Castle Super Beast - CSB 157: Stadian's End: Rise Of The LUNAtics

Episode Date: March 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 decreasing gap on th what's going on hey what's hey hey good afternoon woolly how you doing what's up with Elden Ring am I right it's it's everything it's everything what's up what's up with it yeah I'm
Starting point is 00:00:55 having a very weird experience because of how our are I'm playing through it and like what's what I'm doing with the offline online stuff or should I say live and and off stream I have wanted to talk to you about that for a while okay I am fascinated by that whole fucking thing hold up a second just gonna apparently when you turned me down prior to the thing I'm now very low so you were too loud in my headphones for the for the thing the system so I'm gonna turn you up in the actual stream and that'll be the counterbalance so should be fine yeah usually what happens when I turn people down in
Starting point is 00:01:45 discord and all that I have to turn down my own headphones so unfortunately again like something happened with the the discord update that just reset and changed a bunch of call settings isn't that wonderful always a fan of that so it wasn't Windows this time no it wasn't you're off the hook today Windows all right there that should be better cool yes so basically there's a there's a no win scenario in terms of like the length and the amount of time going into this and like what we can expect the LP to be I know that I'm it's been made well aware to me that I've been made well aware of the fact that it's like it's
Starting point is 00:02:35 super crazy long hyper turbo long game and the way that I play is it yeah so I know that and I know the way that I play things as well is not gonna be conducive to getting through it as quickly as possible and also there's the fact that I'm you know doing it with Reggie and all kinds of other little factors so the discussion the discussion eventually led to one where I was like okay what I'll do is I'll just play offline and I'll avoid what are what I think are obvious markers of like progress and then I'll just record locally whatever I'm doing and then keep note whatever something cool happens
Starting point is 00:03:17 precisely and so that's what I've been doing and you know I've so far like for example since the first time I did it it was like one day apart from the second session so there was just a couple like maybe like two hours of just like scrubbing through and being like here I saw this I did that right but now right since the last time it was Thursday it's been quite a few days so that time builds up so what I've been doing is it's still capturing and cropping it into little moments but yeah there's a lot of like I found a cave I'll light the grace at the entrance and not go in right and mark down that that is what you did
Starting point is 00:04:02 there's no comp so like your standard open world game would put a check mark or like cross it out precisely so what I'm doing is I'm adding it to the favorites list on the on the the map and then I now have a list of like here's a couple caves I found but didn't enter and in the meantime on the way to the cave here's what I found and I picked up an ash over here or I found a shop over there you know and then a couple of them then there's like points of interest of just like I saw this thing I don't know what it is but I've made a note of it and then yeah that'll just be a little quick recap every time we sit down to play there's
Starting point is 00:04:41 there's so much though there is and I don't like it this is the this and I think this is the most reasonable compromise for something that that has no other solution outside of like you will it's either that or I'll just have or like parts of the LPR missing right all right so I want to talk I want to I want to get so I want to ask you a series of questions to figure out what we're talking about okay here I just want to put forward that the explanation about how about how this is working out though is currently fine yeah it's not an issue so like as it is I think this is okay I'm not bringing this up in a
Starting point is 00:05:27 oh god it's what oh how do I fix this it's I think this what I'm doing works so with that being said yeah so what is the absolute furthest point of let's say excursion that you have made so far getting teleported I don't know what you would consider like for this point okay basically you start in Limgrave and your east is the ultimate shithole that is Caleb okay so here's a so I can tell you the extremities I can tell you the extremities give me the give me an extremity of borders yeah I have the borders and then I have the teleports so there's there's there's the two teleports there's the two teleports one
Starting point is 00:06:07 teleport was into the the eastern forest right yeah that then I then took an elevator down to another yes you did right right I walked was the other planet yes and I walked forward in another world for a little bit I got out of that first zone and then I got into a second zone and then I saw a dead carer booth and I was like damn right yeah and then a bunch of a bunch of big like fucking Zod the immortal motherfucker style horn dudes came at me and then I got zapped and that was that right you you hung out in the under dark for a while I peaked I peaked into that and to the under dark yeah sure what what may or may not be the
Starting point is 00:06:52 eternal city the eternal city okay no craw on the eternal city or something like that then I went all right I've peaked so let me come back here I went back and then get teleported again to the from the I got to the church of America and then right I took the teleporter because when you're when you're playing you're not you found that fucking thing not only did I find it when you're playing a thing in LP format you're not allowed to deny content right you know yeah no I'll come back to that teleporter later no you're not allowed there isn't a there's a there's a couple thousand hands pushing you that say
Starting point is 00:07:39 no you must go so I took it and then while wound up in Brazil yeah so it's funny that you mentioned that because you and Paige both found that thing on your own I did not and that teleporter specifically it's really tucked away in a little corner to the point where you get an NPC quest line and it is the only NPC quest line that I have currently found in from soft history in which the guy says I will mark it on your map okay and a red check mark for its location appears on your map it gives me the feeling that things like that exist tucked away for people who are gonna be new game-plusing this and
Starting point is 00:08:21 knowing exactly where they want to go immediately oh oh I can talk to you about that in a few minutes I get the end of today I get the vibe I get the vibe that like upon your second outing you're like get me straight to fucking Antarctica and yeah they're also there and you're gonna serve as your double Mario 3 whistle in particular that guy that teleport also serves to the NPC that tells you how to get there you find him once you get an item that you would trade in to the guy where you end up okay okay so it's like here's how you get to essentially this merchant yeah so um so I went to Brazil and then I went all
Starting point is 00:09:05 right get me out of here and then and then this place is horrible right and then I got to the round table and then as far as so I'm like all right back to Lindgrave this is crazy and then as far as the actual Limgrave map goes I am currently I peeked into the red sky zone up in the northeast that is Caleb yeah I I saw the the first like church there I walked up to it an invader showed up and I was like okay I'll let the grace and then that's as far as the northeast I've gone on the western side I'm I didn't enter the gates right yeah okay and then also there I found the bridge going across to storm something storm hell and
Starting point is 00:10:04 then and then it was guarded by the pumpkin head and so I lit the first grace there and then yeah south same thing bridge to a zone that was guarded by the I guess the trebuchet yeah it's guarded by like a bunch of dudes on that bridge took out the bridge lit the first grace there so that's that's it basically I have first grace in on each of these extremities and then but Limgrave is as a whole like a chunk that's there so I have to say like there are more of those teleporters around there's at least two in your immediate vicinity that that will kick you to later parts of the game for either speed
Starting point is 00:10:52 run or terror purposes and they absolutely do feel like hey man you want to get you want to just skip the trip all the way out here go ahead and go ahead and do it they're great replacing mimics with I've teleported you far away yeah is incredible I think I found another one and I just straight up dodged it I think I think I what yeah yeah I opened up with one of that I opened up a chest and some some gas came out and I just walked away from it I went no which I thought you just said I thought you just said that you can't deny people content this was not on stream ah wasn't where where was that in the in the
Starting point is 00:11:39 lake in the lake you definitely want to take that okay well either way I didn't take it off stream but I know where it is and I made note of it so that we can come back and visit so so like I'm I'm so I've been scraping and a couple things to note one is I've never played a game where no matter hard I scrape I can't scrape hard enough like I was looking up I was like you know I never got the the cookbook that helps me make the item that cures this poison effect never got it and I'm I'm done with the area in which I have to worry about that's that's as effects that I'm like that's weird let me look up where it was oh it's right
Starting point is 00:12:37 there next to a grace yeah in seo for river it is 10 feet away yeah from the grace in seo for river I literally just didn't look to the left I just I just picked up a cookbook with some anti poison shit that I was looking for yeah exactly yeah that's probably that's probably the one I'm talking about I went and got it five minutes ago for me starting well one thing that I'm finding to be like and like the first thing that I started caring about is okay so I'm giving it I guess since this is being recorded the day before we actually like sit down and recap all the stuff I've done off stream I'm like I guess I'm
Starting point is 00:13:15 giving a preview of what we're gonna be covering tomorrow but like off stream I also prioritize like before walking into unknown places I prioritize cleaning up things we've seen but left alone right right makes sense so one of those things included taking that I'm just gonna call it a fucking pharaoh's lockstone because that's what it is the gargoyle keys yeah yeah stabbing that into the area at the beginning of the game and that's a fun zone that's a pretty fun spot right there are a there's a lot of good stuff down there now there's a willing to do it there's also some bullshit including a bug that I have captured on camera twice
Starting point is 00:13:59 where yeah when you run down past the little bladed machine by the way anyway you run past down by the little bladed machine and then the little ambush guys are appearing on the in the alcoves you kick one down and he teleports back up onto the alcove with you and it's not an intended like magic teleport it is a bug he just suddenly reappears up there no those guys teleport all over no no no no no no no no not a teleport with sound and appearing that's what I'm saying I know they teleport not that kind a bug style there is no graphic or animation he just appears that's what I'm like that happened twice off on camera
Starting point is 00:14:42 now misses you right so there's the teleporting that's the intended game he's spawning with the visual and sound effect and then there's this fucked up like oh he just clipped like appears through the wall and here he is you know did you did you get to the bottom of that place sure did found both fun things okay cuz like the the the the biggest fun thing that I found down there was like this game has a so it's it uses its open space incredibly well it has the best like I don't want to do this right now I'll come back to it later of any game I've ever played in my life uh-huh and its map is also incredible at
Starting point is 00:15:23 that because if you zoom in on the map and see any notary notable geometric anything on the map you can look at and go I bet there's something there and they're almost invariably always is mm-hmm but it also has the situation in which I got to that thing within my first day of streaming okay so I went down there starting like no but I once I right I looked at it I'm like okay I need two of these when I have two of them I'll come back and I'll go do it so I went all the way to the bottom ran all the way to the bottom oh Shrine of Marica cool I'll be able to respawn in this spot past this boss door and then the game has
Starting point is 00:16:09 a really excellent way to tell you whether or not you should be there at all and that is when you hit the boss so first of all does the boss instantly kill you in one strike mm-hmm if the boss instantly kills you in one strike okay maybe consider chill consider chill right yeah but the second of that is when you hit the boss does the damage you do create a visible piece of yellow on the boss see the damage you've done yeah because if you can yeah then you can and I blew I want to say 90 minutes learning how to do that mm-hmm and was amply rewarded with something I used for most of my playthrough uh-huh so was ooh it's good
Starting point is 00:17:01 so walked down there saw that and I'm taking that statue of Marica right outside the spot the boss gate as a sign of difficulty indicator right it's a good it's the game there's there's a couple there's the Shrine of Marica symbol under your help and then there's the the little summon tombstone yeah like this is these are the clues for what you're about to do you know it's like alright got it walked in and as we had in you know on stream like a walked in and what okay this is just a bit of a wall right now and I can see based on what I'm swinging and how it's going that like it's a bit much but it's not
Starting point is 00:17:49 it's not unaccomplishable because on my best tries of which there were like two I got it down to like half right yeah and I'm like and then it does its second phase and then I was like oh okay exactly right and also shout outs to the return of the from soft I cannot tell what the animation of this creature is doing the the writhing and the things that make no sense because it's not a person or even really it's just a it's a thing doesn't have four legs yeah it doesn't it's just hard to read maybe 30 to 40 attempts to be able to be like he's doing that he's doing that so off-camera which we'll which will we'll
Starting point is 00:18:39 be visiting next stream I went back down there about 90 minutes we do yeah right oh it's it's but it's definitely not intended to be tackled in and but comparison to its own region but here's the fucked up thing I had a literally a run that was basically final pixel double ko esque and completely I didn't get it I did I swung and got hit right and I was like okay but that shows me that everything up to that point was the right attitude in the right approach and then kept at it for another set and the one that counted was so fucked because you know the so this I mean whatever we're just talking openly about this so
Starting point is 00:19:36 this is that this is the yeah what's it called don't worry dude the game no no I know I'm trying to remember the name it's it's also rated also rated tree spirit thank you so when the also rated tree spirit starts to activate its its AOE and you're like well fuck me here we go the room is so small yep yep it starts activating it and I'm like in the middle of what I feel to be is a confident poise crush and I keep swinging and I actually get a crumple so it starts the AOE interrupts it with the crumple and then I do the riposte and while that is happening the AOE goes off anyway and something breaks so it it's
Starting point is 00:20:30 the it might it might have just been the wrong moment but the AOE was about to pop off and then I he crumples out of it goes into the animation but the ground says yeah the spell is already started so then it starts doing the fucking whatever the ground electricity shit explosions anyway and then he rips a rip he rips out of it and then the AI just snaps and the boss just stands there yeah that's a win are you kidding me just that's a win complete unbelievable fucking bullshit so oh anyway you'll see you'll see tomorrow but like it was like I'm like I earned this I got him down there earned it absolutely I got him down there I
Starting point is 00:21:15 don't care but it was wildly like okay there are some there are some issues here and there are some moments where the game doesn't like it if you interrupt you know and then yes the reward for that is what appears to be a very nice ash that I don't have the mind for so I've now been building my mind out so I used Oleg for six of the nine streams that I've done okay and he carried me to wins that I did not deserve damn okay and I'm building I'm building for them for that you have to commit though because the bill that the 20 mine for him you you went with what class again I went with confessor so I've been going faith and strong arms what mine did you start with I started with like 10 11 okay because yeah I started starting with 12
Starting point is 00:22:17 and I'm looking at it go up each time and I'm like oh boy it's gonna take a minute you know so let's let's use this let's use this as a stop a jump off point to talk about summons right because this is one of the game's big value ads and it's what I'm seeing a lot of people talk about in the game both for and against I think the summoning thing that they have added to this game might be the game's singular best feature after its open world and scale it has completely completely replaced human beings with with boss attempts for me and that's what if that's what summons are for you is like an agro draw then yes you completely have that that summons replace it and furthermore also npc story quest summons right now yeah they're also still
Starting point is 00:23:16 there yeah but but these but these like personalized ones are yeah they they're a replacement for this for the multiplayer I could I feel so I saw somebody completely nail it in chat they said summons are not balanced at all and that's great and I will I will echo that statement summons look like they were added into the game and literally never received one balance pass at all okay huh the reason I say this is because the summons that you are summoning are not a unique or designed thing they are existing enemy types that are just having their targets switched to agro enemy instead of agro player right that's it either move section yeah no they are just you are spawning in an enemy an enemy okay it just happens to be on your side every every every
Starting point is 00:24:17 single um summon that you get is an existing enemy somewhere okay right and you might not have gotten to this point but you unlock an ability to upgrade them yeah you mentioned last time they had their own upgrade path all the way to plus 10 and at plus 10 they in some cases are stronger than you I have a I have a two summons right now that to those of you who have been watching my streams are aware it's summons that you get from the Ronnie quest line and they can absolutely kill bosses by themselves Jesus but they require significant investment the summon that I'm using right now requires 162 fp to summon wow can you can you use items to like buff your fp there are a couple but you pretty much want to if you're going to be a caster you
Starting point is 00:25:29 might as well build you right um you and the thing that I have with 162 fp I've had it fight enemies and fight bosses by itself wow and win and on that is in addition to that you upgrade them but in addition to that if you have buffs that affect you like I'm going faith so there's stuff like sacred vow and it's like buffs allies all summons are allies okay yeah summons are allies like here's a 10 here's a 10 percent damage buff wow and it's it's not balanced at all and I don't care because call Tarkus whenever you want parts of the game are also not balanced at all against you hmm so it's it's fine it's fine it's a word about it yeah I mean yeah anytime I'm wandering is incredible anytime I'm wandering the overworld and I see that stat the the fucking summon sigil
Starting point is 00:26:25 pop up I'm like okay I'm fucking tiptoeing I'm tiptoeing because I don't know what's coming here you know that being said though can I just point out um that multiple times I've had unnecessary clenches whenever uh specifically like fighting that tree where like a big old attack will pop off and I'll roll the correct way do the correct dodge but I'll hear the sound of one of my wolves dying and I'll be like yeah and it's totally fine that that death sound has gotten me a couple times yeah no it's the same thing with the horse when the horse gets blasted and dies there's it plays the death sound effect um but yeah uh I I have gone I've gone real deep on this uh so the area past uh godric is called liarnia it's the area we saw in the the previews that has the big castle
Starting point is 00:27:21 with the lake um I don't think I remember the area the area to the east of limb grave is called caled and the area that you were in that you refer to as brazil is above caled yeah the the grace I touched to drop that yeah cleared all of that 100 right and I am just now starting on the area of the game north of liarnia and I have found I have found what might be the this is easily the most non-linear game of its genre ever made um I have found four different ways to get to the zone where the capital is including one that just teleports you straight there and skips like two zones entirely um it just just you just go you just go if you want to just go you just go go you just go
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm um something I'm I I guess I don't fully understand yet is um the torrent life bar right there are consumables that you can craft to feed to ignore those if he dies he'll just use a crimson tear that's what I was thinking that's what I was thinking and my that when I read the description of that I was like why wouldn't I just use a flask um uh but uh there was then I read some some the comments about like uh like this you're missing out on something I'm misunderstanding something about that and that it's a really good thing to feed torrent or something but I just I was like I just use an estus flask and we'll be fine right yeah but anyway okay I just want to confirm that because there are some times where you you don't get touched you get clipped but the
Starting point is 00:29:28 horse takes all the damage you know yeah and weird that's a hitbox thing it is it is weird um but uh yeah and then also exactly like if you take a sip like the horse also heals up a little bit so anyway all right just just I was just wondering so let me ask you oh okay I was gonna say when we're talking about um about looking for things or whatever for me uh one thing that was uh the when I started I started actually paying attention to my crafting when I needed to start doing um uh um whatever flame paper right yeah and and flame grease it's called a grease grease yes true and so I built a couple and then I was like okay great I have enough and then of course on the runs where it matters basically I kind of created a system where I was like if I can get
Starting point is 00:30:21 the the boss into its first repost I'll then light the fire up you know yeah and then you then smash them to pieces and go go to go to town with it so then I was like great I used a bunch of my fire uh on that where let's go find some more and it says okay you can find resin root at the base of trees and I'm like cool and I'm running past the base of every tree off screen for hours now and I'm only picking up rona fruit and I'm like what the fuck do you mean it's at the base of trees I literally have not picked up a single one so I'm like okay these descriptions of where to find them are gonna they leave a little bit to be desired you know yeah I then and then and then what you do is you type in uh elden ring yeah yeah yeah resin yeah and you find out that the area that is farming
Starting point is 00:31:16 for that is further away than you're you're actually able to go so yeah um but I did go to like an urge tree and I walked around or the minor urge tree and I walked around it in the forest and there was none there either and I was like okay well no no no more crafting for me then this is this is like so the wiki actually I just checked it says can be found in limb grave not very helpful fuck off so what you what you would do is you would load up your social media or you would contact somebody who you know is farther in the game yeah and be like bro I can't find root resin where do I find root resin so I I was trying to dodge like again videos and things I was and but I when I did a quick a cheeky little google did show that it's like there's an
Starting point is 00:32:05 area that is past the storm gate so I was like all right well fuck it then if it's past the gate I'll just I'll ignore for now basically there's the reason why you have the little herb symbol that you can slap down on your map is so that like there's an area in storm hill where there's like a little fireplace next to a great grace that has like 10 smoldering butterflies just hanging out oh and and they'll just pop every time you sit down there okay so if you want to take like literally 120 seconds you can get like 40 or 50 of them and then just sit on that so that's you were that's where you drop that icon yeah there's also an area to the very south of mistwood where you can get a lot of blood roses which is where you would get the bleed uh craftable item
Starting point is 00:32:51 okay yeah I haven't fucked with that yet so the reason I mentioned I'm glad I was able to figure out a way to mention bleed have you fucked with bleed in this game at all I'm using the um the sword that um uh the hound from the Everett Darrow Darrow Hill's uh bloodhound sword yes I'm using a bloodhound blade and it is pretty nice so this is easily as somebody who's gone through a lot of the game uh and seen a lot of what it has to offer in terms of like stuff like miracles and sorceries and these things they finally totally nailed status effects for you in your favor this time bleed bleed the reason why bleed does so much damage is that it's percentile mm-hmm uh it it does somewhere between 18 to 25 percent of anything's health no matter how high
Starting point is 00:33:51 that health is yes um and I've noticed that uh there's a fantastic combo that I'm getting because basically uh now that I have that blade I popped I popped my my on my decks up a bit and then I put my um staff in the other hand and I got my I found the sorcery trainer so now I've got a glint blade in one hand and the blood blade in the other and we're just we're having fun we're flipping around and uh what's happening um is a combo is being stacked up where uh I get a crumple and then repost and then come right back in with a couple of hits and then the bleed pops as well so explode so there's a like the fight is the first half of their life bar and then the second half is like and now you cash out yeah it's so awesome all of the
Starting point is 00:34:40 statuses you can inflict on enemies are good poisons a little bit weaker a little bit on the lower side uh but frost is excellent frost is absolutely excellent it slows them and you they also take more damage when they're frosted okay in addition to have a burst I only I only encountered one frost status so far and that was jumping over the balcony at the round table yeah uh and then that fucker came in and was frosting me up and I was like oh that's uh that's an interesting status yeah so um and it was both there's that plus bleed I think at the same time um yeah it's uh so so there and I'm assuming that there's gonna be you know of course some some consumables to like put that on whatever as well um yeah you can you you can find a a art of war that just lets you put frost
Starting point is 00:35:34 on your shit and so there and here's the other thing I lit my my bleed which my blade which has a bleed status on it I lit it on fire so you're getting both so now like those things don't have restrictions like they used to you could put anything on anything no uh the the rule is if your weapon does one damage type you can add a second oh okay okay up to two so what so I'm going faith so a lot of my weapons already deal with holy holy damage yeah I can't buff those gotcha but let me tell you a secret about your bleed weapon did you know that you can take your bleed weapon and put blood grease on it to do double the bleed I was about to say so when you're mentioning these roses I'm thinking yeah stack that shit up right yeah okay fire you're bleeding dudes in like two hits sick
Starting point is 00:36:28 that is really sick now bleed does have diminishing returns every time you bleed something it takes longer to bleed the next time to build it up but like it's it's it's good I'm seeing the benefits I saw the benefits on that tree and I saw the benefits on those um land octopus uh you know like I like you just you get that that nice crunch on the back half of their life bar yeah it's a crunch mm-hmm that the hemorrhage pop feels like a crunch it's a crunch um so because you're going faith um yep did you grab those fucking protoss slashers the the uh the the cipher patas literally zealot blades uh so those things the the the wolverine for Jesus weapons they require really high faith investments this one's for you god they are they are a great slower
Starting point is 00:37:23 backup weapon they're legitimately very good and the weapon art which is just like a a stab mm-hmm it being completely unblockable and very fast makes it extremely helpful to kill other people with that picking that up and two-handing it was the first thing that made me go faith huh yeah oh they they did faith real nice in this one how about now granted that's the first weapon I have sorcery has an absolutely stupid amount of spells a lot of them are bad a lot of them are incredible throwing meteors at people there is what I can only describe as a command oh I've seen that's what I'm that's what I want I've seen that's what actually made me like that's the that's the thing that I saw the enchanted knight do and I was like okay yeah put
Starting point is 00:38:10 me there's the the glint stone sorcery the sorry the glint blade sorceries are all really cool but uh just faith actually got a lot of good stuff and arcane also got a lot of good stuff so arcane is like was originally very poorly understood when the game came out because what would happen is you would put like you find the ability to put blood as a status on your weapon instead of quality or sacred it would be blood but as you put your arcane up the damage would not increase so people thought what's up with this what it does is as your arcane goes up the status build up increases instead so you take a long sword that starts with 50 blood build up and you pump arcane to 45 and now it's doing like 95 blood build up per swing okay
Starting point is 00:39:06 right um I'm already I'm already uh wavering and probably like now that now that there's no weapon durability I think decks might yield me some results that I wanted the previous games to have because oh there's like I my thing has always been these decks weapons are cool but fuck this durability you know so um intelligence decks has like eight weapons that are built for it very specifically okay that are all excellent yeah I'm thinking I'm thinking that I'm about that route and in particular you get into these great situations where let's look at moon veil right moon veil is the the meme katana you've been seeing around it lets you do judgment cuts and dimension slashes it is an intelligence katana
Starting point is 00:40:00 I don't think I've seen it in action but I do I did see a meme I sent you a clip oh yeah okay okay okay and I did see a meme of a bunch of gray faces all going so I specced into me into moon veil it's pretty awesome so it's like okay everybody's using it as the enchanted great curved sword but the other thing that's great is that the rapiers and uh and uchis that are for dex int also have just a native background bleed proc on them okay it's 50 so you're gonna get one at some point so is it it's excellent so I guess then because again remember the um demon souls adjudicator shields uh uh enchanted yeah and then curved sword right magic whatever yeah so the the you had the enchanted sword but then you switched to the sacred long sword which
Starting point is 00:40:55 also healed you okay and it's just like this is this is what a demon souls character looks like so I've seen a couple folks running around and I was like oh yeah I guess since that awesome blood blade is nice and early a bunch of people get it quick so I've seen a couple ghosts with it and um after seeing that meme I guess this moon veil thing is the yeah it's currently the go to intelligence meme weapon it's the go to okay okay um so there's all that and then I was really genuinely surprised to see so you you did you kill a dragon at any point no okay so when you kill a dragon you'll get a heart right and the heart is your shop currency for dragon spells yeah they're completely mentioned last time that's how you got the spell yeah they're they're they're their own
Starting point is 00:41:47 tree and they require a little bit of faith and a little bit of arcane um they are absolutely fucking stupid incredible and in particular one of them lets you put a uh I'm gonna call it toxic because I don't think you've encountered the actual name of it in game instead of poison yeah no I um shit there was something well it's listed as a part of um remember the folder names right like there's like of the resistances the first one is a category that includes toxic uh plot or includes poison plus something else and it's like a it would be it would be it would be called rot rot yes I yes exactly rot I have gotten rot resistant stuff so uh scarlet rot is what I'm gonna label as toxic I think there might be an actual toxic status but for all intents and purposes
Starting point is 00:42:43 it's super poison um and you can cast that on bosses and it works it works on every boss I have fought except for two and it will put a 50 damage per tick poison effect that lasts for like three and a half minutes on any boss you want to put on it I mean I'm assuming that all of these bosses of the fucking you know dozens and dozens are each outfitted with proper weaknesses towards specific things and resistance yeah here's the here's the weaknesses uh everything that you could consider alive at all is weak to bleed and rot things that made look like they're entirely out of rocks they're not gonna be weak maybe they won't bleed maybe they won't rot but that only thought that only factors into like three or four or five bosses that I fought in total um and the
Starting point is 00:43:54 combination of those two status effects has led to the ability to kill shit way above your fucking pay grade interesting there is a there is a boss that I fought down in the pit of some tower that I would hit it with my sword and I got just the barest tinge of damage just the tiniest tinge and I beat it by putting rot on it and running from it and throwing lightning bolts when I was across the room as the lightning and the the damage ticks just brought it all the way down to zero okay what's the intel on parrying bosses it's uh so what how's how's what what weapon you got in your hand right now it's it's it's a bloodhound bloodhound in my right um I got my my staff in my left and I switched to um a decent shield I forget the one so parrying bosses uh does work
Starting point is 00:45:00 um on a lot of them but it's not worth it because it's so dangerous okay it's a possibility it is there is in in yeah like you've seen market you can parry market right so certain attacks on certain things not but but certainly not like a universal yeah okay um but uh it's usually a hell a lot more cost effective that instead of parrying them just jump attack them oh yeah no I just for the sake of feeling cool yeah for the flex I just want to know that it's a thing that can happen you know yeah um how how's your experience been in posture breaking bosses well literally I remember um so the moment that I truly discovered jump bar two was against that the dude in the um the the invader in the in the round table right that you jump the balcony
Starting point is 00:45:53 he doesn't know he doesn't know how to at all and I was like oh this is the this is the way um that's what really cemented in just how effective that is because it's at the bare minimum on him a guaranteed stagger a guaranteed interrupt of whatever he's doing as long as you time it properly and if you and that and the and the enemy both are in the air and you anti air them they drop to the ground oh yeah so you get a full knock down and you can set up some wake up you know so if you fought any of those trolls those really big ugly guys the gray ones with the lack of guts um I was fucking around with this and I noticed that like enemies always have a lot of sweeps in these games right a lot of full let's say 270 degree sweeps around their character
Starting point is 00:46:41 body a lot of them in this game tend to be really really low to the ground yep secular like suspiciously low to the ground absolute secular and you could absolutely hop them you can hop ground pounds you can hop sweeps the uh the tree um the big tail swipe that's how I was oh yeah yeah yeah save your stamina get right over that thing you know I feel like so like there's the map which is the most intense map I've ever seen especially because of how it lies to you now that you've been playing for a while you now understand the the power of the maps size increasing as you explore instead of most games that just show you the whole map right away in this one you teleport somewhere and then the map just doubles in size horizontally yeah so I
Starting point is 00:47:40 have to confess like I do I did kind of expect given what I hear and looking at the size of the map when you pull it up I expected that x y axis expansion the z axis is what fucked me up it'll get you that's the damage that's the real damage as somebody who I I believe I have explored all of the underground there is so much more underground than it even appears there's a lot of underground underground yeah I just there's in particular there's one moment of the underground I remember in which I hit one of those big elevators and I'm like oh finally and it started to go down yeah yeah like like the and it the and it's like a fucking three minute ride it feels like I mean just like the lazy way that games would do that well it's not
Starting point is 00:48:48 lazy but it's the rather the asset conserving way is to walk into the shadow realm you know and it's like no how about just more and it's different and it's just over very different and it ain't the same thing you're like fuck off yeah fine you know I just like every part there are some obvious minor complaints it still has the occasional lock-on problems I've run into a couple bosses that have been reused but honestly it doesn't really bother me there's a couple weapons that are bugged there's a couple armor pieces that are so bugged they show an invisible chest when you put them on oh boy like little little minor things but all in all like I have like I've been so thrilled to look at the map and go huh what's that and go over there and
Starting point is 00:49:48 there was a thing there what also over and over and over and over and over what's been encouraging to from the the vibe I've been getting is like don't worry about making a bad build numerically you're gonna get time to steer wherever you want to go you you would have to because of the ash of war system right if you're using a normal weapon that you can upgrade with normal shit and put an ash of war on right even if you botch it you'll be able to switch it to a different damage type to get past the thing that you're dealing and then you'll eventually just unlock respect that's really exactly and then between that and the ability to get respect that's very um I'm very happy to hear that because like it also you know cuts down on like that massive regret
Starting point is 00:50:48 you might get from realizing something's wrong with the builder and you're locked in it's a certain point or you know even I'd say to some degree the amount of back seating you're gonna get about like how your your your number placement is going like I'm oh the back seating on this one is is it's really funny it's depending on your audience right it's strength weapons are broken dex weapons are broken spells are broken faith is broken arcane builds are broken bleed is broken rod is broken having too much health is broken etc whatever you manage to make work is broken deprived parry oh uh buckler only it's broken uh it kind of it and to a degree honestly it kind of is like it it kind of feels like this is the marvel of from soft games in which you can just
Starting point is 00:51:43 you could do so much we threw it all together stupid shit like the blood slash move costs like 10 hp to cast and it does like five or six swings worth of damage and it's this giant like mortal blade arc like it's super good but because you want these cool things to like the temptation to ignore my my fucking hp and not build it up at all is high because i want to do cool things more than i want to be less squishy my vigor is gonna fucking sit there man i spent out of eight streams i want to say i spent five and a half at 15 health and i got to a point around the end of stream too where every boss would kill me every time in one hit uh health gives you a lot of health per point in this
Starting point is 00:52:54 game okay it gives you a lot it's just like you want like don't make me like you're making me choose between doing cool things and taking more damage it's like i'm always gonna want to lean towards the so woolly i will send you but i know i know and i know that i need to worry about that and i am concerned i will send you a document i highly suggest that you bookmark this this is an exhaustive tested faq about where the stat breakpoints actually are oh that's nice okay because and here's the other thing um and you know pretty good idea here shout outs to plague um he popped a he made a thread on twitter that was like hey people that are in the end game um what are your spoiler free build regrets right and i did see uh some people going yeah didn't give myself enough
Starting point is 00:53:57 life and then paid for it later it's the number one easy so i'm like right on i will keep that in mind also i'll give you a tip uh if you find the skill barricade for shields think strongly about using a shield because barricade increases like the the guard reduction like how much stamina health you take on a hit it increases it by like four or five hundred percent so all of a sudden a medium shield can take like an entire boss combo no problem that's fucking sick on great shields it makes the stamina loss on block zero damn zero okay i mean look um shielding because of the fucking counter mechanic already is i'm enticed to always have one on me um so it's i'm just my end thing is just gonna be mixing and matching whatever is fun you know for some enemies i'm
Starting point is 00:55:09 gonna be going for that for others i'm gonna be just you know spell sorting and i'll just i'll just you know i want to make sure i have uh i have the equip load to just switch to something fun i've uh respect five times i still i'm still sitting on seven respect items damn there's there's a ton of them there's there's there there looks like there's 15 or such in the game sick like it's it's it's no problem um and one of the most exciting things to me is that the optimization process has started um the optimization process has been enabled by the bleed effect um and the current thing that you can manage is you can start your game and then rush your
Starting point is 00:56:00 ass to torrent get torrent go get what's called a gold pickled foul foot which is the get more souls item i've gotten a couple of those yeah go get a bleed weapon any bleed weapon will do then get your ass to brazil as you called it and find a big enemy there that you just happened to be able to beat on without being able to turn around just you can't turn around to hit you so just beat on its asshole for 10 minutes get 94 000 runes jesus immediately level up to uh level 34 run to the merchant that sells you upgrade materials because there's nothing that stops you there's nothing that stops you get a unique weapon to plus five kill market in 28 seconds i put up a twitter video of it
Starting point is 00:57:04 run through get godric use an npc quest line that only activates after killing godric to teleport to an end game area then use a bow trick to knock a high level enemy off of platform and he gives you 13 000 souls per 10 seconds and then you get five million runes an hour you can level your character up to 120 what are we doing here why what is this then you use the secret teleport to get past the second thing and go to the end so look man if you're doing this to create to if you're doing this because your goal is to create a fast forward pvp build and then you just want a pvp with your boys or whatever yeah then fine what the fuck else is going on i don't know but like jesus man that is so the the so there's two
Starting point is 00:58:05 parts to this right the first part is the part that i said at the beginning use the bleed weapon to get yourself to level 34 right away there's a really straight up reason for that a lot of the cool ass weapons that people want to use for their playthrough like let's take moon veil right moon veil is a really good example nobody has the stats to start using that at start of game it requires 12 strength 18 decks and 23 intelligence nobody has the stats to do it right but if you do this you get just enough to put it on and start using it right in hour one okay and that's why that's why that trick has become so popular at the very beginning to get to level 35 because it makes it so i want to use the tree knight halberd i want to use the moon veil katana i want to use this blood
Starting point is 00:59:04 you know whatever but i can't because it's minimum requirements are too high okay the other one is i want to break this shit super hard or in a position where i'm at where i'm level i started at a level 115 and i'm killing and i'm killing bosses that give me one tenth of a level up because i explored everywhere and i'm like but i want to get faith up to 45 i want to get this up to the so then you do that and now i now my character is done i can go beat the second half of the game with a what i'm going to refer to as a complete character uh when you use weapon arts that are like a projectile for example like the one that say it like holy drive right yeah there's a lot of really good projectile weapon arts yeah so those things when you're on your last swing
Starting point is 01:00:06 of your fp it goes away but if you're doing stuff that is like a particular attack let's say the backflip with the blood blade um yeah it still does it yeah it'll lose it's it'll lose its special properties okay so that's what i was going to say right so the the the flip that you're you're dealing with with the the bloodhound sword it has special properties i think it has like fancy invincibility and extra bleed on it that goes away uh that that goes away but the actual movement retains okay just want to confirm because i'm like yeah i would imagine you lose something right so i'm at i'm about uh 88 hours in and i'm at 80 hours on stream ish and i feel confident that i have hit the halfway mark
Starting point is 01:00:59 and with scraping yeah and then i but i still miss stuff i was talking to somebody the other day and i'm like oh they're like man freeze is so busted like that's weird i never found anything that did freeze and they're like what are you talking about this lake right next to this building that you were in all the time there's a little scarab that drops a freeze move called whore frost stomp that can go on any weapon and just does gigantic freeze procs that you can use to cheese all sorts of bullshit so i also i'm getting the vibe that um like ashes are the uh the fucking assassins creed two feathers of this game right they're everywhere everywhere a lot of them are really good like just nonsense things you encounter footsteps on the beach you know footsteps on the
Starting point is 01:01:54 beach uh uh the scarabs unique enemies yeah just wildly just they're they're littered throughout the fucking game it feels like so far um those are your those are your those are your collectibles if you would uh but uh it's one of those things where i'm like okay test looks cool probably going back to the one i like though you know yeah there's a there's a there's a lot of good weapons in the game like it has it has the most amount of oh dude i want to use that in a different run weapons of any of these games i've ever played have you been using the i'm gonna call it while rising attacks because that's what they are like tech ed while rising light while rising heavy from crouch um those attacks were not properly balanced so uh i had a great sword for a while that i was
Starting point is 01:02:55 using he was using a big faith great sword and uh you probably realized that what you can do is click in on the left stick and immediately hit r1 and you will do uh the while rising attack yeah yeah um and on ultra great swords that's a stab to the absolute maximum length of the weapon and it's really fast and because you're using an ultra great sword it does stagger so on certain human type enemies i was able to for 40 seconds just completely stun lock stun lock by just poking them in the in the in the dick over and over and over okay okay um there's a just whatever you're doing yeah yeah there's a way to do it really good i mean i just the fact that i put on two daggers and two i put on two of the of weapon types and i'm just like oh right power dancing is free
Starting point is 01:03:58 it's just yeah just have to have two and they're yours and now do a jumping or or running yeah jumping l1 double slow yeah l1 double slash you're like damn hey man you want you want to do some shit put a second bleed weapon on your left hand just i thought i thought a guy i thought a guy in pvp that um had double reduvias the fucking the blood dagger i was gonna say the blood dagger that i got yeah yeah yeah um and i went near him and i swung and i just exploded uh shit i just blew up and i can you hold on a second can you like i ran double scythe i ran double holy scythe for 10 hours and it was awesome it works really well can you coat uh with while you're dual wielding like by just like pulling up your quick venue
Starting point is 01:05:03 will that work uh yeah 100 yeah i guess you put it on your quick item bar yeah okay the other game also uh you know the you know the faith spells that would like my lightning my weapons lightning now my weapons blood now yeah it's fire now uh those require like shit for investment you need 12 faith to do those and i think that you you said you were using the magic one what do you need like 12 intelligence uh the uh wait wait to do to mad to do magic sword basically oh yes it was like no i think it was like it's 14 or so like it's like nothing yeah and which means that if you're running like even a strength build yeah put just a little little tiny point to get the fucking buff and here's what's fucking sick right swing swing swing all my stamina is gone
Starting point is 01:05:56 fp swing costs no stamina so on it depends depends okay so the one i'm using that i got from the sorcery trainer every time you do the the the glit blade it doesn't have a stamina cost okay that's good so every when i'm depleted you just go more like back the fuck up extra damage in if you want to edge it out you know that is awesome you want to hear something really good okay so summon swords is in the game what used to be homing crystal soul mass is now some of the floating swords yeah there's two versions there's the spell version which is kind of bad and then there's the one you can put on your weapon oh the weapon becomes the focus and that thing is so busted because it does each of the swords does like as much posture damage
Starting point is 01:06:53 as like an r2 okay okay so i used the unupgraded version of it and i went and tested out on the trolls and two casts knocks the trolls on their face damn okay but then but then you use the item you use the item that decreases the amount of fp your weapon arts takes 25 percent okay then you get the item that gives you fp back on crit so then you toss out summon swords and it puts somebody into a posture break and then you stab them and then you get it back yeah okay okay yeah honestly i i it's really fun that like there's alternate versions of spells essentially like you can do the non-int requiring version of an ability if you if you have ashes like that's a really fun way to play through the game if you don't oh yes you know if
Starting point is 01:07:56 you're not playing in cast tons of cool shit that's really dope um you you've i've also found like you get what's called a a wet blade i think you get one at the very beginning that lets you put ashes of war on but you start to get you start to get more of those and so you get to the point where uh you you put on an ash and you get to choose i want keen heavy quality sacred blood poison fire lightning ice etc so even within the same move you can pick depending and what i found is that like i rose i was fighting something i forget what it was but uh oh it's the ulcerated tree spirit and my weapon did holy damage which sucks because that's the native power of the ulcerated tree spirit which is why switch to bleed but every now and then you'll run into like oh this one's
Starting point is 01:08:51 really strong against frost that's fine just move it to fucking fire like that put it back in and change it yeah okay and then afterwards put it back to freeze um like it's it's so like there's a couple things i'd like to see buffed and maybe one or two things i'd like to see nerfed like there's a there's a there's a build right now out there that you do petrification status on people by being physically close to them okay and so you literally just roll at them and they explode and die that could use a nerf yeah i also saw like i might just become darth mal for a minute um picked up a twin blade video picked up a twin blade and then like i'm spinning it around and then yeah there's a little thing of like oh by the way you can just make that a lightsaber
Starting point is 01:09:44 like oh shit yeah maybe you do that yeah yeah yeah so no fun options fun options are are possible um yeah yeah i'm it's you know i don't know if you saw on the social media but uh there was this thread that people have been passing around where the user experience designer of battlefield and the quest designer for horizon well that was on the docket but sure okay but they're getting real salty yeah about all this being success it's really embarrassing and unprofessional and it here's the thing like it's not their fault that horizons timing was terrible and that the twice the studio fucks them over or rather the publishers fucking them over with this horrible release timing it's not their fault but this is the wrong reaction yeah and especially like let's
Starting point is 01:10:45 take the quest designer in particular it's like the biggest problem here is that horizon came out twice now immediately followed by games that went the open world formula is really stale and it's a checklist and it's boring what if they're what if the open world part of it was actually just go do fucking whatever man hmm what if it was that and turns out people like that now they they there wasn't uh a giant like multi-part thread where they broke down the the grievances but but it was just a bit of a bit of a snipe from the side you know and it's like it will take your word for it but not really because we probably know what's going on between the relationship of these two games and furthermore of course is your ubi presents elden ring screenshot
Starting point is 01:11:45 where there's a bunch of other shit in there um which you know to be fair uh uh some people have said like it hasn't been like this in a long time you know um except if you look at a photo of horizon actually looks just like that is that what's going on okay yeah that that's that's one of the reason that that popped up and it's like the the comparison between horizon and uh elden ring in particular is really interesting because it's a focus of where like resources went so i don't i don't know if i brought this example up to you or i was talking to page but if stop me if you've heard it before in horizon i thought it was genuinely interesting that when i went and did a side quest i got a side quest from a guy and it was uniquely voice acted the part where she
Starting point is 01:12:34 reminds herself what to do afterwards you go near a cave and she reminds you hey oh that's the cave and then you go back to town like oh i should turn that thing in yeah and that's from like a far away perspective that's cool i like i like that but just don't keep don't keep playing it over and over and over it like but at the same time it's like i'm so sick of characters that won't shut their fucking mouth right right right i understand you got a professional voice actor and you you spent all this time on all these cutscenes for every single fucking thing in the whole game and that's cool but i'm just letting you know that i don't actually give a fucking shit about any of that stuff now as someone who hasn't played uncharted i missed out on what seems to be
Starting point is 01:13:18 the largest examples of this is what i oh boy did you yeah well you played last of us one right yeah okay imagine if ellie didn't exist but there was still the same amount of dialogue right just to yourself yeah exactly right that that's the average open world characters uh thing and it's like i would rather like two extra dungeons with the amount of time that you you spent talking to look at monster hunter look how look how stupid and pointless the story in monster hunter is and how little anyone gives a goddamn shit and what a waste of time it is do you know what i need monster hunter i need a text crawl that says that i'm gonna go kill a teagrex because it's keeping some dude's wife up at night when it's screaming two towns over and that's why the dude needs its
Starting point is 01:14:04 skull i need the barest minimum context possible to go fight a teagrex yeah hey man why am i why are you gonna go into that nightmare poison pit fucking swamp shithole i don't know maybe there's something cool in it that's good enough i do feel that this war of like eastern and western game design philosophies has been always and it's been in the background for at least three generations now um and like admittedly uh some in-office conversations with like dabs programmers and people that like do this stuff can get very fart sniffing they can get very high and mighty oh please tell me more i mean just there is tell me what it smells like basically like there are times when uh let's just say um me and or friends of mine
Starting point is 01:15:13 might have been playing certain japanese games at lunchtime and certain you know like programmers devs and such would walk over and kind of openly criticize what they think is some bad design decisions or like confusing implementation of things um but for some reason we were all loving it and it was really cool and interesting and um and it's one of these things where like in this particular case like the person then that was criticizing and like having this this this talking shit about like the design was then later on on their own booting the game up in the cafeteria to look more at what this game was doing and kind of figure it out and was like oh okay and kind of like you know uh uh quote unquote got caught going back to look at it and
Starting point is 01:16:05 and and whatever but either way the the the main thing is that this this this this kind of little philosophy war that happens between the the schools of thought is often decided when you see how the games sell right like at the end of the day there's something that says like there's well there's just a thing of like okay but something is clearly landing um with a game that is telling you a little bit less here and people are still enjoying it and they're still willing to go all in on this you know like maybe it's not as big of a deal as you think it is and it's not to say that it like these features are not always helpful but to die on the hill that says you must include these things and anything that doesn't include it is just doing a bad job of of yeah
Starting point is 01:16:53 communicating their game properly to their audience is like well um it it I don't think the success of these games has proven that to be the case there's a there's two ways to look at this the first way is um there was like a five-year period during the height of Japanese games are just bad and from like the early tens that I kept seeing this fucking um this fucking design maxim trotted out and it made me fucking bug-eyed where you'd see articles being written like why does this game still have boss fights by boss fights are just old-fashioned bad design there's no reason to have them in your game etc and just like bug-eyed like what are you talking about oh it's because uncharted it has terrible boss fights like that that's literally what it is um
Starting point is 01:17:52 but the second one is I don't know if you saw Gene was talking about it on on twitter but he made a fantastic point that'd be Gene Park from Wapo but he basically says to look at Elden Ring as this is a misquote paraphrase so go check out his twitter he's cool anyway um but looking at design as like the perfection of the ultimate perfect design formula is like a terrible idea and to use he said that if Elden Ring had been shown off right now and the Souls series didn't exist it would have been panned by every focus group you could throw it at it would be not picked up just like Demon Souls was Demon Souls like Yoshida fucking was like this shit's trash we don't want to publish it the fucking that owned from software was like fucking whatever Miyazaki just
Starting point is 01:18:48 do whatever with this crap sucks and it was only because a couple people over at Atlas were like no no there's something here and then that year at one game spots game of the year but was still widely reviled by everyone including me I fucking hated Demon Souls for like eight months because it was fucking stupid and awful and had all this bullshit in it but underneath all that stupid shit there was this unique thing that only it has and now we're all the way over here yeah like so the game that was uh being shit on uh in the calf that one time just happened to be a little something called vanquish yeah yeah I remember the story yeah you know what I mean oh vanquish ah that game's trash uh whatever just so that's exactly it is yeah there's just a very easily
Starting point is 01:19:45 completely misunderstood thing you know and then that might lead to um some anger frustration or just some lash outs that was when it's like why do people like this what is it that was I that wasn't just your workplace story there was a lot of people that I saw be like this vanquish game is is bad because this and it's like it feels the best of any shooter in like 15 years I mean so this and it always just goes back to the god hand story right it always just goes back oh yeah no just teleport back in time go read that fucking review and then go read my oh dude the god hand i g n review being 3.0 and just lambasting the whole thing is one thing but then the editor's note that describes how everyone in the office hated it and they all thought it was the worst game ever
Starting point is 01:20:40 and it's like that's just the cherry on top like oh no one in your whole office at the time had any taste at all yeah so it just your it is true that like in a world that didn't have a build-up of prior from soft recent titles to to prepare for Elden Ring and what it is it would have absolutely been panned for these decisions um but I don't I just think that like if you're coming at your designs and going and thinking that like every game should have these things and it's a must it's like coming at film saying every film must include these types of devices the types of scores this type of direction and editing it's like have you have you seen the state of film criticism on social media because it's exactly like that it's and that's it's so ridiculous so awful it's
Starting point is 01:21:32 so awful every time I see people talking about a movie and then they say how it should be more like some fucking Marvel movie I forgot I saw I want to fucking die so I just feel that like we're we're just looking at the next fucking step in this dumb idea war you know of these design philosophies and and in this particular case it's how to take a crack at an open world game you know I think I think my favorite part of this whole thing is that because of Elden Ring's super popularity right um there are people that have completely dodged the entirety of From Software's output forever yes this is the first time for sure and just seeing those people just hit it like a brick wall like why isn't this like a regular fucking video game
Starting point is 01:22:29 is fascinating to me I am though seeing to be to be fair like that like it's a it's a hilarious thing whenever you get that response like like what the fuck am I even looking at and it's like okay it's almost like that you know remember the guy that like looks at DMC five for the first time where she's like yeah right got it hype train everyone's excited for this new thing you don't know what it is let's jump in here I don't know what I'm looking at there now I hate it and the rest is just is history um there is absolutely also people that are jumping in for the first time that are going like I'm I haven't come up for air in 80 hours now right I didn't know what the fuck this was but everyone was on it and I'm I can't put it down so it is going positively as well
Starting point is 01:23:17 for people who are hard jumping into their first from soft game and like fucking getting hyper immersed in this one yeah it's it's it's just it's this fascinating thing where it's like there's the there's the oh I can't believe this thing it's not fair which is you know it's fun to watch from a distance but it's not what I'm talking about it's people who normal ass people that are playing it and they'll talk to an NPC and the NPC will tell them to go they will there's a lot of NPCs that will literally say the phrase like go find this person and that's it that's the whole thing in some cases they'll mention like countries you haven't heard of and you just like what is what do you mean where is it well how do I know that why where tell me anything no
Starting point is 01:24:12 so um another game that I haven't played but sounds like there's comparable elements here and I'm curious to see because it's considered successful is um red dead right you you big open world lots of side quests lots of main quests might be the that might be that might be the worst comparison you have ever made in your entire life okay so I don't know enough about red dead that's fine I don't know this is why I'm asking it right but I was because what made me think of it is here's what made me think of it was like starting out the game I don't know how soon you get a horse uh-huh in red dead you get a horse like in the introductory cutscene okay um so does anything in that game have any moments kind of like what you described where you meet an NPC
Starting point is 01:25:13 and then they kind of tell you to go to a town or something like that and um you kind of have to wander into it or is it really guided towards these things because again I'm asking I don't know I haven't played it when you're when you're wandering around you can happen upon things in red dead but the instant that a person or a human or anything occurs to you the game will point you towards it mark it and then if you go there and try and do it in the way that the designer didn't design the quest to happen you will autofill it interesting okay and red red dead is the most restrictive game I have ever played and if you are cool with playing the part of Arthur Morgan as an actor in this video game I can understand why people would love it okay but I was constantly
Starting point is 01:26:12 like incensed every time I would go to look around a corner in the wrong direction or maybe I can run away from them here like the game would autofill like right away like so wandering playing the part of an actor in red dead 2 okay because I'm thinking about hearing stories of people talking about wandering through the brush and coming across some bandits who've put a woman on the train tracks or whatever yeah I know that happens they have some randomized events that that will occur and there's a good deal of them but they're just resembling other games open world like trigger events that you wander into yeah but most of this is a hyperscripted linear thing it's it's there's a there's a youtuber called nakey jakey that put out a video so he's a cool looking guy he
Starting point is 01:27:02 sits on a yoga ball uh he put out a great video where he just described him going through a sequence of quests and how he uh hopped on a bunch of roofs and figured out a different way into an area and got to a door and it wouldn't open because he what he had to do was go to the street and talk to a guy and walk with them and talk with them and then they would open the door and it's like you you you must do it in the exact way every time okay okay and it is it is one of the open world games that like I quit in frustration because I felt like I wasn't getting to actually play the game ever so that's still interesting to the comparison because like that's a huge popular successful rock star game that oh absolutely is that was like a lot of people picked up and loved
Starting point is 01:27:53 um but the ability but the fact that it had those shackles on you was not really I guess widely uh an issue to I would suppose a casual audience right well the it depends it depends on what you're looking for and the weirdest thing is that uh because red dead comes from the gta series right it's the same dna and red dead has two games in it the open world game in which you ride around hunt things do do uh you know shoot cops uh fucking upgrade your character find stuff out there have random events happen that's one game and that game is really cool and then there's the other game where you talk to a character and it is a playable movie like that you know they they want to make cinematic games well the way that they have done their cinematic game is that it
Starting point is 01:28:50 is a film that you play a part in okay okay and when somebody tells you to do something you must do it or else it will fail interesting because that's that's just not the it's not the way people talk about it you know and that and that just goes to show you how my perception from the outside was that this was a similar sense of you can wander and discover things and that's why people are enjoying it it I never took it to be as linear as you're describing that's that's fascinating because like the reason why a lot of people are fine with that is because the story is really interesting and it's it's like extremely well acted and the writing is pretty good it's a cool cowboy story and when you're doing that stuff and you're synced into it it's a really cool cowboy
Starting point is 01:29:36 story but if you want to like it basically your your your enjoyment of that is going to like hinge entirely on whether or not you want to go look over there in this particular moment if you do you're going to hit a wall it might as well be an invisible wall right if you don't if you are into playing the part oh it's going to be great the story is going to be great you're going to have all these cool moments because you're following the developer intention um I constantly constantly just put it into that wall almost every mission drove me crazy drove me fucking nuts um and if red dead redemption two was a linear game with a series of missions that you did in a linear area I would probably adore that game if if if red dead redemption two
Starting point is 01:30:35 was max pain I would love that game and I think the story is great and I think that the shooting is just fine enough for what it's doing and it looks great etc but it's also combined with a wide open world in which the devs say go anywhere do anything but you in fact don't and can't right it's it's it's it's two games and I really like one of them and I really dislike the other and I wish they were separate where when you look at uh when you look at um Elden Ring for example it is also two games um it is an open world game that it feels a lot like Demon Souls or Dark Souls and if you you haven't done these yet you haven't done Stormvale or Lucaria the legacy the legacy dungeons when you go there it is not an open world game that feels like Dark Souls it just
Starting point is 01:31:38 becomes Dark Souls it is at like Stormvale and Lucaria that I've done so far and what I'm going to assume is the capital are just big-ass Dark Souls levels and then it changes into that yeah just leave if you want and whereas what you're describing also applies to the GTA format right where there's the open world and yeah walking up to the next quest marker there's so there's a yeah and there's a reason why a lot like for me uh the the Grand Theft Auto series like best game is still San Andreas because uh you would get like it was still a little scripted but it was like escape or kill the sky and you could just do whatever to actually do that and then with GTA 4 when the graphics got really good they were like no no no uh get in the car
Starting point is 01:32:34 and then talk with Brucey and then uh you'll you'll drive to the spot and you wait there and then the guy'll come out and you'll do a drive-by and it's like the hanging out with Brucey in GTA 4 if anybody even remembers that character fucking rules that guy is alpha but like I had way more fun parking my car in GTA 3 and then hopping over a fence and skipping a level and shooting a boss in the back of the head and just doing it yourself then I then I did going through these lavishly produced uh fucking story missions okay okay interest yeah okay so and Elden Ring feels like a whole game made out of that right like people a did you beat it yeah how'd you beat it well I I I clipped my head through the wall and shot him in the ass for 40 times and he got poisoned
Starting point is 01:33:27 and then he died sick good job right excellent right which also reminds me of the of like almost like Fallout 2 things that are stories that I hate type of shit I think the only I think the only thing I've seen in Elden Ring right now in terms of a wins a win that actually needs to go for real there's a boss near the end of the game that you can figure out how to climb into his arena without going through the door and his AI just doesn't turn on he just doesn't turn on okay and I'm like okay that might be a little much guys that's a bit extreme arrows through the fog gate okay yeah you just walk up to him and he just stands there he just do anything yeah no I I feel that um you know whatever the like what you're describing is as like a thing
Starting point is 01:34:20 that like uh whatever people are getting like a steady diet of I suppose you just get used to it so if you're getting a steady diet of like you know these overdone old Ubi Ubi formula things at a certain point I mean I know I got tired but like that it's not gonna hamper the success of one of these games and I would go out so many of those and I would go as far as to say that like like if horizon didn't have an elden ring in its way it would make a huge difference in in that like success like like definitely like genuinely the of I have played almost all of those types of games because I really like wandering around a big location I absolutely love wandering around a big place and finding things and in that context to this day after going through almost all of them
Starting point is 01:35:22 the two best ones to come out that follow that formula since um Assassin's Creed one let's say which was the the beginning of the towers is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood because it's the first really genuinely super incredible Assassin's Creed game and then goes to Tsushima all those years later because you pick a point on the map and the wind points you in the direction so you don't have to check the fucking map again right like that one feature puts Tsushima over the whole thing oh and Spider-Man because swinging by itself is incredible but yeah swinging is the best yeah but like like out of all of them there've been like 40 that have come out like movement feels really good you get to not have to look at the map so much
Starting point is 01:36:22 and then Zelda because you could do whatever and now there's this and it's like god please god lord make it more fun to explore the actual location the climb the tower and see the shit and go to the shit and play a fucking side quest that is a type of side quest that will repeat itself it i'm fucking so tired i'm so tired of it and also once you stop moving and you get to the location i mean in this case when you in Elden Ring you get to the location and you stop and now you're you're still playing a souls game like it's the weapon choices to build the combat everything you're doing is you got all that cool shit you know Breath of the Wild you get to the location and you're playing Zelda you know like the thing needs to like the basis of
Starting point is 01:37:17 what you're doing as well and how you're fighting in the combat and all that it needs to be built on ingredients that are fucking proven yeah we had Breath of the Wild five years ago five i want to say but we had Breath of the Wild many years ago and it said no you don't have to make games like this you can make them like this right and everyone went wow cool and then nobody changed how they made games at all and now Elden Ring is the design sequel to Breath of the Wild it's the only the first one and they went oh look you can make games like this and hopefully some games will make their areas more interesting to move in or the way you move to get to them something mm-hmm okay anything else of note the fucking no
Starting point is 01:38:21 woolly i i okay here's a really good example of the hold that Elden Ring has on my heart when i was streaming on Friday night i this was day eight of streaming nine plus hours and i got to about hour six and i started to do that thing where i was like hey i have go castle bad bad poison and like brain up the brain brain was bad words no good neurotransmitters used up mm-hmm right okay maybe don't stream saturday i gonna call like yeah get coin exactly thank you bad buddy jones um all right and i like okay i need to turn this off i need to stop streaming i need to relax you know it would be a really good way to relax i'm gonna start up a samurai and see how fast i can break market in under two hours and the answer is pretty
Starting point is 01:39:25 hard and that was me that was the way to relax from streaming Elden Ring was to chill out and play Elden Ring mm-hmm that's where it's at all right um pretty good game pretty good game there you go that's another uh uh uh all-encompasser that's a that's a good game at this point honestly uh like well we're gonna talk about it next week but all i want to hear is you tell me about the shit that you found sure yeah that's that's all i want i i feel like this is gonna be a big week uh because i've i've set up all of the like discovery zones and then now you can bang out like 10 caves exactly that's what i'm excited to do is to just teleport to the start and just hit them up one by one you know those caves get way better once you get out of limb grave okay
Starting point is 01:40:31 so in limb grave they pretty much usually have one floor and whether or not you go up and down a staircase like there's still only one like horizontal plane the instant you leave limb grave you're getting caves that are like four floors deep you're getting catacombs that loop back on each itself or you have to do bullshit around their elevators to progress like they become a lot more complex also hello kitty cat kitty cat i mean you just you know how like that that um the the the tree uh the ulcerated tree is like you hit it and you go uh maybe but nah let me come back in a little bit um the fucking double tutorial eight arms whatever fang like that is the hardest nope i've encountered so far all right let me let me all right let me
Starting point is 01:41:24 tell you something let me tell you something about that room because i think i have a strat down and that strat involves not just not even fighting them all right hold on hold on hold on let me tell you something about that room okay because that room represented three hours of my life off camera all right those are grafted scions okay they come down and they fucking sandwich you in there and there's a cool item that got it yeah got it i'm just talking about the kill so the only way i was able to fight it the only way was to uh drag them back into the fire trap oh my god and the fire trap will do like maybe one fifth of their health oh my god wait wait but wait not the whole thing no no no no no no no no no so you have to you have to clear out the
Starting point is 01:42:15 enemies then you have to drag just one of them back to the fire trap now you have to dodge all their bullshit and wait for the fire trap to hit them four more times while also not yourself getting in the way of the fire trap okay and then you do that to both of them and you will know what you get you get nothing nothing you get nothing okay they are there to scare you and have you go into the pit to get to a new area don't fight them don't bother okay they are worthless you don't even get that many souls you get like two thousand oh man okay okay because i was i put a i put some time in and i was getting it down to a point where it's like all right if we dance around the wall and don't walk too close to the pit we won't aggro both
Starting point is 01:43:16 because if you aggro both it's over so you aggro one you key and you keep your back to the wall and then you only swing after the slam and then maybe we'll get this done yeah no what you do is you go down to the pit and then the pit leads you to an elevator which puts you to that that outcropping halfway down the the slope christ right you fight an enemy there he gives you an item and then you take a bow out and you actually look at the roof you look at the roof of the path the chariot goes and there's magic pots and if you shoot the rope on the magic pot with good timing the magic pot will fall and destroy the chariot and then the chariot will be destroyed for the remainder of your runs this was like a whole afternoon of my life after i
Starting point is 01:44:03 fucking killed those guys okay so i got knocked down in the pit and died but i didn't actually there's a there's a part of the pit i saw into i saw there was not yeah i saw there was oh and you get a faith great bow for doing that but i'd never actually like jesus fucking christ man that's the shortcut by the way the shortcut is falling down that pit and then destroying the chariot so then you don't have to worry about the chariot and then turns out if you run all the way down and don't take the the first right take the first right uh with the the archer in it you don't take fall damage off that so you can just sprint down jump off sprint that's what that's my way down oh yeah that's my way down is you're not taking the fall damage but then off the pit past the two
Starting point is 01:44:52 goblins oh my god oh Jesus christ fucking hell this game okay all right all right this is just one hole in the ground at this tutorial level area yeah i think i think my favorite i think my favorite what are you talking about is i was talking to page and she beat storm veil she beat it right she's like i she got godric and she did it and i'm like oh you explored all of storm veil right she's like yeah and i'm like did you find the giant face in the basement and she went no and then i had to show her that there's a jumping puzzle in in one fucking area to get to a fuck to the basement of storm veil god all right uh bathroom yeah i'm looking at people in the chat going to what yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:45:49 yeah no no exactly no clearly clearly uh well fucking a i thought i was done with that little hole all right nothing huh fucking Jesus yeah i'm totally worthless okay let's take a quick break i gotta i gotta use the washroom same all right let's see in a sec okay uh okay wait a second there's something else i need to tell you about elton ring proceed did you know that enemies take different damage from spells depending on if it's raining or if they're standing in water no lightning damage does more damage when it's raining but fire damage just way less because it's raining i just i i heard about the the um the firefly
Starting point is 01:46:47 night when the earth trees glowing petals are around or whatever and that you get more more souls yeah also if enemies are standing in water hitting them with lightning does an aoe on the ground because the water yeah it's water yeah does frost interact with water i don't know it should but they would they you know get more stiff yeah i don't know i haven't used much frost i'm gonna i'm gonna say yes i'm just gonna say yes oh elton that's how you beat that fucking boss god damn it there's a there's a double boss that you fight in a water arena that is just super strong and it's immune to bleed and it's immune
Starting point is 01:47:51 to poison and it's immune to rot and i'm like they're standing in water you freeze them you freeze them there you go oh this is that i actually have a tip for you about the way uh like arts of war work is really important if you have freeze on your weapon or you have fire on your weapon through the weapon art the weapon damage on the art is not going to scale with your stats it's going to scale with the weapon upgrade oh what so if you have yeah so if you have a claymore let's say claymore regular claymore and you put the freeze move on it but you you you keep it like a regular claymore and you don't have any points in intelligence which is the freeze stat as long as you upgrade the god damn weapon it's still going to scale its freeze damage along with it so it means you
Starting point is 01:48:50 can get it means you can get like like 10 damage types to super high damage that are contradictory to your existing build does that apply to um the base ability that it has and whatever ash you put into it no it only applies to the move that the ash does okay like the scaling damage on the weapons hits that will take your stats in an account but the move that it does so the blood move doesn't check your arcane stat the lightning moves don't check your faith stat ice moves don't check it checks how upgraded the weapon is yeah which means that you could be going faith like i am and put a god damn ice thing on your sword and it will do crazy bullshit but the sword that you didn't put an ash into that automatically has a special ability that will rely on the stat okay yeah
Starting point is 01:49:53 interesting uh okay well i mean shit yeah i will the clearly that can there's always another thing um it's the colombo effect but one more thing just one just one more thing just one more thing how did you know about the stab wound when the body was faced down just just it you know just to get it off my my uh musta musta turned it over well you see that couldn't be possible because the body was never moved over the quarter i love colombo i'm glad colombo is having a resurgence i used to watch colombo when i was a kid with my dad i i love that's great i've i've uh i've dubbed it because because in when i was finishing off uh everhood um every time a finale would happen then another finale would start i would i'd call it the colombo effect because the game is literally
Starting point is 01:50:48 just going ah just just one more thing you know and like one on one felt that way mm-hmm where that game has five endings and and it is interesting because like a lot of people did have some very interesting crit uh uh discussions on the i'm going to say the everhood cast episode that we did where is essentially just like the second to last episode of the LP where me and Reggie just sat down and talked talked it all through a lot of people gave their like multi paragraph takes on things and it was it was interesting to read through people's interpretations but um the the thing with that that the colombo effect in this game is that like it was treating characters as if you had fallen in love with them over the course of like five games
Starting point is 01:51:36 and this was your final goodbye when really it was kind of just that one guy who changes his name every time you talk to him for laws you know you mean you mean like there there's something like that going on in Elden Ring where the game actually wants you to seemingly care about millennia and it's like i play for 88 hours i think i've talked to her twice and i don't give a fuck about her the read on it is really weird when it's like it's you're having really you know emotionally driven constant like you know finale after finale when you're like well but i only spent x amount of time with you having two or three pretty meaningless npc conversations you know um not millennia you got the thing wrong which therefore proves the point
Starting point is 01:52:31 right sorry proves the point not millennia listen i've i have tried my best to learn godwin godric godfrey radon radovin rani rana ranala millennia michella mogwin uh all right you're millennia innocent enough man jesus rodarica is in there um rigatoni that's um anyway yeah so so it had that weird feeling and like another person was guessing that it was like after working on the game for so long it could just be like the creators saying their goodbyes to these characters i don't know about that you know because it almost sounds like but it's not to see how much blue dick to undertale skeleton pornography there is and they're like oh the people who
Starting point is 01:53:39 play these games are freaks they're gonna love these characters well it but it just if the person if the if they were having the goodbye that they were feeling themselves after spending all this time making it and such then that would explain why it was like so like drawn out in this way but it just it's not it's another example of like well yeah but the player might not be there with you so you shouldn't assume that they are you know um anyway anyway uh the colombo effect is uh is i'm glad i'm glad that's on point i love you colombo um i did actually play a couple other things though we played a little bit of ff6 got a little bit further um a train was in fact suplexed yeah and apparently uh regi told me that when they first released it
Starting point is 01:54:34 they they fucked up and had it so that um the suplexing did not invert the enemy and they had to patch it in it it has to dude like it's crazy sabin has been legendary for decades because you suplex that whole train so good can't even imagine what he's actually doing off camera to the train to flip it like that so uh that was pretty dope and then i got to the belt and god damn what a fucking bagger uh that plays alongside your your hunting through the bush and uh yeah i basically just spent the last little bit um trying to teach gao those moves because um what a fucking interesting archetype in that i guess now i understand like what the blue mage type is is like about you know because um beyond this i think my
Starting point is 01:55:46 only other experience with it would have been like kimari okay yeah but like the the entirely enemy skill based character i'm an enemy skill materia and you don't control me at all yeah um i mean vincent gives you a a tinge of that but it's not really the same because he has no that that game system doesn't account for it but like yeah queena does it but i mean i don't think you played nine no but um yeah what a what an interesting weird thing where it's just like okay pick what enemy you want to have on the battlefield with you and then pick wisely and then you have no control hope it works out you know um yeah but uh we're but like yeah it's fucking it's it's great it's excellent and the discrepancy between the sprite art and getting a glimpse at a mono and what
Starting point is 01:56:41 his interpretation was is the wildest it's always pretty funny it's always really funny yeah so um very cool i'm gonna i'm gonna go just take a quick peek at at the city to see what they finalized in terms of like the interpretations on some of these things but yeah it's really interesting because they go for the imano art on all the default costumes and then the alternates are their alternate color schemes so like terra is is like blonde and mostly red and pink but then you get like the the much darker red and the green hair the green hair alternate okay or sorry i mean tina bradford what that's her name
Starting point is 01:57:26 tara brandford is originally tina bradford what does originally mean in japan in japan that character's name is tina really yep that's a really drastic change yeah because in japan tina bradford sounds like like like interesting and foreign but then wozzy sorry wozly how do i say it whatever the guy who translated was like ah that's like a normal name because terra is like earth implications yep get out of that box
Starting point is 01:58:17 wow okay it did that did everybody get a name change i don't think so because she's she's the one that just that jumps out at me super hard because reggie was also pointing out that um cyan had a completely different thing going on where he wasn't listed as a samurai and his moveset had a completely different um they all had different names as well also you didn't pick them he just had one bar and you had to wait and time it out wait what is it now you just pick which of the three abilities you want him to do what that's crazy that's totally different
Starting point is 01:59:06 yeah you used to just click it and then you'd have to wait but you know about barts right no okay the final fancy five main character barts his name is butz butz what were they going for without knowing what were they actually intending there butz okay because there's always there's always a thing that's like oh what they wanted was a reference to this thing or the there was a movie or you know what i mean there's always like something where like oh yeah someone heard a name in a movie somewhere and they were a fan
Starting point is 01:59:56 of this thing and so they were going for that you know no well you know guts his name is actually gatsu yes but then the other thing but so step one is gatsu and then step two is here's this real dude that existed whose name was uh got whatever gots got sue with the oh i think it was but like the wikipedia article to some kind of old badass that had that that existed and like then that becomes the new i mean well what do you want from me erith's original name is a fucking ploy on earth spoken through a japanese exit yes exactly so what i'm so that's what i'm wondering is like what was butz going for well okay i'll tell you i do know what the reason was so originally butz was named after the aotans got it okay okay gotz von berlik berlikingen
Starting point is 02:01:02 yeah i don't know if there's any truth behind it but a bunch of people started share that link around that's like i've i've seen a lot of stupid translations crap in my life i still like giggle at the absolute fucking stupid shit show with the attack on aotans and all that crap oh god the smugness oh i loved it it's so stupid yeah that's the dumbest that's the worst one and then they're then the maga's like also this one is the attack titan that's why the name of the thing is this it the exact that i love i love that i love it that is my favorite thing that is absolutely my favorite thing the shingeki no kyojin um so so a couple other things yes so ff6 is going good um and then uh yeah i just took a quick detour
Starting point is 02:02:11 and um played a little bit of lab coat 21 to see what was going on and that's that's a fun character that's pretty cool that game is still cool uh sure hope it gets what it needs in the form of a uh spec oh god a rollback edition that includes all of the the dlc lab coat 21 that was a game dragon ball fighters dragon ball i thought that was a game like because you you when you you talk about fighting games there's so many fucking stupid stupid names that come up like lab coat 21 what the fuck is that a bunch of scientists oh no it's the dragon ball okay yeah it's android 21 brackets lab coat is the name of the character so uh yes anyway so give it give it the game give it its rollback edition that includes all the dlc in in a special package and then everyone can be
Starting point is 02:03:07 happy um and then uh yeah went and played the latest marvel mods which have been i guess i'd pop in the fuck off marvel 3 the modding community just going to make going nuts with this thing right now um i described it before but like actually putting a little bit of uh time into dmc 5 virginal is it causes damage with the full move set it actually like it was so hard to just unlearn everything and then try to apply um this move set which in order to be faithful to everything virginal can do in dmc 5 special edition that's a lot of stuff it needs to turn every direction plus a button on the stick into a different thing you know uh and a lot of stuff it's a lot it hurt it kind of hurt um but in exchange i guess they kind of made him like a
Starting point is 02:04:07 bit of a glass cannon because he's got so much shit that he just has to have less life uh and it and like as i was uh popping it in dmc akuma yeah yeah exactly that makes sense honestly and as i was popping it in um they updated it two hours prior so literally even more shit was added to do better summon sword shit and um it it you can watch my brain melt live on stream as i try that um with that episode coming a little bit later too much virginal can be a thing but it was great and they also replaced his music with barry the light so everything's just fucking awesome with the marvel mods excuse me monster hunters is in the game she's swinging that big ass sword around and um she's making fun of you for not even being g-ranked
Starting point is 02:05:02 can we please just get another marvel game that just adds the characters that marvel infinite had into marvel 3 that's what the fans are in the process of doing i know but can we get like a i know yeah and also take out all the marvel characters and replace them with all the capcom characters some of the other marvel games hey guess what the conversation quickly steered towards capcom versus cap i will i'll say it every time every time um yeah so that stuff's coming up check out the woolly versus uh youtube channel and on twitch where you can catch more episodes of elden ring um which i'm putting up in one and a half to two hour parts and so far it's keeping pace with our stream um i don't know if it's it i i'm i hope it's not too much but
Starting point is 02:05:55 it's the only way forward if you do think it's if it's fine let me know if it's too much let me know but um yeah this is obviously just the most of a thing that we've anyway i'm like there there's probably there's a there's such there could be such a thing as like too many hours of content coming out for and people to reasonably keep up with but you know what can you do it's uh it's the nature of the game how hard do you want that part number to get is the real question i don't i don't care if it goes above 99 but i'm trying to avoid it being well so ridiculous the part numbers are the sorry the parts are like how long right now one and a half to two hours per part okay you you you probably won't hit 99 at that rate
Starting point is 02:06:49 but if you put it up in the regular chunks you would easily sail past it combined with off-screen i think together it'll it'll we're going to get a normal part number i think we're going to get a normal part number um because i'm like anyway this is the most like aggressive um this is the most aggressive we've been with like part sizes combined with uh the doing stuff doing homework you know hey look at that guys this is a this the last thing i'll say about elden ring today which is by the way a lie uh i was just curious uploaded march 7th anti-cheat toggler this will enable you to bypass the anti-cheat and bypass any game updates for faulting the anti-cheat and just turn the game on without the anti-cheat cool this man that was
Starting point is 02:07:49 fast all right thomas the tank engine replacements can start today i mean of all the games you don't want to be invaded and dropped a corrupt fail save breaking item in so i should mention quote uh uh using the old method blah blah blah it will launch the game using an old copy blah blah blah blah this vert this will not allow you to play online with a modded client okay okay so specifically the anti-cheat work around like forcibly disables the use of online like the actual mod itself okay i'ma just chill on console let it you know it'd be a cool thing to check out if somebody's willing to to download and test this thing while we're talking
Starting point is 02:08:53 whether or not the game's performance massively improves hmm that'd be interesting that'd be interesting um yeah no i'ma just chill on console i fucked around when i when i did the fucking around on a different character on ps4 i did it on the ps4 version on ps5 yeah i'm gonna play that version until the pc version is completely up enough that is a locked 60 in fact i wish you could just choose to play that version on the ps5 as the ps5 game i wish i could transfer my save down yeah me too fucking hell um all right so yeah uh this week on the on the schedule the plan is of course more ff6 more elden ring um get to fighting games on saturday and i'm going to see if i can find a point
Starting point is 02:09:56 this week to check out the curbie demo because there's a curbie demo out and why the fuck really yeah curbie and the forgotten land they put out a demo forgotten land yeah that's the one so uh we'll we'll see we will see um let's take you're gonna get a good mouthful on it i'm gonna get a good mouth i mean i'm seeing all the mock-ups for like what may or may not be like like well i'm seeing i saw stuff that was like is that official mouthful mode like packaging and or switch skin or not i don't know but i don't want a switch skin that makes it look like my switch is partially swallowed i don't i don't enjoy it
Starting point is 02:10:49 like i and it has changed anything that is like anything that used to just be like oh hey cute it's curbie's face and a pink like wrapping paper on something and now you're forced to rethink about what that is that's no longer just a curbie face on a cute thing right when i wear i have a kigurumi that is curbie when i wear that that's no longer just a curbie themed kigu it is my body has been swallowed by curbie like it sucks so what you're saying is that if you like are struggling to get struggling to get the kigurumi on it's like you're being vored by your own personal curbie i am in fact being vored just like oh help oh i can't get the and you can see my body moving inside being horribly swallowed now the real there's only
Starting point is 02:11:40 one i don't know the answer i would assume so but the test is to find one of them and go hey you know how this didn't excite you before does the idea of this suddenly change because this kigu didn't do anything to you for you last time but now that mouthful mode has been introduced and you've mentally recontextualized what you're looking at does that suddenly get you a little more excited about what you're seeing because if so then the answer is yes pat that's the last curbie got to be like this blame kumasaki is that who i should blame that's who you should blame okay let's take a quick word from our sponsors hey let's do that
Starting point is 02:12:46 this week the podcast is brought to you by express vpn i had to actually use this last night because i was trying to watch a video and youtube said no and i was like ha ha fuck you i'ma just press the button and now i am good using the internet uh without express vpn it's like leaving your exposed laptop at a coffee shop while you're rent to the bathroom it's probably fine most of the time but what if one day you come out of the bathroom and your laptop is gone you know that'd be terrible yeah what if some shitty 12 year old is sitting there and is and is using what has become insanely easy uh hacking tools to jack your data financial information all that shit it sucks every time
Starting point is 02:13:54 you log on to an unencrypted network you're at risk with all of that the unfortunate reality is that this since this isn't a metaphor you can't just run up and throttle this child because the child is actually a hacker across the world literal script kitty now that being said um for me it's just like i want to watch the video stop telling me i can't do it i'ma press the button so that i can watch the video and that's good enough but also there's other shit like yeah that that child can't get what he can't get what for you can't put all that creepy Kirby stuff on your computer while you're not looking gigs and gigs of it damn that's upsetting it's like wait a minute you already had a folder before they announced mouthful mode anyway express vpn will secure your online data
Starting point is 02:14:49 and uh yeah you can check it out today by visiting express slash super beast that's ex pr es slash super beast and you can get an extra three months free express slash super beast thank you express vpn thanks express vpn this week the podcast is also sponsored by ray cons which as we have many a time in the past told you uh the age of wires is over and those who do not submit to the new wireless world will be strung up with wires they will find metaphorically the wires will be their undoing those who do not embrace the new wireless way will find a swift end because they're annoying and untangling the wires in your pocket is terrible man i remember the last time a long time ago i
Starting point is 02:16:00 fucking untangled some wires it was the worst i didn't want that you know what i you know what i won the last time i remember untangling my wires out of my pocket was good tell me because i don't know there you go it was it was like a decade ago yeah it would be horrible if you had to experience that again and you don't want you nor your loved ones nor anyone close to you to experience uh the undoing that this horrible wired fate brings to them right you care about you care about that family you care about your friends you care about those people so embrace wirelessness all right wireless earbuds specifically can get you into the fucking future raycon wireless earbuds they got the best audio coming to you no matter uh uh where you are you've
Starting point is 02:16:56 got awareness mode to help you listen to your surroundings they've got optimized perfect in ear fits everyday earbuds that look sound and feel better than ever eight hours of play time 32 hour battery life and you know punch mom continues to you on a daily basis uh rocking rocking those raycons doing doing a lot of work especially at night time when uh sometimes my snoozing might get a little loud you could cancel all of that uh that noise out so you don't have to pay premium prices for uh the the the quality that is just unaffordable you can get half the price of other premium audio brands with all of the features i've described and you can embrace wirelessness and then you don't have to worry about you know them finding you surrounded by wires
Starting point is 02:17:57 you don't want to be found caught up in wires no man so right now you can get 15 off your raycon order at slash superbeast that's slash superbeast to save 15 off on raycons slash superbeast thanks raycon thank you raycon wireless world order it also by having no wires it removes the uh temptation to uh accidentally kill yourself with autoerotic exfaciation the choke jerk is too good man it's yeah i i like you ever like you see somebody die from it and you're like oh man could it maybe no it must be it must be the greatest thing ever there's no way it can't be if you're going through those lengths and then your family's got it it's like a 10 bump it's like what are you doing
Starting point is 02:18:59 and then the family's got to come in and say that the ninja's got you you know that's how good it is damn i think i think i've like inverted on my feelings on this like originally i was like that it was always the thing of like hey if i get if you find me in the closet and i'm like you know choke jerked out and i'm dead can you just like take me out of the closet put me on the floor make it look like a heart attack i don't know if i'm on to this now i think i might be like no no no if i die of a heart attack i want you to put me in the closet oh and choke jerk me up because that'd be funny there you go okay do lean into the bit that'd be funny the final bit tell you what that would look like a murder it would the the tampering yeah the tampering would
Starting point is 02:19:51 be bad a murder yeah it wouldn't be good but it would be funny oh i said this before oh no but either way you definitely have to consider the the the i'd like damn that that fucking that choke jerk nut must be unstoppable if they're putting it all on the line every time it's gotta be unstoppable i don't know why maybe it's just for special occasions i can't imagine why you do it unless it was just life changing you know it's just for special occasions thanks raycon what are we thank you we still doing the ad fucking sewn out there for a moment i can't believe people skip these ads they're like my favorite part of the podcast hey man listen
Starting point is 02:20:50 like you know you want to talk about the wire remember that barksdale he didn't even have to get the the closet he just you can fucking get the get the door the door the door get created with the door handle oh come on that's just ridiculous yeah but then you can you don't know you know the cleanup is probably a lot easier you just you know you're right there and but and nobody can come in accidentally i don't have the cleanups that easier because if you if you if you choke yourself out with the door that means you're sitting down right yeah and that means that means that when they go to push the door open because you've shit yourself when you died that means you're gonna cause a smear oh for sure but yeah you're creating a if if choke jerk goes according to plan you're
Starting point is 02:21:38 creating a blockade which stops them from opening the door for a little bit for a little bit so that you can again achieve those divine heights which must be unbelievable must be pretty good to put it all on the line must be all right you know um so that's what i'm thinking is like you can get creative even without the closet or the load bearing um the load bearing bar like like clothing bar i bet it is yeah bear this couple of loads couple of loads did you see that fucking kirby trailer that was literally titled take it all in i sure didn't god damn it the announcer's like yeah kirby take it all it like sir i'm not joking i'm dead serious unironic thanks rick hon no we're out of the ad no the ad is over don't send this part that's weird
Starting point is 02:22:38 this is the weird part we're out are we are we really um this week the podcast is also brought to you it's not my fault all right i was trying to get there yeah okay yeah this week the podcast is also brought to you by door dash um if you've got stuff to take care of that's time consuming yeah uh you're gonna be pretty busy yeah you are yeah you can't get i mean you don't have the time to deal with anything really that's that's not priority number one and and priority number one might be the bit time consuming yeah so you're gonna work up an appetite delicate yeah when you work up that appetite door dash is gonna get you food delivered straight to your door the door outside your house not the door to your bedroom yeah that's right
Starting point is 02:23:46 and then like the usually door you mark like you know just drop it off then they drop off their runway you didn't answer the door whatever because no one can see you perfect right and then if you you know if someone's if you've got a roommate or you're living with somebody they can even go get your food from the safe drop off and they can put that outside your bedroom door and then whatever yeah and so now that's waiting for you right there yeah that means if you come out of your bedroom the food will be right there right there ready to go yeah if you ever if you ever come out if you if you come out of the bed it's it you know hopefully you come out and if you do come out you'll be hungry if you do real appetite worked up big big appetite big hungry
Starting point is 02:24:26 so door dash is is especially out there they've got over 300 000 partners choices you got your local go-tos your neighborhood favorites and your favorite chain restaurants as well all included tons of partners joining each week you can you can you know if you're not making it down there on a regular basis you can keep these places going by uh supporting them with door dash and getting your food and i'm telling you man you know sometimes you just find like you're like hey i didn't think my word where did all the time go you know i i i experienced lost time it was five o'clock now it's eight o'clock what happened you know things take time things take time it's kind of crazy it's almost like you you just you fucking black out sometimes you're
Starting point is 02:25:22 like i don't even know where you know but but whatever the point is everybody everybody's wispy they look like ghosts weird the point is is um you know nothing says love like when someone just can see you in the in the busiest state you could be in and go oh i'll just put your dinner right here and they just rest the the the bag of your takeout food right next to you while you're busy and that's what door dash can help you do so for a limited time our listeners can get 25 percent off and zero delivery fees on their first order of $15 or more when you download the door dash app and enter the code castle that's 25 off up to a $10 value and zero delivery fees off your first order when you download the door dash app in the app store and enter code castle one more time
Starting point is 02:26:18 code castle for 25 off your first order with door dash subject change terms apply thank you door thanks door dash and lastly this week the podcast is also brought to you by hello fresh because again uh you know i like to think sometimes maybe that um i have the skills to whip up a good meal but sometimes reality uh sets in and i'm like oh no i can't i can't do it that good i don't know what i'm doing i need an expert to do do the work for me and to figure out the proportions and the measurements and all the tasty ingredients to make a good meal so that i can get back to doing the important things in life you know mm-hmm yeah
Starting point is 02:27:28 so it's always nice you know it's almost as if like let's say you're really really busy and like you're like i don't know you're zoned out you're just you're you're like you're going somewhere else right but then the smell of you know the person you live with is of them making some some hello fresh it's might it might bring you back to reality it might grab you from wherever you're going and be like oh shit oh there's a nice dinner on my way it's right there i should i should i should wake up and eat you know i should stop doing this and i should go get ready to eat yeah because i don't want them to come in here and be like hey food's ready oh no you know yeah so you can get a ton of choices every week hello fresh is set up with
Starting point is 02:28:28 tons of different recipes they got fit and wholesome whatever types of diets you prefer you can go through a huge list of customizable favorite dishes whether you want to swap out protein or sides one for another you've got all the options with the quick and easy 20 minute meals as well and um you're on average saving uh over 65 bucks a month if you're dealing with hello fresh getting 72 cheaper than a restaurant meal for a food of the same quality so yeah the options are limitless and you can you're you're gonna need you're gonna need the food taken care of because you're you're busy you got you got a lot going on
Starting point is 02:29:16 yeah you know absolutely so uh yeah check out uh you can you can go to hello fresh dot com slash super beast 16 and use code super beast 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts that's hello fresh dot com slash super beast 16 and code super beast 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts that's america's number one meal kit hello fresh oh and i i also uh they you get the little recipe card as well when they deliver the each meal so you can have a little quick reference for like you know putting that together and and making it if you order it again in the future because as as if something's tasty i know i enjoyed some of the chicken i got which was a full of protein and and very very tasty so uh yeah that's good stuff
Starting point is 02:30:17 that's good stuff put the belt down pick up the knife and fork thanks hello fresh thanks hello fresh all right what's going on seafood patch seafood patch there is a seafood patch coming and it adds a full mandarin voiceover to the game that's pretty cool if you want that is cool uh if you want to get uh yeah the the a full mandarin dub of everything though i'm down to check that out because that that uh you know the the the feel of some authenticity should be dope there though i might be mistaken because um as you know i love to disclaim i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about but if i'm i do believe that like old uh traditional hong kong kung fu
Starting point is 02:31:22 cinema was cantonese dubbed um and i think like you go back to like some of the classic bruce lee movies and stuff and there were cantonese dubbed as well like hk cinema stuff so man i don't know shit about that yeah so when i think i i think i associate that a bit more with the the whole like martial arts vibe uh that style movie that you're kind of playing through um but uh yeah and i think i think usually stuff that's a mandarin dubbed is more for the um mainland release either way that's a fun update i'm uh i'm down to throw that on now listen adding the the chinese voice support is really cool but at the same time who gives a fuck about that shit they changed it so that your that your shrines save no matter what age you are yay
Starting point is 02:32:15 any balance updates to the bosses uh i'm seeing people in the chat say that they unnerfed shon shon is back that's hilarious damn okay shon unleashed holy fuck have that ever happened has they ever has there ever been a nerf into a nerf combo i don't know i mean it's happened to re you but it took multiple seasons right re you got nerfed the shit and then came back in season five um but the instant back down i can't think of any examples of that yeah me either often there'll be an overcorrection followed by a compensator you know i mean in in multiplayer games happens all the time right yeah like ah this this is too good and then they nerf it into the fucking floor and then they're like okay maybe maybe
Starting point is 02:33:19 we go okay maybe we overdid it i guess the question is is it actually old shon or is it like a new shon that compromises probably a new shon the between the two you know interesting um what people are saying that they unnerfed the doom eternal dlc oh my god damn oh no that shit was too much that shit should have stayed nerfed i like it i like the seafood balances that we're seeing i hope this continues to be a thing that's fun uh yeah so good reasons to go back and fucking play more sifu it's a good game you should play it take a take a take a one day break from elden ring and go beat
Starting point is 02:34:15 sifu um so that dropped uh also a couple other things were announced um are you keep are you checking out this uh house of the dead remake no apparently a house of the dead remake april 7th pre-orders available on whatever but man fuck that oh here you go what am i looking what is the who gets it switchy shop switchy shop huh wow as somebody who absolutely adores house the dead that's why i bring it up i don't give a shit about this at all oh wow okay and there's one really simple reason pointing with the we remote or any pointer is not the same as a light gun it's completely different gyro is gyro aiming is not the same as light gun aiming for sure
Starting point is 02:35:23 completely different the only way to play a light gun game is standing at a light gun machine although uh my experience well besides the arcade was then like with a mouse cursor so that's real real that's cheat big time super powerful big big oh yeah but um no there there's uh apparently yeah they announced that they're making uh there's a remake of it and i would i would much rather play typing of the dead remake than well here's the question right if you're gonna look at a franchise like this and arcades are no longer a thing um is the move to then actually create like a light gun style peripheral but how do you do the screen like like i remember um i don't okay you know what min is actually like an expert
Starting point is 02:36:25 on this because min loves light gun games and i know he has done what it takes to get them running on modern tv's um and i think you have to like i forget what it involved but you have to jump through quite a few hoops to get that working but it is like an ir setup but you can do it and um i believe he did it before i went one of his uh one of his parties no uh it should be typing in the dead then because typing the dead is way more fun at home than a not actually light gun thing then they have to release a keyboard peripheral right oh right this is the switch e-shot it's the switch typing of the dead overkill on pc that's easily the best version of this what about vr would that work it's a lot closer it's a lot closer but it's still not the same
Starting point is 02:37:22 because it is gyro as well but you're having the perspective difference um and you know people and there's a there's as far as i can tell like the first person stuff uh they seems like they're figuring it out between half-life alex and um that other one with the aim down the sights thing i forget what it's called but it looks like you're in space yeah i don't know what that's called either okay but i'm just like i want a plastic gun and i want double hand it with two tokens but if there's no easy answer to that based on the tech we have then it can die yeah okay this is absolutely a i would rather have nothing situation a hundred percent well um
Starting point is 02:38:12 um you know what fair enough because i don't have that house of the dead attachment but like let's say time crisis had to go through something similar i'd i'd fucking i'd feel it so yeah you know i've played every time crisis game and they fucking never top two not even close which you know it's fine fine because that that you can't make them anymore right too is just so good and the gun would kick back because like time crisis is also it's not just the fact that light guns are gone but the complexity of the co-op cabinet with different perspectives oh is not going to be recreated at home do you remember the feeling of like any year past 2006 when you'd go up
Starting point is 02:39:03 to a time crisis two machine and you'd shoot the gun and you were like oh it's not completely fucking broken it still works it still works like it's supposed to wow oh people don't even know the time crisis two and onwards pistols were really heavy because they had a mechanism where the slide would kick back per shot and it felt great do you remember when you'd walk up to the area 51 machine at the truck stop and just not even walk right past it you because you walk up past it that machine and the cruising us a machine that exists at every truck stop and you don't dare touch it because it is just there is a film of std's all over them and it's like it reaches out to you and you're like no no thank you no thank you no no quarter for you
Starting point is 02:40:03 god what was that aerosmith game oh revolution x revolution x oh that gave such shit oh man that was the weirdest fucking thing in the world but that that popped up but that was still usually amongst other like legit cabinets for some reason area 51 and cruising us a would be everywhere and i think it's because they were like $50 i think they were the cabs must have been cheap um anyway uh ever you ever get up to like a silent scope machine and then you get a little too close to it and you actually have your eye touch the sniper scope and then you're like now that means i haven't so the last silent scope i played though was bone eater in japan in akihabara and that one was probably clean somewhat it was it was quite clean
Starting point is 02:41:02 yes so i didn't have that issue says a lot about it says a lot about japanese or some american arcades where tech in five came out and had that incredible feature where if you wanted to you could come in and plug your ps2 controller into the cabinet and japanese players loved it and i never saw a single fucking cab in in north america ever actually use it because all the fucking ports were fucked up with peanut butter or gum who who wants to break your ps2 controller your favorite ps2 controller by having peanut butter get stuck inside the port slot yeah awesome brilliant idea though i i mean fucking just you know you you you you believed you put faith in humanity and humanity said no i always blew me away because when you saw gum you're like oh
Starting point is 02:41:58 there was a spur of the moment decision when you saw peanut butter in the cabinet like somebody brought peanut butter to ruin this cabinet no someone didn't eat lunch at school had it in their backpack went to the arcade after school and shoved the sandwich into the slot that's what happened um that's the good old days damn good old days indeed speaking of the good old days uh there was a trailer dropped because Glover the n64 3d platformer is coming to steam um and i know you uh 3d n64 era platformers were uh not exactly catching your attention i have not i have heard only like moderately positive things about Glover i've heard i've heard uh so Glover's not one of the ones i played but uh i have uh heard good things as well the
Starting point is 02:43:04 people i know that no i know i know at least two people that love it like it Glover's not like quest 64 we're like every single person i've ever talked to about quest 64 is like oh that fucking thing um i know i know i know at least two people that are like fuck yeah Glover so there's excitement around this um however uh it seems like there's i'm not i don't have the full understanding of this but it seems like the company that's bringing it back is uh being called out for some some bullshit because it seems like nft shit well one there there's that support but uh also in addition there's the part where um it seems like they have a it's pico interactive and it's and it sounds like according to like just some twitter threads
Starting point is 02:43:54 i'm looking at they have purchased the rights to unfinished games and then they changed those games themselves and don't release like the original that was purchased for the with the rights archivaly cool um and then have like had arguments online about like you know what the merits are of like preserving things as is versus them making changes to it and then uh i believe that also leads to like uh possibly i'm seeing hints at like them going after people as well who are trying to preserve the original versions of some games so it seems like the Glover thing is unfortunately marred with some some shit that i'm like right there i'm like three or four pieces of bad news that i'm like do you know that game cartridge is made out of baby seal eyeballs and
Starting point is 02:44:50 i'm like yeah okay sure give me the xbox i'm like i'm like i'm like i'm like just like i'm getting there man i'm fucking getting there yeah but they're they're they're um ethically harvested baby seal eyeball um yeah no it's it's a bit of a weird one because i also don't again i'm i'm bringing this up without knowing really the full history of of what is happening with the the company but um at the very least i would say that uh i'm i'm doubt on just a basic premise of re-releasing something classic um i think if you like re-release a classic and put new features and or build on top of um like you know things with visual options and such that's okay uh we've supported re-releases of things with new features in the past so that in and of itself
Starting point is 02:45:50 doesn't strike me as always bad but it does suck if you're aggressively stopping people from wanting to preserve the uh the original versions from uh whenever they were released game preservation is just so just it's so it's so like actively attacked in a way that like film preservation isn't and i'll tell you why well there's a lot of reasons why obviously money duh but beyond that but then but then there's the other part where it's like because we're still in that like nascent period you know where it's like really the like video games have been around for a couple decades now but it still feels like really it 90 91 is the beginning of the the shit that people are gonna look back on with you know the post-itary crash
Starting point is 02:46:45 nintendo era and all of that is so close um that you're not thinking about it from like the point of view of far down the line yeah we've seen the vast majority of it in our lifetime yes now the importance of this preservation becomes way more evident as we go further into the future and when you're looking at games that are 50 60 70 years old you know that you want to be able to show anybody to to have a you know a museum of to look back at any of this stuff and see how games used to be made what you know like and how like every aspect of them inside out um it just feels a lot more like who gives a fuck when the game came out a couple years ago you know versus like long term thinking and um people who can't think long term are the kinds that'll just dismiss this and hand
Starting point is 02:47:35 wave it and be like fuck that you never need to play it again pull the whole e shop down who cares you know buy it later maybe or whatever i think the absolute height of the whole thing is nintendo going uh if you pirate nintendo software will kill you and you go well could i buy it they're like no stupid shut up perish like oh okay um i'm i'm gonna steal it then well now here comes did you oh you opened up that rom zip file and here comes a hand with a gun just pointing at like fucking jojo yeah and it's a zapper but it's got real bullets shit and if you're installing i only remember yeah yeah and if it's an exe file you've already fucked up mm-hmm you're already mining for crypto too late
Starting point is 02:48:44 it's like man like linked to the past is great but my hard drive won't stop screaming that's weird huh was it always like this uh back on this nest was it was was with this nest used to scream in agony um anyways uh a couple other things going on did you know breaking news everybody shut up amazon luna has launched the luna has launched now available are you serious dead serious it's out even i didn't even know it's out when is it when did that happen it happened yesterday
Starting point is 02:49:55 oh my god now now there's been invite only early access since october 2020 so it's been happening in the background but um starting this month uh yeah luna is out and here's what's going on and this actually is like this is what i expect to see so this is this is not your google stadia this is your amazon luna this is so amazon luna means that if you're a prime member you get free games dmc five right there dmc five top of the pile and that's if i hey listen if i'm thinking about buying a new controller to play with my cloud gaming service let me tell you the first game i want to play is the balls to the wall intense frame perfect action game devil may cry five i was about to say i am so happy that such a perfect benchmark exists you need to see
Starting point is 02:51:05 games that you can immediately just here's what you do grab that someone who has the balls because i don't grab that luna pop open dmc five and show me your perfectly timed judgment cuts show me them let me see them and and i want to know how that feels hold on a second hold on a second slash luna prime gaming play free with prime play rotating selection of games for free with your prime membership such as devil may cry five up to march 31st not available please log in with a us-based customer account to continue business team and child accounts are not supported well there you go us prime subscribers specifically dmc five observer fogs flashback and immortals phoenix rising in what is absolutely wild the first stream that is being shown on the
Starting point is 02:52:16 amazon luna page for dmc five it's his hitchhiker modding virtual bullshit on pc right now yeah hell yeah like don't show this on screens got my bookmarks but woolly this is what the fucking luna page looks like it's how yeah hiker hell yeah like console prompt open fuck do mod this virtual bullshit mod this shit out of that pc version showing off the xbox controller god hell yeah good shit luna that's awesome for the world to see so that's it um you know it blows my mind because i gotta talk to gene about this you remember gene was the guy who made the destiny gif at the stadia thing where he just slapped this press bar hey just press oh my god i gotta see if he's got any of these because oh fuck now now that being said um
Starting point is 02:53:36 i do like the fact that like you're gonna get uh so yeah the idea of prime membership giving you things like that like here's a bunch of free games like a being a game pass kind of thing rotating titles um every month or so uh that is one of those things that's like i can absolutely see just like someone who's like try someone who's just like i want like let me just buy something for my kid to play like here seven-year-old play these games you don't care what they are after four weeks they'll you know what i mean just like a basically like ipad clickers type of shit i can see that being here's a controller connect and play some stream games you don't give a fuck about the the responsiveness or any of that shit and like that's the person who's
Starting point is 02:54:27 gonna be satisfied with this um i outside of that just show me the death note like timer on this i'm gonna call it two years stadia lasted longer than we thought but i feel like stadia did this weird thing where they actually killed it behind the scenes long before they let us know but does it count if it exists as those who live in death yeah it does because like if stadia is amongst those who live in death i don't know if i count that the the way that i feel about it is the moment that it dies is when all the advertising just disappears and advertisements stop uh so yeah and sorry and uh new announcements just completely stop and nothing ever gets announced again because for stadia that was like a year ago that was a right so like luna is gonna
Starting point is 02:55:30 they're gonna push it and you're gonna see it on your on your twitch thing and the day that i go to amazon or twitch and the little pop-up stops telling me to try amazon luna is the day that that thing has been given up on internally that's the actual lifecycle sure i i just i want us i want to see if there's a way to just gather that data to be like how many of these sales are going towards like x stadians who just believe who carry the torch you know i think there's gonna be a big a big venn diagram of x stadians involved amongst the lunarians let's call them um and then the other half is going to be a bunch of tired parents they're just like yeah okay who cares play some games leave me alone
Starting point is 02:56:28 here's a controller five bucks a month whatever lunatics i mean it's right there right it's right lunatics yeah it's right there yeah all right all right uh rest in peace stadians long live lunatics damn this shit just it launched man oh my god what an absolute how they i don't i didn't even know when i typed in amazon luna i got a bunch of articles that were like here's what the luna is going to come with in the future instead of the luna is out now between the google shit and the amazon ones like i feel like at least as we said like if stadia
Starting point is 02:57:25 just existed as a a labs project google is the kind of company that has the ability to just take these things and dissolve them into background research things and they they can be you know repackaged for corporate use or whatever the fuck but like amazon's game commitments have all just constantly gone nowhere and it's like you don't even get that salvage you know so i want to tell a story that just happened i i scrambled to twitter while we were talking about this and i asked gene park from wapo gene did you do you have hands on with the luna it just happened and he responded with what did you find the elden ring secret ending i don't know who that is and i had to clarify that i met amazon luna perfect that's where the luna is at
Starting point is 02:58:25 and you know what else i want i want to see right when when when it's all dead and buried i want to see how many people subscribe to how many channels because if you've forgotten remember that this is the streaming service that has the channel service scheme where you can buy the basic best ofs of their main games or whatever for five bucks a month but then there's an ubi games channel for five bucks a month or a capcom channel for five bucks a month and each company has a subscription of its own the ubi games channel might be the single shittiest deal i have ever seen in any subscription in my life here's what you get with it assassins creed valhalla far cry six assassins creed odyssey ghost recon rainbow set like all the far cries and assassin
Starting point is 02:59:26 creeds and watched and all of them and i'm like you mean ubi soft the games that take like eight shit hundred hours to play and are boring good use of a monthly fee show me how many people even bother you know with more than one of these services um yeah i again though i think that like keep an eye on this type of this template i should say because um you're not this is not this is not just going to disappear completely you're going to see this type of template again um if not with streaming then with things in the future down the line uh that are more resembling of like game pass you know like i i do see a version of these types of game like gas applied to the entire console consoles as a service um digital only monthly
Starting point is 03:00:34 membership but not streaming it'll be downloading it yourself whatever the case is but um we can but the subscription models and such like we might end up seeing an industry that leans in this direction um and finds some kind of market i think so it's gonna it's like i still remember what happened when i gave my nephew a fucking switch he said oh cool a real video game and like i got listen i'm gonna give it the one of these a shot in this house at some point with the fibrous internet of all yeah and it's gonna be fucked i've played PlayStation now and there's like a full second of latency on every button press it's fucking
Starting point is 03:01:30 worthless and and i know that as as someone who um has reg who regularly uses parsec and and there are people that organize parsec tournaments and things there's there's something here it's not a complete wash there's something there but it needs to be perfect it needs to be completely completely perfect um i still why which is why i don't think this is gonna go away completely you know my favorite version of this by far is is Diablo three gotta be online also there isn't a single server in the entirety of canada so you're connecting to new york at best 300 milliseconds of fucking lag on every single fucking action forever just can't play it offline whoo yeah get the little taste of what it means to live in australia
Starting point is 03:02:29 oh yeah god bless fucking uh racist netcode god bless you know the prejudice blitz netcode um but but uh uh parsec working means that there is something whether or not these services know what to do or how to do it there is something and and um it'll come back around again you know the but uh amazon and google might not be the ones to do it despite their uh investments you gotta hold the controller at least once though just to just to know just to know anyways uh luna launched and uh there you go did it i need one of those little like party things they're like yep how stadia fan doing anyone check in they're dead
Starting point is 03:03:41 anyone check in on stadia fan no they're dead uh what about what about reddit slash stadia yeah well they found a belt and they heard about another way they could uh a new game yeah a new a new a new game a new streaming game has just come yeah they heard they heard that if they if they did it real good they could play in the clouds damn that game must be amazing must be a really good game holy shit that game must be the best shout outs to google the word stadia to googling the word stadians and the number one result is still we might be in trouble stadians and it's so it's so fucked up because all these cloud gaming things all they need to do
Starting point is 03:04:35 literally is be like this is i'm playing from here this is the server in such and such on consumer grade cable and they hit the jump button and the character jumps and uh that gets confirmed by an outside source to not be bullshit that's all they need to do that's all they need to do shut up breaking news number one top post on the stadia subreddit markiplier is defending stadia on his new distractible episode everybody's happy all caps all right look we got we got a damn damn dude they're alive they're alive and kicking kicking and coping at least a couple of them are at least a few and not one post on this front page is is talking about the luna
Starting point is 03:05:42 that's crazy is there a different luna community that's actually like fuck these guys no no hold on the luna community is made up entirely of those fucking weirdos that listen to the jeffrey bezos song on loop there's no oh wait r slash luna cloud gaming okay here we go i don't not as active not as active oh yeah oh yeah they're in there dual shock four won't work on mac luna uh account type not supported ps4 l1 and l2 seem to not work for me in dmc5
Starting point is 03:06:50 oh windows app not working ps4 controller recognized but unresponsive dudes they're in here they're here they're talking about it oh i found it that's oh you did it you found it you did it was thinking about canceling my sub but now i think i'll keep it if they do 4k will the price remain the same i mean like i feel like an archaeologist dude like it's it's it's here how long before i get booted out of a game for inactivity all right here come on let's podcast um oh back to podcasting hey the steam deck came out steam deck came out gaben did the drops apparently it's good apparently people are very happy with
Starting point is 03:07:56 it all i care about is how it runs uh uh games when you plug in a stick and a monitor and leave it on a desk probably pretty well and just treat it like a fucking box that'll you know be a portable setup i hear that you can fucking pirate the shit out of nintendo games on this thing how's the d-pad how's the stick uh the stick had drift issues but that was a bug not actual issue with the yeah it was not a hardware issue was a bug okay okay weird um because then the the other question is like is the d-pad made up of an actual cross or is it uh i don't know for is it four buttons you know because uh yeah that feel matters that feel matters um oh somebody going through that luna
Starting point is 03:08:53 thread says uh that uh somebody in that thread says they got kicked out of the game watching cut scenes in yakuza because of course they would those things are fucking long i mean like man immediately underneath that is xbox one controller issues oh yeah good good so you know i don't know a little confused can someone explain to me how amazon has their name on two games that have been released in the last six months but neither are on their gaming platform because i mean they say stadia is dying which it probably is but amazon isn't even releasing their own games on their platform shows how much they care both of those are mmo's which are already a latency sensitive genre i cannot even imagine how much of a mess cloud streaming and mmo would be
Starting point is 03:09:55 someone in the chat asks what the fuck is luna literally don't worry about it it'll go away in 18 months your life is currently better don't worry about it also you know what there was there's a long time watcher of our stuff that contacted me like a year ago and said they had their hands on a luna controller apparently it is like the worst piece of shit ever that does ring a bell now because they do like i said they had closed invite only closed invite only since 2020 yeah apparently it was like astonishingly bad like worse than the uya which to me holds the top record of anything i've touched i have a 400 meg download speed 16 meg upload speed on a 5g network tried to play judgment but it was essentially
Starting point is 03:10:49 unplayable as it kept freezing every half second along with leaving a terrible frame rate turned the video quality down to 720p and it was still bad any tips to improve connection stop well anyway apparently oh no i just found out that apparently when the luna got announced i did the exact same thing about the ubisoft bundle that i did just 10 minutes yeah you did you did oh no oh i'm like a human skinner box input in output out yeah we've actually talked about that too and about how it's it's all it's all predictable um yeah half of this this luna reddit seems to be support oh good it's it's just half tech support oh goody what a good sign
Starting point is 03:11:57 okay hold on today was my only day off all week so i got up bright and early at nine and started playing odyssey which i've been playing for the first time and really enjoying i played until about three four when the server crashed and i had gone from 26 to 34 and had done a ton of fucking quests and now i'm on the grindy-ass part of the game where i'm trying to gear up and level to 45 so i can kill medusa and the lion to get the artifacts after waiting all day finally at midnight i'm finally able to log in and it gives me this message that says that the cloud saves might be fucked up and lo and behold my last save is from level 26 despite numerous manuals saves along the way
Starting point is 03:12:43 i want to cry has anyone else lost hours of saves and paid material oh the ten dollars worth of helix credits and gear and weapons i bought to fucking just gone i'm livid fucking livid fuck amazon don't support their shitty company their shitty gaming services you can get these ubi's on on nvidia g-forced and won't worry about their shitty tiny catalog can't even world's richest company can't keep up with my fucking god damasassel's crew save he purchased actual money and then probably like consumable items or or like a look or for his character or do fancy horse or whatever the fuck and the cloud save blew
Starting point is 03:13:32 it up oh and that's gone that's a legal problem damn hold on a minute money out of your pocket okay so the question then like i'm just thinking about this in a service uh uh uh uh approach like if you do not have a button in your history somewhere to re redeem something to make sure that it activates and if it's already activated then it would not repeat itself but yeah but but the the the fucking uh uh let's say it's assassin's creosity right it doesn't need that fucking button because those purchases are actually not in the game they get transplanted out to the account level for sony uh microsoft steam whatever yes and those are rock solid for this so the game doesn't have to worry about that but because it's being clouded out
Starting point is 03:14:32 yep and it's being attached to the save file instead of a central anything now the game itself is running on this yeah yeah but the game doesn't have anything for because it was decided for the other platforms where this isn't this is like a compliance failure for something that might not have compliance well compliance only applies to the rules that the hardware manufacturer decide themselves which if this got through this means that it there's no fucking compliance because there's no standard okay this is where we'd have a meeting and sit down and go okay guys how do we how do we tackle this bug um but anything system service level like that oh yeah so so here's what it is here's
Starting point is 03:15:16 what it is now here's what it is man you have to have a history button kind of like with your 360 when you would go back to your list of purchases it has the same thing it's your library everything in your library is just there and and you have to be able to re access it reprock it whatever it is and if it's a one-time purchase that gives you 200 stupid fuck coins then um you need to make sure that like if you lose a save that enabled that even if it was a one-time purchase that can be repeated you don't let a corrupted cloud save fuck you over of microtransactions because exactly that could be legal that could be an absolute legal issue if you if you're just taken away from you what if you spent way more than that what if it's a huge thing you know um my god that's a huge issue
Starting point is 03:16:09 oh that's a wolf wolf you know what you know what i can see do you know what i can see right now i could see a zoom call right between somebody it would be soft who would care about this and the amazon luna person right that is assigned to be their liaison and i can see hey we need to talk about uh license uh redemption and uh player history and the luna goes guy goes what was that and then the the ubi guy pulls out a belt as i'll be right back if you'll excuse me uh man calm down it was a catastrophic outrage people lost real money people are gonna lose their jobs it infrastructure isn't easy it's not beta early access at that oh if you're this triggered by an
Starting point is 03:17:16 outage like this maybe you're not really prepared to be part of an early access gaming platform hey maybe ten bucks isn't a is a big deal to op he paid for something and he deserves what he paid for holy shit reddit luna let's go stadiums out luna in oh damn dude i think there might be more overlap than we thought oh man if you're this triggered by an outage maybe you're not prepared you're not ready man oh fuck dude wow the state the state of it on day one lunacy absolute lunacy the luna thing is just so it's right there it's right you don't have to you don't have to work at it you just
Starting point is 03:18:32 you just it's just right there just get the get the gas mask on and just huff it man huff it yeah so it was an aws shortage and then like everything affected by whatever amazon servers go down is is possibly gonna include shit you've spent a bunch of money on if you're buying a game with tons of micro in it man oh my god you know i just got reminded i was checking in on something elton rings out and we're playing a lot of that but if if you want to do soul's coverage fucking stranger of paradise is out next tuesday oh yeah and it's the other side of the soul's fucking coin of like you want to fucking fight your ass off in
Starting point is 03:19:30 these levels okay well um i mean the only other thing i was gonna talk about um besides paying the proper nod to um the new uh ducati ducati e-road bike oh yeah yeah well yeah there's a new there's a new fancy bike from ducati yeah really what's what's what's special about this new ducati bike well um let's just proper shoutouts to to mom over on twitter so ends the age of fire long live the age of dark the ebusy is dead long live the x bus there it goes the ebusy bus the ebusy van is gone and now presenting the new ducati e-road bike the fuda high performance limited only 50 made we're ready to go the long distance challenge climbs with you also introducing the fuda l e
Starting point is 03:20:50 for the most serious riders like this i still think the ebusy is like will never be topped because like it got announced and the fact that we're not even say e-busy which is what the things actually clearly supposed to be your brain just auto targets the different pronunciation calls it the ebusy long live the age of dark single google a single google search from anyone from anybody i mean you say that but i'm just like nah someone in the office did what knew and was snickering to themselves
Starting point is 03:21:53 and they're like how far is this gonna go oh all the way huh okay oh god ebusy we hardly knew ye and now the loathsome futa all right well good times folks i don't know what it is with strange european vehicles and they're completely absent minded naming conventions but i i'm i'm fucking i'm living for it i'm a retweet that shit thanks mom and then yes no the the the last thing i was gonna say was if you're looking forward to star wars eclipse please look forward to the next five six who knows because the expected release is 2027 possibly 2028 why is it so far off well it seems like there's difficulties hiring staff
Starting point is 03:23:10 for the project over a chronic dream uh back in december there was 60 positions open for new hires to work on the game uh that has since gone up to 67 wait the amount of new hires demanded has gone up that's correct so uh not only has there not seemingly been a single position filled here but there's in fact seven more now i heard i heard just stuff about them like not being able to get their engines to work right with the thing they wanted and how the game's supposed to have multiplayer and like not a single person at the company knows how to do anything to do with multiplayer i'm i've seen things and i again i don't know the the you know how verifiable this is but that the the goal was that this was going to be a long-term project and that announcing it this
Starting point is 03:24:12 early was with the hopes of attracting new talent but that that seemingly backfired and is not working because otherwise that's a really absurd time frame to announce something ahead of um but again like uh who the fuck knows but it certainly doesn't help when your studio is in the news over a bunch of lawsuits for treating your employees like shit wait are you talking about the quantic dream that uh actually wanted to get bought after detroit but because of all those lawsuits it hurt their pr so much that they couldn't find any buyers anymore yeah i'm talking about the quantic dream that has been uh described as currently under years of sexual harassment and toxic workplace culture mm-hmm so yeah just that game might as well be cancelled
Starting point is 03:25:12 right now i mean depending on what you mean by cancelled it might have already have been considering that following the reports relief the the reported release delay hashtag blackout star wars eclipse began trending on twitter so yeah um hey star wars they're not gonna make enough progress and then sony's gonna pull the light that's not sony disney's gonna pull the license hey star wars the someone else trailer had some stuff in it that could be interesting someone else that seven to eight years like like no not seven to eight years rather four five years is like isn't that is that not at least like an entire new trilogy plus perhaps two or three shows
Starting point is 03:26:08 depends on the studio like the state of star wars five years from now is going to be a completely different landscape from wherever it's at that's no they're they're gonna they're gonna completely utterly fail milestone one and milestone one might fail so badly that they're like what do you got for us and the answer is nothing and then so and then maybe they'll fail milestone two if disney's that nice but then they're gonna pull it for sure milestone one what do you got a shitting dick in balls with a lightsaber oh that's good that's good i like that cool wall would love it yep is that it uh david that's it that's it cool uh keep pass me that belt i'll be right back i'll see you guys in five no no no the mickey mouse one
Starting point is 03:27:19 yeah i i don't know what to tell you except for just like really like the trailer showed off some star wars stuff that could be interesting it it really did it just please find another receptacle listen for those ideas it says a lot that it is my opinion and i'll i'll ask you for yours obviously woolly but you show off the cg trailer as a hope to get more people hired oh that's the move yeah to me that is literally nothing exists of this game um in terms of builds yeah perhaps yeah like they're like they're made that there's probably some pre-production like asset work or something like that but like as well so it's it's a disney game right it's a fucking star wars game that's a brand that like make like there's no way that there's not already
Starting point is 03:28:15 a giant script a giant gdd and tons of research into the characters and things that they're thinking about using but in terms of like booting anything up and playing it pressing start yeah uh fucking five years out i wouldn't expect it probably not even a gray box you know but certainly showing off a trailer and that's basically like hey animators programmers star wars fans if you want to be part of this project you know you know where to come look and everyone's like eh i i i could i could i could deal with working somewhere where i'm not going to get uh this kind of shit happening you know wait is it wait hold on you guys seem nice this is a good salary is this uh is that guy over there the guy who got like who cried in court
Starting point is 03:29:13 is that him that that too whooped him yeah him that it was isn't he that guy i read no no no no no no no no no that's games for the for the homos no that's no no no the court crying no you're that's that's caved it over there hey david yeah why i could say oh i think it is that guy no that's caved daige nope it's not him i um i don't know how that guy's career could possibly go after the quote of like we don't make games for women and slur for gay people like friends friends yeah like yeah wow well so here's the thing right
Starting point is 03:30:05 once um star wars pulls out if that happens i don't know how you bounce back from that that might be that might be that's that's a couple years uh fucking getting annihilated in one but that's wishful thinking at the same time i don't know if it's actually gonna hit that that point but it's not looking good folks so uh please look forward to the continued updates as somebody keeps an eye on the eclipse let's take some letters hey if you want to send in a letter send it into castle super peace mail that's castle super peace mail at david cage is the third d of dnd that's really funny that's really good and those guys just ruined everything for themselves possible
Starting point is 03:31:25 what what are you what are you losing it well you i see you losing it what are you losing it for because my brain is trying to think of the floating QTE button prompts around as the belt is hooked up because you have to you have to balance staying conscious while keeping the rhythm up so it's a it's a multi prompt challenge there's a lot going on you have to hold both triggers and then hit triangle to choke and circle to jerk while balancing the controller and the gyro must stay balanced otherwise you black out because so you need to keep you have to keep that part steady it's rough but the vibration continues to increase in intensity uh castle super beast mail at
Starting point is 03:32:37 we got one coming in from remerai how you doing hey man what's up oh dear woolly pat and bob the invisible monster when i was a wee lad my sisters and i would play games on floppy disk on my dad's computer they're mostly forgettable distractions and i remember this one isometric game where you searched a field of cubes for your friend while big spiders or maybe ants were trying to kill you uh that's a vague description because that's all i remembered uh no name no company no year just a simple game i thought i would never see or play again much later i realized the game was ant attack released way before i was born uh are there any games from your childhood that you can vaguely recall
Starting point is 03:33:22 or made doubt ever existed at all ooh i feel like we answered something similar to this but maybe i'm just having fake deja vu um but i have one because i i think i remember bringing this up on the podcast before and people did have an answer for me but there was a game that i played back in those days where we had the floppy disks and the installs and shit and there was that big old box of alone in the dark with the 30 disks or whatever the fuck it was but one game that was already installed on the 386 that we got was wait was it a 386 no it was the pentium like there was a game that was already installed on the pentium we got and it was a um alone in the dark style tech control game
Starting point is 03:34:13 but you were playing as a little girl and you had a little brother and you were stuck in rainy ass gray london and or somewhere in europe i think it was london though and there were like mean creepy adults out that we had to like run from and i think some monsters as well but um i for the love can't remember what the fuck game that was i don't know about i don't know about games that like i can't remember well enough to think that i can't you know might not exist but i can't think of one game that i adored and to this day have never been able to find a human being in my personal life who has even heard of it and that is uh
Starting point is 03:35:10 uh god a little big adventure to twinsons odyssey a game that i spent tons of time with and is a fucking classic and just like i i can look up videos like other people have played it but like every time i've mentioned that game i just get completely blank fucking stares huh and that game rules now i saw someone said city of lost children and i'm looking at it um and this looks okay no so there's something more live-action-y that's called city of lost children and that's not it but lost children 1990s wait no that is it okay never mind no the promotional shit was all just live okay yes city of lost children 1997 yep that's the one that's the one it was also a film that's why okay there we go
Starting point is 03:36:17 yeah little girl black hair red dress there you go i mean there were a couple of games like that but i did kind of like figure them out working with you for so fucking later on exactly um laura bow you know one of the point and clicks from back in the day when it was like with the back when like that was installed in a bunch of police quest games leisure suit larry and shit any you kids remember the fucking cg rpg game called lands of lore there's a bunch of cg trailers for that fucking thing on a bunch of game discs played for five minutes christ
Starting point is 03:37:05 and then there's a bunch of like implanted memories i want to call them because it's like not games that i've played but games that i saw tons of ads for in game pro magazine mm-hmm or e gm i used to see ads for fucking critical and clay mates um and high seas havoc man i so i have the beholder too is like one of my favorite childhood games i absolutely am madly in love with that game and like it's obviously very old and it it makes me so fucking upset because when i go to play it on gog it it doesn't just like fuck up my video settings through dosbox it turns my television off oh my god so i don't know what the fuck it is doing but it doesn't want to do it wow um thanks rem got another one here coming in from skriv
Starting point is 03:38:11 who says they're woolly and pat skrivner here slight correction on battle passes a chunk of episodes ago pat mentioned on the podcast that fortnight had a great battle pass system adding that it created it i just wanted to call in and correct that it was actually valve specifically dota 2 that had the first battle pass system in 2013 fortnight adopted the system years later along with many other gas games well fortnight adopting a system is this not surprising so this got me wondering if there's any mechanics or systems that originated with a game that you really like but the more but the more well known game um is often misattributed to having created it um street fighter one invented special moves in fighting games but
Starting point is 03:38:56 good luck trying to tell somebody that because street fighter one fucking sucks ass um yeah yeah and i and uh i i've never played it but i think the one that my brain goes to is gears of war invented cover shooting and it's yeah no it was kill switch kill switch did hey wow i can battle monsters to each against each other so glad that pokemon invented this no no no says shin megami tense a one back in like fucking 89 dude i will always remember seeing the first ads for pokemon and immediately thinking it was just a new branding for monster in my pocket oh weird that's super bizarre but it's like pocket monsters yeah and there was an established brand of toys called monster in my pocket and the idea of that thing was just
Starting point is 03:40:02 immediately like oh they're just it's a new thing that they're like they're re-releasing or rebranding or whatever you know and then it turned out to fucking couldn't be further from the truth but that's that's instantly what i thought i was reading you know um yeah and let's take one over here from temporal dingo who says uh dear insert meta reference here fun fact back in the 1940s the u.s air force designed many cockpits based on the average height and weight of their pilots they soon noticed the an increase in accidents at one point seeing 17 crashes occur in a single day the air force then thought their planes were becoming too complex for the pilots
Starting point is 03:40:54 until an internal study of more than 4 000 pilots found that not a single one matched the dimensions of the cockpits in their gear the air force is an example of lack of empathy and design failed to take into consideration that the average design is not what you're looking for when creating games and gear for people who require more tailored design with that said are there any examples you can think of or a lack of empathy in game design led to problems with software or hardware to come to mind the number one thing that i can think of is um every single fucking game developer that read psychology 101 and discovered what operant conditioning is and classical conditioning is
Starting point is 03:41:38 said hey i can make players do what i want if i condition to do this thing and then didn't read like the second page of that shit where uh if you condition people to certain behaviors it makes them anxious and it makes dogs bite their handlers it makes them fucking freak out and it's like oh psychologically manipulating people makes them into fucking assholes i wonder why like these games like league of legends create just the most toxic mother fucking assholes to ever exist and yes i know i said this already but this is appropriate to the topic step one get them to do what you want okay cool done never mind step two what or what happens um i think uh lack of empathy in design shows up in hardware uh whenever the game forces you
Starting point is 03:42:36 to do the claw whenever a game requires you to continue to manipulate the stick while pressing the d-pad while continuing to press buttons on the other side of the control as well that come like the left analog stick use the d-pad and the stick at the same time as a crime it's just like if i say as i use it constantly in elden ring exactly and it's fucking it's it's that is not empathetic that is cruel and unusual don't require claw moments in your games use layering you know i mean we talked about this when we were originally discussing some of the um the stuff that hitchhiker was doing with like what when we were talking about how to layer um dmc uh styles over buttons and have like a basically a um a toggle that creates a layer on the controller they're already kind of
Starting point is 03:43:32 doing it with the d-pad but the fact that you you have to have these moments of clawing sucks and the furthest version of that damage comes into play when you go to games like kittick or uprising where the game requires you to play the stick on your left hand and stylus on your right hand that's damage any game requiring that plus like massive dexterous quick responsiveness and you can only really clamp down the the the the 3ds with your trigger finger your r button or your l button rather like fuck off that's hostile use your pinky to hold the weight of the 3ds yeah it's only 400 grams but guess what your pinky is not made for that also you're gonna need a buff pinky with that with all the wrist damage you're gonna take from the stylus i just thought
Starting point is 03:44:26 of it talking about the 3ds well you listening you talk about the 3ds the number one least empathetic design of all time hey woolly i've got my phone right here let's say i was playing something on my phone what would i do i would put my index middle and ring fingers on the back of the phone and cradle it with my pinky and kind of push in on the sides with my palm and thus i would use my thumbs and maybe the index fingers to do that oh that's a good way to hold it unless you're playing a game on the vita that has the use of that fucking stupid back touchpad where they want you to curl your fucking fingers on the corner like a freak and every time i fucking pick the thing up i hit a goddamn button i get it that like we're trying
Starting point is 03:45:19 to find a way to work more buttons onto the 14 button standard layout and i felt the exact same when you get the elite with the back nubs remember that right you put in the back nubs and i'm like fuck this i'm gonna accidentally hit these buttons forever i'm still currently struggling with the crouch button dismounting me from torrent when i don't want it to happen oh yeah i use i use the i use the the elite controller back buttons all time i love it i fucking i grip the controller to you can take you can take them off right it's like it's fine you'd take exactly so the elite became no problem because he took off those buttons uh i wish i could put fucking crouch on the touchpad somewhere but unfortunately it doesn't have that level of just don't just don't mash the
Starting point is 03:46:05 button well it no but it i know but it the well the problem is that this is not the first game this is a constant thing if for the in well it's been years now page does the same thing i i look at her running around on torrent and she goes to move the camera or move the character and she clicks on the stick and she dismounts her torrent i'm like just don't just don't do it well we all have different hands man like my hands on your hand it's your brain it's honestly like it's a thing that happens even when i'm not gripping that hard it's just pushing the stick in certain directions it goes a bit more hard than others sometimes and perhaps you know i don't press the button well i don't know what to tell you i mean it i don't want to tell you and it's just don't press
Starting point is 03:46:55 the button yeah okay look i'll pick up this controller right now look at this look i hi i got my hand is of audio audio podcast most of you i'm spinning the control oh my god look i'm not clicking wow oh great you know i should i should have tried that i didn't think of not doing it i should have tried just not doing it this reminds me of an interaction between some guy and one of the doom uh doom eternal developers when they added the lb button shoots the ice grenade in doom eternal and somebody said hey can is there a way to disable this i don't want to use this and they responded with you are in control of the britain buttons that you push just don't just don't push it just don't do it mm-hmm yep okay
Starting point is 03:47:45 i feel like um maybe somewhere in there like making sure that i could consistently get a guile a super input out with the down back down forward down back up forward kind of thing requires a level of precision accuracy and force you do it like this yeah but you're going to find yourself dropping those more often if your inputs are not clean yeah well sports doesn't make clean inputs uh well it it does it does help over the years i mean i've been doing this for quite a while but regardless a consistent issue i have is um unintentional l three clicks and um yeah okay cool so by the way too hard no problem no problem so your entire
Starting point is 03:48:43 series called mind goblins just stop every single one of those things just don't do them okay two things one yes that is actually the point of the series like unironically literally that is exactly what that series actually is and two this isn't a mental trap this is just calm down don't hit the button yeah i've tried i i legitimately would just i wish the touchpad for all the space it takes up would um would allow for a more precise placement of like like it it reminds me back when page was streaming bloodborne a couple years ago um and when she beat ludwig she gripped the controller so hard she like fucked up her wrists for like three weeks okay well that and she's like what's
Starting point is 03:49:37 happening she's made out of paper remember you have to remember she's made out of paper so you might have been gripping at the same intensity but your bombs didn't just fly apart right um but like just instead of but it's not it's not the grip so much it's it's what's happening is like the thumbstick is it's like when i'm pressing it in certain moments and i lean it back in one direction or i switch back to another it's not like oh you're literally you're literally fighting gaming it it's in that moment i'm switching directions to one to the other and it clicks in when i switch directions yeah that's what's happening that's that is actually fighting game like your your earlier thing about the guy all super yeah like that is legitimately you using
Starting point is 03:50:20 like your d-pad muscle memory on that you know i mean you you you definitely will result you'll get more clean inputs uh well the the soft gesture um will help with certain kinds of inputs but some inputs like i feel you're rewarded for the harder it like the the stuff like pretzel motions and shit you kind of just need to slam it aggressively for the accuracy no matter how hard i slammed it i was never able to do it twice in a row that fucking motion yeah whereas no shit like that and shit like guile you need to kind of rely on the force of the edge of the limit of the input so that you always trace it hey you want you want an absolute fucking opposite version of this so i stopped streaming elden ring on friday and i was like oh i should
Starting point is 03:51:10 do my fucking ff 14 dailies okay cool so i start playing uh just do any ex roulette and i fucking get to a boss like in in the first dungeon and i fucking start sprinting towards him because i clicked r3 to lock onto him yeah yeah and then i went to jump and selected something because the jump buttons are different so you know um i i just i feel that like the the the touch surface is criminally criminally underutilized and i'll even say this too as someone who has been getting used to playing the dual sense on with fighting games um some games i play on sticks some games i play pad when you're going to training mode and you're doing again sharp inputs on on a dime
Starting point is 03:52:02 the ability for your thumb to hit the dual shock for touch pad was pretty low because it was you know smaller but now that dual sense my thumb by default is touching it right and my thumbs are big enough that the tip of my thumb touches the pad automatically normal so when i do a quick double quarter circle i accidentally reset the training location you know so that the other thing i have to do is immediately turn the touch pad off and make it so that something else is reset training so let me ask you when you're holding this yeah for me it's the the crease of the first knuckle of the thumb that is on the edge of the controller right for you where is it the the the joint of yeah okay the same spot but your thumb
Starting point is 03:52:56 is like twice as long as mine it's very long and it's also very hard and calloused from years of fighting game playing input um so when i rest the the the the the joint on the rest it rest it in like a little curve right you're in a little curve straight out yep and it's usually right in the middle or just below of the d pad right and it's that that touch pad should actually seem to be way worse than that yeah well because because because the thing is the beauty of that right and this is somehow i've tried to teach people like how to get quarter circles out if they're not playing on a stick if they're playing on a d pad for example is something like where you go hold on a minute are you trying to do a quarter circle using the top of your thumb and then tracing
Starting point is 03:53:42 that out on the d pad that's why you're having a hard time yeah no you gotta use you gotta use the joint the ball if you exactly use the joint and then you simply twitch from down to forward and the input's completed right you know when you need to sorry when you need to do it quickly that's the fastest way so that just becomes instinctual um but this touch pad increasing to be right outside the d pad range means only in training mode because in regular matches that it doesn't do anything but that's an option that needs to turn off right away so you're i'm just thinking of like do you remember me coming over and playing xbox a third strike and you looked at me like i was a freaking freak because i was playing with the analog stick
Starting point is 03:54:25 yeah yeah you know certain inputs are way easier with the analog stick on that 360 720s you know there are pad players that would there's a plant ruler named van geef who just like dropped to the stick for that one move and then go back to the d pad yeah it's much easier you know but that's it plus the controller itself also the the dual sense touch pad is actually more sensitive than the dual shock for you know i've noticed that yeah it's made to recognize like much lighter inputs as well so all of this leads to some unintended inputs uh yeah there you go big old answer to the question all right all right time to get back to Elden Ring that's four hours we're out

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