Castle Super Beast - CSB 194: The R in Racism Stands For Racism

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hello, oh no, oh no, was there a technical issue sir, we're okay. We're here fucking octung octung octung octung octung Hey, man, how's your anime German? My anime German sucks ass. I gave it a I gave it a shot Oh, you did I gave it a shot to the best of my ability because I learned a couple of German phrases back when I was a kid and like the more consonants I see together in a sentence my eyes just glaze over yeah German doesn't it doesn't care yeah that's that's why we that's why we moved on to English which also doesn't care but we know like as long as if you hear it first and
Starting point is 00:01:21 you can say shit like diggedonkins and fry but if you do not know the word and you're just reading it together it takes a lifetime of practice to just blaze past all of these syllables and vowels and just like meld them into one shape you know now that we're talking about Germans I discovered something quite awful yesterday um so when you were a child and you were on a bus and you were looking at a lady or a man on the bus right and you were like little child staring at them right your mother would then turn to you and say don't stare right do you know what country doesn't have that uh Germany okay a lot probably but go on Germany has no social uh social more against just staring at strangers for as long as you want oh okay I feel like I would fucking lose my mind
Starting point is 00:02:28 if I went to Germany now okay that makes me so fucking anxious so just for what it's worth uh I get stared at everywhere it doesn't really there's no country filter on that so to me everywhere is that let me ask you when's the last time you were in uh in Jamaica or like trying to add Tobago uh four years ago were you stared at there not abnormally so okay so yeah okay it's it's a it's a tall guy thing sure yes it's my height absolutely no right yeah no if anything the problem with there was the moment I opened my mouth you know oh yeah and and the the the thick accent from elsewhere comes out you're not what do you what is that what's going on there yeah but anyway um if Germans don't have the the the staring thing uh uh etiquette that's
Starting point is 00:03:32 interesting um I don't know what that has to do with um fucking sad robots but I'll tell you what signal is uh okay it was a pretty good game the last time we talked about it and then now it's like one of the best games and now it's like one of the best and now it's like fucking incredible and the difference I made a is literally a tweet on it yeah the end was like I think this game is like perfect yeah it's I I like ridiculous I liked it a lot uh and I thought it was a pretty neat game and then I beat it and then it shot it up by like two points you know or so like it went from like this is pretty cool to this is excellent that's a strong narrative close um and it does the best thing you could hope for with a story
Starting point is 00:04:22 which okay so um you briefly mentioned this just before we started not spoiler cast because I deny the need for a spoiler cast fair fair personally which is which is funny to me because as I looked over into the chat I saw somebody go oh Pat's gonna spoil it like no fair I actually I think it's actually very easy to talk about signals without spoiling it yeah um and I I think I understand why what you're getting at in that like the nature of its its strength is I mean it's a solid game but like um there's an emotional resonance to like its impact yeah and uh it's easy to talk about that without getting into the specifics of it because you just want to you want to uh compliment the writing or the writer's ability to let you
Starting point is 00:05:18 feel those things and you don't have to get into details to do that yeah so I went and took a look and I'm like this game feels like a passion project it's like yeah no it's two people it's two German anime nerds who wanted to make a survival horror game and like you can fucking feel it as as in terms of a game it is an incredibly solid well thought out um a classic like looking back classic type of game of a of a older genre done in the old style that hits all the notes and is like laughably and I mean laughably on the nose yeah with many of its callbacks I'm gonna say slavishly faithful faithful the level structure of that game just turns into a silent hill game and I don't mean like it becomes like a silent hill game I mean
Starting point is 00:06:17 the areas are named the same fucking name the save boxes are the same the same yeah no it has the same intro and it's it's slavishly uh uh you know attributing what it loves and again it wears it on its sleeve is what we said is what I I said last week but um I guess so the one thing that would be but we're we won't do it but like the one thing that would be fun is just the um the speculative timeline of events is is the speculative is pretty that is a fun thing that I thought was pretty uh interesting after the uh the ending you know but um regardless of any of that stuff I will say that like uh yeah what I like most about you know like beating it is you have what I was mentioning is like you have a really good ending that um doesn't require you to have completely understood
Starting point is 00:07:18 everything that happens beforehand um you can just watch that ending for what it is and even if so much of what came before flew over your head it's still fucking lands and yeah that is a that is a talented thing to do um when you want to have something still be amazing if you understand all of it but not completely fly over someone's head and I feel like another example of that is like um uh snake eater is a really old example of a game where you can play through most of that and kind of be lost but you're just kind of going from boss to boss doing metal gear things but the last thing you do and then the reasons why the boss uh why big boss is upset immediately follow that that final boss fight and then your shitty fucking
Starting point is 00:08:12 white house meeting and like you can go oh I understand that and that sucks and now I get that moment you know so there's a really um rare but cool thing to like making sure that yeah even if you were lost this is still gonna hit and it hits really hard so I'm gonna go off I'm gonna I'm gonna okay so I think one of the easiest ways that we can talk about um this game in terms of uh not spoiling it is that the trailer for it is actually very excellent I haven't seen it I don't know if you remember the old trailer but it shows like the arm popping off and a lot of the visual motif and elements and the octongue and all that weird shit so it's like okay you have a survival horror game that takes place with a robot an android robot in a weird anime Germany
Starting point is 00:09:06 space future uh and there's a lot of perspective uh fucking with there's first person segments there is a lack of continuity of space there's a lack of continuity of time there's a lot of dream imagery so there's it's it's it's very like episodes 25 and 26 of fucking Evangelion at points so there's there's a lot like I was talking to Susie and I believe she's like going through the process of just translating all the fucking German on all those flashcards that shows up because when I was streaming the end of it I'm like wow there's a lot here we have to wait until some youtuber fixes this for us and she just is in the challenge because yeah I'm on it yeah it doesn't pretend yeah it doesn't pretend to not be cerebral from the the moment you started
Starting point is 00:09:57 however despite all that and despite the fact that I'm not personally familiar with the fucking 12th century like impressionistic paintings or the yellow king from Sweden that they're fucking no I'm familiar with the yellow the king and yellow okay but I'm not familiar with the paintings that they they continually call back to are real paintings that are about death or something I have no familiarity with those at all despite the fact that I don't know that and that some people might not be familiar with the king and yellow and some people aren't don't fucking speak German like I don't speak German yep to you no some people may not have seen end of Evangelion etc boy if silent hill and resident evil are and and ghosts in the shell are obvious elements
Starting point is 00:10:42 oh man you get to that you get to that 60 70 mark and wow you hope you fucking watch end of Evangelion if you want to get all this shit also I if you played near-autobata you might enjoy something once or twice yeah that in being the entire the literal the reference like gestalts and replicants like are not even a hair breath away from what they originally um but even if all that just is like ooh zany imagery the actual core of the timeline of events that really matters as long as you read and pay attention is actually fairly clear and very easy to understand it's drip fed to you and like the specific timeline and the specifics of what really happened yeah that's what I was going to say because because there's parts that that are there are parts of that game that are
Starting point is 00:11:38 shown to you as if they were objective but they may not be objective yes so that's exactly it right you have but the emotional timeline is actually extraordinarily clear yes and that's what the ending deals with and it also it also uh echoes uh itself like it it follows um so cloud atlas the the movie um the the book is told in um mandala chronological order so um it starts in the past and it goes to the future and then moves back out to the past right so it goes all the way to a point and then it reverses itself um for the film they decided that instead they would edit it to be uh uh an emotional uh emotionally chronological so as characters feel of a similar thing you cut over to someone else who's feeling something similar in that moment right yeah and so when
Starting point is 00:12:38 tom hanks is finding out about the true true in space you also go to the space future and find out about tom hanks finding out that uh fucking hallie berry is in fucking drag yellow face yes correct exactly so but i bring it up to mention that the like the the there's a there's an idea here between like you get flashes of things and as you're i mean early on in the game the moment you started there's all kinds of flashes of things happening what's actually real what's actually in shingy's head what's actually uh something else entirely of a different time um this is all up to speculation and there's a there's a lot of identity and perspective uh trickery in this game um it's it's extremely successful at confusion and then extremely successful at giving you just enough
Starting point is 00:13:32 detail that even if like you and i sat down right now we could i bet we could piece together a a rough sequence of events that was mostly correct i yeah i have one in my head that may or may not be correct it kind of like i feel like i have a a beginning and a middle and then the end is where it's like that could be or could not be what happened you know yeah and the issues then is like there's because you're dealing with some eldritch king and yellow shit whether or not events are occurring as they are is up for debate in general yes uh but so that would also mess with the timeline of events now be whether or not the timeline is hypothetical whether it's uh uh real or whether it's uh something other you know which there's space for other especially considering there's
Starting point is 00:14:22 multiple endings here one thing you've seen all the endings i've seen all the endings exactly okay um yeah three of them are perfect emotional capstones and they're actually much better than the silent hill two endings that use the same kind of format so silent hill two had the we're going to monitor your gameplay and decide what you're going to do uh and some of them are like certain playthroughs of silent hill two can end with endings that don't feel appropriate yeah to what you actually did the leave ending in silent hill two is the most problematic because if you're the kind of person sorry not leave uh water ending so if you're the kind of person who's like i want to really check everything i want to understand everything i want to scope everything out i want
Starting point is 00:15:05 to make sure um it's it's treating you as in you're indecisive instead of uh instead of somebody who wants to investigate everything right look at the knife 10 times yeah uh stuff like that and that can end in a thing of like oh man i'm doing it i'm learning everything i'm trying to figure it out and james okay what the fuck why did what i don't like the idea that uh trying to be smart about your health items is punishing i don't like that in that in any game because once you look at health and how it works you can either play the game in a panicked way where you're like i'm hurt i should be healthy or you can be like i know how much this heals i'm going to try to make the best of those choices but i think making optimized choices is not necessarily an emotional decision
Starting point is 00:15:51 but that getting factored in from silent hill of course makes me go ah i don't let me ask you that feels like what you think it feels like so in in signal us you have three endings and i vary that that you're going to get on the first time through the fourth ending is barely we're talking about it's almost an easter egg and it requires spectrographic analysis it's it is not for human beings it is absolutely it was meant probably to have been discovered 10 years from now kind of thing but your your three emotional context endings uh they're all playing off of your your conditions for gameplay right and what's really fascinating is that the condition have you looked up these conditions for how to get them i did i did the conditions for gameplay are the
Starting point is 00:16:35 inverse of what i expected them to be the ending that people are trying to get or the quote unquote good ending which i disagree with i think they're all great actually um asks you to fucking kill everything and go buck wild and spend tons of time and use tons of health items and just fucking like don't survival horror this game if you want this just go hard on it and fucking make mistakes now my understanding is uh like your first run through you did like sub seven hours or so i want to say sub eight okay um and that is with reading everything and and like going over all the the the notes and documents and stuff yeah okay uh because i felt like i will i mean i just take i just i just go slower through things you know so um and i'm gonna i'm
Starting point is 00:17:46 gonna type it in the chat yeah because there's a time one of the endings of course did you get yeah there's a one of yeah one of the one of the time there's a time frame based uh uh requirement um and i'll let you know yeah let me so we yeah okay you go okay good yeah so the ending that you got is the one that people tend to want or they're gonna view as the good ending and that one requires you to take your time i took my time which is a really strange condition yeah the ending that i got is the one that speed runners get because it's about uh uh keeping your your you know if you if you parcel out your ammunition and you go as fast as possible you get the one that i get and those are usually in terms of good bad or plus minus those are inverted yeah the the ending that the
Starting point is 00:18:39 people who are really into the story are gonna want to get to is the one that requires them to spend lots and lots of time in the game and die over and over so here's what's interesting though i didn't die once oh i guess it just helps right so yeah uh i i went through it at my at a slower pace just going you know going through everything um and i you know fought whatever i could i avoided things when i couldn't but for the most part i took damage but um you know i definitely did not uh yeah i didn't die at any point so it's kind of interesting and i also spoke to as many people as possible you know there is a supposedly a complex series of calculations systems of systems yeah and the most important thing is that you start with i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:19:28 i'm just gonna say um the three innings are we're gonna call the left middle and right you got the right ending i got the middle ending neither risk got the one on the left uh the the bias for ending starts in the middle and there's two points towards that and you have to overcome that bias with your playthrough to push it to the left or right it is an interesting choice in what the how they put these uh like time increases that bias death increases that bias now besides that in terms of what uh in terms of the like the feeling that these endings leave you with one thing is consistent um sad just sad robots yeah sad very very very sad um and the um it's interesting in that like when you when you make your silent hill comparisons right you can look at like uh you
Starting point is 00:20:27 can look at the story of of james especially in two as one that's like the moment you start the game it's already been told right and you're walking through the ramifications of that um due to like you know his own his own conflict conflicted feelings and him can you know confronting all of that and that's that's what the journey is the journey is that things already went down you're going through this and and it's interesting because in this case like the journey into the mind is also replicated by technology yeah so like there is a like the metaphor is also physically real you know and and that's another thing to play with i think in i think the what you just said is a fantastic description of the issue with um signal says view on reality is that the metaphor
Starting point is 00:21:32 is physically real um whether like there's a lot of parts of the game that i look at is like is that a metaphor and like the game's like no it's real but it's also a metaphor it was it was made real it means something but it's uh it did it's happening yeah um so yeah you kind of just anyway so you can you can again you can read the notes and you can i was so here's what i was kind of doing right i i'm playing the game in such a way where i'm like okay i want to i'm reading notes about these different types of units and about the world and i'm trying to draw connections between like for example a planet we get introduced to its name its symbol and what's happening on that planet right or a type of robot what its name is what it's about what its strengths and weaknesses
Starting point is 00:22:32 are and then and more importantly what not to tell it right do around it exactly and i'm trying to keep those in mind so that like as we as we meet and encounter people we can you know get a better understanding of of what's up you know um and i think i think that detail is a really good example of um forest and the trees in it with the plot details versus the emotional context right reading through the through those documentations about all these robots likes and dislikes of these particular model cases right there's a lot of information there there's there's a ton i don't think it's feasible for somebody through their first time through to remember all i don't know what fucking 12 13 models likes and dislikes yeah it's impossible but keeping that as a general
Starting point is 00:23:25 thing of like you've been reading documentation about all of these things likes and dislikes and and how to treat them and why to treat them this way even knowing that generalized idea sets up a later revelation so the details aren't actually so important it's the fact that you've been reading this documentation in the first place yeah and why this documentation needs to exist yeah and it actually comes into play when you're trying to again when you're theory crafting like uh how that ending uh how it could be let's say you went with the most literal version of events you're gonna be like uh okay you're yeah if you want with the most literal version of events like reading about the the profiles of these robots their likes and dislikes and such
Starting point is 00:24:10 will help explain possibly like a good deal of how this went down in a super literal way if you choose to interpret it that way the easiest way to interpret it is just shinji's head you know in which you in which case you don't have to it's a robot do a lot of work yeah robots is weird yeah um so yeah i think and just just an aside because we're going live here we also are broadcasting at the same time that guilty gear's new character reveal is happening so yes we'll talk about that like uh soon as in a bit yeah there we go all right great i think the game's greatest strength is i think it's like the third or fourth time we said it is like despite it it has it has some highfalutin ideas but its emotional context is actually incredibly clear i have played too many
Starting point is 00:24:59 horror games that i get to the end and i'm just like what the fuck was that what what happened yeah so i haven't played a lot of bad horror games right so i haven't seen people miss the mark on these uh silent hill moments that i've been experiencing and i can only imagine how poor it is when something must go down where you think like where the the person making the game thinks and now this is gonna be the letter to james and it's just it's a wet ass fart of a moment so there's there's two versions of that right there's there's oh man this is gonna hit so hard oh man it's all gonna and then in your left just like like a logistically confused but not emotionally satisfied you're just like what but you but then so i'm gonna use silent hill homecoming as a
Starting point is 00:25:52 absolute piece of fucking shit here as a good example here at the end of silent hill homecoming you find out you never went to the war at all you're actually faking it because you were sad about your brother so then how did you know how to use those weapons had but then the whole fucking game just falls apart because like but you've been acting like a military man and you've been being attacked by military representations of your psyche what the fuck this what does that fucking mean that doesn't make any fucking sense also the emotional through line on that just doesn't hit okay just doesn't hit what's worse than that and i mean like way way worse than that is a silent hill town port which has the opposite problem and that problem is
Starting point is 00:26:39 you're like an hour in and the character's like oh i have a past and you're like no yeah i get it yeah you killed somebody you feel that okay okay i get no i get it and then like every every single thing that they do is like murder is bad do this puzzled about murder and you're like no i get i fuck yeah fuck that's way worse yeah that's so much worse so uh all this to say that when signalist gets its letter to james moment yeah it is phenomenal it lands in spite of seeing examples of this in the past and of all kinds it fucking works and interestingly whereas the letter is memorable because of how incredibly voice acted it is in this case as dry as you can read it oh yeah the moment i'm talking about as dry as that can be
Starting point is 00:27:41 is the best way to do all the damage in the world to you so um yeah i really just i got to applaud signalist because it just it puts it pulls it all together in a way where yeah even if you were just paying attention for the last half hour before you hit the credits you're gonna get something out of that and if you've been you've been paying attention the whole way it's phenomenal um so um beyond that as well i can say that uh i also appreciate that like as things came to an end it was not it was it was clear to you every step of the way that you were walking towards a conclusion right yeah i really appreciate that so the i want to talk about the final level and i'm not going to talk about where the final level is so
Starting point is 00:28:39 that's fine right and this is all this is coming off the the hot off the heels of mass effect twos ending my g so yeah so go on though so so signalist does something uh really excellently that most survival horror games don't do most survival horror games final levels are visually cool they're fascinating uh from maybe a story perspective but from a game perspective they're fucking terrible they're usually um they're usually the point where uh you have to nut up and find out whether or not you saved enough ammunition for this point in the game right so silent hill three is probably the best example of that is that that place is just fucking filled with enemies and god damn forbid you didn't bring enough guns yep but
Starting point is 00:29:29 that game has melee weapons that work so that's their little out or you got a resident evil situation in which like even the average player will look will come in and i'll i'll i'll like like the katana the final boss solution that i had to run in silent hill three is not ideal but it does exist but the melee weapons in silent hill keep you from getting softlocked sure um and uh resident evil even an average player gets the end of the like the lab sections and their fucking shooting galleries like there's nothing they can touch you that's not actually scary anymore you're now playing like the ending of like a fucking james cameron movie sure um so it's it's tough i think signalist does a great job with the way ammo i think i think the way
Starting point is 00:30:17 ammo is distributed around the game uh there's a way more of it than i expected and i think that the inventory uh really actually goes a long way to helping that because actually running dry is kind of a non-issue right like actually running completely out of ammunition is not a realistic threat but running out of ammunition that you have on your person right now is always yes yes yes no matter how far in the game you actually are i was i i was a can't carry enough of it on you yeah i was able to learn i learned to trust in the unknown to to deliver me some kind of ammo and some kind of healing even if it was not the kind that i could use right then and there yeah and uh the final area is large well designed it feels like a resident evil one or two mansion
Starting point is 00:31:14 uh good puzzles it's it's nice and wide but it's also just filled with fucking enemies like i got to the the the final level and i was like oh this is the part of the game where they said avoiding enemies it was no longer a fucking viable option you will pull your fucking gun out and you will shoot this so here's my question to you though right in my run playing through it i'm doing what i can i'm being smart i have my ammo and i'm i'm using it at threats that i i have to deal with and i'm thinking about my ammo in terms of like i said three bullets is a downed monster right and i'm going to make it through this room with two that are in my way um then something changes and i don't know about you but for me in the moment in the game
Starting point is 00:32:02 in the third act when something has changed that narrative moment made me more aggressive because of what was happening it was like oh let's fucking go now i'm taking my guns out i'm you know what i'm gonna put that extra slot towards my ammo and i'm gonna shoot at everything and the game is rising to meet the occasion while filling you with that motivation there there's a go time feels like go time there is a literal visual indicator of it is go time now go time yeah and and you're like and then it does rise to meet you it's a real so yeah games don't tend to end well survival horror games tend to have the the final level be the weakest often because they're the smallest or they're the least complex this is easily the the most complex level in in signal
Starting point is 00:32:57 us and the and it's the most visually interesting one and it's the best one and that's what it ends with and that and that's the one where i actually so for the perfect example is i ignored my um i have ignored my body burning mechanic for the entire game up until that point that was the moment i started using it and like actively planning my routes and going okay you know what this room has two grunts and a big boy fuck that big boy i'm not dealing with him ever again in um in the third level i started to go okay i'm i'm done with this i am i have a save point room it seems central i'm going to kill everything outside this room and burn it and then when i got to the last level i was like i have a save point room and it seems central
Starting point is 00:33:53 i'm going to kill everything outside this room and burn it and i was wildly rewarded yeah with that decision because both of those rooms that the hallway outside the the third and fourth hubs are like the single most trafficked fucking hallways in the entire game treacherous however i did find a way to simply walk around the the normal enemies that were just outside that final save room you know yeah enemies have a really wide like aura of ability to hit you if you try and juke them but you could also walk behind them almost like in in lockstep and they won't care yeah they have they have cool awareness i guess as long as you're not making a ton of noise and you know your flashlight's not on um you can get away with some really risky moves you know what's you know
Starting point is 00:34:46 what's one of the things that i i laughed when somebody somebody just comes into the stream when i was doing it and watched it and said what is up with this rob blyfield shit and it took me a second that's like yeah no part of the sycnollus art style is that they did not want to model feet they just no feet just know that every single characters in the in the fucking game has their legs fucking narrow to a point the jehu tea aesthetic yeah um so i guess uh yeah the the only little bit i'll say is like i had a confusing moment in the ending where um i was trying to i my my assumptions of what the uh the passage of time was were incorrect um and yeah no that's it's yeah no it's easy to make that mistake i think i made it as well
Starting point is 00:35:42 did you okay yeah and i and i kind of got hit with an initial oh and then oh and then oh yeah okay no still bad but oh you know like um and i guess it's it's it's it's it's up to interpretation but you get one point of cross reference is one note that kind of talks about like a cycle you know and like what that might mean but um i had a bit of a confusing moment where i was like oh yeah wait how long is a cycle you know and then like trying to do some some quick maths you know yeah but there were there were two points in that game where i pulled out a calculator and i want to like i want to know what the timeline i'm actually looking at yeah they're they're they're recording things in days exclusively and like okay well what the fuck is that in years i don't i come up
Starting point is 00:36:37 and then like and then the other thing is it's interesting too like do other survival horror games have um uh clues that you don't use often what do you mean exactly so there are times when you'll get a puzzle solution that has like other solutions on it so two that come to mind for example are early on in the game you get a page called frequencies and there's a bunch of different frequencies for different like uh symbols for the wall for the radio lock system exactly but you only end up using like maybe one or two of them right yeah no that happens okay and then the other one you're you're to you're to you're to you know dig out the vital details right and i and that that note because i didn't use the rest of them stayed in the back of my mind the entire
Starting point is 00:37:27 playthrough right well it's time for you to use that note to think about spectrographic analysis perhaps i believe that is actually because the game makes a massive detail about uh the radio lock system and all that shit yeah yeah and some of the absurd like ending requirements involve radio bullshit in in wonky places um too much man the like it's way too much the other puzzle is there's one in the latin there's a final area puzzle that provides you with like again some notes on you know um what kind of frequencies to play you know and uh there's one that solves the puzzle and then there's others that don't or at least one other did done and i was like oh i'm sure i'll have to use this somewhere and then it's like maybe not you know so yeah maybe not so i definitely
Starting point is 00:38:22 am also like getting um hit with what what you call the mental stack you know where i'm like you know when you you know the thing of the beautiful move whatever the first game was uh maybe going back to fucking uh rogue or something where the moment you use the puzzle item or the key on the lock and the key disappears from your inventory yeah or the puzzle item is gone you don't need that um acetone anymore you got your card right dude i like it's funny that you mentioned this resident evil 2 remake has one design problem one and it is the fact that when you use a key and it is completely finished you know it darkens and puts a little check mark on it but it does not ask you hey you are done with this key do you want to throw it away
Starting point is 00:39:11 like it does in the original yeah that's it should it absolutely should you know don't just just simplify the design for the player in that case there's no benefit there you know um yeah so so anyway uh there's all that um and and you know we we've already said what we had to say about the six slots about the combat about the the the the homages and the faithfulness so in this case it's just uh an absolute delivery on those endings um which it is survival horrors hollow knight ooh okay the way that i in terms in in terms of like man oh there aren't that many metroid or castlevania metroidvania games uh and then hollow knight comes out and you're like oh wow it reminds me of it reminds me of the way that you described cave story to me okay uh the way
Starting point is 00:40:05 you describe cave story to me originally was someone just came out and pretended that they had made a super nintendo game and it was just instantly right up there as if it had come out in that era and would be one of the best ever yeah uh that's how i feel about hollow knight and that is absolutely how i feel about sygnalis if sygnalis had come out okay let's be honest it could not have possibly come out for the playstation one or two yeah it's not it's going for a playstation one aesthetic but then you get to the the cutscenes with the with the fucking ship yeah and you're like come on here's no fucking way but it could have been a ps2 game yeah um no case okay story i remember saying yet that was that game was released direct to your childhood in the past is how it was put
Starting point is 00:40:50 out uh hollow knight i also uh i also associate with giving you an abundance of game you know in this case i don't think you're getting an abundance of game but you're getting the shortest tightest experience and so for me it's interesting you make that analogy i called it something else i said that sygnalis is like the sifu of survival horror okay okay it's the short i get it tight really clean experience and it's out uh so it's so i want to point out that the you you and i agree with you hollow knight one of the parts of it is that like wow more hollow knight right uh so to me the way that i interpreted that back when i was playing it was like wow this thing really understands the metroidvania um particularly the castlevania part of it because
Starting point is 00:41:46 castlevania particularly symphony of the night it's big it's big punch was like did you think you beat symphony of the night right guess what idiot here comes the inverted castle right and so that is like appropriate for that genre whereas i feel like sygnalis is is that it is the man it is the first of the uh gameplay decided narratives of any survival horror game that i have played that felt perfectly consistent with the way you actually played the game it actually is better than sion hell 2 and it's definitely better than sion hell 4 in terms of the consistency of your personal action to the game's conclusion yeah um we we thought we referred already to like you know your um your your your your third act fake out a little bit and the idea of there being a moment
Starting point is 00:42:48 that could be compared to near automata in terms of getting your multiple endings and it's like this i was kind of wondering i'm like this could go for a while as an actual new game plus or it could it can just go strictly to the narrative and my preference was that it stick to the narrative and it did you know i think it would have been weakened by like making it a full experience with updated you know information and knowledge but you're going through that that that whole thing again um yeah it would not it would have definitely had to uh filler and i don't feel like this game had filler at the end of the day you know no no filler in this game yeah like genuinely um so that's it just just thumbs up all the way yeah so this is this is the non-spoiler
Starting point is 00:43:40 cast uh because really um fucking it's worth your money it's worth supporting it's it's it's especially worth your money like it's 20 dollars yeah this is this is a a hard must buy for this year for sure um and really bad because it came out just at the wrong time of the year that i know the game awards are a fucking sham and they're fucking nonsense but it deserved to be nominated so it it could have been on tv so people on the watch tv could have seen the word signal us yeah just to go oh what is this thing and then see the visuals and go oh cool retro you know now what also makes me kind of sad knowing this and obviously we talked about like the 13 sentinels issue but like uh it's a great game that's going to just you know be a sleeper
Starting point is 00:44:36 hit uh this is one of those games too where it's almost like you know you know how you know how 90 percent of of games don't have a completion achievement for players because um most players don't make it to that point yeah that's right like if you could just make something in this one that says man stick with it just just just write it out i know you might want to switch back but stick with it fucking write it out to the end you know because it pays off so good um this game kind of needs a little like button to to be like you know anyways yeah signal us good good game very very good game um now let's talk about another good game woolly okay uh how's go on how's mass effect ah yes okay we can go there next uh
Starting point is 00:45:32 all right so i got i got cleanup to do right so for um anyone uh that might not might have missed it so i hit the credits on mass effect too i still has is not the end i still have to go do a rival and i still have to go do the final missions uh but i did do the the uh you know the suicide mission yeah rivals the the the only like important part i mean so i i think i probably did one of my patented woolly talk moments woolly isms um that you know i i'm sure some will be exhausted by although people were pretty like you know uh they got it because i wanted to kind of break down the difference between um the types of failures i was prepared for the type and the types that i'm willing to accept versus what feels like robbery that that okay so like you have actually
Starting point is 00:46:37 your your trip through this game has actually been i'm going to say ideologically cleaner than most peoples right because you've been playing it according to like what you actually want to do rather than falling into the uh gameplay design that bioware made for all their games where you just hit the red or the blue button right so i commend that however you're completely right when you say a outcome that you're willing to accept because parts of the suicide the suicide mission first of all in aspect two is fairly complex there's a lot of moving parts that add to different things there's the ship upgrades there's who you pick for what job there's a loyalty level of who you pick for what job yeah and sometimes people who aren't even loyal can still do just fine
Starting point is 00:47:23 interesting on certain things like the the biotic i think fucking jack does fine okay even if she's not loyal and then there's uh the fucking the the wine then there's send them back to the the ship then there's who you bring with you except there's a lot of little moving parts right some of those parts are given to you in clear very obvious choices and it's up to you to make a good or bad choice yes but the choice that you're making is is not the solution is obvious it's just that what it's actually asking of you is extremely clear hey you need a tech head to go into the vent right okay maybe i should take somebody with technical expertise yes hey you need a fire team leader who is an expert at leading soldiers yes well there's two very uh etc however and this is
Starting point is 00:48:16 where i knew you would this is i knew this was going to happen because unless i saw me or dad ass and i just literally told you outright the hold the line section makes perfect and people will argue with you with this just like they've been arguing with me about this for like 10 years people will argue that holding the line makes sense because what you should do is put all your heavy hitters on the line to defend and you should have all the strongest boys do it and there's no reason to send you know a heavy hitter back to the the ship with them or whatever that's nonsense they forget that hey you're playing a video game and you're going to go fight the fucking final boss so the feeling is that maybe i should take some strong party members with me to fight the final
Starting point is 00:48:59 boss because i didn't anticipate the final boss to be a joke so there's that there's absolutely the first time viewing of that type of scenario being like yes a conclusion but also you there could have been a sequence of party choice after that moment like the final one could not might not have been the final one so so rolling forward it was kind of just like and you're you're you're not you're never sure what to read into the invisible of what the game's asking you but as you mentioned the thing about it's telegraphing you what specialists should go where and those are clear choices um the idea that the uh there's a whole the line mechanic and the aggression level and the strength of the people that stand uh and and protect the party um the idea that that's
Starting point is 00:49:51 happening in the background you are thinking about sending back your your rescued team members with someone that can protect them and i can just as easily have someone sit here and say what did you think sending someone weak was going to work obviously they needed protecting oh no here's the best part about that woolly that that fucking factor the only thing it checks is loyalty it has no actual attack defense value at all so the the traditional wisdom is send more than back because he's the one useless defense in the whole hold the line segment right and and so when i played the game i did i said well who'd you send down the fence i assume tally i said tally yeah who'd you send in the biotics uh i did samara first and then okay yeah
Starting point is 00:50:41 so i did samara also so we made the same picks right and then i get to the whole the line and i'm like oh i'm gonna have to go fight the final boss who should i bring with me okay i'll bring garrus and grunt with me because they're the strongest party members right right right fucking zahid back with the got with with the fucking crew yeah because i want he's bad ass he'll protect he'll protect the crew which leads to what morden dying yeah morden dies morden dies in all scenarios that aren't perfect okay and and all scenarios that are not perfect morden always dies which is fucked because he's the most important character in mass effect three in your party interesting so i was looking at morden on that team of like choices that have to be made at each encounter
Starting point is 00:51:26 as at some point something is gonna call for science expertise right i'm like i don't know but maybe there will be a moment where you're gonna want a morden or perhaps a legion to deal with the situation and handle it appropriately right it's the type of thing where he's such a specialist in what he does that the fact that it's totally plausible that they would call for that but they never do and so you just get this moment right so yes you end up feeling robbed and i think i think the worst part is one that you didn't encounter because everyone's gonna run through that game with full loyalty they're gonna try anyway in the modern era right back in the day people you know they didn't get their paragon or renegade high enough so like maranda or jack or
Starting point is 00:52:14 tally or legion you know didn't have enough loyalty because they they fight right um the worst part by far is that when you're running to the ship right and you're like oh we're gonna make the big jump right that's when loyalty kicks in for your party uh for the party you took with you the final boss if they're not loyal if they're not loyal they won't make the jump to the ship they'll they'll fucking fall and die and it's like okay this is now really absurd so anybody you pick to bring with you if they're not loyal they fall down a pit and die because they didn't believe in you enough to run faster wow okay so everyone can die yeah okay all right including shepherd wow if the whole if the whole game dies if the whole gang dies then shepherd also bites it
Starting point is 00:53:08 and the game literally pity tells you and goes listen man you're gonna want to reload that save you really you really fucked it Jesus Christ um it's yeah it's terrible um yeah so and so what happens the the coolest moment in in mass effect history that you're supposed to run through because yeah man the stakes always leads to a situation where you read up on it and go oh that's fucking bullshit that's not fair yeah you do it again and since you do it again you do it again so that everybody survives perfectly yeah so that you can roll in in mass effect three and mass effect three assumes that you have tally and morden alive who are the two first to go because they have lowest defense values so mass effect three assumes you reran your run to keep everybody alive
Starting point is 00:53:58 man i i was so shocked with like how like competent things like there's moments of bullshit happening but in the general you're like things are in there's a momentum to what's going on here and and like every other choice that you could fail up until that one with the hold the line system um was one that i would accept because yeah you because the way i was talking to the way i was kind of explaining it was if it's a failure where i walk up to the line and i drop the ball i will hold that for example the morden choice right right sure i made that choice i we talked about it afterwards and you're gonna roll through and see what happens because i did that and when you compare it to the first fucking game right yeah you make the you like even if things don't
Starting point is 00:54:54 turn out the way you want to with rex you're the one doing that conversation it's not a hidden mechanic it's based on what you've done furthermore when you give the choice a but when you have the next choice which is uh kiden or or um ashley right yeah you get to pick between the two but there's a series of like backing off moments of like you kind of know you're abandoning someone right now you're maybe you could go back and save the other one you really only get one but you're walking away from the other one and you feel like you're walking away from them so you live with those choices you internalize them and you move forward with it right yeah the the mass effect too and the worst part is it's a if it was all hidden bullshit and there were like a million
Starting point is 00:55:42 different factors and it was really in depth i guess that would be one thing that would be one thing yeah yeah but it's not it's actually really clear and obvious yeah except for this one part yeah that's totally obtuse and totally opaque i even got a line that's apparently rare when i asked jacob what he thought of the crew's chances and he went you know i mean of course it's rare who's gonna talk to jacob you know but but like the the absolute like the the thing that i'm always just i'm prepared for and that and the reason why even when i was talking to uh reggie about the the playthrough of one and just going like okay so whatever happens happens right because you walk up to the line on those choices and this is just they took it from you it feels bad it
Starting point is 00:56:35 doesn't feel like you've earned it or it doesn't feel like you failed it just feels like you didn't know about a secret mechanic that was put in to perhaps trip you up for sure it it's like like reggie asked is this rigged and i'm like i'm having a hard time looking at it as if it's not rigged unless you know what's coming because it's so easy to fuck up that whole the line point sequence it's so easy it's and i don't know anybody who actually did it yeah and i know i'm gonna go over to this the scrolling chat the scrolling people go well i i did it just fun the first time the scrolling the scrolling chat was screaming about how they all redid their shit back in the day and then you and page sent the messages like brah like this is what it is you know like so mass
Starting point is 00:57:26 effect two now that you've gone through the the suicide mission mass effect two and the long wait for mass effect three created like the weirdest situation ever in which people that like really really were in a mass effect were like well i want four save files i want all renegade everybody alive i want all paragon everybody alive i want i want uh all paragon everybody dead and all paragon and all renegade everybody dead and so you end up going through four five six playthroughs of both games which leads into mass effect three not taking those choices into account very well and going why did you bother come on and so the complicated nature of the suicide mission means they were going to expect that everybody was most people were probably going to roll in with
Starting point is 00:58:19 one person dead two people dead and as a result your cruise interactions with mass effect three are going to be weirdly limited even when they shouldn't be because they may not be there it was it was so interesting to have like my my state of mind going into the final mission especially they call it the suicide run right i'm going in preparing for vermire i would that's what i did i prepared for vermire and i and as each thing went down it was like okay it's tense but and it's but it's doing its job of like oh fuck okay who's it gonna be and the music is incredible there's a whole lot of people on this group and i like i like them and i know we're not all gonna make it and okay who's it gonna be you know but just that that little fucking hoodwink and and
Starting point is 00:59:10 it's funny because i only saw one person there was one person who said i don't know like i think the um i think the idea of the like i think it's obvious that you want to have the toughest people with the group you know or whatever and that with the whole the line system and it's like you're the one person who you're looking at this in a way where from a game design perspective the moment you're asking the player to take into account something that they've never had to take into account at all before in the game and you never even like direct their attention towards the possibility of thinking about it is is bad it's a poor thing to do yeah there's also there's real problems with that because in in gameplay every party member is functionally the same
Starting point is 00:59:58 strength as every other party member exactly you're never meant in any mission to distinguish between having more than or grunt on your team because when it comes to killing the enemies in the room and getting to the next room they'll do it so your party despite their specialities is functionally the same strength yeah whereas if you want to talk about who's the best leader for a squad you're like oh okay well maranda and and and uh fucking yaris those seem like obvious pits you know they're natural leaders it's part of their history and their personality somebody in the chat just pointed out you put you could put a single line of dialogue in the game and would completely fix everything and it would literally be hey we're gonna be fighting an endless horde of dudes while
Starting point is 01:00:42 you fight the boss you should leave the heaviest hitters here to hold the line i was just about to say you could have put it in the game earlier you could have put it in the game in another mission you could have done something to get the player to think about the difference between the strength of their soldiers right and and canon like in canon yes actually sucks at fighting compared to not just gameplay exactly and if you had that and then it was like oh i remember during the shadowbroker mission where okay i went in with my part i went in alone but i had to pick two people who would like stand guard for me to get back you know whatever it is but just some moments in the game to get you to think about that then it wouldn't be such a fucking you pull the rug from
Starting point is 01:01:28 under me solution is hey man you're gonna fight a human reaper oh my god make sure to bring the two canonically weakest members on your team like what the fuck so that's kind of logic is that yeah or bring your favorites because you like hanging out with your favorites you know um if you want to roll with fucking uh uh uh you know uh luke and and robo you're gonna roll with them because you like them you know it's funny because they should have actually like the solution would have been to have shepherd fight the boss by himself and just cut that out entirely that would just cut that entire part out that would that would make the gameplay worse also hey that final boss is fucking terrible holy shit it's holy shit like i'm looking at it and it's funny because i was like
Starting point is 01:02:16 i was trying to snipe at it with the superscope six because that's an armor melter but it's moving too fast for it and i was like okay it's leaning up and it's doing its little it's things and yeah i mean i don't know i i guess uh i felt like i had to i felt like the fights earlier on with the big mechs had more to them you know um yeah like hey man we're gonna you're gonna fight the ultimate life form and it's like a ugly terminator baby yeah like wait is the plan for the reapers to have like a ugly terminator baby floating through space but i was kind of also preparing for either one of two final challenges i was either preparing for a shoot the big meaty red button on the wall with all your ammo or like while the countdown timer goes off kill all the hordes you know
Starting point is 01:03:10 type of situation and in any case though i mean this is this is what it is and yeah so we ran it back and it's just because it it it really does feel like as we're just putting it like it's rigged it just it just feels like you you the game wants you to go in blindly tripping over your fucking dick and having something terrible happen there it's funny because the the game does actually try and uh try and fuck with you with like a siden a hidden condition on the ending sequence in like the order that you you take to get to the the mission like do you do you go to the final mission pretty much right away yeah legions loyalty mission even then dick around and it's like yeah and so here's the thing that is actually extremely well telegraphed but not spelled out for you
Starting point is 01:04:01 where they go we don't know what they're doing to people man we should we shepherd you want to go get the get the people oh it sucks that they got kidnapped and like it it there's there's a obvious logic of we should probably go right now and save the crew or not so that that's that whole thing was interesting because i found that after the fact that it's like yeah you have that moment go down and then you're supposed to be like the longer you take the worse it's going to get right they're going to push you towards doing things and legion you just got him so you should do his loyalty right but i managed to do legions of loyalty immediately after getting him before that sequence happened so there is so i was so when i was rerunning the game on my stream because i had
Starting point is 01:04:45 already beaten mass effect too i wanted to do some zany shit with stuff so the the basic reality is that there's a a very there are there are two missions you can take before your your your team turns into go um usually you get legion and then you get your your fucking loyalty mission but it's counting up like every mission from a certain point and there is a bunch of really and i mean really careful finagling of like what mission you're going to do in what order and then when you're going to go get the i f f and what side missions you're going to do so that you can do zany shit like take legion to tally's trial yeah yeah and stuff or take you know or whatnot and it basically it's it's it's finicky legions removal from the beginning of the game and being
Starting point is 01:05:47 put at the dead ass end of the game is the worst part of mass effect too because he has unique dialogue for every single mission you can bring him on okay so i i was informed a bit more about this apparently that is less about him supposing to be earlier on and it's more about they designed all the characters not knowing when they would happen and they made them all compatible with all missions i believe there is even dialogue for him on missions he can't go on okay yeah because like the really early stuff yeah and that's i've been told that everyone was made to fit into all places because they didn't know what that order was going to be until later yeah it sucks because legion is so fucking cool he is but i do and he plays healer but he does i do i do say yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:06:45 that's great um he plays he's a healer main in in mmo well the first thing they're like after shit popped off i wanted to go land on shadowbroker planet to go look at his files and then it was like uh oh wait no that might count as time and i was like if i it's not a mission i just want to go look at a computer is that going to count as time you know and then it's like who knows if it does or doesn't but um yeah the one thing that i did say when we got him is that like he definitely is better off not being early he's better off being in the middle of the narrative because again you get to recontextualize and it would have been too much right off the bat with the with the resurrection of you and cerberus and now we got to go back and look at the whole first game
Starting point is 01:07:27 through a different lens you know um but uh yeah in the end uh i'm kind of i'm looking at with the way this kind of concluded and it is something that i do feel is happening and it's understandable but i it's it feels like when you watch a show and there's a really compelling but uh uh there's a really compelling compelling terrifying threat that needs to be dealt with immediately in in the first uh episode and then the first season right perhaps your samurai jack akku style like showdown or even the way i've been saying it in this game is winter's coming right um the the fucking what what that represents the knight king and gramathrones is an unknowable force that'll just destroy everything it's supposed to be right yeah and then as we move forward in time we complete
Starting point is 01:08:21 the first game and you are shown a taste of that threat but you handle one of them and you go holy fuck it would be pretty scary if we had to deal with more than one um yeah and it'd be it'd be bad it'd be real bad and so now we move into two where it's like okay i am pumped for how we're gonna take on this super unknowable crazy threat right a tech god awaits us and and then we're just gonna not do that and the reapers kind of pawn off the entire antagonist role to collectors and other organisms and you kind of are now dealing with like well there's another there's harbinger and he's gonna deal with these collector body things and we need something for you to shoot at that's human sized right so as long as you're fighting let me tell you something human sized
Starting point is 01:09:18 mass effect three has a massive fucking problem okay with you need to have a human sized thing to shoot because in my head i'm like motherfucker we're looking at the reapers i'm waiting on the reapers we gotta go deal with that problem and it's like but here's some things in the way and it feels like the reapers are like running away like liquid ocelot and shoving soldiers in front of you you know as you're chasing them because you know that that font that big moment is gonna be huge but uh you know in a game of thrones kind of way well here you got to get some white walkers first so the collectors as a whole are like oh shit it's they used to be protheans that's kind of nuts but also fuck that reapers though so i i think so mass effect two is a great
Starting point is 01:10:07 game and i really like it however what you're describing is the big problem with mass effect and the big problem with mass effect is think about how much of mass effect two that you played actually has anything to do with the ostensible main plot at all almost none almost none i'm talking like sub five percent it comes because you can even say like the collectors are stealing humanity no no that doesn't actually have anything to do with the reapers at all yeah i can tell you exactly it comes up when your team is arguing and you want them to shut up you go guys winter's coming so here's the issue right shut the fuck up mass effect two is a filler episode like you can actually jump straight from one to three sure yeah sure like yeah time passed in the middle
Starting point is 01:10:54 right the problem is that of that 90 percent of content where you're not dealing with a galaxy spanning threat it's the best the game ever gets uh man you're like hey we get there's this just a car we gotta go get her she's crazy she kills people wow what does that have to do the reapers nothing is it cool yeah because now we're gonna go on a fucking secret club date to go find her vampire daughter and all that shit that's awesome dude napa and the prince of all saiyans have landed on the planet and they're killing people we gotta go but first here's some cybermen they planted right oh you know what i i thought you were gonna say cell is waiting at the fucking games at for the the tournament to decide the fate of the planet but first
Starting point is 01:11:46 here's a couple of cell juniors dude you know you know what i actually thought you were gonna say because it like listen cell is going to destroy the planet in seven days we all have to get really strong oh but first hey piccolo chichi's been hassling me about this do you want to go get our driver's license and think about like hey hey you know what i'd rather watch that driver's license episode of dragon ball than the fucking hyperbolic time chamber the thing is i go i go to cybermen and cell juniors because it's like technically a reaper is creating this problem yeah it's just that it's throwing some little bullshit in front of you while you're like i'm trying to stop universal annihilation can we focus on the main thread here you know it's
Starting point is 01:12:36 it's really strange mass spec 2 is absolutely filler it's absolutely i felt like we got lost in the weeds and i feel like when i met anderson at the beginning of the game and i found out that the the citadel just treated everything like uh oh there's just a big death attack don't worry about it none of that happened that's some bullshit right thank you darling it felt like the fact that they just kind of lied and said everyone's gonna not gonna believe it it's crazy we're wasting time two years have gone by and nothing in preparation for reapers has been done it's kind of like yeah i guess they were right i guess they did have time you know what i mean i guess yeah it wasn't as urgent as it seemed yeah so um this dichotomy of filler good main story
Starting point is 01:13:28 not as good is gonna hit a peak in three because three is like light laser focused on the main plot okay and as a result it's like it's kind of a downer okay it's just kind of there's a lot i mean i mean so i'm i'm i'm looking forward to seeing where learning more about the world and where things go because like now that i know the background the settings and the political you know details of like uh how every conflict has two sides and now that we've learned mass effect is about introducing it to the other side right here's the krogan side here's the uh geth side right um you can after the initial setup cool where does that go forward right that's gonna be interesting to find out and that's something that i'm uh
Starting point is 01:14:17 that's cool enough in and of itself but i don't know how to say this and and like get no react i want no reaction almost from anybody right all right i can do that i want a stone-ass face but i'll say this hold on hold on i can i can fix this yeah there you go yeah okay i want the stone face the big threat like many other movies animes games etc involves something that is is unfathomably threatening but fortunately they're all asleep so the goal would be to not have to deal with that threat if it ever arose right therefore in a convenient
Starting point is 01:15:18 way if only some sort of button would be pressed that made all the all the if you you shoot the mother brain and all the clones around the world that are killing everybody suddenly just cease to function that type of thing you know that that type of easy easy uh sort of cop-out thing is kind of like i have a question as to to clarify yeah when you describe the the the main antagonist is asleep what are you referring to sorry her sorry hold on brb sorry uh delivery came to the door and i'm not letting that fucker run away okay don't worry uh yes you're saying uh what are you what are you describing personally when you describe the the problem or the antagonist as being asleep well the reapers are waiting for us to hit that point of of advanced at an advanced level so
Starting point is 01:16:13 that they can come through the citadel and just kill us all and uh the current thing we know about the reapers is that they're dormant and they are waiting around to like wake up and annihilate everything like they did in the past uh so i'm actually gonna have to stop you there i know you wanted a stone-faced reaction but that is actually a fairly critical misunderstanding of what is actually happening by the time you hit the credits in mass effect two um in mass effect one the primary purpose of sovereign's plan is to teleport the them into you know citadel space via the the citadel mass relay yeah right and then you fuck that mass relay up therefore they can't the instant that occurs they all are awake and start moving towards the milky way galaxy
Starting point is 01:17:10 via conventional faster than light travel oh and in in the mass effect two ending when you see the shot i saw the shot that is them being fairly close to the milky way using conventional faster than light travel the situation you're describing no they are awake okay okay okay the issue is that you're looking at a a doomsday clock essentially of time between the germans hit the lines okay okay okay okay okay i saw i saw that shot as here they are any minute now no they're literally driving to your house to beat your ass okay okay okay my mistake it just takes a while to get here from you know texas i see i i read that as like sovereign's um like landing on the beach ahead of time was foiled by the destruction of the the teleporter but like you just but you screwed up that you
Starting point is 01:18:07 screwed up their car so they got to take the bus right but i but i i i thought that the process of stopping him stopped them from awakening because like sovereign was the one of the the um one of the ones that was left alive in order to alert them when the time comes no no no as soon as sovereign gets blown up and all that shit they they all wake up gotcha gotcha gotcha they got they start moving okay never mind never mind then all right uh that's a that's a completely uh yeah you know okay because like because that's that's i just kind of had a moment of like um i'm trying to think of an example because i know there's so many of them but is that that thing right where you know i know i know what you don't know so what you're actually talking about is the uh 19 uh
Starting point is 01:18:56 fucking 94 95 episode of star trek the next generation called best of both worlds par one and two in which the borg attack federation space and then data and pacard uh trick them into going to sleep uh which is the basis for the reapers by the way like the the the everything about the board threats and the way they sure they're your technological and cultural distinctiveness will be added to our own it's it's a borg send up um but in that particular case yeah no it's one borg cube showing up uh whereas the reapers is actually fairly clearly defined is like no there's like thousands of sovereigns which is why everyone gets to be all freaked out about it and why it's so infuriating that no one's doing anything about it because you can't fight off four thousand
Starting point is 01:19:45 sovereigns yeah but and so that's why my brand goes to like the the um the sort of obvious storytelling structure of like an independence day style defeat of your enemy you know yeah the moment you walk through um i i don't know like like star trek send up of that same episode okay okay okay like like i'm just like i'm like you know the moment that like the villain is kind of like take the like taking the hero through a tour of a factory of yeah an army of metal gear rexes you know or listen don't hit this button gives them all aids like and that's the thing is exactly when you see the impossible and you go okay like the stakes have now become like ridiculous but also like where's the one button right where's the one thing you know so um that's what i kind of was thinking
Starting point is 01:20:43 about there all right interesting are you um are you familiar with the the trailer slash set up to the at what the what mass effect three is not at all no not at all i mean fascinating i definitely saw it back when it first came out but i have no context so i don't that's actually really cool yeah i eagerly await your uh thoughts on arrival next week because arrival is one of the most interesting of those dlcs the only thing i know is when i moused over mass effect three on the launcher uh the icon for that game started showing what looked like comets falling and that's it i am going to tell you something uh from an interview that came out three or four months after mass effect two came out because there's something in mass effect one and mass
Starting point is 01:21:28 effect two that people were like fairly like bothered that they didn't get to see um and i understand which is hey um what does earth look like oh like what is what is uh what does earth look like that didn't bother me and they said and they said quote we have something very special planned okay that didn't bother me because in the first game if i remember correctly when you get back to the milky way and you kind of uh not milky when you get back to um sol right and you start looking through all of our planets you're like it's kind of funny how unremarkable it all is yeah and i kind of found that charming you know yeah and then in the second game well you do have the moon mission but yeah i mean that's the earth from space right you know that's that's and then
Starting point is 01:22:22 in the second game you have a more detailed breakdown of of the plot of some of that stuff and then you have the um uh uh kasumi dlc which shows you artifacts that straight up spell out major earth history moments yeah and i'm like okay sure that's fine too it's just this weird detail like like specifically i don't want to know what's going on on earth i want to know what does earth look like what is human what is it like where are they at chanka you go to ilium okay you know you know the citadel like literally like what does it look like that's fair is um uh you can you can you see exactly what sci-fi shows they watched right before doing the art on it okay um does it does it look as crazy as uh ilium or is it just fucking no
Starting point is 01:23:12 yeah dude dude there's there's like a couple star trek episodes you could just point to well there's star trek fans out there who are watching this podcast live and i'm like hey guys do you know that fucking establishing shot of fucking starfleet hq they have in san fran that they cut to 80 times and tng yeah it's that they're gonna go oh yeah it does look just like that i can't i i mean again to reiterate i don't care that much because there's something kind of charming to it doesn't matter i know it's your frame of reference because it's your home planet and it's the thing you really want to know about but also may not be shepherd's home planet right right but but no i mean the viewer right i know it's like you're looking for an
Starting point is 01:23:55 anchor but there's almost something to like you're in space this is a space story don't worry about earth you know i'm i'm i'm okay with that you know space space futures about like ah your where you're from you're lost important than your specific culture yeah we're floating through space here it doesn't matter you don't need to go see what happened to your country or the whatever you know sum it all up and fucking toss it over there um whatever yeah whatever that description was in a mass effect one it was like it was it was brief and and um it i enjoyed it though the weirdest part about earth in in mass effect is that earth is still not under a unified nation despite having extended out into space um yeah so anyways like that like like
Starting point is 01:24:48 there are countries on planet earth in mass effect that are like we don't want to do space stuff we're good here while the systems alliance is bringing back like turian and fucking korean technology and there's like no no no don't want it that and that and i mean that so that's also kind of what was fascinating about the um the uh what what was the shadow brookers race the original or not the original the yard yard out so the lorex is the lorex uh no no i'm thinking about yakshi uh the yacht yaw yaw yaw the yaw where it's like what the fuck is that it is scary it is a huge problem and it is don't raise them up it is stuck on land they don't have space to fairing technology good keep them down there yeah yeah yeah that's uh that is interesting
Starting point is 01:25:49 um okay yeah i'll be looking forward to your final thoughts once you've beaten arrival hey man i arrival is not the strongest dlc like when it released in terms of like you know like shadow brokers the best one like period um it's a lot of fun and they also put them they put the memes in so you get the jokes in you know like the memes uh hey man you are gonna love arrival great great i thought i thought the um what was the one with the um autism superpowers uh that was overlord yeah that that uh that was interesting uh i originally was like are we doing a useless flying vehicle thing and it's like oh no there's a thing going on here and whatever and then the build no the thing that we have here is autism right um but like it the the amount going
Starting point is 01:26:41 on in that shadow broker stuff in terms of just like here's all the things that everyone laughed at all the gifts you want to see more punches to more reporters you want to you want fucking gamer profiles for your legion here you go the main game wouldn't dare but the dlc will do you want to go through fucking tally's amazon purchase history find out how many vibrator she's buying nerve stim pro baby nerve stim pro deactivated reactivated deluxe edition yeah yeah yeah all right i gotta use the bathroom all right see you in a sec okay uh so something else i want to talk about is a game i tell me this thing i played a game this week and i i want to give it i want to give it its flowers because um give it its kisses yes because
Starting point is 01:27:38 this deserves a heaping of praise this is game it's called yomi hustle okay uh is this related to yomi it is not related to yomi oh god this okay fine all right it is a bunch of stick figures doing high octane zow zow fights in the style of your old newgrounds you know stick fights and it's also uh got characters that are always sees it doing things that are like yep that's that's just daunte doing sword gun tricks and that's a mage doing casting spells and that's a ninja doing alpha blade alpha blades and beta blades um so it's little stick figure fighting thing right but it was unclear to me when i downloaded it people were like yo you gotta check this out i'm like okay i'm like okay i'll play a quick a little indy fighter but it was unclear to me what was
Starting point is 01:28:34 exactly happening until uh i fucking opened it up and i realized that this is not a fighting game that is just an indy fighter but it is a turn-based fighter um but it does something that it's interesting it does something very interesting that i essentially i've i've tried to piece together in my head a a fighting game design that could be turn-based and be kind of like fair um and we played a game not too long ago called mega knockdown it's it which kind of does it but this does it fixes a problem which with um that by allowing you to do what you talked about which is let you replay the whole sequence and make it look cool right and what you get is a game that is it's not just pick two actions at the same time
Starting point is 01:29:33 and they both play out together right that's a that's a simple enough thing to do that's kind of more or less a card game and then you can just attach animations to the cards this is so much sicker because what it does is it lets you pick your action as a you pick one of three characters ninja cowboy or wizard uh i've i've been playing it all fucking all day i'm super in um and you have a list of normal attacks you have a list of specials and then you know you unlock like and then you can also choose movement or you know metered things right specials and supers and such um you can only do one thing per turn whether that's move or attack or defend or block or whatever you can only choose to do one thing um the moment you do it the game moves forward
Starting point is 01:30:26 by one frame increment one moment and then a little preview ghost of what you're about to do is shown to both players okay so let's say for example i'm going to use the examples of Ryu and uh you know what Ryu and Ken right um the moment your Ryu selects Hadoken we step forward by one and your Ryu puts his hands back and then a little ghost of the future shows that Hadoken is about to come out and currently okay and it shows your ghost standing there taking the hit what you do next is you choose jump and then it shows your ghost jumping over it all right or you choose um punch and it shows your punch coming out and getting hit by the fireball that doesn't work and then it shows do a hurricane kick and it shows hurricane
Starting point is 01:31:27 kick going through it and hitting him and you go i'm going to pick that one right so you now seeing that you've picked your hurricane kick it steps forward again and now it returns to the the Ryu's you know uh turn so he is still in the middle of starting up that Hadoken he sees that you're about to do a hurricane kick the ghost is now showing perfect information of or rather not perfect information but showing you've chosen the fireball i've chosen the the hurricane kick and then i can choose to either commit to that move or cancel it right and you get to do the same thing and then you kind of continue on that trajectory until your committed moves happen and interact with each other that's a long form vision version of
Starting point is 01:32:26 what's happening step by step short and i guess that's a little confusing to summarize right you click the action you want to do with your character and you put that down on the table as if to say i'm about to do this maybe and if i do it you're going to see the exact the the move come out facing the direction i choose going at the speed i choose and it's going to hit you you can get out of the way by choosing to get out of the way um is this just a very slow fighting game yes because the way the way you're explaining this and i'm like it can't just be as simple as it's a fighting game that is just very slow but i think that's what you're actually describing it it is a very slow fighting game but here's what's happening one everything you're doing is really
Starting point is 01:33:21 like crazy anime high octane dragon ballish so you you're teleporting from one turn to the next and so you can make drastic things happen in those little increments and secondly um when someone gets hit you kind of can just keep going and doing your combo unless they burst out of it uh so there's moments where you're like oh i fucked up i took the hit now i got to choose now i just got to take these and then like i can get my burst back and resume and you're playing that kind of incremental fighting game but it takes it does take time right both players have a chess clock so when it's not your turn it's my turn and vice versa and they're both they start at half an hour long so you can play a match and you take your time especially if you're trying to perfect
Starting point is 01:34:09 your movements and be smart it's called yomi hustle you can end up taking a solid 25 minutes each you can you're locked in right if you want to have this crazy long duel and what ends up happening is you get to that final state of like i read your mind and then the oh like the yomi right the word yomi reading the mind of the opponent oh fuck off right right that thing is a the mechanic of seeing what's about to happen in the future is them is the game and then you and the the difference is is that this is the fighting game that tells you what the opponent's about to do and what you think you should do to avoid it you know and it gives you a second to adjust and then when you finish man just just play chess and
Starting point is 01:34:55 put little gloves on the pieces so uh when you it's it's it's absolutely a chess like exchange that's happening turn by turn and when you finish the battle and you let it play out it's the sickest crazy zow zow anime fucking newground shit ever it's teleporting cancels cancels reading cancels like dash you know nothing personal kids sure you can you know like this is what goku is is thinking in his mind as he's throwing punches he's thinking one million times faster than the speed of light it's the it's the jojo moments of uh i'm monologuing in midair as my as i'm backflipping and deciding what to do next right you get to do that yourself um and it is uh it's currently an open beta on um on um this is on the right yeah on the page
Starting point is 01:35:54 this is called yomi hustle and ivy sly is the name of the creator and uh yeah this is a really fun system it and it's more than just a turn-based fighter concept it adds time into the equation that in a really fun dynamic way um the characters are like you know you have a rush down again like a Dante you've got a zoner and you've got like a kind of a mix that can that's quick and they kind of they they interact with each other very interestingly um and uh everyone's out it's it's a ton of fucking fun and you can absolutely pick this up and start playing with it because what it asks you to do is um be smart at your choices not your execution of course right so this is all another another thing where it's like hey this is straight up like chess fighting
Starting point is 01:36:42 game um two factors about it that especially make it really cool are that while you're getting hit um even if you're unable to like get out of a combo you can still the you can still make the opponent fuck up by there's a knob there's basically like a um a full sort of uh not a dial but uh it's the equivalent of like an analog stick that you can point in any direction to be your di which is your directional influence and it's basically the same that smashed the same way smash works where it's like the next time i get hit i want to go flying to the left instead of to the right right and that means that like if you did your combo in such a way where you're expecting me to fly to the left but instead i went to the right i might fly i might move out of the way and you
Starting point is 01:37:36 might drop your combo you know so you know so basically you can choose okay so even on hit you're controlling di at at one million times fucking mental speed exactly and by jodoro punched me towards the cab what a dumbass exactly punching you can choose to go towards the cab and and uh you know by doing that i really want to appreciate willy that you've discovered a way to appreciate what i'm going to term weaboo mechanics that's what you wanted me to do and therefore you know but what little did you know that i and like actually that's what it is right so it's and what you have to understand i guess well you know you don't have to but uh yeah you don't have to understand anything you're sitting here going fuck you you have to understand this
Starting point is 01:38:22 what's cool you must is that you know we all the joke about the yomi is the term for reading the mind of the opponent right like the the the gag on that clip makes me laugh every time um the the so the term as we've discussed it it's like it refers to you know the moment you can read what your opponent is about to do that's the first layer of it right zero is i don't know anything i don't i'm not paying attention to what you're doing i'm just hitting buttons man right one is i think i know what you're about to do and then two is oh he knows what i'm about to do so i'm going to answer back with something else right so i know you're gonna do rock first thus i play paper oh you know it's funny i actually interpreted yomi in a completely different way in terms of
Starting point is 01:39:12 levels one is i'm just hitting buttons i don't know what i'm doing two is i think i know what you're gonna do three is i know i know what you're going to do and i always interpreted the highest level of yomi which is i can make you do what i want you to do i right um it is like in terms of train yeah opponent that's not that's not what it is but it like that that is a part of like high level play because you did what you're doing is called conditioning right where it's like yeah i can make you do something but um what it what but but it's basically a like uh if you think about it like player like just one player is like the odd numbers and the other player is the even numbers you know so as you go like he's about to do x and that's actually so i'm going to use y
Starting point is 01:40:02 and then you go back to player one and he goes oh he thinks i'm about to do x therefore i'm going to do z so it's rock to paper to scissors and then the fourth layer and then the top layer is like i have foreseen the circumstances of this exchange i am prepared for either of them and i have the final answer to either of those situations that i know this person's about to do but if somebody doesn't know what they're doing and does something random completely i'm going to lose man i'm just hitting buns out yeah so i am prepared for rock and prepared for paper uh and i'm prepared for the possibility of scissors even but uh if you do fucking uh hot sauce middle finger then i'm or gun i'm dead right so so that's that's the idea anyway so all that all that
Starting point is 01:40:52 explanation to say that like you know the the the yomi is in the game mechanic it's in showing the ghost of what's about to happen um and even that feels very cool because you're like you're tweaking for example uh because while you're waiting on the opponent to do what they're the what they're planning next you see all of their options that are available to them and you can click them to change the the preview ghost so you can see for example oh if he does this next i can do that instead you know it's funny because there's a there's a game called frozen synapse that came out a long time ago that is basically this but like tactical strategy yeah like a shooter yeah where you're both taking turns simultaneously okay it's just it's just very slow yeah um and i mean i know
Starting point is 01:41:45 like you have little moments of xcom where you're like checking every route what if you go around this side aim at this unit well how will that work out okay back up what about this one you know and you can kind of use the the time that's not your turn to uh check your opponent's options and see how they can have uh they can do something um if they're getting hit or whatever then they don't have any options in which case you're free to just combo but if i have to say man to to me personally this sounds like like the worst thing and literally the entire universe because the amount of thinking that i'm doing when playing a fighting game is like i want it to approach zero because you want it you want it to just move i play yeah by far yeah the best
Starting point is 01:42:28 when i'm at zero which leads to weird drunken malarkey in which like man i can hit i can hit 720s when i'm wasted super good yeah i overthink it if anything so the fact that you're describing this as the thinking man's anime chess fighter i'm like man i'd be terrible at this fucking game you can awful but you can on gabunga in this game how do you on go when time is slow you can just pick your option for what you want to land you know based on your feeling yeah the onga succeeds in pressure you can't pressure somebody when they have eight seconds to sit there when they when they when they get a moment yeah and so you know that's that is ultimately the thing is you know but but but here's a bit i just saw somebody in the chat
Starting point is 01:43:15 saying it's like walkie watching mugen and jinn from samurai shampoo have a conversation but pat i love that but the strength of your onga the decisions is that you've spent less time on the clock whereas when my time approaches zero i lose oh yes so the the chess clock of pressure means i have to act i'm incentivized to act faster if we had forever that'd be a different story i would love it if it comes out the light with this game comes out it's really popular and it's like hey guess what guys the meta is to just hit the keyboard as hard as you can constantly it doesn't matter what you do right uh turns out ungain as hard as you can bunga as hard as possible as fast as possible actually beats out other options 40 to 60 percent of the time so it's
Starting point is 01:44:05 quite like you should just have you should just you just good fucking grill a dome that shit no it's it's i mean it's really like like it's again if pros had forever to think about their chess moves they could go through the mental book and fucking drop the best like oh yeah kasparov did this in this situation or you know whatever but but like the fact that you've got the pressure clock on you to be like hey you better do everything you're gonna do in this game this quickly right right now it still is generous to some degree but i've come up across that limit you know a couple times and like when i played uh so we did it on saturday for getting to fighting games and when i played against reggie with it like definitely i had
Starting point is 01:44:47 moments where i'm like oh fuck i've got three minutes left i gotta really go go go go go go i gotta on go up a bit more play on my instincts because i don't have time to perfectly analyze you know perfectly analyzing will help you early on while you've got that clock but when it starts to wear down you don't fucking video games are like the worst they're just i'm just sitting here listening to you like do you repeat back like oh man oh i'm running out of time i gotta unge up and i'm thinking about i'm just thinking about like an argument i had with chat like two years ago but root terror of like face deck means unge and i'm just just just just awful just an awful waste of our time it's terrible it's it's it's absolutely
Starting point is 01:45:38 it's unforgivably stupid but too late you're already here you're already here darn so um yeah this is a really fucking fun ass game and uh you know out strategizing out thinking doing what you can making the best reads all of that the other way you can you can have that be the thing you enjoy about it but if you don't the other thing you can do is just think of it as a choreographed anime fucking fight dance because essentially if you just go to single player it's basically like a video editor to you for you to play with your anime toys yeah that makes sense and you can just make them do cool things to each other and then like it'll play back at normal speed and be like a crazy ass sick sequence you know that seems cool yeah yomi hustle yomi hustle um and it auto
Starting point is 01:46:32 saves the replays and then you can you can export and then keep them so if you want to watch some super hype you know stuff like the moment i kind of start i picked like i went through each of the characters and i started messing around i'm like oh i started to see like this combos into that this pressure sets up into that pressure and it's all the stuff you get to enjoy about discovering a you know a fighting game character but um but yeah you just you get this situation where it's it's open more people can enjoy the i guess the executionless aspect but it's not just simplifying the things that are fun about fighting games because the execution pet pressure is fun it's adding a layer of like we get to do roman cancels constantly at sacrifice of our our like meter resources
Starting point is 01:47:18 makes perfect sense that you would be in love with this game because it's like what if we could both just play in training mode against each other and just do the coolest thing in the world well it's but it's it's not training mode it's just like it's honestly it's how do we do the cool things that are happening in dragon ball fights at faster than human speeds by getting good no no no i mean faster than conceivable speeds you're right the fastest shit the fastest games in the world where you look at your marvels you look at your um you know all your anime fighters that are insane and yeah the split second decisions you have to make there are crazy but you could never operate no at a dragon ball ass level you know and in this case like this lets you do that
Starting point is 01:48:12 so it's it's more of a anime battle simulator reenact the tournament of power which canonically took 30 minutes right and you and you get to think at the same speed as the anime characters do yeah which is i'm in midair right now i'm about to get i'm about to fall on top of a giant lava trap and the opponent is above me doing a stab downwards what are my options you know what if i teleport behind him and oh shit my teleport won't reach okay what if i uh block and if i block right on the same frame he's about to hit me i'll parry and a big parry explosion will happen and then i get to do a fucking cool thing you know and then you watch that moment back and it looks it's just like a flip flip oh boom you know and the payoff of like what you can tell the payoff
Starting point is 01:49:07 is is is always worth it because the moment the match ends like you play you even if the person's like salty because it's a chat box for you know like talking to each other as you play and like everyone even if they want to like disconnect right away you kind of see them watch out the match replay first before they leave you know because you want to see the what you've made you want to see the cool thing come together and then you're like all right i'm out you know so yeah uh yomi hustle i gotta fucking give it up they did a great job with that and they've um i've i've talked about enjoying this concept in a phantom brigade that mecha game yeah i've talked about enjoying it to a degree in transistor as well the timeline based system um yeah this is
Starting point is 01:49:54 the funnest version of it i've encountered because because it's pvp yeah that makes sense the pvp aspect makes it incredibly fun um and because you're looking at a game with like um you know uh fucking stick figure assets and it's all it's all concept right the concept is is is is firing on all cylinders and it works the proof of the proof is there um you can easily just imagine like okay and then some talented artists and talented composer got together and gave them some assets to make this shit real if if that's what they wanted i was looking at it while you were talking but i couldn't understand how people were playing so quickly until you explain um but it's very like proof of concept right yeah stick figures stick figures you clearly have something here yes and
Starting point is 01:50:47 you could tweak this and just put art on it and that's what i tell to anybody who has a great game idea but doesn't have the the artist to work on it or doesn't have the talent to make the art themselves is like you can do ms paint noodles and your game like proof of concept will still be fun you can you can get artists later there's artists all over the place they're they're they're they're always desperate for work uh they they you can you can you can feed them shit uh artists are all over the place good ideas though not a dime a dozen right yeah good ideas the best part about exposure you go down to the you go down to the fucking art store and and dig through the dumpster where they're trying to get like watercolors and fucking colored pencils and be like do you
Starting point is 01:51:36 want do you want to do you want to draw and then they go oh you don't even have to pay them you can just pay them an exposure box you know i think i think i think they're they're catching on no i think you need to pay them in crypto now no pay them pay them in in in ai threats oh man um yeah so yomi hustle go go fucking check that shit out um very very cool and uh yeah i mean i'll uh i'll give another shout out to light boxer now that i guess uh people have like there's a video of you up yeah reggie reggie started filming as i was showing him the uh the the how it works and it's fucking sick um and i remember i mentioned it last week and people were like yeah i couldn't really visualize what you're talking about and i was like it's a
Starting point is 01:52:30 ddr pad on the wall and you punch it yeah that's all it is that's literally what it is there's no better way to explain that um and then you just play the music you want to hear and you can't like so i don't think it's not modded to do custom tracks or insert your own note charts yet uh as far as i can tell it's kind of just like stuck with the the program at scott and it totally has a subscription service and i hate the idea of like exercise material exercise hardware that has that type of thing to it that does definitely suck um but right now i kind of don't care like i'm trying to get my fucking health in order um i'm gonna do what it takes and i'm gonna you know if that's a way for me to box then i'm gonna do that um and i'm also fucking downing kale shakes over here
Starting point is 01:53:22 not shakes but green juice yeah i'm doing i'm doing stuff terrible that terrible weed hippies keep trying to get me to eat yeah um so you know i'm doing what i'm doing whatever and if that means the following this this subscription program to get access to a fun-ass boxing game rhythm thing then so be it um you gotta jailbreak your boxing machine i already kind of did i'm not allowed to use it in canada but i'm doing it anyway right you're right you're right you're right um punch mom's having a lot of fun with it too and like you know it's the it's the it's the the gamification of something uh healthy so you can kind of like put some time towards it and look forward to it and yeah like it's it's it's an activity we're both taking our shot at you know playing each day
Starting point is 01:54:12 and stuff as much as we can and it's it's great man um i look at it as something that like would be super easy to do for less expensive in a non uh uh uh subscription method you know um especially if you just kind of let people make their own charts and submit what they want to it so you don't have to deal with licensing um the main the main thing that would be difficult would be like durability to the to punching something and making sure it doesn't wear out over time this thing's pretty fucking sturdy and it requires a good amount of impact for the buttons to register so it doesn't feel like it's going to wear out anytime soon but um i did see some people kind of interested in checking it out and getting on it and i mean yeah if you're like me and you you know you you need
Starting point is 01:55:01 um something to you know help you fucking get there uh consider it okay um what are you doing this week man you check out uh season two rubble verse not yet okay uh it's pretty cool uh more area more weapons does it feel like you're still fighting mostly bots uh no because the season has brought with it um a new hotness okay new hotness new players and also you're back to the beginning league oh okay so because the league restarts you're back with in the pool with everybody all right i'm gonna i'm gonna hop back in it relatively soon yeah um i it's it's i mean there's still our bots but there's definitely not as many as i was running into uh cool yeah and the new area has got like a lot of fucking pits a lot of treacherous ass things to fall into well
Starting point is 01:55:58 yeah because now there's a move where you can pick somebody up and fucking carry them to a pit razors edge them off the edge exactly uh and uh the bull the tackle is also like straight up a you see three people scrapping in an area you just knock all of them over one of them's gonna die you know like it's kind of fucking wild with that so yeah check that out um anyways we are going to be uh yeah continuing this week we've uh got to finish off mass effect to got to do the dlc for arrival and uh probably looking at whatever other alternate pathways exist so a little cleanup stream for mass effect two um and then uh of course bayonetta two is finished so why not start bayonetta three yay so we'll be doing that this week as well um and as
Starting point is 01:56:57 far as uh the weekend goes uh uh let you know but of course it'll either be a get into fighting games or a woolly versus whatever so okay tune in over there meanwhile over on woolly versus the algorithm uh as well go check it out shitposts big shitposts dropping all the time um the the yeah we're about to we're gonna drop the woolly versus whatever with me and punch bomb uh fucking watching the garbage and uh reggie's reaction to nintendo's uh uh sponsoring of bayonetta's naked ass uh is uh up and available go check out woolly versus the algorithm as well what's going on with you i'm just thinking about like page has done some react stuff and i have over the past week and like she just discovered like you know when you're like a
Starting point is 01:57:58 three-year-old and your parents put you in front of some fucking child bullshit to fucking shut you up and they sing songs in bullshit page fucking tracked down her particular fucking thing which is we sing which is just like for ages two to three and it's like fucking clowns and grandpa's and shit just dancing around and fucking singing ring around the rosy and fucking all that trash as in the stuff that she grew up watching yeah like the fucking eighties converted onto youtube yeah and we watched about three hours of it and it's just like man children's entertainment is just nightmare shit it's like it's it's it's like don't hug me i'm scared yeah like it's is like i now look at that i'm like it's trying too hard because the
Starting point is 01:59:01 actual children's shit is just like unsettling just like the amount of like hyper positivity and the fucking actors and the in the suit it's it's just like it it's really nostalgia is powerful okay because i'm sitting there with the the i i smelled a fart but it's in my mind face for like three and a half total hours over the past week across multiple days and page is like on the verge of tears like like with her fists balled up going yeah it's it's it's silly and i'm like oh my fucking god like the emotional context and nostalgia well yeah just carry you forever no that is a sniper's bullet to the fucking childhood um so that makes sense i feel like like we got into an argument right before the podcast started we watched three we watched
Starting point is 02:00:08 fucking uh big rock candy mountain um i forget the second one it's sillyville and grandpa's toy house or some shit and i'm like man page i really gotta tell you that the one with silly whim and fucking uh sillyville man that one was trash like that one was like a thousand times worse than the other two like the songs were way worse and it had no plot and it got heated she was like what silly whims and craddle you're crazy you're crazy and it got it got like heated i'm like what there's no there's no arguing there's no arguing well listen to me there is no arguing with people who played something or watched something in the 80s as part of their tiny childhood right and that they love it no matter how trash it is and with that i would
Starting point is 02:01:08 like to talk to you about sonic frontiers okay right um well look i was just gonna say that i'm pretty sure just before you jump there uh i have something that i've read about before which is i there's um what is it it's like the little brother um gap or something like that but i have the thing where i was the little brother i have an older brother i did not watch age appropriate things for my age at the time my earliest tv memories are shit like gi joe and and um i also had the older brother that was yeah and he man and and you know fucking all because i was watching the cool shit he was into because he decided what we watched right so i never got any of that preschool stuff or any of the absolute baby yeah i did but it would immediately switched over to like x-men
Starting point is 02:02:06 and x-men then you know yeah violent violent cartoons no no no no like that's that's the beginning of my cartoon memories because i just had to watch along with what he was watching you know and then everything aged up from there i did see what was then intended for kids younger than me later on on y tv when like you'd see like maya the bee and sharky and george and shit and have these moments of like did that fucking grasshopper like just get almost murdered like really brutally yeah you know um i think i think the i think the first instance of like nightmare violence that occurs in the youngest television program i can think of is when that fucking asshole train on thomas the tank engine wouldn't do his job on certain days so they put
Starting point is 02:02:55 him into a tunnel and fucking bricked it and left him there i don't know if you remember that or if you saw that was that henry yeah they they fucking oh my god so he can't escape and it's like only halfway so he can still see out and they just fucking leave him there and that's the end was that the ringo era uh or the carlin okay like i remember like it was it was like i remember as a little child be like that oh no and and then like later as an adult i'm like jesus fucking christ they just leave him in there to fucking die i mean do they he doesn't and he doesn't return to just being a normal faceless train right it's still he's still a person i don't know he's a trained person oh god um um so nostalgia can't be beaten so i played sonic frontiers now sonic is
Starting point is 02:03:51 one of those things that there are there are multiple eras of sonic right you have your original 2d genesis sonic can i just say i was i was i was scheduled to play sonic frontiers because i thought i had 20 minutes left in signal us okay yeah so that oh let's let's fuck it let's go back to that so i was i was streaming that day and i was like oh how much did newly like signal us and the response came back he's still playing that and i went how the fuck is he still playing that i watched i watched like the last 15 minutes of your your show last time but he's got 20 minutes to go and the response came back yet he is mad at you for telling you there were only 20 there were seven puzzles that were left and like multiple rooms to clear
Starting point is 02:04:38 there was a solid seven puzzles and maybe 20 rooms like there was a whole session left anyway i i think i think what happened is that you were at the computer looking at the medical records when i did that i was 20 minutes from the end but you might have done it out of a slightly different or perhaps perhaps there's a couple moments where you can zig or zag also we're dealing with woolly time sure versus pat time sure but i mean i you know when it comes to that i guess all i can say is if you look at woolly time i'm not standing still yeah i should have you know i mean sometimes sometimes i stand still literally are yes so that was a bad thing for you to say no no no sometimes i absolutely stand still all right you know what never mind
Starting point is 02:05:27 that point but a lot of the time i'm i'm do i'm walk i'm doing a thing it's just i'm gonna stop i'm gonna read the note i'm gonna go oh what was that again to see if i can you know yeah okay so sonic so sonic has a lot of eras right there's the genesis era then um the saturn had nothing like the center had 3d sonic glass but then you went to the dreamcast era where you started the reality of 3d sonic and then you had um i don't know what to call it like post modern sonic which is like unleashed onwards and then we have sonic frontier which is part of a new gen of sonic the open world sonic uh where sonic controls significantly differently a boost era advance okay i'm not super familiar with all of these um what i will say is that i was a child when i played
Starting point is 02:06:26 those old genesis games and as such i adore them and love them and uh they are the best games and i will fight you however i gotta get up i'm gonna keep listening though moving yeah that's fine moving past that particular emotional attachment yeah no the son the sonic one two and three and knuckles they can have problems they're not perfect they have issues the music is pretty good but like sometimes it boosts you too fast and there's there's stuff that you can miss and uh some of the bosses aren't that great one is trash one is a bad game um i like it's wild that it creator franchise one is one is bad um and then uh but i went back to them decades later and i felt like i tried to approach them objectively and i felt like yeah these are pretty good and then i played
Starting point is 02:07:17 sonic mania which is widely regarded as a good 2d game and sonic mania is very similar but also very good so i feel fairly confident that those games are good um i will i will fight anyone on the street and to the death who tells me that sonic adventure one is anything but a pile of fucking garbage um and i really strongly gen genuinely feel like uh those people are insane and uh forget that 60 percent of the levels in sonic one are complete garbage they remember playing a sonic they remember open up your heart uh maybe they remember playing his tails they don't remember playing his knuckles they don't remember playing his e102 they don't remember playing his amy they don't remember playing as big the cat um etc um i and so on to sonic adventure two but
Starting point is 02:08:15 yeah go go go go go go go where i think i think sonic adventure and by by comparison sonic adventure two which i have not only played for about an hour but it's it means a very direct sequel i think those games are complete fucking garbage and that if you like them um that's because you were a stupid baby when you played them and you have the mind of a child we can now move on to more modern sonic games uh i don't like unleashed i don't like go six i fucked around with colors and i'm like i don't care for any of these games i think these are all not good i don't like the way 2d sonic controls and sonic generations etc moving off of that starting up sonic uh frontiers is pretty positive uh sonic in the open world and during his his his boost like you know racing
Starting point is 02:09:08 sections feels well like the controls are really good and the it has a really bizarre amount of granularity on what you can do to those controls um like you can choose like starting velocity and acceleration on sonic's like average 3d movement it's it's really it's a lot it's a lot of of granularity um the open world is actually tons of fun to move around because sonic's crazy fast and maneuverable um the levels are siphoned off into their completely separate little cyber world sections that have no cohesion with anything else it's just an excuse of like hey you want to fucking do a sonic level on angel island or metropolis zone or oil the fuck it right do it like i don't care it's a cyberspace right it's fun and s ranking and getting all the the rings
Starting point is 02:10:10 are you getting all the red rings in those stages is actually a lot of fun uh it has combat and it's it's it's combat combat it's not like i saw the trailers for that yeah um it's gotta move list like it's gotta move list um sonic is like insanely insanely laughably overpowered for the game that he's in like you can just do infinite ripook and kicks from the sky and just hold down the button just ice everything um it has a parry that is it requires no timing you just hold the parry and when something hits you you just parry it um but these are things to make the the when you're fighting stuff more interesting and more fun and it's it's good it feels like there's occasional like uh roaming bosses to deal with in the overall it's it's pretty interesting and it is jank
Starting point is 02:11:05 um it i had a lot of fun playing it i don't think it's the best game in the world i think it's it's significantly jank but there's like you know there's you know hey you're doing an open world boss fight with sonic speed and you're running up the side of the boss sometimes the camera angle can't quite can't quite keep up but uh there's only one big problem that the game has and i would there they've said that they're working on it and i would very much like to see it fixed because it is a it is a constant downer is a way we read about last week what's that getting getting shot out of world like because the trajectory goes off that's not the that's not the issue the issue is popping um draw distance on on so in the open world you have tons of sonic loop-to-loops and
Starting point is 02:11:56 rails and jump pads and you know all those any shit that you would do to do sonic platforming you can only see them maybe a hundred feet away so you'll get in a situations where you can stand there and like look up and be like there's a platform and there's nothing within a mile that leads to that platform because you it's there it's like a hundred and one feet away but you can't see it because it won't pop in so you move in you move over and then oh then the rail that leads to the platform you're looking at but then as you follow the rail to where you have to start it and turn around you no longer can see the platform that you're trying to originally it's it's popped out and it's a problem it's like a serious actual problem all the time this is
Starting point is 02:12:46 what happens when you populate the unreal engine world with things that require draw distance to take assets into account but it sounds like then in the end hiring this man was a good idea yeah it's fun it works it's a it's a good game it i would i would call it a a fun enjoyable seven out of ten and if you're if you really like sonic and you like that speed running element of his missions i would put it higher um if you really like sonic like the character and you've like read some of those comics i would i would rate it a lot higher because they're going with fucking deep cuts if you're cuts it sounds like it sounds like anyone who's a sonic fan is like rejoicing absolutely and it also seems as if like the initial uh vibe of big empty world
Starting point is 02:13:53 with 3d sonic controls um it's actually fun yeah is yeah well it's it's working out and it doesn't feel as as as baron as much because moving around is fun to do and therefore like you're enjoying your time with it as opposed to feeling like there's nothing to do absolutely okay yeah because that's that's the perception you know right on um everyone wants me to talk about rails i don't really feel like it but okay i will say that i've i was someone who had fond memories of adventure and the lp we did back on the old channel did a lot to update my views from what i remembered you consider your views updated my views were updated i i i had a you know there was a foggy positive memory for a lot of things and there was a lot of bad that i
Starting point is 02:14:45 kind of just conveniently forgot about i will i will say get ready for this now that i played uh sonic frontiers sonic frontiers does the impossible by making you thrilled thrilled to see and hang out with big the cat okay um so his last outing was sonic dream collection that's true lest we forget so in frontiers one of the little collectibles you can get is purple coins and uh you can then find that big the cat has been nonsensically uh dragged into the cyber dimension in his own fishing dimension and you can pay him a purple coin in order to borrow his fishing rod and play what is essentially another version of sega bass fishing nice the fishing mini game that sega is
Starting point is 02:15:47 mandated to put into every game it can get ahold of of course um and is a fairly easy um you know little fishing game that's pleasant and nice and as you fish fish you get tickets that you then cash in to just buy whatever collectibles you want like if if you're like oh i need more of the hearts to unlock the next story mission and you don't want to scrounge the map for you know whatever yeah go hang out with big and get more than enough in like two fish okay in order to skip that part do you want to have um do you want to unlock audio logs from robotnik associated with this game yeah go buy those do you want to you want to instead of trying to find the the you know the attack upgrade pieces yeah no just hang out with with fucking big and just fucking fish
Starting point is 02:16:42 and just get just get the fucking attack upgrade pieces so i have a very stupid but i think important question which sonic is this um i think it's like yin flin comic sonic it is not adventure sonic or any of the other it is it is it is it is comic sonic brought into this game well i think i think i think what they've tried to do is that every single fucking sonic is canon and we're just gonna fucking move forward that it all happened sure and i know generations kind of like you know already touches on that but like the one you're running around as in the game is a is a sonic that up until this point has not been playable which is the comic sonic it's it's still sonic adventure sonic it's just sonic adventure and the comics all happened all of sonic is canon and if that
Starting point is 02:17:39 doesn't quite work just shut up i thought that idw comic sonic was his own sonic well i mean they fucking reference god damn uh fucking central island or whatever the fuck it was in sonic adventure within like the first hour of the game okay and then he starts talking about characters from the comics did did did sonic boom happen i don't fucking know dude okay i don't think so i don't think so all right well whatever it's sonic the hedgehog do you remember that time sonic the hedgehog did that thing yeah probably yeah and then two movies came out yeah it got a little complicated they're hiring a lore master to figure this shit out so i'm asking the question because you know i'm the wrong person to ask but regardless um even as somebody who is um
Starting point is 02:18:32 uh diehard uh 3d sonic is trashed by default kind of person yeah sonic for tears is a pretty enjoyable game i liked it so um yeah how i mean did you but how much did you play i guess uh i played it for about five hour i beat the beat the first island there's five islands so i did about 20% okay uh yeah it's good good game does it feel so yeah i guess that that's kind of the sentiment and of course the fan the more of a fan you are the stronger that's gonna be now i know for example like you know for you 2d sonic you're to the level of like you play sonic 4 you press one jump button you go nope yeah i'm out i mean so yeah a lot of people were like that because that game is bad right uh it's fucking terrible for 3d sonics is this
Starting point is 02:19:28 that kind of like is it like an overhaul in a way that no other game moved i felt like so i wouldn't be able to tell you because mania is like a kind of experience with 3d sonic is very limited my usual experience with 3d sonic is i pick it up and play it for about five minutes and go this bullshit and then fucking walk away um i did not do that for this one therefore it is better okay okay uh yeah uh in addition to sonic i also played lots more god of war ragnarok which is significantly bigger than the first game not done yet not even i'm not even halfway okay like how many days did you do it i have done four streams of six to eight hours in length oh wow okay all right yeah and i am like clearly not the not not not fucking halfway
Starting point is 02:20:39 it's be this man okay um hey guess what it is a it is still a extremely extremely high budget sony prestige uh video game which has like literally all of the same gameplay problems uh that we're in god of war one are still here uh the camera is too tight and mimeer will be like behind you brother there's a fucking there's a guy about to hit you so then you dodge but then that the enemy's just in his wind up so you get hit by it on the recovery and all that shit um would you so you're like 30 in hours i would say i'm about 25 to 30 25 to 30 okay yeah um that i'm still getting back seated by the main characters uh i can't i'm i am now seeing articles being written about that problem it's
Starting point is 02:21:36 hilarious it's hilarious it's universal at this point that's the only thing i'm hearing people people have been like people have been saying like well pat i mean you got stuck on this puzzle you needed the back seating and like that's true but i didn't need the back seating within fucking 60 seconds so starting the puzzle of course i could have gone three four five fucking minutes um and there was there was one instance in which somebody like one of the characters back seating me confused me about what to do because you didn't look at the uh because i wasn't looking at the right thing and didn't understand what they meant yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly great um the game actually so uh the game is i would put it as a direct improvement over the first game like more stuff
Starting point is 02:22:20 is happening there's more gameplay variation than you would have expected as previously discussed um the in the first game what they did is they had like you remember the lake was like the hub and then the water would go up and you boat around yeah yeah the way it works now is every planet you go through the story and then opens up its own hub like every single one has its own hub whoa okay so there's a lot um the game has one narrative problem which is hilarious hilarious yeah i'm just gonna gloss over the word planet there i'm just gonna uh realm whatever yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean okay um so um this happened twice last night and it's been and and like they there's like there were elements that were like a little bit like this but it's like
Starting point is 02:23:14 it's happening and it's getting worse and worse kratos and character are engaging in some dramatic fucking pathos and some fucking some capital d drama and they're fucking sad and he's a dad and oh it's d oh man and the music is swelling and the camera and all that and then the fucking music is rising to a crescendo and then a fucking like the wow menu comes up and goes you just unlocked a fucking realm amulets here's the tutorial on how to fucking up socket your fucking upgrade gems and the music is stopped and you have to go through a six part tutorial and you do the six part tutorial in the menu and you fucking back out of the menu and it goes right back to the scene and it's like wait the scene didn't end this was
Starting point is 02:24:16 actually in the middle of the cut scene oh my god because kratos picked up a thing that happened twice and on the second time when the fuck when the when the fucking tutorial ended instead of being in the middle scene it was to the end and the music dropped like a hard cut like a bug and then the character just ran away from me out of cut scene walking mode into like in game mode yeah and just like ran away and it would fucking hilarious just completely completely smashes the moment to bits i'm like i thought it was a universal like thing in triple a games language to have the cut scene play out and then eventually the character stands up the camera slowly rotates back to over the shoulder and then the tutorial appears it's it's really funny and
Starting point is 02:25:07 also uh just like the first game the games interface is violently at odds with its location so uh it's you know it's a norse game and it's you know all old timey and mythical and shit and it has like a fortnight with a norse skin on it like level up your destiny light level upgrade system with numbers and numerical stats all you remember that that ui got where one it's just it's it's at odds it is it is violently at odds um with its own tone and it's just funny is this a big problem no absolutely not is it hilarious oh yeah oh yeah i was cackling like i think it's a product of like again ux um ux programmers and designers kind of like over designing the HUD to catch your attention or the the menu like every the menus need to
Starting point is 02:26:13 make you want to interact with them and everything has to pull your attention a little bit so there's it just gets really heavy you know well here's the thing because i played witcher one not that long ago and witcher one has like hyper maximal maximalist interface and like nothing is standardized and everything is like a fucked up polish menu for weirdos sure and it's trying super hard and you're like wow this nonsense is what led to big budget games going like no yeah make it a make it the minimalist fucking destiny slash fortnite menu oh and maybe maybe put a little mouse cursor that you move with your controller makes it easier to sink the skews make no mistake some people will open up that thought cabinet or your stats in disco elysium see that screen and just alt f for the
Starting point is 02:27:04 fuck out of the game like that that menu and the amount of things going on on it are absolute kryptonite to some types of players you know but uh it's it's just funny it's just it's like it's not a deal breaker but every time i i every time i go into the menu to fuck with kratos' stats i'm like i don't care i really don't i feel like all kratos needs is a skill list and also as i go through it i i can now tell you um more about i talked about last week where you you have moves that you unlock and then you you use them 50 75 100 times or 10 20 30 times yeah a gold version which is a little stronger so first of all i can't tell the difference in average play between the bronze or the unmarked and gold versions of those moves they seem
Starting point is 02:28:05 trivially different maybe they have more stun maybe they have a little bit but you don't feel it right maybe it's a couple percentage points um they clearly wanted it to be your favorite moves are the ones that cash out and then you use experience to level them up further because i don't think you will have enough experience to get them all grade all of them to their super maximum right okay um and i'm about 40 through the game i am i basically i mean i tried hard i gamed it a little bit but at 40 percent through the game i have almost every single unlock skill at gold so it's actually like no the game is so long that use this move 100 times if you even remember that that move exists you will get gold on that for the upgrade by the fucking
Starting point is 02:29:02 how long how long the beat says it's about the same length it says completion is 50 for both games i mean that's a whatever man i played that other game and i'm playing like this now i see you see this people are telling me i'm like 25 percent like i all i can tell you is that at the end of last night when i when i finished the session i feel like i am starting up the plot man okay okay right like you're definitely getting the fucking value yeah out of it uh you said something about the fucking uh the the the solution of a a a controller cursor and yeah i words escape me trying to put into like to get a sentiment to explain how much i fucking hate when the control the menu turns into a cursor you use with your fucking stick
Starting point is 02:30:07 because like i understand that every level of of where video games have gone while i wasn't looking has been about the controller and about the couch not mattering and it's all about sitting in front of the computer and using your mouse and your keyboard but when i'm playing a fucking game that uses the controller anyways and the menu just gives up and doesn't let you select things because you have to move a fucking mouse over because it's just easier to simplify what you're doing with the mouse anyways are you familiar with what game started that i don't know who started it i can tell you it is destiny's fault oh god just giving up fuck the menus being navigated normally we just don't want to bother with figuring out what up
Starting point is 02:30:54 and down does in every section of this now i want to point out god of war does not have this god of war has regular menus but that's because it's not being built with a pc control source in mind a lot of games have started this this mouse cursor controller shit and do you want to know the stated reason for why that is i'm guessing it's just it's easier because you just map the mouse input to the fucking state and exactly call it a day so they don't have to make two interfaces yeah but an ux designer's job is to go to each screen and make sure that the fucking like a dvd menu in the nineties had to have somebody figure out what up and down do you know no no fuck it and like there's times where you're playing like
Starting point is 02:31:36 something like and here's where it gets weird multi versus is made for your mouse to go to travel around that screen so there's all these moments where like it it's not laid out in a way where it's like is that menu option diagonal from where i am right now we should left or up go to it what do you that's over there what you know so it's getting hard in that way too and i just i hate it man because it's just like fucking the thing you the it's just all those people playing fucking multi versus mouse and keyboard huh yeah well i i don't know why it has that you know and then and like the front end of like all these games that are doing the overwatch thing even rumble versus doing it you're like everything that has that type of here's your hero main character
Starting point is 02:32:21 here's your list on the side and then your top little selectables and you're just like fucking normal menus work man i get it everything is has this like no i don't want to phone interface blown up to a full screen but like is it are we just killing off controllers and couches is it just over you know now you're using your controller to move your cursor man come on um yeah gotta work good good game big big game big big game um it has maybe the most outrageous case of like metroid progression blocking of anything i've ever seen because in like the very first area you find these little vents of steam coming out of the wall and when you hit them with one of your tools like atreus will go i don't think we have the
Starting point is 02:33:17 equipment for that and you're like okay um i still don't know what unlocks those i have no idea okay what turns those on and are off perhaps it'll be time stop so like every single level in the game i have found three different types of doors that need a time stop and i have found one of those things after about 30 hours okay so like oh man definitely getting your value or that game is fucking cool um and it's weird because the progression so that is a little silly because like you're like i'll never have enough time to unlock all these moves and then you'd like do an entire realm and you're like nowhere forward on the plot and you're like oh no actually i will have plenty of time to unlock these moves so something that's really great
Starting point is 02:34:21 about metroid games is in their design every time you encounter a colored uh door that you can't open with your current your tools you funnel it off in your brain and it creates a feeling of incompletion in everywhere you've been right and it's it's it lends to the size you don't feel like you're done until you're fucking done um are you getting that in every area of this oh every every single one yeah okay okay okay you're coming back through all of it yeah do you remember that you had like heavy and light runic attacks in god of war one where you know you have like a special move associated that you hold block and then our one or two um i got the first heavy one in the last hour of play last night like the entire mechanic of heavy runic attacks the first one
Starting point is 02:35:09 not available for the entirety of my four streams until the last hour i mean like has the title yet it feels like i got like like last night i beat the tutorial yeah okay wow it's it's zany it's fucking zany quadruple amen it's yes no absolutely that's that's a lot of like doors that are opening and i'm like you really didn't have to have a bespoke information for just this pile of rocks or just this door or just this thing in the way but you did hmm i i i wonder if like well the the impression you get of games like i mean elden ring everybody knew was going to be unfathomably big like that's part of the end and then it was actually quite shocking how large yeah like that but that's part of their what they're basically selling you right
Starting point is 02:36:12 but you grab a game like um i don't know what's like a like ghost ishima where you're like oh this is going to be pretty big and then in the end it is but it's not there's not as much happening in that space as you thought therefore you know it still crimes itself into you know 30 something 40 something hours right um if this is such a massive size up from the first one it is yeah like i guess i'm kind of like is that era of like trying to make something that people won't feel like there's too much like like the casual play gamer that wants uh uh that doesn't have time right is that is it is the era don't play this game is that era over you know well no the casual gamer that wants to play something like god of war does have time they just spend that time over six
Starting point is 02:37:09 months right you're talking about it for the rest of the year and then and then some yeah yeah people are still playing elden ring actively right now like once or twice a week they play for two three hours hmm i assume most people are waiting for dlc though of the people that picked it up and started and went through it you know i don't know i don't know what people with dark souls was a lot clearer but with elden ring being so fucking large it's i i literally don't know i mean easy way to find out how would you find that out uh steam players yeah well that's gonna be popular for a long time um so played sonic played god of war and i also played a 2004 korean mmo called mabinogi i've heard of that well it's been around for a bit it's 18 years old uh i was sponsored to play
Starting point is 02:38:20 it by nexon so obviously take that in with a grain of salt because they gave me a big bag of money to play it mabinogi is fascinating it's fascinating because it came out three or four months before world of warcraft did okay it is one of the last mmo's to come out before world of warcraft just like made the rules for how you make an mmo uh if you're curious uh elden ring all-time peak was a million or 950 k and 20 and about averaging 25 k currently in players um anyway it is a weird god damn game it's really cool and it's definitely gotten update well you ever see these games that have updates for like 20 years and you're like you're just drowning in the amount of features that they've added yeah so i don't know i don't really know what it is but it's just it's been a
Starting point is 02:39:24 name that's been i've seen ads for for a very long time um you're talking to one right now yeah so i mean i was i was gonna say like why why all this noise about mabinogi now but i mean obviously because they put out the the most recent update uh read does some of the tutorial stuff for the players so they kind of they they they redid some of the new player experience yeah and they kind of fact check so you know some of some of the stuff that you read and you get your influency brief uh of talking points and one of the ones like i really didn't understand what it meant at all because they're like hey guys if you come back or you know there's there's a five times experience boost up to cumulative level 20 000 was it 2000 regardless it's it's sky high
Starting point is 02:40:10 number and i'm like what the god what the hell is is cumulative level 20 000 what does that mean um and so the game has the most bizarre progression system of anything i can think of when you start the game you start at level 10 to 17 which is part of your character creation and at earlier level at earlier ages you have less stats but your skills increase faster but your character will age in real time and it's it's something along lines of like um like one year a week and you will eventually have to rebirth your character which allows you to change all of your um change all of your look and and whatnot oh you could just get old and fucking die yeah but you keep your you keep your stats okay and your cumulative level is the amount
Starting point is 02:41:10 of those levels and skills that you've earned over the the the lifetime round of rebirthing when i finished the tutorial i got like a sorry you started age 10 to 17 not not level when i beat the tutorial i got like a pop-up that was like congrats and immediately hit level 220 like just instantly just exploding with experience and levels um it is you you said you've been seeing it around one of the more interesting things is that i had never heard of it prior and as i'm doing my stream i'm seeing tons of people from my chat who were secret mabinogi players show up and do that mmo thing where they just have the absolute most gigantic possible mounts and clothing or or what have you and like doing all that all
Starting point is 02:42:09 that zany shit all over your your character any time a game is free i expect that to be the case yeah um it is it is really really a strange game it has like it has like your combat and non-combat professions which leads into do you want to spend what is essentially your character's entire life prior to rebirth just playing music and i'm like oh that's cool you what you play from a bunch of pre-done songs and then i'm standing there and people have composed and loaded in their autoplay machines in game to start to start playing like answers from ff14 at my character and like the endwalker main theme at me okay it's just just like before world of warcraft most mmo's were like other planets instead of theme parks and this is definitely just
Starting point is 02:43:14 exploding onto the other planet side of mmo one of the first quests was oh go go shear some sheep shear some go cut the wool off of some sheeps yep right so okay and then i i start learning the skill not animal husbandry or tailoring i start getting a unique skill for sheep shearing specifically and i'm leveling up my sheep shearing ability to shear sheep more effectively and i then i earn a ff magic broom that lets me just fly five minutes into the game and has like height weight even though it's isometrically it's crazy it's like it reminds me of like ultimate online well i was gonna say is this kind of like with the star wars galaxy is kind of thing where you're going you're going heavily you're going more heavy into the social
Starting point is 02:44:11 than you're going into like raids if you desire yeah yeah okay it is it's fascinating i'm going to be playing it a couple more times over the next couple weeks so this is technically an ad if you want to check out mabinogi go to my twitch page hashtag sponsored and click on the link down in the little description on my twitch page uh and then but only that link don't go don't go to the website by yourself go to the link that i have uh and that's pretty much it for me uh if you want to see more god of war and uh various i think i might play tactics ogre this week uh you want to see more god of war let's say tactics ogre some react stuff go down to slash pat stares at uh i'll have a schedule up shortly uh if you're watching this live on monday november 21st
Starting point is 02:45:12 i would highly suggest that you go check out peach saliva stream tonight at five p.m pacific she's going to be uh encountering her her largest nightmares which is her fear of puzzles and space and the page is going to be playing the outer wilds tonight cool the one who is terrified of space like legit terrified of space is going to be playing outer wilds i really got to see what happens in that yeah cool so i was talking to her about it and she said see me play a couple bits of it and she's like is there a time element i feel like there was a time element i'm like you know honey i really don't remember do you want me to look it up and she's like no no okay i guess i'll figure it out and then back in my head i'm like as you said hashtag sponsored it reminded
Starting point is 02:46:10 me that if uh you can also if you want a cool arcadey sign for your video game type thing like i got my woolly versus sign or the jetset radio or third strike and stuff uh there's a sponsor that's uh making that the image apparel dot com and if you use code woolly wools you'll save 15 off your order so you know 50 that's a thing that's happening that's crazy bro yeah they just made a mark of the wolf's one it's a fucking fire anyway um anyway that's it that's it for me let's move on to the news but i assume prior to the news we have our actual podcast sponsors we do um not our not our twitch sponsors no or our social media sponsors but the podcast sponsors yes really the best sponsors of all um and and and uh just to answer the question yeah i
Starting point is 02:47:04 100 want to get back to outer wilds as soon as there's an opportunity i i i need to start that game the fuck over yeah yeah yeah because like if losing uh losing one piece of core information will set you into a nightmare mental mental yeah okay fair plus there's it's updated right things have yes updated the expansion came out yeah so for sure uh okay this week the podcast is sponsored by cha-ching Shopify that's uh they go with the cha-ching because that's the sound of when you make a sale on Shopify um if you buy a thing and you feel good about it yeah it's an all in one commerce platform to help you start run and grow your business basically um you know the the the best example we can give is the idea of uh the the type of things we do which is playing video
Starting point is 02:48:03 games and doing dumb podcasts and talking into a microphone that does not prepare us for how to sell you a t-shirt um doesn't so when it comes to that part where you're like oh you know it'd be cool a t-shirt like damn you got to find somebody to help you with that and figure it out and Shopify is for that time when you want to expand your business whatever it is you know um they basically are a commerce platform that tracks um yeah sales channels for whatever your business is you get your 24 7 support free libraries full of educational content every step of the way is you want to increase your uh business's ability to provide whatever products to your customers shipping returns all of that stuff it takes care of everything all together and creates an online
Starting point is 02:48:57 store for your site that you can customize and and help grow the business as you grow as well um yeah ready to launch whenever you are and it's backing millions of businesses currently so if you are looking to uh create a shop for your site anytime soon go to Shopify you can try for free and start selling anywhere around the world um you can sign up for a free trial at slash SuperBeast all lowercase uh so that's slash SuperBeast to start selling online today one more time slash SuperBeast and all lowercase thank you Shopify thanks Shopify and this week the podcast is sponsored by Hello Fresh hello Hongi well how would you like some delicious meals that are proportioned
Starting point is 02:50:07 prepackaged and straight to your door fresh that I would say yes put the food in the pat yeah no the other day I got to I tried out the um uh uh uh Parmesan pork chops with vegetables it was pretty solid uh I didn't enjoy that these these Hello Fresh ads are rough because I'm hungry now yeah like I think back to me making my own food with them and how I actually did a good job and I'm like ah I'm hungry now come on my tumbleys well um now that I I mean I'm definitely adjusting my diet based on uh current health and so I will be needing to uh follow these portions and ingredients and figure out exactly what is going in my body so it helps that you know they've done all the hard work and thinking um and then of course
Starting point is 02:51:02 as we've said before when you get your Hello Fresh ship to you you're getting it uh in such a way where you can just pop that open follow the easy instructions make an amazing meal and uh impress anybody who's gonna be eating it because it makes it look like you knew what you were doing just kind of it's kind of it's there it's the credit that's there for the taking you know Hello Fresh is trying to make you look good so yeah they got tons of choices of course you've got holiday recipes as well coming up around the corner easier than ever to craft these ingredients and you can customize with the quick and easy options 20 minute meals easy cleanup if that's what you want to do you also get choices of sides you can swap in protein you can swap in veggie
Starting point is 02:51:49 you can swap in whatever ingredients you would like and um suit your preferences you could go with something a little more uh protein a little more uh again vegetarian you can go balanced 35 weekly recipes something for everyone to choose from so um tons of variety and you know you're getting it fresh and you know you're getting something that is going to taste pretty goddamn good so um check them out oh they've also got the hell of the Hello Fresh market where you can stock up on pantry stuff too quick back breakfasts charcuterie boards and desserts so whatever you need if you're setting up a party check them out as well um yeah i definitely enjoyed that that that keeps us going so uh go to hello fresh dot com slash super beast seven zero and use code
Starting point is 02:52:42 super beast 70 so that's 70 off plus free shipping uh one more time that's hello fresh dot com slash super beast seven zero and if you use the code super beast seven zero you're going to get 70 off plus free shipping that is america's number one meal kit thank you hello fresh thanks hello fresh it's a ridiculous amount off it's crazy i know it's it's zany i don't know how they do it crazy hello fresh just passing the savings on to you uh all right okay so uh what's going on well there's a couple things but we got to get to it uh how about in all the stories we've covered over the years of like man that legendary creator uh father and video game industry icon in japan did some shitty things and was kind of a jerk
Starting point is 02:53:42 in some cases but they never ended in jail i think the last the last time i can remember anybody involved in a japanese video game going to jail is i got one military advisor on koji pro okay jail for selling a bunch of illegal gun shit yeah which is like okay yeah good reason for that guy to go to jail that makes him awesome that he's he now we know why he was hired he's he's doing his job um now that's crazy uh no i was gonna say it a gaki where it's like oh you mean like you mean but i don't think he i don't think he went to jail or anything but yeah i think he just had legal shit to deal with because it's like oh you mean the guy famous for being creepy was creepy like and then that's what happens like yeah the guy that made like nine games that were
Starting point is 02:54:37 about being a sex pervert yeah like you know so it that's usually how that goes but uh this week we have uh the week that sonic frontier drops uh what was it uh yeah the very first sonic game that it allows you to map different moves to different buttons for sonic releases to critical claim and huginaka is immediately arrested so uh so apparently yes huginaka has been arrested among others uh and they're being charged with insider trading over dragon quest related uh stock purchases so essentially they just announced uh when screenix announced that they're going to make a dragon quest spinoff for mobile um right before that went public uh huginaka and two other employees have been accused of buying shares in aiming co which is i guess the other company that's
Starting point is 02:55:39 going to be involved in that spinoff um they got a big contract to work on the dragon quest game and uh he bought uh 10 000 shares roughly worth 2.8 million yen and um they Tokyo district public prosecutor's office said what the fuck you doing bro um you know and he's like i fucking created sonic the hedgehog you can't fucking tell i'm arrested yeah so you know i guess the equivalent of like uh a nintendo employee buying stocks in niantic just before pokemon go dropped or something to that effect you know um don't do that don't do that guys owned no good um well if there is any doubts i suppose as to the financial motivations of of the things that he might say from time to time i guess that kind of underlines it i suppose doesn't it it sure does
Starting point is 02:56:40 like fucking hilarious fucking hilarious it's like is that true or are you just saying that because of money it's like you know the best part about this is that the fact that he got arrested for insider trading to me says that he actually is like reviled by people at sega because sega knows dudes that can make these problems go away and they're not making the problem go away i mean look when the cops show up at his door it's either because of that or ballad wonderworld so i don't know yeah let's go let's go down go down but um yeah no that's exactly it further more like it's like yeah maybe maybe give a call to the yak is a division and and team rgg handle this one you know
Starting point is 02:57:36 also like sega like in general has like like almost a hundred years of like ties to organize crime like there's someone you could probably talk to if you still had friends who could have made a phone call mm-hmm but the bridge was burnt and uh yeah i saw i saw hideki naganuma on twitter just being like why nakasan why did you do it because he wanted the money i mean like isn't that like 101 though just the most basic level of like if you work for the company and you know something is about to be announced you can't act on it i mean you shouldn't but well more importantly is unless you're caught unless your last name is polosi usually what you're supposed to do is tell a buddy of yours that doesn't have any professional or on paper relation to you
Starting point is 02:58:34 precisely actually use a bunch of money yeah let's see if we can get the twitter account eugenica stock tracker follow all those purchases um yeah anyways so while we were talking sin just got announced yeah um see if i can watch this can you watch it i mean are you allowed i'm gonna try to pull it let me see if i can so reggie tweeted something he tweeted out a retweet of high fight um and at the ign like breakdown of like um like here's how sin plays who is um who who's the character who's the the the darksinger with the red hair and the and the and like looks kind of like venessa with the with the blouse and the dog giovanna giovanna okay so they show like okay here's a demonstration of sin and it's sin versus giovanna and they're the two devs and the
Starting point is 02:59:39 giovanna player just fucking beats his ass to the wall that's hilarious man i'm like yeah good good good show off when you try the new character on ranked absolutely uh yeah that's great that's really fun i um sin was uh my my pick before bike and dropped in excerpt so i'm super happy that's a cool one glad to see sins back um also pretty huge gap in terms of like we are now in the future and we're concluding all kinds of storylines and sin is literally like the my two dads kind of fucking like offspring to the future that uh you know is the inheritor he you know he could be the nero if you wanted and he's nowhere to be seen up until now so yeah that makes sense um i'm gonna just scrub through this trailer real quickly to see what i'm looking at here
Starting point is 03:00:48 and i see apparently he has tyrant wave now i see he's got the flag he's got a beak driver so that's that's that's the good move that's the big poke it's the main thing you used to do with him back in the day um and like yeah he was always about just like comboing or uh chaining together his specials and then his hunger meter would make him hungry so he's got us eat up garr yes yeah no since pretty fun he's uh um pretty easy to pick up kind of character too in terms of just getting the basics of stringing his moves together uh i like the design i like the shirt off look looks pretty sick tyrant rave he yep learning from sol as well as kai nice and then a little hint at his other
Starting point is 03:01:38 special cool i hope he yeah if he has one move from kai and one move from sol that'd be pretty sick like if he keeps uh rtl which is his version of ride the lightning um that'd be a nice little like does he still have the eat the meat he does he does he gets hungry he eats the meat um so yeah i think uh oh it's coming out in three days very cool nice the best way to drop a new character yeah i guess these now the only other thing lore wise to do is uh include some his some of his eye gear power which you know if kai can activate his stuff then surely sin can as well and i can see some of that glowing energy on his on his flag so that sans undertale shit exactly um yeah now the best is just like in lore it's like why does he use a flag as a weapon
Starting point is 03:02:36 because there's a short story dedicated to it where he's trying to figure out what weapon to use and sol just tells him to fuck off go like like he's like oh maybe i can he's like it's got to be manly it's got to be fancy it's got to be dynamic and cool it's got to have all these gear you could use a fucking yo-yo like it doesn't matter yeah and he's like the bridge it already uses a fucking yo-yo yeah you know like he's like he's like i want it to be flashy and so it's like then fucking fly a flag you idiot and then he does that's pretty flashy um all right uh more on that good for guilty gear people like the sin guy okay i can't really go into this one much in fact i'm considering taking my headphones off but oh that wow okay
Starting point is 03:03:27 hedecki camea t as teases bayonetta four is already in the works and it has something to do with people's feelings about the way bao three ended can you can you link that to me can you you link that to me i will skim it and i will determine if we can talk about it i mean you can say what you need to say and i can just yeah but i mean it i need to see it yeah um fans have expressed displeasure uh and uh i don't know if i can read this or this fucking quote oh man this fucking quote sucks i didn't think it was unexpected at all but it seems that the ending of bao three wasn't conveyed correctly to everyone so i think bao four will be an unexpected development after all when bao four comes out i'm sure there are people who say you added that as
Starting point is 03:04:23 an afterthought so i'll say it now that is okay okay oh man so the ground has been laid well in advance then the right that's fucking bullshit we didn't fucking convey it correctly no it's very clear it just sucks interesting okay all right i have spoken with other people who like the ending it's just like i'm resentful of this game and kind of don't want anymore okay um i mean this tweet could have been timed uh at any point but clearly areas it's timed post response you know so yeah all right interesting interesting uh we'll see we'll see boy what is happening i'm so curious to see what's gonna happen like here's the thing like like it is it is quote like at the end of the game they do the thing they always do it goes banetta will return yeah in the future james
Starting point is 03:05:33 box adventures will continue yeah and um like when that came up i was streaming i was like i don't care jeez that was my actual fucking answer was like i i don't care that's that's a lot no i i think um i want i want games that play mechanically like that to to continue to exist so yeah regardless of what happens in the story i want something that'll let me do those types of combos and have fun with it um you know anyway uh so there's that uh then okay so just about every week there's could be or at least maybe once a month realistically there could be a segment to talk about ed boon's tweets and yeah they're good and the nonsense that usually comes out because they're lies because they're pretty much that's it right like there's always a like
Starting point is 03:06:36 you know fucking someone takes the bait and then shoots it over to me and starts freaking out and going yo yo yo and it's like nah dude this is it's fucking great it's fucking great because ed boon is this like unassuming like normal looking guy who's he's he's friendly he's a little introverted he's smile he has got a big you know bright smile and he just fucking lies his ass off like all day the thing is i'd like there's a difference like some people are calling it trolling but i'm like i don't think so like there's a difference between trolling and just lying like a troll is there's some kind of angle to it that is like ha ha you know there's some amusement to the angle i took that's ridiculous but there it is but there's things he just says that are not just not true
Starting point is 03:07:19 it's almost like those def jam tweets for like oh should we bring it back should we bring back def jam vendetta you're never going to shut the fuck up you don't even have the ability like hey guys i'm seeing a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of talk about more combat versus street fighter that'd be really cool wink and it's like fuck off you're not working on it i know you're not working on it furthermore the the new uh street fighter uh producers um just did an interview where they basically reiterated yeah it might be it's a cool idea but it might be difficult to see ryu and shun lee getting their heads ripped off yeah no it'd be tough maybe if it was off screen or something you know was like the you know what they said you know this reminds me of did you see h
Starting point is 03:08:06 mower guy's new video uh i didn't but i heard there's something do you know what it is uh all about tommy talarico yeah it's it's a two hour video about fucking bad tommy talarico just lies about everything yeah i mean i can't wait to watch that it's like anybody who's watched fucking reviews on the run can tell you that shit like that looks so crazy this game has terrible music this game the one that i worked on but i won't say that this game incredible music 11 out of 10 it's the best game ever you should go buy it man dude i just i like cvs2 i'll never forget just this bullshit like these games are over this game looks old this type these sprites and this type of art style needs to stop 3d is whatever is what games are now fighting games need to get
Starting point is 03:08:54 with the times capcom it's fucking over enough with this dreck it stopped trying to live in the past you know and just like uh uh uh giving it like what like a two or whatever the fuck because he looked at it saw the sprites and went meh he gave melee a two and a half out of 10 that's pretty wild to which of course on the spine of the game capcom wrote 2d will never die oh is that oh yeah and then it did and then it's super died that was like immediately afterwards it was 2002 and it died hard until 2009 that shit was in the fucking ground oops yeah you know but the sentiment though yeah no fuck anyways so yeah i heard it's about that shit um decided technically it never died because it did
Starting point is 03:09:55 come back but anyway um so the reason why i bring up ed boon is because this time around uh there were a series of just uncharacteristically straightforward responses to the the obvious fan questions you know like the stuff that people are asking all the time when's more this when's more that and so on like he just straight up was just he's like you know what i just feel like replying to these in a very direct way um so and it's still it still might be a troll but someone was like might be literally what's next right and he just replied either injustice three or mk12 right so holy shit can you oh my are really yeah willy oh my god i can't but you know i hope exactly oh my god but what but what if but what if the troll is that it's both
Starting point is 03:11:00 right what what if the trolls the that it's neither that's that's the the much more interesting uh i think people are leaning towards mk dc to happening again you know but this time it's good because they figured out how to make the games good it's a concept that you know like for the game that fucking that they shit out it could have been really it could have been much more solid so man it um mk dc here's a here's a ed boon troll here's an ed boon troll for you are you ready he's going to be like hey guys we're going to work on injustice three or mk12 and this time this time we're going to make them a good game damn she got me oh shit
Starting point is 03:11:54 yeah yeah um yeah that's that's entirely that's entirely possible just hit him with hit him with both you know um hit him hit him with the you hit him with the uh the the time to kill defense what what wait what just it's that fucking mean ladies and gentlemen of the jury i want you to imagine all the horrible things all the horrible things that happened to that little girl that that man did imagine how bad it was and how much she suffered not a ladies and gentlemen imagine the girl was white oh what you're saying is imagine imagine that mortal imagine ladies and gentlemen of the jury imagine the game was good oh this this might be
Starting point is 03:13:04 this might be the most inappropriate disgusting joke you have ever made this is the worst couldn't this is the worst one i can't believe it i can you know in my head i was picturing it and you're like imagine this i'm like yep i follow yep okay it's all there game sounds terrible yep it'll be a bad game got it but what if though but what if it was good this time the flip damn all right um and then someone else said uh when uh why are there so few characters from the 3d era of mk games uh which now because they're trash anyone with uh brain would think it would be self-evident but uh their reply was hey that's something we will soon fix all right so look forward to the return of sue how
Starting point is 03:14:13 bull right show he already came back but off really cobra and kai there's actually a cobra and a kai character much that's literally a how fuck sucks the worst and mavado and onaga yeah okay and taven onaga's okay sure sure dragon king it's all even is not okay it all comes back to onaga and serena comes back to sue how it's like the absolute most fucking brain dead awful fucking fighting game because it's terrible just awful don't forget serena or um god uh who the uh uh come not not chameleon chameleon's another one uh kira wasn't there just a girl just called kira yeah she's red she was supposed to be kano just nothing she's a discount kano yeah so there you go uh man um you know serena are you talking about the vampire lady yeah the demon girl
Starting point is 03:15:25 she's got the what she's got the the thing that looks like she might be like sendel but she's not sendel you know jingo netara that was her name netara serena had a story model i want to say with the with the blade and the stuff i think she showed up in the story mode i don't have the fucking talking about anymore oh my god literally like fucking just serena just type serena into google i don't think that's a fucking character that serena is a character oh the fuck and welcome holy shit and this is the magic of mortal combat armageddon there's always a there's always a who the fuck is that oh my god she's from fucking mk mythologies you're all coming back Jesus lord
Starting point is 03:16:17 what a pile of shit mortal combat is oh my god um yeah so no actually we're gonna return to these these fucking memorable heroes i don't want to cobra was literally just ken in the mortal combat world it was just we just took we put a street fighter guy in what if we did that was practiced dude if you don't it's like it's you know how tech n got a kuma like here's our proof of concept and capcom was like would you fuck off i'll pay you a hundred dollars to fuck off and then they did and then they did okay um fuck i can't believe you remembered serena two ease two ease
Starting point is 03:17:05 uh okay what else is going on well one uh team ninja had a pretty obscure type of press comp not press conference um uh they had a uh like an industry conference it's something called g star in korea um and uh oh no wait i don't know is it was really web that was covering it actually anyways they confirmed team ninja says they're rebooting ninja gaiden and dead are alive as franchises so um dead are alive not much surprised there i expected that uh some point they would come back to you know resurrect that one but ninja gaiden hasn't been touched since it a gaki i want to say i would really kill for a new ninja gaiden game so that's interesting especially considering the teams at team ninja are currently
Starting point is 03:17:59 are some talented ass fucking uh people that are making good games um it's it's it would be cool to see ninja gaiden you know brought back and and uh yeah i mean they could they could reboot dead or alive and now that you can sell porno games on steam they could just say fuck it and just make a fucking porno game just just make it a subscription at this point just haven't been developed by the fucking people that made ork massager yeah and you click the play button and then there's no age to worry about there's barely a fighting game you just you just see the jiggle physics going as soon as you press play and then if you um if you forget to pay then like a little message pops up that says insert more money
Starting point is 03:18:50 yeah ninja gaiden um i mean i because there's a thing is like that's one of those like holes in my in my gaming experience where like i don't know those games that well whole series you need to play and it's ninja gaiden black and then you just not sigma black not uh no okay that's the stupidest part about it is like the best version of that game is the middle one of the re-releases so my my question was going to be if a new ninja gaiden were to come out like what would you want that to be like what would the dmc i would like it to be like the dmc five be you know of be ninja gaiden black too okay isn't doesn't that exist isn't that already a game no no is it sigma two because there's ninja gaiden ninja gaiden two then there's black and
Starting point is 03:19:38 then there's sigma and i'm pretty sure there's sigma black sigma and there's my sigma black no then is it sigma two sigma and sigma two yeah okay all right sigma two okay there we go i fucking hate it i fucking hate the way these are named and three is just straight up bad three is a bad game and don't forget yai ba i was okay you are but you said don't forget yai ba i was in the middle of saying and don't forget ninja blade no that's not actually related to it at all shut up though ninja blades related to metal wolf chaos not what that attitude it's not shant arms never forget yeah yai ba oh man
Starting point is 03:20:32 i forgot yai ba anyways so that's coming back um this weekend lol nintendo mm-hmm um so it seems as if uh nintendo has decided to start dmca-ing images of its games on steam grid db which is literally just a image uh a storing website and they're just pictures of nintendo games but uh what happens is because you can launch the um switch emulator on your steam uh deck your steam deck can connect to steam grid db to find a picture of the game you're playing and it'll be able to update your your image to show you the correct game so that's a database that can be accessed so in order to stop that and in this and not encourage that ability they sent dmca takedowns for pictures
Starting point is 03:21:45 of their images that could be up on any other website of course this is resulted in messages popping up saying that this image has been taken down and then uh people have responded by flooding every nintendo game category with as much art as possible including fan art box art covers that are way better than the official ones detailed shit that like if you go look up like breath of the wild for example yeah you now have like 20 or 30 to choose from that look better than the original and by the way i want to point out that uh and uh james stephanie sterling pointed out this ages ago on a video that i've looked up that was i'm like wow that's seven years old but youtube and nintendo will gladly illegally use the dmca provision to take down videos that are absolutely
Starting point is 03:22:36 not theirs and make money off of them and abuse copyright law in a way that was never intended in order to make money or prohibitively destroy people's work which proves that they don't actually have any intention of following copyright law so that your own personal morality has plenty of wiggle room in ignoring nintendo's stance on their copyright um if you want to use precedent any website that has ever shown you a jpeg of a nintendo game is grounds for for take down yes even though that's obviously fair use and the person making the dmc take down knows it's fair use but is doing so as a punitive measure which is an illegal use of the dmca system so anyways it's actually a great story because as expected the user response has been explosive
Starting point is 03:23:34 and they'll never be able to keep up as as fun as the tripling down of the uploads of official art and the fan art stuff has been the absolute best has been the steam grid db page entries which are just the official art of the game for example breath of the wild except the text over it that says this asset has been removed in response to dmca take down notice is just pasted on top of the box art that's good so uh i was really reminded you remember game genie yeah so you remember that nintendo sued game genie uh yeah i think i remember hearing about something like that yeah nintendo sued game genie back when game game genie came out and they were like you motherfuckers you're illegally handling our fucking video games blah blah blah that's bullshit uh and they sued them
Starting point is 03:24:29 and they got an injunction to stop sales of game genie for the nintendo at the time so you couldn't sell game genie for nintendo for a year was legally blocked and uh then a nintendo fucking lost that lawsuit super hard yeah yeah because the legal argument was that it is equivalent to selling something that lets you skip pages in a book um and then they had to pay game genie for a year of lost sales and i want to say there was also that that was around the time that the uh i don't know if it was that case specifically but one of the conclusions was like it's your game you purchased it right and that that uh the whole backup thing came or came around a similar time as well where like you if you can make backups of something you own it's based on your purchase
Starting point is 03:25:19 you know um yeah if you want to freely manipulate you know your shit whatever it's it's yours but yeah no the way nintendo abuses their copyright i mean i'm not gonna judge you no matter what you do with nintendo's copyright i wouldn't roll my eyes at you or judge you yeah but i also kind of like i don't know i'm almost just like yeah but let let them continue to just drown in the strizand effect because it's it's great every time i think my favorite part of this is the nintendo you remember when nintendo wanted to come down on youtube and outlets plays and all that and then that didn't work remember you mean currently okay but let me let me let me get there remember when they wanted to have that fucking system that you would sign up and do all that stupid
Starting point is 03:26:09 bullshit sure they would take your you and you remember how like they couldn't handle it how like they could never ever keep up with the amount of nintendo shit that was actually being requested to be cleared and then they just gave up and went back to fucking content id claiming shit but like then they gave they like they would strike stuff back in the day rarely but they gave up on that too because like they they can't like like there's no amount of people you could hire but possibly keep up but like the thing is to me is as insane as that is like i'm always thinking that their plan b is just the johnny's judgment eyes level of cut the cut mario out of of the photo and put a gray block there instead like i you know yeah i feel like that's plan b
Starting point is 03:27:02 in the in the in the emergency board room meeting they're having and they're like okay fun now get ready for the fucking movie to come out oh they're gonna have fun then oh man oh dude people are gonna get to work the mario movie we're gonna kill you and your dog i mean that might be on the publisher uh and like illumin no i don't know i don't know who that'll be on but yeah that could get rough they're gonna people are gonna start modding mario movie movie mario into everything chris pratt voice into everything you know the the the source code mario 64 is absolutely going to get updated oh yeah with chris pratt voice and more importantly everyone else voice okay um and speaking of movies uh last but not least they're bad don't watch them well
Starting point is 03:27:59 well just felt good to say um streets of rage has been tapped for adaptation oh cares it's not gonna come out being written by the john wick writer fucking don't believe it don't believe it in a second i i'm okay i would believe it if it were a netflix thing almost but like a cinematic streets of rage thing sounds bullshit the streets of rage has no fucking it has nothing there's nothing well you can invent all of that that's not the point i mean whatever it's fucking 38 years old yeah i'm like the brand doesn't have the power to get people to go to the theater i'm i'm fucking nothing this this sounds no value straight to dvd or straight to netflix make would make way more sense here uh very surprised to hear that but
Starting point is 03:28:48 maybe it's just because the john wick dude he wants specifically to work on that brand i don't know but uh weird weird one there's nothing there is the fucking boss mr x for fuck's sake i mean you can just imagine it in the style of any fucking 80s action movie format yeah sure but um god what was that add that to the next the next to the fucking middle gear movie on the metroid movie or um what was that thing called again something fury where it was like the the 80s like kung fury raw fury no the raw fury is a fucking publisher you're thinking of kung fury kung fury yeah where it's like the whole thing is like a just a super retro throwback or whatever yeah um anyway all right that's that's that's stupid yeah that's fucking stupid lies
Starting point is 03:29:54 anyway my advice to mr naka is to lawyer up yeah stop talking or actually talk lots talk lots mr uji naka tell everybody about how you're such a good smart businessman show show the court ballon wonderworld i'll go to jail forever um not much to say with uh yeah jason david frank passed away that sucks uh green ranger died that that's uh i really have to ask maybe this is inappropriate but like the only thing i had ever heard about his character is that him and the rest of the cast on power rangers just viciously relentlessly bullied the actor who played billy for being gay on set uh was was he a part
Starting point is 03:30:53 of that i don't know i don't know the was that actually a thing i believe yeah i don't know i don't know the story not him untrue the actors did not not the actors the crew i wish somebody had informed me prior to this because like it's literally the only thing i'd ever heard about him personally in my life well and when i brought this up on my chat everyone said no yeah absolutely it was everybody crew did actor came out and said i wasn't sure it was the crew and the actors were helpful well then that sucks man that sucks for two reasons one i hate to bring this up now on news of his death but two i just went through most of my life thinking that guy was an asshole i was under the impression that he did some cool motivational stuff for people and
Starting point is 03:31:49 was kind of leaning into the you know like green ranger kind of a positivity thing is that thing yeah well but like from what i can tell as well like he like there was there was a couple of reboots he tried to do he came back as a couple different rangers and shows and then did his own kind of movie series as that as well he tried out MMA for a bit didn't go too well i want to say he he he lost to uh what's his name mickey gall i believe but yeah in the end ultimately again just uh you know sad loss um clearly he was struggling and i guess it wasn't uh very obvious but that did happen um yeah not much else there though uh let's take a letter if you want to send
Starting point is 03:32:54 a letter send it to castle super beast mail at castle super beast mail at oh right no it was cm punk that lost to mickey gall right my bad um all right let's take one over here soul gain says dear measurehead and wacker do you think racism in video games need to be more overt the elder scrolls is a universe where people are openly and unabashedly racist and they use their fictional slurs without restraint oh it's hilarious on the other end you have games like final fantasy 10 where racism is a core element but the depiction is sanitized and if i recall correctly it slightly dips into both side zing at times even if the narrative overall sides with the albed sorry what ff 10's fucking racism is like on the nose exploding you have a fucking mad
Starting point is 03:33:49 super racist on your team wack is going pretty crazy for most of the game the rest of the cast maybe not so much but what approach do you think is more beneficial for addressing racism as a theme do you think games that tackle it as a core element would benefit from full bore measurehead style racism or would a subtle hand work better at tackling a touchy topic um he says i feel like there's something to be said for the bluntness of the former especially given games like disco elysium's proving its effectiveness but whether the depiction goes too far goes that far too many people turn their heads and write it off because there's no way it's actually that bad what do you think okay so this okay so i can understand what they're actually saying so want to so by a shock
Starting point is 03:34:39 confidence is going to come up and i apologize um but uh so one of the things that came up uh when we talked about uh i forget what what the context was we were talking about bullying and how people were viewing a portrayal of bullying in something as ridiculous that doesn't happen to which i said and you said as well from either personal experience or other people's personal experience that you talked to that like i have literally to date never seen a depiction of bullying in fiction that was actually too ridiculous ever in my life it's always like you have no idea how bad it can get and racism can be like that as well some racism is subtle welcome to revash all and disco elysium is fucking perfect yes that's perfect subtle snide like smug racism it takes you a second
Starting point is 03:35:30 right simultaneously you could do you could do anything to any level of extremeness in any game based on any race and it would not be more crazy than something that happened somewhere at some time we have done a lot of wild shit over the course of human history yeah um there is no bar that goes low enough for you to be like oh shit that that could that that's not something that history hasn't already covered um i'm trying to remember but wasn't there like it wasn't cinemora that schmup that also kind of went into animal racism stuff okay well anyway um yeah the as to what they what games should do the answer depends entirely on the ability of the writer and how they can handle it and their tact and their talent because uh as as you just mentioned welcome to revash all
Starting point is 03:36:33 immediately followed by measurehead take somebody who has that hand and the ability to understand the subtlety and get you to convey that properly not everyone can do that sliding scale from subtle to not subtle right next to each other um yes you can go to the extremes and have a game where it's just like oh no this race is treated as a a holocaust analogy and you can just go straight to that place but um if you're going to try to work a subtle point i wouldn't trust it in the hands of let's say a david cage right right um my big thing is not what you should do with racism in your story if you feel has an inappropriate place and you feel like it could add to your story in a legitimate and uh uh not fucked up way go for it i think the worst possible thing you can do with your
Starting point is 03:37:25 racism in your story is what bio shock infinite did is which it purports to be a picture of realistic racism while like sanitizing it like crazy and making real people in the real world look like babies or like oh wasn't that bad right uh in matthew mitosis's review of bio shock infinite you're in a 1920s fully segregated like split off community in bio shock infinite and the racism there is like spic and span sanitized it's absolutely ridiculous you never hear any racial slurs you never hear about any grievous injustices against the lower class of people of color you never see anything that actually the ugly parts of racism so it actually just looks like a bunch of bad bosses at like a retail store or like a company and then the reaction from the
Starting point is 03:38:34 vox to let's kill everybody seems wildly overstated so uh i remember that the image of uh it is our duty to keep out the foreign hordes from bio shock infinite that poster with calm stock and then great poster and then all the super fucking uh uh racist caricatures of like everyone that's not caucasian irish on there for fuck's sake and that thing was that image was used unironically in like tea party groups and shit like that like there was a there was a whole thing where like unironically we took this exact screenshot and started using it you know um yeah uh it's it's exactly like you can never you you can never hit as low as it's gonna be in real life and in fact if you go too clean as you just mentioned it can get bio shock infinite snipped and used it can be
Starting point is 03:39:30 snipped and used without context to exactly land the point like like the feeling you get going through bio shock infinite it's like why are they all just going straight to to white genocide it wasn't that bad it's like oh my god come on um but yeah i don't think into to answer the question though i don't think there's uh there's a hard fast rule for what a game ought to do because you know every the setting the tone everything is going to call for a different type of portrayal and a different type of hand if you want to handle the subject matter um different strengths of you know like in some cases again like if uh disco elysium's examples are like they're so like masterfully handled in a way that it's almost like i wouldn't there's not very many very many people i would trust to
Starting point is 03:40:19 like land it that way um but when you're listening to the way that like the characters say words like kipped you know what i mean like even the voice acting so good because they're not real they're not describing real ethnic groups but you feel it you you fucking you feel it around your throat when it comes out of their mouths you know like there's an absolute just disdain that comes and you're like yeah you like that is a quality that is exceptional and thus i would not put that on others i would not expect them to handle it that way um the albed thing in f in ff 10 like looking back and thinking back on that i had to do a lot of heavy lifting with the bit with waka to create that kind of joke but it was pretty much like what we were getting you know um obviously the clan
Starting point is 03:41:09 suit doesn't come into into into into play now but uh uh you know but like yeah they could they they definitely like they treated waka differently because he was a party member and he was one of the good guys he was your bro as opposed to the fat lorry driver and uh measurehead you know so that also has something to do with some of that quote unquote sanitization that you're talking about um yeah go is i think just don't sanitize it don't make don't don't make racism look like a quaint feature of the your fiction that is just like it's not so bad like no it's it can bad racism hey and if you racism is bad and if you don't think you can handle like doing a good job of that uh just you could don't don't you can stop you can stop if you
Starting point is 03:42:12 can't get it done i think ken levine and like i believe an entirely white staff making bioshock infinite about race and then chickening the fuck out to make it about like quantum mechanics because they couldn't do any any hard shit in that game is like the biggest fucking pussy shit in the world have you seen the lottery and bioshock infinite um isn't what uh what was that was that the um the so the in the in the very beginning yeah yeah yeah yeah no it's the it's the the interracial couple right yeah so that you find an interracial couple and the lottery is who gets to throw one baseball at them yeah and it's like if this is a if this is a a sealed off society in 1920s america that's overtly racist they're not throwing a fucking baseball at these
Starting point is 03:43:03 two of course not are you are you kidding me yeah could man that'd be a that'd be a massive improvement on the reality so uh yeah yeah no in in conclusion like uh handle it to the limits of your ability uh and if you're the capable of of pulling off a disco then do that or sometimes if you're particularly uh if you're if you're very skilled with the pen and and you understand that brevity of the soul of wit you can always do a south park uh difficulty selection menu from the fractured butthole if you if you recall uh words that's a simple bit in and out that's good stuff simple bit in and out nails it perfect you know uh yeah but uh it's if you're a fucking hack and you you you know don't don't just don't uh anyways uh yeah if you don't know
Starting point is 03:44:07 what you're doing maybe don't skyrim's a weird example though because like playing that game you actually encounter wildly varying amounts of racism for your character depending what one you pick like if you pick like a dark elf like they treat you like fucking dog shit on the right side of the map yeah i i mean i haven't played any of those but like isn't it like whoever you pick there's going to be an area where whatever you are is this hate no no it's not like that oh it is there is a civil war happening and the civil war is between the empire and the fucking storm cloaks and the storm cloaks are by skyrim is for the nords and nobody else interesting so you go down to where they hang out and you're not a Nord
Starting point is 03:45:01 they fucking don't like it and if you're especially like a dark elf or a khajiit they're like wild assholes and like you can still work for them but they're like this fucking interesting it's fucking nuts yeah um let's see what uh what comes of uh that photo of um kojima hanging out with jordan peel let's see if uh any projects come to fruition uh in that account that seems like it would be good that could be interesting jordan peel can teach kojima how to make uh yeah all right live it there all right yeah everybody have a good week bye bye
Starting point is 03:46:01 yeah hold on i can't use it unless we say it in the episode okay the r in racism stands for racism good job act man 14

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