you, you know, everyone's like, oh, fuck, he's totally gonna do it. You know what, you know what? Okay, right. I suppose so.
Starting point is 01:24:45 I suppose so. So in other words, then I need to staunchly hold the line on all points of conversation. Because if you're like, yeah. And not allow you an inch. I don't know if Colt's happened. So I have to, I have to bunker down and bring out the fucking. Yeah, if Colt's happened, man, Colt's happened. Like everyone's like, oh, man, Wally's starting to call.
Starting point is 01:25:03 But it's it's like, but like literally it's like, what if a technology? Yeah. And then suddenly, but what about the implications of this technology? Right. So all this to say that when we went to. So when that was done, all said and done, some folks brought up that like, you know, where there's there were some stories that totally actually touched on this subject matter before. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I think one of them was called like the light of days past or something like that. Or I forget, but, but more to the point right now. Uh, there was an Asimov short story. Of course there is. Carl is dead past. Okay. In which the invention of the chronoscope. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Wow. Exists. That's dead on. And I was like, I need to know. Asimov, why are you so smart? So good. So good. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:04 So can I just tell this story? Give me one moment. I'm going to use the restroom. Go ahead. Excuse me, folks, everyone on the live thing. Sorry. Okay. He's going to do the thing.
Starting point is 01:26:17 I'm going to do the thing. All right. I'll it's it's it's pretty solid. So I'll wait on that. Um, I mean, I'll talk loud enough that you can maybe hear it. I guess, you know, do what you got to do. So so the dead past, uh, if you want to, uh, go read this yourself, then you can. And but I'm going to just spoil it here because of how interesting it is and
Starting point is 01:26:46 like how well he approaches the subject matter, right? So the premise and the thing that makes this so cool is that it's not just taking a look at the idea of the chronoscope and saying that like, hey, the world has this piece of technology. What kind of crazy sci-fi story are we going to get from it? It actually takes it and puts it in the dry and boring world of academia because the main character of the story is a historian who's obsessed with, um, trying to find out about. I think it was Carthage, the Carthaginians and how there's not much written about their culture. There always been written about through like the cultures they fought with,
Starting point is 01:27:32 like the Greeks and so on throughout history, but he wants to find out about, um, some details that they never recorded, um, including like, uh, the idea that, hey, every, like, whenever they warred with people, the Greeks said that they worship Moloch and they, and that means that they sacrifice children to the fire, right? Which is, which is ridiculous. Um, don't do that. And so they're like, oh no, we don't want. And so he's like, that's not real. They just exaggerated that. They didn't actually tell their own stories. So we need to use this tech to look back and see what they did. Right. Right. That's what this historian wants. Carthaginians. I believe so. Got it. Um, from Carthage. So, um, and, and, and what you kind of end up with is,
Starting point is 01:28:19 so you have this historian that has this, now the tech exists in the world and the government pretty much has control over it. Um, science in this, science in this world is more or less, uh, controlled in such a way where you, you, you don't just, you can choose what you want to go into, but like they hand out research grants to people that to do specific things and, uh, um, uh, chronoscopy as it's called. I don't like that, but all right. Well, chronoscopy and, um, uh, neutronics, neutronics is the, the, the study, the field that directly relates because the neutrino particle allows you to use a chronoscope, which would be the past. Right. So, uh, what they do is the government basically puts out these little, uh, monthly
Starting point is 01:29:05 bulletins that are like, Hey, we looked back a couple of thousand years and we've discovered this fact about this thing. Cool. So here's a little update on that. Right. Yeah. And it's, they're all little minor things ultimately, but it's been like 50 years since the discovery of this tech. Nothing crazy. Nothing, nothing nuts. Right. That's about it. So no, no, Hitler was a space alien. Nothing wild like that. You know, and it's all, and so like people just got used to that as an, I think we're like, okay, well, the government has this tech and get some, there's some science people working on it. Factoids from now and then that's it. Right. And then, um, basically this guy, uh, um, this historian, he's kind of obsessed with proving
Starting point is 01:29:42 this thing about the, the car, uh, about Carthage, um, because, um, and he has like this a version to cigarettes the entire story. You eventually find out that like, um, it's because he lost his daughter at like the age of three or so. Yeah. And that like technically he was responsible because his lit cigarette burnt the house down. Yeah, that happens. So he, so the whole idea of them sacrificing children in the fire is a thing that comes back to haunt him. So he wants to prove it with his work. Okay. Right. Don't smoke. Okay. So, um, he eventually is like, well, he goes to apply to use the chronoscope and then they're like, nah, fuck off. And he's like, but like, I have some important things to prove and they're like, yeah, it doesn't matter. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Denied, right? So then he basically goes to like a faculty kind of meeting and he goes to these little pompous, um, um, university gatherings of whatever and a new, um, engineer slash person who's looking into, um, gravitational physics is like someone he finds at this meeting and it's like a young, bright eyed person that's trying to change the world and maybe have some fresh ideas. And he's like, let me talk to this kid. And then he talks to him and they kind of make friends and he proposes to him and kind of basically slowly convinces them and goes like, Hey, why do you think nothing's happened in this field? I have no idea. I'm a historian, but you're someone that can actually go in and learn the details of this. What's up with that? Right? And the guy's
Starting point is 01:31:03 like, Oh dude, you're thinking dangerously, man, the government doesn't like that stuff, you know, but then he's like, Oh, but I'm, I'm, why haven't you had any breakthroughs in this tech? Right? What's up with that? And then they kind of find out that the government's been stifling it. Of course it has. Okay. So yeah. Right. So, uh, it eventually leads down this path where he's able to, uh, go and use, uh, his uncle's connections to build his own, his own. Yeah. This is, this is the premise, right? And, uh, immediately, um, the historian's wife shows up and is basically obsessed with the idea of this thing being created. And then historians like, Oh fuck, she just wants to stare at the three years that our daughter was alive over and over and over again.
Starting point is 01:31:48 This is a bad idea. We need to back off. Right. Um, she get in like that because you have to watch it in real time. It's not, you can't fast forward. All right. You're like a day is a day. You know what I mean? Uh, eventually he goes, Hey, dude, you need to stop making this thing. Right. And then the guy's like, no, it like the government censoring this is not right. We have to know, man. We have to know, you know, tell everybody. And then he, he turns it on and he notices that he's like, okay, so here's what we know. It only goes back about 125 years. Okay. It doesn't go back thousands of years. So the government is super lying. Got it. Right. What the fuck? All right. Um, dudes like a historian is like, abort this. Right. And then
Starting point is 01:32:36 he's like, nah, fuck you. They get into a big fight to go their separate ways. Um, eventually, uh, historian comes back and government agent person is with him. Sure. And he goes, dude, I'm sorry, but like people are just going to be obsessed with the dead past. Right. They're just going to be staring at their dead kids or their lost parents and things that, you know, and like it's, this is bad. Right. And then, um, and then they basically have this showdown with the government agent who more or less goes dudes like, uh, yeah, you guys are going to just go to jail. Yeah. You're going to not have a trial and if we're going to survey you and make sure that nothing ever comes of this, the end. And they're like, what the fuck, but we live in a society that is open and free
Starting point is 01:33:23 and I'll move our child. We live in a society and then the guy's like, yeah, I don't care. You guys are going away forever. Fuck you. Right. And then, um, uh, physicist goes, well, it's too late. I've already sent the designs out to a ton of people. Everybody. I've done. Everyone's going to have it thing. Yeah. Right. And then motherfuckers like asshole, the idea of the past, you think of it as, let's say it's 125 years ago is what we've been saying. We've been feeding people the idea that it's thousands of years ago because the idea of it being current is not okay. Right. And when you think of 125 years ago, you go, Oh, I can find out what two people ago, what was happening. Right. Sort of recent ish history. Yeah. But then also you think of what's the past to you,
Starting point is 01:34:04 your childhood. Yeah. Right. Your best memories. Sure. Everyone gets obsessed with that. Right. Yeah. But then eventually maybe people stop getting obsessed with that. What is the past is the past like when you were 10 years old, when you were 20, what about an hour ago? What if we set this chronoscope to, to watch what happened one 1000th of a second ago, you can now watch everything. What's the difference between that and the present? Nothing. You can now watch the present and everyone can see everything. Yeah. And society is effectively ruined because every moment you ever thought that was private is no longer private. Nothing exists anymore. And then he goes, and then, and then like the reveal of like, yeah, that the tech is
Starting point is 01:34:46 out there happens. And then government guy goes, well, happy goldfish bowl to you. Fuck you. I hope you burn in hell. A rest rescinded. So the idea of the whole story is the, is that like, if you can view the past, there's no hard limit. Rather, if you can view the past, you can view one second ago, which is the present, which means people's lives get super fucked up. Yeah. Because everyone sees everything in the very concept of privacy disappears. So here's what I thought was going to happen. Super good story. I thought what you were going to say is that he goes back and looks at time and sees them sacrificing the kids to Molok and Molok is there. And then the government shows up and goes, Molok doesn't like what you're doing. Okay. So one, can we acknowledge
Starting point is 01:35:35 that Isaac is a fucking God? Yeah, Isaac is a man. Okay, two, right? Within the world that we've created with this story, that's so interesting. You have the full setup and then you have the limitations put in place, which is after you go further back than 125 years, it just becomes noise. That's stable, whatever. Exactly, right? If there was a way to reverse those things and make it so that you could see nothing present, but only that far back, then a lot of that danger element goes away. Sure. Excuse me. And then you could never see anything that would affect your lifetime. But it would be an interesting like thought where society would not immediately be changed to a place where there's no such thing as privacy and every secret you've ever had will
Starting point is 01:36:22 come comes up. But it would become a place where you know that your descendants and the future people will be able to see everything. Oh no, my balls. You've ever done. Well, what's the title of this? The dead past. The dead past. Okay. Right. And it's, it comes up a lot and it's really, it's like, he brings it up in the context of going back to watch your, your dead kid, you're obsessed with watching the dead. Why do you watch your dead kids? They're dead. Yeah, because you're, you've never gone over them. The wife never got over it. We'll get over it. Yeah, that's, that's what he says. Yeah. Right. But he also never told her about the fact that his lit cigarette burnt the house down. We should have done that. Well, yeah, he should have. Right.
Starting point is 01:37:00 And then it's like the idea that humanity is obsessed with the dead past is something that will haunt us. But here's the problem. No, get over it. But there is no dead past. There's no difference between the long distant past and the present moment in the sense that like the past is not there, what there's no blur, it's a, it's not even a blurred line. It's the moment the present happens. It's the past. So the concept itself means again, all sort, all privacy, all surveillance. All the time, no longer exists. It's just a world of perfect. Well, I have a solution. The, I have a solution. The government says if you use this machine, someone will come into your house and shoot you. Yeah. And then they use the machine. Yeah. To see who's using it at any given
Starting point is 01:37:45 time. So the way that the government showed up to begin with is because they were checking out, they were using it to find the guys in the story. Like if you use this machine, someone will come into your house and shoot you within 10 minutes. Yeah. And they follow through on that for a couple of years and then problems all. But the weakness was that they could only watch them and they didn't watch the uncle who sent out the designs to everybody. Yeah. Right. Cause it's again, they have 24 hours. It's real time watching and viewing. But I mean, you could put rules in place like only use it for long, for a long time. You put rules in place exactly. Right. So the rules that, that Asimov created in the story are compelling ones to the
Starting point is 01:38:22 nature of this story. Right. The idea that you like, if you could, if the rules didn't state that you could not view the long past, then you could put things in place that say like, you can only view things older than this. Yeah. Right. And then they're also, it's like, okay, but if everyone can do it, there's also the, you know, there's all, there's a million different problems that can arise in society in that, in that way. But I just fucking love the story because it got me thinking about this entire concept in a different way because it's like, it's more than just people rejecting the, the notions that they've like based their life upon. Yeah. It becomes a question of like, what, what happens to society? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:39:03 you open up the portal and you can see any universal truth. That means you can look at anyone's balls. Sure. I hate the word universal truth because it sounds so doesn't it? It sounds so shitty brainwashed and fake and dumb. So I hate the fact that you're trying to push that when it's ultimately just like, it is a chronoscope. It is a what happened in this point in time, in this place. Okay, incontrovertible on a saleable truth, whatever, like, like floating camera objective truth. Chronoscope. Chronoscope. What happened there? Show the camera. No, I don't want to use your word. No, because like, because like the words universal truth are just so ripe for the picking that like 80 different comics, that's why they
Starting point is 01:39:40 picked it. But it's good. Yeah. But like 80 different stories and comics and we're like, Oh yeah, here's that church of the universal truth from this thing where a bunch of assholes are convinced that their way is the only way to stop staring at our balls through the window. And there's a million things like there's a spider man fucking gang that runs by that name. You know, so that's an awful name. Even the word truth there is like, it means any, it's like, it's almost like, Hey, these are the languages. This is the words that religious assholes use. You know, so let's not even use those. But yeah, chronoscopy, if you would, in this context. Yeah, I'm not saying that. That's fine. That's fine. But the idea of the camera that can point back and look at a
Starting point is 01:40:18 thing. Um, yeah, you cannot let that view the immediate past. No, of course not. You know, it needs to have it meet like there or wouldn't that solve every problem ever. But if it did exist, like let's say that happened and you couldn't do anything about it. Happy Goldfish Bowl to you and me. Yeah, you would then have to start living a life and society would change on the on the dot to the idea of well, big brother is forever. Did you see minority report? Sure. Sure. I did. But it only showed crimes. It didn't show every moment. They just chose crimes. And of course, they had to sacrifice someone to do it. Yeah. So it's it's yeah, it's a it's a fascinating thing because you I imagine after about two or three generations of children
Starting point is 01:41:09 being born into a world where everything is under perfect surveillance, then people would literally start to become different people. There's a solution to this problem. Ethics and morals are no longer optional unless you opt out from unless you stop caring about the results of your actions. So I have a solution consequences as an incentive, then you have to abide a solution of this nightmare future. And then that is burn it down. Also, if we burn it down hard enough that we go back to the Stone Age, then we will not have to worry about these problems. Some would think some would think that the very concept of porn would just evaporate. Oh, yeah, totally. I disagree. I imagine because you cannot stop those urges that people would be forced
Starting point is 01:42:05 to just accept that, hey, there is going to be porn and the sexing and the masturbation in people's lives. And you would have to be just be wait, why would like the like like the idea of getting embarrassed caught watching porn? No, that's really what porn would explode times a shit zillion times because you could watch anything. Yeah, no. But what I'm saying is the idea of oh, no, people can can like watch me as I'm jerking off. Yeah, so yeah, that's what that's my point. Right. So like the like there was a thought that was just put out about just like, oh, no, everyone would stop watching porn. And it's like no, no, people would watch porn at a rate never before seen and like you everyone would just have to stop caring about whether or not they're
Starting point is 01:42:51 being that's right like voyored. Yeah, everyone becomes a voyeur. Every shit you take someone's in the bowl like Chuck Berry looking at you, those who want to be. Yeah. And then voyeurism shoots up. And then you're voyoring someone and someone else is voyoring your lawyer. This is actually really awkward inception. Right. And everybody's staring at somebody that's staring at someone else that's getting into it. Yeah, burn it down. The world gets fucking weird. Burn it down. The world gets weird. But like, everybody is forced into a place where they're like, you know what, everyone can see my junk and that's all there is to it. So who needs clothes anymore? The examples also give and cover things like how they're like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:43:35 anyone who's like a celebrity every second of their life is now done. Like people might not go and take a look at someone they've never met. Right. But like anyone who's like a fucking household name. It's like, yeah, your your life is over. You're just that's it. You know, so wear 10 clothes. So it's a fucked up weird way to go. Wear 10 clothes and get a tube. And crime evaporates as well, except for those who do not care about the consequence. I don't know, it depends how much crime we're talking about. Once you hit a certain level of crime, then it's crime, crime, crime. Well, if every if everything gets caught, everything gets caught, then you only do crime. The cops are too busy looking at their own bullshit to do crime stuff. Well, I imagine
Starting point is 01:44:21 that this changes the entire nature of investing because like you're talking about people. Oh, everyone's staring at the dead past sounds like a good time to rob people's houses. Maybe, but I don't know, we're getting got to be a pragmatist about this getting in the weeds there. I would imagine that crime efficiency is just like, look, if we don't catch you today, you did that crime went once. Okay, I have how long to find to catch you. Well, you know how flooded you have flooded the fucking crime house, what's it called police station would be if they could see all crimes simultaneously. There would be mass quantities of types of crimes that would suddenly just never be prosecuted, because there's way worse crimes happening all the time.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Everything below murder becomes fair game. Yeah. And I imagine there's even a there's like that initial period is a everyone who got away with the worst shit goes and gets caught. Yeah. Right. And then it starts becoming an overwhelming crime factory of a time. Yeah. Right. I imagine at some point, when we're talking about the generations past scenario, that people start to, again, like probably not want to risk it. I don't know, Willie. It's been thousands and thousands of thousands of years and human nature has changed precious little. I think you think too highly of your future telling techno future to think that people would actually substantial substantively change the way that they live their lives regardless
Starting point is 01:45:59 of the consequences. I think there would have to be an embracing of well, when I get caught, I get caught. I don't fuck that no one ever ever is like, oh, you got me. Not no, I mean, as in like, I don't care if I get caught. It's it's not how you got me as much as it is. Yeah, a lot of people don't care if they get caught. Right. And so that type of criminal never goes away for sure. Yeah. But criminals who love crime. It means what we will be doing is we'll be we'll be moving down to supercrime as the only people doing crime would be those that love it as a career. Remember, the punishment is for crime is an incentive to not commit the crime. It's it's can't stop the person who is dead set on committing the crime. That's right. From doing it. And yeah,
Starting point is 01:46:44 if you if you're saying yourself, boy, I sure do love doing crimes. It's very difficult to convince that person to stop loving crime. If you're a crime purist, yeah, you will continue to be that in this certain in this perfect surveillance world. That's correct. Right. But but if you were like, you're making me want to go out and do crimes. But if you were someone you're romanticizing it, if you were someone who was if it was if it was a not that much of a crime purist that was just impulsively like, yeah, maybe I can get away. No, here's the thing. Well, you're not there are three types of criminals. There are crimes of passion. There are crimes of profit and there are crimes of compulsion. Yes. Right. Sure. Crimes of profit would not necessarily monetary profit are under
Starting point is 01:47:32 the assumption that they won't get caught. So those people will absolutely be stopped by such a plan. However, crimes of compulsion or passion would not be affected by this at all. No, those are passion, you don't consider consequences. No, you just do it. And crimes of compulsion, you may consider consequences, but you can't help it. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. No, man, society gets all kinds of fucked. And here's the other problem to like everyone that has like any kind of helicopter parenting, like antics in their brain to the like worst possible degree, any paranoid girlfriend that is like where the fuck were, you know what I mean? Like all of those get fed to infinity, you know, in this in this type of
Starting point is 01:48:17 story. I don't know. You'd be like, Hey, honey, where are you? Where were you? Were you with that bitch? No, isn't my friends are playing pool? Really? Yeah, use the time machine, dumbass. Yeah. So all that to say, yes, I'm out of here. Yeah. That's correct. All that to say that even though it was it's a blah, all that to say that there is a really great story based on this concept that touches on some really fun ideas and it creates like in world limitations that that cause what I was talking about to not be possible. But I still but I think it's a much more interesting discussion when you look at it from Asimov's point of view. Oh, yeah. Well, Asimov's a genius. That's not fair. So yeah. What if robots? You're right, Asimov.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Like, like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's the dead past, which I finished this week. I also started playing doom. Yeah, I heard. I heard that your friendship with fighting games is over. Now Satan is your new best friend. So it's it's pretty funny that like that was a lot of I saw like 10 variations of that same joke. And they're all just based on me being very excited for doom and not talk. I didn't say the word fighting games once at all. Oh my god, are you okay? Well, are you all right? I just I don't think I've ever known you to do such a thing. Are you well? I've expressed the joy of it for something and that automatically means I hate fighting games apparently. I mean, you know, Flanders sound ill Flanders. But your doom is a shit doom is
Starting point is 01:50:10 really fun. And the music is fucking incredible. And it's everything that I was told it was four years ago. It's incredible what you can do with a character who's not allowed to speak with just some first person animations. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. The tone is set in that first level, like, like fucking PDA. Yeah, Hayden trying to talk to him and his hands are literally shaking with piss rain or like or like he's like they're talking about the Argent energy converter and how important it is to disassemble it. And he's like he's like touching it and taking a look and then he breaks it open and fucking doesn't give a shit because it has to do with how fuck you. And then he's also the one who upon arriving to hell, they're like, he's here. And then the whole and then the lore
Starting point is 01:50:59 about the doomslayer and the one who rose up in the red and the vengeance that he has is like this insanely it's the most metal shit ever. Yeah, but also he's grabbing an action figure and giving it props. Yeah, it's great. The tone is perfect. Yeah, yeah, there's a there's a there's a there's a throwaway little piece of text in that game about Samuel Hayden. And they're like, okay, so it was Optimus Prime. So he's a scientist, right? And then he was going to die. So he put his head I didn't get there yet. Yeah, he put his head into a robot, right? And it's like, when we asked him, hey, why didn't you put yourself in a robot that looked like you? Why'd you put yourself in a nine and a half foot tall, gigantic, imposing badass robot, when you're just going to
Starting point is 01:51:49 be doing science shit all the time. And the answer is fuck you. I want to be in a nine and a half foot tall badass robot body. Cool. That's it. Period. Give him that fucking Optimus voice. He's got the fights very cool. Hearing him talk is good. Yeah, it just you know, like weapon upgrades are fun and frequent. You pick up guns very frequently. Yep. They serve different purposes and you just get used to the flow. Healing by going in. Yeah, is very bloodborne. Or doom or doom. Dooms fast like old doom is fast. Yeah, but all the did old doom heal you by no, but doing that they wanted to give you a reason to move towards enemies. Yeah. So they're like, what if the what? Yeah, but but that's not something that the old doom caused that by having
Starting point is 01:52:43 you move at like light speed. Yeah, sure. But here it's an actual game designed in the eternal. What they do is they give you a flamethrower. And if you kill things with a flamethrower, it drops armor. Okay, so that's the trifecta. The chainsaw gives you ammo. Okay, glory kills give you it's not it's not the most nonsensical comparison in the world where it's like the mechanic literally heals you. Yeah, right. Of doing the melee. So and that of course leads to shotguns becoming amazing. Because guess what go in, you know, so yeah, I'm just enjoying a lot of that flow and Mick Gordon. And you know, like, I don't know, wherever I'm like, maybe like six or seven levels in at this point. And it's just like, yeah, you got to hell, right? I got to hell. And
Starting point is 01:53:30 so it's pretty, it's pretty fun because like at first, it's almost like, oh, yeah, chalk this one up to one of those games that I would not have been allowed to play as a child. I saw that clip. Going around, you know, and then and then eventually to the realization that it's like, but wait, though, the doomslayer is the most Christian possible thing. The doomslayer is bordering on like biblical sainthood with the shit he's pulling. When you're like, no, we're going to kill them though, right? But I remember when people said that about Diablo as a kid back in the day, they're like, no, but you're fighting Diablo. And I was like, it doesn't matter. It's the iconography. It's all over. You're inviting his spirit into your into your space. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:54:13 You know, it's it's the idea of even if he's the bad guy, that doesn't matter. It's even getting into that imagery to begin with. Yeah. You know, and the devil doesn't care about whether you see him as the villain or not. You know, it's more about the fact that you're you're even getting into this. Oh my god. That's crazy, man. That devil's so shifty. So love that the devil in doom. I mean, there is no devil, right? It's just a shit zillion mark. They're not they're not crafty. They're not sneaky. The big freaking metal monster out big old race. Yeah, they're hanging out. And then humanity is like, yo, let's exploit hell for our own benefit. Good, good, good one. Hell energy is just yeah. Yeah. What could go wrong?
Starting point is 01:55:00 So thorough, thorough, thorough fun on that. And so that's yeah, I started that on stream. That's going to be the LP following up on spec ops, the line over on Willie versus. Do you feel like a hero? I feel like a superhero. I feel like it's the craziest jump yet. I was just thinking of that when I said that it's like where it's like, oh, no, I almost pulled the trigger when I didn't mean to or oops, I did pull the trigger when I didn't want to to like I could not be I could not hold the trigger any harder. How can you shoot faster? I actually can't. I want to shoot faster. Let's
Starting point is 01:55:41 get that upgrade. Demon's got to go. Punch that robot. Yeah. Olivia's got to go. So they all got to go. They all got to go. They all got to go. You're fucking with hell and everyone in that game's got to go. And in Samuel's like, don't break that machine. It's super beautiful. I can't believe you broke it. What do you do? Oh, my God, how well energy is cool, though. The energy crisis on earth is it was worth the risk. Man, you go to hell and you see Commander Keen's helmet. Yeah, it's like he made it to hell. That's impressive from protecting aliens, evasions from earth. He made it down there. I think that's crazy. So it's funny because like doomslayer, he never talks once and you only get these little snippets of his
Starting point is 01:56:36 personality through the stuff in eternal looks like they're cranking that up to 11 where like you can use the Doom guys PC and he's got like fucking kill montage dot mp4 on his desktop. Okay. And he's got a battle arena in the area. This is in what? Eternal coming out. Okay. He's got a battle arena called the Repetorium. And like he's got a bunch of old novelty shit from all the spin offs just stashed around everywhere. And there's intercoms going like do not look at the Doom guy, do not talk to the Doom guy. Wow, just let him on his way. And they're just like turning full into it. So he's and he's the sedentive BJ Blaskowitz as well, right? He's in that he's in the supposedly this new one, maybe not. Okay, the whole game, you're going to notice that the more
Starting point is 01:57:34 you read these things, it's toying as to whether or not they're talking about a unique character that's like a Praetorian or something new race. Or if because they describe the last time the Doom Slayer was going nuts, he really tore it up. There's like enough to be like, are you talking about doing one and two? Is he the same guy? Okay. Okay, fuck it. Whatever. You know, like good enough. Yeah. Because then like, it's a pretty the escalation between being a Nazi killer and a demon hunter is less than you would think. That's great. That's great. So yeah, anyway, I look forward to seeing more of that. So I did that. Grand Blue Fantasy Versus. How's that code? It's rollback. No, sorry, it's not rollback. It's, it's delay based.
Starting point is 01:58:34 Great. The word rollback was on my brain because I want to say it's not rollback. And it's like, yep, still not still not happening on that one. And that was we knew that a while ago. Now I'm going to set the notch in my brain accordingly. Click. All right, I'm now ready to listen to the rest of this great fighting game that I'm excited to play but won't fun fighting game. Cool characters. Very pretty. Lots of lots of cool stuff happening. Yeah. Didn't go too, too far in depth because ultimately, I grabbed it to do like an early sort of. Yeah, because you got the what the Hong Kong version? I got the Japanese one. So we just grabbed to do a stream with it. I'm going to probably jump online for like a little bit, but I haven't really touched it since
Starting point is 01:59:21 like that. I touched online in the last demo when it came out, right? But yeah, it's like when it comes out proper in English on March 3rd, I believe it is, then like I'll go in a bit further. But for now, I'm just previewing it. Yeah, I mean, the two characters I like are going to be a lot of fun. Vassaraga and Lancelot. Very cool. Lots of like lots of fun with all the animations and quotes and everything going on with the joke character. Loane. Oh, yeah, true three cap boys. Oh, yeah, I've seen a lot of Loane. Loane is wonderful. Fucking cool. Like the like literally like, oh, shit. Vassaraga is inviting us out for beer. What do we do guys? Yo, real recognize is real. Like these wind quotes are then telling stories in a bar that never happened or waking
Starting point is 02:00:13 up passed out. Yeah, right. Like literally, it's just this nonsense character that's full of all these gags and fun stuff. He has that wind pose. We're just the rotate the spin. Yeah, all three of them are doing that little that little dance. You can call out mom for the level three. She they turned into a giant woman. You know, it's it's a great character. It's lots of fun. But yeah, yeah, so that's it. It's delay based netcode. This sucks, man. It does suck. It sucks. But here where we here we are. Support your locals. Like I don't know if it counts in news later, or if it's important because the DBZ stuff is happening. Yeah, we'll talk about that. But it's like all that DBZ stuff looks really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:00 And I'm like, Oh, cool. They're gonna like Max put the tweet that cemented it. It's like, Oh, cool. They're gonna fix the dragon rush speed and the netcode. No. Yeah. All right. Yeah, it's for some reason. Well, here's the thing. I can say this. This is the most popular. The message has been right. People have been fighting for rollback netcode for 10 years now. Yeah, in fighting games. But it's now more people know about it and are complaining about it than ever. Right. So at the very least, there's this there's the the voices are louder. So that's what's up. But we'll get we'll get into that a little bit later. Otherwise, it's a good fighting game. And I look forward to playing it at locals. So that to you can check out over on oily versus. And yeah, this week, pretty much
Starting point is 02:02:03 the switch over to doom should be happening as soon as I think I think spec ops align wraps up this week. So that's what's going down. And then on Wednesday, we're going to start the stream on the new LP that's replacing Death Stranding because I beat Death Stranding. Wow. Wow. Okay, so there's some there's a lot of stuff we can talk about without talking about spoilers at all. Yeah. I really like that game. I think it's great. Yes. I enjoyed it for that three hours where it becomes complete garbage near the end. Okay, are you talking about the last three hours? No, we talked about the first three hours of the last sequence. Yes. Okay, okay. It's bad. I didn't mind it. Oh, really? I didn't mind it. Oh, you're I was okay with it.
Starting point is 02:02:57 It was fine. I like there is a point at which that whole talk on the beach is like the worst thing Kojima has ever done. So that is the point at which Kojima is like time to get meta and do the things that only video games can do. But also like I'm going to put I'm going to put this in here in the game in a way where I'm going to acknowledge that not everyone's going to like this. In fact, some people will hate it. Yeah. Knowing how absurd the journey has been up to that point. I was waiting for an absurd moment of gameplay. Yeah. And that was it. But without going into any spoilers. Finally, upon seeing, you know, where the characters arrive, what they do, what means what, I enjoyed it. I like the setting. I like the world is very
Starting point is 02:03:48 cool. I had a complete breakdown at the acronyms, backer names and verbal connections. I had a complete and utter breakdown. There was I forget which one of the last two major ones. Oh, I know which one it is. It's the French one. There was no that I called immediately. Really? When I Yeah, that I called it hours before. It wasn't that one. It's so bad. It wasn't that one. There was another one where it was just like, okay, I had to basically explain and you'll you'll hear it, right? But I kind of was just like, listen, man, this this trick that is something meaning something else or something being connected to something else. It works really well when used sparingly and it's right in front of your face and you go, oh my god, I couldn't believe it,
Starting point is 02:04:39 right? There's a famous moment in kindly give me a good example. There's a famous moment in Mega Man Command Mission in which Liam and I completely brains exploded at the same time when a name turned out to be something that it what we didn't know and just completely lost it, right? When you do it nonstop, it loses weakness, it loses strength every time. And this game, the first hour, it dries up the entire concept and it keeps going the whole game and then it never stops. And then they give you like a double dose near the end. Yes. And then they triple dose you. Yeah. And I actually got to a point where I said, what did I say? I said, bridge it bridges almost and just went like, oh god, no, wait, what? And confused myself. Yeah. Because it was just
Starting point is 02:05:33 going so hard on that concept that I went, this is this is not good. It's not good. This is not good, especially when it's not even it's it's not it's not subtext. It's not even text. It's hypertext. It's ultra text. It's the kind of thing overtext that I imagine reads way better when your primary language isn't English. And furthermore, and I thought about this, right? Not only is that what possibly sounds better, but your language is one where the kanji usually have more than one meaning. You can literally have multiple meanings. So the pun of someone's name or something actually being two things is normal and oftentimes used to have a hole. So the Japanese love puns, if you use a known writing thing, a lot of Japanese stuff, they're fucking love puns,
Starting point is 02:06:34 because they have a language that the kind of very easily. So you'll see something where a character's main character's name is two symbols that if you read the alternate versions of them, creates a totally different idea. Oh my god. And then you go, oh my god, I never would have thought about reading this the different way, right? So wow. So one, it doesn't really as well in English. It works infinitely worse. Two, it's overused in English. Every single character has a flat name that isn't like a normal human, because it's obvious. Yeah. And then three, when you make one thing have when it's a doublant tendre, yeah, it becomes like, yeah, okay, there it is. Yeah, when it's a triple. Yeah. Okay. And then you go for the quad and you're like,
Starting point is 02:07:21 stop it. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle it. And the end of the game drops so many more on you that it's and I know we're like we're dancing around it, but it really is just like every name has a pun associated. Every bit has a bite. And it's just like the joke of, did you know the essence strand stands for strand? Yeah, right. It became real. It became more real than I could have ever imagined. And it broke me. You remember why I laughed super, super, super hard at that? I was like halfway through the game when you made that joke. Yeah. And it was way funnier to me than it was to you. There is one and I repeat one that I love that is wonderful, a perfect one in the game. And did you ever get the the final the final emails
Starting point is 02:08:17 about like, I got a couple. I didn't go through all what happened to every character and what people in my chat told me what it was. Okay. There is one where you see the characters like Kojima name. Yeah. And then you see their real name. And it's fucking beautiful. I'm going to text you. Yeah, I was about to say, can you text me? I'm going to text you. I have like massive crazy problems with the beach at the end of the game that like big, big problems, we'd probably have to go into spoiler talk to talk about it. Because it's fucking bad, but it brought the plot of the game down to almost nothing, only to have it be completely saved at the end by one. Yes, that is the one. That is the one.
Starting point is 02:09:14 That one is so good. Yeah, there's one that's so, so good. Where one, what's his name? Tommy Earl Jenkins. I'm not going to spoil it because there's people that this is not a spoiler cast for that. Sorry, Tommy Earl Jenkins, the actor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a good acting man. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I talked about it when I beat it. Yeah, I want to bring it up again. Yeah, die hard man with the with the fucking Oscar chops, because I feel like the game was like kind of falling apart an hour or two before that. And then you get to that scene and you're like, okay, you're bringing me right back because it pretty much ends on that scene and he kills it. It's like it's like a debriefing. Very, very, very, very good chops on that act. Good man. Yes.
Starting point is 02:10:04 Yes. Yes. Yes. I called him. I called him the, well, whatever. Anyway, John Goodman. But there's a there's a very clear reason why you're like, and this is why Kojima hired this person. Yep. Can act like crazy. Guess who else can act? Mads fucking Mickelson. Yes, he can. So yeah, all in all, really enjoyed the plot and where it went really enjoyed the gameplay and where that went. Fun, very unique tasting game. And fun thing to do with your brand new idea and world and studio. Yeah, right. Fun thing to do. Fuck you at the idea that just because someone's into something really hard, they become Homo Ludens or Homo fucking science or Homo this or Homo that the idea that you are no longer a Homo sapien, but you are a Homo my hobby. A Homo hobby is fucking
Starting point is 02:11:04 sucks. I hate that shit a lot. But I really do like. Oh my god, fucking Ludwig. Yeah, you did a good job. But oh, that last vocal theme. Oh my god, the music. It's very high quality. The music builds and then there's like fucking musical payoff that is the strongest. So it's very high quality. So in any case, we really, yeah, I really do desperately need to talk to you about the argument that happens in that game, the final argument between two characters. Yeah. So I'll say that there's one thing is that I feel like I feel like in a weird way, Sam's the kind of character that like he almost reminds me of an RPG protagonist where for the most part, you're just he's just got his head down. Yeah, I'm just I'm just delivering these packages. But then I've got a
Starting point is 02:12:03 big old monologue deep inside just in there, just waiting to burst out in there. You're like, did you? All right. And shout outs to pizza. Shout outs to pizza. That's a good that's a good payoff to an incredibly frustrating question. Yep. Yep. So Higgs, a character that I really was like, man, I actually went off on a bit of a rant about a sympathetic villain versus a one dimensional knife liquor. Yeah, which Higgs totally is until he's not until he's not. Yeah. You know, and I was like, thank God for they save him right at the last possible second. They squeeze it in. Like you ever see that gift of like the guy who picks up his beer and then the bartender tosses a coaster underneath it and it goes right at the last second. They fucking give you what you need
Starting point is 02:13:18 to turn Higgs into a real boy. A good character. He gets Pinocchio. He gets Pinocchio. What that means is I mean, I remember seeing reviews going like Higgs is a really one dimensional shitty villain. And I'm like, well, yeah, if you did not finish certain things in that game, he remains kind of shitty. Yes, you actually have to go. You have to do your work. You have to do Kojima's work for him. Now here's the other problem, right? Of course, there's there's a lot of emails in this game. There's a lot of emails in this game. We had the same discussion back in MGS five about audio tapes. Yeah. And show don't tell. Yeah. And I still maintain that show don't tell is my preferred. Yeah. Right. But like, if it's one of those bits where you're like, hey, man,
Starting point is 02:14:05 we only got Troy for 80 hours. Yeah. So there's a real element to this game where MGS five had the tapes. And this has the emails. And all I could think of is like, boy, I bet we would have been able to have tapes you could listen to on the road. If every single actor wasn't a Hollywood celebrity, pretty crazy, right? Yeah, because it's baffling that you have these emails that are long. Yeah, that you can't that there's no audio version can't listen to on the road. Yeah, which is why I got more than one person going, yo, thank you for reading the emails on my point five episodes because it's like, I didn't have time. So this is what I wanted. There's a lot. There's a lot. We read through all of them on the LP. And those episodes are marked as point five. So you
Starting point is 02:14:58 know exactly which ones if you wanted to listen to us going through them and discussing what we read, but they flesh out some characters in really good ways. And they do the things that the audio tapes did to MGS five and to ground zeros where you you get like tons of depth where originally there was zero if there there are like lower tabs, I guess you would call them about like the names of all the concepts people are talking about that if you don't read them, the game is like nonsense. If you don't know what is or how you're fucking dead in the water on understanding the plot for sure, for sure, for sure. Yeah, I mean, you know, there's a there's a bunch of little bits here and there and and there definitely comes a time in the game when you're just like,
Starting point is 02:15:47 there is no longer any kind of problem that I cannot overcome with my equipment and my, you know, I got this, I got this if I have to walk there at all, if you know, and there is also what I there's also a couple of moments of like, are you going to think outside the box? You know, where I was like, Oh, yeah. And I get and like, to me, I was like, I, I managed to figure out those moments. So I was like, Hey, we got to switch over to spoilers. Okay, I got I got some shit to say about what you're talking about. Before we do, the final sprint of the game turns into the, you know, the final sprint, right at the end. Yep. Good, good job fucking with me and my prep for that moment. Appreciate it. And the game basically turns
Starting point is 02:16:42 into Dragon's Dogma. Like the that's the that's the final sequence in Dragon's Dogma as well. Okay, it's like a final fucking go. All right, so should we set a clock? Yeah, let's set a clock. Well, how much do you want? I don't think more than five minutes is needed. Five minutes. Yep. Okay. So I'm going to set a stopwatch. Nope. That's not it. I'm going to set a timer for exactly all uses stopwatch five minutes starting three, two, one, five minutes. Amelie is the fucking worst. She is wrong. That's the problem. I wish you would give people more than a second. No, just give it a minute. We literally we did give them a second. We went three, two, well that's plenty of time. I'm my problem with that game is that Amelie is wrong. Her
Starting point is 02:17:42 fucking theory on like what extinction is is wrong. Yep. It's completely wrong. Amelie sucks. Right. She's the worst part of the game. Which is terrible, right? The whole time like and like absolutely, absolutely, right? So and not only that, but like she is wrong and she is selfish and she is evil. She's evil. Okay. Evil and manipulative and just an all right after but and actually and an evil without convictions because she can be convinced to change her mind. And also she's playing both sides because she doesn't know what I don't know. But but but and this is the biggest thing for me. Her blame is directly proportional. The exact percentage of blame she takes is directly proportional to how human she is. If she is 50% human and no extinction event, that's where it
Starting point is 02:18:34 all fell apart for me because let me let me get there. Right. At some point in time, you are a she's a human being that is standing there that looks like a human being, but you are a concept. You are an entity. You are the idea of extinction and death in that way. That whole like to a degree it is you can only be your fault as much as you are a human. No, that's bullshit. You know why? Because the reason why she sped things up was not because she was a concept. It's because she was bored. And so regardless of any of that metaphysical nonsense, 100% her fault. But but again and then but like if her primary existence is to do this thing, then her doing that thing. It's but but all of those things are the result of her human choices. Yes. Which is why again, the way I'm
Starting point is 02:19:22 looking at it is like if she was 99% E. Then she was just like, Hey, man, this is what it's got to be. You know what it is. It is what it is. A person. You're the rate. She's the Ray Ionami in that whatever. That's right. No, like every every bad thing that happens in the game is her direct doing as a person, not as an extinction entity. She uses the EE stuff to justify the use of her abilities. She could have been a what she could have been anything she could have done would have been better as a human. Yeah, then what she did do. Yeah, because like she doesn't and then on top of that, the way that she goes about it is in this indirect fucking bullshit pussy foot way. Oh, it's terrible. Where it's like, I'm going to make the situation worse, not by doing it myself,
Starting point is 02:20:06 but by picking up John's hand and making him fire it or and or picking up Higgs and making him crazy and and then going on to make it so that Oh, Die Hard Man's past like he's to blame for everything, pushing the blame off, right? So insane, insanely evil on the human side of things and non non convicted in her beliefs. Yeah. But part of her is still not human. Okay, before we go forward, I just want to say how early did you realize Amelie was behind at all? It was pretty much the moment where it's not the visitation, but it's pretty much the moment when I go you walk in and you're like, why are why is she having a candid conversation with Higgs? Okay, for me, it was like, yeah, I know. Yeah, for me, it was like, like an hour into the game.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Yeah, when she's like, you got to do the network and somebody's like, the chiral density is going up. So yeah, you got to do the network. Hey, hey, hey, hey, the human extinction is primarily concerned with American reconstructionism. A couple, a couple other things. High priority. Having to hug her. Yeah, as the as the pivotal moment in the game, I think makes the game's themes for a little while completely fail because it's wrong. It's literally wrong. You're given the shot. Yeah, like 10 times. I got stuck. Okay, I didn't do that. I didn't do that. And here's my thought on it, right? She is flawed and swayed by her emotion towards you. You can manipulate her with your love, but it's not. It's not being played that way. It's not
Starting point is 02:21:46 played that way. It's not played like appease the elder God with your human emotions. It's played like, listen, man, love is really what matters. She'll do the right thing. It's like, no, she won't because she's evil. She did the emotional thing. I wish I knew the breakdown of how much of her was versus human. I bet no one knows. But I blame her exactly that percentage, which is probably over 1%. So fuck her, fuck her. She's the worst character ever, almost ruins the game, but then die hard, man. He saved it. He saved it. He's so good. All right, that's five minutes. And five. Great. Spoiler cast. Yep. There you go. That was that was that, you know what,
Starting point is 02:22:32 that's the most important discussion. It's the only thing I want to talk about. It's the only thing I want to talk about. Death Stranding, everybody beats it. Everyone I've talked to, by the way, I'm going, so how about that one part? And they're like, you see, but the other thing is beyond the part beyond what we talked about, though, there's, like I said, there's the, there's the, your meta confusing gameplay moments. And then there's your like, oh, people are going to be talking about this for a while. Because it's like, yeah, Koji went outer space with everything about that ending. Well, not literally, but and then, and then, but then in the end, like this is a world that I really like because it has
Starting point is 02:23:15 so much meat to chew on in terms of ideas. It goes into places that it's like, okay, so let's, let's go. Let's revisit this concept of the Death Stranding and asexuality as a result of isolation. And, oh, Jesus Christ, really, that's a thing, huh? Okay, okay, well, anyway, whatever, whatever to that, but the, the, the ideas that he puts out there are like, there's some stuff, some shit to chew on and to talk about and discuss. But I am never going to play this again. Nope. This is the, when I was playing through it, I'm like, this is a great game. I will never touch it again. It is the fattest, thickest, deepest single serving game I've ever played. Yep. I put a lot of time into that game. And I think you put even more, actually.
Starting point is 02:24:09 I completed the full road. You got more done. And I created the entire zipline network. I think I, I think I did 80, 100 hours, something like that. Yeah, I got my value. Yeah. And I enjoyed it. And it was also work. So ever win all around. No desire to ever play because hit the fucking credits, bro. And I went over and I'm like, hold on a second, what happened? And then I realized Hartman was on port 4.5. Yeah. And he became 4.5 men and fucking ruined my perfect five stars across the board. That's what I went back and did a nine five star every night. I'm glad. I'm glad. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it is the craziest is like single serving. You can't do it. Someone was like, hey, you're going to go back and fucking go back to just having the ropes. Someone sent a message
Starting point is 02:24:54 like, Oh, are you looking forward to the steam release? I'm just like, are you out of your mind? Why the fuck would I ever go back to this? It's like, go back to like, don't make cry one when it's like, okay, but you have to wait 30 hours till you get stinger. Like, no, no way. The whole point of that game is to build up infrastructure to circumvent toil. I circumvented the toil, all of it. Why would I go back to toil? It's the only game I could think of where it actually makes things difficult and kind of shitty to do. And then when you learn how to mitigate them, you're like, yeah. Remember when? Yeah. Remember when you had really good options in persona three? I do. But then game was like, but you Kiko though. Yeah. No. I'm sorry. What? Sorry. Wait, you
Starting point is 02:25:49 carry. Yeah, you carry, but you carry though. And you're like, but I don't want you carry. She's got a choker and she hates her dad. And you're like, but I don't want you carry though. Right. Come on. Remember that. She got dad problems. Vibes. Vibes. Like, it has never been like, in a in a in an empty fucking room in an isolated system in a void, you already don't really want what they're giving you. I'd rather grind up on this corner. But then also fragile is great. You know, yeah, she's pretty fragile. Yeah. Oh, not that fragile. They use that like five, 10 times too many and not in the moment when I thought it was going to happen. But then it comes 20 minutes later. And I'm like, yeah, it doesn't mean anything anymore.
Starting point is 02:26:44 It's it's nuts. Now, here's the last bit to say. Mads was worried about the under usage, was worried about what's going to what not worried at all. He got some he got some good, he got some good hits and Mads is perfection. Yeah. Absolute perfection. And goddamn, his face is so fucking just unique. His big, big actor face. You know, the same thing. Yes. The same things you felt when you saw the chieftre wipe the blood from his eye is is what you feel here. You're like, ah, fucking perfect this character. You know, so I love everything about him. And yeah, Norman. Hey, Norman. Hey, good job. Good job, buddy. You did it. And PT is saved.
Starting point is 02:27:46 He got so much more out of this than he would have with PT. Yeah, this is so much better for him. Maybe he'd probably have the same amount of dialogue. Hey, did you watch AMC's ride with Norman Reedus? I did. Exactly. It's here. I hear it's all right. It's okay. Yeah. No. But there you go. It's okay. So guess what? So I was so wait, hold on. Let's break it down. I watched AMC's ride with Norman Reedus and I'm now primarily drinking Monster Energy. Hmm. Hmm. How about that? How about that? It works. Can't can't blame only that sugar free monster, though. The sugar ones are terrible. Yeah. I can't like by the end of the game, you're like, I wonder if that ride is any good. I wonder if I would so like it's been a longstanding thing
Starting point is 02:28:37 with us where like if a but if like a character falls through the floor in a game, whereas many people go, oh no, we're like cheering and hooping and hollering. Right. I was like riding that AMC ride with Norman Reedus bike as much as I could and being like, say the line, Norman, say it. And whenever he did say it when he was like, man, I feel like a badass. Like I'm on the right. I was like, yeah. I literally said it. I fucking screen capped them so that I could show Reggie off like back when we started the recording up again and like, I got him to say it. He said it. There it is. So yeah, it reaches pure parody status. Say the thing, Norman. Yeah. Good job, Koji pro. Genius Kojumbo indeed. Genius Kojumbo. Where'd that come from? I don't know. I'm going to guess
Starting point is 02:29:27 4chan. It sounds like that sounds almost like it. That game is so so like we now get to know exactly what Kojumbo looks like with no filter. Yes. He won't stop with the pun language shit. He zooms in infinitely on his subject matter. He finds one detail which then explains why all of reality exists. Scientifically literate, but not that scientifically literate. And he's willing to he's willing to make leaps where it's like, don't he's willing to hand wave like broad things. So that small things work better. There's a there's a bit in the in the ending where people are talking to you about like, you know, the ghosts and shit. And they start talking scientific stuff. And like, I'm almost coming out of my chair of like, that's not how
Starting point is 02:30:19 that works. Right. That's super wrong. And bonus. This is my favorite part. Just a few weeks ago, it was discovered that there was in fact, another mass extinction between the fourth and fifth extinction rot row, which makes the entire plot of the game make completely no sense. But don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Can I say this, you know, the first screenshot of the game we saw where he's standing on the beach. Yeah. And then you see the floating figures in the distance. Yeah, I fucking love that. Yeah, that's good. That thing is so cool now. It's very good. But yeah, the most the most like talking about the way he handles these types of details. The purest moment to me of that exemplifies that is when it's like, Hey, guys, did you know
Starting point is 02:31:11 that like this one weird bug worm when it dies, it glows blue. That's why blue is the color of death. So the whole game is blue. Really? Is it? Really? You know, and it's like, hey, got it, right? Hey, did you know that the Egyptians figured this one thing out and this is what they called it? Therefore, that's how it really is. That's how it really is. Turns out, Egyptians dead on. We could have picked a ride the mother culture, but we picked this one and it worked out. You know why we picked it? Because I want to make some puns. And because I think that Higgs's Egyptian themed costume looks cool. And it does. It does. It looks really cool. Death Stranding. Well, anyway, so that's that's that's I eagerly awaits the next Kojima productions game, which I
Starting point is 02:31:58 assume will be very different from Death Stranding, which I assume will be a movie. Well, that's just a bummer to me. Well, that's what he said he wants to do. After watching and playing Death Stranding. I am terrified of the kind of movie this man would make. Oh, yeah. Just oh, yeah. Horrified. Terrible. Yep. Super scary. Just all this shit. Super scary. All the story stuff we're complaining about is pretty bad in a video game. It would be unwatchable in movie format. You know how, you know, like it's sad to say and I'm not I'm the kind of person that doesn't need this type of thing. I always am like, do the original bit. But the thing that would probably be the least offensive would be if he just expanded on a
Starting point is 02:32:40 detail from an already existing world. Sure. Right. If he did the your hostage play shit. Oh, I thought you meant like Kojima's Transformers. No. No, God, no. No, God, no, please, no. No, no. No. I meant, as in like, let's go into this world and pick a moment or a character and elaborate on them like mama story. Hartman. Yeah. As an hour and a half. Literally just, hey, here's the day that Hartman lost his heart. Sure. Right. Then you would go, all right, we could make that work because we already know the rest of this world and believe in it. But to start from scratch and do things the way he does. I'm scared. I think he has enough time in a movie to set up anything he'd want to do. He'd hand you a pamphlet before you watched it. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 02:33:30 Hey, Kojima, you're OK. You're OK. He said it. Could could a Guillermo did the thing really led to his body for a good cause. Kojima needs somebody who is talented to stand right next to him and go, that's fucking stupid. OK, but it's it's the David Cage effect in opposite. Yeah. You know, like it's like you are. Dave, like he is losing Kojima is losing the forest for the trees. Right. David Cage is losing the trees for the four only sees a forest. Yeah. And it's really just a low resolution green blur. What's the name of that forest in motion? Like there is not a tree to be found because all he sees is cage as the most zephorist primitive
Starting point is 02:34:26 view of art. He went to art school at some point, I'm sure. And somebody said art is anything that makes you feel something. And he views like the highest form of art is something that gives you a big emotion. Yes. And the only way to give people big emotions is to show them big emotions. And it's like, you know, it can mean something or just be generally enjoyable. Right. These are also options. Yeah. The I mean, fine art and fine art teachers will argue that like when you look at ready made art, which is the McDonald's bag on the on the on the seat. Yeah. That has a name tag attached to it. Whatever you feel upon seeing that makes it valid. So if you that disgust, you might feel that frustration you might feel when you hit the
Starting point is 02:35:12 two H hallway of Dawson College, you know, and you see someone submitted homework, which is literally a McDonald's trio with a name tag attached to it. I actually got into like almost art theory. So remember a few weeks ago when Pat's not creative, I got an almost an art like intellectual discussion about like, what is art really? Well, everyone's artistic in their own way. And it like, you run into people who are just like, everything is art. Everything you do in this world is art. And I'm like, well, now we're just using now we're just destroying words. Like now, like words are losing their fucking meaning. Like, things have to not be art for things that are like, come on, guys. Like the idea is the idea,
Starting point is 02:35:56 of course, is just that like, if someone decides to take anything in any place and frame it, that's all that's deep, man. Banana on the wall, right? My art history teacher, like my art history teacher argued that anything framed is art, right? My frame a picture of your asshole and submit it 100% into your semiotics. My fine arts teacher argued that it was whatever made you feel something. Dick makes you feel something. And both of them came from a point of view where it was ultimately, as long as somebody calls it art, oh my God, you know, then it, it ought to be the actual worst. So right. And it's like, okay, well, if that's the world you want to live in, it's the action. I mean, they can you can live in that world,
Starting point is 02:36:48 but not everyone has to give a fuck about every piece of art that I mean, I just got off watching rent in which the only art worth, worth arting is that born of suffering. And it's like, go to hell. So you know, anyway, man, thank God, when I watched rent, I wasn't a poor artist because I've never been an artist or 19 or I was never 19. But like, like, if I was like somebody like, you know, on the Patreon grind, trying to make ends meet and being poor, like that movie would send me into a fucking conniption. Because they're like, oh man, yeah, being, yeah, being poor, yeah, it's the true way. And there are people out there, it's like, I just want to draw titties and make some money, dude. Commissions are open. Yeah, commissions are open. Please rent, please
Starting point is 02:37:38 stop. I spawned into this world at the ripe old age of 90. That's how it feels anyway. So anyway, Death Stranding going to be wrapping up on Wally versus as well. You can check that out. Should be a couple episodes away. That's a great game for some people. Yes. I played about two hours of epilogue as well to just get clean up. So there was a couple little other things to do, some storylines to some of those preppers where you're just like, God damn it. It's not the way I wanted that to go. You know, you know, when you say like, this is an unqualified recommendation, I would, I would recommend this to anyone. This is a highly qualified, the most qualified game I would ever recommend to anyone. If you are a fan of
Starting point is 02:38:25 Kojima's work, and you have played at least three Metal Gear games and loved them and you are patient and you can appreciate a calm abstract sentence, abstract, abstract game concepts. Like it's go for it. It's fucking go for it. Trucking trucking became I would I would never begrudge anyone now that we're all the way out. Right. I would never begrudge anyone that I was talking to them. And like, you know, you talk to somebody like, man, DMC three is garbage. You need to get the hell out of my face. If somebody was like, man, fucking death strain was so trash. But yeah, I can see that. Yeah. But if it came out and it came and went and it was like, yeah, that was okay.
Starting point is 02:39:10 How sad would that have been if it was just a like, yeah, decent action game, the shooty parts were shooty. And then it wrapped up and then we called it a day would not that be the most disappointing and sad thing for the highest expectations of Andrew House. Yes. So Koji pro. Koji pro. I would love to get sales numbers on that game. I would love to get sales numbers on that game. I want to get a Ludens toy. I bet it's sold. Okay. I wonder. All right, you know, like not like 10 million or whatever, but like a million or two, you know, just like it did okay. But considering the like the build up and the hype cycle and the fucking event that it was, I bet a lot of people saw what it was and went, no, I mean, it's, you
Starting point is 02:40:05 know, it's it's in the it's in the PlayStation triple a pantheon, you know, but how high up, of course, remains to be seen because yes, if you're going to spend that much money on a game, many people want it to be a bit more accessible and or Nathan Drakey. Yeah. So, you know, anyway, pleasant. I've been trying to I've been trying to push past it. Oh, my bad. Okay. Because we meandered. But that wraps up so you can check that out. And yeah, I'll just crack that open and say that like new long LP to start this week, uh, going to be cracking open the Kotor two. Oh, hey. Come on. Is it so you're doing pockets, I said? No, actually going to go a different way with it. Oh, this is so this is going to be like
Starting point is 02:40:58 I said, it's not continuing adventures with you in pockets. This is going to be with the for and I've been told there's really good reason to go with a different type of character from last time. I would say that's accurate and that there's like actual lore and party implications that I would say that it's really cool to go light side in Kotor two. Okay. In Kotor one, it was like laugh. It was fucking hilarious. So go evil, right? But Kotor. Yeah, there's some good light side stuff in there. Yep. So I'm going to be doing that. I'm going to be with a Star Wars informed guest and we'll crack that open and see what see what folks think. Let me ask you, are you going to brainstorm another good ass name like pockets? Are you just going to hope
Starting point is 02:41:46 that it arises? I was going to just hope it arises, but now I'm sweating a bit. Yeah, might need to sweat and might need to think about the pockets divots. Fanny pack. Yeah, Fanny pack, the hero Jedi. Fanny pack. Oh, that's terrible. That's just awful. I mean, it's a pocket outside your pot. Anyway, I'm going to warn you right now. That first area, the mining thing is a slog. I hear it's all it's all roses after that. But that first one's rough. So that's that's going to be it. Please look forward. And I hope you enjoy. And we will can that that will take the the big I'll take the big boy slot for quite some time
Starting point is 02:42:35 while the the short slot continues to keep it moving with doom and such. Yeah, do it was not that long. Yeah, now bang that in like a second. So that's that's what's going on. And then yeah, if you happen to catch it, a good old fun, a good old fun season of gone in 60 seconds also dropped. And there was some musical, some musical things happened. I may have collaborated on some music. I may have done some rapping. So a lot of weird stuff going on on woolly versus kind of flying all over the place now. Looks like you're taking like a shotgun approach to content right this second. It happens to be that way. And you know what? So far, people have been enjoying it. Let me ask you if the if the reception on your reps was like positive enough.
Starting point is 02:43:30 I have no I have no is there is there the moment where you're like, hey, I have no maybe haven't thought about nothing. Okay, no answers for nobody. But between like all this types of stuff coming out. And of course, like I said, the the will you will figure it out and the this is and the that's and I'm trying to just yeah, the shotgun content. It's fun. It's dynamic. I like recording different things. I like doing different things. People often ask when's more of thing. And the answer to that I can say at this point in time is Oh, I probably just did it. You know, salt party is a thing. Table Lords is a thing. Podcast is a thing. No, do the one I want. Yeah, you know, gone in 60 seconds is a thing. Fucking music videos and rapping is a thing like I'm going
Starting point is 02:44:16 all over the place with this stuff fighting games is a thing or is it get into for fun and for Oh, your video series. Yeah. Okay, your video series. I'm finding it's totally a thing. I don't know fighting games are a thing. So you know, um, yeah, I'm having fun with that. Things are pretty cool in that regard. And I hope everyone continues to enjoy the diversity of content. And I hope that people can be like, Yeah, I don't have to ask for thing because I got it. So yeah, that's it. Shall we take a quick word from our sponsor? Let's take a quick word from our sponsor, shall we? This week, the podcast is sponsored by Manscaped Manscape. What's up? Well, I'll tell you what's up, folks, you know what's up.
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Starting point is 02:48:05 get 20% off with the code super beast at That's 20% off with free shipping at Use the code super beast. Thanks, Manscaped. Thank you. All right. And Castle Super Beast is sponsored by by whom? Shutter. Shutter AMC networks Shutter. What is Shutter? Shutter is a premium streaming, streaming video service. It is straight up the place where you can go to get great thrillers, horror, supernatural movies, etc. Okay, it's Oh, like fear, like shutter, like, ah, it's yes. Okay. Yes. Not shutter, shudder. Okay, that makes perfect sense then. It's basically the Netflix of horror. Okay. So this is where you can go for all of that. They've got the largest, fastest growing human curated selection of thrilling and
Starting point is 02:49:06 dangerous entertainment. It's not some goddamn algorithm. No. And like taking a look, there's some there's some good stuff in there. They've got a basically like, yeah, again, like the Netflix as far as the perfect way to describe it because you've got your solid selection of things that even like scrape into like, like not just the traditional horror because you've got your child's play in there and whatnot, but I also flipped on. I was like, oh, look, it's old boy. And then when I went, yeah, that's yeah. And I went to go take a look and I was like, ah, they got like the whole vengeance trilogy. Oh, really? Yeah. That's so that, you know, that's all in there. And I even like went past and saw like Escape from New York and I was like,
Starting point is 02:49:44 whoa, okay. Right. So you got all that in there. In addition to, you know, like things like Creep Show, the TV series and horror classics, original films, they've got The Deadlands, which is a new exclusive show premiering on January 23rd, featuring a slain Māori warrior. Okay. So I was like, oh, that's all right. That's like, that's I know about the haka. I know about a little bit of a thing or two. Somebody didn't haka hard enough about the the cool traditional New Zealand cultures. And yeah, they have that coming out, coming out soon. And is essentially, yeah, it's a sent back to the world of the living to redeem his sins. So not quite, not quite, but it's the it's the Māori version. Kind of. Yeah. I saw the trailer.
Starting point is 02:50:41 I saw someone do like a pucana face. And I saw someone speaking in Te Reo Māori. Okay. Wow. All right. That's cool. So yeah, you can stream it on all your devices, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Androids, whatever. Like you got it got you covered. You can get your horror fix anywhere you want to. So I definitely would not sleep on that vengeance trilogy by Chanwoo Park. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend a strong soul. Yes. Old Boy is how I started. And then I went back to sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and then sympathy for Lady Vengeance. So I think you really should watch those movies. They're fucking good. And don't
Starting point is 02:51:32 don't plan anything else that day. You're going to be tired. Yeah, you're going to be a little bit worn out, but that's a good ass trilogy. Maybe you don't do them all in one shot. Yeah, probably not. So yeah, get started streaming the best horror thriller and supernatural content. Shudder's expertly curated collection includes titles like the acclaimed tigers are not afraid, one cut of the dead revenge and the acclaimed creepshow TV series produced by Greg Niko Te Reo and the all new series The Deadlands premiering this January to try Shudder for free for 30 days. Go to and use promo code SuperBeast. That's and use promo code SuperBeast. Thank you, Shudder. Thank you, Shudder.
Starting point is 02:52:24 So this was not a light news week. Many things happened. In fact, I guarantee you that I'm probably going to miss like a couple. Yeah, because there's a lot and I grabbed like 12 or so items of note. But as we were talking earlier, I kind of thought of like, oh, fuck, I forgot to write down this one or that one. You know, so let's just let's just dive right in. Let's hit it. Oh, I'm fucking dying out here. Okay. Want a guru? Is he guy? Yeah. What do you got? Guru. Oh, I heard a brew and I'm like, oh, sugar free. Okay. Yeah. I appreciate that. Thank you. I'm grabbing one for myself anyway. Okay. All right. That's
Starting point is 02:53:10 Okay. Well, then let's start it off nice and simple. Have you heard the word about GeForce Now? I have. It's fucking hilarious. Apparently, GeForce Now is a service that has come out and it does what Stadia don't. And by that, I mean it works. Just when it works. Folks, this is coming off of a moment in which the Stadia Reddit is in a bit of an uprising. They're kind of melting down and eating each other. It's getting a little cannibalistic. And people are just like, why has there been literally no news, no updates, nothing going on? I wonder why. What could the reason be? Well, for starters, the GeForce Now which came out and is there and I had more than one person go, hey, I just tried this GeForce Now thing and it works
Starting point is 02:54:11 really well. Apparently, it's a free thing to do if you have the gear already. Yeah. Although, there's a time limit on it. Sure. Because there's a queue. But you can fuck with it. So yeah, you can do a free session for 1080p 60fps, one hour session limit, standard queue access. And then there's the premium which is five a month for 1080p 60fps, six hour session limit, priority queue access. But people just, I don't know, I'm just going on like the word of mouth. I was told the latency kicks the shit out of Stadia. Yeah, like straight up. Heard it works all right? Now, I would like to call attention to the Stadia subreddit. We don't know whether Stadia fan is on Suicide Watch or not. We don't know what's going on over there. But there was a post
Starting point is 02:54:59 that was I think the highest voted currently by one chimsey who says Stadia's plan to win our hearts. I've noticed this sub is kind of evolved to one to have a love hate relationship with Stadia. We all wanted to succeed, but some are frustrated by the lack of information at the moment. They want something they can use to defend Stadia with others and honestly to themselves. That's when I realized the plan was right in our faces the entire time. D. Demonstrate value. Stadia reveal. E. Engage physically. Founders edition. N. Nurture dependence. Weekly update plan announced. N. Neglect emotionally. Don't actually update on a weekly basis. I. Inspire hope. 120 games. S. Separate entirely. Oh my god. It's the Dennis. It's the Dennis system.
Starting point is 02:55:56 That's incredible. That's incredible. I love it. It is so real. Like right on its flat face even if Stadia and GeForce were identical in like, you know, a service or whatever. I expect GeForce to not drop its shit in a year and also like I don't need a pixel to use GeForce, you know, like it's like a better offering, even if nothing changed. But it's the implication of the lack of gameplay experience. It's the implication of no dropped packets. Yeah. So Google Stadia is getting fucking trounced by an NVIDIA side project and they appear to be like the Google side project. They appear to be dead silent on everything as they're not fully committed. It's up to
Starting point is 02:57:04 publishers to announce games. It's up to publishers. You see that motocross ad Stadia put out? No. It was like a Twitter post. It was for like Motocross GP or whatever was coming out on Stadia. And the post was brap. It was excited to play Motocross on Stadia and everyone's like, why did you use brap? That means huge ripping fart. That's what that is. What are you doing? Okay, you know, so I was thinking about this and what Google probably should have done besides not going down this road entirely. That's right. Is Firefell Harrison. That's not where I was going to go, but they should. I was going to say, if they just threw this out there like one of the Google tools on the list,
Starting point is 02:57:59 that was like not a, hey, bra Stadia is coming. Consoles are over. But just, oh, by the way, we have this experimental thing. Here's an app you can download. Google Labs is cooking up some thing where they're like, yo, streaming games, that might be cool. Let's check it out. It worked with games you already had. And then they just threw it out there. And then they kind of went, yeah, we're trying this thing out. And it was, it was totally just a out of nowhere. Google says, maybe let's give this a shot and see how it lands. Right? Sure. We did this. Like that's how they approached translate for years. That's how they approached the lens. All sorts of shit. All their little apps coming off of just like, oh, yeah, let's just see what's going on. Your entire
Starting point is 02:58:37 perception of it would not be here as a product competing in the video game industry. And by that standard, it's a complete piece of shit. You know, but at the very least, you'd have the idea that it's like, yeah, it's a work in progress like translate was for like 10 years before it became like the shit. So that's it. Just lightly put it out and go, yeah, we have an open project that's trying to figure out that doesn't get you a promotion at Google. Well, pretending to put your foot in the race of video games does get you a promotion immediately followed by a fucking firing. No, no, or at least they reshuffling maybe, but you still got that promotion. Well, anyway, Stadia is it remains dead silent. Hey, you know what else free versions about to come
Starting point is 02:59:29 out. Oh, yay. But we don't know when cool. Hey, Willie, what else is dead silent this week? I wanted to go for like the anthem player base. Okay, okay, okay. Like the problem with the anthem story is that I don't know what it is because when I get like, I'm not going to like there is no anthem story because I can't fucking tell you what it is. Why is that because I clicked on the story and there was none. Is it because when they put up the anthem story that's like, we're going to completely rework anthem, the website is broken and no one can read what Casey Hudson has to say. It happened right as I was like getting ready to go live and I'm like, oh, new anthem news. Okay. And I click on it and then it's like, oh, I can't read it. And then they're like,
Starting point is 03:00:16 oh, yeah, sorry, it's down. And I'm like, well, well, then no story then. I don't know. That's kind of its own story, isn't it? Couldn't couldn't read it. Because the story is like, don't worry, guys, we're going to fix anthem and then you click on the webpage and the webpage breaks TLCR. Yeah, that's all right. Anyway, you see that that guy on Twitter that showed off that the Christmas decorations are still open anthem. That is like that is a metaphor. That is emblematic. Wow. That's what I wanted to really get. That is my favorite thing. That rules like literally the virtual equivalent of leaving your tree up for too long. Wow. Fascinating. That is fascinating to think that a video game can have a moment like that
Starting point is 03:01:29 of like, yeah, we just didn't forget. We're busy. Life in the tape start. Well, anyway, no, I was going to go to the story. All right, what we got? Where according to Imran Khan who reports on things from every now and then says that it is a rumor that Nintendo wanted Sora in Smash Brothers, but Disney vetoed it. That is a completely reasonable conclusion. Sora was the number one pick for Japan won all the votes and Disney sucks. So apparently he was on the kind of funny gamescast and said that Nintendo targeted Sora from Kingdom Hearts for Smash Brothers. At some point they absolutely
Starting point is 03:02:26 approached Disney with it once and Disney Japan specifically got in the way of making this a reality. Well, they wise everyone yelling at us that it is fake. Is Nintendo enthusiast a fake website? It could be. Apparently it was one guy spitballing as to why. There was a second website that sourced this as well that I didn't opt to use. Nintendo Life reported it. Okay, did everyone get this wrong? All right, hold on a second. Let's follow the story. It was from the clickbait. From Dual Shockers, Nintendo Enthusiasts. Let's follow it. Let's follow it. It was on a podcast.
Starting point is 03:03:13 And it was around the 19 minute mark. Were they or 28 minute mark? Were they joking about it entirely? And then this story got turned into something it's not possible. They were just bullshitting. Not to sit and watch a podcast on a podcast is a little too meta for me, man. But you're not going to get the right part in the time we have. No, I'm at the part. But I don't know how far into the conversation it will go. Wait a second. If some guy said it on the podcast, it has to be true. That means that I am the coolest. What about what Clicky had something to say about it? What did Clicky say? Clicky had to say that he will not stop fucking liking some fucking dank horrific
Starting point is 03:04:12 Daisy pornography on his goddamn Twitter account. So that now his useful internet points account is now a fucking porn bomb. Okay, so they're talking about smash character choices. At least I'm looking at the the captioning on this and it sounds like he's describing. They're talking about Master Chief and whatnot. Boy, I sure do love and have a emotional connection with Master Chief. Sounds like they're describing that that that Square said no. Sounds like what they're describing. So shall we engage further to find out if chat can elaborate on where and how the story is fake so I can pull that up? Shall we? Shall we break that wall? Are you talking to me? I already don't care about the story anymore.
Starting point is 03:05:07 Okay, well, somebody told me it was fake. That must mean it's fake. A rumor. A rumor. Yep. That's how I that's how I start. I said in my con said that this might be well anyway. Okay. I'm sorry for bringing the story up. I thought I don't know what to tell you. I don't give a shit. It's the people at home. Okay, with their pacifiers. All right. Yeah, that's right. When will we finally get a fire emblem character in smash? Go to hell. That's pretty funny. The phrasing of Nintendo quote unquote, absolutely approach to Disney about it once. Oh, man. But Disney Japan specifically got in the way sounds extremely strong and definite. So I don't know what to tell you but make up that what you do if I find out later on that this is
Starting point is 03:06:02 all fucking not that if I find out later the chat's wrong, I'm going to be fucking don't worry. Everyone can use my new one guy emote one guy. Yeah, you see it knighted. Oh, somebody made it. It's great. It's that asshole. You know the asshole in the 410 jumping in with the finger up but he's like just a one face. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Wouldn't be the first time there was a jump to the reaction and whatnot. But anyway, okay, well, you know, thought it was a story that why would anyone lie? That's wrong to do. That's my opinion. So anyway,
Starting point is 03:06:52 might be real might be not. Okay, well, there's another interesting thing going on over here. Atlas put out a customer survey. Oh, this thing is what's up. It's annoying for a reason. I'll get into a second. Go for it. Okay. Atlas put out a customer surveys is hey, how many of our old games do you want on a switch and I'm like how about you put them everywhere instead of just on the switch? How about you unlock persona for golden from its Vita prison? Question 45 of the survey asks what atlas catalog games players are interested in seeing remakes for and for what platforms question 47 asks specifically about the switch and what
Starting point is 03:07:39 existing games people want to see there. So I want to switch port of the PC version of persona for golden. So question 45, if a full remake of past atlas titles was made, including additional elements to the existing title and brushing it up, would you think I want to play this? If that's what you think, please answer for what devices and then it asks you about all devices, except for Xbox. And then it asks you about what titles and then it lists atria and odyssey and then a bunch of SMT games and a bunch of P games. P1234 SMT 344 apocalypse DDS and DS and atria and odyssey. And then the last question is of previous atlas games, which can be played on other hardware without additional elements reported to switch.
Starting point is 03:08:34 Would you want to play them? Select the titles below that you'd want to play on the switch and then it again goes down a more extensive list, including 13 Sentinels, Aegis Rim, Persona Q, Catherine, Odyn Sphere, Dragon's Crown Pro. 13 Sentinels isn't even out. It's like not even close to out. So yeah, it's not just a switch question. There's a question about all platforms in there as well. Yeah, but it's primarily switch. Well, there's there's two different questions. Just just just let me just take the fucking one. I can't one is what switch games do you want to see of these previous releases? And then the other question is what what platforms would you want to see these previous releases? I'll be really honest. I have a really difficult time looking
Starting point is 03:09:19 at atlas stuff with like a fucking fair eye because I'm just so pissed off about the Persona 5 embargo shit still like just put everything on the fucking PC and all the platforms and then just let people fucking make content with them. Yeah, that would be answer nine on question 45. Remove the streaming embargo. No, that was on there too. No, no, drop it on steam. Okay. I think that would be a really smart choice. I think that would be the best way to be perfectly honest would be like, bring them to fucking steam. Just simplify the situation. And fuck the answer. Yeah, fuck the answer. And fuck you cars bullshit during the answer. Anyway, so yeah, that that is a curious thought into what might be their game plan,
Starting point is 03:10:17 or at the very least what they want to consider based on people's feedback. And I certainly do hope that we get some steam ports. That'd be fucking solid. I would kill to get pretty much any atlas game on steam. That'd be crazy. Yeah, not have to go fucking plug in some bullshit. You imagine like people modding those games? You could you could do like persona four and every and it's just it's just actually scooby-doo or just take all the dancing all night models and put them in whatever you want, wherever you want. No, yeah, no, yeah, too late. I mean, it was too late before to persona modding scene would be fucking stupid. That'd be crazy. Replace Yukari with like a fucking stick of tofu that you can stab replace any party member with any
Starting point is 03:11:09 other party member from any other game. This is a crazy Shinjiro only party. All stars, right? All the best persona stars. You got Makoto from persona one. You got you from persona two. You got Teddy from persona three. That's good. I like that. All right. Yeah, that'd be fun. Other stuff going on. We've got an interview where there was a more talk on what's going on with Guilty Gear Strive and further to the present day than, of course, my interview with him at ArcSys. Daisuke simply said straight up, I guess, and this is after having the ability to go through the feedback on everyone's forms that they filled out that they simply failed on the current user
Starting point is 03:12:11 interface and they're working on this and it's bad. It's a bad UI and 80 percent of the claims are about the UI. So it's an interview. We're waiting on the full translation of all the other stuff they go into. But that UI one is one where everyone I spoke to, players and like internally as well, we're like, yep, not hot. Not hot on that. And I think the biggest one was when I was describing how important the risk system is and how under emphasized it is on the hide. It seems wildly baffling that you would want to hide something so key. Don't worry, guys, we've listened to all of your complaints and we have fixed all of your complaints. The UI is fixed. We had to take people off the netcode team in order to fix the UI. Don't worry, it's going to be a
Starting point is 03:13:03 good UI. So yeah, if feedback forced to change, like Seijian said, then that's good. And hopefully feedback will force many a change. We will listen to any feedback except for that one. Well, that one would be the one would change anything in the game, but I won't do that. Whoa, I won't do that. Meatloaf comes out. New character called Meatloaf. Every time we talk about this, even though nothing's changed, the picture in my mind that solidifies is a single like kind of programmer in his 40s in Japan going like, ah, fuck it, who cares? No, but like, but we talked about how like they said directly, like, yeah, everyone was really loud and clear about what they wanted and that like the argument is still is happening, right? So it's like, there are people
Starting point is 03:13:56 that are fighting to be like, nah, but I don't want to do it. Yeah. But there is definitely internal war to like get it going. You know, so it's not like it's just like, ah, this time it's sounds like I a battle that they're they're pushing for. I hope they're saying stupid that there's a battle. It is stupid that the director just go do it. Yes. But money and higher ups. And let's do it. Budget. Just do it. So the director doesn't get the final say on those fucking baby game with the animals. What was it called? Animal fighter. Fight of animals. That shit has fucking rollback. Yeah. So but the row has rollback. Well, you said your question was if the director says just do it, she has to do it. But then the director doesn't have say over
Starting point is 03:14:45 things like the extra money it costs, right? So like yelp them to do it. Yeah. Just fix it. Just fucking tell them I can't get over the feeling. Tell them that you are the father of guilty gear. I can't get over the feeling of back when I worked like retail of like, hey, dude, we have to take all of this stuff out. We have to move all this crap. No, man, I don't want to do it. Like we have to do it. Yeah. Now I don't feel like it. Okay, fine. I'll do twice the work. Yeah. And and a half as good a job. That attitude is what I'm feeling from this nebulous image of guy at the net code thing that has a button in front of them says do rollback or not. He goes now, fuck it. Yeah. This is the part where I remind everybody
Starting point is 03:15:28 that like the rollback implementation thing like the the pushback besides tradition is also one where again, the code is is handed. The cannons have been given it out. It's free. You can just grab it or you can do your own version of it, but it's out there and available. You don't want to use the existing you can use that as a base to make your own. It's totally out there. And there are like examples of things as simple as like input reverse implementation into existing games and like ROMs, like like Mark of the Wolves and whatnot, and then ground up implementation in in current gen stuff. But it still is something that is a lot of work. So the pushback is also coming from a place of like, I don't want to load, you know, still want to and and it's
Starting point is 03:16:18 still based on an idea of like, yeah, it is a lot of work, right? It is that it is always be a lot of work, but you're underestimating how important it is. It's this is going to this might come back to haunt me this quote that I'll say, but the ability to play your fighting game smoothly online is the single greatest factor towards its overall long term success, more even than the actual quality of the game, because a great game that no one can play isn't going to be played by anybody. As someone who spent years going out to locals and just playing it with people in my community, I didn't realize that for a long time. And I now completely agree with that sentence, because you just run into person after person after person of like, yeah, I played it and I
Starting point is 03:17:11 like it, but it plays like shit. So I don't yeah, I was I was but like as a participant in an active community, I was playing just sitting next to people and that was my experience. Yeah, because you like that community and that's your thing. It's still the best way to play the game. Of course. It's like if you can go play something in HD versus in standard death, why would you play in standard best way to play the game and the only way to play the game. And there we go. Right. And it's just and as I spoke to more people online about this and as it became an ever increasingly relevant thing, you know, and then you saw more examples of games that blew up with only online communities and whatnot. It just became undeniable. So like as late as I was
Starting point is 03:17:51 based on the fact that I could just I was lucky enough to grab my stick and walk out to my locals. Yeah. It's definitely number one with a bullet. So any resistance on that should be met with as like you should just not work on anything until this is done. So it's like this is your highest priority, right? Because there's people that just won't buy it. So I mean, fuck, man, I'm a huge fighting game fan. I kind of stopped playing fighting games a while ago for a lot of reasons. But one of them is like I just keep having universally shitty like things with net code. Yeah, I've kind of had fun with like every time there's been a reason for you to like every time something has popped up or you're like, like it's like you've distanced, but like you you find
Starting point is 03:18:34 like one thing and you're like, oh, you know, like I can definitely like say that that's the reason why and like you're looking for packages to fit into that distance and you're actually being handed some, right? I like like, yeah, no, there's totally things like, yeah, I don't feel like spending the time anymore and stuff like that. But I also have situations in games that I would have. Yeah, except like, I actually got pretty into FighterZ, but I was only going to be playing it online. It took forever to get a match online and have them were shit. And like you'd spend like an hour and I have like three or four good matches. I'm like, fuck this. I mean, Brian F just put a video out. He's a he's a he's a player and play like the Kali and whatnot and Street Fighter
Starting point is 03:19:14 5 guy. And he just put a video out where he's going down the list of these like, Hey, here's my here's my block list for for Street Fighter 5 and Capcom. If you go down this list, you'll notice that all of the flags of the players I've blocked are from Puerto Rico and Mexico. And this sucks. Um, because like this list has a cap at 200. And like the people that I cannot block block anymore, these are all active players that play all the time. So if you won't give me the ability to narrow down my region, then make it an infinite block list. Yeah. But they have neither, you know, so even that, that's like the bare minimum. Yeah, like limit to your region. Same region or any region is usually how those those options go. And though and what same region is changes from
Starting point is 03:20:11 game to game. Certainly. Do you mean northeast? Or do you mean North America? Or worst of all, do you mean something within a certain distance of you? Or do you mean your geographical country? There are games that limit it to you go same region. Oh, only Canada then. Yeah. Oh, okay, then. Yeah, great. Vancouver and some people in fucking Vancouver, but not New York. 100% percent sick. Meanwhile, having rollback means that the distance doesn't even matter anymore until you get like real stupid, you know, it becomes negligible, which opens up your anyway. We're not doing this again. I'm just so frustrated. So anyway, that happened and fighting game come out that shows that I'm a big ass scrub. And I have no escape for my scrub logic.
Starting point is 03:21:05 League of Legends. Fighting game. You know, League of Fighters. Oh yeah. Yeah, that'll be it, I guess. We'll see how much of a scrub I am them. A big one. And then you can retreat into games that won't test your my metal like Silent Hill inspired horror game. Death of Rose. Death of Rose. Oh, no. Yeah, I didn't hear about this. Okay. Hit me with this shit. Death of Rose. Death of Rose. Apparently. On Steam. This is a new scary Silent Hill inspired game that. So I've grown wary of games that when you hit their YouTube trailer, it literally says like Silent Hill inspired game. But you know, I'll still look at this. Wait, oh, it's by a Layers of Fear developer. What does that mean? Layers of Fear is a game.
Starting point is 03:22:06 Yeah, I know. But does that mean good things? Yeah. It's like a fire watch had a baby with Silent Hill. Well, that's odd. Is it a scary pregnant lady I see in the distance there? Maybe. Okay. Yeah, this looks pretty Silent Hill-y. I should take a look at this. Who's Rose? Is she dead? I don't know. But the walls of this building are getting creepy and bloody and death of Rose. Pentagram in the middle. Oh my god, not a devil game. You're not Page Jesus. Woolly, don't. What? Do that. What? Listen, she calls the cat Pat. It's a thing. I'm the exact opposite of Page. I am a fat black man. That's true. That is true. All right. Anyway, but you're somebody that I talked to that says stupid
Starting point is 03:23:07 shit. So really, that's the that's the commonality. Fair enough. All right. I don't know what I was saying. I threw myself all the way off. All right. Well, anyway, there's a Silent Hill-ish game if you're down. Are you relatively healthy? Yeah, I'm okay. Total opposite. I've been I've been I've been pretty all right. All right. Doc says everything's fine. So that's going on. Okay, so yeah, obviously, wonderful 101 came crossed it fucking into the into the ether that goes good, right? Stretch goals, whatever you want. Yeah, done. No problem. Who knows where they're at now. I haven't even checked it. I'd stop checking when they got all the ones that
Starting point is 03:24:01 mattered. Sure. I jumped in. I want those toys. So I'm going for those. And it turns out you never know who might also be in you know who's in who's in Cisco. I didn't know that actually Cisco as in thong song Cisco. I didn't know that return of dragon Cisco. Apparently he's a huge gamer. He so he says and people were like, okay, hold on a second on the comments of the Kickstarter. Somebody hold on a second. What was his tag again? I think it was like Ryu 79. Oh my god. And then like that is for real. Yeah, he had like a tag that was like Ryu 79. He's like, by the way, I'm you stuck in the comments. He's like, yeah, I'm Cisco.
Starting point is 03:25:00 And then everyone's like, what? No, fuck out of here. And then they called up his agent and then they confirmed and the agent's like, yeah, no, that's him. He plays games. He does stupid shit all day into it. And he's like, um, yeah. And basically, he's like, yeah, this is his first Kickstarter, but he's also like been around on posting on Reddit and about about games he's been playing and shit like that. And he's in there. So Cisco for one on one. He wants to he wants a cameo. I don't know if I agree with that. I don't think you should have a cameo. I don't agree with that. But I think it's funny that Cisco is a fan of platinum games. That's pretty cool. I like Cisco never loses his luster. Remember Drew Hill? No. Okay, Ryu 29. Excuse me,
Starting point is 03:25:50 Ryu 29. Well, Drew Hill was the band he was a part of before the the group he was a part of. Man, I that never even got to me. Yeah, it did only Cisco and the thongs. He had that song. It was about the dragon. Y'all niggas gonna make me unleash the dragon. I know you don't really want to unleash the dragon. It sounds like shit. Okay, but you know what though? But you know what though? What's that just like toxic? Yeah, everybody loves the violin and the song. You didn't tell me that you didn't do the everybody loves the violin. That's why fainting the best song on the meteor album. God, I think I'm remembering it wrong. But I think when like, Chester was like,
Starting point is 03:26:48 yeah, we had like 10 violinists, right? But like, that wasn't enough violins for the song. So we just like, like quadrupled it in the mix. And now the song's like four times better while the sound. And I'm like, I don't think that's how it works. But I think it works. Okay, it's totally how it works. Oh, no, all of sound. Okay. You need to be blasted with it. No gaps. So yeah, man, that's fun. I enjoy that. And could glad to hear that Cisco has good taste. If they hit that fucking stretch goal or social media goal or whatever, Kimia is going to have to unblock everyone. Kimia will have to unblock everybody as one of the possible stretch. That is so crazy. And the production notes have been coming out. And that's really, really cool too.
Starting point is 03:27:39 You see like original drawings of the wonderful 100. That's gonna take him weeks, dude, to unblock everyone. Someone's gonna fucking have a job and interns gonna do it. Intern for the day is gonna have to sit out in the lunchroom and just do it manually. Oh, that sucks. 100%. That's terrible. 100%. They're at 2 million Canadian right now. That's cool, man. Yeah. Yeah. So that's great. And then apparently, so there's a remix soundtrack straight goal that's coming up next at 1.75 million. That sounds good. And if they don't get triple Q, they won't. I know they won't. But they should. But they should. Because let's be real. The fucking remix on Turbot table's turnover. Yeah, that's great. It's incredible. It is probably got more, more downloads and more lessons in the
Starting point is 03:28:36 game than the actual, I mean, in a shirt, than the original song. Yeah, right. So wonderful. 101 is this fun game where you can get to say anything about it and be like, it probably has more of this than copies of the game. And you're right. Oh my God. It wasn't triple Q. It was Botanic Sage. I'm sorry. It was Botanic Sage. My bad. Damn it. I'm wrong remixer. You're doing a good job, man. But they're both amazing. I'm sure they are. I'm sure they are, buddy. I'm sorry. I got it wrong. Botanic Sage. Turn your remixer badge in at the door, please. Botanic Sage, triple Q, too mellow. The gods.
Starting point is 03:29:20 All right, well, 101's doing great. Finally, wonderful 101 is doing well at something. Hooray. Yeah. I went back and looked at the ending of that game. Oh, man. That game ends well. That between that and like vanquish.gif. Sun High Legend selling copies of that game because I'm just like, motherfuckers, don't be sleeping. I think vanquish is the only game to ever make me feel speed lines on me. I originally I tweeted I tweeted a gif of vanquish and yeah, he's he's he's got a little bit more juice in that gift than you usually do. Let's be real. But like the like I originally phrased that tweet in a really aggressive, angry way where I was kind of like
Starting point is 03:30:09 the fact I think I was like like something to the effect of the fact that people slept on vanquish like pisses me off. I was vexed. And then and then I'm like you tag at Jim Sterling. And then it was and then it was like, how are people still others? No. And then I'm like dial it, dial it, dial it. And then it was just dear those who are sleeping on dial it up, man. Because I'm like I'm like you should have been like everyone who didn't play vanquish is a whore. Yeah, that's basically what the feeling was. Yeah. But I don't know. I didn't want I didn't want to be a jerk about it. I don't want to be a fucking you know what you don't deserve vanquish gate kept good. It's fun to stand behind the gate and move the no no no gate securely defended.
Starting point is 03:30:59 Yeah. You're not allowed in. Oh, you want this? Well, now you can't have it. It's not it'll never make no your sales are garbage will starve. I'd rather starve. Yeah. No, but like it the amount of people that were like, what is this and why did I not know about it? And I'm kind of like, yeah, I don't know. It has this logo on it that apparently curses it to TM ignorance. I don't know why you didn't see this third person cover shooter that has side flips and sliding on your knees. I mean, I know who I can blame. Whoever was in charge of Sega's marketing department during that entire period. How about that? How about that? But also, not just the bad marketing, not just the lack of marketing, but not showing what it was. So because people didn't know that
Starting point is 03:31:47 you could do things like sliding on your knees jetpacking and air like air time stop jumping out of cover to shoot at the grenade you've launched into midair to prematurely detonate it as people aim for your cigarette. Do you think? Okay, I know, I know what the answer is. But do you think there's a possibility that if Wonderful 101 does well, right, that they could maybe do something about getting anarchy reigns? Anywhere? So yes, because one, besides the fact that the double pack is about to come out. So you got the vanquish Bayo double pack. Yeah, right for the re-release. You got the 101 re-release. I think that it's totally plausible that something else can make it come back. It's harder if it's a server
Starting point is 03:32:38 game like that one, or an online thing. I think it used just peer to peer. But and take this for however you take it. Now that Tencent is involved, it's not impossible. Oh, thanks Tencent. Wait a second. Is Tencent the same evil company? That's the one. Oh, well. So it sounds like it seems like this new platinum initiative that was it started with the announcement of like, hey, we got some money. Don't ask where it came from. And now we've got some platinum stuff coming out. Oh, no. Oh, well. Oh, no. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. What else we got, man? A bathroom break for me. Oh, sick. I've been holding it in for a minute. That's good. You can. Is it? You got this? Yeah, it's good. It's good to hold it. When you hold it, it feels like like big in there. You
Starting point is 03:33:49 know, yeah, it does. When you hold it, it feels better coming out. It's now Willie's left and I have total control over the podcast. And I'll be honest, I don't really know what to do with this control. I'm very tired. There's too much snow outside. I would like half as much snow. That's what I would like. I don't want to talk about Digimon guys. If you want to talk about whether or not it's okay to fuck a Digimon, you can hit up plague of gripes at plague of gripes on Twitter, and he'll tell you about something called the Harkness test, which is whether or not it's moral or not to not all over Agamon. He'll tell you. Hey, what's up? Hey, Willie, is it immoral to not? Pokemon and 10 Thames are off the table, but
Starting point is 03:34:51 Anja Waman and Deva Waman complicate the scenario. Is that because they passed the Harkness test? They certainly do pass the Harkness test. I brought this up a little while ago. Because Oh, my God, by the way, in fucking interspecies, there's there's a fucking Professor Oak gag, like a fucking straight up like like plague of gripes style like Professor Oak teaches you about Pokemon, but you fuck them gag in it. And he's into it. Yeah, it's fucking hilarious. Yeah. Um, Torchwood Torchwood answered the question. What's the fuck is Torchwood? That's where the Harkness test comes from. Oh, is it? Okay. Which is a show that's a spin off of Dr. Who. Also, it sucks. So Dr. Who got it indirectly informed you on
Starting point is 03:35:47 whether or not you should fuck your Digimon's. I'm not going to fuck them. That's fine. They might fuck you. No, I'm good. I said I'm good. I don't know if you have a say. Hey, have you seen though? I mean, some of them have rocket launchers on their backs. That's true. They're not going to fuck me with that. So anyway, um, we also had something this week about what was that? Oh, yeah, there's this thing. I don't know if you like, if you paid attention to it, but there's an MMO coming out called Blue Protocol. I don't know what the fuck that is. Okay. Well, a lot of people were talking about PSO2. Yeah, because PSO2 is like happening. Yeah. And and the servers were all fucked for a minute, but then close beta is how it happened. Right.
Starting point is 03:36:43 And the intro to that game looks really cool. The dude running and jumping into the fucking virtual world looks super, super dope. I think the goofiest thing is because I never paid attention to fantasy star online to ever because it was never going to come out here. And then somebody pointed out that like one of the playable races, the guy is Virgil on the character side. Yeah, yeah, he is straight. It's fucking weird. You can't even fight it. He's, he's holding the sword in the Aido in midsheath, the Aijitsu style pose and the hair is slicked back. Oh, wow. The blue protocol looks gorgeous. Blue product blue. I bring it up because Blue Protocol looks like gorgeous 3D anime game. But it's an MMO and who's making it? I don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:37:27 I don't know online action game from Bandai Namco. Yeah, that's I mean, I don't know who's developing it. It's probably Korean. I'm going to assume it's Korean, but it looks very pretty. And it's anime as fuck. Let's see. Can we get a dev? Oh, it's Japanese. And it is a Bandai Namco game. Internally, just looks like. Okay. Yeah, a little bit of Tails vibes, a little bit of Xeno vibes, a little bit of blue. And here's the thing to protocol. Good. So when you see the the gameplay moments, it looks like it's action, right? Yeah. So full on action game MMO stuff, which is like, I like that more than than the the WoW type stuff, the hot bar shit, hot bar shit. Sure. So yeah. Oh, wait,
Starting point is 03:38:27 here we go. Let's see. Developed by Bandai Namco Studios. It's there. It's yeah, it's their team. So yeah. So Tails kind of art style and that type of thing going on. Very hard cell shading. Yep. Yep. Looks pretty. Looks very cool. And what's the other game there? The one with the really nice character creator? Black Desert? Yeah. Yeah. So action action MMO style. So yeah, I end up character creator. There we go. I await more information. I'll let you know. Yeah. I'll take a look at it in some form and let you know. At bare minimum, very pretty and cool combat. I saw someone do a jumping charging star. I saw someone do a big old swinging dragon, sorry, monster hunter overhead thing, you know, blue protocol.
Starting point is 03:39:26 Also, we've, what the fuck is fantasy star online to coming out here? So that feels like something that I should be aware of. What the fuck is happening? Got a date throw it up July 4 2012. Thanks. Thanks, assholes. Okay. Another thing announced was the curse of dead gods early access reveal trailer. Um, this looks not too sure what, because again, like you're looking at a mostly cinematic sort of art style, but very sorry, cinematic trailer, but cool art style that implied that like might just be like maybe rogue like not sure on the details. Trailer looks interesting though.
Starting point is 03:40:16 Definitely. Oh yeah, I should check this out. I have a definitely worth a peek. I have a code on this that like I'm under embargo for, but I haven't turned it on. Okay. Darkest dungeon vibes for sure with 3D, but gameplay looks a bit more twin sticky in the couple of moments we've saw of you like rolling around and like dodge rolling through stuff. Hades almost, right? And there's like, yeah, like some sort of like people are saying darkest bastion, which I think is really funny. Darkest bastion. Okay. But take a look. Strong art. And yeah, currently earliest access curse of the dead gods. March 3rd.
Starting point is 03:41:13 Looks a bit like the narrator from darkest dungeon on his quest actually. Oh man, it has that totally that was the horribly horribly fails. What a dumbass. Now you know that dude's in the extent of my failings. So we've got that. We also have an announcement and yeah, these are some some dudes I know actually working on a a where's the link to the working on a wolf and doom, not a wolf and doom, not wolf and doom, which as we all know is the new name for first person shooter. Is that what it is? Oh, you didn't see that? No, what's that? It's this 4chan post that absolutely blew the fuck up. It's a guy goes stop fucking calling it Metroidvania. It's
Starting point is 03:41:59 like calling all FPS games wolf and dooms and somebody replies with that's actually really good all in favor of calling FPS games wolf and dooms and then the screenshot is like a thousand posts going yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because it's a fun word to say. And doom is a pretty fun word to say. It's just fun. Yeah. Also, fuck that guy. You could have went you could have went doom in Stein, but instead we got wolf and doom. I like it. I like it. It's good. I like wolf and dooms more than simulator shooters. Yeah, I'll tell you that much. You got me thinking about the definition of that. Um, so yeah, I know the guy is working on Mighty Fight Federation, which is a power stone like
Starting point is 03:42:44 four player arena fighter and has some pretty like pretty fun systems with like combos and juggles and that power stone refuses to let its influence die. It was too fun. Yeah, it was too fun. It's too underserved and there's nothing happening with it. Yeah, right. It came out. It made waves and then it just walked away and ignored everybody. It used the Dennis system. Sure. So then it left a gap that many people want to fill and yeah, Mighty Fight Federation was a pretty fun one that had again a pretty like the combo system in this has like very generous juggling and like hyper fighting aspects to it. So okay, so I'll take some of these, right? That's pretty, pretty dope juggling. But they just announced with the early access
Starting point is 03:43:32 version that Toejam and Earl and ukulele what that's a weird will be joining the roster. So yeah, that's a fun little get currently in development. Toejam and Earl, man. Toejam and Earl. Those guys are fucking dope. I can't believe they're still relevant. I they're well, they're not relevant. Relevance the wrong word. But there was a moment of like one part three was a thing where the Kickstarter happened and they're just like, Hey guys, remember this? And like a bunch of people were like, No. Wait. Yes. And then I think the word you're looking for is like recognizable. I don't know. Toejam and Earl. I thought you guys died. I had a barren stain bears thing with that. Oh, man. Where I remember for years, and maybe just because it was
Starting point is 03:44:29 my brother saying it to me, but I thought the game's name was Earl and Toejam. And I remember we never rented it. We always saw it at the at the store. We never rented it didn't have sagas, you know, but I remember the game's name as Earl and Toejam. And it might just be because that's what my brother called it. I really every time everyone says the burn stain bears, I get pissed off. Yeah, because it's not how did I still do it all change? Like, why did that one affect everybody? I don't know. I think it's because Bernstein's of name. And Bernstein isn't Bernstein. Yeah, it could be. But like, not a single person, not a single parent. I've literally never heard someone say Bernstein out loud until right now that happened.
Starting point is 03:45:19 Everyone's parents autocorrected it. Everyone autocorrected it. Your brain just went over it and Mandela effect took place. I don't want to live, you know, in this universe. And how other one was the good one. There was no you're not reading it on Google all the time. We were think about how less think about how much less you had to read back then, right back then you read a book if you opened it up or a magazine and it was in front of you. Otherwise, things there was no reading sounds were happening. What a crazy time. Now we read all day. You remember back in the day when you know, you look at the lifetime movie or whatever and there'd be somebody who's like their their big secret was that they never learned how to read and they were like an adult.
Starting point is 03:46:03 Yeah, like a lot of celebrities had right and it's like that is so laughably impossible now. Yeah, there's no way. How could you pop you wouldn't be able to get through a day. I talked about how my my aunt would sell us not sell us. You'd send us magazines and comics and books and just encourage us to read a lot. And like my mom was all for it because she's like, yeah, whatever it takes, like get don't be illiterate like those dumb people I knew that never learned how to read properly. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, like the world we live in, you cannot be illiterate. Every kid with a dumb iPad is going to learn to read super well. They might have terrible spelling because the internet teaches them how to spell fair and auto correct will not let you
Starting point is 03:46:41 learn your lesson. But like legibility way up. You just brought up a bizarre thought, which is the idea of learning to read from dank memes. Yep, is fucking awesome. Also, it's great. Not only that, but non non English speakers learning English through dank memes through the internet like this is super common. Oh, shit, what up? Oh, why is it bonjour? So mighty fight Federation. Then we've got I really empathize with that fucking, like cone head gnome. It's like too early to explore space.
Starting point is 03:47:44 Too late to explore the earth. Justin born just in time to peruse dank memes. Because there's nothing left for us. Just memes. But we were here for the birth of them. We were weren't we? We're at the stuff we were born at the start of meme history. And like in all seriousness, like we were we lived a I'm a I'm a pioneer. We lived it. No, you're a pioneer. Fuck off. Lewis and Clark each shit. We're blazing trails influencers. We did it. We changed humanity. We did it. We've influenced the course of history. We over to rage shadow.
Starting point is 03:48:49 Didn't see it coming. You got me again. Only the first one's going to work down. Only the first time. Mark down in the history books. You got one. You got it in the new calendar will be will be pre and post RS, RL, RSL. Yeah, instead of BCE and CE, it's RSP, RSL and RSL. Yeah. Well, anyway, the the next bit I was going to bring up is the future that you should be glad you're not here to see. All right, what's that? Because we're here on the we are bearing we're bearing witness to a change in humanity, which is the Internet. Oh, that's cool. That's cool. Legitimately cool to see the birth of it. Yeah,
Starting point is 03:49:54 there's good stuff and there's bad stuff. Some bad stuff might include show Dan. Oh, no. But show Dan might not happen. Why is that? Because other side entertainments layoffs leave the future of System Shock 3 in doubt. The original title that I saw reporting on this was fucking dire and I've never seen it worded this way. And it was the developers of System Shock 3 are no longer employed. Yeah, that's bad. That's right. Like fuck. Usually the news is written like game canceled because everybody got fired. But this one's like, no, let's let's be very real. Everyone is fired. So back in 2017, star breeze agreed to publish other side entertainment System Shock 3.
Starting point is 03:50:44 Less than two years later, star breeze sold the publishing rights back to other side after the failure of over kills the locking dead. Or inspectors said they're looking for a funding partner. And no one stepped forward. So so it did. System Shock 3 is writer and director senior director lead programmer QA lead senior staff environment and artist and more have let everybody or been laid off. You just described the entire senior development staff fucking just put your hand on the desk and push everything. So some shock is so fucked up. You remember for ages, they couldn't even sell it. No one
Starting point is 03:51:29 could sell it because no one could figure out who the fuck on the rights to it and ended up being some obscure like insurance company out in England. And somebody finally bought it and you know, got passed around. And now we got the System Shock 2 remake, which is in apparently a pile of fuck. I think we talked about a while ago where they ran out of money. Yep. And now this thing is fucking dead. Like you'd think someone big would just put a cash injection into System Shock 3. Well, what's crazy is that you remember pray. Yeah, that's basically System Shock 3. Spiritually. Yeah, like it's it's it's really thematically and mechanically similar. But people want Shodan. Yeah. Well, whatever. Hacker. You know what said was that you said pray and not
Starting point is 03:52:20 Bioshock? Well, pray is in space. Yeah, that's why it's system. Yeah. But like the fact that like the branch Bioshock is pray is closer to System Shock than Bioshock is right like much. But now Bioshock is way somewhere else. Yeah, Bioshock is in hell and it's in someone else's and like it occupies a different space of your brain. Yeah, right? Or I go, oh, man, Bioshock infinite, huh? Is this like persona leaving Atlas and becoming its own thing? I don't know. It's weird. Everything about it is weird. There's these there's these ancient or is it like SMT leaving Atlas and becoming its own thing? No. Because I mean, the System Shock was old. I want to say by looking glass like that's who made it and they're they've been dead for decades. So it's like Atlas going
Starting point is 03:53:12 bankrupt and then SMT falling into the hands of somebody else. Yeah. Really weird because I always thought that there was more love than this for the name. And well, it has nothing to do with love. It has to do with the fact that rather business viability, whatever, man. Immersive Sims don't like the world on fire. They do 10 years later when everyone's like, oh my god, what a classic. Yeah, but but IP is fucking people like like companies jerk off over IP. Yeah, but anything that already has mind share in your space in your brain space. Sure. But you described that this company made over kills the walking dead. That game's trash. Yeah. Yeah. And it sold like fucking dog shit. And that had a real IP on it. I forgot it existed
Starting point is 03:54:01 until I read that sentence. Yeah. So I imagine that was the main sticking point against their investors is the you that you blew the walking dead LP. That's our IP. Good fucking job. You shouldn't have this. Yeah. Give it to somebody that will do it or no one or keep it dead or die and then someone will get it. Well, that's what happened. So for shame, people were really excited when that pre alpha announcement thing came out. Yeah. And the the bad news continues. Oh, sick. This one super good way more obscure and less fucks to be given. For example, you have zero fucks attached to this. Let's hear it. You won't remember crisis code. Chaos code. Excuse me. You don't remember it either. Apparently wrong. Not fucking wow.
Starting point is 03:55:05 It's thinking about Zach, bro. It's thinking about Zach. That's not crisis code either. I know. Chaos code is the fighting game we played that had the chef grappler with the big pot that he cooks you in. Yeah. And you're right. I don't remember. Yeah. We played it once. It's OK. You know what? It's all right. Yeah. It has a thing that I like that they do where basically after you pick your character, the the system so to speak was the there was just like a list of extra moves, like five extra moves, and you just pick two of them. Oh, that's nice. And it was it. It was cool. It was just like, yeah, which of these five moves you like? Grab them. This one. This other one, too. And it had had this cool Afro guy that did like a Miguel
Starting point is 03:55:58 walking punch like Galactica phantom style is dope. So anyway, they announced there was going to be a new version of it called chaos code next episode of extreme tempest. Oh, OK. Don't worry about it. All right. Next episode. Extreme with an X, by the way. FK digital are the ones that we're making it, but Niaxed. Yep, that ain't happening. Chaos code next canceled any XT. Oh, OK. Chaos code any XT. Oh, and the end in any XT stands for next. So bad. The end in next stands for next. So it was revealed at Evo at Evo when they dropped that initial announcement. But yeah, the title is canceled and it looks like all other existing
Starting point is 03:56:58 titles as well. They're not they didn't say they're shutting down. But it's canceled. But that's that's where we're at. Good job, guys. There was a little update. I'm scanning over it. Still dead. Yep. Oh, nice. Looks like personal tragedy. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah. I hope whatever personal tragedy they encountered is resolved quickly. Mm hmm. I mean, that doesn't really make any sense is is weathered strong. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm bad at that. No, there was there was a death and that kind of disrupted everything. OK. Well, I like I like chaos code and I do hope that the best can happen for this game. In fact, it was on the list of things to throw into GIFG shortly. Well, I still can.
Starting point is 03:58:12 Mm hmm. The original at least. Yeah, for sure. So there's that. There's system shock. And then yeah, last but not least, we're going to grab. Are you sure it's not least? Sometimes it is. Well, we touched on it a little earlier, but here comes Goku. So I think the but this is the dodge Goku. I saw I saw a funny, a funny little interaction that I retweeted, which was Fire Emblem. There are too many Fire Emblem characters in Smash and just a screenshot of Ultra Instinct Goku with the phrase, you have no idea how bad it is over there was a really, there's a really funny edit of like the gameplay of Ultra Instinct Goku where he's just sliding and dodging and then like the third attack, someone literally grabs the Goku sprite like
Starting point is 03:59:02 like model and slips it around. And I think you get like Vinny. It's pretty funny. But so they basically announced the third season of Dragon Ball Fighters with even more Goku's. Looks like it's going to be five characters. Ultra Instinct Goku is the one they showed. And then hey, look at that. Kefla. Holy shit. That took a while. Kale and Caulifla finally get the recognition they deserve from the job. So yeah, next to another Goku, Goku with the white hair. He's doing all the stuff. Right. He's got the shirt off and he's standing around doing the thing. He's like, I don't need a shirt. I got white hair. You think Mexico is going to play this on the big screen and in the in the town square. No, man. Yeah. But no, there you go. Kefla's in it.
Starting point is 03:59:52 And it's like, yeah. Yay. You got there. Definitely wish it was there before now. But here she is. Am I the only person who doesn't understand why everyone likes Kefla so much? In the case of the roster of this game, it's simply because it was a pure sausage fest. Yeah. That I get. That was the problem. It was such a pure sausage fest. The boss they invented had to be a chick. Like Dragon Ball itself is a sausage fest. So you have that problem by default. But when you make picks for a game roster, you can grab some, you know, some of the girls that are there. I just don't think your design is all that good. I don't like the pink. Yeah. It's pretty. It's pretty blind. Yeah. It's a Naruto character design. Kind of. Yeah. It's just like
Starting point is 04:00:38 it's like she's that she's coming from yoga. That's all it is. It's a saying girl coming from yoga, you know, nothing much going on there, especially if you like, you know, I think I think it was spoiled by Eli's saying women. Oh, well, there's that. Cheat. Cheat. I don't care what their fucking names are. They're great. Amoya and she something. But I think when you look at her design and then you compare it to super Broly. Yeah. For example, you go, oh my God, look how much is going on there. So unfortunately, it comes up a little bit. Comes up a little bit dry in that regard. The other thing that is not in this trailer, but is of significant note to this video game is that they have finally inserted assist types.
Starting point is 04:01:36 Yeah. So every character has three assists you can choose from. Now everyone can be Vegeta. Now everyone can do the thing that Marvel two figured out back in 90 2002. I don't know, man. I'm going to say I'm going to say 99. Okay. Maybe 2000, probably 99 2000 back in 2000. So that was 20 years ago. They figured it out. Three assists. Now they're way more team combination. Now you can play the game with the team you want to use and pick an assist that might not be optimal, but it'll it'll get some shit done because like as is it had to be like, Oh, does your assists suck? Well, then you can't you're that's not going to work on your team. Yep. Just put him on your team. Young Gohan.
Starting point is 04:02:26 He's got a DP. Just put him on your team. Yeah. And you have to build around that idea, whether or not you liked it. And finally, it's opened up in this way, which again, this should have been there from the jump. So that's so excited to play this never. So that's that's what's coming. February 28 for Kefla, spring 2020 for Goku, and then we'll see where else it goes. Yeah, Super Dash didn't touch. Should have touched it. Is that an online only thing? Or is that just in general? Super Dash? Yeah. No, I mean, like it being too fast online and you feel it worse than reaction time is just you just you have moments where you're like, I see it now, fuck, just literally don't have the speed to put it to
Starting point is 04:03:09 counter it. But also, it's the type of it's the type of thing where for like, it's a button that eliminates like approach, right? For a game that gives you a button that eliminates approach, obviously, there's a hard counter for it. But like it should. And at high level, it's a death sentence under certain latencies, there isn't a hard counter to it, though, right? And at a certain distance, it's harder to react to. But like there is a mid to beginner level, where it's very hard to deal with for a lot of people where they could have made it. Yeah, just nerf it a little bit. Nerf it a little bit. Oh my god, Arale would be so fun. Arale would be so fun. She'd be busted. She'd be so cool. It's a gag character. Yeah,
Starting point is 04:03:51 they're invincible. Kid Goku's in it. Yeah. Yeah. Get Arale. Get Yajirobe. Get him in there. Have fun with it. Oh, no, it's another Goku. Have fun. Are there any Goku's left to put in? Jump suit training. King Piccolo era Goku. Okay, okay, you've got teenage Goku with the bare feet. You've got, you've got Super Saiyan 4 Goku, who could be his own thing. Isn't he in? He transforms in a cutscene. Okay. But it's not playable. So you've got actual Kid Goku, not GT Kid Goku. Oh, I hate it. You've got, I hate it. I hate you, Goku. I love you, Goku. Yeah. Oh, driving test, Goku. Oh yeah, of course. Driving test. Yeah. Can't forget where he's the car.
Starting point is 04:04:58 Well, he plays a car. That'd be all right, actually. That'd be okay. I like that. I'm glad that I said that. And let's be real. There is no still, there's still no playable Super Saiyan 3 Goku. That's right. He only does it for one super for his level 3. So if you wanted to break it all down, you could. That's a big Goku-based Saiyan right there. Sure. Everyone's talking about Xenoverse Goku. Shut the fuck up. I didn't, yeah. Shut the fuck up. I didn't want to go there. Get out. Get out. Xenoverse stands are the most baffling. Those games are shit. Kyoken is in there in the form of a super, in the form of a super for basic Goku. So there's
Starting point is 04:05:38 that. Yeah, you can do, dude, if you wanted to, you really could. You could in fact go, you could start deleting characters and replacing them with Goku's. Let's do that. Why'd you go Marvin the Martian? Every time I yawn, the next words come out of my mouth are like that. I don't know what the deal is. If you know the deal, you should send an email. Where would you send that email? That's Hey, how was the podcast this week? It was all right. Okay. I apologize. I'm fucking dead ass tired like I haven't been in a while. So I'm in a little low energy. No, it's I was going for the
Starting point is 04:06:22 meta conversation that everyone invariably has where it's like, is it even listenable or no? Did you see the poll I put up? Yeah, I did. I got into it with some people on the subreddit. I saw a poll you put up. You desperately need to change this podcast. The rambling is too much. It is unlistable. It has become unlistable. And I'm like, okay, that's fine. Let's go take a look. And oh, 85 to 90% of podcast listeners dig the rambling. How about you go eat shit? We scared them all away though. I guess we scared them all away. That's why the podcast numbers are way down. I don't blame anybody. Like it really did like crank up to something weird. But the reason I got into it is because like, oh man, Pat is so tired of the podcast. He hates going to the podcast.
Starting point is 04:07:09 I'm like, don't you fucking tell me what I what I like or do not like? No, I'm tired on Mondays. That's what I am. No, when someone is tired of the podcast and doesn't want to go to it, you can tell. Yeah. So the probably biggest story we can crack open before we move on to the new the emails, of course. Oh, there's a new story that can't just now. It's not brand new. It's not right now. Oh, okay. Marvel two is coming back to Eva. So that's a lot of fun. That right alongside Ryuji Natsuma leaving Capcom, Mike Z. Sorry. Can you tell that I'm getting there? I can fucking tell because I haven't eaten. Yeah. I ate before coming here, but I got like no sleep. I didn't get any food. You know, it's funny. I started imbibing some weeds in order to help my sleep.
Starting point is 04:08:07 It's helped a little but overall I've had one of the worst nights of sleep in the past week I've never had yet. But yet the imbibing continues. I've only done it like three times in like two weeks. That'll change. Oh, will it? Maybe not. Oh, I'm sorry. Tell me more, Mr. Daily user, not even remotely close. Yeah. Not at all, actually. Are you describing the arc of like a little bit, a little bit, a little bit all the time. More like I don't need it anymore. Well, more like if you if you took a regular strength single tile and all, yeah, and then noticed it didn't do anything. Yeah. And then found that you needed two extra strengths. Yeah, you're never going back to the regular. That's right. So
Starting point is 04:08:56 Mike Ross announced alongside Mr. Wizard. I'm glad that my cross came back from the dead. I love my cross. He resurrected last evil too. Yeah, I know, but he keeps dying and coming back. That is true. Oh, God, what is that dude's name? Yeah, there's a there's someone who's here who enters tournaments as hologram Mike Ross. Oh my God, that's amazing. It's such a good name. That's a good bit. Anyway, so the the announcement was for yeah, the ninth game. So they basically they dropped Mortal Kombat, you know, and the roster. And so Sam shows back, of course, Street Fighter is there. Dragon Ball is there. The Unist is there. Ultimate is there. And what was it?
Starting point is 04:09:54 Grand Blue. Mm hmm. You know, no surprise. And then yeah, Tekken. Yeah. And then NRS takes a backseat, which you know, it's kind of interesting because like the scene here locally, I've been watching them struggle. And like there was a tweet of like one of our prominent players, like literally, he just filmed himself taking his disc and tossing it into the night. Why? Because he's like, that's it. I'm done. But why? What's causing it? I think he just like he's like like he didn't like the where the place it was going. I think like updates, changes and struggling with the scene and frustration. It's not like I think it all just boiled up. It's not like the whole community is like, well, we're never going to be talking about. No, I think I
Starting point is 04:10:40 think there's just like there's there's a collective sort of like frustration happening. And he yeeted that disc into the night. And that was the that was squirrels, you know. So Evo yeeted Mortal Kombat. And that ninth slot has been replaced with Marvel two. So the thing about Marvel two, though, is when they announced it, it was announced not as a tournament as much as an invitation. Yeah, like a little show off. Hey, Marvel two is a great game, which is the part that I was like, I don't like that, because I like the part about Evo where you walk off the street and get to the main stage. I mean, honestly, you should just I mean, just skip the whole tournament and just hand Justin Wong the trophy. Well, you say that. But there are many gods that have come
Starting point is 04:11:26 and gone since. Yeah, I know. That's the oldest, most outdated thing you could have possibly said. I'm glad I said it. It's so irrelevant. They're crazy wrong in Marvel two. But so OK, I guess my fucking Justin, please, please, please win this tournament so that Willie can look really silly in hindsight. I mean, it'd be pretty fucking dope if that happened. But either way, the the the revival has been happening for a little bit. And even like last year at barfights, they had some crazy shit going down. So what they're doing is four of the eight top eight of the Invitational are the previous Evo winners. Makes sense. And then the next four, they said, we will figure out and announce where these will come from. And then and that's where
Starting point is 04:12:13 I wasn't the only one. A couple of other people were feeling the same. They're like, the Invitational thing is like, but it's Evo, though, you know, and it's a very different feel. And then they said the four will come from four major tournaments happening at other events before even like, perfect. There we go. Perfect. So yeah, you go to I think one of them is a combo breaker. And then like a couple of other events, they're going to have a full on Marvel tournament and the four people that win there. You can't get you can't enter to gatekeep. So if you want, you can do that again. Because people do that. Yeah, that's funny. You can't do that this time. But I'm the winner of all four. Sam show. Yeah, there's like people that have had slots
Starting point is 04:12:56 for that Japan finals entered every one of those events and just fucked up people that had to try and make it. And like in some cases, it was like, I guess third place gets the prize because the first two already have theirs, you know, that's not uncommon. But in this case, yeah, you're not allowed to enter. So that's fine. Four tournaments. And then the four winners there get to go to Evo. No problem. So that's pretty hype. That's good shit. Fun to see a little community throwback in that way. And now with that, I guess comes the hope that between that in between Uniclear and so on, that there will be this continued sort of like for the players feeling from that that those game picks. Don't worry about Grandblue just
Starting point is 04:13:47 because it's not out. Marvel and maybe just maybe with this type of swell and this type of fervor and enough passion behind it. Maybe one day skull girls. No, maybe. No, yes. Yes, but no, no. Yes. Uh huh. Yeah. Uh huh. No, yep. I wish. Yep. Nope. Yep. Yep. Yep. Do you? Yeah. No, it deserves it more than fucking Grandblue. Maybe one day. But no. Yes. Fucking crazy. There's no way. I was waiting for you to start going no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And I was going to go yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no. If I really wanted
Starting point is 04:14:53 to move down, we're down, we're down, we're down, we're down, we're down. If I really wanted to ruin your day, I would say something like skull girls will definitely be at Evo next year. Thank you. Crazy. God bless you. God bless you. If I wanted to fuck with you, I'd do something like that. We got one coming in. Yeah, what do we got? Dear C to the SB. I like that. That makes me feel young and hip. What do you find more embarrassing walking in on someone using the bathroom or someone walking in on you using the bathroom? Walking in on somebody. No question. For me, it somehow feels less embarrassing to have someone walk in on you because they fail to knock or the door check or check the door for signs that's
Starting point is 04:15:46 being used. So now it's on them and they're going to see what they're going to see. I completely agree. See, if somebody walks in on me, I'm embarrassed because it's like, but I'm more like indignant and like, Hey, what the fuck, right? Like, Hey, stop. Don't. Hey, fucking knock on the door asshole. But if I get, if I'm the one walking in, I'm like, Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh, it's my fault. So I'm going off of history in both cases. I would say walking in on me because that sucks. What are you doing in there? I don't want people seeing me fucking wiping the fuck. But that's their fault. Yeah. But here's the problem, right? So back in the day in the QA office, there was a bathroom that was like the good bathroom because it was far away from everybody.
Starting point is 04:16:38 And those who knew about the good bathroom at first were a secret cabal, but eventually started to spread it amongst the populous and the populous, the Vox populi ruined the good bathroom and they sure did. And so there were times when it was like, no one should be in here, yet you open it. But the problem with the good bathroom was that it was big and the door had no lock on it. So it just fucking that sucks. And you couldn't put your foot out. So let's say it's a that sucks. Exactly. Right. I've sat in a broken stall before and kept my foot on the door because fuck you. That's not the end of the world. I can deal with that. And someone tries to open it. And then they try a second time. And I'm like, Obviously, I've got my foot up.
Starting point is 04:17:26 Why are you trying a second time? However, I feel like you get a free pass to say literally anything you want to the person trying to do that. Like you pushed a second time. Yeah. What's your thing? Oh, when I push open the door, they're going to get up and leave so that I can use it. Crazy, right? Absolute pandemonium. However, the person who was in there, in that bathroom's case, where there was no way to lock that door. It's like, What can you do? Knock? Yes. Yes, you could. That's the sit like, what the fuck? What are you fucking stupid? In a knock on the fucking door in a house? Or no, you just described that you knew it had no lock and that this was a constant threat.
Starting point is 04:18:14 This was a threat. This was a threat. Fucking knock on the door. You're right. You're right. Other people coming in that fuck them. Well, the problem is that like other people coming in not knowing whether it was the pre door or the actual door, because if it's a public building, it might just be a pre door. I hate the pre door, right? If it's and or like you might be knocking on the door to a large bathroom with many stalls in it, in which case you are a fool. Yeah, whatever, you take two seconds. But yes, otherwise, if it is a personal door to a personal bathroom, which this one was, then yeah, like, well, I don't know if you've noticed, but you ever, you ever, I mean, I've used your bathroom there. You're the type of guy you usually close your
Starting point is 04:18:58 bathroom door, right? Yes. Have you noticed that every single time I walk up to that door, I knock even when no one's there. And you will tell me, Pat, no one is here. Yes. And I knock. Yeah, the difference, the line that I draw is that I'm in a house. Yeah, but see, I had in a business space, every day is different bathroom in a business space. It's like this is public bathroom. It might literally be a gigantic thing in there. Yeah, then you look stupid for two seconds. Yeah, I guess it's better than walking in and embarrassing yourself by being that asshole who just how often have you knocked on the door to a public bathroom that was a giant like multi stall room? Okay, so this is never okay, but you have to
Starting point is 04:19:36 remember you're talking to me. And I will risk shitting my pants, rather than use a public restroom. In fact, the only time I use a public restroom is when there's a 100% certainty that I will shit or piss myself before getting home. I have held it in for entire trips so that I could do it at home. I had to go to the hospital to get poop out of my butt. Damn. Yeah, remember? Yes. Yeah. So I'm not so the answer to not in the normal. I'm not in the normal variance of events here. Right? How many times have I knocked on a bathroom door? Zero. How many times have I knocked on a bathroom stall to see if someone was in it? Zero. Okay. How many like, I walk in and if I suspect that someone's in there, I leave. Okay. Well, I don't do that.
Starting point is 04:20:34 But you are correct in that there is no harm in knocking. You can always be certain. But like, I have gotten pretty fucking good at making a nest. Okay. In a public bathroom. What does this mean? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm talking about layering up the seat. Oh, layering it. Yeah. I call that it's a nest. Okay. You make a nest on a public toilet seat so that you don't have to touch it with your ass. Yeah, I don't want to. Yeah, I don't want to. I've got the tech down. I don't. I don't like it. In America, they have those disposable like tracing paper. Yeah, those are appreciated. Those are nice when they're there. They're also kind of like bad because of the bottom part that sticks in the water where it's meant to be like,
Starting point is 04:21:20 oh, if you just flush, it'll like suck the whole thing out. But the problem with that part is that like, a lot of the time when you fucking like, if it's part of that paper sticking to your butt, then it's garbage, then it like, that part is a nightmare because it's in the water. You understand? I hate this. It's terrible. So much. So you get rid of that part entirely. But in Canada, most places, we don't really have those. I noticed a lot of the times we don't have those. That one bathroom in I want to say it was Chicago O'Hare was pretty impressive because they had the self rotating plastic cover. Yeah, that is O'Hare. That thing was pretty fucking nuts. However, you cannot trust anything more than you can trust your own nest. So learn how to layer,
Starting point is 04:22:21 how to create a perfect, how about I know, just just just never octagon, just never get octagon far enough from your house that you can't reach it with poo. That's the secret is an octagon, right? You take toilet paper, you create an octagon. And you layer it in such a way that surfaces are entirely covered. I think you should take a shower almost every single time you go to the bathroom. Well, well, for poo. Yeah, okay, well, you also get naked and panic about it. All right, so you know how when I said like, when I make you go to the bathroom, then you take all your clothes off to take a shit. And everyone's like, haha, you're crazy. That is way more common than you think. Yeah, but I also saw you panicking about like shitting yourself and then realizing you're
Starting point is 04:23:07 on the toilet or whatever the fuck that Oh, yeah, no, no, no, no. See, no, that's a that everyone agreed with that. And see, you're on the toilet, right? And you're on your phone because you're looking at stuff on your phone. And you get absorbed in your phone. And then you have the feeling in your guts, like you're gonna shit, you're like, Oh, no, don't shit yourself. But then you're like, Oh, I'm naked on the toilet. So I'm safe. The fear has passed. I've never had that happens. I've never had that moment of like, absolutely because you're trying to distract yourself because you don't want to pay attention to what you're doing. Because it's, I mean, it to me, it's like, it's just it's just extra time, right? We have found time now. No, everyone.
Starting point is 04:23:42 No, just, just, I'm always very aware of where I am when I'm using the bathroom. Everyone does it. Very aware. Nope. Everyone, everyone does it. That's happened to everyone at least once. No, no, can't say I can. I don't think I've experienced it. You have. You just, you just forgot it was a long time ago. I mean, there's little bits and pieces to it. Like, I've definitely done the thing where like, because you know, you know, you know, you can learn to like minimize splashback. Yeah. Right. You can pee at certain angles. Yeah. But also it's quieter. So it's like it's, yeah, you don't want to fucking, you don't want to wake everybody else in the middle of the night. So you learn how to be quiet and you want to kind of minimize the splash by hitting just
Starting point is 04:24:21 the right angle at the side or the back. Yeah. Um, you know, there's little, there's little bits and pieces where like that, that's, that's tech you learn over time. But I really can't say that I've ever forgotten that I was in the middle of it. Yeah. Stealth pee is pretty valuable skills though. Yeah, it's okay. It's like, this is going to be really loud. It is. It's really loud. It's way louder than almost anything else you would do in that bathroom. It's like, and when it's, you know, when you're aiming it straight into the water, you feel like it's going to splash up out of the toilet because splash, you don't like that. If you're a fucking, if you're, if you're like, if you're new around here, you might not know about that, but there's a point at which
Starting point is 04:25:13 you should know that there's a splashback you need to be worried about. Yeah, you got to be worried about it. You know, you got to, you got to worry. Use your muscles or your aim to mitigate it. These are all issues that you can, you can subsetting. You know what? Well, you know what? We're idiots. We're idiots. There's an obvious solution to this problem. I think it might be unnatural for men to piss in toilets. Toilets are only for defecation. I think the easiest way to get around this last problem is to just piss in bottles. See, I thought you were going to say a urinal? No, because we've already invented a urinal. Just piss in bottles with the urinal does exist. Yeah, it does. Just piss
Starting point is 04:26:01 in bottles. Oh, it's not, it's not clicking in your mind. I'm directly quoting someone piss in bottles. There it is. Now that's not a low tier strat. That dude's fucking crazy. What you talking about? I'm talking about low tier God. You talking about you crazy. Whenever you hear somebody pisses in bottles, all I can think about is where are the bottles? Do you keep them? How often do you throw them out? Are they sealed or open? They would probably be open. A lot of risks. It's terrible. Don't piss in bottles. It's bad. I'm upset now. Also, how is it? Wait, if it's unnatural to piss in a toilet, how is it somehow natural to piss in a bottle, which is like a manufactured glass tempered item like
Starting point is 04:27:13 Hey, Pat, what GTA B? Get to a bottle. Man, you're happy with that. Oh, man, you're real happy with that. All right. That's so upsetting. All right. Well, let's always keep a bottle handy for, you know, whenever you gotta, you gotta, you never know. So, you know, this just makes me think I don't, we've talked about this before, but there's just something so threatening about walking into a bathroom and somebody, some drunk moron is taking his shit in a urinal. Yeah, it's so threatening. That is, that is menacing. It's like a, it's just such a flagrant abuse of the social contract that we're all under. That is menacing. We got an important one here
Starting point is 04:28:10 coming in. Kiwi says, Hey, there, William and Gaz Spacho. Hey, man. Well, last week, you talked about how much war tortle sucks compared to Squirtle and Blastoise. We sure did. Even Ivy Sword and Charmillion. And there's an actual story behind that. Basically, in early development for red, green, Blastoise was part of its own unrelated evolutionary line. Cool. Completely separate from Squirtle and war tortle. It had its own pre-volution, a baby Blastoise with a little barnacle hole on its shell instead of cannons. Meanwhile, war tortle evolved into essentially a larger war turtle, kind of how Venusaur was just Ivy Sword, but that makes sense. At some point, they decided to nix the big war tortle and baby Blastoise and combine them into one,
Starting point is 04:28:52 which is why Blastoise doesn't look anything like Squirtle or war tortle besides being a blue turtle. And there are photos of like sprites pulled from the game to kind of represent these ideas. That's cool, man. It's like how Dragonite is a fucked up nonsense evolution for Dratini. So like, yeah, there's these, there's these two tweets that I'm seeing here where, oh my God, that was so terrible. I just looked at baby Blastoise. Like a grown up war turtle on the one side because they had some sprites ripped from the game. And then here's a concept, baby Blastoise. Baby Blastoise is the shit. Baby Blastoise is cute. Kill war turtle and giant war tortle is terrible by comparison. Holy shit. That's not even remotely awful.
Starting point is 04:29:40 Like it's not even, there's no contest. Kill that. There's no contest. Baby Blastoise is the fucking best. Kill that please. Imagine if Squirtle turned into baby Blastoise. Oh man, that'd be great. And then baby Blastoise turned into Blastoise. That'd be great. It's crazy. Get rid of this war turtle garbage with the ears. It's the ears, man. It's so bad. It really is. Like, and then you see the fulver anyway. Point made. War turtle can suck my dick. It really can. But now that I've seen baby Blastoise, like, it's even. I hate war turtle even more. Even more. Even more. Now I have something to compare it to. That never came out. Oh man. What a piece of shit. Could have been better.
Starting point is 04:30:29 And let's take one last one over here. Who the fuck are these war turtle stands? Who the fuck is these people? Who cares? Yeah, who cares? Go back to preschool where you live, because you're children. Lastly, um, game changing products that go overlooked, low tier dog says, Nenerds, have you either of you heard of power line adapters? They seem to be a miracle product for fighting games, allowing Wi-Fi players to use an electrical outlet as an Ethernet cable. Is there a reason this isn't more talked about in the FGC and are there absolute game changing products you can think of that don't seem to get any attention? Yeah, those things are crazy. So I actually have one and I've, I've, I've used it in this house, not for, uh, like,
Starting point is 04:31:13 net play, but those are pretty cool. So what this is, a power line adapter is totally real, right? This is a thing. What you can do is it essentially, it'll replace Wi-Fi in a way where it'll use the power line of your house to, to send the signal, um, and a way better signal than Wi-Fi would obviously. If you're on the same power, uh, circuit, then it'll be better. If you're on two different ones, it still works, but not as good. And then you just go wired into outlet, switch to side, outlet into wired, outlet into wired, and then you get a better signal. It's sorcery. It's fucking crazy. Yeah. Now, is it better than wired directly into your mount modem or router? No, definitely not, but it's way better than Wi-Fi, like substantially. And this was
Starting point is 04:32:02 something that I think Gutex actually talked about, uh, back in when he put his book out, like way back. But yeah, that is an option for you out there. If you have your Wi-Fi, like I retweeted a picture of someone who had a grand blue like name that was like, but I think their name was like, um, like, uh, good Wi-Fi, good underscore Wi-Fi or something like that. And then the, and then the description was just like, my router is right next to my PS4, so my connection's good. Oh, fuck off. You know, and it's like, okay. Um, but yes, power line adapters are a real thing. I can, I can attest to their usage, um, and do not use them in place of, uh, a router with a good wire. Of course. But if you only have Wi-Fi, the absolute
Starting point is 04:32:48 last resort, it's a decent alternative alternative. If you just can't do it, otherwise use a fucking cable, you know? So it's not a red bar go home situation. You can go out and buy one of these machines. I remember, I don't know if it's a game changer, but you remember disc doctor? Yeah, that thing worked. Yeah. Actually for real worked. It was just, you fucking spun the thing and it buffed out the plastic and, uh, took some scratches out and nine times out of 10, I turned busted discs into discs that worked. Yeah. Like, I remember there was someone who, um, there's definitely, like, you'd have to go back to like, there's a thread where that when they were talking about after the Gootex recommendation on it, but like, people were
Starting point is 04:33:29 like doing their up and down, they're doing their speed tests with it to show you that it's like, okay, you can get a decent connection after this, you know, and more importantly, a stable one. Yeah. So because everybody who's like, oh yeah, Wi-Fi's fine. They're morons, but also they do like a speed test and they go, see, look, it's just as fast. It's nothing to do with speed. It's consistency, bro. It's dropped packets. So once again, the word is power line connector. It is literally a, uh, it is a block that plugs into your outlet and it's got a, um, Ethernet opening on the bottom of it. That's all you need. Okay. So that's a good fucking product. Yes. So I'm going to be streaming Resident Evil games this week and Damon X Magena,
Starting point is 04:34:18 which shop, it's to the PC fucking came out of nowhere. I saw that it got announced for the PC and then cranky was like, I can't believe it's out in four days. I'm like, it's out in fucking four days with the fuck. Right. Crazy. So that's over at slash Pat stairs at that's going to be an eight PM this week, probably Tuesday to Friday. I might change it. Yep. Fuck it. Excuse me. Um, so what's going to go on, uh, over on woolly versus, um, schedule wise on YouTube, the, uh, you know, the, the existing stuff continues. Um, stream wise, if you want to be on that cutting edge, you can catch me playing doom. Uh, I think Monday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. That's good. That's good. Tuesday and Thursday is going to be doom. Uh,
Starting point is 04:35:02 Wednesday, I'm going to be starting Kotor two, uh, Thursday night. We'll be getting to fighting games and, uh, as usual, Saturday will be either a salt party, uh, table lords, maybe even a, um, race wars or a puzzle boys. Who knows? Who knows? Right. That's it for us. You all have a good week and we'll see you next week. Goodbye. Bye. You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles.
Starting point is 04:38:55 You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles. You can call me knuckles.

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