Castle Super Beast - CSB 209: Free Use Podcast

Episode Date: March 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 music music music hello hey well then how you doing? alright what? what?
Starting point is 00:00:47 what? what? give me a weird look what? what? what? what are you looking at? what are you laughing at? what are you smiling about?
Starting point is 00:00:56 are you looking at my flannel? that's flannel I live in BC now, I have to wear it that's fine yeah I got the notice in the mail I'm dressed warm too, I'm getting cold I'm warming up over here in my fucking
Starting point is 00:01:11 whatever this is yeah so I really have to say though, unironically there's something really strange about moving out to BC and living in BC for a couple months and then like it got rainy and cold and then like
Starting point is 00:01:25 literally every single man between the ages of 18 and death started wearing the same clothes like the exact same clothes it became very strange walking to the store as I'm the only one who is not wearing the flannel now I am wearing the flannel, now I am fitting in
Starting point is 00:01:49 that is weather appropriate yeah no, I'm layering up as well because I'm pretty cold pretty a bit colder than usual I guess we'll get to X-Play later, alright? yeah, no, we'll relax a bit
Starting point is 00:02:14 alright, everybody just chill well, about the cold well, you lost 30 pounds, right? yeah yeah, no, that when I lost I lost like 60 pounds you're colder
Starting point is 00:02:30 you're like much colder so something else that's happening as well is so I've just started the next phase of this big whatever thing I'm doing program health thing and that involves the last couple days
Starting point is 00:02:52 being just shakes so just shakes just shakes I've been doing is this prep for you getting like ass injections? what are you doing here? no, but it is
Starting point is 00:03:05 supervised medically by a physician, dietitian and nutritionist so, you know, like it's being done on the up and up but I've been doing yeah, I talked about it, it's a clinical trial exactly, and so I have had nothing but shakes
Starting point is 00:03:25 for the last couple days and that's something I'll tell you what and I feel quite a bit colder than usual so I'm wearing my sweaters and I'm staying a bit more toasty but wow, is that a
Starting point is 00:03:41 a different thing how's that on your stomach? so the initial period is it's fine, ultimately the type of thing that you're drinking is really made to have as much as you need
Starting point is 00:04:01 to be like as to get all your nutrients and so on for the day at the same time, it comes in at around like 900 calories so it's pretty low but isn't that like 1200 the minimum
Starting point is 00:04:19 for like an adult man? yeah so again, there's a whole there's a thing where you can start with this but with supervision and with people that know what they're doing you can
Starting point is 00:04:33 go below that but you have to keep your eye on it you have to do things like you know, keep track of where your blood sugars at and what your blood pressure is and all that stuff I'm marking down a whole lot of data
Starting point is 00:04:48 for while I'm doing this I'm checking my glucose regularly I got this thing attached and stuff on the arm and I'm gone are you getting the smiley face yet? yeah, the smiley face is there the smiley face is there anyways, but the whole thing to say is
Starting point is 00:05:04 as far as it goes on your stomach what I read about is that it can go badly some people can get really like constipated and like get rough but I've been okay it's been fine in that regard the main thing
Starting point is 00:05:20 I notice about it is that and I guess this is just because of the schedule I'm used to when I wake up in the morning the first shake I have is good to go for hours, like I can have one and be fine to like you know, 5-6pm practically
Starting point is 00:05:36 like super duper fine okay, that's longer than I thought you were gonna say the first one I have is super good for like half the day, it's wild okay, well, for clarity's sake
Starting point is 00:05:52 what is morning to you? yes, so this varies this varies, right? sometimes it's 9, sometimes it's 11 sometimes it's noon right, but about 5 hours
Starting point is 00:06:08 give or take is what I feel like the first one I'll do and then once you start to get hungry, you tank hard like you immediately are like, oh battery at zero I have lost all energy, head is feeling it
Starting point is 00:06:24 body is feeling it, everything is going woo, like you're on the the Ava countdown clock for 2 minutes practically as soon as the plug gets pulled and that's where you're like gotta go get the next one
Starting point is 00:06:40 and so I was feeling that way right before we started I had my second one and then that'll pick you back up and it'll keep you going and then each one has diminishing returns so like the second one you have will last you like 2 hours you know
Starting point is 00:06:56 and then you're gonna need to hit that third and then there's 4 a day so because your body is just really not used to whatever the fuck you're putting it through, now according to the experts this is gonna correct itself after a couple days and then it'll get more normal
Starting point is 00:07:12 so you just started this yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm first couple days you know, I've been doing a single replacement for a while before this but like this is the beginning of the like all replacement, you know it's gonna take a couple days
Starting point is 00:07:28 before it like that fades away according to what the doctor had to say and stuff but this initial phase is just like it really does feel like you have a 5 hour and then 2 hour battery then 2 hour battery and like
Starting point is 00:07:44 when it's out it's out so I'm gonna see how this works this is the first time obviously working under these conditions and I'm gonna see how this works for the purposes of broadcasting, I'm not too sure but I'm gonna go but I have my water
Starting point is 00:08:02 can you not take like sips of the shake at different times I mean yeah, some people do do that as well but that's not like you kind of you're gonna run out faster if there's less in your body right? it's kind of like a direct charge supply
Starting point is 00:08:18 whereas like normal food kind of sits in your stomach and then gets picked at and digested over time this is like in and out so I have my I have my caffeine I have my water as well these things are
Starting point is 00:08:36 good to go and still okay I can also have tea and things like that so we'll supplement and go but yeah, it's gonna be really interesting to see because I don't know, today's an experiment I'm gonna see how I feel doing this I'm gonna see how I feel sitting down to record
Starting point is 00:08:52 and I might just start having a sun downing as it were and then it's gonna get bad real quick I might have to take an emergency fucking battery break
Starting point is 00:09:08 you know? it's funny that you mention this because like I don't know what it says about my blood sugar or my biology but I have always had an incredibly difficult time like I should eat
Starting point is 00:09:24 when I'm hungry kind of thing like you know the old adage you should only eat when you're hungry right? I tried that and ended up going like multiple days without eating anything and then horribly binging until I was like sick
Starting point is 00:09:40 because I didn't because I didn't have any I'll wake up in the morning and no shit not get hungry at 8am and not get hungry until like 7pm but then I'm like I'll kill you I'll kill you for a sandwich
Starting point is 00:09:58 so like yeah I have to go okay it's lunchtime I should eat something so I don't become a cranky monster later of course this also gets exacerbated by going to sleep at fucking fuck o'clock
Starting point is 00:10:14 and your whole body doesn't understand what lunchtime is much less breakfast I gotta say moving out to BC has been like the best thing for my over like it's been great for every single reason like you know what it's raining outside right now
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's kind of chill I walked to get lunch in this because there's no snow on the ground fucking rules out here it's chill as fuck but also moving to the west coast has acclimated me to like being awake in the
Starting point is 00:10:46 fucking morning like a human and it fuck it rules being awake in the morning is awesome yeah not for me I'm just a night time person I'm nocturnal
Starting point is 00:11:02 I get powered up by that but I will say that at the very least this thing that I'm doing is making it so that I can't possibly stay up super late because it's just once your foreshakes down that's it
Starting point is 00:11:18 and when the battery starts running out it's like oh go to sleep exactly now you have to shut the day down there's nothing left for you it's interesting you have e-tanks and when they're out it's over there's no more day for you
Starting point is 00:11:34 and I'm like no but I want to play another round of yomi hustle and it's like no you have to sleep now there's literally nothing left so yeah it's gonna kind of force a more regular sleep
Starting point is 00:11:50 schedule by dropping me at midnight you know so this happens every single day I wake up between 8 and 9pm because I'm woken up by slime hitting me and just the noise of
Starting point is 00:12:06 gotta piss so I do that and then in the evening around 10.30pm I look to my left and the wife drooping the dog dead asleep and the cat
Starting point is 00:12:22 screaming screaming until we get into the bed the morgana shit is real that is a real thing and so like I have a bedtime and I have a wake up time that is
Starting point is 00:12:38 determined for me it screams because you're not asleep the cat wants to go to sleep on top of my head in the bedroom if I'm not in the bedroom the cat can't go to sleep on top of my head
Starting point is 00:12:56 oh yeah okay alright jesus fuck yeah no freedom whatsoever so then we go through the process of shuffling the fat one up the stairs and the wife gets her water and then I go
Starting point is 00:13:12 get more water because the wife always needs more water they do and then the whole fucking it's a goddamn procession but yeah no it's 10.30 to 8.30 for me but I blow like two hours of that
Starting point is 00:13:28 dicking around in the bed playing cards whatever the fuck hey get used to this I gotta use the bathroom immediately yeah I was gonna ask PRP right so are you like constantly
Starting point is 00:13:44 on the verge of trying not to shit yourself no no but I am gonna go pee a whole lot and that's a byproduct of not just not really the shakes so much as the amount of water
Starting point is 00:14:00 I need to drink to make this work cause you gotta get your 2L plus every day I recently I don't know if it was on the podcast but I threw a massive tantrum over having to drink water and how much I hate it
Starting point is 00:14:16 I drink my water now and I drink probably not like the amount I'm supposed to but compared to the amount I used to drink which is nothing right I would only drink when I was fucking parched and dying so I'll drink like 5 to
Starting point is 00:14:32 10 cups of water a day and I gotta piss all the time and I hate it I hate it I want to go back to feeling like shit but never having to piss like I'm aware that that's the deal yeah
Starting point is 00:14:48 I mean I like the feeling of like it's flushing it's taking out it's flushing through you you know I'm doing a stream I gotta get up like twice into a once an hour and be like oh I gotta empty my
Starting point is 00:15:04 penis it's got too much pee in it bullshit it's wasted time it's constant for some fucking reason what what's up bottles yeah there you go pissing bottles
Starting point is 00:15:20 I mean we've already got the tech we've described it which is right here look how large the opening is right here that's just no problem good to go 2 liters in 2 liters out oh my god that's
Starting point is 00:15:36 and you can even measure it right on the side just know exactly exactly when you're done yeah I don't know for some reason Reggie literally just never goes ever he's just he's able to just tank it the entire time wait really like you guys
Starting point is 00:15:52 do like a 4 hour sit down he just doesn't never never like on exit or entrance and that's it type of thing and it's just like don't you ever and it's just now and it's like okay I guess you know everybody has
Starting point is 00:16:08 their skills yeah and they know that yeah there's all the whole thing about like breaking the seal or whatever and like oh yeah don't break the seal no don't do it but um no in any case though yeah I'm gonna be getting up and running
Starting point is 00:16:24 quite a bit more often I'm just thinking like hey you know it's good to know that Reggie can hold it in for long periods so that when he eventually offers up the most ill-fated cringe duel imaginable he won't have to get up and go piss
Starting point is 00:16:40 he can just sit there and take it that clip from your show earlier in the week about Reggie wanting to like send rage some nasty shit is the funniest fucking thing we were
Starting point is 00:16:56 scream laughing into the floor at the idea of poor Reggie going yeah I'm gonna get her I'm gonna show her something really bad he doesn't he didn't know he didn't know he doesn't know he does a lot there's a lot he doesn't know and uh
Starting point is 00:17:12 you know there's a there's a brief moment he stood up he made a declaration and uh yeah yeah it lasted about five seconds I'd say like as if I said I'm going to
Starting point is 00:17:28 beat you up with my hands and feet I'm gonna do it I think I think the the collective howling of the chat as well kind of just like cemented the idea like hmm
Starting point is 00:17:44 did I fuck up what did I do what what's wrong here what happened and not to mention the part where like midway through that video which was the top ten hottest sonic character females females he was like tapping out
Starting point is 00:18:00 like seconds in you know so like to begin with this implies somehow like him going down to the the river and even fishing out the cringe to attack with like it's it's just a size of the average
Starting point is 00:18:16 human mother it's it's the the line that just keeps giving I just somewhere inside I kind of I don't know there's a site to behold with just imagining Reggie scrolling through for the for the for the
Starting point is 00:18:32 for the cringiest he can find and being like oh yeah this one so on my uh so we watched that we watched that that part of your stream on my stream a few days ago um and I stopped it for a second to be like okay
Starting point is 00:18:48 so let's let's recap woolly and I had the period in our lives where we would just burn our souls out by staring at the internet and just seeing every horrible thing we could see because whoa I can handle it and then we stopped because we realized our souls were dying
Starting point is 00:19:04 and we gave that lifestyle up my wife did not stop continues to do so for funsies on the regular and it appears that Reggie just didn't never just didn't do this process under any circumstances
Starting point is 00:19:20 at any time got online um four weeks ago got online mid-auts early to mid-auts right so like the onboarding process was already deep
Starting point is 00:19:36 into like 2005 or so it's like you just yeah like you just you you don't know this war man like you you know you have not yet seen what it's like on the battlefield
Starting point is 00:19:52 but here but but but but you're getting notions as they say you're getting you're getting notions um great fucking sequence of events well anyway sweet um but but but but then also not and this is what
Starting point is 00:20:08 people are also learning over time the hilarity that is uh uh the the the innocence and naivete as perceived but yet also uh the simple the simplicity that is not knowing
Starting point is 00:20:24 they don't know the truth and the depth of the depravity and there's just there's a sequence of like I'd say like particular episodes over the last couple years that have just been like each one unveils a new tag
Starting point is 00:20:40 you know talking about that mass effect shit aren't you oh yeah oh yeah definitely there's we're slowly unveiling a list of of of search tags uh over time and people care for this yeah and people people don't know but they're learning and they're just like oh no
Starting point is 00:20:56 what is he becoming and I'm like becoming I'm sorry walked in like that you oh you saw some sort of starter level pokemon and thought it was super cute and fun and innocent and I knew what that like giganto giga maxed fucking
Starting point is 00:21:12 level uh depravity was from day one you just couldn't see it I've been trying to tell people I've been trying to warn them yeah well nobody nobody believes that kind of shit unless they see it yeah um anyways uh
Starting point is 00:21:28 I mean I have not had much of a week outside of uh the piss and shakes there you go piss and shakes um but uh yeah uh no nothing
Starting point is 00:21:44 yeah that's it really we'll see where that goes um but that being said of course the woolly versus whatever uh got to the bottom of that got to the end of that list um we will be people have been asking about where to submit
Starting point is 00:22:00 uh when I when we do the next one we're gonna open up the submissions but for now we closed off we did everything that we got that uh was worth it and it'll just be too it'll it'll overflow to the impossibility if we just keep it open all the time so
Starting point is 00:22:16 I'll let you guys know on all platforms what it's time to take more in for the next time so I will say woolly uh I I still think in general that your spreadsheet is the work of a madman however when we were watching uh the clips
Starting point is 00:22:32 um the part where there's a column of who added this is pretty great it's pretty good because Paige and I are sitting there going we we submitted these it that was us
Starting point is 00:22:48 I don't I don't I guess we did I uh and it allows you to assign blame yes in a way that my format doesn't allow yes it allows a blame to be assigned it also allows me to uh pull up pull it off stream for a minute
Starting point is 00:23:04 uh check the info to see who updated the sheets and see what was what what notes were put in you can check things and there's little details that matter you know such as like if this is a long video but you only need to see the last 10 seconds you know but most importantly it allows for
Starting point is 00:23:20 uh a very entertaining when I when we switch when we tap the fuck out and kill the vid in the middle of it time to switch over to the other side and to either team reddit or team twitter get points um so
Starting point is 00:23:36 you know there's a there's a an entertainment factor to when a bomb uh shows up and just we we will not finish a video for any given reason I think I think the saddest part um I did one of these like
Starting point is 00:23:52 two months ago and it was it's one of those batches where I'm just like skip skip you know you do like 10 in a row and you're like and then I look down on the chat and a guy's like
Starting point is 00:24:08 Pat skipped every single one of my videos does he not like me or something I'm like dude I don't know your taste is just trash dude you submitted tons of trash yeah if you're
Starting point is 00:24:24 like if you're just not reading the room properly you need to learn and feel that I'm sorry you need to understand especially if you're like no maybe this clip of uh fucking whatever the the the
Starting point is 00:24:40 the fate birth planet scene was about like maybe this will be the one like no you need to see publicly as everyone stares at you and then turns away you need a turning of the shoulder to feel to feel what you've done
Starting point is 00:24:56 yeah absolutely we we asked for the slop but that doesn't there's no there's no rules no rules anything can happen including what we decide to stick with or not you know um and anyways um um
Starting point is 00:25:12 every once in a while you know you get something where you're like oh okay this is like a long video but it's like okay let's do a little segment we can talk about a star test for a minute sometimes a long video can be good I watched uh I had a I had like an argument
Starting point is 00:25:28 with my stream where I was like we're gonna watch the internet historian video about caves yes it is over an hour long and everyone's like no it's too long shut up 10 minutes in everyone is the most
Starting point is 00:25:44 wrapped with attention anyone's ever been because if you have not seen the internet historian video about caves you should it's the craziest story ever told mm-hmm and told well
Starting point is 00:26:00 I don't think I have seen it oh it's fucking incredible however I don't know about you willy I I'm not claustrophobic I would actually describe myself as claustrophilic I like sitting in corners yeah I like sitting in small rooms yes I find in closed spaces
Starting point is 00:26:16 pleasant cave to a degree yeah cave shit just inverts that to nightmare on a way that makes you like just kind of breathe heavy just talking about it yes yes yes it's wildly upset I think we've discussed it before I
Starting point is 00:26:32 love like being when my bed is in the corner I love being against the wall of the corner of my bed love that love that spot I'm down with like laying in crevices and things like that that's all fun no no problems there
Starting point is 00:26:48 when I see the picture of the climber that fell into the crack and couldn't get out the deepest most horrible like like stinging in the back of my brain it's it's it's like the
Starting point is 00:27:04 guys you see there's so many of these videos like we're exploring a new part of the cave alright so to make progress I have to suck in my chest come on yeah no it's when it's it's that it's or like or like the trapped kids
Starting point is 00:27:26 this stuff where it's like you have to go up into like a ridiculous curved crevice and come down into an opening you know and then you're like uh oh how are we getting back out the other way like that or there's water involved
Starting point is 00:27:42 like just fucking figure it out figure it out yeah that that's beyond nightmare so yeah if you find that to be a nightmare you should definitely watch that video about okay okay it is the most upsetting thing in the fucking world
Starting point is 00:27:58 um so yeah your week's been nothing but drinking medicine yeah a little bit of that um you know I'll I also um I'll give a shout out I've been now that the yomi hustle update
Starting point is 00:28:14 has allowed people to download characters and stages real easy and quick custom content is just like flying so you can just jump over to the steam workshop and just click subscribe on a bunch of stages and on a bunch of characters and then you just bam just like that good to go um you turn on the modded version of the game
Starting point is 00:28:30 of course it's it's and it's kind of turning into like a mugen-esque wild west right now it's kind of wild you were talking about this a couple weeks ago where like the the people modding it have like a like a gentleman's agreement that they're all gonna stay within the general parameters
Starting point is 00:28:46 of the aesthetic yeah and aesthetic simple yes so yeah you could mugen that shit to help 90% of what you see is fitting that aesthetic of like a silhouette of a character you know and some details where like oh you can see a unique sword or unique kind of hair
Starting point is 00:29:02 or something about them is unique in their stance their pose you're gonna read the silhouettes though backgrounds are gonna keep it simple but every once in a while someone just goes fuck it I'm putting hit from dragon ball in the game and it's just hit and it's and like it's like oh he does hits moves and he does
Starting point is 00:29:18 the the time stop and he does the freezing and the teleporting and uh yeah that's it's and we're like okay we're at mugen now we're at that point people have created a whole bunch of really cool OCs though and yeah
Starting point is 00:29:34 it is like not at all balanced you're gonna see some wild dumb shit but as long as you're on board with that um the I've never gone into the modded side of the yomi hustle until until this week and uh it's it's there they're doing some real stylish shit I gotta say they're doing a really cool thing
Starting point is 00:29:50 with some characters where the high effort into the um into the art means we're working with silhouettes therefore it's gonna be stick figure but it's gonna move extremely smoothly with a like really detailed series of animations
Starting point is 00:30:06 every time it attacks or does an intro or something fun like that you know um really fancy exploding hit sparks and all the type of shit you would want to see off of a again taking it back to your old stick figure fighting from the flash era of of new grounds
Starting point is 00:30:22 Monty um fights you know all of that cool stuff is going down um especially hard with the with the modded characters so yeah um just a fun twist on the game and a lot of people kind of coming up with like concept fighting game characters in a way
Starting point is 00:30:38 you know like um if you like there's one character that has like a whole yin and yang system and like you can switch between two move sets and then when you use them enough you eventually can balance the two to create like a third form that is like unlocking both powers
Starting point is 00:30:54 and buffed and stuff you know okay that's a lot more in depth than I was expecting you to describe oh yeah no like they're really they're really doing tons of shit with it absolutely um it's it's it's quite impressive you know like the Michael Jackson moonwalker
Starting point is 00:31:10 bit is like a fun little like you know introduction to the idea but people are making subsystems that are like pretty complex you know um yeah so you know just a shout out to that that's still pretty fun
Starting point is 00:31:26 I'm I'm looking at that like if I was me in high school I might have sat down and started fucking throwing some characters into this thing and just pretend you're you in high school now and
Starting point is 00:31:42 no that throw on display capture and be like hey gang let's make goddamn anime that was a lifetime ago what needs to happen is we need to wait for the next phase of this where someone stops playing the game and starts making it just about
Starting point is 00:31:58 the replays and then you make a salty bet type situation where the only way that Mugen lives on is in the form of a random goofy ass fucking twitch stream you know yeah anyways
Starting point is 00:32:14 we're gonna be continuing high-fi rush and um mass effect albeit at a slower pace as mentioned gonna be doing a lot more health stuff so streams will be a little infrequent
Starting point is 00:32:30 um this week I'm gonna be in I think um I think we're just gonna get two streams in this week so I'll post a schedule afterwards once I verify some stuff but um either way those two games um are going to continue
Starting point is 00:32:46 and um yeah it's gonna be a bit tricky to get some fighting game stuff done but um uh I want to get Samurai showdown I want to get a session in there and some other stuff we're kind of like planning talking to some people and seeing what we can do so
Starting point is 00:33:02 um for now though uh one or two streams of of um of the of the LPs this week willy versus the algorithm as well uh fun shorts dropping over there some of the segments from willy versus whatever uh already getting ready to go
Starting point is 00:33:18 um fun times when uh someone submits a four minute fighting game video and we get a ten minute discussion out of it shout outs to that's that's that's what we do dude that's what we do over here I think my favorite part my favorite part
Starting point is 00:33:34 of watching your content on my react stream was uh someone made that joke in my chat what during the during the bit and then you stopped to explain something in the sonic mother
Starting point is 00:33:50 sonic females at which point I stopped you in your explanation in your video correct to explain something myself yes which was actually to talk about the wife's predilection to stop
Starting point is 00:34:06 films when we're watching films to explain or tell me a detail about and it took that fucking eight minute sonic video into like 40 minutes because of the multiple stacks of
Starting point is 00:34:22 stop and explain I mean ultimate way around it there is it but as ultimately as long as it's it's interesting I don't mind and I certainly know that it I'm also uh I prefer to do that more than just if it's just a play
Starting point is 00:34:38 beginning to end of someone else's video and then I go ha and then we end it that kind of is like well you just played a video right well for me it depends how long it is right if it's three minutes long okay we can wait I can wait I can hold my thoughts in my mind yeah if it's more than eight minutes
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'm not going to be able to well I think of the term free use and transformative content right and I think I'm sorry right that's fair use don't you yes I do hahaha hahaha
Starting point is 00:35:10 hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha haha hahaha hahaha
Starting point is 00:35:26 haha I mean fairy hahaha hahaha yes I think of the term fair use hahaha hahaha and transformative content
Starting point is 00:35:42 where the goal is to be able to take that content in whatever form it is and at any time of day no matter what's happening no matter what's going on 24-7 you can talk over the content
Starting point is 00:35:58 and transform it into something hahaha hahaha hahaha and you can transform the content into something that originally was not there and in that case
Starting point is 00:36:14 you're probably going to be fine because you know you've critiqued or said something or whatever and you've added something to it more than just playing it itself for what it was at any time mhm
Starting point is 00:36:30 so I don't mind pausing and talking over things yeah I get what you're saying hahaha I gotta use the bathroom again yeah are you serious I literally do
Starting point is 00:36:46 oh my god okay have fun right and we're back is it really that often that seems like inconvenient no no no that's not that often but I am like chugging my second leader right now
Starting point is 00:37:02 um so it's once this is done it's probably going to be once you're done with that bottle you can just use the bottle that is always on the option that is always on the table yes um anyways I was just trying to wrap it up and say uh good stuff over on the second channel
Starting point is 00:37:18 check that out and um as well as the exciting conclusion season finale of gone in 60 seconds has gone up yesterday as well so um yeah there you go there you go does the season finale denote like you finishing
Starting point is 00:37:34 like a batch of episodes or what technically the end of the first season has occurred yes oh seriously oh well how do you like it or is that contained therein it is definitely contained therein okay so um
Starting point is 00:37:50 alright what's uh what's going on on your side oh uh tttttt let me think and by think I mean look at the video production tab on my twitch stream so I can remember what I did alright so
Starting point is 00:38:06 so you remember when I made the whole point of making like a custom dmc steam input profile for page so that you wouldn't have to mash and store your hands ran into some weird problems on that that you might actually have some empathy for
Starting point is 00:38:22 um the woman presses the l3 all of the time mm-hmm I remember uh you when we play dark souls depending on the game and depending on how sensitive the jump was you would just occasionally maybe once every like 20 episodes just throw yourself to your doom
Starting point is 00:38:38 by moving too quickly and pressing the l3 uh and launching yourself into a pit yep uh in devil may cry this uh this um manifests as locking onto an enemy moving towards the enemy and then immediately
Starting point is 00:38:54 switching targets to a different enemy so that your your attack does not aim at the enemy that you wanted it to um so we're able to figure out how to mitigate that by putting l3 as press only
Starting point is 00:39:10 which you might actually want to look into yourself woolly um as a steam profile yeah steam profile also discovered did you know in devil may cry 3 that if you hold down l3 like click it in and hold it for 5 seconds
Starting point is 00:39:26 the lock on cursor turns off whoa why did you know not at all yeah no one did but page managed to find it because she'd be playing and her fucking lock on cursor would just fucking
Starting point is 00:39:42 go it would just go away huh and it took me a while to figure out what the fuck was happening because she would be clicking in she she's death gripping this shit so hard that l3 is clicked in like permanently
Starting point is 00:39:58 mm-hmm like as as a state and weirdly enough i made all these these contingencies so that the woman wouldn't have to mash hard and screw up her wrists she's doing back to back to back to back stingers into million stabs
Starting point is 00:40:14 by accident i put the game on myself after the stream i can't do them on purpose because you accidentally get stabs every time no no she's doing the stabs like the dmc 3 oh
Starting point is 00:40:30 mash oh the false the first yeah on every stinger by accident and i'm like like so i go that's the death grip she goes i don't know why i'm doing
Starting point is 00:40:48 it i'm not i go no no i'm not asking you why you're doing it i'm asking you how you are doing it because i can't do 3 million stabs out of stinger back to back to back on purpose you need the death grip
Starting point is 00:41:04 so yeah she's death gripping it the shit yeah side from death gripping i approve um that woman has pointed her skills in that woman is just all
Starting point is 00:41:20 all points into strength okay you remember dmc 3 relatively well sure be agony and rudra in two shots beat virginal in three on first time through took almost 25 minutes
Starting point is 00:41:36 to defeat the puzzle in which you go to the doors marked a baby crawls and then oh god oh god resident evil puzzles hold yes yes yes then
Starting point is 00:41:52 then did the the the technique challenge you know with the spikes sure using trickster but using the dash in between the spikes and then not using it on the spikes just jumping through all of them like
Starting point is 00:42:08 the correct way to do it by accident don't know what's going on i can't figure it out at all doing the secret missions to secret missions are providing a trouble okay some of them she's flying through others are bordering
Starting point is 00:42:26 on impossible okay yeah don't understand this girl she she she she she it's either the easiest thing in the world for something difficult or it's the most difficult thing ever for a child's puzzle it makes no sense
Starting point is 00:42:42 don't get it fascinating um i also just happen to fly through devil may cry for myself again just i wanted to play um lady and trish i never went through a full campaign as lady and trish so i went through uh uh dante and nero
Starting point is 00:42:58 get all the blue warps you forget how long those intro cutscenes are don't you i skipped every single one okay in india devil may cry for fair um yo um devil may cry for uh feels really good i mentioned it last time right
Starting point is 00:43:14 uh devil may cry for his uh levels are really bad like like all the way through and it has easily the worst secret missions out of all of them so i remember the secret mission issues especially like the stuff
Starting point is 00:43:30 like exactly like not having the guard the grab and hold uh but still having the challenge and stuff like that um some levels in dmc4 are like all awful they're terrible some levels i remember fondly others i i
Starting point is 00:43:46 feel like we're not there was not much going on like i feel like um the entire courtyard and then hallway around bale you know for example all right it was all right um that the and
Starting point is 00:44:02 i also it's pretty linear but the area the straight line of like floating divine kind of like cathedrals up until credo i like those rooms too those were fun yeah um so like going through it again because everyone's
Starting point is 00:44:18 like wow don't his levels are just the same levels but backwards no they're actually much worse versions of those levels but backwards um in particular um like when you get to the forest jungle area oh fuck the forest everything about the forest is completely work every single
Starting point is 00:44:34 yeah everything yeah that fuck you on the floor no no no zaps you into a different room fuck the entire forest absolutely it's legitimately terrible and also the little dude the little um bug dudes that grab a hold
Starting point is 00:44:50 of like the other enemies and then will slash which means you can't call them unless you see a bunch yeah like the vines terrible terrible um and then you get to you get to the castle with dante and you're having to go through the underground
Starting point is 00:45:06 but you're being poisoned the whole time and you're having to do uh like fucking what do you call it um you're having to do like all these complicated ways around the existing stage because oh it was iced over
Starting point is 00:45:22 or it was uh iced over or oh it was blocked or whatever terrible and then like yo savior way way worse than I remember
Starting point is 00:45:38 I just yeah I just I every time we have this talk out to me I'm just like ah I just remember it as a we're trying to do a better version of mundus battle and I was like yeah and then you can so barely
Starting point is 00:45:54 succeeded yeah man um and then getting to sanctus and like sanctus blows I like I like the part where you snatch and stay in the air
Starting point is 00:46:10 chasing sanctus around a lot that part is fucking sick and then breaking the glass and then dunking him is super satisfying something really fun um so I was I was fighting the first sanctus version and I'm like because of the way proud souls work
Starting point is 00:46:26 you don't necessarily have all your moves right in fact you could probably only have like half right and I was like I wonder what the sanctus boss fight feels like if you don't have caliber to do Nero's air day oh yeah yeah yeah no fuck that fuck that yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:46:42 that's what yeah fucking blows if you don't have air your air stinger fuck that admittedly but blows and and you know what too I could see that fight going a lot better with like DMC 5 Nero who has like way more air
Starting point is 00:46:58 options and like you know the ability to fucking just get in but um overall though I don't look back on that as as a sour point you know I feel like the I'm pretty hyped for the chase and then the punch and then
Starting point is 00:47:14 the the the buster opportunities you know the big old fuck you of course and um sick and tired of your bullshit yeah that's fun but the the part where you do the the grab on him but like overall it's just like
Starting point is 00:47:30 Devil May Cry 4 is the only game in which the final boss is like exactly the same as the boss you fought earlier right he has Sparta but he's not functionally any different he's just a little stronger
Starting point is 00:47:46 and it oh man that game is really like interesting and fun until you switch over to Dante and even even I saw I remember talking about how I don't like playing as Dante and Devil May Cry 4 and I was talking about that on Twitter
Starting point is 00:48:02 and I got some feedback about parts of his moveset that I couldn't quite put into words prior every move Dante does in Devil May Cry 4 knocks enemies away right and that's the case in 3 in 5 as well
Starting point is 00:48:18 right the difference is is that Trickster is bad in Devil May Cry 4 you don't go as fast you don't go as far and your cooldown is longer than it is in 3 or 5 and so it's actually harder
Starting point is 00:48:34 to catch up to dudes why did you could Royal Guard Fly and blah blah blah blah so I was going to say like you could always just start Guard Flying and then fucking do what you want but no this was initially
Starting point is 00:48:50 the thing that made me like really fall in love with Nero and cement it is just the snatch and the ability to get back in stinging over and tricking over to enemies is still a thing but you're still ultimately chasing them and they're getting knocked away from you
Starting point is 00:49:06 and Nero is about bringing the momentum back and I think it's interesting you're describing this because I had a lot of fun with some of the fights that you're talking about there but I think there's a really great example in Echidna where I fucking
Starting point is 00:49:22 hate fighting Echidna as Dante I fucking love it as Nero fighting Echidna as Nero is great yeah fighting it as Dante you're just chasing her around and it sucks man and she's moving and swirling and doing the whole bit
Starting point is 00:49:38 and with Nero you get the timing like mini games of latching on when she gets right to you you get the ability to break her out of her her pattern and then get a launch into a full combo you have time for a maximum bet
Starting point is 00:49:54 if you just perfectly time it like it's so sick getting in and staying in on her your snatch ability and it's the same boss, same pattern it's your tools that changes how fun it is also and this is obviously going to be to taste
Starting point is 00:50:16 Dante's weapons in Devil May Cry 3 aside from I'm going to say spiral and Nevin are excellent I fucking love them I think they're all great Lucifer Gilgamesh and Pandora
Starting point is 00:50:32 fucking suck and that is his entire non-standard but Gilgamesh has the Dreadnaught form Gilgamesh has distorted real impact which is the replacement for Nero's
Starting point is 00:50:48 grab and is a bug and is not like like Gilgamesh like here's the thing about Gilgamesh I don't like any of the basic moveset but I love distorted real impact but it's really frustrating when I go to fight Burial and I'm just biding my time
Starting point is 00:51:04 before I can do 70% of his fucking health with distorted real impact yes there is that but I again you got the cool shit like the idea behind
Starting point is 00:51:20 Pandora as well is like better on paper than an execution I would have liked to have seen that come back and been like fully fleshed out in DMC5 style you know with the full
Starting point is 00:51:36 666 demons type thing but overall I do feel that like to me that's just kind of what Dante's kit sort of is and I always that's why I always kind of gravitate elsewhere
Starting point is 00:51:52 you know because I'm just like okay he's gonna have and 5 is definitely the best version of it and having him no question don't even need to talk about it yeah but
Starting point is 00:52:08 the other thing too is we bring it up all the time but it's like obviously the fact that you only fight fucking Credo once and that you only do so as Nero you know means like what could be one of the best experiences in that game
Starting point is 00:52:24 fully fleshed out and I wish there was a reason why we on paper for that that we knew about but like that's one of those fights you could fucking absolutely bring back later on and enjoy the evolution
Starting point is 00:52:40 of that battle you know they picked a Virgil, they put him in the game and then they just didn't actually follow through on it I guess because Dante was kind of supposed to be that rival step as well plus we knew it was short on time yeah no they're two best bosses in the game
Starting point is 00:52:56 are the only ones you fight once um you fight Virgil and Echidna three times you fight Sanctus twice you fight Savior once thank god
Starting point is 00:53:12 but you fight Credo and Dante once each yeah at the middle of the game it's so strange yeah Agnes is pretty fucking bad Agnes three times Agnes sucks
Starting point is 00:53:28 to the Agnes three times yeah Agnes is really annoying the only thing but like I just I latch on to specific memories right and I latch on to the the rhythm of grabbing
Starting point is 00:53:44 one of the swords out of the air and fucking launching it like that is a really satisfying thing but ultimately Agnes for a repeat battle is just like why the fuck would you choose this one to have you fight three fucking times yeah
Starting point is 00:54:00 plus the window it's maybe the shittiest boss fight in Devil May Cry ever where you just fight a window um great I have no problems with burial burial is great I think burial is by far the best
Starting point is 00:54:16 of the normal demon bosses um it's just like I go through it and I'm playing through Devil May Cry 4 and I'm like I'm miserable with these secret missions they are terrible in four they are they are really quite awful they are all like
Starting point is 00:54:32 you know how five is like here's a fun challenge in four they are all like cheese it cause it sucks um but like our memories of four are so weird because Nero's there and Nero fucking rules
Starting point is 00:54:48 and Nero's half of the campaign is great and then Dante's is less than great but then your final memory of most of your time with Devil May Cry 4 depending when you played it is playing Bloody Palace with Nero which is awesome
Starting point is 00:55:04 that if that game did not have a really good Bloody Palace that it has like it would be remembered very less fondly that that thing is doing a lot of heavy lifting so I clocked in more time with Virgil in special edition later in Bloody Palace than I did
Starting point is 00:55:20 I think originally um and that's where a lot of my memory is now um because yeah well you know just the ride all the way up to get your ass fucking royal guarded is a
Starting point is 00:55:36 fucking committed ass journey um yeah I like looking back on it there's these little moments where you're like okay they could have made things a bit better they could have paced things out better and a lot of that definitely could have come from making Dante feel more fun
Starting point is 00:55:52 and as well as like um not the the part where you're the parts that I remember fondly again with Nero is just like working towards that Buster moment you know
Starting point is 00:56:08 and for Dante I wish that he could have had something similar to that you know you can ultimately you can open them up to the point where you get a DRI right or you can open them up to the point where you get um you know a full Dance Macabre or whatever
Starting point is 00:56:24 like maximum damage thing you'd like to do but like um but the the like that is the full unique Buster sequence with each boss is one that like you it just shoots Nero's like gameplay fun memory
Starting point is 00:56:40 way through the top on a lot of that stuff um here's where it gets really weird because like I played I didn't play a full campaign for Urgil but when Virgil came out for DMC4SE I fucked around with him like wow this is a really fun character with a really cool concentration mechanic and he feels
Starting point is 00:56:56 really strong and he's got lots of cool shit right um I've been playing through ladies campaign and lady is in SE 4SE is the fucking thing that I would hope to fucking gunslinger had always been lady is
Starting point is 00:57:12 a fucking BLAST like her shotgun will knock down every enemy in Devil May Cry 4 that I have hit it with it's so strong the best roundtrip anyone has ever had
Starting point is 00:57:28 ever the best stinger anyone's ever had lady has the best stinger in Devil May Cry she does the shotgun one where she dashes forward hits the shotgun stinger and then shoots again
Starting point is 00:57:44 to go back to where you started excuse me no Trish with the roundtrip my mistake and if I'm not mistaken too doesn't Trish also have the old school to some time with the guns as well like I think she has she has like the
Starting point is 00:58:04 you could actually like pick out two targets and shoot them like there's something to that effect where she has more utility on her guns as well like Trish and lady got a bunch of shit that you're like oh I yeah I guess Dante doesn't get these but sure you know it's really fucked
Starting point is 00:58:20 because I'm playing Devil May Cry 4 and there are five fucking characters in that game and they're all fucking great except for Dante he's from the original
Starting point is 00:58:36 so much more fun playing lady and Trish than I am playing Dante and those characters were eddy like years after the fact and they were like it's so silly it's so weird it is it is one of these cases though of just like years later right they they gave it the time
Starting point is 00:58:52 of day and it's super cool that they even bothered um fucking almost a decade I'll go on I would it was like now re upset about ladies night DLC not happening because like yeah
Starting point is 00:59:08 it's straight up next devil may cry game nero lady and Trish it would be so go it would be so easy like like talking about the whole ladies night bit it would be so easy to come up with a move list for Nico
Starting point is 00:59:24 like it would just be all of her tool nonsense and a fucking van play like her dad you know oh bug shit Agnes stuff yeah but instead of summoning demons she would be summoning drones and robots and and I
Starting point is 00:59:40 I see I want the van to be like the majority of what she's doing it's a bit big and we and we're not cowards okay and we're not fucking cowards here we commit to the bit if Dante can write a fucking motorcycle
Starting point is 00:59:56 and swing it around there's no reason a van can't show up and be a weapon at the same time hell no so yeah going back to DMC for SC I'm like man I'm so glad we have devil may cry 5 with like I mean these
Starting point is 01:00:12 kind of half baked but like the three are fucking stellar I enjoy it but it's different it's not you know I don't go play the for the same the for the same game these great but he doesn't have enough I will agree with that I will agree with that
Starting point is 01:00:28 so more would have been better has the the the different arms he has snatch he he has his DT he has exceed he has the post game thing Dante has for fucking
Starting point is 01:00:44 styles and for weapons and then the addition of Cindy T and then Virgil has concentration the DT doppelganger the needs a mechanic introduced that makes your brain go ah
Starting point is 01:01:00 them like the moment you get the extra arms with the with the Nero DT or the moment you get the devil sort Dante right like that little extra level of like okay I'm overwhelmed right V needs one of those that's
Starting point is 01:01:16 that he needed he needed one more like bar thing on honestly um so yeah going through the DMC games and seeing their strengths and weaknesses is fucking fascinating played more octopath traveler to that games gigantic I don't know if
Starting point is 01:01:32 I'll ever be able to get through it it's fucking enormous I'm pathologically stealing everything from everyone in every town it's it's fucking great just play it the way the devs intended yeah yeah now it feels like the devs intended for you to get all eights before going on
Starting point is 01:01:48 okay because the it had the difficulty jump from like because like you'll have a you'll have like a path you know between two towns and it'll say danger level eight and I'm like oh that means I should be approximately level eight right okay so I'm approximately level late across the party and it's
Starting point is 01:02:04 fine like normal random battle stuff right and then the next you know path over says danger level 14 and I go well okay I assume that's approximate level 14 so I'll be approximately level 14 when I get there and then I get there and every single fucking hit
Starting point is 01:02:20 from every random enemy does 60% of a character's health and I fucking game over within one random battle of walking on that path and I and I literally had to ask for advice and the answer is use your path
Starting point is 01:02:36 actions to steal borrow scrimp save and upgrade every piece of gear you possibly can and as soon as you hit that period the game is expecting you to use every bag of tricks your guys have on every battle okay
Starting point is 01:02:52 they're expecting you to like hey you have a warrior okay you're gonna load him up with defensive shit and you're gonna use the taunt ability at the beginning of the fight so that he's the only one who takes damage and then you're gonna use everybody else's bullshit so that by the time you get to town everyone is near dead or running
Starting point is 01:03:08 out of like all their magic points and you hey congrats you made it to town right it is it wants you to fight your ass off which is kind of refreshing considering most RPGs are like fairly easy uh moving on hey I went back to Total Warhammer
Starting point is 01:03:24 3 I only mentioned this because that series has had the weirdest weirdest review scale situation ever in that Total Warhammer 2 was beloved and had some of the best DLC
Starting point is 01:03:40 any game has ever received and then Total Warhammer 3 came out and not a single improvement that had ever come out in the past 2 years since the prior games release was included and it felt like a massive step back the UI was worse the pathing on every
Starting point is 01:03:56 unit was worse the way you hold things was worse the way upgrades worked is worse the way unit titles and displayed was worse it was crazy and it came out to mostly negative reviews because it's like why would I play this
Starting point is 01:04:12 when I could play the old one that feels better and now after a year of work all the way back up to very positive I loaded it up controlling units feels better they redid the UI it's no longer an ugly mess
Starting point is 01:04:28 the fucking immortal empires campaign is now in where you can play as every single thing most of the bugs have been fixed it's it's zany it reminds me of how civilization games come out is there a way to track the steam
Starting point is 01:04:44 overall overall rating positivity versus negativity on a time chart over time yeah so when you go to steam and you see like recent reviews very positive if you click on very positive
Starting point is 01:05:00 it'll bring you down to the reviews and then underneath recent reviews you can click show graph and it will show you the graph of the recent reviews and if you click on the whatever the title it is for reviews of
Starting point is 01:05:16 all reviews you can still like hit graph and I'll tell you like February 08 February 15 February 22 date range show graph oh there it is interesting I see okay so you know exactly how you're getting yeah you can get
Starting point is 01:05:32 evaluated like the the fucking breakdown of like exactly how that went down over time and you can also see massive fucking shit spikes yeah interesting so like every now and then there's a patch that just ruins a game entirely and makes it a completely unplayable mess and you see
Starting point is 01:05:48 this massive spike of red interesting I've never seen this okay that's that's yeah you can look at that on like every game on steam it is fascinating you can also see like hey this is when a youtuber said the game was interesting right right
Starting point is 01:06:04 and you'll you'll see this massive spike it's it's fascinating let me go see it for like among us yeah you mean a mogus a mogus like the ultimate and just nothing nothing nothing spike spike
Starting point is 01:06:20 yeah so yeah total war hammer is now mostly complete and that is like the biggest game like I have on my pc because what they did is they have that immortal empires campaign which
Starting point is 01:06:36 goes okay every faction that was in the first game or the second game in any DLC you've ever owned for any of them is now in this campaign for the third one which includes like you basically click on it and get like every faction
Starting point is 01:06:52 that is in old-fashioned war hammer total and then you click on one of them and like here's the five to ten different starting generals for each of these factions that all start in different locations with different army types like people in chat
Starting point is 01:07:08 saying 22 races with five to ten like generals each and most of those have different types of campaigns if you're each of those campaigns is like a full regular ass game it's how much you spend and if you're buying the full
Starting point is 01:07:24 thing with all the with all the packs that have come out a lot so get them on sale yeah I've heard that there's a way to unlock these somehow that's not on the up and up but this is
Starting point is 01:07:40 $260 Canadian okay so these things go on sale during every steam sale and they drop about like 80% of the price so that's when you would get them unless you're a person who's way into this kind of thing
Starting point is 01:07:56 and just picked all of these up piecemeal as they came out over the past like eight years yeah really cool game well have you been paying attention to woe long I got a coat for woe long I didn't
Starting point is 01:08:12 it was just like hey do you want a coat and I was like sure and it was one of those like you know play it if you want or not it's up to you and I didn't play it yet but seeing as it's of the pedigree of the other team ninja stuff
Starting point is 01:08:28 I was curious about it but I remember the trailer seemed to be it was more of a straight narrative Sekiro style thing instead of a like custom character bit right mm-hmm well you're playing a custom character
Starting point is 01:08:44 and everybody is everybody is acting around you you're you're some guy and but you're important it's like did you play Neo2 at all to know okay okay
Starting point is 01:09:00 because Neo2 had the same thing where you were like some dude your magic or something whatever looks fucking hot though like I'm very curious to see that and where that fits
Starting point is 01:09:16 in with this whole Neo2, Stranger of Paradise all that jazz so I also received a coat but for me it was I asked a guy can I get a coat for for woe long
Starting point is 01:09:32 and he was like here you go and he gave me the PC coat and then I played that for about 30 minutes and then I asked him for a PS5 coat instead so first of all
Starting point is 01:09:48 talking about steam reviews um fucking don't don't play woe long on PC mostly negative Koei Tecmo PC port strikes again Neo2 was an outlier um just straight up
Starting point is 01:10:04 just don't play it on a console Wild Hearts once again same problems similar but similar play it on a console um some people are having no problems as it always is
Starting point is 01:10:20 the case for PC but it's just like it's weird because Neo2 had an excellent PC port very good PC port um so obviously take my opinions for woe long with a grand assault because I received two copies of the game for free
Starting point is 01:10:36 um and also take with a grand assault that I don't like the romance of the three kingdoms the setting itself I like really really strongly dislike the romance
Starting point is 01:10:52 of the three kingdoms I think it is the most overdone boring shit ass historical period to fucking have like 400 games in and I'm wondering if
Starting point is 01:11:08 Dynasty Warriors horrible presentation had something to do with it holy shit I'm sorry I just fucking realized that woe long is not rise of the Ronan oh Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:11:24 oh god no I wish I got so confused for a second okay no no no no um no you go look at video of this
Starting point is 01:11:42 rise of the Ronan was announced at state of play uh last year right that's woe long that's teenagers assassins creedish ninja game which one was woe long um hold on
Starting point is 01:11:58 well not which one was it more just like was there was this revealed at a this was revealed a couple years ago so yeah just skim through this footage it's from a bird's eye view looking at it
Starting point is 01:12:14 you could confuse it with Neo like the camera is in the same angle and it looks like the guys I don't remember ever seeing a trailer for this game I remember the recent team ninja one I don't remember this so
Starting point is 01:12:30 before we start I'm gonna point out I don't know what it is with this game I don't like it very much um for some reason me saying I do not like this game very much has earned me like more backlash than almost any game I have shit on in the past
Starting point is 01:12:46 like two years I genuinely don't understand I'm going to guess it's the people who love the the three kingdoms it looks like Neo China yeah it very much
Starting point is 01:13:02 looks like Neo China yeah um in terms of feel like like moving around and hitting the buttons it feels exactly like Neo it like like moving hitting buttons locking on moving the camera
Starting point is 01:13:18 sound effects it feels just like Neo it doesn't play just like Neo it plays like Sekiro in Neo's engine so Neo's stand switching is gone
Starting point is 01:13:34 and Neo's stamina recovery mechanic is gone they still have the gear stuff so you're still picking up lots of items that have the stats and stuff on it but it's been changed so that you have square and triangle are your attacks
Starting point is 01:13:50 square is light attacks and triangle is a heavy attack and as you do damage with your light attacks you build up spirit i.e. posture mm-hmm and you cash out that damage on a heavy attack and that does extra
Starting point is 01:14:06 let's say it's spirit damage let's say posture damage as well there is a parry in the game circle and it is an incredibly incredibly powerful and easy to use parry the windows pretty generous when you parry off of people
Starting point is 01:14:22 you significantly decrease their spirit and if they do like a huge gigantic red attack that you parry they will lose most of their spirit bar and in fact the maximum spirit bar will decrease
Starting point is 01:14:38 and then you can beat on them and do like a not a cutscene attack but like a grapple attack what replaces stats switching nothing the spirit system that I just described to you so when
Starting point is 01:14:54 you're fighting you have your square light attacks which are a canned combo like a dark souls and then you have your spirit attack which is your heavy attack and that's it and you also have you hold r1 and you can do like a special attack like a flip
Starting point is 01:15:10 and then a slam or something like a weapon art in dark souls that is unique to each weapon and sometimes different weapon types can have slightly different variations the overall amount of like moves that you're actually using are like
Starting point is 01:15:26 much much lower than neo because it's more focused on parrying and parrying people strikes and parrying people's big attacks and moving this spirit bar up and down
Starting point is 01:15:42 like Sekiro um I really strongly don't like it for a lot of reasons for one it feels looks and sounds way less
Starting point is 01:15:58 polished than neo it looks feels and sounds way less polished than neo one like it this feels like the game that came out and then neo one was the sequel do you know kind of what I'm getting at?
Starting point is 01:16:14 yeah as if this is like they built off of this to get that uh interesting okay like the it just I mean when you're describing a simplified combat system that already kind of is like surprising because
Starting point is 01:16:30 like yeah the the you're not gonna have like stand switching then it's like okay do you have an expanding move list of things you get you unlock over time not necessarily so behind each parry is like I guess just um like what like
Starting point is 01:16:46 how much is put into the parry system I guess is my quite like like the parry system is like a huge proportion of the game's combat um and a huge huge issue that is gonna be to taste um I don't like the parry at all
Starting point is 01:17:02 it's really lenient and okay so you know I was having this argument back and forth because I was trying to describe feel right so in Dark Souls a parry feels like a deflect right it feels like you going like knocking
Starting point is 01:17:18 something out of your face and it has that boom sound effect when you do it right and it feels a certain way in Sekiro the parry feels like a clash right you're clashing and enemies are trying to hammer you down
Starting point is 01:17:34 and you are clashing with them until they break right in woe long the parry feels like a slide and that feels appropriate with its setting because it's you know Chinese like three kingdoms like sword
Starting point is 01:17:50 stuff so it feels like you put your sword up and then you slide out from under the way because when you parry you can go to the left or right you slide off their hit okay right yeah it feels
Starting point is 01:18:08 I don't like it like I don't like the way that it feels and also the enemies like there's bosses that will do their big gigantic red attack to hit you and I went through the
Starting point is 01:18:24 game's first three bosses I had a lot of trouble with the first one but the second and third if you parry the bosses stuff which is easier than you would think because the parry is actually excellent you wash them
Starting point is 01:18:40 like the third boss in this game I just washed on my first attempt because I just parried its big pigs tusks and this feels really dumbed down where like yes I'm parrying
Starting point is 01:18:56 and then after I parry it I hit my light attack and then I cash out my light attack for my strong attack and then I go back to parrying and it just like there's a magic system right it's there it's easier to use than neos
Starting point is 01:19:14 it feels like oh that's somebody made a really good point it feels like I'm playing a game in which every enemy is Gwyn okay the slide parry description I'm trying to think of there's a game that I can't
Starting point is 01:19:30 put my finger on but like I'm thinking of there's a counter where like there's a time stops and you kind of dodge to the side and then resume attacking yeah there's no time stop it is a slide like it is it's very smooth okay
Starting point is 01:19:46 if you swung at your enemy and then jumped around and like didn't use that system would you never be able to cash out the damage to do to realistically fight beat the boss based on how hard they are if you do not parry
Starting point is 01:20:02 things you will die it is it is like a gigantic mechanical advantage how hard are bosses hitting you like in this really really really hard so soul's hard neo hard yeah okay it decreases your spirit and if your spirit
Starting point is 01:20:18 gets low enough you'll get posture broken and then the boss will beat on you breath of the wild sorry I just breath of the wild is what I'm thinking of where you dashed where you kind of side step and then attack after a counter I just it's it's just this weird thing of like is it a bad
Starting point is 01:20:34 game no absolutely not but it's a game in which I don't like the setting and it doesn't feel as good so I described it does not feel as good as the game of its type that came out like two years ago right and I
Starting point is 01:20:50 saw other people mention it like okay I went and loaded up neo2 to play it and I see what you're saying so okay so I went back and switched between the two and like neo2 just feels more polished and just feels better in the
Starting point is 01:21:06 hands in addition to having a million times more depth and I'm it just seems weird and then I find out that the people who made neo1 and neo2 are making rise of the Ronin
Starting point is 01:21:22 and this game is made by a slightly different team interesting and I'm like oh this is the Dark Souls 2 of neo the other guys and I don't think
Starting point is 01:21:38 this like the way that I'm the game has improvements later on I'm sure there are bosses that are not a joke later on but I got a really really negative experience after playing it for about two and a half three hours and most of that was like I don't like how this game
Starting point is 01:21:54 feels and it's really weird because people are like crazy about this game like really intensely upset
Starting point is 01:22:10 that some people do not like this game and I can only attribute that to like the historical periods like fan base because this is inflammatory there's a lot of people who played
Starting point is 01:22:26 the shittiest dynasty warriors games ever because they like the setting and those games are garbage I mean could it just be that like people that are fans of the neo games and like Strangers of Paradise
Starting point is 01:22:42 and the games that kind of play that way are liking this for its similarities but are not necessarily distinguishing between the more precise feel things you're describing? I mean it's very possible like I saw folks that really disliked Sekiro talking about how this
Starting point is 01:22:58 game was like a good version of Sekiro and the way that I interpret that is that the parry button in this game is really really really easy and not strict I mean as someone who did like point out things that I didn't like about Sekiro
Starting point is 01:23:14 but it does in a broad sense fit into the from soft feeling style game like I remember I remember when people got real vexed me over over those thoughts as well I'm
Starting point is 01:23:30 yeah I'm gonna boot this up and check it out I installed it but I just yeah I didn't I mean you got it for free why not something the chat asks and it's a good question how do I feel about this towards Stranger of Paradise? I did not play very much of Stranger of Paradise I played a couple of demos I would say that
Starting point is 01:23:46 Stranger of Paradise feels much better than this game. My comparison point right now is gonna be Neo 1 because I have a bunch of time on that but I don't have any on 2 yet and what you're describing of a parry
Starting point is 01:24:02 like I don't hate that necessarily like a dodge parry that's okay to me the best feeling parry is the one where you are the rock you stand still you royal guard nothing penetrates I think Deadly Cry 5's parry is the best
Starting point is 01:24:18 parry I've ever had I am going to be here the world is going to throw things at me and I'm going to be eye framing through all of it with a large clang is the coolest thing ever but the version of it that's more mobility
Starting point is 01:24:34 based I don't necessarily mind that on paper I guess I'll have to feel it and see the other question I suppose is are you able to use it in different contexts for example in midair I don't know if you can use it in midair you're mostly grounded okay okay and
Starting point is 01:24:50 there's lots of little things about the game that annoyed me um uh the one that I'll use in an example because it was like extraordinarily frustrating is that it takes place in the three kingdoms
Starting point is 01:25:06 era so they want you to hang out with all these historical figures as a result every single stage that I played pairs you up with the fucking AI partner by default who talks all the time
Starting point is 01:25:22 and gets in your way and distracts the boss and it's a really weird situation in which like I'm playing a game based on the Dark Souls template in which I don't want a guy distracting the boss because I want to parry
Starting point is 01:25:38 the boss so that I can hurt the boss with my parry attacks and also I hate all of the characters that they put near me um the voice acting in this game is bizarrely terrible
Starting point is 01:25:56 and when I say bizarrely terrible I mean compared to the games that this company has made like the past three or four games the cutscenes and voice acting are astonishingly bad dubbed yeah like we're talking like
Starting point is 01:26:12 these would be appropriate in like 1999 is that what Dynasty Warriors is also like kind of like it feels closer to like Dynasty Warriors three or four in terms of like
Starting point is 01:26:28 dialogue and voice acting then it does like Neo or Stranger of Paradise it's fucking weird and they're pairing me with they paired me with a mission with Guan Yu and I think his brother
Starting point is 01:26:44 I don't know his name like within 30 seconds I'm walking along and they're just blah blah blah with this terrible voice acting and I'm like I hate you I had to figure out how to go to the fucking bonfire equivalent and send them away
Starting point is 01:27:00 because it was driving me fucking crazy um so yeah no this game is not for me but more than that like I'm just kind of baffled because like if you want a cool ass action game from Team Ninja like you are better off getting
Starting point is 01:27:16 almost any of the games they have released in the past ever than this one okay in my opinion okay it's interesting
Starting point is 01:27:34 not Ninja Gaiden 3 original not that one I'm going into this I have no real thoughts towards the three kingdoms period stuff I mean again I know like Liu Bei and Lu Bu don't pursue him
Starting point is 01:27:50 and a couple of other names come to mind I remember my old roommate was like super hard in on the Dynasty Warriors games as well as someone I worked with too was just like fucking all of them
Starting point is 01:28:06 but yeah I mean anything that's coming off Neo pedigree certainly at least deserves a look I want to see as well how much that system shines when because there's two things to judge a game on right
Starting point is 01:28:22 there's a game like this an action game you're going to want to see how it feels fighting your enemies in the stage and then you're going to want to see how it feels when you're fighting a boss in the middle of a giant crazy set piece you know the boss at the end of the first level is pretty tough
Starting point is 01:28:38 and is a fucking blast like that fight is the only time I had a really good time with the game and I was then informed that that is the hardest boss in the game because that
Starting point is 01:28:54 what I was about to think of, what I was about to say is like when I judge like Sekiro on its like stages I'm really non-plussed by a bunch of it but when I judge it on the fucking
Starting point is 01:29:10 the amazing boss fights those are the highs those are the things I remember those are incredible so you get a real feel for like two aspects of the game when you contrast those to each other simplified combat
Starting point is 01:29:26 of course doesn't I don't like the sound of that but I guess my other is gotta be like there's the magic system you described I mean I would hope that like between that and switching weapons is that a thing
Starting point is 01:29:42 like yeah you can use you can switch weapons from your main hand to your off-hand so it's kind of like very much like Neo like you hold down the trigger or you hold down R1 and then you hit the D-pad
Starting point is 01:29:58 also I've been told that no the first boss is not the hardest one I was misinformed my mistake guys are there many weapon types I found three okay four there's a couple okay
Starting point is 01:30:16 so like I guess the like you mentioned we mentioned Sekiro it's like and you mentioned dumb down and it's like my tipping point for it is like I understand what they're going for they're going for a simpler system that's like more intense and more focused right
Starting point is 01:30:32 so it doesn't have all the moves that Neo does or Stranger of Paradise right but doesn't feel as good as Sekiro so it kind of lives in the in between which wasn't very satisfying to me and I will say
Starting point is 01:30:48 my opinions on game feel are really harsh I think game feel and juice and like jump momentum are like the most important things in a game I always use the experience of playing Sonic Generations
Starting point is 01:31:04 as demo jumping once and going it's wrong and then deleting the demo and then never playing Sonic Generations because it was wrong they didn't feel right and I
Starting point is 01:31:20 I feel similar things although for me might not necessarily overlap with what you're describing that being said when I describe I don't like the feel of hitting buttons in this game
Starting point is 01:31:36 and the response is what are you talking about it plays just like Sekiro I cannot possibly take that person seriously because they don't know what the fuck I'm talking about I'm talking about the button not the mechanic having a little bar on the screen
Starting point is 01:31:52 I'm talking about how far away is the camera how far does the camera tilt when you lock on to somebody how big is the lock on icon how loud is the sound effect when you clash what's the milliseconds of leniency on your parry clash what's the sound effect on your parry clash
Starting point is 01:32:08 how fast do you accelerate when you move how fast do you move when you sprint like one of the things that really bugged me and I couldn't put my finger on it until the end of my stream is that the running animation in that game is terrible weird underwater run where his arms come up a little too close
Starting point is 01:32:24 to his chest and they look like shit and I'm like is that a big deal no is it annoying me every single second of playing the game yes it is boy we're gonna revisit this discussion about game feel momentarily
Starting point is 01:32:40 when we jump to another news item and some people are probably not gonna like it ooh I'm excited well that's it for my week if you want to check in more pat stuff you can go to
Starting point is 01:32:56 tonight when the patch notes go up I'll read the 14 patch notes tomorrow is 6.35 and ff14 we'll be doing that and then Wednesday we're gonna be doing double my cry stuff on pages channel
Starting point is 01:33:12 then Thursday there's going to be a capcom fucking announcement thing where they show off more capcom games and then Friday I'll be more react crap so come and check that out uh I'm curious about what news story you're talking about
Starting point is 01:33:28 I'm having trouble placing it I'll jump to it right after this pee break okay uh let me just mark that down yeah are you marking your pisses
Starting point is 01:33:46 to mark the time really you got a piss chart so that it's easier to cut later oh I thought I thought what you meant was you just had a big old wall of piss on your wall
Starting point is 01:34:02 and you were like here's the piss at this time for your for your health stuff not quite okay let's take a quick word from the sponsors while we're at it we have a place to do so sure is
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Starting point is 01:34:34 uh you know that's my choice I'm gonna live by it but it will be a solid tempting thing to uh see the wife use it and then
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Starting point is 01:37:14 fresh thanks hello fresh this week we're also sponsored by express vpn who are just always coming in the clutch you know this very week again I was browsing and I was on
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Starting point is 01:39:30 bugs you in a lot of ways and it brings a story to mind now this is one that a lot of people I know are nostalgic for but I got to just preface that I don't have oh fuck I know what you're gonna talk about I don't have it yeah
Starting point is 01:39:46 they announced the new budokai 10 kaiichi game and they showed off a trailer where goku go super saiyan 4 and I get it a lot of people grew up playing that as their their childhood bit and I get that I get that
Starting point is 01:40:02 it's just not that to me though unfortunately it ain't that to me and I know I know some people are just like hey man that's my memories of playing dragon ball as a kid and I'm like alright to me the budokai games came along originally
Starting point is 01:40:18 those were like the fighting you know side scrolling side camera games which were also kind of like they're a bit slow with their pacing but all dragon ball games kind of were really for a long time fighters solved a lot of that
Starting point is 01:40:34 and fucking exists as a like hey someone did it at some point but you go back to those games and you get a game where you kind of have a simple combo system and a couple of mini game interactions knocking the character around and doing a little you know rps mini game
Starting point is 01:40:50 and stuff like that when I remember too there was fun things like the story mode where it was like oh aim the special beam cannon so that you can shoot raddits right through and and get Goku at the same time and stuff you know anyway I just remember
Starting point is 01:41:06 when the Tenkaiichi games came out and it was like okay well we're gonna do them third person now and they're gonna be like over the shoulder and it's gonna be about like having the feeling of a third person action game with a dragon ball fighting
Starting point is 01:41:22 type thing and it just was not great it was not what I wanted man it felt fucking cool cause you felt like you were flying around as Goku I remember
Starting point is 01:41:42 the basic thing of like right off the bat you sort of and here's the thing like I didn't I remember I didn't follow up through the sequels you know that continued after that it was a bit of a like it was kind of like when Naruto jumped over
Starting point is 01:41:58 to ultimate ninja storm and I got used to the Gekito Ninja Tyson games or whatever but in this case the main thing was I just remember Tenkaiichi was like okay you see the character from the back and then the first thing was you're gonna spend most of the fight with the enemy
Starting point is 01:42:14 off camera and like finding them was part of the deal part of the mechanic and then you lock on and you get that like there he is right but there's a whole bunch of it where you're just really like the camera's not strategically placed it's like you're fully blocking it in a way and you're gonna be
Starting point is 01:42:30 looking left or right and you're gonna be like looking for them behind walls and behind things and it's just as a whole lot of like where is the target it's way over there behind that wall or so and then you have to kind of like break through and then get up to them and
Starting point is 01:42:46 were you playing this multiplayer multiplayer with split screen wasn't it right I don't even remember because I want to say that they they like I want to say that they when they added when they did that they did it split screen but I just remember
Starting point is 01:43:02 like try I for it's been so long that I I think I tried that and I think I just tried single player as well because I wanted to see like what the next Budokai game was gonna be and yeah the switch between the switch to third person
Starting point is 01:43:18 camera and the making it more of that kind of third person gameplay it just added a level of clunkiness to the camera and to the feel of the game that I really just didn't enjoy and I guess I kind of was also just like yeah
Starting point is 01:43:34 you know it's not really the it's budokai but it's not budokai it's a new it's a new franchise and I was like okay well it's it wasn't it wasn't for me I wanted something that felt much more I guess smooth and immediate while being
Starting point is 01:43:50 third person virtual on is a great example of how that feels I even remember really enjoying I talk I'm gonna bring it up bid for power because that was a third person quake engine based dragon ball game and
Starting point is 01:44:06 that kind of had fast paced moving flying dashing in and stuff that didn't kind of have the what I'm talking about here you know there's a there's a whole lot of like stopping and like looking and moving in blind directions in
Starting point is 01:44:22 in Tenkaichi that I remember the first one right yeah yeah I played the first one the second and third like genuinely mitigated a lot of the issues here so that's to reiterate I didn't follow through with the rest of the series at that point but I just remember that
Starting point is 01:44:38 kind of being like a bummer and a bit of a buzzkill and I was like okay well that's not what I want out of the dragon ball game you know and that was pretty much that so it went on to then kind of become the thing where most people when they think back to dragon ball
Starting point is 01:44:54 games and talk about them nowadays I only hear BT being referenced I don't hear anyone talk about the original BT in the same way that when Naruto games get talked about it's only Ultimate Ninja Storm it's not the one here's the here's the way that I always I get it like I I think these games fucking rule like what I said
Starting point is 01:45:10 they felt great like that was not sarcasm at all okay like it absolutely is like no it's not a serious fighting game it's a fucking Goku simulator okay and and and that and it is it is a less serious game
Starting point is 01:45:26 and it is about like I want to fucking I want to fucking fly around and do the thing as the fucking Goku when I think to to Budokai 3 and Tenkaichi 3 I'm like Budokai 3 is like a
Starting point is 01:45:42 okay fighting game that has a bunch of dragon ball characters in it and Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is that's a fucking Goku simulator where I could pretend I'm playing fucking Goku and has the
Starting point is 01:45:58 gigantic stupid ass roster that those games always have is Kakarot a Goku simulator what's that is Kakarot a Goku simulator no it's a fucking dragon ball story okay
Starting point is 01:46:14 I want to fly around and fucking charge up and see all the fucking bars go up and then I do the Goku and then I hit the button and then I fucking go to the side so I can dodge the bullshit and then I fucking I'm the I'm the Goku does Zenoverse replace Tenkaichi
Starting point is 01:46:30 fuck no absolutely not okay Zenoverse replaces Budokai is it more of a third person game than it is a side view
Starting point is 01:46:50 perspective I don't know what game you're referring to right now Zenoverse Zenoverse is kind of splits the difference between the two but like no Zenoverse is not Zenoverse is like it's kind of like Ultimate Ninja Storm in that it's like third person a little bit of both it's not quite
Starting point is 01:47:06 full split I remember thinking Zenoverse is not good Zenoverse just has the characters yeah I remember that yeah so I remember when I kind of saw it I guess I was like the thing that would have I initially was just like
Starting point is 01:47:22 I mean especially back then I was like I like fighting games I want things to be like that more than I want them to be third person these years on I'm kind of looking at it going well I also remember too it wasn't quite like Zoe where the camera is here you're always going to see both characters
Starting point is 01:47:40 and you're going to fight and fly towards each other in that way and yeah if the games after one didn't have that problem and they fixed a lot of those then I didn't play those I missed out on that but I'm talking about Tenkai HE3 is the Resident Evil 4
Starting point is 01:47:56 of Dragon Ball games I also the only other memory I have is because you remember the one then having this shit I'm talking about right like there was a bunch of clunk with that it's their first try on a weird new system
Starting point is 01:48:12 and I think they were the first ones to do like pseudo fighting game behind the back kind of camera and so you kind of gave it a free pass because it's like well this is interesting at least and the one other thing I remember is I want to say that the
Starting point is 01:48:28 yeah I want to say I believe the the Wii game was in the office for testing way back in the day and like the whole motion controls for doing a kamehameha just
Starting point is 01:48:44 nothing fucking worked but it was one of those projects that I was not on but I remember I seem to remember other people being on it and it was just another case in point of like oh god the gyro the wimote things won't work
Starting point is 01:49:00 ugh the fucking wimote oh yeah you're thinking of a nice nuanced writing dip shit feel nothing but pity who think they're too smart for me and shonen because they will die
Starting point is 01:49:16 without realizing that unlocking a new form to beat the bad guy while hype music plays is in fact the apex of all media nice nuanced character writing you fucking dip shit now check this out and it's ahhhhhhhhh
Starting point is 01:49:32 yeah so the reason I bring that up is that nuanced character writing in this example is deep fighting game whereas budakai tenkai ichi is I'm playing this goku
Starting point is 01:49:48 now now if 3 the thing is what I remember is that it had a bunch of imagine if you keep hitting the brakes on everything you're doing though if 3 and upwards had smooth
Starting point is 01:50:04 movement and everything was fast and fun dynamic and doing what dragon ball does then absolutely but like the experience I remember with at least that first one was just one of like yeah this was like you have to stop you have to look camera pan
Starting point is 01:50:20 move up do a thing and it was it was not I'm fucking goku there was a whole lot of awkward pausing and stillting yeah it was the first game that used that camera in any series ever that was the first attempt at that kind of camera yeah also the other thing
Starting point is 01:50:36 that I don't think we've touched on tenkai ichi 3 has 161 fucking characters that I've heard about yes the roster is just insane hey do you remember that fucking loser in the background of the one scene of world's strongest here he is
Starting point is 01:50:52 you know which is fun yeah like that's a like that's great yeah I definitely I definitely want to it's interesting to bring back specifically this franchise as opposed
Starting point is 01:51:10 to announcing a new one or you know because again like obviously fighters came did its thing and that's cool and fighters is getting a fucking balance patch and if you're a and if you're a fan of fighters then like yay
Starting point is 01:51:26 but like if you're just bandai and you're like well onto the next dragon ball game obviously then you're like well yeah and then we had Xenoverse 2 and then we had Kakarot and then we had yeah yeah so they're gonna the next one is bringing back this I would love to see
Starting point is 01:51:42 yeah just like if it like does become that thing of in my head of like the like okay the an actual super dynamic third person thing or you know for that matter I suppose if 3 got to that point but
Starting point is 01:51:58 anyway that's that's my yeah no like so here's the thing here's the breakdown of your dragon ball game and it does historically represent a like a genres departure at that moment in the mid-auts when I was also like ah man I want a fighting game
Starting point is 01:52:14 so there's that initial feeling from way back when so here's the breakdown right so you've got your Budokai games which are people that are like man I wish Dragon Ball had a good fighting game and Budokai has now been
Starting point is 01:52:32 fully superseded by Dragon Ball Fighters right that is a one-to-one direct replacement Dragon Ball Fighters is a fucking excellent fighting game that will soon be getting rollback um right
Starting point is 01:52:48 um Tankiichi is dude I want to play a Goku game and I don't remember many people playing the verses that was about going through the campaign and getting to play like you're piloting Vegeta you're piloting like Super Go-Oh were you guys not playing
Starting point is 01:53:04 multiplayer at all I never knew anybody who gave a shit I gave a shit about it and remember there was no online play so it was limited to you and your buddies in the basement huh those are single player fighting games
Starting point is 01:53:20 interesting okay that is not that is not my what I thought it very much changes the context right I didn't think that's what that was I thought these were like multiplayer and then Xenoverse is for the people
Starting point is 01:53:36 um that are fucking morons and barely want to play a video game at all they just want to see increasingly stupid new fucking custom characters Toriyama or Dark Majin Brolercom or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 01:53:52 Toriyama character creator has been a thing that like we needed for a long time and this is the one that they actually finally made but um yeah and I get that because just like the fusing game or whatever you're like okay but can I make a character that looks like they belong
Starting point is 01:54:08 in the original Dragon Ball or like Dr. Slump you know um that's the main that's the main appeal straight up is my Dragon Ball OC gets to exist in this game that's what they're trying to fucking sell you well they are I really I really want to point out
Starting point is 01:54:24 as I send you this screenshot I did not invent the word cum broly cumber and broly fusion that's right of course cucumber alternatively known as cum broler
Starting point is 01:54:46 yep that's that's cannon right there can't argue with it um boy so no that's exactly it and I also knew over time
Starting point is 01:55:02 as well whenever Tenkaichi has come up that like you're directly talking to the first Dragon Ball game that a bunch of people ever played and that's just locked in
Starting point is 01:55:18 there's no getting away from that you're like yeah fair enough same thing for the again the ultimate ninja storm games that's the only that's the first Naruto game that a bunch of people ever played and that's all that they have so you know fair enough man what can I say against
Starting point is 01:55:34 that you know but my history of it in that case plus the other things I've mentioned where you know there were third person games that like were faster and more high octane as listed beforehand but they kind of
Starting point is 01:55:50 you know like they didn't really copy any of those per se and I think if like so I guess my main question is is in two and up do you still do you get permanently locked on and stay
Starting point is 01:56:06 like targeting the opponent so I'm gonna be very real with you Woolly I played this game in 15 years I do not remember that being a problem in two and three it's not part of my memory so I'm gonna say
Starting point is 01:56:22 if they mitigated or fixed that are you still kind of having like the characters in the distance behind a bunch of buildings and you have to kind of like break through okay because like smashing someone through a background thing is cool but the idea of like them being lost
Starting point is 01:56:38 and you have to go like find them is not as much you know so it's like it's one of those things where I think about it and I can understand them letting that fly because where'd he go is actually totally a part of Dragon Ball fights like
Starting point is 01:56:54 like where are they hiding and it's like oh they were behind the building and they crashed through the building to get to you cool Dragon Ball Fighter is gonna fucking get the goddamn when's that patch I don't know
Starting point is 01:57:12 it's time to get back in also I ordered a fucking Victrix and then my fucking order got delayed by like a month because that thing is sold the fuck out darn yeah well dude
Starting point is 01:57:28 somebody in the chat last hazard just nailed it Budokai Tenkaichi for Dragon Ball the exact same thing as Duodesim or Decidia for Final Fantasy like no it is not a serious ass fighting game it is a
Starting point is 01:57:44 main character simulator but the part that really this is news to me is that none of y'all played it against people that you just played it against the computer who gives a goddamn fuck I want my stats to go up and I want to
Starting point is 01:58:00 beat Frieza with the Warrior of Light thank you so I would say that I thought as it was a Budokai game that it was going in that direction but then it turns out not necessarily right was Duodesim a
Starting point is 01:58:16 just do big Final Fantasy on the CPU ok campaign was enormous Duodesim has like one of the best fighting game campaigns ever it's incredible ok
Starting point is 01:58:32 yeah I thought it was just like this is where the Budokai franchise is going and the Budokai games were like yeah you play those with someone else usually so but ok
Starting point is 01:58:48 anyways that's that's that pretty wild I wonder if they would like actually make it feel the exact same oh yeah by the way
Starting point is 01:59:08 you said you got a Victrix no I ordered a Victrix you ordered a Victrix if for any reason that gets cancelled and doesn't go through I still recommend Conva Pearl or Obsidian Solid Astix what no but it's not a stick it's a gamepad
Starting point is 01:59:28 oh the BFG you're talking about yeah oh Jesus Christ ok usually when people say Victrix they're like the one you brought on the podcast and showed off just here let me just give you a little context so when people say Victrix
Starting point is 01:59:44 like fighting game related it's often they mean the stick right when you say when someone says like I got a Victrix they usually like are talking about the stick the BFG controller the big fucking pro right over there PS5
Starting point is 02:00:00 but I wanted to try the Victrix and like fucking bought it from a Canadian retailer and then it's totally one every time someone just said the word Victrix in the past and that to me it's been in reference to the stick I thought you were talking about that ok yeah the BFG controller
Starting point is 02:00:16 fantastic do it ok uh I'm probably gonna cancel my goddamn order and just fucking order it from the States like that would probably show up like over a month earlier yeah
Starting point is 02:00:36 ok so so so I guess I said this on stream last week and I'll preface it again a lot of coming on the internet into
Starting point is 02:00:54 into the a lot of the mid-auts game culture was really weird because there's a huge part of this where a lot of you guys would make references to g4tech tv and to xplay and to the people on it
Starting point is 02:01:10 never personally watched it we didn't have it in Quebec didn't watch it, didn't see it Canada had it, it's a Canadian universe based channel but we didn't have it in Quebec therefore every time anyone talked about
Starting point is 02:01:26 beams or memories of xplay and attack of the show and yadda yadda I didn't get it didn't watch it, no idea no connection people would make jokes about Adam Sessler and Morgan this and Olivia and that and I'd be like yeah I don't know
Starting point is 02:01:42 man we literally didn't get that here so starting out to preface once again to everybody that knows and gets this on a memory level that like this we have no idea except for hearing about
Starting point is 02:01:58 the video game based show from you guys over the years so that last story from last week about how JRPG is a term that Japanese devs took umbrage with
Starting point is 02:02:16 as a form of disparagement yes it was a painful term many years ago and people were like really what when and we talked about the fill fish story for example and yeah that's kind of the one that comes to mind mainly was just him going off
Starting point is 02:02:32 on a Japanese dev at a panel talking about how their games suck while the dev was saying hey your game seems to be inspired by the old Japanese games what do you think of our current ones
Starting point is 02:02:48 or whatever and then there was that era of also the reviews that were just kind of like being weird but and I want to give a fucking shout out to fucking Gene Park for fucking digging up receipts and calling out like specific morons
Starting point is 02:03:04 like Arthur Gees the former head of Polygon helping all over fucking vanquished because it was Japanese that era, that exact era this is what we're talking about and this is why it makes sense that all these years later
Starting point is 02:03:20 they still kind of feel that way but then other people were before we go on I really want to point out the fill fish shitting on Japanese games always had two layers to me one it's rude as fuck and two Fez fucking sucks
Starting point is 02:03:36 dude I fucking hate Fez so much I remember and for this dude to be like you made one of the shittiest games I've ever played in my life I remember you're right back to yelling about
Starting point is 02:03:56 the fake alphabet again every time every fucking time fucking deep I put a fucking one to one linguistic cipher cool puzzles the idea of a rotating pixel thing is visually interesting
Starting point is 02:04:12 but then what a cool concept, lots of fun change the game isn't about that what else are we doing with it the the concept of course and that was all during the thing is too is that like
Starting point is 02:04:28 that was during indie game the movie and that was a part of the catalyst was because that the story came from was a panel for indie game of the movie and that was a Q&A that a Japanese dev asked after watching it
Starting point is 02:04:44 and again you're looking at old Japanese platformers you're looking at a game like Fez and you're looking at the inspirations that are direct in that regard so the line of questioning was not out of nowhere anyways that era aside
Starting point is 02:05:00 people were like really that we're not around for that are looking and asking a lot of questions about this whole JRPG story and so the other thing that happened those people were like oh yeah I remember when X-Play had these wild segments that just went insane unhinged
Starting point is 02:05:16 because we did not watch the TV show of the channel we didn't have and then some clips popped up and Wolf Bark Arf it's like how can anyone how can anyone disagree
Starting point is 02:05:34 that there was a weird open air xenophobic racist air about Japanese games when you're watching them when you're watching them literally out loud with their mouth I fear for the time
Starting point is 02:05:50 that this race will rule over us I believe they had their eyes they invented Judo and then we nuked them was that's when they became a real country there you go when I saw that my mouth fell open because when me and Paige
Starting point is 02:06:10 went to Japan we went to the Hiroshima Holocaust Museum in which I saw a goddamn child's shadow scorched into a wall and I'm like don't think
Starting point is 02:06:28 that for your fun video game thing making fun of a nuclear holocaust in order to what dump on untold legends is appropriate again as just as someone who like
Starting point is 02:06:44 I don't know I'm watching this like in whatever context it was in there's things where you're like okay I've listened to many a comedian tell many fucked up jokes and shit that's like whoa pull the collar and we have also said ourselves
Starting point is 02:07:00 absolutely fucked up jokes and make no mistake certainly but there but it definitely does feel though that there's there's like there's something to just dropping all attempt at at anything
Starting point is 02:07:18 like there's just dropping right down to world war two slap a jab by war bonds level of caricature popping up into the screen with big buck teeth just going full on like there's no
Starting point is 02:07:34 there's nothing to this there's no like dance there's no eggshell just a bunch of talking head screaming sake in a weirdly racist accent for like 90 seconds that's not a review
Starting point is 02:07:50 like that's yeah and then of course like the bit of like wacky wacky Japan TV and stuff which of course has been wacky forever but like leaning super hard in with just that combined with the shit that she was saying and then
Starting point is 02:08:06 the cut ins and then like getting actual Japanese speakers to come in and do the narration on some of those bits and shit and you're just like why is this coming across so vitriolic like it doesn't come across
Starting point is 02:08:22 as like ha ha that funny little thing we're doing a bit here it comes off it's like weirdly venomous spitefully venomous and
Starting point is 02:08:38 so like I've been doing some digging and going around and reading everything people see it sends me so like there's a nice article with Greg right where he describes that Japanese games particularly role playing games do not have any
Starting point is 02:08:54 innovation in them and basically talks down about their contemporaries around the time of Mass Effect 2's release and then you go back and you describe that direct X was Project Manhattan
Starting point is 02:09:10 and that the X box was originally known as project midway i.e. the battle in which the Americans took over the pace of the war in the Pacific from the Japanese and it's just this constant
Starting point is 02:09:26 like angst that this hobby is being dominated by a foreign culture video games from 90, 80 fucking 7 like after Atari
Starting point is 02:09:42 like shit the bed oh yeah 87 to 2005 when the Xbox 360 started to do really well and Japanese teams had trouble with HD development that whole period was like totally dominated by Japanese
Starting point is 02:09:58 games and as soon as the Xbox 360 started to do really really well and North American and European games are starting to like really get their footing and have a lot of big success all of a sudden it's like this weird video game version of like white's
Starting point is 02:10:14 replacement theory like in the X clips they're literally saying I am afraid of when they rule over when they will take over so I think like for a quick little history lesson on that the third and fourth generation of video games took place after
Starting point is 02:10:30 the initial Atari and Commodore era collapsed because they had no compliance whatsoever games were shit some of them didn't work they charged a fuck ton and they were like you got Custer's fucking revenge as an example of the quality you'd get
Starting point is 02:10:46 in some of your expensive ass purchases it's like the most insanely vile early video game it's crazy so then when Nintendo came out they basically had the seal of quality which is the little sticker that goes in the corner and that was the introduction of that thing I always talk about compliance which is
Starting point is 02:11:02 a list of things that your game has to have in order for it to come out including fucking working so that brought a quality to the industry that didn't exist prior that made it a hot commodity item that blew up and then Japanese consoles took over because they became an actual
Starting point is 02:11:18 representation of like your game will work when you buy it actually and it might even be fun so the money yeah it might even be fun and so I feel like that and then you know we went through fourth generation Atari could never promise you
Starting point is 02:11:34 yeah and then as we got into like exactly like the more Xbox era and things like that I think the bit as well with based on just like seeing the x-play clips and stuff it feels like sure there's that
Starting point is 02:11:50 angle but I think it's also like this was the era of Ingrish and like the weird Arnold Schwarzenegger commercials coming to light and the Lost in Translation stuff getting found out about and like Japanese TV clips making their way
Starting point is 02:12:06 onto quick time on the internet and it was premium like if you were paying attention to anime and video games you were starting to find out about these really weird random things that would pop up on TV and stuff and clips and so that was
Starting point is 02:12:22 part of it of just like leaning into the bizarre nature of that crazy shit and like trying to recreate it with their own sense of humor and I guess you just yeah you go back to it now and you look at the bit and you know I mean yo there's
Starting point is 02:12:38 SNL clips of fucking Jimmy Fallon and Blackface I mean there's there's that mad TV character that was like an Asian lady that was just like the Miss Kwan yeah but it wasn't the white guy but I don't remember that character
Starting point is 02:12:54 I barely but I remember that mad TV had a thing real mistake right you go back in time on anything comedic and you're getting you're hitting that like oh yeah okay this is this is not what this doesn't you can't fucking pull that
Starting point is 02:13:10 out into in current year so to speak but um we're no different I mean I would like to disavow everything I've ever said before 10 minutes ago sure um especially stuff that none of you heard that I said to children on Xbox Live when
Starting point is 02:13:26 we talked shit in Halo and I made them cry because I convinced them that I was gonna fuck their mom that little shit called me the N word because I took the fucking warthog okay time for the 30 minute shit talk at a 12 year old fuck that kid should have quit right away
Starting point is 02:13:42 some of you participated in the world record any percent N word speed run don't pretend you didn't I heard you you know what the wildest one is you know it's a really good example of this
Starting point is 02:13:58 because it's not a good example of this watching people who are like 15 right now discover fucking tropic thunder and going what the fuck is my man doing yeah yeah yeah which was released the same year as Iron Man 1 mind you yeah and it's like tropic thunder
Starting point is 02:14:14 is the funniest blackface joke ever it is incredible it's wild because like this thing people discovering it is kind of hilarious because it immediately follows discovering it going what the fuck am I looking at
Starting point is 02:14:30 why is that what is Iron Man doing followed by the discovery that black people love tropic thunder hahaha and that you're looking at the the ridiculousness of a stupid
Starting point is 02:14:46 fucking white actor going as far as he thinks he should go play this character being the subject of the of the of the joke you know the point is how fucking insane hollywood is right like you kind of find out about that shit like all in one
Starting point is 02:15:02 and you just go ahhhhh ummm but anyways all this to say that I remember the shows that we did get in you know Quebec included reviews on the run and I remember
Starting point is 02:15:18 hahaha with everyone's favorite Tommy Tommy Tellerico and I review games he fucking worked on and gave them good scores and I remember the the uh fucking bullshit that is the shitting on CVS2 because
Starting point is 02:15:34 look at these dumb old pixel sprites we need to get out of this era Capcom's fucking in the past and the fact that they haven't gotten with the times with 3D is just embarrassing yada yada that is a stupid ass shitty review
Starting point is 02:15:50 of a good game but at no point did he pull out the rice hat and faked teeth and start going for the chopstick bit while talking about CVS2 and hey you know what hey you know what let's all be fair
Starting point is 02:16:06 2005 was almost 20 years ago now it was a very long time ago the pat of 2005 was a substantially larger and louder asshole than the pat of 2023
Starting point is 02:16:22 and I would tell that pat to go fuck himself and if like for example there was a video of me calling a bunch of people names at a fighting game tournament in which I sound like a fucking asshole I look back on that with embarrassment and go man I was a dick head but if you were
Starting point is 02:16:38 say I don't know on broadcast television and you made a horribly racist anti-Japanese botan kios review and somebody went wow that was fucked up maybe your response isn't supposed to be oh sorry you're mad that I didn't give your boner simulator
Starting point is 02:16:54 a good review you all right fucking anime pedophile idiots so the the tweet I then saw was the the double down where Adam was like nah you know on that and it's like yeah okay
Starting point is 02:17:10 I guess man but it's like I think the ultimate double down is hey man that was pretty racist and the response of I'm not racist you're a pedophile
Starting point is 02:17:26 might not work for you it's not it's not yeah I don't know this is one of those things
Starting point is 02:17:44 again I laugh at fucked up jokes and humor all the time and make fucked up jokes and humor all the time let's be real I saw this x-play shit it's crazy and I laughed oh I I just
Starting point is 02:18:00 I just but either ultimately it's just like yeah there's just sometimes there's that little sting to it where you're like there's no there's not it's straight it's straight to world war 2 with the bit
Starting point is 02:18:16 that's just kind of wild you know like you can you can go into the wild shit about how Japan does stuff you can there's a lot anyway whatever 2006 or we're talking 20 years ago so it's crazy it's crazy
Starting point is 02:18:32 but anyway but all this to say it was a pretty wild walk down memory laid for a lot of people but this is to bring up again why JRPG might have some bad feelings associated with it to it's really um Yoshi P
Starting point is 02:18:48 the the Greg Sachuk um Bioware quote made me laugh really hard like what it like that I think is actually my favorite part of all of this because it's not overt but it's like okay they're making mass effect 2 and Dragon Age
Starting point is 02:19:04 and Dragon Age 2 right and the head of Bioware says that JRPGs are suffering from a lack of innovation and they're they're just not doing it Bioware made the same game like 8 times in a row
Starting point is 02:19:20 between the year 2000 and 2020 the characters that people love in mass effect JRPG stereotypes Garrus and Tally the two most popular
Starting point is 02:19:36 characters Bioware ever made are fucking anime characters it's fucking silly yeah I remember that quote popping up as well like ridiculously dismissive for what your
Starting point is 02:19:52 what your company is about Bioware made Sonic in the dark brotherhood hood shut up so let me close this segment on another statement I remember
Starting point is 02:20:08 back in the day the great Patrice O'Neill once said that good jokes and bad jokes and things that offend and things that don't a lot of the time they come from the same place which is an attempt to make someone laugh and
Starting point is 02:20:24 like they're gonna land and they're not but like that's where they're trying to come from that's the same effort getting put out there and you get that and we all understand that
Starting point is 02:20:40 but yet somehow at the same time while Patrice said that over here is Kramer and Kramer's on stage and Kramer's having a really bad set guys his set is not going good it's not going
Starting point is 02:20:56 according to plan and there's a different energy about where that set went that isn't quite what Patrice was talking about yeah all this stuff has this weird layer of like um
Starting point is 02:21:12 vindictiveness and annoyance and just ah right um I think I talked about this the other night on stream but I think the funniest thing about it is that the Japanese games are bad
Starting point is 02:21:28 when are we gonna move on past these Japanese games we saw the Elden Ring tweets about that games interface you remember that people like getting angry that that game has an equipment screen oh yeah that's bad design compared to like Horizon and all this shit
Starting point is 02:21:44 and um I can't remember who I saw like make this point I brought up who I thought it made it but then they don't remember saying it but regardless it's a good point somebody on my timeline made it well let's say
Starting point is 02:22:00 you wanted to play a hit RPG from 1998 right if you were to play a Japanese role playing game from 1998 how much
Starting point is 02:22:16 prep do you need to do how much prep do you need to do yeah say I give you a PlayStation 1 and a disc to play a hit RPG from 1998 how much work do you need to do
Starting point is 02:22:32 before setting it up how much research how much backstory how much systems I would just pop it in and press new game and play it so like FF7, FF8 yeah I'd let the tutorials carry me and let the story explain itself I'll let it explain itself
Starting point is 02:22:48 what if you wanted to play Baldur's Gate 1 right now that would I would schedule a phone call with you and I would ask you for a couple hours of your time and we'd pull up a chart and uh
Starting point is 02:23:04 when you go back to games from the late 90s and the early aughts and they're from like North America a lot of those games are like wildly fucked up now like I just went through Witcher 1 Witcher 1 is so wildly fucked up and early Bioware
Starting point is 02:23:20 like the first Bioware game that was like playable by a human being is like Kotor 1 right like yeah um Japanese role-playing game you fucking loaded in I'm go okay cool I know how the buttons work plays like a regular fucking video game
Starting point is 02:23:36 lack of evolution shut up Greg go review your beers so two different groups of people interpreted D&D paper tabletop gaming into in different ways and yeah the more literal that gets
Starting point is 02:23:52 in a lot of cases you're gonna be in WRPG cases you're gonna have no idea what the fuck is going on with a bunch of those numbers um I anyways it's not to say that like have you seen a screenshot of what System Shock 1's like
Starting point is 02:24:08 UI looks like in the back it's unbelievable yeah and again these things all have their place like for you know anyone who loves diving in the numbers I get the I get the these are the things that are gonna appeal but
Starting point is 02:24:24 you can't just it was a weird era to go back and just throw stones in glass houses and just shit unceremoniously all over like everything uh coming out of Japan at the time and um and it was again weirdly vindictive and venomous you know
Starting point is 02:24:40 um a little bit of that uh move over old man how many times do I have to tell you um and you know and then there was an actual like point in which like yeah like Call of Duty popped
Starting point is 02:24:56 off and first person shooters took over and then that actually became like oh the west is dominating video games now you know um so anyways uh if anyone was looking for receipts as to why YoshiP was talking
Starting point is 02:25:12 about this and and receipts provided ad nauseam yeah why were like people are like oh why are the Japanese devs in their fifis and it's like well here you go uh there was a fucked up a fucked up list there was a lot of fifi hurting going on you know um
Starting point is 02:25:28 and you know what and you know what all of this it's weird that they're the only country in the only genre that gets the nation put in front of it as a descriptor that is kind of weird as opposed to the general region
Starting point is 02:25:44 yeah like like you know there's no like there's the only one I could think of and it kind of is the same is Euro jank well that it just but it makes sense just given the fact that Nintendo Sega
Starting point is 02:26:00 uh Sony we're all coming out of the same place so it make it just makes sense because those were the the biggest things to to buy products from and they're all from the same place so um I was going to say that if you want to throw a little bookend on that um
Starting point is 02:26:16 the end of that that filfish rant from way back in the day I don't know if you remember I don't after he went off on the dev who was in the audience and likes talked about how shitty Japanese games were
Starting point is 02:26:32 um if I'm not mistaken the Japanese dev went thanks for answering the question thank you for your time and and just sat back down you know yeah and and then it was just the description
Starting point is 02:26:48 was uh awkward cheers and booze and stomach-winging noises from the crowd but the dude just took it and went yep thanks thanks for answering and just that was it you know
Starting point is 02:27:04 uh anyway filfish is the exact kind of fucking stupid asshole arrogant piece of shit that I moved to get away from like the the fire that arises every time
Starting point is 02:27:20 is unbelievable like so there's two there is a there's a kick to your dog level of energy so there's there's two reasons one fezz is a piece of shit and it's an arrogant piece of shit and it was made by an arrogant piece of shit who happened to be
Starting point is 02:27:36 from the city that I was born in and lived there at the time and sounds like my relatives ah ah there it is like I am embarrassed
Starting point is 02:27:52 by filfish association like legitimately the accent a little bit oh yeah okay okay there you go yeah
Starting point is 02:28:08 I was like he may be two cousins over for me I don't know sure but like it's important to note great scratch a little bit of the ticket right there okay there we go also and also
Starting point is 02:28:24 the final part that like I scream and rant and shit myself over the fezz letter puzzle right the fezz that you play for the first 30% of that game I was really excited for I'm madly madly
Starting point is 02:28:40 in love with non traditional space non euclidean geometry perspective shifting kind of stuff so I was really excited for fezz and to be told that like by the game like hey you remember that thing you were excited for
Starting point is 02:28:56 haha that was the trick to get you to play the shittiest word puzzle ever infuriating infuriating here's your delicious hamburger guess what there's poop in it yeah I was gonna say though just talking about this now and then thinking about the description
Starting point is 02:29:18 of tunic where you're discovering the manual the other day tunic fucking kicks ass where it sounds like a functional version of a similar idea okay well that aside Americans please continue to
Starting point is 02:29:44 inform on your g4 tech tv memories and shit because anyways what else is going on well hey turns out funko pops are having a rough time
Starting point is 02:30:02 they too are having a rough go not content to merely be filled with piss you don't know that story don't worry about it 30 million what don't worry about it I can relate to the funko pop
Starting point is 02:30:22 his story to you at a different time 30 million dollars worth of funko pops are being dumped directly into a landfill because they're not selling isn't capitalism grand I mean like
Starting point is 02:30:40 yes but this flavor in particular right of just the the whole business model the whole like I got and I still imagine somewhere deep down those people are still going to come rising up in a minute
Starting point is 02:30:56 of a whole level of flame I caught some flames over being like fuck these stupid things if you want a cute collectible there's nendoroids and it's like yes but the nendoroids are more expensive yes but you own ten of these stupid funko pops
Starting point is 02:31:12 which means you could have spent that money anyways right like yes but there's ten of them and yes and they're all shit and quantity over quality yes actually that's what I want okay cool so do you believe that with grocery prices rising
Starting point is 02:31:28 pretty much everywhere that the first thing to get cut out is the most worthless tacky item in your house it just became it's so insane because a bunch of people stood on their box of funko's and went yes
Starting point is 02:31:44 I want quantity over quality and I don't care about your stupid expensive nendoroids or whatever you're talking about and shut up fuck you I want my whatever my firefly collectible and it's like okay man
Starting point is 02:32:00 sure you know so here you get literally the end result of when someone puts the Tony Stark next to the Doctor Strange next to the clerks fucking
Starting point is 02:32:16 funko and like you it's the same head you know anyways so that bubble is bursting it seems and like the whole bit was like yeah we make them inexpensive and we make them like cheap and shit but
Starting point is 02:32:32 oh it's more about just being a fan of the thing and you just want to have a thing from the thing you like as opposed to it being like a decent piece of merch well there's also another reason one of the large drivers of funko pops much like one of the large drivers of I don't know some other piece of shit
Starting point is 02:32:48 ugly thing that no one actually cared about like beanie babies is a speculative market because there are rare funko pops and speculative markets for bullshit that no one cares about dry up when everyone's broke
Starting point is 02:33:08 so the pile of unsold inventory increased by 48% year over year and they were yeah last year apparently
Starting point is 02:33:26 they hit a critical point of being too overflowing with inventory to actually continue storing it in their storage shipping containers in their regular storage points so they had to rent shipping containers as
Starting point is 02:33:42 temporary storage for a bunch of them and that doesn't go down over time so yeah the speculative aspect of this there's two golden figurines sold for 100k yada yada pvc poisoning
Starting point is 02:33:58 like you see the people that work in landfills are discovering though you remember those like $1000 super packs or whatever apparently most of those have been landfilled quietly because people that work at landfills
Starting point is 02:34:16 are like finding them just in big piles yeah so pvc is what they're made of and that is not easy to dump and deal with either
Starting point is 02:34:36 considering the fact that it's made using vital chloride which was all over the news recently you might have heard of vital chloride because that's
Starting point is 02:34:54 that's that's that's yeah that's what's going on in east palestine ohio the vc in pvc is that so now we're about to dump
Starting point is 02:35:10 30 million in punk in fucco pop form into the landfill because that's what the fucco pops are uh yeah woo love that that's great
Starting point is 02:35:30 i'm sorry johnny you can't have kids because the funco pops have leaked into the water supply and rendered you sterile why can't we drink the water mommy is it because the people needed the shittiest figure of iron man they could get the funcos are in the river
Starting point is 02:35:46 and now it's shimmering when we drop things into it i mean you want to talk about like i i've had my vendetta against these fucking things forever um you want to talk about celebration
Starting point is 02:36:04 i will i get to fucking cheer this victory lap as it destroys uh the drinking water in the surrounding area and just like like it's it's crazy that like at the end of the day not only are they shitt
Starting point is 02:36:20 so many that are just garbage from a merge perspective they're also helping destroy the earth that's fucking wonderful that's great love that love that for you funco super sick but you know what
Starting point is 02:36:36 the cuphead one was pretty good yeah you did it uh man anyways folks if you if um cute little nendoroids
Starting point is 02:36:56 right i don't i don't collect them but if i if i were to that's that that that that's that you know you can pose them they're often made with detail and and love and you can put a little stand behind them and right up until you find out that every single one
Starting point is 02:37:12 of them is manufactured from come okay well it's the next logical step yeah who knows yeah yes of course everything's made of pvc guys we know just like uh i god i really thought you were gonna say everything's made out
Starting point is 02:37:32 of come um well every one is made out of come it's true don't think too hard about that it's gross and if you search long and hard no you can find places
Starting point is 02:37:49 where the two intersect and create content tags unlocked ask reggie about him my contrary is the powerhouse of the cell
Starting point is 02:38:06 hot glue is the is the powerhouse of that's enough that's enough out of you what's the next news story and or podcast email um well
Starting point is 02:38:22 talking about the japanese video game industry i often remember and describe when yoichi wada left the president's position at square enix and yosuke matzuta took over
Starting point is 02:38:38 and they just announced that matzuta will now be stepping down and takashi kiryu will be stepping up pending the role approval at the next shareholder meeting um they sold idos for nothing what does this
Starting point is 02:38:54 ultimately mean it's hard to say in the sense that if you're looking at this and going oh like a massive change in direction is coming maybe hold on a second um because for example
Starting point is 02:39:10 i saw a lot of people were talking about um how he was the matzuta was the one that was pushing hard with the nfts and uh doubling down on that whole thing um and uh kiryu who's stepping in has also
Starting point is 02:39:26 indicated that he's super into that and wants to push that direction he's a big dragon quest fan and he's adamant on the um nft endeavors at square enix like you know coming to fruition so um don't uh don't don't
Starting point is 02:39:42 don't assume the weirdest thing about this is they keep saying that over and over and over but nothing's happening yeah it is interesting because it's keeping the
Starting point is 02:39:58 shareholders happy to hear that certainly konami is definitely off busy fully throwing themselves over the cliff and ubi we saw uh you know was certainly down to like cut a leg off and and throw that
Starting point is 02:40:14 over as well but it might be it might be interesting if it's like yes shareholders absolutely don't you worry in the meantime here's they here's ff16 and 14 and r2 and and yadda yadda
Starting point is 02:40:30 because like the only other times you ever hear nft is associated with square enix is like you see an interview with yoshi p on 16 or 14 where you see an interview with like namura or katase on like ff7 remake and the phrase nft is either
Starting point is 02:40:46 completely absent no i or they just go yeah i'm not gonna yeah we're not gonna do that no realistically i think um you're gonna hear about it you're gonna hear about it soon like i remember when um we stared down the barrel of nosgoth and
Starting point is 02:41:02 fucking sleeping dogs china town wars and yeah and those turn out great right and and and gas games and such and the introduction of that whole thing um with when when the the company changed but uh in this case i imagine look what you're hearing about is you're hearing about
Starting point is 02:41:18 14 and 16 which are being head up by somebody who's fighting back the hounds of hell as i've i've been told uh every time they try to encroach he single-handedly right did you see in the ff16 interviews by the way do you see the ff16
Starting point is 02:41:34 stuff it looks great yeah we talked about it last time um but did you see the the interview and when she ojp talks about collaboration with final fantasy 14 from something from long ago no no for a couple weeks ago uh perhaps not uh it it was he described
Starting point is 02:41:50 oh yes yes i did see that we would have to ask the producer of ff14 who also happens to be named yoshida um so i'll schedule a meeting with him and then we'll hash it out yeah dead serious no smirk whatsoever
Starting point is 02:42:06 uh as noted yeah that was great give him a call uh yeah so he's doing that right and then seven and seven r um feels as well like something that is big on a scale that would probably be smart
Starting point is 02:42:22 to not fuck it up so now's not the time and then this to like be jammed into like first soul first soldier yeah or something right well then the theater of them just dropped and did its thing and then like well the pixel remasters nothing there except
Starting point is 02:42:38 for the really obnoxious price point on the collection um but it feels as if like you know i guess like there's a bunch of big name ff related projects that they're trying to like push to the forefront and not like embarrass themselves with right now
Starting point is 02:42:54 but anything that's probably like not ff related they might be willing to throw to the wolves yeah i can see like a dragon quest mobile adventure that has nft slimes or some bullshit on it because we've only been talking about you know ff related products and stuff for the for the last
Starting point is 02:43:10 little bit um perhaps with the exception of um that little that near thing that came out but uh yeah yeah we'll see but uh you know don't don't uh don't get too excited it might just be more the same we'll see then real quick
Starting point is 02:43:30 uh a couple trailers dropped we got to see uh a new ninja turtles trailer mutant mayhem looks ff great looks ff cool looks great sounds fun just a nice little like fun like setting
Starting point is 02:43:46 and and like the turtles are young and and you know the the the the ninja turtles is clearly back in well it never really went away fully but it would take like sometimes you'd be not hearing about it for like four years or so
Starting point is 02:44:02 and before it would come back around they're fully back in like we're pushing them and every time they go away they're going to be gone for two years tops before you see another version of them um so that's a that that's a whole like uh thing but if they keep reinventing them in ways but
Starting point is 02:44:20 they're fun watches then that's fine you know rise of the mutiny region ninja turtles that was full of some awesome ff super type over the top shit amazing animation quality and fun going on there this is a completely different tone with them seemingly like younger right this looks
Starting point is 02:44:36 like them as kids kind of like learning how to do ninja stuff um and uh it credited Seth Rogen but I don't know if he's just producing or directing or what um but in any case uh Jackie in between bong rips so he doesn't shit himself
Starting point is 02:44:52 Jackie Chanis splinter that's that's pretty good uh yeah that's a joke but recently Seth Rogen said that if he doesn't smoke enough weed he shits himself I believe it uh yeah so way to just be like
Starting point is 02:45:08 it's another reboot but hey the the the you know the banter is fun and it looks looks like it's gonna be a cool like spider-verse energy to it so uh yay let's let's see let's see more of that uh a trailer also dropped for this is a
Starting point is 02:45:24 fucking wild one and uh for those of you who know you know mark echoes getting up contents under pressure get out the feature film adaptation you are a liar I swear to god
Starting point is 02:45:40 this thing dropped and it seems like they filmed just a trailer so it might not necessarily be like of the full thing is in production just yet but they released a live action getting up trailer
Starting point is 02:45:56 and it's like okay dude yeah man and he kind of said he came out and said like oh hey yeah for anybody that wanted a remake of the game or like you know a revisit well like you know we still want to do stuff like that but first we're gonna try to work on this and I guess it's like to drum up interest in that possibility
Starting point is 02:46:12 uh I don't know that there were people out there clamoring for the continued adventures of train in new cypher city or whatever the fuck it's called but sure man literally don't believe you shout outs to anybody out there
Starting point is 02:46:28 in the fucking Bronx still rocking their echo unlimited like still rocking the rhino wear kind of amazing um yeah and flipping through your um
Starting point is 02:46:44 complex magazine you know I don't okay um are you familiar at all with black magazines no okay so there's black magazines like essence and ebony
Starting point is 02:47:00 and these are the things you might see on your auntie's kitchen counter right now what my my personal knowledge of essence and or ebony is the only experience I have ever had with these black magazines is when plinkett
Starting point is 02:47:16 describes casting the two coolest black dudes in star wars ever he puts a photo of ebony magazine on the screen for two seconds yeah sam jackson and uh billy d williams on it okay well um it's pretty
Starting point is 02:47:32 interesting that you remember that that's a good pull because yeah essence ebony and jet are these well known there's like these black magazines and then you kind of have moving on the other side of that you've got hip hop magazines like source
Starting point is 02:47:48 xxl and uh complex and uh these would be big uh uh uh you know big deals if you got on the cover if you got on the freshman cover and all that up and coming you know uh uh uh
Starting point is 02:48:04 new talents and shit and uh vibe vibe was another one as well and for people that just yeah it was just whatever those magazines you know and complex is um is mark echo right that's that's his that's his mag and and uh
Starting point is 02:48:20 the obviously the the the clothing brand as well um and that all culminated in the ability to get his powers together and make a video game um featuring his his his brand and his magazine band in australia
Starting point is 02:48:36 the trailer does feature subway surfing so i'll tell you that much like it's it's accurate it's accurate um but yeah we're gonna get possibly a live action fucking uh get enough that's that's
Starting point is 02:48:52 i'm down man fuck it you know that that's uh don't you kill people in that game the yeah oh make no mistake that was deaf jam before deaf jam you know or after i forget after during
Starting point is 02:49:08 i don't know i want to say xbox one era so probably during but uh yeah you um you do so but but it's no big deal because you're you're like you're taking out a corrupt evil mayor and and and their
Starting point is 02:49:24 evil like fucking ninjas and shit and you're doing it in the name of the streets so don't worry about it as long as you do it in the name of the streets to the to the backdrop of talib quali i don't know i don't know what that means yeah egg mark echoes getting up
Starting point is 02:49:44 contents under pressure coming soon oh god um i think contents under pressure for awesome game is an incredible subtitle yeah yeah it's uh uh i remember
Starting point is 02:50:02 finding out the uh well like not it not dotting on me about the the bit with the um that's what you have on a spray can you know super cool um all right last bit and it's not really a bit it's just
Starting point is 02:50:20 it's just a it's just a hardy fuck you um uh mega man cross dive has decided to fuck it because it hates you here is ex daunte
Starting point is 02:50:36 as an outfit as well as virtual zero and that games had a bunch of that that games had a bunch of wild dlc things and i've seen footage of it and like it's on steam as well so technically you don't have to play it on mobile but just like it's the only
Starting point is 02:50:52 living form of mega man currently is just this gacha thing fucking retweet to scare a fucking marvel player yeah virtual zero oh yeah yeah uh zero may cry
Starting point is 02:51:08 in one unit that's the fucking that's the scariest shit ever um no terrible i i fucking it sucks that ideas that cool are relegated to the gacha realm and um the only thing i hate more is uh how much i would
Starting point is 02:51:24 love seeing axl nero right the third that comes along think about it i don't like axl but i do like nero like x should have probably been virtual since red is zero and zero is a little bit more
Starting point is 02:51:44 wild and x is a little bit more restrained you know sword man but then there's the sword and the buster no i know i know you can there's personality color scheme you can go either way yeah but axl axl is definitely the third coming in so anyways
Starting point is 02:52:00 uh whatever to that fuck you cross dive why you being cool shut up be less cool so i can continue to ignore you please stop being cool only cool things in the stuff that i want to play
Starting point is 02:52:16 make make yourself easy to ignore if you got an email you can send it in to castle super beast mail at it's peaking of easy to ignore in fact i'm looking at one
Starting point is 02:52:34 and but i've just ignored it oh that's great damn sorry to you hey i just wanted to give a shout out there's a thread recently on like why do they read such bad emails like you have no idea the emails that this man skips you really don't
Starting point is 02:52:52 um you'd think years later that uh the situation will have changed but it doesn't fucking write better emails uh hey lords of castle super beast in regard to the most recent discussion about people who supposedly don't have an internal monologue
Starting point is 02:53:12 uh the study that spawned this whole NPC meme the phenomena of the inner experience is completely misunderstood each participants inner experience inner voice disconnected ideas and imagination was randomly
Starting point is 02:53:28 sampled that is they were simply requested to write down everything inside their head the moment a buzzer rang nobody has an inner voice running 24-7 sometimes you need that brain power for something else although frequencies did vary each participant did have an inner monologue
Starting point is 02:53:44 but what about the people who admit to it um this is purely speculation of my own but i believe it's the communication issue not a mental one uh when people claim that they can't see an imagined apple with their eyes closed they're right because nobody can sight in a sense relies on observable
Starting point is 02:54:00 reality light you don't see quote-unquote imagine things just like you don't see quote-unquote dreams i believe the same thing is happening with inner voices some people just don't consider their sub vocalization or air thoughts as a voice with citation notes for the study if you'd like to look at them
Starting point is 02:54:16 um given so it seems um according to this citation which let's let's just pull that up they're saying that that study results might have been uh exaggerated or inaccurate um
Starting point is 02:54:32 they're saying i i understand what they're saying if it was right down what's in your head right now when the buzzer goes off at random that doesn't seem the same as like some people have no voice in their head ever and some people do and and you know somebody or when you ask them do you hear a voice and they're
Starting point is 02:54:48 like well i don't hear it but my thoughts are you know it's not quite the same as hearing right it's a i can understand being a vocalization issue um uh so um this is this i will be remiss if i do not
Starting point is 02:55:04 bring up uh the conversation that happened on my stream on friday um so i'm gonna ask you a question that's of some similarity to the study woolly so let's say you uh you're talking to punch mom right and
Starting point is 02:55:20 you have a conversation about spaghetti right this is pretty average normal conversation and then you think back to that conversation a couple hours later right um when you replay the conversation in your head
Starting point is 02:55:36 what do your voices sound like my voice or her voice it sounds like her so i discovered this this past um saturday
Starting point is 02:55:54 actually that uh that's how most people hear their um internal monologue um but when i think back to any memory and i want to replay what was played
Starting point is 02:56:10 it's me pretending to be that person okay hold on are you putting on an imitation of them yes so when you read a book okay let's say you're reading a book right yeah yeah and and
Starting point is 02:56:28 you're reading the characters in the book and the character's voice is described yes and the character talks and you're using your mind voice to create a sentence yeah that's just me acting like
Starting point is 02:56:44 the voice that was just described okay but if you're re if you're reading a book that makes sense because you're reading text that has no you have to convert it into your own brain but you can always imagine someone else being
Starting point is 02:57:02 that role but if it's a memory of a thing that happened just play back the sound of that thing happening kind of okay stop stop no no no no hold on hold on if if you play back
Starting point is 02:57:18 thriller right now michael jackson's thriller in your head think about it right the chorus are you hearing you singing as michael jackson this is the distinction that i kept trying to make that no i can't seem to reach with anybody
Starting point is 02:57:34 if i want to remember it like the words and the song i can think of it and i remember what michael jackson sounds like when he's singing thriller but if i want to hear it in my mind it has to be me because
Starting point is 02:57:50 only i can make noise in my mind no no no no if you're playing the chorus of thriller in your head right now you're hearing am i remembering it or am i hearing it
Starting point is 02:58:06 your your your memory because it's not playing right now so you have to think back yeah i can remember it as michael jackson singing thriller but if i want to hear it in my mind with the music it's more than words
Starting point is 02:58:22 on a page it has to be me so whenever you hear music in your brain that you like and you're replaying it not because the lyrics but because of because it it's me going da da da and the words are always screwed up because i can never remember
Starting point is 02:58:38 the words like like woolly if i were to remember if i were to remember this conversation later you would be you and i would be me but if i wanted to play it back in my head
Starting point is 02:58:54 and hear it i would be playing both parts i would just have a version of my voice that is me pretending to sound like you but what but what do you hear when you hear the music the first time the first time when i hear it
Starting point is 02:59:10 like in my ears or oh god okay okay okay so think of you're thinking of a predominantly vocal theme in a language you don't know alright so you don't have to remember the lyrics because they don't matter you're thinking of
Starting point is 02:59:26 emil's theme okay sure vocal is predominant high pitched voice young you're playing the song in your head listen to the music the music click play
Starting point is 02:59:44 in your head on the music click the play button yeah the voice singing right now is your voice yes of course is this a bit we spent like an hour on it this is not a bit
Starting point is 03:00:12 no no and in fact this is my first like saturday was the first interaction in which i'm like oh other people are not all like this i was under the assumption that every time somebody replayed a memory
Starting point is 03:00:28 or song or voice in their own head and heard it they were talking in their own head because when you're making head noise in your mind you're the only performer in there there's nobody else
Starting point is 03:00:48 is is this why you hate music no no i say that i hate music because i'm sick of people shitting on me for my music taste and every one of those conversations is the worst conversation
Starting point is 03:01:04 ever like because the part where i have an incredibly difficult time remembering any song unless it's playing yeah because instead of meals theme i can't remember what a meals theme sounds like
Starting point is 03:01:20 right now i would need to hear it well the reason why i went to music is because unlike a conversation music is embedded with the vocals as an instrument
Starting point is 03:01:40 so when you think of like a guitar riff right you hear the guitar no i hear myself going okay okay okay well no now we're just
Starting point is 03:01:56 like okay instrument i'm talking about like the instruments i'm not talking about the actual but i'm not a guitar so how can i make guitar noise in my mind if you play instrumental music
Starting point is 03:02:26 in your head with no lyrics where i can hear it yeah the instrument no it's me making mouth noises imitating the instrument alright we're done here we're just lying we're just lying
Starting point is 03:02:42 live on stream okay hold on drums just the hit of drums if there's no actual it's just percussions thump thump thump you're not hearing the sound of the drum play back in your head
Starting point is 03:02:58 sounds don't exist in your head like what you're describing for drums that's different because i can do this okay when you think about gief barking are you not hearing gief's bark no i'm hearing myself
Starting point is 03:03:14 imitate the dog's bark okay what you're describing is that you don't hear sounds in your head that you only hear your own voice i can remember what things sound like i can recognize your voice right and i can think about the qualities of
Starting point is 03:03:30 say your voice and what your voice sounds like but if i'm not listening to your voice right now the only thing i could create in my head is me pretending to be you which is going to be really inaccurate
Starting point is 03:03:46 so you're unable to mimic any sound you've heard in your head if it's not actively playing well no i can mimic it
Starting point is 03:04:02 but it's just i'm mimicking it with my fucking voice because you can only talk in your own head with your own voice this sounds dude and like are you hitting
Starting point is 03:04:20 notes in the right pitch in your brain i suck i suck ass that's why i find it almost impossible to start singing or humming a tune from nothing if i can hear it then oh the memory unlocks and i can i remember where
Starting point is 03:04:40 everything is but like so when you memorize a song and it's actually fully committed to memory and you start singing it out loud right yeah um let's take Aladdin for example because my brother and i used to watch Aladdin all day every day sure i was
Starting point is 03:04:58 going to say yeah that or the 101 song or whatever anyways sure but you know the song by heart you start singing it out loud right what okay at that point when you're creating it in reality what's running through your brain just the lyrics
Starting point is 03:05:14 what's what do you mean what's running through my brain like the i'm saying the words okay okay because most people if not all people can play sounds music
Starting point is 03:05:32 back i can play back right now the metal gear solid theme in my head and i'm hearing the instruments directly in my head as if i were listening to it playing it it has my voice has nothing to do with it same thing if i were talking to somebody
Starting point is 03:05:48 or playing back a conversation with punch mom i'm hearing her voice because reality as the memory was and its details are being replayed to the best of my ability and voice the words being said and the things i'm seeing are all captured
Starting point is 03:06:04 in that memory you're describing your memories as if they're missing a track which is the tonality of the sounds you're hearing they're not missing it but if i want to hear it instead of
Starting point is 03:06:20 remembering it i have to reenact it with the only thing i have which is the sound of my own voice okay i remember what the metal gear solid sound theme sounds like but if i wanted to think about and hum it in my mind i would it would sound like do do do do do do
Starting point is 03:06:36 with my own voice like i just did just now okay so this is a two step process for you that is a one step process for everyone else because they're one and the same it appears that's crazy that's fucking insane i'm getting really sick of doing
Starting point is 03:06:52 my internet show and then people being like oh my god i feel so sorry for you your brain is broken and like oh cool now i am sad i didn't know this was a possible thing i don't even
Starting point is 03:07:08 know what to call it okay wow yeah that's a anyway so if i want to listen to a music listen to the music see the thing is last time we talked about the craziness of not having an internal monologue you were
Starting point is 03:07:26 equally horrified at the type of person that had none because of how crazy that sounded yeah who the fuck doesn't have an internal monologue well here we are what are you talking about i'm having nothing but an internal monologue
Starting point is 03:07:42 but i'm saying this is a similar level of i don't understand how that's a two step process like it's so natural to just play back the conversation from earlier and hear your voice or her voice or whoever's voice because that's not me
Starting point is 03:07:58 that's the way they talk and that sound i can play it you're you how can you say anything without your own voice because it's not actually happening in reality it's happening in my memories i can do anything in my memories what do you dream do you dream
Starting point is 03:08:18 huh i dream maybe once every two years are you sure you just don't remember them because a lot of people everyone dreams and doesn't remember a lot of them i don't remember them but the dreams that i have remembered are nonsense like complete complete nonsense
Starting point is 03:08:36 can you recall hearing voices in a dream no because when i dream i dream i remember the events but i can't remember any of the you know i remember i was being traced by dracula no you you okay yeah you you definitely
Starting point is 03:08:54 dream because everyone does you don't remember them yeah no that i i agree with you right yeah um but like like when you talk about like a dream like okay i was there's a dream i very specifically remember from when i was a kid
Starting point is 03:09:10 uh there was a frankenstein and the frankenstein was chasing me around in a graveyard and pj jen from ytv was playing the guitar on a gravestone and it was like help me pj jen and she didn't give a shit um but i don't hear
Starting point is 03:09:26 any of that it's a dream so if you have a dream with like your mom voice or your dad's voice no you no the dream is they talked to me and they said this there's no
Starting point is 03:09:42 voice but so what when your brain is in experiencing the dream and now this is hard because you have to pull the memory of the dream so it's it's the it's the the
Starting point is 03:10:02 mental recreation of a mental recreation right yeah like but if i were to remember me you and dive into your mind and fucking walk around if i see your mom standing there and then she turns and says something in the
Starting point is 03:10:18 dream when you're experiencing it yeah does she have her own voice no she doesn't have any she says what she says and you understand what she's saying she has she has no voice but the words are just transmitted to you because you understand
Starting point is 03:10:34 the words yeah but there's no sound no of course not that's well not of course not there is what do you mean not of course not not of course not because when people talk in my dreams they talk and i hear them in my head you don't just
Starting point is 03:10:50 understand them no i hear a sound of the voice of the person it's like a mimicking but it's not real there's no noise no but inside of the the the memory sounds occur sometimes touch occurs sight occurs
Starting point is 03:11:06 no it's just a list of things that happened well unfortunately that's not the way my dreams go and i can say for most people it's probably similar to that as well like the sensations of the of your sight sound touch and all that
Starting point is 03:11:24 shit are happening inside your head and you're getting a sensation that echoes that it feels as if you're hearing that it feels as if you're seeing that like one one page and i were talking about this
Starting point is 03:11:42 on saturday the best that i could come up with is that every memory i have is a script it's a text adventure and like a script for a play and if i want to if i want to recreate the scene i you know place the actors
Starting point is 03:12:00 and then read the script but it's me reading it so it sounds like me um do you picture colors or yeah deep visual details faces yeah okay like like during my mind's eye i'm not seeing it like a picture
Starting point is 03:12:18 in front of you know on the affantasia thing i'm like the one i see a picture perfect apple yeah okay okay well that because i mean when i say when i say like you know i mean in your mind's eye right but the thing about the mind's eye i guess for what okay whatever
Starting point is 03:12:34 with the people i for when i say in the minds i i'm describing what i my understanding of how i've talked to people about memories dreams and whatever up until now and like talking a punch mob or whoever about this type of shit um the mind's eye is not just visual like
Starting point is 03:12:50 i the mind's eye can pull up a particular sound a particular music a particular visual that's your eye it's your mind's eye you see things with it okay it's not the mind's ear it's not but somehow it manages to
Starting point is 03:13:06 convey these things regardless and i don't have to split the replay of a sound into a mimicry step or a full re recollection step there they can be one in the same
Starting point is 03:13:22 um i'm so confused i'm so confused somebody asked me like oh do you what about memories of smells like i can't smell anything man yeah smell is
Starting point is 03:13:38 weird i can't recollect smelling anything uh like in terms of like i can remember the smell of poop and spaghetti i can remember you can remember smells um that feels
Starting point is 03:13:54 a little more disconnected um but and i don't know that i can say smelt anything in a dream per se um but at least but like sound and visuals are very very vivid to me and when you talk about
Starting point is 03:14:10 recalling a previous conversation that's the most clear cut straight example of like um i'm playing back voices in my mind that are not mine and they're definite and i never i never hear my own voice mimicking other people unless i'm talking into a mic and hearing it in my
Starting point is 03:14:26 headphones right now when i read a book um the narration is read in my own head voice yeah people were saying they could switch around to any narrator they wanted yeah i can do that too i tend not to
Starting point is 03:14:42 but if i want to i can switch to another voice that's not me in my head that seems cool and if uh when a character pulls up that is like a different character of someone that's totally not me i assign a fake voice to them in my head
Starting point is 03:14:58 so like he has a british accent so whenever her lines pop up in a book i hear a british lady um now reading the script i don't know wow okay well i mean you brought it up as
Starting point is 03:15:14 some shit that yeah this sucks that's crazy i don't even know how to describe that that's wild well i mean don't have not a good brain now don't well i guess my only other thing is like
Starting point is 03:15:32 so you've never played any kind of instrument right i played the ukulele incredibly briefly in elementary school i did not like it okay because i kind of wonder like with like
Starting point is 03:15:48 you know not that it's in your your like wheelhouse but like would re would playing music you know and like having to recall that like is it like something you can train or is it just like
Starting point is 03:16:04 you know what i mean or is it just this is how it is from the jump and and it would always have been like this and for you music would have been just you know play by numbers but like when you're you know i've talked to page about this because page is a musician she plays a couple instruments and i've never ever
Starting point is 03:16:20 ever been able to understand why musicians need sheet music or conductor at all they should just learn how to do all the pieces in a row and then i was told that what i was saying was the musical equivalent
Starting point is 03:16:36 of uh when you and elie laughed at me for drawing like a photocopy machine right yeah um a writer can write a book that doesn't mean they're gonna memorize the
Starting point is 03:16:52 the the words to the memorization of the words and the ability to write the book or two separate things the memorization of music and the ability to you know like those are there's a lot going on it's much easier if you have a reference you already
Starting point is 03:17:08 know the music and where you're supposed to go with it but you use this as a guideline to take you where you need to go for like specific moments as you go through it you know um you're not lost without the music but you're also not
Starting point is 03:17:24 100% um going off of your memory i see somebody say a conductors for organizing a whole group of people if they're all professionals shouldn't they just all play at the same tempo yes but
Starting point is 03:17:40 it's made easier by having for example a metronome which is a or a person who acts as a human metronome for you who can keep you on rhythm tell you what to go up tell you what to go down and guide you and for a lot of people they're not a lot of people
Starting point is 03:17:56 in an orchestra are not even looking fully because they're focused on what they're doing and they're pulling back their memories of what they have memorized plus reading the sheet but the combination of all of the above keep you in line right there are times when um in the middle
Starting point is 03:18:12 of playing you got really good at guitar hero there are times when in the middle of playing a song on expert uh you're in the rhythm and then you fall out of it you fuck up and then you have to try to find that way to get back in and it takes a second because you're like fuck where was the where was the flow again
Starting point is 03:18:28 right and and um you know let's say you're on you're you're doing like bark at the moon and you're right in the middle of the you know and when you fall out that point of getting back in is difficult but the more guide like
Starting point is 03:18:44 the more safety nets you have around you which can be something like a metronome something like your memorization something like the book in front of you something like a conductor these are all things that can help you get right back into it faster if you fuck up you know um hi-fi rush lets you
Starting point is 03:19:00 have five different things to get back into the beat when you fuck up this is all what the point of a conductor and and all these other things I'm describing is you see and then you hear and then you recall
Starting point is 03:19:16 and you're using all of these senses to make sure that you do the right thing at the right time but if one just confused because if you're like a professional like violin player who's been doing it for 20 years why are you making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes mistakes that's the point of being a good at
Starting point is 03:19:32 your your fucking job I suck at my job that's why I make mistakes being good at your job doesn't mean perfection it means does that's being good all right no no no no no no no uh
Starting point is 03:19:48 no uh no no no all right that's a that will that'll do that'll do for a letter section we we got a full-ass bit there so uh wow fucking
Starting point is 03:20:04 uh just I don't even that that last one's a can of worms that will leave you on and and um uh take it easy everybody have a good one we'll see you next time

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