Castle Super Beast - CSB 199: BmC: Scroteguard The Baton Pass feat. TheSphereHunter

Episode Date: December 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 🎵 Hello. Alright. And the lid is now off. Merry Chrysler, everyone. Happy holidays. Merry Christmas. Thanks, Jesus, for whatever. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:00:48 No, we can, we can, after holding that all back, just like, hello, hi. Good day. Don't, don't just save it. Let's kit live, and now that we're live. Yeah. Attention, all Bayonetters.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Hello. We have all finished the game. Anyway. Hi. Hi, Susie. How are you? I'm good. I had a nice Christmas, you know, just hung out.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Started building a whole voiceover room. Oh, man. Had a nice time, you know. Very busy. Watched a particular stream of a video game of a man and his buddy going insane over the ending of something.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Some good news. Was watching there, yeah? Not too bad. Yes. How was your Christmas? Woolly, how'd you do? That was okay. Just saw some fam, and hung out with a baby. There's a new baby in the family.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And just got to, you know, just say what's up, and it was really cool, because it was like the most mild-mannered, super-chill baby I've ever met. Would you say that it was a tender and mild baby?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah, I would describe it that way. Yeah, the tender and mild, for sure. Like, it's a baby that refuses to cry unless something's really wrong. Like, if there's a mild it just kind of goes like,
Starting point is 00:02:24 you know, and then it's like, okay, I'm getting kind of hungry, it'll be like, oh, that's not fair. You know, and I'm like, whoa, this baby's awesome, and just like, also is super used to like, noise and stuff,
Starting point is 00:02:40 so just can pass out no problem while people are talking around and everything. Like, and kind of incredible. It was very cool to see just a baby that gave no fucks and was just mellowed out super chill. That's a good start.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I'm just thinking like, because as a young person I was told like, Pat, you cried all the time. It was so annoying, basically, right? Like, oh, I had colic, right? So I was just like, just constantly wailing and like a piece of shit. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:03:12 now the first impression that people have of this new human is, oh, hey, they're nice. Yeah. It's going places. It's going good places so far. Um, promising start. That baby's going place. Yeah, absolutely promising start.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You know, and just like, yeah, like it kind of just, it's almost just like the effort it takes to like start baby crying like loudly is not, it's kind of like, I know that's not going to get anything done.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So what's the point? See, that's not true at all. I do that all the time and I get things done every day. Well, then I guess it depends on the skill of the runner. No, it depends on the parent, right? The trick is to stamp your feet.
Starting point is 00:04:00 That's the trick. Yeah, get the extra stuff. Oh my god. I've done that on Twitter to get stuff and it always works. So, you know. Yeah, you go on social media like, why the fuck do I not know who to talk to about this and then someone just materializes.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Right. Not just someone like 50 different people from different companies just appear in my email and I'm just like, oh hi. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to scream? Yeah, why do I have to go to a social media platform to be like, why does like Activision, right?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Why does Activision not have like a little page that I can go click on and be like, talk to me about Sekiro. Why do I have to call a guy who used to work at Capcom to fucking tell me that his buddy works at Activision now? Like it's silly. And then you have to send
Starting point is 00:04:48 that whole chain of people to me so I can get that. Yeah, wow. While stamping your feet. What? I hate it. Yeah. Oh, sorry. As for my Christmas, I mean, I'm all the
Starting point is 00:05:04 way out here in BC and I didn't go nowhere. So, I spent Christmas playing It Takes Two with the Wife as we tried to like slap the controllers out of each other's fucking hands and just like unplug each other's shit and just
Starting point is 00:05:20 shit was talked. There you go. Did I not warn you to just put the paper down? Put the papers down on the table and put a pen on the table so that it's there and then just play the game with the looming threat. I don't know. See, that was said, but like
Starting point is 00:05:36 I mean, I've gotten to like, like scream so loud the neighbors are gonna hear over like we can't open a jar of pickles and like why can't we open this jar of pickles? Why is the pickles like this?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Ironically enough, I bought a jar of pickles today that we opened up no problem. Did you beat it? No. Okay. No, we only did the one stream. We're gonna go back to it. Okay, how far did you get? We killed the bees.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Okay. Okay. There's more game. Oh, yeah, I assume. I assume we're about a third. Yeah, there's more. There's more relationship. Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. More relationship ending. Is that what it is? It's I mean, it's a game about
Starting point is 00:06:24 it. It's again, it's the no way out folks, you know, Faris and such. Yeah, so Faris, but it's about a divorce essentially and a couple falling apart while a kid is trying to just be a kid.
Starting point is 00:06:40 How weird is that book though? That book is a piece of fucking shit. That book is such an asshole. That book is like Dr. Oz on the TV going, hey, man, eat this fucking roots and it'll cure your ass, but about
Starting point is 00:06:56 love. Yeah. No, and it like, and specifically is doing the like, the mustache and accent and booty shuffle to like get the kids all like like, ah, look at the funny character. The book is ruining your life. He is bordering on so
Starting point is 00:07:12 nefarious that I am almost expecting to go, hey, you know what keeps the girl around if you poke a hole in your condom. Like, like that dude's an asshole. Have you tried rhinoceros horn? Hey, just, oh my god. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:28 it's a really weird character, but like, it's the type of character that, again, the kids would love if you were playing this game with your kids. Oh, he's gonna, mommy and daddy are gonna get back together and we're gonna have one Christmas instead of two or three Christmas.
Starting point is 00:07:44 You know. But anyway, yeah, so we'll see how that goes. But one thing that's really good about it is like every level has a unique way that you co-op with your partner. Oh, it's fantastic. It's really fun with that. It's really funny because we
Starting point is 00:08:02 talked about, we're talking about a game in which it was fantastic and it's about divorce, and now we're gonna talk about a game in which I wish everyone in it got divorced. Well. Yeah. Well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:18 How do we start here? Here's how, I have a suggestion. I have, let's say some nice things. I have some nice things I would like to say about Bayonetta 3. We're talking about Bayonetta 3. We're gonna talk about all of Bayonetta 3. We're gonna spoil everything in Bayonetta 3. If you don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:08:36 about Bayonetta 3, you should fast forward probably like an hour. So. Yeah. So I just finished Bayonetta 3 and I finally got around to it and, you know, you guys everyone
Starting point is 00:08:52 rightfully, you know, put the warnings out there and I kind of, but I'm like, okay, but let me, let me experience it myself. But here's what I want to like open up with. I have to reiterate Paris is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Paris is one of the best levels in the entire franchise to me. I agree. I loved it. I don't know when it just comes down to the, like the design of it, the pace, the weapons you get, the way it goes down and then the payoff.
Starting point is 00:09:28 The minigames in Paris, like usually when we talk about like the, you know, Camille will force you to enjoy his childhood minigames. You kind of are like, all right, how long is this going to go for? But they worked really well in the shmup section
Starting point is 00:09:44 and it worked again with the rhythm game with Bosable, right? Yeah, the minigames in Paris are better than the minigames in the other parts of the game. So that was big. The other thing is
Starting point is 00:10:00 by the end, I can definitely say that going in worried about what I heard when it came to the weapon switching and the feet equipment being gone, this is better. The demon slave system adds a lot. It's
Starting point is 00:10:16 really cool. It brings in the astral chain stuff that was really fun to like use, you know, particularly. The funnest parts about astral chains combat to me were the summon parry and the combo ender summon, right?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Those two in particular, like the timing based summons are really fun and using both of those and as well as making it so that every slave move you do is buffered slow enough that you can then release it and continue to fight alongside of it is wonderful.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I could see a lot of the ideas that they definitely had for the advanced version of that being in scale bound. They just fully incorporated here and if anything, you just kind of go like, man, when I get a demon
Starting point is 00:11:04 I really like, I'm just not going to switch back to the other one I don't like because you kind of do that with your weapons across the bayonetta games anyway and now you've got two sets of rosters to bench. But then they give you so many new ones that you have to try them out.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Indeed, indeed. I bet you could make a really good game using that system. I bet you could and I would even say to as well that like at some point
Starting point is 00:11:36 I have to wonder if the slave and if the demon and the weapons were like connected and then there was a decision to desynchronize that you know, maybe you would hit the weapon wheel to switch your weapon and your demon at the same time and then it was like, oh, we
Starting point is 00:11:52 can do more if you just separate these two entirely and that then shoots the complexity of your builds way up, you know, so that whole thing I felt like worked perfectly like it was really cool with by the end to the point
Starting point is 00:12:08 where my only real complaint about the demon system is that you should have given a bunch of those to Viola. You know, she like, I feel like just give, give Baio some and give Viola some and let everyone get
Starting point is 00:12:24 a turn, you know. It's like the sheer amount of weapons like doesn't make sense for them to just be on one character. You know, there's so much variety and it's all just ejected into one person. So I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:12:40 There's 16 chapters, right? And Viola gets four chapters to herself. So she's 25%. Let's say she's 20, 25%. She has 1% of the game's move list.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It is not even like she doesn't even have a second one. Yeah, that's and that's the thing is and I'm like, you don't now it doesn't have to be that because I guess what we're going to have to talk about a whole bunch as we go into this, we're going to have to talk about the Devil May Cry series that this game
Starting point is 00:13:12 loves so much and I'm going to stop you there. I'm going to stop you there, Woolly because me and Woolly have talked about this a lot but I want Suzie's opinion on this. Sure. Me and Woolly talked about this I think two weeks ago. It feels overwhelming like more than any game
Starting point is 00:13:28 I have ever played in my life that this was in development and then Devil May Cry 5 came out and they played Devil May Cry 5 and then they changed like 60% of the game to just be Devil May Cry 5.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I mean, when you think about it, it's like how is DMC 5 announced with a misleading trailer of Soldier Man's shooting monsters and then it's a demon and then Capcom and then Nero and you're like, oh fuck
Starting point is 00:14:00 Devil May Cry is back. I almost said Bayonetta 5. Bayonetta 3 is Soldier's Man's shooting a demon someone goes what is it in Japanese Bayonetta shows up. Oh my god Bayonetta's back. Guys, what is who's the
Starting point is 00:14:16 what's the name of the new character that you play as in 5? V. What's the name of the new character you play as in Bayo 3? Viola Viola? Yeah. No, the Soldier's showing up Absolutely. I thought I said the same thing.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah. Like they just like you guys said a while ago, like at some point during development, DMC 5 comes out and then all of it changes. It's like overwhelming. I mean it's a pretty big spoiler
Starting point is 00:14:48 but even like Viola gets a very Nero like moment. It's just in the middle of the game and not at the end of the game where she fights her dad and gets a whole new form you know. See, but
Starting point is 00:15:04 the GDC talks a devil trigger. You got to put that at the end though, you know. You know what? I felt it when it was at the end. I didn't feel anything when it was in the middle. I was really confused. I don't want to get stuck into the Viola stuff so quickly but I have to point out. Susie, the example
Starting point is 00:15:20 that you're using where Viola's supposed to get her silver bullet moment against Virgil aka Strider. I think the most important thing that is the biggest problem with Viola's character is she gets her moment and then she fucking loses.
Starting point is 00:15:36 She loses every single fight in the entire game. Sometimes to slapstick. She loses to thirst. She loses to quicksand. She loses to the elements.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Cold. Also, the reveal of like, wow, that really strong enemy is really cool. Oh, he's an established character that I guess I know and love. In this case, I don't know
Starting point is 00:16:08 and I know but I don't love. You know what I mean? It's just the parallels are staggering. If you really dig deep into it and put the games next to each other it's like, holy shit, this is almost the same game. To their credit, DMC5 is fucking incredible
Starting point is 00:16:24 so you can understand why they would want to but you have to change it a little bit when you change the homework. That's the whole thing, you know? But to head back to point A, right? Yeah, sorry, I just jumped to
Starting point is 00:16:40 point C. No, we're gonna we're gonna have to do this properly we're gonna have to ping-pong to do this properly, I think. You're looking at a case where Nero, when we're just talking about the moves, right?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Nero, with each even though Dante gets full-on weapons as you progress and kill everything in DMC4, Nero doesn't get full-on weapon switches but he gets new stuff, right? As you go, he gets
Starting point is 00:17:12 new moves. There is still a progression and you don't feel as if you don't feel as if Nero can't keep up with the advancements that Dante is getting as you play through it, right? So
Starting point is 00:17:28 Viola kind of being stuck and then you just get the trigger and that's it. And the trigger it's not fully a devil trigger as much as it is like a controllable screen clear, you know? Let me ask you about that trigger. It's reminiscent of the
Starting point is 00:17:44 screen clear in Bayo 2 where it's just like you just pop that and then you just smash a button and you could kill everything pretty much. Let me ask you guys, how often did you actually use that devil trigger? I used it to delete a phase of
Starting point is 00:18:00 a bunch of boss fights. That's kind of how I would, I was like, okay, let's make that life bar go away. So I used it in the cutscene that it told me to use it and then I used it against the same boss later in the Paris section
Starting point is 00:18:16 and then I never got it to fill the bar ever again. You don't give you enough of it, yeah. And the same goes for Bayo's like big move, you know, where you get both of the sticks. You just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It's like maybe like once per mission. Yeah, you gotta choose one. Imagine, you know what that is? That's DMC Devil May Cry level stuff. You barely use the devil trigger in that game, you know. It's funny you said that, I forgot there was a devil trigger in that game. See?
Starting point is 00:18:48 It's funny you mentioned it because that's where I was actually going to go next is that I think something that was whether it wasn't intended, but if you go back to when DMC4 first dropped, Nero
Starting point is 00:19:04 was received as that asshole that's not going to replace Dante, fuck this new guy, right? There was absolutely a lot of heat on Nero and I remember, I was like, I love Nero, I think he's great.
Starting point is 00:19:20 The style of the Buster is just such an awesome change to the gameplay style, but Nero came in to heat because, you know, he wasn't Dante and who the fuck is this guy and his annoying attitude was like all rah, rah, rah, punk, you know, so
Starting point is 00:19:36 then DMC Devil May Cry came out and everyone went, oh God, we're sorry. Right? Never mind. We like, I never should have talked bad about you. And so by the time he got his second arc in five,
Starting point is 00:19:52 it was primed to resume with like, newfound like, okay, God, yes, he's back. Hey, he's got a haircut. Awesome. Happy to see you, man. You know, because he went through some shit, you know, and furthermore, I would say that like
Starting point is 00:20:08 in terms of just in the game his buildup, the Buster system changing over to the Devil Arms or rather the actual arms for that matter, it all gives him enough time so that when you
Starting point is 00:20:24 hint at or direct kind of imply like, hey guys, torch pass, right? Now the Devil May Cry shop isn't the store in front with Dante on the phone kicking up his feet. It's the van with Nico and
Starting point is 00:20:40 Nero driving. You're like, cool, I can accept this torch pass because they built it up over the course of two games. It needed that arc and like Nero gets that full completion, explodes, pops off and shoots for the moon and now like
Starting point is 00:20:56 everyone loves it. You're super down for that, you know? Yeah. And also you didn't like murder the entire previous cast to say that there's no Dante or anyone else anymore for that matter. So it's totally a successful torch pass.
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's the entirety of DMC5 is Nero trying to bring everyone together especially at the last minute of that game where he's just like, yo, fuck this. Like I'm done with these fathers killing each other or like just being absentee.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Like let's come together guys. I think the baton pass or torch pass like analogy or metaphor works way better than I think you're even giving yourself credit for. Well, I know torch pass is like a very common one, but its use here is so perfect
Starting point is 00:21:44 because the way DMC4 worked was that it was split 50-50, right? And you get to fight Dante which is something that people wanted to do. Right? Even if even if Nero was going to be the new guy going forward
Starting point is 00:22:00 you get, well, at least you get to fight Dante out of it. Holy shit, that's awesome. He's incredible. And then as you go through the game, Dante's perspective and Dante's attitude is taking you by the shoulders player and going don't worry
Starting point is 00:22:16 Dante is not giving Nero the torch. They're just hanging out. And at the end of the game the torch in DMC is the Yamato and he doesn't
Starting point is 00:22:32 give Nero the Yamato, he lets him hold on to it for a while which sets up in five where Virgil returns to take the torch back from the new kid
Starting point is 00:22:48 and then that whole game is going no, no, that's my torch to carry on I can do it, it's mine at which point by the end of the game he doesn't even need it anymore. Fuck your torch. And the
Starting point is 00:23:04 two old torch bearers just leave. All right, we'll be over here then. Yeah, absolutely. It's great. Absolutely. And you even have a little like staging in the beginning of four which is just, I mean it's practically
Starting point is 00:23:20 just a little like, you know, attention but it's like, is Dante crazy and evil now? No. No. So like you have that whole thing it goes exceptionally well and the best way
Starting point is 00:23:36 that it could possibly go is Nero gets equal time and the ability to again through gameplay as well prove himself not just hey a new character shows up but we're only going to give them
Starting point is 00:23:52 the bonus chapters. With like a super fun highly developed combat system that is like just so much fun to use not a fucking parry that is like worse than the accessory that helps
Starting point is 00:24:08 you parry. It's so much worse. It's so much worse. The reward is worse and then you throw out your round trip and then you don't have that and then you have a dodge but the dodge is pretty worthless right? Like there's a bunch of different
Starting point is 00:24:24 ways they could have addressed that. I was like, oh maybe make the dodge a real dodge when only when your round trip is out or something, anything, whatever. Sure, why not? Like a backup plan, yeah. But it doesn't go that way and instead
Starting point is 00:24:40 you get this like cramming of an arc into a game where you barely got to know this character and like I go into this as well actually like open to Viola as a new character because when I first saw her I was like, okay
Starting point is 00:24:56 give me some of that Travis touchdown energy. I'm down for that. Like if you're this kind of like fuck you but I'm a new witch and whatever but like you're if that's sort of the presentation up front but then there's more to it, I was open
Starting point is 00:25:12 to the idea. I kind of was coming into Viola with like a receptive attitude and just cool looking. Yeah. Yeah. And then it starts not delivering and then going down from there because she goes into literal anime character like I need water
Starting point is 00:25:28 my stomach is hungry growling noises arcs as filler episodes. I couldn't believe that part. And I'm like why are you throwing filler episode like content on a character who needs more screen time to do things that matter to establish yourself. You know what's really funny?
Starting point is 00:25:44 I was actually streaming at the same time as you Wuli when you were doing that part. Yeah. And people were coming into my stream and they were like, oh Wuli's like going insane. Same thing happened to me. It was great. The Egypt level. And I was like why is he going insane at the Egypt level? I thought the Egypt level was pretty good. And then I
Starting point is 00:26:00 remembered that there's a whole Egypt level where you play as because I thought they were talking about Bayo's part. Yeah, the first Egypt level is good trash. No, the first one is it's insane. Like it's so bad. So I don't know if like what I heard
Starting point is 00:26:16 about these were open world levels repurposed into linear levels is true or not. But if that is the case it makes sense because they're so wide open with so much nothing as you're trying to just wander to the next
Starting point is 00:26:32 checkpoint. They look easy to design compared to your regular levels. But then it's empty, you know, and China felt the same way like China was crazy. It's big and the like hub world like that. I think you guys called it the Sonic Frontier World.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Sonic Frontier World. Yeah, absolutely. That level is so weirdly like 2004 feeling where like there are areas where you're walking like and you're on the ground but Bayonetta is like floating above the ground. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:04 And it's like clearly they know but they just like slapped us in the game. Like they didn't like do collision or anything. I got to ask both of you guys this because like it felt like this is my opinion. Maybe I'm crazy. I did the first like the prologue right and the prologue has you fighting
Starting point is 00:27:20 Kraken and there's the boats and New York, right? And then I loaded into Sonic Frontier and it felt like that level was like full game behind in terms of like graphical
Starting point is 00:27:36 fidelity. Like it looks so much worse. It runs at a lower resolution than the other levels. I can fucking see it. Oh for sure. There's a very clear disconnect between like most of the game and then when you
Starting point is 00:27:52 hit Egypt and Paris like Egypt and Paris feel like they feel like they could fit in like a game like Bayo 1 or 2. Like everything before that I feel it's like looks like a soup. It's like mud. Like colorful mud. Yeah. Like it's
Starting point is 00:28:08 disgusting. You can compare it to the Unreal Engine hire this man style environment because of its blandness. But the actual visuals and lighting are nowhere near that level. For sure. I want to go back to something because Susie and you were talking
Starting point is 00:28:24 about like Nero wasn't just thematically more appropriate but he was also sporting this fantastic new gameplay system. Well you specifically mentioned Buster. Nero's introduction into 4 was so perfect because all the enemies are made for Nero.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Right. So you have Snatch and you have Buster and you learn how Snatch and Buster works and Snatch and Buster are literally the best moves in DMC 4. And then you switch to Dante and you're like wow look at this race car. Look at all these buttons.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Right. Oh man. I wish I had Snatch. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh I got a sticker back to them. Right. I remember that. Okay. Trick. I can trick. Okay. How do I Oh fuck. I knocked him away. That's Macabre. No. No. No. Get back over here.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Shit. I've got to upgrade like a whole play style to get back to them. Like holy shit. Absolutely. You miss a piece of Nero's kit when you switch over. So you so much. You do that. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And then the last fight in Nero's campaign is against Sanctus which you you know you you manage and then he loses to Sanctus not because he's a weak character but because he makes a logic mistake. Like he slams him into the statue instead of the floor
Starting point is 00:29:44 and that's the reason why he loses that fight. It's not because he's weak or weaker than Dante. It's because he's a kid. You dragged him into his final form. So then you do all of Dante's stuff and you learn how to deal with all of Dante's problems. Which are basically not having snatch and buster.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Also curiae. Don't forget. You can't curiae. And then you load back in as Nero to fight Sanctus again and I don't know about you guys going through DMC for the first time beat the shit out of fucking Sanctus in the final boss fight. Like after spending that time
Starting point is 00:30:16 with Dante and then going back and getting Nero's tools back beat the shit out of Sanctus. I remember the first thing I was like oh yeah I have an air stinger as Nero. Like why am I not just in the air the whole time fighting him. You compare that
Starting point is 00:30:32 to what happens in 3 with Viola in which she also gets to get tagged in after like 6 missions away to fight the final boss and it sucks now you can even. It doesn't feel good. You can even bring that again over
Starting point is 00:30:48 to 5. Arc 2 for Nero where you start off with alright you've got your weapons you've got the kit you've got some stuff and you've got a couple of these arms that we're going to be switching through limited but you know that's the design of them and then you get more
Starting point is 00:31:04 and Niko gives you more so his gameplay increases in complexity as you progress but the entire time of course Dante is just fucking killing it like anything and everything that Nero can't Vi represents
Starting point is 00:31:20 an alternate style of gameplay as well Hey look it's the weirdo but by the time you get that pop right the devil trigger you get your silver bullet moment once you actually unlock what his devil trigger does
Starting point is 00:31:36 you can't control it it's too much it's asking too much of you I had to remap my buttons again it's ridiculous how you're like I can't believe this makes him surpass the complexity of what I was trying to do with Dante
Starting point is 00:31:52 and it's so cool that it makes you want to replay the whole game with it exactly when I beat Bayo 3 I did not want to replay it I said that and you're saying it now when I beat Bayo 3 I was left with a bad taste in my mouth
Starting point is 00:32:08 not just the narrative which we haven't even gotten to really but also I'm looking at this massive wealth of Bayo things and going oh if I want to replay the game on a harder difficulty I get to enjoy for way shittier Viola missions now because
Starting point is 00:32:24 Viola could barely handle those fucking missions on normal let alone whatever on extra difficulty and the one thing I would really want to replay would be a real fight against Bayonetta and when you get it it's to introduce a new weapon
Starting point is 00:32:40 in the form of the anchor and kraken but you're gonna unlock that in a second sure it's one more demon one more thing for Bayo to get but actually what that should be is the thing you got with Dante in the first in four
Starting point is 00:32:56 where you like at least give the player the ability to fight the player character at this point and enjoy that with her and like when you go back if you look at all the people who do footage videos for DMC 5 it's all just Virgil fights
Starting point is 00:33:12 like that's it that's all the videos on the internet so you would go back to fight Bayo with a full kit if that were the case but that's not what you get out of that fight remember
Starting point is 00:33:28 the feeling you got when you fought Dante the first time and he's just walking at you and you're like oh god he's gonna royal guard me he's gonna do something can you imagine if in that ending Bayonetta's just walking at you because if you attack her she's gonna witch time you
Starting point is 00:33:44 there's nothing like that there's like no uniqueness there's no soul for that fight how come we don't get to see what witch time looks like from somebody who's not in it who's not in it do you remember think back on the fear in your heart
Starting point is 00:34:00 when Dante says royal yeah your asshole clutches so tight the moment you hear those words you know be them in the middle of the game or on the final floor of
Starting point is 00:34:16 a bloody palace holy shit you're afraid and you never get that here I have to say I think the fight with Viola is you guys would know
Starting point is 00:34:32 we've played every character action around between us I can't think of one game ever in which defeating the final boss with one character unlocked a moveset for not them
Starting point is 00:34:48 yeah like why does beating Bayo as Viola unlock another moveset for Bayo yeah cause it was a preview for that weapon that's what it was like why doesn't she give her
Starting point is 00:35:04 scarborough hair or something yeah it doesn't make any sense so another thing too another thing too this one was weird but it was like when you see Bayo 1, 2 and 3 jump in
Starting point is 00:35:20 and you're like oh shit look at this moment right here look at this all the warrior style they're coming together and you get to have a really cool feeling of the 3 in 1 form that's going on
Starting point is 00:35:36 and I was yelling cause I'm like give me tomorrow's mine you fuckers don't you dare rob me and they did but whatever that's fine but like as cool as that sequence is which she charges up a jackpot
Starting point is 00:35:54 and I go to make the joke actually do jackpot by the way which is wild but after you get through that and I'm like well that was fun wait a minute does that mean all 3 games are separate realities wait so there's no continuity between
Starting point is 00:36:10 the so they don't does fucking what that's something I've been like trying to figure out and I've talked to a bunch of people who are like me who care about Bayonetta's storyline I know you guys are
Starting point is 00:36:26 kind of like alright but from from what it seems the girl that we play as in 3 is little baby Sereza who had a very similar series of events as Bayonetta 1 and 2
Starting point is 00:36:42 which means she lived out the events of Bayonetta 1 and 2 which if you think about it a little too hard it doesn't nothing makes any sense so it's like so it's like the other 2 they are their own separate timelines
Starting point is 00:36:58 because they're with us at the end yeah but like what I guess and but like the things that I'm kind of like my brain kind of just starts to melt at as I'm like did Bayo did short hair Bayo fight
Starting point is 00:37:14 father Balder in her past? fuck it yeah did long hair Bayo 1 fight the Lumen Sage and have that Rosa moment probably a little bit yeah they both got to the moment
Starting point is 00:37:30 of I would assume the beginning of Bayo 3 I think I can tie the knot on this because the Bayonetta 1 that dies at the start is beta 0 Bayonetta which is another Bayonetta 1
Starting point is 00:37:46 so the way that I interpreted it is that particularly she has the Sarasita hairstyle from Bayo 1 little girl's hairstyle is that in Bayo 1 when Bayo travels back in time to give herself a pep talk
Starting point is 00:38:02 and thus not get stabbed and fall asleep for 500 years the Bayonetta in Bayo 3 did not sleep for 500 years instead was active and doing which stuff which explains why she is able to pull the heart out
Starting point is 00:38:18 and do the crazy shit yeah yeah yeah she's the Bayonetta that or the Sarasita that remembers her name which is how we look at it because Rodae is also going like whoa she can do that we're like yeah wait what
Starting point is 00:38:34 that means oh my god oh my fucking god if that's what happened that means that the reason why Sarasita likes lollipops and Luca
Starting point is 00:38:50 is because when she was a 10 year old Luca protected her and gave her a lollipop and her mom was into him Wellie do you remember when you were like it's not as bad as the third birthday
Starting point is 00:39:20 Grumonetta you're a mystery oh my god that's really uncomfortable I just look over into the live chat and just see someone go pat I would kill you I would like to really just power on through
Starting point is 00:39:42 let's talk about the king of the fairies let's just move right on oh you mean Luccaon Luccaon I couldn't just like
Starting point is 00:39:58 you're spending hours going wow Luca is just as much of a loser as ever but he turns into a cool fucking werewolf for some reason it could be the reason and it's like wow an even Lamer version of Luca
Starting point is 00:40:14 that it has nothing to tell you and has no purpose and it feels like honestly it's only there because Viola needs a unique new power and if it was just Luca being a fucking lame
Starting point is 00:40:30 weirdo her powers would just be slapstick and there'd be nothing else to her but to give her her own unique twist and that fairy trigger has to come from a weird last minute contrivance we dropped on this completely like otherwise normal human character
Starting point is 00:40:46 and just decided to fucking spotlight like crazy which isn't it's not something that's not something new to the series but in the other games whenever a last minute contrivance happens it's usually pretty fun and not just fucking stupid
Starting point is 00:41:02 I have a real problem and this is aside from like the general plot structure the way these games are written is really strange because you keep having these contrivances and anyone, you don't have to even bring particularly immediate lyric and go
Starting point is 00:41:18 why does this contrivance here this contrivance is here to explain this right and someone wrote it down like okay well we want Viola to have a fairy trigger and have a cool like Terra Branford looking thing
Starting point is 00:41:34 and we want to have a werewolf monster that also has cool fairy stuff so how do we do that we'll do right and you go okay so it's explained Lukaion explains why
Starting point is 00:41:50 they're fairy werewolf monsters okay and you have just extracted one back and gone now instead of wondering about that people are going what the fuck is this and we've made no progress at all because now I'm just confused about this
Starting point is 00:42:06 other shitty new character why are they there and he goes oh the multa fucking shut up and it doesn't explain anything it just moved it over one one scene to introduce himself and then another for him to
Starting point is 00:42:22 show up at the pedestal of singularity and no just stand there did he not die I don't think he died I think he stood there and then they all went into the sigma verse like I don't know I don't think that actually happened
Starting point is 00:42:38 but it's just the idea of again Jet Lee's the one you know and the power fairies comes to the Luka that we know or not the Luka we know as it would turn out but yeah it's a whole new guy
Starting point is 00:42:54 but the Luka is from this world and not the one who showed up to give the girl the little candy back in her childhood I think they actually went to the Ligma verse I'm glad I'm glad we all went there
Starting point is 00:43:10 I do those those genre minigames man like the sneaking and the stealth thing and all that like little ah we want to do a little fun minigame bit thing where you're like that should be Luka sneaking around
Starting point is 00:43:26 with no powers why would it not be Luka yeah so the way I was going about it I was just like Vegeta your mission is to sneak in but you can't get detected make sure the guards don't see you hide in the locker
Starting point is 00:43:42 quick Vegeta like what yeah you know and I get it because there's the angle of femme fatale like the spy hunter
Starting point is 00:43:58 that you want to kind of go for with spy action genre and then QDJ and so on but you just feel her absence being like well I guess we're going to be doing this weird like stealth based system
Starting point is 00:44:14 with the second most powerful character on the roster equal to the character who's like fucking like fighting the world right now like just you know it doesn't make any sense it's this weird thing where you do one mission
Starting point is 00:44:30 you're like oh that was fun and then you start the second one and you're like oh this is not like a this is going to keep happening hey look at the different minigame we've assigned to Jean every couple of missions it's this is the Jean style mission and it's
Starting point is 00:44:46 terrible it's it's also three characters just like another video game that came out I guess but but it's more like 1.2 characters let's be real it's one character and then two like fucking decimal point one character
Starting point is 00:45:02 it's come on okay I don't know how to put this in I don't know where we're going to come back to it but I feel it has to be said I am now officially completely done with the way every platinum game structures its levels
Starting point is 00:45:20 I am finished with two fights a sequence that's cool but mechanically boring a really really bad vehicle section wandering around in the desert for ten minutes
Starting point is 00:45:36 three more fights I like I could not believe boss must have a minigame sequence and it's a minigame sequence you already did at the beginning of the game
Starting point is 00:45:52 with no changes that was that was something it like right after I finished the game I did like I streamed whatever other game and I was talking about it and I was like I brought up the godzilla part and I was like I love godzilla everybody loves godzilla
Starting point is 00:46:08 yeah everybody loves godzilla I don't want to play as godzilla and then my chat was like why not it's cool and I'm like you guys don't understand I get pure platinum in these games when I'm playing this the first time I'm thinking about my fiftieth time
Starting point is 00:46:24 playing this level you're one hundredth because now it's two yeah exactly it's so wild how bad it feels when you take control of the big kaiju like fucking sections and
Starting point is 00:46:40 I had the spider one was infamous with me because the camera rotates as you turn I didn't have as much trouble with the spider one but I will tell you I totally agree the spider section was like the worst part of the whole game felt abysmal the thing with the gamora bits
Starting point is 00:46:56 is that like as bad as it feels there the one where it goes side scroll and you do a little punch out style like minigame I enjoyed those the style of kaiju battle was slow but the counter system
Starting point is 00:47:12 and stuff was fun I didn't mind those at all but then if anything it kind of felt more like the watching an ultra man set or watching a power rages or a godzilla set but when you go back to the bad one
Starting point is 00:47:28 towards at the end when you're doing this slow you don't even have the full move set I was trying to do some of the theme or it was like no I was talking about the punch out one as the bad one I think the other one is worse
Starting point is 00:47:44 so the other one is worse but it's super fast that section is like literally 25 seconds long the punch out ones are trash because you soon discover that you can react to his attack
Starting point is 00:48:00 on reaction so you can do the block one on reaction but the other two you can't react to and you're fucking rolling dice you're kind of guessing so if you throw out if you throw out a tail whip and then halfway through your tail whip
Starting point is 00:48:16 he throws out a tail whip and it somehow manages to collide with yours here we go we're all the way at the edge of the screen again and now we have to come back slowly I hated it I couldn't figure it out the main reason why the other one bothered me more
Starting point is 00:48:32 is because it felt like the camera was in a place where you feel like you should be doing the stuff Beyo can do but you can do so much less and you don't even get your real moveset for Gamora no they gave the moveset
Starting point is 00:48:48 to Butterfly she gets the moves you unlocked with her but Gamora doesn't so anyway you sidetrack over to that stuff I kind of just want more verses where I can just fight as Beyo
Starting point is 00:49:04 and do all the cool shit that I've been able to do up until this point I'll say even that Madama Butterfly part I didn't hate it by any means but the first time I played it I remembered it just feel like the depth of the fight was really
Starting point is 00:49:20 difficult to figure out for me at first because I felt like I was hitting the tentacle that was coming at me and it was just punching the air right in front of me and I was like where do I have to stand for this to work so I just spammed the laser for a bit I had the same issue
Starting point is 00:49:36 in that the first phase of that I was trying to do Beyo stuff and couldn't it's the moves you unlocked with Butterfly but I was also like the first phase the tentacle is coming in and out you're slower so you can't catch up to it
Starting point is 00:49:52 so I was like please make it not just a peek-a-boo in and out tentacle fight and then the second phase where the dudes drop you're like okay there's people here I can hit but either way these cutaways are they're downgrades from main control
Starting point is 00:50:08 Suzy brought up a perfect point which is more than any other genre ever character action is like I beat it cool I'm going to sit down and beat it again I'm going to sit down and then beat it a third time maybe a fourth depending on what's in there so it is
Starting point is 00:50:24 to be assumed that if you really enjoy it you're going to replay it multiple times like right away and it makes me there were like four or five sections a lot of the big final sequences with boss fights that were not a regular
Starting point is 00:50:40 combat boss fight they were like the gimmick like Gigantic Madame of Butterfly Blowing Bubbles and stuff like that that I'm thinking about well this isn't the regular gameplay I'm going to be able to get good at this this is its own thing
Starting point is 00:50:56 and on the harder difficulties they're just going to scale the damage up and the speed and it made me think of an example that both of you are familiar with which is fucking Dead Space 1's asteroid missions and how those are
Starting point is 00:51:12 bordering on impossible on the harder difficulties and that they are harder than they are like a full attitude harder than everything else in the entire game but they're not the game that you want to be playing so I'm looking at playing through
Starting point is 00:51:28 Viola and I'm looking at playing through these sections on harder non-stop infinite and going oh cool I can't wait to sit down and play for 90 minutes and have 50 of those minutes be mean try to blow bubbles at this fucking angel in this fucking shitty tiny minigame
Starting point is 00:51:44 that is way harder than the fight I had to do to get to it the Muspelheim's the Viola Muspelheim's dude like those things oh my god why would you make it like that the witch time only
Starting point is 00:52:00 damage ones like the joy cons are going out the window like I'm done so what are secret missions for? secret missions are to teach you new things about your character they're supposed to go hey Dante you're up to mission 18 what does that mean
Starting point is 00:52:16 that means that you have trickster level 3 unlocked okay here's a complex platforming challenge that looks impossible but if you use trickster level 3 you can ace it no problem hey look now you have increased movement awareness what does Baio 3 use it's fucking secret missions for
Starting point is 00:52:32 hey Viola did you know that your witch time sucks it's so much worse than the witch time Baio gets did you know did you let's underline that like no ability to deal with enemies in the air at all did you know that you're just gonna die if anything flies at you every time that
Starting point is 00:52:48 one fucking toothpaste cloud flies at you you're dead by the way by the way so um the fucking did you know you're bad at this task that we want you to do so it's we made it that way like I
Starting point is 00:53:06 like this the way this game kills the prefix title for the enemy is almost genius because I'm like if it's intentional it's brilliant if it's unintentional
Starting point is 00:53:22 it kills this entire like fucking vibe but the three enemies from Baio 3 I mean I'm saying like nimbo cumula stratosphere is it's not even about that right
Starting point is 00:53:38 the shit where we're like swindler fucking progress right those the icon of sin the things that you like oh let's fucking pop off at that title they're so generic from the jump in this game they're the most because I guess they're human and they're boring
Starting point is 00:53:54 and they're you know first security whatever okay nonsense right nympho scrotal chlamydia like my favorite enemies in baio 3 and it's like you know like oh like again this office job titles
Starting point is 00:54:10 for every one of these things you stop caring about them like immediately you stop reading them because we used to do a thing where it's like okay reggie would read the title I'd read the name or vice versa whatever it stops mattering to read whenever you read it and then by the end of the game and again maybe it's just like oh this
Starting point is 00:54:26 is not inferno or paradiso it's human so it doesn't matter it's so generic that they give up on it and just start dropping serial numbers like a full on skew skew is just going off where you're like oh this is just the production line and I'm like
Starting point is 00:54:42 again if your job was to show how bland the the entire singularity forces so that we don't even care about their names anymore or their titles for that matter then sure succeeded you know but the vibe of the book
Starting point is 00:54:58 yes the sensodyne was my favorite boss by the way the sensodyne the vibe of the book opening reducing you know the angel or the demon to you and then like their fucking inferno title was such a cool thing and it's like man I who cares who actually
Starting point is 00:55:14 cares why are you reading this I just answered my so I said hey name three enemies and I did that because I can't I literally can't and then I sat there for the whole time you were talking trying to figure can I remember three and I can
Starting point is 00:55:30 I can remember three enemies names in the game Strider Umbren Witch Rosa and Dark Bayonetta are the three enemies that I can remember their fucking names the only ones that aren't part of the fucking primary enemy
Starting point is 00:55:46 force yeah yeah um you know discount toothpaste warframes just that's so much caliber that has to be like I refuse
Starting point is 00:56:02 I refuse to believe that they are not based off of Excalibur from Warframe yeah um it's the same color palette just a little greener instead of gray and you know and I and I was like again I was just I was like
Starting point is 00:56:18 are you gonna drop something something that like approaches or rivals embrace or of extremes when you get to singularity and you're like you're not anyway all right um I mean I said it I said it before when we were talking
Starting point is 00:56:34 Willie but I didn't tell Susie about it and it was my biggest problem with the enemy force not even their names angels, gold, plaster, marble, bugs hideous underneath demons, metal, machinery rocks, gems
Starting point is 00:56:50 precious minerals goo man made out of toothpaste is fucking toothpaste like there's no there's no second layer of abstraction to make the enemy interesting looking there's nothing there's nothing yeah it sucks
Starting point is 00:57:06 it fucking sucks that's what I hate about okay I'm jumping ahead just a tiny tiny bit but that's when people um when I say that like I didn't really like Bayonetta 3 like for whatever reason everybody just goes to oh you didn't like it cause Jean and
Starting point is 00:57:22 Bayonetta aren't oh yeah yeah that's it no I just no no no you don't understand guys I didn't like the video game they're just mad because the straights win that's why it's totally it right that's yeah I saw that
Starting point is 00:57:38 I don't care about like yeah like it was constant when I first played it and I did my like tweet where I was like uh you know like how much else can you discuss without even getting to that point yeah we've literally been talking about an hour
Starting point is 00:57:54 not even about that I mean honestly like just eat like even romantically right when you're looking at um you're just like okay what let's say you write a new character in that's going to be the character that Bayonetta falls in love with right she's like yeah she's too
Starting point is 00:58:10 she feels too good for anybody but you know what you could do something with that right I remember when I was like you see Balder popping off when he's young and you're like okay Rosa I see you I get it you know I see it I see it I see it um and you're like if you were to do that
Starting point is 00:58:26 in some way and like it would you and and uh evict the roommate in in exchange for whatever the fuck you wrote here like there was even a way you could have done that but it's not
Starting point is 00:58:42 just about the nothing that is the splat and scrape of Jean off of your hands get off how dare you die on my hands like a butt gross right it's it's where we landed was the
Starting point is 00:58:58 worst possible target of the entire franchise to throw that in with because his role has been just the weirdo that again the I was going off on that right like the beta orbiter
Starting point is 00:59:14 that waited long enough hey like like this around this might be this might be a little out there but at least Pete Davidson is funny okay Luca is not even fucking funny like yeah
Starting point is 00:59:30 bao let him hit it because he's goofy but he sucks he's not funny yeah I comes off like a fucking weirdo in the games because every time there's the moment where she's like why are you here and he goes I'm following
Starting point is 00:59:46 you so so I like went off on Luca when during the desert part and then I felt bad because I'm like you know what the desert it's the desert that made me mad I took it out on him
Starting point is 01:00:02 when we were just ranting about viola and if fair enough that was just the worst part of this game to me Luca was annoying but you just tolerate him because the game the previous games are doing what they're doing but like now that you have to actually pull up the microscope
Starting point is 01:00:18 and fucking go like okay wait what was he doing and it's like the first game he thinks bao killed his dad and then he's super wrong and then that's it but he has a decent reason to why to think that she killed his dad yeah he floated up in the air and exploded
Starting point is 01:00:34 like sure right and there was like no that was Balder and his angels being assholes okay whoops my bad and then she saves his life second game I'm gonna swing in and just get this child off the stage so that you can go on that's the extent of it
Starting point is 01:00:50 really I'm sitting here and I'm imagining a story board of bao2 and someone goes do you want to put Luca in the game and someone will here and here you can put him
Starting point is 01:01:08 he's the one who takes Loki out of the scene yeah and let's play the music let's do the bit right like it's like let's be real like wonder blue you know we got the rose and like we're doing the super like I think I'm suave I'm a charmer
Starting point is 01:01:24 but I'm just a loser yadda yadda and you're like okay again bao needs some balls to step on she needs you know she needs some okay to be crushed fine she literally kicks she kicks Luca like
Starting point is 01:01:40 15,000 feet into the air like in bao2 like hilarious so just okay so obviously so okay I'm gonna preface this I'm a straight guy
Starting point is 01:01:56 okay I'm a straight white guy so I'm part of the gang that should be happy with the fucking yeah I was gonna bring this up oh my god I was actually gonna bring this up okay so like listen okay am I horribly offended that bao's not gay
Starting point is 01:02:12 no am I horribly offended she ended up with Luca yes absolutely am I aware there's no other character in the cast they could have her up with to have a baby fine did she need did viola need to be the kid no that's
Starting point is 01:02:28 where I end up going for and like Susie you were saying it's like is the fact that bao's not together with Jen like did I ever expect that no I never expected that to happen because they never explicitly they never they kept not going there
Starting point is 01:02:44 for some reason so yeah yeah but despite like you know people that worked on the game like teasing it for years by the way and the fucking again like ripping the sheets off get out of bed you know like love is love yadda yadda but you know what like again if you want it if you want to just
Starting point is 01:03:00 yeah hand wave that hand wave it then but the part that actually did get me about it was you go through Egypt and Egypt is as gay as they get it's crazy yeah it's like there is there there's no male characters in
Starting point is 01:03:16 Egypt like they may men might not even exist in that fucking universe the way that it's portrayed right and they both have the best designs and it's the visually coolest level and it has the best weapons that you get out of it and they die for each other
Starting point is 01:03:32 and then you get like a couple hours later and you're like Luca and me are together in every timeline we are the Cosmic OTP we are Adam and Eve and we're gonna give birth to Jesus Viola
Starting point is 01:03:48 Panetta every time you will never escape this pairing I didn't see that in Egypt though like where was it oh man I was gonna say when I was screaming Naruto and Sakura get together
Starting point is 01:04:04 cosmically in every universe fuck you shippers too bad I was gonna say earlier when I was screaming like I was gonna bring this up like I get it if you look at me as a person and a content
Starting point is 01:04:20 creator and the things that I've said over the years you approach me and you're like oh you didn't like Panetta 3 because there weren't lesbians in it you can't say that anymore when Pat and Woolly are like the straightest motherfuckers on the planet
Starting point is 01:04:36 and they don't even like this shit you can say what you want because we're just doing it for points for whatever oh yeah for sure at the end of the day what was served was garbage it's not like when you lifted the tray
Starting point is 01:04:52 it wasn't the thing that we were expecting and hoping for what's there when the smoke clears fucking garbage if you got to the end of Bayonetta and you were having a Devil May Cry 5 level experience and you were like oh my god what an incredible game
Starting point is 01:05:08 and then Luca and Bayo decided hey we're together and that's how we had the baby and we madly in love whatever I'd be like oh that's a little disappointing because Luca sucks but it's all of it and it's the
Starting point is 01:05:24 how do I put this it's tough to untangle right because there's oh no Bayo's not gay ah sad and terrible it's horrible but the reason why that's terrible is because one she ends up with Luca two that saddles us with Viola
Starting point is 01:05:40 who is like a fucking albatross around the game's neck and three that leads to the actual worst part which is a character that I really like Jen dies and no one cares no one gives a shit like
Starting point is 01:05:56 assassinated like it is crazy how the don't look behind you bit like in her case it happens so suddenly that I'm like there's like I said I didn't believe it I was like yeah that's a Thanos snap
Starting point is 01:06:12 it doesn't matter it's not real it was so just disrespectfully nothing like when she comes back like after being like all the Bayo's are released from fuckface's shell or whatever like she comes back and helps you
Starting point is 01:06:28 and then the game is just like no guys she's dead like she's still dead look at her fade away and like I mean I don't understand and that's the thing is the way the witches all like die here right what does the game want us to feel
Starting point is 01:06:44 in those moments because you feel like oh that's sad first one you know in Japan and then you go on and then they start getting so like unceremoniously just like offed right where by the one
Starting point is 01:07:00 in France it's actually the pop-off of the Balzable fight like you see the French Bayo explode and then Balzable's like and you get the fucking you know the score and you're like that was such a cool sequence
Starting point is 01:07:16 my baby doesn't have enough oxygen what am I supposed to feel am I yay she's dead like what was that you know because I'm sure you guys feel the same way I don't really enjoy seeing one of my favorite characters die over and over again
Starting point is 01:07:32 in every single level yeah really like what is this game you know what dawned on me in retrospect what dawned on me in retrospect is when you read the story of what I was calling a Cheyenne or the Chinese bayonetta you read her
Starting point is 01:07:48 her backstory where like she had a general that she you know had a relationship with and you're like was that general Luca was there a warlord Luca that we didn't see in the story like slap sticking oh we fell into the fireworks oh no
Starting point is 01:08:04 oh no the very first podcast that we did after I had gone through most of the game and woolly you had started before you started playing it and woolly had seen you know Akiba
Starting point is 01:08:22 Akihabara bayonetta fucking get iced and he looks me in the eyes and goes oh man I hope this isn't just a story where we just watch our favorite character just die over and over and over and I literally didn't know what to do because I'm just like
Starting point is 01:08:38 oh so what I ended up doing is telling woolly to look behind him which he did not understand and he looked behind him and I wanted to plant that seed because it's infuriating
Starting point is 01:08:54 and it only gets worse and worse and worse and worse you have built up these characters does that ever happen to her in the first game like I could maybe think of one moment where Jean like steals her little her moonlight pendant because she's not paying attention
Starting point is 01:09:10 like bayonetta is supposed to be a character that's like like no matter what's happening like she gets out of it yeah like there's that scene where she's like I feel like a fucking celebrity in this town and then the thing falls on her and then this like a millisecond later she's somewhere else yeah there's tons of shots of her
Starting point is 01:09:26 I hate this coming behind them particularly in the intro sequences like it doesn't make any fucking sense and again like your roommate's soul gets knocked out of her body you fucking chase it through hell to retrieve it
Starting point is 01:09:42 full on dante's inferno your way through the layers of hell to get back to it get it back in the body and go you're going to be late now hurry up you know like you have that little fucking soon all that shit
Starting point is 01:09:58 that means nothing okay fine fine now let's get back to business meanwhile rodin is just polishing glasses as the universe comes to an end I don't understand by the way in that moment that you just described well rodin like
Starting point is 01:10:14 helps you at one point and it's like a huge pop off moment like where the fuck is this guy at bare minimum he wants alrun as a demon weapon you know at bare minimum right and he's got like if you're like rodin is self interested
Starting point is 01:10:30 and doesn't care about the you know the beos and the worlds of the universe dying or whatever it's like okay but at bare minimum you know that he wants his souls right and that every time a universe is getting wiped out and all this shit he's losing out on all that like you know
Starting point is 01:10:46 it beggars belief that rodin doesn't do anything because it doesn't even it's not even consistent with any anything like the guy doesn't get involved in like the plot of one because he's not interested he does
Starting point is 01:11:02 get involved in the plot of two because he feels like it and he's mercantilely interested like you said in something going on but also come on he helps out his buddy right in three yeah exactly the entire multiverse is being crunched into a dot and
Starting point is 01:11:18 every single thing everywhere is being killed and he has to move the gates of glass he has to move his physical fucking you know Susie I'm curious like one scene of like somebody
Starting point is 01:11:34 calls rodin on the phone hey what's up and he's just in like I don't he's in like London just fighting a big whale monster and going yeah I'm handling it whatever imagine if imagine for a minute if you get to the final
Starting point is 01:11:50 fight and you're about to fight singularity and you're in the crushed ruins of New York City and the Statue of Liberty's head is right next to you and just right on the street is a lone telephone booth that somehow still has a connection
Starting point is 01:12:06 and Bayonetta calls rodin and she's like I just don't know what to do pep talk I mean yeah like maybe that would have made it better who knows are you one of those people from that you have with the bartender at the bar you know like because that's the other thing too is like as it's
Starting point is 01:12:22 all falling apart like you're also going like if we have to invest time in any one of these supporting characters you pick the wrong fucking one you everyone loves rodin the all father the fucking
Starting point is 01:12:38 fallen angel all of that shit from the previous games being the platinum ticket you know all that was such a cool pop off and like everything here you could have and not even romantic whatever just like you could have had him play a role if you wanted to go into the supporting cast you know
Starting point is 01:12:54 but instead again just nothing in that in that direction oh that's bad also people who scream at me about bayonetta liking dick or whatever and me not knowing that it's like you think I don't know that I think I didn't fight rodin and then his like one of the demon is they have sex with each other
Starting point is 01:13:10 like you know why don't they end up together huh and like that's I would love that instead yeah and I get the impression honestly like in my whatever in my head or not that like like bayonetta is kind of like a deal she just fucks what she
Starting point is 01:13:26 wants is what I get out of that that's the energy she's biosexual is the way that I interpreted my mind sure yeah deosexual exactly yeah whatever um like you talk about them picking the wrong supporting cast like we've been shitting on Luca
Starting point is 01:13:42 for hours like like an hour and 20 minutes now it's like hey you know what there's there's three slapstick characters in bayonetta 3 that's why I want to ask about who botches it there's Luca who sucks and there's Enzo who does get some slapstick moments that
Starting point is 01:13:58 hit when he's dry in French fucking Enzo is chasing after our in the car in the car in the car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll get you yeah so I wanted I was gonna ask like Susie
Starting point is 01:14:14 in the first level when Enzo's family is murdered and they just open ass and jump on him like did that hit you weirdly like it hit me at all
Starting point is 01:14:30 it was very bizarre for me because and and it was kind of like a tone setter like right away for me to just be like huh like what and yeah I mean that part is shitty but then like right after it you get Viola being like I'm your or
Starting point is 01:14:46 yeah yeah yeah yeah and then like and I just knew we were gonna go downhill from there but yeah it's just bayonetta 3 bayonetta comes off like a sociopath like where before in bayo 1 and 2 you get the feeling okay bayonetta doesn't really care
Starting point is 01:15:02 she's bio sexual she fucks whatever but like at the end of the day it's the end of the day she still she still saves people like she still like helps save the world and the universe she goes through the trouble to go into an alternate pocket dimension so that people around
Starting point is 01:15:18 her don't get murdered by her fight yeah exactly purgatorio once like New York is getting massacred and that's when she decides to do her strip scene which by the way fucking sucks compared to one and two they didn't bring back the same
Starting point is 01:15:34 choreographer uh okay I thought I thought they did I was I was told that it was not because then you look at it I could be wrong but my gut says that it's not the same choreographer at all I think I'm thinking of um I'm thinking
Starting point is 01:15:50 of a Yuji Shimomura like he's he worked on this game but there's only one there's only one scene that I feel like he actually doesn't look like he's directed oh and it's the it's the office scene where they're going through the platinum office
Starting point is 01:16:06 like that's like the coolest fucking part I feel like that's the only thing I feel like that's the only thing he made yeah I don't know the whole fucking thing is weird like you Bayo's looking at her alternate reality self and they're you know they're smarm and then her alternate reality self gets decapitated and eaten in front of her and she goes
Starting point is 01:16:22 darn like I don't like I know it's not what happened but in my memories Bayo is crying over his family and having a super villain origin moment and Bayo's in the background just you know just popping and locking
Starting point is 01:16:38 just like it's crazy you know and you're just like yeah you're supposed to I guess just look at that and go well sucks friend so she's really funny guys right yeah that was dark
Starting point is 01:16:54 you're like no that was like like she still catches Enzo and the car and throws the car and him and he lands safely in the first game you know she doesn't throw him into the fucking concrete you know what I mean
Starting point is 01:17:10 like Bayo 3 Bayo would do that she would fucking kill Enzo and that's the highway chase in the first game you know what I mean bullshit hey how do you guys like beating the final boss and watching the ending I don't know who the boss was
Starting point is 01:17:26 and then being told to go read it and then you read it and it didn't tell you anything anyway like I can't believe the note we went out on like that's what still got me got all of us really was like this is where you're
Starting point is 01:17:42 dropping the fucking credits and you're doing the sad dance because you know Joker we're doing our ballet it's the twist because it's a sad thing and then she cracks because they all crack because this whole game is watch Bayonetta die
Starting point is 01:17:58 over and over again but then we do the forced past of the torch and then we get let's dance boys for real this time with all the dead bodies everyone in the scene is a corpse we're all corpse you know we're dead everyone is dead except
Starting point is 01:18:14 for Viola in that dance and you're like what is happening I don't understand the tone of what they wanted to accomplish in this thing like are you supposed to actually just not care you know like I don't know what the thought is
Starting point is 01:18:30 I've been thinking a lot because the ending is a confusing fucking mess it's really nonsensical and I've been like I've been racking my brain for days because this podcast was coming up to figure out what is happening because when I beat it I started screaming
Starting point is 01:18:46 at the screen you died for nothing what the fuck is going on how is everyone in this game dead what kind of fucking story is that to which I was explained by people who I think are wrong that well everything reset
Starting point is 01:19:02 when they beat Singularity right so one there's no reason to believe that at all right the only reason that you think that is because they're walking around in a non destroyed New York so okay maybe maybe the universe is reset for some reason
Starting point is 01:19:18 but and this is a really big important detail they go in a really long detail explaining how hell and heaven don't have alternate realities hell and heaven are just one so when Beyo's fucking soul
Starting point is 01:19:34 gets dragged to hell and she dies she is stuck there so all the Beyo's that we saw horribly die and get dragged to hell are in hell even if they're fucking universe is reset that hell has them
Starting point is 01:19:50 so we now have a situation where Viola's our new band and I guess Luca came back to life because he's not a witch even though he also got dragged to hell well all the other Luca's dying is what allowed his werewolf powers
Starting point is 01:20:06 to start popping off right because uh fucking Enzo or Rodin says like oh your dad will give me guff if you're late or whatever I'm still not applying that Luca is the only one who is still alive which also is like
Starting point is 01:20:22 why would Viola not want to go back to the universe where her parents know and love her unless that doesn't exist anymore no because they're dead now there's only the one if they did return if those universes all returned
Starting point is 01:20:38 why wouldn't Viola just return to the parents that know and love her as opposed to maybe she did and it just looks just like the one that we left even though New York was destroyed there also and of course by not having to actually commit to an answer on this because we know now that the first and second
Starting point is 01:20:54 games are alternate realities every time the camera cuts somewhere it's an unreliable narrator I think you don't know what worlds you're in I think what we can all agree on in the ending that it is very confusing but they're very clear
Starting point is 01:21:10 Bayo is dead and will not be coming back because this is Bayo this is new Bayo, this lady and I have never in my life seen a character's upgrade
Starting point is 01:21:26 be so much uglier than their default like she was missing the glasses that the entire roster has man and the giant scarf the whole time she was missing the glasses
Starting point is 01:21:42 that is the ugliest fucking design ever it is so awful so bad so here's the other bit she couldn't even get a costume she gets different shirts at least give her a costume
Starting point is 01:21:58 so here's the other thing though it's not just Viola but it's Viola and Cheshire the new slapstick fun demon character which had so little of anything going on and all I can do is think back to
Starting point is 01:22:14 a comparable in stature demon where you're like by the end of 5 when we had to say goodbye to fucking shadow, phantom, griffin like
Starting point is 01:22:30 oh, nightmare rather I like griffin griffin is sad this is sad that griffin is going like to die you know you're like what the fuck it also clashes horribly with the gameplay
Starting point is 01:22:46 because you get in this situation where you're like Viola and Cheshire will go out on new adventures aren't you excited by the way here's more weapons and summons for bail you won't get in the next game
Starting point is 01:23:02 because she only what the fuck that's where you hit the player with here's a taste of what's to come in the next game just like how Nero's DT can potentially lead to that as well
Starting point is 01:23:18 if another double may cry comes out with Nero in it, you know he's going to start with that DT yeah the line Adios little chicken Nade drops and while you're playing as V and you know he's going through
Starting point is 01:23:34 all those levels he's talking to them and he's talking in particular to griffin and like that's serving a role of like having someone to play off of that works for establishing him and they're fun and yadda yadda Cheshire could have helped make Viola better
Starting point is 01:23:50 right but instead does pretty much nothing rides on the penny farthing and then helps find water like literally lets dig up a water well minigame in one of the worst levels in the whole fucking series
Starting point is 01:24:06 and it's just like you could have had them playing off each other in a way that made us like them both Viola and her or their dynamic you know that was an opportunity wasted there as well with Cheshire at the end just kind of being like alright I guess I don't know
Starting point is 01:24:22 he's a weird cat thing and any of you I have to ask you guys a question did either of you or even people in the chat cause when I at the start when Viola's like you're my mutt and then like stops I immediately auto completed
Starting point is 01:24:38 to like you're my mother and like from there I was like oh shit fuck it like whatever but then my whole like brain was like well who's the father please don't be luca but when I finally played as Viola and I did my first double jump
Starting point is 01:24:54 and the fucking zipline came out I was like oh no it is luca so what happened with me was I made a joke earlier where I said like I'm half expecting there to be a cutscene
Starting point is 01:25:10 where Jean and Beyo are talking and then Beyo goes really Jean so this one, this little one huh and she's like oh that was a long time ago you'll have to tell me about that you know
Starting point is 01:25:26 or whatever and based on that I was kind of like oh are they literally doing Virgil and Nero right where it's like Jean's kid with luca or something to that effect but that obviously did not turn out to be the case
Starting point is 01:25:42 but the response to that moment is kind of what made me go oh no I hope I didn't nail it you know I mean like following the podcast like it was just like well you have all the pieces you could figure the answer out I don't like the answer
Starting point is 01:25:58 I got it back on the table you know exactly what's happening don't pretend to be stupid oh man are you really is luca the one who was there all along floating being right there just like it's me, I ended up with Beyo
Starting point is 01:26:14 it was him all along I got in there I didn't think I'd be able to but then I did can I just say something too this was something I thought about and like immediately because I was like trying to find the silver lining
Starting point is 01:26:30 after I beat the game and the silver lining that I found was well since one and two are separate universes now and like tons of people were on this like Beyo-Jean ship I was like oh yeah well you could still go with that
Starting point is 01:26:46 but then I was like wait but they all die regardless so even if even if you like that fuck you you're not gonna have it even if that's your head cannon they're dead not only are they all dead but Beyo one and two
Starting point is 01:27:02 who fused with three all got dragged down to hell together kissing luca they made sure that you knew like I know it's not fair to be like this is what they should have done this would have been better because I don't make games
Starting point is 01:27:18 but I'm gonna do it anyway because I'm sitting here and my brain just keeps going back to Viola's big moment Viola's big moment is it's the end of the game and you can feel them getting ready to give her the torch and this big dramatic fight is happening
Starting point is 01:27:34 and we do the thing where Beyo has some pull out all the stops or the Beyo one and two Beyo's here and then she gets tired because the boss gets to a new form and in the cutscene here we go Viola's got
Starting point is 01:27:50 fuck off just backhanded out of the shot and I'm in awe I'm in disbelief do you remember when Trunks showed up and Frieza beat his ass for 10 minutes do you remember that how cool Trunks was when Frieza just beat his ass
Starting point is 01:28:06 into the dirt for 10 minutes on fucking Trunks' first time he showed up I don't seem to but the thing is in establishing Trunks' power by fucking annihilating him and showing you the new numbers
Starting point is 01:28:22 remember when Nero afterwards runs up to Dante and Virgil and they both go stay out of it and he goes oh no I got knocked over too and I think they were thinking about that I think
Starting point is 01:28:38 there was a copy running on the TV behind them with what they should have done with Dante doing sick burnouts you should have had the entire Bayonetta fight with Singularity
Starting point is 01:28:54 and Viola should not have been there at all instead you should have had fucking Viola fight Dark Bayonetta with the Bayonetta from the original universe who's just mad about being dead
Starting point is 01:29:10 that fight should have been like Bayo fighting the final boss should have had two faces Mission 1, most of the fight then you switch to Viola in which you fight the Kraken and fight Dark Bayonetta
Starting point is 01:29:26 and then she gets the goddamn anchor and Kraken for herself and you go back to the final boss fight and Bayo does the rest of it and then the final piece to finish Singularity off is Viola who now has the Kraken
Starting point is 01:29:42 as the replacement for her swordless moveset and can do which time and wicked weaves when Cheshire is out dude I mean anything and then you would actually beat the boss using your cool new character
Starting point is 01:30:00 and the answer being give her another weapon yes there's just all versions of this all work you know what else they should have done they should have made Singularity matter in some way shape he's just some fucker
Starting point is 01:30:16 Doctor Sigurd Larrity and you look it up and it's like I saw comments Sigurd that's his fullness in the LP when Jean is like I'd like you to meet Doctor Sigurd last name Larrity on the fucking cart
Starting point is 01:30:32 and you're like that guy in the beginning with the scar on his eye that Viola watches die I was like oh I was kind of looking forward to seeing that guy no what stop it stop it
Starting point is 01:30:48 he was a fairy under there I was hoping to come back to that guy cause I was like oh I like his design it would be fun to see if he's actually anything no of course not why would it be he just shatters the piece alright I'm gonna ask Woolly this
Starting point is 01:31:04 because I know Susie knows and I know I know cause I hate it Woolly who is Singularity a scientist that decided to go his own way no he's the AI of
Starting point is 01:31:22 a homunculus rope factory that just decided that all the universes had to be the same be cut like there's nothing oh he's an AI dude yeah he's a robot
Starting point is 01:31:38 wow I thought well news to me man like there's nothing there like there's nothing and that's what makes me it makes me just like constantly
Starting point is 01:31:56 ask the question of like which Bayonetta fan are there any who asked for this, for this story at all into the Bayoverse I've never once in my life wanted to think about this like if it was just a continuation of two let's go
Starting point is 01:32:12 like why do we have to have this at all like you just 180 the main villain's entire backstory and it meant everything to the conversation um hey let me ask you guys a question in my head
Starting point is 01:32:28 who was the coolest character in Bayonetta 1 that was not Bayonetta I mean it would be Jean or Rodin depending on your flavor oh not Balder you didn't feel that way with all the lumen sage stuff
Starting point is 01:32:46 in one not Balder it was the lumen fucking sage and going into three you're like oh man infinite universes I can't wait to see lumen
Starting point is 01:33:02 I guess not we saw Rosa for half seconds we saw that and she did bring the umbrin fucking armor back and that the clock tower being part of the lore is so sick maybe I am stupid
Starting point is 01:33:18 because I saw that it was a multiverse story but I was like oh it'd be cool if you did like the opposite of the main character in a cool way and gave us the goddamn lumen sage moveset that was stuck in multiplayer no
Starting point is 01:33:36 that would have been great I worked hard to unlock that guy I meant to play the shittiest fucking co-op AI missions available you want to talk about there's still one guy on there on matchmaking you want to talk about like
Starting point is 01:33:52 possibilities like you could have had like guest universe ghosts be like slave controlled game mechanics you know for some whatever contrived plot dumb reason who cares you could have like a
Starting point is 01:34:08 viola summon in a lumen sage for a couple seconds to do stuff like you can do anything it's a fake thing it's a video game you can do whatever you want you've unlocked rodin for a couple punches guess what he's awesome
Starting point is 01:34:24 he has a moveset we've seen it you can unlock him in the game not that secret mission that is just fighting gollum though no and hey if you want to have
Starting point is 01:34:42 the straightonetta or bayonetta the demon that you can summon is a of rodin they have a cute little dance number that they could do and during the game play it's cute, it's great
Starting point is 01:34:58 imagine if that was the fucking the OTP I would enjoy that oh we're still talking hypothetically okay I thought for a second you were being like you were talking about post game content in which case I would have been like oh no I am
Starting point is 01:35:14 okay gotcha rodin as a summon let's put everything aside it's a game where you're going you're going to go to different dimensions and meet all different types of characters wow they could be so different and they're all exactly the same
Starting point is 01:35:30 like it's so it's so uninventive the weapons are all really cool french bayonetta was genuinely interesting love those designs but like it's where's
Starting point is 01:35:46 where's fucking where's guionetta that would be so weird there's the universe in which it ends so is bayonetta absolutely all the crazy things all the fun and hey
Starting point is 01:36:02 just save fucking don't even do viola just have lucanetta yeah whatever whatever you want she's exactly exactly the same character right but she's not a daughter or kid
Starting point is 01:36:18 she's just yeah oh my what's your real name luka yeah exactly could have been anybody and that gives her the reason to fight strider so many times oh that just works that just works like that
Starting point is 01:36:34 damn if you had her come from a lucanetta instead is that what you're saying well no if viola was just luka was just luka from an alternate oh that's why she fights strider so many times
Starting point is 01:36:50 because it's the two halves of the and then she can be a big werewolf later where's werewolf bayonetta so there's so many look at spider-verse where's black and white bayonetta where's cartoon bayonetta
Starting point is 01:37:06 where's bayonetta for wonderful 101 holds up a comparison point 100% right so yeah so all of this though right like i guess because there was the the follow up tweets which were like
Starting point is 01:37:22 hey some wild shit's gonna happen in the future we're doing a run back or not i don't know we're doing something's gonna happen calling it from now or whatever i guess i'm just like what does like what do you
Starting point is 01:37:38 do with what you've set up here because like it's either the ultimate run back which undoes what you're ending set up or it's tripling down on it which both are really weird
Starting point is 01:37:54 you know i don't know what the implication is for go what the future is but if you were to do something that was essentially like undoing viola as the new main like past torch wouldn't that just be like
Starting point is 01:38:10 we controlled zed sorry oops go back i have a direct response to what we're talking about right now from hideki kimia in the past after the game came out and people started beating it and getting super fucking pissed off
Starting point is 01:38:26 oh yeah here's susie responding here's susie being quoted in this fucking kataku article actually in a let's see i saw that they dropped the podcast clip in that article too actually let's see
Starting point is 01:38:42 hideki kimia says fans who did like bayo 3's ending should quote not touch the series in the future right right right i didn't think it was unexpected at all but it seems the ending of bayo 3 was not conveyed correctly to everyone so i think
Starting point is 01:38:58 bayo 3 or bayo 4 will be an unexpected development after all when bayo 4 comes out i'm sure there will be people who say you added that as an afterthought so i'll say it now wow this is what i was referring to yes let's see there's more
Starting point is 01:39:14 in a follow up tweet said folks who didn't enjoy bayo 3 and had become quote maddened poisonous radio transmitters should stay clear of future entries especially if their outrage was due to how the game handled a specific character i.e bayonetta
Starting point is 01:39:30 instead of dwelling on outrage over the handling of the beloved witch kimia says players should take the games design art and story into consideration as well i feel i'll never be able to interact with a person who puts so much into one element e.g a character
Starting point is 01:39:46 and judges based on that alone okay the game itself is mid as fuck you bald asshole i i really when i heard there was like
Starting point is 01:40:02 a twitter follow up thing i thought that it was like the reception was rough and it sounds like we're gearing up for some sort of undue for major turn in the future but it again
Starting point is 01:40:18 with that article is like no it actually is it's that but also a doubling and tripling down of like alright fuck everybody that i guess i can read between the lines which is the next game will have
Starting point is 01:40:34 bayonetta back as normal and everyone's going to go what the whole last game was about killing her over and over and you didn't understand the ending obviously they all came back to life that's why we didn't show it it'll be called bmc bmc
Starting point is 01:40:50 big b little m big c can i say i think what you just said pat is what's going to happen yeah no it's in a million years since she pulled a short haired wig off a short blonde haired
Starting point is 01:41:06 wig off that's going to happen what you said pat but if they had any balls and decided to commit to this ending they would make bayonetta a.k.a. cereza a demon summon that viola does a contract
Starting point is 01:41:22 with because i feel like that would be the most tasteful way to handle this the solution i think that's how you get her back in the game to play off this correctly would be to take viola's moveset and turn it into a classical bayonetta in which she gets the dodge and the parry
Starting point is 01:41:38 depending on basically just take moon of malakala and put it on a button and keep the dodge as well and have them do different things and expand her moveset out i said it when voley first started playing viola and he was like i don't know
Starting point is 01:41:54 and then he used the same example just a few seconds ago i don't think round trip is a cool enough move to base an entire character on and they did that already so the biggest problem is that ok we have a character that
Starting point is 01:42:10 throws her sword away and then punches and well trish in dmc4 is that and is a hundred times more in depth than viola is
Starting point is 01:42:26 and she doesn't even have witch time and the play style is super simplified where every button does something different and it's actually fun to play as or play with i should say i don't know man if you're going to copy homework
Starting point is 01:42:42 just don't copy it badly like if you're going to do that like that's the biggest problem it's really really bad there's a lot of flurries that lock you into place you're disincentivized from throwing your sword away but you should be incentivized to throw it away
Starting point is 01:42:58 because you get cheshire and like but now you also don't have the defense and i guess the idea is like oh well put all your power over there so that you lose it over here but that's not fun it's not the fun solution
Starting point is 01:43:14 to the problem you know what i'm thinking here and we have glossed right over it and i think it's because of our play styles but character action games particularly in the devil may cry there's three things that you have available
Starting point is 01:43:30 right you have your demon stuff be it a wicked weave or cheshire or you know what have you right big sweeping cool moves you have your melee combat right and then you have your guns and viala
Starting point is 01:43:46 has lucia's guns from dmc2 she throws the the darts and they're terrible they're like they're not even as good
Starting point is 01:44:02 as lucia's little daggers and when you get really annoyed with the snail and say i'm not gonna fuck and fight you anymore and you sit back and throw darts at it uh nothing happens because
Starting point is 01:44:18 yeah you don't feel good as a video game player you certainly don't ugh yeah um no man i just like i think about like everything i think about the voice acting debacle and like how we all fuck that up
Starting point is 01:44:34 i think about being on this podcast and running it back and then me going oh yeah i know someone that's got a review copy and they said it's really good and then me going into the game and just not even cracking a smile for 20 hours like i just wasn't hyped about anything
Starting point is 01:44:50 except for the clock tower of course but like it's just like it sucks i hate that we live in this fucking bayonetta time i had a moment i need to say hell on a taylor's fucking idiot right
Starting point is 01:45:06 that was free money she threw away was she like 10 lines of fucking dialogue in the whole game just to come back and do that a little bit ridiculous um no but i mean again it was like and but that was also the the proverbial all of branch after the initial like
Starting point is 01:45:22 contract stuff you know i yeah i had a moment right in the second to last session where i had to stop and go hold on a minute i'm playing bayonetta three what is happening that i'm feeling totally this i need to remind
Starting point is 01:45:38 myself what the fuck i'm doing here you know yeah so odd to have that and i think like i think dmc five just spoiled us it's crazy like it just spoiled because you don't go like just just think
Starting point is 01:45:54 about the progression like in terms of like being a video game like dmc four like it still looks great yeah but like if you told me that dmc five is coming out and it has like all the characters that i know and love and it's like a photo realistic like the best
Starting point is 01:46:10 photogrammetry in a video game to this day and it's like just popping off of particle effects like you can't even fucking stream the game because it's like that beautiful runs incredibly well it's fun the story like pays off like it's just yeah
Starting point is 01:46:26 i don't want to live in this world you can't you can't just you know you what i like you can't have nice things you can't fucking hope to dream and everything being perfect and all that but just yeah i just it's the part where i'm like
Starting point is 01:46:42 so what year was it when someone walked in and held up a picture of luca and went this was it year four yeah perhaps year five i don't know um we didn't talk about it
Starting point is 01:46:58 we barely spoke about it at all but i think i need to mention it once in this spoiler cast um it is crazy to me how ugly the game looks and still runs badly it is the worst performing platinum
Starting point is 01:47:14 game and it doesn't look very good either it's because we need to have a giant kaiju monster be summonable at any second because you guys know first hand experience when you go
Starting point is 01:47:30 when you go into like the three isolated hallways where you're like underground and you can't summon a fucking kaiju monster the game you're like oh my god this actually the switch can breathe for a second absolutely yeah you don't hear the fan like firing on all
Starting point is 01:47:46 cylinder like said look i feel like i can control my character the secret mechanic that uh of framerate annihilation when you uh summon in malthus do a tornado and then bring in phantom and light the tornado on fire was some hot
Starting point is 01:48:02 shit and i kind of was like oh i don't know how many other little interactions there are between two demons like this there are but that's a that's a cool thing that could be built on as well like little combo systems you know it's it's this weird thing where like
Starting point is 01:48:18 astral chain gave this podcast and then after the podcast it spread out into the world of the phrase of the framerate dimension in which astral chain use the framerate dimension like crazy like you
Starting point is 01:48:34 wouldn't believe and it runs well the whole time and then they went bao3 is like well we want we want to have that same gimmick but bigger but we also want to have real stages uh and so what we did was not
Starting point is 01:48:50 have real stages we had ugly open stages to barely hit the the criteria and then we're going to use the framerate dimension only for those the muscle hymes because they're harder than the re and just I don't know
Starting point is 01:49:06 running around on the infinite one gray box square of china as the framerate can't handle the lava effects that they've put in for some reason and then doesn't it feel like that
Starting point is 01:49:22 it feels like gray box a lot of the time and then you use because it's just so the train the quicksand and then the game can't handle the train in the simplest level in the game and you're just like um yeah and
Starting point is 01:49:38 and again and I think like the train and the clock tower represent cool like twists to the whole summoning you know like idea and such but that's exactly it man like you're feeling this this thing suffer the entire time and I don't like obviously the previous like I'm thinking like bao1
Starting point is 01:49:54 was not made to be a switch game so I don't know if it's always just like okay we're going to peg it on the fact that it's on a weaker console or not but I don't know if that's fair to do but for whatever reason it you feel it aggressively throughout this entire thing what I
Starting point is 01:50:10 as we're on the as we're closing the door on the way out here something else comes to mind real quick and it's that I'm super down with the fact that you can purchase your moves throughout the entire game as you play by just pausing and buying them right yeah I agree
Starting point is 01:50:26 that's great that's great why the fuck would you not put that screen on the on the map so that I could buy moves between it's insane like that quality of life missing is madness same thing with like same thing with switching your weapons and your costume
Starting point is 01:50:42 like you have to be in game you have to load up training mode if you want to do it pre-mission you know can I just say the the skill tree it's a double-edged sword for me because I think that's a great addition where you could just unlock stuff anywhere but man do I miss
Starting point is 01:50:58 the fucking dimension that we used to live in where you buy Stinger and then it unlocks for everything why do I have to do it for every single weapon so why absolute why absolutely that you know um and like
Starting point is 01:51:14 it also and the then the second part of it is it kind of makes the gates of hell pointless oh totally I stopped like the only thing costumes that's it yeah like it served the real purpose when you're like I go to the gate I go to this
Starting point is 01:51:30 bar to make my character better and uh you know now that that's not what I'm doing here I I'm just I'm buying outfits you know yeah all right can I say one more thing I said we're closing the door but the light the light in the room is starting to
Starting point is 01:51:48 you know taper off I think um okay can I say two things actually the first thing I want to say okay the first thing I want to say is uh by far the best thing for me personally that uh came from this game
Starting point is 01:52:04 was uh Viola's um actress Anna Brisbane she is amazing like just in general she actually in light of Helen Taylor's I heard about that yeah it did a stream
Starting point is 01:52:20 for on multiple days for multiple uh trans um organizations and raised quite a bit of money so I just wanted to shout her out for that um you know in light of a of a fucking weirdo like situation that happened
Starting point is 01:52:36 surrounding this game she kind of picked it back up for me like personally but and the second thing I wanted to say was as a fucking hack and slash like saying the words character action I know it makes more sense
Starting point is 01:52:52 I love saying hack and slash because that's what Devil May Cry calls itself and that's what we called it for years before character action was a thing as a hack and slash snob I think the ultimate disservice that Bayonetta 3 does for me personally is
Starting point is 01:53:08 it didn't have any hype moments really for me like personally but the fucking game that semi-abandoned attack and slash roots God of War Ragnarok was like had the DMC 5 effect for me
Starting point is 01:53:24 where it was like every 5 to 10 minutes something fucking mind-blowingly exciting was happening and I was like I can't I can't believe I live in this world where Bayonetta 3 is not giving me that feeling at all but Kratos yeah and like that's not to say I think God of War is a bad
Starting point is 01:53:42 series but it was always like oh it's the other ones right you have the the upper tier of these games and then you've got the others and then throw heavenly swords somewhere on that exactly
Starting point is 01:53:58 I think your use of the example of God of War is absolutely perfect Susie because it actually leads into what I wanted to talk about so God of War's action in God of War 1, 2, 3, Ascension blah blah blah was not as good as Devil May Cry or Ninja Guidance right that was the 2
Starting point is 01:54:14 that was comparative the thing that God of War had was that everything about those games that was not the action was much better running around the environment, exploring the environment all the puzzles that you did in those games the exploration the pre uncharted climbing
Starting point is 01:54:30 on stuff that was way better than Devil May Cry did it so it was a much smoother experience and then fighting was like a part of that experience and I'm thinking about Devil May Cry 1 right now compared to Bayo 3 and DMC 1
Starting point is 01:54:46 also had long stretches of we don't want them to just fight room to room we want to really mix it up and what that was is little baby puzzles and a complicated level layout and finding secret missions and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:55:02 and how much I prefer the remnants of Resident Evil and how much I'm not biased and you're biased obviously because we're crazy about Resident Evil but how much I prefer that over Bayo's demand for a minigame every 10 minutes because on replay for Devil May Cry 1
Starting point is 01:55:18 okay get the tried and go here slap the tried and jump behind the thing and go get it done 2 seconds there are missions in DMC 1 that are literally 2 minutes you know exactly what to do and you can skip past the parts you don't like or you can leisurely stroll through it
Starting point is 01:55:34 and going back to God of War God of War Ragnarok's combat is way better than Bayo 3's combat and its story isn't just a million times better it also makes sense and even when it's not being dramatic
Starting point is 01:55:50 like you did you beat Ragnarok Suzy okay like the most emotional moment in that game is a man looking at a picture and it's the least dramatic thing in the world meanwhile over in Bayo you have universes
Starting point is 01:56:08 are colliding and that's my mom and I don't care like why do you make like a phenomenal credit song for that fucking payoff like the Bayonetta 3 credit song is actually great yeah it was like that's the
Starting point is 01:56:24 you're so slack jawed just blown away by what just happened that misses and then when the choir kicked in and I'm like oh my god there's a choir kicking in this is so sick this is great but what the fuck you're just processing the trauma
Starting point is 01:56:40 you know like I mean look my only thought is just like I look forward to Bayonetta 4 introducing the rival to you know Viola
Starting point is 01:56:56 she gets her own Jean and that rival being a better character than the one we have um that's probably what's gonna happen the next step I just don't think I could live in a world
Starting point is 01:57:12 where someone is essentially cosplaying Bayonetta because you know what's gonna happen she's gonna wear all black and glasses at some point but she's gonna be like an idiot and like tripping down the stairs and like smashing into a wall like I just don't know if I could live in that world or if I could just break and she tapes it
Starting point is 01:57:28 you know what I mean like I'm so scared I'm just so terrified trying to be sexy I had a weird bug in my copy by the way in my playthrough where I loaded up the
Starting point is 01:57:44 China Bayonetta outfit and it didn't load any color textures or her hair so I just had a bald character that was all like shadow and it was kind of cool actually yeah it was weird but like game bugged out so I just saw somebody in the chat
Starting point is 01:58:00 mention something from Gaming Brit's review which I did not really think about as you guys were talking about unlocking the weapons shout out to Gaming Brit one of literally one of my best friends so you actually you did mention it which is like why do I have to unlock Stinger for every single goddamn weapon
Starting point is 01:58:16 that's so silly but doing so like you always want the Stinger equivalent and so it kind of makes all the weapons kind of feel the same to some degree because they all have to do the same basic formings Stinger, Launcher, those are the moves you have to buy first and by the time you do you're going to switch to the next one
Starting point is 01:58:32 because you just unlocked a new weapon from the new stage and it makes me think and I'll use God of War because God of War has a really good comparison Bayo 3 probably has too many weapons that don't differentiate themselves all that well from each other
Starting point is 01:58:48 and the reason why I bring up God of War is because God of War has three and that third one very strongly differentiates itself from the other two feels like a different game I wish I streamed my playthrough
Starting point is 01:59:04 of the game so you guys can see my reaction to getting that weapon like I was so incredibly excited can we tell you what the weapon is in God of War I'd rather not know yeah I would it's the best though
Starting point is 01:59:20 it sounds like such a pop off that I'd rather not know yeah yeah yeah do not spoil it because I feel like I'm looking away from the fucking scrolling chat I saw a name understanding I'm turning my brain off so that's okay
Starting point is 01:59:36 you have an understanding of hack and slash video game mechanics and I feel like if you go into it fresh you'll just be like oh that's what it does okay you know like you'll pop on I saw an interview with one of the devs in which they described that that is probably
Starting point is 01:59:52 going to be the weapon going forward it fucking should be it should be interesting narrative significance I want to really point out that the ultimate damnation for the KO3
Starting point is 02:00:08 spoiler cast is we're getting hype about God of War moments no I think that part of the wrap up where I'm like yeah you know I remember there's these parts that were okay and I'm just like this is the part where I should say or would say
Starting point is 02:00:24 I guess it just needed more time in the oven it had so much time okay we can all agree as experts in the genre and influencer people that this game had tons of time
Starting point is 02:00:40 in the oven and that they probably threw that whole game away and started over right does it feel that way? absolutely does we kept the Lego pieces and we built something else that's all
Starting point is 02:00:56 because it just makes you think about the first trailer and you're like okay Bayonetta gets defeated split in half was this always the plan the multiverse was that always the plan or was it going to be someone else in the current timeline
Starting point is 02:01:12 we were preparing for like young Sareza grows up and this is the one we get and then there's probably the original who's going to die there and then that'll be it we were expecting I guess some sort of play that's it I refused to believe that was the original
Starting point is 02:01:28 because the original had Bayonetta and then Bayonetta was cut to pieces and shattered into like glass and fell on the floor or whatever no she didn't she is you hear a slash noise and then her body parts fall
Starting point is 02:01:44 and it's like that does not fit what we see it almost feels like the ending of Bayo 3 was supposed to be the beginning of the older Bayo 3 and that Viola would be a much larger role right away
Starting point is 02:02:00 but who can know if you know someone tell me someone DM me and tell me what the secrets I wish I could fly on the wall a bunch of these decisions just to kind of go if that's what happens to me there's a point where I my phases of disbelief
Starting point is 02:02:16 are like shock and pop off at like how bad the moment is and then the processing I go through a quick copium phase and then I immediately go from the copium phase go into how did they get here who said
Starting point is 02:02:32 what words at what point to think this was a good idea and then I just become obsessed with like the process of how this bad thing came to be you know I want to end the situation I want to tell a little story but let me do a very
Starting point is 02:02:48 quick fact check so I was while I was playing Bayo 3 I was like wow this is like a really like like if you look at it if you examine it you're like oh this is like a really point by point like family type of game
Starting point is 02:03:04 where it's like family members dealing with stuff but that's not revealed until like the very very end and I was like I was like this is so weird because that was also what Bayo 2 was in a lot of regards and it was like really well done like you actually get
Starting point is 02:03:20 in Bayo 1 Bayo was like bullet proof like nothing can totally flap pretty much in Bayonetta 2 she actually gets to see her mother and father like dying in front of her you know which is like emotional for that character and you actually see her getting
Starting point is 02:03:36 emotional and I was like that was so well done like why why don't we like why is the just the quality of the writing just so bad and then I thought about it and I was like I was like did they get Bingo Morihashi to write this game so then I looked it up
Starting point is 02:03:52 because if you don't know Bingo Morihashi is the writer of DMC 3, 4, 5 Bayonetta 2 that dude knows how to write godlike beings with family issues you know what I mean so I was like
Starting point is 02:04:08 where was Bingo on 3 and then I remembered oh yeah DMC 5 came out like well this game was being made and he was writing that game like they should have just like slipped him a paycheck just be like bro like after you
Starting point is 02:04:24 work for Capcom like come over here help us please I type in Bingo Morihashi and all I see is Bayo 2 over and over like that clear like that would have just been one more thing they would have tried to take from DMC 5
Starting point is 02:04:40 at that point like I just you know because you're like at some point when you're seeing the moments go down and the cues the characters and such that's all you're like wow okay they're doing it they're doing it and I felt bad because Reggie doesn't know devil may cry
Starting point is 02:04:56 is kind of just sitting here hearing these comparisons and at some point I'm just like oh this must be the most annoying thing in the world because I keep bringing it up but I don't know what else to say because that is literally just cavalier it's just cavalier you know and there's no other way
Starting point is 02:05:12 to describe what I'm looking at when you see that and you're like the homage line we passed it a mile ago you know we've hit some other weird form of like imitation
Starting point is 02:05:28 sincere flatter I don't know you know but I think it's time for you to do another DMC series I'm looking about doing it I've been thinking about doing it this whole time we've been sitting here because fuck yeah
Starting point is 02:05:44 so I'm just thinking and this is the last thing that I want to say which is I beat a week after the non-streaming person beat Bayo 3 so I'm getting to the halfway three quarters mark
Starting point is 02:06:00 and the explosion is happening that like everyone is just mad like I'm not you know that part where you're not even getting specifics you're just saying people go fuck this game I'm so mad so I'm like okay everybody's mad but people tend to exaggerate
Starting point is 02:06:16 it's you know it's the internet let's let's see I'm like I'm hearing it's gonna be really bad it can't be as bad as I'm probably expecting and then I get to it and you get the shot people have clipped from my fucking stream of me going
Starting point is 02:06:32 fucking holy shit so then I come onto the podcast and now woolly you're three weeks behind everybody else and I've just beaten it and I go wow woolly it's really bad and I'm saying it like calm like it's fucking
Starting point is 02:06:48 bad it's real fucking bad but you just started so you're in the early cool parts right and you look at me and you mentally go well Pat exaggerates Pat's hyperbolic right Pat's like Pat talks
Starting point is 02:07:04 big sometimes he's full of shit it probably isn't that bad and then I go and check the clips and I see you and Reggie both going just like I was and it's like the fact that it's able to blow past
Starting point is 02:07:20 your expectations of everyone is saying this terrible how bad could it be and then it hits you and you contort your fucking face because you're just like oh Christ dude amazing we had to we had to
Starting point is 02:07:36 we walked out like shutting down the fucking recording and like I want to say Reggie was just walking his head for like a solid 10 minutes he was just walking out the door like whoa you know um yeah
Starting point is 02:07:52 those first two games are good they're beyond good so it just when you finish three you're just like you know what happened and I always thought that it would be fine to to show to go through those games and not have the DMC backing it would be like that's okay they're a spiritual successor related
Starting point is 02:08:08 and such but not to be a big and then here now it's like no no no it's every five to ten minutes every single level I'm bringing it up it's just bueh anyway and as for like you know I guess like Reggie going through DMC and learning about it and stuff that would like
Starting point is 02:08:24 to be perfectly honest that's like I don't want to just throw that his way unless he's actually interested in doing that you know so that would have to be a conversation about like whether or not he even wants to but um yeah man that's just about all there is really there's certainly nittier grittiers but
Starting point is 02:08:40 you know I'm watching the Bayonetta series hit the starting trajectory of Silent Hill and it's sad where hey what's the best Bayo game probably Bayo 1 and then Bayo 2
Starting point is 02:08:56 is good but it's not quite as good and then Bayo 3 is not good and then Bayo 4 is them telling us that we want to pay 92 dollars to play a fucking
Starting point is 02:09:12 story focused Bayonetta game like I was booing the TV when Jeff Keely told me about that I can wow you know what's really interesting about that so when I got to that secret mission in Bayonetta 3
Starting point is 02:09:28 I was actually really happy while playing it I was like what is this and I started to go galaxy brain because I was like because there was an article where the original director of Bayo 3 left Platinum and for like a split second I was like this minigame
Starting point is 02:09:44 or like the secret mission it feels so much more polished than the actual game in a lot of cases it looks better like just visually it's got an art style I was like was this Bayonetta 3 before Bayonetta 3 you could unlock
Starting point is 02:10:00 a little section of playing Bayonetta 3's and the forest or whatever when you buy the story book from Enzo you buy the story book in the shop and then you find three secret keys throughout the entire game and it opens it and then you play
Starting point is 02:10:16 basically a demo of that Bayonetta Origins so when I saw that at the game awards I was like oh cool like the thing that I actually liked from Bayo 3 is getting a full game but then I saw the price point and I was like I don't think it should be pricey for that though like this should be
Starting point is 02:10:32 like a $30 game my brain goes back to the article we read about platinum trying to get their IPs that they own oh my god that is literally just the same that is absolutely wow that looks better than the game it is in
Starting point is 02:10:48 so yeah my brain goes back it looks so much better it's running in a better frame rate resolution and it looks way better what the fuck that's why I was like was this the real game and someone just snuck it
Starting point is 02:11:06 in there this is bullshit yeah like I don't know if you guys remember the thing where platinum was talking about how they have to have IPs that they own and not just be guns for hire so that they can you know like be secure in their future and stuff I look at it as like
Starting point is 02:11:28 well BAO is the premier IP that we own that people know about so they don't own it Sega owns it okay well they don't they never mind then because I don't know I don't know then I thought this was the spinoff to make it
Starting point is 02:11:44 so that they could they own fucking infinite space they own soul cresta oh boy alright and they own fucking they don't own the Babylon's fall they don't own any of the grand blue shit they made
Starting point is 02:12:00 they don't own anything man they don't own shit they yeah they own 101 yeah and they own the chin Ultraman so I'm gonna play give us Lucas first and second mission then fuck I just I going through that list
Starting point is 02:12:16 my brain just fired off something that makes me so pissed they already made a fucking game in which a character had a parry with a sword that went into witch time and was metal gear rising and the key to that mechanic is that the fucking slowdown
Starting point is 02:12:32 starts after your counter hits the enemy and it works great every time why the fuck doesn't Viola's parry have a follow up attack to hit the guy and then oh my god Pat, Pat, how do you activate that parry
Starting point is 02:12:48 hit forward and square how do you activate the moon of Mahakala hit forward and you hit forward it's so stupid oh yeah and then you and yeah and then they punch and then it's god fuck it's fucking so stupid
Starting point is 02:13:06 I'm looking at this footage I think the Bayo 3 book has been shut I'm looking at this footage down here and I'm getting super pissed off that this is a hidden feature this is like more interesting than the entire game the Bayo 3 book has been shut and it has a really cool fancy clasp on it but unfortunately
Starting point is 02:13:22 the prefix is just a gibberish series of letters and numbers so it doesn't really who cares to read it yeah like the final few enemies of the game hey do you want to play a better Bayo 3 go play fucking
Starting point is 02:13:38 unlisted fucking Transformers Devastation I thought you were just going to say god of war go play god of war I don't know bathroom break please yep yes I need it I do need it
Starting point is 02:13:54 we will be back there we are hello alright so now that we're all refreshed there is some other stuff we can talk about with our weeks and such
Starting point is 02:14:10 Susie what have you been up to so I've been working a day and night on a Dead Space 2 video it's very long but I decided to
Starting point is 02:14:26 take a break from that to actually enjoy the holiday but in my holiday I've been playing a lot of Witcher 3 next gen hooray oh finally I know someone else who plays that game with the new stuff HD yeah
Starting point is 02:14:42 it's really really good I mean I played it back in the day I didn't play any of the DLC chapters but like there's just so much more now like just baked into the early game there's so much yeah it feels like a whole new
Starting point is 02:14:58 game they made a new quest like in the current year and it's so weird because like you can hear that Geralt sounds a little bit different he sounds a little bit different yeah and it's like oh wow this game really did come out like what
Starting point is 02:15:14 seven years ago or some shit it came out a while ago is there stuff that feels like directly show influenced well there is armor and new looks that are like supposed to show off
Starting point is 02:15:30 that new quest has something to do with that for sure but yeah there's a you can change all of the Nilfgaardians into their ridiculous raisin ball sack armor terrible from the Netflix show and of course I did it because
Starting point is 02:15:46 it's hilarious to see them just walking around so proud wearing that stupid armor set it's it's amazing and then you know look up Nilfgaard armor it looks like shit it's so bad
Starting point is 02:16:02 like in the original game they have like Holy Roman German Empire looking like full plate and then the fucking shit from the show it's just a bunch of raisin scrooge shit raisin scrooge of armor
Starting point is 02:16:18 oh no it's wrinkly is that the podcast title scroogeal armor maybe the segment but oh boy I'm just screwing it up okay yeah so
Starting point is 02:16:34 that game's still really good I can't wait to play the DLCs for it but I have to play through like the whole 50 hour game I know it's gonna be like it's gonna be way longer well I think I said on twitter I spent I don't even know how many hours just in the
Starting point is 02:16:50 the open world before I got to oxenfort which is like not even the big city it's like the small city like just doing everything I'm thinking back to like starting Witcher 3 and it makes me think about how like the relationship
Starting point is 02:17:06 portrayed in that game is the only game I can think of that is like showcasing people actively ironically I'm playing it takes two now but like every conversation with Yennefer in that game is like the fallout
Starting point is 02:17:22 from a very bitter divorce like nothing that is being said back and forth is fair it's all really really shitty it's so toxic yeah and
Starting point is 02:17:38 it's just like I don't know that game is just so good like the writing is fantastic like because you just like I don't know like I played the other games too and I've read a few of the books and I watched the Netflix show so I'm kind of like a super fan of the Witcher you know but
Starting point is 02:17:54 yeah it's just one of those games where I don't know if you felt this way Pat but I feel like the pacing of that game is just it's kind of like masterfully done in the sense that you have like the opening chapter
Starting point is 02:18:10 it like quickly establishes like what's going on with the war and like who Geralt is he's a monster hunter you fight a big griffin and all that shit and then like the entire Bloody Baron quest line is like a nightmare of like twists and turns that like no matter what the outcome is
Starting point is 02:18:26 like you're not going to be satisfied by it and by that point you're just in like the forest for hours that what happens after that you're in a massive city just running back and forth and you feel like you're in like a dense fucking city like it's just so like
Starting point is 02:18:42 it's so like beautifully paced in my opinion I don't know I would say that you're always like doing something Witcher 3 is the first game I played that nails what I'm going to call Okami pacing because Witcher 3 is
Starting point is 02:18:58 6 games Witcher 3 is White Orchard the outskirts Novigrad, Skellige, Hearts of Stone Blood and Wine like in that order and they are all absolutely like completely separated games
Starting point is 02:19:16 but once you get to like through the Bloody Baron quest line it goes hey do you like this game no you can leave you got what you needed but if you want to finish this one out you can not go to Novigrad for a while
Starting point is 02:19:32 and you can optionally finish off what's going on in the Bloody Baron quest line which every single person I know did because that's one of the most interesting quest lines ever but yeah no it's it is 6 games in a row and the best part is that White Orchard is the tiniest game
Starting point is 02:19:50 and you 100% it and that takes what 6 hours to 100% White Orchard and you're like got it and then they go ok you've played in your little baby kitty pool for long enough here's the real map which is 40 times larger
Starting point is 02:20:06 than the one you were just fucking with go all I can really think of is like with the updates and stuff that changes the quality of life of a game like this like the ramifications are going to last all those hours you're describing like a quality of life
Starting point is 02:20:22 update in a game like this is so much bigger than it is for a game that's like 20 to 30 hours long you know there are like big quality of life upgrades and then there's you don't have to click the A button twice to harvest flowers
Starting point is 02:20:38 which is like the single best change they made do you know what they added pat like this is probably going to blow your mind if you don't know about it in the baron's castle do you remember
Starting point is 02:20:54 where the fucking fast travel point is it's right at the bridge it was outside the castle so now when you play next gen every single time you go back to talk to the bloody baron there is a man
Starting point is 02:21:10 having a fast travel point like hammering wood to other to a pole and it's only when you finish the quest line where then all the side quests open up is when he finishes the fucking fast travel post
Starting point is 02:21:26 because then you know you got to do the master armor quest in Skellige and you have to be there all the time over and over and over yeah so it's like galaxy brain shit every time you come back through of being done like the fast travel sign
Starting point is 02:21:42 it's so good time to play witcher 3 again yeah like ever there was a shop an armor shop where it was a meme the guy would say like best swords in all the land
Starting point is 02:21:58 and then you would click on it and he has no swords to sell they fixed that they fixed it did they make it so that people actually have money to buy your shit because that was the most annoying thing I ran into in that game where it was like hey I have a full inventory
Starting point is 02:22:14 I now have to go to 20 different shops to sell this shit because nobody carries enough cash that's still kind of an issue still kind of an issue because I still have to do that it's a phenomenal update I think there were issues with it on PC
Starting point is 02:22:32 it doesn't run very well I'm playing it on the PS5 and it's just been I mean it feels like a whole new game so it's very fun hearts of stone and blood and wine are like
Starting point is 02:22:48 a full step up from the main game in quality they're excellent they're super good I'm excited to play it for sure I can't believe they integrated the balance mod that is something I really didn't expect
Starting point is 02:23:04 a lot of mods like smaller ones too you don't really notice it but when you see it all it just adds up to this really cool updated experience I think I said it last time pull a DMC definitive edition
Starting point is 02:23:20 pull a scholar of the first sin just see what the community did and just make those things scholar of the first sin is a weird pick because I can't tell you which version of that game is better huh I played through DS2 and scholar twice
Starting point is 02:23:36 each and like I don't know I'm not done yet I played through most of scholar I didn't beat it but like it's been so far apart that the comparison also DMC sorry rather DS2
Starting point is 02:23:52 was the first Souls game I ever touched so it's weird to compare them but there's stuff where I'm like why you did that it's tough okay which are three good game if you haven't played it play it
Starting point is 02:24:10 cool it's on sale for 11 dollars right now on steam and my final our count on that was like 285 and I thought it was great the whole way through Jesus like it's good the whole
Starting point is 02:24:26 way through that's less than you did with God of War certainly but God of War you were talking about feeling those stretches until it was like 60 so I guess it's what you do with the time
Starting point is 02:24:42 it's not even the time it's just what you do with it you know that's what I was saying before which are three just feels so well paced no matter what you're doing you're doing something like going out and doing a legit monster hunter
Starting point is 02:24:58 or picking up trails of monsters crafting potions and bombs and shit or just some big story quest it feels significant I also think that which are three has something that God of War doesn't which is which are three lets
Starting point is 02:25:14 it lets you just wander around and hang out and go do something without somebody just not shutting the fuck up like God of War is really good do you remember when we started doing lets plays
Starting point is 02:25:30 and we have to keep talking every single second or else everyone leaves that's what God of War Ragnarok is doing they literally will never shut the fuck up it's a bit much it's a little bit please like most casual
Starting point is 02:25:46 denominator here with a baby crying in the background and like with your phone on barely paying attention to the game like please stay engaged it's God of War it's quadruple A it has to get everybody and everything
Starting point is 02:26:02 okay cool if there isn't anything else I do I have one game that I want to talk about came out a little while ago it's called there's a shit ton of good war hammer games out right now so
Starting point is 02:26:18 yay good job on the license it's called chaos chaos gate demon hunters terrible name awful name it's xcom it's war hammer xcom you said those words and they like wiped themselves out from my brain
Starting point is 02:26:36 war hammer 40k chaos gate demon hunter is the name of this game fucking crank the pulley just chaos gate
Starting point is 02:26:52 so chaos base war dawn instead just say it's war hammer xcom because that's what it is it's literally it's just xcom war hammer tactics
Starting point is 02:27:08 use your overwatch move your guy squares over the time limit on the fight etc equip your grenade in your passive slot etc it's literally literally just xcom
Starting point is 02:27:24 but there are a couple changes that make me like it way more than xcom for one the settings more interesting because it's you know demons and war hammer and all that stuff but second the time limits are not hard time limits they're not beat the mission in 12 turns or you die
Starting point is 02:27:40 it's every four turns something bad will happen and enemy reinforcements will show up or you'll get debuffed or the map will get some goo on it you know soft time limit rather than a hard one and the big one is there's no accuracy at all
Starting point is 02:27:56 there's no accuracy 99% miss if you are in full cover you will take zero damage from anything within a 120 degree angle of view if you're in half cover you'll take half damage
Starting point is 02:28:12 if you're more than 5 spaces away you'll take half damage if you're in half cover and 5 spaces away you'll take no damage and it will tell you exactly how much damage you will do it will tell you how much stun you do it just there's never
Starting point is 02:28:28 a percentage chance of shit that actually matters perfect information is just so much fun like yeah the only sorry the only thing that ever ever is like maybe is like this character will parry half of all melee attacks against them
Starting point is 02:28:44 something like that okay and the other thing is that have you guys had any interest with XCOM in the past? yeah I thought it was pretty cool when we did that look at it back in the day
Starting point is 02:29:00 so the big annoying thing in the modern XCOM is enemy group is called a pod and how activating the pods works so if you activate the pod by moving too far forward on your last character's turn
Starting point is 02:29:16 then the pod gets a full suite of moves before you can do anything so you want to inch forward in a kind of way that's a little awkward in this game if you kill a pod and there's no combat everybody reloads their guns and everyone gets all of their
Starting point is 02:29:32 movement points back instantly wow okay and when you activate a pod by moving forward that character's movement points are refunded and your whole team gets to do their turns okay so like you can
Starting point is 02:29:48 move you can just go through the level like normal like you would play the game you don't have to do this weird bullshit where you have to min max whether or not you you see the enemy that you know is there kind of nonsense game rules
Starting point is 02:30:04 it's genuinely like a better XCOM 2 I really really like it you get a reward for not fucking up and activating it or if you do you get a massive like blowout and what happens is if they walk into you they'll get
Starting point is 02:30:20 their turn so it incentivizes you to actually go out and find them instead of trying to figure out where they are and then inch and then have them walk into you on over why it's XCOM has weird mechanical problems with that that are super super annoying
Starting point is 02:30:36 this game is great it's super hard though it's it's super hard like as I've always heard so that's Warhammer 40 K chaos chaos gate daemon
Starting point is 02:30:52 hunter okay not demon hunter daemon the cooler spelling daemon I watched you play a little bit of it and it looks really pretty yeah it looks super good okay that's it for oh I also played
Starting point is 02:31:08 Evil West which is incredible you should play Evil West everyone's talking about Evil West yes yes it looks like God of War and you smash crates like God of War like literally all the crate animations are all the same of
Starting point is 02:31:24 Kratos' animations depending on what crate you're smashing but it takes place in schlocky western against vampires and it has the God of War camera angle and it controls the God of War and then you hold the button down and instead of a big hit it's a launcher
Starting point is 02:31:40 and then you unlock a move that if you time your pistol shots right you'll juggle them in the air oh hell yeah and then you get snatch and then you get trick and yeah yeah and you're using
Starting point is 02:31:58 an electric lasso to snatch enemies to launch them it's oh man it's fucking cool I think I have to play this game oh it's super cool okay it's also like super um double A like the
Starting point is 02:32:14 I don't like I played it for like two three hours I'm at the whole time like what is happening who is that guy how did okay sure 360 era oh dude it feels like a 360 game
Starting point is 02:32:30 double A well every level has an unreal engine saturated color associated with it so this level is unreal engine orange this level is unreal engine green you know the type
Starting point is 02:32:46 the specular lighting I'm talking about it feels like a 360 game that we just missed but it's super cool the enslaved odyssey to the west green you mean when you land the ship and then it's just green everything is green
Starting point is 02:33:02 well I talked about it like when Gears of War came out and every Gears of War level is like a single saturated primary color this is the red level this is the blue level and how games just kept using that well you're going through mass effect you know what I'm talking about aggressively so it's the first thing
Starting point is 02:33:18 you see when you hit start yeah no evil west rules it's super super good I got a free code for it but also it's super good regardless sounds good yeah okay so the pop officer for a reason that's it for me
Starting point is 02:33:34 I'm probably not going to stream most of this week I'm tired fair that's it okay so a couple things on my side actually just a follow up I got from someone
Starting point is 02:33:50 this is really interesting but based on the Wi-Fi run back discussion from not too long ago and discussions of Street Fighter 6 and Wi-Fi 6 and
Starting point is 02:34:06 Pat's adventures in the new world of wireless I got a message from let's say a qualified expert alright
Starting point is 02:34:22 after the podcast can you send me these messages I'm going to want to read them myself oh yeah well it's on the I pinned it to the top of the the video where we're discussing it so here we go George
Starting point is 02:34:40 Nikes says hi I'm a Ph.D. graduate from the Camigee Mellon University who spent their entire graduate career studying wireless communication okay
Starting point is 02:34:56 that's a qualified expert this is sure let's listen to what this Ph.D. graduate has to say about Wi-Fi okay so my Ph.D. thesis on wireless interference
Starting point is 02:35:12 in spectrum bands that provide unlicensed access like 2.4 5 gigahertz or 6 gigahertz now I had the opportunity to demonstrate some of my work directly to the FCC chairman in the late 2000s
Starting point is 02:35:28 when I was at the Microsoft Research Center in late 2000s and I even did interference studies on wireless objects being considered in the Xbox One but I didn't use my words good are you telling me that me, Pat did not use Pat's words good
Starting point is 02:35:44 I can't believe it but what Pat's highly likely correct about is that he doesn't know what he's talking about yeah he's not using the terminology completely correctly and may not be able to describe what some of the terms
Starting point is 02:36:00 or techniques mean but I didn't use my words good are you telling me that me, Pat what I'm really likely correct about is that his positive experience with Wi-Fi 6 especially if his devices are operating on 6 gigahertz
Starting point is 02:36:16 it's probably true that he's experiencing less interference right now less signal loss better bandwidth etc that's because right now the new Wi-Fi 6 devices are some of the first consumer electronics
Starting point is 02:36:32 sitting in his home to use this spectrum and those that use 6 gigahertz related wireless channels so when his PS5 communicates with the router there's not a lot in the way to interfere with it additionally Wi-Fi 6 does introduce
Starting point is 02:36:48 some new techniques such as OFDMA which is commonly used in cellular technology and BSS coloring to use the spectrum more efficiently which yet you did mention that but I couldn't remember the name properly
Starting point is 02:37:04 it was like they color the signal I don't know what that means so the BSS coloring that Pat's referring to is a technique that's new to Wi-Fi 6 devices it uses it decides to ignore other devices in the environment creating potential interference whereas previously
Starting point is 02:37:20 it may have decided to not transmit to avoid the interference creating perceived slowness and delay BSS coloring makes Wi-Fi 6 more aggressive while leveraging its beam forming to focus the energy of its transmission towards the receiver
Starting point is 02:37:38 so it can still achieve a successful transmission in the presence of that noise this means Wi-Fi is more aggressive in the presence of that noise and successful due to focusing energy towards the receiver with beam forming for all these reasons Pat's having a great Wi-Fi experience so far
Starting point is 02:37:54 fast forward and years from now and Pat's going to be complaining about his Wi-Fi being slow and lossy again this is due to the tragedy of the commons in the wireless spectrum every time we get a new band like 6 GHz opened up for consumer use
Starting point is 02:38:10 early adoption feels great but over time the spectrum gets crammed with every device trying to access it at one point in time 2.4 GHz was mostly great for these reasons and then became crowded then 5 GHz was great and then became crowded
Starting point is 02:38:26 and now 6 GHz is great but will eventually fall tragedy to the same commons over time as all of Pat's devices will be on Wi-Fi 6 and competing with each other the good news is that now about 6 GHz it provides more frequencies
Starting point is 02:38:42 that avoid each other and the techniques in Wi-Fi 6 will use efficiently and aggressively all the ones pre-mentioned with all this knowledge and a personal ability to do advanced Wi-Fi configurations in my own home so that my devices are optimally placed
Starting point is 02:38:58 to avoid interference they pick the best wireless channels I still clutch my Ethernet cable proudly like wooly painstakingly ran that cable through every wall in my house as much as possible because at the end of the day wired will always be indefinitely better and more predictable
Starting point is 02:39:14 or as another user replied until another major innovation for now let Pat enjoy these honeymoon days of Wi-Fi 6 and the 6 GHz spectrum it uses someone then goes on to point out the difference as well needs to be mentioned that there's Wi-Fi 6
Starting point is 02:39:32 and Wi-Fi 6E and the 6 GHz band only works on devices with Wi-Fi 6E which the PS5 doesn't use and then he also replies to say that the PS5 is not connecting on the 6 GHz band
Starting point is 02:39:48 but it does still use coloring and the other things on like 5 GHz band to still improve the signal so there's a whole aspect of this where yes, however
Starting point is 02:40:04 okay so what I'm hearing is that basically as this becomes more popular people are going to flood the channels with their bullshit and it will deteriorate but it won't deteriorate as fast as 5 did because of the coloring and Wi-Fi 7 would be the same
Starting point is 02:40:20 but I assume Wi-Fi 7 would have an increase in this coloring situation so at which point the PS5 might actually fully use it or 6E as opposed to you know just 6 rather okay so good for now
Starting point is 02:40:36 and then as my neighbors start to Wi-Fi 6 it up it may notice a deterioration or not but their houses are pretty far so we'll see how that works out also when your toaster and your fridge start using the same why did toasters and fridges
Starting point is 02:40:52 even use Wi-Fi? because smart devices want your fucking subscription so that you can pay a monthly fee to toast your toast but I don't have a smart toaster or smart fridger or smart thank you this is the world we get regardless
Starting point is 02:41:08 there's a great twitter account to follow um god fuck damn it shit uh what was it something things uh internet of things the internet of things where you see your stove cannot be turned on because you haven't updated your firmware
Starting point is 02:41:24 mm-hmm and shit like that so dumb so that is not only annoying because these features are gonna be locked out and as we get stupid devices that need you to connect to your Wi-Fi but the signals will get worse as everything
Starting point is 02:41:40 in your house fights for them will help but you're going to see a degradation of quality over time on this brand new shiny uh clean uh signal that you're using well okay I have I have literally
Starting point is 02:41:56 repaired microwaves old microwaves yeah so I don't have to buy a new one there you go uh so what I got five to ten years before I have to figure out a solution to this at which point I'm hoping the Wi-Fi 7 standard will be out and if not I'll just get a second internet to hook up
Starting point is 02:42:12 might or might go faster than that but I'll say this uh you're still in a setting where you can control that and you have a pretty again isolated environment to get optimal results uh people in less than optimal settings in an apartment with a lot of neighbors
Starting point is 02:42:28 that are all using things and so on are going to feel that degradation so all right well Street Fighter 6 it's up to you to be the yardstick for my Wi-Fi's but the the um the full on perfect
Starting point is 02:42:44 solution has not yet been achieved you know if you can control for an environment like yours you can get an excellent result with it but for a lot of people you're not going to get the same result therefore it might not still be okay therefore hey Ethernet is there you know and
Starting point is 02:43:00 um I do appreciate uh the time taken by a goddamn fucking phd in the subject to inform us because at the end of the conversations I'm always like look man I need
Starting point is 02:43:16 a better opinion I need an informed person to tell me about this shit because it sounds great but I don't know enough to know and this this is this this this makes a lot of sense so definitely better than me going I think they put colors on the signal I don't know
Starting point is 02:43:32 uh so uh there we go I'm gonna I'm gonna doctor Wi-Fi with the same I'm gonna I'm gonna trust that um alright so other things uh real quick just in terms of um
Starting point is 02:43:48 I want to tell a Street Fighter 6 story but I don't know if I can tell it oh oh I don't know if I can tell it but well alright oh it's like that it's okay okay don't tell us about it after the podcast for sure
Starting point is 02:44:04 oh yeah no I would definitely don't do that no um so yeah just uh I guess a quick little bit so this weekend at some point I watched um Glass Onion
Starting point is 02:44:22 which is the sequel to Knives Out and uh have you seen Knives Out was it good I've seen Knives Out Knives Out was great I saw it yeah really like Knives Out Glass Onion is pretty good uh I like the original better for sure um
Starting point is 02:44:40 but like but Glass Onion was a lot of fun um and it's a it's a fucking who done it so there's really not a whole lot of you know discussion to be had here because of you know if you know how
Starting point is 02:44:56 great Knives Out was and how it handled the conversation so this is a really good way of they do they do that again as well and you know um it's best left is there a is there a totally uh unexciting car chase that happens uh there there isn't there isn't
Starting point is 02:45:12 um but there are some we're both cars are right next to each other the whole time there isn't but I'll say that the whimsical energy you know is preserved here and it's again I call it west anderson
Starting point is 02:45:28 energy even though it's it's not a west anderson movie it's ryan johnson but it's fun it's a whole lot of fun uh and you get to basically just you know watch this the cast do their bits as their characters and such there's one thing about this movie though that like it applies to like a lot
Starting point is 02:45:44 of who done it's and um talking around it is just in a game of clue right you you know how you all you have the the formula of how things go and then at some point right the the detective needs to have the parlor scene
Starting point is 02:46:00 right the the the thing about it is like when you so I and I hear god I need to watch the clue movie because I hear how fucking great it is oh oh the clue movie is incredible I know I know um I really do but
Starting point is 02:46:16 the thing that is so funny about the genre is that there's always that like the parlor scene where you go and that's how we got to where we are here's all the information I've laid it out and da da da da escalation right third act these there's always a
Starting point is 02:46:34 part of me that goes like someone who's willing to take a life is not a sane person and you really have to be banking on the dignity of the situation
Starting point is 02:46:50 to assume that they'd stand there and just like let all that play out and not just be like fuck it I'm taking everybody with me or just go completely crazy you know and it breaks the convention a little bit because
Starting point is 02:47:06 you're not like supposed to let that's not the formula the formula is we got to have the very satisfying Sherlock Holmes moment but I always just kind of go yeah in real life a crazy ass murdering criminal when that's starting
Starting point is 02:47:22 to happen is not going to continue to hold decorum you know so there's always just that little like that's that feels like a dangerous thing to do a dangerous thing to play with is someone who's willing to do that but now we're going to toy with them
Starting point is 02:47:38 in a way that is intellectually satisfying you know what I mean unless you have like a SWAT team like great yes yes right exactly like when when Chris Hansen
Starting point is 02:47:54 invites someone to take a seat right there's a bunch of there's a SWAT behind him ready to kick the door down so that like you know that's exact that's exactly it right though that stops working when it's like
Starting point is 02:48:10 wait there's no one outside uh oh well now what right now I just have to hope you're down that for this conversation to go pleasantly I think it's strange that you mentioned because I haven't seen it I think it's actually strange that you mentioned this because the situation
Starting point is 02:48:26 you're describing is in knives out and plays out that way in which upon the reveal they go fuck it so go for it yeah so so it just it comes to mind
Starting point is 02:48:42 you know with the with the genre here but um yeah all that aside fun I didn't know it was going to be a Netflix thing either I heard the sequel was coming but I thought it was just going to be dropped into you know theatrical release but no it just popped up on Christmas so check that out
Starting point is 02:48:58 if you like knives out for sure um and I will yes and just the updates on Mass Effect 3 going on uh ooh things are heating up in Mass Effect 3
Starting point is 02:49:14 uh we have met uh we have reached Rex and Morton and oh my god dude like the consequences of your actions I think
Starting point is 02:49:30 this is the moment yeah I saw it summed up so perfectly as wooly sowing haha fuck yeah Reggie reaping oh man this sucks so the way the way it's going down is so fucking brilliant because
Starting point is 02:49:46 like I'm honestly like I'm super impressed with it's a new game you're carrying your things over the decisions over but when it comes to like the emotional baggage of it it checks in with you right
Starting point is 02:50:02 cause like Rex is like basically he's just like so what was that about you know and you get to have a moment to like go yeah I stand by that shit or
Starting point is 02:50:18 god damn it I fucked up Rex gets to stand there and go wooly did you somehow think that I would have wanted you to do that why would you have thought that and the conversation that I walk up to him to mash a on after that mission
Starting point is 02:50:34 doesn't get to happen it's like he kind of has a moment where he's like well maybe if you talk to me about it and I'm like god damn it Mass Effect 2 you didn't let that happen after that mission you get back from the the blood client the blood pack and then you you walk up to Rex and you don't just talk him and then
Starting point is 02:50:50 you go into the next game and now it's like hey man the just talk should have happened and it's like it's a game about just talk but um so that's really that's really excellent and then it does that it checks in with you before Morton comes in and Morton is like
Starting point is 02:51:06 yeah you know what things change circumstances change like the circumstances have become way different and I was wrong shouldn't have done it that was bad and you're like okay
Starting point is 02:51:22 right this is laid out straight up and you're like god damn this is a really fucking incredible turn because like the the moment especially the sympathy was always there he always was thinking about it
Starting point is 02:51:38 in a way where he was like I think this is doing the less I think I'm helping the Krogens this way and that is this that's what fucking fooled me and that's what led me down the wrong path on that and I'm like
Starting point is 02:51:54 you think you're picking the path of the least amount of harm and then in retrospect right especially when they actually address the fact that the past was the past and the present is the present it's not the same thing they take you to that point
Starting point is 02:52:10 in three now and um me getting caught up on Genophage versus Genocide which you know as he put it like you you take it for a black and white situation when it's not um
Starting point is 02:52:26 it's so fucking cool to see them handle it this way you know uh and I think as well so we we met Eve she's cool uh I'm really curious to see how this goes
Starting point is 02:52:42 but like this vibe of like everyone going well this is we're still gonna try but if we had that fucking data asshole and I'm like oh man like they're really they're dropping that in constantly and I'm like yeah
Starting point is 02:52:58 yeah this is one of the like this is one of the best things that uh uh uh decision wise that I I like about how the game is handling it because it's not just a party member in or out decision or a live or die situation right there's a lot
Starting point is 02:53:14 of decisions that change the game so far based on like whether or not you decide to open up the the grunt pod or whether or not you your team makes it in or out or whatever so it's just a team member comes or a team member doesn't show up you know um and in this
Starting point is 02:53:30 case it feels as if like while they that may or may not happen in the future so far it's just story and world that is affected you know and and and it's drastic it feels
Starting point is 02:53:46 heavy um I wish there were more things like this it's the weightiest decision so far that was not simply do you have this playable character or you miss them you know so well you're completely right about everything you said
Starting point is 02:54:02 except for one thing which is uh whether or not you know it's the right decision or not mm-hmm um and um you know it's the right decision because it's the blue one
Starting point is 02:54:18 and that's the big problem with mass effect uh is that the right decision talking about the mail on one yeah all of it like no you go through the game and you go I'm gonna pick the blue decision that's the right one uh
Starting point is 02:54:34 the okay no the two things I'm talking about here where you with the mail on data it's just left and right there's no coloring on those and when they ask you when Rex asks you um what the fuck the decision like do you still stand by what you did
Starting point is 02:54:50 last game it's it's not Paragon Renegade either so like you can but admittedly I shouldn't have done it is up and I stand by what I did is down
Starting point is 02:55:06 bottom right you know so you do get your positional awareness of what you're doing but they did not frame the initial one in a blue or red context pretty sure you get Paragon points for stopping mail on
Starting point is 02:55:24 dying in that situation oh I imagine yeah that I imagine because again there's like the pull the trigger or don't moment um where you know Morden does it fucking right up point blank uh and and
Starting point is 02:55:40 mail on and like the what he was doing again like you if you're if you're direct comparison is your you know um Nazi experiments in your uh Japan experiments and shit like that like you're looking at like the fucked up nature of of where
Starting point is 02:55:56 that science was going and then you're like okay well we have the results what do we do with them you know and how you handle him and what was going on there and then how you handle the data of course are two separate things and then it's interesting because Eve then
Starting point is 02:56:12 is like opting in put herself in that situation knowing the risks and as the others did as well and then she herself is like but also we had to fucking escape that by the end
Starting point is 02:56:28 because he had completely lost it you know so there's the part where like they know the sacrifice but like the place he went to and this is where like you get to kind of like uh the game will always give you that little that kind of cop out and it will not cop out but it gives you that thing where
Starting point is 02:56:44 it's like even if you agree with the approach to this place that mail on is going he took it too far so you you can rightfully go alright the distance he went to was was beyond the lengths of reasonable especially considering he was like fuck Rex and his leadership
Starting point is 02:57:00 I don't trust them let's give it to the warlock clan that's going to openly uh use it to start war you know so I went back and checked the cutscene and got a screenshot the data decision is absolutely in the paragon
Starting point is 02:57:16 and renegade spots but it's it's not colored red and blue I was just saying yes but up up is always paragon and down is always renegade um yeah so no that's what I said I said that the positioning
Starting point is 02:57:32 ends up being up and down right which is confusing after this no no after this go to the next one after this one you just sent me the one you sent me here is that there's another one after this that's left and right this one you sent you you have here is not the the final decision
Starting point is 02:57:48 the final one is a left and right like I'm I'm not making that up um but yeah so I'm I'm all this to say that like so far like
Starting point is 02:58:04 I'm I'm fucking blown away by how that's being handled and also holy shit let's see where let's see where that goes you know but um I just watched the whole cutscene you're wrong there's no there's no left and right
Starting point is 02:58:20 really yeah can you send me the thing yeah I'll send you the video because I'm what am I thinking of then because when I reloaded it I when I had to because it froze up on us
Starting point is 02:58:36 and I had to reload it and then I did and I remember there being a left and right but okay let me just confirm yeah yeah so this is not to criticize you by the way this is my criticism of mass effect totally
Starting point is 02:58:52 in in that like if you want to get the right answer to every question you just hold the controller in this upper right corner for literally every single conversation in the entire game
Starting point is 02:59:12 yeah so it's at 510 in the video okay thank you sorry you have the information yeah and then there's there's the initial one where there's two versions of holding on to what are getting rid of it
Starting point is 02:59:34 okay okay yet no you know what you're right you're right I was misremembering so you have four choices or stay you're right yes exactly leave or stay is the left and right totally you have four choices and then there's
Starting point is 02:59:50 two versions of each choice so there's you should help the Krogan genophage was the right call hold on to the data or destroy the data for now so those are the four things you can say yeah correct okay yeah I have my mistake massive crazy problems with the way that mass effect handles
Starting point is 03:00:06 it's carrying shit forward and its morality system and this is a really good example in that like like how how could you have possibly known what the right decision was when only Mass Effect 2 was around right you couldn't right and you made that
Starting point is 03:00:22 decision based off of not knowing anything about Mass Effect 3 right so you made that decision what I would call clean right sure yeah except you if like the game treats every decision in the upper right quadrant of the screen as the correct decision in every
Starting point is 03:00:38 situation and it steals that from you I did make and I did make it clear though from the jump that I guess I guess for me at least that I didn't want to just you know pick based on position and so my my play through ended up being kind of
Starting point is 03:00:54 your path your zany yeah with like with like the because I went with what I believed in more than what I thought the the right or correct answer was in all those situations so and in some cases I went with the bit you know like I just I
Starting point is 03:01:10 definitely leaned in on some of those are prompts and shit like that to see where we got we got with them but yeah so that's kind of how we got here but in any case it's very interesting seeing this version of events play out
Starting point is 03:01:26 and it's very cool that like it's it feels consequential in a way that is not like I don't worry about it to sequel don't that was then this is now moving on you know oh hey can you guys give me a second I gotta help bring in some groceries I'll be right back
Starting point is 03:01:42 be right back alright we're back in um yeah so anyways that's pretty much gonna be it for me if you'd like to check out more
Starting point is 03:01:58 of our Mass Effect 3 adventures you can tune into Woolly Versus over on YouTube also Woolly Versus the Algorithm we just got a new episode of Woolly Versus Whatever where we watch some slop I believe the episode title is Woolly Nutter's
Starting point is 03:02:14 Worldwide so tune in for some fun over there yeah as the LP continues before we before we move on and yeah and also yeah quick
Starting point is 03:02:30 announcement so I guess just to let people know since we're approaching it magfest is coming up I am gonna be there with Reggie just you know we're gonna be in and checking
Starting point is 03:02:46 it out but no handshakes no photos this time around I think for understandable reasons well you're not gonna let 400 random people touch you during a global pandemic and become the vector no I don't think I shall but
Starting point is 03:03:02 I am going to be there just in a you know a different capacity from usual as will Reg so yeah that's going down cool and for the next upcoming week
Starting point is 03:03:22 we're gonna just go heavy on on Mass Effect 3 see if we can get some progress in before moving on to the next thing so we've had to double time Bayo 3 and now that we've hit the finish line on that we can make some big old shepherd progress
Starting point is 03:03:38 I never think about that game again I might because I do actually want to go and try the weapon I didn't try and I think someone said the witch trials were a
Starting point is 03:03:54 better way to, I don't, something yeah anyway whatever witch trials are good I've been believe it or not but I've been pure platinuming the game so just on principle yeah I have to I have to have a maximum amount of Bayo 3 street cred
Starting point is 03:04:10 so when I dunk on it in video form people can't say I didn't play the game or I like that okay okay yeah you would, you would the spite platinum the spite ranked yeah I don't think
Starting point is 03:04:26 I'm ever gonna play Bayo 3 again but I am gonna think about it because I am gonna play DMC 5 at some point again and during my DMC 5 playthrough I'm gonna start getting super mad why just okay so
Starting point is 03:04:42 the news da news da news did anything happen so the game awards tweeted out that the longest award shows acceptance speech in history was actress Greer
Starting point is 03:04:58 Garcin at the 1942 Oscars she spoke for 5 minutes and 30 seconds Christopher judges speech at the game awards was 7 minutes and 59 seconds video games stay winning somebody call
Starting point is 03:05:14 the rest of the world records longest award speech of all time, forgot to thank his wife I loved your guys coverage of that like I was fucking, I was on the floor laughing at that like bro
Starting point is 03:05:30 anyone else getting played off at the 32nd mark because one dude is like nah, me though I'm the Kratos oh man did you see me on Stargate I was teal
Starting point is 03:05:46 it's like it is one thing if like the time would come comes from like I don't know whatever sponsors or some other shit but that's never gonna fucking happen it's coming from other speeches you know, so
Starting point is 03:06:02 anyway yeah, how about this near-automata version 1.1a TV anime it's happened I saw people talking about this and I saw someone come up with the idea that every
Starting point is 03:06:18 single credit sequence of that should be one of the lettered endings but how would you, is every episode gonna have like that's a lot of work but that'd be cool yeah, like have the end of episode 3 be they ate a fish
Starting point is 03:06:34 and fucking die sure, sure and if you couldn't do the whole thing just like a frame of it that should be one filler episode it's just all the endings all the bullshit endings like 9S is having a cyber dream
Starting point is 03:06:50 about like how he will die and it's just like them together doing all the endings I have to say, I think that 26 letters, 26 episodes yeah I think this being played straight like a normal show is maybe a massive mistake
Starting point is 03:07:06 this show should probably have some kind of like awful nonsense continuity or something weird mm-hmm I'm really, really hoping because I saw the trailer
Starting point is 03:07:22 the moon based launch mm-hmm and that sequence is one of the hypest fucking pops when you come back around on C and you get that fucking title drop and it just, ugh it rises up in such a beautiful way
Starting point is 03:07:38 that if you were to just do it sequentially, chronologically and have that be the normal start of the story you miss so much I really hope they find a way to mimic the the slow
Starting point is 03:07:54 not the repetition but the learning more about the situation as we revisit it part of things you know telling a story from another character's point of view as we move through it is a pretty obvious way to just like have the camera cut to 9S you know, whatever
Starting point is 03:08:10 but once it starts moving from that initial point if they just took the whole timeline of all and replays and just straightened it out and made it chronological it would be awful, right? Memento is enjoyable because it's Memento
Starting point is 03:08:26 when you put it in straight order it's a movie, it's fine I've seen that version of the movie, it's terrible it's not, you're just you know, and also you get these moments of like confusion that last extra long and you're just like, no, we just saw it, the audience
Starting point is 03:08:42 so it's not that weird to us but he's going ahhh like, it's, yeah so, I really hope too they don't mess that up but I'm happy that they're fucking doing it though that's great
Starting point is 03:08:58 yeah, it's exciting I think like, you know, every persona gets its adaptation right, you're just like a given at every time near getting so successful that a full-on near anime is getting made is so wild
Starting point is 03:09:16 when you just think about fucking drinking guard and like where this came from what timeline did we land on you know, it's so weird yeah, this is some fringe shit yeah, the origins of this series
Starting point is 03:09:32 are just unhinged like, just something that like, the niches of the niche like, what is this you know what, I just saw somebody say something that would really actually make it work for this which is that this anime releases
Starting point is 03:09:48 on broadcast and simulcast and is never released as a box set is never streamable outside of its simulcast just like, hope you watched it live cause it's gone now and now it's gone forever
Starting point is 03:10:04 yeah, someone in the comments said that after you finish the final episode it should delete your Netflix account hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha ah, good bit good bit
Starting point is 03:10:20 yeah, there you go Yoko's like, what do you mean we can't access their date they're like, Yoko, stop it it's not that crazy cause in the original planning stage for the first near raid Yoko wanted to have
Starting point is 03:10:36 it so that if any one of 24 people made a mistake it would wipe the whole raid and it would kick you out and they were just like you can't do that that'd be incompletable but think about, no
Starting point is 03:10:52 you're not allowed, stop it stop it would you like to donate your Netflix account to the cloud to help somebody else who's watching hahahaha or who can't afford it right, yeah
Starting point is 03:11:08 oh my god there may be others, even someone you intensely disliked crying out because they can't watch the Ozarks would you like to help the weight of the world hahahaha like you're just entering your login data
Starting point is 03:11:24 and you're like, fine man I'll do it hahahaha yeah, I'm looking forward and then not the only adaptation to discuss of course because
Starting point is 03:11:40 we talked about the announcement and bewilderment that comes alongside a death stranding movie which we found out about last week Hideo Kojima has followed up said a couple things about it
Starting point is 03:11:56 and basically explained that he's taking the art house approach to the movie and making money isn't something I'm focused on at all no shit making money is not what he's focused on at all like when is it ever really
Starting point is 03:12:12 the brazenness that he makes these his products with and we love them because they're weird as shit but yeah, I'm not at all surprised to hear that what is cool and interesting however, there was a couple
Starting point is 03:12:28 of thoughts we had on this which was why don't oh god right? but he said something which gives a spark of hope because it's what we were kind of talking about he was talking on video calls
Starting point is 03:12:44 with a bunch of people from Hollywood at the beginning of the year not just for death stranding, he said I received a lot of offers but my intention from the start was never to make a blockbuster film Alex Loblovicchi from Hammerstone Studios, shared my vision, there was a lot of pitches
Starting point is 03:13:00 for large scale movies with famous actors and flashy explosions but what good would explosions be in death stranding making money isn't something I'm focused on at all either, I'm making it for an art house approach and the only person who offered to make a film like that was Alex which basically we think he's a rather unusual type
Starting point is 03:13:16 the part that I like though is further ahead in the interview where he says he has yet to decide whether characters from the game such as Sam will make it into the film stressing he wants to steer clear of the mistakes
Starting point is 03:13:32 of other adaptations well that's nice, the failure of film adaptations from games a while back led to a lot of movies that cater to gamers right, but that's why they have the same kind of look as a game, I don't want death stranding movie to be like that, rather I'm taking the
Starting point is 03:13:48 approach of changing and evolving the world of death stranding in a way that suits the film well games are games, movies are movies which is something you'd never imagine, oh my god like you would, yeah it is a wild thing
Starting point is 03:14:04 to hear death is outrageous but that being said, if he says I'm not sure yet if Sam will even be in it means we're focused elsewhere which is the main
Starting point is 03:14:20 thing don't retell that, you don't need to yeah, yeah, totally do you guys think this will be a wholly original thing but we'll tie in to the sequel? I imagine there's a lot of, or like
Starting point is 03:14:36 a character will show up in it that'll be there but like it won't necessarily be a major character but if it's a show up in the second game for like a second and then you're like oh shit, yeah the tie in character but if the whole thing is a story that takes place in the world but isn't
Starting point is 03:14:52 about the creation of the world which we already kind of covered like fantastic because it's an interesting setting that deserves revisiting just pull the camera somewhere else I legit can't believe Hideo Kojima had the lack of self-awareness to say to a human
Starting point is 03:15:08 being that games are games or movies and movies are movies that is unbelievable there's games are games there's no need to turn them into films it's like bro what have you been doing this whole time
Starting point is 03:15:24 have you played Metal Gear Solid 4 your own game sir, have you amazing have you installed that thing and played it, Jesus Christ the most I'm gonna put the controller down and just watch a game
Starting point is 03:15:40 ever made like going dark because the thing thinks you've stopped playing what the fuck so that's great that's what they said in the board room he was just like put some pictures from the other games
Starting point is 03:15:56 and they have to press X every once in a while gotta keep the screen it will not screen save that's the main reason so cool let's see some side stories you know I like that
Starting point is 03:16:12 I think that sounds like a great idea a real funny interview dropped with Harada on did you see this shit I did not but it's Harada so I bet he says something fucking crazy
Starting point is 03:16:28 well it's not even about him actually it's they went into some other stuff and they were talking about YoshiP yes I did see this YoshiP in his youth
Starting point is 03:16:44 was one of the location testers for Street Fighter EX and he won 57 games in a row with Zangief including blowing up the devs real bad when the Eureka staffers challenged him
Starting point is 03:17:00 he won with Zangief and he beat them as well and when the game came out eventually Zangief was super weak so he wondered maybe it might be my fault there's a follow up to that story yes later on
Starting point is 03:17:18 around the time of EX2 YoshiP happened to meet with Eureka he told them in person of the story and oh yeah I remember hearing about how they had to tone down Zangief because one guy bodied everyone at the ALU
Starting point is 03:17:34 so 100% he was too good with Zagief YoshiP was too good with Zagief and they had to tone him down the causal link between fighting games and Final Fantasy 14 grows daily
Starting point is 03:17:50 it's like okay yeah sure that makes sense it's just funny when you see that and you're like I don't I haven't played I don't know much but I hear about a lot of the
Starting point is 03:18:08 why it's good from you and such on a regular basis hearing that he's a fucking beast with Gief and he's a really good fighting game player I'm like oh yeah no he's making good decisions yeah yeah yeah I have confidence fuck yeah man
Starting point is 03:18:24 that's great seems like he's good at fighting games he was like hey let's get that DMC5 guy on the next game you know 16 it's all linked the retirement home the first member of the retirement home
Starting point is 03:18:40 was Yoshi himself yeah he set it up so in this parlance is Final Fantasy 16 the assisted living nurse that helps you towards the retirement home that guides you over to it
Starting point is 03:18:58 perhaps it's the wheelchair that gets you there that's fun I love fighting games did you hear the new Final Fantasy it's kind of like a fighting game wow I really like this new Final Fantasy is there anything else like this
Starting point is 03:19:14 new Final Fantasy there it is he's trying to get you he's trying to get you leaking these stories to the press like oh yeah put out the Xangief story like yeah he has a picture
Starting point is 03:19:30 of your face on the dart board and every single time you bring him up he throws another dart that version of Gief was the one that could do the fucking Russian stomp dance as a support it was really good okay a couple other things
Starting point is 03:19:46 so some leaks some leaks dropped this week two of those leaks one Rayman 4 the fucking game
Starting point is 03:20:02 that got cancelled before Rabbids came out on the Wii back in 2006 the whole thing dropped online alongside source code and level editors and such so people are going through it now
Starting point is 03:20:18 to see what would have happened oh yeah because after it went Rabbids Rayman Origins came out later and then that became the new direction for the franchise but there was a full on 3D platformer that became
Starting point is 03:20:34 the Rabbids mini games and now people are going through it and I guess someone kind of went yeah fuck it 18 years is long enough dump that shit online pretty I like when that happens yeah it's interesting because
Starting point is 03:20:50 people get there like when it okay a leak is one thing but when people get their hands on the source code like with Mario 64 they go crazy retexture it they fucking up res it they have it running in 4K in 3D
Starting point is 03:21:06 in every possible permutation it's going to be kind of nuts I just looked up the footage reading the shit out of a rabbit and holding it in the fucking face yeah wow well there it is I fucking hate those things
Starting point is 03:21:22 I absolutely fucking hate those things so much I refuse to play that XCOM game that Nintendo put out because of those fucking freaks I played that game it was pretty fun dude they created a marketable little
Starting point is 03:21:38 face annoying character pushed like minions it's just minions absolutely note however that Tronbon and the Kobuns are amazing and
Starting point is 03:21:56 they are yes and they predate minions all of this yeah they deserve this heat that they're not getting they're never going to get that heat anyway Tron what happened from Mega Man Legends oh like are you saying
Starting point is 03:22:14 like Mega Man Legends 3 serve bots are minions but then minions just did serve bots again oh okay no that makes sense they stole it from us exactly and then made it in multi-billion dollar franchise
Starting point is 03:22:30 yeah I spaced out for like one second and for I really thought you said something like Mega Man Legends 3's source code leaked online or something and I was like what huh but I can do one better though you know what else had its source code
Starting point is 03:22:46 leaked online what's that Duke Nukem Forever again the 2D platformer why is there a 2D platformer they made like because in the forever process of making the game forever you know around the time
Starting point is 03:23:02 as Bayo 3 went through its iterations in the same way there was a version of this that was a 2D side scrolling platformer and that is now leaked full source code at a level editor and people are playing Duke Nukem Forever now wild
Starting point is 03:23:18 what the fuck is happening there's actually three versions of that game that exist I guess technically the 3D one that got cancelled and then the one we got a shitty one that we got all trash
Starting point is 03:23:34 all this noise over nothing the entire time the entire time but yeah if you would like to go experience what all the hype was about back then it's uploaded to
Starting point is 03:23:50 like you can just go get it man I spoke to um this is like kind of off topic but not really I spoke to Itsuno one night in an interview and he and Matt Walker told me that there was
Starting point is 03:24:06 a version of DMC 3 that was extremely gory and they they designed it in a way to where the final hit on like a rebellion combo wherever it made contact it would cut the demon
Starting point is 03:24:22 in that way and Matt Walker was like yeah it's probably in someone's desk I should look through everyone's desks and just upload it online and I was like yeah you should do that you should fucking do that he doesn't work for Capcom anymore
Starting point is 03:24:38 he should do it now especially because he doesn't work there anymore well it's like that makes sense because why does the gory shit have to happen to Dante Dante gets it the worst every time
Starting point is 03:24:54 let the monsters get it for once although getting your face like ripped with motorcycle wheel is pretty rough but that's cool ripped with motorcycle wheel I just want them to do that for Resident Evil 3.5 please
Starting point is 03:25:10 can someone upload that to the internet that'd be great no they refuse can you scary RE4 because you'll look at it and you'll be like that's really cool now I know where they got all the new ideas like
Starting point is 03:25:26 they'll look like hacks let's just hope they do that did they ever like make a character in the future that was like hook man or something in reference at all so in Village there's a few 3.5
Starting point is 03:25:42 references but the hook thing is the vampire daughters they have hooks they attack you with haunting ground reference in Village which is really weird because there's a boss in Haunting Ground
Starting point is 03:25:58 named Daniella and you kill her by opening a window and it breaks on the ceiling and it stabs her and there's a vampire lady in Village named Daniella with a ceiling window and you open it
Starting point is 03:26:14 and it lets the cold air in and then it freezes her and then you kill her so yeah they're recycling ideas they've been doing it well I mean it makes sense because nobody played Haunting Ground but like except for me
Starting point is 03:26:30 you would be forgiven for thinking it was another game because it was supposed to be clock tower 4 the dog from Haunting Ground is the dog in RE4 in RE4 it's the same dog
Starting point is 03:26:46 again I don't know anything about this game except for like I think I've seen the box of it type of thing yeah Haunting Ground has pieces of the we're trying to make a new Resident Evil game didn't work fucking spit it off era
Starting point is 03:27:02 okay no I know nothing about this video game except it was a thing on a shelf sometime alright it's great you remember when Hideki Kamiya was making games and they didn't work out the way they wanted
Starting point is 03:27:18 to and then they made them into different games and then those games were cool instead of just throwing them away they did with Scalebound and what I assume is the first version of Bayo 3 man I remember
Starting point is 03:27:34 I said it before but they should let him do that Microsoft fucked him up man wait no wait a second games has Hideki Kamiya thrown away cause he threw away Resident Evil 2 all the way back
Starting point is 03:27:50 that was like his first directing gig and he's like nah this game's trash get out of here no Mikami made him throw it away cause it was not good I still want it though yeah 1.5 yeah still want it
Starting point is 03:28:06 yeah and then RE3 he was moved on to RE3 and then that became RE4 and then that became Devil May Cry what the fuck I said it in the LP but
Starting point is 03:28:22 god I want Project Gigi to crush it so hard I really really hope that thing is just some new wild shit that's awesome I hope so too I hope that they are giving it their fullest attention
Starting point is 03:28:38 and all cylinders firing I hope I I don't I feel like flipping a coin that's where I'm at when Platinum announces a new thing
Starting point is 03:29:06 I just want a photo realistic city and like a giant photo real Ultraman knocking shit over fighting weird Godzilla knot and it just looks like an actual next gen
Starting point is 03:29:22 AAA video game I'm tired of the Platinum mud aesthetic I mean really what I'm asking for is I want a really good video game to exist
Starting point is 03:29:38 that's it it would be better if a good video game existed as opposed to a bad one so two things one like Platinum games don't look very good so they can run well I would like them to actually fulfill that promise for the first time in like 10 years
Starting point is 03:29:54 that'd be really nice and the second thing is like Susie I think your realistic city idea is a good idea but what I would prefer is a photo realistic cardboard city and characters that look like dudes in suits
Starting point is 03:30:10 that would be cool lean into it in 3.0 1.0 where the city backdrop turns into cardboard that's just fun when you lean into it in the common writer fighting game
Starting point is 03:30:26 when you land a rider kick with one or two it goes into the old announcer that lands on you and shit absolutely lean into that if you want to go in that direction that's fun too but anyway
Starting point is 03:30:42 we'll see last little thing just I'm telling you right now I just feel it in my fucking chest I hope not for anyone weirdly just out of nowhere
Starting point is 03:30:58 I was mentioning what you call it Icaruga and Radiant Silvergun in confusion with a third game that came out called Judgment Silver Sword whatever there's actually a new game being created by the director
Starting point is 03:31:14 of Icaruga and Radiant Silvergun it's called Ubusuna and it was originally announced like a billion years ago and then we just kind of all quietly sat and waited because there's not much news about it
Starting point is 03:31:30 but we're crossing our fingers and hoping because those two are some of the fucking coolest shmups ever it was announced for PS4 in 2014 and then dead silence so today we got
Starting point is 03:31:46 an update that Ubusuna again the new shmup being directed by Hiroshi Yuichi Silvergun and Icaruga they released a soundtrack EP so you can go listen to that they released some art
Starting point is 03:32:02 they released a prologue and essentially everything but gameplay footage so they released a press release that is essentially the game is real guys here's some music here's some art here's the story
Starting point is 03:32:18 and here's some information on it but we still have not seen the game itself so hold on to hope I suppose is what we're supposed to
Starting point is 03:32:34 do with this information I mean for what it's worth the assets are fucking sick like this artwork of the ships it looks like Icatuga right like that was the like rumored Icaruga sequel kind of thing it looks like that same style same kind of
Starting point is 03:32:50 design cues fun bits and stuff but so eight years and they have what some pieces of art to show unfortunately unfortunately yep not too sure what the holdup is but I think though I think it's I think part of it though is that
Starting point is 03:33:06 it's the director but I don't think he's he's doing it with the same company like G rev and treasure or you know obviously behind the first two I don't know that this is being made with them as well so that might be part of the reason why the development is going
Starting point is 03:33:22 the way it's going that's still fucking stupid as shit by the way ghost song came out yeah it came out a while ago no no here it's pretty alright too weird haven't played it did it come out I don't know man
Starting point is 03:33:38 where's my money like what do you mean you didn't you get a code I did I I don't know I think I have to it might have gone to a filter or like Kickstarter might have I don't know I don't
Starting point is 03:33:54 fucking know but you remember that there was like a year to know it was longer than that like two three years ago when like 10 to 15 kick starters all finished simultaneously but you hadn't used Kickstarter in four and a half years so you had so updates asking you for addresses and bullshit
Starting point is 03:34:10 yeah so I had this moment of like I should go check on those kick starters and discovered like hey I missed every survey for every game I ever backed because I wasn't following these games that went a year and a half over dev time yeah like weekly yeah
Starting point is 03:34:26 in some cases it's literally just hey what platform do you want you know but yeah that that all fucking happened for a game it was but I got I got pointed to a portal that no longer existed oh yeah for like a bonus like pre-order
Starting point is 03:34:42 pack or whatever yeah yeah man it's just these days I'm just like hey there's a kick starter it looks cool go fucking buyer beware look at it yourself but you know that the era of drumming up excitement is
Starting point is 03:34:58 fucking over man I've never done a kickstarter in my life oh yeah never I thought I thought a lot of them looked cool like you know bloodstained or whatever and mighty number nine but some of them paid off there's a history
Starting point is 03:35:14 on this podcast with that one exactly yeah I did get my wonderful 101 and the sticker or whatever but again no Lucas first and second mission oh did you hear they mentioned that that's still under development each shit what the fuck are you talking about
Starting point is 03:35:34 that was in like that was like in a throwaway interview like this week that's that's not true I'm not going to be able to find it now that's not true that is a lie
Starting point is 03:35:50 that may be an untruth what do you fuck it anyways all right yeah can somebody can somebody in the chat link me to that so I can show woolly and he can be like that's not real they showed footage are you kidding me
Starting point is 03:36:06 because it came up during the fucking LP when I was like what what do you someone's like give us Lucas first and second mission I was like what is what and I go back and I was like oh my god they did promise the stretch goal of a wonderful 101
Starting point is 03:36:22 spinoff that then never we never heard about again and I was like oh no platinum stole our money oh no what so I guess now they're like wait hold on guys it's actually it is happening
Starting point is 03:36:38 oh wow somebody linked it okay 101 Lucas mission sneak peek English subs three days ago okay that's insane dude is that a fucking side scrolling
Starting point is 03:36:56 fucking piece of shit oh my fucking god well it's a stretch goal for for it's the fucking gen game again yeah yeah yeah yeah god dammit well they only dropped it recently because they wanted to watch your
Starting point is 03:37:12 I would never they wanted to get your fucking stop it you stop it right now bad to spray you with the water bottle fuck out of here that's no
Starting point is 03:37:28 they did not hear and respond with footage mere days after the episode that said what the fuck where what no way Kamiya read the article and saw our tweets
Starting point is 03:37:44 that's really weird because we were talking about bao all this time and then we were talking about devil may cry and then susie mentioned talking to itsuno and my brain just like moved over in like a chunk and my brain's now just going like man
Starting point is 03:38:00 when are we gonna see dragons dogma that's where my bao agony is now going towards like man when's dragons dogma gonna show off sure probably not for a while I just don't think it's like I feel like if there was anything
Starting point is 03:38:16 they would have shown us in the announcement but they didn't show us anything well they did the shirts technique which means it's two years from shirts till you get to see it that was such a weird like I was like are they like doing like full monty right now
Starting point is 03:38:32 like what is going on like the way they like pull their shirts off and everything was like what the fuck where's the fucking girls night out shirt yeah where's ladies night dlc gno
Starting point is 03:38:48 anyways alright so let's take some letters if you want to send in a letter send it to castle or beastmail at that's castle we did not take mail at we did not take any letters on my first podcast I don't know what we're talking about but we ran long on that one
Starting point is 03:39:06 yeah yeah it's because you spent an hour talking about song covers that's true I do that I could carry it away and I also like get like nervous about being respectful of like other people's time like again we will
Starting point is 03:39:22 drone on about nonsense for five fucking hours but the moment someone else's time is getting wasted I feel really bad about it so yeah no hey by the way if you want to send in a letter that is describing your issue with one of the complaints that we had
Starting point is 03:39:40 with bao and drilling down a two and a half hour conversation into how angry you are that I said the word groomer or whatever feel free to send that directly to at woolly wolls on Twitter castle super beast mail answering that there
Starting point is 03:39:56 at BCC at Pat's there's that on Twitter you fucking drew the lines on the board there it's so like it's so wild you made that connection
Starting point is 03:40:16 I'm just throwing poop at you like the idea that anyone would take that seriously oh I guess I should write woolly on his Twitter okay I mean look we're gonna have to play through Sareza and the lost demon to find out
Starting point is 03:40:32 where the love of candy comes from I tell you what if that game doesn't get sent to me via a code I am not covering it I do not give a shit after this podcast I don't think either of us are gonna get I think the flamethrower
Starting point is 03:40:48 is still hot to the touch the bridges have just ashed into this into the yeah maybe that bridge is burned motherfucker I just am like that kotaku article shout out Saizaya fucking quote Susie
Starting point is 03:41:04 and then immediately into a podcast video in between segments about what's going wrong with the game like I really I really appreciate the three of us being the face of hating on this game it's good man
Starting point is 03:41:20 let's take some letters we got one coming in here from zero who says Merry Christmas these lords zero here got a quick question do completionists and trophy hunters ruin games I've encountered a few completionists
Starting point is 03:41:36 in the recent years that have described how they play games and it just sounds miserable to me playing them while following a step-by-step trophy guide or needless grinds to an achievement or not stopping playing something else until they've gotten every trophy to 100%
Starting point is 03:41:52 I feel like playing like this way could take a good game or a below average bad game or it could take a good game into a below average or bad game what are your thoughts I hope you had a good holidays and keep fighting the fight woolly with your brother in arms having given abandoned you on the Wi-Fi battle
Starting point is 03:42:08 I see okay yeah I've talked about this before and in my opinion it's absolutely something that can make a game playing experience miserable it doesn't make the game worse obviously
Starting point is 03:42:24 it's on you it's your fault there's two people I can think of that are completionists in games and they're the polar opposite in their approach because there's shmup god pat for example who will take a game he likes play it complete it normally
Starting point is 03:42:40 and then go back and replay and target the achievements and the fun stuff that he wants to do and then do the clean up after all the fun stuff is taken care of and eventually platinum the entire game which can take a while but you're taking a normal experience expanding on it
Starting point is 03:42:56 with more enjoyment and then you know I guess doing the clean up however you would towards the end there as residue if you would someone I used to work with back in QA was actually picking games on a list based on how fast they could get a thousand
Starting point is 03:43:12 gamer score in them and would play games that he actively hated or did not enjoy simply because the achievement to minute ratio was high and his entire night was like okay tonight we're gonna play
Starting point is 03:43:28 the avatar game get a thousand gamer score and then switch over to some other bullshit and some other bullshit and like not even play them for any other purpose but just target achievements first foremost and exclusively not complete them if completing
Starting point is 03:43:44 them was not a requirement even it was miserable and it was his way of playing it because he cared about the score but like it kind of felt like especially like the kind of anger and rage at certain games that were like not making the achievements easy enough to get
Starting point is 03:44:00 or taking too much time like it'd be like you're not enjoying yourself this is just like making a condition you have worse you know it felt like almost and it's just not great to see that
Starting point is 03:44:16 version of a gameplay experience yeah I think it really depends on the game like for me everything you just described I've known people like that where yeah I think the avatar game is like the popular example where like achievement people would just like go to game stop and buy
Starting point is 03:44:34 that and then get it and then return it immediately for me it's like it really depends on the game like Devil May Cry Resident Evil like I will completionist those ones and then even like still play them after I platinum them or whatever but
Starting point is 03:44:50 yeah I think I think it kind of what is it the quote optimize the fun out of it I feel like it kind of falls into that yeah it like falls into that territory where you're just like what can I do to get just to just check this like these boxes off a list as fast as possible
Starting point is 03:45:06 and I don't I don't personally think that's very fun but I don't know if you get your rocks off with that then more power to you so this splits over along two lines so there's there's one access
Starting point is 03:45:22 which is interest versus compulsion and then there's the second access which is increase happiness versus avoid anxiety there is the four quadrants
Starting point is 03:45:40 on that completionists fit into the four quadrants are you somebody who compulsively plays something to increase your happiness so for example I have devil may cry three I'm so crazy about devil may cry three I can't stop playing devil may cry
Starting point is 03:45:56 three I can't stop thinking about devil may cry three I want to s-rank everything want to s-rank every difficulty I'm having a great time this is great great then there's the person who non compulsively completes DMC three
Starting point is 03:46:12 because it's something they pick away at overtime and it's the thing that they really like and it's something they can go back to and then they will overtime pick it away then there's non compulsive remove or avoid anxiety which is me
Starting point is 03:46:30 which is I have to do this correctly or I can't play it because it will make me upset that I'm doing it wrong I have to I'm playing god of war Ragnarok I have to do the side section before I go to the end because I have to do it in the right order and
Starting point is 03:46:46 if I do it in the wrong order then I'll be upset so I have to do it like this and then there's compulsive avoiding anxiety which honestly describes people who pick up a game and then like literally have to 100% complete it before moving on
Starting point is 03:47:02 because they have to and if they don't then they'll get really upset and that sucks so the compulsion or avoiding anxiety parts of this are terrible they're awful I hate it it ruins games for me all the time but there is the four
Starting point is 03:47:18 quadrants on that that being said putting in bullshit completion statistics just to inflate run time is awful it's terrible there are people who are susceptible to that who will have their day ruined
Starting point is 03:47:34 Witcher 3 is a really good example you don't need to have 400 god damn question marks underneath the ocean to get gear you don't need that in fact the new update
Starting point is 03:47:50 the default map hides almost all of those question marks because you don't need to have them and it makes it so that the default map filter does not show you just how many spots you're missing but you otherwise turn that on and you see what you have not touched and it feels
Starting point is 03:48:08 and you're like oh what's there I could be missing tons of it and so the biggest one is doing this because I'm increasing my happiness which Devil May Cry is a really good example for me and for everybody here or am I doing it to avoid being anxious which is
Starting point is 03:48:24 I need to scrape every room and resin evil and get every single piece of ammo and not shoot that ammo so that I can get to the final boss with so much ammunition I can't put it into my inventory and then have an anxiety attack thinking I won't be able to beat the boss that actually dies dude with timer
Starting point is 03:48:40 it's odd because the two people I can think of the one I mentioned and then someone else that plays their games in this sort of methodical achievement only based way were not like I know this sucks but I'm doing it anyway because
Starting point is 03:48:56 I feel like I have to compulsively do this they're more like no I want to do it this way and this is a better way to play they were like defending it in that way well don't let anyone tell you how to spend your money and do what you want to do but to most people
Starting point is 03:49:12 like I would say that you're taking an experience that could be as best enjoyed going through it as a a gameplay narrative just pure experience
Starting point is 03:49:28 unhindered by extrinsic value and then after that you can insert the extrinsic value which is your achievements and trophies or whatever later on if you feel like staying in the game sorry I was just going to bring up that because of how crazy things got at that time
Starting point is 03:49:44 we go back to the era of 360 XBLA games and braid came out and had those stars which were non-achievement based achievements that gave you no gamer score and there was a point
Starting point is 03:50:00 that Jonathan Blow was trying to make about are you even going to get these if you don't get a gamer score for them you know the only thing that I want to disagree with is that the phrasing that you're going in is you're making it sound like
Starting point is 03:50:16 an active decision so when I load up let's say God of War really good example Susie especially since you played it use the move X amount of times to upgrade the move things so if I was playing that game
Starting point is 03:50:32 without on stream I would have to make progress I would have just sat there every time I got a new move and just maxed it all the way out that's so funny and that is obviously my decision to make right but the way that I feel
Starting point is 03:50:48 about not seeing that big zero or that uncomplete mark on the thing I can't control that that part is out of my control I look at it and go it's uneven it's I start to get out of sync by a good deal
Starting point is 03:51:04 I start to freak the fuck out I can't stand it like the main character is 24 levels higher than everybody else holy fuck I remember hearing you guys actually talk about that specifically the God of War one because I remembered as soon as you started talking about it I was like wow that's really interesting
Starting point is 03:51:22 I wonder if I personally am like most of the players because that was like I just saw it and I was like okay I just played the game naturally just unhindered and whenever I got one of those notifications where it was like you got the gold tier of this
Starting point is 03:51:38 of this move like I was just like cool it didn't even affect me and then you could go upgrade it at the time and that was like a little reward that you would get for I really like this move I use it all the time therefore yeah
Starting point is 03:51:54 the closest thing I can think of with that is like whenever I get a new ability or a weapon in a game and I want a lab but we're LP'ing so we gotta go you know I definitely am like okay
Starting point is 03:52:10 I will do a mini lab and then we'll move forward and then as soon as the cameras are off I'm gonna go back in there and figure out how this thing works you know because I just I enjoy getting into that but and feeling like I mis-ranged something or I whiffed it because I didn't you know whatever that stuff is
Starting point is 03:52:26 I'm like ah that annoys me but yeah it's not active is what you're saying yeah and so it's the kind of thing where like if I had seen God of War prior to its development I would have been able to look at that and be like oh you're gonna make about 10% of people lose their fucking minds looking at the skill sheet
Starting point is 03:52:42 right they're just gonna go nuts and they're gonna go bang it out in the fucking training dungeon and I think that's why you get early access to the training dummy and the moves count there so that you can do that you get access to the dummy
Starting point is 03:52:58 that you can beat on super super early and the upgrades on those moves count in there so you can just go in there and just go I'm gonna throw this axe 75 times unlock gold great done and I'm sure that's why it's
Starting point is 03:53:14 there in that form but yeah no completionism is complicated because there are certain certain games that just like they offer you many avenues of completion and sometimes it sucks
Starting point is 03:53:30 but the rewards are such that you feel like you're missing out if you don't do them and that affects people to certain strengths it affects me very strongly and like using that and I mean a great example of this also is like literally the entire MMO genre
Starting point is 03:53:46 and how it has not worked on me because breadcrumbs don't work on me you know there's entire genres where a lot of people are like well I can take a little bit of watching the you know the completionist thing go up and doing the checklist and dailies
Starting point is 03:54:02 and such and that'll be fun you know it's not gonna hit that like I'm avoiding anxiety zone but for me I'm just like I'm not even buying in to begin with you know so actually that's a really good point to make about 14 specifically because one of the reasons
Starting point is 03:54:18 why 14 is so it has maintained its popularity is that the team will be like hey do you not want to play this patch and unsubscribe for six months yeah sure okay do it you can totally catch up when you come back nothing's gonna leave
Starting point is 03:54:34 chill out and so the like the bleeding edge race to be current is not there like nothing's leaving in a way you're not gonna miss it out it's still gonna be there
Starting point is 03:54:50 as is was wow like if you chose to not participate wow had like stringent gearing and it was like a fucking sprint okay
Starting point is 03:55:06 so you would come back and be infinitely behind yeah like so wow had like you had to do the old raid gearing up for the new raid kind of system and so did you miss the hot time on the old raid well good luck
Starting point is 03:55:22 gearing up for the new raid you're not even allowed to participate at that point yeah okay yeah I've always heard about the wow sprint by the way so that's funny and the other thing triggered some memories so I was like oh yeah
Starting point is 03:55:38 I remember that person in my life who would just obsess over this bullshit there was also like hey do you need to do a rep grind or something like that don't miss a week because if you miss a week you're now a week behind for two years and you can't catch up oh god
Starting point is 03:55:54 oh god fuck that so wow wow has the FOMO like you must log in you must log in and 14 like every two or three live letters they're like if you're not excited for this patch
Starting point is 03:56:10 just fucking unsub it's cool hit the pause button come back for the expansion we know you will now question how do you guys feel in retrospect about with this with this topic on the table how do you feel about Death Stranding
Starting point is 03:56:28 because that game was like that was the first game where I felt like man I gotta build every road and set up a fucking zipline everywhere and that was like a form of completion yeah I did not stay in long enough for my ziplines to degrade
Starting point is 03:56:44 over time you know so that would have been annoying it's fucked to me if I had to run into that while I was playing through it but I was initially worried about the busy work and you know
Starting point is 03:57:00 and that shit and as people saw during the LP I started having fun doing it podcast and truckin I found enjoyment off camera I think that Death Stranding is one of the best examples of this ever because it is self-directed
Starting point is 03:57:16 completionism it's not hey run this delivery 45 times and a zipline will form it's hey man do you want to make this easier on yourself maybe build a zipline okay I'm gonna build my own zipline network and I'm gonna figure it out and I'm gonna max out the road
Starting point is 03:57:32 and the reward for the road isn't oh cool I built a road the reward for the road is oh sick I'm driving and it was about increasing my enjoyment by adding to it it was not to decrease my anxiety yeah totally
Starting point is 03:57:48 that's really cool it's a cool way to think about it yeah again though like easily could have ruined a lot of those feelings if you had like 48 hours before your zipline integrated yeah that'd be too much
Starting point is 03:58:04 like yeah like the degradation system is in the game but holy shit make sure that doesn't fucking you don't see it for a while bringing up this and you guys didn't play the you guys didn't play the directors no I don't know what's the big difference on that
Starting point is 03:58:20 they added so much there's a whole new like highway that goes up to the mountains the snowy mountains now god damn it through the because it goes up to the initial landing point so you know like where you
Starting point is 03:58:36 like when you start in like the first big open world and you could drive and then there's like a road that goes this way to the I forget the city names but like towards Conan O'Brien and then the one that goes towards the mountains so now there's another road that goes straight up
Starting point is 03:58:52 between them that goes through the mountains so you can get to mountain not city I heard they toned down that first forest from being the most fucked up awful part of the game the wind farm forest the yeah the wind farm descent
Starting point is 03:59:08 yeah yeah yeah I think they did because on my second playthrough because I played it twice and my second playthrough it wasn't it wasn't as bad and they also added a cannon so you could just put your shit your cargo in the cannon and shoot it across the map I saw the video of that too actually yeah
Starting point is 03:59:24 and they also added ramps and you could run with your feet off a ramp and do like three backflips in midair okay god damn it maybe I gotta go back to Death Stranding fuck it's fun yeah I remember hitting a point
Starting point is 03:59:42 to where I like combat stopped being like scary and it was more just like problem solving and that sped up a lot of that too you know yeah and then combat but you don't have to then combat began and became I'm gonna let myself get caught
Starting point is 03:59:58 so that I can kill this guy because I need chiral whatever chiral points or whatever yeah yeah yeah and then you just smoke that dude next to the hot springs over and over and over yeah totally yeah good question thank you there we go I'm fine with that that'll
Starting point is 04:00:16 alright I gotta get out of here yeah yeah Susie thank you so much for joining us and for weighing in and for helping the burning of this bridge whatever bridge I don't know but just if anything again I'm just like alright
Starting point is 04:00:32 I guess I guess we've laid it all out there this is this is the thoughts on the matter and um listen I could drop a bomb right now I fucking my friend Alex knows Kamiya personally and I asked him to send him my
Starting point is 04:00:48 apologies for the whole voice acting shenanigans because I you know felt bad that I may have directed some hate towards him and Kamiya said he literally never takes anything on twitter personally and he sent me another signed copy of Banno so okay
Starting point is 04:01:04 well I I mean and you're gonna take that good will and just shut up his ass with this fucking burn the bridge yeah look the luster is under there somewhere we're just gonna have to wipe a bit to get back to the luster but it's under there right right
Starting point is 04:01:20 right oh but yes I'm very happy that we got to do another podcast thank you so much and of course yeah thank you guys direct people like plug plug where people should come find your stuff oh
Starting point is 04:01:36 I'm the sphere hunter everywhere um and I have a huge dead space to retrospective coming up there's a lot of character study and story lore analysis in it and it's gonna be great so look forward to that there you go couple
Starting point is 04:01:52 days oh oh oh still a better torch pass than parasite eave parasite eave passed it to a child yeah it's better with the creepiest yeah yeah like
Starting point is 04:02:10 just okay no parent like third birthday there are no crimes like be like potentially being committed in the torch past of viola all right all right bye
Starting point is 04:02:26 bye okay whatever yeah passed it to a to a child in a wedding dress you

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