Castle Super Beast - CSB 193: Doomnutters Rise Up

Episode Date: November 15, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I I Right there we go We are up yo, what's up with anime robots? They're cool. I like it's being sad Hmm Which one's you talking about I'm talking okay, that's that's that was that was more vague than I had expected I'm talking about signal us. What did you think I could have been talking about I? Mean
Starting point is 00:01:12 There's definitely Eva. There's you know Yeah, no, there's certainly a couple of sad anime robots out there You know FLCL Gundam, but are they sad in FLCL the robots can't he is I mean well I guess you got to kind of interpret what you can Can't he's pretty simple, but oh, yeah near automata definitely said that had said robots sad robots in near for sure You know, okay. Well, I'm talking about I'm talking about signal the sad anime robots
Starting point is 00:01:48 And one of the reasons I'm bringing that up is not just because I played it over the week last week and beat it But I checked out your VODs and you played about 99.9% of that game. Yeah I was like scrolling through it. I'm like, oh man I can't wait to see what Willie thinks of the ending and I'm like, oh this motherfucker is like 25 minutes from the end of the game nice that cool. I Couldn't tell whether I was gonna be a full session left or not seeing as to the the narrative tools they use Towards the end are you know?
Starting point is 00:02:24 some yeah, so so That game Okay, so that game is great. Can we agree we can agree on that fantastic that game is like visually astonishing Like when it like it's it's got the cool old look, but then it goes for some really just Super crazy art design and cutscenes and the first person sections Just ah man. Oh man Like I said a hard cut to full screen kanji is a mood. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:57 Octon octon all this weird fucking future German shit and It is the first time in a long long time that a game like legitimately use air quotes got me in terms of its progression and mechanical
Starting point is 00:03:24 implications Like I got like I did not get got on near automata, right? Mm-hmm. I guess I because I had played near so I was on the assumption that something was up signal us absolutely Got me and like torpedoed my shit for a good ten minutes and thoroughly Thoroughly confused me for a good long while as to what it was actually doing. Okay. No was that Based on the ending or was that based on like approaching that point that that was based off of The two-thirds mark. Okay. Yeah, or the three-quarters mark through the game
Starting point is 00:04:04 Yeah, or the game decides to really just start to fuck with you the hard a lot So it felt for sure like it was a Detailed love letter to survival horrors of the past and Again, I could feel the references that I'm not I wasn't getting I also Like one thing about it is it where is its references on its sleeve? like quite absurdly literally in that the marquee shot for the first trailer was Makoto Kusanagi sorry Matoko Kusanagi looking robot
Starting point is 00:04:46 Bustin her arm off trying to open something precisely right like there's no pretending with that But then in the in the final version of that shot where you see what she's trying to open It's the fucking pressure release valve. That's on the side of an Ava plug tube Like it's the same design. It's that handle Oh, it's an Evangelion reference also and then at the same time like I had a moment where I walked up to a Hand puzzle And just like I'm like we're just doing it. We're not even gonna pretend. We're just straight up doing it You know so I saw an interesting I was talking all sorts of praise about this and I saw somebody
Starting point is 00:05:30 describing how they are not They have not played many survival horror games and they do not believe that they have watched or have Played the games that this takes reference to and whether or not That is important to The thing I would say that's not important at all To actually appreciating it because the kinds of references and and Callbacks and like love letter to survive a horror none of them are actually important to understanding or appreciating the game
Starting point is 00:06:09 It's just you're going through it and going oh wow they oh, okay. They really like They really like that so like the save points are Silent Hill 2 save points Like exactly and then you later on encounter the big version of Silent Hill 2 save point That is the multi red square. It flashes to red. I mean, you know, yeah makes a noise for sure It is start the game in a fucking dirty bathroom staring into a mirror yeah, and Like there's two levels to that that I really appreciate one is that it's a Silent Hill 2 reference and two is Androids
Starting point is 00:06:50 Don't need to be in a bathroom and they don't need to look at themselves in the mirror Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So it has a connotation to that character. Mm-hmm. And the whole yeah That being said even though it has a lot of these references and it's being overt with them It's not trying to hide them in any way shape or form it does You know have its own setting and characters and plot and it does a really good job of like sprinkling out the information Giving you too much information in a way where you're almost like you're not sure what to really parse and what to just kind of throw Into the pile Yeah, so for a game that has
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like one of the one of the man It's so it's so some of them are so on the nose I couldn't believe it like the location the third location's name Is just the same exact name as like the final Silent Hill one location Okay, okay And it works the same with the the lack of continuity between the rooms. Yeah, yeah, yeah But for something as like violently confusing for most of its runtime I
Starting point is 00:07:59 Feel like I want to even be stronger than that as to like it is it's fucking Bewildering for most of its runtime as to what is actually occurring in that game It actually in that final level you get the the important chunks like little by little and like huge Slots of the narrative start to like just lock into place. Yeah, okay. Yeah, okay And and despite the ending being kind of confused like it the the I'm gonna say the physics of the plot are fairly confusing by the time you get to the end the actual through line and understanding of the events is
Starting point is 00:08:44 Extremely clear. So I feel like I feel like What you're kind of doing as you're getting all this information. Yeah signal. This is the game As you're getting all this information is like you're getting introduced to again like types of robots types of units and locations planets and and you know the details about how The the structure and the government works and whatnot and you're kind of like going like okay This is all background. Sure, but then every once in a while like you'll see a name that stands out as like oh that name's important, right? So this is something to pay attention to okay
Starting point is 00:09:25 or like this This archetype is important Right, and then you'll get some kind of weird-ass dream sequence that doesn't make any sense Until you find a letter or something. Yeah, it's based off of yeah, exactly, right? So I there were a couple moments of I guess just I'll call it like timed narrative, you know, like there is a One of those first-person sequences a lot of those are great. I really like we talked about those before they're really really well done There's one of them where it's kind of like you have a time limit and to pick up those pages and read them And I guess I missed one
Starting point is 00:10:02 You know cuz I I turned left instead of right, but yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about but In the end, yeah, I feel like you know for something that is like just Paying all this love to all the genres, you know and and and survival horror mechanics and like absolutely just going no No, this is a direct one-to-one homage to this thing Really solid standing on its own two legs plot that like With or without getting those references is is really good, you know Yeah, so I mean I could go down the list and I could I could
Starting point is 00:10:39 Somebody in my chat made a joke when I was going from the third level to the fourth level Which was oh now we're going to the lab Because the game follows the resident evil progression of stages exactly, okay, which is mansion guard house mine and lab Like exactly what I would say though those aren't like exactly one-on-one. That's not exactly a guard house It's not excited, you know What I would say though is that the the part where you if You didn't know any of the games or the genre at all up to this point you would probably struggle
Starting point is 00:11:22 I know I would if I didn't recently play through like Silent Hill and get used to what that was about Yeah, you you recently played through the game's primary influences Yeah, and that was perfect timing because like the nature of What you're asked to do with your inventory is It's it's almost like walking into Dark Souls for the first time and kind of going like oh This is not like every other action game I've played like if you just try to treat that like anything else You're gonna hit that huge horrible wall and like suffer for a while until you start Realizing empty pockets is the only way to go, you know. Yeah, so I felt we talked last week about how I had a
Starting point is 00:12:05 Fairly typical survival horror fans response to much of the game's first two levels, which was I Can't shoot anything. What if I need it for later? and I was pleasantly surprised that their solution to that behavior is to make that completely Untolerable in the back half of the third level and for the fourth level There's no way to fucking navigate that love that final space without pulling out your fucking guns and Zapping a bunch of guys. You're walking in a room. They have like here's
Starting point is 00:12:45 Five dudes, there's a couple of fuck rooms that you walk into that are just like oh, yeah, no good. No guns, huh? No ammo. Okay, you know and as a result in that in that final level they're treating combat rooms as like lock and key Like instead of having oh, you need the the fancy doll to open up the dollhouse, right? It's you need the shotgun to bypass this room Yeah, there's something also hilariously callous about the way item pickup prompts appear because
Starting point is 00:13:26 There you don't think twice about it as you will go through most of the game But when you have to run up to a key item and pick it up as things are on your ass in a room full of death And you get a second message of are you do you want? Are you sure you want to pick this up? Yes or no? Oh, did you pick no whoops like like there's a level of like just pick the thing up What the fuck are you doing? It's this game is like no We're gonna fuck you over on that smart idea because the usual mentality would be if it's a room That doesn't have a puzzle in it and isn't a connecting hallway You don't actually need to kill anything in there, right?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Because then you know who gives a shit you'll never be back in there But picking up items like this is one of the only games I can think of in the entire genre in which picking up items does not stop time So no fucking shoot them shoot them all shoot them all You can still pause and reload You know, yeah, that's there, but like you get no mercy on the item pickup the game does also a bunch of Goofy, I don't know what to call it like extra save
Starting point is 00:14:35 shenanigans with your file Like your your data is being tracked as you die and reload games Oh on on your on your On your your like on your personality chart area of like your diagram There's 13 little squares and those each one one fills up when you die and reload the game But not when you Reese not when you reset the game. I don't think I've died Okay I'm trying to remember and I think I've survived the entire time and I managed to scrape by got low a couple times
Starting point is 00:15:20 But I haven't died yet. So I haven't seen anything with that. Um, I really only have The game is kind of immaculate and perfect and I have a single issue and That single issue has been solved by YouTube and people smarter than me Which is it uses the Silent Hill 2 method of determining ending states Which is tracking your gameplay metrics? Okay? However They have really Really juiced the numbers on one of them
Starting point is 00:15:59 the the quote-unquote best one is actually like Not the metrics you would think to get at all and Then it has a bonus super de-duper secret ending that required people to do like spectrographic analysis of the radio transmissions in the game Like like Relax Yeah, right so stare at that fucking photo like James, huh? Yeah, yeah Um
Starting point is 00:16:32 Well, uh, I mean yeah, that's too much. That's that's too much It's and but it's there for someone I Get it, but I just kind of Chementally check out like a lot of the stuff with for example like the the layers of undertale when it first came out Was super duper cool and I was super and I was way I was how fun was it to go through the narrative across? multiple play-throughs um Big fun, right? And then of course you your super bosses to like cap off those narratives in a really strong way is great
Starting point is 00:17:06 The moment we get into the gaster stuff. I'm out I'm just I'm not go. I'm not in though going through the files. I'm not going through the folders That's just not for me. It's for some people for you, you know, I'm out on the gaster stuff, you know It's too much. Yeah. Yeah, there's a there's a lot you don't want to you don't want to fuck around and fucking Binary codes to find out whether or not Sands is from a different dimension a rg shit. I mean It can be done but like
Starting point is 00:17:42 Even in the like okay in the lightest use of it you've got qr codes You know for for for your your your your puzzles or you've got your I guess your fez alphabet Mm-hmm, you know as as like ways to go outside of the game. Yeah, I I Fucking That fez alphabet shit makes me so fucking mad every time I think about it Yeah, the level of fucking pomp and like I'm the smartest indie developer This is gonna change the world look guys. I made a one-to-one alphabetic cipher
Starting point is 00:18:24 Japanese game. Oh fucking filth fish is such a fucking piece of shit. I feel like the Yeah, I like again, it's it's it's definitely like it's in there for somebody if you if you're that person and you like taking your games to that level You know and people are gonna be digging through those files anyway, right? So it certainly makes for a fun thread But the I like the things that are a bit more Intrinsic, I suppose I'll call it for example punch out secrets that pop up 30 years later Yeah, that's awesome because that's in the game. It's like go look. Did you notice the camera flash? That I actually pay attention idiots. Yeah, that's good. Why aren't you paying attention? Yeah, no absolutely fantastic and just again killing it on the aesthetics top to bottom
Starting point is 00:19:15 All the robots are acute Right. Mm-hmm. And sure And I feel like some moments are practically layups for stream jokes like really you called it the a-da-a-da Thank you. Yeah, you called it the other like you like caught you know, we're just just yeah, all right But yeah, no, it's it's a boy. It's a it's a great. It is a great goddamn video game. So here's a thought like I Think In this it's weird, but I feel like the lack of voice acting adds something to the mood here The only voice acting you hear in the entire game is that goddamn
Starting point is 00:20:05 Fucking apocalyptic sounding German warning message Yeah, it's the only spoken word in the entire game and as a result. It's like very stark Yeah, it how much that you feel that versus their own dialogue. Everything is very creepy And stays that way, but I feel like some good voice acting could like you know, probably be Awesome for some of those cutscenes, you know like ito and stuff like that So it's an indie game, right? It's 20 bucks and it's it's clearly lower budget I think that you're right in that like Some really excellent stellar voice acting would improve it
Starting point is 00:20:48 However, I think anything less than that would have hurt it detract Yeah, so not having it was the right decision Because like all there's actually there's very little dialogue in that game. There's there's maybe I Don't I don't know like maybe fucking two three hundred total lines of dialogue in the entire game So if like Adler was bad That would be a fucking problem. Yeah However Remember that this genre is also partially defined by its bad voice acting in its references
Starting point is 00:21:28 Yeah, but but this is but like this is the time where you're actually taking it seriously Yeah, cuz like a silent as a reasonable one is Definitively defined by its terrible terrible voice acting and Silent Hill 2 is defined not by I would say it's terrible voice acting But it's incredibly strange strange. Yes. Yes, and then in the end that's part of the charm. I think I think that I Think that the setting they chose Fucked them over in terms of ever deciding to have voice acting because like I I don't want Anime voice acting with English speaking bad German accents
Starting point is 00:22:16 The German accent I think I think that would be the worst thing in the goddamn world The German accents could definitely yeah What's that fucking? What's that show with the country students in the high school? It's alia. Yeah. Yeah It's me Germany. Hello. Somebody in the chat points out. What if it was just straight up in German? That'd be cool. Yeah If it was if it just kept it completely German, that'd be fun I'm making the assumption that Rose engine is a
Starting point is 00:22:55 German developer. I'm going to now double-check that Oh It's a indie developer duo Hmm it is a duo, okay That's impressive Yuri Stern and Barbara Whitman two illustrators and game designers currently residing in Hamburg Germany Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:25 There you go. So coming into it as well, I mean, yeah, we're you know, it's just again highly recommended super duper good There the what I'll call it the turn, you know that you get to it that two-thirds mark Certainly left me like momentarily stunned and like Bordering on it got me in trouble with the wife. Oh, yeah, cuz I'm like cuz I'm like, hey, honey I'm all done with signalists and she's like, but I'm making dinner
Starting point is 00:24:03 I don't have time for this and I'm like, no, I'm not done with signalist. Don't you worry. Yeah, the game is tricking me No, it's so yeah, it's great. It's great I'm gonna go back and try to get that. Yeah taking care of like I could feel that I'm like I'm nearing certainly the end but it was just hard to tell how much more they were gonna put there So, you know how there's there's items you're picking up for a puzzle the the cards. Mm-hmm. That's the game's last puzzle Yeah, that's that's the the final objective. Okay Solid and Short and sweet
Starting point is 00:24:42 and okay, so two people made this and then three people made Hollow Knight and and and Okay, we should definitely definitely Keep letting these Man, how do I put this this feels like the a a how do I put the ah? This does not feel iterated this feels like the game existed in a complete state in these people's minds and Then they just took it from their brain and put it on to the computer
Starting point is 00:25:15 Well, I'm sorry to let you know it probably was iterated. You don't get anything. You don't get a game this clean Without having many people get through it and touch it and course correct over the No, no, I know but it's not like it's not a situation. We're like, oh, let's add let's add this How do I put this? It feels like it was directed that there were no gigantic changes that this was the Exact thing that they had in their mind in terms of like gameplay. Yeah, I know how many bullets do enemies take yeah Yeah, how many what have you I'm sure they worked on the like like yeah the enemy behavior
Starting point is 00:25:54 Like and balance that quite a bit, you know before I can It's funny because I saw when I was playing through it. There were people who had gone through it on survival And had described that the entire game. It's not like it's harder It's the entire game's combat balance and item balance is like completely different on a harder difficulty because You you go from if you save enough you have plenty of resources for everything to you just don't have enough resources for anything I The only things that bug me and I and I I guess this is to be you know
Starting point is 00:26:32 I'm gonna look at the inventory limit not the inventory limit. I talked about that, right? It's too small It is it is it's stifling, but whatever I got used to that and that was fine But like I said trying to learn the rules in any game is something that I Enjoy and I want to get down, you know And I realized too that like okay, so the part where you never know you can't really Expect any room to ever be completely clear unless you sacrifice a resource for that is like, okay I get that right otherwise the permanent threat is there and that's part of what this game is about the back and forth This is where the you know the challenge is gonna be but then I guess I had some moments where I'm like
Starting point is 00:27:13 Wait for the targeting reticle to be as small as possible to ensure maximum impact damage and such and I get Two perfect targeting reticle shots off and the thing goes down, but then sometimes it's not to Yeah, and that's where I go, but then why is it not? What is this enemies have variable levels of health, okay, right even the same Same enemy. Yes, and this is where I go. Oh, no Like my calculations on my bullets are not enough So I think I think two is enough to take care of something turns out It's three and sometimes even four or in shotguns case one good shotgun
Starting point is 00:27:53 But sometimes it's two and I'm like, oh fuck like the enemies don't behave the same way even if they're the same type of enemy You know, yeah, and that's to create a feeling of stress Inventory because yeah because in a in a game like fucking let's take re2, right? Your standard zombie has the same amount of health as any other standard zombie unless they have a hat And your bullets have a random chance to crit But overall it's gonna take six to nine bullets to kill an average zombie if they fall down before Before that then they're gonna get back up So go down and plug them until you have the the extra blood thing and I'm talking about the original risen evil 2
Starting point is 00:28:34 Right what this creates is a situation in which you can look at your inventory and you go I have 17 bullets in my gun and I have 30 rounds in the in you know in an ammo thing Therefore, I know I can kill at least Five zombies Guaranteed, right and you can kind of solve rooms in that way Signalis doesn't seem to want to let me do that Yeah, like I'll have five shotgun shells in the shotgun and Sometimes I can down like most of a room in one shot and then stop them and I'm like cool and other times
Starting point is 00:29:14 It has taken three. Yes So and that is that's 300% increase yeah, that's that's the thing So when you fully load up a shotgun and you're like, I'm gonna take the shotgun from here to the next save point This can take care of either five problems or two And that's a wildly that's a significant difference in problem solving. Yeah Yeah, so then you get to the the point where you're like well, what if I run the gun with no ammo I just run the gun and then you get in the position where sometimes that went really well And I pulled out a handgun and I was able to kill like
Starting point is 00:29:50 three full enemies With just the ten bullets in the handgun and other times that got me like one and a half And like oh fuck that didn't help that I should have left it in the box if it's only gonna give one But then I'll I'll take okay, so I'll take the handgun ammo with me, but now I only have four fucking slots Yeah, yeah, or if you want to rock make me if you want to enjoy your rifle you have no choice But to bring that ammo with you. Yeah, it really makes me feel that every health item in the entire game is Placed as meant to be used on the spot, right? Don't bother fucking walking with this pick it up and clear that spot
Starting point is 00:30:32 Did you do any merging of of health items to create instant sprays? I did a shit so when I was in the final zone I recognized it as this is obviously the final zone and I went into my inventory and I Did have like triple the amount of items I would need to beat the game Okay, so I went and I had I Had like 40 heels Just sitting there
Starting point is 00:31:00 So I'm like, okay, and then I combined all of them Okay, that I could every now and then and then I got to the final boss and the final boss You're better off just bringing the auto injectors that heal you from When when you yeah the res those those feel like they're made because you can carry three of those and that's three That just increases your health bar by like three full health states. Absolutely. Yeah, that makes women That's what I did for most bosses that I could get prepared for I was because it's also nice that in the in the big boss fight in the beginning and the final boss fight They they drop ammo in the room with you. Cool. Cool. Cuz yeah, like there's there's ammunition
Starting point is 00:31:39 You could get hands so that if you walked in with like actually nothing you could probably do it I found out the Yeah, like basically once I found out about the the the spray Mechanic and the combining shit. I like was like, okay I got to do that more often and then every time I ended up picking up a small heel. I was like fuck I'm in the yellow. I need this, you know Yeah, and the the heels are ours are like designed around just use them now
Starting point is 00:32:07 Dude, whatever because they all like most of them take like like a couple minutes To heal your health state like it takes time. They're over time over time and time is a real Weird word. What does time mean? Yeah, I'm like 30 seconds. Not quite So I got through the whole game literally couldn't figure out how long it takes those to heal a health state Like it could be a minute. It could be five All I know is that I would use it and then the next time I checked my health value. It was full I see Susie over there. What's up beat the health beat the final boss with no resources. Jesus christ
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah, so they they you can you can you can do it. Okay The final boss not only gives you Like ammunition, but it also has a mechanic associated with it Assuming you actually fucked it so badly that you're walking in without any firearms either. Here's something you could do Okay, um, and the game does do something that is is like very resident evil and cute is like the final the final Note you read in the game about the final boss. It just goes. Hey, you should leave some room in your inventory so you can items Yeah, yeah, no, I probably won't be able to beat the boss if you can't pick up an item
Starting point is 00:33:30 I I do appreciate the telegraphing of a couple of those moments again There's when you see a door with five keys on it you go fuck Yeah, that happens like Yeah, you're like, you know exactly what this is, you know Better go fucking run those pockets, son Mm-hmm. There's there's three moments in the game that if you want to actually open the door at all at once You need to fill your whole inventory Like the whole inventory to actually just even attempt it, but you can make trips
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, yeah Phenomenal good stuff good stuff Uh, probably gonna wrap that up tomorrow Oh, yeah, you're gonna you could you like that like like like in a second Yeah, um Okay, so, uh, I guess I'll I'll Go from there into my stuff Yeah, what's up with your stuff? I got more stuff, but I'll talk about it later. I just want to talk about signalis signalis is so fucking incredible
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah, no, I should go get signalis. It's 20 bucks cheap good solid fucking Um survival horror robot drama sad robots Sad robots hanging out in japanese classrooms It's read speaking german. Yeah Yeah, um It's it's fascinating to see what does the german weeaboo want to make? Mm-hmm, and it's cool. It's very different
Starting point is 00:35:02 No, no no missus there Um Yes, so Uh, yeah, but like I said, probably gonna get a chance to uh, finish that off But um, I think we're gonna be back to normal this week as well looks like uh, reggie's uh, doing much better got his first negative test so You got to get the double the double tap and uh, once once we're confirmed on that we will resume And then I can finally become a bayonetter
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh But uh, but uh, you're gonna bayonet all over the place all over the place looking forward to it Um, so but yeah, that's that's that's gonna uh likely resume I'm gonna say probably wednesday, you know assuming everything's good um uh Yeah, did a couple things this week, but I guess like Schedule wise some stuff's gonna shift around quite a bit and we're gonna have to um figure out uh
Starting point is 00:36:06 Some some Channel details and stuff that uh, me and reggie are gonna arrange uh Yeah, so I I I I got a not super great call this morning that more or less confirms that uh, despite Doing uh, uh despite my best efforts over the last couple years Um, I have now officially got the betas
Starting point is 00:36:34 The dire breeders the betas is now. I I'm sorry. I don't have the mustache to give this. It's proper. Yeah No gravity it sucks. It fucking that's some that's some shitty shit Uh, it's like, you know, I knew I was in the range like prior I was like pre Is diabetes is the state and you're like, okay, you do what you can about that and that was a couple years ago and like most of what I was doing up until that point was like, you know All backing it off or sending it doing what I can
Starting point is 00:37:07 Pandemic fucked a lot of shit up obviously stopped boxing. Yeah that pandemic. Yeah helpful for anyone. No a lot of people, you know had like for me like yeah, it led directly to you know, the lack of of where of me going out to uh, get my regular training and and um, you know, Whatever the one thing led to another but ultimately that is what happened and that's where I'm at. So um This has happened before and you know that pretty much means okay go time So go time has been activated and go time pretty much consists of
Starting point is 00:37:44 uh, you know Massive changes all around some of which are going to impact my recording schedule Uh, yeah so like I mean basically Because what I was doing before was like, you know a regimen that consisted of like again boxing training multiple times a week and then
Starting point is 00:38:06 Like running in the morning and stuff like that. Um, this time around making it work with the new situation is going to be A little more like home training involved. So like I'm basically I have a rowing machine. I'm rowing half an hour every morning And uh, I'm also going to be doing some Boxing from home because I got this thing that is pretty cool. Actually, you know, I'll I'll you know, I guess segue into the wife Yeah Hey, there you go This guy No, there's a thing called. Uh, it's called a light boxer
Starting point is 00:38:43 and What it is is essentially a ddr pad on the wall And you punch it. I've seen these things. Yeah, you punch it to music rhythm or to um Like training classes and then you try to basically Keep your movement up. Keep your cardio up. Keep your force up and it you have to really you have to hit it
Starting point is 00:39:04 You know and you get your your your 12 or your 60-ounce gloves and put them on and essentially Do the fist of the north star thing? except you know to get yourself in shape and uh, it's a lot of fun and The most fun I enjoy exercising and getting and getting in shape is is through boxing So I'm gonna be doing that on a regular basis and so far This thing has been really dope. It was a an ordeal to get um
Starting point is 00:39:32 For something this for something this cool it fucking sucks that it's like one only ships to america So wonderful. I had to use a courier service to like Have them ship it to the border and then they brought it from the border to me And then once I had it installed and set it up and had it in place um The service it's because it basically it works with an app off your phone And you sync the two together, you know, so you pick your music off of that or whatever and
Starting point is 00:40:03 That app only works if you have an american I um account for either android or iOS If you are in canada, you literally can't even see the app So wonderful just like completely restricted like fuck you if you're outside of the states type of situation We actually had to do something very similar page as a peloton exercise bike We had to have it shipped to some guy in ontario Who would then rent a truck and then drive the truck full of exercise bikes out to gebec?
Starting point is 00:40:37 Because they don't sell to gebec because the peloton Programs, you know the exercise programs that you do. Yeah are only in english. There you go. There you go So they would they were not legally allowed to sell things in gebec Yeah, so I had a guy drop it off from you know, it went over to like New york and someone drove up from there and and and brought it and then for the app Like it was a it was a whole thing But I eventually figured out how to like just basically you have to make a new itunes account And then it has to be an american account and an american account requires an american address an american phone number
Starting point is 00:41:12 So you got to fucking do a whole rigamarole. Stop geo locking exercise, please um Yeah, but uh, I was I was able to eventually figure that out and then Um get get it set up. And so now it's working fine. I just as long as I don't tell them where I am Uh, hopefully they won't remote destroy it In my inside my house and kill me, you know, I'm sure it'll be fine. Yeah um but uh
Starting point is 00:41:43 So that's what I've been doing. I've been using the lightboxer and and and that's going to be um, you know part of the thing But um, yeah, I'm probably going to be going As well back to some sort of more intensive training A multiple times a week which is gonna you know, my choices are basically like during when I record or before I record And in order to do that and like, you know, I guess rest and then start the stream and record sweaty man Properly gonna need to Push things forward a little bit. So probably gonna. Yeah be starting You know, I might it might we I'm gonna say three
Starting point is 00:42:22 um From now on but it'll be Touch and go as I figure this out Um, that's the three p.m. The eastern that's three p.m. Eastern And if uh, if it's too tight, then I'll push it back even more and it'll you know, what are you starting now? One p.m. Eastern you're starting at one. Yeah, okay so Like we have a daytime stream more or less, you know, that bleeds into the evening
Starting point is 00:42:48 But uh, yeah, this might push push things back a bit, but whatever. It's like, you know, all that it's it's like Shit's important. Gotta gotta fucking get rid of this, you know, because Fortunately, it's not it's not it's type two not type one. So you can get rid of it And I ain't going out like patrice so well to be fair
Starting point is 00:43:12 patrice not only patrice isn't the kind of guy who You know blindly ignored his health issues patrice o'neill was a man who discovered he had health issues And then wondered if he could faith heal it by shoving hookers onto the disease Okay, well as much cocaine as he could get a hold of in the in the stuff He was doing like in the last like Like right before the end like he was he was trying. He just wasn't trying hard enough, you know Like I remember I know I'm just saying you didn't have the cocaine and hooker fueled lifestyle hanging out with jim norton
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, trice o'neill had yeah, I think I think his best years were left behind in brazil I think he got over that the the camo years But um, I but what I do recall is like he definitely Was concerned in talking about a lot of that stuff for you know in his last appearances and shit and whatever like For example, uh, my father told me that, uh, you know, everyone in my family has a history of heart disease, right? And I go all that's tough And so every time I go to the dock I get checked up and like how's my heart and I go, oh, it's fine
Starting point is 00:44:18 Actually, your blood pressure is actually pretty good, too. I go. That's weird And so I thought about it like oh, wait a second Does my family have a long history of heart disease? Or is it the fact that every single member of the buvay family was a fucking two to four pack a day chain smoker since they were Yes Right, right, right. That might have had something to do with it dad. All those cigarettes you smoked in the car Yeah, um Like I've mentioned it before but like my family is pretty healthy
Starting point is 00:44:49 I'm basically the only overweight one, you know, and There's there is I did talk about how like video games Well, it's not even just that but like of the you know, like when they're like these are the like the the groups of people That are the most long-lived on on planet earth on the top 10 list of like The longest living groups are seventh day adventists What really? Yeah I thought you were going to describe an ethno group
Starting point is 00:45:18 I didn't think you were going to describe a religious because they describe because they the grouping can be anything Right, okay. It can it is not just like ethnic. It's not just like country or nationality. It could be any any grouping whatsoever that creates Information that can be statistically useful And what you're saying is that as you broke away from the church you have been cursed with unhealth precisely Whereas they remain Clean and and what it kind of comes down to is because there's something that that used to be preached called the health message You know, and it was it was straight up just like here's how to like live a healthy ass life and eat super clean You know, so, you know, bible or not l and g white are not you're still going to be
Starting point is 00:46:01 Getting a ton of health benefits from doing what they do and they live a long ass time Um top 10 on the planet Damn woolly. Yeah, you should go back to church. I should go back to church Yeah, yeah, anyways Um, no, man, it's uh, it sucks because I know that it like you can it never really goes away once you get it Once you're in it's there. You can make it go into remission But if I got a buddy of mine who successfully beat it after after about 10 years of of
Starting point is 00:46:37 Side control. So even after 15 20 years, it's still it's still called remission. It's not be it's not defeated Ah, you know, but the providing you don't fuck up. That's kind of where you're at You know, that's what people with cancer say, but like remission is so lame To say you beat the cancer and you'll never have to think about cancer a whole day in your whole life ever again Yeah, yeah, and you know, and I mean like the you know, the the timing couldn't be fucking all the timing is is Pretty as we've mentioned like a lot of people got fucking hit during the the pandemic and Uh, uh, good dude that I used to test with back in the day Just unfortunately, he just passed away as well and similarly couldn't get things under control. You know, um, and
Starting point is 00:47:20 it's you know You see examples around you of like, yeah, like the last three years a lot of people went from wherever they are To two maybe three steps worse from that You know, yeah, no, um the the the the fucking the covid has had a wonderful knock-on effect of hey Did you have a health condition that was? moderate or under control Uh, your weakened immune response from the vid may be knocking you one peg down on the healthy rank enough to
Starting point is 00:47:52 Activate whatever you're late and whatever the fuck it is. Yeah, not you personally But like everybody everybody who got covid seems to be getting sick more easily Yeah, I I I also got told that I'm like I'm a little low in my vitamin d, which is like I've never had that before but yeah, that makes sense Sunlight is a thing that needs to be chased Gotta go get my copy of buck tie Before uh before we moved uh from kebek page went to the doctor and she's like Yeah, this this this and that and then she was like you are astonishingly
Starting point is 00:48:29 Catastrophically low in vitamin d And it was like well hiding from the earth in the basement of our house That didn't have many open windows Uh, definitely some we took some vitamin d supplements and now out in bc there's sunlight everywhere and You know we're we're out all the time. So we're good But there was that period of like, yeah, no the sun, huh? Yeah, how about that?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah, no gotta figure that out. Um, also yes, I'm I'm like the You know, the obviously the sooner this kind of shit gets taken care of the the less Of knock-on effect it has on everything else and I I definitely do I'm happy that I I don't have to deal with an insulin situation Which I mean that's like just one of the number one most bonkers things in the states admittedly Although according to some tweets on twitter. I hear it might be free. So who the fuck knows what's going on?
Starting point is 00:49:35 You know, if you ever wanted proof that rich people don't know what they're doing go fucking look at all the businesses being affected by twitter Oh, man Um, oh man. Yeah, it's uh, I don't I don't but anyways That's that's you know the the the type one stuff for people where you have to just inject it every day is like that's fucking That's a rough one and I I'm you know fortunate that that's not what I'm the situation I'm in but anyways all this to say Um, this will affect the schedule therefore I am bringing it up and discussing it Well, why'd you move the time the time because the sugar
Starting point is 00:50:10 The sugars the sugars plural the sugars That's what that's what the old black people called that call it the sugars Wait, really? Yeah, it's just the one blood sugar. No, no, no, no like back in the day You're like, oh, what's wrong with what's wrong with uncle? Oh, uncle's got the sugars. You know how it is. Oh really? The sugars made me do it. They made me move the schedule over And there's there's a lot of there's a lot of like really interesting coded language Especially for like older black generations about like things that we just have things that they didn't have words for But they just found ways to describe it. It's like, oh, don't mind me. I just I have bad nerves
Starting point is 00:50:50 You know, it's like what's happening? Why are you you know, what's going on? It's like, oh my I have bad nerves It's like, what is that? That's anxiety You're having an anxiety attack, but we just called it bad nerves back in the day, you know My mother would describe herself as neurotic And it's like mom, I think you're having a panic attack. No, no, no, no, no, no I'm just a little just a little strange. No, you're freaking out. There you go. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know fighting his demons Right at the bottom in the bottle or whatever anyways, it's there's a whole thing to it, but uh,
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that'll You know, that'll be happening. So, uh, we'll see how it goes. Um, that being said Uh, hopefully I can join you in your progress As you've been fucking crushing it and looking Kind of like a lot of that a lot of that I really think a huge proportion of that early weight loss like so I've maintained the the that 40 pounds that I lost or 40 Whatever you're looking like that photo of you from my fucking game bus video Okay, I oh, hey, thanks, man. I really appreciate that. Um
Starting point is 00:52:00 But I feel I feel like that first 45 pounds which I've then maintained I haven't lost anymore since then was a combination of diet lifestyle lack of kebek that's a big one um, and the wild stress of moving all the way across country and setting up the house and the way that we live and just like
Starting point is 00:52:26 It's like stress Stress is a really good way to make yourself lose a bunch of weight Because you get through a whole day being so stressed out that you don't eat anything And then when you do eat something because you have to eat something It's healthy instead of trash. Yes I have I have I have watched the weight peel off of my body due to stress in the past. It's kind of crazy Uh, how effective that works My beard's coming back now after I after I shaved after I termed it
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, and one of the things that I noticed is that when my mom, uh, she watched like she occasionally Checks it on the podcast or like one of my streams or whatever She's like, where did all that white come from in your beard? It wasn't there when you left And it's like oh That being said, I'm unfortunately inflicted with like I really love this city So I won't be able to shake off the uh, the lack of Quebec symptom that you've listed Anytime soon
Starting point is 00:53:27 You know, I had I had a a lot. I had a long history of of reasons to be understandable. Absolutely. You know, but like someone that was born and raised here and and like you know There's there's there's there's I have enough love here that I I I intend to stick around. I really really like it But there's but there's some shitty shit and right up until they make doing LPs in English illegal Well And then you'll move to london ontario
Starting point is 00:54:00 Or fucking Would you ever consider hamilton? I would never thank you man. That's no other Oh Oh, man Yeah, if you if if if gotham city was offering like a fucking four bedroom For like six hundred dollars and it was like a nice four bedroom, but it was like in gotham city Would you move there? I saw that question on twitter a little while ago and I was like, oh man. I don't know Oh, that's tough
Starting point is 00:54:32 No, but but like, you know Again, like the the the shit that gets bad that gets bad here does does suck and I know like every place has it's It's it's sides that, you know, you kind of only learn after um, some time passes, you know, but um No, I I I really do like Yeah, I don't know what to say. Like I I love montreal. I'm not telling you to leave. No, no, I'm not I'm not not to you not to you uh to them to them, you know
Starting point is 00:55:01 There's a there's a lot that that uh is is Keeping me here. So um That being said though, uh What else is going on? So a couple things uh beyond the aforementioned big ones Mm-hmm. Um, I oh, I have a piece of news
Starting point is 00:55:21 Fucking twitch exports onto youtube are piles of shit lately and everything uploads at 360p Nice The fuck is up with that sick. Stop that. I'm having to fucking export them and then delete them and then reupload every single video for the past week Wow Sucks because they all get stuck at 360p Um, yeah, I don't think we use that tool at all. I think we just do the Download it used to be very convenient. Yeah Um, I saw Wakanda forever
Starting point is 00:55:53 How was Wakanda forever Wakanda forever? Uh was pretty good And did what did? Pat did the white people Act in solidarity by not going to see Wakanda forever Uh, they did not however However, uh, there was a really loud Stupid ass chick in the beginning. Uh, that was annoying the entire theater Uh, who uh, then got yelled at by
Starting point is 00:56:27 Another angry chick who got up and was like, you know, we paid $30 for this fucking movie. Shut the fuck up and uh Just kind of became like I guess they're just drunken kids trying to fucking You know Entertain each other type shit and you know, someone went to go get somebody and before that happened They I guess read the room and made their exit while screaming as loudly as possible to like go. Ha ha. We're gonna stick it to you um Yeah, you're really sticking it to me by leaving before someone kicks your ass pretty much, right? You got me. You got me
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, and those situations are always like those are fucking like You gotta make a call on them because I've definitely you know stepped in to be like, yo Like seriously could you fucking do you mind? But you have to make a read on whether or not you think That person is going to Just make it worse at that point Right because if you think the person is like
Starting point is 00:57:25 If you think there's a chance just based on the way they're behaving that like you can appeal to some reason in them Go for it, right? And if it ex effing escalates to that point then stand on it But if you look at it and you're like, yeah, this person's just gonna make it worse and just start They they love the fact that they're being annoying. It's like you got to just go get somebody right away Don't even bother. I remember I was at iron man and the guy right next to me just Loudly talking and was like pulling out his phone to talk on the phone Yeah, yeah, yeah, and when I was like, can you fucking not and he's and he threatened to stab me
Starting point is 00:57:59 And i'm like Yeah, okay, you have to because the thing is you have to take yeah And I the lack of social cohesion you have to take into account the fact that like the type of person who starts step a Doesn't understand steps b or c right? Yeah, so appealing to again like you're gonna have It's a hard call to make but chances are they don't understand Again social situations like this. They already made a decision. This fucking selfish. They're the main character Why would they understand being asked to stop and now that's embarrassing and now they look bad, right? You know, um, I mean, I I really do fucking
Starting point is 00:58:37 It one thing I envy america for is the goddamn alamo draft house because Yeah, that is an institution and the times I've went it's been fantastic I I thought you were gonna say the ability to like concealed carry so you could solve that problem like right away. Yeah Yeah, yeah, that's that's another one You would think that in the us the people wouldn't talk in movie theaters anymore. So I was listening to um I was listening to a A podcast where someone was talking about how they're like, man
Starting point is 00:59:07 I bought some tickets to go watch a movie at the alamo draft house And we got there late and they fucking kicked us out. They said we couldn't go in and like that's bullshit, man And I'm like, no, it's good good Like there is one place you can go Where they don't fucking give a shit about your your nonsense and they want you to have a decent experience watching a fucking movie And you pay for that. So if you bought those tickets thinking that it was like any other theater, fuck off You deserve it. Absolutely get kicked to kick the fuck out. That's good. That's the one thing
Starting point is 00:59:40 It's the one thing that theater is for go to any other theater if we wouldn't saw something at the alamo draft house We were when we were down in texas and Like it was some piece of shit movie about witches or something and fucking swedish I don't remember the fuck it was that movie was terrible, but the movie experience was incredible. Here you go great Even the shittiest movie was like, I am put my feet up just relaxing got this I don't want the fuck out. I heard like chicken or something Does anyone near you suck?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Tell somebody and they'll get tossed get bounced the fuck out. You know I just called you page again. That's embarrassing. Yeah, that is I gotta stop doing this Basically, there's two people I talk to all the day. I know All right, we'll never mind the point that I was gonna make that's embarrassing. All right. Well, anyway Yeah, so it's just like what I called the you ever call an english teacher or like a teacher mom You ever do that? Oh, no, but I've heard kids do that. I I've watched them die I am I am turning beat red just remembering it. Yeah, I've I've watched people die. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for sure Don't do it
Starting point is 01:00:54 Anyway, though, yeah, so the the the the theater experience I remember too is like I It was so weird because in in high school I was just like, oh, yeah, go to the movies with your friends have fun. Whatever, you know, enjoy it But whatever within within reason I never had to think about like volume levels But I remember going on cheapy Tuesdays Oh, no turned me As I was sitting in the theater on cheapy Tuesdays. I turned into a movie snob I felt it happening because it's like if you go to a kids movie
Starting point is 01:01:27 And there's like kids running around in the theater that's understandable because it's a kids movie You know, but like we'll be going into like fucking I don't know like road to perdition and someone's got a stroller with them and then I um And you're like what what the fuck are you doing? Never forget me and my friend fuggins were at a 9 p.m. Showing downtown of clerks two And somebody was sitting in the front row with a like eight month old infant Who started to cry because the movie was loud and it scared them insane
Starting point is 01:02:06 insane man, you know, like it just like cheapy Tuesdays like it you know that somebody It brought out the worst it just it brought out the it brought out the worst Somebody yelled out. Yeah, yo turn your baby off Yeah, yeah, I remember that one and then and then fuggins yelled nah, just put it on vibrate At which point the lady like stormed out furious. I'm like, what do you what what level of respect do you want to have? yourself Like if you're at the only time that that shit works is if you're at the fantasia film fest
Starting point is 01:02:41 Which is like made for the crowd to be goofy. Oh, yeah, that's it's we're all for insane Like we're there for it. Exactly. It's the environment is a party in the theater, you know, like then totally but um, and yeah that I feel like someone stormed out of a cheapy Tuesday after the credits rolled and then went and then Filed a business name for the alamo draft house You know, like I feel like that was one to one you walk out of that experience and you create that business um Or and then something about I think Tarantino was involved in like setting up the whatever the idea of like these quiet enforced theaters
Starting point is 01:03:23 I think cheapy Tuesdays was the first time Like when I was like 26 or 27 Was like I just went to I don't even remember what it was But I went to go see a movie by myself because like fuck it. It's cheap. No nobody wants to go see it I'll go see it whatever and I'm in there and it was such a miserable experience. I'm like Am I an adult now that I just hate all the people under 20 that are in this room? Like I hate like I'm only a couple years older than they are
Starting point is 01:03:50 but like Fucking go back to school and die like shut up shut the fuck up And that's the thing is like if you're talking to a row of like seven kids Right, they the funnier move to them is to get louder You know And depending on the age group it might be Oh, sorry, sorry, and then explode later and You know or it might just be like full-on grade 10 like yo, fuck you
Starting point is 01:04:20 We're gonna swing on you type shit. So anyway, um But yeah, as as as that lady rightfully pointed out $30 was fucking paid by everyone in that theater to enjoy the movie. Holy shit Fuck you. Um And and she she shame walked out of there While while screaming scream shame whatever anyways by the way to those of you in the in the chat and listening at home that are like What the 30 what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:04:47 You have to remember that one usd is 1.33 canadian dollars So in flight that plus. I assume you're at i max. Yeah Yeah, there you go. That's that's that's that's the reality of it. Yeah, okay. So what kind of forever? uh, that was pretty good in terms of just handling the situation they were dealt doing a respectful job of it and Landing and nailing it. They did a pretty good job with that
Starting point is 01:05:16 All the stuff that I was kind of talking about when I saw that trailer of just like, okay, this movie is going to be like About loss. It's going to be about the morning. They did a pretty good job with all that. Um, Really really liked that part. That's that stuff. Um, and yeah, I'm not going to get into any spoilers I'll just you know, but but I'll say this like Angela Bassett fucking kills it super good, um she is She is like And as she should, you know, like that's that's basically like a
Starting point is 01:05:47 a 90s uh Black actor royalty in a way, you know when she comes in for a role you're like, oh shit. Yeah, okay That's that's Stella That's Stella from Stella. How Stella got her groove back, you know, so I have a I have a bit of silly question and I don't know if this is a spoiler because it's it's actually very confusing to me As somebody who has not really seen much of the trailers And have not I have not been following Marvel's phase for it all
Starting point is 01:06:16 like at all, um It's called Wakanda for is it is called Black Panther Wakanda forever or Wakanda or just Wakanda forever It's called Black Panther Wakanda forever I don't know if this is a spoiler of a question, but um, is there a Black Panther in this movie? The trailer shows you a Black Panther okay Is is the who that is supposed to be a surprise? Yeah, or
Starting point is 01:06:42 Okay, it okay. The the trailer shows you a Black Panther and doesn't tell you what's going on All right, because because I've been I've been like super confused About this. Yeah, that's that's that's the way they've been they marketed it Overtly stated as to like if there'll be a replacement or not or They said they said they're not replacing Chadwick is what they said, right? Okay, so there are they're not recasting Chadwick Is what right? So it's like, yeah fair the impact of that would be Who's he, you know, it would be yeah, it would it would have been a bad call um
Starting point is 01:07:17 But everything around that like at least in terms of like, okay So what are they going to do they that's what that's what they kind of show you in the trailers is like There's going to be something but go see to find out what it is um Beyond that, um, you know again the the it handles all that really well, um the The I want to say like The first half of this movie
Starting point is 01:07:42 Is what it looks like when you Nuke the Bechdel test Like okay, the Bechdel test in shambles like annihilated Okay, so like yeah, okay, you know uh It's it's like Man, that's when you say nuke it Do you mean like throw it in the trash in the or do you mean like destroy it as in a positive state?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Oh, no passes. It's passes. It's so hard that like nothing comes close the phrasing of nuke it is actually a little unclear Yeah, no no none none not fails it like passes. It's so hard that nothing's come close. It's like you've got you've got you know Basically like black panthers You got it's chalice family members Just yeah doing their thing, you know talking about shit uh, yeah, and and you know, um In the end like, you know some of the some of the like my favorite character in the first one was mbaku You know a challenger to the throne and he
Starting point is 01:08:45 Stays classic comes in he's got the got some good one-liners, you know throwing in just proper just Just proper insults with that accent, you know, like Calling someone out a bald-headed woman You know this is great mbaku is wonderful. Um, but uh, there is a There is a a a Yeah, oh and the other thing too is like, okay Be warned. This is a two hour and 41 minute movie
Starting point is 01:09:18 Right, so it's long Got it. It goes so don't go in expecting an hour and 30 and you're out, you know um And it takes the time obviously to like go where it's going and do all the things I didn't feel like um Didn't feel like there was a ton that like it feels like they trimmed a bunch There's a lot of shots where you're like, oh that probably was a whole really in a two hour 41 minute movie They it feels like they trimmed a bunch
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, uh, that's not sarcastic like I'm like even at that runtime. It still feels like it got cut down. Yeah Um, there's a couple scenes where they cut to like a moment or a conversation where you're like Oh, that was probably a lot longer and then they just kind of got to the they just you know, Snipped it to the core points and moved on Because you know this thing fucking runs um Here's the thing about it And you know, this is I kind of touched on this a little bit when I saw dr. Strange as well
Starting point is 01:10:16 But like now now i'm really feeling it and punch mom as well um It is a good movie But I am definitely officially mcu'd out um It's like it is clear as day at this point that like All the stuff that starts to happen that's like the mcu stuff Which is pretty much when the action starts popping off, you know, and it goes down a certain way
Starting point is 01:10:44 Like you're the moment the action starts happening. You're like, it's an mcu action scene. Here we go And then the mcu things start to happen and it's like, oh man. I Am not invested in this at all. I'm super invested in The conversation they were having 10 minutes before this fight started You know, but now I'm like, yeah I I actually really liked Loki and I think a big reason why I liked Loki is there are like four Action scenes in that entire fucking like 12 episode series. Yeah, they go a different way with Loki They were you know, and I think that's gonna be the key going forward is like trying to like
Starting point is 01:11:24 Decouple themselves from that formula and just make something that like um Tell a story that has Characters that are interesting and like if you have good writing, you don't have to you know Like in comics, there's a while where the comic stories also got boring people got tired of What you know or what you call cape shit And then yeah, like interesting writers would come about and do things that would be like, oh, well, that's fun It's something different, you know, uh, there's there's a wonderful comic where
Starting point is 01:11:53 Uh, wolverine is at a bar and he calls spider-man down because he's like I read that. Yeah Yeah, he's like he's got a mission to go on, you know, and like what's the mission the Logan Fucking hang out with him for his birthday. Just have a drink and talk some shit. It's like, oh damn Logan's got nobody to hang out with okay actually come to think of it when I was watching moon night I also felt the same every time his magic costume went on him. I was like, wow, I don't care about this at all I want to go back to Him being fucking nuts And being confused
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah, like that's way more fun. So this movie has that right it has that feeling where you're like Okay, we're following what's going on all the Wakanda stuff. All right, and now they introduce namor right Yes, sue storms, uh, maybe backup plan after reed bites it. Oh, oh, yeah, you know, like Professor fantasticuck Yeah, mr. Franta. Yeah, um, no namor shows up in this in this situation and So he's like this seems like cool fish, man. So you know what they do is um, the submariner is a A a Aztec war god
Starting point is 01:13:12 Right is the vibe, right? So, um instead of it's Kotal Khan. Yeah, or or um, um Fucking what's the other one? Aquaman? No, um Anyway, the there's a um He instead of coming up looking like Leonard Nimoy with uh with the the uh with the hermes boots on Um, you you got a yeah, you got your your Kotal Khan type Aztec dude or you know in his in his When he's in his full vibe in doing everything for the most part He kind of is talking and taking it off and and being a character, you know, and that's it's it's a it's an interesting mix up to the whole
Starting point is 01:13:58 Atlantis sort of uh situation and You know not like going down in history is like um One of the fucking strongest craziest most memorable, you know, like marvel villains, but certainly like a good introduction to that character and they do He plays well enough as like because Namor is an asshole in marvel
Starting point is 01:14:23 He's like hero, but he's an asshole And then he's a villain and then he's you know, and you're like what just man You know and like they're like a bit of a Go ahead I have a bit of a strange question because um black panther had some problems Like particularly the cg and the action all that stuff Uh
Starting point is 01:14:46 But uh kill monger is like hands down the fucking best villain that the mcu had at any point Because like some of it was he was talking sense And he was just wildly charismatic and he was also vegeta Yeah, he was also right like like like the best thing like kill monger was such a fantastic villain because Kill monger like comes in right and you're like, okay Then like when when everyone saw black panther and like Wakanda in the theaters and like the novelty of holy shit this crazy what if super techno africa existed right and You go. Oh my god. That's so cool. Like and it's a very like
Starting point is 01:15:34 touching moment of like Wow, what like that's a that's a cool fantasy setting to to to create and then While you're lost in that someone's going Hey, yo, why don't you fucking? Why didn't you come help us back when we were getting our asses kicked for score in 20 years ago? Where the fuck were you when we were all dying man? Marvel, you know a lot of a lot of villain fiction
Starting point is 01:16:05 Or a lot of villain writing has this problem, but like marvel has had it at least twice. Yeah Did you watch falcon and the winter soldier? No Okay, so falcon the winter soldier has the exact same problem That kill monger has and that is the villain has Like better and more understandable Motives to the audience than the hero does And thus the hero the the villain is like the sympathetic one And the one that the audience is starting to root for
Starting point is 01:16:37 And then they realize that they have written the villain in a way too compelling is rooting for them And so they pull the glass and they hit the big red button that says and then the villain said And that's why we're gonna kill everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that and it's and it's not a logical extension Of what they were saying before in falcon and the winter soldier the villains are about Forced resettlement and forced repatriation of people who immigrated to countries When Thanos did the bullshit and how they're all locked in legal limbo and being turned into refugees And you're like Okay, that makes sense. That's a real problem
Starting point is 01:17:17 And they're they're engaging in mostly non violent terrorist acts as a form of protests blah blah blah And then they hit this turning point where they're like and then we're gonna kill everybody at the un because And all of a sudden all of a sudden their dialogue doesn't even make any sense because the original plot of the story was not about that It was about a disease that they had that they weren't getting medical treatment for okay Okay, all it's all chopped and screwed and you're like wait. Why did they all just decide to stab every baby? Well, unfortunately, you haven't seen the last of that, you know, like, you know, right? Yeah That that that definitely does exist. But in terms of the bit with killbonger, it's like
Starting point is 01:17:59 That's fantastic reasoning to be like yo assholes We're dying out here man. What are you doing? Right? Like why did why did Wakanda not help Haiti in its overthrow of its slave state? And and it's like why Wakanda? Why not? Because the vibranium though we got to protect the vibranium We can't know You know The vibranium we can't let anyone know about the vibranium guys
Starting point is 01:18:28 But everybody knows about the vibranium. No, but we can't let them have it though. Sorry You're like you're living on fucking Mount Olympus. Wow We're fucking getting our ass is destroyed. We're getting beat man. Come on And that's that's it. You know, so like when killmonger walks up in there with that energy, you're like He's not wrong He's great. He's a fantastic villain You know, now did he need to fucking burn everything and and whatnot? No, but You get it. You get it. You know
Starting point is 01:19:02 Um, so yes, exactly. That's the type of compelling shit Uh, uh that I love. Uh, yeah, so in any case though, um You know, you will I like it's funny because like seeing as this is the sequel. I remember I was kind of wondering Like will we then see the fruits of like, um, Wakanda starting to be less of a dick towards the rest of the world And it's like, yeah, okay, kind of we we're got an outreach center over here We're starting to help out over there. We're being kind of reluctant, but you're just like damn like Is a Wakandan citizen as just as likely to drop a hard R Or on a random, you know what I mean on a random like low born
Starting point is 01:19:48 Compared to like anyone else back in the fucking 1600s, you know You get you get you get like you want to see Like hey guys Like please show me that you're helping the world, right? Please because this this the fantasy is like it It lasts for a second and then you go, okay, but really though. What do we how we what's going on, right? Anyway, so I feel like This movie has really exemplified to me exactly how done I am with mcu because uh, I felt no interest to actually Watch it. Hmm
Starting point is 01:20:27 I just want to know what happened in it. Okay. Okay. Do you like that? That's how I am with comics I don't want to read comics. I just want somebody to want to know what the next step of the thing is Yeah, right and as a result when I then went and went okay, people are talking about the secret Ending what is it and I go look at it and I go. Oh That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah, that's very very interesting. Yeah Uh, but I don't I don't care enough right anymore So what I was able to determine from this is that like it's a good movie But the mcu-ness
Starting point is 01:21:05 is just we're at we're at Franchise fatigue. We're at Assassin's Creed We're at that point where it's damn it. You got there first We're at Assassin's Creed, man And like, you know, we've been and I've been enjoying the movie and it's a you know the and and then it hits a moment Where you're like, okay first act we got to go to an exotic location To do an exotic chase scene that leads to the catch catching either the device nemont the the mcguffin or character that needs to be setting up them the second act and
Starting point is 01:21:37 After that big old scene you can kind of just feel the you've climbed the tower ubi points unlocked Right ubi tower unlock. You're like, all right. All right. And then back to the movie You're like cool and we're in and then it's gearing up for the next part and you're like, okay, here we go and I mean there's some stuff that happens where you're like in the revelations that happen in the middle of the action scene like there's some stuff that's like Like a new kind of hero joins the cast in a way that I'm kind of like, man, this is the most this like
Starting point is 01:22:15 Someone that joins is kind of like emblematic of the formula Hitting you can type it into the chat with into the discord. So like I you don't say it out loud And I won't spoil it, but I'm curious as to what you're describing So I can go oh and then people can be frustrated that we didn't say it out loud Oh Right. Oh, I saw that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So new new character new heroes around And what a great way to be introduced to that which was the way I found out about that was a people being mad
Starting point is 01:22:57 Well, it just how I saw that for the first. Oh, yeah, we're people mad about that. Okay, interesting people are very mad Okay, well, I mean the the usual people Okay, okay. Well in any case Yeah, if you know if you know about you know, I don't know what the trailers have shown but like You know, the new hero helps out the the group at the end and Like I just kind of I'm like that also is emblematic of MCU fatigue Because I just the nature of like this type of character
Starting point is 01:23:32 Is I'm already tired of it, you know, so You know what else really stands out about MCU fatigue And I really felt that way during um moon night But I didn't mention at the time but now that I've I've engaged in more I can feel it is like you're having these really serious scenes That are like really like attempting to have some kind of emotional gravitas And then at the The three quarters point in the scene
Starting point is 01:24:04 Because you're afraid that the audience might actually be feeling an emotion You you throw in a weed and quip To to lighten the mood so we can get back to the overall like ha ha comics, uh, okay, okay And the that was really bad in moon night because moon night is so serious and he's so fucking ill But when I when I caught So I watched fucking avengers and all that shit and I watched spider-man far from home and I caught clips of doctor strange You know every single time you bring up spider-man
Starting point is 01:24:38 You don't need to make a joke about how he shoots webs out his asshole, right? There are four different gags across three movies About spider-man shooting webs out his ass Okay, yeah, we get it. Mm-hmm. It's a spider Um, but yeah, all this all this to come comes back to like, you know, um Yeah, the the it does interesting things. It's a good like I said, it's a good movie. It just has its big climb it's big like
Starting point is 01:25:13 MCU action climaxes that are unfortunately the weakest parts because we're so tired of them and Does a CGI black panther fight a bunch of goons? Yeah Sure, absolutely. You bet your ass that happens um but No, and but but still I I think um, it's it's you know, if you I mean if you like the first one certainly and you want to Know more and you want to go more into that world and like follow it up and see where they're going with things
Starting point is 01:25:44 They do some interesting things and uh, it's I I I did enjoy that, you know Um, so yeah, that's my that's my little, you know, without going into much further detail. That's where I'll leave it Uh on black panther um Uh What else? Yeah, what else man? What's what's what else is going on in the woolly verse? Um
Starting point is 01:26:12 Oh, yeah, so we talked about signalist talked about light boxer um The only other thing is I just I'm going hard on Gundam evolution Um more, huh? Yeah, really really Uh Really enjoying it man. It's it's Scratching that itch and that you know that overwatch fun that I used to have like I'm really getting the enjoyment out of jumping in and going online
Starting point is 01:26:37 um and Uh, I like I said, I just I identified some some stuff that I want to unlock and I tried switching around to different units And like this game like it's got legs. I really hope it It doesn't like just kind of come and go in this state You know, um, this would you want to say it actually grow and and have this Yeah, this thing growing with more more characters more maps more levels all that shit. I was talking about last week, you know like
Starting point is 01:27:09 Uh, uh, would would really really benefit it um And uh, yeah, so I started kind of like because some of the weeklies and and and battle pass stuff required like gun tank To be played I started I switched over to gun tank and started playing that and it's like man like It is I I mean, I guess the point of like a good Team shooter like this would be that a character should be easy to understand what their goals are um
Starting point is 01:27:36 But Jesus Christ gun tank like its whole thing is if you're in its giant reticle It does Guaranteed it's like like Winston electricity guaranteed locked on damage Right, and then you can target something for more specific uh, uh, uh Bastion turret damage um And then you can do a junk rat
Starting point is 01:28:02 Uh, uh big old kamikaze wheel Style flying dive where you do the core fighter explosion and just wipe out the point And I'm like this it is ridiculous how free The kills are when you play a character like that like you don't you can just hang back and support and just Clean up all day and uh, basically like not all classes are made equal They kind of put the difficulty up there to pretty much tell you It's it's uh, but I am feeling that like Whichever class I'm playing I switch over I play barbitose with the with the
Starting point is 01:28:40 The hybrid but I switch over to full control for the rest and like yeah, I actually feel like Controller is totally fine on this game Yep, you know the only the only time I fucked around with it both massive keyboard and controller And the only time I had trouble is like the characters that zoom in for sniper rifle. Yes. Yes And a really good gm sniper is gonna just wreck your team anyways, and it doesn't even matter, you know, um That is a major. Yeah That's a that's a type that that directly you cannot You can't compare the difference between like a a thumb sniper versus a mouse sniper
Starting point is 01:29:20 But I guess like So I'm looking at this and I'm like now not every fps certainly had this type of thing like for a long time We always talked about you know the the difference between when mouse and keyboard players could just destroy people on on gamepads But I guess the game design can kind of compensate for that depending on the type of guns speed and and Like weapon reticle and auto aim. There's there's a million things you can you can tweak Oh man, do you want to hear the newest breaking news about twitter that's actually somewhat important sure Okay, so earlier today five hours ago Mr. Elon Musk says part of today will be turning off the quote micro services quote bloatware less than 20%
Starting point is 01:30:02 Or actually needed for twitter to work this uh disabled two-factor authentication on the site So if you have two factor and log out you are locked out of twitter probably forever So if you have two factor which you should have don't log out wait does it just revert to not two factor log in No, it says enter the verification code sent to and then a bunch of asterisks is because it doesn't have your phone number attached anymore Oh Yeah Let's go Oh, sorry. It's only two factor to your phone which considering twitter is a phone app. That's what 99 percent of people haven't sent to
Starting point is 01:30:50 Nice good It's good. Do I have twitter sent to an authentication token? Let's find out Ah Parsik personally, I thought the double verification was pretty sick. I thought that I don't I have it set to my phone. Yeah Wow, that's good Yeah, that's real good. Yeah, great great great. Anyways, um Yeah, that'll that'll do. That's me Check out the channel. We got woolly versus
Starting point is 01:31:19 um this week uh gonna finish off signal us tomorrow and Play some other stuff And Then probably on wednesday, we're gonna resume with bayonetta and uh mass effect Hooray. Yeah, I think um Yeah, I think tomorrow because if I've only got like 20 minutes left on signal us or whatever Um, I mean I not I mean depending on how long I I checked it and you were looking at that computer um
Starting point is 01:31:52 So maybe 20 to an hour like Okay, like but it's it's definitely sub one sitting Well, if I finish early enough and there's time to pop something else in I think I'll uh, take a look at uh, Sonic frontiers see what's going on with that game I'm also going to take a look at son of frontiers this week because uh, everyone has been telling me that it is great Good things which is like the first time I've heard that from a sonic game since I've literally never heard that about a sonic game in my entire life Oh, that's not true sonic mania was yes, it was believed Ah, you're right. Ah, sonic mania did come out. People did tell me that was good. Okay, aside from sonic mania
Starting point is 01:32:28 That's the only time. Yeah, uh, but that's it and then of course over on willy versus the algorithm. Go check it out We got some fun clips dropping and uh Yeah, there's some what was what was the other one the other day it was fucking Some something about Oh, yeah, reggie and uh reggie scums it out anor londo What the hell is that? Uh, well, you know anor londo archers Uh, everyone waits with bated breath to see How he's gonna deal with them
Starting point is 01:33:03 and The fucking the dice rolls Just the luck the the the the the luck gods just provide him with Uh, the fucking banana peel Spawn that the archer slips on and look and they're like, you know, there's a one in twenty chance that that banana peel spawns And uh, I hate that that's bullshit. Yeah You know, so Go go enjoy that clip
Starting point is 01:33:31 Oh god damn it Well, let's see what else do I got going on? Um The main thing is the god of war ragnarok came out Uh, and I played about 12 hours of god of war ragnarok and right off the bat That's a big big big fucking game Like that is substantially like, you know, when you just feel how much bigger it is right away It took me like most of a session to get to the part where I'm right riding around on a canoe Doing doing side stuff. Okay. Um
Starting point is 01:34:07 Um It's a direct like it is it's not you know, it's not uh, what do you call it? It's not dmc one to dmc three. It's dmc three to dmc four. There's more moves And you start with the blades of chaos at the beginning this time um And whatnot, um But there's still the same gear system the same gameplay system You're you're hanging out with the boy and memir on your boat talking about stuff going to do, you know god of war shit
Starting point is 01:34:41 um It does have one really really really massive change Um that the game kind of hides from you for a long time But it has an issue with what i'm going to call interface spoilers Hmm so The game has a really excellent amount of options just like a lot of the other sony games there's tons of stuff for like auto pickup or disability options or
Starting point is 01:35:10 uh visual indicators or you know remappable controls, etc, right? And then the the tutorial prompts and stuff like that that they give you is Extremely clear extremely clear And there's one interface spoiler So there's one part of the interface that is too clear Because it's when the game is explaining you your controls when you get atreus
Starting point is 01:35:41 And you know atreus has the you you hit the square button and atreus shoots the arrows, right? And the issue is is that god of war one That button was called like the atreus button Mm-hmm, right in god of war ragnarok that has been renamed to the companion button Oh Yeah Yeah, yeah, wow I like that is that is like the first 40 minutes of the game and I saw that like oh
Starting point is 01:36:18 Oh So that's what we're gonna be doing. That's what we're doing. We're gonna be switching out playable characters and yes, the game does switch out playable characters at numerous points um and those other playable characters are Thankfully a lot of fun to play as they could have done something
Starting point is 01:36:44 They could have picked a word like assist, you know, yeah to just not put an inference on that Yeah, like and there's another problem when you look at the when you look at the skill list kratos You get to see all of kratos's future skills. They're just locked by upgrades, right and they're like And then you get atreus and his skill list unlocks And his entire skill list is like four skills in this tiny upper left corner of the of the fucking screen With like 90 percent is just a blank bridge. And you're like, I wonder what those are going to be Okay, so the interface spoils you Huh, like interesting like and it's it's weird because it builds up to it as like
Starting point is 01:37:27 Can you believe you're actually it's like, yeah, dude, the your fucking level up screen told me that like nine hours ago like you like elton ring's best trick Is to lie about how big the map is Elton ring only showing you the diameter or sort of the borders of the map that you've actually been to or unlocked And so the map actually like quintuples in size by the time you get to the end of the game was genius Because it hid just how much there was this game Horribly horribly screws that up telegraphs it It's you know right away
Starting point is 01:38:08 Hey, yeah, good game. It's almost like almost like I'm like game back in the era of like loading screens that just show you what's coming You know, yeah Yeah, the game plays pretty much the same plays great The areas are fascinating Exploring around and talking to the boy and the head are cool question about that I remember so from the last one it felt if I remember correctly like it was Approaching that ending was like
Starting point is 01:38:35 This is just about to but does not overstay its welcome right In terms of the gameplay loop and and and how that felt um In this case is there enough different going on That it's like refreshing or is it just that it's been long enough? That you can come back to it But if you were to play these back-to-back like the born identity movies, it would be like oh man. This is way too close
Starting point is 01:39:04 So I think I think the so if you play them back-to-back, you're gonna run to the issue that kratos does it unlike many other action game protagonists Um, he's being reset to default kratos. You do start with the blades like pretty much right away But he still has to re unlock most of his moves That he got so that's rough And it looks like peak end of game kratos from what i'm looking at at least according to the skill tree Is going to be more or less the same as what you were messing with at the end of god of war one Sorry god of war 2018. Yeah. Yeah, you said one before and I was like it sucks But the the fact that they're mixing and matching who you're actually just calling go w god of war
Starting point is 01:39:49 It sucks dude. It sucks so bad new um Also like so far like almost every single enemy has been new Um including a nice little gag where kratos insta kill cutscene murders a enemy they overused in the first game Nice like you know those trolls that you had to fight three times The big like one shows up and kratos doesn't even come out of the cutscene and just shuts his head off Nice and they go, huh those trolls again, huh? Yeah, and then they just move on and I was like, okay I understand what you're doing here. I appreciate that good good good Uh so far. Yeah, it's a really it's a really high quality
Starting point is 01:40:32 Uh shit zillion dollar sony produced first party game Uh that has a really interesting well. No, it does not have an interesting story Actually, the story is awful the character writing and interactions are great And I very much enjoy every time the characters interact and talk to each other But like the actual like hey, here's what we're doing like who like fucking who gives a shit We gotta go get the guy why oh, we gotta go do this dad like who gives a fuck It's an excuse to have fun conversations It's just an excuse from amir and atreus and kratos to talk and argue about bullshit
Starting point is 01:41:10 Um Which it's really nice which I mean to be honest if you have strong characterization But you have like your overall plot is lacking like you can hide that really well Because you don't because you enjoy spending time with these people Yeah, no, they're very character-centric games like the plot is a I mean they want me to not think that the plot is cool, but it's it's just Like god of working like it's always like I have a goal. What's the goal? We're gonna go do it with stuff got in the way while we were doing it
Starting point is 01:41:41 Um, I'm sure there'll be a big twist, but uh, I'm not I'm not I don't care like it's I'm I'm here for I'm here for the banter And for kratos being an old man And hearing that in a flashback that his wife called him grumbles As her nickname for him Nice, which I think is great That's pretty solid There's only one other thing to note
Starting point is 01:42:09 And it's this it's this thing where You know, you're you're solving a puzzle, right? And you're like, oh, do I freeze the water or do I right? You know throw the explosive here or whatever And right when you're about to get it Mimir or atras goes, hey, did you hey, did you think you could freeze the water? You could try freezing the water on that spot And like the game is like It doesn't give you enough time before it starts back seating you
Starting point is 01:42:37 and I reached somebody linked a video To me, which was like a gdc talk about like the nature of like how to Accommodate players with the god of war like dialogue flow And they're like desperate to try and keep people from getting stuck on anything So like there is there is a concerted effort to like really minimize the amount of time you could ever think about a puzzle By having the characters like kind of solve it for you as maybe One full minute as you walk up to it
Starting point is 01:43:16 Yeah, so they kind of want you to solve them instantly or within 60 seconds somebody go Okay, why don't you lift that part? So so hold on thought uh signal as puzzles Yeah, right fuck off Okay, I didn't I enjoyed them. I had no problem with them but Like it's it was kind of hilarious how like that water one is like
Starting point is 01:43:41 Oh, you can just trial and error this but it's going to take you a while So right on the table is the solution And the solution being there is you still have to just be like, okay, hold on wait what step by step You still have to memorize it There's two things going on with the signal as puzzles. Okay first thing is signals institutes a inventory item that lets you take screenshots in game Because puzzle solutions you will need to have the actual thing to look at and cross reference with the thing you're doing Cool idea
Starting point is 01:44:12 But it really says a lot about the the design that they were like no You must have an item in the game that can take a photo of this thing and second time Is that that specific puzzle is the only puzzle in the game that just has the direct Like it's not a metaphor. It's not a dream diary. It's not it is here is how you turn on the water Here's the answer to the puzzle And follow the steps It's very funny because there is a similar water filtration puzzle in resin evil 3 original
Starting point is 01:44:45 That is murderously difficult and can kill your run because it's pseudo randomized So if you're speedrunning you can ruin your fucking speedrun And to the point where everyone looks up a guide for that fucking piece of shit because it sucks And i'm doing that i'm like, oh god not one of these and then right next to it is a Okay, no here's i hear just this is how you do the fuck is how you do it and that's and it really stood out to me as like Oh, man They wanted to put that in and then they gave it to somebody and that part and people got fucking stuck with that
Starting point is 01:45:15 So that's where i'm talking about that's where the iteration Process the iterative process starts to show itself is like that puzzle clearly was just too difficult No matter what they did to it and they went fuck it put the answer down It's still going to take you some time to put to implement the answers into the thing even if we give it to you, you know Yeah, so that's what happens when you hit the other side of the spectrum With the puzzles Like i think the joke is that the the the sony first party stuff is being designed to accommodate players like dsp who don't pay attention and just like
Starting point is 01:45:53 Have to be told in the moment how to do it But it is a little annoying that on two separate occasions the instant that i solved the puzzle in my mind But before i started to actively solve it with my fist Atreus was like, hey dad, why don't you do this you old dumb man? And i was like, oh, i guess i didn't solve it fast enough the devs think i'm stupid um darn but and then well
Starting point is 01:46:25 it's uh I'm being reminded of those moments that happen in real life Where i'm sitting there and like a puzzle pops up and then it's a mental race between me and reggie to be like Oh, yeah Who's gonna call it out first who's gonna get there first, you know like hey, did you yeah, i saw it shut up You know there's there's so many fun different variations of that like me and page I'll be playing a game and she'll be on the controls and we hit a puzzle and like great She's gonna take too long in the puzzle and people are gonna make fun
Starting point is 01:46:53 But more importantly than that i have to solve the puzzle before her so that i can be smug about having solved the puzzle before Precisely and on suit on some occasions i go, okay, honey. Let me solve it and then i fucking fail to solve it Which is now the worst of all conditions Right that happened on baba when we were playing baba is you that happen like a dozen times like oh, i have the solution because i'm so smart Fuck Shit i don't damn it um yeah, i remember um
Starting point is 01:47:24 Talking about stuff like facilitating the player and everything there was um Jean right friend of the show gene park, uh, mad at had a thread about i want to say the squeeze spaces in games like god of war and ff7 remastered where um They actually got uh, there was responses from i think a couple game devs in it and it was in it It was an interesting discussion because basically gene was pointing out that he's like i hate these things because Like while they mask loading They um, they also are the type of things that are going to be
Starting point is 01:47:59 Stuck with the the game no matter how far the tech goes in the future Whereas yeah old games with loading screens now those loading screens don't exist anymore Yeah, therefore all of that masking what you know being in game actually just makes it bad for the future What's strange is that the god of war devs actually responded to? um Gene and saying those aren't all loading screens. Yeah a lot of those are just for the story Boosting boost points right after the fight to make sure that the fight is over before someone can come in Uh, so you can't leave your partner behind and shit like that
Starting point is 01:48:37 Yeah, that just seems like a like a semantic argument like Like it's still like i don't know the whole like first of all some of those are like some of them are loading screens Absolutely, i've been playing the game. There are some that you go through A fucking little crevice for fucking 10 seconds and exit out onto a giant vista I don't care if you tell me that's not a loading screen. I don't believe you Um Oh, i'm now being
Starting point is 01:49:10 I'm now being informed that the god of war talk that I skimmed through about appealing to less active players Is in fact using dsp's footage as example and they're graying out his face, but you can hear him talking Oh The newest god of war puzzle solution Helping being designed so that even dsp can play it to which i've been informed that he's actually even with Even with a game designed specifically to his criteria. He is apparently not doing very well with god of war ragnarok either okay
Starting point is 01:49:48 Well, are you familiar with um The drama surrounding bear proofing a trash can uh, no So there's a logistical engineering problem about bear proofing a trash can that has yet to be solved And it's kind of like this this fun little thought experiment and the problem is Is that any thing any bear any trash can that you design that cannot be opened by the smartest bear Can also not be opened by the bottom percentile of humans Uh Because there is a actual overlap in in trash can opening intuition
Starting point is 01:50:26 Between smart bears and dumb people interesting They land in the same spot Yeah, so if you may if you make if you make a a trash can That bears absolutely can't open and you sell it to people a certain percentage of those people will call your office and yell at you Because they can't open the trash can I mean I think you take the hit on that and you just kind of like hope that culturally People can learn through memetically through other people
Starting point is 01:50:55 Uh, uh, and and you push that forward, but yeah, no the stupidity is astounding. Um, I I recently learned about how A couple decades ago A and w tried to introduce a third pound burger Have you heard of this? A third pound burger a third pound instead of a quarter pounder. It's like a third. Yes And It sold terribly and they didn't understand why
Starting point is 01:51:24 And then they did marketing research and they got back the data were Tons of people looked at it and went why the fuck would I pay The same price for less meat Clearly a third pound of of meat is less than a quarter pound to meat It's one out of three. I want the one out of four That's that's good Like it failed because people can't understand a fraction You know on a basic level then that's real. So yeah, yeah, no
Starting point is 01:52:04 That's mm faith face annihilated a fun game And it's uh, it's interesting because um, I mean you you went through god of war with me obviously and you you saw that Kratos was like Kratos in god of war 2018. He's a massive asshole. Mm-hmm But he's like he has made the decision to not want to be such a massive asshole anymore. Yeah And uh in god of war ragnarok. There's all these little pieces of progress in which he is like calmer overall He's not as much of a prick He he calls people by their names
Starting point is 01:52:42 Is actually one of the bigger ones. He almost never ever ever ever says boy. He says atreus progress He he doesn't say head. He says memir um And he actually has some like genuine character development and it's nice Um and atreus sounds like he's hitting puberty too. Uh like the voice atreus voices deeper Atreus is uh as appropriate to his stance in the story as a new north god of mischief dickery A unruly shitheaded teenager
Starting point is 01:53:15 Ah teen group doesn't listen Yeah, it makes fun of his dad's old knees and shit like that so It's definitely a wildly different dynamic Uh, and it's very nice It was a smart idea to kick that story forward about 10 years because Like if it had just been like little baby atreus again, it would have kind of been boring No, yeah, head atreus
Starting point is 01:53:43 Yeah, did the yeah teenage group versus like the i used to be a shithead, but i'm calming down and oh, yeah Seeing the echoes all that jazz good stuff. Yeah smart Um cool. Yeah, good game Did you see anything that is the equivalent of the valkyries in this? yet No I did not in fact uh, I am
Starting point is 01:54:09 I'm about 10 hours in I have not fought any mini boss Oh, no, I have I fought a super drogger called the hated But it's like it's a super drogger. It's it's like a regular enemy that's been juiced up to hell Sure, nothing similar to a valkyrie yet. Okay, um, there is a gameplay thing in it that I guess they thought was cool But I hate I hate and I want to hear your opinion on it So when you unlock a move with kratos be it like the ground slam or the the axe throw Or the hold the r2 button to slam the axe and somebody and then throw them
Starting point is 01:54:45 There's certain tiers of it now called bronze silver and gold and it's like use Use the axe throw 50 times and you'll go to silver and you'll do a little more damage And then move use it a hundred times and it'll go to gold Then it'll do a little more damage and then when you hit gold it goes, okay Do you want to use a full skill points worth of experience to increase? Either it's damage or it's done or it's
Starting point is 01:55:13 I forget what the third one is or it's freezing power or whatever and that applies to every single one of your skills Um, and so I'm playing through as kratos and I'm getting into this awful situation in which I'm like Well, I maxed out and unlocked the final tier of the axe throw In order to adequately unlock all the rest of my things to the final tier. I now can no longer use the axe throw Yeah, I now have to use The other share your axe throw. Yeah So this was This thing you're describing sucks and this was already answered in mega man zero one
Starting point is 01:55:55 Where if you might recall the way you leveled up weapons in mega man zero one was you just you swung them around, right? and um Putting points into something according to your choices and preferences allows you to pick what you like and enjoy it But when you pick a weapon in mega man zero one and you're like, okay, well time to go level this one up now You just walk into the wastes and just start swinging at nothing For as long as it takes to be like up that's leveled up All right time to switch to the next one And you can and in like in the because because the the state of progression of going through the stages in a lot of cases
Starting point is 01:56:28 like The game's hard enough that you're gonna keep playing but you can Play through and not kill enough things and use enough weapons to get those weapons leveled up So you have to go grind them out a bit, you know So, uh, there is an in-game solution to this problem that they offer you and I don't think it's a particularly good solution And
Starting point is 01:56:53 The solution is they give you a training dimension to go hang out in and those hits count And those hits count, uh, no still no no no no no no so like so like and and chat's going nuts and going like It's not that big of a deal. It's not wrong. It's like, I don't know man So like before I play god of war tomorrow like I feel like I kind of have to play it for a couple hours in the training dungeon To literally just do like dodge forward and hit r1 to do the spin attack Like 40 times and then dodge back and do the axe throw 40 times and that's not a solution I'm not training. That's me just mitigating this annoying thing that makes me feel punished
Starting point is 01:57:34 And I guess this is a mindset thing because the game wants me to feel Rewarded by using certain moves a lot. Yeah, but instead I just feel punished by not using every move equally And I understand the incentive to push players to not just rely on the axe You know or not just rely on one thing like you want to find ways to to push that in this case though like yeah, you kind of Like that's a forced disincentive. I I much prefer the ability to like You know try things and then like you put a point of leveling up into whatever you want to expand and go in that direction You know, it's like I I have obsessive compulsive
Starting point is 01:58:14 You know tendencies and tendencies and all that and that's obvious right, but I like I it feels I don't think I'm I have not run into anyone that I've spoken to with my voice That had any other reaction that was like Oh Oh, that's kind of annoying. No, I I I the the last like I said mega man zero one is the last time I remember that system and I I I don't enjoy counting my swings
Starting point is 01:58:40 On a particular thing for counting as the experience towards it, you know, give me a tree. Yeah, I don't care for it um And the last thing I played which I can recommend or give me proud souls actually anyway Yeah, yeah proud. Yeah proud souls was annoying. Wasn't it? Is uh tactics ogre reborn came out Uh, and that is the game that came out before fft by the same people and is a uh Redone re-release of tactics ogre let us cling together Which is a re-release of tactics ogre for the super nintendo. I forget which one it was but the subtitle
Starting point is 01:59:21 That game So they upraised everything and they put a little smudge filter on the sprites, which actually doesn't look as bad in in motion um that game's great and putting 100 complete full voice acting in that game Is Way more than I ever thought a game like that would get Like it it is written like war the lions like that kind of flowery like
Starting point is 01:59:49 Old english like english major pros Um, and it's it's great It's it's great. They've also very they've changed a lot about the way that game works Because the game's class system is very primitive compared to like ffts Um, and so what they've done is that it used to be So if I've had to taxes you had your character level, right? And then you had the the skills that you learned on a job So your you know your character would be like level 15 or whatever and you could switch to a job and their job would be
Starting point is 02:00:22 Not have many skills on it, but you could earn those skills and then um Your character would still say that's the same level in original versions of tactics ogre. I think in well as playing together Um, when you changed a character to a different class their level reset To that class damn, okay, so you now had a useless character Yeah, so you had to level them up and you you did get to keep some of the little bonuses from the other classes But it was mainly that class Right. Uh, and so what they've done is they've kind of overhauled all of that and completely changed it. And so now
Starting point is 02:01:01 Now it is your character's level is their level and the class that they switched to will be that level period And you will just automatically earn everything that they could possibly have For that level for that class nice, okay, and And Everybody in a fight shares experience Which as equally somebody who's played a lot of tactical rpgs or strategy rpgs The the balancing act of all can't let can't let so and so actually kill all the enemies because Then they'll get all the experience
Starting point is 02:01:37 Or gotta make sure the healers heal nine times a fight so they get a level so sucks I mean, okay, so exp share is a debate because pokemon Right, obviously has that discussion, but the the cat the um A quality of life that is like keeping your levels between job switches. That just seems like frustration Being taken away. Yeah. No, just just evaporated. Um, and on top of that tactics ogre has like you're you're feeling a larger party I think you're feeling like 10 people Um, and so it's it's less like Customizing each of your units a ton and more like I'm throwing lots of different types of units onto the field
Starting point is 02:02:18 I think people call macro customization instead of micro customization Um, so the experience is easier to gain, but Your your the the solution to that is that your xp cap Is determined by your story mission So like where I'm at I can only have party members level eight You can't experience after level eight is just wasted you can't uh, Use the min strats to no you like it actively stops you interesting and it's like if you're level eight You'll still be a level or two above
Starting point is 02:02:54 The story expectations like you can you can still give yourself a numerical advantage. Yeah, but you can't so you Simultaneously can't run into the problem of only one of my characters has any levels The rest of my team is horribly underleveled. I'm fucked and you can't run into the situation in which I've over leveled everyone And now I'm going to steamroll this shit. Oh, well in that case then xp share is fine Right. Yeah. No, it's it's actually great. And if you if you do a battle in which everyone is capped And you get a bunch of xp it will turn it into a little item And that item it can be used on party members later when the xp cap is removed to give them a level Oh, a little rare candy. Yeah, okay. So, yeah, um, it's it's
Starting point is 02:03:40 It's it it's fucking great. It's fucking great smart. Um, you said it A sprite filter that doesn't suck No, it sucks, but it's not as bad As it originally looked and it's this unfortunate reality of like the stages look great The the character portraits and the interface look great The music is excellent and clearly been like retuned or remastered or whatever you want, you know spruced up for like modern audio Everything looks great. The sprites look bad um, and so they tried to
Starting point is 02:04:17 Save it with us with the with the super eagle filter and It's It's fine I like Okay, I'm looking at it now. It's smoothed over. It's yeah, those portraits are doing the heavy lifting They sure are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I see. I should just say
Starting point is 02:04:39 I mean, you see the thing is though, I feel like I guess this is going to be debated to the end of time But I feel like the problem gets solved with the hd pixel remasters of the final fantasy games Where you go get the original sprite artist to make a 2022 version Of an 8-bit or 16-bit sprite You know like make have them redo their work now and and improve it while keeping it still sharp, you know Don't you don't want that blur man the blur is is
Starting point is 02:05:13 Uh, I would prefer to not have the the blur, but It it works like it's it's not it's not a deal breaker It's just kind of and also luckily enough the the actual character sprites on the field are very small But yeah, the voice acting and the and the portraits are and the writing are doing all the heavy lifting. Yeah, you know that game's great Yeah, no, I mean tactics ogre has always been What curiosity for me as well like one of my one of my best friends from elementary school just would never shut up about it I remember Was just like the tactics over ogre kid, you know, and then of course that eventually was like and then ff tactics, you know and such
Starting point is 02:05:54 so um Yeah, that's on the list to check out very hopeful that the final fantasy tactics remaster or whatever that was in that Nvidia leak is also coming because Not even for the graphical remaster, but like the system changes they made in this are great. What are you playing it on? I am playing it on a steam deck and a pc. Okay Um and despite being despite being not actually officially supported by the steam deck. It's 100 perfectly compatible with steam deck Um, there's only one
Starting point is 02:06:27 There's only one little funny mistake is that? um The profanity filter that square is putting into their game. Oh, yeah It's so intense. I heard about that that like it's like there's a there's a the one of the default party names is the flame scale Yes, yes, but like there's like a I don't know. I like m e s c a is like a reference to like mescal in the drug Yeah, so it is it is like the if you if you were born in
Starting point is 02:07:00 Like fucking I don't know what it is like january or february or something and you go to the default name It says it that it failed because it contains permanent profanity. Jesus christ, man The default name. Yeah, that's that's great Uh, it's absolutely fucking absurd also like Like what an obscure drug reference like no who the fucks talked about that, you know what I mean like so I can't name my character fucking peyote jones
Starting point is 02:07:28 Like really you're gonna get on my ass about that It's it still reminds me of the absolute most unfortunate reality of any naming filter ever Which was the dark souls to a profanity filter so When uh page was streaming dark souls 2 she got invaded by a character known as night page Because there's day page and night page in terms of her like awareness and mental acuity, right sundown sundown a little bit
Starting point is 02:07:59 and night page Fucking invaded and became asterisk asterisk asterisk HT page And I'm and you just squirrel your eye. Oh, no Come on No
Starting point is 02:08:21 You made something you made something Completely innocuous like violently hold on hold on the setting that calls for knights Really? Oh my god Yeah, dude, it's bad. It's bad Oh boy All right, and it's just it's just like oh, no, don't put that in my brain. I didn't want that there I didn't think that And now I'm looking at it. Oh
Starting point is 02:08:52 Yeah, that took a second because I was like what what look okay, so uh Here you go Sensor programs just look down at the keyboard and just rip the end key right off Just delete and entirely the whole the whole letter Just get rid of because we're already at that point people can just just type an n and it's there A line has been drawn the gauntlet has been thrown down. You just that's it one key. No, you know Hey, uh, can you excuse me for just a moment? It's time enough for us to take a break anyway
Starting point is 02:09:27 But I have to go do something With the with the pooch. I gotta help him get out so he can go to the bathroom brb All right this week uh This week we're sponsored by bombis That's the underwear sock and Uh t-shirt company I need only the finest materials for my soles of my feet and the sole of my balls It's kind of crazy how
Starting point is 02:09:54 For what practically must have been a millennia We figured out undergarments, but then we just kind of left it there And every time one of them ripped and had a horrible scene You know when you when you pull your socks off and you see that like etched pattern into your skin From them being too tight Or busting a hole through the middle and just all of that all of that horrible I'm sick of wearing these jute sandals. Don't you have anything better that won't scratch my feet
Starting point is 02:10:26 We call them slides sire The term is slides these days That's real by the way no idea what you're talking about absolutely sandals are now called slides They are yeah by who By is it the kids the kids and thus everybody Damn it. Yeah damn it the kids Um, but that's not the point the point is is bombis is improving
Starting point is 02:10:55 The feeling of your underwear getting you the highest quality socks Uh t-shirts and the stuff that feels good on your body because the material is soft as hell and it is uh Again, you're getting all those seams all those weird lines that stitch into your body and and you know You put on a shirt that's got the inside stitching that just kind of like presses and you're like, why would you do that? Why would you make the outside smooth and then the inside have all the horrible? like stitch loose stuff, you know, so Form over function, man. People were just trying to look nice. I didn't care about how horribly it scratched their bodies
Starting point is 02:11:34 Well now bombis is coming in and changing that up. They got pima cotton ultra soft Never itchy marino wool in their socks and t-shirts as well With the fuzzy sherpa linings So it's that stuff that you're going to reach for when you open up your underwear closet and be like I want the good pair today. Today's a good day You know like a fresh pair of underwear on new year's day as uh, josuke would say
Starting point is 02:12:03 um And of course, uh with every Uh Item you purchase bombis donates another to someone in need Uh, they've donated over 75 million items of clothing so far. That's a whole lot over A long period of time. So that's doing a lot of good And uh, they are the most underwear and t-shirts are the most requested items at homeless shelters too. So
Starting point is 02:12:28 That's what they're doing. So yeah Good cause there on the other on the other side of it. Get yourself a good feeling Uh Garment that is going to hug your body all day Get the sweat wicking going so that you don't have to be as gross as you usually might be with the with the the worst of them And uh get some bombis Uh, this holiday season you can give the good
Starting point is 02:12:52 with uh bombis go to b o m b a s dot com Slash super beast and use code super beast and you're going to get 20 off your first purchase That's bombis dot com slash super beast code super beast for 20 off Once again bombis dot com slash super beast code super beast. Thank you bombis Thanks bombis You This week the podcast is also sponsored by
Starting point is 02:13:26 Door dash getting you your dinner quickly easily Without uh fuss or must Well, if I want the food, but I don't want to talk to a person can door dash make it so I don't have to talk to a person They could absolutely do that They can get you all the food that you want from your favorite local go-tos chains that you want to support in your neighborhood Over 300 000 partners. You're going to get exactly what you want brought to your door with no Uh contact if you want them to just drop it off, but I'll tell you what it was perfect for When uh
Starting point is 02:13:59 When punch mom was getting over covet and we needed to get some disinfectant for the house We were able to order some lysol and some wipes and some stuff that would just help you know do the full scrub down and uh that's the perfect thing to get contactless delivery because You know we were in the middle of being a hazardous area So it's not just so that the the drivers are protecting you Your you can protect them as well Um, it came in they won't see you in your disgusting pajamas in my horrible state. It's true
Starting point is 02:14:35 It's true Sometimes I admit I'll like Give it a second make sure the coast is clear and then just like open up the door real quick in my underwear and just grab the thing Yeah, I'll be honest. There were times when I was like listen Do I want contactless delivery because of covet like I mean that's obviously a factor But the real reason is that I don't really feel like putting a shirt on right now And uh, but I also don't want them to see my my man boobies. Yeah, so I can just I can just like
Starting point is 02:15:03 Sneak the food in like a goblin. Yeah, I like shirts shirts are comfy. I'm usually in a cozy shirt with good material But underwear is abs is is absolutely a possibility at any given moment pants are super optional. So, you know Yeah If you don't wait, you know, so anyway, perfect for that reach out grab it. No one needs to see um, I'm also a fan of the uh Loose basketball shorts, you know, that's that's a nice. That's a cozy way to do it too. Those are good But you can get your um essentials household cleaning items go to everything that you want Uh is deliverable on door dash. So check them out
Starting point is 02:15:48 um and Yeah, for a limited time our listeners can get 50 off Up to a $20 value and zero delivery fees when you download the door dash app and enter code csb So that's 50 off. That's up to a $20 value Uh and zero delivery fees when you download the door dash app in the app store and you use the code csb Uh new code. Don't forget csb for 50 off Uh up to a $20 value and zero delivery fees with door dash subject to change terms apply. Thanks door dash
Starting point is 02:16:27 Thank you door dash Uh we're sponsored this week by uncommon goods And I've told you a couple times about them But if you haven't heard as we're getting into that holiday season and you're trying to figure out what to buy for the people in your life You don't want to be boring. Don't be bland. Don't be basic Don't be a basic bitch with your guy. You're your gift buying I don't want to you can step it up If you don't have the skills if you lack the ability to be a creative gift giver
Starting point is 02:17:01 Then uncommon goods is for you. You can check out uh A giant list of just fun creative unusual off the beaten path items usually made uh From small artists independent businesses Um small batches too as well. So, you know, you want to you want to? Jump in there and and support that um
Starting point is 02:17:29 Unique handmade items many uh Made in the us as well. So there's a detail But yeah, they've got uh fun. They've got like, you know things like uh, I've mentioned before the self-watering plants, you know, I got for uh punch mom. I've talked about the The uh 3d tic-tac toe game I got for just playing some board games fun on the table uh, you know, uh grilled vegetable cooker um a garlic roaster
Starting point is 02:17:59 things for the kitchen things for Life things for your garden things for just around the house and just fun gifts that are gonna, you know, not be as obvious as um, I don't know uh Heading down to that soap place and getting a generic gift bag of soap We've all done that a couple times. You got to get more creative than that these days Um, plus you got to smell it Get assaulted in the nose every time you hit you go Anyways, um
Starting point is 02:18:31 Every purchase you make at uncommon goods gives a dollar back to a nonprofit of your choice and they've donated More than two and a half million dollars to date. So If you want to get in there, you can get 15 off your next gift Going to uncommon slash super beast That's uncommon slash super beast for 15 off And uh, yeah, that's a limited time offer on common goods is all out of the ordinary trademark copyright all rights reserved Um, thanks for coming good
Starting point is 02:19:07 And last but not least this week we're sponsored by honey Which is I love honey all about saving you money Uh paypal honey money that is to say um Yeah, paypal honey is uh Out there they're gonna as uh, we've discussed a couple times But if you haven't heard every time you're shopping online you go to tons of websites You can see the promo code box
Starting point is 02:19:33 But you never put anything in there because you are not privileged enough to know the code. I don't know what the code is man Well, then I don't know it's uh, if you install honey, you simply Uh, have it pop up and apply coupons within a few seconds It searches finds discounts finds any coupons it can find for that site And if it finds a working coupon you watch the prices drop. It's pretty simple. I actually was uh Getting some headphones on new egg the other day and new egg was one of the sites that was applicable On on honey. Yeah, and I was like, oh shit new egg has good prices on good tech so
Starting point is 02:20:14 I grabbed me one of those and I also grabbed me one of those um those uh gamer num pads For just one hand Because i'm gonna see how that feels the mmo pad. Yeah, the little mmo pad. I'm gonna test out one of those so I got one of those shipping in as well and uh, you know, honey was applied on that and That was like, oh, yeah, that's a pretty useful place for it pretty cool um And I think as well they have the thing where if you don't necessarily get the discount you might get
Starting point is 02:20:45 Gold which goes towards getting gift cards as well from the sites that you shop at so That's dope And then once I get that num pad mmo pad we can solve this debate once and for all It will not it will not it will it will never be solved It will not be solved But what can be solved is your savings. So if you don't already have it you could be straight up missing out Do yourself a solid support the show Get paypal honey for free at join
Starting point is 02:21:17 Slash super beast. That's join slash super beast Thanks, honey Thank you, honey Okay, so a couple things going on in the news today Well before any of that I need to ask you right now. It's vital. You know fighting games. You are an expert on fighting games I want your hot take don't think about it. Just answer right away of the five following fighting games Which of this year is your favorite fighting game seafoos dna hands down Is it seafoos seafoos the greatest fighting game of 2022 it's seafoos. Oh, we did it
Starting point is 02:21:58 Yeah, that was on the docket. We got what a fucking joke We got you see genes on twitter right now going like what is this stupid shit? I mean, it's a it's a joke every year Right and you kind of expect to be like, okay. Sure. You're gonna see something on there That's like, yeah, jojo's bizarre adventure all-star battle Are why not put it on the fighting game though? It is a fighting game. It did come out this year It might not be uh Where everyone's putting their attention and it might not be a game that people can play online Decently, but fuck it. It's a fighting game. Why not throw it on the list?
Starting point is 02:22:35 Seafoos Like it that that's still just that just goes to show that whoever is in charge of that decision Still calls them button bashers. Yeah, so the the every year we talk about some variation of this But every year I feel like it's actually worse and worse because uh the game awards, uh, you know, I was putting out their nominees and uh, I have to I have to say every time the way that these are decided Is that entire outlets like all of game spot and like all of ign they get one person to go As like the representative
Starting point is 02:23:15 Right. Yeah, and so they usually pick whoever's the most mainstream and the the editor in chief or whoever to go And then they get one vote to put forth like nominees or vote on them And as a result this like drills down to like the most basic possible choices whatsoever And it's always it's there's always some games. It's it's not about what's missing It's always the shit that's on here and you're like fucking what so like horizon forbidden west Is on almost every single categories list. Yeah. Yeah, okay a game that I Don't know anyone who said anything out loud to me or on on social media other than yeah It sucks that game came out alongside elden ring. I was playing it and then I stopped because I wanted to play elden ring
Starting point is 02:24:05 So as far Elden ring is up for best art direction Do you want to hear the fucking best art direction picks? they're fucking um Elden ring god of war horizon scorn and stray all of those are realistic 3d action game like every single one So it's very clear at this point that one person clicks on The list of fighting games released in 2022. They haven't played any of them
Starting point is 02:24:36 They scroll down and then they grab some shit, but then they also go. Well, look man. I don't know punching and kicking That's fighting. Isn't it that's fighting that sifu thing that people talked about that. That's the punch kick. Yeah, there you go That's a fighting game and then for every other category. It's like I've played five triple a games this year That's the entirety of what I've done with my career. Let's just fit those in wherever I can and then fucking Roll it should throw a dart for the rest You know, it's every year. It's just it's completely nonsense, man Anyway, like just rename the category to button basher Don't don't call it fighting
Starting point is 02:25:18 I want to I want to hit you with I want to hit you with just how bad and how pointless this whole thing is Because it really does feel like a top level person just decided these are the only games that get to win Okay, for all of the following categories, okay So for the game of the year total, right? You've got a plague tale requiem the game about rats who can't swim Elden ring god of war horizon Stray and xeno played three. Okay. Those are fine Right. Those are fine choices. I guess
Starting point is 02:25:53 For best game direction Um elden ring god of war horizon and stray are there For uh best narrative plague tale elden ring god of war horizon are there For best arc direction elden ring god of war horizon and stray are there. Yeah for best score in music Plague tale elden ring god of war and xeno blade are there for best audio design Elden ring god of war and horizon are there but also call of duty modern warfare too Again best performance and this is my favorite part
Starting point is 02:26:32 For best performance is ashley burst from horizon The the charlotte mcburney from plague tale and then two Actors from god of war being christ judge and sonny sulik and a lady who worked on a game called immortality Which is also in for like there are only seven games across the first 10 categories Because that's the seven games the person played They played they played the most basic bitch triple a shit and then just went that's everything That's the biggest problem because when you pick one person from each thing The only games that are able to get enough votes to be nominated are the ones that half or more of those people played
Starting point is 02:27:12 Everyone played elden ring as a result I fully believe the elden ring and god of war are going to take 99 of every award in every category no matter how silly they are Because everyone who was voting on these things played those two games. Yeah I It's you know, I whatever like why Turn to a game award show and look for some sort of legitimacy or whatever. It's it's it's clowns. It's clown shoes It's always been clown shoes
Starting point is 02:27:41 But it's so bad every year because at least at least when the oscars would happen Do you know what would happen when I would look at nominees for the oscars? I would go I don't know what that movie is Right, right, right, right I should watch that movie because at least somebody thought it was good enough to win an award Well, the reason why is because there's also a very clear Category of for your consideration movies That are made as oscar bait and that's it
Starting point is 02:28:11 And they're they're like there are films that are made just to collect your oscar And they have the little for your consideration letter that comes along with them. You know, you can tell Absolutely Diablo immortal is up for best mobile. That's disgusting Um, yeah, so whatever the stupid pics are like so just who is up for best community support and best ongoing again Like as embarrassing and as dumb as the pics always are it's like the fact that fighting games will always have a not fighting game in the list Like oh, it's great. You can't even fuck it. Yeah. All right. And anyways, I've got I've got one for you I've got I've got two similar ones for you So best action game of the year. All right, bao three
Starting point is 02:29:01 neon white turtles shredders revenge sifu Or everyone's favorite action game call of duty modern warfare 2 There's big action Lots of action big shoot bangs is action
Starting point is 02:29:19 I saw there is a category for best action adventure, which is plague tale god of war Horizons stray and tunic and the only game that's not on the game of the year list is tunic. So why even have this entire category? Because if tunic doesn't win that category that category is actually pointless And the award for best horizon zero don goes to I think I think the worst one is when you go Hey, what's the best action game and then they go? What's the best game of the year and then they go? What's the best narrative action game and then you go?
Starting point is 02:29:49 What's the best fighting game and sifu is the answer to all of them or you know like when they you've seen them do that Right, and it's so silly Oh But just like you like you have to stop and go okay, but who's this for? Right, who's this for at the grocery store? it's for The line waiting outside at the game stop that's just kind of like Like looking at the the you know pretty much the top the number one thing the big the big one AAA and that's it
Starting point is 02:30:23 It's just casual as fuck. So, you know, what are you gonna get? It's I will I will say that fighting games always get disrespected And that's true However, nobody I mean nobody gets more disrespected than racing games because racing games don't get their own category Um racing games are in the racing slash sports category Um, which is f1 22 fifa 23 nba 2k 23 ollie ollie world and gt7
Starting point is 02:30:53 which um Every every single thing I have heard about every single sports game for going on five years is I can't believe it's even worse than last year Right, right, right. Yeah. Yeah Or in some cases, it's actually Literally the same game as last year and they screwed up and forgot to change the numbers in some cases Look, whatever. Look, let the industry get together and pat themselves on the back And then just give us the cool live musical performance of the song that we want to hear That we mute
Starting point is 02:31:24 Yes, because we can't listen to it That's it. Just just shut up and fucking do that I I still think the all-time greatest version of any game award anything was Giant bomb in its absolute heyday Which was uh, jeff ryan brad and vinny Just like recording their nine and a half hour screaming match as to whether or not Like one game was better than the other. Yeah
Starting point is 02:31:52 And how like like fucking Just petty and intense it would get because at least you actually got like a good feeling of like how much How like how much they actually cared like they argued about skyrim versus sainz throw three for like three hours And you want those are both really good games Yeah, yeah And then when I get you well anyways Uh, you can go with that format or you could just make individual top 10 videos, I suppose You know
Starting point is 02:32:32 We wanted to do that you wanted to do that you wanted to you wanted aggressively to have a screaming match I wanted to fight for hours game of the year was so that so that consensus could be dropped No one wanted to do it Yeah, I was I had the kibosh put on that idea many times But giant bomb though They they they come out of that like fucking Bullets resentful bleeding and tired knives come out Yeah, like I think I think my favorite bit of that is that like in future game of the year discussions
Starting point is 02:33:15 The bitterness would be so intense That like jeff would like jeff was like mad for like four extra years that sainz throw three lost to skyrim Mm-hmm. No, he would just bring it up. Just just I was I was down, but I overall I just hated top 10s like period. So Yeah, that that was the other side of it was that I absolutely hated the top 10 format that we ended up going with I hated it. I just remember the um, well the youtube had a you know, there was a whole yeah, youtube playing the game, you know, whatever so Yeah um
Starting point is 02:33:55 Which is why youtube likes every piece of content that I don't want to make Tune in for top 10 dokapon betrayals They're great. Well, see that's different because there's like 800 dokapon betrayals And you can rank them according to like how how like white knuckle your fucking hands got Dude, there was a handshake There was a serious No, no fucking frills
Starting point is 02:34:24 Okay, handshake deal And then just said fuck the handshake Oh, that's good. I like that like do you like that? Damages your trust in real life Well, you know, this is this is a strange thing I asked you maybe two and a half years ago to play like a game of like sieve or like endless space with me because Every time I have played I play sieve every now and then like maybe every
Starting point is 02:34:52 You know six months a year with the same group of people and every single year every single time this one guy I love him. He's a good friend of mine, but he always does the same thing He always gets up on your ass and starts sending religious fucking extremists into your bullshit And start converting your shit to his religion and every single time you tell fucking stop doing that. He's like, I'm not doing anything I'm not doing anything. I'm like, I'm watching you I am watching you send missionaries Into my bullshit. They are they are converting my people to a religion that is your name No, I'm not doing anything, man. I'm not doing anything. It's just like
Starting point is 02:35:33 Stop it. Stop it Open mics good. It's good um Yeah, so uh I mean sifu the clear front runner uh there aside. Absolutely. I I hope it wins Mm-hmm couple I hope it went well, you know why right because as it's not really a fighting game It's by far the most likely game on that list that people have played Sure. Yes. It's also very good
Starting point is 02:36:01 dnf duel is on there because It's a fighting game that came out, but like I bet you way more people played sifu than dnf duel Yeah, you're not it's not you don't have to fight anybody you just play the game like it's You know sure Throw mario on there and go best fighting game like yeah, why not like Or technically mega man seven It has a versus mode. I fucking love that shit. I fucking love this stupid crap Um, okay vampire survivors not on the list anywhere
Starting point is 02:36:31 Yeah, sure Signal is just dropped We're still in 2022 like there's there's a there's a list of like strategy rpgs and triangle strategies on there And it's like yet remove that and put tactics ogre in there instead Tactics ogre is a much better game than triangle strategy Oh vampire survivors got one Where where in indies fuck off that should be up there for game of the year Like I thought elden ring had it no problem
Starting point is 02:37:02 And i'm sitting here going it's it's between elden ring and sygnalis and vampire survivors For pat's choice and I couldn't tell you right now. That's a tough one when that bible starts spinning and everything starts dying No, you know what the the ultimate is when you're playing it and you're like is it crashing? No, no, no, no, no, I'm winning It's it's not crashing. This is good. What's happening? Yeah Okay, so a couple of things going down Some smaller stuff I guess we can just get out of the way way real quick as we were talking
Starting point is 02:37:41 They announced rumble verse season two Uh, yeah, they had a stream. They they they did that uh yesterday or the day before but Is that out now or like what so I mean I pop I jumped on I want to say a day or two ago And I saw that there was like, you know 24 hours left in the season So right around this time to to to show off what what else is new and I think the stream showed off the stuff But they announced what's coming so, um new special moves there's gonna be
Starting point is 02:38:10 Uh Bull rush for breaking up crowds Oh, I like that picking up and carrying, um, your enemies with edge moves And Something called liberate which will steal items Okay, interesting I man, I want rumble verse to be to live long and good because That is like my favorite like I don't want to want to play. I don't have a fucking
Starting point is 02:38:38 Oh, throw it on rumble verse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God to me. Vo is currently hitting that slot It's scratching an itch, but no rumble versus uniquely great. I just I'm scared. It's gonna die. I'm so scared um So here you know what hold that thought because I'll jump forward in a second to some information that's interesting on the subject um If you get a keybat the the keyblades Uh, if you pick one up and you have it undamaged There's gonna be golden crates around the map that you could open with it
Starting point is 02:39:08 And that's what you use it for so that is That is an excellent solution to how much stronger you are with that item crazy So you pick up a keyblade and you start doing Sora's moves with it. Oh, you can fly you are you can throw projectiles It's a completely different character It's also a a much Much stronger character than the average moveset. So now you can sacrifice an unused you can't use it
Starting point is 02:39:39 It has to be undamaged and you sacrifice that to open up a crate that has super ultra rare items um something called golden drenched chicken Uh star cookies that fully restore health and superstar meter at the same time So that is a that is a great idea because now because you got the keybat and man You were you were going to win unless you were like a million times worse than the person You're gonna win because the keybats super strong But now it gives you an incentive to hold on to it until you get killed the proposition of an item that fully heals health and
Starting point is 02:40:14 superstar is a double life Like that's great. That's an incredible sacrifice from your of your keybat Um, and yeah, golden chicken. I guess that's probably like a full healer or something like that uh new consumables golden crates nachos for small healing Um and carbo pop which is going to be a healing aoe zone So you can drop something that might heal your opponents as well Or I guess if you're doing teams, you know, you can use that but uh, that's interesting
Starting point is 02:40:45 Um, yeah, and then a bunch of seasonal two battle pass stuff. So um, yeah, I like did not finish the battle pass I did darn um, um mentioned oh, oh, oh, oh and and uh, yeah, this isn't mentioning it, but um, there is a new island That is gonna be a part of the map as well. Yeah, apparently the map is like 40 bigger now. Um Tooth the map size is now two thirds bigger low key key Is gonna be available. So
Starting point is 02:41:19 massive massive area which I guess Is just that's just like because you're not ever running through the entire island at the same time Like it's gating you into the circle. That's just like new shit. Like it's that's great. Um, I Don't know if there are there any battle royale games that like have multiple maps to them absolutely, so Uh, a pub g has multiple maps. Uh, fortnight has a different map every single fucking season
Starting point is 02:41:51 So here's the question. Why not instead just expand outwards into a larger area and like apex also has and then have the circle like Tighten in in those spots, you know, I don't know I don't know what the design reason behind that is because I know apex has multiple maps as well. Okay. Um I I personally I think And maybe it's so you can choose the maps or maybe because it's a server reason or Yeah, probably server could be it could be that but like the idea of like new
Starting point is 02:42:27 Areas that you want to play in could just be part of the original area and then there's a random chance of you getting it right, so Anyway, so that's all cool. Um good for them um All right Then there's some shit going down A couple places so one I guess the biggest story from last week And I I actually need some filling in the blanks on this because I don't know the full details, but
Starting point is 02:42:54 Um, mick gordon came out to talk about um Do the doom eternal ost controversy and basic right explained uh that Uh, essentially he would they try he was They attempted to pay him off to not Uh Expose what happened Um, so they attempted to significantly pay him off too like not not peanuts like real shut the fuck up money
Starting point is 02:43:22 So what originally happened with the ost? The original the original description as I remember it was that mick gordon took too long to do the ost And thus could not Finish the mastering process in time and thus somebody else had to come in and fix it and it was mick gordon's fault that there were Mixing issues tried to blame it on him at the time. Okay. Thank you, darling And The ish and then the ost that did come out Sounded like shit
Starting point is 02:43:55 Compared to the in-game music Right Yes, I believe that is also what happened. It was a mixing difficulty Okay, so, um, yeah long Confusing stuff happened and I guess there were reddit posts back and forth and things but um, yeah And then as a result he wasn't on the dlc, right, right, right. Yes. Okay um Now mick is fucking composed some like
Starting point is 02:44:27 Unbelievable shit, bro. I mean the goal is good music man. Literally go listen to that go listen to killer instincts like dudes doing incredible um, but uh The the account that that he came out basically came out and said uh marty. So I guess one of the inexex Lied marty would be the creative like the head of it. Okay working on marty O'Donnell, I think his name is about the circumstances surrounding doom eternal soundtrack used disinformation and innuendo to blame me entirely for its failure Um, I guess yeah, so marty made a reddit post Where he was making these claims and it says it severely impacted both his professional and personal reputation And he gives a long and detailed account of how he was forced to
Starting point is 02:45:09 Uh, so our people are correcting me as marty stratton stratton um Yeah, unrealistic deadlines unclear vision. He was asked to produce two finished scores per month details That's ridiculous um and and uh Details on the level themes the boss fights and any dev sound cues were unavailable when he started working
Starting point is 02:45:34 So he had to work blind without any of that information for from two years away from the release He the schedule demanded that he reproduce a steady stream of final music immediately um And obviously the fact that there it had to closely match gameplay But he didn't have any of that because the levels were still months away from being designed didn't make any sense Yeah, you would need a gray box level to fucking actually do that
Starting point is 02:46:04 um And so yeah like difficulties emerged early on when he couldn't provide those in a timely manner and then um Yeah, it just goes on to expose that like the entire defense that they ran Or that marty ran for why that that whole ost fucked up When it was uh eventually released was uh bullshit and that they tried to pay him off with six digit figures To essentially insignificant payoff stay quiet and take the blame um
Starting point is 02:46:41 I haven't I've been offered five to 20 bucks to shut the fuck up by like a family member and I snitched on them anyway, but like Uh 100 grand 120 grand or whatever man, that's that's shut the fuck up money. Uh trailer park boys Just full on i'ma give you this hundred dollars to fuck off Yeah, yeah, right Um Yeah, so I mean it took a while obviously that was a couple years ago before it gets to this point, but um
Starting point is 02:47:13 It says he also went like close to a year without getting paid Good excellent as well, so uh Yeah, this this whole thing, uh looks real shit on its part here and You know that sucks one Like why would someone especially like you're you're a mc gordon when you come into a project and you're brought in to do Uh anything like the game is lucky to have you you're one of the best composers in the industry
Starting point is 02:47:44 You are a legitimate value add put it on the box right, but now we're gonna Pay you to look worse and look like you fucked up and look like you can't deliver Despite asking impossible things and then other companies that are going to want to hire you for their games Have to look at this story and buy it You know and hire you with the caveats that oh well, there was that time that he botched on doom You know Yeah, even if he never gets a dime from this and never gets any formal restitution putting it out there So that he can clear the air before going to other projects is a valuable endeavor for him when you're a gun for hire
Starting point is 02:48:20 You have to do that like your your reputation is your fucking ability to get work, you know Um if you was an in employee and and you know just was like whatever happens. He's the guy like that's one thing But that's not the case. I mean, yeah, so anyway, um, there's a big old medium post about it, but um Eve and and and it it it goes on but that's just a fucking That is a a shit-ass conclusion to something that is You know a really talented person working on a game that fucking was awesome and like clearly When you see the results of like that where it's like it's a perfect fit
Starting point is 02:49:02 You know like it sucks that you have this type of bullshit involved because um I think he also kind of indicated somewhere that like he still has love for doom as a franchise and you know what I mean Like is it it really is up his alley in terms of like nailing it with that? uh both games and their osts, but um Um This is some horseshit and pray was incredible. Yeah kudos kudos to him for for you know
Starting point is 02:49:27 Saying was telling it like it is so That answers any questions. I suppose You know, well, I've been thinking about this a while and I think I've discovered the new My hot tips on how to buy video games Uh what you need to do is if you see a video game that you think you're gonna want to buy You need to uh ignore everything about it and then buy it Pre-order it on like steam or something
Starting point is 02:49:51 As soon as possible And then when the game comes in day one you have to play it for two and a half hours Don't look at the internet. Don't look at it. And then Then it'll be too late To refund it Once it comes out that the game was made with orphan bones, right? Right, right, right, right? And and and people like how could you be playing? I was like, I already bought it before I found out Well, okay
Starting point is 02:50:15 in in in Mixed case though alongside this he did also come out and say hey, please don't review bomb the game because of this Please don't like Hurt what a number of like talented devs and people who are working on this that still care about it that are good people made um because of one shitty dudes lies, you know so, um
Starting point is 02:50:39 That's nice of him. Yeah, uh, he did not make an appeal to the slayer nutters Attention slayer nutters He didn't call for anything. He said hey, uh, the game is still made by some good people. This guy sucks You know So it's awful. Yeah Yeah Um Everybody in the game business is awful
Starting point is 02:51:17 Yeah, I assume we also have some zah oom news on that's where we're going next slayer No, you guys like because you want to talk about people being awful. Holy shit. You want doom nutters better? You know, it's some people. I see this, you know Doom nutters is pretty good um Yeah, so this one now I guess okay
Starting point is 02:51:41 This is gonna this this one is just like almost like Mega rich light bending guy Is not mega rich for no reason, right? He's also part of the fucking story So when everything is happening as it is about, uh, uh, the creative team leading leaving zah oom um mega rich light bending guy comes out and puts out, uh, the zah oom uh version of events, I suppose
Starting point is 02:52:13 which Makes accusations I have to stop you right there. Okay So here's the deal. Here's a timeline of events. Sure Mega rich light bending guy was originally the controlling stake in zah oom. Yes After the release of disco elysium Two new guys who prior minority shareholders in zah oom Bought out more shares of the company
Starting point is 02:52:45 Majority shareholders Mega rich light bending guy Was no longer the primary main shareholder. Oh, he lot he uh, he was bought out Okay, okay became minority due to the division of the shares Okay, so it used to be the mega light rich mega rich light bending guy Who was a crazy rich guy who just thought disco was cool. Yeah Was bankrolling them and they say that they were very confident As long as they hit their their targets
Starting point is 02:53:18 That he would be happy and that they would run the studio as they like okay and so on and so forth But he was ousted as primary majority shareholder by these two new guys whose names. I can't remember However, they are allegedly literal financial criminals Yes, is is is what uh, we're hearing So they become the new primary shareholders seeing as disco takes off and You know, yeah, then they get rid of uh, you know, uh, curts. Well, I forget their fucking names, but the zah oom collective Yes, the cultural collective cultural collective and now
Starting point is 02:53:55 These two news stories happened simultaneously The zah oom cultural collective alleged that the two new majority Shareholders became majority shareholders by embezzling money from the company that was being put aside to finance disco too And using the company's own money to buy the company's own shares for themselves So they could become the majority shareholders and then fire other people who own stock in the company Something simultaneous something that something that they have a prior record of doing Elsewhere in estonia as financial criminals who have done this before. Yes However simultaneous to this
Starting point is 02:54:39 Zah oom the company released a statement saying that the people fired from the cultural collective were done So in as a result of them being Racists misogynist pieces of fucking shit who yelled at employees and made a horrible work environment. Right. So I'm not gonna say That that's not true because I don't know However, the timing of it hitting like within the day Yeah, yeah, yeah, like yeah instantly as a direct result of hey, by the way, we think these guys literally stole the company Yeah, well, they were they were misogynists
Starting point is 02:55:16 Like sure. Why not? So they could be misogynist. I would believe the person who wrote disco elysium's a misogynist I could see it. Whatever. That's not the point. It really looks like you stole the company, dude um so that it like that's like if you Look at that the wins if you read the wins on that that looks like a couple of financial criminals are running the best interference they can
Starting point is 02:55:41 And the way to do that according to the times in 2022 is to Make these allegations now as you said we've seen so much of this in the industry that it's entirely possible that that is That there's a basis for this and that there is That this could have happened but what extra comes in as massively sus is the way it's all phrased right is um The dismissed employees had no engagement to their responsibilities and work. They created a toxic work environment They demonstrated misconduct towards other employees including verbal abuse gender discrimination
Starting point is 02:56:24 And most importantly attempted to illegally sell zaoum's intellectual property So the big cap underline that they they get to is they were trying to steal IP In other words, they were trying to take the thing they created disco elysium Yeah, you know And it's like that this is it just it feels like bobby sitting in that chair Looking at the journalist going. Oh, yeah, some fucking posers are trying to encroach on the guitar hero brand This new rock band thing who the fuck knows what that is like it just and I really have to say that
Starting point is 02:57:06 At you look at you look at the the description of the gentlemen of themselves and how they wrote disco elysium and it was Like we're sitting around as like broke homeless alcoholics Just Just being mad about politics and they're like let's make a video game Like I can imagine that they and their alcoholism would have made a toxic work environment or that they might have yelled at a guy Yeah, sure. Fuck it It seems weird that This was not the allegation put out the day they were fired
Starting point is 02:57:41 Right, which was what a month ago Like In response Curvitz and rostov Wrote an article on their medium To concerning the situation at zaoum to fans of disco elysium and Yeah the
Starting point is 02:58:06 They they explained a lot of the the bits about them having again previous criminal history with this stuff How they ousted everybody by using the money stealing the money from the majority stake and Entirely doing a bunch of massively illegal shit to get to this position to begin with and Yeah, they and I think they were kind of describing that The culture of the toxic culture that they're kind of describing came about as a result of them taking the reins over at the company and that They've kind of been
Starting point is 02:58:45 Not speaking out until now out of consideration for the people that they cared about that still worked there But now obviously That that's gone I will say that when the zaoum creative collective guys write these statements I'm like dude I just give me the facts I I legitimately don't have time to read your fucking manifesto like every every single fucking statement coming out of them
Starting point is 02:59:11 Yeah, some fucking 30 40 000 word like treatise Yeah, but at the same time when someone accuses you of being like a piece of shit in like five different ways And then also is like potentially rubbing their hands together as they scheme to steal the thing that you made that was Well, no, what they should what they should be doing is letting their lawyer do their talking That is in fact that you should lawyer up. This is the truth Yes, this has as soon as they as soon as they dug through some documents and they're like wait a second Did they rob us? all public facing
Starting point is 02:59:46 PR shit should stop and it should be handled through uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, a civil Estonian lawyer and possibly the prosecuting attorney for you know financial crimes in in their region Yeah Attention disco nutters Please boycott anything made in the future By any of these individuals This is the most disco shit ever. It's very disco. Um I don't I can't although what's not disco is a really dry estonian courtroom
Starting point is 03:00:23 That is the least disco thing in the world You know what man? I bet that if and when this goes to court I don't think any of that testimony is dry I doubt that any of these people putting out these press releases and just accusing and pointing fingers and just just going for it At at nauseam here I mean calm and restrained on a stand If if the videos I've seen of eastern european parliament are any indicator Um, shit might get physical and that's totally par for the course
Starting point is 03:01:01 I've seen I've seen parliament videos of like representatives having essentially rugby matches to stop people from getting to the microphone so that they can't do a, uh, um A filibuster And it's like that now that is disco. Yes Um, absolutely. So, uh, we'll see but It kind of looks like, uh, shit is getting um
Starting point is 03:01:30 as stupid as possible as these, uh, these people try to say that, um They're better. Fuck the creators of disco We're gonna make that an amazon show and We're gonna fucking laugh it up to the bank, you know Um, thank you. Thank god this game came out on steam Because people are gonna definitely want to play at disco alizium in 20 years. Yeah, and it's it is there is a significant possibility That there will be no legal way to play disco alizium in two years
Starting point is 03:02:03 right Also also on switch, right? So Yeah, get your physical and the other consoles, but I you know long term I mean like and the fact that like Not like I want to say like a two weeks ago or so like a super awesome piece of official art came out And everyone's like god damn it. Look at this great piece of art That's kind of taking place in like, you know post game Timeline that makes you feel good and then you just kind of remember what's happening
Starting point is 03:02:36 Creatively at the company and it's it's just fucking hollowing um Yeah, man This is how you this like that's how you become mega rich light bending guy part two and three though is You if we just stole it you just you made this I made this and then turn around and like put a price tag on it You know and then hand it off to everyone who's interested in in Fat and then when the person who you took it from walks back up to you and taps you on the shoulder Shoot them right in the liver
Starting point is 03:03:16 Uh Good oh Make sure make sure they please don't is a crazy place. I I gotta find out more about estonia I don't know nothing about estonia I couldn't even point it out on a map. I'm gonna look at a map of estonia right now I'm looking at it. Oh, that's a Fucking dire flag blue black and white that is it's okay. That's fucking depressing It's it's not the right up at the top there. No, I see him not the usual colors you see on on a on a flag
Starting point is 03:03:58 Yeah, oh they're in but uh, okay, so that's okay. They're right there. Oh, they're in the nordic area But then there's the russians over here russians over there latvia over there Finland over there And then the insolendian Archipelago Okay, um So what else is going on? They uh, so yeah for sonic frontiers is getting pretty good reviews people are pretty happy with it
Starting point is 03:04:32 Um, and the director came out and said that being said the game still has a long ways to go So the state what does that mean the state that it's in right now will continue to get patched aggressively So should I just play it for like 20 minutes and then fucking shelve it? They consider the release to be a global play test That's not true That is a mistranslation Oh, I saw gene and others making fun of them for hey, if you don't have a translator on staff do not actually Transliterate these things. Uh-oh
Starting point is 03:05:08 Okay, this is zero gamer Yeah, they the quote is we are taking it seriously as if it were a global play test Which is a which is a relatively minor distinction But it's the difference between sending it out unfinished and taking people's opinions into consideration. That is important. Yes um Checking the opinions and critiques of everyone the game has a long way to go um, so uh, and then they kind of made reference to the fact that um
Starting point is 03:05:43 Every 3d sonic game has inconsistent physics and suddenly grinding and then falling off the path Or coming to a halt while boosting breaking out of a spring jump and veering off into fucking death um And that's it's still annoying and they're gonna try to figure out how to redo sections that are irritating so, okay, so So here's the weirdest part by far The weirdest part about sonic games in 3d Is that I think there's the possibility of a good 3d sonic game
Starting point is 03:06:15 And I genuinely think that maybe the way people are talking about sonic frontiers It might be the first good 3d sonic game in quite a while The weird thing about 3d sonic games is that every time they make one they completely start over from scratch Like they don't incorporate any of their old ideas or iterate on anything. It's always a completely new fucking thing, right? So to hear them say hey, we're looking at feedback and we want to improve this and keep going forward. That's really good Build off of what you got Sure And I mean if they're literally describing it as like
Starting point is 03:06:49 Like patches are not just like bug fixing, but actively we're willing to redesign parts of a stage that are just annoying That's wild. That's aggressive That is aggressive. So Uh, yeah, we'll see what that means. But it's still a long ways to go But it seems like they've got the support from sega to Continue iterating development long past release Um That's great. Yeah, which you know if it's your fucking flagship character and you know what this franchise
Starting point is 03:07:18 can be and how finicky it is to Make a good one Then absolutely allow for that. That's that's that's good news Now the thing is of course is as you get further and further into these games It gets really complicated figuring out what the fuck is happening to the lore Fortunately, especially now Especially now
Starting point is 03:07:41 So fortunately sega is now hiring A sonic lore associate manager whose job it will be To make the universe more meaningfully connected Um That is hilarious why that is specific to frontier. I've like have you seen why that is the case I don't know about for frontier But I would assume with the movies coming out and all these different things going on in the ip It would just make more sense. No, it's it's it's because the um the sonic frontier canonizes the comics
Starting point is 03:08:16 Oh interesting Okay, so like you have sonic like doing stages and be like wow It's just like that time. I was hanging out with the character from the comics blah, blah, blah Okay, and shit like that the uh the e and flinn. Yeah the i w the id w runs not the archie ones interesting Yeah, cool. Okay um Yeah, uh from I remember from uh reading I read the mega man id w's and uh
Starting point is 03:08:47 A couple of them were crossovers with sonic as well and like those were those were good reads Those were those were those are good, man So as a result by adding those suddenly they have this massive fucking back catalogue of story detail That has to make sense that have just been just Just you know jammed into sonic games. Yeah um So Yeah, e and flinn tyson hessay
Starting point is 03:09:13 Yeah, all working on making the world the universe more connected. So there's a there's already an internal team and spirit sonic Uh on twitter, which is uh Who is spirit sonic evan stanley? Okay, so um Writer at id w Yeah, so basically there is Already a group of people of those writers that are like going to be working together
Starting point is 03:09:38 And then they're trying to find somebody to put it all together and look I mean ultimately like this is a good idea no matter what franchise you introduced this to um you know like This was a good idea for marvel back when they brought in An overseer of their connected movies to like have the whole mcu thing become what it is because
Starting point is 03:10:04 Back when you just kind of like have everything be like ignoring everything else and the consistency doesn't matter You know and if you're a fan of something well, that's cool You're paying attention to all of it But the people who are creating all the individual things don't talk to each other or give a fuck about other projects And in some cases directors are almost like resentful of other Projects that are not the thing they're working on, you know or their versions of the characters and such so Fuck all that can have have it be coherent Because people who are fans of this are paying attention to that and have been for a while
Starting point is 03:10:38 So that's a good. That's a good move. I want that for every large franchise that's going to be putting out this much stuff Um Especially if the person is you know talented and Storytelling did the idw comics have that zombie virus shit? Uh, I didn't I didn't read them. So I don't know I turned into the metal people. I just saw the crossovers It was okay, that's cool There was I saw some I saw some comics from that run where it was just like a metal virus and like You had little sonic duck people being like i'm not sick and like getting in and like crying about dying alone and then just like
Starting point is 03:11:23 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, okay. That's canon panels and pages of some of that horror. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for sure That's canon now Yeah, no shout outs to the the idw runs and When are they gonna canonize sonic high school? Um, which one was that it's the one where um sonic spray paints is for black and punches out Amy's teeth Oh sick Okay, never heard of that, but um probably after dream collection
Starting point is 03:11:57 Okay When are they gonna When are they gonna canonize tails get strolled? Uh I mean if they had any fucking brains Oh at all Just Just like just the art style not even the words
Starting point is 03:12:18 Just the face just the art just get the artist tails. Just look at the fucking Fucking camera and do the face It's all I want so the face. Yeah, so they're hiring a lore manager. Good for them. Good for them Um Yeah, a couple of the things balder's gate three might finally get a 1.0 next month What Are you reading that right? What? According to a new dev blog on the steam page balder's gate three, which uh
Starting point is 03:13:00 Is promising new features before the year is out courtesy of patch nine um Might be getting a 1.0 release next month Deck okay, so that I can't even explain to you how fucking zany that is um Good news x2 and three are being actively play tested our goals for Um to ensure they're up to the same level of polish and soon you'll discover that there's much more work Most of our already complete you'll encounter in the early access playthrough
Starting point is 03:13:38 um And our goal is for I must I must be losing my mind. Did you say release or release date? Baldur's gate three may finally get a 1.0 release date next month. Okay. I I heard Somehow I heard release and I'm like that's impossible That's I might have said that Yeah, okay release release date. Oh, yeah, they're gonna say like the fucking November of of of 2023 or something Okay, um, oh you okay people are saying you did in fact say a release
Starting point is 03:14:18 Which is why I'm like there's no way there's no way in goddamn hell They haven't even added controller support into that fucking game yet um, okay, my mistake then because like the the The pat I've been I've been following that game like it came out and like because you know larian they they play test and an early access the absolute hell out of their rpgs, right? and Like every like they've been doing they had nine patches or a couple months apart and they're they're all like
Starting point is 03:14:47 Hey fuckers. We added paladins And like that's a pretty big systemic thing because adding paladins to a dnd game is like a fairly consistent thing Especially if you're going to integrate them with dialogue But then the then like the last patch that they they said they were going to do Is has all sorts of weird features that I would never have considered of in a game in my life So they're adding an emotional sustainability Quotient or whatever the fuck it's called to characters face rigging Jesus Christ so that when they get a primary emotion early in a scene
Starting point is 03:15:22 Their face rigging can only go so far away from that original emotional state Interesting, okay, they wanted Yeah, situations in which characters would be like depressed and sad, but then you choose like a happy and they get happy Yeah, like yay, so then you just grab all the face emotional sliders you lock them within a variable range And it's like this is a sad conversation if this option is chosen. Therefore you can only go from really depressed to neutral That is who fucking thinks about that nobody How far away do you have to get in complexity before it just becomes Easier to just do fucking face mo cap and and like just do that
Starting point is 03:16:09 like so At what point are you kind of losing the plot? with your subsystems three In terms of its in terms of its development has been kind of crazy Because even its original release was so they only have act one. They have three acts, right? They have act one two three and act one is the only one you're allowed to play act one is
Starting point is 03:16:35 Approximately 24 to 35 hours long And that's the version of the game people have been Testing this whole time. So they've been testing class balance. They've been testing the way conversations work They've been testing out the trees. They they did all the the fucking They did all the the dice roll changes and stuff like that and You can only level up to level four
Starting point is 03:17:04 In that early access build because they they want you to be max level for the build right part of the game And then they're saying that like by the way There's still tons of stuff that we didn't put into act one because we want play people who have played that to death to be surprised but also You're I remember early on you were saying this game's amazing, but you're going to lose your save. So fuck this It's not just that the game's amazing and that you'll lose your save It's that the version that exists even right now is a significantly different game than the one that was played back in the early access release Okay, um, it's mechanically different. It's there's there's story beats that have been changed around the
Starting point is 03:17:44 They they like one of the things in the last patches. They just overhauled every character's head They're just completely redesigned everybody's fucking face. Hmm. Okay, um, and It's it's just like Have you seen this thing like when you load up into the menu? It has the full list of d and d, um Like actions on a bar push pull throw jump run sprint carry Like the whole fucking thing and systems associated with all of those So like are they just taking like the Hades approach to this entire game's development?
Starting point is 03:18:20 Yes, okay That is basically it. Yeah, and then after the game comes out They will continue to work on it for, um, two more years And then a year and a half in right when you're at the 60 or 70 percent way through your first playthrough They're gonna announce Baldur's Gate 3 enhanced edition Which is gonna completely redo the final act of the story because that part didn't get early access tested and then they're gonna, um Change up all the mechanics and add a bunch of mod support in it
Starting point is 03:18:53 And then you're gonna stop playing the original version of the game to wait for the enhanced edition And then you're never gonna start the enhanced edition Because that's what that's what they have done for they they did that for divinity 1 and then they did that for divinity 2 as well Like Like they stopped working on divinity 2 After Baldur's Gate 3's early access came out Like you you would think you would think you were safe once the game came out But you're not yeah
Starting point is 03:19:24 Dude like Hades is amazing and i'm one of those people that never finished it because i'm playing My save is from a super duper early access epic game store version of the game That and then the one that everyone played on release is a is like I guess just a different thing at this point But and so I played three or four different stages of early access. Yeah 1.0 is very different I ran that shit into the ground on early access You need to restart that game. I I realized this but like I Again, I ran it into the ground Well early on so that when 1.0 came out and everyone was playing it for the first time
Starting point is 03:20:02 I was like, yeah, I'm gonna I'll come back to it when I've had a minute You know, so yeah Baldur's Gate 3 is and they are on top of this. They're also incorporating a bunch of very complex multiplayer mechanics They want you to be able so Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were some of the first games you could ever play multiplayer online With your buddies as each person controlled a different character. That was mind-blowing. That was 98 to be able to do that So now we got Baldur's Gate 3. It's 2022. It'll probably be 2023 And what they want to do is that they've been building this system You know all the dice roll stuff and they want to emulate D&D for real. Yes. Yeah, the real dice
Starting point is 03:20:42 Well, what they're doing here is that if you're playing, you know a party of two or three player characters You're gonna be making like, you know decisions will be coming up And you will be arguing over those decisions and much like Divinity 2 you'll be dice rolling against your friends for those decisions And then working out through that so like if you can't agree on something you'll you'll roll for it Okay, that's who actually gets to make the decision And so your party will have a larger And it's like that all these sounds incredible. Just also impossible incredible just
Starting point is 03:21:20 It all it's it's it's not just that it sounds incredible It's also that like I'm so glad they early accessed it because me and plague talked about it for hours about how fucked up The original version of that dice roll mechanic was like it was terrible It was it was genuinely Awful because they wanted it. We talked about it as well They wanted real dice rolls just like real d&d And then they discovered that real dice rolls just like real d&d are miserable in a digital format just Awful if you don't juice the numbers
Starting point is 03:21:55 Because it ended up with people just like actually having constant failure situations I had a row. I I on the stream that I did I failed every single roll for every cool thing And if I was playing with a human being The human being would have taken pity on me and gone. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The secret dm looks at the thing and goes Oh, yeah, totally nailed it. Mm-hmm. Right. And so that that got pushed back like three times that took like seven months To to get to the version that is now and people like man
Starting point is 03:22:30 Okay, so okay. All right Something amazing Is going to come out When you're finished working on this game, but it's going to take you seven years to complete it. Yeah so you go the Baldur's gate three route or you go the bayonetta three route Yeah, which of these two is worse radio silence. Definitely. Definitely. Bayo three is way worse Okay, now watching the sausage get made in early access
Starting point is 03:23:01 to the point where like it like I The fact that darkest dungeon through to is doing it this way like It's not super great for the like like what I wish it was not these like Kind of half chapters at a time in a way. Yeah, but I get it um, so But there's that part of it sucks. Mm-hmm Um, the the biggest the biggest reason why I would say this version over the bayo three thing
Starting point is 03:23:31 So, uh larian does the most extensive early access Form of development of any death, right? They put the thing out there and They actually really changed the game based on feedback Fairly dramatically. I remember when darkest dungeon one came out one of the big problems upon its final release Is that from the release 0.99 to version one? They added the corpse mechanic Which some people fucking hate it right game game changer With divinity one two and three. Sorry. Yeah, this is divinity here, but from divinity one two and now bg3 Things that people don't like and push back on
Starting point is 03:24:14 Get fixed and improved like All all the all the corners and the rough edges Get smoothed out. So one of the things that I don't know So I'm not aware if they fixed it, but someone in the chat will fill me in as I'm talking about it warlocks in in dnd Have what's called a short rest that gets back their warlock spells, right? And that's opposed to the long rest that you're usually you doing for wizards and clerics and shit like that
Starting point is 03:24:43 The problem was is that the short rest system in bg3. It doesn't really work the same way because You're there's no time pressure to things and It it doesn't work digitally and that was a complaint on literally the first day of early access So I'm gonna assume that they have done something to the warlock spell tree or the way that they do short rest or something since then right um Band out of three has problems That I could tell you like the first time I ever encountered them
Starting point is 03:25:19 Yeah, no, this is a problem and They're never going to get fixed ever ever ever ever ever Yeah, I mean like there's there's there's there's enemies. They let you fight as viola Who were designed for bandana? Like like that's a problem Yeah, I'm thinking I'm thinking of like DMC devil may cry color-coded enemies and things where you're just like Oh, this is a bad call that if someone touched this bad call early if someone touched this early enough
Starting point is 03:25:49 They could have straight up just course corrected, you know and told you about that um Yeah, I I guess I guess the Sorry, the other thing that that's really important about early access for these kinds of games crpg specifically Whether or not they put it out in early access The game is going to be in early access CRPGs are too complicated. Yeah, okay Every crpg that has literally released under the sun
Starting point is 03:26:16 Has required an extra two years of passive development to be finished This goes back all the way to balder's gate one and two in which when you download balder's gate one and two off of gog There's like a list of fudge. You want to install the fucking fan patch for fucking balder's gate two that came out 15 years after the release You know and then you get balder's gate two enhanced edition, which is the last version of the game Pillars one took a year and a half to be finished because of the expansion of the batch pillars two took two years to finish Wrath of the righteous came out like last year or the year before and it still got three dlc's to go And then you're going to want six months after the third dlc for it to be finished
Starting point is 03:26:52 So the divinity two came out and then had patches for a year and then had patches for a year and then got an enhanced edition And then the enhanced edition got mod support built in a year later. It's like So whether or not they're in early access or not Yeah, the hypothetical seven-year dev game is it's the genre specific, right? Yeah, this this genre is not done Until the sequel starts getting patches Like I was just thinking of um look at delta rune and how it's just like dropping a complete chapter and it's and that's it You know, yeah, but that's the delta rune gets lucky. It doesn't have that many moving parts compared to it's not that complex
Starting point is 03:27:29 Exactly, it's don't integrate the d&d rule set into it. It's all narrative and then it's like some some game maker like, you know Systems being iterated on a little bit, you know, so yeah the the the usual solution to this genre wise Is that playing through a game? Let's let's take pillars one which i'm fairly familiar with playing through that game as a paladin with these five party members Is a very as a as a fucking Shining knight and wonderful man is a very significantly different experience than playing through it as a Rogue as a complete piece of shit with these party members, right? Wrath of the righteous has like
Starting point is 03:28:11 six main paths through the game that run all the way from You know, holy angel to necromancer who kills their entire party and just ruins the map And these kinds of variations between playthroughs is so that you play the game the day it comes out And then a year later when the big update comes out, you might want to play through it again And then three years later when the final update comes out, you might want to play through it again, etc I just had a flash of like imagine playing 13 sentinels, but every act had years in between them And the gameplay systems of that what you get would update would update
Starting point is 03:28:56 drastically between combat like Narratively, I think I would have hated that game more than anything I've ever played in my life if that was what it did after that period of time If you got that game's story Bled out to you over the course of five years or something. It would be the worst game of all time Like I couldn't I couldn't possibly had to let it needed to be all in one Jesus Christ, okay, balder's gate fair enough Scary scary game and that's not even counting the mod support. So don't even don't think about that
Starting point is 03:29:30 Don't even don't even talk about that. All right. Um, let's uh By the way, I would totally play balder's gate three with you on stream if you want to co-op that I'm just putting it out there It's putting it out there balder's gate three I Don't know anything. I don't know anything about balder's gate, dude Hey, guess what that game kid the fucking the prequel to this game came out in the year 2000 I'm they're not assuming anybody knows anything I'm currently I'm currently thinking about front mission. I'm gonna just say that I'm also thinking about front mission
Starting point is 03:30:01 I want to shoot the robots um Not much to say but obviously just uh, oh another thing that happened this week was uh, you know fucking shitty Kevin Conroy passed away voice of batman batman is dead And it's the the voice Yeah page summed it up on twitter with the batman the batman. That's it nothing else to it um like like period Like has been the longest running most consistently excellent batman across all media
Starting point is 03:30:37 I pancreatic cancer fucking sucks man 66 man like that's that's pretty young all things considered That would make me middle-aged I don't like that pancreatic cancer fucking sucks That's it um Yeah, and like you can it's funny because you can have debates about different jokers
Starting point is 03:31:06 You know, oh, yeah, there's a lot of different qualities say anything that other than mark hamill or Well joker voice versus joker performance, right? It was good. Actually mark hamill and nickle son and ledger are all and and I like cesar romero Sure, that's all fine. But like new joker is good too like fucking um, um Joaquin um Joaquin phoenix like like yeah, like you know, it's really only one bad joker Let's be all you can you can have the discussion for real reels But when it comes to batman, it's done and it's done
Starting point is 03:31:46 Um, all right six some letters Hey, if you want to send in a letter to castle super beast mail at send it to castle super beast mail at And also if you're listening to this live Page is gonna be having a stream in about an hour She's gonna play five nights at freddy's for the fucking first time Like the boomer that she is We got one coming in from
Starting point is 03:32:13 Manual says Dear woolly steers that and pat versus Since rubble verse has been mentioned the last couple weeks It's doesn't I have some info I scrounged about how multiplayer pits you against other players Okay, mmr Matchmaking ranking the better you do the better players will you'll match up with if you're facing gods. Congrats. Sometimes you are one, too Being in legend league doesn't automatically pitch you against other legend leagues Although I have seen it mentioned that if you are in legend, uh, you do have more accurate data for your mmr because you've played a bunch
Starting point is 03:32:51 Bots if you lose a couple matches in a row pretty badly Players believe that you'll get a mostly bot lobby In one of iron galaxy update journals, uh, they implied sort of that bots were there to balance out the game for new players so, um Okay, I see how it is. Yeah, and so they go on to mention that as much as I love rumble verse It's like the perfect storm to make the game feel like the player count is low Because the mmr pits you against players in your skill range who you consistently match with since a certain skill level is your plateau Um, but that also auto numbers in some bots, um
Starting point is 03:33:27 That you notice each match that doesn't give you a good impression, right? Um Yeah, but the game seems to have a decent player count outside of that system So that's interesting. Um, the bots are kind of yeah, so Uh, I think Right, so do what do you think would be a good solution for this type of thing, right? And so yeah, I think what you should do what would be better Is kind of like remember how titanfall had grunts and then enemy soldiers
Starting point is 03:33:56 Yes, you had pilots and you had grunts Have bots just be grunts Make it obvious and part of the design at that point that you're like, okay I would like it if the if bots were visually distinguishable. Yes, that's it, right? You want to have some people to beat up to make the game feel more fair for players that are struggling and stuff Have some characters that are clearly just dumb Characters meant to be beat up that are not players and they're not tricking you into thinking you're playing in a full lobby You know, yeah, because the the I don't I don't really have a problem with with putting bots into the lobby for various reasons
Starting point is 03:34:33 My only issue is a very specific Emotion, which is oh man. I'm beating the piss out. Oh that god damn it. He's not real exactly. Yeah, that's it that emotion sucks Taking a look I can see right here. Some people were like I hated the titanfall Grunts and then some people are like, oh those were fun. I love that So it's like, yeah, if you're gonna have them and this is gonna be a part of your balancing thing That's fine. Just make them visually distinct characters that you know Let me go beat up that bot and then I'll continue looking for players
Starting point is 03:35:07 So it doesn't feel bad when you realize it's a bot Yeah, because instead what you've what you've created is you've made a smaller game and the bots running around if they're visible from a distance Have been changed from opponents. Not really to a resource They've been turned into a power-up. Yeah, because they might have chicken in their pockets. I can get exp off them. Exactly Now uh on the complete flip side of this discussion, uh, dear dreadhead and bald head Uh, bald head. Gathart says, uh, the recent conversations and controversy about skill-based matchmaking and call of duty As sure as crime and crying about not being able to shit-stomp those children unlocked a memory from my childhood Me and dad used to take turns playing matches against the ai in the original star wars battlefront
Starting point is 03:35:54 I enjoyed it. Okay, but dad became sort of obsessed with it He started playing constantly in a spare time even when I wasn't around never played online only against the ai He would replay maps over and over maps over and over to get the highest amount of kills He possibly could and when I would come to visit he'd proudly show me his kill count and brag about It saying he was so much better at the game than me I didn't really care if he was better than me I just liked the game but it rubbed me the wrong way and it got me thinking So I looked in the options and lo and behold the difficulty was set to easy
Starting point is 03:36:25 I brought this up to dad telling him that I'd be more impressed with the scores if he bragged about it So often but if it was on normal or hard He refused And proceeded to act like his accomplishments were still very impressive. So I decided to do a little experiment I set the difficulty to hard without him knowing Uh And I watched him play suddenly he was playing a lot worse and it was getting killed by the ai a lot more He got frustrated and said something felt off
Starting point is 03:36:52 I told him I switched the difficulty to see how he would do and he got mad and immediately turned it back to easy I asked why he only wanted to play on easy and he simply told me it was because he could get more kills that way I don't see any problem with that. It's pretty funny that he was trying to brag So I realized that the only thing that mattered to him was seeing a big number at the end of the match And to a degree I can respect that easy mode isn't inherently bad It can be fun to skate through a game with no worries But bragging and gloating about your accomplishments on easy seems a bit silly to me. What are your thoughts? And do you have similar uh stories? So uh, yeah, the bragging part is actually very strange
Starting point is 03:37:27 But yeah playing it on easy is fine It reminds me of the miles morales Uh bean dad if you remember that yeah where there was a some fucking dumb ass reporter Was like oh my son plays video games on easy and I got a miles morales spider man And he's playing it on easy and then I I was like, hey, why don't you play it on normal? And then you know, he played it on normal for like an hour and he beat some bosses and I was like Isn't that better? Isn't that more accomplishing and he was like, yeah, it is dad. Okay And then as I'm walking away, he deleted his save file to restart the entire game on easy
Starting point is 03:38:02 And And the dad's like, oh have I failed as a father? It's like no the kid just wants to fucking relax and fucking chill out and play spider man Right like fucking Like the kid didn't grow up in the fucking arcades where if you fucking lost somebody would kick your ass off the cabinet Like fucking chill out. Now if that kid got up and started talking shit That would be another situation, but this is not even that this is dad talking shit to the kid About his easy score and how much better he is. I'll crush you on easy, bro. You can't handle this
Starting point is 03:38:38 Absolutely, yeah, that's hilarious. Yeah, it's fucking hilarious. Yeah, yeah That um, I I like that. I like that I do I do like that a lot Like if it was talking to somebody else who also played it on easy and they're like, well, I can get this many kills Sure. Sure. Sure. Yes. Yes. Yes, but but but like an adult talking like I'm talking like I'm the best to like a child It's really strange. It just seems really weird. Yeah. Yeah Um, I'm the best you kids can't even reach this shit. Yeah, dad. You're an adult I'm a child
Starting point is 03:39:17 I can't wait to get that dad on, uh, street fighter six dynamic mode Oh, man, we can talk about that. Yeah So they revealed the new mode, uh, for street fighter six that's going to be, uh, dynamic mode that it's not just There's there's classic. There's modern Right, which is the smash brothers or simplified inputs. Yeah, smash brothers Yeah, and then there's dynamic dynamic is basically the way they describe it as AI assisted What it kind of is is like a button press will contextually change Depending on where you are and what's going on. So I called it. I said it was like stylish mode in in, um
Starting point is 03:39:59 Guilty gear excerpt and that was pretty close But it's it's closer to like easy automatic and like a character action game So what kind of happens is if you're far full screen, you press the button You press the attack button and they'll do a Hadoken and then as you get closer from mid-range forward That becomes like a combo And if they if it hits they do like a combo, you know and continue or whatever or there's a block whatever And then as you get point blank that turns into like a throw, you know, yeah, uh, it's it's a cool idea I understand exactly who it's for
Starting point is 03:40:31 They show they show this weird video Where the the guy is just sitting there mashing like the b button on an xbox Yeah, for some reason it's marvel 2 and that guy screaming at you not to the fucking motherfucking combo drop. Yeah So it even has like there's a button for a jump in combo, right like it'll do a full-on jump in um What's interesting is that like so you have those yeah some preset attack buttons that change depending on your distance and then like, um the
Starting point is 03:41:05 What like one button supers and one button exes But if you just needed to like Sure, you can somebody that's jumping at you in theory. You couldn't do it, right? Right, so there is like some major downsides in that you don't have your tools at all You're kind of relying on an ai combo to help you Um, but the most important part about this system is it is offline only local play That's vital because um, so one of the things that we we talk about is that when you make inputs easier for new players Oftentimes the danger is that you make inputs much easier for old players
Starting point is 03:41:42 Um, and they actually benefit even more from the simplified inputs than the new players And so with dynamic and modern and now classic There is a buffer zone in between like it at you know in three levels all three levels In which the player that's not good enough or not confident enough to move up to the the other control scheme Is actually much stronger than they would be in that More complex control scheme than they otherwise would be because they can remove the mental load Off of the controls. So if you had dynamic you would have you would have people Getting mad on a level hitherto unseen in games because you would have actual like toddlers
Starting point is 03:42:28 Beating up scrubs online Because they have no mental load at all. I think that part of what they're looking at this as is if you're Having trouble with modern controls Online probably isn't even a thought yet You know, it's it's it's probably the idea that like if you kind of just want to hit buttons and do cool things um Again for kids for and like I know as well there's accessibility options that come into play to um For the ability to do all that stuff. It's kind of like yeah
Starting point is 03:43:02 You can graduate from dynamic up to modern where you get a the gist of what you're doing And like that's a fair graduation to get through because modern doesn't ask a lot of you Um, but if you're struggling Enough in that mode, I think it's not asking too much of the player to be like Hey get comfortable enough with just walking around and Being able to press the one thing at the time you want to you know And then modern and classic are going to be able to face each other online, of course But I imagine there's a weight that's going to apply to ranks where they're probably not going to prefer you
Starting point is 03:43:35 Playing against someone in an opposite control scheme I'm sure I'm the much I imagine that in like fortnight if you plug a controller in on pc You just instantly slam into the controller lobbies and the console lobbies Yeah, um Gamer girlfriend mode sure man, whatever like oh man. Do you remember? Do you you know there's been a lot there's been like a lot of versions of that that have been like like kind of insulting I don't think anybody can beat mr. Magician randy randy savage randy pitchford With the borderlands two character gauge
Starting point is 03:44:17 Do you remember this character? I don't So it's a it's a it's a redhead named gauge, which is now hilarious to me, but um And her mechanic Is that she has terrible aim? And her bell her bullets bounce off the environment and ricochet into Oh enemies So so she had like so she's okay stacks and the bullets will bounce off the environment and they get like um They get like damage bonuses based on how many surfaces they bounce off
Starting point is 03:44:49 But they literally said and she had a Summon that she would help and the thing is is that they literally said we design this character So that your girlfriend can play because she's not going to be able to shoot the enemies So when she shoots the floor and the walls enemies will still get killed dude Like you have an idea that's fun and goofy and that works and then you fucking have to go Just like and here's shut up Here's the thing just shut up character fucking rules and is tons of fun to play Just don't fucking say it
Starting point is 03:45:25 Yeah, just don't say it. That's a really fun idea for a character that sounds like oh shit. Okay. I see what you're doing there But like yeah Shut the fuck up Hey, you know what this fighting game needs Damage numbers that pop up off of you like rpgs. You know why because girls love jrpgs and girls love damage numbers Battle fantasia is going to sell a billion copies. Is that is that actually the reasoning? Straight up from the devs mouth We wanted to put rpg jrpg damage numbers because girls love that shit
Starting point is 03:46:00 Girls don't love jrpgs because of damage numbers Girls like jrpgs because jrpgs are designed in such a way that they appeal to women Like the like women and the gays love Final fancy because the things in them appeal to them Five fancy eights a fucking love story about a dumb teenage girl. No appeal to women more I'll tell you what could appeal to women more the king of fighters for girls You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right

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