Castle Super Beast - CSB 200: Julius Caesar: The First Roman Cancel

Episode Date: January 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you liked the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to my channel! Hello and welcome. Happy fucking New Year! Happy New Year. Happy 2023. Welcome to episode 200 of Castle Super Beast. My name is Woollie. Hey, I'm Pat. What's up? And in this episode, there will be a bumbling and farting around for a couple hours and then we'll cut that shit up, throw it online and call it content. Oh man. Oh, are you ready for this hot content? Hello. Here's my coffee review of my coffee that I just made for me. It's fine. Water's pretty good. Content. Boy, I sure love creating content. Oh yeah. We all sound like such fucking scumbag pieces of shit. Yeah, but that's what it is. We're content. So, you know, that's what it is. Well, we'll circle
Starting point is 00:01:34 around back and, you know, touch base later. The most important part is that it's content you don't really have to watch. You can just throw it on and get shit done or not, whatever. It's background, so you don't have to focus on it. That's the most important part. Stuff that I have to watch these days is getting backburnered aggressively in favor of things that I can just listen to. It's like, okay, so like, you know, on your YouTube, you have your video essay people, right? Like you got your race, Vic, or your Joseph Anderson, or your Seth Sinsh, or your Mandalore, or whatever, right? It's like, okay, we got like a 40 to 90 minute video essay on the fucking homeworld, right? Like, or Marathon, right? You can tell I was just watching Mandalore.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And it's just like, I'll have time to watch this. Yeah, I have, I have roguelike runs to do. I have, I have time to listen to it. I mean, there's definitely stuff where you kind of have, there's stuff where I'm like, watching it is intended. And I'm kind of like, hmm, can I get away with just listening while I'm doing my thing here? You totally can. You can, you can. And I say that as I remember when I first found out that people minimized LPs and like, oh, I got so many. I was so not, I wasn't, I was not happy. I was not happy about it. I mean, what do you mean you're not watching? Yeah, I was like, what? Hey, what the fuck? What do you mean? You're just listening? Damn, that sucks. How about you? Who am I doing this for then? That led to like a fucking
Starting point is 00:03:28 almost a year of, wow, look at this. Look at that on the screen. Wow, that's so crazy on the screen. That's not, that's, that wasn't my response. My response was just like every once in a while to just be like, to just remind myself and everybody like, oh, who the fuck cares? You're not watching anyway. You have this minimized, you know, and I think maybe once or twice I called someone out and said, hey, pop the video back up. Fuck, look, hey, you know, but most of the time your timing on this couldn't be better because I was hit with a, you ever, you ever do it in your stream and you look at your chat and you see what is like a, a, a mental flashbang that just, just knocks your, your inner self to the floor every once in a while. Guy comes in and goes,
Starting point is 00:04:17 wow, Pat sounds really weird at one X speed. Oh God. Oh right. I'm now like forced to remember the entire, like the, I don't know, like 25% of people that are, are, are not just like, I don't have time to wish, listen to this. Sorry. I don't even have time to watch this. I don't have time to listen to it. I got to listen to this on chipmunk mode, chipmunk mode because I got, I got like shit to burn through. Yeah. That's rough. But yeah. And then, and then people start like, they're doing it right now. They're arguing over like, how fast is too fast? Yeah. Yeah. 1.5 to speed. Two times. Two times is way too fast. This is what happens when we give too much out. This is what happens when you throw five up and,
Starting point is 00:05:07 and, and, you know, people get, do their best to get through it. But when it, when realistically people aim for like, people aim for one, one and a half and then cut another one and a half and throw that up on Patreon. You know what I mean? Like that's the actual formula. And we're just throwing way too much out. I remember when I did the Elden Ring streams, I was doing eight to 14 hour streams for 11 days in a row. And every single people, every single day people were like, I was listening to it. I tried to listen to it at three times, but it's too, it's too confusing. It's, it's too fast. You can't, you can't. Yeah. So it's, it is a, it is a dip in and, and a dip out as you, as you wish. Hey, look, whatever at the same time in this attention
Starting point is 00:06:02 economy. If anyone clicks a play button at all, yay. So sure, man, throw me on at five speed, then throw me on at five speed, drop the volume down to nothing and like, and put it in your, and then put it in your back pocket just to be extra ignored. You know, what are you doing? I don't know. I mean, I, it reminds me of what Foxcade said the other day. He, he, his review of glass onion was, I put it on my primary monitor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thumbs up. I mean, oh, wow, that's, oh, yeah. There's definitely, there's definitely stuff for him that I'm like, okay, this is, I want to listen to this, but I don't want to listen. I don't, it's not the best of what I have to listen to. So I'm down to drop the volume and then go to sleep with it.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Because I used to go to sleep with stuff that I would like, like actively liked and I would be like, oh shit, I'm like paying too much attention. I actually like this a lot. And now I'm like, let me find something that's kind of like a little more mid and deliberately listen to something a bit more, you know, like optional. I hope I'm not optional. Also, there's driving in your car. Yes, there's driving your car. Can't, can't watch things. Well, you're not supposed to watch. No, no, no. But if you're stuck in LA traffic, then yes, you need our voices. Oh, you saw that fucking picture this morning? No, I didn't. I'm just talking about LA traffic in general. There was some guy who was like, I fucking hate LA traffic so much and posted like a sky
Starting point is 00:07:38 shot of like literally 50 miles of gridlock this morning. Yeah, I believe it. Oh my God. I believe it. You know, it's funny, you mentioned like going to sleep. I've never been able to go to sleep listening to anything. My dad does it, Paige does it. You, you can do it apparently. I can't do it at all. Like if something's on, it's, I'm awake. Period. 100% of the time. Yeah, it's, I don't know. I mean, again, a lot of the time I'm like, I just, I want to finish hearing something, but I'm like down to just doze off to it or what I'll do, what I'll do is like, I think is I don't often fall asleep with something playing. What I will do is I'll, I'll get to the point where I'm like, okay, I'm, I'm like more than 50% of the way there and then I'll hit stop, take the headphones
Starting point is 00:08:27 off. So I, I figured out a cool trick when I was having trouble sleeping a while ago, which was I got my phone in my hand, right? And I'm watching my bullshit on my phone and I hold it straight up ahead of my head and I, or actually decide with one hand, kind of awkward on purpose and the, the, the okay, time to fucking give up is when I do a drop it. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's a good test. That's a good test. Drop it on your face. See what happens. I've dropped it. That means it's time to go sleep now. Yeah. Um, at all. I have, I have dropped it directly onto my eyes. However, yeah, and it hurts. Well, anyway, um, yeah, so there you go. It's, it's, what's new, new year. It's fuck you. It's January. Fuck you. It's January. There it is.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Um, so yeah, I don't know. Uh, I had a decent, a decent holiday season. Um, I hit a, a, uh, threshold, I suppose, since my, my, the, my, uh, what should we call it? What the fuck? Anyway, since my, my Wilford brimley. Hmm. Yeah. Um, yeah, that was a November and, uh, been going pretty hard on the, you know, keeping things a healthy train. Um, 20 pounds down, not bad for a month. Oh, I'm sorry. In a month. In one month. So that's pretty encouraging. That's free. Yeah. You did that like that. Yeah. I'm pretty, I'm pretty happy to see the, the speed of those results. Uh, very, let me ask you a question. Cause like,
Starting point is 00:10:24 I had a similar experience where that first 20 fell right off. Oh yeah. Yeah. And I had this mental thought of like, does this mean that if I had just stopped doing my bullshit at any time, it would have just fallen off at any time. It would have. And then it would hit that you're actively holding up the 20 pounds going, no, I need to keep it. Exactly. And then you hit the plateau, which is where your body like goes, okay, this is probably what your level of like sloth is worthy of. And then you got to keep fighting that part back, you know, but, uh, but the first part just like, yeah, it just does what it does. And if you keep at it, it, it, you know, it's consistent. Um, what's, uh, and then, you know, congratulations,
Starting point is 00:11:10 by the way. Yeah, cheers. No, thank you. And, and, and I mean, along with that, the, um, basically the, the diabetes number went down by a full point, which is, uh, also immensely unusual. What is that in terms of scale? I don't know the point. Yeah. So, um, essentially like there's a, there's a scale that more or less consists of like, you know, if you're, um, essentially when they take your blood and they do your numbers, if you are at like six to 6.5, you're considered pre-diabetic. And if you're at 6.5 and above your diabetic and, uh, I was able to drop a full point scale down in that timeframe of, uh, uh, yeah, like 7.9 to 6.9 over the course of a month, which usually takes, uh, longer than that. I've been told. So it's like, it's moving.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Shit's going. Um, pretty encouraging to see the results come by that f**k that quickly. Hey, good for you, man. You halfway, we're more than, I don't know the numbers on it, but it feels like halfway there. Closer to being out than being in, you know. So, um, we, we do it. And, uh, I'm just f**king punching s**t every day. Um, fantastic. And then the part where, so there's always this, I like, I'm, I feel like I'm an active participant in this misconception, but there's always a thing where it's like, okay, so, you know, fat people want to lose weight. What do you do? You got to sweat, you got to do your cardio, you got to sweat it out, get it out of you, get your heart rate up,
Starting point is 00:12:50 and then have that be, um, you in the fat burning zone, quote unquote, right? And then it's like, and then also you should be lifting weights, you know, and it's like, okay, but me, a fool who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I'm like, yeah, but like, I just want to, just I just want the pounds down, right? And it's like, yes, but you fool, you need to also lift weights, you know, and it's like, and in some cases it's like that'll, you know, the make the number go bigger sometimes it does like, no, no. And so you, you kind of eventually kind of realize you're like, okay, the reason why you have to lift weights is because if you have zero muscle, then your body's going to retain everything and your, your metabolism is going to stay slow. And if you start lifting at all
Starting point is 00:13:36 in any way, shape or form, your metabolism is going to speed up. And if you're, if you've been extremely sedentary, like we've probably been for years, shut up, you're going to be in the worst possible state of like, you know, just idle burning through what your body's calorically taking in, you know? So it's essentially just like, yeah, you do some lifting and then you make it so that when you're not sweating, your body continues to fucking, you know, burn through more calories and shit. And you're like, okay, fine. So you throw that in there. So yeah, no, the combination of all of the above is, is working well. And of course, it means that like, I've, our recording sessions are shorter, because now we're starting at 3pm and finishing it around the same time. So
Starting point is 00:14:28 we're getting in, you know, I'd say a smaller chunk per session, but, and you know, and people have pointed out like, oh man, it sucks to like, you know, like not hit the beats that we use and stuff. And I'm just like, yeah, but you get it, right? Like, it's, it's, it's a an understandable sacrifice, I think. I don't mean to, I don't mean to be horrifically blunt, but you're not going to be recording many episodes if you're fucking dead. Yeah, let's see how many sessions I can get in with a rotting corpse on the couch. How about that, folks? It's funny. The irony of that, however, is that particularly since moving to BC and becoming, I'm going to say one order of magnitude fitter, the way I still got, I'm still a chunky, chunky small man, is that I used to,
Starting point is 00:15:21 I used to do like a six hour, like four to six hour, like recordings and not recording it, like stream, and I would finish and I'd be like, I'm gonna fucking die. I'm gonna fucking kill me. Right. And now I hit six and I'm like, I could do four more. I could, I could, I could go for four more and then I'll feel like death. Yes. You know, but still. Yeah, no, it, it is a, a, a, like the tiredness I feel again, after a day where I've had like the full sweat thing, which is, you know, again, I'm making it every single day. Although the Fitbit is kind of telling me when to rest, which is interesting because it's like, Hey, you've had like a bunch of days of, of heavy exercise and then you've had
Starting point is 00:16:08 not enough sleep. So you should probably not work out today. And that's pretty useful. But yeah, I'm definitely finding them like, and I'm like, yeah, when I have energy, I can do more and then like, as it gets later, I can do way less. And then also like, and this, God, the, the sleep part is just the worst because I'm, I know I like, I liked being up late. I like being, I like, I get more done that way, all that shit, et cetera. But it is true that like the longer you stay up, not only do you like, like push it more, you have a worse night and you went lesser sort of sleep and all that shit, but then you get hungrier while you're up and then you actually want to like snack later and shit like that. You're supposed to sleep through your,
Starting point is 00:16:50 your hungers. Exactly. Exactly. You know, so that shit is that's the hard one. I'm currently not doing well. But so I want to, I want to give a big shout out to the person who has helped me maintain my sleep schedule since moving to BC, get up at 930 every single day without exception, maybe a little earlier, maybe, you know, maybe 15 minutes here or there. And thus going to bed at one every single night, which is the, which is my fantasy sleep period. Right. And that is my dog who at 930 Pacific time every single day starts to go, I'm gonna piss myself. Like there's no escape. There is no fucking situation in which I go, ah, fuck it. I'll go back to sleep. Oh, I didn't get enough. Like no, no, he's got, he's has to poop. And it before even beyond that, even if he can't
Starting point is 00:17:50 hold it, he'll just get up in my face and start sliming me and just like, yeah, don't want it. No. Um, it, that that's, it's a good reason to go take that walk, which I've been doing every day. Like you, you, you take the walk, you get your, you know, however many miles in, um, that makes a difference. You also have to drink uncomfortable amounts of water. I feel like you, you know, there's, there's the amount of water that like quenches your thirst. And then there's always like an extra 500 milliliters that you got to like push through, but you do anyway. Me and Paige have been ping-ponging off of drink more water for like three years because we drink the recommended amount of water, which is you're supposed to feel it sloshing in your stomach
Starting point is 00:18:46 or whatever the fuck. And then, and then you would get into the situation where like, I'm going to piss myself, like piss myself every 90 minutes. It sucks. I hate it. I hate it. I'm drinking it just so that I can piss it out. Right. Bullshit. But when you, but when your pee is just like clear and it's like, Oh, well, that's good. That's probably the way it's supposed to be most of the time, you know, um, then you're like, yeah, your, your, your body's doing it. Basically, it's supposed to be light yellow actually. Well, sure. But if you're having a lot of water, like it'll, it'll also be even lighter than that, you know. Um, and at the same time too, I'm, I'm, I'm like eating less as well because like one of my meals is a shake each day. So,
Starting point is 00:19:33 you know, I'm doing. So what you're saying is the, the Woolie's dank secret is eat less, pick things up, put them down, walk around. I mean, honestly, it's like, I, my thing is just, I get up, I do a, I walk, you know, probably two miles, um, uh, get back, have a shake and then box and then spend the rest of the day on the couch and that's it. That's, that's, that's doing it. I've been enjoying the, the, I'm going to walk the 25 minutes to the grocery store and load up a backpack with as much groceries as I can handle and then walk back home up the hill and method. Yeah. Which feels good on the way there, feels like shit on the way back. Um, but it gets easier over time.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Switched entirely to coffee. Right. From, from the Red Bull and the, and the monster. I mean, at this point, as soon as I integrate the 100 put up pushups, sit ups, squats, and then the 10 kilometers were in fucking business. Nice. Um, I remember, I remember when I was a young man, when I was like 20, I was drinking so many Red Bulls that my kidney started to hurt and then I was like, Oh no. And I went to the doctor and I'm like, do I have, do I have something wrong with my dick? Cause it was radiating all the way out. He's like, you are getting a kidney stone. You need, you need to stop. Yeah. You need to stop right now. Yes. Absolutely. Um, it's wild because okay, I have, so someone in my, in my family, um,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I have an inlaw that just got a kidney stone at the same time as their dog. They're, they both got kidney stones and it was like, wait, what the hell is that can happen? I don't know, man. But like, well, I know, I, I know that animals can get kidney stones because my cat has a bunch of rocks living in his dick for five years now. God. But the thing that always like fucked me up from like years ago was I, every time I've known somebody that got them, they were way fitter than me. Like way more in more way healthier people. And it's just kind of like, what is up with that? And it's like, yeah, well, everything else is fine, but there's some form of sugar that they're just ingesting like fucking barrels of, you know, while being otherwise fine. I always look at those people
Starting point is 00:22:24 and I'm like, yeah, I got lean back on the couch and just really melt out and be like, yeah, I got, I'm, I'm the smart one. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I know what I know what I'm doing. I mean, in one case, it was just like too much fruit juice. And then in another case, it was literally too much Mountain Dew, you know, and I'm just like, that is like the highest fear. That's what that's probably one of the highest fears ever. Like for one of the first things to actually motivate me to cut the sugar the fuck out is like, I don't want to have to piss a rock out, man. You know, dude, I just, you mentioned it. I just had a Mountain Dew for, I think, the second time in like 15 years, like yesterday or the day before. And like,
Starting point is 00:23:09 that feels like a fake soft drink. I don't like, I don't know how to describe the flavor other than soft drink or soda. Well, your body has like, reacclamated to its natural state. So now you're just getting all the chemical, all the chemical goodness and it feels chemical. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. If you ever just want to taste again, the most alien thing in the world, go get some Baja Blast. Like specifically afraid specifically, your, your Taco Bell mixture, where they do it fucking fountain soda style and just taste that. And like, it is like nothing of this earth, but afraid of the Baja Blast. But once your body gets succumb accustomed to it, man, like it needs that shit, you know. But it's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:24:03 for the sake of not pissing out rocks, at least switch to diet, at least, you know, like you get hard addicted to that too. But it's just like, yeah, at least you're not going to be fucking, you know, going through what they say is like worse than childbirth. Childbirth for men without an epidural, you know. Yeah. So it's, it's, it's, uh, it's easier on girls. It's harder on dudes because of our narrow urethras. Um, yeah, thanks. Yeah. I don't want to have a baby rock come out my peepee. Yeah. Thanks, man. Anyways, um, so, uh, that's going on. Let's see. Not much in terms of the week, obviously. Just, you know, holidays, holidays, saw fam did stuff. Um, I mean, I, I guess I'll, I'll, uh, I tuned back in and I'm, I'm working my way through, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:03 Stone Ocean and, uh, finally got a terrible way to roll that out. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Didn't even know it was out. Can't, can't fucking, can't stop thinking about how much it sucks with the rollout. But I'm on act three and there's a new intro and it's great. Right? Oh, shit. Heaven's falling down. It's, it's fucking, it's a super cool JoJo intro doing its thing and you're watching it and you're seeing like all the setups for the stuff that I know is coming and all the hidden bits and pieces and a ton, a ton of references to, it's essentially just Jolene getting her own stand proud, you know? Um, and, uh, but not just that, like getting her own Sonochino-Satame, you know, getting like a bunch of like parts referenced in there and it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:57 it's one of the good ones, man, for sure. Um, and it's pretty sick because, um, like the last shot of the, uh, the last shot of the new OP, it mirrors, uh, Jonathan's shot in Sonochino-Satame, like running up to Dio and swinging. And, uh, it's like, oh yeah, that moment actually represents the bookend of the promise they made in that first intro. So when they first started animating JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the first thing you see is a page with Jolene on it and then it flips backwards to Giorno and then it flips back to each four, three, two, and then all the way up to the, the JoJo logo. So like because seven and eight were not out at the time, they essentially, with that intro, we're making the promise that we're going all the way up to, uh, at the very
Starting point is 00:26:55 least Stone Ocean, you know? So they finally fucking, they got there. Um, and, uh, yeah, you know, the, the things are moving, like I said, quickly and, and they're doing, they're doing some parts better than I expected them. Like there's some really, uh, there's some parts in the manga where I was like, how the fuck are they going to handle this, this fucking weird baby or this like insane cartoon stand. And, uh, they figured out, they figured out like ways to like kind of, you know, do it in a way that's compelling and, and, and, and works. Um, there's a ton of just insane shit that of course is like Iraqi at this point, almost like getting not bored of his own work, but like him probably going,
Starting point is 00:27:46 shit, if I don't keep it weird, it's going to fall too hard into the like punch ghosts versus punch ghosts thing. And that needs to be there a bit, but we can't ever let the bizarre slip away. So I have to just amp up the weirdness and like, yeah, this, this whole part is just getting into the nonsense. Um, and you know, um, I've talked to in the past about like how, uh, I have a lot of stuff in part six that's like the shit I love. That's my favorite, but there's some shit that's just fucking awful. Um, and, uh, I'll probably have more to say once I come back around and finish it off, but at the very least I got to say like the, the adaptation, um, you know, is, is still going strong. And I just, I don't know what the deal is that they signed or what's going to happen,
Starting point is 00:28:40 but for the love of God, like they have the words a Netflix production at the beginning of every inch episode now. And I'm like, can you, if you can't get out of this deal, at least get an agreement for a weekly release. Just go back to a weekly release because Netflix, I know they don't like it, but they have done it. They have done some shows that update with weekly releases. They did it for, um, there was a, uh, I want to say like a Hassan Minaj news show. Um, they did, they did it for terrace house. There's a couple of shows where they were actually doing it episodically. Nah, no. So every single streaming platform has decided that, um, instead of doing things the way that would be good or would make customers happy, like keep all the old
Starting point is 00:29:37 stuff you can't find on the platform, uh, or put it out week to week or in one massive chunk, which is the two ways that people actually enjoy watching things. Uh, they are going to instead release a brand new hundred shit, zillion dollar pieces of fucking garbage in five episode batches while delisting everything you actually signed up for and then doubling your subscription. Like watching my, me cancel my own Netflix account and then watching like people describe what the fuck happened to HBO plus or max or whatever the fuck that thing is as they just come, like, you know what they pulled off every Looney Tunes episode off of HBO, like yesterday. Sure. Like, oh, okay. You just want us to go back to that other thing. You that other thing that we had?
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well, I mean, they, they also in Canada, they, they finally made it so that I think Crave, which is the HBO max equivalent for us, doesn't require you to have a TV provider because for a long, for a long time, that was the only way. Right. So, um, it's just a half solution on inside a half solution. Um, but, uh, I'm apparently better call Saul and Arcane also had episodic drops, uh, weekly. So they did, you know, um, it's, it's possible for some things. It's just like it, it, I'm sure the drop off must be noticeable for them with the streaming numbers because just the amount of discussion that would be around the internet every week that JoJo was dropping about what was going on, it was just, it was a topic. It was a constant topic until it was
Starting point is 00:31:23 gone, you know, and the absolute 20, 25 weeks, crazy. And it just to see like how absolutely no one has anything to say about any of it. It's like, wow, man. The only thing I have seen people talk about stone ocean at all is I fucking hate how these episodes have come out and people going, people are going as to whether or not they like the ending or not. Sure. Sure. Like that's it. Yeah. That's not week to week. Hey, look at Weatherport throw ice knives out of his blood. Shit. It's, man, these episodes rollouts fucking suck. Yeah. Also, uh, the ending. I don't know. Well, it's kind of, I talked for years about how when we got to this point, there would be a fracture in the JoJo community and it feels as if like there was two pillows that like contained
Starting point is 00:32:21 the glass cracking, you know, so that like all of that discussion has been just minimized by how much people are upset at the format, you know, um, it's a huge, it's a huge thing. It's a huge discussion to have and it's back seated by just God damn it. It's out when God, you know, um, so yeah, here we are. I really, really hope they can undo it. I hope so. And I hope I hope like that the feedback at the very least of multiple people all feeling this way about it, um, at least, you know, informs them somewhat because again, they, they animate it, they drop it. It makes no difference either way, but like the drop off an interest from a batch release is something you're going to notice at least between, um, well, not that they have the data
Starting point is 00:33:13 from, you know, crunchy roll drops or whatever, but still like, uh, this is abysmal. So I really, I don't want to go into becoming even more like this. I foresee instead of two batches, four batches, man, if you like, and cut it right in the middle of arcs, just dead ass in the middle of a fight, just come back in four months. Like you will steal ball run deserves so much. It deserves so much. It needs a red carpet rolled out for it. And if they fucking kneecap that shit and throw it in front of your face, you know, just piss it out. Like I'm going to be so sad, man, because it's, it's been building. Get ready to be fucking sad. We'll see how, we'll see how this goes, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Um, yeah, maybe there can be some sort of like app you can install or something where like it pretends that there's one episode a week. It just filters your beer list so that you can't feel like that app is self-control. Yeah, yeah. Um, anyway, that's doing its thing. And, uh, yeah, I guess we can talk about Javik. Oh, fantastic. That's a cool familiar guy. How familiar are you with the monetization aspect of Javik? I'm now familiar with how insane that shit was. And, uh, you, it's something that I was reminded that you told me about some time ago, but of course, as previously established. Well, because I don't have anything to attach it to. Yeah, no context. It doesn't connect.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Exactly. And I don't want it to, so that I can fully enjoy as best as I can. So like when people are like, how does he not because you have it in your head? And I don't. But anyway, the, um, the, the, the bit with a fucking the most important team member in the entire trilogy is day one optional DLC is the most insane thing I've heard about this entire franchise so far. I think batshit. That is batshit crazy. There's part of it that is actually even we're talking about Mass Effect three, by the way, which is one, I was talking with people and it is, it is up for debate. I'm sure somebody can pull the lines, but because of his DLC status in his place, it looks like he has the most dialogue of any character in the entire game. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Like in terms of reactivity, like to different situations. But worse than that, something that you got to dodge because you weren't following this game in its lead up, right? You didn't play it on release, which was on the fucking box. Hey, buy a brand new and you can get a pro theant team member on your team. Look, here's a picture of him. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, like that era for all the, the, the, the, you know, fond and strong memories, man, the, the fucking, the marketing of that era. I remember it and like seeing this now and how it, and how this trilogy in particular has gotten like the money glow up is one thing, the quality in certain ways and quality of life and all that, redesigning
Starting point is 00:37:15 the combat, yada, yada, okay, fine, but just the businessman fucking getting in there and like, oh, it's the worst. It's the worst of the fucking modern gaming industry. The seventh gen, like, like we can, we can all talk about how fucked up a battle pass and, and all that shows now. The seventh gen was totally out of control. It was unbelievable. If you think back to mass effect two, not, not three, but two, you remember that it has a new title screen that's like you in like your office with a laptop open. The reason for the laptop open is so that they can fucking advertise you the fucking DLC. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay. That's what the screen was. Yeah. That's what that is for. It doesn't, it doesn't show up like
Starting point is 00:38:02 that in the legendary edition because that shit's all old now. Man. But like every week, there'd be like, do you want the fucking hellfire armor? No, no, I fucking don't. Because honestly, like, like that was like, you know, the, the, the monoliths, the fucking EAs and the blizzards and all of them pushing the envelope as hard as possible to find out where the limits are. Right. How far before we break the rubber band on microtransactions on, you know, cutting the game up used games, all of it, right? Uh, uh, just resell codes and not just all like, and yeah, I'm, I'm seeing it like ridiculously here because like there's a part where no matter how bad a bunch of that shit gets, you kind of want to hope that you're like, well, the just pressing new game
Starting point is 00:38:59 and playing it should remain relatively unaffected, you know, like, for example, I keep hearing about how awesome the multiplayer is and how that's gone and all that jazz, right? And it keeps coming up. And, uh, so I like, that's one of those things where I'm like, oh man, that must have been a whole suite of whatever, you know, and I'm sure that was cool, but like it's not going to be missed just playing through the story the way I am. So that's the weirdest part because the genius of that multiplayer was the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 was as everyone I have spoken to who has played it, absolutely excellent and super popular and a great value add to that game. It was also legitimately the most disgusting part of that game because the only way to unlock
Starting point is 00:39:53 fucking new classes was via dice roll on a slot machine. And in the original day one version of Mass Effect 3, you could not get enough galactic readiness without playing multiplayer. Okay. Okay. You had to go in. And it has, it has like the ability to play as every race you have ever seen in Mass Effect. Yeah. You can play as an Elcor with rockets on his back. You can play as a layer of infiltrator. You can like, mm-hmm. So that's it, right? Like the idea that that ties into your war assets in any way, shape or form. Again, just the peak of, you can't play as an Elcor? Oh, bummer. The peak of, you know, that era and just how hard can we push it? How bad can we make it? You know, can we force you to go through all the loops we want? Yeah. It's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:55 beyond its time, I'm glad we're looking at it and seeing how bad it is and not looking at it and going, man, we had it great back then compared to what it is now, you know. It's really good that you've played Dead Space. And Dead Space 2 is probably on the horizon for you. Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Dead Space were all EA properties that all had three releases within that seventh and beginning eighth gen period. And like Mass Effect kind, I want to say it escaped ruination, right? Like when you're playing three, you can feel it, right? And it's here and there. But 99% of the time when you're just playing story and hanging out with aliens and shooting stuff, aside from Javik, right? It's a fucking video game, right?
Starting point is 00:41:48 Fucking Dragon Age and Dead Space were like, Dead Space in particular was like actively destroyed in its third entry by this kind of monetization thing. So you played one, and hey, Dead Space 1 is like RE4 in space, but it's scary. Dead Space 2 is RE4 in space, but it's more action, right? They're very similar. Just Dead Space 2 is like bigger, shootier, etc, right? Dead Space 3, hey, Willie, did you like using the plasma cutter? Did you like using the line gun? Sure. What if you, instead of having any unique weapons at all, could build your own weapon and have one super gun for the whole game that you could buy parts off of the Xbox store? Oh no. Oh man. What if instead of using power nodes to unlock new areas of the map to get cool
Starting point is 00:42:55 stuff, you instead sent out drones to salvage a nearby aerial shipyard that was destroyed, and they would return to you on a fucking eight hour timer with the resources that you spent. Missions. Little recon missions. And you could spend money on the real store to make them go faster. They can't help themselves. They can't. What if they designed the whole game with co-op except Dead Space co-op is a fucking bad idea, and the character is both storyline there and also not there, and then all the cool ideas they had for co-op like different characters hallucinating different things all got cut because it would hurt the fuck it. A super customizable gun is a cool idea in a list of other guns that you can still have that are the ones that we know and love,
Starting point is 00:43:48 you know, but I think I think for Dead Space it's extra weird because like the the the games like marquee silly achievement is play the entire game with the pistol and you do it and it fucking rules and to go, well, what if you just fucking, oh, fucking, yeah. Dead Space is so sad. It's like one and two are incredible and then three just right off a cliff. Dead series. Boy. Well, I guess we'll find out. Player two guys still hallucinated. Oh, okay. Well, I guess that's that then. Sure. Anyway, so it's it's it's pretty cool to have a a prothean that's that's fucking here and I'm just like all right like questions answers all that shit and he's like I'm a soldier shut the fuck up I got here I'm I don't know I revenge let's go let's kill him you know and I'm like okay that's
Starting point is 00:45:00 fair and it's like okay can we just like like what can you infer almost from like all these little bits and pieces because this and there's there's going to be more to come as we as we go but like every time you walk up to him and you press a and like it doesn't start a dialogue wheel it's just like oh damn it like I think the the handling of Javik and Prothian culture might be the the funniest like jab at anything in that entire universe Liara running up to him and he's like I don't know any of my bullshit all I did for my whole life was fight reapers on like three planets I don't know and and so like there's the bits where it's like okay there's things you can just in like you can infer and like you can read that it's like okay a lifetime of war and
Starting point is 00:45:54 civilization and all that shit and you want to kind of figure out like did they have a I mean well I guess we'll find out eventually but I'm like did they actually have a hand in like steering humanity or whatever did you fuck with us did you make something happen or what happened there because there were implications that you might have fucked with us right that's the big one I'm kind of you're going to hear me bring it up a couple times and people are going to get annoyed because I keep going like ah we need to find out but obviously I get it he's a soldier he doesn't have all the answers but the main thing I'm just kind of like did he did they tamper with us you know violent like superior space racism when he when when the Batarians do it it's cringe
Starting point is 00:46:32 but when he when the Prothians do it it's based and he's like oh you guys got to space huh that's disgusting it's oh wow you can sorry can write how cute you know like it's this it's this pretty amazing angle um and at the same time it's also yeah so the analogy is like um we're Kyle Reese woke up and we're asking him what he what he knows about humanity you know yeah and it's like Kyle Reese is like gimme more ammo what the fuck are you talking about like you know so there's there's all that to it but uh in any case I I I want there to be more like just the the impact of that moment should be massive for everyone involved on board and uh like it's going a bit casually but then again we're we're at the end of all things like the
Starting point is 00:47:31 world is ending so it's kind of like no time to really be like holy shit a Prothian because really like fucking reapers are you know if they're here so um yeah it's uh at the very least I can say that like the the prospect of like the thing that you were worried about in in that first game as I as we continue forward it feels like the game is trying to deliver on it by making you have a sense that like everything is in trouble everything is fucked doom is is is pending you know um it's doing a good job of that um the codex is like god I wish they just they I wish they just took the um L and kind of went like yeah we recycled a bunch of these there's only a few new ones and we'll tell you which is which because like every time something pops up and
Starting point is 00:48:29 it's like oh we already read this it's like I think that so for the original series it would make no sense right but for you know I know it would it should do on a save import it should like mark mark the codex man all the ones that you totally already read in your last save would not be save game doesn't like log those on the import wouldn't be hard and it would be a really nice quality of life um and at the very experience I didn't read any of the codex in three because I kept going to them and like well oh I know that yeah so that's where I kind of like I'm like and this is we'll be perfect for a mod even that just kind of is um like says it just says one two or three before you click on an entry you know that'd be great um but yeah you know well I mean not much
Starting point is 00:49:21 else to to go on for now but uh we'll we'll see um but that yeah that character like being removed from context and like like the uh I know we like when you first start talking to him like there's an option we didn't pick that is the best line in the entire series and I've I've since because everyone went you missed the best line in the entire series I went back and was I saw and it's like yeah uh uh god what the fuck was it it's um about when he's taught when he blasts you about honor yeah um that's a trillion dead souls what honor is worth their silence is your answer that shit is fucking metal that was so sick oh oh oh he's spitting right if you come at him with the with the paragon take on that one super good um that being removed from you because you didn't
Starting point is 00:50:29 feel like spending ten dollars after you've purchased your game um wild and also on disc as well for the extra twisting of the knife is just so that you don't have to download it man yeah I like um you can only imagine if if well you don't have to imagine just look at the ubi shit of that same era as well to kind of like get a real feel for when you know we will not stop hitting you with the storefront we will not shut the fuck up about what the latest weekly purchase deal is on whatever fun bucks um and um the other day I was so uh I was messing around um for uh at some point with uh the one of the fucking recent wwe games right and like you know already what you're in for but like when you when you see down to the way the user experience is
Starting point is 00:51:33 designed how we can fucking get you right so I had one of these where uh they did in in uh in 2k22 they have a bit where you it pops up and it shows you the deals of the week or whatever before you press start to get to the main menu and uh yeah you want to talk dark patterns right so there's a thing where it's like oh there's a my faction my teams my whatever and like they add they do a cycle of like the stable yeah and you for you cycle through the like four news updates or whatever right if you just press a because you want to just move forward to the next like fuck to get past all this bullshit it it selects one of the news items and pops the screen up and the screen brings you to a tutorial explaining the system or whatever and there's no cancel you cannot back out of the
Starting point is 00:52:24 explanation no you cannot and you must choose a faction and then like get introduced to the concept of your fucking point system that you your fun bucks you must go through this you cannot can't back out to get to your main menu even though you already have before you know and it's just like oh did you accidentally press a button you're locked the fucking fuck you you know um and you're just like yeah man dark patterns dark patterns still present you know it's it's not specifically monetization but there is one thing in Mass Effect 3 that is related to like the 7th gen and that era and it's I really like the character of Emily Wong right I think Emily Wong was like one of my favorite favorite side characters in in 1 and 2 and the quest that you had where she was
Starting point is 00:53:18 just doing you know journalism around shit right especially compared to uh what's her name is it Khalid oh um the one you can punch in the right hook jab hook uppercut right and you get to the you get to the citadel and you're like hey you can get a fucking reporter on your your fucking ship and it's Jessica Cho bot from IGN and her her face did not survive the transfer into mass effect space and her model looks like a full generation worse than every character in the entire game and her voice acting isn't particularly good and she takes up Zayed's room on the ship affectionately known as battle tits I believe and and then in in like a single like a codec line or something you're like Emily Wong uh fucking died uh in a crash or something uh who cares
Starting point is 00:54:14 and I'm like I'm like oh that was totally supposed to ah fuck okay so there's an entry that was like the last entry from Emily Wong and we didn't go through we didn't finish reading it because it was really long but uh yeah there's a whole bit about that it was essentially a twitter thread that we have to go through um it sucks the um the whatchamacallit uh I mean we didn't have like Emily was fine she was just whatever random news thing it's like hey don't fuck me over in the news was our our general contentious relationship um but uh it is funny too that like every time you go and you talk to um uh the the new reporter to yeah IGN uh Jessica Cho bot the like it always starts the the dialogue with like get off my ship or hey what's new
Starting point is 00:55:10 and yeah there's like it's always available hey man are you annoyed you can you can and like it's like it's a constant thing so I'm like well every time we walked out here the bit is just going to write itself because it's implied in the yes and you know um yeah um I'm just looking for it or uh an excuse to free that room up at some point if we yeah there are other people that they scanned in uh and they like whatever technique they were using they should have not they should have just made those characters with the fucking character creator or whatever they did for the other models hey maybe maybe I'm crazy do you get the feeling that the aliens in mass effect now that you're like halfway through the third game the alien characters in mass effect
Starting point is 00:55:54 look like a like a sequel better than every human character in absolutely I mean half of the the mods are just fixing hair it feels like it feels like all the quality of life mods and shit are just like okay we made this hair not look so hideous or we just like you know trying to fix things like that or whatever but um we're able to see like uh part of it is like the NPCs in the background of like different races and things like that uh you get to see um uh turi and females for example and since they're like the newest and the latest like off the you know production line or whatever they look great yeah absolutely you know yeah like people are pointing out in in chat like rex in mass effect one looks like he's from ps4 game and like you have I remember
Starting point is 00:56:46 there's like when you're hanging out on the ship and you have like in in one you have rex garrus and tally sitting on like one end of the table looking like immaculate next to kaden liara and fucking uh ashley and they look like shit by comparison and if you crust them created your shepherd you look like double shit underneath them and it's like what the the whole fucking game aliens man um the weird legendary addition things too are also changing the lighting in situations and making scenes look extra weird um there's a there's a couple of moments with anderson where like it just became becomes like it's it's the the classic bit of we remade the game with and so that we can output in 4k and everything is upscaled and up rest yeah higher quality models but we did
Starting point is 00:57:41 not take the attention to detail that the original team did when they were lighting every scene you know like uh arkham kind of thing we're just like we just made the higher quality shit and threw it in the same box and and said go as opposed to like we were using a new version of unreal and we chose unreal green four but unreal green four in unreal engine two and a half versus four is a different green you know and when you're doing the remake and you're on the clock and you have a year to do this whole thing shot for shot even if you go shot for shot you're going to put the camera in the same place but you're not going to sculpt the light on the character the way that the the last gen game did you know so uh fucking judge eyes right judgment yeah no
Starting point is 00:58:22 that's that's probably the worst one in modern histories like that that that burnt neon look just completely gone being like a mere mere months apart right like what it like maybe two years apart or three tops yeah so uh anyway um that that all continues and um uh yeah looks like i'm gonna have a pretty uh i'm gonna have a busy week so i think i'm only gonna get one session in before i'm gone once again gonna be at magfest with reggie so uh you know if you're around might see you there otherwise uh we're gonna have i think just wednesday for a mass effect session so tune in to willy versus and willy versus the algorithm of course we got some fun shorts coming your way um of course the the bayonetta era has uh led to oh thank goodness thank goodness
Starting point is 00:59:23 it's over but uh there's a gold mine of stuff to reach in and and appreciate in isolation so by the way i gotta say particularly with bayonetta lately i'm madly in love with the way you've been titling those episodes i think the finale being called that was what was it that is one of bayonetta three is one of the endings of all time that's that's one of the yeah that's the bit yeah i love it that's crabtree shout out great oh man um yeah so you know tune in come check us out should be fun uh and uh yeah uh might see uh if you again if anyone's gonna be around at mad magfest this weekend uh cool what's going on with you uh i watched knives out me and page took a look at knives out uh sorry not knives out fuck glass glass onion speaking of i actually i you know
Starting point is 01:00:16 i i've felt really vindicated when i was looking at it on the netflix uh it's like glass onion a knives out mystery and i look over at page like that sucks that's fucking stupid i hate that they like the marketing aspiration marketing the absolute desperation to tie it into a franchise is like ruins the title of the movie you can't just say knives out too because that's not right for what this is but you also don't have a thing like james bond you know it sucks and i saw ryan johnson just being like i fucking hate that i hate it it's rough afterwards i'm like oh okay it's rough um man glass onion is fucking great real fun uh there's two there's only two things i want to say about it other than it's fucking great one no three things
Starting point is 01:01:11 one hey congrats on successfully integrating among us unironically in a way that was totally appropriate yeah yeah they got the bit that was weird to see that and not cringe out my ass weird did you enjoy uh bilan busk i did enjoy bilan busk um two is man dave batista is the best actor wrestler like by far he's great i i love him in every role i have seen him in he's fucking great um and three i don't want to describe it too intimately and i now understand why you did yeah that movie has a violent and aggressive format sure that that movie is is like you know your murder mystery has your flashbacks and flash forwards for mystery yeah
Starting point is 01:02:17 it's really really aggressive with how long the movie is and how much of the movie you're spending watching what part of the movie i don't know how to describe it yeah yeah yeah for sure i can only i can only imagine the flowchart of scenes being a nightmare like on the on the storyboard uh great good good movie very happy to see more of these uh knocked james bond solves a mystery movies and um and punch mom was like like she's kind of trying to figure out a way to describe she's like oh i like these kinds of and she's like couldn't find the words and i'm like you're thinking of whimsical west anderson like movies it's like yeah the inspiration is very clear and i'm like yes yes very clear i loved them too there was a there was an era when i was
Starting point is 01:03:13 like all about that shit and and like people wake up from being unconscious with a sit straight up go ah yeah yeah like all jovial and shit like not just not just the who done it but the the whimsy and the west anderson like nature of it it's uh it's it's it's a light it's a light watch you know um yeah good shit good shit on that uh i i imagine as well like yeah you're kind of you know you're you're clearly aiming for a franchise that that uh uh uh can continue with um uh fucking whatever detective uh what's his name fucking benoit blanc benoit blanc but you better you should probably start putting his name in the title because you're gonna have this problem every single time um yeah well i get ready
Starting point is 01:04:07 get ready for train to know where a glass onion mystery next time uh yeah but you see like the thing is is like um actual james bond for example like didn't bother to tell you each time like the movie names are the movie names and you know later on it'd be like oh this was a this was james bond or whatever but at the end of the day you know from russia with love goldfinger thunderball you only live twice like the names of the movies are just what they are you know yeah so it's just that now what is that and somebody go us a new james bond movie yeah um and and even the new ones you you you know you can go like whatever specter casino royale etc but like the modern context of like no but the marketing suffers when we don't retell you what it is though and it's
Starting point is 01:05:01 like yeah it does it does unfortunately but the boldness of your name kind of comes with that weight um find a convention that doesn't suck like this don't don't make it always blah blah blah a knives out story because that's yeah you know um it it looks still it looks terrible uh the terrible bad don't like it yeah um it is pretty interesting actually come to think of it looking back at the james bond movies that like yeah they they don't actually all start with 007 they just they do not they just kind of throw the logo in there but you sort of you gotta remember title it the time period in which half those movies came out in it was like there were two movies coming out uh every six months there was the james bond movie and then Hugh Grant was
Starting point is 01:05:57 bumbling over his new romantic comedy or whatever the fuck yeah like every year of the 60s practically like literally just right through it um anyway anyway uh yeah so what else did i get up to do oh i know i went back to Hades yeah well did you ever beat Hades no did you ever okay it's a huge regret Hades has um like a really complex relationship with did you beat the game because you there's like there's beating Hades which is the first complete run there's beat Hades 10 times which gets you credits there's continue to play until you max out relationships with 80 percent of the cast to which well you get the true end and then past that i thought i was done
Starting point is 01:07:03 and then it's like no beat the game on these escalating series of heats to unlock like the final series of challenges um which i'm i'm currently doing now uh where were you at so basically um if i'm i'm not i'm trying to remember the exact date but i don't i don't unfortunately but i what i think it was like when elysium got added to the game um or something to that effect maybe i'm misremembering but i got to elysium and uh i got to the minotaur in early access and uh i had been doing like fuck tons of runs prior to that when it was um um i i would say much harder to get to that point early on in it felt like it took a while to get there um just based on the balancing and such but um that's uh kind of that's where i left
Starting point is 01:08:17 off in the early with during the early access time so for the folks who are not watching with their eyes at home as we described earlier as this is you know you're probably listening to it while let's say playing Hades um dude that is like 35 percent of the games content okay um that is that is like yeah i like everyone's freaking out i know that the final release was like i i know it's that i played a fuck ton of the early version and just did all of that for a while and and uh then when final release came around i was like yeah i'll get around to it but at that point i had played so much i felt that i was like okay yeah i'll you know come back to it but i played myself out on the early release of the game i don't know how else so here's a good lead in uh so i i got to
Starting point is 01:09:29 the point where i got the credits but then i didn't want to do any extra stuff because i was like i feel like i've kind of seen it all right i and i'm having trouble on the higher levels of heat okay i'm i'm done um and do you know what heat is pardon me do you know i'm mentioning like heat but like do you know what the heat system is um are you talking about like doing reruns yeah doing reruns and increasing the heat with the pact of punishment okay wow okay so if you hit the you beat the game uh multiple times the game goes listen you can you the you you are strong enough to beat the game and because of the mirror you're only going to get stronger right um and upon doing so they're going to be like okay well do you want
Starting point is 01:10:23 to increase to continue to get rewards per run like to upgrade your weapons or you know the diamonds to upgrade the you know the visuals of the of the of the hub oh that's a new that's a new thing they implemented uh or not new but like okay yeah no that system didn't exist when i was playing it and basically there's a massive list of descriptors that are ranging from enemies do 20 to 100 damage extra there's more enemies uh there you have to beat each run on a time limit okay not not when you get three choices it only gives you two choices instead etc and these all have numbers associated with them so like 20 damage off of enemies is one heat tight deadline is one other heat etc but the more interesting one is called extreme measures which uh changes the
Starting point is 01:11:17 bosses into different bosses so i will only tell you one because i know it's the one that everybody knows you remember fighting mega or tisifini or electo yeah if you hit on extreme measures and add one heat you will then be fighting tisifini mega and electo okay as a as a triple boss fight a difficulty modifier yeah okay yeah and and so on and so forth so as once you have you know clean ran through the game a bunch of times it that becomes well i need to increase the heat every run to continue to progress yeah so like right now personally i'm at like nine heat with the shield i think is the highest like the way every the way has this this has been every time it's come up it just makes me like regret playing it a bunch of in early access because
Starting point is 01:12:11 like of the exactly this stuff and and like the the you know like what the did you even play the video game like i'm like yeah what i don't know what to tell you like i'm looking at this for example and i'm seeing a description here that says during the initial part of early access heat was an obtainable item like darkness or ambrosia is darkness and ambrosia still in the game yeah darkness is ambrosia still there okay uh because i know that i remember that and i would i remember collecting those things and and using that system to like upgrade shit as i went through multiple runs so here's the thing though and and because i had a similar feeling to you but instead of like version 0.8 or whatever that you played it was version one right and version one
Starting point is 01:12:59 has basically like there have been minor minor bug fixes but version one has been version one that that thing is done right as it has not been updated with new content the entire time but i was like oh i kind of got everything i wanted out of it and i didn't i didn't feel like there was that much left for me on the 1.0 version i have gone back since the you know they they hades too got announced i'm like i'm sure there's a couple of you know loose ends i could i could you know tease out over a couple days and i've been playing it non-stop because even after 110 runs with maybe 60 of those being completions right like all the way to the end no not 60 i don't know 45 50 um i'm still seeing new stuff every single run like like literally every single
Starting point is 01:13:53 run like i i ran a run before coming over here and saw the fucking i got the the ice upgrades final legendary skill that just kills bosses when they hit 10 percent i i'd never i've never gotten that in like 140 runs and i was like oh wow that's fucking incredible i still have to yeah so my takeaway from this is going back to it even after i had exhausted what most people would have given up on still feels like a brand new game hades now in the year 2023 still feels like when i loaded up that that came game came out yesterday in terms of it's it's polish and quality and uh visuals and audio it like it is it is so immaculate and woolly the situation that you're in where you played a ton of it in early access how many
Starting point is 01:14:58 runs would you ballpark like a hundred must have been like i i i yeah i like if you download and start playing hades right now first of all since it was so long i'd advise starting a new a new save yeah that is like you are playing a sequel to the early access game yes now also for you right and and the thing is too as well as that like um when people talked about beating it you know and like i was like in how many runs did you do that like it for me it was like 45 so that's the bit where i'm like oh they've probably aggressively rebalanced it for to be complete uh like like in terms of just completion wise used to be uh i played it the big time that i played it was when only as fidel was there right and learning the hydra was like the
Starting point is 01:15:50 last boss for a while okay because if you play and then you die and then you play and then you die and like i'm like getting getting to him was five runs that's crazy was rough you know right so did they tune difficulty aggressively down to let you know hit that point uh no and yes so the basic thing is it wasn't it's not so much about difficulty it's it's more about the boons and the boons synergy and the boons like higher levels because um the difficulty stayed pretty static and you just learn to beat learning like that every time you learn to beat meg like that every time yeah yeah yeah um but the way that the boons multiply on each other by the time you get to elysium or the stage after it breaks the game so it has a real interesting curve where for the
Starting point is 01:16:49 first 40 runs couldn't beat the final boss just could barely get to the final boss right and you're unlocking the the trinkets that make you a little stronger and you're upgrading the the the mirror and then i just i barely beat the final boss yeah who and then it says beat beat him 10 more times i'm like okay and then i struggle through 30 more runs and i beat him 10 more times and so on and so forth and then a combination of the upgrades and familiarity has reached the point where now every time i upgrade the heat or increase the bosses and it has become significantly more difficult i'm beating every single run okay like like every run and and that is not in terms of necessarily like i'm dodging better it's choices for the boons and knowledge of what boons work
Starting point is 01:17:47 together with each other so artemis i didn't like did not like artemis at all and i really like zoos and then i discovered that they i don't know if this mechanic was even in the game uh when you were playing but artemis if you get like this this this and zoos if you get this this this basically anything fires down a lightning bolt you can get an ability that when you're cast you remember those the little little uh yeah they throw you throw it when they're sitting on the floor they just pulse lightning forever as auto target attacks okay uh and you can you make it so that when the lightning hits it applies a status effect and so when i fought the final boss i dropped my casts on the floor and just dashed around and it auto turned the final boss to death
Starting point is 01:18:43 like it it's hard to say because there's stuff where it's like it might have been there but i might not have unlocked it because obviously you continue there's so much to get there is a there's a full god you don't even get access to until you have beaten the game at least once um yeah so basically what um what i i'm going back through the timeline and i'm pretty sure like i feel like it's traceable podcast wise even but like i want to say the last time um i played it was it was after release it was during a big update that had an update um that like had a big trailer for it right so like it was one of the uh it was one of the ones that i forgot which update it was but it had a big a big thing on it and like i'm just checking here
Starting point is 01:19:37 and it's like okay i talked about it in uh episode 14 and then i talked about it that's a bit again in episode 60 um and then it might have been uh uh and then like there was a there was a point where after post release i went back and like loaded my save up and just wanted to see what was going on but i i don't remember what the name of the update was but it was one that had a big trailer for it and um i want to say um um uh uh fuck the title screen was was it chaos or yeah anyway whatever i remember the chaos update that was a good update i think it was yeah i think it was that i think it was that um yeah so uh i really i mean this is this so first of all i just want to say i've been playing hades like non-stop like non-stop since the other
Starting point is 01:20:40 day i had a moment where uh i really i was like i hate aphrodite's entire fucking bullshit i hate her gimmick uh this i i think that is a run killer and it's awful and then uh people on twitter were like actually uh aphrodite has the single most damage up of any of her things and she has the only buff that can be extended out to like 15 seconds long which makes the damage multiply on everything else and like oh fucking uh just non-stop non-stop non-stop playing it and it's just infinity fucking content and like it's it's going back to it right now like when did it come out 2020 like and when did it start to come out 2019 19 like i want to say 19 or 18 like i could honestly like sit here and go this might be like game of the year every year it comes out
Starting point is 01:21:34 kind of thing um and i'm probably gonna keep playing it all the way up till hades twos like early access released um if you liked it and i'm sure you really enjoyed that that game like i would say that what you essentially played was like the demo sure like like not an early access build but i had this experience i had this experience with again i've i've described it with darkest dungeon as well and um with um uh uh fucking dead cells um where i am enjoying what's out there so much that i'm playing it like there's a point in time where i'm playing these games like almost every day right i sit down and i do and like for a couple months i'm doing like tons of runs and then like um you know and then another daily game or something like that
Starting point is 01:22:33 kind of takes its attention and and then i move on and then i'll check back in on an update or something but like with darkest dungeon for example like a bunch of those dlc acts started coming out and i remember when i was like damn like i had so much put into your sort of like initial save that you kind of like don't like i'm like i don't want to lose and restart and restart my shit i did it anyway and in some cases like with dead cells you definitely are just you just do it just fucking kill your save and restart but that feeling sucks every time so you know i'm often like in a position where i'm like ah damn it i don't want to lose all of this you know um i i would but i but yeah but i know how good i know it's amazing and i know it's you know
Starting point is 01:23:18 to come back around to and and do but like yeah the the the thing of just getting in early and getting in at a pace at a place where like you you're not really gonna get to an ending or it's not even in the game yet or whatever the case is and then like um this happened then like the final version comes out at some point and just like laps around all of the shit that you thought you knew is this is like yeah fuck that doesn't feel great you know but i i totally get that i mean i'm the type of person to to wipe the save right so like when i was playing hades in early access actually i mean i didn't have to wipe my save i just fucking bought the steam version instead and just didn't transfer it um like when i think about how long it took to upgrade
Starting point is 01:24:06 every little building in the darkest dungeon hamlet and then it's like do that again and i'm like motherfucker it took so long to do this like that's not nothing to be like oh it's that's not goblins that's i took it took a long time i don't feel like doing that shit again it was it was it took a it took so long yeah you know and so many runs of like shit dying and learning how to get good at the runs and the currency you're trying to get perfect like and then the trinkets you're trying to get like it's it's not nothing it's a lot of progress that doesn't feel great to have to redo you know i i totally get that and like i mean that's my personal preference right i'm not i'm not telling you to do that and if i did my apologies i'm just saying like my personal
Starting point is 01:24:50 preference like when i like when i play hades too and like roll on through it in early access which i am now super ready to do like on every update when the final game comes out i'm probably gonna start over yeah and in hades it's like i don't i have a bunch of upgrades i don't have as many as uh i would i did in my darkest dungeon runs for example but when i think about like okay like weapons like um the weapon variations for example like there was i was playing when those i don't think those were around right and so when i see those i'm like oh these are gonna take a lot of your like um again your your your ambrosias and rare currencies and stuff to get to i'm like all right that's something to work on but the the the the currency in terms of like darkness
Starting point is 01:25:38 that's and all the nightboard shit i'm like oh there's tons of that put in already and you know i'm like and like most of my god um relationships are i have a bunch that are maxed out in hearts you know like um are they are they they're so they're probably not actually maxed out okay well they're at the max i can i can threshold before like yeah but well we're talking an early access save so yeah you probably like actually halfway right so this is one of those bits where it's like damn that took a while too all right you know not looking forward to the to like like the grind but uh you know there's so much more shit obviously that it's like worth going to see all the new things but uh yeah i just i don't think fondly on losing a lot of progress because it feels like
Starting point is 01:26:26 you're losing a save file you know which doesn't feel good because you are yeah yeah i mean i'm just i'm not sorry i'm not talking to you i'm i'm talking past you to a lot of people that are like shut up dude you know well it's a it's it's a weird thing because when it then that game was coming out in early access um like an elysium got added there would be dialogue that no longer exists in the game of hey dude elysium got added oh weird huh etc right um and it had like a liminal dialogue for like basically expansion packs as the way it came out um but and 1.0 obviously didn't have any of that 1.0 was just this this fucking monolith um yeah you don't have to do that at all that's that's my personal preference i would i would actually
Starting point is 01:27:19 recommend it depend but it depends on your your personal like gut of like oh i hate losing progress uh you know that kind of thing yeah for me it's it was less about losing progress and it was more about like i don't want it like for early access games when i get like quite far in them or play a ton of them it's not about losing progress it's like i don't want the memory of my head of what the game is in this stage or that stage to be the early access version i want to replace that yeah yeah with the 1.0 version no that's a really good reason as well absolutely um because like um like i played it a lot during the asphodel update in which like all the a lot of those boons just aren't the same as they used to be and in almost every single category
Starting point is 01:28:07 except one they're all just way better than they used to be uh and so like starting out now like you get to have like the good version of aphrodite stuff or the good version of Dionysus and stuff instead of the old one which might have been not great uh but more than anything particularly people listening to this podcast uh if you have any interest in action games or rogue likes uh at all even a tiny piece at all um it's the best one uh easy and it is it is it absolutely fucking stellar action game and like how do i put this going back to it now like after over a year and a half since i left it i feel like i'm playing its own sequel like it's it's that good there's that yeah jam packed with with uh content because of the way it
Starting point is 01:29:10 was developed which is again super giant being fucking amazing i feel like uh uh i also remember like when this early access when it dropped i remember being like damn i fucking started but didn't get through pyre right like i don't like pyre and i i was enjoying the setup in that you know but i only did a few hours of it um man i really don't like pyre at all yeah it's like i was doing uh i was doing like up the lead up to hades 1.0 i did like a hey i'm gonna do super giant i did bastion i did transistor and then i hit pyre and i'm like fuck this i like i like fuck it but uh it didn't it didn't it wasn't as addictive i would say as as the others um one thing yeah so what i kind of you know what it kind of comes down to i think when i when i
Starting point is 01:30:02 look at as well as the way i play games as well these days at the very least is there'll be one like pretty addictive game with hooks that i feel um will take up my slot for um when i'm not working or doing other shit this is what i'm this is my time killer you know and um oftentimes what i'm lp-ing will be the rest of whatever i'm experiencing in terms of video games but there'll be something that i'll be like i you know what as soon as we're done here i'm in the mood to get a quick run of this and or that right currently that game is uh yomi hustle right i'm playing a bunch of yomi hustle and um uh i'll have a story about that in a second but uh that's kind of what i feel like i i uh jumping into and prior to that it was Gundam evolution
Starting point is 01:30:50 and i'm i was on that for you know uh every night for a while and then you know and there's different times when it was like uh uh fucking um uh shit what was the the card game seven no no no that was it was pick three cards and then uh advance and uh slay the spire um oh so the spire yeah and then keep talking and no one explodes all the way going back to um into the breach and shit like that right so there was a point in time when uh Hades was the game in that slot and then rotated out and then rotated back in and then rotated out and i kind of am just like okay it needs to be it's it needs to be in the rotation that to come back around at some point for sure uh and that's kind of the slot it sort of fills you know um
Starting point is 01:31:44 i would say that Hades now with the baggage you have associated with it is still better than all of those games okay okay like like basically this is a cry not will you have to get back no it's that good this is a cry willy you must load up Hades once yeah this week because especially now because the way you got burned on early access by starting Hades one now you can avoid Hades two for its entire early access run i would also and just stagger yourself by the way i in case anyone has the impression that i'm like trying to say oh i don't want to play it that's not what i'm saying it's just in a state of right i got to get back to it that's that's where it is that's where it still is that's where it was at the beginning of the conversation and that's where
Starting point is 01:32:41 it is now is yeah got to get back to it right you know oh it's so it's so fucking good like i'll be honest like a good 10 of my brain right now while talking to you on the podcast is thinking about thinking about heat yeah i mean i don't think i've seen better like consistent character art just knock it out of the park concept wise oh absolutely more than any more than this game and anything else you know um yeah uh so there's just a funny thing where so yomi hustle is uh rife with um really cool people that are fun to fight and chat with and rage quitters that are babies that can't handle when they lose the first hit right what is that like 50 50 i mean depends on what time you're on because man if you get on at like not 8 p.m you know or so maybe 9 p.m you
Starting point is 01:33:46 get a game in yeah and also sometimes the names weirdly some people have character have names that just kind of like oh you're like yeah like you're like you know like like if your name is is just fucking i don't know just all lowercase fucking epstein's ball stack or some shit like that like yeah you're probably gonna just rage quit you know you're one of these people probably whatever um but you have a bunch of these types and then you know there's very there's very like they've been put in they've put in rage quit systems that are essentially like your character the enemy just explodes and then the words quitter flashes on screen when somebody does that um but that's pretty good yeah but you can't you know you can't really stop it whatever babies
Starting point is 01:34:35 are gonna you know baby baby's gonna cry but there's at the very least what there is currently and i hope and i want them to do more about this i want them to lean into this right but the system that they have is that you click escape and then you click forfeit right and then after you click forfeit it replays the entire match up until that point and you can't leave the game yet you're forced to rewatch the entire match up until that point right and it maybe and it's an in fast forward in many cases but it's it's still like playing so there's a couple of seconds in there where you can just be like nice rage quit powered you know like you were the chat still active and they gotta take whatever is in there um and like through that
Starting point is 01:35:21 little system like there's even a moment where like somebody was just like trying to justify it and it was just like no i just like oh i just i i messed up the first one and then they clicked rematch and i was like wait a minute like i actually get to talk to a rage quitter you know and i'm like and i'm trying to i'm trying to like weird situation yeah yeah yeah because i'm trying to not scare them away you know so i'm kind of just like so like like is it that you just is it just that you hate losing or like do you want to get like i'm trying to you know what i mean be like you know and like and like at the end of the day they're just kind of like it's unfortunately not that impressive and that like it's like basically they get hit and then they
Starting point is 01:36:10 start molding and then you know they're like they want to enjoy the game but then they're like fuck this it's a stupid free indie game and i feel bad so i want to leave you know and i'm trying to just like i'm like like so and i actually rematch and we're playing and i'm like okay so like here you fucked up do you want to know like how to get past that or are you just gonna do it again they quit they quit again you know and it was such a book i'm like oh like i caught i caught the mouse what do i what do i do i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i didn't expect to you know but the system of this game allows you to like get grab somebody by the collar before they run away and it's it's so fascinating you know i wish i could like have
Starting point is 01:36:59 a full fucking conversation to like you're like so what are you what are you why are you playing what are you looking for you know yeah it's great i want i want it's it's making me like want more than just rage quit jail you know like yeah i kind of am like oh there's potential you want the rage kit rage quit chat room yeah there's potential here for like okay you're not allowed to play and unless you're you know whatever or something's going but you're stuck talking to me that's great unless you alt at four out or whatever then so be it but if you want to get back into a game quickly without some bullshit like you're stuck in this chat room and i'm gonna be like i'm gonna talk to you about that rage quit you know like how does it feel to know that you you lost took your toys
Starting point is 01:37:47 and went home and now you're playing again and then you lost a second time even though you ran it back like you're not good and that feels bad do you want to get better or do you just want no i want to win i don't want to get better i want to win you know and it was it was interesting because it's just like yeah like here's a person who's like you're ruining the experience for just about everybody right else that plays these games you are the person but like you know the nature of that is that they escape into the hole so i'm like damn we need more like fucking catch the rat and talk to them systems in these games it's great that's tough because there's obviously the possibility of just like i'm gonna shut this fucking thing off you can't stop me for sure but you know
Starting point is 01:38:36 at the very least it was a system of like and the fun and like yeah anyway it's just a peek into you know kind of like when we found the forum where people were buying aimbots and shit like that and then complaining about their their accounts getting fucking banned like where you get to hear from them and their internal mentality of like no i just i kept losing and it's my brother's account and i just i just wanted to win for once like you get to hear whatever the fuck you know i i really want that i want more insight into it especially so that you can figure out how to fucking shoot them in the gut in the future you know i have to say one of the things that Street Fighter 6 really stood out to me um it was a beta so obviously it's not quite the same
Starting point is 01:39:28 but i really feel like that forfeit button cut down on rage quits a lot because it's faster to forfeit no contest and it is then yeah the to no contest it's faster to no contest than it is to yank the cord or turn the game off so i love that feature but when i tried to use it on the games that had bad connections they never accepted it oh you're so i never got i never got to use it and i don't know because it's a subtle message at the bottom of the screen a lot of people might not have even noticed it you know i don't know unless something bigger pops up on your receiving end if someone pushes it because that's the thing is like if something flashes that's like more like hey read the person wants to stop that'd be nice but at the at the
Starting point is 01:40:16 the way i saw it it just popped up really subtly at the bottom of the screen and it feels like people didn't even notice it um i would like to though i would i would like that to be the the way the future for sure um yeah and it's funny because in a game like uh yomi hustle where it takes like sometimes again like half an hour to play a match or whatever like some people will be like shit i gotta go sorry and then you're like oh totally fine this game takes long it happens man it happens i've been playing multiplayer matches of of whatever and then i like i can hear the dog knock something over in another room and it's like yeah i'm not going to finish this match over and then go check on no ah off the couch go what totally understand my shoes you knock my
Starting point is 01:41:04 shoes over no big deal but yeah if you like if we're having a good match i'll even wait for you to come back if you can and we can quickly rematch if you're not going to be gone long you know like it's it's totally cool i've got a real i got a pro tip for you if you play a game like that and you have the ability to text chat um so in 14 this happens every now and then you get in a 24 man but something comes up and uh you know you have to walk away but if you're away for long enough people can afk vote you out here's the trick um open up your chat and be like oh my god i am so sorry i have to go i'm going to shit myself and that is the excuse uh-huh that lasts the longest before they kick you gotcha gotcha okay that that has the most like the most like
Starting point is 01:42:02 societal give on it of people go that dude hasn't been here in 15 minutes oh he was gonna shit dude he had to go yep okay okay okay and if you've got a friend of yours in the chat you can have them be like yeah sorry this happens all the time he's his ass is broken i checked in like that he just called it's pretty bad yeah he's he's in the hospital he'll be back soon yeah yeah no i just have um i just have a nice rq coward and gg actively in the box and gg just clean gg yeah and i and i have them in the box ready to go and i just like on the moment i see the replay start just hit enter you know preemptively gotta catch you in those couple seconds make sure you read that shit okay speaking of which i gotta run to the bathroom so
Starting point is 01:42:55 hey see it there you go works i gotta work i have to go right now all right uh let's take a quick word for our sponsors mm-hmm as would be opportune uh this episode oh one second well i mean you keep going just turn that light off sure uh this episode of the podcast sponsored by stitchfix uh yeah so stitchfix is the company that's about getting you closed that's better than your own ability to dress yourself you might have i can't dress myself you might have gotten this far thinking that you know hey what you do every day is fine and you know what maybe if low one has to see it but the moment someone does have to see it oops it's not good in fact it's terrible people see me
Starting point is 01:43:55 every day and i don't know how to dress myself um well you might you might even be not too bad at it but uh stitchfix still is about getting experts to take a look at you people that can you know look you up and down and give you the once over and then redesign you as a character into the best version of yourself get that style going um of course it's not just that it's also taking into account your personal tastes your budget all sorts of bits that you basically fill out a quiz and then they can figure it out they've got over a thousand brands and styles that you know and love they'll show you how to wear head to toe the outfits that you can be dressed uh fresh to death it's all about the fit you know um yeah and then of course uh
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Starting point is 01:45:49 i don't know what that song is makeover makeover makeover makeover makeover makeover makeover i don't know simpsons oh thanks stitchfix thank you okay this week podcast is sponsored by express vpn i love express vpn you just want to use the bathroom did you leave the door open i left the bathroom door open that was a power move but i left the front door closed ah okay you see now if no one's home do you leave the bathroom door open i always leave the bathroom door open unless somebody in the house yells at me to close it okay that's my power move okay well uh what if random passersby could take a look you know through your window and just see what was going on that's the nightmare i don't want them to see that
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Starting point is 01:51:43 hey hades has like four colors right it has it has green orange blue and then like kind of brown and white and it's like that's the overwhelming color palette of each of the stages and then you see the first level of hades too that they're showing off it's like hey purple new color new color hooray yeah i said i'm experiencing that in in fast forward through mass effect with each game like aggressively dropping its color on you you know like one being blue forever and then it too is like it can't get redder than this like i would love to see like a like a like a yellow stage like a sat like a bright saffron yellow that's just me uh also uh i've started cooking again
Starting point is 01:52:41 with with hello fresh and uh an incident an incidents happened where i was chopping vegetables and i ran into a question that i couldn't quite answer correctly which was the instruction said hey man cut these into one quarter inch chunks which meant i had to go down to the tape measure that i would use for furniture and pull that up to the measuring board and start measuring out one quarter inch which my wife made fun of me for um but so yeah i see somebody do just approximate so here's the thing right there's two parts to this one is i don't know what an inch is i don't know how long an inch is and somebody told me just just your thumb is two inches long like not my thumb you're talking about pat baby hands bouvet this i don't know what this is this
Starting point is 01:53:47 thing too much just for shit it's within it's within range like just look at your thumb and approximate based on that it's it's close enough like no it's not you've seen my baby hands you've seen them so when you actually my baby hands on a on a headphone okay so then when you actually measure your thumb how what is it was it what does it turn into i don't know i did measure the thumb but i did measure the i did measure the zucchini and it worked because if you don't have to get out i'm fucking ruler or tape no here so here's the thing the night prior i had made something and i cut the zucchini too thick unless the zucchini took a lot longer to cook than the carrots because the carrots were cooked at the right thinness and they didn't want the zucchini to
Starting point is 01:54:33 be all crunchy in the sauce right so i wanted to get it more more accurate to one quarter inch which meant that i needed to like i don't know what the measurement is okay so i needed to refamiliarize myself most people can just use their thumb as a reference point if it doesn't work because your thumbs are weirdly small then yes i have tiny shithead look then then use the playstation controller okay look at my tiny hand then change the reference point to anything else on your hand including i'm not gonna sideways what is this it may be the thickness of your thumb is an inch at which point then that's a decent reference too like you just pull the measuring tape out and instead of measuring the zucchini measure something on your hand and then from
Starting point is 01:55:20 now till forever that thing will be the measuring point but i can just measure the zucchini and then mentally remember in my head the picture of the zucchini forever but you won't your hands are going to be a more accurate you won't that's the whole point like measuring each item is it's not going to be that like if you just find a reference point on your hand you'll always be able to use that but i don't need to now because now i have a picture of what one quarter and one eighth of an inch looks like you know what you're right that makes more sense i'm sorry anyway the point is that i'm not crazy nope totally same that's the right that is that is all get the ruler every time no only the one only the only the one time yeah only the one time because
Starting point is 01:56:08 they're like what's it like woolly what's uh what's yard in terms of like eyeballing it yeah like some i don't know i mean i well i mean i do know because i played golf with my dad football football will you know right do that but still yeah okay so then fine just continue on that's super normal nice that is all why'd you even tell me that that story was so normal i don't even know why you told the story you're right i shouldn't have told that story it was so normal it's almost as if the fact that you told it as a story is is indicative of something i don't know what but oh i remember now it was indicative of my good friend fuggins who uh went to cooking school and described that when they were being taught how to make things they had rulers provided to them
Starting point is 01:57:00 so that they could measure their chops to be one eighth or one quarter of an inch so really i'm the genius yep that's how you win moving on all right all right tell me about square annex's nft bullshit yeah well uh basically uh uh not much to go into but hey the famitsu every year does their aspirations call them or they ask a bunch of developers what they're planning and so there's a bunch of non stories because it's like suda 51 says grasshopper is working on a new game that's it it's just it's gonna be really cool this is what we're doing you know um atlas says they're working on some
Starting point is 01:57:54 unannounced titles in 2023 wow after p3 portable and p4 golden remasters they're doing new stuff spike chunsoft says unannounced large-scale title coming soon working on stuff and so can't believe it you know and so they just go through everyone and then they all pretty much just say yep that's that's that and then bullshit uh square says there's a bit there's an unannounced final fantasy seven title that they can't say anything about yet so that's there um whatever and then their new year's letter which they always do goes on to describe uh how they are uh once again tripling down on nft uh business models and and crypto and going that road and they just really really really believe in it guys they really believe in it guys really
Starting point is 01:58:55 believe in it so um yeah i i but what about the fact that that whole thing crashed and burned super super hard our group has multiple blockchain god damn it sorry hold on a moment multiple blockchain games based on original ip's under development some of which were announced last year undertaking full preparations to enable that we unveil more titles uh this year uh you know we've committed and we're not gonna uh uncommit and um yes uh nfts in 2022 saw volatility um in markets and dramatic shifts in the in the macro economy uh occurred um but regardless they've committed to the development and they're not pulling out um i was like i don't you know it says a lot about that to me like a lot which is all their nft games
Starting point is 02:00:01 are um original ip because people in charge of the brands that people care about probably see that guy coming you know the guy in the office that comes with the nft basket and so you get the fuck out of my fucking office the fuck away from my brand i mean uh all i can go back to is because i whenever i see this and i go like right so who's doing this deliver this speed it's like it's it's matsuda yeah okay cool so you know uh what yoichi wata was in place before uh they the the board of directors uh fucking unceremoniously uh like dj jazzy jeft him out of the boardroom and put someone in place who uh they would be able to have their bidding uh you know be represented and uh that continues to be the case so um yeah a lot of that a lot of that stuff
Starting point is 02:01:03 is is not surprising but the part where you cut your losses and just like fucking i don't know open your eyes and look around you like uh i mean this is the same company that's doing that chocobo gp shit right and and fucking uh first soldier or whatever and and like all like you like just yeah is it really a surprise it's like yeah we're gonna triple down we're gonna we're gonna just you know ride it ride it into the ocean man sure i think the funniest thing about this is that the last time around they did like we're gonna do big nft and like they never show any of them that's the weirdest part we're gonna do nfts and everything nft forever and like i want to say like a week later they
Starting point is 02:01:54 were doing ff 16 interviews with yoshi p and they were like hey do you do nfts like i do no that shit sucks i'm not gonna put it in it was really weirdly blunt yeah i i i feel as if it's not quite as blunt as i'm saying yeah but i mean i want to say like as ubisoft actually unveiled their like coins or whatever for the for rainbow six and shit right like there was actually a moment where they they showed the their work at some point um and it was it was some dog shit but um i it just feels like like like if this is doesn't if this doesn't actually ever show up it's like but is there some sort of like laundering going on like is there some other reason to keep this open you know and and could it possibly have to do with like uh them getting in early on it and and
Starting point is 02:02:54 having like personal fucking you know ties to i don't know i don't know it just it's kind of amazing because it it's clearly just uh uh uh the slowest train wreck um moving it fucking you know like 10 miles per hour nft stuff doesn't actually come out this year from square in x i feel like it's a thing where the crypto investors are like nft yeah crypto you get to tell them you get to tell them you're still working on it yeah yeah totally you get to tell them you're still working on it true true true but then they're just not actually working on it and also they can't announce that they're not working on it because they sold idos to start working on it and so like that was like six months ago so they have to pretend to work on it for like at least a
Starting point is 02:03:49 year or two that that's awesomely in our chat uh just now say you know nfts are dead when yujinaka has not been arrested for fraud in regards to them right and indicted currently did he get arrested like twice three times i want to say i want to say i saw the story three times maybe it's twice but either way because like i saw he got arrested and then he got let out and he got arrested again and i think he got let out and arrested again that's i think so i think it was three it might be two but the story as of this week is also he's been is now he's been indicted so yeah there we go sick dude i mean that dude revenge for balan wonder world justice for balan wonder world he really he can't stop insider trading he fucking loves it
Starting point is 02:04:44 like if you try to tell him hey man you shouldn't insider trade you'll fucking he'll kill you this is favorite thing in the world um anyway um yeah no konami also jumped in on the famitsu aspirations column and they said that there the description is we are deeply and quietly progressing on new projects that we have yet to announce to you all what is that we're deeply and quietly uh you want to know what the best part is though um the unannounced deep and quiet progress is for uh Silent Hill the short message which was rated by the taiwanese board so we know what that is because it was uh unannounced in the rest of the Silent Hill stuff but now that's like oops it leaked so there you go nice um that leaked like before the Silent Hill announcements too
Starting point is 02:05:48 i it might was it before i feel like i feel like it did but it wasn't a part of the announcements right so that was not it was like yeah anyway it's been rated for ps5 so it's still unannounced but whatever it is uh uh you know is is coming soon i suppose um yeah they're trying to they're trying to leave the pachinko cave couldn't couldn't have less faith and i don't know if the sunlight will roast their eyes after they see it for the first time but really couldn't have less faith at all like i i have followed this series since literally like t minus six months no t minus a year and and it has been a just non-stop roller coaster of getting punched in the balls since 2000 and fucking four yeah since you would be an adult if you were born the day after Silent Hill
Starting point is 02:07:03 stopped being good and it just sucks because it's like um you know when it comes to the the franchises or such like at least with Metal Gear i don't i would be fine to never see another mainstream mainline Metal Gear ever again i think that's okay to put to rest but yeah i think we're getting one it's called Death Stranding too but Revengeance 2 absolutely deserved to exist you know so oh fucking well rip oh yeah that did exist didn't it there was a two that never became like 30 seconds it was a it was a piece of graphic design it was a fucking two you know uh yeah so anyways um that's the Famitsu aspirations column again not a ton else going on uh so what's his name i saw it's you know say hey guys
Starting point is 02:08:04 fucking Dragon's Dog with two it's it we're we're working on it i was like okay sure um that's not that's that came so far away isn't it that came like oh it's so far Sakurai has admitted finally that his watch has ended uh partially maybe he's not sure yet liar he's semi-retired is how he considers himself and uh i mean dude just fucking close your eyes and go to sleep for a few years it'll be okay he but he kind of straight up said he's like yeah i'm 52 and if i continuously make games full time my life will be over before i realize it so uh that's that's a depressing way to phrase that it really is but it tells you everything that you need to know about where he's at right so uh if there is in fact gonna be another smash
Starting point is 02:09:02 just please just do some other shit and and let the man sleep um at the very least he's gonna you know just chill and do his youtube channel for now and that's good that's good he's he's uh he's he's he's gonna kill himself if he fucking you know goes all in on on other stuff um he's clearly the type of dev that can't hold back you know like fucking self-crunch and self-carrotchy yeah uh fucking sakurai and tim rogers in a race to fucking kill themselves with overwork making the best thing you've ever seen yeah who will win i'm putting my money on tim rogers and and you know the part where they can announce a game and like kind of just look at him as they announce it and like imply that you are going to be directing this it's like they have a date like
Starting point is 02:10:01 that's not great that he's gonna he'll he'll actually get up and drag his corpse and be like fine i'll do smash six if they just you know stare at him long enough so um yeah let him let him rest um wouldn't it i would i so they're gonna make another smash brothers game right at some point in the future and sakurai will likely not work on it it would be really funny if that game came out and was like fucking terrible like like like like awful because man i want to because i think that we were just talking about konami i want to see the bad version of metal gear rising so bad right right the the one that the old pre-revenge was kojima was not running the team and the melons like so bad yeah i mean um honestly like i i look towards
Starting point is 02:11:03 something like poke and and arms as like an example of how they approach fighting games without you know a full-on sakurai style you know and platformer uh fighters the style to it like it would it would probably just kind of lean in that direction where they'd get you know some tech end staffers and some other people that they you know to to put together something but um in terms of just like reinventing the genre or creating a new one and you're like yeah uh i i hope they go for something that doesn't quite feel like smash you know i hope they go for a franchise that is yeah something that has all the like they want to continue having the video game oscars then continue to have them but just gameplay wise you know come up with something
Starting point is 02:11:57 fresh it would be interesting um okay so yeah there was also a uh a german rating for something called dokapon kingdom connect whatever that might be i i sent this to woolly i already got a frenzy yeah i already seen it by that point but yes because every because as soon as that happens i'm i'm i'm fucking alerted to it but um there's no confirmation as to what exactly this is however it's reasonable to assume that since they recently released um dokapon up the uta uta wareru mono game um it might be just a localized version of that uh so we will see um i have to i have to say that the idea of an online enabled dokapon for two reasons one it means that if you would be willing i could jump on on dokapon but two more
Starting point is 02:13:02 accurately to other people the level of toxicity enabled by not having to have physical proximity to the piece of shit fucking you over escalates times a million it absolutely could become the most toxic thing uh you could ever do with your friends like drive to your house and kill you levels of toxic because you're not next there's no physical threat imminent in your immediate vicinity oh yeah no no no question um again it's it's kind of baffling that this genre hasn't been picked up on by others and just like mimicked truly like i've tried other things that came along like billion road and shit and it just not even an ounce of of of the energy that dokapon itself has so um yeah so we'll see what what comes of this announcement um beyond that i mean uh
Starting point is 02:14:06 we can mean it's new years there's not a whole lot going on hey how about fate fate slash samurai remnant okay so fate muso is coming um what is that type moon cross koei is that my unless it's uh whatever what is it it's uh yeah it says omega force right so uh fate slash sam there samurai remnant looking at the trailer this doesn't look like fate so i mean it's a lot of like type moon cutscene stuff going on um but i'm just assuming when i see omega force in koei that it's going to be that type of game but i i don't know then there's and it's just cinematic trailer anyway there's no gameplay so um which saber is in it
Starting point is 02:15:09 um is that the right that i i don't even know i don't even know which which japanese kid becomes a giant black man and also what level of black man does he become there's levels there's more than one uh yeah i've i can confirm i've seen at least two right so anyways whatever um yeah hey you want to you want to fucking we can go back to square and talk about uh the amazing use of your money that is uh purchasing that ff collection if you'd like
Starting point is 02:16:03 which collection is that the final fantasy pixel remaster collection uh celebrating the 35th anniversary of final fantasy was announced which is a collection of all the pixel remasters of one to six um and uh you can buy them uh digitally but to get the anniversary edition uh which is again our physical copy as uh listed you can uh go for the special collectors anniversary edition which is a solid 260 dollars for ff one to six and some of the other physical stuff there did they fix the font uh no no or uh you can go for the uh standard edition which is again 75 bucks uh however these are only exclusively available uh through the website uh the screenix website okay it's straight stop
Starting point is 02:17:07 don't everyone who can hear me exactly exactly don't exactly don't so this buy anything so that website it is it is it is bullshit exclusive to their website um their shipping standard price is 25 bucks so uh that might hit 100 us uh for anybody ordering this by the yeah i'm dropping us prices not canadian um for anyone who decides to go for this if you want to get it through them but you have no choice but to get it through them since that's the since they refuse to have it for sale at any other retailers well i can't like every every two years every wait every two years every single person i know goes through the same nightmare which is i have to preorder the ff 14 expansion through the squaring x website because i bought it from the squaring x website
Starting point is 02:18:06 i didn't buy it on steam and it it's it's it is it is the worst it is the i have to reset my password every time i use it every time and i don't know why because you have this password and then you have the mog station password and then you have the load stage station it's so fucking bad it is it is it is slimy as fuck um in addition to creating a false uh uh uh um what should we call it uh uh short supply you know um and and again this is getting past the part where they're asking you for 200 and fucking what 200 in those games are worth like four dollars it's crazy it's 260 like what what the fuck is wrong with you guys um yeah i'm seeing people say that they're fixing the font well you you there is a font fix that you can install yourself
Starting point is 02:19:07 yeah i know but there's a difference between that because there's console versions of the game coming yeah um no no no so what i'm describing is yeah this is switching ps4 versions um there is there is of course uh uh still a steam bundle that uh is also 75 bucks but like you know at least in that case you're missing out on on the extra shipping costs but it's like final fantasy one to six you know yes some of the best rpgs ever made like classics seminal classic incredible amazing 75 dollars not two and three not like really like really like okay you know like what what the yeah so um or individually at what 13 bucks a pop i don't know it's not whatever they're doing it uh yeah so 75 on sale that font because like the idea of i need to spend 260 dollars for this
Starting point is 02:20:13 shit and then mod it immediately if i'm gonna have to go through the fucking process of modding it in the first place why am i not just emulating the originals yeah um it's it's it's such shit because it's like the idea of the pixel remaster and how that's happening with like original sprite artists being involved in the whole thing plus getting a proper port of these games and all that shit and for current consoles is all good that's super dope anyone would want to have those things but you know of course leave it up to we're tripling down on nft's fucking square to be like um yeah we're gonna also just bulk you as aggressively as possible through our shop which also is going to do it again bulk you again on the fucking shipping
Starting point is 02:21:00 and everything else they do um and there's no other way around it uh if you want to go physical that let the very least sorry collectors fuck you yeah so well whatever um that's that's uh that's that's a fucking shame because it's like it's also like a neat and tidy sort of like here's one to six as well as seven being you know re-released and all that shit going on in a tidy little package but like of course they can't resist their fucking opportunities to you know do what square is going to do so um where's the worst except for that one game i like or that other one or that other one which is being made by the same people it's dude it's so strange it feels like the the the the yoshi p side of the building is a
Starting point is 02:21:58 different company oh wait it is a different company i just realized like creative business unit three is actually a completely separate subsidiary i mean you want to talk about just the the the biggest like uh marker of anticipation towards 16 is like oh it's it's it's these guys that did it's the guys that made that game that people like and they won't talk to you about crypto it's the guys that run away from the the c the office like from the uh the board members every time they show up in elevators aggressively they just get off man that reminds me they match the next floor button and just run out i just saw a like soul shatteringly depressing thread on the subreddit which was uh the describing that the
Starting point is 02:22:54 reason why uh power rangers battle for the grid just imploded on itself and stop putting new characters out is because all the the management on that game got super into crypto no is that what happened started putting all the shit into crypto i wasn't looking what happened to battle for the grid let me go find it because that game represents one of the fucking bright hopes of multi-platform crossplay rollback um just uh biggest fighting game disappointment is battle for the grid dying at its peak because the studio heads got into crypto and all the devs quit it oh man is that what fucking app oh my god jesus christ that's a bummer man because that game yeah that game absolutely well the state it it is left in is still a fucking good one which is
Starting point is 02:23:57 again a marvel like 3v3 freedom not free to play but um crossplay across all platforms rollback enabled fun-ass game so uh dead though it may be because of this bullshit um we're left with a game that works on everything and that's cool um damn man i didn't catch that i didn't know that happened yeah that sucks i wasn't looking what is crypto sucks that's hey shocker stop it stop it it's currently on sale what's what's what's what's what's what's the deal 1139 okay 12 bucks there you go um all right and then last bit i suppose is just i don't know if anyone wants uh bridges yo yo they're selling
Starting point is 02:25:02 is that like a euphemism no like really her yo yo is like as a as a as a as a like a thing it's kind of it's a replica isn't that right yo isn't that yo yo massive like like the size of like a baseball so this one is is the size of a normal yo yo um and it's being made by like a uh high end hobby crafter called spin gear uh if you ever wanted a high end yo yo that is also kind of expensive because it's uh uh 44 000 yen so about 330 usd um um we're for a full metal bullet encased yo yo if you want to go on that's too much for yo yo yes but seeing as it is all it is made of real metal that is a weapon and if you swing that at someone like brisket uh they will take damage i mean the words counter a cup could be a weapon
Starting point is 02:26:10 if i threw it at you the words counter will appear above their heads if you swing a gigantic ridiculous number that will appear through half of your peripheral vision yeah they're also making a cheaper version that's just plastic for 32 bucks so you can get the plastic one too but um the expensive one looks quite nice looks looks kind of bad um yeah like there was a moment what was what did what did i see oh yeah min showed me that um no no no it was right after i beat ff6 and we saw that like statue of terra that was just like oh that thing was like 4 000 it was so insane it was just i can't even remember my brain just yeah it's just expensive i want to say five digits i want to say it was five digits i feel
Starting point is 02:27:08 like it was more than four you know um and like my reaction upon seeing it is like that is glorious i don't own the mansion that would go around it people are saying like 16 to 40 000 dollars yeah five digits i think as soon as you hit five digits the price doesn't matter anymore because you're only buying it if the price doesn't matter it's it's crazy and i'm just like you have to put that in a foyer around your mansion like there's no you know uh there's no other place for something like that to sit unanimously um it just like yeah if you're hitting again yeah you're hitting five digits and it's like is there an autoblow attached to it like they're fucking better what are we doing here man what are we doing yeah yeah but it's it's fucking nice but just uh yeah anyways um
Starting point is 02:28:12 you can uh you can get your yo-yo if you'd like okay that's fine that's fine that's fine hey the new year has nothing going on we're about to slam into too much going on as soon as dead space comes out there's a couple letters we can take in the meantime but like man oh no video games around this time of year is like play your old ones and buy the shit on sale god forbid we release a normal length episode if you've got a letter you can send it to castle super beast mail at gmail dot com that's castle super beast mail at gmail dot com i remember even though you just said it oh we forgot we forgot to talk about maturino okay yeah we fucking forgot yeah okay okay thanks lamb in the chat so so
Starting point is 02:29:12 oh dude fucking this one just sucks man like what like so maturino is where uh you would go to basically do um crowdfunded prize pools for tournaments and uh uh essentially that's what whatever there were events that would happen where there's like no major sponsors or whatever people could just be like ah we we all got together we're hyped to watch this thing we'll put the money in and robot that you can put money into for for an event and uh uh our toro sanchez who you know is like again why see furby yeah toro saving sanchez dude i've known for a long time uh you know um was involved in just what just seems to be just stealing money from people
Starting point is 02:30:15 and just a little off the top and skimming and and not giving people what they won or in some cases delaying and saying that they'd get paid you know later and this is yeah and like you know affiliated but because he would brought he would broadcast on team spooky and stuff but not um um is not spooky spookies a different person um that's that's that's vik font person i knew i knew it was blowing up real bad when i i'm scrolling down my twitter timeline and i see spooky saying i am not our toro sanchez i am a completely separate person um and then i went huh what why yeah and then there'd be there'd always be things where like um some tournaments depending on the you know who the sponsor is or whatever they'd be
Starting point is 02:31:05 like oh they're not going to pay out right away they go through whatever red tape and the corporate thing is going to have to pay you out next quarter or whatever the fuck but with me yeah when we do sponsorships it's on like net 30 and it's like 30 days after the end of the thing or or whatever yeah it's it's always much later but um with matrino is never like that you know um and so it's just it just like there's there's you know people posting in-depth like things and stuff of which it's like i don't know man just it's a massive breakdown of like six months of yeah which i'm not going to lie i didn't go through i did not rebuild it no it just seems it's actually a lot seems reasonable enough to just like you know take it for what it is and it just appears to be like
Starting point is 02:31:51 yep skimming money off the top i think hiding funds from people just sketchy shit like that and again this that's fucking what a woman what can i say except for that shit sucks because again i know this dude in person i've known him for years and it never really appeared to be that kind of person so that's that's fucking um frustrating yeah feels i used uh my context clues for this one uh and my context clues were uh the day after matrino dropped him and said hey man we're not doing this anymore because of tom fulery uh arturo put out a statement and the statement in my opinion made him look way guiltier because it was i haven't seen it what did it say the statement was that his father has been extraordinarily ill so he has fallen behind but everyone is now paid up
Starting point is 02:32:49 uh up to date as of the day which was two days ago and that he is looking forward to matrino acknowledging that the following day and clearing him which did not happen and there's something about like okay we're talking about money and payouts right yep i have difficulty believing that if you were so behind for months and months and months that you couldn't catch up you wouldn't be able to rectify it in literally 12 hours right like if you were able to fix it in one work day how come everybody's sitting around waiting on it for months and months yeah no that doesn't really check out um my favorite side anecdote to that was i saw justin wong talking about how like he went to bat for our tours like i've never had any problems
Starting point is 02:33:50 with this he always paid me out on time there was never any issue and all i could think of i'm sure that's accurate but like of course he did if he didn't pay you out you're a big creator you could have immediately called bullshit you have to pay the people with clout so that you can skim off the rest of them i mean this is one of those bits where it just like you know there could be some update that that clarifies something but as it stands it just seems like money was being stolen man it just it just looks bad and i i don't know um fgc stuff is great i love the fgc you know who's cool alex vaillet i met alex vaillet he didn't want to talk shit about you that was
Starting point is 02:34:45 a really incredible first impression what's up when we went to e3 and we were getting everybody to talk shit about you on camera for not going to e3 and like you were loser in trash at fighting games we ran into vaillet and i think at that point he had met you or something like you you tangentially knew each other i only got to know him after sam show so okay not as much at that point no and we're like hey we gotta you gotta tell you gotta what's saying to this camera that our friend is trash and he's like man i don't want to do that he's trying to stay positive fighting games wasn't wasn't wasn't that mic ross no that was that was that was vaillet definitely vaillet we had to pull teeth mic was just like yeah fine okay i'll do it okay um anyways um yeah
Starting point is 02:35:31 talk to mic i can't remember i remember i remember you guys talking to mic and i think i remember you guys like saying that he didn't want to do it and then you kind of like said it'll be fine and then kind of pushed him to just do it anyway and then he's okay fine begrudgingly um but um um yeah man i don't know like what what can i say there's there's been years of uh you know uh hanging out and um you know tournament shit and and like he was one of the few people that would like travel up to montreal as well and and and so on so um yeah just you know i feel like that whole generation of guys is dropping like flies like gutex went nuts like gutex is like a crazy person and now our terms up to this future gutex wizards gone
Starting point is 02:36:25 mic quit but like he just stopped right he was just like sick of the way now he came back he's he's he's running he's running the um he's running the the the grand blue thing and he also but he also like did some sets of like uh sf6 beta and shit like that so he's he's back and doing some stuff you know oh he's keeping it low-key but he's still around for sure oh that sucks that he's he's associated with grand blue not because grand blue is bad but just because of the weirdness of the the netcode tournament which is why which is why we're just like hey man you know if i can get get that paycheck do what you gotta do ain't nobody's gonna blame anybody for that um oh uh speaking of fighting games uh before we hop on email
Starting point is 02:37:11 i'll all that well just all this to say that uh i don't think i can join your gleeful you know robust uh celebration here of of it because i i'm not celebrating i just think it's hilarious there's a there's a there's a minor minor point of distinction there up until this story if you were to ask me about you know art i'd be like yeah chill dude good times you know one of the one of the good memories of the fgc that i have of of of uh hanging out with peeps so that's what it is um what was the other thing uh core a gaming put out one of their best videos of all time where they traveled down to pakistan to uh i saw that i didn't watch it what is up with the deal in tec and in pakistan and the the culture there and it is a great fucking video
Starting point is 02:38:08 mm-hmm i think uh yeah i saw that pop up on on my feet i didn't i didn't watch it yet though um okay all right emails got anything good i guess not um sorry i'm just bummed out man all right um yeah let's take one from um um d who says more roman cancels i've gotten into platform fighters uh i've gotten into one recently called rush down revolt the core gameplay mechanic they wanted to introduce to you to shake things up
Starting point is 02:39:04 is uh what if smash but with roman cancels every character gets to store one roman cancel and you get your roman cancel back by landing a hit you can cancel into other attacks jumps dashes and super jumps uh that launch you across the map uh you get to chase people harder than ever to come up with the wildest combos that wouldn't be possible and any other platform fighter makes neutral tense as hell when you both have one rc and uh for mind games i enjoyed the twist so much that it got me thinking um what games do you want to see absolute maximum roman cancels inserted in for maximum cool dumb uh from d stay clean so d what you're describing is literally exactly how yomi hustle works um the update that game updates pretty much once a week
Starting point is 02:39:55 at this point but the the one of the most recent things they changed about the game that makes it super fun is until like as soon as you start the match everyone has two free full-on roman cancel style i'm doing a fake and then i'm completely stopping it and doing something else and you have to choose two of them um to choose when you want to turn them on basically and then as soon as you land a hit you get them back so it turns neutral as you described into this crazy ass game of chess every time and uh you have to have contingencies for like what if they fake out your fake out and all that shit and it adds all the mind reading into the plate but um it's what you're describing if you like this game um uh which was called rush down revolt which yeah i
Starting point is 02:40:46 think i saw i think i heard i saw a tweet about um you'd really love yomi hustle it's it's exactly what you're looking for i'm gonna say something controversial i don't like roman cancels i don't like instant resets i don't like it i don't like anything that lets you take something that's not safe and make it safe because i always fall for it yeah i fall for it every time yeah but but now i like it i just like it when it has a cost it has to have a cost you know it should it should be a resource that you use um sparingly but it gives you more freedom to uh quote-unquote player express right more expression you can do you can do more you have more options you have more fake outs you have more ways to like mix up a situation um create more
Starting point is 02:41:47 of a mental stack in some cases where you can autopilot because the last thing you want to do is have things get like quote-unquote solved where if you see this do that if you don't see this then wait for this that or whatever like um you know when you when you remove movement options when you remove the ability to do fake outs when you remove all those those types of things you create a you can eventually create a solved state where it just becomes like all right yeah this is the optimal way to play so you got to have some places to break that i just always fall for it every time well you know um the the the next step is to uh expect it and then start baiting it out right yeah i suppose i will say because there's very little chance
Starting point is 02:42:37 that we're gonna talk about roman cancels again i have to say that my favorite thing to do with roman cancels ever has nothing to do with fighting games it has to do with somebody misunderstanding it as uh what happened to julia caesar good pun i love it i love it um also do you think brutay had like a red flash appear right before right before it happens the second stab yeah see the other thing too is uh that um no he drifted actually he drifted away that's the way to do it just just brut is sliding sliding with the aftershadow with the knife in hands yeah no i what i wanted to say is actually that like drift rc is the coolest thing to happen to it in that it fucking adds a level of just
Starting point is 02:43:40 aesthetic style to the fucking to the into the mechanic that just didn't exist before um roman cancels were such a crucial thing that just you know for anyone who doesn't know it's a you're in the middle of doing a move and you suddenly just stop and you just flash and stop but they were hard to see at beginner levels because you just didn't know what happened you would start to see something and then it would suddenly just stop you know hear the word roman happen and then you're getting your ass beat actually you'd hear romantic oh yeah you're right is what he'd say um so now though it's this cool thing where you have a whole fucking after image and you slide forward and time stops and it's just like a fucking and me getting blown
Starting point is 02:44:23 up by it gets to go oh he's doing the thing the thing he's doing the thing you're having a little matrix moment that like you know it doesn't last too long it just makes things look cooler and it adds utility because it lets you like close the distance when you get pushed out so uh i love that i love what they did for that but anyways yeah that hope that answers your question there um let's take one over here um full metal jack 14 says hey pat and woolly love the show love doing sphere hunter was on making a surprise appearance you have great oh this is a fantastic guest yeah absolutely i hope you don't mind but i tentatively penciled her in for march 27th i mean one day after re4 comes out i mean there are some points at which it just makes sense so
Starting point is 02:45:13 uh yeah having heard a lot about bayo 3 on the show since it came out i must preface this question saying that i never played a bayonetta game my only exposure to the franchise has been through its presence in smash brothers i've always viewed bayonetta as nintendo's goofy interior attempt inferior attempt at push publishing an indigene ninja guide in dmc like both of which i have played and nothing you guys have ever said over the past month has persuaded me that this opinion is in any way incorrect given the recent poor reception of bayo 3 i wonder if it has occurred to either of you that bayonetta is just a middling c-tier franchise that is ultimately unworthy of the amount of time you've dedicated to covering it i am interested to hear both of
Starting point is 02:45:58 your takes on the overall quality and cultural influence if any of the bayonetta franchise i guess it also brings up the question of if and how much you decide uh how much time to devote to a given subject on a particular episode mm-hmm okay you want to take this first because i'm gonna be real real blunt uh if you haven't played the fucking thing how do you know that at the end of the day if you're saying yeah it sounds pretty bad from what you guys are saying and in the end uh turns out it was all a complete fucking waste of time like okay but you don't know right so what the fuck then are you standing on with that outside of i guess what you've heard of us i don't know the first two games if you have been listening are fucking fun
Starting point is 02:46:52 they're great they're they were um excellent uh um alternatives to like the devil may cry franchise which is you know at the peak of whatever you want to what do you call it hack and slash or character action whatever it was um there are still excellent games they uh you know are made by people who understand what type of difficulty what type of challenge what type of uh uh combat freedom you want to have um with these styles of games and these games are the direct reason why games later on that uh go lightly in this direction or heavy in this direction end up being better right with what was established in bayonetta you get your near automata you get your metal gear rising um anything that is getting borrowed anything that is getting uh borrowed in in the sense of
Starting point is 02:47:46 like a launcher into a big old action scene looking moment in a game that is not uh one of these classic devil may cry likes or so or um is borrowing from what was established in these first games so like those are still fucking excellent um and i'd say you're standing on some big clout words there but no the third one was disappointing and the reason why we've talked about it this much is because how much we liked the first ones like it it becomes such a big point of like negativity when your expectations are high because the expectations have been set from how good the previous ones were uh what's the name on this email i i missed it i'm curious if i know this person from from one of my chats full metal jack 14
Starting point is 02:48:42 that sounds familiar but regardless so there is a point to be made here it's coming off extremely like aggressive and it is also coming off like why are you guys talking about a game that i don't personally care about on your podcast so it's kind of like the fighting game thing going on i would say that the bayonetta uh situation uh i would term it uh the dark souls 2 problem i don't know if you remember when i was playing dark souls 2 the year it came out we got to the end of the year and i ranted and raved about how pissed off i was about dark souls 2 for like 90 minutes and then said it's the game of the year i can't stop playing it for character action or beat em ups or however you want to call it um there's like the one on
Starting point is 02:49:34 average one of those games coming out maybe every 18 months it is a really really sparse genre there's double may cry there's kind of ninja guiding but not really like three was quite bad and like there's one good version of one and like one good version of two across like 10 releases a lot of the independent ones like wet or i can't even remember the other ones are like fucking terrible heavenly sword heavenly sword awful so when there's ones that are coming out from i'm gonna say prestige development studios even if they have hits and misses it's something to take notice because it's kind of all we got in the context of double may cry five near automata and metal gear rising yeah bayo 3 is pretty bad in that context however
Starting point is 02:50:30 it's still because of its gen like fun to play it this moment to moment is something i would have rather played than like nearly any action game that is currently on the market it's a it's a point of context the issue with us being so down on dmc on bayo 3 in particular is because the last point of contact with the genre is dmc 5 and dmc 5 special edition which is unmistakably the best game in that genre by an order of magnitude like it's it's not even close and specifically bayo 3's attempt to like kind of crib some of that but not do it as well makes a really really really poor comparison um bayo 3 has problems bayo 1 and 2 also have problems i would say comparing it to ninja gaiden is probably the most apt comparison because ninja gaiden also has
Starting point is 02:51:31 real problems aside from ninja gaiden black which is perfect but the core of that experience is still something that you kind of can't get anywhere else even within its own genre there you go um well said like ninja guy like bayo 3 is way better than ninja gaiden 3 ninja gaiden 3 is bad it's like genuinely bad yeah but ninja gaiden black is perfect right dark souls 2 uh being the you know the worst of the category that is dark souls games is still way better than other games that attempt to be souls like but the way like the i would dark souls 2 is 10 times better than mortal shell and mortal shell is fine sure right like no no change for like um what's the game there lords of the fallen yeah it's way better than lords of the fall like
Starting point is 02:52:33 holy shit so it's it's you know there's uh there's another situation i think i think of when um you know people that are like competitive at a game to start get it start to talking about it on like a tournament level and like oh this game is fucking ass dude this thing is stupid it sucks the balance is fucked up it's all whack and it's like you're within this like ecosystem of you are in love with it and it is better than all the alternatives that are like way inferior and within this framework you're calling the game shit knowing that it's still the thing you're going to play even if you're you know hating a particular balance patch or balance patch or so because it's still way better than than the rest you know absolutely yeah um and as i said before
Starting point is 02:53:22 that biggest problem is that it's it's proximity to games that even the own studio has made like rising and and automata is unfavorable uh yes there's that and i would say another thing that is a problem of the nature of what we do which is talking into a microphone and people hear it and shit is we're describing our disappointment with bayo 3 from an intimate place with that franchise you know what i mean like we're super paying attention to like these bits and pieces in a way that if you're just hearing on the outside about how much it sucks and how disappointed it was to us the big fans of it that have been talking about it for years and shit like you might feel like oh i can get on my higher horse and pop off like this but you've clearly not been listening to
Starting point is 02:54:08 the parts where we've been delivering the opposite level of passion for the games you were just shitting on right also i feel like the the the core of this is like coming from a smash bros perspective which makes sense like it people are expecting me to shit on them but like it makes perfect sense there are so many fucking games and smash brothers very few people have played all of them there's going to be people that their introduction is to sure metal gear through smash right right um but if you can but if you in that context rio hayabusa is not a playable character in smash bros no um bayo is yeah for two games um neither is dante for that matter but uh there's dante yeah but but no i think it it's just a me costume isn't it i think it is uh just also just
Starting point is 02:55:01 part of almost like are the filters we put up about shit where it's just like yeah yeah they're talking about that shit again you've never you're not listening you're tuning it out it's again we're getting getting hype over some shit you don't care about whatever but like when you start like shitting on something because it's disappointing to you that you'll notice and because of that it'll make a bigger impression uh and you're ignoring the rest of the context for where that disappointment comes from so your entire assessment is the most inaccurate it possibly could be i think i have the best example for this uh because i dealt with it for many years for a long time viewers of the podcast which was people uh in comment threads or on social media would ask me
Starting point is 02:55:43 pat why do you even play f of 14 every time you bring it up on the podcast you do great you literally bitch nice for a straight hour that's a really good game that's a really good one yeah and and i'm like yeah because i play the game all the time i know it extremely well and the stuff that i find interesting to talk about is the shit that i want to fucking bitch about the stuff that i like i go yeah that part's good the music's good but like next week next tuesday they're reworking paladin and i like you don't care about the part where if they rework paladin to be good but if they rework paladin to be extra trash oh man i'll talk about that for 40 minutes absolutely yeah it's disproportionately represented in the the
Starting point is 02:56:33 negativity whereas the positivity is just passively working and doing what it does you know you spend your money you continue to spend your money you're enjoying god knows how many hours of this game in a positive light up until these moments occur you know it absolutely of um of the the pat scale of of uh of fucking uh the pat scale of like enjoyment which goes like crazy stupendous immaculate amazing the best thing ever the i'll kill someone to get it and then the very very very very very very top is i really liked it i thought it was really good mm-hmm right but that's i mean no and you have to i would say in a larger sense like it you if you it helps if you
Starting point is 02:57:18 can like zoom out of these moments of things that you're enjoying to be aware of that you know because there are times when you might actually be locked in doing something and then not enjoying it actually and um then you're at your time is more or less being wasted but if you're part participating in like you know whatever like like railing on like again yeah shitty balance decisions or whatever but it's because you're in the trenches you're in that shit and you know you're fucking still putting a bunch of time in you're not regretting your purchase of the thing it's still something that you are passionate about but um that criticism and that passion don't mistake the tenacity the fire of it for like this is being compared to
Starting point is 02:58:06 neutral right because it's not being compared to neutral it's being compared to the fucking 10 that it usually is and coming down from that point but also to be fair to you to be fair to the emailer um there's like very few of these games there's there's there's real few and there's definitely an element of like give me the scraps but to be fair to us i think with that few we haven't shut the fuck up about them for 10 years i should replay dmc five you know that game's just that game's just perfect except for the v levels on harder difficulties that is definitely not perfect when there was one bayonetta we never shut the fuck up about it when there was two we never shut the fuck up about like it doesn't matter like it doesn't matter
Starting point is 02:59:02 however few there might be it's like yeah and we're gonna constantly be going off on it that's why we're seen as these people or whatever you know good email yeah all right a little confrontational but good email i like it sure i'll leave it there all right everybody have a good holiday be safe peace out

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