Castle Super Beast - CSB 146: When Shove Comes To Shove

Episode Date: December 21, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 by hello good afternoon Christmas Wally how are you doing all right volume might need some adjusting well I mean I've been told that my whole life hey because I'm hello to hat yeah I got this nice hat boy what's a great company and I'm excited for Elden Ring that's right Bandai Namco I couldn't read it I can't read it from here it's a little it's not it's not crisp there we go right right okay so boy I'm so excited for Elden Ring oh boy oh geez oh big excited I tell you what for those of you who are listening through the MP3 format you're
Starting point is 00:01:33 missing a sip of water from a Bandai Namco bottle followed by an adjusting of a Bandai Namco sweater some Bandai Namco hand sanitizer and a Bandai Namco cap fitted so a little while ago they were like hey guys and you guys want some because Elden Ring's gonna be at the game or whatever the fuck right it's like do you want some some swag and I was like yeah sure and I thought this is gonna be Elden Ring shit well I didn't think it was gonna be I didn't think it was gonna be like bro do you love Bandai Namco close enough like it's not even the colored version of the fucking local yeah no like not Tekken not Gundam not
Starting point is 00:02:28 any of the various other properties not Dragon Ball fighters this shit is super yeah there you go and there it goes it's super hot like it's it's oh I think we established when we were talking about the old console warrior days where like after playing a lot of games from a company or from a developer you tend to be like oh I really like this developer they make good things but like the more the higher up that company goes and the more of a publisher it becomes the weirder it is to be like yeah I'm a fan of that publisher oh I sure am because it just gets so it's like what it they didn't they just acquired things and made deals and you know put some money down in some
Starting point is 00:03:17 cases and and publish the thing but that's not my favorite same as the people that made the magic I'm I'm such a big fan of Square Enix a statement that would have been legitimately true at eat for many at one point yeah but you're like looking at like Final Fantasy all the bravest on your phone you're like now yes to be fair devolver exists but devolver goes out of their way to brand themselves as a fun publisher a fun indie publisher the devolver created an identity regularly like the PR people are like the most chill community people I've dealt with at any company they don't give a fuck but that's an example of like you know that is like that is a that's an image that's been cultivated you know that's been built it's like yeah they're the fucking wacky ass show
Starting point is 00:04:18 every year that just doesn't give a fuck um but in general yeah the more the more you kind of zoom out it's a bit the more it's just kind of like yeah I guess good I'm a I'm a fan of Tencent I just I just love boy I sure I love the Tencent I like all their acquisitions and yeah it's like do you like the games or the specific no no no ironically Tencent puts out a lot of good stuff they have an umbrella of many company but it's just it's like the higher up you go the weirder kind of gets because you're just like all right sure sure and with that umbrella includes a lot of things I sure do love activists wizard sep sep into east they make they make warcraft everybody look sat um how's it going pretty good I'm having a pretty good week overall how's it going with you
Starting point is 00:05:19 all right what'd you do what I do okay uh shocker hey I'm playing pretty much the exclusively Final Fantasy of which I do have something to say that is of interest to people that doesn't necessarily play Final Fantasy uh they put the ps5 rumble in that game it is the good one the good one the ps5 one uh it's probably the best use of it I've seen in any game um beyond attached what's that beyond eternal yeah because it's it's subtle it's not constantly like very strong or loud um your footsteps are attached to the rumble so it is going to give you footstep feeling based on uh what type of terrain you're on and it's very very soft but it's it's the difference between the lowest possible rumble and nothing isn't that the entire time
Starting point is 00:06:23 you're playing the game then no because uh in dungeons it's all smooth paths it's I'm talking overworld stuff and every mount has distinctive rumble like of the hundreds of mounts that are in the game every single one has distinctive rumble attached to its movement okay as well as it it like nicely rumbles when you uh when your bars fill up as well as you can set it so that the in controller speaker alerts you to system alerts like when your cue is ready which is both really cool and awful because the noise that comes out of the controller to tell you that your duty is ready is loud as shit and scared the fuck out of me that controller speaker can get really loud yes yes it can now I know that one was specific to the ps you can do that with the ps4 controller
Starting point is 00:07:25 as well but yeah the rumblies are are really great one of the weird like there's a distinct difference between like a horse and like a car I think one of the one of the weirdest uh things I remember is when you're booting up like um excerpt sign for the first time and you're using your your your ps controller your ps4 controller um like you're hearing nothing up until you get to the into a match and you select your characters you go through the whole thing and from what I remember correctly it's as soon as you KO somebody at the end of the round and your controller just screams hell yeah out of nowhere and Jesus if you didn't turn the volume down it's super startling oh no you know as soon as the slash pops up and it's like yeah like it's it's it's like the volume is loud
Starting point is 00:08:15 but also if you don't have any noise and then suddenly it jumps in that's extra bad too uh I don't know if I should talk about it here or if it's actually in news do you have the uh the sales announcement thing in news or should I just mention it here um the acquisition no no the the deal with n walker sales no okay so I'll talk about it here it's technically news but all right everyone are you aware of the free trial for thought fancy 14 up to level 60 that includes the critically acclaimed heavensward expansion well stop not allowed stop it sales are done they've stopped sales don't buy it anymore they've also pulled all the ads suffering from success 100 so games full straight up go the game is full get out go home um why'd you wait so long
Starting point is 00:09:22 idiots they'll tell they're they say they're gonna have some more details about uh the new servers that they're gonna pick up and buy and roll out in january but for the foreseeable future get the fuck out of here yeah that's that's wild and um the idea it's so it's so it's so it's so crazy because everyone has realized over the last decade or so I mean I mean it to be honest like if you're doing marketing you know this uh from from you know from infinity ago but like the the growth potential of a thing is what spells its success therefore you heavily prioritize new people in everything you do and like the the in a lot of cases veterans get depreciated until the concept of whales existed that is to say right um but here you have to actively depreciate the new player
Starting point is 00:10:19 because technically you cannot continue to offer a live service if you keep growing they've also uh suspended new registrations of the free trial go and stop signing up for it no and uh bluntly if you are a free trial player you can't play anyway because free trial like there's the queue and then there's the queue for free trial players which is like a second tier below that queue okay so unless you're logging in at like eight nine a.m as a free trial like you're not getting on is the character creator offline uh it I could check that actually because I I know some MMOs let you make a character and then you only have to actually connect upon register so it's it's it's per server right uh I'm gonna guess character creation is down okay now character
Starting point is 00:11:11 creation is up on Midgar Stormer, Lamia, Exodus, Bryn Hilder, Diablo, and Malbro but those rotate like every eight hours as as what they just what they determine a preferred or congested world actually is I wouldn't be surprised if the closing of the gates to the land of Elysium will just build up a lot of hype for people that want to get in once they reopen it raid comes out on tuesday sure yeah the all the all the all the cool raid shit is tomorrow forced I think like like four days after they go no no uh no uh I think closing the gates will just build up a crowd you know yeah uh it's the there's only one game I can ever think of that actually had to do this which is uh world of warcraft back in 2005 after christmas oh yeah the christmas of wow which was
Starting point is 00:12:13 2000 was wow came out November 2004 and then everybody all the kids like me got over christmas and then uh the 2005 they had to be like stop buying it there's there's literally no room and that was the last time I can remember anything uh happening where they had to stop sales hmm so congrats uh cues are equalizing I've I logged in yesterday on sunday afternoon at five p.m. and it took maybe 45 minutes to an hour it's interesting to get in it's interesting to think about how you know physical objects are there by limited by their physical production and shipments digital creates infinite copies of digital data but it then yeah becomes limited by uh active server usage over like a certain number the easiest way that I can
Starting point is 00:13:15 think of it like in terms that I can parse is a restaurant yeah yeah sure sure you you listen you sold x amount of tickets but everybody's sitting around taking three four hours to finish their fucking there's a number of seats at a table we can only make so much food yeah yeah yeah that's true I I'm I'm very lucky because I I you know wake up do matures and I'm I'm good to go around one in the a one in the p.m. uh it's still really really really bad uh server dependent on like five six seven p.m. when people get home from work okay well yeah it's extra it's extra it's like sad because like there's people that are like I have done one dungeon in this entire like 10 day period and like I'm over here I'm about to hit like cap on five classes I'm like
Starting point is 00:14:15 when it reopens go to work what what should be interesting to look at is this the numbers on the people that sign up in the first day and see if it is higher than the expected cumulative amount over the locked period I don't quite understand what you're saying so basically is there going to be a number of people waiting to get in that makes up for the people that were stopped oh yeah so yeah it's like you can only you'll you'll only find that info like you only get that public info there's a census by these guys named lucky ban show out in Japan that literally just scrape the fucking player website for data on characters yeah so you can see how many people sign up regularly yeah but those are always like six months down the line okay hmm that's
Starting point is 00:15:10 that's unfortunate I guess like it helps from a business perspective to keep some things close to the chest but like those types of metrics are really interesting to learn about in a in a like a pinnacle game environment where like this is the biggest MMO therefore like how do online communities behave and like yeah it'd be cool to see those numbers live and active you know yeah from a business perspective they're in a weird situation because like new players that aren't signing up obviously aren't giving any money but the general way of things is that when your MMO launches and there's a significant player portion of people that can't play you must give them free time to accommodate right or else people go crazy and quit they've given out seven days the first
Starting point is 00:16:00 time and then they gave out 14 more days with this recent announcement so that's 21 out of 30 days they're probably gonna give more as these things stabilize and it's like yeah we're missing out on new people but we're also having to give away nearly a month's worth of subscriptions which like obviously that's a good like practice for people to to calm down and be happy but like they're saying there's 25 million players no that's not true there's 25 million registered account there's probably like 10 million players giving up on 11 to 13 dollars worth of subs over 21 days from 10 million people it's like like a couple bucks at least perhaps more than that but at the same time it is countered by the regular income flow which is also ridiculous so you know in the
Starting point is 00:17:03 grand scheme it still feels like less to them so good for them obviously bad for everybody that was hoping to get in hope you hope you manage to make an account and register log in once ever if you're interested in the game though it does seem like it's gonna calm down over the next couple weeks though tomorrow's gonna be real bad tomorrow's gonna be fucked because the raid's gonna come out and everybody go crazy what else did I do I watched three Mel Brooks movies over the past weekend okay one I didn't see prior the other I had not seen prior either and the third I saw once when I was like four so took a look we we went back to men and tights yeah Robin Hood Robin Hood men and tights it's great went back last night to
Starting point is 00:17:56 young Frankenstein which nope is baffling to me that that like there are like seven jokes in that movie and they are all like straight to the heart because the otherwise like a serious movie it's so goddamn weird hmm it's so fucking weird I only remember men and tights as one of I think it was one of the few movies I saw like when I was younger I think I saw that in theaters with my family and like I don't remember anything in the movie except for the beginning when he meets Blinken yeah uh Chappelle I believe who's telling him about how his family died and like and then and the whole bit up to you know oh she choked on a goldfish
Starting point is 00:18:59 or whatever and like that's that conversation is where my memory of the movie ends yeah that's pretty much my old experience with it as well yeah it's good it's also I also got really confused over time like over my life because the main the guy who plays um Robin Hood in that movie is the same guy who played the prince in the princess bride which had which combined both movies into my memory into one movie which was called the princess bride okay weird um and the third one that we watched we actually watched it first but I'm leaving it to last because it's my favorite of the pack I finally got a hold to see of the producers the 2005 version that's the musical ah with Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane it's spring time for Hitler and
Starting point is 00:19:53 Judy dude so I'm sitting down watching a Mel Brooks musical I'm like all right let's have let's have a good time and the amount of times that I just put both hands over my mouth and was just like shaking my head like oh oh no um I have heard of spring time for Hitler I did not know that this is where spring time for Hitler came from originated I did know it's you can make more money with a flop than a hit originated um that movie is great I don't usually do musicals sure but it's great that's a lot of man Mel Mel Brooks is a funny movie man he's funny movie man first you know I think first fart scene in film history oh seriously yeah when the uh when the cowboys start ripping farts around
Starting point is 00:20:55 the beans in Blazing Saddles that is the first farts I believe recorded in a like in a movie pushing the envelope yeah yeah Mel Brooks is also still alive do you know they're making a history of the world part two that's out this coming year is that in the news at all like I have no heard of that we were we were looking at like Mel Brooks crap and then it was like history of the world part two coming for like Hulu or some shit wow I don't know which one it is okay that's pretty much my week I watched some Mel Brooks movies I played my Final Fantasy game okay oh I will say one thing I had an absolute nightmare of a time
Starting point is 00:21:45 getting the rumble to work in anything with the ps5 controller I would plug the ps5 controller in and I shit you not the controller would start to scream okay like it would it would it would do that thing was and then it would um then it would fucking uh get higher pitched and then it would get louder and louder and louder and what it seemed like was somehow its own microphone was picking up its own rumbles and just amplifying them over and over and over again Jesus okay and so it's like this is awful this is this is goddamn awful I have a permanently rumbling controller that is screaming at me I don't think this is supposed to work like that so and I tried all sorts of technical fucking solutions and I bought a new
Starting point is 00:22:38 controller which by the way the red ones are very nice hold on it's nice it's red I got a black one yeah I like I like the alt colors yeah I'm also gonna get the purple one um but uh couldn't figure it out got so mad got so pissed off that I ended up just writing a thread on the ff14 reddit does anybody else's ps5 controller scream when they plug it in it's going crazy yeah some guy was like try a different usb port and that fix it oh really it was my usb extender does not like the s5 controllers I plugged it directly into the computer it works perfectly okay I was gonna say like either that like an extender or a front port yeah um so I mean not that it like I feel like there's a period of time in which I didn't really
Starting point is 00:23:36 pay attention to like ports and the and the energy but like yeah that time is currently back with like the usb c's with um things like my stick cannot go into any random extender or any random port you have to pick yeah isn't it great yeah I'm not a fan of like having to remember what we're using sticks and you couldn't use the three foot one you had to use the six foot one or vice versa it was like fucking you have to specifically order like the the the more expensive ones that are like high speed transfer um yeah well uh that that that sucks um also I've just remembered I played solar ash oh yes yes I was just gonna say that the rumbling sound you're discussing reminds me of days of qa when we would have to like test and figure out like
Starting point is 00:24:26 um what happens if you let's say you hit a paw the pause button during a rumble moment in a game and the controller continues rumbling forever right is that what what's gonna happen what'll the game do will you break or kill the fucking controller and like probably and like so there were good guidelines against making against having the rumble go on indefinitely and that was one that constantly people every always failed like the rumble moment if you pause the game it doesn't tell the it doesn't stop uh when the game pauses it just keeps going until you unpause it and that that was like a freebie every time anyway so solar ash hey it's good it's by the hyper light drifter people uh heart machine yeah step step one um this game should have been called hyper
Starting point is 00:25:19 light drifter really because your your character uses void light and drifts everywhere and has the same color palette yeah like it's it's real it's real bizarre that that it's not called that but it's called solar ash and it is a combination you should probably play i'm i'm i'm i'm absolutely gonna play it it's a combination between um uh shout out to the colossus hyper light drifter and jet set radio that's that's the good shit you do jet set radio stuff to get to places and fight enemies and then you fight a boss uh that is a shout out to the colossus boss and you fight the boss via jet set radio stuff wonderful and a lot of mid air shit from what i saw in the trailer yeah big air times
Starting point is 00:26:12 uh it's great um do you remember do you remember enough the the the intro to hyper light drifter there were a bunch of things that look like evangelicalians i don't i don't well in this one you fight angels they're just straight up angels one of them is is like literally zero well okay looks exactly like them sick yeah it's usually great it sounds good it's it's definitely made for you specifically oh yeah i can i mean that's one of those that's one of those drops where it's just like okay it's it's not it's just a matter of when you know but yeah instant acquisition fuck yeah heart machine yeah and that's been that's been my week uh we're gonna do more streams obviously slash pat stairs that don't know if i'm streaming
Starting point is 00:26:56 on christmas yet probably let's say probably because i'm definitely not spending it with my family just talked to my mom on the phone and she was like man this is omicron shit i'm like i know right david cage the hack is like what were you talking about but anyway but yeah starting this week uh we're all final fancied out too bad for y'all if you want more final fantasy i'm gonna start neo 2 this week i'm gonna play uh some other stuff uh so just skipping right to it huh yeah that's the so this is the second series of mind goblins thing and that is that is the goblin for neo 2 yeah which is i never i never finished one yeah which normally does not allow me to start playing the sequel in most situations but in this case that's the
Starting point is 00:27:48 goblin in this case i'm like i'm so sick of trying to get through neo one while everyone tells me how great neo 2 is i'm gonna keep sick of it i'm gonna keep at it um i'm gonna i'm gonna finish i'm gonna go i'm gonna go through neo one before i start to but uh well i mean i've already put the time in at this point too so it's like i'm probably closer to the end than i am to not um however um in the meantime i continue to be you know fairly uh distracted by the smt5 which uh if i'm gonna take the baton over here just to just your baton yep just a quick a quick it is my pleasure to report that immediately after the lull of the castle that i described uh last time uh the game fucking picks up and goes super hard and um it yeah i was in a period
Starting point is 00:28:48 that like i would describe as it is a lull there is a lull that occurs um and as soon as you come right out of that it just fucking goes and goes and goes and uh a lot of that uh far and few in between like plot stuff starts to happen and come together and it's like okay this is what we were waiting on you know the moments the the the um the plots coming together and wrapping up and the character is all sort of um you know uh converging so uh yeah the the area that i guess i would describe as the fifth area it's hard it's hard to anyway to label them because there's sub areas within areas and you're like there's dungeons and then there's open world areas and it's not clear which is which exactly so when i was saying the fourth area last time some people thought i was
Starting point is 00:29:42 talking about the like the what i'm calling the fifth area the new place now um but either way i'll just say castle and ueno uh but um yeah now that i'm walking around ueno it's fucking amazing like it's practically my favorite part of the game um so just yeah uh good news that thing picks up so yeah well and then i'll see if i can wrap it up soon and then uh give a give some feelings on it but um it's also nice to get to like those high end demons in the arcana where you are like you're looking at like the creation myths of various cultures you know cool that's the fun shit yeah um so yeah smt continues to be i wish i was more into that game well it'll always be sitting there you know it's not going anywhere
Starting point is 00:30:41 whatever i gotta get 19 jobs to cap yeah but video the games are always there you know no they go away no they don't they really don't sound the road when they're not when they're not new the expiration date is a lie it's not real you don't have to care about it hot it is not well that's a that's a that's a sad way to be but um the guy was gonna lp a game like four years after came out based on nothing hell yeah and guess what i'm talking about me oh yeah okay the tomorrow like fair enough i'm just doing it to prep for a fucking elden ring which i'm so excited for everybody big excited there you go uh i got to try out that blaze blue roll back and it works yeah how is it it's it's good good matches good times um blaze blue i played some blaze blue
Starting point is 00:31:43 and i oh no i played the sword guy and then i played the susano and then i i played the new 13 and then wait she's back yeah lamb does there and new is there as well so look it's everybody it's like 60 characters dude it's everybody wait what really yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's ridiculous like the the the character select screen of central fiction is the one that you just look at and go oh god is this mugen i we've we've you we had this reaction when we popped it in back in the day and and uh it's the one where whenever when when jubey came out i was telling you about how my the players in the community were like fuck this not another match up you know 36 okay that's a lot still it's a huge amount because it's basically calamity trigger
Starting point is 00:32:38 um continuum shift uh chrono phantasm and then central fiction you know so you just pull all all the those things together and then you drop jubey the there's three robot sword girls in this game sure why not why not uh you know and then you put the jubey the 13 character in there and yeah you got yourself a floor roster i mean there's two hakumen style units there's absolutely multiple versions of different characters like there's there's um hazama and uh what's his name um uh terumi yeah you know like there's plot wise like everyone has their alternate things going on at that point it's it's so many different um you know expanding plot things yeah yes no terumi is not hazama it is just a vessel for the same
Starting point is 00:33:45 soul that is split into different places and so on and so forth um yeah shut up there you go there you go but i know but you know every time someone is gonna hey hey it's like yeah yeah we know it's cool it's fine we get it um anyways that was uh that was that was there and uh that works it does its job um feels good yay for that uh i also uh spent some time on the dnf duel online beta aka uh dungeon fighters online the fighting game and okay i don't know why it took me this long for it to hit me how does dungeon fighter online become dnf well you see dungeon fighter online is dfo which is correct that's right that's right right but the people who made this game decided to go with dungeon and fighters
Starting point is 00:34:48 and i don't know why they thought that would be cool but i'm gonna guess and fighter dungeon and fighter it's it's for english reasons that's why god damn it i wish they wouldn't i wish it was dfo duel but it was it's not you know and and uh yeah the the weirdness of that carries forth into a lot of things i mean hell the characters are unnamed their classes right because they're just kind of doing what the old beta right um sort of had which is not named people but classes uh yeah so this is one of those games that like uh there's a fucking meme of just like it's like uh dnf duel mechanics be like and it's just like this shady person in a hood that just says call me now hotline like sex line but you can't see anything about their
Starting point is 00:35:44 features and it's just like a mystery because they refused to elaborate about what the game would play like look like any of its systems what the online anything we knew nothing until the day that the beta opened and whoever's in charge of that uh is doing a poor job i'll say because they're not like they they are not telling people in advance what to expect and you know you kind of look at mechanics and get a breakdown video and go okay cool i get a feel for what you know i might like when the game comes out and i can get my hands on it um so yeah the first i have the the the negatives is just like that whole thing um from i guess uh uh i forget the name of the company but it's like a it's a pun on like people or something but uh the the the dungeon fighter side of things
Starting point is 00:36:35 arxist did their job they made a fighting game it works it plays and it's got it's got it's it's working uh netcode and the the people who are marketing it and like telling people how it works nipple thank you nipple uh they are doing a terrible job of telling people about it and what's going on but what we were able to discern is thus like a one it's got rollback so yay um the matches i did play uh when there were not larger network based issues happening which it's a cbt or it's an obt actually um we're we're solid obt obt is a thing right i i just like make sure to play dnf on your cbt like i can't yeah i can't i can't i can't now aiding is involved as well but the thing that i'm not um the thing that i'm i guess uh i mostly confused by is is how much of it resembles grand
Starting point is 00:37:40 blue fantasy versus right because it's such a similar game it's got a similar uh flow in some cases the speed is comparable in some cases the juggle system is comparable i feel like um there's a lot of similarity between the two um but uh whatever the the work is between aiding and arcsis is um yeah they've got a fighting game that um you know it's it's all right i think the um this like i think the the setup as well is is mainly reminiscent because it has a similar button layout style um but even more unusual so what that what we we we what we found out live when it launched is that the system is you have a light heavy uh meterless specials and metered specials okay right so i see i see the similarity grand blue now yeah so you have to you have so
Starting point is 00:38:43 you know a grand blue had the abc abc and then s type of thing and here you've got your uh i think it i think they're calling it like a b s and then mp the mp button or something along those lines um but yeah so i'm just saying metered and metered let meterless and and you know that that'll convey what it needs to uh then there's a block button which also is a specific thing that grand blue had and you have a block button while also having hold back to block like normal oh cross ups fuck off exactly right and then the throw button as well so like the the that two is heavily reminiscent of the feel of um grand blue fantasy versus like there are a lot of similarities between these games despite the fact that aiding is helping them make it or or whichever the is to whoever's
Starting point is 00:39:37 taking doing most of the development um but one thing is is you know clear is that like yeah it takes from that as well um and you know i think like um aiding has made some some pretty fun fighters back in the day of course like i you know i like i they made the better nerudo fighters in my opinion uh going way back when but this game coming out having all these similarities i'm describing to grand blue um having some characters that are you know uh pretty nutty with like some of the um expressive stuff you can do with them like so i've seen some combo videos now that people kind of figured out you know towards the the third day of this this beta uh yeah between that and it having a a a good rollbacks implementation this can just replace grand blue
Starting point is 00:40:31 if grand blue doesn't actually you know do anything about the netcode it can just replace it so that's pretty fucking funny yeah um now here's the other thing of course with this uh test is that like the way they decided to implement it is one that i think is uh not great especially comparing to uh other games that have had open betas the the number one thing is you when i went online my experience was on the first day uh press start main menu and you have options and um network match and that's it okay all right and i'm like okay i would like a training mode i know that no stop it stop asking for that i know that not everything will give a training mode on it's uh uh on it's on its beta and i know that like the emphasis is for the online testing
Starting point is 00:41:27 i would i would like it just to not like so just to learn what the game does and what its systems are you know in in an environment that like you can check that shit out um and a lot of other games did do that you know a lot of other games did have uh their beta tests come out with training mode so i don't think it's uh an unusual thing to ask for considering most people do that but here we go no training mode all right so then is there an offline we can practice in or something like that just to do the same thing effectively no there isn't it's just online they're like okay so i guess we're just going to learn live and then uh the servers were being hammered uh too intensely so we'd get a network error message do you want to fight a cpu offline instead
Starting point is 00:42:17 and then the uh you go yes and then you get put into a random random match and you don't get to pick your character like oh my i wait whoa back up back up back up back up back up you don't get to pick your character when the network is down and you get asked if you want to play against the cpu instead and you say yes and then you get a random select match against the random select character and that was that's weird very weird because i mean basically like yes on the one hand i'm sure yeah like some people like oh i got to play the whole cast and whatever but to not have the choice it doesn't feel good because i went i went in thinking like oh i want to touch i want to try out grappler i want to try out inquisitor i want to try out um crusader
Starting point is 00:43:15 and when i played all those matches um and like the server was down for a while so like i had a bunch of cpu only matches i was only getting random selects of like half the cast i got i like it took me a really long time before random select gave me grappler and then i got like one maybe two matches tops with them and i was like like that sucks i want to play that's bizarre and then when i get that is absolutely bizarre and then when i finally got to him i was like uh okay let me try to just quickly do some stuff so i can learn before the computer rushes at me and then i have to fight and improvise the whole thing like it just it's like i'm like i i i just wish there was a way to just pick a character i wanted in that circumstance and or at the very and then i was like you know what
Starting point is 00:44:07 okay i can't pick my character i can't go like look at the systems um in the game or i can't train or whatever let me just pause it to look at the move list and you can't so then i'm like well then what what am i doing here right it was really that entire sequence of events just was like not not great and um i saw you know lots of discussion online and there's a lot of people that are just kind of like it's fine you don't deserve any of that stuff what do you need it for just fight just win shut up though it's like nah man a lot of games have had at least bare minimum all of the things i've described including ko f15 which also just put out which had a beta this weekend that had training mode offline online tutorials like it was all there
Starting point is 00:45:00 in their in their network test it's not too much to ask at this point that you do the bare minimum that others are are doing and you know and then the counter to that i saw people going yeah well that's not fair to compare a game that's about to drop versus one that is about to drop because it's still a couple months away it's coming out in summer 2022 like no that's not an excuse i've seen a lot of really like dumb people like like defenses of like that type of thing and it's like come on guys you can the features are there you can allow a pause menu with a move list that bare minimum you know what woolly i'm gonna go talk i while you were talking about this i went and i spoke to the dnf devs no you didn't you were sitting right here i saw you no i was typing and they
Starting point is 00:45:48 got back to me and they said that they feel really bad about your frustrations and that as a result they will be making the open beta completely free okay well can measure it with your time fortunately the beta was free to begin with so it was not a it was not a a pre-order but thank you thank you for the freedom the free that's the point i'm making yeah yeah that's nice uh anyway so it's a it's a it's a like it's a network test to test the network yeah it is like that's all it's for and then i could have just not done that at all that is that like the the the random thing is super fucking weird but you're going like where's my training mode it's like it's nowhere it's they want you to test the
Starting point is 00:46:47 network of course right but the thing is that what most games have done strive um the grand blue literally like everything that that did this is they also go in addition to testing the network this is the first time people are going to see our game and play it for you know this is their first impression and so we will also while you're testing the network explain to you how the game works no there's nothing there's not even there's no pause to move list there's literally nothing to figure out how the game works in the game right so that's that's all it is it's just like can we just have at least that much um and and there wasn't there so whatever the amount is it is understood that the emphasis is going to be on the network test because they have to figure
Starting point is 00:47:38 out those issues but it is still also the first impression people are getting of the game at bare minimum allowing people to figure out how to play it you know so what it turns out also what's happening is the day of that of that release um the twitter was putting out their tweets explaining the systems like you know after everything was live and going on and then it was like okay so here's what we got we got this kind of like there's a gray life cancelling system and a couple other things but you know like the fact that like just about everybody was asking tons of questions like the night of going like what what do we do here you know it was it was just weird so then uh saturday and sunday um if things got better the uh system um the the we were able
Starting point is 00:48:24 to get matches online and when you were able to get into some lobbies you'd get some fights that were like okay these work this is going but also there's a ton of like issues that would come from not the actual netcode but just the game itself like having incomplete menus menus that disappear um oh that's that's a bad impression uh getting frozen when you create a lobby or when you enter certain lobbies lobbies with too many people people sitting in the same seats getting uh disconnected when a host leaves a lobby um no um um when you spectate a match that's mid partially through the process of being played it'll fast forward the first round or so really quickly in a weird way to catch you back up to a second one actually um a million functional issues
Starting point is 00:49:19 about actually getting from network into a game uh that shit was just not working uh there you know you would have to you um also like getting a message saying like oh the rooms were too full instead of just continuing to search you know like a plethora of problems in just the the the from the front end into gameplay um and then fake messages in gameplay as well where you'd be fighting sometimes and you'd get a message saying you'd get a message saying um you've been disconnected and yeah if you press okay you get kicked out of the match but if you don't press okay the match continues in the background and you and you can let the opponent continue to beat you up at which point then if you rematch you'll be fine
Starting point is 00:50:19 right now that's network test yeah the truest biggest network test issues going down so all of that shit's happening and you know like with like with all the other games i aforementioned oftentimes you'll see things come back a second time around i assume there'll be another um uh beta you know maybe in a few months and then that will see some improvements on on this front but uh what you got for now is a lot of that shit now the thing is this like all of that is annoying obviously but i'm not at all i have no issues with that because it's like it doesn't work but that's what the test is that's where i'm like absolutely like make it work figure it out now i'm baffled now i'm totally baffled the lack of features is is annoying
Starting point is 00:51:12 because it's a network test but like it being completely broken is not annoying because it's annoying but i but i know that like other games have been broken like uh uh in their first on their first day in in ways not as bad as this this one's bad but like that's the type of thing that i know i would based on what we've seen in the past you would likely get the improvement but in the next beta whenever that happens um it's the fact it's the part that's a note that i'm talking about is where again the game won't let you like pick a character or learn what the game's about even in the even in a network test like the idea of like we need you to play this game and test the network is yes but it's still the first impression of the game too it still
Starting point is 00:52:00 serves as a demo it's not a demo that's being put out like a single player game demo where it's like hey get a taste for this and then come buy it but it still it serves that purpose in addition to a network test you know um i'm not gonna i if i don't get a training mode um i'm repeating myself at this point but literally i don't think it's too much to ask that at bare minimum move list is in the game at bare minimum if i don't get an offline versus if i don't get a training mode at least let me do that you know so oh man oh i'm getting flashes of indivisible in my fucking head right now yeah so i don't i mean i skull girls i just i don't mean to keep fight to get a move list anyway i you know i don't mean to but i don't think this is too much to ask
Starting point is 00:52:43 i don't think it's unreasonable i think it's a very reasonable thing um anyways so uh whatever we get to the the the saturday and sunday matches are good and then yeah um going through most of the cast a lot of fun stuff a lot of crazy shit uh some key like the inquisitors this um you know axe girl and she's got a move that puts a giant spinning wheel on the screen that you have to block for like what feels like a solid five seconds it just it just doesn't go away in the meantime she can like cross across you up back and forth and do all kinds of shit um there's a you know ninja girl a kunoichi that's doing all kinds of ridiculous air combos and and and uh uh cancels fighter the tifa looking girl as well big mobility fun stuff you know and uh yeah i may or may not
Starting point is 00:53:40 have found jesus in my life again all yeah i saw people talking about this all he had to do was return in the form of a fighting game and just like that i've caught religion you know they say that uh you know you see all these kip pit pastors with their skateboards and their tattoos just being like i'm about to bust out of 900 but first how about i bust out some scripture you know man i saw a band playing on a stage in some fucking video just the other day this all these like white rapper looking kids singing about that christian side hug nice maybe want to jump off a bridge nice that's good so you know that's one way of getting the kids and another way is uh in the form of the uh the crusader who is jesus himself crossed up with the robes um with a big hammer
Starting point is 00:54:45 to smite the heathens and uh he's fucking yeah he's i like his move list he's fun so we've been just you know taking every opportunity to do uh everything that we can to talk shit and um ask people sinners to repent uh i believe i started you know i started dropping some of the um i started dropping some of the uh the 10 commandments got hit him with some exodus you know uh you got to get your deuteronomies your psalms in there you know you're going old testament with it uh you can come new testament with it too but you know when you want to get the wrathful god the smiting god the one that uh doesn't give a fuck um not about that lovey dovey shit you want to go old testament with it you know so uh yeah it's a good excuse to just
Starting point is 00:55:44 to just embrace all of that peter pop off energy while you're playing uh this character and he's got insane hammer loops and like some of the most restrictive screen oppression we've seen since agonos or ages reflector um because he's got a giant hammer that swings and he's slow that's a claim he's a slow character right but uh and everything he does is much like more committed than half the roster at this point but he's got a big hammer that swings out and hits about about it's remember how big band had the the thump oh i do yeah he has that right he has something like the big band thump uh hits a nice range out of the screen um when you do it in the air he drops to the ground first and does it so it covers a nice a nice arc uh and then he's got
Starting point is 00:56:40 an ages reflector that appears uh immediately behind you wherever you are and puts a wall up that you can't pass until it's gone oh so now oh yeah there it is yeah i'm watching max's footage of it so now when now that's a bunch of bullshit when the wall is up i can keep hammering you in corner i can do corner combos in midscreen that's what it's doing it lets me do the corners shit wherever i want um and of course everything i do is a commitment but if you get fucked up by that then you're you're gonna you know you're gonna have to do a couple Hail Marys you know you might you might have to say some about our fathers um furthermore he's got a nice charging star uh he's got a nice fireball that you can walk slowly forward with and use to cover your
Starting point is 00:57:32 your your movement nice air fireball and just some fun hammer swinging good good times with that guy i like his kit yeah that looks oppressive i like his i like his hammer i like his moveset a lot everybody's gonna get blessed um so that was uh yeah then he's got a holy light dp as a reversal where uh you can just call on the heavens to just shine a ray of god on you and get everyone the fuck off cleanse the heathens good times uh so i i went after we i had an initial thing where me and reggie sat and we played it and then on sunday i had some time so i went back in so there's gonna be two videos one which is us just trying to touch it for the first time figure out what's going on and then the second video after which i've had a bit more time to play
Starting point is 00:58:21 and got my hands on the got my hands on into the swing of things you know um also some other people at that point like the difference between the days like sunday people were doing like ridiculous combos and you know showing what this it's the way it's the way of the anime games yeah it took a lot how it goes it took longer for this game because you know when you can't lab you have to test your hypothesis live uh but we did start seeing some crazy shit um in the end yeah games all right games all right uh you know i think um like that character and the grappler were the ones that like caught my attention grappler is really interesting just because he looks like a main character he doesn't look like a grappler he's a reused sized what is his name grappler literally
Starting point is 00:59:11 grappler he is let's take a look he that doesn't look like a grappler he's a man in a gi and he looks like he should be on the cover of fighting game you know but yeah 100 but he is a grappler and he's got you know air grabs anti air grabs ground grabs counter grabs like all of that shit and an infinite mind you shits early um so i but i thought that was pretty interesting like hey that's a an unusual moveset for that archetype um but yeah in the end um i i think uh i'd like to see what the the character select screen looks like it has room for about 16 characters so let's see what the rest are going to be i know they revealed the ghost blade um a lot of people that know dungeon fighter are saying that monk would be a really cool addition and i like the
Starting point is 01:00:02 sound of that because monk is you know yeah punch dudes for jesus instead of smiting them with the hammer so i'm down for that um and i don't really know too much about the other classes but i did see a comparison video where they showed off the sprites of the old game and then what they turn into in the new game and they're pretty faithful they actually take the simple to the simple energy of the you know what they were trying to convey with the supers and turn them into these big arksis you know cinematic pieces um the executioner super in particular is noteworthy because in the old game she'd hit you with a bunch of swings on her axe and then the last one would be a big bright explosion where you were suddenly on a cross being crossified okay and lit on fire and uh
Starting point is 01:00:53 they turn that whole sequence into like this yeah this big beautiful like um well i i say arcs is super but you know um grand blue had supers of exactly that kind of caliber as well where you hit them and then the anime starts you know so uh yeah this could just to me replace the end of the the hole for what i missed with uh with grand blue for sure and it's a bummer to me i was really looking forward to grand blue but its netcode is terrible yep well it works here and uh yeah i i had some fun i had some fun i i what i would like to see is like um yeah the character i'm playing is more of the equivalent of vaseraga instead of lance a lot this time but um uh i i would like to see what the um you know the the more the how dirty can you get in a game
Starting point is 01:01:44 like this where probably fucking dirty you but like you can get fucking dirty but there's a block button you know so that's that's the thought process train people to actually hit it you do because uh you know when you are in a i don't know which side situation like the skill of switching to use that is one that is not uh trained into us you have to get used to i don't know which way fuck this blah hold block you know uh but yeah dnf dual uh beta that's how it was a mixed bag of feelings that in the end i was like okay this minus all the the the things that i don't like about this uh should be uh fun um yeah so there was that and then not much to really say but um i saw spider-man yeah you enjoy spider-man i liked it i thought it was good um i think
Starting point is 01:02:46 i saw like i i think some people uh that i literally like i i was talking to some people and a lot of people were saying great things about it um someone said that it's like the best mcu thing and i disagree with that but i will say that um it's it's it's really enjoyable i the one thing i was kind of hoping or what i was curious i'll say is how much of it is um standalone enjoyable versus like uh recognizing the the old thing right i clapped when i saw how much of it is that because like that stuff is enjoyable for those who know and i'm just like i'm curious if it's like but if you if you happen to like not know how much of like how strong would it still be you know and um yeah nothing to say uh in terms of spoilers or whatever but in the end uh it's i'd say it's
Starting point is 01:03:39 my favorite of the three new spider-mans that's the that's for sure the the the homecoming uh far from home gone from home i'd say uh far the home trilogy of the home trilogy it's my favorite of the home trilogy and um i thought it was pretty good um okay that's nice there was also i don't know i don't know why people thought i went and saw that movie like i'm genuinely baffled people people were acting like on twitter and on our chat right now that that page and i went and saw that movie i i'm i'm totally baffled i don't know like i did i did not go see the spider-man in the theater what i will say is um i i feel like the uh the the the places where mcu stuff is gonna go now um are it's going to whatever this i don't it's not phase right what's the i forget what the word
Starting point is 01:04:40 they use but there's phases and then there's the full arc that like yeah probably are the full arc or whatever um whatever the new arc is going to be based on the fact that like there's going to be there they obviously can't start from scratch again there's going to be some new people that like some people don't care about there's going to be some tv mixed in there it's probably just going to be like a bit lower quality i can't see it you know uh following the the the act of last time um they're probably gonna not us go first 20 a 21 movie build up as well like that problem that that's that wouldn't work again um but if the i'm like the only thing i can think of is like if they go um the build up of the avenger stuff ever since iron man one like the only other thing
Starting point is 01:05:32 that can replicate that as if mcu started doing that with x-men because people already care about x-men what's what's they're gonna do yeah i think so that's what i expect is like okay you can get people to to buy into a slow build up of x-men things over time um but i can't i can't see it working too well with like any other um group that is not x-men or avengers you know but you can make people care about things they don't know or like i mean guardians is a great is a great example of that anyway that was uh it's fine it was good and um yeah obviously that's one of those hyperspoileric conversations and there's there's nothing you know no need to get into any of that ultimately um but please look forward to um the i guess mcu continuing to work through the legal
Starting point is 01:06:28 nonsense of their sony and fox deals everybody's gonna get along in the end it's fine it only i guess it you know despite logan it takes a dark phoenix flop to maybe be like hey guys we give up we tap out you know you do something with this fucking sanza just not mm nah mm nah everything about jennifer lords and and sanza in that movies was like like remember when mystique was a big hero no i mean again there's there's like you know like with uh there's salvageable stuff that that's that was interesting about you know um all of that that that foxiverse but i just i'm just seeing
Starting point is 01:07:32 somebody at the fox thing making the dark phoenix it's like did you know you could make more money with a flop than a hit and then uh smash cut smash cut to disney buying fox and then be like oh yeah so there you go anyways if you would like to tune in and check out what we got going on which is the uh the latest of the dark souls is continuing it's it's it's it's as we as we speak and uh yep yep we're getting we're getting to those parts of the game where you know it's like reggie's like is that a a bunch of dragon asses and i'm like hey man oh man hey man yeah it yeah we it's it was it's an experience i have to say that um a bunch of the the the reggie trek through ds1 has been him uh fucking crushing it like first shot on some stuff that i thought
Starting point is 01:08:43 would be a a wall and i saw some real real god damn bullshit with the archer yep exactly right so i'm like motherfucker god damn it right there's some stuff here where something there's something about sitting down here and seeing that clip of the archer just falling off pleasantly yep and sending that to page on discord when she was upstairs in her office and just hearing like y'all through a door no i i looked him in the eyes and i gave him a fuck you from the heart on that shit you know um his luck is it's a whole other topic and like i'm watching it again and he's like wearing like three out of the four possibly missable items in the game on his person maxed out dragon catch
Starting point is 01:09:41 tight night catch pole you know this is bullshit yeah no but but come up and secures at some point and you know the game i hope i hope it doesn't come up on him on the bed of chaos because that can be an infinite boss fight well that's exactly right um and the the game catches up with him in a couple places so that thankfully it doesn't just become a fucking cakewalk uh but as uh i sat there and as the as the better chaos uh did its thing i just made sure to have ready when the time was right a big old picture of a miyazaki quote followed by uh some hitboxes you know of the original hands on that just to let you just just to just to fill it in you know um there's so wide the biggest key the biggest piece of advice is hey it's not you
Starting point is 01:10:45 you might think it's you but it's not you you know you know i'm thinking about elton ring and how big elton ring is and i'm like man there's totally going to be a couple bosses in that game that are just like completely unfinished garbage they're never up they never get a perfect grade right never they never get a perfect grade yeah it's going to be in there and they'll they'll only know only know once people start yelling about it for sure for sure um on that note i don't know if you saw but uh uh georgia or martin kind of had that little post where he kind of just yeah came out and mentioned elton ring which i think part of it was damage control to be like please stop yelling at me about working on elton ring i i just helped them with the setting a long time ago and that
Starting point is 01:11:36 was it yeah me meanwhile i'll type up this blog post instead of oh god every time he puts words to fucking to page all of it is like how many words was that those could have been used when for winds of winter oh dance with dragons came out july of 2011 shut up old man just shut up so yeah we're gonna hit some uh we're gonna hit some fucking um some dumb shit somewhere in that game unquestionably but um yeah reggie versus dark souls continues uh and uh well this week i'm gonna uh we're gonna be to uh have a gonna have a day clear however um there has been a conclusion
Starting point is 01:12:39 in the doka oh to the doka pan there's a there's a conclusion and some words of this floated over my way all i know is that it's finally over are you all alive we live but do we i don't i won't say that we're not worse for the where i will say that but i will allow what's it was it a good journey in the end it was not all right good yes and um i will let that play out until uh it's right full conclusion over on woolly versus uh on the on the youtube so uh please uh enjoy that as well as uh get into fighting games we just dropped as well the best of metroid dread thanks to uh sipsar cast for the awesome compilation there um if you would like to catch the two hour uh digest of me popping the fuck off at all the hype shit in that game
Starting point is 01:13:44 followed by me getting wrecked by a number of bosses like hey yo first time parry fuck yeah oh shit i'm dead um it's a nice it's a nice up and down journey so please enjoy the the best of metroid dread uh yeah and then of course we got some some new stuff coming on the way we're gonna have to stall for time unfortunately because um the ff6 pixel remaster has been i think they said they're it's coming expect it sometime between january and february of next year so yeah uh we'll find some other stuff for you guys uh over on the channel but uh yeah stay tuned you'll find some other crap to play uh cool hey let me ask you are you going to be streaming eldenry uh most likely i'm just curious most likely yeah just like just for my own curiosity
Starting point is 01:14:38 yeah right because everybody's gonna be on that yeah i i'm gonna i'm gonna want to watch your stuff while i'm doing wise bare minimum i'm i'm no matter what happens i'm starting it when it drops um whether or not i hit the button is like you know it's just debatable but it's not like most likely i'm just gonna shove that into the schedule wherever we are or whatever we're doing um you could expect that i'm into this weird period because i'm such good friends with namco bandai there's a possibility that i may have to actually pre-record like a ton of footage there you go depends yeah because every now and then like you get like you remember what happened to my cry remember how we got like that like those codes like like oh the up yes yes yes yes and so we
Starting point is 01:15:25 pre-recorded the lp but i had like flown through the whole thing before i even showed up at your house it's like oh man i'm i'm not gonna sit on eldenry yeah i'm not gonna sit on a preview copy of fucking hell are you crazy that being said though like uh now that i'm living in this world of like live let's playing you know um it's i haven't it's weird i haven't done a like offline recording of any kind in year in a while now at least the years the you know the elden ring video that i put up was absolutely bizarre to to do again right to feel like like i i'm back in an empty room and also that i had no co-pilot at the time so i had i had not done that since fucking evil within part 10 like it's fucking super weird but in the end you did talk over
Starting point is 01:16:23 like you know some footage spliced right so yeah i did two i did two versions i did one where i talked in post and i had one where i just pretended uh stream was on okay okay just pretend yeah um that's that's that's that's exactly it it is it is weird to go from one environment to the other and then back to the old one for sure but um yeah we will let you guys know so stay tuned uh okay we can oh man i want to burp so bad you can that's a good one nailed it yeah i felt good that was that was because i had some chili earlier my wonderful fiance pete slavin made me some chili so i'm a little burpy that was like fucking fully fx thank you all right um quick word for more sponsors yeah all right this week uh the podcast is brought to you by bespoke post who
Starting point is 01:17:26 we have been letting you know about if you're trying to get yourself some unique goods some interesting things right around the holiday season especially now you want to try to figure out how to get the most creative things and you know off maybe off the beaten path ideas things that'll be customizable for the person you are shopping for uh bespoke post has a seasonal lineup with the box of awesome collection and uh yeah it's it's basically a number of small businesses and emerging brands that they partner up with to bring you the most unique goods every month um this is the type of thing that uh you can you know find the right flavor for the person you like and and hook them up with a box of awesome uh whether you're looking for cozy threads camping gear essentials
Starting point is 01:18:21 winter cocktails whatever it is uh they've got the flavor for you i know that i checked out they had some pretty cool knives uh that was pretty dope and and the of course the the nice hammock that you can get set up wherever you can find yourself a secure tree but i'm i'm putting on the pounds i don't know if the hammock will support this this gut anymore but i want to believe uh it will have used the knife there you go to cut up your food into smaller pieces uh uh that's not where i thought that was going it's not where it was going until i realized that was horrible well listen if you want to get started you can take a quiz at Your answers will help them pick out the right box of awesome for you there's new boxes every
Starting point is 01:19:09 month tons of different categories free to sign up you can skip a month cancel anytime and you're getting over 70 worth of gear inside each box for only 45 bucks so uh plus you're supporting small businesses uh 90 of everything that comes in the box of awesome is from a small up and coming brand so if you want to get 20 off your first monthly box uh you can sign up at box and enter the code superbeast at checkout that's code superbeast for 20 off your first box thank you bespoke post thanks bespoke post this week uh castle superbeast is also sponsored by genlock genlock yeah i've heard that name before sure you have i'm not i'm i'm in trouble it is the
Starting point is 01:20:05 groundbreaking hbo max series genlock the mind is a powerful weapon but who's really in control the fate me of an increasingly hostile world rests on five soldiers who upload their minds to giant mecca war machines exist really yeah yeah oh this sounds great with uh it's the art it's an rt project as well executive produced and starring michael b jordan season two of this action packed animated series is now streaming on hbo max 50 years into the future a global extinction event ravages earth war rages between the union and the polity who hold a different ideas on how to save humanity as territories fail the union's charismatic leader preaches about a higher existence for all mankind the genlock team is polity's greatest weapon using
Starting point is 01:21:00 advanced technology they upload their minds to weaponized robotic suits to combat the union forces the team of fighters will soon learn that digitizing their minds can leaves them more shell shocked than the battlefield and the darkest thoughts become reality whose war are they fighting and at what cost the heart-ponding new season of genlock features a star-studded voice cast including michael b jordan dakota fanning macy williams asia kate dylan and david tenon so uh season two of genlock is now streaming on hbo max humanity will prevail thanks genlock thanks genlock that's a hell of a voice cast yeah mbj and uh last but not least the podcast this week is sponsored by honey it's simple oh honey
Starting point is 01:21:59 it's simple you shop on the website you put the thing in the cart you go to check out you see the promo code box and you go i don't know a promo code and then you feel bad because you didn't save any money hunt yeah and unlike real honey you don't have to catch your s o standing in the kitchen eating spoonfuls of it like she thinks you can't see her i'm surprised a spoon was even involved it's because it's the nice honey and it's not the it's not the squeeze bottle okay okay because really you know it's either you're either going squeeze bottle or you know like dog tongue when you're trying to reach when they're trying to get inside the glass or a cup yeah dog tongue just all the way up in there i'm familiar with dog tongue yeah so it ain't that
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Starting point is 01:23:45 and of course uh you can get that right on time again holidays good time for shopping and saving some money support the podcast you can get honey for free at join honey dot com slash super beast let's join honey dot com slash super beast thanks honey thanks honey all right bathroom yeah let's take a quick bathroom all right be right back okay a couple things going on so while the gates were closed on old ff 14 the gates opened for the ff7 remake yeah over on the epic store and yeah people stuck their heads in and then looked around and they kind of backed up immediately after what hey wait wait hey whoa wow this is a piece of shit the gates swung open and they're like come on in everyone's like
Starting point is 01:25:01 we're good huh i wonder why it's a piece of shit could it be that they shipped the wrong version of the game so um part one of the story is that the ff7 remake uh hitting the epic store was very disappointing for a lot of people because as that tweet so succinctly said 80 dollars for this and it was just a picture of the graphic settings from the pc version which were pretty bare fucking bones um and i want to say uh the quote from digital foundry is one of the worst AAA releases they've seen on pc in years yeah um they had a guy running like an i 9900k and a 3080ti or 3090 and all the ram in the world at 1080p and they couldn't get it to run well so you know just couldn't um yeah they go there's a uh a decent there's a there's a there's a whole
Starting point is 01:26:16 thing from um digital foundry and then ars technica as well has to write up about like just where everything is uh failing to uh get anyone excited for this because you'd expect that a game that looked pretty good on console would come with the ability to match that and then surpass it um with better hardware uh but yeah but that is not the case so a couple of people did some digging and looked into the files and discovered that uh inside of the files that refer to the version of the game yeah instead of being listed as a develop as a shipping build it was listed as a development build so oops they published the wrong version live and that's what everyone has been buying and it's still up it's still up right now i mean so the accidental almost shipped the wrong
Starting point is 01:27:27 version uh uh scarce that would happen when uh i was back in the offices were someone getting on the phone and sprinting across the office yeah like you would see movement because that's how urgent it was that we go find out what happened get the pre-mastering guy go what version did we send them are we 100 percent what the fuck happened and it's an immediate like holy shit holy shit holy shit um yeah they shipped a dev build so maybe that's and it's a dev build that they forgot to take out the steam.dll out of as well i i mean like i don't know what the um that i don't know what the requirements if any epic has for their uh their their uh their publishing when you when you put something live onto their store i remember steam had very few but it had some it had some
Starting point is 01:28:35 things that you had to be certain of and of course you know like versioning was it's insanely important epic was around by the time i was long gone so who the fuck knows but that is hilarious when you see files that basically say hey guys yeah give it a minute we'll be there it's so there must be something really wrong like really wrong because it's still up hmm this is this is like a legitimate like nightmare for at least a couple people over on that team who fucked up real bad we don't know what the unpublish and replace um turnaround ability is for epic you know it might be more complex and slower than steams we we have no maybe they just lost it maybe they just lost it maybe they maybe they just lost the final build something
Starting point is 01:29:31 that sounds literally impossible but it has been known to happen yeah so it's just and it's just extra unfortunate because it's coming in on a game that you know a lot of pc games are more affordable in some cases and in this case they're not at all uh changing their prices and so the reward for that is to get stuttering issues framerate drops and like uh any ability to um get your anti-aliasing toggles or performance and proof proving options at all you know i gotta say though i really gotta say good on squarianics for accurately recreating the nostalgia of buying final fantasy 7 on your pc congratulations you did it i didn't think for those of you didn't think of that one yeah ff7 pc port back in the 90s is legitimately maybe one of the
Starting point is 01:30:33 shittiest pc games to ever come out i think it was the most returned game ever to stores that is hilarious once again around the world and back and we still can't figure it out oh boy um well you know there's always a moment when i guess i feel like you can look at the like all the studios where you're like they just never figured out the pc thing huh i remember when like all the warner games were coming out and it was just like for years and years it was like and another botched pc port from and another one and they just they wb can't get it going you know and you kind of go like okay there's good there's a point where they figure it out and um i guess when it comes to to squenix and advera at the very least uh um ff stuff it's the point is games that
Starting point is 01:31:32 launch on the pc so i should mention the worst name developer in the world creative business unit three does not have this problem um and creative development business unit three is not yes uh ash to mouth that's true you're right okay the second shittiest name development studio thank you uh does not have this issue and that's probably why they're they're working on 16 screen x is such a weird fucking thing right now because like you have the one studio that's doing everything right and then like everything else is like throwing at a darkboard blindfolded
Starting point is 01:32:31 like maybe it'll be rock solid like ff7 remake itself or maybe it won't be like this fucking port like who knows but but they're not at that point where uh anybody can look at it and go like yeah they figured it out they clearly have not all right children behavior interactive is a studio that renamed itself from a to m for obvious reasons all right i think that i think the only japanese developer that i can say with confidence on all their pc ports saved maybe one or two would probably be capcom capcom pc games are pretty good monster hunter world was a little rough definitely but i have i have strong suspicions that rise will run really well if anything just because it's a switch game
Starting point is 01:33:26 and your pc will be able to kill it i mean they had some shitty ports if you go back far enough um i've got a fucking yes true i've got a fucking copy of super turbo with i think a next tech logo on it that you ran from dos and whoa so hey hey we can't give them a completely clean slate it just depends on how far back you go um street fighter cross tekin did allow the wacky modding to eventually happen so in the end i say it's a wash uh anyways so that good job square inix there we go um you did it a little earlier we mentioned it but yeah uh mm-hmm mm-hmm what's going on it's just like being a big father fans 14 fan every time a different department of square inix wastes a
Starting point is 01:34:28 shit ton of money you always get super mad because you're like why didn't you just give that to my yeah the money could have went where i wanted it though yeah they know well the guys that i like their games they know how to spend that fucking money well that's the extension of the of the whole thing of like whenever a game when a game comes out uh uh you know and you're well basically like i'm fucking xeno gears and whatever else that came out where you're like fuck you ff8 you took money from this project everything else releasing now is worse because you siphoned it yeah mm-hmm uh anyway so you know when dragon's dog went to one day gets announced people are gonna be like this is bullshit this means there's no devil may cry six for
Starting point is 01:35:11 their 45 years that's true are you gonna be that guy woolly which guy the person who curses a new dragon's dogma because it means devil may cry four five six is far away now uh no i mean maybe a little dragon's dogma is just as good as devil may cry maybe a little it's just as good if there was a like development progress bar that we could see go backwards because dragon's dogma released then maybe you know if we could click go to a website and see it being unmade the assets get deleted yeah uh still one of my favorite bits ever is just walking out live on stage dragging the last guardian to the recycling bin emptying it and then everyone just so it's funny that like we make this joke but that's one of the reasons why
Starting point is 01:36:25 people quit working at valve because they didn't get to work on half way three this not just that but they're like hey god because it's a totally decentralized development studio that you can work on any project you want and so you're sitting there and you're going like hey let's make a project and people go why would i work on this project when i can make this dota skin hats and and you know and and like you're watching like good ideas die on the table because you're seeing people go i would be developing levels for half life three but instead i'm doing this this is so much more lucrative so you know uh that experience you had with back for blood the other day oh yeah uh well i remember it turns out that uh ten cents saw that
Starting point is 01:37:25 shit and went yeah you're okay get in and they bought turtle rock okay so did back for blood underperform no idea because if it did that would actually make tons of sense right wait till the the game comes out if it doesn't do what we wanted it to you if it doesn't do it then they're they're ripe for buying let's get a financial injection yeah could be could be um and uh there's uh so yeah you can like ten cent has partial ownership of like a lot of studios you know they sure do um they've got uh fucking hands and all the pies they got like 40 percent of epic um and like don't nod and marvelous and all that but um uh for the there's a couple that they
Starting point is 01:38:25 have the whole thing and uh like riot and such and yeah turtle rock is a hundred percent acquisition so oh yeah that that that's that could be a reflection of the b4b performance get ready for valorant for blood in seven years or just crossover events yeah who knows um okay and then there was a whole there's a whole big old there's a whole big old nft arc that we are in and you know the thing with this because there's always going to be there's always going to be stories but i think there's an important takeaway
Starting point is 01:39:17 right so individually we can go into like stuff like we talked about ubisoft courts um what else happened we had the we talked about um um molyneux his game and so the details are talking going on about uh what they're going to be doing um and then the big one this week was stalker who announced stalker two would feature nft integration uh followed by uh an attempt to explain it uh followed by followed by um andre the giant andre the giant dot gif where he's in the ring just going wait wait no wait hold on no i feel like the the nft thing is perfectly summed up by like stalker saying we're gonna do nfts and stalker two and like the the blowback on that was like cataclysmic and uniform and then they went no no we'll explain it
Starting point is 01:40:16 followed by a even larger blowback which is no we understand don't treat us like we're stupid um fuck there's there's a special type of indignation and frustration that hits a person when somebody you're dealing with feels like if they just explain it to you more clearly then you'll be on board because the only way you wouldn't be on board with their really good idea is that you're too stupid to understand so they just explain it in in in more and more childlike terms and there's no way to get across to them like no i understood for minute one your idea sucks as a fan of explaining things i can i can say that uh this uh just this was this was a rough progression down the the middle step where everyone was like no really dude like it it's not it's not
Starting point is 01:41:19 what you that's not the deal that's not the issue right so then eventually they they walked back entirely and they said like yeah we're not including them in any way but the notable thing is that when you see the way a studio like that handles it it's reflective of their size it's reflective of their corporate culture and their ability to like take on these kind of experimental integrations in the development process because it's a completely different reaction from the way Yves Guillemot responded in a recent interview when they were talking about the the ubisoft quartz integration and the the phrasing here is one of those things that i've i fucking i told you guys about it a
Starting point is 01:42:13 long time ago and here it is again um planned outrage so uh the quote specifically is uh yes according to them ubisoft co-founder said the backlash to the court's announcement was expected and likened it to the initial public outcry over previous new developments in the industry like dlc microtransactions and luke boxes the implications seemed to be that nfts would become similarly accepted over time some employees were concerned that the comparison since even ubisoft's microtransactions like xp boosters still regularly draw scrutiny from players so should mention by the way that ubisoft is uh being crippled by a talent uh crash right now they're having the biggest exodus of employees they've ever had in their entire company's history
Starting point is 01:43:04 i mean a ton of these stories that are happening have a unique angle that is like even the people who work there fucking hate this right that's what's been happening with a lot of these stories we've been talking about this year and this one's no exception uh when we first talked about um the star wars microtransactions for battlefront uh back in the day and there was just like tons of people from not just people that are regular people uh industry followers not just people that are like hardcore you know gamers and whatnot people who are just star wars fans coming from the outside going what the fuck you want me to do what the the the level of uh was of you know anger at what they were doing was was huge and then you find out that like yeah the plan
Starting point is 01:43:56 is to shoot for the moon and if you miss at least you land among the stars it's that sentiment in terms of how angry we can make you if we start out with something that is guaranteed to have you flying off the handle when we walk it back to a milk toast version of what it was by comparison it'll still be egregious but you'll feel as if you can uh that we concede a win to you and when you talk about like the integration of gas into studios the integration of dlc that practices and all these things becoming regular it is a matter of turning the heat up on the frog in the pot until it slowly cooks alive so that it doesn't jump out um well i have a follow-up to that reality i have one too actually i think we may for thinking of the same one or is it oh yeah
Starting point is 01:44:47 is it the the numbers it's the yeah so so that's exactly it um so but but the important thing to understand here is that when you're stalker you're not big enough of a studio to just factor in you're gonna tank the hit of negativity and and fight through it and in the end who cares i don't care if you're angry at this it'll be fine because stalker too is their game it's their product this is everything they're banking on this this release right ubi integrating their shit across a multiple multiple games and knowing that there is a large audience of people who don't know or care to follow the news of their releases they're just like there's a large casual audience basically are banking on the fact that like yeah you'll get upset and then you'll stop caring it'll
Starting point is 01:45:40 just become the norm and the same people who have been in the ears of all of these studios to integrate these ideas and has that's been convincing them um for these larger places they're basically doing the same thing they did with that dlc and going like expect to take a hit to your reputation but don't worry you can survive it and in the end it'll be fine they'll tire themselves out and it's okay because we're going to make tons of money with these things of course so uh it'll be worth all of it'll pay off in the end right like in a second okay now to now here's what you have to like also consider is what they're being promised right and when you when you really when you really think about the board meetings that happen to discuss how you
Starting point is 01:46:29 integrate these things what they're being promised is so lucrative that they're being told they'd be foolish to not adopt this immediate these things are selling for like 10 million a pop dude and the comparison i i don't even have to fucking be there to be a fly in the wall i can tell you it's as simple as this i don't even have to have worked there to understand because i've seen i've met a middle manager in my life the the secondary market for video games especially through businesses like game stop is insane we've talked about the part where 90 percent of the money they make is by selling used copies of games the idea that people in the uh that in the games economy will sell things to each other and keep a perpetual thing going over the life cycle of a game is
Starting point is 01:47:19 something that they've seen before and have actively tried to stop with things like codes to allow you to play online that you have to rebuy when you sell it to someone else and all that shit didn't work just hurt sales of course um what you're being told when you integrate something like quartz is is that uh because the ledger is kept every transaction that someone makes towards someone else you get a cut at a game studio being told that they get a cut of every secondary sale is too much money on the table for them to not be blinded by it and then people who are selling those they get a cut to the new people and that's going to work as long as the nfts become more popular and more and more people keep getting in and coming in and buying it and then getting
Starting point is 01:48:05 their cut and then wanting to sell it to others you know more and then they get there wait a second it's almost too good to be true um so uh shout outs to saying i'll make a lot of money buying from you as long as i find five people to sell to them and then i'll get a cut from their five sales to each of them if people did not get if they didn't get a cut at the top this would not be a discussion for any of these companies or studios it would never it would never be a part of this right um and then of course uh none of that also even has to go into the part where uh again whoever is touring and doing their um you know whoever's doing the meetings that's that's you know again getting them people these companies involved is also of course well
Starting point is 01:48:52 aware of the fact that on the back end uh the best way to get interest in your nft is to simply front the money for it to somebody to buy it and then go hey look how much we sold it for but it's a fake purchase because you just fronted all that money to them and then they inflate the stupid because you're doing it with uh you're doing it with a uh a uh form of currency that tracks all transactions no but it can still but if you um find a if you find a buyer who you give the cash to and then they you can give real them real yes yes yes then you can oh the thing that actually matters yeah then that doesn't uh that that doesn't get traced so it's it's a fairly uh indistinguishable process to see who that buyer is where that money came from and whether or not
Starting point is 01:49:37 that was so it's cool uh game publishers are now getting into art-based money laundering via nfts so that never went badly for anyone so uh yeah shout outs to um uh liz edwards who posted on twitter um that uh looking at the numbers here uh how are the ghost recon nfts doing looked at the third party marketing places for courts and there seems to be 15 sales total zero in the last day on the site am i reading this correctly and uh yeah there's a posting of uh all the transactions of which there have been 15 in total and the total volume is uh 396 dollars USD total now uh okay that's how much they made over the 15 people uh however the cost of minting um nfts is can go anywhere from 70 to 100 bucks uh depending on who's doing it for you
Starting point is 01:50:41 and they have minted uh some 22 000 uh sorry 2200 556 of them uh let's i'm gonna just go with 2200 time let's be generous times 70 yep uh no okay hold on 2200 times 70 is approximately 154 thousand dollars sick plus development time to actually create and test the assets which unknown number but it's definitely at least two people right working on this for at least a week two week at least two all right um okay good good uh good good hustle good business that's that it's good business you you paid approximately 150 000 to get bad press and uh because these are um marketplaces that you can track uh you can continue to see um what's going to happen here now this performance uh seems to indicate that perhaps
Starting point is 01:52:03 the thing i was talking about a minute ago where you get some money to you get you know you sell your snake oil and you have someone come up and go i'll pay what are you gonna pay 50 i'll pay 200 for it and you go oh this man over here wants 200 what say you sir no steering trick too right and uh that appears to not be happening because because uh no one has waltzed in to the court slot and said well would you look at that i'll buy it at a high price you know it's it's they forgot they forgot the part where you pump before you dump they forgot the pumping part the nft stuff is is like really depressing because like every now and then you see like i follow some accounts that that you know screenshot reddit and stuff like that you see people
Starting point is 01:52:54 that are just don't know what they're doing think it's a smart idea and blow like their family's life savings into it it's just like it's heartbreaking uh and at the same time the nature of it true believer or scammer or what have you it's a highly obfuscated multi-level marketing pyramid scheme which means that the only way to make money is to sell it to others to make money off of them which means the everybody talking about that is like the loudest most obnoxious motherfucker in the world just incessant fucking awful annoying shit i mean and every single time you go i i think this might be a scam because it's a scam it's always just so well you don't know enough about it man let me tell you let me
Starting point is 01:53:46 give you my seminar where i don't dispute a single god damn thing you think or say is it a url it is it yeah is it a url it's a it's a it's a link to a server uh you you own the receipt so it's so it's so it's a url do i own the the item no you own the receipt to the item yeah you know somebody brought up a really fantastic analogy for this which is uh let's take like a Chanel purse right a Chanel purse has a certificate of authenticity because it's a fancy purse and ladies like to know that it's not a knockoff so they can show off that they have a real Chanel purse Chanel purse can be a couple grand right and that certificate of authenticity is important if you plan to resell it but if you have just the certificate of authenticity
Starting point is 01:54:37 and no purse who gives a shit what you're trying to sell naturally of course um that's why although that's like despite the uh despite the thriving of the right click save as uh memes um people don't don't actually give a fuck that doesn't they laugh at that because to them they're like yeah but it doesn't have the certificate so your stupid memes don't make any sense you're you're all you're all goofy i think i think but the idea of ultimate to that is is like yeah the the the the nft bros and their board apes and all that crap like nobody wants your fucking hideous ugly computer generated garbage avatar so that's the i mean that's whatever that's value the other thing like what like until you find the person that you sell it to right but at which point then it's all fucking worth it so
Starting point is 01:55:28 you you keep it you keep the hype going until you do but yeah that's the other bit is just like you know um the quality of the thing is often exceedingly low to fucking worthless um and the ones that look like they've had more time spent on them the ones that are like fancier uh cg environments where there's like actual 3d things happening are just asset flips off of the fucking um the 3d site there i forgot what it's called um but uh you you literally just buy a Chadwick bozeman head and you put some sparkles on it and it's like oh so like even that part the start the stuff that looks like it might have taken time is it did not because you put the exact amount of effort into that as you did into your pit crew ape you know so it's not even even the high quality
Starting point is 01:56:21 is not of the high quality it's also of the fucking complete uh uh uh you you took someone else's work and built off of it it's type of shit so anyway um la da da da the question of course is just like is eve right will it just be a matter of brute forcing and batting down the hatches and these aren't going anywhere and uh we can just ride the storm out until the words don't mean anything anymore to people i don't think so actually on this one uh i think the average person doesn't know what an nft is and there's there's a really specific like narrow band of tech savvy enough to kind of understand what an nft is but be into it but not tech savvy enough to be like oh that's a fucking scam i saw a commercial for uh the fucking uh bank a christmas
Starting point is 01:57:17 commercial uh that literally was like an old lady in a rocking chair going what's an nft you know like it's so it's it's it's in that periphery at the very least like my dad he's an old guy right he's in his early 70s um and um he uh is i mean he's okay tech savvy like he used a computer when he was doing work you know 20 30 years ago and he'll he'll he can't send his email he can browse on that he can do stuff for my mom right but he's not playing games or or doing anything more than that right if i explain this shit to my dad i would get maybe three four minutes in and he would look at me and go that's fucking stupid that's a fucking scam let me tell you about ponzi schemes back when they were running when i was the fucking kid it's like it's right and that's
Starting point is 01:58:12 just that's just dependent on experience and also personality right and i have a and sometimes generally skeptical cynical personality so when i look at stuff that's even real half the time i go that's probably a scam now sometimes like boomer view will not understand technology and and incorrectly assess it to be worthless um sure however sometimes like we're talking about with the snake oil you can see a thing that has existed and is as old as time just being recreated in a new environment for new people who might not know about these types of things uh it's it's wild because like the pyramid scheme seems like perfect because it's it's like engineered to take advantage of like certain like cognitive like mistakes that the average person is likely to make
Starting point is 01:59:07 because it keeps coming back over and over and over and over and over and it works super well every time i mean if it's something that's gonna if it's something that's banking on human nature then of course it will uh that you know that all you gotta do is wrap it up in a nice little new bow but anyway um the the the and then of course yeah you have like the part where like actually talented artists uh also possibly get ripped off by the minting prices and such there's a whole there's a whole thing to it but uh also the environment what we likely end up seeing um is like you know backlash never goes away um and there is going to be just a fade out that takes a while because obviously walking back a whole platform like quartz is a bigger deal than
Starting point is 02:00:00 stalker NPCs um but there will then be the um you know the kind of the the the most belligerent the smaller games that are like true believers because you know their CEOs are heavily invested at that point and they're all in on it but um what i expect it's hard to predict but what i expect would be um when the dust settles there will be an existing group of games that are that exist just to serve that purpose like these these tank things and these whatever the fuck is that other one that like there's a bunch of games that are coming out that never that are that only exist because of the coin they're attached to or whatever and i think like or it's or selling of the avatar of the nft of the avatar and like that stuff will continue to exist in its own um corner of weird
Starting point is 02:00:50 internet space but yeah uh ubi soft anticipates the outrage and tanks the and calculates the tank the hit uh so first of all i don't think nft games are ever going to become a thing like uh or blockchain games or whatever um i don't think i don't think the math on it works i just i just don't think it works i i'm of the opinion that all these companies announcing their blockchain games or nft games are just they're just not going to come out they're just not going to happen as the the money just doesn't work on it because the the market for nfts is so fucking actually awful like it's this really small part of it's like it's it's a subsection of crypto investors specifically right they're just really really fucking loud and my personal favorite story about this did you hear about
Starting point is 02:01:51 fucking wolf game no woolly what's that wolf game is a game that was built entirely into the ethereum blockchain the whole game is in the eth blockchain okay from a technical perspective that's kind of interesting except for the part where they fucked up and left a game breaking exploit in it so they have to remake the entire game from scratch whoa okay i i i'd be curious to know what the the the because the existing game is locked into the blockchain yeah that's a permanent change yep well i mean remake the whole thing from scratch and then they have to reissue the nfts that had already been given out and go through that all fucking shit i mean if it does that's like the moment you decide it has no value that it doesn't
Starting point is 02:02:53 right ultimately that's that's that's that's everything really that's the planet earth um so that is how it's going keep an eyeball on that also an issue that i see for crypto investors in general in the coming years is that one of the big benefits to crypto is like hey the government can't fuck with it because it's decentralized which i am for us government i the u.s the u.s government can take your crypto just fine what the fuck are you talking about yeah it's the irs can take anything you have or want what are you crazy oh they can show up and and do their thing and they're clearly building taken they're building the infrastructure for that crypto just this last year yeah i think it's i think for the people who are looking for uh
Starting point is 02:03:47 it the part where they can't it can't get taken you're fucking insane and good luck on your raft out at sea um i think the the part where it's all visible to everybody and the idea of decentralization as i mentioned is one that is just valuable for people as a whole but um the but if you think you're gonna escape from your fucking tax rafters or whatever you're gonna do if you're gonna use it like the caiman islands then yeah no they're coming they're coming it's it's it's on the radar it ain't gonna last uh in that in that regard um wolf game yeah i see that okay the and of course when uh one one good good turn deserves another so right hand in hand with that kind of idea um the the uh blah other story you talked about a couple of studios that you said had unions didn't
Starting point is 02:04:47 you i said the only one i'm aware of is dice okay uh it's out in sweden i and swedish companies have unions okay i guess then yeah so that is out in sweden but north america just got its first game studio union oh so uh we've got uh vodeo games is uh as a company that just announced that uh they have a a full-time union uh throughout blah full-time employees and contractors working remotely across the us in canada uh have been recognized by the management um as a part of their union so currently it exists that consists of 13 employees um but yeah i guess start that's a thing that exists and it it has to start with the little places and then the slightly less little places and then the slightly less little places now i have no idea what the studio is or what their
Starting point is 02:05:57 game beast breaker is um i have i have no clue whether any of that is good and worth your attention at all but in terms of the thing existing in north america it officially now does yeah templates copy paste everywhere honestly a studio out here is probably the most likely to get like a like a proper union canada particularly kebek we've got a lot of unions we've got a lot of game incentives for studios thus we've got a lot of game industry people uh like uh when i was when i worked at the grocery store i had a union for cashiers and baggers and various other employees and i fucking hated everyone that ran the union but it was sick because it meant there was all sorts of
Starting point is 02:07:05 bullshit my boss couldn't do like they always voted up like better benefits for the old time workers right the guys have been there for 25 years and that sucks shit but it also meant that when the boss was like punched back in you got to clean these floors and i'd be like a fuck yourself right right with my with i'd like nothing would happen or the or the the infamous walking by the mall on your off day type shit i feel like you were with me i wasn't i wasn't but but but you've told it like walking by like hey get in here fucking no to go to hell yeah and of course you know um meanwhile like the meanwhile when you don't have this you get the what's going on over with Kellogg's right where uh i think like in some cases literally like there's
Starting point is 02:08:02 families that have worked there for like three generations and like the third generation of people that have worked to make cereal there are being told like yeah fuck you we might just pack up and leave each shit shut it all down hey again by the way much like the john deere situation when the Kellogg's hired scabs what happened they did the serial kill people no but um it was unclear as to whether or not it was intentional or not but scabs caused like damage to the facilities there you go and like no cereal is getting out without the regular workers yeah so um we're finding out we are finding out no such thing as unskilled labor i mean look if we get out of 2022 with um
Starting point is 02:09:00 um you know a couple of other companies with some game unions that'd be fucking sick all right hey i want to just hold up my hand and this is not an endorsement of any particular crime or whatever but if you happen to be a person who would be screamed at and maybe tomato bombed going into a factory as a scab only to like intentionally destroy or ruin equipment or shit in there i could never endorse that but you sound like you'd be pretty cool to hang out with you don't do it but if you did it would be really cool but don't don't you will never make it past me however standing on top of the Kellogg's factory your body betrays your degeneracy i also think you gotta make it past fucking measure
Starting point is 02:10:02 had to get into your cereal factory bro it ain't happened i think i think those scabs are probably shitting up stuff intentionally because did you hear what happened with the Kellogg's um job forms no so they said uh so everybody does their uh their interviews online exclusively not just because of covid but because it's easier to handle than in-person interviews right uh so they said that they just put up they just put up a um like a all the job listings for all the striking workers like literally come and get their jobs just straight up and uh they're having a slight issue with the online um job applications in that they've received uh tens of millions uh oh uh and they're all garbage uh oh they're all complete bullshit oh no but how will
Starting point is 02:10:52 they know who to who to hire then somebody wrote a robot yeah that just spams it with with trash applications every second of the day oh no how will we find out who to hire that's terrible well yeah so i mean look i literally offloading all your operations to the digital age only to find out that the average worker actually has much more digital power than the physical workers of the olden time is uh big oopsie so that's like i mean i literally got linked this week to like somebody who was just asking hey people who've done qa like um is this normal there's a job that's literally offering a qa position not an internship not a you know whatever like it's our student position it's literally just come do qa for us you will not get paid
Starting point is 02:11:53 your name will be in the credits you know and it's just yeah i got those hands it's and it's just like uh this is you this is why this is why because you know the the the the number of games that i don't have that my name is not in the credits on like that shits that's that's insulting um but of course there's always a lower rung to fall down in terms of like how little you respect your fucking team you know um i gotta say for exposure dot txt qa like i don't know how i would feel about the possible performance of the guy next to me that's just there to get their name in the credits and not getting paid might be questionable huh like how hard are they possibly gonna work especially during the most rote boring test routes and and test cases that you're running
Starting point is 02:12:53 when it's not have fun do something interesting it's fuck around with menu knobs for the whole day and you'll get your name in the credits yeah maybe you won't maybe you'll get what you pay for on that you know maybe um but just the fucking the level of just open ass dumping on you know what what you perceive to be the least important member of your team you know or not a member of the team at all for that matter it's like basically you would have the play testers that you are just like people off the street hey come and try this and see what it's like and you're looking at your in-house fucking test team as a bare step above that you know it's it's it yeah so that's why you gotta that's why this needs to be figured out i i could
Starting point is 02:13:43 i could only imagine uh you know how much it would make a lot of people i used to work with lives better if they had some fucking recognition in this regard i can only imagine what would happen to certain studios if their qa departments got a union like i feel like i can think of people that would just like lose their fucking minds um i don't think the big certain studios would be okay with losing that margin there's a margin they're used to they want it and if there means there's gonna be less coming in then it's then something else has to suffer you know the team would get cut in half um they'd be piling on like leads team leads who have to manage you know like let's say uh 15 to 20 people
Starting point is 02:14:36 all doing tasks on a given a given project or whatever uh those leads will then be given like lead responsibilities as well as like the responsibilities of like five testers in one you know you know what you know this reminds me of my pops used to work at the factory i've set my dad's so fucking blue collar he just he went to the factory and worked every day for years and years years he built the fucking um uh he built um uh copper rods for generators for hydro electric generators i went down to the factory me and my brother he went to hang out with him factory it was a fucking factory with a bunch of tired ass that is that's working class as fuck and he uh he got he was working there for so long that they upgraded him to quality control
Starting point is 02:15:23 which is very important at a place like that you got to constantly test the rods make sure the rods conduct properly that kind of thing and it was him and the other guy right and dad had the day shift the other guy had the night shift right and uh they're the only guys qualified and have the experience to do this job they're working at it and then the other guy gets cancer and he's out he's not dead he he made it through but he's out for here two years and look at my dad they go well good luck and that was his job from then on
Starting point is 02:16:04 mm-hmm mm-hmm yep yep yeah that was it well there you go that's on you now are we going to know now that's you you can handle it you know what you're doing we can't be bothered we can't get one of these kids in here it's dangerous they don't understand we can't say there's nobody we there's nobody we can promote and we gotta find the time to use you know look I think times are tight right now we all got a fucking we've got to tighten up our belts you know you can you can handle this yeah yeah that's exactly and and and the the the stress that got to my dad was that as quality control he's the choke point for shit leaving the the fucking door because he has to go this badge is good this batch is not good etc right and so it's
Starting point is 02:16:59 all on you he'd stay late yeah like it's all it has to be on you just it just has to get done yeah um that and then he had a bunch of heart attacks well I was going to say that has a time limit that has a time limit whether the person themselves knows it or not there's an invisible time limit that starts once you have taken one of your units in your in your fucking god world god view of your of your of your you know company and you've put dropped dragged and dropped like five extra tasks on their load and then just let them stay there that way for as long as they can hey would you believe it when dad had all those heart attacks and he was out for a couple years they were able to find somebody who could replace him uncanny that's crazy huh fucking wild
Starting point is 02:17:51 uh boy yeah yeah yeah it's push when push comes to shove is the saying but it's like no it it has it has to start at shove there will be no movement yeah until it starts at shove that's good that's the union starts at shove no fucker beginning beginning state opening gambit shove yeah I have I ever told the story of the one my dad got picked as a union rep without fucking signing up for it I don't recall so my dad was it is a great guy and I love him very dearly and he's a stand-up dude uh like and he got along with everybody on the floor everybody liked him his but his management liked him all the all his but you know he was buddies with everybody on the on the floor and uh unbeknownst to him his buddies put his name in the fucking pot for the union rep
Starting point is 02:19:01 to discuss the upcoming contract and he won then his buddies just came to him and told him hey we hey buddy we we voted you up you're gonna be the because we all trust you and he's like fuck okay well he gets he gets some perks he gets extra pay for the duration of the negotiation right because it counts as billable hours um it was the worst experience he'd ever had working at that job ever because he got to see like a dozen people who he liked turn into fucking pieces of shit around him to bribe him in any one of 10 directions he learned that every person that he worked for in management was if not scum themselves was literally forced to become scum and offer him bribes because their boss told them to
Starting point is 02:19:59 meanwhile just get it done other guys in the union that he thought were cool were trying to get like privileges for them and their buddies of course etc yeah he no clip was activated and there is no going back and like he gained a bunch of weight because he was constantly being taken out to these fancy dinners of course and like he would come home and be like like tired and like you kind of have to drink at those places and he'd be like uh like he was miserable he was fucking miserable and then after he finally got and did a good contract that everybody was happy with he told his friends that if you ever did that again you'd kick their fucking asses but that's a glimpse into of course um you know like everything can everything like humanity can't
Starting point is 02:20:53 exist on the extremes we have to figure out the moderation to threshold because when you go to the maximum level of corrupt union bullshit you get the police union you get the mob you get the police union which is the same thing yeah same thing yeah right you get a you get a criminal gang yep we didn't do nothing wrong we made no mistakes and we're gonna take our boy we're gonna take our boy and move him over here like a Catholic priest don't worry about it shut your mouth everybody shut your fucking mouths you know so that is the exact problem that lies when you go to when you drag the union meter from the zero it is at now on the video game industry to 11 you know so well the video game industry needs a little bit of balance because i mean we had like
Starting point is 02:21:41 the fucking like in the Japanese arcade industry was like straight up run by the Akusa 100 percent yeah no like decades like you need like you need a a ground floor level of like are you suffering and dying you know can we stop that uh okay then let's let's start the conversation you know uh anyways um that's what's happening uh oh it's funny because like some people are mentioning uh you just talked about police unions and obviously when you usually talk about police unions it's usually in the united states as they have a bit more of a trouble than many other countries do uh the police union out here it does its best but like it's always funny to see the cops in their red hats and their chemo pants because no matter how strong their union is there's so
Starting point is 02:22:36 many restrictions on what they actually can and can't do for their collective bargaining since the fucking nurse walkout in the 90s so if you guys don't know this but it's illegal for essential services to go on strike and the penalties for going on strike are so extreme that it's never been done ever again every day that you take off you are hit with a ten thousand dollar reduction to your annual salary and they delete a year of your seniority Jesus Christ yeah because they're like doctors nurses cops firefighters ambulance drivers and public transit functioning society can't go on trip can't do it and part of that is because of murray hill because our cops did go on strike once and the purge happened yes you want to see what happens when your entire police
Starting point is 02:23:31 force says fuck it for a day go check out the murray hill riots you can read up about it on wikipedia um yeah yeah uh let's fucking hope that this is the start of something that we see popping up more often and also let's not see a future where like let's not please envision a future where um the cosby suite is covered up because the union gets to step in and move the players around and say shut the fuck up you didn't see nothing but you know well where you go you go to the extremes on that when you go to the extreme well that i'm telling you right now that will happen
Starting point is 02:24:31 you will and it will happen in a certain way and what that way is is that instead of the cosby suite being covered up by management it will be like you can't fire jimmy it's got too much seniority yeah the tenure you got at least you got 20 years you got a firearm for cause can't be done what causes this is outside of work hours is there is there a conviction no fuck off yeah so that shit fucking sucks when that happens um that's that's huge gross um um but not anywhere near as as bad as the uh the default state of fucking no protection or coverage whatsoever obviously what uh can funny enough uh there's a news story that uh
Starting point is 02:25:32 popped up here where remember the game game dev story yes it did it just got updated for the first time in 13 years nice um and that was a fun game i enjoyed it it's a one it's a little mindless like fucking you know but it's not a cow clicker but it's like you know it's a super basic thing where you just you have a studio and then you make games that's cool little management cool little management game um and uh when i heard that when i saw that update i was hoping that all of the above subject matter would be in the update because how fun would that be to just be like that'd be wild we took game dev story and added like all of these problems and potential issues with your studio your workers are uh your workers
Starting point is 02:26:18 are talking about forming a union do you take them out for pizza nft guys want to take you out for pizza what do you do yeah but uh it doesn't seem like it's that but it is just going to be um a couple new features that are going to be updated on the apple arcade version and it's uh you know if you want to get a taste of uh a completely fictional version of running a studio because it's nowhere this happy or pleasant if you want a rose colored little video game that doesn't reflect the pains and suffering of a studio you can check out game dev story it's pretty fun it's pretty fun happy little studio happy little games good times yeah so you know those are the big stories but the only other thing
Starting point is 02:27:17 um just a quick drop was they announced that android 21 lab coat is coming to dragon ball fighters and that's hilarious because that's some pre-existing asset shit yeah but fuck it the lab coat version of 21 is better than the boo looking one so i don't know about that but it's pretty great i i think i think the human looks better i like the human better some people might consider that a hot take but i'm on board oh shit the people are split yeah people are split the people are split that's pretty interesting that's pretty interesting i like 21 but i like her human form more i would like i would like some kind of announcement where she's like and i've brought rollback
Starting point is 02:28:14 fuckers i've been working on it in the lab it is actually interesting because uh i didn't think this game was going to get any more characters and she's not part of a season pass or anything she's just like here another one we took an existing model and gave it a move set it might actually i tell you what dude if dvz got rollback i would i would play a bunch of dvz that like that's one of the games that all my anger from last week will just evaporate because when i played that game and it was good it's so good official rollback at the very least because yeah no like a real like a real video as opposed to the unofficial uh yeah so there you go that's that's pretty much it um let's take some letters hey if you want to send in the letter send it
Starting point is 02:29:07 in the castle super beast mail that's castle super beast mail at hmm let me see how many more goku's do you think they'll add to dragon ball fighters if it gets rollback i don't know how to i'm thinking three yeah here let me see something three more goku's all right i don't know how to run a poll on twitch so i'm making one on twitter what's the poll android 21 lab coat i'm pretty sure that poll is already going on twitch right now oh then i don't see it i think i think somebody did that i don't see it well you're blind well can i see it no my my thing my my my chat that's right there best 21 my chat doesn't my chat box doesn't show it yeah oh that's 47 to 53 of pink boo
Starting point is 02:30:10 four mom versus glasses lab coat mom 53 for lab coat 50 46 to 54 a 54 okay i mean do it like i did say like when immediately we saw the water's part on that like it is people going both ways on it stop the count now every stop happy that means they can run a team with both guys obviously this means that uh both designs are pretty enjoyed it's just one is clearly inferior to the other that's all it doesn't mean it's bad it just means it's inferior you're right woolly if everyone in the popular vote decides that something is inferior that makes it inferior the the electoral college has decided that the lab coat wins and that out the professional voter that represents your county has decided that the lab coat wins what's the problem
Starting point is 02:31:21 i can see what do you mean your neighborhood had the lines redrawn so that the pink vormom supporters get grouped together stop saying for i'm hearing for too much today well it's boo she eats you she turns you into food and she eats you yeah but yeah but she turns you into food and she eats you that's definitionally correct no it's not you or include four has to include like you like struggling while being eaten i don't think it has to but i think it often does i don't think i think the definitions are pretty loose um that's what i say and you know what i'll never find out that's what i believe and i'll never find out moving on
Starting point is 02:32:18 being realistically legitimately bored seems like a not real thing that will happen i don't think that'll happen there are only a few creatures on the planet that can do that to you um of course a whale can do that to you a hippo can't actually a hippo can do that to you but they won't that's not really for yeah that should no that's that's please let's get to an email all right please so we got one coming in from joe who says merry christmas chewy and fuckface during your discussion of star trek resurgence pat mentioned that most star trek games suck and the ideal genre is point and click adventure well first forex games will also work well for star trek and they made one back in the early 2000s and it isn't on gog um i think telltale
Starting point is 02:33:10 developers are the perfect people for a star fleet game but the reason star trek games suck is because people burnt out on star trek in the early aughts and they're probably going to burn out on all the star trek they're making now people making decisions are cowards who refuse to let anyone but the overexposed vanilla star fleet have the spotlight star fleets all about talking bullshit science occasionally blowing things up when necessary which is not where video game strengths are if viacom cbs's honor and courage were not small and flaccid the obvious choice for a star trek video game protagonist would be klingons not only are they all about kicking ass which is what most developers want as bread and butter but people on the subreddit have brought
Starting point is 02:33:48 up the morality reputation system being based on an awesome uh being based being awesome instead of being prac versus being practical is way more interesting in the federation uh being a super goody two shoes versus competence and pragmatism kind of way um i guess they're evil at least 50 percent of the time klingons can go from nobody's to captains and fighting their commanding officers gives developers a perfect tutorial mission to make players go through before the obligatory flying through space uh yada yada yada uh hopefully yeah uh they'll realize this and make people want to play as aliens because man the novels about a klingon battle crews are proved you could do star trek without starfleet almost 20 years ago yeah um never forget that like um god who may
Starting point is 02:34:39 who was it that owned the license for star trek elite force star trek elite force was a was published by who am i looking for it's an id tech three game raven software and aspire media and activision so i believe i can't i might i may not um i may not be remembering this correctly but i do like who the plaintiff but um one of the reasons star trek sucks is that uh every fucking piece of shit that came out after the end of deep space nine is complete garbage and that's more than half of all star trek wow and it was bad enough in the aughts that uh i want to say activision sued via com and the lawsuit was based off of you sold us the star trek license for games and then proceeded to make garbage star trek therefore devaluing the license you sold to us how do you qualitatively
Starting point is 02:35:48 put that together in your suit i don't think they won you know but how do you put that together like hey you took a shit on the franchise after we spent big money on it um i don't think they won but they were right interesting um that's like paying it's it's fucking incredible how bad star trek is now it's wild do you think this person has a point every single person that made anything good is dead they're just dead would something set with the klingons be an obvious choice for a good game totally absolutely be lit you start as a crewman and in a pivotal moment in the early game you murder your captain to become the new captain and you're you mass affected up as a total asshole and your fucking morality meter is honor right so just a race of uh sagats and uh handhars
Starting point is 02:36:55 yep easy also yeah you can do a forex game like that be super obvious you probably mod like endless space to just fucking have star tracks well what would be cool and i mean and the strength of going with like a telltale game like you mentioned obviously would be creating an original cast that could then become beloved if they're interesting you know as a as a as a crew as a bridge and then like you have a you have your your fucking revan you know mm-hmm you ever watched the orville no it's a jokey style uh star trek uh thing done by uh what's his name family guy man seth um mcfarland seth mcfarland and um the orville is the best star trek thing that came out since do you say snine
Starting point is 02:37:55 what about and what about uh uh uh um red red or was it red dwarf that's ancient okay it's very old um and the deal with uh seth mcfarland is that uh the pilot has like some jokes and like there's some bits where they're watching like steinfeld on the view screen and like ha ha zany um and then like a couple episodes in it's just seth mcfarland literally tricked a bunch of executives who liked family guy into letting him make a new star trek that's funny it just straight up becomes star trek okay and it's pretty good and it's not even like gag star trek it's a it's a little it's a little sillier but like no it's star trek it's it's and they're dealing with like harsh ass uh moral alien shenanigans
Starting point is 02:38:59 it's it's it's wild he he absolutely tricked people remember kids just lie just lie when the producers ask hollywood executives of the dumbest motherfuckers in the world uh wow how about that uh we got one coming in from mjc who says uh dear woolly actually took a game off daigo madden and patrick fighting games are the worst net loss in my life boivin uh yeah in last week's right up until dbz your ultimax gets rolled back in last week's episode you guys briefly discussed manate from sf5 pat mentioned uh how frustrating it can be because the skill floor and the ceiling are the same with woolly mentioning that he'd never seen a bad manate in the wild of course the thing that came to mind when thinking of high level manate plays one of
Starting point is 02:39:51 japan's fighting game gods 39 year old sakunoko winning 2018's taiwan fighters event with the most insane complex manate combos without dropping a single game it was fucking crazy um just just totally dominant just like no one's touching him however the second thing that comes to mind was a random manate versus kami match on day one of evo 2018 quickly became apparent both players were new to the game uh highlights include full screen raw super uh raw spiral arrows that had a 50 success rate uh a raw manate super to win the first round and neither player realizing that kanzuki beach is a band stage shaking hands after the first game because they didn't know it was two out of three the cherry on top was when gamer b came to the stage afterwards he discovered
Starting point is 02:40:34 that neither player had bothered to disconnect their controllers leaving the commentators to remark that the pair were still bodying players even after leaving the game that's that's cute obviously a new player uh with a manate as an a manate main needs to reach the skill ceiling of street fighter basics before they can become the insane manate player of sake sako's caliber it's easy to laugh at but recall recalling the match got me thinking about other games with cool subsystems where the skill floor is also the ceiling but where i dove head first into the system anyways i'd see something in the game i'd never played before and it looked super cool like a long flashy marvel combo or trimming let me getting that right trimming in team fortress two um
Starting point is 02:41:20 sure that relied on complex systems that i knew i couldn't understand as a new player but where i was willing to get blown up because i just wanted to use the subsystem so badly have you ever seen a subsystem that was so cool you skipped over the basics because you wanted to do the cool stuff uh keep doing what you're doing see me in p4u oh it's coming we're coming uh so when i started playing day of defeat there was something that players that were much better than i was we're doing and i couldn't figure it out for the longest time and what it was is they were throwing their grenades and their grenades were not hitting the ground and timing right uh they were exploding in midair in your face they were cooking and
Starting point is 02:42:13 killing you yeah except here's the thing they were cooking them right the game doesn't have the ability to cook grenades so i was like a fucking what k but the game does have the ability to pick up other people's grenades and throw them back so what it was was in order to cook your grenade you had to throw your grenade at the floor and then pick it back up and then time it as it's as it is cooking on its own time and then toss it right oh which made it way more dangerous right because you could fuck up the timing of course and it just blows in your shit and i was so much more interested in that than i wasn't learning how to shoot people but i just practiced that for like a week or two before i was able to get it that is fucking raw that is that is and it means
Starting point is 02:43:09 it means in the beginning of a a decent day of defeat match what would happen is you would see everyone run for it and point their add their guns to the floor and all just throw down and pick up their own grenades and then you'd hit like the dividing line on a map of symmetry and then just both teams would just explode with all these well timed grenades into the spots that you knew the people were going to be because of the map timers damn and it would always it would always be that no matter how many times you did it there was always a risk that the angle you did it at was wrong and instead of going directly in front of you it would go a little bit to your right and the guy next to you would pick up your grenade but that means his
Starting point is 02:43:49 grenade is still on the ground sitting there and it's yeah it was it's great it was absolutely great i love that game that's a cool high tech solution to like an a system that is that you can just have a hold the button to cook you know yeah um it turns out hold the button to cook while better is worse it's not as fun well that extra step add some fucking swag to it yeah no there's a step there that like you have to fucking learn to do that's really that's interesting that's cool um that's one of those feet legacy things where it'd be like there should be a benefit to doing it that way besides instead of cooking if you decided to if your game can support there is a benefit there's a legitimate benefit okay the benefit is uh if you are uh surprised by an enemy
Starting point is 02:44:42 around a corner you drop the live grenade like if you come around a corner and somebody kills you yeah from one foot away oh it's happening okay okay okay revenge yeah revenge kill right away okay you you could totally also use this to suicide bomb people inside around corners um which then i guess in turn becomes a when you ambush somebody immediately get the fuck out in counterplay uh i the closest thing i can think of because i'm not i'm sure there might be better examples but because i'm the kind of person who also i feel like i'd be attracted by seeing some fucking cool ass you know unintended thing um but when i how's that daunte flying around yeah exactly exactly um and uh inertia but what comes to mind is um because the thing is we still
Starting point is 02:45:42 had some devil may cry experience before that though um which is why my brain didn't go there but i instead i was thinking of titanfall um advanced movement in titanfall had me so fucking giddy that before i learned how to aim properly and even do the first person shoot i wanted to learn how to do the sick wall jumps and rides yeah 100 and all that shit that skull was like training and practicing and then giving me the the tips on like i was so enthralled by advanced movement in titanfall too um and i have and i can't aim for shit i don't know how much it i don't know how much it qualifies but when i was playing spider-man and riles morales like the combats there and obviously you get good with the combat over the course of the game
Starting point is 02:46:29 but like the first time i played spider-man as soon as i was out in the open world i'm like what if i just went in web swing for like half hour and just learned all the ins and outs of this web swinging no like when i get sniped out of mid-air in titanfall i don't get i don't hate it you clap i fucking i i pop off i'm like oh you you fucking got me because and in the sickest way possible i can't even remotely hate it you know um damn i mean there's that clip of me stealing the battery at the end of the stream uh from the highlight video where i'm like i'm sneaking around the corner and i'm like yeah we got away with it and then i just get fucking annihilated i'm like i can't hate it gotta love it it's too fun either way um that's a good email
Starting point is 02:47:23 yeah and last let's take one over here from edgar who says dear zandgeef associates i wanted to ask what your favorite starting weapon is in gaming one that can easily be identified if you saw it may even have a be a staple to the franchise and you can even see yourself carrying through the whole game that you'll be getting tons of weapons with along the way mine would be lancer and gears of war uh well let me just get it uh mine would be dead spaces plasma cutter uh that's a good one because it gets right to the point of being a tool turned into a weapon while being the perfect theme for how you take down the enemies by cutting their limbs it's very unique design and style makes it simple and easy to recognize at any convention you would see it at
Starting point is 02:48:05 plasma cutter is kind of probably the best answer as the games even had achievements for beat the game using only the plasma cutter and you would think that would be tough nope nope it's not it's more than good enough to carry you the whole game um so i don't know how much it counts but i'll i have one thought which is uh the red queen um simply because it's just like the funnest thing to count you don't switch out yeah it's not like dante so yeah it doesn't really count so then i'm sure there's people out there that would say the halo one pistol i'm gonna say crowbar i'm gonna say half life crowbar half life crowbar i i couldn't believe how good it was i was shocked at what happened when i held the button down and it was unbelievably
Starting point is 02:48:59 good as a melee weapon shout out to the knife in resident evil code veronica x and resident evil two remake for both being completely fucked in different ways okay there's a there's a bug with the way uh in cvx the knife hits people in the knees specifically it hits multiple times it's only supposed to hit one so if you get good with the cvx knife you can down a zombie with just the knife zero to death damn which is incredible um and the uh the the fucking knife's damage in resident evil two remake is tied to your framerate oh another one of those ds2 style issues so if you go up to like 100 fp 120 fps you can like just walk up to berkin and be like okay um yeah okay i guess uh i'll specify the black mesa crowbar because i don't know what the original was like then
Starting point is 02:49:54 but in black mesa that motherfucker just you just hold it and you map it to a fucking scroll wheel oh my god it you don't even have to though you could just hold the button but you yeah but yeah it's so brutal and i don't know but i bet you there's a footage of somewhere out there of someone beating that insane tank level with just a crowbar i bet you it's been done half life has been speed run in every which way a billion percent like there's anything you could say i bet there's a video out there of half life yeah no there is there is there there is something to be said about like a starting weapon that stays good the whole journey through and late game you can still go back to it and be like it does the fucking job you know it was built for a task and it does that task
Starting point is 02:50:45 excellently shout out to the starting battle rifle in anthem oh yeah for being the best gun in the game because of a statistical error with the way damage is calculated is it different from everything else uh it's the best weapon in the game i don't i don't know if you remember talking about this but uh the way the damage is calculated on the weapons uh the starting weapon for the tutorial was boosted so that you would do good in the tutorial oh my god i actually just bet it's just so that the final bosses runs were bet like yeah yeah okay yeah yeah that that that arrow is coming back jesus christ yeah all right we gotta get out of here because i'm gonna piss my pants so i hope everybody has a good week um feel free to to piss away once we're done
Starting point is 02:51:43 but uh just you know keep it what feel free to piss yourself as hard as you want to not on stream hit the button i gotta get to this man oh he's holding on it like oh

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